Hey when they said that Poland destroyed germany's in the air i would prefer u to watch Division 303 Battle for England u would know a little bit more about it (im from Poland)
I want to cry when they laugh at us, our history is one of the most painful in the world, Poland has not died and will not die Chcę płakać, kiedy się z nas śmieją, nasza historia jest jedną z najbardziej bolesnych na świecie, Polska nie umarła i nie umrze
ale mnie to wkurwia, bo np. historia jakies jebanej francji to tylko wywieszanie białej flagi, a nadal to POLACY musieli siedzieć w obozach i wylewać krew za cipy, które teraz chcą sie stać wasalem putina, KURWA MAĆ 50% NA LE PEN. CO TO KURWA ZA PATOLOGIA
Let them laugh. We've often been the bullied underdog and it's made us strong. We were once a large, liberal, tolerant, and powerful nation which saved Europe from Islamic conquest. In part thanks to our Hussars, which were one of the most elite cavalry units in history. Later, we outlasted every act of brutality or betrayal committed against us, and there were many. Now, we are rendering extreme aid to Ukraine (despite its past crimes against us) and are at the same time on our way to becoming a European superpower. They're free to laugh, but I personally don't see much to laugh at.
@@carinaalexandrasimoes89 ima just check lol Edit:k Poland is 7 place of history and 1 place of the best girls in the world XD and china is first.............. *Yikes*
As an hungarian, my reaction a little different....: For example my hands clenched, and instead of "oh, I didnt know!" rather " I'm sorry we couldnt help bro!" And you are a really happy man, if you or anybody in your family don't know what is gulag....I wish you newer find out from your own experience something like that. Thanks for the video. Respect to Poland.
@@mikhailalmaz I am nearly sure that in Soviet Russia Stalin killed same if not more Russians than other nations. They were not Communists servants that`s why. Lets we not let history make a circle and don`t follow propaganda.
Yeah, I know something about it...😞👴 but I'm so happy, cause we have really loyal friends. You didn't help, but now, I think it'll be like this: you, Hungarian, will catch the grenade for us❤ love u Polak, Węgier- dwa bratanki💗
What was not said in that video, and i think spices up the "two empires occupations" thing up, is that Poland regained it's independence in 1918 with the end of WW I, afeter 123(!!!!) years of not existing as a country. And only two years later (1920), had to fight the war against one of the biggest empires out there. Proto-soviet union, bolsheviks forces (Polish-Soviet War) and having half-amateur poorly armed forces, actually managed to stop the red scumbags from flooding the Europe in the Batte of Warsaw also called "Miracle of the Vistula". What's interesting is that Stalin took part in that battle as one of the lower rank commanders, and apparently learned pretty well from that ass whooping lesson. Because next time he invaded Poland as a big time Soviet leader, he did it beeing sure that another scumbag empire is already invading the other side of the country. In 1939 Poland was merely an 21 year old country, which have already had to fight and (miracoulously)win a major conflict on it's territory, still in the process of rebuilding and unifying almost every aspect of life and country's existence after 123years lasting THREE OCCUPATIONS. And yet, it is known that there are proofs of the fact that Germany had to involve so much of their army forces, to conquer Poland as fast as they did, that they left their western borders almost undguarded, and if not the cowardness of the allied France and UK, the WW II could have ended as fast as it had begun. If Poles wouldn't have believed in the Polish-French and Polish-English military treaties, they probably wouldn't stand up to the Germany in the first place. The whole Polish defence plan was based on an assumption that the Allies would honor the military pacts in a manly way, and provide some relief to the Polish front. And what did the Allies do when the war had begun? Did they engage western German borders? No. They dropped propaganda leaflets over Berlin asking Germans nicely to stop fighting Poland (Phoney War). Instead of promissed help, Poland got the soviet knife to its back. And did the allies try to rehabilitate in any way after the WWII? Of course not, they sold out Poland to the Soviets for another 50 years of occupation to avoid conflict with Stalin (Yalta conference). The "Allies" have just as much Polish blood on their hands as Germans and Soviets. Another thing that is beeing barely brought up in a worldwide discussion is the fact that there was no Israel during the holocaust. The Jews thay died at the time, were European countries citizens. The WW II took one out of every five polish citizens lives. That's how much it did cost Poles to trust an Englishman and a Frenchman. And despite the collusion of silence, despite the efforts to rewrite history, we do remember about that. Those were our grandfathers and great-grandfathers that died in that war, some of those heroes live up to this day. It was not long enough to be forgotten. Now imagine how do theese people who had to survive and endure all of the genocide atrocities feel nowdays, hearing the term "polish death camps".
I’m an American but Polska and always taught to be proud of my heritage, the bravest country on this planet for the longest time, first to fight always! God bless all my polish ancestors for their tremendous sacrifice for the freedoms they so strongly fought for. It’s a beautiful country full of beautiful people. 🇵🇱❤️
@Tomasz Gryzon uwierz mi ze jak wybuchla by wojna wszyscy polacy zlaczyli by sie razem . Najlepiej potwierdzaja to mecze pilki noznej gdzie wszyscy sie lacza i kibicuja :)
Hahahha rozpierdoliles mnie tym tekstem Kurwa jakbys pochodzil z brazyli a we francji naprzyklad by jakis youtuber nagral o brazyli to bys to klknal bo jest cos o twoim kraju tutaj tak samo A wy kurwa myslicie ze jest jakas moda na polske smuac mi sie chce To jest poprostu sposob na nabijanie wyswietlen i trzepaniu kasy na takich jak ty
Każdy metr kwadratowy tej ziemi jest pokryty krwią, trzeba się jednoczyć w każdej sytuacji i eliminować wrogów ojczyzny. Nie zapominajmy o zasługach naszych dziadów i pradziadów. Współczesnych decydentów rozliczy historia, ale to nie powód żeby dawać im wolną rękę, więc walczmy !
