A very great presentation of the Urantia Book that will help many new readers to get a quick understanding of the book. Thank you so much "Dick Bain" for putting this great piece of work together. PB
I love the Urantia Book as I have read it through the years. Many of my Christian friends are disturbed by its more universal position of theology, but if you really do know the Bible, and understand the time frame and earthbound foundation upon which it was written and to the audiences it was intended, when you rise upward in concept and complexity, the UB is there to meet you without contradiction or intellectual friction. There is also a recent book published about the Urantia Book and to some extent, blends it with the Bible, the book is titled "Consider What the Angels Say"....google it.
DUDE! Great job! I listened to the whole piece, thought you're assesment was "spot on", very good, concise, and big words like that! I hope everybody who hears this digests the U-book, applies it's teaching, and lives a long and fruitful life!
You have done a wonderful job presenting these concepts in the Urantia Revelation. Beautifully done, and I enjoyed hearing your voice as you narrated. Mahalo Nui Loa
As a truth-seeker, I was very happy when I found the Urantia Book..This is a wonderful video, my favorite of the Urantia Book videos I have seen...It is simply made, and presents some of the ideas from the book in a thoughtful sequence..Watch and Enjoy!
I like your video. It will be very good intro for people who are interested but maybe overwhelmed by the level of intellect they think is required to read it.
Thanks Ruth. I see all my videos as educational. I hope that many people, especially Christians, will find them helpful in understanding The Urantia Book.
Thanks for the feedback, Psypher. Yes, your profile pic is a bit scary, but as you say, we shouldn't be too hasty to judge by first appearances. I hope you have checked out my other videos.
+imn4rb í have. I even subscribed. love your other videos and just wanted to ask you continue to put out these kind of videos. people are liking them.. thank you
I hope other folks like my videos as much as you do. I felt called to make these videos to make people aware of the Urantia Book. I'm 77 years old now and I hope I can continue to make them for another ten years. I'm working on Angels in the Bible and the Urantia Book right now. It should be done in a month or two.
+imn4rb I'll be waiting for them. no doubt that you'll accomplish much before your estimated time here with us. "planting seeds" the more that's out there the more chances of people discovering them.. .I wish to one day contribute to the revelation somehow. I once tried giving away CDs that had the most common bible stories but just so people could relate. in the whole thing it only used the word "Urantia" once. but never really knew what happened to the people that received them. my hope was in that it would resonate with them and spark interest. outside I wrote down the link that took them to the audio part of the book with titles from p 4 of the Urantia book. I've made a conscious decision to continue reading this book for the rest of my life. I have benefited much from its teaching. sorry got carried away a bit but not many people out there that understand. glad your doing this. I appreciate your work. please keep it up. thank you.. .
Good questions, A Reid. I can only answer from my understanding of the Urantia Book. Christian theology teaches that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but the authors say that Christ Michael, the divine part of Jesus, is what they call a Creator Son. He is the son of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and he partakes of the nature of both. Christ Michael is the spiritual head of a part of the whole universe known as a local universe. He decided to come here as a mortal because there had been a revolt by some spiritual beings and it had badly affected our planet; he wanted to begin the process of healing our planet. He also came to reveal to us a better picture of God the Father; he presented a God of love rather than a God of vengeance. (2) Creator Sons are responsible for the life in their local universes, but God the Father in his creator role is the source of the whole universe. I think of God's creation as an expression of God's creativity and love as are we as well. the whole time-space creation is evolving toward some glorious expression of God's creativity and love. (3) and (4) The whole universe is moving toward God's goals through the process of evolution. He could have made it all perfect, but he chose evolution as the process to his goals. This includes all life forms everywhere. Evolution is a messy process, but it arrives at beings lie us who can have a relationship with God. I think we'll have a much better idea of why evolution is the method of progress in the universe when after we have graduated to the next level and we have ascended much higher in the universe.
Hi imn4rb; God bless your heart. But as you said, "I can only answer from my understanding of the Urantia Book." Therein lies the problem, namely, what you believe comes from a book. You really don't know and as you may have learned by now, beliefs, be they ever so sincere, are not the same thing as personal experience and/or KNOWing. There are tons of "books," tons of beliefs, tons of other sincere believers but very few "knowers." Until you actually know what your talking about and actually have raised the dead, please don't bother with the likes of me. I'm not interested in beliefs. Thank you. Charles V. Davis, A.T.O.M.
