Don't do hints. We are so afraid of taking what we thought was a hint the wrong way and being labeled a creep that we convince ourselves that it wasn't a hint.
A woman once told me her lips are dry and I looked at her, she looking at me smiling and biting her lips. I said okay, leaned in to kiss and she said "whoa, I didn't mean like that" ... *Surprised pikachu face* I'm not even trying to understand hints anymore.
this is true, and its reason why people like me just have given up on women in all imaginable capacity. Why even bother talking to a girl i have never met before, if the output of being labeled a creep is the same, each and every single time?
@@raph5402 as you should. Women only do these "hints" to confuse you. Once your confused, women haves the higher ground and can now humiliate you as they please. But fortunately you learned to give up. Good job man.
I was rly fat when i was a kid like 107 kg at 13. A lot of times girls told me they liked me and i tryed to act cool and just say ok. i knew it was a joke. fast forward i lost 24kg. rn i'm 83kg at 19y old. i eather don't get the hints, think they are just friendly or i just completly ignore them. Looking back i guess 2 were (probably) giving me some hints.
@@aleksandarvil5718 Yep, both of those are perfect examples of why guys DON'T risk taking "hints" anymore. And now women are pissed off about it. It's their own damned fault.
None of us guys have self-esteem when we see pretty girls we don't think to ask them out because we KNOW they would never go with us, the girls have to ask us out instead of giving hints that don't work.
"Not getting a hint" is the dumbest thing you can say. Like 99% of the time people get the hint, but as a result of low self esteem and/or getting something simmilar to a hint that turned out to be a stupid joke, they're too scared to make a move. We're not missing your hints girls. (Or boys) [Mostly]
Or the opposite, the result of high esteem. Sometimes, it is even simpler: we just don't want. A feminist that wants you to f*ck her because you stand your ground about your ideas (but you can't find her attractive because she speaks non senses), a really messed up junkie with black teeth, the girlfriend of a friend... Ladies, you are not all 10/10, and even if you are, many of you are ugly if we speak about ethics and consistency.
Last hint I acted on was some ho thinking she was cute and went to the cops because I am a stalker. After meeting her once. Did you know cops have to investigate such reports fully? No matter what? Yeah, that was a fun year. Yes, year. I have missed obvious ones but that is because I am dumb. Like literally dumb.
But here's the thing ladies... We guys DO NOT LIKE HINTS. We've been fucked with so many times that it's hard to tell whether your being serious or just playing with our hearts. Girl's can get take the first move you know, right? Just be straight forward and blunt with us and enough with dancing around the bush like this.
I got asked out as a joke 8 times during middle school and high school maybe one or two were real but after the first joking one I just looked at every other one to cynically to believe it was real
In school, I was that kid the popular girls flirted with as a joke. If a girl ever was interested in me, I 100% would have assumed she was being sarcastic.
Same, and it did happen to me that one did actually like me, but because of that I thought of it as a joke and hurt her feelings, still regret it to this day
I'd consider myself as a nerd but not the bad nerd, the chill nerd that everyone knows not because they are popular but they just have a good reputation in school. There's this one somewhat popular girl that I really like and so far (because summer break came around quick) I have not gotten many hints yet, but I honestly think she is into me by the things she says/does. School is starting up again, my Junior year, hopefully something good happens. Because I really don't know if she likes me as much as I like her, it's a bit different from the popular girl that teases the innocent boy scenario, but time will tell.
Same with me. Only once in 6 years of junior to high school did a girl ever say she was interested in me. I just shook her hand and walked away. I didn't believe for a second that she would show me any actual interest. And I was right, through six years and two schools, she never ever looked at me again. And the same with all the other girls. I gave up long before I finished high school. Women are impossible and have zero right to bitch about why they "can't" find a man.
Nerd guy who had the 3 most popular girls in school asking him to prom: I guarantee it was some sort of trick to embarrass you. I've seen that one before, not sure exactly what punchline they were planning, but it usually ends with the entire school laughing at you or thinking you're a creep. You didn't miss hints, you dodged a bullet.
Truely, Honestly, Thats not always the case. I was a fat nerd in what highschool is in the US, years later i would find out that i actually had a surefire shot of several of the prettiest girls in my grade (and the one below) I was just had so low selfesteem that i brushed off obvious hints. Sometimes girls attach themselves to the personality and not the looks.
fr they do it to almost everyone, it's not a hint it's just playing with you, this why I never make moves (knowing that I'm ugly as fuck and nobody has a crush on me)
Yep, happened to me several times. Including luring me somewhere where 4 of their guy friends /boyfriends jumped me. Then they just laugh and make fun of you for thinking the girl in question would ever be attracted to you. So, yeah, I guess anything is possible, but I think in this case that was a definite trap. Primarily because it wad some friend of theirs that he had never had any interaction with.
Story number 7 summarizes why we guys don't "Catch" hints. we don't want to be labeled as creepy or worse (Cause we're not, we just mistook a very weird set of possible signals). So please Ladies, do everyone a favor, be direct.
Woman has problem. Unga Bunga man know 2 options. 1st Can problem be punched away? 2nd Can problem we burned away? If neither, problem is beyond Unga Bunga man understanding.
@@Rocky-Road88 i called a girl that was sitting alone in a underpassage smoking in some of the most revealing clothes possible, and i called her a hooker when she called me out specifically from my group i was in at the time, so i called her a hooker because that's how she looked standing in that spot, everyone in my group thought it was funny while my family thought i was a incel for saying that to "that poor girl", after standing by my point and reasoning 8 separate times and getting several beating and arguments from my family, months apart they all finally understood... the 9th fucking time i told them and described the exact situation, only 9 fucking times it took for them to understand she looked like a hooker in a dark passage way at night in almost fully revealing croptop and shorts that were shorter than my underwear which i saw kissing and being around like 50 other guys from my school
Men have been convinced by society for the last few decades NOT to read too much into flirting, yet women still get pissed when we ignore their hints. There are a couple of perfect examples of this in this video where guys THOUGHT a girl was coming on to them and when they tried to take the hint, got shot down. Make up your damn minds, OK?
Idk man I just don't trust girls. Some girls would just act like they wanna get intimate with you and then say stuff along the lines of "Did you actually believe I was going to do that with you?" And proceeds to spread the story + worst case even file a harassment lawsuit. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I just don't wanna take chances
The guy had zero interest and used the cold thing as an excuse to make a fire to get rid of her. The same thing at a party when a woman attempted to sit on my lap, I immediately told her I had beer to put in the fridge.
Thats exactly what I thought too. Especially since she has recently broken off with her boyfriend. Sounds like a revenge date so that the other guy sees her with the nerd.
the first guy clearly got the hint cause he built a damn fire. not since the cavemen has anyone seen rizz like that. that girl was probably just unappreciative.
i mean legit i relate to these stories but it really makes you realize how torn down men have been. We have been told that our attention is unwanted. That any compliments or moves we might make are "sexual harrassment" (there is definitely some things that would be dont get me wrong but telling a girl she is cute isnt one of them) we have been conditioned that we are a problem. SO much so that even when women are interested we usually think we must be wrong or misunderstanding it. After all how could anyone be interested in us?
