My only issue with friendly fire is early on without flinch free and my buddy thinks the most important move of the bow is raining rocks down on my head.
Aside from the bit about reducing buff timers if you swap to another weapon, I...think the thing they mentioned about HH is what they already did in the beta (nerfing Attack Up, buffing Self Improvement). Maybe? Idk, it was pretty vague. If that is the case it's kinda weird that they'd frame it as a 'new' post-beta change, but I guess it wasn't something everyone knew about so pocket horning was probably still brought up a lot in the community feedback. We'll see. They kinda can't reduce Attack Up any more without making it worthless to share with others, so I wouldn't expect nerfs. Maybe they'll boost the effects for the dooters themselves instead?
@@TornaitSuperBird that's definitely looking like it'll be a result of this. If we can only lose 4-10% attack to use some of the useful but rarely used song lists without Attack Up it'll be great for variety. Or maybe we wouldn't even have to 'lose out' at all if they just gave Horns without Attack Up more raw attack 🤷🏾♂️ I'm sure they're in a bit of an interesting spot though, trying to balance HH in all these different directions... variety within the class itself, buffing the weapon as a whole without making it too strong when you consider song boosts, trying to avoid it becoming the go to secondary weapon, etc
As a greatsword main, ive always thought a brief amount of hyper armor on the 2nd slash of TTS would be fun to time. Now that every offset attack also has hyper armor it seems even less agregious to see it on the super. You said getting full release off wasn't that hard to find your opening, and if it's not that hard already, then being able to time your ultras on their attacks is an equal amount of skill expression imo
I think the hyper armor for that move on switch axe, now fully animation locks you into that big move. Making it so you can't get saved by a player hit, or a weaker monster hit before a one shot. Which could be the case for hyper armor on other weapons. But being able to trade attacks with monsters, would be a lot of fun. It's just that players will be extremely efficient, overusing some mechanics.
It seems like everyone has forgotten that friendly fire is essential to the game, the reason why I say this is because friendly fire can potentially save you or a team member from being asleep, stunned or paralyzed
Although they didn’t talk much about PC performance, I‘m positive, that they‘ll get it in a decent state until launch. While the beta certainly had some performance issues, it was already more stable than DD2 is currently, at least on my PC.
Realistically speaking I've never played a Monster Hunter game where I've liked every decision they've made with it, and when you expect your game to eventually be sold to 30 million players it's going to be hard to appeal to everyone. Personally wish they went in a different direction with swaxe but you had to dedicate so many skills specifically to it in World just to be somewhat in the same power level as other weapons that I don't mind them trying to make FRS more of a crazy power move. Ideally I think hyperarmor could come at the cost of more damage taken maybe! But it's also low rank monsters and those haven't hit hard since like FU, even by Portable 3rd they were extremely neutered, and we also only saw a very basic punch attack hit it so it's to be seen to what extent the hyper armor applies.
The only skills you need in world are power prolonger and evade window but you take eveade window with almost every weapon anyway. And those skills don't even "increase power". Swaxe is a beast in world
Happy about the pocket hunting horn nerf. It kinda went against the whole point of bringing multiple weapons cause most people would always run hh for buffs, so at least now hunting horn players got to keep their niche
Infinite Nikki is a Gacha but the gambling is for clothes. Gameplay wise it's a cross between Mario, Breath of the Wild and Genshin Impact. It is not an MMO in any capacity. My girlfriend has been playing so I've seen some of it first hand.
All these people afraid of RNG is bothering me. To me RNG is precisely what makes World fun. As IG main, I WANT Power prolonger. I WANT Protective polish, or razor sharp. But I DONT have them. So I make do of what I already have. And then, when I acutally get what I need, it was such an exciting moment! I then spend a good time re-decor my armors. To me this is a very addicting gameplay loop. If I can just keep farming one monster and get all the gems I want, then where is the fun? Plus fighting that same monsters is gonna ger old real quick.
All these people wanting to do a mindless grind with no guarantee whatsoever are bothering me. I'm ok with RNG as long as there's a long but certain way to get what we want. If we get earlier through RNG, great, if not, at least give me a light at the end of the tunnel.
For Switchaxe it shouldn’t have hyper armor because the moveset already depends on it for good dmg, look at SA speedruns they spam FRS. I think they should incentivize using the other moves more, the counters keep the same frame timing but improve dmg reduction.
