Back when I was a medical librarian, decades ago, I used to look at articles on malpractice dos and don'ts to pass on to the staff. One of the "don'ts" was apologizing because the plaintiff's lawyer can use that as an admission of guilt. Apparently, that's still a problem.
So yeah, in the lawyer world, apologizing is admitting guilt, because "you shouldn't be sorry for something that you didn't cause" or something like that. Basically, taking "pity" is a crime. And in the event of "serial suers" (people who orchestrate "accidents" where they look like the victim), that apology is their open door to winning b.s. cases
So fun fact from a Canadian: Canada had to enact a special law to protect people who say sorry because it happens so often here. So saying sorry in Canada cannot count as admission of guilt :p I thought that was pretty funny when I learned about it
My husband started listening to his friends and those seeds of doubt took hold . In the end we moved 2000 miles away from everyone and all their petty drama. We've been togeather 42 years now. Change is best and nessasary sometimes.
Professor of 10 years here! If you email your professor with a genuine concern be you a student or someone working under the professor if they ignore you, deny you etc, write them back BUT ALSO CC THEIR DEPARTMENT CHAIR. That's a little magic trick. 🎩 you're welcome.
okay the husband actually accepting he was wrong and trying to make up for it with so much effort actually made me happy. You don't see people doing that very much anymore
I forced to attend a virtual meeting while having chicken pox after requesting and being denied a audio only presence at the team meeting with clients. It was great seeing the reaction to all the leaking pustules on my face being visible. My bosses boss was present and the next day my boss was no longer my boos and I was promoted to team lead.
@@animetalk8132 Gotta fix yo sleep big dawg. There's an album on Spotify designed by musicians and scientists to help induce sleep called "Weightless (Ambient Tranmission vol 2)". It's helped me in my sleepy time endeavors, maybe play it when it's time for bed.
You and the Mainly Facts guy have got to be my favorite reddit story narrators. I love how you handle the story so seriously then cut loose in your comments on them. You rock. ^^
As a Christian, I hate when these fringe groups say that the rapture is going to happen on such and such a day. The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour.
It also says you're supposed to sell r8pe victims to their abusers, to engage in human sacrifice, torture, slavery, s8x slavery, and forcing parents to devour their own children if they have different beliefs than you. You can be a good person or a good Christian. Not both.
My college professor did something similar to that. Don’t get me wrong, I loved having him as a teacher, and still see him as a mentor to this day, but that was the one time I got annoyed with him. I wasn’t in the hospital, but I was driving down the highway to my college campus, to get my picture taken for my resume. It was setup by the school, and my teacher knew that I’d be going there. Before I left, he still asked me to be apart of the class. So, right before I started my car, I signed into the zoom meeting on my phone and joined the class, but I kept myself muted and my face hidden, since I was driving. I also told my teacher this and the reason why, and it went well for the most part, until the end of the class when he started asking me to unmute and show my face. My classmates knew what I was doing, so they tried telling him I was probably still driving, but he kept pushing. Eventually, I did what he asked, but my camera showed my car’s ceiling, and my unmuted audio was filled with the sounds of my car driving down the road. Eventually, the class ended, right when I got to the campus, and my teacher “thanked” me for joining despite driving.
It’s gross that people say you should stay with someone who doesn’t respect you. You need to teach your children to not take disrespect from a partner. That guy is manipulative and doesn’t respect women.
Story 1: I knew that teacher/lead realized she messed up when she left the call with her BOSS. And there’s documentation stating that OP tried to get accommodations well in advance. Boss was hella scared of a lawsuit that would get OP PAAAAAAAID. Last Story: there is a common tv/move trope where the couple that ends up together starts out as bitter enemies. And it seems that everyone is seeing this except the OP and Elliot. Also, the issue with the Father’s Day gift isn’t that she’s getting one for someone that’s been a father figure to her. It’s the fact that the gift is a joint gift with the guy she’s not “trying to steal.” Anyone else expecting the next update to be that OP and Elliot got together after the wedding?
God there's this man I hate called Doncliff (😒🤮) who I hate. Back then people used to use this _"thin line between hate and love"_ line on me and when he finally married the nearest detestable hag to him people kept sending me pitying messages. I've come to realize people don't know what hate is.
regarding last story... funny you said that, cause I saw them as having a real sibling dynamic...or a sitcom one, like Charlie and Alan in Two and a half men....
I lost my grandma and my dad to cancer,stress just makes it worse. They are selfish and evil expecting mom who has cancer to cook clean and take care of a toddler because they want a vacation. What the 🤬🤬🤬 Don’t do it and don’t pay for anything. Your wife doesn’t deserve or need this. Protect her at all costs
them accepting the blame is really quite refreshing considering too many places hide behind lawyers and let them solve the issue... hint: usually it's cheaper to listen to and act on reasonable issues than it is to be known for those that hide behind lawyers... minimizing the impact sometimes means accepting blame and doing your best to smooth it over. Tenure shouldn't mean invulnerability from all actions
Story 5: never stay with a cheater, kids will always know when the parents are not happy, and they will also learn that it's ok to be used, abused and be cheated on and not do or say anything; anyone defending a cheater is just as guilty as a cheater; never reconcile with a cheater, all that will do is give them confidence to cheat again and learn to hide it better.
can i just say "this guy isnt worth your boobs" is hilarious also this guy is a king, yes he made a dumb mistake but he treated her like a queen as an apology, a lot of people make mistakes but not many people treat you like a queen in order to apologize i think the redditors dont understand lovebombing. love bombing isnt being gomez adams and treating you like a queen, love bombing is treating you like a queen and then withdrawing affection, which he did not do.