That's exactly the problem but of course their is more (nuance) to it, but then again try to tell that to a women and they just react with being dumbfounded. Then again it wasn't these girls that condition this generations but the ones that came before. Overall I am just disappointed that things always have to go to far before we realize that something is problem and if you try to point it out you are being called names or slurs. Ah man I fucking hate talking with people that think like that but then again I am probably quite biased due to me being a Uni student and thus coming into contact with people that think like that more often. Anyways, rant over.
Yeah it made me sad, I just simply go about my life subconsciously thinking that girls are afraid of me by default, like when I walk on a sidewalk and the girl is in front of me alone, I just cross the road so I dont intimidate her by my existence. I am keeping distance, because I think that is what they want, and then if they get close to me I feel shocked that they actually want this. Hard to believe for men, that someone desires them for who they are, and not only for their resources and skills and opportunities. I also often feel like I have to apologize for my feelings interfering with my actions. So I dont try to even aknowledge my feelings sometimes, even if I might have them for her
This is nothing new. My school days are long long long gone (1990s) and it wasn't that much different back then - this whole "Oh I am being so OBVIOUS about it, he doesn't get it" shit was going on back then too, and it usually stemmed by previous experiences where it "seemed obvious" but the reaction was "what were you thinking, you pervert! I would never!". So yeah...nothing new under the sun, guys.
true, they often just give up thinking that the guy must be gay if he doesnt want her, while he might just be going through some struggles or just focused on accomplishments in life so he dont notice.
Had a girl ask me if I was going to prom. I told her I wasn't. She then spent a few minutes trying to convince me to go and that it would be alot of fun. I eventually agreed to go and asked if she wanted to go together. She then rejected the idea, saying that she was already going with her friends. I ended up not going.
There's a difference between not noticing a hint and not acting on it. A hint is a suggestion with plausible deniability; it's passive aggressive and childish. If the gesture is misinterpreted, or even if it was originally some kind of genuine invitation but the woman changes her mind, at best it's a cruel practical joke and at worst a man's life can be ruined by it.
I've said the same thing. It's a form of tactical plausible deniability. It's built into their hardware. It's the only power they have to control the sexual dynamic.
@@yesplatinum7956 dude, he would end with sexual harassment charge at worst and an insult at best, ofc it could work, if the women finds you attractive.
To be fair, the V for Vendetta story is a bit of an AWFUL hint. You're basically sitting there hearing the other person saying how hot a Hollywood actor is. Kind of a turnoff, ngl. Don't do that, EVER.
Honestly I am too ugly to get hints, stories like these helps me dream of an unlikely reality where I am actually wanted. Last time I went on a dating app I didn’t get a reply in 4 years. I am used to being alone and have just accepted my lot
I’ll bet that would change if you hit the gym and your wallet. Both would bring up your confidence and women are attracted to confidence. Good luck in your journey. Stay strong.
@@BlueDart1971 or not. Don't get me wrong, sports/working out is very good for your health so at least it has that going for it, But it doesn't change your chances automatically. And the stuff about the wallet. Braging with money or "letting your money show" is probably atracting someone you don't really want. At least that's how i see it.
@@nirfzlike I said in the previous comment hitting the gym and making more money will build your confidence. A confident man is attractive no matter how you look at it. I wasn’t saying flaunt your money to women. That is a terrible idea. Even if all of that doesn’t help find you find a good partner you will be physically and monetarily fit. It’s a win win. I think you misunderstood my comment. Or maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
@@BlueDart1971 I disagree. Personal experience: I work out in the gym for over 10 years, and i have a well paid job. That changes 0 about my "confidence". Neither the amount of money on my bank account nor my physical fittness has any impact on my behavior towards other people. (Other peopl are no gym machines and they aren't an item i think about buying) Missing confidence or awkward behavior aren't just rooted in being overweight and underpaid. That's a common myth i think. There are enough slim people who aren't broke that have the same issues if you want to call it that. Low confidence and awkward behavior can (and i think that's the majority) be rooted in a persons previous interactions with people (sometimes of a certain gender) and general character traits. A shy person or an introvert will not see any change in "confidence" by looking good or being rich. It's against their character. And neither will any person who's interactions with the "romatic target gender" didn't go well in the past.
Ladies, it’s been my experience that you only drop hints when you’re not sure about a guy; when you’re certain about a guy, you don’t drop hints, you throw yourselves at us. My exes have thrown themselves at me, and those who’ve dropped hints are just difficult memories. The issue with hints is, if we misread you, the fall out for us can be life destroying, why would we risk it? If you want us, be direct.
With how many times I was friend zoned by girls who "flirted" with me I don't blame guys. Especially how one sided courts can be no guy wants to risk it just look at the Johnny Depp trial
Trying to work off of Hints is an extremely risky gamble. The end results being either a successful relationship with someone you care about and love, or life altering ramifications that do not go away and you will likely never recover from.
Or a relationship that you thought will be better than it actually is, to the point where you almost regret it and think about separating every time you meet.
Reasons boys miss so many hints: 1. We interpret them as being jokes or not serious and 2. We don’t want to be wrong about the other persons feeling because that is wery common for boys.
3. We don't want an assault charge because you're putting your hands all over me and we just happen to reciprocate. I actually know a guy this happened to in full view of like 20 other people at a small party for one of my friends graduating college. A girl that basically crashed the party but everyone thought someone had invited her was literally on his lap running her hands all over his bare chest after she had stripped his shirt off of him giggling and stuff. EVERYONE in the room thought she was trying to go to bed with him. The second he literally did the same thing she did and grabbed her tit she slaps him and starts screaming at him. She was kicked out of the party by the female host for it and later after she went to the police claiming he assaulted her almost the entire group that was there went to witness against her and defend the guy. Some even had cell phone video because they honestly thought there was going to be some public sex about to happen the way she was going on with him. Charges were dismissed and nothing done to the girl but she could have very easily ruined the guy's life if people hadn't defended him and had video evidence. The police were still believing her over all the people defending him until the cell phone videos started coming out showing almost everything she had done including her slapping him and screaming at him for daring to touch her. It's this kind of behaviour that makes guys not want to take hints even when they get the hint.
@@gryphon2251 As usual, there were no legal consequences for her false accusation. It will always baffle me how oblivious women are to their own universal coerciveness (aka personal, social, and legal undermining). That's what 'not getting the hint' is really about - it's actually men hinting to women about how coercive they have become; and almost all of those hints go compeletely unnoticed.
Well yeah don't you know that putting consequences on a woman for her actions is sexist I mean just look at every woman teacher ever who got with a student and was never given anything more than a slap on the wrist Or every abusive woman ever who got the guy in trouble whenever he did anything to retaliate to her abuse by framing him as the abusive bastard all the while if the guy calls the police over it he either gets ignored or gets laughed off because "a woman can never abuse a man" literally leaving him no out for the abuse that doesn't get him in prison for it @@filthycasual9381
1) We think you are joking or trying to trick us to get a laugh or put us down. 2) We are afraid of being wrong and getting called a creep and having everyone view us as such and ruin our lives. 3) They have Asperger’s and just don’t get social clues. 4) They just like being respectful and don’t won’t to cross someone’s boundary that might make them upset. 5) They are stupid. 6) They are gay. 7) They are just not interested in the other person. 8) They are engrossed in something else and not paying attention. 9) They are aromantic/asexual. 10) They have low self esteem and convince themselves they are wrong. 11) They have already had their heart broken and don’t want to go through it again.