The only reason people spammed FRS in the beta was because the entirety of SA moveset was complete garbage in comparison. It didn't feel good at all. People will be more incentivised to use the other moves now because they buffed them. And honestly hyper armor makes it more risky. You won't be saved by knockback, so if you eat a monster's combo or big attack you'll still get vaporized probably
Personally I think making hitstop and attacks feel weightier while also removing launching and a lot of friendly fire mechanics seems counter intuitive as the hits feel harder but they do nothing against teammates
I fine it interesting that you were rude to me saying no this is non-negotiable saying I'm soft this that and the other but once they said they were taking it out your tone changed then you offer advice and solutions and the reasons why you think it should stay that I can see were you are coming from now kinda odd from my point of view
@@rurikhan I think they're referring their speech in a manner as when someone says "you guys" and the person in the receiving group addresses it personally, not exactly meaning that you deliberately addressed OP directly. They're probably talking about the friendly fire issue, but I can't say for certain either as they didn't specify that in their comment. If this *is* about the friendly fire issue, I'm gonna say that I'm on the opposite side of the argument from you and disagree with some of your takes on it. The way I see it, it's not exactly about making the game easier or anything related to skill expression, it's about FREEDOM OF GAMEPLAY. I wanna be free to enjoy my weapon how I want without the constant bashing and ranting from others. It's either "damned if you do, damned if you don't" just existing makes ppl scowl at me, I've gotten either lots of criticism for just joining a lobby or I straight up get kicked for no reason. I try to simply play and have fun using take advantage of what I'm offered, but I become a hinderance to others, so I avoid using certain moves for nearly an entire hunt and end up feeling somewhat unsatisfied and just starved for "that one opportunity" to use "that one cool move". Even if I try to please ppl and do my best to not flinch ppl (which happens anyway in one way or another), I still get hate. On one hand I understand friendly fire issue not so much of a big deal but on the other I do understand the annoyances that sometimes overwrite the engagement. If I try to see it from the devs POV, this is something that's become too large of an issue to ignore, and I agree. Like children play-fighting until a real fight breaks out, then the adults have to step in (not saying that the players are childish, but they damn sure act like it sometimes). I've gotten to the point where I just feel more bitter to play online and just prefer to play with ppl I know whenever they are available, or just play alone entirely. Sometimes I've even gotten so petty over needless criticism mid hunt that I straight up just start half-assing the entire time, basically making the fight a three-man hunt. This friction is most likely what the directors have started to noticed and want to address in time before it's too late. Thank god Monster Hunter has yet to implement some sort of post-hunt damage result stat detailing who did how much dmg (WHICH THEY SHOULD NEVER DO IN MY OPINION) because that's another can of worms that'll become another point of needless hate
I wanna know if it's gonna be like mh world having to hunt a monster before inviting ur friend. Or if we can play the whole campaign coop without having to play to a cutscene before inviting friends
Your predictions were hilllarious! You're obviously paid by Capcom 😂😂😂 ( meant as a joke) It's good that you still laugh alot and are such a funny dude. It's healthy! Also, did Jonno switch from s&s to pun master?
why is he complaining about the hunting horn changes? does he want literally everyone to have to bring hh as secondary because playing attack up xl and switching to your main weap is just obviously busted?
I agree that monsters flee to much.. we already have a clutchclaw.. why can't we have a mechanic to grab the foot to keep it from leaving.. more people who clutch keeps it from moving until it goes into rage mode... just an idea
I dislike how they handled the weapon changes tbh, especially switch axe. They completely missed the point. Full release slash had to be nerfed (or rather regular moves buffed) because it was the only way to deal significant damage. FRS was already satisfying but way roo strong compared to the rest of the moveset. The decision to have IGs control as a "necessary evil" is just absurd. Rhis will make people not play it when it feels miserable to play in terms of controls. Lance and sns changes look good tho. Also the friendly fire situation is not great either
When the streamer refuses to finish reading the sentence causing an echo chamber of viewers losing their ability to read as well lmao. Stop complaining about bow.
@@rurikhanto be fair you're pretty critical of changes for a mass audience. They want to expand their player base, they aren't catering to Monster Hunter vets exclusively. It's pretty similar to fighting games in that aspect, where new games always make changes that OG players don't like but it's usually to net a wider audience.
