Hey guys, at the time of making this I definitely undervalued Shadowflame, but it turns out this item is super OP. In the video I say pick up Horizon Focus almost 100% of the time but now I think it's pretty 50/50 between Shadowflame and Horizon Focus depending on how many squishies they have. Since the Solo Queue meta right now has so many squishy, low hp targets I'd lean towards Shadowflame at the moment but you can change depending on their champions.
You should try my build: Dark Harvest Sudden impact Eyeball collection Ravenous hunter Manaflow band Scorch Adaptive force x2 Hp or armor Build: Doran or tear starter Sorcerer boots Jeweled (+15% MR pen) Void staff Ludeen’s Shadow flame Tear upgrade either muramana or seraph’s D-cap
@@ewa_on_spotify the 4 items I mentioned are all heavy AP penetration, if anything, u don’t need that extra proc attack and just go for a straight Q or EQ one shot with a nice touch of sparkle on attack proc
Great video. Some additional tips and tricks from a Zoe OTP that I would like to add. Spell Thief (W) is incredibly strong early game. You can potentially take it level 1 if an invade fight breaks out. The amount of summoners you could possibly pick up can turn a level 1 fight or simply running into an enemy level 1 in the river or they''re far away from safety. Using ignite and flash for W procs you can run down most enemies. (Especially good if they use summoners as well that you can pick up.) For me in most cases, I take W level 2. If the RNG gods are with you, you get a balloon minion that can lead to a level 2 all in especially if they make the mistake of trying to trade with you. Even if you don't all in level 2, it's there immediately when you hit level 3 and level up your E. If you don't get a balloon minion, since you can get a W proc from ignite and flash with two passive auto procs, I think is a lot stronger all in especially since it is not skill shot reliant like with your E. (For example, in your laning against the LB. If you took W there and play it the exact same way feinting that you are looking for an E and she walks into the lane like that. She probably would have been dead to spell thief procs. If not Flash auto certianly would have killed her.) Two combos you can use that I don't believe you covered. A fast Q, E, Q will cancel the animation for the E making it much harder to react to. This is fairly niche but you can use it to catch out an opponent before a gank comes to land the E or probably the most useful case is to land sleeps through spell shields. (Nocturne or anyone with a banshees/edge of night.) The q will hit them first taking the spell shield then the E will hit them almost immediately after. It can help save your life if they are jumping on top of you. The other is the fast Q, R, Q. (Q backwards, immediately R, then immediately Q again. Flash can be added as well) This can catch a lot of people off guard and can be hard to dodge. Generally good for finishing off a low health enemies or just going for some quick poke onto someone. With Spell thief, if you pick up a summoner spell that you have. Flash for example. You can just press your regular flash key and it will consume the Spell Thief flash first. Making double flash combos easier to pull off. Also with her E, DOTS don't wake up or proc the double damage. Ignite is the best use of this, if you are committing to the all in and you land the E. You can ignite first for the movement speed to help better position yourself and you will have the three W procs ready for when you land your Q. (Fun fact, MF's ult counts as a DOT so a fun combo is putting someone to sleep and having the MF just ult them and they are asleep for almost the entire duration of her ult.) Portal Jump, since you alway go back to your position, can be used to block hooks or binds to save a teammate from getting hit. For example, Blitzcrank hook, you R in front of the teamate and tank the grab and before he can follow up with any other cc you will be back at your original position. You can even do it if you are alone against a Blitzcrank, you can try to R on top of him as he is casting the grab and will go back to your origninal position. (Not super reccommended cause you are squishy but the possibility is there) With Kayn R or Zed R where they are going to come out on top of you. You can try to R at the right time to force them into turret or over a wall and then you will go back to your original positiong with relative safety.
love playing zoe both support and midlane, but especially as a support because there's more summs to pick up and just the R over walls and to place down vision is underrated i'd say
I've recently picked up an zoe CDR build because the runes and itemization are pretty boring on zoe cause they are always the same. Other runes than the normal one: -Ingenious Hunter instead of ravenous hunter -Absolute focus and nimbus cloak for the second tree Items: Ludens > cdr boots > archangel staff > horizon focus > zhonyas ( depents) > Rabadons If you have the time for it, I would appreciate if you could give it a try and give feedback on how it worked out for you. Maybe we can figure out some changes for it. Have a great evening.