@@Adrian-nd6mi a w którym miejscu "vidos01"napisał że jest katolikiem czytasz tak trochę ze zrozumieniem wiesz co się dzieje w kraju czy tylko oglądasz stronnicze tv i debilne seriale
Gosciu, zastanow sie co piszesz w Polsce jest pokój nie masz z kim walczyc po drógie po przekazie twojego komentarza mozna wywnioskowac ze jestes ksenofobem
@@Adrian-nd6mi facet pisze chwała polakom, na co ty odpowuadasz a jeśli nie jesteś katolem to kula ci w łeb? No to ty katolikiem na pewno nie jesteś, skonsultuj ten swój głupawy tekst ze swym przewodnikiem duchownym i zapytaj czy tak mówi prawdziwy katolik. Ty jesteś pseudo, co go kościoła lata na rydza daje a rodakowi by nóż w plecy włożył, czyli to właśnie co trzeba tępić. Z Bogiem
Rzecz w tym, że, na szczęście, nie są to czasy walki zbrojnej. Teraz potrzebujemy fachowców od gospodarki i mistrzów dyplomacji. Niestety z tym ostatnim już od dawna zupełnie sobie nie radzimy.
@@skalpeloza it was supposed to be a brief history. If they included everything, I bet it would be hours long. (sorry I hope u know English because I didn't know how to explain it in Polish)
The Polish history is terrible, no one except the fighting people knows that it really was. But how many people died for my freedom. We will not let it be taken away from us 🇵🇱❤️🇺🇸
@@iza5189 Nie tylko smutna ale takze pokazuje jak nas nie lubią.Sojusznicy od boleści zdradzali nas na każdym kroku.Brytania,Francja i nawet USA które tworzyliśmy (Kościuszko).Ale chciałbym parę dat przypomniec. 1920-Bitwa Warszawska która spowodowała koniec ekspansji bolszewików na zachód europy.Oczywiscie dziękujemy Węgra za amunicję i pojazdy. Bitwa pod Wiedniem-Ratunek przed ekspansja Osmanów na Europę Ratowaliśmy także pod Mongołami ale nikt tego nie pamięta... Nikt nie pamięta że to my jako jedyni byliśmy w Moskwie i rządziliśmy cała Rosją.
@@-hinettsu- Prawda.Jeszcze po wojnie gdy ratowaliśmy ich kazali zapłacić za ich Huricany,Supermarine Spitfire oraz P-51 Mustang (to już amerykańskie więc o to się bardzo nie czepiali,czemu mnie to nie dziwi).Tak nam dziękują za to że im pomogliśmy
Very few nations went through as much shit as Poles did. Back-stabbed so many times by "allies", ereased from history for 123 years, turned into Nazi/Soviet playground. Nigdy więcej wojny.
Byliśmy gnębieni w trakcie II wojny światowej i po niej, ale nic szczególnego poza tym. Wręcz skompromitowała nas nasza "elita" w XVII i XVIII wieku. Nie twórzmy jakichś mitów, że jesteśmy wyjątkowi.
"What are gulags tho" 1:32 "I tottaly forgot austchwitz took place in Poland" 6:15 "I had no idea that Poland was actually one of the first places to reach out to the United states and inform them about the holocaust" 7:19 Oh boy you REALLY shouldn't do reaction videos for history stuff
"I didn't know how... how involved Poland was with.. this whole umm... Nazi Germany stuff" 3:45 : D btw. a guy without a clue makes clicks by showing his reactions to something like a right-wing propaganda animation
Marta Gaj Yes we know that, but ww2 are the worst time in history for Poland(not only Poland but more countries too). During ww2 Poland are not strong and big as ZSRR or Nazists, but we were brave and death was nothing for us as freedom, what we fighting for it.
@@mairumu8873 No, we were the best pilots, we had trained British how to fly during 2nd world war and we were the ones who helped Britain during the battle of Britain and we had defeated Germans saving Britain, and where did u get the fact from that Poland had no planes? are you dumb lol, only thing we didn't have is navy's
it blows my mind that you didn't have any WW2 coverage in high school. I was in high school in 2001-2005 and a full period was spent on WW2 alone. Also to mention, there is a distinction between Poland and "German occupied Poland" during WWII
Hi Brian, I'm from Poland and I like your chanel, because you show what our history looks like, but you also show the customs, traditions of other countries and much, much more. It's beautiful what you do and you do it with desire and thank you very much for that.😘
Your wife never told you about the war between communists and nazis and deportations? 11th and 18th november was only a few weeks ago. Not just Poland suffered at that time, same happened in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Finland and probably some other countries.
Yeah I agree not just Poland. But we didn't want any wars and we had to fight for our country in 1 & 2 World War . On 11th November this year was the 100th aniversary of our regain of Independance. Also we dissapeared on the world maps for 123 years .
@@n7nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn just thx to work of those brilliant mathematicians and team of hundreds people working in Bletchley Park Turing 👏👍was able to take credit for that.
@@joshuddin897 just let me bring latest figures xD 99.9 of poles are literate nearly 80% of them are higher educated. Last time that I have check only 70% of British people were literate .... and even less had any education. So sad.
Whenever I watch this animation, my heart is warm and my eyes are filled with tears.😖 Each time I think how many people died, how many fought for Poland to be an independent country. I am proud of my country and the fact that I am Polish.💓💓💕
I come from Poland. My uncle, who was an officer of the Polish Army and Police, was murdered in Katyn. I am proud to come from such a brave country, but I am ashamed of our politicians. Greetings from Poland! Adrian
Wow! Thank you for sharing Adrian, I'm extremely sorry about your uncle, however, I'm happy to hear you look past these events and are proud of your country. Hello from the other side of the globe! 🌎
Thank you for showing my country's latest history, it's important to remeber what Poland suffered during last 100 years. Worth mentioning that 21 years before the WW2 ended the World War 1 that gave independace to Poland which disappeared from Europe's maps in 1795 becouse of being under annexation of Austria, Prussia and Russia...
During World War II, Poland was the only country in the world where a death penalty for helping Jews took place. Even for giving a Jew a glass of water. The death penalty applied to the helper and his entire family, brothers, sisters, wife, children and parents. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of Jews in Poland survived the war.