Maybe they can make a toggle for hyper armor, those who want it check it on those who don't can check it off. Play specifically as you want and don't concern how others play
I saw no one else mention bow sound effects being weak as feedback during the beta, and it was so obviously in need of improvement that it became my main focus when providing feedback. I'm super happy they beefed them up and it now sounds much more punchy and satisfying!
Personally I believe that enjoyability of gameplay should always be prioritized above expression of skill. Skill is important and rewarding but sharpening is not a fun skill to develop nor is it particularly engaging. I say keep the skill expression in the fighting part of the hunt. Just my opinion.
Seriously Ruri, you cry about being able to sharpen your weapon on a mount, but then you're sad when they nerf bringing hunting horn as a pure stat stick? Having a good HH player in the party is still going to rock.
@@rurikhan I mean you went "He's talking about pockethorning? Noooo, don't nerf that." And then later after he explained more in detail you said you don't know how to feel about that. I just really don't understand how you keep insisting that the sharpening on a mount is so terrible for balance but then you're reluctant to see pockethorning nerfed.
These two things are completely unrelated and with the current implementation of sharpening I already said I no longer care if you can sharpen on a mount because sharpening as a whole has been made so incredibly easy it’s barely even a mechanic anymore.
@@rurikhan Okay, you're right, I was maybe a bit too focused on the sharpening thing. I still don't get why you reacted so disappointed over the hunting horn changes. It just seems unlike you.
I'm just as disappointed as you and Gaijin on their stance with the Insect Glaive controls. I hope we can raise awareness before release that this isn't a balance issue, as it's an issue that only occurs with a controller and not with keyboard and mouse. For context for those who aren't yet aware, Insect Glaive has a new attack (Descending Slash) that is charged up by holding the right face button and executed when the button is released. The issue arises in that while you are charging you can still perform normal attacks using the top face button and, when in Focus Mode, turn the camera with the right stick to target your attacks, and all three of these actions are normally performed using your right thumb, meaning you can't do all three simultaneously without changing to a claw grip. The reason this isn't a balance issue is because this issue doesn't exist at all when playing with keyboard and mouse. The three actions above are performed with right click, left click, and moving the mouse, respectively, none of which interfere with each other. It cannot "add depth to the gameplay" when it's only "tricky to pull off" with one of the game's two primary control setups and not the other. As suggested elsewhere, the easiest way to mostly fix this is to allow the use of R1 (normally Focus Attack) to have the same function as the button that needs to be held down. Tapping R1 would still result in a Focus Attack when in Focus Mode, but holding R1 would either charge the Kinsect if aiming the Kinsect or charge up Descending Slash otherwise. (Using Focus Attack while charging Descending Slash could still be performed by pressing the right face button under this control scheme.) This change would also have no problem existing simultaneously with the existing control scheme, as holding R1 currently does nothing, and the only downside is that Focus Attack would be a few frames slower since it would have to wait for R1 to be released to know if the input was a tap or a hold.
@@lonnessvalenna3595 I don't claim ownership of this solution (some of the details are mine, but the overall idea has been floating around for a while), so feel free to share this around. I think I have a more fleshed out version of this somewhere in the comments of Rurikhan's "The Insect Glaive Problem" video, but I can't find it right now.
Saying they're keeping this way as a skill expression thing is just a lie. They problably don't know how to make it better without messing up other moves, albeit your solution is good we don't know if how they programmed focus mode allow them to do something like that and how much they'd need to change the code in case it doesn't. When devs who usually listen use a bare bones excuse like that it's because they don't really plan on changing it for whatever reason
I assure you, at this point there’s no more raising awareness, the devs know exactly what the issue is and made a conscious decision not to act on it. I disagree with that decision, but I’ll respect it.
@@rurikhan If it's a canned response and they do in fact know what the actual issue is, then I think it's still worth keeping up the pressure. The Monster Hunter team does listen to feedback, and giving up on the pressure absolutely guarantees that it won't be fixed. If, however, their response is actually genuine and can be taken at face value, then they clearly don't understand what the actual issue is, and it is therefore still worth trying to bring that to their attention. It doesn't hurt to keep trying.