Met a girl, that I used to be really interested in back in folkhighschool (It is a danish thing), randomly at a party. We started talking. She invited me over to a party with some of her friends, and I followed her home a few hours later. We were still talking having a great time. She messaged me the next morning, and was wondering if I maybe wanted to hang out again some other time. I stated that I would absolutely love to, and next time we could possibly invite a few other old classmates as well, and have a small get together.... Luckily, she took it as me just being a bit dense, and asked me to go to another party ALONE together 2 weeks or so later, and I found the balls to ask her out. We have been dating for about 7 months now. Ladies, men are afraid of being rejected just as much as you are, and sometimes ignoring the possible signs or choosing not to act on them is a way to avoid getting hurt. In my case I just genuinely didn't pick up on her being interested in me until the second time we that is 100% on me...I'm just lucky that she tried again.
women really shouldn't be scared to ask guys. As long as you have some basic boxes checked you should only have like a 5% rejection rate at most - they aren't a greek god - you are a 4 or more - you aren't a shitty person
@@kairon5249 idk, I also would find it incredibly more hopeful if girls were willing to approach. But lets be honest, 5% rejection rate? Quite a few guys want to get to know the person beforehand to know what he might be getting himself into. Also guys or girls who have been single for a long time are usually better at spotting red-flags, they dont necessarily like to be alone, but they are very used to it, so they value it, only wanting a certain girl into their life that wouldnt require a major change in personal life. but depends
I think low self esteem and fear of rejection are driving a lot of these situations. When I was in elementary school, a girl said to me, "Lena* likes you." This was my reaction. - - > I very forcefully said, "NO SHE DOESN'T." Can you imagine? Now, THAT is some weapons-grade low self esteem. * I changed the name. I don't think it was necessary, but I just want to maintain some anonymity, out of habit.
It is often dangerous to assume that a woman is showing sexual interest until she flat out says she likes you and wants to have sex together. Most modern men are less oblivious and more afraid to misread something leading at best to a lost friendship or at worst to a sexual assault charge or restraining order
in this age of written consent being required, their hints should bring accusations of sexual harassment against women, use their own tools against them so women will learn what its like for them
I 100% agree. They SHOULD be called out and told that their behavior is sexual harassment. I despise feminists because they ARE behind many of the problems that have ruined relationships.
@@sarge2115 nah, it's mostly about "plausible deniability" - if they made the first move bluntly, they could get rejected, if they only throw hints, they can always be like "i was just being nice"
@@sarge2115 they really seem to take pleasure in creating these magical moments, that is only in their heads, and in heads of her girl friends, but the guy has shit to do, if he gets mixed signals he is out, too much of a hassle, too much risk, there has to be a woman who makes it simple for the guy.
To the ladies frustrated with this, understand that we've been conditioned by society to not misunderstand a woman's intention, even if it's bleeding obvious.
Story 11. IMO it was far more likely that they planned it out to humiliate the OP for asking out a cheerleader and make him look like a creep than her actual liking him
Married to a woman I met back in middle school, didn't get serious until I told her I loved her in High school. Been together 9 years, been married for 2. Couldn't be happier. (she never got the hints till I straight up told her)
The thing is, that a) hints are not enough to be sure that there is an enthusiastic consent (and if there is not, we are open to lawsuits nowadays - why risk that?), b) you might be interested, but we might NOT be interested in you - and if you only drop hints, then you will only get hints back (because dont expect us to make more effort than you do - why should we, really?).
Yup and mixed signals really, we can see 90 % that you like us and 10 % that you dont like us, and we will likely think of it us she dont like me that way
I think women are so used to men asking them they think something as random as just grabbing her hair should make men react, on the other hand they are so afraid of rejection themselves that they usually dont try after the "playing with hair stuff" fails to get a reaction.
sometimes these obvious signs make a guy less likely to act on it, because he'll fear that its "too" obvious; he might think that its him imagining things.
Unless the lady makes explicit,, persistent, witnessed requestsfor sexual contact, if he explicitly requests intercourse, she can have him arrested at any future date. It's not usually missing hints. It's reluctance to trust that the lady is not playing a malicious existentially threatening game. His chances are good- at least 90% chance of no criminal charges, if he is kind and respectful.
I am starting to think that the guys being oblivious to "hints" is not the main issue. Bigger issue is that girls think that if the guy has currently different priorities (might just be that he is busy that day) that he must be gay or not interested. Then they give up so quickly it seems. We got own issues, we got stuff we think about on daily basis, we get stressed, we have bad days, so unfortunately there is a chance a guy wont be able to act on these hints, but that dont mean he is stupid or gay. That is just mean to think that. Also getting any kind of mixed signal from a girl we will just assume it is NO rather than gamble. And some girls deliberately give some shit test, some negative response to test the guy.. dont do that unless you want to be stood up, he got better things to do than play games.
Ladies. Don’t leave hints. Just don’t. Just…stop for the good of all woman kind just stop and learn how to communicate like healthy confident human beings. Story 6 I believe is ample reason as to why we indeed need to stop with “hints”
Story 7 and 8 is why you can no longer drop hints nor physical touch. Ladies who do this, ruined it for all the ones that understood this type of flirting. Now you better make a formal application with a id, cover letter and legal note of consent + terms and conditions.
"get him to make a move" is the dumbest shit ever. What are you losing by making a move yourself exactly? Like holy shit if you like someone then it's on you to tell them, _directly_
Some of these weren't even that they didn't take the hint but that they just weren't interested lmao do women still think that men aren't allowed to refuse sexual advances or something?
I'm too ugly to take any compliments serious, I take them as insults, so flirting with me with likely make me think you want something from me or you are just taking a piss
Or he's just a guy with a guy brain, I see big pool of water, I splash big pool of water, in that moment my entire life purpose is to make splash go high
Women say that they can do everything better, that they're strong and independent, but still can't make a move by themselves and always expect men to understand their hints instead 🤣
I am a male. Short of a woman taking me by the shoulders, looking into my eyes and say, "I find you attractive and want to know you better," I would not notice any hints, suggestions, or clues that she is attracted to me. I consider myself ugly, unattractive, and undesireable to women. Thus, I go through life expecting to be considered ugly, unattractive, and undesireable to women. I just ignore women because I consider then beyond my ability to attract one. I just put on a blank expression, keep my eyes forward, and ignore women completely, just as I do males, as well. I do not react to others around me. This thought of not being able to attract a woman is not only just a thought, it is a fact. I do not think I have ever been found attractive to any woman. I do not think any man has found me attractive either, though I am heterosexual and have no interest in men for an amorous relationship. Gay men have standards also. I am just generally an unattractive, undesireable, person. That is okay. This role in life must be filled by someone. It just happened to have fallen upon me to be an unattractive person. Realising this fact makes life easier. I expect no hints from the females of the species and do not look for any.
