Yeah, it's true. My family mansion was build by my ancestor in 1430 in polish Lwów and my family lived in it to 1945, when soviets steal Lwów from Poland... 515 years in one home.
@@StajnaRaciniewo No. Lwów it is not in Lithuania now... Today it is in ukraine. And never in History Lwów was Lithuanian. Lwów was polish before Polish- Lithuanian union of Krewo im 1385 ( Jadwiga and Władysław Jagiełło mariage). Kazimierz Wielki get Lwów in 1340 after Galicia-Volynia( Lwów is in Galicia) ruler Bolesław Jerzy Trojdenowicz Piast died. They were family, both Piasts, and because he haven't had any kids he make polish king Kazimierz his heir. Later Kazimierz Wielki also died without heir. And his heir was hungarian ruler, king Ludwik Andegaweński. Poland and Hungary were im personal union. After he died polish ruler become younder od his daughters Jadwiga ( older his daughter ruled Hungary). Jadwiga married Jagiełło, and Polish Lithuanian union started. So Lwów was never Lithuanian. Always Polish, or polish- lithuanian, because it was one country.
@@StajnaRaciniewo ur talkin bout Vilnius. And it was Polish city troughout the whole history. Almost 17% of its inhabitants are Poles (which are suffering persecutions now) so it is definetely not 100% sure that any of his ancestors would be Lithuanian
I’m American but have been blessed to be a part of a Polish family for about 28 years and there’s nothing in life that has been a bigger blessing other than having a half Polish son but the biggest blessing in my life has been the honor of calling the Polish: syn mąż brat siostra mama tata rodzina i przyjaciel
I'm korean and have lived this country for 16years. I love Poland and belive this country. I have been received many help from Polish people . You can get over everythings znd please belive each other . Polish is very strong!!! Love you so much and belive you!!!!
Been to Vilnus last September. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan it is gorgeous! Clean, neat, awesome mix of old buildings and new ones. People are nice as well, though I had little time to get really blend in. Cheers from Poland to my Lithuanian brothers :)
Wow I am actually surprised that a Lithuanian person calls Polish 'brothers'. I mean it obviously makes me happy, but from my own personal experience I'd say Lithuanians hate Polish people. Disclaimer: Any Lithuanian who hates Poles is mostly from the countryside and its probably shallow minded at some point. Most of the Vilnus/Kaunas based people have nothing against Polish, but still. So don't get offended or anything, I am just genuinely surprised.
Poland is a great country and a great nation! I am proud to say I have polish blood in my veins. May God bless Poland and the Polish people. Greetings from 🇨🇦
Wiesz, Polakowi odpala się patriotyzm, kiedy słyszy u kogoś kto nie jest Polakiem polskie słowa. Dzięki temu taki chociażby Smartgasm ma boosta do oglądalności, bo ludzie lubią słuchać jak mówi
I have polish blood running threw my veins..Born in 🇨🇦 Both my mother Father came to Canada after the second world War. I have been to Poland to see my uncles Aunts Cousins..Met this beautiful girl back in my twenties I think of her from time to time..Wish I would of kept in contact with her after I left Poland..I am so proud to have polish blood in my Viens..Hello everyone in 🇵🇱 Love from Canada
Dziękuje za taki obraz mojego kraju i Polaków ,to bardzo miłe jak widzą nas za granicą,tak bardzo pragniemy "dogonić" "zachód ,że zapominamy jak jest pięknie we własnym domu.
@@AB-ln2py Jasne, ale w porównaniu ze Stanami, gdzie często mają miejsce strzelaniny, a i coraz częściej z zachodnimi krajami Europy, które naściągały sobie imigrantów, to u nas jest wręcz oaza spokoju. A idealnie nie będzie nigdy i nigdzie, bo zawsze się gdzieś trafią patologiczne jednostki.
Dokładnie. Narzekamy na nasz kraj a tutaj jest tak naprawdę świetnie. Ludzie coraz bardziej zmieniają do siebie podejście. Jedynie żyć ciężko przez coraz głupsze rządy, a co za tym idzie niedowierzanie że ludzie na taki właśnie głosują. Ale wiara w to że kiedyś będzie lepiej, logicznej, bardziej przystępnie dla zwykłego Janusza oraz to jak mamy tu pięknie i spokojnie daje nadzieję i jakoś żyje się do przodu 😉
As a Pole, it really warms my heart when non-polish people compliment our country for some reason. Edit: I get it people, y'all don't like positivity, I'll keep that in mind next time
Totally agreed. Just two points: 1. non-Polish, 2. compliment (complement is to make complete, add to make it a whole, go well with sth else). A Pole also seems a bit more suiting than a Polish man (unless man makes an important difference here). Cheers from the heart of our beautiful country!