It's not that simple, Charles. I don't necessarily believe everything in the Urantia Book. I know there are a few things in the science of the book which are outdated numbers or concepts. The authors even say that we will find such things. But there are other concepts that were ahead of the science of the day that have been confirmed by our scientists after the book was published. So I believe that which science has validated with observation and experiment. Yes, beliefs are a phenomenon of mind and are sometimes based on psychological need or desire to conform to the requirements of some religion or movement and not based on objective criteria. Faith on the other hand, is a relationship with a higher reality; call it God. Faith doesn't need words or books; it is a trust in God based on our understanding of God's nature.
How kind of you to answer so quickly. To truly understand God's Nature is to be alive in God's Presence. In short, learning and growing via a direct experience with God. Even the Master Jesus grew "in truth and grace." Very few on earth have ascended wholly and directly into the Oneness with 'THAT" of which I speak. You're closer than you think. Don't let books and/or the approval of others stand in your way. You might remember the Buddha said, "If the holy books agree with me, they are correct; if you don't, they are wrong." Now that's what I call speaking with authority. Take the next step into fusion. CVD, A.T.O.M.
Thanks RW, If only a few people look into the UBk as a result of my videos, it's worth the effort. I don't think I'll turn a lot of folks onto the book, but at least I hope I can inject a positive consciousness about the book into the stream of humanity.
John 3:2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
This might have been more effective Mandolin Joe, if you had included what your experience was being born again. But bear in mind, a conversion experience is only the beginning. How you take to being lead by your Thought Adjuster, is the next step. Are you responding to that inner guidance as you go about your daily life? Do you get little nudges that suggest a different way of doing something? And do you ignore it, or think, yeah, maybe I should try that? You see, belief is nothing without action. Too many Christians think that if they just "believe in Jesus", they're all set. They don't need to do anything else... completely ignoring the Master's warning with the parable of the Talents. If you don't do anything with what you've been entrusted with, then even that which you have, will be taken from you.
So, from what I heard, if we do good deeds, we'll make it to heaven. Just like 99% of all other religions. Not too original guys. Ephesians 2:8-9. Salvation is a Gift from God, not a result of our works so that no one can boast about it. That my friends is mind blowing revelation!
Yes, we have God's love before we even think to ask for it, and that love is boundless. But just reading his love is infinite, is a far cry from actually feeling it, which is possible. The U Book does add another layer to it. Other religions are largely 'behavior' based, as humans can only judge other people by their actions, whereas our Divine Father-friend knows our motives. The U Book encourages us to look first to our motives before making a moral decision. Yes, we are to express love in action, similar to other religions, but too often, those other religions offer an easy way out, which the UB does not. "155:5.8 Until the races become highly intelligent and more fully civilized, there will persist many of those childlike and superstitious ceremonies which are so characteristic of the evolutionary religious practices of primitive and backward peoples. Until the human race progresses to the level of a higher and more general recognition of *the realities of spiritual experience,* large numbers of men and women will continue to show a personal preference for those religions of authority which require only intellectual assent, in contrast to the religion of the spirit, which entails active participation of mind and soul in the faith adventure of grappling with the rigorous realities of progressive human experience. 155:5.9 The acceptance of the traditional religions of authority presents *the easy way out* for man’s urge to seek satisfaction for the *longings of his spiritual nature.* The settled, crystallized, and established religions of authority afford a ready refuge to which the distracted and distraught soul of man may flee when harassed by fear and tormented by uncertainty. Such a religion requires of its devotees, as the price to be paid for its satisfactions and assurances, only a passive and purely intellectual assent." www.urantiabook.org/155-Fleeing-Through-Northern-Galilee/#155_5 Having had a profound experience of our Divine Father-friend's Love first-hand, it's not just "deeds" that get us there, it's being willing to intimately share our inner-life with our Divine Father-friend (ODFF). Unlike what the Bible says, God is not the one who judges us, that's the Ancients of Days job. So we have nothing to fear from being close to ODFF. But we have to have both the Capacity to love (having loved many others) and the Receptivity to being open to feeling that love, and part of that is believing it's real.