I’m a person who doesn’t find himself attractive and hasn’t had a very long standing relationship ever really but from the experiences that I been through I came to the realization that I am actually a lot more attractive them I thought I was 🤣. I still think I’m kinda ugly but I move with more confidence with that fact. Work on yourself. Read more, get your money, hit the gym, wear cologne, dress nice. Build yourself up, and build your confidence up. And when you build your confidence your energy builds up too and THAT’S what girls gravitate to. All the extra shit is things to latch them on to you.
"Most obvious hint" - there's a thing, hint is never "most obvious" to everyone. How about stopping assuming that others can read thoughts and that the hints you drop are obvious - which they're not in most cases - and actually use the means given to you? Like words, speech, brain to command your body to produce the sound known as "speech" and say what you want? Because the simple truth is - if someone cannot or does not want to simply say honestly what they want, what they think, then I can't be ar**d to waste my time trying to "decipher" their thoughts and hints. My time's more valuable then this and gets spent on better things that make sense, by far. Personally I would never want to be associated closely with any woman who cannot articulate her thoughts and wishes. Because these are the clueless women who get offended at you because they saw in their dreams that you did something they don't like, and now they're angry at you in real life. Literally the kind of people who did 2+2 and got 13. Women I know were made clear of this and those who understood this and accepted this, we can have normal talks between each other. Some who didn't and kept doing "hints" and "you know what I think!" and such - not wasting my time with them. Simple truth - if we ask you "what's wrong?" and you say "nothing!" then that's how we take it - nothing's wrong, so stop pouting.
I’ve had two woman fake being interested in me while on a date. Both “wanted” a second date. One didn’t get that far, and the 2nd one simply used me as a rebound.
Problem with hints(as a guy) You guess correctly: you get laid or get a girlfriend. You guess wrong: you're seen as a creep and pervert. The risk is not worth the reward honestly.
Note to women: Don't give guys hints. Just tell them. If you're afraid of the reprocussions of what the guy may do...then you have a crush on the wrong guy and need to re-evaluate yout attraction receptors in your brain.
Of course, that's why they leave it to the men. The only annoying part is that they then complain that a guy isn't confident enough or that men need to try harder.
Im just another anonymous old guy now, and that the "rituals" involved in not only connecting, but actually hooking up in "modern" dating involves people tip toeing through the minefield of political correctness, but even years ago, it always surprised me that so many people, male or female, were being super subtle with each other because they were so afraid of rejection, or "losing face" with their crush. Jesus! Just be honest, communicate, and if you "fail," just laugh at yourself and move on! Any person worth "crushing" on should have the poise and style to send you the appropriate signals, even if theyre declining your offer. Ego, and the preservation of ego, have probably kept millions of people from fulfillment.
guys jus don't wanna be labeled a creep, if you gonna give a hint, make it obvious afterwards cause we most DEFINITELY are considering acting on "the hint."
Be logical and clear. Don't even try throwing hints as you will fail miserably doing so. Problem: They don't think, they feel and therefor are unable to comprehend the "asking him out" part.
Don't do hints. We are so afraid of taking what we thought was a hint the wrong way and being labeled a creep that we convince ourselves that it wasn't a hint.
A woman once told me her lips are dry and I looked at her, she looking at me smiling and biting her lips. I said okay, leaned in to kiss and she said "whoa, I didn't mean like that"
... *Surprised pikachu face*
I'm not even trying to understand hints anymore.
this is true, and its reason why people like me just have given up on women in all imaginable capacity. Why even bother talking to a girl i have never met before, if the output of being labeled a creep is the same, each and every single time?
@@raph5402 as you should. Women only do these "hints" to confuse you. Once your confused, women haves the higher ground and can now humiliate you as they please. But fortunately you learned to give up. Good job man.
@@anderstermansen130 real. (i'm in the exact same situation)
I was rly fat when i was a kid like 107 kg at 13. A lot of times girls told me they liked me and i tryed to act cool and just say ok. i knew it was a joke. fast forward i lost 24kg. rn i'm 83kg at 19y old. i eather don't get the hints, think they are just friendly or i just completly ignore them. Looking back i guess 2 were (probably) giving me some hints.
yep. she's a good example of why hints dont mean anything nowadays.
Don't Forget 4:55
literally. How do you do all those things to a guy and then act like you don't want to hook up.
@@aleksandarvil5718 Yep, both of those are perfect examples of why guys DON'T risk taking "hints" anymore. And now women are pissed off about it. It's their own damned fault.
None of us guys have self-esteem when we see pretty girls we don't think to ask them out because we KNOW they would never go with us, the girls have to ask us out instead of giving hints that don't work.
"Not getting a hint" is the dumbest thing you can say. Like 99% of the time people get the hint, but as a result of low self esteem and/or getting something simmilar to a hint that turned out to be a stupid joke, they're too scared to make a move. We're not missing your hints girls. (Or boys) [Mostly]
i also got some hints in my lifetime, to which i just said "no", because what they said sounded so unlogical. im sorry for theese girls :D
Or the opposite, the result of high esteem.
Sometimes, it is even simpler: we just don't want.
A feminist that wants you to f*ck her because you stand your ground about your ideas (but you can't find her attractive because she speaks non senses), a really messed up junkie with black teeth, the girlfriend of a friend...
Ladies, you are not all 10/10, and even if you are, many of you are ugly if we speak about ethics and consistency.
Yes we are. You arent special. Its no bad thing to miss them. It happens.
Last hint I acted on was some ho thinking she was cute and went to the cops because I am a stalker. After meeting her once. Did you know cops have to investigate such reports fully? No matter what? Yeah, that was a fun year. Yes, year.
I have missed obvious ones but that is because I am dumb. Like literally dumb.
No we do miss your hints girls, quite a few of us are quite dense and don't understand hints because we don't expect you to drop them.
But here's the thing ladies... We guys DO NOT LIKE HINTS. We've been fucked with so many times that it's hard to tell whether your being serious or just playing with our hearts. Girl's can get take the first move you know, right? Just be straight forward and blunt with us and enough with dancing around the bush like this.
It hurts so much when you thought there was something but it nothing.
Very true. I have been married for almost 15 year and I still don't get some of my wife's hints about spicy time.
Well, if being blunt often can be convicted as weirdo too for them to bear and reminded on, it's really down to how well this being executed.
I got asked out as a joke 8 times during middle school and high school maybe one or two were real but after the first joking one I just looked at every other one to cynically to believe it was real
In school, I was that kid the popular girls flirted with as a joke.
If a girl ever was interested in me, I 100% would have assumed she was being sarcastic.
Same, and it did happen to me that one did actually like me, but because of that I thought of it as a joke and hurt her feelings, still regret it to this day
@theluigi5733 Hey man, it's no fault of yours.
If these girls can't learn real communication, then us studs just need to take our business elsewhere!
I'd consider myself as a nerd but not the bad nerd, the chill nerd that everyone knows not because they are popular but they just have a good reputation in school. There's this one somewhat popular girl that I really like and so far (because summer break came around quick) I have not gotten many hints yet, but I honestly think she is into me by the things she says/does. School is starting up again, my Junior year, hopefully something good happens.