#1. Folks who undergo treatment for cancer do NOT normally want to show what is going on. This includes the bald head that many get. And being shown that you are very likely in a hospital gown does not help. Except to make the one demanding rather embarrassed hopefully.
now see i was in the fence with the son and jennifer story until the update. they are unbelievably selfish for wanting to pawn their kids off on a DYING woman
Story 2: Yes, it's love bombing. HOWEVER, love bombing is only negative if it becomes part of a cycle of abuse. The fact is, he owed her more than a mere apology, and this counts. That said, if he starts questioning her honesty in the future, at that point she should definitely get out of the marriage; she shouldn't even consider accepting any apology. Apologies that don't include a change in behavior are worse than useless.
I think one thing that also makes it different is he actually put in some physical effort in regards to all the cleaning. Most of the stories I hear of abusive love bombing often is just buying expensive gifts and smothering in empty affection. Those sort of folks are lazy and I doubt many of them would put in that much physical effort into deep cleaning the carpet floor.
The hubby that accused his wife of having fake boobs needs to get his head out of his a$$. He was looking for a reason to demonize his wife & she showed him why he needs to learn to trust his wife.
Story two: For such a supposed 'simple issue' it sure seemed to be extremely important to that guy with how opinionated, demanding, and obsessed he was with it. Kudos though to him for realizing how much of a deranged jackass he was behaving like and putting it into action to make up for it beyond just empty sorries.
The commenter for the 2nd story "He isnt worthy of your boobs" idk why that made laugh so hard. The story isnt funny its fcked up that he would accuse her of having fake bitties, but omg that comment 🤣💀
#5: Bruh what are all those people with their "advice"? Like, the guy literally cheated on her and they're like "oh yeah but you should still stay with him" wtf? Hell no she don't. "Oh but divorce will be horrible for the kids" yeah, I bet it won't be nearly as horrible as having to live with two parents who don't love each other anymore.
I am going to hurt that husband. I'm 38H. 5'1" and overweight. There is a weird trend in my family where one woman in each generation is BUSTY. I mean, my great-aunt had a figure to rival Dolly Parton's. (She passed in the 80s) so far it's, my great-aunt, my aunt (mom's younger sister), my sister (12 years apart), me, and we r thinking my niece will
idk about that story.. the guy was in the medical field, and because some misogynistic colleagues made comments about his wife's chest (what husband likes strangers commenting about his wife's rack?), he not only believed them, but went on to bugger her about it? Forget the scar placements on her torso, which would be inconsistent with a boob job, but those surgeries are expensive, and if you ever read at least an article in a tabloid magazine, never mind a medical journal or watched a documentary, you'd know the difference between silicone/saline and regular body fat/mammary tissue. Plus, natural tatas will be sagging a bit or a lot... the fake ones barely move and defy gravity. Sooo she probably would've been better off without him in the longer run. He's too easily manipulated.
Any man who wouldn't say, "You will *not* talk about my wife at any time with anything but respect and never, ever speak of her body in any way or I will immediately go to our supervisor and HR and file a complaint against you all. That's, of course, if I can keep myself from decking you first. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" isn't worthy of being married to any woman.
I love the 1st OP. The second OP's husband needs to go live on island with a bunch of other fck head men. Give it a week and he'll be right back to degrading her in arguments. The third OP got lucky 😂 4th OP isn't an AH but his son is. Also OP does have very negative views on a TODDLER that he's only met once. He makes a 3.5 year old sound like a monster when he has no idea how they behave. That's not okay. The 5th OP should divorce her husband. It's not healthy for children to be raised in a loveless household. She should tell her oldest child exactly what she said "he's a crappy husband but good dad." 6th OP isn't the AH, Kathy is. Kathy needs to grow up before being in a relationship. I like OP's moms explanation 😂 also the bride's reasoning makes sense, why get someone who's not going to be apart of their lives forever in your wedding photographs. Elliot needs to leave Kathy and Kathy needs therapy 😂😂😂
Boob reduction is very expensive and even if you have the money you got to remember that it's a surgical operation. It involves a lot of pain and discomfort which is quite daunting. It's not something that you get over quickly, and the scarring takes a while to heal. Pre covid I was 36 G but I'm currently 40G and have chronic back and shoulder pain and have had for decades. My body has been two different sizes, smaller on the waist and two plus larger sized on the top half.
@@CurlyKirsty1999 It's such BS that it's made to be so expensive when literally everyone who gets it done is for legitimate medical issues which can save a ton of money in treatment down the road, either because of back pain or having a very high risk of breast cancer. My aunt got hers done for both reasons
@ABadPassword . It is so wonderful to be able to listen to a story without those stupid computerized narrators that screw up every other word! Thank you so much!