@spooky8662 I saw that later on in the video. It's widely gone but they decided to do the dumbest in between and make hammer knock people down. So I guess grieving is still gonna be on the menu for scumbags great
Friendly fire is fun in a game like Helldivers, but friendly fire in MH would suck ass the amount of sweeping attacks and the clunky nature of it all would make it a pain. I feel like some people confuse frustrating gameplay with fun gameplay lol.
Honestly it was fun in older games. Like MH4U me and my friend were launching each other to get mounts or just some aerial attacks in. In MHXX same thing. It was more fun than annoying. And all the people i played with either already knew good positioning or learned it in the hunt.
@@crisscore157 Give people the chance to be asshole and the way the gaming community is today, they will chose to be assholes lol. I just don't want to deal with it, it's just not fun to have my time wasted and fun killed.
I firmly disagree with the notion that everyone in the gaming community are assholes. And it’s also quite telling that you’re willing to ruin everyone else’s fun in a very self serving manner. (Bare in mind from my data a large majority of hunters prefer friendly fire)
Ruri. Full release isn't even swax strongest attack in time use. Also SWAX already had hyper armor moves in rise 👀👀 and if you didn't watch your hp you would stun yourself or cart from not paying attention to your hp
More options is always the best way to go. To satisfy the older players who enjoy the older games, and the new players who want a more casual experience. Give players more toggle options for lobbies to tailor their experience for their own tastes.
Not changing the insect glaives control set up? So only this intersex person born with a 2ed thumb i know on there hands is the only one that can truely master the insect glaive. Sad day.
So basically they haven’t adressed any of the actual problems IG has, horrendous controls and mandatory triple up for the strong moveset. If they are so adamant and arrogant about their shitty design choices then it’s money better spent elsewhere.
I’m gonna say the real reason they’re not releasing another demo is because of what’s happening to the Witcher 4 and felt a taste of it during the performance backlash lol
@ Witcher 4 got a lot of criticism from just a trailer featuring ciri as the new lead over Geralt. I’m making fun of how horrible people can get over something as simple and insignificant as that. Now imagine a whole entire beta. People did get out of control over the matter of performance. In all honesty I believe when Tokuda says releasing another demo wouldn’t be much help because it would be relatively similar to the first demo but I enjoy making fun of the state of the games industry and the rabid fans on occasion. We on the same page now?
My only issue with friendly fire is early on without flinch free and my buddy thinks the most important move of the bow is raining rocks down on my head.
Biggest change for me was lance. Now we’re eating good.
Since they are making this game easier, I really hope the monsters will kick our asses and be vicious like no other
Just out of interest, what other MH games have you played so far?
@resetzz984 i have played Tri, World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak a little bit of 4
All these buffs to insect glaive but leaving the controls jank? I don’t get it
Ahhhhhh loving the main theme ❤❤❤
Aside from the bit about reducing buff timers if you swap to another weapon, I...think the thing they mentioned about HH is what they already did in the beta (nerfing Attack Up, buffing Self Improvement). Maybe? Idk, it was pretty vague. If that is the case it's kinda weird that they'd frame it as a 'new' post-beta change, but I guess it wasn't something everyone knew about so pocket horning was probably still brought up a lot in the community feedback.
We'll see. They kinda can't reduce Attack Up any more without making it worthless to share with others, so I wouldn't expect nerfs. Maybe they'll boost the effects for the dooters themselves instead?
They probably will boost the effects for HH users. My guess is they're doing this to make other horns more viable.
@@TornaitSuperBird that's definitely looking like it'll be a result of this. If we can only lose 4-10% attack to use some of the useful but rarely used song lists without Attack Up it'll be great for variety. Or maybe we wouldn't even have to 'lose out' at all if they just gave Horns without Attack Up more raw attack 🤷🏾♂️
I'm sure they're in a bit of an interesting spot though, trying to balance HH in all these different directions... variety within the class itself, buffing the weapon as a whole without making it too strong when you consider song boosts, trying to avoid it becoming the go to secondary weapon, etc
As a greatsword main, ive always thought a brief amount of hyper armor on the 2nd slash of TTS would be fun to time. Now that every offset attack also has hyper armor it seems even less agregious to see it on the super.
You said getting full release off wasn't that hard to find your opening, and if it's not that hard already, then being able to time your ultras on their attacks is an equal amount of skill expression imo
I think the hyper armor for that move on switch axe, now fully animation locks you into that big move. Making it so you can't get saved by a player hit, or a weaker monster hit before a one shot.
