Imagine the pushback if the Bible spoke of God thousands of times in the plural and mentions more than one person of God multiple times and we said that God was one.
@@Eljanvierneun_25 Jesus never taught that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was anything except one person that he called ‘His God and our God’ and ‘his Father and our Father’. I choose to follow Jesus’ teaching not the traditions of men developed 300 years after Christ.
@@SonOfGodByNewBirthInChrist no. jesus said " before abraham was I AM", thus making him god. thomas said to jesus " my lord and my god". the trinity was not developed 300 years later. it was taught right away in the new testament and in the early church fathers.
It does. Let us, elohim, family, make man in our image. Ministering spirits, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, family of God. Ephesians 3:15, it even says family over trinity.
@@racerx4152 You said saying I am was a claim to being God. Strange how the Judeans never made that charge at his trial. Jesus claimed to be God’s son not that he was The LORD God.
What is the context of this verse? It would seem strange for God to be trying to tell the isrealites that God is one person not more than one, when that was never identified as an issue. Study it
@Eljanvierneun_25 human beings have been worshiping multiple gods since the beginning of time, in these pagan and godless nations it had to be declared that there is a God, and there is only one.
Jesus said that Father God is God/YHVH alone. .....and so did the apostles likewise. What more do we need to grasp the truth?'s amazing to me how so many can't figure It out.
I'm heartbroken for them honestly because a lot of them have been indoctrinated since they were young. So they have been taught to look at everything through the Trinity doctrine. I never knew of such a Doctrine and I read the Bible without it so I could see the truth very simply. Not once did I ever question if Jesus was god. Only God can free them from that but I don't think it's easy. The devil's done a very good job in this area. The devil loves confusion.
It's called deception. Satan and the pagan catholic priests invented a new religion with three gods, a false Christ, and a false gospel and made it official in 381 AD. Believe it or die.
They believe the Father is God, but the Son is also revealed to be God, so that shouldn’t be ignored over other verses but that’s exactly what those such as Unitarians do, ignore or twist what’s actually being stated in the word
@@marktravis5162 Twist these scriptures for us. Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12, John 8.40, Acts 2.22, Acts 17.31, Rom 5.15, Gal 4.4, II Tim 2.8, Rev 22.16.
@@marktravis5162 the Bible does not reveal Jesus to be god. God is not both his own son and father. We don't twist anything. We know what the Bible says and what it means we don't add anything to it.
you think you will surprise a unitarian with that, just by putting a capital W on word? You think perhaps every unitarian has not considered that verse when they gave up the trinity?
Yes the word was God and then later in revelation we see that the word refers to Jesus but this is done in the book of revelation not sooner. So a process had to take place, where the fullness of God dwelled in the person Jesus whom we now see God because he has made him known when the work was accomplished on the cross, but not sooner than this did God fully pour himself into Jesus. It was only when Jesus accomplished his mission that God fully filled Jesus with his spirit, for only Love can give a person the strength to do what Jesus did, so God dwelled in him fully on the cross where they became one. So now when we look to Jesus we see Father for he has made him known.
@@fruitsnacks155that is all that should matter but sadly trinitarians ignore a lot of scripture. Also says we can use the word to rightly divide the truth. We should study and ask questions and learn because the truth will set you free. Seeing so many people blinded by this doctrine of the devil is sad. If using this kind of method helps them see the truth then maybe it will set some of them free.
Only the Holy Spirit can give you the truth I believe. I have seen so many videos of pastors that are teaching (in my opinion) nonsense and calling others theories heresies. With so many chaotic conclusions. I have no doubt God the Father is God and Jesus is His only Son. Nothing difficult about that. But to someone who believes in the trinity ... So many other clues in the bible. Jesus died, God cannot die, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit said they could not do anything without the Father. A God who can't do anything out of Himself? I never heard any strong argument from the bible that would make me believe in the trinity.
Yeah when I learned about it I was shocked and then I was even more shocked when I realized how many Christians believe it! They basically have to admit that it doesn't make sense. And some of them are happy to say it's a mystery but this is no mystery! It's fully revealed in the bible. I can't believe that even the worrd "son" is lost on them. Father and Son means nothing to them. They really think a God would interact with himself in such a way...and lying to his people if he was Jesus, because let's face it if Jesus was God then he would be a liar since he said he doesn't even know when he's coming back. Quite crazy and also very sad. One of them even said to me in the comments here that God is going to have Jesus's face. Completely ignoring that Jesus is going to be sitting next to him. It's insane.
As time went on, there was more and more of a desire among Christians to worship Jesus as God, and not just to honor him in an important but lesser role.
Yes, and then they wanted to worship the holy spirit whoever he is. They changed the gospel from the resurrection and the Kingdom of God to you can go to heaven, if you are a Christian. Jesus is the only man, who ever went to heaven. The rest are waiting in the grave for the return of Jesus and the resurrection of the righteous faithful Christians.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 I think the nature of eschatology and life after death are quite different issues, and far from settled. What about Elijah who ascended to heaven? What about the transfiguration where the spirit of Moses is said to appear? (I know the latter can be interpreted as a mere vision, but it doesn't have to be.) Or Eccles 12:3 speaks of the human spirit returning to God who gave it. Rationally speaking, if living individual souls are returned to their deceased (and in some cases totally destroyed) bodies, the former, in the interim, must dwell with God in some real sense. Anyway, both trinitarians and unitarians could have a variety of eschatological views.
Small problem. As long as scripture says family, God is one, with a family of holy spirits. Ephesians 3:15. Joint heirs, brethren with the 2nd leg of a trinity, is STILL FAMILY. If it took an immortal holy spirit to tell Mary she would be visited by the holy spirit, that makes God a quad, or family of God. Consider the source of the trinity. Men in robes, concerned about job security, had to concoct a mystery to be depended on by congregations. Believe it. PS. The holy spirit is created, not eternal, it's not my fault. Col. 1:16, John 1too.
The Trinity is Catholic teaching and the Father is the only one YEHWEH and his Son the Messiah Christ is not God and he never said I am God, he said he was the only BEGOTTEN Son of God that the Father was working through him and he said that he could do nothing by himself, the Trinity is another God another Jesus and another spirit of antichrist, and just like in the garden the enemy said you shall not die? And Trinity says is God Almighty himself 1? Nope they say he's 3 in 1, and the Trinity is man made doctrine and contradiction galore, the Father never said anything about the Trinity, Jesus never said anything about the Trinity, the apostles never said anything about the Trinity and go ahead through another person who is the power and presence of God himself and make it a person and walla a Trinity of nothing in scripture and the Trinitarians are mislead Catholics and prodostents embrace them because they are trinitarians also, and the Father is the only true God. Game over Trinitarians are going to condemn because they think they can do anything with scriptures and twist and bend their bend their own god that's nowhere explained in the Bible, over and over the Father is the Almighty God and they have a god sandwich and can't figure out who's who and whats what because of the Trinity was invented by Catholics and the pope is the one that they are following and priest cardinal bishops, WOW what are they going to do when the Lord comes back? Nothing, they can run but not hide, Jesus was given all authority on heaven and earth, that's because he was exalted to the right hand of the Almighty his God is our God and Jesus has a God, and he was made Lord by his Father
I do honestly wonder if these people are still going to think Jesus Is God When They See Jesus next to god? Are they still going to think it's the same person? The Catholic religion is so evil.