I don’t cry because I know that Poland hit the USSR in the back in 1919. Also knowing the fact that Poland occupied part of Czechoslovakia like nazi German :)
i don't cry while listening to it because i learn it in school ever since 3rd grade, it gets kinda boring that all we learn in school is basically just how much of a victim poland was while ww1 and ww2. still, there is what to be proud of lol.
@@sogood1878I'm very sad about how uneducated you are... please read something before you start implying that Poland was acting like nazi or that they hit USSR (surely "innocent"). that only shows how manipulated is history that is taught in your country
"What is Gulag"? It is a shorthand actually, for the administrative unit for the forced labour camps of soviet union. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is often considered to be the definitive point when WWII was started (it varies a lot between countries when it is considerd to start, but this is the point where almost everyone agrees it is ongoing). That pact basically was Nazi germany and Soviet dividing up Poland and then invading from different sides. Polish history actually is a lot harsher than it seems - they have been invaded by most of the european superpowers throughout history.
Love this video about polish history. Its shows the whole truth. Unfortunately, most countries dont want to admit it. I like you Brian! Waiting for reacts about polish song :D
I love the movie „Division 303”❤️ I feel like I saw the version with English subtitles somewhere 🤔 So when you interested with polish history you can watch it, it’s really good 👍🏻
The term Gulag refers to the entire system of camps throughout Russia. Individual camps were identified by a number. Most likely because most of these camps were not even close to any describable geographic feature let alone population centers.
Since 1611 to 1945 Polish people fought to sustain/defend/regain the freedom in 45 wars. As the consequence we are the house of Stark among the nations, just our motto is "war is coming". My grandparents told me to learn foreign languages, but not so I can travel the world and meet interesting people. No. They told me that if war ever comes to my house, it could save my life as it saved them during WW II, when they were forced labor on a farm in nazi Germany (they were in their early teens working 16h per day). We also know that we are alone - in 1939 French government issues a statement that their soldiers won't be dying for Warsaw. In spite of the fact that Hitler has thrown all the he had to fight with Poland and there was no one to protect Germany from the west. British never admitted that Touring used the algorithm developed by Polish cryptologists to break enigma (permutation method but with several hundred rotors). Then, as a "thank you for fighting in battle for England" they forbade our pilots to march in London parade in 1945 and deported them back to communistic Poland, were almost all were killed by the soviet terror. All of that is nothing in compare to how death camps are branded "Polish" by many. Our soldiers infiltrated Auschwitz, escaped, and risking their lives went through the enemy lines to let the alliance know what Germans are doing and nothing happened. The reason why those camps were located in Poland is simple - Poland has had the biggest Jewish community in the world and it was hard to move them elsewhere. And - a terrifying fact - French railway got paid by 3rd Reich for every transport of Jewish people to death camps. But enough of that. Have a look at the achievements of "the old Republic". Defence of Vienna in 1683 or what hussars where able to do on the battlefield - crazy stuff. Take care.
Poland is an amazing country.... been there a lot of times... and for anyone interested in history it is a great place to visit, Walking in the old part of Warsaw and realizing how much the German Nazis destroyed there... and how the polish people rebuilt everything again....really show the power of the polish people.
People just think that all Poland did was get massacred. Here in england just about no one acknowldeges what Poland Has done and its only a few adults who know, but these are people who are obssessed about history. Saving europe twice truly was a mistake. We stand up and fight for what is ours while others cower in the shadows and their ignorance. Are people really as stupid as they seem? Do people really not care so much? And not only are we a great nation, but then the english make fun of US saying how bad "those drunken poles are". I spit on them and their stupidity. Poland is a true country of honour, and yet we are still ignored and neglected even. Why? What have we done wrong? Does anyone really realise what Has happened to us, the country that saved europe and then still doesnt receive the help it deserves and demands? What is wrong with this world?
Btw im from poland and i have a fact:even small boys to age 10,11,12 were fighting against them and there was army of them And another fact:polish army had trained a bear and he was helping during the fight by bringing the ammo to army
I dont remember hearing about them training him. Wojtek was mostly copying what others were doing and learning from it also he didnt bring the ammo he would help with loading of the heavy crates so they can be transported, he would then he rewarded with beer which was his favourite
It's not even like... a tinniest grain of Polish history... I highly recommend to figure out more about how Poland changed through the centuries. I really enjoy your videos. Great job :D
Actually my Grandma is a victim of a Wołyń massacre. She survived it, escaped it. She is alive Like it to Pay respects to the ones that fought for US 👇
They've killed all polish elite because they thought that by killing our elite, officers, scientists, they'll kill all nation but they didn't. We're still alive.
Gulag - work camp /death camp - people were forced to work for minimum of food, without cures and struggling with low temperatures not a lots of people had chance to survive. Located for example on Siberia.
"They called us Black Devils.. " its my favorite part. Ahuahu now something ... eee idk. Im so proud of being Polish, maybe were not the best, maybe we are known as alcoholics, and freaks, but not everyone is like that. Poland even dissapeared from map for up to 100 years, but we didnt gave up. Were strong, and we are not scared to fight for our country.
Thank you so much that you share this with the word, I'm a polish guy who live in France and I'm the French are are not at all educated about the real sacrifices, that others countrys made during this war, to be clear I'm a partriot and I cried when I seen this video in your channel ... I cried because of pride that I have for my country. Thank you .
@@ku8adop Zapomniałeś dodać wojny z Anglią.Widze że znasz historię USA.Historia Polski też ma sobie wiele do zarzucenia.Przez setki lat nic się nie dzieje potem przez 123 lata nie istniejemy.Potem się pojawiamy i powtórka z rozrywki.Nie żeby coś ale każdy może napisać streszczenie histori Polski która nie jest osłana różami i w większości momentów to my sami niszczyliśmy ten kraj.Lubie historię Polski ale każda historia jest ciekawa jeżeli kraj ma przynajmniej setki lat.
o Dude, you don't know how badly the Poles had it, this video showed a BIG summary of what was going on. And we had 3 more partitions, so we were not on the map for 123 years. Poland has done a lot
Polish Music 5 is now out!