Because I really don't know if she likes me as much as I like her, it's a bit different from the popular girl that teases the innocent boy scenario, but time will tell.
I support you broooooo, go for ittttt@@RecycleBin26
Same with me. Only once in 6 years of junior to high school did a girl ever say she was interested in me. I just shook her hand and walked away. I didn't believe for a second that she would show me any actual interest. And I was right, through six years and two schools, she never ever looked at me again. And the same with all the other girls. I gave up long before I finished high school. Women are impossible and have zero right to bitch about why they "can't" find a man.
Nerd guy who had the 3 most popular girls in school asking him to prom: I guarantee it was some sort of trick to embarrass you. I've seen that one before, not sure exactly what punchline they were planning, but it usually ends with the entire school laughing at you or thinking you're a creep. You didn't miss hints, you dodged a bullet.
Truely, Honestly, Thats not always the case. I was a fat nerd in what highschool is in the US, years later i would find out that i actually had a surefire shot of several of the prettiest girls in my grade (and the one below) I was just had so low selfesteem that i brushed off obvious hints.
Sometimes girls attach themselves to the personality and not the looks.
Obvious trap do not talk to popular people
fr they do it to almost everyone, it's not a hint it's just playing with you, this why I never make moves (knowing that I'm ugly as fuck and nobody has a crush on me)
Ignoring the rest of what you said, thats just a Manga Plot, nothing else about it.
Yep, happened to me several times. Including luring me somewhere where 4 of their guy friends /boyfriends jumped me. Then they just laugh and make fun of you for thinking the girl in question would ever be attracted to you. So, yeah, I guess anything is possible, but I think in this case that was a definite trap. Primarily because it wad some friend of theirs that he had never had any interaction with.
Story number 7 summarizes why we guys don't "Catch" hints. we don't want to be labeled as creepy or worse (Cause we're not, we just mistook a very weird set of possible signals). So please Ladies, do everyone a favor, be direct.
Women says she's cold.
Caveman instincts kick in, 'I BUILD FIRE!'
I would do it just to see her reaction even if I believe it's a hint
He literally provided her with ongoing warmth, taking an hour of his time to do it.
Man went above and beyond.
Woman has problem. Unga Bunga man know 2 options.
1st Can problem be punched away?
2nd Can problem we burned away?
If neither, problem is beyond Unga Bunga man understanding.
@@wherethetatosat word
My bro did NOT want her
Sometimes playing dumb can save your ass and other times being dumb saves a shitload of heartache.
*Takes hint and gets called rapist*
That is really sad but eye-opening.
Had that many times. Most of them weren't even hints. I just hang out with alot of girls alot and get called a creep or stalker bc of it.
That one doesn't even sound real, or that girl is incredibly sadistic.
@@Rocky-Road88 you'd be surprised
@@Rocky-Road88 i called a girl that was sitting alone in a underpassage smoking in some of the most revealing clothes possible, and i called her a hooker when she called me out specifically from my group i was in at the time, so i called her a hooker because that's how she looked standing in that spot, everyone in my group thought it was funny while my family thought i was a incel for saying that to "that poor girl", after standing by my point and reasoning 8 separate times and getting several beating and arguments from my family, months apart they all finally understood... the 9th fucking time i told them and described the exact situation,
only 9 fucking times it took for them to understand she looked like a hooker in a dark passage way at night in almost fully revealing croptop and shorts that were shorter than my underwear which i saw kissing and being around like 50 other guys from my school
Hints are immature. Grow up, women.
"Hugo Weaving is such a great wingman" I am FLOORED.
Men have been convinced by society for the last few decades NOT to read too much into flirting, yet women still get pissed when we ignore their hints. There are a couple of perfect examples of this in this video where guys THOUGHT a girl was coming on to them and when they tried to take the hint, got shot down. Make up your damn minds, OK?
I mean... most of these stories are about *WHY MEN DONT TAKE THE FRICKING HINT* like most girl actually end up NOT going for what the dudes thought
Idk man I just don't trust girls. Some girls would just act like they wanna get intimate with you and then say stuff along the lines of "Did you actually believe I was going to do that with you?" And proceeds to spread the story + worst case even file a harassment lawsuit. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I just don't wanna take chances
first story is W mans. Bro understood the assignment. Caveman create fire for cavegirl 😂😂
The guy had zero interest and used the cold thing as an excuse to make a fire to get rid of her. The same thing at a party when a woman attempted to sit on my lap, I immediately told her I had beer to put in the fridge.
Nah man, popular girls asking the nerdy guy to ask them out is always a prank
Thats exactly what I thought too. Especially since she has recently broken off with her boyfriend. Sounds like a revenge date so that the other guy sees her with the nerd.
the first guy clearly got the hint cause he built a damn fire. not since the cavemen has anyone seen rizz like that. that girl was probably just unappreciative.
that guy is a real one for that ngl
Bro had that prehistoric rizz fr💀
that was hot ngl
Well said, sir!
he seems like a lit dude
i mean legit i relate to these stories but it really makes you realize how torn down men have been. We have been told that our attention is unwanted. That any compliments or moves we might make are "sexual harrassment" (there is definitely some things that would be dont get me wrong but telling a girl she is cute isnt one of them) we have been conditioned that we are a problem. SO much so that even when women are interested we usually think we must be wrong or misunderstanding it. After all how could anyone be interested in us?
That's exactly the problem but of course their is more (nuance) to it, but then again try to tell that to a women and they just react with being dumbfounded. Then again it wasn't these girls that condition this generations but the ones that came before. Overall I am just disappointed that things always have to go to far before we realize that something is problem and if you try to point it out you are being called names or slurs. Ah man I fucking hate talking with people that think like that but then again I am probably quite biased due to me being a Uni student and thus coming into contact with people that think like that more often. Anyways, rant over.
Not sexual harassment if you’re attractive
Yeah it made me sad, I just simply go about my life subconsciously thinking that girls are afraid of me by default, like when I walk on a sidewalk and the girl is in front of me alone, I just cross the road so I dont intimidate her by my existence. I am keeping distance, because I think that is what they want, and then if they get close to me I feel shocked that they actually want this. Hard to believe for men, that someone desires them for who they are, and not only for their resources and skills and opportunities. I also often feel like I have to apologize for my feelings interfering with my actions. So I dont try to even aknowledge my feelings sometimes, even if I might have them for her
This is nothing new. My school days are long long long gone (1990s) and it wasn't that much different back then - this whole "Oh I am being so OBVIOUS about it, he doesn't get it" shit was going on back then too, and it usually stemmed by previous experiences where it "seemed obvious" but the reaction was "what were you thinking, you pervert! I would never!". So yeah...nothing new under the sun, guys.
If the first hint doesn’t work just be straightforward with us
true, they often just give up thinking that the guy must be gay if he doesnt want her, while he might just be going through some struggles or just focused on accomplishments in life so he dont notice.
Had a girl ask me if I was going to prom. I told her I wasn't. She then spent a few minutes trying to convince me to go and that it would be alot of fun. I eventually agreed to go and asked if she wanted to go together. She then rejected the idea, saying that she was already going with her friends. I ended up not going.