Why was this fool talking to his coworkers about his wife's breasts to begin with? That's just wrong. I can't imagine why the hell they would ever need to go there. I would be extremely angry if I knew my husband was talking to anyone about my body aside from my doctor and maybe certain family members. He needs a swift kick in the butt for what he did but I don't think this is a divorceable offense.
Rise up my sister in law has done this quite a few times. She told me she could believe I was pregnant and told me I was crazy because of the rapture I will not be alive to see my baby being born. I was 8 and a half months pregnant. I was devastated to say the least.
Matthew 24 35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. 36 But no one knows the day or the hour. No! Not even the angels in heaven know. The Son does not know. Only the Father knows. So if someone tries to give you a specific date of the rapture, they are misinformed or has nefarious motives. - sincerely, a Christian.
Unfortunately she didn't know her rights. Much like at a job a teacher doesn't need to know any information about an ailment affecting a student or specofox medical information/reasons affecting their health. Feel bad for them. Answer should have been no and a report filed to dean of students/the student accomidation center. At maximum a signed doctor note. She did not need to go on camera and not doing so given circumstance should never have been a thing. Teacher needs to be written up/punished. Ung. :(
The all men cheat part pissed me off I have cut family and friends out of my life if they cheat on their partner the simple fact is both men and women cheat
Elliot sounds like he’s actually in love with her and not his girlfriend. Why get narked over her dating his friends? Deep down his feelings are there and in a way so is hers.
Cheating Husband Story: Not all men cheat. My wife and I have been married 25 years and I have never cheated. I know a lot of guys do, but if a lot of guys stabled napkins if their foreheads, it would still be a shitty idea. Also, it is better to be single than stay with someone who betrayed you, and very likely would do so again.
Story 4: Yeah I laser focused on that same line as soon as I heard it. They don't want to visit they want to dump the kids on grandma and grandpa and go enjoy themselves while g&g do all the work.
Why is it that people claim anyone with large breasts that must be fake? I wasn’t quite that large but but the teasing and comments about my breasts made me so uncomfortable I tried hide them only wearing bagging shirts. Finally I did get work done. Reduction surgery. I know of a few other women who also had the same surgery because peoples stares made them uncomfortable.
the "fake" boob story, she says "girl" best friend...thats where his insecurity/suspicious behaviour has come from, she is spitting poison in his ear as she wants him for herself and to split them up
Story 6: As much as I think Kathy is being immature. OP, you shouldn't have done that joint gift thing with Eliot. Its not gonna help put out the fire Jane and her family started by putting you, someone she is already jealous and insecure about, of all people with HER BOYFRIEND (which i acknowledge isn't your fault, its Jane's) and actively trying to prevent her from having photos with him at the wedding. You might feel like its not your problem, and in a perfect world it wouldn't be, but this is the worst time to be trying to open up to Eliot and form a positive relationship with him. Let Kathy cool down and have a joint discussion with her and the family, get that girl therapy, or ditch Eliot altogether, because Kathy is going to be a part of the picture whether you like it or not, by HIS choice. It doesnt help that people have already gotten into her head about it. Don't fan the flames, stay away. But I can guarantee at this point nobody sees Kathy as a long term addition to Eliot's life, and are treating her as such. ETA
Story 2: I don’t think it’s lovebombing. I think the husband had the “oh fuck i messed up” realization and went “okay I’m gonna show her just how much she really does mean to me”
fr, like he should be grateful that he's even allowed to touch boobs at all. He's there, married to a good-looking wife, complaining that she might have implants
Its easy to side with the student here and take them at their word. But we don't know them or the other side of the story. As human beings, we naturally want to have sympathy for a student with cancer. But we also need to be aware of why things like "camera on" rules are in place. In order to grant credit for college courses, instructors have to have certain standards for this, depending on the type of class. This is because in order for colleges to award credits and degrees that are actually worth something, they have to meet accreditation standards. All or most of this would have been avoided by simply telling the instructor that she had a chronic illness when it all first started. Due to privacy rules, she doesn't need to say what the illness is. The instructor can accept that or ask for a doctor's note. The note also doesn't divulge what is wrong but gives authentication to the request. Sadly, people lie. And I've had students even lie about deaths in the family to get extra time or avoid other requirements. I have a special accreditation to do online instruction. Not all institutions require this, but it's nice to have. Anyway... It is not uncommon for students to log in... then turn off their camera... and not be engaged. So we often either require them on all the time or randomly ask them to be turned on. It sounds like the student never gave any reason to the instructor that they weren't going to be able to turn on their camera. The instructor isn't a mind reader. And even smart students can lie. Another problem with online classes is that instructors often carry double or more the load of instructors that are in physical classrooms. So they are at a disadvantage as far as knowing much about their students or developing a relationship. Being a "private person" is cool... but there are times, whether it's school, work, or even friends, we need to give some kind of heads up. Everyone gets a syllabus at the start of class. If you notice something may be a conflict and you let them know right away... the instructor can agree to make exceptions but are not required to do so. But usually, at that point, you can still drop the class or switch to another without penalty. It's up to the student, though. This isn't high school. Students are responsible for following the syllabus or letting the instructor know of issues ASAP.