@@monikamarcinisztn4132 Ja tylko powiedziałem że miło mi kiedy ktoś prawi komplementy naszemu krajowi, polecam nauczyć się czytac ze zrozumieniem i opanować agresję
Ej zauważyliście, że jak ktoś powie " shut the fuck up" to jest spoko, ale jak ktoś jebnie "zamknij się kurwa" to masz ochotę uciec i schować się pod najbliższy stół. Xdxdxd
I'm a non-Polish leaving in Warsaw for quite some time and I share many of your views - I love Poland and Polish people. Poland received me with open arms and I love to contribute as much as I can to help to develop and spread the Polish love around. Good talk Trev, if you ever return to Poland get in touch mate.
@@YolkaF our President doesn't have dementia and he didn't hand billions of dollars of military equipment over to our enemies. Also our politicians can define what a woman is. It could be way worse, calm down.
I am American but will soon be travelling to Poland. I definitely was intimidated by the language at first but after about 2 months of studying the language, it's absolutely beautiful & the words just make sense.
It warms my heart to read things like this. The truth of it is that if you want to put your back into it you will learn it. My partner is Italian and she loves learning it, even though it is SO different compared to Latin languages. Keep up the good work! Thumbs up!
I am very happy to hear such good things about Poland. I spent about 4 weeks there on business. It was a wonderful experience. I laughed about your comments about McDonalds there. I was so impressed with one in Krosno that I contacted the regional McDonalds office somewhere in Poland to tell them of my wonderful experience. The young girls that worked there and the quality of the food really impressed me.
Dziękuję za miłe słowa o moim Kraju. Polska i Polacy są specyficznym Narodem, wynika to z naszej ciężkiej historii, Polski Naród wiele wycierpiał, natomiast nie ma chyba drugiego tak kreatywnego i ciekawego narodu. Polacy są prawdziwi, od razu wyczuwamy fałsz, nie lubimy cwaniactwa, fałszywych uśmieszków, ugrzecznienia, a ponad wszystko nie lubimy gdy ktoś nam mówi jak mamy żyć w naszym kraju... ale jeżeli zdobędzie się zaufanie Polaka- nie znajdziesz lepszego i bardziej zaufanego człowieka.
"...ponad wszystko nie lubimy gdy ktoś nam mówi jak mamy żyć w naszym kraju..." - taaak? A 80% idotow covidowych podczas zjebki wirusowej to skad sie wzielo? Wszyscy poszli jak szczury za obrazkami z ekranika - zero wlasnego myslenia!
Hermenegilda Kociubińska Yes the do and think ,not all of them, it is a good food. The explanation of this phenomena is really simple. They have no comparison and are “trained” to eat it since they can chew.
I eat Mc in Franc, Italy, Niederlande, Deutschland and Polska. What i can tell. The most worst was in DE seriously you always can find some restaurants that have a bad reputation but de Mc is always bad.
@@heniakonas9439 From my polish POV, a person who eats polish bread and buns every day, such... thing... like Mac bun is something I can't tell WHY OH WHY it was invented? It's taste and texture is so weird... The burger itself is ok, but that ugly sweet 'sponge'...
CORRECTION: "Janusz" It's a man about 60 years old, who laying on the couch all day in own house and he complain at everything. But he isnt dangerous. "Jakiś problem?!" may ask you typical "Seba", called "Sebix", who wears a tracksuit and cap. He usually drinks a beer next to shop. Haha ! You need remember. Greetings from Gdańsk 🤩
I'm always surprised how much foreigners praise the public transport in Poland, while Poles (Me included.) constantly complain about it being late*, or in case of trains being kinda old and in need of update. *I always have the feeling, that if I'm earlier than the planned arrival, the train will be at least 10 minutes late, and it'll be the coldest/hottest day ever. But if I'm 1 second late, it's long gone. Murphy's laws sucks. ;d
Well i travel 2 times a week between Poznan and Leszno and train is on time for most times (longest late, 120 mins, was because someone went under train, in place where you aren't even allowed to cross the trails)
Miło zobaczyć na nagraniu moje rodzinne miasto. Cieszę się, że podobało Wam się w Sandomierzu. Widać nawet liceum, które ukończyłam. To naprawdę magiczne miejsce. Następnym razem polecam udać się do podziemi starówki. Są tam tunele i powiązana z nimi ciekawa legenda. Pozdrawiam 🙂
And there is thousands of reasons why people emigrates from Poland anywhere abroad. You wouldn't be that optimistic if you knew what is going on here, especially when it comes to politics and community. Trust me.