Uuuuuh, now this is very very dissapointing. But atleast you jadnt the time to really build up Feelings. You know what i mean?
There's a difference between not noticing a hint and not acting on it. A hint is a suggestion with plausible deniability; it's passive aggressive and childish. If the gesture is misinterpreted, or even if it was originally some kind of genuine invitation but the woman changes her mind, at best it's a cruel practical joke and at worst a man's life can be ruined by it.
I've said the same thing. It's a form of tactical plausible deniability. It's built into their hardware. It's the only power they have to control the sexual dynamic.
Who hurt you man?
I find it so funny how obvious it is that things WILL progress if the woman stops giving hints and communicate, but women refuse to take this hint...
The man can communicate too yk
@yesplatinum7956 Yup, and I always do. People just don't seem to care.
@@yesplatinum7956 dude, he would end with sexual harassment charge at worst and an insult at best, ofc it could work, if the women finds you attractive.
0:23 Ok even though he totally missed the hint there, that is one HELL of a romantic gesture.
To be fair, the V for Vendetta story is a bit of an AWFUL hint. You're basically sitting there hearing the other person saying how hot a Hollywood actor is. Kind of a turnoff, ngl.
Don't do that, EVER.
Fr. I hate when woman yap about the most average or kind of good looking dude
imagine getting a hint
imagine talking to women
Tell us you still don't talk to women without telling us you don't talk to women......
@@Rocky-Road88 last time it happened I got anxiety attack worst unlike you lads I don't even have a pookie who is always with me
Honestly I am too ugly to get hints, stories like these helps me dream of an unlikely reality where I am actually wanted. Last time I went on a dating app I didn’t get a reply in 4 years. I am used to being alone and have just accepted my lot
Women don't understand men, we aren't used to getting attention, unless you're good looking of course.
I’ll bet that would change if you hit the gym and your wallet. Both would bring up your confidence and women are attracted to confidence. Good luck in your journey. Stay strong.
@@BlueDart1971 or not. Don't get me wrong, sports/working out is very good for your health so at least it has that going for it, But it doesn't change your chances automatically. And the stuff about the wallet. Braging with money or "letting your money show" is probably atracting someone you don't really want. At least that's how i see it.
@@nirfzlike I said in the previous comment hitting the gym and making more money will build your confidence. A confident man is attractive no matter how you look at it. I wasn’t saying flaunt your money to women. That is a terrible idea. Even if all of that doesn’t help find you find a good partner you will be physically and monetarily fit. It’s a win win. I think you misunderstood my comment. Or maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
@@BlueDart1971 I disagree. Personal experience: I work out in the gym for over 10 years, and i have a well paid job. That changes 0 about my "confidence".
Neither the amount of money on my bank account nor my physical fittness has any impact on my behavior towards other people. (Other peopl are no gym machines and they aren't an item i think about buying)
Missing confidence or awkward behavior aren't just rooted in being overweight and underpaid. That's a common myth i think.
There are enough slim people who aren't broke that have the same issues if you want to call it that.
Low confidence and awkward behavior can (and i think that's the majority) be rooted in a persons previous interactions with people (sometimes of a certain gender) and general character traits.
A shy person or an introvert will not see any change in "confidence" by looking good or being rich. It's against their character.
And neither will any person who's interactions with the "romatic target gender" didn't go well in the past.
Story 14 is my kind of vibe. Not caring about anything, just being direct to the point and truthful to yer homies
Ladies, it’s been my experience that you only drop hints when you’re not sure about a guy; when you’re certain about a guy, you don’t drop hints, you throw yourselves at us. My exes have thrown themselves at me, and those who’ve dropped hints are just difficult memories. The issue with hints is, if we misread you, the fall out for us can be life destroying, why would we risk it? If you want us, be direct.
I mean if you know LITERALLY ANYTHING about modern society, you know why men would be this careful about hints
With how many times I was friend zoned by girls who "flirted" with me I don't blame guys. Especially how one sided courts can be no guy wants to risk it just look at the Johnny Depp trial
Trying to work off of Hints is an extremely risky gamble. The end results being either a successful relationship with someone you care about and love, or life altering ramifications that do not go away and you will likely never recover from.
Or a relationship that you thought will be better than it actually is, to the point where you almost regret it and think about separating every time you meet.
Reasons boys miss so many hints:
1. We interpret them as being jokes or not serious
2. We don’t want to be wrong about the other persons feeling because that is wery common for boys.
3. We don't want an assault charge because you're putting your hands all over me and we just happen to reciprocate. I actually know a guy this happened to in full view of like 20 other people at a small party for one of my friends graduating college. A girl that basically crashed the party but everyone thought someone had invited her was literally on his lap running her hands all over his bare chest after she had stripped his shirt off of him giggling and stuff. EVERYONE in the room thought she was trying to go to bed with him. The second he literally did the same thing she did and grabbed her tit she slaps him and starts screaming at him. She was kicked out of the party by the female host for it and later after she went to the police claiming he assaulted her almost the entire group that was there went to witness against her and defend the guy. Some even had cell phone video because they honestly thought there was going to be some public sex about to happen the way she was going on with him. Charges were dismissed and nothing done to the girl but she could have very easily ruined the guy's life if people hadn't defended him and had video evidence. The police were still believing her over all the people defending him until the cell phone videos started coming out showing almost everything she had done including her slapping him and screaming at him for daring to touch her. It's this kind of behaviour that makes guys not want to take hints even when they get the hint.
@@gryphon2251 As usual, there were no legal consequences for her false accusation. It will always baffle me how oblivious women are to their own universal coerciveness (aka personal, social, and legal undermining). That's what 'not getting the hint' is really about - it's actually men hinting to women about how coercive they have become; and almost all of those hints go compeletely unnoticed.
Well yeah don't you know that putting consequences on a woman for her actions is sexist
I mean just look at every woman teacher ever who got with a student and was never given anything more than a slap on the wrist
Or every abusive woman ever who got the guy in trouble whenever he did anything to retaliate to her abuse by framing him as the abusive bastard
all the while if the guy calls the police over it he either gets ignored or gets laughed off because "a woman can never abuse a man" literally leaving him no out for the abuse that doesn't get him in prison for it
1) We think you are joking or trying to trick us to get a laugh or put us down.
2) We are afraid of being wrong and getting called a creep and having everyone view us as such and ruin our lives.
3) They have Asperger’s and just don’t get social clues.
4) They just like being respectful and don’t won’t to cross someone’s boundary that might make them upset.
5) They are stupid.
6) They are gay.
7) They are just not interested in the other person.
8) They are engrossed in something else and not paying attention.
9) They are aromantic/asexual.
10) They have low self esteem and convince themselves they are wrong.
11) They have already had their heart broken and don’t want to go through it again.
4. boys deactivate that part of the brain to not have a boner just from you being near
that fisrt one was like:
Girl: I am cold
boy: PREPARE TO BE HEATED *makes fire*
Bro activated ooga booga mode💀💀💀
That's hilarious, ngl.
Met a girl, that I used to be really interested in back in folkhighschool (It is a danish thing), randomly at a party.