If there is a Father and a Son there must be a Mother. Don't you think? Your continual anthropomorphic use of the pronoun "he" reveals that your ideations related to The Almighty lacks insight not only of the Omnipresence of God as All That, but place your so-called revelations about God "He" just slightly below those of the Mormons. Ladies, what do you have to say about this? I think it's time we heard from God the Mother. Break the siience, please. CVD
It's complicated. God the Father is neither male nor female but the watchcare that the Father has over his celestial family is like that of a good father on earth. And there is no personal pronoun for such a being so many folks use "he." as far as any mother aspects, in one place the Urantia Book says that the Father and the Eternal Son were the parents of the Infinite Spirit, so they refer in just this case to the Father Father and the Mother Son. Also, the local universe presence of the Infinite Spirit is known as the Mother Spirit. So there is reference to the role of Mother though it is not a role related to sex but rather to the nature of the role.
I tried playing around with a gender-less pronoun, something like PWOG for "person without gender", but it was really clunky. It doesn't really roll off the tongue the way I'd like. But as our Divine Father-friend (ODFF) does not have sex organs, the term "father" by Jesus, was meant to imply the kind of relationship we have with ODFF, where fatherhood is a choice by the father, to have a relationship with his children. Motherhood is in part biological, given the whole gestation and birthing process. Thus the distinction. But as concerns our local universe of Nebadon, we do have both a father figure, in Michael of Nebadon, as well as a mother figure, in our Universe Mother Spirit, (known by some as Nebadonia, aka our Goddess, not to be confused with "Gaia", which is another name for "Urantia", the living spirit of our planet, also kind of female).
A very great presentation of the Urantia Book that will help many new readers to get a quick understanding of the book. Thank you so much "Dick Bain" for putting this great piece of work together. PB
I love the Urantia Book as I have read it through the years. Many of my Christian friends are disturbed by its more universal position of theology, but if you really do know the Bible, and understand the time frame and earthbound foundation upon which it was written and to the audiences it was intended, when you rise upward in concept and complexity, the UB is there to meet you without contradiction or intellectual friction. There is also a recent book published about the Urantia Book and to some extent, blends it with the Bible, the book is titled "Consider What the Angels Say"....google it.
DUDE! Great job! I listened to the whole piece, thought you're assesment was "spot on", very good, concise, and big words like that! I hope everybody who hears this digests the U-book, applies it's teaching, and lives a long and fruitful life!
Truly wonderful work you have done Branmi.
You have done a wonderful job presenting these concepts in the Urantia Revelation. Beautifully done, and I enjoyed hearing your voice as you narrated. Mahalo Nui Loa
Tanks for your kind words, Lisa.
As a truth-seeker, I was very happy when I found the Urantia Book..This is a wonderful video, my favorite of the Urantia Book videos I have seen...It is simply made, and presents some of the ideas from the book in a thoughtful sequence..Watch and Enjoy!
Well done...keep spreading the light and take no notice of the haters....
Great idea! Thanks Pato.
I like your video. It will be very good intro for people who are interested but maybe overwhelmed by the level of intellect they think is required to read it.
Thanks Ruth. I see all my videos as educational. I hope that many people, especially Christians, will find them helpful in understanding The Urantia Book.
great job. I like this presentation. I love the Urantia book don't be fooled by the profile pic. remember the "snarling cave man"?
Thanks for the feedback, Psypher. Yes, your profile pic is a bit scary, but as you say, we shouldn't be too hasty to judge by first appearances. I hope you have checked out my other videos.
+imn4rb í have. I even subscribed. love your other videos and just wanted to ask you continue to put out these kind of videos. people are liking them.. thank you
I hope other folks like my videos as much as you do. I felt called to make these videos to make people aware of the Urantia Book. I'm 77 years old now and I hope I can continue to make them for another ten years. I'm working on Angels in the Bible and the Urantia Book right now. It should be done in a month or two.