I also did all of the military history.
React to hetalia plz its a world history anime i like u because u like history
Hey when they said that Poland destroyed germany's in the air i would prefer u to watch Division 303 Battle for England u would know a little bit more about it (im from Poland)
Polska Dumą
Respect from Hungary! ❤️ Polak, Wegier dwa bratanki...
Brothers forever! 💪
Brothers forever 🇵🇱❤🇭🇺
Forever my Hungarian bro ❤
i do bitki i do szklanki
I do szabli i do szklanki
PL: Bo my nie błagamy o wolność. My o nią walczymy.
Piękne słowa
Naprawdę zadziwia mnie to. Tak tu dużo Polaków, a nikt nie dodał polskich napisów -.-
Sam film który ogląda ma polskie napisy więc nie ma celu tego robić.
Chodzi o to, że niektórzy mogą nie wiedzieć co on tam na końcu mówi
@@bronislawwilkfanpage6408 Starczyło uważać w szkole na lekcjach angielskiego i nie byłoby problemu.
Zapomniałam xd
Na tym filmie osoby trzecie nie mogą dodawać napisów, więc nie narzekajcie że nikt nie dodał, bo nikt nie mógł...
Who's from Poland ? Hehehe
kk. karolina i’m ^^
Ja xd
@@marianmalczewski4012 twój stary pijany
I from Poland
Respect from Hungary 🤙 🇭🇺❤️🇵🇱
I want to cry when they laugh at us, our history is one of the most painful in the world, Poland has not died and will not die
Chcę płakać, kiedy się z nas śmieją, nasza historia jest jedną z najbardziej bolesnych na świecie, Polska nie umarła i nie umrze
I tak połowa świata i Polaków sra na ten kraj
słowa zostały wypowiedziane grotto
ale mnie to wkurwia, bo np. historia jakies jebanej francji to tylko wywieszanie białej flagi, a nadal to POLACY musieli siedzieć w obozach i wylewać krew za cipy, które teraz chcą sie stać wasalem putina, KURWA MAĆ 50% NA LE PEN. CO TO KURWA ZA PATOLOGIA
Скоро снова придёт раздел
Let them laugh. We've often been the bullied underdog and it's made us strong. We were once a large, liberal, tolerant, and powerful nation which saved Europe from Islamic conquest. In part thanks to our Hussars, which were one of the most elite cavalry units in history. Later, we outlasted every act of brutality or betrayal committed against us, and there were many. Now, we are rendering extreme aid to Ukraine (despite its past crimes against us) and are at the same time on our way to becoming a European superpower. They're free to laugh, but I personally don't see much to laugh at.
I'm from Poland and I'm very proud of Poland and Polish soldiers. I'm happy that I'm Polish❤🖤
I'm from Poland too. Cześć :)
@@Pptyy why?
@@skyw0rker157 xd
@@gazzigazzi8903 dlaczego?
Ja też.
Actually i think Poland is the most history country in the world...
Ya it's
Lol no
@@carinaalexandrasimoes89 ima just check lol
Edit:k Poland is 7 place of history and 1 place of the best girls in the world XD and china is first..............
@@offline78 Poland always was brave and never gave up
@@ArsziwaAya Ik thats what im saying in every vids about Poland XD
As an hungarian, my reaction a little different....: For example my hands clenched, and instead of "oh, I didnt know!" rather " I'm sorry we couldnt help bro!" And you are a really happy man, if you or anybody in your family don't know what is gulag....I wish you newer find out from your own experience something like that. Thanks for the video.
Respect to Poland.
I am Russian and someone of my ancestors was in a Gulag and came out later
thanks from poland!
@@mikhailalmaz I am nearly sure that in Soviet Russia Stalin killed same if not more Russians than other nations. They were not Communists servants that`s why. Lets we not let history make a circle and don`t follow propaganda.
Yeah, I know something about it...😞👴 but I'm so happy, cause we have really loyal friends. You didn't help, but now, I think it'll be like this: you, Hungarian, will catch the grenade for us❤ love u
Polak, Węgier- dwa bratanki💗
whats a gulag
stalin: i can show you
What was not said in that video, and i think spices up the "two empires occupations" thing up, is that Poland regained it's independence in 1918 with the end of WW I, afeter 123(!!!!) years of not existing as a country. And only two years later (1920), had to fight the war against one of the biggest empires out there. Proto-soviet union, bolsheviks forces (Polish-Soviet War) and having half-amateur poorly armed forces, actually managed to stop the red scumbags from flooding the Europe in the Batte of Warsaw also called "Miracle of the Vistula". What's interesting is that Stalin took part in that battle as one of the lower rank commanders, and apparently learned pretty well from that ass whooping lesson. Because next time he invaded Poland as a big time Soviet leader, he did it beeing sure that another scumbag empire is already invading the other side of the country. In 1939 Poland was merely an 21 year old country, which have already had to fight and (miracoulously)win a major conflict on it's territory, still in the process of rebuilding and unifying almost every aspect of life and country's existence after 123years lasting THREE OCCUPATIONS. And yet, it is known that there are proofs of the fact that Germany had to involve so much of their army forces, to conquer Poland as fast as they did, that they left their western borders almost undguarded, and if not the cowardness of the allied France and UK, the WW II could have ended as fast as it had begun. If Poles wouldn't have believed in the Polish-French and Polish-English military treaties, they probably wouldn't stand up to the Germany in the first place. The whole Polish defence plan was based on an assumption that the Allies would honor the military pacts in a manly way, and provide some relief to the Polish front. And what did the Allies do when the war had begun? Did they engage western German borders? No. They dropped propaganda leaflets over Berlin asking Germans nicely to stop fighting Poland (Phoney War). Instead of promissed help, Poland got the soviet knife to its back. And did the allies try to rehabilitate in any way after the WWII? Of course not, they sold out Poland to the Soviets for another 50 years of occupation to avoid conflict with Stalin (Yalta conference). The "Allies" have just as much Polish blood on their hands as Germans and Soviets.