I've tried CDR heavy builds on Zoe before and they are pretty fun getting to spam so much, but I think the full pen builds fit Zoe's identity a bit more. That being said if you wanted to make this build viable/more fun I'd say swap absolute focus to celerity for more movespeed. Also swap horizon focus to Rabadon's 3rd if you want more damage, or Lich Bane 3rd if you want more movespeed!
Highly recommend give another try for relentless hunter. It’s gives u way more opportunity for picking enemy with q or e in team fights and skirmishers. Few precent of omniwamp useless on mages after recent nerfs. 13 % of movement speed out of combat with 10 % of ms from majays feels extremely good in mid game. Also hunter for cdr good with over glass and new crown. Give zed no way to one shot u
Super high quality video! More on Zoe's identity, when does she truly shine and what is your plan when going into a game as Zoe? Are you pretty much always looking for solokills and snowballing? Are you more of a roaming champion? Or is she more like a traditional mage that gets stronger as the game goes on or are you trying to end the game as early as possible? Like what are you playing for kinda?
Definitely look for solokills and to snowball the early game. You can roam when you have good opportunities but you shouldn't force it like you do on TF or other roaming champions. I think her strongest point is the early-mid game, she doesn't really fall off damage wise at any point but just in general there will be more skirmishes in early-mid that you can easily turn the tide of.
very divided between spellbook and electrocute builds, I feel like spell book is much more versatile but electrocute makes all ins feel so much more rewarding .
I like harvest cheap shot eyeball and treasure hunter with either mana flow and gathering or biscuit and time warp. For either more later game damage or more early survival.
I noticed that in both this and in the Syndra guide you recommend Ravenous. Since its been removed what do you suggest? Also, what us your opinion on Nimbus Cloak on Zoe?
On Syndra take ultimate hunter, on Zoe take Relentless Hunter? (the movespeed one). I think nimbus is good but normally I prefer the inspiration tree second. If you are taking sorcery then nimbus cloak is good.
Thank you for your guide Shok ill never figured out how to build her iteams, greatings from gearmany. :) now i how somothing to work with. Gl and have fun ill guess ^^
Hi Shok, I would like to know how you auto attack. For example I see you use attack move click(default on A) at 28:18. I assume you use right click to auto a lot more but i might be wrong. More importantly, what about during combos? At 28:32 you comboed q auto(minion) q auto(minion missed). I see you used attack move click on the minion missed but what about the first auto?
I'm asking since use attack move left click to auto attack. I feel like it doesn't matter when csing, but when comboing I would need to press more buttons to pull it off. For example, at 28:32 i would need to press q --> Attack move left click --> q --> attack move left click; this is alongside the right clicks to move zoe throughout the combo. Thanks for your help!
I dont know if you´re going to see this comment. But I have some questions. You cover laning and teamfighting. But what about midgame? when the rotations start and botlane goes mid. Sidelaning with Zoe is not good, as she has no escapes and is very vulnerable in sidelane. Would love to get your opinion on this.
Hey, quick question, in this video you say pick horizon focus almost 100 % but on mobafire you put shadowflame now into the standard build. Should I go shadowflame or horizon focus now?
Good catch, I definitely undervalued Shadowflame at the time of making this. I'd say now it's pretty 50/50, with maybe a slight edge towards Shadowflame if you get a lot of value from MPEN, and Horizon Focus if not.
I'm curious about what other zoe players thinks about dark harvest I tend to dislike electrocute's focus on 1v1 laning kills and i'm wondering if dark harvest couldnt be used as a easier to trigger and more teamfight oriented electrocute
Hi Shok. I really want to be a Zoe OTP and stuck silver 3. Seems like I played Zoe all this time as a traditional mage instead of assassin. I watched and rewinded several times and couldn't understand what you mean by going all in. Should I always let them push into me beforehand? If she can one shot champs from 80% health, how about do you suppose i go about it?. The video simply shows you beed skill 😂 which i struggle with sometimes. Everytime i do however walk towards auto attack based chanps or mages they poke and kill me the moment i try to punish their cooldowns. I was looking at nymbus cloak to help me menauver in the wave better to hrlp with running them down but im not sure how to go about it. I hope you will help me and apologies for yhe stupid questions. Hope your doing well :) and hear from you soon
Normally you're gonna get successful all ins by clearing the back wave of ranged creeps so they have nothing to hide behind, then wave forward and look for a bubble or R + bubble. It gets bit easier later in the lane since you eventually have enough power on your Q to one shot the backwave of ranged creeps.
thank you for this geat video. the lvl3 all it thing is definitly very real. do you think it makes sense to pick zoe EVERY SINGLE game? i do this and im in bronze. some matchups seem very unfair. abd when were behind theres is barely ever a turnaround.