And it's sad that they don't realize how God was working through jesus, because God can work through us also! Jesus modeled everything that we can have with god. They miss out on that.
This line of questioning or inquery is based on a false premise. The presenter is assuming that majority is a sign of accuracy in addition to determining the parameters for the trinity to be true or false.
I specifically did not say that this proves Unitarianism, but that these statistics would be absolutely shocking if Trinitarianism were true. You're right that statistics do not prove the Trinity to be false, but they do provide strong evidence against it.
@@Eljanvierneun_25 they are not secondary, they are from the Scripture! if God tells you something thousands and thousands times He have a reason, don't you think?
The TORAH states that KIND produces KIND… the SON is fully human because HE came from a human… the SON is fully GOD because HE came from GOD… you’re teaching LAWLESSNESS.. Got Torah Got Truth
“I go to MY God & YOUR God, to MY Father & YOUR Father.” Why would Jesus say this if HE Himself is God? “Who do YOU say that I am?” And Peter responded “You are the Christ, the SON of the living God.” Jesus answered “flesh & blood did not reveal this to you, but MY Father who is in Heaven.” Big difference between being God & being 1 with God. I am not my wife but I am 1 with my wife. Jesus says WE are supposed to know that WE are 1 even as He & the Father are 1. Does that make me YOU? No, but WE are 1 because we have 1 identity: sons of God. Brethren of Jesus Christ. Does that make us THE Christ? No, just like Jesus is not THE God. “Christ is the head of every man & God is the head of Christ.” We are Christ’s & Christ is God’s.
do you know what the full text teaches? Read Gen3:15, followed by Deut18:18, followed by Jn8:40. followed by Acts2:22 to 36. followed by 1Tim2:5. Then 1Tim2:4.
@@BingoNamo-gb8pz Now before we answer the question could you tell me the verses that force Trinitarians into their views? How is it that I can have read these verses and not have rejected the Trinity. Do you know them?
@@ken440 I am aware of all those texts. Now tell me the texts that support my view. Why do I feel compelled to adopt the doctrine of the Trinity. Do you know those verses? You see, you asked me what the full text teaches and then only presented verses for one position.
Per Scripture Satan is the god of this eon. So Satan is a god but the Son is not? Let it not be coming to that! The real question is Is the Son the SUPREME God? Of course not. His Son has a beginning (as in, In the beginning), neither His Father nor eternity do. His Son has a God His Father does not. His Son dies, the Supreme cannot die. How do the trinnies get around this problem? They divide Christ. They say either only His body or His humanity died. Thus do they dishonor the beauty and simplicity of His word: He expired. The trinnies hold to that other demonic doctrine, the immortality of the soul. Satan's first lie: Thou shall surely not die. One verse in Scripture should put both of these doctrines to rest. Isaiah 53:12, Concordant Literal: He empties out His soul to death. The other verse that settles it for me? Colossians 1:15, again, Concordant Literal: He is the FirstBORN of every CREATURE. And the trinnies go wild!
This is a common fallacy among, I'll be polite, "unique" interpretations of scripture. Like Muslims saying, "Where does Jesus say I am God," this fallacy assumes that if something is the case, then the terminology that they would use in their culture and understanding should be in the old text. And since their language or expectation is not met, it is false. Other fallacies go along with this. One is assuming the intent of someone based on an absence of language. Someone in the comments suggested that people wanted to start worshiping Jesus at a certain time, which is both historically ignorant and shows a clear misunderstanding of basic biblical concepts. Another feature of these unorthodox views, is a lack of the presence and Ministry of the Holy Spirit as scripture describes it in the New Testament. This doesn't mean everybody with that experience as correct doctrine everywhere, but it does demonstrate the personal receiving of something that God promised that he would send which is wholly and uniquely different than interaction and relationship with the father or with the Son. And this is actually the context by which Jesus said, when the Holy Spirit comes he will guide you into all truth. He said they couldn't bear all of the truth yet until they received the Holy Spirit in this New Covenant. Again, this doesn't mean that someone with this experience knows all-remember the early church was figuring out their theology as they went along, but there were these and other things that were common in the minds of the 1st century Jew/church that antiTrinitarian proponents either miss or find a way to explain away. One is Christ's most common self-referent of being the Son of Man and what Daniel 7 describes will happen. Because of how clearly this describes two separate beings, back in Daniel's day all the way up until the time of Christ there was a Doctrine called the two powers of Heaven. And you can look this up here or elsewhere. It wasn't a majority perspective because there were a lot of ideas going on, but they saw that this one who looks like a son of man would also get Worship in his own kingdom and there were thrones next to Yahweh. This led the 7th Century BC Jews to consider that there might be this other Messianic Davidic being who is Divine because this Son of Man receives worship - God declares it-and they knew that only God could receive worship. They had names for it like "Metatron" which sounds like a transformer but is much less robotic in it's original language. So by the time of the 1st century, this idea was there, and Enoch which played a role in the general knowledge of Jews of the day (though not scripture) described this and other things referenced by Christ and Peter and Jude. And go back and see how much this term meant to Jesus and how mad the Pharisees were when He used it. There's a reason. And it's not because hundreds of years later people might do something. It's because of what was written. If your teacher didn't know that, or tried to explain it away, then they may have made a convincing argument to you. There are more but I'll stop here. But if you look into the story of the unpardonable sin and a distinction Christ made, o rwhat happened with Jesus before He started his miracle ministry, and if you don't trip up on the terminology "Son of God" which did not express divinity which Bible study on those terms and the context provides-those will provide three rich areas of study by which you will see some of these low level claims of "word count" are not sufficient arguments. There are things the gospel authors specifically did not say so that you the reader would lean in and figure it out. The Bible is not a dictionary or an encyclopedia. One example is how many times Jesus mentioned going to the father and complain that his disciples didn't ask about it. And John never records the answer. He leaves that question in the mind of the reader to determine what he was talking about. It's amazing. OK love ya bless ya
Jesus told everyone who he was, his disciples never worshiped him as god, he said the father is greater than him and he pointed people towards God. He said that the power he has comes from God and not of himself. He sent his disciples out to heal and perform Miracles as well, do you also worship them as god? I don't think so. ALSO, we can still do the manifestations of the spirit today. Learn who God is, who his son really is, and who the Holy Spirit really is. Because you're missing out on a transformed life, if you're thinking that God is his own father and son, or that he walked this Earth as a man. The Bible says that God is not a man and that he cannot lie. Jesus said he doesn't even know when he's coming back so if he's God that would make him a liar.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings go read the Bible and come back. You clearly haven't read the Gospels. Start with John 1, then read John 3:16, read the rest of the Gospels, then check out Isaiah 9 and the book of Daniel. After that, you can read Isaiah 53. Might as well read Revelation too. What this content creator fails to understand is that it isn't a numbers game. Trinitarianism does not deny that God is one, but Unitarianism denies that God is triune. What does this mean? Every verse he listed to support his heresy supports the truth. Conversely, a single verse is all we need to know that Unitarianism is heresy.