No, as HIPAA only applies to those who's job involves access to private health information, and defines the very specific and limited situations wherein they can release that information.
bizarro que do nada tem alguém que fez intercâmbio aqui??? acho que nunca conheci nenhum intercambista kfhwifhs brasil mencionado r/suddenlycaralho (to whomever happens across this and isnt brazilian: RG is our equivalent to the US' social security number, it stands for "general registry")
First story is fake. The teacher would have been notified BY the student of his medical condition and needs which would have been given to the dean for permission. In the US, medical conditions are EXTREMELY private and it would have been a violation of federal law to do what he says the teacher did.
Imagine how shallow you have to be to go for divorce because your husband thinks your boobs are fake... I don't say the lady suffers from the lake of trust and the humiliation of the broadcast of the matter toward all the family... but man, one would think that mariage is something sacred that shall survive something so trivial. Knowing that a simple doctor appointment with the 2 of them would have resolved the issue. But divorce ? really ?
What is wrong with the Evangelical church in the US? The rapture... I know what it is, but I guess being catholic I was taught to believe in the second coming of Jesus that would then encompass a certain... Rapture... Anyway... I guess we're all cuckoo to other religions 😂😂
The idea of "The Rapture" preceding Jesus's 2nd Coming is also relatively new to Protestant belief, less than 150 years old. What's kinda interesting though is while that's a new interpretation, them going to more apocalyptic interpretations and expecting Jesus to return within their own lifetimes is oddly enough a return to early, 1st Century Christian belief (though this happened more incidentally than deliberately)
@@redjoker365 indeed, I'm still trying to wrap my head about that... I guess I should read more about it (Sunday school was a long time ago and yeah rapture was briefly discussed and dismissed as around where I live we have mostly Lutherans who don't believe in that). I guess I don't understand the point of a rapture before His second coming. Are you supposed to take it as a second chance for the sinners? I wonder if this where the scientologists take their belief that some of them will be beamed up to space ships to go to the promised land or whatever place they believe is where they will go.
This is just some guy talking, at length, about a story which is or is not fact whilst running a game in the background. What a waste of time - click bait
S.3. There is a Lotd and he is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No one knows when he will come back to gather his children (us), accept him as your Lord and Savior.
Story One: the "cough" at the of the speech was the icing on the delicious cake 😂😂😂
"at the of the speech"????
@@DavidRay_40 .... yeah?
Back when I was a medical librarian, decades ago, I used to look at articles on malpractice dos and don'ts to pass on to the staff. One of the "don'ts" was apologizing because the plaintiff's lawyer can use that as an admission of guilt. Apparently, that's still a problem.
Actually, it has been researched and demonstrated that apologies decrease lawsuits.
@@slc1161 Oh, good. Then that advice must be being dropped in some places.
So yeah, in the lawyer world, apologizing is admitting guilt, because "you shouldn't be sorry for something that you didn't cause" or something like that. Basically, taking "pity" is a crime.
And in the event of "serial suers" (people who orchestrate "accidents" where they look like the victim), that apology is their open door to winning b.s. cases
So fun fact from a Canadian: Canada had to enact a special law to protect people who say sorry because it happens so often here. So saying sorry in Canada cannot count as admission of guilt :p I thought that was pretty funny when I learned about it
@@chihauhaun Wow!
Can't even have cancer without some Reddit weirdos threatening to end your life and asking for nudes.
Some men are just like that, sadly.
I'm sorry? Redditors are some of the most empathetic people in the world. We're left wing, pro trans, pro people
@@litrogue6328 In the right subreddits they are nice. Generally, the others tend to be trolls or genuinely bad.
@@JewelWildmoon Yeah, left-wing redditors are generally ok, but the conservative redditors are the ones that the worst humanity has to offer.
@@c.b.h1151very few men
My husband started listening to his friends and those seeds of doubt took hold . In the end we moved 2000 miles away from everyone and all their petty drama. We've been togeather 42 years now. Change is best and nessasary sometimes.
Professor of 10 years here! If you email your professor with a genuine concern be you a student or someone working under the professor if they ignore you, deny you etc, write them back BUT ALSO CC THEIR DEPARTMENT CHAIR. That's a little magic trick. 🎩 you're welcome.
okay the husband actually accepting he was wrong and trying to make up for it with so much effort actually made me happy. You don't see people doing that very much anymore
I forced to attend a virtual meeting while having chicken pox after requesting and being denied a audio only presence at the team meeting with clients. It was great seeing the reaction to all the leaking pustules on my face being visible. My bosses boss was present and the next day my boss was no longer my boos and I was promoted to team lead.
Y'all, I must have gotten an extra hour of sleep when I recorded this because I had so much energy that day 😂 Enjoy the video ❤
So you took my hour of sleep. I joke, but I did have a bad night, but not too bad that I couldn't enjoy this vid.
We always enjoy your narrations, your energy is contagious :D
I always have bad sleep help
@@animetalk8132 Gotta fix yo sleep big dawg. There's an album on Spotify designed by musicians and scientists to help induce sleep called "Weightless (Ambient Tranmission vol 2)". It's helped me in my sleepy time endeavors, maybe play it when it's time for bed.