+imn4rb I'll be waiting for them. no doubt that you'll accomplish much before your estimated time here with us. "planting seeds" the more that's out there the more chances of people discovering them.. .I wish to one day contribute to the revelation somehow. I once tried giving away CDs that had the most common bible stories but just so people could relate. in the whole thing it only used the word "Urantia" once. but never really knew what happened to the people that received them. my hope was in that it would resonate with them and spark interest. outside I wrote down the link that took them to the audio part of the book with titles from p 4 of the Urantia book. I've made a conscious decision to continue reading this book for the rest of my life. I have benefited much from its teaching. sorry got carried away a bit but not many people out there that understand. glad your doing this. I appreciate your work. please keep it up.
thank you.. .
Sir. i wander if you and I can talk sometime? I really have questions, and I have theories, and i really need a mentor in this
Good questions, A Reid. I can only answer from my understanding of the Urantia Book. Christian theology teaches that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but the authors say that Christ Michael, the divine part of Jesus, is what they call a Creator Son. He is the son of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and he partakes of the nature of both. Christ Michael is the spiritual head of a part of the whole universe known as a local universe. He decided to come here as a mortal because there had been a revolt by some spiritual beings and it had badly affected our planet; he wanted to begin the process of healing our planet. He also came to reveal to us a better picture of God the Father; he presented a God of love rather than a God of vengeance. (2) Creator Sons are responsible for the life in their local universes, but God the Father in his creator role is the source of the whole universe. I think of God's creation as an expression of God's creativity and love as are we as well. the whole time-space creation is evolving toward some glorious expression of God's creativity and love. (3) and (4) The whole universe is moving toward God's goals through the process of evolution. He could have made it all perfect, but he chose evolution as the process to his goals. This includes all life forms everywhere. Evolution is a messy process, but it arrives at beings lie us who can have a relationship with God. I think we'll have a much better idea of why evolution is the method of progress in the universe when after we have graduated to the next level and we have ascended much higher in the universe.
Hi imn4rb; God bless your heart. But as you said, "I can only answer from my understanding of the Urantia Book." Therein lies the problem, namely, what you believe comes from a book. You really don't know and as you may have learned by now, beliefs, be they ever so sincere, are not the same thing as personal experience and/or KNOWing. There are tons of "books," tons of beliefs, tons of other sincere believers but very few "knowers." Until you actually know what your talking about and actually have raised the dead, please don't bother with the likes of me. I'm not interested in beliefs. Thank you. Charles V. Davis, A.T.O.M.
It's not that simple, Charles. I don't necessarily believe everything in the Urantia Book. I know there are a few things in the science of the book which are outdated numbers or concepts. The authors even say that we will find such things. But there are other concepts that were ahead of the science of the day that have been confirmed by our scientists after the book was published. So I believe that which science has validated with observation and experiment. Yes, beliefs are a phenomenon of mind and are sometimes based on psychological need or desire to conform to the requirements of some religion or movement and not based on objective criteria. Faith on the other hand, is a relationship with a higher reality; call it God. Faith doesn't need words or books; it is a trust in God based on our understanding of God's nature.
How kind of you to answer so quickly. To truly understand God's Nature is to be alive in God's Presence. In short, learning and growing via a direct experience with God. Even the Master Jesus grew "in truth and grace." Very few on earth have ascended wholly and directly into the Oneness with 'THAT" of which I speak. You're closer than you think. Don't let books and/or the approval of others stand in your way. You might remember the Buddha said, "If the holy books agree with me, they are correct; if you don't, they are wrong." Now that's what I call speaking with authority. Take the next step into fusion. CVD, A.T.O.M.
Thanks RW, If only a few people look into the UBk as a result of my videos, it's worth the effort. I don't think I'll turn a lot of folks onto the book, but at least I hope I can inject a positive consciousness about the book into the stream of humanity.
John 3:2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
verily verily isay to thee: BULLSHIT.
This might have been more effective Mandolin Joe, if you had included what your experience was being born again.
But bear in mind, a conversion experience is only the beginning. How you take to being lead by your Thought Adjuster, is the next step. Are you responding to that inner guidance as you go about your daily life? Do you get little nudges that suggest a different way of doing something? And do you ignore it, or think, yeah, maybe I should try that?