@brianlamptey4823 sorry I'm past this now, I already know the truth and have a relationship with god. You go back and read the gospels. And also learn the history of when the Trinity came into play. Jesus and the apostles believed in no such thing. Jesus isn't God so I'm not going to go back and try to apply that to verses when I know otherwise after reading and understanding what they really say.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings Matthew 14:33 (ASV) And they that were in the boat worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. Matthew 15:25 (ASV) But she came and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. Matthew 20:20 (ASV) Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee with her sons, worshipping [him], and asking a certain thing of him. Matthew 28:9 (ASV) And behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and took hold of his feet, and worshipped him. Matthew 28:17 (ASV) And when they saw him, they worshipped [him]; but some doubted. Luke 24:52 (ASV) And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy: John 9:38 (ASV) And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him. Acts 10:25-26 (ASV) And when it came to pass that Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter raised him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man. (BN:Jesus never did this)
@@ThePeaceofWildThings I have listed just a few of the verses here, but you clearly need the entire Bible. Here's the simplest one: John 1:1-5, 14 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. Abandon your heresy and worship the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
The problem with most Church Theology is the lack of understanding of the grammatical gender of both the Hebrew and Greek languages. In Hebrew all words have grammatical gender Feminine and masculine words and in Greek all Noun words are either Feminine, Masculine or Neuter words. The very first chapter of the Hebrew Bible makes it very clear Elohim a plural word used in a singular context consist of both Male and Female Spirit ELements. Genesis 1:26-28 Example in Hebrew the Word Spirit = Ruach is a Feminine noun word and in Greek -Spirit = pneuma is a neuter word that can mean She, He, It, They or Them depending on the Context. Another example in Hebrew is the Word Glory as in God's = Plural the Feminine word is Shekinah and the Masculine word for Glory is kavod yet both are the ELements of One God who is Spirit who consists of both a Father and Mother Image in whom all Humans are Created in the Image of. Once again Genesis 1:26-27 One other example is the New Testament words Grace in Hebrew = chen a Masculine noun and Faith = emunah a Feminine noun that must be in Unity and perfect balance to produce a Godly Child as was the Birth Of Jesus who was full of Grace Faith Truth. Even though the word Christian appears only 3 times in the bible few know the Greek meaning which is Christ = Anointed and Tian = Little and literally means A Little Anointed Child of Grace Father's Seed and Faith Mother or the Holy Spirit's Wisdom and Power. Both words Wisdom a feminine noun and Power a Masculine noun in Hebrew must become one United to produce spiritual Life. Are you aware the Hebrew word for Salvation is yeshuah a Feminine Hebrew Noun Word. The Greek word for salvation is soteria also a feminine noun. Think you for allowing me to comment and I hope my Comment is Helpful in some way. Grace Faith Hope and Divine Charity to you All AMEN
Great visuals! It’s just too bad Trinitarian Dogmatists have long abandoned basic hermeneutics (explicit overrides implicit) and God-designed common sense.
They abandoned everything, and hold fast to their own definitions and twisting of scripture. It's really sad because sometimes you just want to share something so basic with them but they can't grasp it or understand. Remember the devil is the author of confusion!
God is the Father. Jesus is the Son. Separate. God is the almighty God, but Jesus is a mighty god. Not the almighty God, but a mighty god. It's extremely straightforward, but churches have twisted it and caused many to believe that there is no separation and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one. 1 Timothy 2:5-6
So when Thomas says “my Lord & my God” is he saying Jesus is his “mighty god” or is he referring to The Almighty God? But more importantly is he calling Jesus “my God” or acknowledging he now knows God in the sense that “if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father” in other words now Thomas truly believes Jesus is the Son of God & everything Jesus spoke was “The God Almighty” speaking through Him & doing all the miracles through Him so essentially Thomas is thinking “now I know The God Almighty because Jesus is alive so clearly The God Almighty has been with Him all along”?
you are basing this mighty god theory on isaiah 9:6 "and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace". In Isaiah 9 god prophesied people will call messiah god. And people do. He also prophecy people will reject his anoited one. Does that mean it's right by god?. No. But god never called yeshua god. or any name like this. thomas did. once. to glorify yeshua. and praise how much he represnt god . but god never called yeshua god or anything meaning the same. god even called any person "god", in psalm 82:6. Which yeshua quote to explain he is NOT saying he is god.
The Bible uses plural pronouns for God many times. Anthony Rogers has a video called, Plurals Aplenty, that you should watch. The truth of God's multi-pwrsonal nature isn't refuted by the many instances of singular personal pronouns because the three persons share the same nature and attributes. Furthermore, unitarians will never be able to explain passages like John 1 that teach that Jesus, as the pre-incarnate Word, eternally existed with God and was God. There are many other passages which simply cannot be reconciled to unitarianism.
It all started in the fourth century, when the pagan catholic priests invented a new religion with three gods, a false Christ and a false gospel. They made it official in 381 AD. Believe it or die.
@MichaelTheophilus906 yeah it's sad how many people don't realize this and are still blinded by the Catholic religion. It's so anti-god and Anti bible. The good news is people can still learn of Jesus through it but they live a miserable life believing lies. Most of my family is Catholic and it's heartbreaking knowing how deceived they are and seeing the effects on their life.
The Trinity is not an unbiblical doctrine. Even if you think there is a better interpretation the Trinity interpretation is forced on us. Its not something that we want to be in scripture.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings No. By scripture. I struggled for years over the Trinity because though I intellectually accepted it, I was afraid that I was giving a man the honor only God deserves. I cried before God over this. In the end what convinced me to move it from a mind belief to a heart belief was scripture. Once I examined all the scripture, together, not cherry picking, and not ignoring any, I couldn't help but accept it.
The one true God is the Father. And the Father, the one true God, is *love.* And the greatest demonstration of *love* is to lay down one's own life for others. So the Father, the one true God who is *love,* laid down his own life for us, by expressing himself on earth in genuine human form, as his own Son, the man Christ Jesus.
If you're willing to believe the Father *loves* you enough to have laid down his own life for you, then he will show you who he truly is. And his name is "Jesus".
God did not walk this Earth as a man, the Bible says that God is not a man and that he cannot lie. Please stop this nonsense. The Bible teaches us to put Faith in christ, the Bible does not say God sent himself it says he sent his son. God cannot die, you are greatly deceived.
Using this method is a little weak I'm afraid. There's the use in Hebrew of "Yachad" (sp?) which means a numerical "one" (one chair, one person) and there is "Echad" which means the plurality of "one." For example when all Israel spoke with "one" voice, or the two shall become "one" flesh, etc. "Here O Israel the Lord our God is One (Echad) God." The Bible also teaches that God is Love which implies plurality: for there is the Spirit of Love, the Lover, and the Beloved.
If you apply this Mike Winger clip to the Trinity, I think it nails it perfectly how the Trinity was developed.
@@MichaelTheophilus906yeah I often think about the disciples and the apostles that walked with jesus, if they saw things like the Catholic church and The Trinity Dogma how horrified they would be.
The content creator seems to think that we should believe the data coming from the NT rather than later Church Fathers, Theologians and philosophers. But if we do that, then we would have to abandon, not only the Holy Trinity; but the immortality of the soul; hell fire and goodness knows how many unscriptural and pagan influences o the church.
You are right! And so many churches would have to close because they would no longer have any different theology from others. Empty buildings and wasted carparking space. Some of the really big ones might become supermarkets, further hurting the poor corner store! We would have to endure Kenneth Copeland and John MacArthur running seminars together, called "friendly fire" and slapping each other on the back. Mike Winger would no longer have anything to make videos about. No more statements of faith to sign.... aaaargh !
If people actually read their Bibles they would leave the Catholic Church behind and that would be for the best. They would leave a lot of these harmful denominations. The doctrines of men have done so much harm. People need to get back to the Bible and Christ like thinking.