You and the Mainly Facts guy have got to be my favorite reddit story narrators. I love how you handle the story so seriously then cut loose in your comments on them. You rock. ^^
As a Christian, I hate when these fringe groups say that the rapture is going to happen on such and such a day. The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour.
I've often wondered if it's taking so long because people figure it out and so God changes it.
@@DeidresStuffthat would be funny
@@DeidresStuff nope, God is smarter than them. It is on His time and even if they guess at it, they really didn't know, they guessed.
It also says you're supposed to sell r8pe victims to their abusers, to engage in human sacrifice, torture, slavery, s8x slavery, and forcing parents to devour their own children if they have different beliefs than you.
You can be a good person or a good Christian. Not both.
U*h...Didn't you know the Rapture happened two years ago? You didn't make the cut.
My college professor did something similar to that. Don’t get me wrong, I loved having him as a teacher, and still see him as a mentor to this day, but that was the one time I got annoyed with him.
I wasn’t in the hospital, but I was driving down the highway to my college campus, to get my picture taken for my resume. It was setup by the school, and my teacher knew that I’d be going there. Before I left, he still asked me to be apart of the class. So, right before I started my car, I signed into the zoom meeting on my phone and joined the class, but I kept myself muted and my face hidden, since I was driving. I also told my teacher this and the reason why, and it went well for the most part, until the end of the class when he started asking me to unmute and show my face. My classmates knew what I was doing, so they tried telling him I was probably still driving, but he kept pushing. Eventually, I did what he asked, but my camera showed my car’s ceiling, and my unmuted audio was filled with the sounds of my car driving down the road.
Eventually, the class ended, right when I got to the campus, and my teacher “thanked” me for joining despite driving.
It’s gross that people say you should stay with someone who doesn’t respect you. You need to teach your children to not take disrespect from a partner. That guy is manipulative and doesn’t respect women.
Story 1: I knew that teacher/lead realized she messed up when she left the call with her BOSS. And there’s documentation stating that OP tried to get accommodations well in advance. Boss was hella scared of a lawsuit that would get OP PAAAAAAAID.
Last Story: there is a common tv/move trope where the couple that ends up together starts out as bitter enemies. And it seems that everyone is seeing this except the OP and Elliot. Also, the issue with the Father’s Day gift isn’t that she’s getting one for someone that’s been a father figure to her. It’s the fact that the gift is a joint gift with the guy she’s not “trying to steal.” Anyone else expecting the next update to be that OP and Elliot got together after the wedding?
God there's this man I hate called Doncliff (😒🤮) who I hate. Back then people used to use this _"thin line between hate and love"_ line on me and when he finally married the nearest detestable hag to him people kept sending me pitying messages.
I've come to realize people don't know what hate is.
Honestly I see the Elliot situation more like bickering pseudo-siblings. His and Jane's dad seems to have acted as a surrogate dad for OP.
regarding last story... funny you said that, cause I saw them as having a real sibling dynamic...or a sitcom one, like Charlie and Alan in Two and a half men....
I lost my grandma and my dad to cancer,stress just makes it worse. They are selfish and evil expecting mom who has cancer to cook clean and take care of a toddler because they want a vacation. What the 🤬🤬🤬 Don’t do it and don’t pay for anything. Your wife doesn’t deserve or need this. Protect her at all costs
I love that you added a cough 😂
them accepting the blame is really quite refreshing considering too many places hide behind lawyers and let them solve the issue... hint: usually it's cheaper to listen to and act on reasonable issues than it is to be known for those that hide behind lawyers... minimizing the impact sometimes means accepting blame and doing your best to smooth it over.
Tenure shouldn't mean invulnerability from all actions
Story 5: never stay with a cheater, kids will always know when the parents are not happy, and they will also learn that it's ok to be used, abused and be cheated on and not do or say anything; anyone defending a cheater is just as guilty as a cheater; never reconcile with a cheater, all that will do is give them confidence to cheat again and learn to hide it better.
The first story is GOLDEN!
"An alternative position"...LOL...LMAO....
can i just say "this guy isnt worth your boobs" is hilarious
also this guy is a king, yes he made a dumb mistake but he treated her like a queen as an apology, a lot of people make mistakes but not many people treat you like a queen in order to apologize
i think the redditors dont understand lovebombing. love bombing isnt being gomez adams and treating you like a queen, love bombing is treating you like a queen and then withdrawing affection, which he did not do.
The man in the second story really knows how to apologize. I hope he shapes up all his behavior.
As a hardcore christian i laugh on these rapture-foretellers, its actually a heresy.😂
It's either a mental illness or fear mongering.
Me too, I agree. It actually causes people not to take us seriously when we do share our faith.
#1. Folks who undergo treatment for cancer do NOT normally want to show what is going on. This includes the bald head that many get. And being shown that you are very likely in a hospital gown does not help. Except to make the one demanding rather embarrassed hopefully.