Another thing that is beeing barely brought up in a worldwide discussion is the fact that there was no Israel during the holocaust. The Jews thay died at the time, were European countries citizens. The WW II took one out of every five polish citizens lives. That's how much it did cost Poles to trust an Englishman and a Frenchman. And despite the collusion of silence, despite the efforts to rewrite history, we do remember about that. Those were our grandfathers and great-grandfathers that died in that war, some of those heroes live up to this day. It was not long enough to be forgotten. Now imagine how do theese people who had to survive and endure all of the genocide atrocities feel nowdays, hearing the term "polish death camps".
I’m an American but Polska and always taught to be proud of my heritage, the bravest country on this planet for the longest time, first to fight always! God bless all my polish ancestors for their tremendous sacrifice for the freedoms they so strongly fought for. It’s a beautiful country full of beautiful people. 🇵🇱❤️
Jest moda na Polskę. Nie spieprzcie tego rodacy...
@Tomasz Gryzon uwierz mi ze jak wybuchla by wojna wszyscy polacy zlaczyli by sie razem . Najlepiej potwierdzaja to mecze pilki noznej gdzie wszyscy sie lacza i kibicuja :)
Wojny trzeba aby połączyć Polskę.
Nie po prostu Polska to normalny kraj 1 świata a Brian robi filmy o różnych krajach
Hahahha rozpierdoliles mnie tym tekstem
Kurwa jakbys pochodzil z brazyli a we francji naprzyklad by jakis youtuber nagral o brazyli to bys to klknal bo jest cos o twoim kraju tutaj tak samo
A wy kurwa myslicie ze jest jakas moda na polske smuac mi sie chce
To jest poprostu sposob na nabijanie wyswietlen i trzepaniu kasy na takich jak ty
A ty się ogarnij, bo każdy wszędzie to kopiuje. Żałosne.
Klaudii oks yesssss ❤️
Łada jetseś
Polska ❤️
Klaudia ja chyba się w tobie zabujałem na maxxxxxa . 😅
Każdy metr kwadratowy tej ziemi jest pokryty krwią, trzeba się jednoczyć w każdej sytuacji i eliminować wrogów ojczyzny. Nie zapominajmy o zasługach naszych dziadów i pradziadów. Współczesnych decydentów rozliczy historia, ale to nie powód żeby dawać im wolną rękę, więc walczmy !
@@Adrian-nd6mi a w którym miejscu "vidos01"napisał że jest katolikiem czytasz tak trochę ze zrozumieniem wiesz co się dzieje w kraju czy tylko oglądasz stronnicze tv i debilne seriale
Gosciu, zastanow sie co piszesz w Polsce jest pokój nie masz z kim walczyc po drógie po przekazie twojego komentarza mozna wywnioskowac ze jestes ksenofobem
@@Adrian-nd6mi facet pisze chwała polakom, na co ty odpowuadasz a jeśli nie jesteś katolem to kula ci w łeb? No to ty katolikiem na pewno nie jesteś, skonsultuj ten swój głupawy tekst ze swym przewodnikiem duchownym i zapytaj czy tak mówi prawdziwy katolik. Ty jesteś pseudo, co go kościoła lata na rydza daje a rodakowi by nóż w plecy włożył, czyli to właśnie co trzeba tępić. Z Bogiem
@vidos01 nie zapominajmy też że T-Series to kurwy
Rzecz w tym, że, na szczęście, nie są to czasy walki zbrojnej. Teraz potrzebujemy fachowców od gospodarki i mistrzów dyplomacji. Niestety z tym ostatnim już od dawna zupełnie sobie nie radzimy.
I love Poland.Love from Macedonia
Oh, Macedonia? Really thank you from all Poland ❤
Nie ja ja jestem z Japonia xD
Hi i Love Macedonia 😊
Polska - dziękujemy ! 💗
Poland had to suffer most by this war. Poland is actually the place where the 2. World War started.
*[*] R.I.P my grandma's parents ;-;
Der Raabe Russia had to suffer most, and thats a fact. And yes it was the beginning, and nobody said something different.
Mairumu Russia suffered most, but they started the war as Hitlers ally so nobody cares.
Brian, this story is authentic. Unfortunately
Sporo faktów pominięto niestety. Takie lukrowanie naszej historii.
Olitolili xD I’ve heard! I’m so sorry about all the pain ❤️ I love you guys, and I’m so happy you all were able to recover :)
@@skalpeloza dokładnie
Its not even a 1/10 of what we survived
@@skalpeloza it was supposed to be a brief history. If they included everything, I bet it would be hours long. (sorry I hope u know English because I didn't know how to explain it in Polish)
The Polish history is terrible, no one except the fighting people knows that it really was. But how many people died for my freedom. We will not let it be taken away from us 🇵🇱❤️🇺🇸
Hania Zawadzka it’s not terrible, comparing it to other countries.. the history is rich with patriotism and bravery, that’s no terrible thing.
Oliszkiwa yes here is also quite right
nacionalistic hysteria, what...
Thx bro Slav brother:)
Dzięki/thank you
Nikt nie Przebije Polską Historie
The history of Poland is very interesting and the best
Nie powiedziałabym, że jest najlepsza, bo jest bardzo smutna, ale powinniśmy być dumni z naszych rodaków 🇵🇱
@@iza5189 Nie tylko smutna ale takze pokazuje jak nas nie lubią.Sojusznicy od boleści zdradzali nas na każdym kroku.Brytania,Francja i nawet USA które tworzyliśmy (Kościuszko).Ale chciałbym parę dat przypomniec.
1920-Bitwa Warszawska która spowodowała koniec ekspansji bolszewików na zachód europy.Oczywiscie dziękujemy Węgra za amunicję i pojazdy.
Bitwa pod Wiedniem-Ratunek przed ekspansja Osmanów na Europę
Ratowaliśmy także pod Mongołami ale nikt tego nie pamięta...