@@GraysonPulis He's right. Those things are traditions of men. Eternal torment in hell fire (along with going straight to heaven at death) is religious doctrine by the old roman catholics, to frighten the illiterate common folk to join the church, its about power building and politics.
Jesus Christ is still divine, he was created by God (YHWH) in the beginning as said in John 1, but it is clear that the Father and the Son are two separate beings, united in essence and vision through the spirit. Denying the trinity does not diminish the sacrifice of Christ, he is not just "a man" but the living Son of God. I argue that even Paul supports this in Romans 6: 3-7.
John 1:1-18 is not a part of the story of the gospel. And not a quote of anyone in the gospel. It's a opening by one of the "we" in John 21:24 that wrote this gospel based on johns testimony. You can see some of it just don't make sense. And it's not in qotetions marks. Beter relay only on words of by prophet for essential doctrine
Genesis 1:26 "Genesis 1:26 KJV [26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" God says "Let US". Then the angel of the Lord wrestling with Jacob which is the same Angel of the Lord who talked to Moses and then later in the 4 gospels Jesus transfigures with 'Moses' whoa and Elijah, Jesus also draws in the sand when he was approached by the law keepers and Pharisees to be stoned, ofc Jesus knew their true intent but also. In Exodus God wrote the commandments with his finger the same finger now writing in the sand and guys like the face of God standing right in front of them and they were so blinded by pride they just couldn't see it. John 8:58 clearly says before Abraham was I AM. Matthew 28:19. Is Clear use KJV. Its much more clearer, new translations take the words and twist them. I'll give an example. Use John 3:16, on all the translations, Gods word is not supposed to be twisted or reworded bc it was written in this way for a reason. KJV is the only bible that is perfect in every way (go to Truth is Christ Channel that brother does a good job explaining it). I agree we need to get back to basics but we also need to pray in these situations for God to guide us and lean not to thy own understanding.
complete nonsense. unitarianism is just a product of your imagination. the evidence for the trinity is all through the bible, you just don't like it. if you have to ask where in the bible does it say that, then you need to go back and re-read everything. the trinity was taught from the very start in the scriptures and with the early church fathers to some degree.
You're in terrible error, you can learn when it came into play about 200 to 300 years after Christ was crucified. What's complete nonsense is you think God is literally his own father and son and praying to himself, or that he can die.
Wow what rubbish, using human logic to explain your understanding of God, one day when you see God which will be the face of Jesus you will have a chance to explain your own personal logic and say why it doesn’t add up, get a grip and read the word (which I think you may not even do) in its entirety, Islam uses a similar logic Jehovah witnesses use the similar logic, and yet we are supposed to come to Jesus as children it’s only when you surrender everything (yes that includes logic) you will arrive to all the answers you can deny the trinity till the cows come home but the truth will not go away,
No matter how much you say the Trinity is true it's not, I'm sorry I laughed when you said God is going to have Jesus's face. So when you see Jesus sitting next to God are they both going to have the same face? Are they going to be twins? What is this nonsense?
Yes, Elohim is plural, you can look up the "majestic" or "honorific" plural in Hebrew if you are interested about it. The way that we can tell that Elohim, in reference to Yahweh, is not referring to multiple persons is that singular pronouns and verbs are used with Elohim thousands of times throughout the Old Testament. Dustin Smith has done significant work on this on his BiblicalUnitarianPodcast.
@@biblicalunitarian I shall check it out, thank you. Another question, what do you think of the following verses and interpretation? Assuming that these refer to Jesus, he should be God right? Proverbs 8:22-25 (Jesus existed before creation) And then: Psalm 22:10 KJV [10] I was cast upon thee from the womb: Thou art my God from my mother's belly. Since the Father is the God of all flesh, He became the God of Jesus when he was born in flesh according to Psalm 22:10. Jesus is not created when Mary was conceived because He preexisted according to proverbs 8:22-25. This makes Jesus God right?
@@departfromevil9309 some of your premises and argument: 1. prov 8:22-25 refers to jesus 2. prov 8:22-25 refers to a person 3. prov 8:22-25 refers to something pre-existent therefore, jesus is a pre-existent person. this is a valid argument, because the conclusion can follow from the premises. however, 1 or more of your premises are incorrect. for premise 1, prov 8:22-25 does not refer to jesus. the start of chapter 8 tells us that it is the character lady wisdom being talked about. for premise 2, it is not a physical person being talked about, rather a personification, or a literary character, being talked about. no one thinks lady wisdom is a physical person. premise 3 is true, ad arguendo.
What are you talking about? Of course you believe in god, and then you believe that God sent his son to die for your sins. You believe that he was raised from the dead.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings John 3:16 (NLT) “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Anyone who believes in God's one and only son will be saved. Why didn't he just say believe in God? Why didn't he say believe God sent him? Why do we just have to believe in Jesus? Here's why:John 1:1, 14 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. To believe in the Son is to believe in God.
“Hear oh Israel, the Lord, your God is three in one.” Yeah, the Bible never says that. Which is precisely what it would have said 100 times if it were true.
@@brianlamptey4823 I'm really not sure what you're getting at still? What is your issue with these verses? What is your issue with people believing in both of them?
@ThePeaceofWildThings There is no issue on my side. If Jesus is God, it is to be expected. Unitarians on the other hand have to invent a new role for Jesus, who somehow brings salvation through belief in him.
Imagine the pushback if the Bible spoke of God thousands of times in the plural and mentions more than one person of God multiple times and we said that God was one.
@@SonOfGodByNewBirthInChrist God is One despite his revealed tri-personal attribute. The context must be acknowledge just as the rest of the bible
@@Eljanvierneun_25 Jesus never taught that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was anything except one person that he called ‘His God and our God’ and ‘his Father and our Father’.
I choose to follow Jesus’ teaching not the traditions of men developed 300 years after Christ.
@@SonOfGodByNewBirthInChrist no. jesus said " before abraham was I AM", thus making him god. thomas said to jesus " my lord and my god". the trinity was not developed 300 years later. it was taught right away in the new testament and in the early church fathers.
It does. Let us, elohim, family, make man in our image. Ministering spirits, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, family of God.
Ephesians 3:15, it even says family over trinity.
@@racerx4152 You said saying I am was a claim to being God. Strange how the Judeans never made that charge at his trial.
Jesus claimed to be God’s son not that he was The LORD God.
I love the JPS translation of Deuteronomy 6:4. “Yahweh our God Yahweh ALONE.”
What is the context of this verse? It would seem strange for God to be trying to tell the isrealites that God is one person not more than one, when that was never identified as an issue. Study it
@ WDYM Yahweh is one person
@@tylerchurch6945 That is not what the text says. To be honest it is a weak verse to try to prove unitarianism
@Eljanvierneun_25 human beings have been worshiping multiple gods since the beginning of time, in these pagan and godless nations it had to be declared that there is a God, and there is only one.
Jesus said that Father God is God/YHVH alone. .....and so did the apostles likewise. What more do we need to grasp the truth?'s amazing to me how so many can't figure It out.
I'm heartbroken for them honestly because a lot of them have been indoctrinated since they were young. So they have been taught to look at everything through the Trinity doctrine. I never knew of such a Doctrine and I read the Bible without it so I could see the truth very simply. Not once did I ever question if Jesus was god. Only God can free them from that but I don't think it's easy. The devil's done a very good job in this area. The devil loves confusion.