We started talking.
She invited me over to a party with some of her friends, and I followed her home a few hours later. We were still talking having a great time.
She messaged me the next morning, and was wondering if I maybe wanted to hang out again some other time.
I stated that I would absolutely love to, and next time we could possibly invite a few other old classmates as well, and have a small get together....
Luckily, she took it as me just being a bit dense, and asked me to go to another party ALONE together 2 weeks or so later, and I found the balls to ask her out.
We have been dating for about 7 months now.
Ladies, men are afraid of being rejected just as much as you are, and sometimes ignoring the possible signs or choosing not to act on them is a way to avoid getting hurt.
In my case I just genuinely didn't pick up on her being interested in me until the second time we that is 100% on me...I'm just lucky that she tried again.
You're lucky she has poor communication skills? You're going to need all the help you can get
women really shouldn't be scared to ask guys.
As long as you have some basic boxes checked you should only have like a 5% rejection rate at most
- they aren't a greek god
- you are a 4 or more
- you aren't a shitty person
@@jimjamjimjam7700 well he is lucky, that the girl didnt assume he was gay and then ghosting him.
@@kairon5249 idk, I also would find it incredibly more hopeful if girls were willing to approach. But lets be honest, 5% rejection rate? Quite a few guys want to get to know the person beforehand to know what he might be getting himself into. Also guys or girls who have been single for a long time are usually better at spotting red-flags, they dont necessarily like to be alone, but they are very used to it, so they value it, only wanting a certain girl into their life that wouldnt require a major change in personal life. but depends
I think low self esteem and fear of rejection are driving a lot of these situations.
When I was in elementary school, a girl said to me, "Lena* likes you."
This was my reaction. - - >
I very forcefully said, "NO SHE DOESN'T."
Can you imagine? Now, THAT is some weapons-grade low self esteem.
* I changed the name. I don't think it was necessary, but I just want to maintain some anonymity, out of habit.
That Hugo Weaving this is legit the funniest thing ever.
It is often dangerous to assume that a woman is showing sexual interest until she flat out says she likes you and wants to have sex together. Most modern men are less oblivious and more afraid to misread something leading at best to a lost friendship or at worst to a sexual assault charge or restraining order
in this age of written consent being required, their hints should bring accusations of sexual harassment against women, use their own tools against them so women will learn what its like for them
I 100% agree. They SHOULD be called out and told that their behavior is sexual harassment. I despise feminists because they ARE behind many of the problems that have ruined relationships.
"Take the hint"
Is being blunt too hard to do? 💀💀💀
For most women it doesnt compute, its so weird when you line up all the reasons that support being blunt.
@@sarge2115 nah, it's mostly about "plausible deniability" - if they made the first move bluntly, they could get rejected, if they only throw hints, they can always be like "i was just being nice"
@@LucRio448 plausible deniability is a weapon deadlier than ricin.
@@sarge2115 they really seem to take pleasure in creating these magical moments, that is only in their heads, and in heads of her girl friends, but the guy has shit to do, if he gets mixed signals he is out, too much of a hassle, too much risk, there has to be a woman who makes it simple for the guy.
@lucrio448 almost all guys will take anything they can get lol
story 1 : didn't go unnoticed, he just didn't feel the same
I mean to the dude from story 18. Dude knows boundaries, even ones he made up in his mind, and respects them.
To the ladies frustrated with this, understand that we've been conditioned by society to not misunderstand a woman's intention, even if it's bleeding obvious.
Almost 40 and never missed a hint, simply because never in my life a woman tried to initiate something with me.
@thats not cool, koalaplays8855
I love that the first story he just reverts to unga bunga caveman mind to warm up the tribe.
>shes cold
>build large fire
>refuse to elaborate
Bruh the hugo weaving shit is so bizarre, i would feel outta place in that situation 😂
0:10 clearly not a hint that went unnoticed, guy is taking the absolute piss
Story 11. IMO it was far more likely that they planned it out to humiliate the OP for asking out a cheerleader and make him look like a creep than her actual liking him
Considering they were trying to get him to go with any single one of them and not a specific one out of three makes me believe you.
"Hugo weaves is such a great wingman"
Married to a woman I met back in middle school, didn't get serious until I told her I loved her in High school. Been together 9 years, been married for 2. Couldn't be happier. (she never got the hints till I straight up told her)
Funny how women can't even fathom the possibility that he did get it and ignored it as a form of rejection.
Some of them can’t accept the fact that they’re not desirable for everyone
A lot of these are either the guy's POV, or they eventually got together later on.
For the ones that weren't though, yeah.
The thing is, that a) hints are not enough to be sure that there is an enthusiastic consent (and if there is not, we are open to lawsuits nowadays - why risk that?), b) you might be interested, but we might NOT be interested in you - and if you only drop hints, then you will only get hints back (because dont expect us to make more effort than you do - why should we, really?).
Yup and mixed signals really, we can see 90 % that you like us and 10 % that you dont like us, and we will likely think of it us she dont like me that way
I think women are so used to men asking them they think something as random as just grabbing her hair should make men react, on the other hand they are so afraid of rejection themselves that they usually dont try after the "playing with hair stuff" fails to get a reaction.
sometimes these obvious signs make a guy less likely to act on it, because he'll fear that its "too" obvious; he might think that its him imagining things.
Unless the lady makes explicit,, persistent, witnessed requestsfor sexual contact, if he explicitly requests intercourse, she can have him arrested at any future date. It's not usually missing hints. It's reluctance to trust that the lady is not playing a malicious existentially threatening game. His chances are good- at least 90% chance of no criminal charges, if he is kind and respectful.
Wait if he even requests intercourse it’s illegal?
@@pineapplelollipop1074 No, they are just making this up.
@@inihilisme1511statistically, legally and with the double standards, that is not the case
@@inihilisme1511tell that to false me too allegations ruining men's lives
You're making up scenarios in your head
Men aren't taking hints because we're not about to end up jailed for gambling on "hints" , "cues" or "signals". Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I am starting to think that the guys being oblivious to "hints" is not the main issue. Bigger issue is that girls think that if the guy has currently different priorities (might just be that he is busy that day) that he must be gay or not interested. Then they give up so quickly it seems. We got own issues, we got stuff we think about on daily basis, we get stressed, we have bad days, so unfortunately there is a chance a guy wont be able to act on these hints, but that dont mean he is stupid or gay. That is just mean to think that. Also getting any kind of mixed signal from a girl we will just assume it is NO rather than gamble. And some girls deliberately give some shit test, some negative response to test the guy.. dont do that unless you want to be stood up, he got better things to do than play games.
Ladies. Don’t leave hints. Just don’t. Just…stop for the good of all woman kind just stop and learn how to communicate like healthy confident human beings. Story 6 I believe is ample reason as to why we indeed need to stop with “hints”
Story 7 and 8 is why you can no longer drop hints nor physical touch. Ladies who do this, ruined it for all the ones that understood this type of flirting.
Now you better make a formal application with a id, cover letter and legal note of consent + terms and conditions.