I think it's fine to pick Zoe every game, there are some annoying matchups like you said so you could have another blind pick champion if your pool if it was a big issue but I think you can manage with Zoe
imo gathering storm just isn't really a rune until 20 minutes which is a pretty long time, and transcendence has decent value before that. If you want better scaling though gathering storm is for sure better
I think Relentless Hunter is probably the best now, although Ingenious Hunter could be good if you plan on building Everfrost. I think Relentless Hunter will probably return the most extra value though for the most part.
@@ShokLeague i would like to know if you will do a tier list but only taking into considerstion the spell kit, how good are thec hampions and not the pwtch, for exanple werlyb that is a pro player did a tier list like that,so it is good to watch that video anytime, doesnt matter the patch
I am currently looking to learn how to play zoe and i've recently heard that buying LichBane second since the recent buff is a really good option, is that true or kinda like clickbait for inexperienced zoe players?
I wouldn't really recommend it. Lich bane can be pretty good really late game on Zoe like 5th or 6th item but Shadowflame especially is a much better second item.
Hey Shok, if I get a point blank bubble and I am near them, should I ult backwards and then paddlestar OR run backwards to paddlestar and then ult forwards? I hope this makes sense. Thanks!
Good question! Paddlestar backwards in that case unless for some reason you need to do a quick Q (tenacity), then just Q without ult and use ult to chase them with an auto.
@@ShokLeague Do you think it is ever worth ulting backwards first to get more paddlestar distance? I'm just a bit confused because in my question you paddlestar backwards in both scenarios. It was more a question of the ult.
Every time he uses W for voidlings you can kill them all with your Q. He has no tools to stop you from just running at him with ignite and bubble since his shield is such a long cooldown. Also his q skillshot is easily dodgeable so he can't ever poke you down. After 6 the gank setup is annoying but you will still be able to 1v1 him easily.
Don't mean to be rude but this guide is surprisingly basic considering coming from a rank 1 challenger. If you title every video rank 1 guide then you should expect advanced players to be watching and these videos you are putting out are more like guide for beginners than "rank 1" guide. I suggest checking out LoL Dobby format and display some of your advanced tips and tricks as a rank 1.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to check it out. For the most part I've just included what I think is actually important to play Zoe to a high challenger level, but it's possible I've missed some stuff.
Hey guys, at the time of making this I definitely undervalued Shadowflame, but it turns out this item is super OP. In the video I say pick up Horizon Focus almost 100% of the time but now I think it's pretty 50/50 between Shadowflame and Horizon Focus depending on how many squishies they have. Since the Solo Queue meta right now has so many squishy, low hp targets I'd lean towards Shadowflame at the moment but you can change depending on their champions.
You should try my build:
Dark Harvest
Sudden impact
Eyeball collection
Ravenous hunter
Manaflow band
Adaptive force x2
Hp or armor
Build: Doran or tear starter
Sorcerer boots
Jeweled (+15% MR pen)
Void staff
Shadow flame
Tear upgrade either muramana or seraph’s
Power spikes at level 1,2,6,9, sorcerer, jewl, void staff, ludeen, shadow flame. Heavy poke in lane and clear the caster minions priority
@@ewa_on_spotify Decent as last item but not that good before then.
@@ewa_on_spotify the 4 items I mentioned are all heavy AP penetration, if anything, u don’t need that extra proc attack and just go for a straight Q or EQ one shot with a nice touch of sparkle on attack proc
Great video. Some additional tips and tricks from a Zoe OTP that I would like to add. Spell Thief (W) is incredibly strong early game. You can potentially take it level 1 if an invade fight breaks out. The amount of summoners you could possibly pick up can turn a level 1 fight or simply running into an enemy level 1 in the river or they''re far away from safety. Using ignite and flash for W procs you can run down most enemies. (Especially good if they use summoners as well that you can pick up.) For me in most cases, I take W level 2. If the RNG gods are with you, you get a balloon minion that can lead to a level 2 all in especially if they make the mistake of trying to trade with you. Even if you don't all in level 2, it's there immediately when you hit level 3 and level up your E. If you don't get a balloon minion, since you can get a W proc from ignite and flash with two passive auto procs, I think is a lot stronger all in especially since it is not skill shot reliant like with your E. (For example, in your laning against the LB. If you took W there and play it the exact same way feinting that you are looking for an E and she walks into the lane like that. She probably would have been dead to spell thief procs. If not Flash auto certianly would have killed her.)