It's called deception. Satan and the pagan catholic priests invented a new religion with three gods, a false Christ, and a false gospel and made it official in 381 AD. Believe it or die.
They believe the Father is God, but the Son is also revealed to be God, so that shouldn’t be ignored over other verses but that’s exactly what those such as Unitarians do, ignore or twist what’s actually being stated in the word
@@marktravis5162 Twist these scriptures for us. Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rom 15.6, I Cor 8.6, II Cor 11.31, I Tim 2.5, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12, John 8.40, Acts 2.22, Acts 17.31, Rom 5.15, Gal 4.4, II Tim 2.8, Rev 22.16.
@@marktravis5162 the Bible does not reveal Jesus to be god. God is not both his own son and father. We don't twist anything. We know what the Bible says and what it means we don't add anything to it.
Simple and concise. Thanks for sharing.
I like the statistical chart. Great addition,👍🏿
Top notch, thanks!!
Word was god john 1.1
And the word of word is the name of jesus revelation 19 13
Jesus Christ is logos and logos is God
you think you will surprise a unitarian with that, just by putting a capital W on word?
You think perhaps every unitarian has not considered that verse when they gave up the trinity?
Yes the word was God and then later in revelation we see that the word refers to Jesus but this is done in the book of revelation not sooner. So a process had to take place, where the fullness of God dwelled in the person Jesus whom we now see God because he has made him known when the work was accomplished on the cross, but not sooner than this did God fully pour himself into Jesus. It was only when Jesus accomplished his mission that God fully filled Jesus with his spirit, for only Love can give a person the strength to do what Jesus did, so God dwelled in him fully on the cross where they became one. So now when we look to Jesus we see Father for he has made him known.
@@ia9178 Revelation was written before the Gospel according to John.
One should not read the Bible statistically.
right? it boggles my mind that people find this convincing when all that matters is the actual text of scripture.
@@fruitsnacks155that is all that should matter but sadly trinitarians ignore a lot of scripture. Also says we can use the word to rightly divide the truth. We should study and ask questions and learn because the truth will set you free. Seeing so many people blinded by this doctrine of the devil is sad. If using this kind of method helps them see the truth then maybe it will set some of them free.
Very usable information. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Only the Holy Spirit can give you the truth I believe. I have seen so many videos of pastors that are teaching (in my opinion) nonsense and calling others theories heresies. With so many chaotic conclusions. I have no doubt God the Father is God and Jesus is His only Son. Nothing difficult about that. But to someone who believes in the trinity ...
So many other clues in the bible. Jesus died, God cannot die, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit said they could not do anything without the Father. A God who can't do anything out of Himself?
I never heard any strong argument from the bible that would make me believe in the trinity.
Yeah when I learned about it I was shocked and then I was even more shocked when I realized how many Christians believe it! They basically have to admit that it doesn't make sense. And some of them are happy to say it's a mystery but this is no mystery! It's fully revealed in the bible. I can't believe that even the worrd "son" is lost on them. Father and Son means nothing to them. They really think a God would interact with himself in such a way...and lying to his people if he was Jesus, because let's face it if Jesus was God then he would be a liar since he said he doesn't even know when he's coming back. Quite crazy and also very sad. One of them even said to me in the comments here that God is going to have Jesus's face. Completely ignoring that Jesus is going to be sitting next to him. It's insane.
As time went on, there was more and more of a desire among Christians to worship Jesus as God, and not just to honor him in an important but lesser role.
A HUGE mistake.
@@KingoftheJuice18 a lot of them were forced about 200 to 300 years after Christ walked this earth.
Yes, and then they wanted to worship the holy spirit whoever he is. They changed the gospel from the resurrection and the Kingdom of God to you can go to heaven, if you are a Christian. Jesus is the only man, who ever went to heaven. The rest are waiting in the grave for the return of Jesus and the resurrection of the righteous faithful Christians.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 I think the nature of eschatology and life after death are quite different issues, and far from settled. What about Elijah who ascended to heaven? What about the transfiguration where the spirit of Moses is said to appear? (I know the latter can be interpreted as a mere vision, but it doesn't have to be.) Or Eccles 12:3 speaks of the human spirit returning to God who gave it. Rationally speaking, if living individual souls are returned to their deceased (and in some cases totally destroyed) bodies, the former, in the interim, must dwell with God in some real sense. Anyway, both trinitarians and unitarians could have a variety of eschatological views.
The Gospel of John is clear. Just read John 8 :40 to 8:47. Yahvé is the Devil. The Old Testament is an Evil book. CHRIST IS KING !!!
God is great
Amen brother!
Thank God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for the "do not recommend channel" option.
Heartbreaking language that's not used in scripture. I hope one day you see the truth! Either way when you die and meet them both you'll understand.
Cool. None of that is in the Bible.
Thank God Almighty for the "thumb down" option for bad comments
@MoorishVibe thumbs down all the people you want, it doesn't change the fact that our God is one, and God alone.
Small problem. As long as scripture says family, God is one, with a family of holy spirits. Ephesians 3:15.
Joint heirs, brethren with the 2nd leg of a trinity, is STILL FAMILY.
If it took an immortal holy spirit to tell Mary she would be visited by the holy spirit, that makes God a quad, or family of God.
Consider the source of the trinity. Men in robes, concerned about job security, had to concoct a mystery to be depended on by congregations. Believe it.
PS. The holy spirit is created, not eternal, it's not my fault.
Col. 1:16, John 1too.
The Trinity is Catholic teaching and the Father is the only one YEHWEH and his Son the Messiah Christ is not God and he never said I am God, he said he was the only BEGOTTEN Son of God that the Father was working through him and he said that he could do nothing by himself, the Trinity is another God another Jesus and another spirit of antichrist, and just like in the garden the enemy said you shall not die? And Trinity says is God Almighty himself 1? Nope they say he's 3 in 1, and the Trinity is man made doctrine and contradiction galore, the Father never said anything about the Trinity, Jesus never said anything about the Trinity, the apostles never said anything about the Trinity and go ahead through another person who is the power and presence of God himself and make it a person and walla a Trinity of nothing in scripture and the Trinitarians are mislead Catholics and prodostents embrace them because they are trinitarians also, and the Father is the only true God. Game over Trinitarians are going to condemn because they think they can do anything with scriptures and twist and bend their bend their own god that's nowhere explained in the Bible, over and over the Father is the Almighty God and they have a god sandwich and can't figure out who's who and whats what because of the Trinity was invented by Catholics and the pope is the one that they are following and priest cardinal bishops, WOW what are they going to do when the Lord comes back? Nothing, they can run but not hide, Jesus was given all authority on heaven and earth, that's because he was exalted to the right hand of the Almighty his God is our God and Jesus has a God, and he was made Lord by his Father
I do honestly wonder if these people are still going to think Jesus Is God When They See Jesus next to god? Are they still going to think it's the same person?
The Catholic religion is so evil.
And it's sad that they don't realize how God was working through jesus, because God can work through us also! Jesus modeled everything that we can have with god. They miss out on that.
I agree the Father is God alone...tradition is stubborn
This line of questioning or inquery is based on a false premise. The presenter is assuming that majority is a sign of accuracy in addition to determining the parameters for the trinity to be true or false.