Which could be the case for hyper armor on other weapons. But being able to trade attacks with monsters, would be a lot of fun. It's just that players will be extremely efficient, overusing some mechanics.
Very disappointed in their controls decision for IG.
It seems like everyone has forgotten that friendly fire is essential to the game, the reason why I say this is because friendly fire can potentially save you or a team member from being asleep, stunned or paralyzed
I mean they made your palamute and cat be able to do that in rise. It's not necessary
A lot of us are still wanting a potential new weapon or weapons a post on Reddit has shown staggering results.
i hope lance will get more "drill-like" attacks like the new move in the future.
For those who don’t know the reason why the performance mode looks blurry is because there’s a monster walking in the background
There was a tactical value to being launched into the sky. You could slam back down depending on your weapon.
specially now with sns fokus attack midair to get the wound on the back...
Although they didn’t talk much about PC performance, I‘m positive, that they‘ll get it in a decent state until launch.
While the beta certainly had some performance issues, it was already more stable than DD2 is currently, at least on my PC.
Realistically speaking I've never played a Monster Hunter game where I've liked every decision they've made with it, and when you expect your game to eventually be sold to 30 million players it's going to be hard to appeal to everyone. Personally wish they went in a different direction with swaxe but you had to dedicate so many skills specifically to it in World just to be somewhat in the same power level as other weapons that I don't mind them trying to make FRS more of a crazy power move. Ideally I think hyperarmor could come at the cost of more damage taken maybe! But it's also low rank monsters and those haven't hit hard since like FU, even by Portable 3rd they were extremely neutered, and we also only saw a very basic punch attack hit it so it's to be seen to what extent the hyper armor applies.
The only skills you need in world are power prolonger and evade window but you take eveade window with almost every weapon anyway. And those skills don't even "increase power". Swaxe is a beast in world
I switched to bow main after the Beta and now I'm drfintly sticking with it
Making helicoptering give damage boosts is pretty hype, mosquito builds stay winning
Lance is SO back 😭😭
23:17 woah woah woah, ruri dont forget changing the enemy ai for optimal runtimes and convenience
Happy about the pocket hunting horn nerf. It kinda went against the whole point of bringing multiple weapons cause most people would always run hh for buffs, so at least now hunting horn players got to keep their niche
Just make aiming your insect and focus mode one in the same for insect glaive..
Infinite Nikki is a Gacha but the gambling is for clothes. Gameplay wise it's a cross between Mario, Breath of the Wild and Genshin Impact. It is not an MMO in any capacity. My girlfriend has been playing so I've seen some of it first hand.
Infinite Nikki also does have combat, when my GF needs help I sometimes take over for her.
This all sounds great to me. I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none. But i do love the swag axe and doot stick.
Rui's take on friendly fire and teamwork embodies the true spirit of monster hunter i think a lot of other people fail to acknowledge.
Exactly! The shenanigans of friendly fire is just another unique quirk that I enjoy of monster hunter 😁
All these people afraid of RNG is bothering me. To me RNG is precisely what makes World fun. As IG main, I WANT Power prolonger. I WANT Protective polish, or razor sharp. But I DONT have them. So I make do of what I already have. And then, when I acutally get what I need, it was such an exciting moment! I then spend a good time re-decor my armors. To me this is a very addicting gameplay loop. If I can just keep farming one monster and get all the gems I want, then where is the fun? Plus fighting that same monsters is gonna ger old real quick.
All these people wanting to do a mindless grind with no guarantee whatsoever are bothering me.
I'm ok with RNG as long as there's a long but certain way to get what we want. If we get earlier through RNG, great, if not, at least give me a light at the end of the tunnel.
go play mobile gacha games or something nobody gonna bother you
For Switchaxe it shouldn’t have hyper armor because the moveset already depends on it for good dmg, look at SA speedruns they spam FRS. I think they should incentivize using the other moves more, the counters keep the same frame timing but improve dmg reduction.
The only reason people spammed FRS in the beta was because the entirety of SA moveset was complete garbage in comparison. It didn't feel good at all. People will be more incentivised to use the other moves now because they buffed them. And honestly hyper armor makes it more risky. You won't be saved by knockback, so if you eat a monster's combo or big attack you'll still get vaporized probably
In regards to friendly fire, I’m pretty certain that you can roll right out of that animation where you fall on your butt. Could be wrong tho
Idk if its just me but Patrick feels like a Bald Light Rurikhan an Rurikhan feels like a Haired Dark Patrick
Personally I think making hitstop and attacks feel weightier while also removing launching and a lot of friendly fire mechanics seems counter intuitive as the hits feel harder but they do nothing against teammates
non issue.