Two combos you can use that I don't believe you covered. A fast Q, E, Q will cancel the animation for the E making it much harder to react to. This is fairly niche but you can use it to catch out an opponent before a gank comes to land the E or probably the most useful case is to land sleeps through spell shields. (Nocturne or anyone with a banshees/edge of night.) The q will hit them first taking the spell shield then the E will hit them almost immediately after. It can help save your life if they are jumping on top of you. The other is the fast Q, R, Q. (Q backwards, immediately R, then immediately Q again. Flash can be added as well) This can catch a lot of people off guard and can be hard to dodge. Generally good for finishing off a low health enemies or just going for some quick poke onto someone.
With Spell thief, if you pick up a summoner spell that you have. Flash for example. You can just press your regular flash key and it will consume the Spell Thief flash first. Making double flash combos easier to pull off. Also with her E, DOTS don't wake up or proc the double damage. Ignite is the best use of this, if you are committing to the all in and you land the E. You can ignite first for the movement speed to help better position yourself and you will have the three W procs ready for when you land your Q. (Fun fact, MF's ult counts as a DOT so a fun combo is putting someone to sleep and having the MF just ult them and they are asleep for almost the entire duration of her ult.) Portal Jump, since you alway go back to your position, can be used to block hooks or binds to save a teammate from getting hit. For example, Blitzcrank hook, you R in front of the teamate and tank the grab and before he can follow up with any other cc you will be back at your original position. You can even do it if you are alone against a Blitzcrank, you can try to R on top of him as he is casting the grab and will go back to your origninal position. (Not super reccommended cause you are squishy but the possibility is there) With Kayn R or Zed R where they are going to come out on top of you. You can try to R at the right time to force them into turret or over a wall and then you will go back to your original positiong with relative safety.
Lot of good info here! You're right those combos do have niche situations where they can be useful.
Great tips 😁
That's a very long comment..my guy.
Also informative..
I just started to learn Zoe for my S12 climb. I'm around Diamond mmr this is definitely helpful for me. Thanks man. Subbed + like.
Thanks homie, gl on the climb!
Im around silver mmr 😰
@@tonidenza4057 I'm playing for 6 years now.
love playing zoe both support and midlane, but especially as a support because there's more summs to pick up and just the R over walls and to place down vision is underrated i'd say
I've recently picked up an zoe CDR build because the runes and itemization are pretty boring on zoe cause they are always the same.
Other runes than the normal one:
-Ingenious Hunter instead of ravenous hunter
-Absolute focus and nimbus cloak for the second tree
Ludens > cdr boots > archangel staff > horizon focus > zhonyas ( depents) > Rabadons
If you have the time for it, I would appreciate if you could give it a try and give feedback on how it worked out for you. Maybe we can figure out some changes for it.
Have a great evening.
I've tried CDR heavy builds on Zoe before and they are pretty fun getting to spam so much, but I think the full pen builds fit Zoe's identity a bit more.
That being said if you wanted to make this build viable/more fun I'd say swap absolute focus to celerity for more movespeed. Also swap horizon focus to Rabadon's 3rd if you want more damage, or Lich Bane 3rd if you want more movespeed!
Highly recommend give another try for relentless hunter. It’s gives u way more opportunity for picking enemy with q or e in team fights and skirmishers. Few precent of omniwamp useless on mages after recent nerfs. 13 % of movement speed out of combat with 10 % of ms from majays feels extremely good in mid game. Also hunter for cdr good with over glass and new crown. Give zed no way to one shot u
I'll try out relentless hunter, definitely sounds like it could be better. Thanks!
Dude, this is such a boss video. Thank you
Super high quality video! More on Zoe's identity, when does she truly shine and what is your plan when going into a game as Zoe? Are you pretty much always looking for solokills and snowballing? Are you more of a roaming champion? Or is she more like a traditional mage that gets stronger as the game goes on or are you trying to end the game as early as possible? Like what are you playing for kinda?
Definitely look for solokills and to snowball the early game. You can roam when you have good opportunities but you shouldn't force it like you do on TF or other roaming champions. I think her strongest point is the early-mid game, she doesn't really fall off damage wise at any point but just in general there will be more skirmishes in early-mid that you can easily turn the tide of.
Great video, really nicely explained
You deserve more views tbh
Zoe , and Syndra are my favorite champions , two amazing guides nice joob;)
Very in depth video , thank you so much ❤️. U explained so nicely wht to take , why to take
You can cast the second direction of q on the same spot of the first cast for quick extra damage.
very divided between spellbook and electrocute builds, I feel like spell book is much more versatile but electrocute makes all ins feel so much more rewarding .