Nikt nie pamięta że to my jako jedyni byliśmy w Moskwie i rządziliśmy cała Rosją.
Tu się zgodzę, niestety nas nie lubią..
@@-hinettsu- Prawda.Jeszcze po wojnie gdy ratowaliśmy ich kazali zapłacić za ich Huricany,Supermarine Spitfire oraz P-51 Mustang (to już amerykańskie więc o to się bardzo nie czepiali,czemu mnie to nie dziwi).Tak nam dziękują za to że im pomogliśmy
Nie jest najlepsza
His name was Witold Pilecki. He volunteered himself to be sent to the camps in order to report on what was happening
I am proud to be Polish🇵🇱
Me too!
Same 🇵🇱
Ja też🇵🇱
There's no country I respect more than Poland. Major love from the UK
Very few nations went through as much shit as Poles did. Back-stabbed so many times by "allies", ereased from history for 123 years, turned into Nazi/Soviet playground. Nigdy więcej wojny.
But no nation was in "jail" for 123 years only poland
Byliśmy gnębieni w trakcie II wojny światowej i po niej, ale nic szczególnego poza tym. Wręcz skompromitowała nas nasza "elita" w XVII i XVIII wieku. Nie twórzmy jakichś mitów, że jesteśmy wyjątkowi.
That's because you don't belong I. Europe Slavs are from Asia you should go back to Asia
@@bruderschweigen6889 and you probably from America, you should go back to England or where you belong
@@nightshade3782 well my father and his family are from northern Germany so ill go back when you leave Prussia lol
Poland was gone off maps for 123 years and I'm happy I'm from Poland. Cool vid.
What’s a gulag tho?
Stalin: You wanna see
Very bad joke
I'm Not Gay you wanna see two
I'm Not Gay ok
That's a surprise
Comrade Stalin oh comrade I apologize pardon me sir
"What are gulags tho"
"I tottaly forgot austchwitz took place in Poland"
"I had no idea that Poland was actually one of the first places to reach out to the United states and inform them about the holocaust"
Oh boy you REALLY shouldn't do reaction videos for history stuff
"I didn't know how... how involved Poland was with.. this whole umm... Nazi Germany stuff"
: D
btw. a guy without a clue makes clicks by showing his reactions to something like a right-wing propaganda animation
Yeah he shouldn't have
Why not? Isnt it better to see his change in his knowledge instead of being ye ye and all?
@@flexingchicken He could've actually read something before doing this to not spund like an absolute moron just wanting views
Everytime when i watched the end of this video and lector saying "Because we do not beg for freedom. we fight for it." tear streaming down my face
I had the same mate!
Me too...
Me too/Ja też
nie inaczej
I am from Poland, I know what you are talking about.
RESPECT dla naszych Polskich braci i sióstr z Slowacji! 👑🇵🇱🇸🇰👑
Słowacy zaatakowali Polskę razem z Niemcami i Rosją niestety byliście kolaborantami i tchórzami podczas 2 wojny światowej.
Its not all history of Poland. This is only WW2. There is more
Marta Gaj Yes we know that, but ww2 are the worst time in history for Poland(not only Poland but more countries too). During ww2 Poland are not strong and big as ZSRR or Nazists, but we were brave and death was nothing for us as freedom, what we fighting for it.
This Polish history WW2
Its actually both ww2 and cold war
But still sad that they didn't say how we took Moscow in the medieval era
Yeah where is medival or ww1.
The Poles were the best pilots during World War II, so they fought alongside the British
Yes, I'm Polish xd
• Safai • The polish had no Planes to fight against anybody, the best Pilots were German, and British.
@@mairumu8873 No, we were the best pilots, we had trained British how to fly during 2nd world war and we were the ones who helped Britain during the battle of Britain and we had defeated Germans saving Britain, and where did u get the fact from that Poland had no planes? are you dumb lol, only thing we didn't have is navy's
Malik Polish pilots where the best the best squadron in the RAF was Squadron 303 and was comprised of Polish men
@@mairumu8873 look up squadron 303 polish pilots saved Britain
Watch „Miasto 44” and „Kamienie na szaniec”. These movies arę about II WW in Poland🤍❤️🇵🇱
These movies are shit.
XxSzajbaxX i dont think so but this is my opinion🙃
terrible as movies, but its worth to watch it just to see how it looked like
it blows my mind that you didn't have any WW2 coverage in high school. I was in high school in 2001-2005 and a full period was spent on WW2 alone.
Also to mention, there is a distinction between Poland and "German occupied Poland" during WWII
Hi Brian, I'm from Poland and I like your chanel, because you show what our history looks like, but you also show the customs, traditions of other countries and much, much more. It's beautiful what you do and you do it with desire and thank you very much for that.😘
Your wife never told you about the war between communists and nazis and deportations? 11th and 18th november was only a few weeks ago. Not just Poland suffered at that time, same happened in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Finland and probably some other countries.
Yeah I agree not just Poland. But we didn't want any wars and we had to fight for our country in 1 & 2 World War . On 11th November this year was the 100th aniversary of our regain of Independance. Also we dissapeared on the world maps for 123 years .
You're wrong! nothing like this happened in any other country at that time, that was genocide against Polish people!
@@krystynaklocek2902 Really? If you don't know something, that doesn't mean that didn't happened.
@@ShamankaIlona I didn't say that it didn't happen in other countries, just that is wasn't as bad as it was in Poland
these three Poles broke the code of enigma Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki
Szymon Smogur as well as Alan Turing
Clearly a lie. Poles could not read nor write at that time.
@@n7nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn just thx to work of those brilliant mathematicians and team of hundreds people working in Bletchley Park Turing 👏👍was able to take credit for that.
@@joshuddin897 just let me bring latest figures xD 99.9 of poles are literate nearly 80% of them are higher educated. Last time that I have check only 70% of British people were literate .... and even less had any education. So sad.