I specifically did not say that this proves Unitarianism, but that these statistics would be absolutely shocking if Trinitarianism were true. You're right that statistics do not prove the Trinity to be false, but they do provide strong evidence against it.
@biblicalunitarian Statistics are secondary to scriture. I liked how you down played John 20;28.
@@Eljanvierneun_25 they are not secondary, they are from the Scripture! if God tells you something thousands and thousands times He have a reason, don't you think?
@ Yep, exactly, the are statistics of the scriptures themselves, not separate from scripture.
@@biblicalunitarian i think you missed my point. Truth can't be based on numerical observations. I notice you are avoiding John 20;28
The TORAH states that KIND produces KIND… the SON is fully human because HE came from a human… the SON
is fully GOD because HE came from GOD… you’re teaching LAWLESSNESS.. Got Torah Got Truth
Statistics is a terrible exegetical method. What does the full text teach. That is all that matters.
“I go to MY God & YOUR God, to MY Father & YOUR Father.” Why would Jesus say this if HE Himself is God? “Who do YOU say that I am?” And Peter responded “You are the Christ, the SON of the living God.” Jesus answered “flesh & blood did not reveal this to you, but MY Father who is in Heaven.” Big difference between being God & being 1 with God. I am not my wife but I am 1 with my wife. Jesus says WE are supposed to know that WE are 1 even as He & the Father are 1. Does that make me YOU? No, but WE are 1 because we have 1 identity: sons of God. Brethren of Jesus Christ. Does that make us THE Christ? No, just like Jesus is not THE God. “Christ is the head of every man & God is the head of Christ.” We are Christ’s & Christ is God’s.
do you know what the full text teaches?
Read Gen3:15, followed by Deut18:18, followed by Jn8:40. followed by Acts2:22 to 36. followed by 1Tim2:5. Then 1Tim2:4.
We’re all things created through Christ?
@@BingoNamo-gb8pz Now before we answer the question could you tell me the verses that force Trinitarians into their views? How is it that I can have read these verses and not have rejected the Trinity. Do you know them?
@@ken440 I am aware of all those texts. Now tell me the texts that support my view. Why do I feel compelled to adopt the doctrine of the Trinity. Do you know those verses? You see, you asked me what the full text teaches and then only presented verses for one position.
Per Scripture Satan is the god of this eon. So Satan is a god but the Son is not? Let it not be coming to that! The real question is Is the Son the SUPREME God? Of course not.
His Son has a beginning (as in, In the beginning), neither His Father nor eternity do. His Son has a God His Father does not. His Son dies, the Supreme cannot die.
How do the trinnies get around this problem? They divide Christ. They say either only His body or His humanity died. Thus do they dishonor the beauty and simplicity of His word: He expired.
The trinnies hold to that other demonic doctrine, the immortality of the soul. Satan's first lie: Thou shall surely not die. One verse in Scripture should put both of these doctrines to rest. Isaiah 53:12, Concordant Literal: He empties out His soul to death.
The other verse that settles it for me? Colossians 1:15, again, Concordant Literal: He is the FirstBORN of every CREATURE. And the trinnies go wild!
This is a common fallacy among, I'll be polite, "unique" interpretations of scripture.
Like Muslims saying, "Where does Jesus say I am God," this fallacy assumes that if something is the case, then the terminology that they would use in their culture and understanding should be in the old text. And since their language or expectation is not met, it is false.
Other fallacies go along with this. One is assuming the intent of someone based on an absence of language. Someone in the comments suggested that people wanted to start worshiping Jesus at a certain time, which is both historically ignorant and shows a clear misunderstanding of basic biblical concepts.
Another feature of these unorthodox views, is a lack of the presence and Ministry of the Holy Spirit as scripture describes it in the New Testament. This doesn't mean everybody with that experience as correct doctrine everywhere, but it does demonstrate the personal receiving of something that God promised that he would send which is wholly and uniquely different than interaction and relationship with the father or with the Son. And this is actually the context by which Jesus said, when the Holy Spirit comes he will guide you into all truth. He said they couldn't bear all of the truth yet until they received the Holy Spirit in this New Covenant.
Again, this doesn't mean that someone with this experience knows all-remember the early church was figuring out their theology as they went along, but there were these and other things that were common in the minds of the 1st century Jew/church that antiTrinitarian proponents either miss or find a way to explain away.
One is Christ's most common self-referent of being the Son of Man and what Daniel 7 describes will happen. Because of how clearly this describes two separate beings, back in Daniel's day all the way up until the time of Christ there was a Doctrine called the two powers of Heaven. And you can look this up here or elsewhere.
It wasn't a majority perspective because there were a lot of ideas going on, but they saw that this one who looks like a son of man would also get Worship in his own kingdom and there were thrones next to Yahweh.
This led the 7th Century BC Jews to consider that there might be this other Messianic Davidic being who is Divine because this Son of Man receives worship - God declares it-and they knew that only God could receive worship. They had names for it like "Metatron" which sounds like a transformer but is much less robotic in it's original language.
So by the time of the 1st century, this idea was there, and Enoch which played a role in the general knowledge of Jews of the day (though not scripture) described this and other things referenced by Christ and Peter and Jude.
And go back and see how much this term meant to Jesus and how mad the Pharisees were when He used it. There's a reason. And it's not because hundreds of years later people might do something. It's because of what was written.
If your teacher didn't know that, or tried to explain it away, then they may have made a convincing argument to you.
There are more but I'll stop here. But if you look into the story of the unpardonable sin and a distinction Christ made, o rwhat happened with Jesus before He started his miracle ministry, and if you don't trip up on the terminology "Son of God" which did not express divinity which Bible study on those terms and the context provides-those will provide three rich areas of study by which you will see some of these low level claims of "word count" are not sufficient arguments.
There are things the gospel authors specifically did not say so that you the reader would lean in and figure it out. The Bible is not a dictionary or an encyclopedia. One example is how many times Jesus mentioned going to the father and complain that his disciples didn't ask about it. And John never records the answer. He leaves that question in the mind of the reader to determine what he was talking about. It's amazing.
OK love ya bless ya
Good video.
Why can’t the Father be the most high God and Jesus Christ be a God and the Holy Ghost be a God that are both subject to the Father?
The holy s spirit is not being called God in any way in 1 Corinthians 3:16.
So the disciples were idolaters and Jesus didn't think it important to correct them?
Jesus told everyone who he was, his disciples never worshiped him as god, he said the father is greater than him and he pointed people towards God. He said that the power he has comes from God and not of himself. He sent his disciples out to heal and perform Miracles as well, do you also worship them as god? I don't think so. ALSO, we can still do the manifestations of the spirit today. Learn who God is, who his son really is, and who the Holy Spirit really is. Because you're missing out on a transformed life, if you're thinking that God is his own father and son, or that he walked this Earth as a man. The Bible says that God is not a man and that he cannot lie. Jesus said he doesn't even know when he's coming back so if he's God that would make him a liar.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings go read the Bible and come back. You clearly haven't read the Gospels.
Start with John 1, then read John 3:16, read the rest of the Gospels, then check out Isaiah 9 and the book of Daniel.
After that, you can read Isaiah 53. Might as well read Revelation too.
What this content creator fails to understand is that it isn't a numbers game. Trinitarianism does not deny that God is one, but Unitarianism denies that God is triune. What does this mean? Every verse he listed to support his heresy supports the truth. Conversely, a single verse is all we need to know that Unitarianism is heresy.
