Juz wish to point out that the can of SPAM has 6 servings in it, each amounting to 56g including 790mg of sodium. Thus, by eating 1 whole can, i'm ingesting 790mg x 6 = 4740mg of sodium, more than 2 times the UL!!
No, but they have been found to be more sensitive to it, and thus should eat even less than other people. Their UL is set at 1500mg, although both ULs should probably be reduced.
Juz wish to point out that the can of SPAM has 6 servings in it, each amounting to 56g including 790mg of sodium. Thus, by eating 1 whole can, i'm ingesting 790mg x 6 = 4740mg of sodium, more than 2 times the UL!!
mmm interessante la questione dell'eccesso di cloro/cloruro ;)
Isn't sodium only bad for black people?
Thirdtrys Acharm watch the video and find out!
No, but they have been found to be more sensitive to it, and thus should eat even less than other people. Their UL is set at 1500mg, although both ULs should probably be reduced.