@@SeaPhirre Examples please... Polish people emigrate for work, and more and more are coming back....Has nothing to do with politics. Besides higher salaries in the past, there is nothing for Polish people (and defenedly girl) to move to going to the west.
In addition to those seven,I would add that there are plenty of places where one can get a coffeee,a tea and light refreshments at a reasonable price in pleasant, clean surroundings with good service . There are a wide range of interesting places to visit:cities, the seaside, forest and mountain areas.
To nie do końca tak. Kiedy się gdzieś mieszka na co dzień, bierzesz wszystkie dobre rzeczy za granit, i ich nawet nie zauważasz. Kiedy uwierają Cię buty, przestajesz zwracać uwagę na to jak wygodna jest ta koszula którą właśnie masz na sobie.
@@eagleeye6824 no jest naprawdę bez smaku. w 2018 przejechałem stany samochodem i mcd wszędzie powodował rozczarowanie. bułka smakowała jak bawełniana koszulka, mięso jak tektura, warzywa jak kropla octu i woda, tylko ketchup dawał ślad smaku. w usa można dostać świetne mięso (wołowina w teksasie, wieprzowina w alabamie, wodne graty w luizjanie, kurczak w kentucky i tennessee ALE nie w kfc, za to w innych sieciówkach jest super) ale nie w mcd.
Bardzo duzo sie zmienilo na lepsze,jak przyjezdzam do Polski na urlop z Niemiec,to widze jak piekna jest teraz Lodz.Milo spacerowac po ulicach,Manufaktura,Piotrkowska,inne ulice.
Yeah, I completly agree with it, Sebix can attack you even on a bus stop, it happend to me once for 5 years in Warsaw but still 🙄 I was really afraid and there was no one to help 😳 Sebix wanted some money from me, I was lucky that the bus came soon. It all happend at the bus stop Plac Starynkiewicza so I don't recommend this place at night 🙄
To jest niesamowite ale Polacy naprawdę lubią jak ktoś z innego kraju chwali Polskę i wymienia jej zalety A nie wady. Bardzo lubię Cię oglądać pozdrawiam (mam nadzieję że jeszcze odwiedzisz nasz kraj)
@@autistic_chromium stop,you will meet homophobic people anywhere especially the older ones.its not a case for poland only,if you just want to go abroad just because of that go ahead,but don't be dissapointed
Oh God, I'm from Poland and I have to say that. You made my day. Really. It's nice to hear something good about your country. A few things went wrong, but now I won't stop smiling all week. Thank you 💖💖💖
Thank you Trev for this video. It has made my day. We Polish people tend to complain a lot about our country but it is so nice and heartwarming to hear an outsiders positive perspective.
Thanks for these few warm and cozy words about our country. I was born in Poland and live here almost all life but it still seems to me that most Poles don't realize how precious treasure Poland is. Instead of it most Poles choose grumping about their country and fight each other about politics (we really love that). But you appreciated Poland in unique and beautiful way in this material. I don't remember any Pole who spoke about Poland in that tender way. Thanks again for that and regards from Warsaw
I am Polish and I have lived in Poland since I was born. I like my country very much and thank you for advertising Poland in this way by presenting your opinion
I will write in polish, just because you are learning our language :). Tadeuszu! Cieszę się, że Polska Ci się podoba! Z kolei mnie, bardzo podoba się to, że Twoje filmy nie są puste i często dodajesz komentarz do filmu oraz przedstawiasz nam własne przemyślenia, także keep going! Jestem Polką od urodzenia i tu się wychowałam, nadal poznaję ją na nowo, także dzięki Wam! Mam nadzieję, że przeprowadzka uda Ci się w tym roku i będziecie w końcu na stałe razem. Wish you all the best sweeties! :)
Hi Trev. Thanks a lot for this great video about Poland. I used it for my ESL classes and it worked well. We had a nice discussion about how WE see Poland, and other countries, compared them, etc. Many many thanks. Best, Ada
Sandomierz... moje rodzinne miasto. Bardzo mi się podoba film, ciesze się że nie wszyscy widza nas, Polaków jako Januszy i że podoba im się nasz kraj. Dziękujemy
actually while my studies in poland I could go out for a walk down city center of Poznan in the middle of the night alone and be fine. walking at 1-3 am - blessed silence and fresh air after hours working at the laptop
Poland has the safest, cleanest and most efficient public transport I've ever seen. you certainly don't need a car, its not a necessity if you're living here. dobra dobra tak tak
Looking at the title I expected some negative shocks and I'm completly surprised by this matierial. Espacialy things you mentioned... I wouldn't thought of them as positive for people from states. It was really nice to hear that so thanks man!