Yeah I think elec is better in soloq most of the time
I like harvest cheap shot eyeball and treasure hunter with either mana flow and gathering or biscuit and time warp. For either more later game damage or more early survival.
hey man, this is a really good guide, thank you
I noticed that in both this and in the Syndra guide you recommend Ravenous. Since its been removed what do you suggest? Also, what us your opinion on Nimbus Cloak on Zoe?
On Syndra take ultimate hunter, on Zoe take Relentless Hunter? (the movespeed one). I think nimbus is good but normally I prefer the inspiration tree second. If you are taking sorcery then nimbus cloak is good.
Thank you for your guide Shok ill never figured out how to build her iteams, greatings from gearmany. :) now i how somothing to work with. Gl and have fun ill guess ^^
Lets go Shok!
love u big man
Hi Shok, I would like to know how you auto attack. For example I see you use attack move click(default on A) at 28:18. I assume you use right click to auto a lot more but i might be wrong. More importantly, what about during combos? At 28:32 you comboed q auto(minion) q auto(minion missed). I see you used attack move click on the minion missed but what about the first auto?
I'm asking since use attack move left click to auto attack. I feel like it doesn't matter when csing, but when comboing I would need to press more buttons to pull it off. For example, at 28:32 i would need to press q --> Attack move left click --> q --> attack move left click; this is alongside the right clicks to move zoe throughout the combo. Thanks for your help!
I normally use A but sometimes I right click, I don't really think about it though its just natural at this point
Thank you Mr Shok for this guide :)
Dude i used to watch Ur name on dzukill stream i wished to see Ur youtube Channel now it popped good Luck buddy ❤️
I know this is a bit old, just wanna say minion demat feels sooooo good in certain matchups!
if u can plz make guides for orianna viktor leblanc
I dont know if you´re going to see this comment. But I have some questions. You cover laning and teamfighting. But what about midgame? when the rotations start and botlane goes mid. Sidelaning with Zoe is not good, as she has no escapes and is very vulnerable in sidelane. Would love to get your opinion on this.
I have a video in my road to rank 1 series that you might wanna watch, it deals a lot with sidelaning as Zoe in mid game
Great guide, very informative
Hey, quick question, in this video you say pick horizon focus almost 100 % but on mobafire you put shadowflame now into the standard build. Should I go shadowflame or horizon focus now?
Good catch, I definitely undervalued Shadowflame at the time of making this. I'd say now it's pretty 50/50, with maybe a slight edge towards Shadowflame if you get a lot of value from MPEN, and Horizon Focus if not.
@@ShokLeague Thanks :)
Love the videos Shok
Hey mate, it looks like the mobafire link in the description is broken. Great guide, thank you very much.
Thanks g, fixed it up.
Very good guide thank you
I'm curious about what other zoe players thinks about dark harvest
I tend to dislike electrocute's focus on 1v1 laning kills and i'm wondering if dark harvest couldnt be used as a easier to trigger and more teamfight oriented electrocute
imo electrocute is just better, but dark harvest is ok too
@@ShokLeague i see, i'll keep testing both in different drafts to see which is better for me then .w.
What a great video, how do you only have 430 subs?
Hi Shok. I really want to be a Zoe OTP and stuck silver 3. Seems like I played Zoe all this time as a traditional mage instead of assassin. I watched and rewinded several times and couldn't understand what you mean by going all in. Should I always let them push into me beforehand? If she can one shot champs from 80% health, how about do you suppose i go about it?. The video simply shows you beed skill 😂 which i struggle with sometimes. Everytime i do however walk towards auto attack based chanps or mages they poke and kill me the moment i try to punish their cooldowns. I was looking at nymbus cloak to help me menauver in the wave better to hrlp with running them down but im not sure how to go about it. I hope you will help me and apologies for yhe stupid questions.
Hope your doing well :) and hear from you soon
Normally you're gonna get successful all ins by clearing the back wave of ranged creeps so they have nothing to hide behind, then wave forward and look for a bubble or R + bubble. It gets bit easier later in the lane since you eventually have enough power on your Q to one shot the backwave of ranged creeps.
thank you for this geat video. the lvl3 all it thing is definitly very real.
do you think it makes sense to pick zoe EVERY SINGLE game? i do this and im in bronze. some matchups seem very unfair. abd when were behind theres is barely ever a turnaround.