Sabaton writes a lot of songs about Polish history and its amazing and moving.
from birth, proud of origin. Glory to Great Poland 🇵🇱
Whenever I watch this animation, my heart is warm and my eyes are filled with tears.😖 Each time I think how many people died, how many fought for Poland to be an independent country. I am proud of my country and the fact that I am Polish.💓💓💕
I don't doubt that. Thank you for sharing, and you should be proud of your beautiful country. 🇵🇱
I love my Country. I love Poland 🚩
I cried when i was watching your video about Poland. I'm so proud of my country
I’m glad they were tears of joy. ♥️
I come from Poland. My uncle, who was an officer of the Polish Army and Police, was murdered in Katyn. I am proud to come from such a brave country, but I am ashamed of our politicians. Greetings from Poland! Adrian
Wow! Thank you for sharing Adrian, I'm extremely sorry about your uncle, however, I'm happy to hear you look past these events and are proud of your country. Hello from the other side of the globe! 🌎
Kto z Polski ? XD
@@razor7421 tak kobieta z chłopakiem? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Pewnie wszyscy.
everyone here
You know, in this video when he say ,,we fight for freedom,, we really fight for it
Even kids were fighting for our country
Thank you for showing my country's latest history, it's important to remeber what Poland suffered during last 100 years. Worth mentioning that 21 years before the WW2 ended the World War 1 that gave independace to Poland which disappeared from Europe's maps in 1795 becouse of being under annexation of Austria, Prussia and Russia...
During World War II, Poland was the only country in the world where a death penalty for helping Jews took place. Even for giving a Jew a glass of water. The death penalty applied to the helper and his entire family, brothers, sisters, wife, children and parents. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of Jews in Poland survived the war.
"What's a gulag tho?"
Me: *leaves*
I watched it to the end but my first thought was to leave lol
Brian why are you so happy during this story? I was almost crying
how to recognize a psycho-
doesn't cry when u show him Polish history
I don’t cry because I know that Poland hit the USSR in the back in 1919. Also knowing the fact that Poland occupied part of Czechoslovakia like nazi German :)
i don't cry while listening to it because i learn it in school ever since 3rd grade, it gets kinda boring that all we learn in school is basically just how much of a victim poland was while ww1 and ww2. still, there is what to be proud of lol.
@@sogood1878I'm very sad about how uneducated you are... please read something before you start implying that Poland was acting like nazi or that they hit USSR (surely "innocent"). that only shows how manipulated is history that is taught in your country
"What is Gulag"? It is a shorthand actually, for the administrative unit for the forced labour camps of soviet union.
The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is often considered to be the definitive point when WWII was started (it varies a lot between countries when it is considerd to start, but this is the point where almost everyone agrees it is ongoing).
That pact basically was Nazi germany and Soviet dividing up Poland and then invading from different sides.
Polish history actually is a lot harsher than it seems - they have been invaded by most of the european superpowers throughout history.
Even I a polish girl who heard about our history like a thousand times feels now proud and very emotional
No doubt! Thank you for sharing.
Imagine war of indeoendence fougth 46 times in the entire history od the country.
Yea that's Poland.
I am so proud of my contry, I love Poland🇵🇱🇵🇱❤️
Fully American but majority of my family comes from Poland (great grandfathers and such) and love learning about polish history!
When someone fights you, just activate polska mode, you'll win every fight.
Dawilon like the fight in 1939 😂😂😂
No disrespect but when he said what’s a gulag tho I nearly died of shock
Wczoraj na polskim oglądałam ten filmik ale po polsku😝
Olitolili xD ...i co .? Nie spodobał Ci się. , że taką minkę strzeliłas ..??!!! 😡
Ja też to oglądałam
@@weronikaorenczak777 jeny na żartach się prostaczko nie znasz
Love this video about polish history. Its shows the whole truth. Unfortunately, most countries dont want to admit it.
I like you Brian! Waiting for reacts about polish song :D
How about finland history
I love the movie „Division 303”❤️ I feel like I saw the version with English subtitles somewhere 🤔 So when you interested with polish history you can watch it, it’s really good 👍🏻
@Ava Simple th-cam.com/video/ptijNcDanVw/w-d-xo.html
Kto potrafi polski ten da lapke pod komentażem
Kto zna polski, niech pisze komentarze zamiast komentaży.
@@szczezuj taj
No ty chyba nie potrafisz...
Szacunek dla każdego, kto umie język polski.
Gulag is some kind of prison camp where prisoners are forced to work for Soviet Russia.
The term Gulag refers to the entire system of camps throughout Russia. Individual camps were identified by a number. Most likely because most of these camps were not even close to any describable geographic feature let alone population centers.
The us prison system during the revolutionary way was better than the gulags
Polish film of Polish history
"Miasto 44"
Cudny film....
Oglądałam zajebiste
Ale to tylko o ww2
Dzieki za ta informacje. Napewno ogladne! 🙂
Troche ten dubstep, i scena z latającymi wokół całujących się
Jest popiepszona, ale reszta nawet spk
I am proud to be a part of my country 100 years from Poland's independence 🇵🇱🏆
Regained independence. ❤️
Since 1611 to 1945 Polish people fought to sustain/defend/regain the freedom in 45 wars.
As the consequence we are the house of Stark among the nations, just our motto is "war is coming". My grandparents told me to learn foreign languages, but not so I can travel the world and meet interesting people.
They told me that if war ever comes to my house, it could save my life as it saved them during WW II, when they were forced labor on a farm in nazi Germany (they were in their early teens working 16h per day).
We also know that we are alone - in 1939 French government issues a statement that their soldiers won't be dying for Warsaw. In spite of the fact that Hitler has thrown all the he had to fight with Poland and there was no one to protect Germany from the west.
British never admitted that Touring used the algorithm developed by Polish cryptologists to break enigma (permutation method but with several hundred rotors). Then, as a "thank you for fighting in battle for England" they forbade our pilots to march in London parade in 1945 and deported them back to communistic Poland, were almost all were killed by the soviet terror.
All of that is nothing in compare to how death camps are branded "Polish" by many. Our soldiers infiltrated Auschwitz, escaped, and risking their lives went through the enemy lines to let the alliance know what Germans are doing and nothing happened.