Hi Trev! I'm Polish but despite the fact that I live in your country 🇺🇸 for 26 years (Chicago,IL) I'm still proud of my country. I'm also glad that you like so many things in Poland 🇵🇱 and thank you for so many positive and warm comments about my country. I hope that during each next visit you will see something new that will interest you and stay in your memory. Regards.
Miło, że widzisz tyle pozytywów w naszym kraju. Zaskakujące jest to, jak bardzo się do niego przyzwyczaiłam i już przestałam go doceniać pod tymi względami.. a "Janusz" z twoich ust jest piękne xD
5:09 It's a Polish trait I guess. We separate people from governments. For example: perception of Russians and Russian government is diametrically different.
@@halthammerzeit I think Polish people simply like Americans. In Poland people are talking very actively about politics, its not a taboo topic. It often leads to arguments but I think it's good - it is easier to control corruption and governments when people care a lot about politics
Myślę, że w każdym kraju i w każdym mieście znajdą się mniej lub bardziej bezpieczne miejsca. Tylko zależy, których jest więcej, tych bezpieczniejszych czy tych mniej bezpiecznych.
@@danutaroccasecca2569 Dla tego nie doceniamy, sama napisałaś, że chcesz wrócić czyli nie widzisz jej na co dzień. Mieszkając tu nie widzi się na co dzień poprawy bo to działa powoli a jak ktoś wyemigruje i wraca po latach to "Wow!". Trochę jak z włosami, rosną powoli i niby tego nie zauważamy a jak by tak zasnąć na łyso a obudzić się z długimi do pasa włosami to by było łał. Ta łysina to Polska z początku lat 90 a włosy do pasa to dzień dzisiejszy:P
@@YouRSK1990 ja doceniam i cieszę się że jestem tu i będę i nie zamierzam ani myślą ani czynem zostawić mój kraj,widzę zmiany i martwię się bo Polska się rozdwaja a powinna wiedzieć co dla nas i ogólnie dla ludzi dobre,. Póki co jeszcze żyjemy w normalnym kraju nie zastraszonym,na razie🇵🇱
Niezmiernie miło robi się na sercu, widząc że tak interesujesz się naszym krajem i językiem i że dzielisz się tą wiedzą ze swoimi słuchaczami... :) :) I w tak piękny sposób opowiadasz o Polsce, że aż uśmiech sam pojawia się na twarzy... :) Dziękuję :)
C’mon Sandomierz is known for way more things, having over 1000 years old history is one of the oldest cities in Poland. Ojciec Mateusz is few years old phenomenon. I spent all my childhood on that square and know every nook and cranny:)
@@sunsstorm you're kidding me ? I live 60 km from Sandomierz. This was the info for ordinary people.Not for an expert like you :-) . Do you know who was Jan Długosz ?
Karki ...rusz cztery litery w Polskę , sama zobaczysz piękno ojczyzny....czy muszą nam mówić o tym obcokrajowcy , by sobie uświadomić jaki mamy piękny kraj?
i really enjoyed this vlog! i moved to poland last year from america as well, but i know the language well thanks to my polish parents. there were so many more shocking things for me, but eventually you get used to it.
Being Pole, I have so much respect for you, for all kind words you've said. I'M glad you've enjoyed your time, and obviously you are always very welcome here. :)
You are such a lovely person. You seem to really like Poland and Poles. Thank you for the kind words. Remember, Poland is a small country of not that much diversity as the US. The Polish underground is just a few kilometres, compared to the NY one. Still nice to hear all the kind words, dude. ❤️
TBH i just discovered your chanel and i already watch a feeeew video and I'm really surprised of way how Ure talking about Poland and polish people, so nice but also true. Thx and good luck from Lublin 😉
Mogę dodać do tego co powiedziałeś jedno .Przyjeżdżając do Polski nie musisz znać naszego języka,bo większość w stopniu podstawowym zna angielski :) Jak poimprezujesz z nami przez dłuższy okres,to TY poznasz podstawy polskiego !!
