You know, that was actually right at the very limit of my current heart was pounding too! Saw your loop around Picketpost. Laura and I did that loop a few years ago. Still have an "Apache tear" we found in the wash!
@MoonJuiceHikes thank you for watching our video. It's very much appreciated. We would still like to get you one of our stickers, if you want one. We will be down here a couple more weeks before we head north.
"And I said HEY, Hey, Hey,.... what's going on - luv that song. Are you going to do another group hike anytime soon - LIKE Before it gets Blazing Fricken HOT? Chris and I have been checking out the Picket Post Loop, Lost Trail 221 Arnett Canyon should be on everybody's to do list - Both knees are complete - hiked a whopping 1.91 miles last weekend (Whuu whoo!!) baby steps lol -
Hey Kim! Glad to hear you’re on the road to recovery! I am planning a subscriber hike soon (but it’s going to be Battleship). Hopefully you can hike in a couple of miles, anyway. Stay tuned…
A cold one might have been consumed up there Greg....I cannot confirm or deny how that got there. I can confirm the only way it made it down was by hitching a ride in my belly!
You definitely got our hearts pounding. That was very awesome. A little beyond our capabilities. Right now anyways. Say high to Laura for us.
You know, that was actually right at the very limit of my current heart was pounding too! Saw your loop around Picketpost. Laura and I did that loop a few years ago. Still have an "Apache tear" we found in the wash!
@MoonJuiceHikes thank you for watching our video. It's very much appreciated. We would still like to get you one of our stickers, if you want one. We will be down here a couple more weeks before we head north.
My husband and I ran into you guys on your hike down. Awesome video!
And we saw each other on Flatiron last week?!? 👍the big desert is such a small world!
"And I said HEY, Hey, Hey,.... what's going on - luv that song. Are you going to do another group hike anytime soon - LIKE Before it gets Blazing Fricken HOT? Chris and I have been checking out the Picket Post Loop, Lost Trail 221 Arnett Canyon should be on everybody's to do list - Both knees are complete - hiked a whopping 1.91 miles last weekend (Whuu whoo!!) baby steps lol -
Hey Kim! Glad to hear you’re on the road to recovery! I am planning a subscriber hike soon (but it’s going to be Battleship). Hopefully you can hike in a couple of miles, anyway. Stay tuned…
Great video B!
Thanks Dawn! Feels good conquering those fears!
Would you be having a moon juice on top of the rock?......Moonjuice......Ha Ha or did you wait for Wahoos?......
A cold one might have been consumed up there Greg....I cannot confirm or deny how that got there. I can confirm the only way it made it down was by hitching a ride in my belly!