@brianlamptey4823 sorry I'm past this now, I already know the truth and have a relationship with god. You go back and read the gospels. And also learn the history of when the Trinity came into play. Jesus and the apostles believed in no such thing. Jesus isn't God so I'm not going to go back and try to apply that to verses when I know otherwise after reading and understanding what they really say.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings Matthew 14:33 (ASV) And they that were in the boat worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.
Matthew 15:25 (ASV) But she came and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
Matthew 20:20 (ASV) Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee with her sons, worshipping [him], and asking a certain thing of him.
Matthew 28:9 (ASV) And behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and took hold of his feet, and worshipped him.
Matthew 28:17 (ASV) And when they saw him, they worshipped [him]; but some doubted.
Luke 24:52 (ASV) And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:
John 9:38 (ASV) And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.
Acts 10:25-26 (ASV) And when it came to pass that Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
But Peter raised him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man. (BN:Jesus never did this)
@@ThePeaceofWildThings I have listed just a few of the verses here, but you clearly need the entire Bible. Here's the simplest one:
John 1:1-5, 14 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
Abandon your heresy and worship the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
The problem with most Church Theology is the lack of understanding of the grammatical gender of both the Hebrew and Greek languages. In Hebrew all words have grammatical gender Feminine and masculine words and in Greek all Noun words are either Feminine, Masculine or Neuter words. The very first chapter of the Hebrew Bible makes it very clear Elohim a plural word used in a singular context consist of both Male and Female Spirit ELements. Genesis 1:26-28 Example in Hebrew the Word Spirit = Ruach is a Feminine noun word and in Greek -Spirit = pneuma is a neuter word that can mean She, He, It, They or Them depending on the Context. Another example in Hebrew is the Word Glory as in God's = Plural the Feminine word is Shekinah and the Masculine word for Glory is kavod yet both are the ELements of One God who is Spirit who consists of both a Father and Mother Image in whom all Humans are Created in the Image of. Once again Genesis 1:26-27 One other example is the New Testament words Grace in Hebrew = chen a Masculine noun and Faith = emunah a Feminine noun that must be in Unity and perfect balance to produce a Godly Child as was the Birth Of Jesus who was full of Grace Faith Truth. Even though the word Christian appears only 3 times in the bible few know the Greek meaning which is Christ = Anointed and Tian = Little and literally means A Little Anointed Child of Grace Father's Seed and Faith Mother or the Holy Spirit's Wisdom and Power. Both words Wisdom a feminine noun and Power a Masculine noun in Hebrew must become one United to produce spiritual Life. Are you aware the Hebrew word for Salvation is yeshuah a Feminine Hebrew Noun Word. The Greek word for salvation is soteria also a feminine noun. Think you for allowing me to comment and I hope my Comment is Helpful in some way. Grace Faith Hope and Divine Charity to you All AMEN
Great visuals! It’s just too bad Trinitarian Dogmatists have long abandoned basic hermeneutics (explicit overrides implicit) and God-designed common sense.
by what standard are your "basic hermeneutics" essential?
They abandoned everything, and hold fast to their own definitions and twisting of scripture. It's really sad because sometimes you just want to share something so basic with them but they can't grasp it or understand. Remember the devil is the author of confusion!
God is the Father. Jesus is the Son. Separate. God is the almighty God, but Jesus is a mighty god. Not the almighty God, but a mighty god. It's extremely straightforward, but churches have twisted it and caused many to believe that there is no separation and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one. 1 Timothy 2:5-6
So when Thomas says “my Lord & my God” is he saying Jesus is his “mighty god” or is he referring to The Almighty God? But more importantly is he calling Jesus “my God” or acknowledging he now knows God in the sense that “if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father” in other words now Thomas truly believes Jesus is the Son of God & everything Jesus spoke was “The God Almighty” speaking through Him & doing all the miracles through Him so essentially Thomas is thinking “now I know The God Almighty because Jesus is alive so clearly The God Almighty has been with Him all along”?
you are basing this mighty god theory on isaiah 9:6 "and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace".
In Isaiah 9 god prophesied people will call messiah god. And people do. He also prophecy people will reject his anoited one. Does that mean it's right by god?. No. But god never called yeshua god. or any name like this. thomas did. once. to glorify yeshua. and praise how much he represnt god .
but god never called yeshua god or anything meaning the same. god even called any person "god", in psalm 82:6. Which yeshua quote to explain he is NOT saying he is god.
The Bible uses plural pronouns for God many times. Anthony Rogers has a video called, Plurals Aplenty, that you should watch. The truth of God's multi-pwrsonal nature isn't refuted by the many instances of singular personal pronouns because the three persons share the same nature and attributes.
Furthermore, unitarians will never be able to explain passages like John 1 that teach that Jesus, as the pre-incarnate Word, eternally existed with God and was God. There are many other passages which simply cannot be reconciled to unitarianism.
hahaha😆 thanks. great video. the truth is funny
Thanks! Yep, once you see it, it's almost impossible to unsee it.
We need to continue to be persistent in shedding the light on this unbiblical doctrine that has blinded so many.
It all started in the fourth century, when the pagan catholic priests invented a new religion with three gods, a false Christ and a false gospel. They made it official in 381 AD. Believe it or die.
@MichaelTheophilus906 yeah it's sad how many people don't realize this and are still blinded by the Catholic religion. It's so anti-god and Anti bible. The good news is people can still learn of Jesus through it but they live a miserable life believing lies. Most of my family is Catholic and it's heartbreaking knowing how deceived they are and seeing the effects on their life.
The Trinity is not an unbiblical doctrine. Even if you think there is a better interpretation the Trinity interpretation is forced on us. Its not something that we want to be in scripture.
@blusheep2 it's forced upon people by man not scripture
@@ThePeaceofWildThings No. By scripture. I struggled for years over the Trinity because though I intellectually accepted it, I was afraid that I was giving a man the honor only God deserves. I cried before God over this. In the end what convinced me to move it from a mind belief to a heart belief was scripture. Once I examined all the scripture, together, not cherry picking, and not ignoring any, I couldn't help but accept it.
The one true God is the Father. And the Father, the one true God, is *love.* And the greatest demonstration of *love* is to lay down one's own life for others. So the Father, the one true God who is *love,* laid down his own life for us, by expressing himself on earth in genuine human form, as his own Son, the man Christ Jesus.
If you're willing to believe the Father *loves* you enough to have laid down his own life for you, then he will show you who he truly is. And his name is "Jesus".
God did not walk this Earth as a man, the Bible says that God is not a man and that he cannot lie. Please stop this nonsense. The Bible teaches us to put Faith in christ, the Bible does not say God sent himself it says he sent his son. God cannot die, you are greatly deceived.
I don’t think the trinity is in anyway biblical. But it’s clear from the Bible that Jesus Christ is also God; John 1:1,14. Isaiah 9:6.
Using this method is a little weak I'm afraid. There's the use in Hebrew of "Yachad" (sp?) which means a numerical "one" (one chair, one person) and there is "Echad" which means the plurality of "one." For example when all Israel spoke with "one" voice, or the two shall become "one" flesh, etc. "Here O Israel the Lord our God is One (Echad) God." The Bible also teaches that God is Love which implies plurality: for there is the Spirit of Love, the Lover, and the Beloved.
If you apply this Mike Winger clip to the Trinity, I think it nails it perfectly how the Trinity was developed.