Yo.... She sounds like an awesome DM.
now see i was in the fence with the son and jennifer story until the update. they are unbelievably selfish for wanting to pawn their kids off on a DYING woman
If she doesn’t want to cook and clean up after her kids then go to a hotel the good ones usually have a service for that
Ngl, I want to hear their dnd sessions now. Really good story teller
My birthday is April 9th & had I been the recipient of the large tip, I would have said “I’m back! Thank you for your kind gift!”
This is the first video I actually got my adhd to focus on
Story One: Oh that's perfect! Nice outcome!
A lot of these problems with partners and spouses could be a lot easier to handle if the other persons first response wasn't yelling
"Write them out of the will, and put me into it" 😂😂
You, madam, are wonderful! Godbless. X
Story 2: Yes, it's love bombing. HOWEVER, love bombing is only negative if it becomes part of a cycle of abuse. The fact is, he owed her more than a mere apology, and this counts. That said, if he starts questioning her honesty in the future, at that point she should definitely get out of the marriage; she shouldn't even consider accepting any apology. Apologies that don't include a change in behavior are worse than useless.
I think one thing that also makes it different is he actually put in some physical effort in regards to all the cleaning. Most of the stories I hear of abusive love bombing often is just buying expensive gifts and smothering in empty affection.
Those sort of folks are lazy and I doubt many of them would put in that much physical effort into deep cleaning the carpet floor.
If I agreed to a meeting and they bring a lawyer, I'm backing out immediately, even if just to scare them.
The hubby that accused his wife of having fake boobs needs to get his head out of his a$$. He was looking for a reason to demonize his wife & she showed him why he needs to learn to trust his wife.
Just found your channel man. I love your energy when reading these! Keep it up: Subscibed
Gotta respect his audacity in the first story to ask for noodles
Do you know what the best part of this whole story was? Your cackling at it😂
Story two:
For such a supposed 'simple issue' it sure seemed to be extremely important to that guy with how opinionated, demanding, and obsessed he was with it.
Kudos though to him for realizing how much of a deranged jackass he was behaving like and putting it into action to make up for it beyond just empty sorries.
The commenter for the 2nd story "He isnt worthy of your boobs" idk why that made laugh so hard. The story isnt funny its fcked up that he would accuse her of having fake bitties, but omg that comment 🤣💀
Bruh what are all those people with their "advice"? Like, the guy literally cheated on her and they're like "oh yeah but you should still stay with him" wtf? Hell no she don't. "Oh but divorce will be horrible for the kids" yeah, I bet it won't be nearly as horrible as having to live with two parents who don't love each other anymore.
Please make the video wide screen again
Yes, this "portrait" mode looks lame on a computer. Like a thumbnail.
Sounds like that one really dodged a bullet if she's willing to divorce over that
The idiot calls you a liar with no proof. Repeatedly. If there is no trust, there is no marriage.
I am going to hurt that husband.
I'm 38H. 5'1" and overweight. There is a weird trend in my family where one woman in each generation is BUSTY. I mean, my great-aunt had a figure to rival Dolly Parton's. (She passed in the 80s) so far it's, my great-aunt, my aunt (mom's younger sister), my sister (12 years apart), me, and we r thinking my niece will
idk about that story.. the guy was in the medical field, and because some misogynistic colleagues made comments about his wife's chest (what husband likes strangers commenting about his wife's rack?), he not only believed them, but went on to bugger her about it? Forget the scar placements on her torso, which would be inconsistent with a boob job, but those surgeries are expensive, and if you ever read at least an article in a tabloid magazine, never mind a medical journal or watched a documentary, you'd know the difference between silicone/saline and regular body fat/mammary tissue. Plus, natural tatas will be sagging a bit or a lot... the fake ones barely move and defy gravity. Sooo she probably would've been better off without him in the longer run. He's too easily manipulated.
Any man who wouldn't say, "You will *not* talk about my wife at any time with anything but respect and never, ever speak of her body in any way or I will immediately go to our supervisor and HR and file a complaint against you all. That's, of course, if I can keep myself from decking you first. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" isn't worthy of being married to any woman.
Any convo that’s starts with I’ll forgive you if is recipe for disaster .
I love the 1st OP.
The second OP's husband needs to go live on island with a bunch of other fck head men. Give it a week and he'll be right back to degrading her in arguments.
The third OP got lucky 😂
4th OP isn't an AH but his son is. Also OP does have very negative views on a TODDLER that he's only met once. He makes a 3.5 year old sound like a monster when he has no idea how they behave. That's not okay.
The 5th OP should divorce her husband. It's not healthy for children to be raised in a loveless household. She should tell her oldest child exactly what she said "he's a crappy husband but good dad."
6th OP isn't the AH, Kathy is. Kathy needs to grow up before being in a relationship. I like OP's moms explanation 😂 also the bride's reasoning makes sense, why get someone who's not going to be apart of their lives forever in your wedding photographs. Elliot needs to leave Kathy and Kathy needs therapy 😂😂😂
damn, 38G is large. I'm a 38FF and its awful theyre so heavy and sore all the time
Not to be weird, but have you considered getting a reduction? I dated a woman who had a similar issue, and she claimed it was world changing.