Kurcze, napisałbym to po angielsku (ale tego jest za dużo) lub użył tłumacza google, ale wtedy wychodzą dziwne rzeczy. Włączając ten film myślałem, że będą tu same złe rzeczy o Polsce, ale się zupełnie zaskoczyłem tak jak ty. W sumie to nie doceniałem tego co mamy u siebie, każdy zawsze myśli, że USA, bogaty kraj za oceanem, to wszystko musi mieć lepsze, a jednak są rzeczy, w których inny mogliby brać z nas przykład :)
*Prices of high speed mobile internet didn't shocked you? ;-)* kind addons: 0:30 - No GMO modifying, limited extra tasters and preservatives, less sugar, less salt, less chemical fertilizers in comparison to US. Better agricultural infrastructure: less time between harvest and shop shelves. 0:51 - McDonalds is supplied by local, Polish and European food providers (see pt 1.) 1:40 - There's something on topic cause most of people claim that polish versions of multilingual projects like movie songs or games are most welcomed to listen. (ex. Priscilla's Song and the soundtrack of the Witcher game). Slavic languages with it's difficult but soundly "szsz", "śś" originally comes from... INDIA. 4:20 - Well, Poland is 1000+ years old. USA ~250. 5:30 - Yea, Polish Ppl may seem like a bit grumpy but it's just not a culture of small talk. And just simple respect of others privacy. Noone push you to speak, cause it's inpolite due you may don't want to. In restaurants: waiters will NOT bother you every 10 minutes as it is in States. You will be granted of personal space and interaction how You as a guest wants. If u want to be extra served waiter will wait for your gentle signal to approach. Due that, You will not feel like you occupying the restaurant seat 'too long' so service want you to get out - whats the main of Europeans feeling in most of US diners when you are repeatedly asked with faked smile 'are you finished?', 'you want something more'? over and over again. You have chance to be calmly with yourself for a moment. 7:50 - all means of transport are always/mostly on one and same ticket: metro/bus/trams/metropolitan train.
Well you get some gmo everywhere... its not like the food you eat is the same as 1000 years ago. Theres a lot of small suppliers spread across the country tho so getting fresh veggies is easy no matter where you are. When it comes to meat its a little mixed. Good quality affordable chicken, turkey and pork but not a lot of good beef. Also not everything is one ticket. Trams and city buses have the same ticket usually but trains (in Gdańsk for example) require a different one. Be careful since you dont want to have anything to do with people who check tickets.
@@XsedoX You are right, but most of changes are to secure plant/fruit/veg from dosing extra pesticides (no GMO = no extra chem allowed = shorten time of eatability = investment in better distribution channel instead of GMO = fresh food with less chem on a plates) or indeed like you'v said: to make 'em taste "better". Problem is that "better" is subjective and from some point stops "talking" with other still natural (less 'superb') tastes mixed in your's dish. Giving a voice to another American living in Poland:
I'm not very sure about the "szcz" and "ść" coming from India. Like most of the slavic languages, Polish, as well as other languages like, for example, Russian or Ukrainian are divided in subcategories, such as east slavic languages, west slavic languages etc. The subcategories determine which language "family" is going to influence said language. Ofc, even though the alphabet of the Polish language took Latin as example, however, it was heavily inspired by "cyrylica". And even when you learn the basics in polish language they tell you that Polish comes from the preslavic language :)
@@emmysok123 ; All Slav languages comes from far east. Same as all Slav nations. I'm speaking Hindu and I am sure about it. Names of Hindu Gods like Shiva or Wishnu are correctly pronounced by "Ś". Pronounce came directly and stay despite evolution of Slavic languages. The expansion of middle eastern Arabic broke the direct linkage but it's still exist in language.
Many houses in Poland are older than USA..ITSELF.
Yeah, it's true. My family mansion was build by my ancestor in 1430 in polish Lwów and my family lived in it to 1945, when soviets steal Lwów from Poland... 515 years in one home.
mine for example is 140 yo
@@StajnaRaciniewo No. Lwów it is not in Lithuania now... Today it is in ukraine. And never in History Lwów was Lithuanian.