It didn't take long to ruin Christianity. They started going astray around 100 AD. Too much Greek philosophy.
@@MichaelTheophilus906yeah I often think about the disciples and the apostles that walked with jesus, if they saw things like the Catholic church and The Trinity Dogma how horrified they would be.
Evidence is proof.
And THEE God, the Father is YHWH. ❤
The content creator seems to think that we should believe the data coming from the NT rather than later Church Fathers, Theologians and philosophers. But if we do that, then we would have to abandon, not only the Holy Trinity; but the immortality of the soul; hell fire and goodness knows how many unscriptural and pagan influences o the church.
You are right! And so many churches would have to close because they would no longer have any different theology from others. Empty buildings and wasted carparking space. Some of the really big ones might become supermarkets, further hurting the poor corner store!
We would have to endure Kenneth Copeland and John MacArthur running seminars together, called "friendly fire" and slapping each other on the back.
Mike Winger would no longer have anything to make videos about.
No more statements of faith to sign.... aaaargh !
lol what
If people actually read their Bibles they would leave the Catholic Church behind and that would be for the best. They would leave a lot of these harmful denominations. The doctrines of men have done so much harm. People need to get back to the Bible and Christ like thinking.
@@GraysonPulis He's right.
Those things are traditions of men.
Eternal torment in hell fire (along with going straight to heaven at death) is religious doctrine by the old roman catholics, to frighten the illiterate common folk to join the church, its about power building and politics.
Jesus Christ is still divine, he was created by God (YHWH) in the beginning as said in John 1, but it is clear that the Father and the Son are two separate beings, united in essence and vision through the spirit. Denying the trinity does not diminish the sacrifice of Christ, he is not just "a man" but the living Son of God. I argue that even Paul supports this in Romans 6: 3-7.
How can Jesus be created if he created all things? Colossians 1
John 1:1-18 is not a part of the story of the gospel. And not a quote of anyone in the gospel.
It's a opening by one of the "we" in John 21:24 that wrote this gospel based on johns testimony. You can see some of it just don't make sense. And it's not in qotetions marks.
Beter relay only on words of by prophet for essential doctrine
Genesis 1:26 "Genesis 1:26 KJV
[26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" God says "Let US". Then the angel of the Lord wrestling with Jacob which is the same Angel of the Lord who talked to Moses and then later in the 4 gospels Jesus transfigures with 'Moses' whoa and Elijah, Jesus also draws in the sand when he was approached by the law keepers and Pharisees to be stoned, ofc Jesus knew their true intent but also. In Exodus God wrote the commandments with his finger the same finger now writing in the sand and guys like the face of God standing right in front of them and they were so blinded by pride they just couldn't see it. John 8:58 clearly says before Abraham was I AM. Matthew 28:19. Is Clear use KJV. Its much more clearer, new translations take the words and twist them. I'll give an example. Use John 3:16, on all the translations, Gods word is not supposed to be twisted or reworded bc it was written in this way for a reason. KJV is the only bible that is perfect in every way (go to Truth is Christ Channel that brother does a good job explaining it). I agree we need to get back to basics but we also need to pray in these situations for God to guide us and lean not to thy own understanding.
Jesus is God, The blood of God atones for all sin. that is the bottom line. Moses blood, is not sufficient. He is a man, a prophet. NOT GOD.
"The blood of God atones for all sin. that is the bottom line". Any verse?
The trinity is real!!
Only in your imagination.
@ was a joke .
@@michaelbruce9197 there is no such thing as a trinity.
complete nonsense. unitarianism is just a product of your imagination. the evidence for the trinity is all through the bible, you just don't like it. if you have to ask where in the bible does it say that, then you need to go back and re-read everything. the trinity was taught from the very start in the scriptures and with the early church fathers to some degree.
You're in terrible error, you can learn when it came into play about 200 to 300 years after Christ was crucified.
What's complete nonsense is you think God is literally his own father and son and praying to himself, or that he can die.
Where does God say he is triune? Where does Jesus say he is the second member of the trinity God? Where does the apostle say God is triune?
@1trueGodtheFather 🙌
Wow what rubbish, using human logic to explain your understanding of God, one day when you see God which will be the face of Jesus you will have a chance to explain your own personal logic and say why it doesn’t add up, get a grip and read the word (which I think you may not even do) in its entirety, Islam uses a similar logic Jehovah witnesses use the similar logic, and yet we are supposed to come to Jesus as children it’s only when you surrender everything (yes that includes logic) you will arrive to all the answers you can deny the trinity till the cows come home but the truth will not go away,
No matter how much you say the Trinity is true it's not, I'm sorry I laughed when you said God is going to have Jesus's face. So when you see Jesus sitting next to God are they both going to have the same face? Are they going to be twins? What is this nonsense?
Haven't seen the video yet but could you do a video about the word "Elohim". It is plural yet singular yet plural.
This supports Trinity
elohim is plural or singular depending on the word behind it, I think
I'd recommend looking up videos on the Deuteronomy 32 worldview
Yes, Elohim is plural, you can look up the "majestic" or "honorific" plural in Hebrew if you are interested about it. The way that we can tell that Elohim, in reference to Yahweh, is not referring to multiple persons is that singular pronouns and verbs are used with Elohim thousands of times throughout the Old Testament. Dustin Smith has done significant work on this on his BiblicalUnitarianPodcast.
@@biblicalunitarian I shall check it out, thank you.
Another question, what do you think of the following verses and interpretation? Assuming that these refer to Jesus, he should be God right?
Proverbs 8:22-25 (Jesus existed before creation)
And then:
Psalm 22:10 KJV
[10] I was cast upon thee from the womb: Thou art my God from my mother's belly.
Since the Father is the God of all flesh, He became the God of Jesus when he was born in flesh according to Psalm 22:10. Jesus is not created when Mary was conceived because He preexisted according to proverbs 8:22-25.
This makes Jesus God right?
some of your premises and argument:
1. prov 8:22-25 refers to jesus
2. prov 8:22-25 refers to a person
3. prov 8:22-25 refers to something pre-existent
therefore, jesus is a pre-existent person.
this is a valid argument, because the conclusion can follow from the premises. however, 1 or more of your premises are incorrect.
for premise 1, prov 8:22-25 does not refer to jesus. the start of chapter 8 tells us that it is the character lady wisdom being talked about.
for premise 2, it is not a physical person being talked about, rather a personification, or a literary character, being talked about. no one thinks lady wisdom is a physical person.
premise 3 is true, ad arguendo.
That's why you believe in God's Son for eternal life, but not God?
What are you talking about? Of course you believe in god, and then you believe that God sent his son to die for your sins. You believe that he was raised from the dead.
@@ThePeaceofWildThings John 3:16 (NLT) “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Anyone who believes in God's one and only son will be saved. Why didn't he just say believe in God? Why didn't he say believe God sent him? Why do we just have to believe in Jesus?
Here's why:John 1:1, 14 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
To believe in the Son is to believe in God.
“Hear oh Israel, the Lord, your God is three in one.” Yeah, the Bible never says that. Which is precisely what it would have said 100 times if it were true.
@@brianlamptey4823 I'm really not sure what you're getting at still? What is your issue with these verses? What is your issue with people believing in both of them?
@ThePeaceofWildThings There is no issue on my side. If Jesus is God, it is to be expected. Unitarians on the other hand have to invent a new role for Jesus, who somehow brings salvation through belief in him.