Boob reduction is very expensive and even if you have the money you got to remember that it's a surgical operation. It involves a lot of pain and discomfort which is quite daunting. It's not something that you get over quickly, and the scarring takes a while to heal. Pre covid I was 36 G but I'm currently 40G and have chronic back and shoulder pain and have had for decades. My body has been two different sizes, smaller on the waist and two plus larger sized on the top half.
@@CurlyKirsty1999 It's such BS that it's made to be so expensive when literally everyone who gets it done is for legitimate medical issues which can save a ton of money in treatment down the road, either because of back pain or having a very high risk of breast cancer. My aunt got hers done for both reasons
Im glad im not g😂
This is what I thought when I heard it! That has to be so painful.
@ABadPassword . It is so wonderful to be able to listen to a story without those stupid computerized narrators that screw up every other word! Thank you so much!
Why was this fool talking to his coworkers about his wife's breasts to begin with? That's just wrong. I can't imagine why the hell they would ever need to go there. I would be extremely angry if I knew my husband was talking to anyone about my body aside from my doctor and maybe certain family members. He needs a swift kick in the butt for what he did but I don't think this is a divorceable offense.
35:06 something is wrong with the "sun" lol
Rise up my sister in law has done this quite a few times. She told me she could believe I was pregnant and told me I was crazy because of the rapture I will not be alive to see my baby being born. I was 8 and a half months pregnant. I was devastated to say the least.
Matthew 24 35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. 36 But no one knows the day or the hour. No! Not even the angels in heaven know. The Son does not know. Only the Father knows.
So if someone tries to give you a specific date of the rapture, they are misinformed or has nefarious motives. - sincerely, a Christian.
I agree with you.
Good job!!
Last story, you know your ex hubby better than those friends. Move on with your life and agree to a parenting partnership. 😊
Unfortunately she didn't know her rights. Much like at a job a teacher doesn't need to know any information about an ailment affecting a student or specofox medical information/reasons affecting their health. Feel bad for them. Answer should have been no and a report filed to dean of students/the student accomidation center. At maximum a signed doctor note. She did not need to go on camera and not doing so given circumstance should never have been a thing. Teacher needs to be written up/punished. Ung. :(
In the last story; OP & Elliot definitely sounds like they are siblings or cousins more than they are romantically involved.
The all men cheat part pissed me off I have cut family and friends out of my life if they cheat on their partner the simple fact is both men and women cheat
this isn’t a tv show and i’m still shipping op and elliot idk 😂
You cannot ne forced to turn camera on
It's a violation of any school's policy and in the US at least against the law
Elliot sounds like he’s actually in love with her and not his girlfriend. Why get narked over her dating his friends? Deep down his feelings are there and in a way so is hers.
Cheating Husband Story: Not all men cheat. My wife and I have been married 25 years and I have never cheated. I know a lot of guys do, but if a lot of guys stabled napkins if their foreheads, it would still be a shitty idea. Also, it is better to be single than stay with someone who betrayed you, and very likely would do so again.
Story 4: Wow, I feel so bad for OP.
Story 5: Everyone sucks besides OP and her kids. She has the exact right viewpoint, 100% not the A-hole.
i don’t think op is referring to the cheating when talking about it not getting that far just the repercussions the family’s faced
Story 4: Yeah I laser focused on that same line as soon as I heard it. They don't want to visit they want to dump the kids on grandma and grandpa and go enjoy themselves while g&g do all the work.
I have a fix for last story. Bf needs to dump the problem girlfriend before the wedding.😊😅
Why is it that people claim anyone with large breasts that must be fake? I wasn’t quite that large but but the teasing and comments about my breasts made me so uncomfortable I tried hide them only wearing bagging shirts. Finally I did get work done. Reduction surgery. I know of a few other women who also had the same surgery because peoples stares made them uncomfortable.
the "fake" boob story, she says "girl" best friend...thats where his insecurity/suspicious behaviour has come from, she is spitting poison in his ear as she wants him for herself and to split them up
Story 6: As much as I think Kathy is being immature. OP, you shouldn't have done that joint gift thing with Eliot. Its not gonna help put out the fire Jane and her family started by putting you, someone she is already jealous and insecure about, of all people with HER BOYFRIEND (which i acknowledge isn't your fault, its Jane's) and actively trying to prevent her from having photos with him at the wedding. You might feel like its not your problem, and in a perfect world it wouldn't be, but this is the worst time to be trying to open up to Eliot and form a positive relationship with him. Let Kathy cool down and have a joint discussion with her and the family, get that girl therapy, or ditch Eliot altogether, because Kathy is going to be a part of the picture whether you like it or not, by HIS choice. It doesnt help that people have already gotten into her head about it. Don't fan the flames, stay away.
But I can guarantee at this point nobody sees Kathy as a long term addition to Eliot's life, and are treating her as such. ETA
Not all men cheat! Just as all women don't cheat. Yes, let go. Never know what a cheater will being home.
Story 2: I don’t think it’s lovebombing. I think the husband had the “oh fuck i messed up” realization and went “okay I’m gonna show her just how much she really does mean to me”
This man is really complaining about his wife having big boobs…
As someone who likes the same thing WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM!!!
fr, like he should be grateful that he's even allowed to touch boobs at all. He's there, married to a good-looking wife, complaining that she might have implants
The background is not only irritating but also dangerous because of its continual flashing.