Lwów was polish before Polish- Lithuanian union of Krewo im 1385 ( Jadwiga and Władysław Jagiełło mariage). Kazimierz Wielki get Lwów in 1340 after Galicia-Volynia( Lwów is in Galicia)
ruler Bolesław Jerzy Trojdenowicz Piast died. They were family, both Piasts, and because he haven't had any kids he make polish king Kazimierz his heir. Later Kazimierz Wielki also died without heir. And his heir was hungarian ruler, king Ludwik Andegaweński. Poland and Hungary were im personal union. After he died polish ruler become younder od his daughters Jadwiga ( older his daughter ruled Hungary). Jadwiga married Jagiełło, and Polish Lithuanian union started. So Lwów was never Lithuanian. Always Polish, or polish- lithuanian, because it was one country.
@@StajnaRaciniewo ur talkin bout Vilnius. And it was Polish city troughout the whole history. Almost 17% of its inhabitants are Poles (which are suffering persecutions now)
so it is definetely not 100% sure that any of his ancestors would be Lithuanian
Slawa Janusza dotarła już nawet do Stanów Zjednoczonych! To jednak potęga... :D
Jaka potęga tosz to kurła wstyd.
Taa, choć o stan psychiczny (masz problem !!!) pytają raczej ich stereotypowi synowie, Sebiksy ;)
Dobrze że jeszcze do tego nie doszły maDki...
Co do szczerości to najszybszy przykład "walenia prosto z mostu" metodą polską ;) A co do Janusza, no cóż brakuje tylko Grażyny do kompletu ...
I’m American but have been blessed to be a part of a Polish family for about 28 years and there’s nothing in life that has been a bigger blessing other than having a half Polish son but the biggest blessing in my life has been the honor of calling the Polish: syn mąż brat siostra mama tata rodzina i przyjaciel
Jesteś wielka ❤❤❤❤
I'm korean and have lived this country for 16years. I love Poland and belive this country.
I have been received many help from Polish people . You can get over everythings znd please belive each other . Polish is very strong!!!
Love you so much and belive you!!!!
Thank you for good opinion about my Country!
Have a nice Day
Wow Thx for god opinion. Have a nice day
That's an unusual opinion about Poland. Thanks a lot
It's so nice!
Good day for you too ♡♡♡
Greetings from Lithuania. Nice evaluation of the country of my Polish brothers!
Greetings from Poland :)
Been to Vilnus last September. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan it is gorgeous! Clean, neat, awesome mix of old buildings and new ones. People are nice as well, though I had little time to get really blend in. Cheers from Poland to my Lithuanian brothers :)
Hugs to my Lithuanian brother as well:)
Wow I am actually surprised that a Lithuanian person calls Polish 'brothers'. I mean it obviously makes me happy, but from my own personal experience I'd say Lithuanians hate Polish people.
Any Lithuanian who hates Poles is mostly from the countryside and its probably shallow minded at some point. Most of the Vilnus/Kaunas based people have nothing against Polish, but still. So don't get offended or anything, I am just genuinely surprised.
Poland is a great country and a great nation! I am proud to say I have polish blood in my veins. May God bless Poland and the Polish people. Greetings from 🇨🇦
thx peace !
Thank you ❤️ much love! Greetings from Warsaw!
Śmieszne 😐
Bless you as well my friend 🙏
Hi Wes, as a Polish person I can say the same things about Canada, I‘ve never seen so many nice people in one place. I love Canada❤️
Greetings from 🇩🇪
Słuchanie Amerykanina mówiącego "Janusz" nie wiem czemu ale mnie strasznie bawi ;D
Fajnie wiedzieć że jednak ktoś lubi nasz kraj :)
Wiesz, Polakowi odpala się patriotyzm, kiedy słyszy u kogoś kto nie jest Polakiem polskie słowa. Dzięki temu taki chociażby Smartgasm ma boosta do oglądalności, bo ludzie lubią słuchać jak mówi
Nawet jeśli to nie u mnie bo równie dobrze gdybym mógł to bym dal innym Polskę na "pożarcie" byle bym miał spokój B)
"Jakiś problem?" - prawie bez akcentu!