"get him to make a move" is the dumbest shit ever. What are you losing by making a move yourself exactly? Like holy shit if you like someone then it's on you to tell them, _directly_
"Hugo Weaving is such a great wingman"🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Hugo Weaving story is my favorite
Its fiunniest one
Hints don't matter because the repercussions of getting the wrong idea are far to harsh to take that chance.
“Trying to get him to make a move”
Am I the only one who sees how silly this is?
I must be the biggest fool, cause I wouldn't just miss the hint: I'd never remember it as a hint, or agree its a hint.
The " I just Googled it" one killed me 😂😂😂
He sent a closeup of hood eye!!! 😂😂😂 that’s totally me
Some of these weren't even that they didn't take the hint but that they just weren't interested lmao do women still think that men aren't allowed to refuse sexual advances or something?
Fr like if we refuse then we gay
THANK YOU. I’ve been telling this to people forever. You’re not entitled to us just like we’re not entitled to you
10:49 "Never mind, I just googled it" 😆
I'm too ugly to take any compliments serious, I take them as insults, so flirting with me with likely make me think you want something from me or you are just taking a piss
One girl hold my hand and put her legs on my lap and always smile at me and then I asked her out and said no I was doing all that to be friendly
Story 20 he prolly cannonballs into the pool to hide a stiffy or something 😂
Or he's just a guy with a guy brain, I see big pool of water, I splash big pool of water, in that moment my entire life purpose is to make splash go high
Ladies, if you were just straight to the point, men would no longer have to be scared lmao
Missed or ignored.
There is a difference ladies
Women say that they can do everything better, that they're strong and independent, but still can't make a move by themselves and always expect men to understand their hints instead 🤣
I am a male. Short of a woman taking me by the shoulders, looking into my eyes and say, "I find you attractive and want to know you better," I would not notice any hints, suggestions, or clues that she is attracted to me. I consider myself ugly, unattractive, and undesireable to women. Thus, I go through life expecting to be considered ugly, unattractive, and undesireable to women. I just ignore women because I consider then beyond my ability to attract one. I just put on a blank expression, keep my eyes forward, and ignore women completely, just as I do males, as well. I do not react to others around me. This thought of not being able to attract a woman is not only just a thought, it is a fact. I do not think I have ever been found attractive to any woman. I do not think any man has found me attractive either, though I am heterosexual and have no interest in men for an amorous relationship. Gay men have standards also. I am just generally an unattractive, undesireable, person. That is okay. This role in life must be filled by someone. It just happened to have fallen upon me to be an unattractive person. Realising this fact makes life easier. I expect no hints from the females of the species and do not look for any.
I’m a person who doesn’t find himself attractive and hasn’t had a very long standing relationship ever really but from the experiences that I been through I came to the realization that I am actually a lot more attractive them I thought I was 🤣. I still think I’m kinda ugly but I move with more confidence with that fact.
Work on yourself. Read more, get your money, hit the gym, wear cologne, dress nice. Build yourself up, and build your confidence up. And when you build your confidence your energy builds up too and THAT’S what girls gravitate to. All the extra shit is things to latch them on to you.
Blackpill is unattractive
"Most obvious hint" - there's a thing, hint is never "most obvious" to everyone. How about stopping assuming that others can read thoughts and that the hints you drop are obvious - which they're not in most cases - and actually use the means given to you? Like words, speech, brain to command your body to produce the sound known as "speech" and say what you want? Because the simple truth is - if someone cannot or does not want to simply say honestly what they want, what they think, then I can't be ar**d to waste my time trying to "decipher" their thoughts and hints. My time's more valuable then this and gets spent on better things that make sense, by far.
Personally I would never want to be associated closely with any woman who cannot articulate her thoughts and wishes. Because these are the clueless women who get offended at you because they saw in their dreams that you did something they don't like, and now they're angry at you in real life. Literally the kind of people who did 2+2 and got 13. Women I know were made clear of this and those who understood this and accepted this, we can have normal talks between each other. Some who didn't and kept doing "hints" and "you know what I think!" and such - not wasting my time with them.
Simple truth - if we ask you "what's wrong?" and you say "nothing!" then that's how we take it - nothing's wrong, so stop pouting.
Women be like: I crushed my crush with my car going 100kmph, how did he not take the hint?
I’ve had two woman fake being interested in me while on a date. Both “wanted” a second date. One didn’t get that far, and the 2nd one simply used me as a rebound.
This entire video is just a giant ad for women to say “STOP MAKING US GAMBLE WITH THE HINTS”
Problem with hints(as a guy)
You guess correctly: you get laid or get a girlfriend.
You guess wrong: you're seen as a creep and pervert.
The risk is not worth the reward honestly.
8:35 sound like he wouldve gotten turned down and embarrassed in front of everyone.
04:02 story 5, "could've watched any movie and got the same result"
"Yeah, was just about to watch Schindler's List"
I'm always oblivious to any hints that get sent my way...
1:40 can also be intepreted as ‘oh she’s a nice girl who wants to be a close friend’ to guys who are very cautious about opening up
Note to women:
Don't give guys hints. Just tell them.
If you're afraid of the reprocussions of what the guy may do...then you have a crush on the wrong guy and need to re-evaluate yout attraction receptors in your brain.
"...proceeded to build a giant fire" Man I don't know who he is but I already love this dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Starting to think women are the more awkward of us when it comes to initiation
Of course, that's why they leave it to the men.
The only annoying part is that they then complain that a guy isn't confident enough or that men need to try harder.
Im just another anonymous old guy now, and that the "rituals" involved in not only connecting, but actually hooking up in "modern" dating involves people tip toeing through the minefield of political correctness, but even years ago, it always surprised me that so many people, male or female, were being super subtle with each other because they were so afraid of rejection, or "losing face" with their crush. Jesus! Just be honest, communicate, and if you "fail," just laugh at yourself and move on! Any person worth "crushing" on should have the poise and style to send you the appropriate signals, even if theyre declining your offer. Ego, and the preservation of ego, have probably kept millions of people from fulfillment.
I call it “prey on me rizz”
Setting oneself up as bait (hint) for your crush to invite themselves to, it only regularly works on predators
6:05 i would do the same thing bc its very funny, even if i knew what was she planning
Pretty sure the first one is the "boyfriend" hinting at you "No, you're drunk and I don't want an assualt charge"
guys jus don't wanna be labeled a creep, if you gonna give a hint, make it obvious afterwards cause we most DEFINITELY are considering acting on "the hint."
Dude, none of these are obvious. I just don't know why women have so many problems stating clearly what they want.
We don’t trust hints just be blunt like legally blunt even then they might not trust you.
The way bro says "nah" has me dead💀
Be logical and clear. Don't even try throwing hints as you will fail miserably doing so. Problem: They don't think, they feel and therefor are unable to comprehend the "asking him out" part.
The deafening roar of my silent screaming fills the echoes of my walls, as I watch in horror for these men.
The cannonball story is ME 😂😂😂😂 done that a couple times
everyone interested in having a partner should be legally required to read these at least once
Must be fun to have had an experience like that, wish I had one too...
The real pain is when you realize that you dont have similar stories because no girl ever tried anything with you
Story 7 is the absolute FUNNIEST story about s*x I’ve EVER HEARD 😂😂😂