You see, belief is nothing without action. Too many Christians think that if they just "believe in Jesus", they're all set. They don't need to do anything else... completely ignoring the Master's warning with the parable of the Talents. If you don't do anything with what you've been entrusted with, then even that which you have, will be taken from you.
@@ericjohnson6665 yes Faith and action go hand in hand
So, from what I heard, if we do good deeds, we'll make it to heaven. Just like 99% of all other religions. Not too original guys. Ephesians 2:8-9. Salvation is a Gift from God, not a result of our works so that no one can boast about it. That my friends is mind blowing revelation!
Service to our fellow human beings is a result of spiritual growth, not the cause of it.
Yes, we have God's love before we even think to ask for it, and that love is boundless. But just reading his love is infinite, is a far cry from actually feeling it, which is possible.
The U Book does add another layer to it. Other religions are largely 'behavior' based, as humans can only judge other people by their actions, whereas our Divine Father-friend knows our motives. The U Book encourages us to look first to our motives before making a moral decision. Yes, we are to express love in action, similar to other religions, but too often, those other religions offer an easy way out, which the UB does not.
"155:5.8 Until the races become highly intelligent and more fully civilized, there will persist many of those childlike and superstitious ceremonies which are so characteristic of the evolutionary religious practices of primitive and backward peoples. Until the human race progresses to the level of a higher and more general recognition of *the realities of spiritual experience,* large numbers of men and women will continue to show a personal preference for those religions of authority which require only intellectual assent, in contrast to the religion of the spirit, which entails active participation of mind and soul in the faith adventure of grappling with the rigorous realities of progressive human experience.
155:5.9 The acceptance of the traditional religions of authority presents *the easy way out* for man’s urge to seek satisfaction for the *longings of his spiritual nature.* The settled, crystallized, and established religions of authority afford a ready refuge to which the distracted and distraught soul of man may flee when harassed by fear and tormented by uncertainty. Such a religion requires of its devotees, as the price to be paid for its satisfactions and assurances, only a passive and purely intellectual assent."
Having had a profound experience of our Divine Father-friend's Love first-hand, it's not just "deeds" that get us there, it's being willing to intimately share our inner-life with our Divine Father-friend (ODFF). Unlike what the Bible says, God is not the one who judges us, that's the Ancients of Days job. So we have nothing to fear from being close to ODFF. But we have to have both the Capacity to love (having loved many others) and the Receptivity to being open to feeling that love, and part of that is believing it's real.
If there is a Father and a Son there must be a Mother. Don't you think? Your continual anthropomorphic use of the pronoun "he" reveals that your ideations related to The Almighty lacks insight not only of the Omnipresence of God as All That, but place your so-called revelations about God "He" just slightly below those of the Mormons. Ladies, what do you have to say about this? I think it's time we heard from God the Mother. Break the siience, please. CVD
It's complicated. God the Father is neither male nor female but the watchcare that the Father has over his celestial family is like that of a good father on earth. And there is no personal pronoun for such a being so many folks use "he." as far as any mother aspects, in one place the Urantia Book says that the Father and the Eternal Son were the parents of the Infinite Spirit, so they refer in just this case to the Father Father and the Mother Son. Also, the local universe presence of the Infinite Spirit is known as the Mother Spirit. So there is reference to the role of Mother though it is not a role related to sex but rather to the nature of the role.
I tried playing around with a gender-less pronoun, something like PWOG for "person without gender", but it was really clunky. It doesn't really roll off the tongue the way I'd like.
But as our Divine Father-friend (ODFF) does not have sex organs, the term "father" by Jesus, was meant to imply the kind of relationship we have with ODFF, where fatherhood is a choice by the father, to have a relationship with his children. Motherhood is in part biological, given the whole gestation and birthing process. Thus the distinction.
But as concerns our local universe of Nebadon, we do have both a father figure, in Michael of Nebadon, as well as a mother figure, in our Universe Mother Spirit, (known by some as Nebadonia, aka our Goddess, not to be confused with "Gaia", which is another name for "Urantia", the living spirit of our planet, also kind of female).