I fine it interesting that you were rude to me saying no this is non-negotiable saying I'm soft this that and the other but once they said they were taking it out your tone changed then you offer advice and solutions and the reasons why you think it should stay that I can see were you are coming from now kinda odd from my point of view
I have no idea what you’re talking about, sorry you felt I was rude to you.
@@rurikhan I think they're referring their speech in a manner as when someone says "you guys" and the person in the receiving group addresses it personally, not exactly meaning that you deliberately addressed OP directly. They're probably talking about the friendly fire issue, but I can't say for certain either as they didn't specify that in their comment.
If this *is* about the friendly fire issue, I'm gonna say that I'm on the opposite side of the argument from you and disagree with some of your takes on it. The way I see it, it's not exactly about making the game easier or anything related to skill expression, it's about FREEDOM OF GAMEPLAY. I wanna be free to enjoy my weapon how I want without the constant bashing and ranting from others. It's either "damned if you do, damned if you don't" just existing makes ppl scowl at me, I've gotten either lots of criticism for just joining a lobby or I straight up get kicked for no reason. I try to simply play and have fun using take advantage of what I'm offered, but I become a hinderance to others, so I avoid using certain moves for nearly an entire hunt and end up feeling somewhat unsatisfied and just starved for "that one opportunity" to use "that one cool move". Even if I try to please ppl and do my best to not flinch ppl (which happens anyway in one way or another), I still get hate. On one hand I understand friendly fire issue not so much of a big deal but on the other I do understand the annoyances that sometimes overwrite the engagement. If I try to see it from the devs POV, this is something that's become too large of an issue to ignore, and I agree. Like children play-fighting until a real fight breaks out, then the adults have to step in (not saying that the players are childish, but they damn sure act like it sometimes). I've gotten to the point where I just feel more bitter to play online and just prefer to play with ppl I know whenever they are available, or just play alone entirely. Sometimes I've even gotten so petty over needless criticism mid hunt that I straight up just start half-assing the entire time, basically making the fight a three-man hunt.
This friction is most likely what the directors have started to noticed and want to address in time before it's too late. Thank god Monster Hunter has yet to implement some sort of post-hunt damage result stat detailing who did how much dmg (WHICH THEY SHOULD NEVER DO IN MY OPINION) because that's another can of worms that'll become another point of needless hate
I wanna know if it's gonna be like mh world having to hunt a monster before inviting ur friend. Or if we can play the whole campaign coop without having to play to a cutscene before inviting friends
If I'm not mistaken they already said a while ago that it would not function like World's co-op
@partydeer1640 gotcha so ur thinking just coop start to finish?
Your predictions were hilllarious!
You're obviously paid by Capcom 😂😂😂 ( meant as a joke)
It's good that you still laugh alot and are such a funny dude. It's healthy!
Also, did Jonno switch from s&s to pun master?
Yuya positioning his glasses with his middle finger is very distracting in a funny way.
why is he complaining about the hunting horn changes? does he want literally everyone to have to bring hh as secondary because playing attack up xl and switching to your main weap is just obviously busted?
I agree that monsters flee to much.. we already have a clutchclaw.. why can't we have a mechanic to grab the foot to keep it from leaving.. more people who clutch keeps it from moving until it goes into rage mode... just an idea
Ruri they didn’t say sword mode was too hard they said axe mode was. And savage axe spam is stronger than FRS
I dislike how they handled the weapon changes tbh, especially switch axe. They completely missed the point. Full release slash had to be nerfed (or rather regular moves buffed) because it was the only way to deal significant damage. FRS was already satisfying but way roo strong compared to the rest of the moveset. The decision to have IGs control as a "necessary evil" is just absurd. Rhis will make people not play it when it feels miserable to play in terms of controls. Lance and sns changes look good tho. Also the friendly fire situation is not great either
When the streamer refuses to finish reading the sentence causing an echo chamber of viewers losing their ability to read as well lmao. Stop complaining about bow.
Ya’ll really cling on to every little interaction I have on stream like it’s one big statement.