I think it's fine to pick Zoe every game, there are some annoying matchups like you said so you could have another blind pick champion if your pool if it was a big issue but I think you can manage with Zoe
Im playing zoe to climb to iron 2
Thanks, see ya next time
great video
Awsome guide
high Quality content keep up the good work !
With the new tp nerf, is it still good on zoe? I actually dont know if with spellbook you get "unleashed teleport" or just regular one
Still decent since if you're taking TP on Zoe it's most likely just to help with your lane, not TPing to other lanes.
Is Transcendence really all that useful?
Wouldn't it be better to take gathering storm considering Zoe's cooldowns are already low as hell
imo gathering storm just isn't really a rune until 20 minutes which is a pretty long time, and transcendence has decent value before that. If you want better scaling though gathering storm is for sure better
I'm in iron 2 but I will only play zoe this year and will be the best zoe this world have ever seen
Love the confidence
I love this
How do you feel about dark harvest on Zoe? Do you think it is viable?
It's definitely viable, but I prefer electrocute
I understand this was made a while ago, ravenous is no longer a thing. What do you recommend instead?
I think Relentless Hunter is probably the best now, although Ingenious Hunter could be good if you plan on building Everfrost. I think Relentless Hunter will probably return the most extra value though for the most part.
Hi Shok. I'd like to know if you think vex is better than zoe as a champion, not taking into consideration the patch :)
Thank you
hmm I'd say probably not, they are kinda different tho it's weird to compare
@@ShokLeague i would like to know if you will do a tier list but only taking into considerstion the spell kit, how good are thec hampions and not the pwtch, for exanple werlyb that is a pro player did a tier list like that,so it is good to watch that video anytime, doesnt matter the patch
It just feels more consistent to me currently
how to get high farm like you on zoe? I barely have 100 cs in 20 minute
Gotta get ahead and stay ahead, once you fall behind on Zoe it's really hard to CS
does lich bane work with zoe? do you use it?
Decent as a last item but not that good before then.
I am currently looking to learn how to play zoe and i've recently heard that buying LichBane second since the recent buff is a really good option, is that true or kinda like clickbait for inexperienced zoe players?
I wouldn't really recommend it. Lich bane can be pretty good really late game on Zoe like 5th or 6th item but Shadowflame especially is a much better second item.
I love playing zoe as support, is this even a option or should i switch to midlane? My main role is support so…
Honestly it's not a bad support, it's just better mid. I think Zoe Syndra and LeBlanc are all decent supports.
@@ShokLeague thanks for your answer. Found out its a brutal comb with lilia as adc…sleep plus lilia W early is illegal
Hey Shok, if I get a point blank bubble and I am near them, should I ult backwards and then paddlestar OR run backwards to paddlestar and then ult forwards? I hope this makes sense. Thanks!
Good question! Paddlestar backwards in that case unless for some reason you need to do a quick Q (tenacity), then just Q without ult and use ult to chase them with an auto.
@@ShokLeague Do you think it is ever worth ulting backwards first to get more paddlestar distance? I'm just a bit confused because in my question you paddlestar backwards in both scenarios. It was more a question of the ult.
@@torvusdog7647 Sorry I just mistyped, I meant ult backwards in that case unless you need to do a quick Q (without ulting) for reasons above.
@@ShokLeague Thanks for the help! This is a really well made guide :D
Pffft, everyone knows Pekinwoof is the number 1 Zoe mid
how is malzahar "free"?
Every time he uses W for voidlings you can kill them all with your Q. He has no tools to stop you from just running at him with ignite and bubble since his shield is such a long cooldown. Also his q skillshot is easily dodgeable so he can't ever poke you down. After 6 the gank setup is annoying but you will still be able to 1v1 him easily.
@@ShokLeague thanks, i usually insta ban him so i was confused
I thought hextech flash was good to takes
Not that good since Zoe doesn't max W 2nd anymore
hey dont watch my old videos!
Don't mean to be rude but this guide is surprisingly basic considering coming from a rank 1 challenger. If you title every video rank 1 guide then you should expect advanced players to be watching and these videos you are putting out are more like guide for beginners than "rank 1" guide. I suggest checking out LoL Dobby format and display some of your advanced tips and tricks as a rank 1.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to check it out. For the most part I've just included what I think is actually important to play Zoe to a high challenger level, but it's possible I've missed some stuff.
Thank you so much!!! It helped me alot, subscribed!!! ❤❤❤