The reason why those camps were located in Poland is simple - Poland has had the biggest Jewish community in the world and it was hard to move them elsewhere.
And - a terrifying fact - French railway got paid by 3rd Reich for every transport of Jewish people to death camps.
But enough of that.
Have a look at the achievements of "the old Republic". Defence of Vienna in 1683 or what hussars where able to do on the battlefield - crazy stuff.
Take care.
Thanks for that video. We really appreciate it.
Im always cry when i watch this cinematic. Its amazing
Polska miała złą historię,ale wygraliśmy :D/Poland have bad story,but won/win
Czy wygralismy? Jeśli przeżyliśmy to tak bo i my piszemy historię na złość innym ale mieliśmy same straty, ciężko tu mówić o zwycięstwie :(
Zależy, tyle razy nas atakowano, mogło by się to skończyć dużo gorzej, naprzykład tym że niemielibyśmy państwa w ogóle
Poland is an amazing country.... been there a lot of times... and for anyone interested in history it is a great place to visit, Walking in the old part of Warsaw and realizing how much the German Nazis destroyed there... and how the polish people rebuilt everything again....really show the power of the polish people.
Gdyby miała być 3 Wojna Światowa walczylbym o Polskę. Nawet jakbym miał zginąć!
Watch the Pianist film based on Szpilman biography.
I've seen the animation almost 10 times - I always cry :') now I'm proud that I can live in a free country ❤
People just think that all Poland did was get massacred. Here in england just about no one acknowldeges what Poland Has done and its only a few adults who know, but these are people who are obssessed about history. Saving europe twice truly was a mistake. We stand up and fight for what is ours while others cower in the shadows and their ignorance. Are people really as stupid as they seem? Do people really not care so much? And not only are we a great nation, but then the english make fun of US saying how bad "those drunken poles are". I spit on them and their stupidity. Poland is a true country of honour, and yet we are still ignored and neglected even. Why? What have we done wrong? Does anyone really realise what Has happened to us, the country that saved europe and then still doesnt receive the help it deserves and demands? What is wrong with this world?
Btw im from poland and i have a fact:even small boys to age 10,11,12 were fighting against them and there was army of them
And another fact:polish army had trained a bear and he was helping during the fight by bringing the ammo to army
I dont remember hearing about them training him. Wojtek was mostly copying what others were doing and learning from it also he didnt bring the ammo he would help with loading of the heavy crates so they can be transported, he would then he rewarded with beer which was his favourite
It's not even like... a tinniest grain of Polish history... I highly recommend to figure out more about how Poland changed through the centuries. I really enjoy your videos. Great job :D
Actually my Grandma is a victim of a Wołyń massacre. She survived it, escaped it. She is alive
Like it to Pay respects to the ones that fought for US
In Katyń russian people killed 15000 of polish officers.
They've killed all polish elite because they thought that by killing our elite, officers, scientists, they'll kill all nation but they didn't. We're still alive.
22 000 no 15 000
"whats a Gulag tho"
Me: ...
I'm so happy that more and more people are interested in the history of my country! 🇵🇱❤
Gulag - work camp /death camp - people were forced to work for minimum of food, without cures and struggling with low temperatures not a lots of people had chance to survive. Located for example on Siberia.
Am I the only one crying? Omg that was so amazing!
You're right. This was just a small portion of Poland's history, however, I do plan on learning more about Polands history in the future.
Poland! WHO IS FROM POLAND?? I am from Poland and i feel emmm. Weird now.
"They called us Black Devils.. " its my favorite part. Ahuahu now something ... eee idk.
Im so proud of being Polish, maybe were not the best, maybe we are known as alcoholics, and freaks, but not everyone is like that. Poland even dissapeared from map for up to 100 years, but we didnt gave up. Were strong, and we are not scared to fight for our country.
Nikt nas nie nazywał ,,czarnymi diabłami".
123 years*
I watched with a friend. We are touched by your commentary. We are Polish
Dig deeper into history, Poland is amazing and it gets kind of depressing but they are amazing
We don't beg for her, we fight for her💪🙏❤
Hey man Gulag is some camp like Auschwitz but it's in russia and they transport prisoner there to (srry I can really explaine my English is shit
I'm from Poland and I'm very proud of my nationality 💓
I am Polish 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Kto tu jest z Polski 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Thank you so much that you share this with the word, I'm a polish guy who live in France and I'm the French are are not at all educated about the real sacrifices, that others countrys made during this war, to be clear I'm a partriot and I cried when I seen this video in your channel ... I cried because of pride that I have for my country. Thank you .
Polska jest cudowna 😊 Chwała bohaterom😍
Man click In yt rock band Sabaton - 40 to 1... :) Sweden band sing in polish War.....
Or Uprising
@@nexela and aces in exile
Or Inmate
I'm from Poland❤️
Lubie twój kanał
Nobody has questions how polish army was reborne 1:48 from that place which is far far away from Poland?
Poland has been the epicenter of so many wars. As a Finn I can almost relate, we fortunately avoided the iron curtain.
Gulag-place where prisoners from USSR work really hard. They dying from tiredness. (Sorry for bad English I'm from Poland :/)
We were of the map for 123 years. It could have been centuries
Brian I didn't see the story of USA. Could you show us this story? Please
@@ku8adop Zapomniałeś dodać wojny z Anglią.Widze że znasz historię USA.Historia Polski też ma sobie wiele do zarzucenia.Przez setki lat nic się nie dzieje potem przez 123 lata nie istniejemy.Potem się pojawiamy i powtórka z rozrywki.Nie żeby coś ale każdy może napisać streszczenie histori Polski która nie jest osłana różami i w większości momentów to my sami niszczyliśmy ten kraj.Lubie historię Polski ale każda historia jest ciekawa jeżeli kraj ma przynajmniej setki lat.
3:39 one of my 2 houses is next to the building that was hit.
o Dude, you don't know how badly the Poles had it, this video showed a BIG summary of what was going on. And we had 3 more partitions, so we were not on the map for 123 years. Poland has done a lot