@@rurikhanto be fair you're pretty critical of changes for a mass audience. They want to expand their player base, they aren't catering to Monster Hunter vets exclusively. It's pretty similar to fighting games in that aspect, where new games always make changes that OG players don't like but it's usually to net a wider audience.
Is he not allowed to have some fun?
I don’t see where it’s blurry in the PS five footage. It looks really great. Then again I’m not a really big graphics are everything guy.
It looked and played fine on Ps5. People like Maxdood always whine about graphics when he has to have 4k, 120 fps lol
Maybe they can make a toggle for hyper armor, those who want it check it on those who don't can check it off. Play specifically as you want and don't concern how others play
I saw no one else mention bow sound effects being weak as feedback during the beta, and it was so obviously in need of improvement that it became my main focus when providing feedback. I'm super happy they beefed them up and it now sounds much more punchy and satisfying!
friendly fire got nerfed
Welp, gonna have to MnK this one.
RIP fastball specials. Time of death, OBT
I'm not a fan of all the hyper armor, I want Monster Hunter to be challenging, hopefully they don't water it down too much.
Personally I believe that enjoyability of gameplay should always be prioritized above expression of skill. Skill is important and rewarding but sharpening is not a fun skill to develop nor is it particularly engaging. I say keep the skill expression in the fighting part of the hunt. Just my opinion.
Seriously Ruri, you cry about being able to sharpen your weapon on a mount, but then you're sad when they nerf bringing hunting horn as a pure stat stick? Having a good HH player in the party is still going to rock.
I barely talked about hunting horn, wdym?
@@rurikhan I mean you went "He's talking about pockethorning? Noooo, don't nerf that." And then later after he explained more in detail you said you don't know how to feel about that. I just really don't understand how you keep insisting that the sharpening on a mount is so terrible for balance but then you're reluctant to see pockethorning nerfed.
These two things are completely unrelated and with the current implementation of sharpening I already said I no longer care if you can sharpen on a mount because sharpening as a whole has been made so incredibly easy it’s barely even a mechanic anymore.
@@rurikhan Okay, you're right, I was maybe a bit too focused on the sharpening thing. I still don't get why you reacted so disappointed over the hunting horn changes. It just seems unlike you.
I'm just as disappointed as you and Gaijin on their stance with the Insect Glaive controls. I hope we can raise awareness before release that this isn't a balance issue, as it's an issue that only occurs with a controller and not with keyboard and mouse.
For context for those who aren't yet aware, Insect Glaive has a new attack (Descending Slash) that is charged up by holding the right face button and executed when the button is released. The issue arises in that while you are charging you can still perform normal attacks using the top face button and, when in Focus Mode, turn the camera with the right stick to target your attacks, and all three of these actions are normally performed using your right thumb, meaning you can't do all three simultaneously without changing to a claw grip.
The reason this isn't a balance issue is because this issue doesn't exist at all when playing with keyboard and mouse. The three actions above are performed with right click, left click, and moving the mouse, respectively, none of which interfere with each other. It cannot "add depth to the gameplay" when it's only "tricky to pull off" with one of the game's two primary control setups and not the other.
As suggested elsewhere, the easiest way to mostly fix this is to allow the use of R1 (normally Focus Attack) to have the same function as the button that needs to be held down. Tapping R1 would still result in a Focus Attack when in Focus Mode, but holding R1 would either charge the Kinsect if aiming the Kinsect or charge up Descending Slash otherwise. (Using Focus Attack while charging Descending Slash could still be performed by pressing the right face button under this control scheme.)
This change would also have no problem existing simultaneously with the existing control scheme, as holding R1 currently does nothing, and the only downside is that Focus Attack would be a few frames slower since it would have to wait for R1 to be released to know if the input was a tap or a hold.
May I have permission to share this round because that is an excellent solution.
@@lonnessvalenna3595 I don't claim ownership of this solution (some of the details are mine, but the overall idea has been floating around for a while), so feel free to share this around. I think I have a more fleshed out version of this somewhere in the comments of Rurikhan's "The Insect Glaive Problem" video, but I can't find it right now.