Its easy to side with the student here and take them at their word. But we don't know them or the other side of the story.
As human beings, we naturally want to have sympathy for a student with cancer. But we also need to be aware of why things like "camera on" rules are in place. In order to grant credit for college courses, instructors have to have certain standards for this, depending on the type of class. This is because in order for colleges to award credits and degrees that are actually worth something, they have to meet accreditation standards.
All or most of this would have been avoided by simply telling the instructor that she had a chronic illness when it all first started. Due to privacy rules, she doesn't need to say what the illness is.
The instructor can accept that or ask for a doctor's note. The note also doesn't divulge what is wrong but gives authentication to the request. Sadly, people lie. And I've had students even lie about deaths in the family to get extra time or avoid other requirements.
I have a special accreditation to do online instruction. Not all institutions require this, but it's nice to have.
Anyway... It is not uncommon for students to log in... then turn off their camera... and not be engaged. So we often either require them on all the time or randomly ask them to be turned on. It sounds like the student never gave any reason to the instructor that they weren't going to be able to turn on their camera.
The instructor isn't a mind reader. And even smart students can lie. Another problem with online classes is that instructors often carry double or more the load of instructors that are in physical classrooms. So they are at a disadvantage as far as knowing much about their students or developing a relationship.
Being a "private person" is cool... but there are times, whether it's school, work, or even friends, we need to give some kind of heads up.
Everyone gets a syllabus at the start of class. If you notice something may be a conflict and you let them know right away... the instructor can agree to make exceptions but are not required to do so.
But usually, at that point, you can still drop the class or switch to another without penalty. It's up to the student, though. This isn't high school. Students are responsible for following the syllabus or letting the instructor know of issues ASAP.
Would the professor be in violation of HIPPA
No, as HIPAA only applies to those who's job involves access to private health information, and defines the very specific and limited situations wherein they can release that information.
Fake boob job accusation - It looks like the husband gets his attitude from his father.
Bailed on this a quarter of the way though, there were constant breaks for commercials. Too bad, but that's TH-cam these days.
I think he is jealous of the op's wife 😂
totally off topic but what game is that playing in the background? looks like it might be fun
this is DEFFINITLY lovebombing🤨
What was that click bait at the beginning? 🤔
Story 1: HIPAA
What human resources job makes you over 100k a year?!?!
BRASIL MENSIONADO (sorry, I need to do this to keep my RG, or I'm not considered a brazilian anymore)
bizarro que do nada tem alguém que fez intercâmbio aqui??? acho que nunca conheci nenhum intercambista kfhwifhs brasil mencionado r/suddenlycaralho
(to whomever happens across this and isnt brazilian: RG is our equivalent to the US' social security number, it stands for "general registry")
all men do not cheat! Don't lower your standards as this is complete BS
Story 1: a girl? Let me Tru and slide into dms real quick. Cancer? *EVEN BETTER*
- some guy
Story 2: how big were her boobs before the weight gain? 25 pounds isn't going to be THAT drastic on your boob size...
lovebombing is such a dumb term to use
@18:05 Both make over 100k a year and can survive for a month and a half without a job??? Maybe ya'll need financial counseling too!
Maybe in the second story the wife could realize that she should lose that weight. Poor guy.
2nd story, even if they were what
First story is fake. The teacher would have been notified BY the student of his medical condition and needs which would have been given to the dean for permission. In the US, medical conditions are EXTREMELY private and it would have been a violation of federal law to do what he says the teacher did.
Imagine how shallow you have to be to go for divorce because your husband thinks your boobs are fake... I don't say the lady suffers from the lake of trust and the humiliation of the broadcast of the matter toward all the family... but man, one would think that mariage is something sacred that shall survive something so trivial. Knowing that a simple doctor appointment with the 2 of them would have resolved the issue. But divorce ? really ?
What is wrong with the Evangelical church in the US? The rapture... I know what it is, but I guess being catholic I was taught to believe in the second coming of Jesus that would then encompass a certain... Rapture... Anyway... I guess we're all cuckoo to other religions 😂😂
The idea of "The Rapture" preceding Jesus's 2nd Coming is also relatively new to Protestant belief, less than 150 years old. What's kinda interesting though is while that's a new interpretation, them going to more apocalyptic interpretations and expecting Jesus to return within their own lifetimes is oddly enough a return to early, 1st Century Christian belief (though this happened more incidentally than deliberately)
@@redjoker365 indeed, I'm still trying to wrap my head about that... I guess I should read more about it (Sunday school was a long time ago and yeah rapture was briefly discussed and dismissed as around where I live we have mostly Lutherans who don't believe in that). I guess I don't understand the point of a rapture before His second coming. Are you supposed to take it as a second chance for the sinners? I wonder if this where the scientologists take their belief that some of them will be beamed up to space ships to go to the promised land or whatever place they believe is where they will go.
This is just some guy talking, at length, about a story which is or is not fact whilst running a game in the background. What a waste of time - click bait
S.3. There is a Lotd and he is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No one knows when he will come back to gather his children (us), accept him as your Lord and Savior.
Story 2... I would have divorced him, simply because he accused you of lying... But it's your life.