Saying they're keeping this way as a skill expression thing is just a lie. They problably don't know how to make it better without messing up other moves, albeit your solution is good we don't know if how they programmed focus mode allow them to do something like that and how much they'd need to change the code in case it doesn't. When devs who usually listen use a bare bones excuse like that it's because they don't really plan on changing it for whatever reason
I assure you, at this point there’s no more raising awareness, the devs know exactly what the issue is and made a conscious decision not to act on it. I disagree with that decision, but I’ll respect it.
@@rurikhan If it's a canned response and they do in fact know what the actual issue is, then I think it's still worth keeping up the pressure. The Monster Hunter team does listen to feedback, and giving up on the pressure absolutely guarantees that it won't be fixed.
If, however, their response is actually genuine and can be taken at face value, then they clearly don't understand what the actual issue is, and it is therefore still worth trying to bring that to their attention.
It doesn't hurt to keep trying.
Personally i always found friendly fire in MH annoying and unnecessary. Glad they are getting rid of it lol
They aren't getting rid of it
@spooky8662 I saw that later on in the video. It's widely gone but they decided to do the dumbest in between and make hammer knock people down. So I guess grieving is still gonna be on the menu for scumbags great
I heard nothing, Ruri
Friendly fire is fun in a game like Helldivers, but friendly fire in MH would suck ass the amount of sweeping attacks and the clunky nature of it all would make it a pain. I feel like some people confuse frustrating gameplay with fun gameplay lol.
Well, you’re getting all the downsides of friendly fire with none of the upsides, so there you go!
@@rurikhan Well it gives me even more reason to play solo, or just not play at all could use less toxic stuff in my gaming life lol.
Honestly it was fun in older games. Like MH4U me and my friend were launching each other to get mounts or just some aerial attacks in. In MHXX same thing. It was more fun than annoying. And all the people i played with either already knew good positioning or learned it in the hunt.
@@crisscore157 Give people the chance to be asshole and the way the gaming community is today, they will chose to be assholes lol. I just don't want to deal with it, it's just not fun to have my time wasted and fun killed.
I firmly disagree with the notion that everyone in the gaming community are assholes. And it’s also quite telling that you’re willing to ruin everyone else’s fun in a very self serving manner.
(Bare in mind from my data a large majority of hunters prefer friendly fire)
Ruri. Full release isn't even swax strongest attack in time use. Also SWAX already had hyper armor moves in rise 👀👀 and if you didn't watch your hp you would stun yourself or cart from not paying attention to your hp
*Sad bug stick noises*
The contol scheme is what turned me off the IG in the beta. A shame, but I still have my Swaxe and GL.
More options is always the best way to go. To satisfy the older players who enjoy the older games, and the new players who want a more casual experience. Give players more toggle options for lobbies to tailor their experience for their own tastes.
Not changing the insect glaives control set up? So only this intersex person born with a 2ed thumb i know on there hands is the only one that can truely master the insect glaive. Sad day.
The game still LOOKS a LOT worse then world but I 60fps is good to hear
It doesnt
Performance Mode looked like playing through a Microwave
"Dragons used to be pokemon... they all dynamaxed too close to the sun" - Red
I feel bad for all the insect glaive mains, glad ive always been a Hammer and Gunlance chad
Gacha games are shit. Gaijin needs better taste :P
So basically they haven’t adressed any of the actual problems IG has, horrendous controls and mandatory triple up for the strong moveset. If they are so adamant and arrogant about their shitty design choices then it’s money better spent elsewhere.
What's wrong with requiring triple buff? Hasn't that always been the case?
They aren't going to miss sales from IG mains lmao. It's gonna go like hotcakes
@@partydeer1640Some of the moveset is now hidden behind having the triple buff which was never the case.
I’m gonna say the real reason they’re not releasing another demo is because of what’s happening to the Witcher 4 and felt a taste of it during the performance backlash lol
What on earth are you talking about
@ Witcher 4 got a lot of criticism from just a trailer featuring ciri as the new lead over Geralt. I’m making fun of how horrible people can get over something as simple and insignificant as that. Now imagine a whole entire beta. People did get out of control over the matter of performance. In all honesty I believe when Tokuda says releasing another demo wouldn’t be much help because it would be relatively similar to the first demo but I enjoy making fun of the state of the games industry and the rabid fans on occasion. We on the same page now?
@attacpowdergaming7098 yeah I don't think those 2 things are even remotely comparable champ
@@partydeer1640 I thought the people complaining about how the demo performed was pretty dramatic but to each their own!