Nooo... Bo nikt nie lubi
About drunk people: in Kraków it is mostly English tourists ;)
@@saynotoyoutubetoday no. By 'English' he meant not only British, American too
@@wiktoriawolny Americans are not english, get that right buddy
I saw in Kraków all kinds of people not just English but from all around the world
We were bothered by a couple of smack heads in Wrocław at a cafe,but it was mostly begging by Romanians in Gdańsk with children
I have polish blood running threw my veins..Born in 🇨🇦 Both my mother Father came to Canada after the second world War. I have been to Poland to see my uncles Aunts Cousins..Met this beautiful girl back in my twenties I think of her from time to time..Wish I would of kept in contact with her after I left Poland..I am so proud to have polish blood in my Viens..Hello everyone in 🇵🇱 Love from Canada
Use commas, because there's no telling what about you writing. Who is ''this beautiful girl''? Your aunt or cousin?
@@Agnes_Myshack Oh, I guess just a girl Henry still remembers, and never tells about to his wife :)
Sorry she was not my Aunt,or my Cousin. JUST A BEAUTIFUL POLISH GIRL THAT I MET IN POLAND.
@@henryherman9113 where? (City) maybe i live around
Dziękuje za taki obraz mojego kraju i Polaków ,to bardzo miłe jak widzą nas za granicą,tak bardzo pragniemy "dogonić" "zachód ,że zapominamy jak jest pięknie we własnym domu.
Taa... ale niestety nie wszędzie jest tak bezpiecznie -_-
@@AB-ln2py Jasne, ale w porównaniu ze Stanami, gdzie często mają miejsce strzelaniny, a i coraz częściej z zachodnimi krajami Europy, które naściągały sobie imigrantów, to u nas jest wręcz oaza spokoju. A idealnie nie będzie nigdy i nigdzie, bo zawsze się gdzieś trafią patologiczne jednostki.
@@zbigniewprzygocki5290 Nie da się zaprzeczyć, niestety.. :
A ja myślę, że nie zapomnieliśmy:-). Ilekroć wracam do Polski z jakiegoś wyjazdu ogromnie się cieszę, mamy przepiękny kraj.
Dokładnie. Narzekamy na nasz kraj a tutaj jest tak naprawdę świetnie. Ludzie coraz bardziej zmieniają do siebie podejście. Jedynie żyć ciężko przez coraz głupsze rządy, a co za tym idzie niedowierzanie że ludzie na taki właśnie głosują. Ale wiara w to że kiedyś będzie lepiej, logicznej, bardziej przystępnie dla zwykłego Janusza oraz to jak mamy tu pięknie i spokojnie daje nadzieję i jakoś żyje się do przodu 😉
As a Pole, it really warms my heart when non-polish people compliment our country for some reason.
Edit: I get it people, y'all don't like positivity, I'll keep that in mind next time
@@monikamarcinisztn4132 +1
@@monikamarcinisztn4132 a ty to głupie ufo?
Totally agreed. Just two points: 1. non-Polish, 2. compliment (complement is to make complete, add to make it a whole, go well with sth else). A Pole also seems a bit more suiting than a Polish man (unless man makes an important difference here). Cheers from the heart of our beautiful country!
@@monikamarcinisztn4132 Ja tylko powiedziałem że miło mi kiedy ktoś prawi komplementy naszemu krajowi, polecam nauczyć się czytac ze zrozumieniem i opanować agresję
yeah, I mostly never see anyone doing this.
Kocham tych ludzi
Polish people are so nice. Like, really nice.
I love you guys !
Love from France
Hey greetings from Poland, Love from Poland my friend!
@Jhvg Fhvvhh XD tak tak pięknie tak wpierdalać każdego do jednego worka to nie tak że ludzie się różnią i nie każdy jest toksyczny
@@janjabonski9168 :v a czy ja powiedziałem że każdy polak jest super itp itd nooo otóż nie xD ja sam jestem przykładem toksycznej osoby
Thank you buddy! Im wishes to travel to France i like you country!
I think I know other polish, and I'm from Poland... polish people I know ain't absolutely nice
Number 8: "wpierdol". Sounds cool but it can really surprise you.
Wpierdol chcesz?
@@chuinik8160 A ty?
Co jest XD
Ej zauważyliście, że jak ktoś powie " shut the fuck up" to jest spoko, ale jak ktoś jebnie "zamknij się kurwa" to masz ochotę uciec i schować się pod najbliższy stół. Xdxdxd
I'm a non-Polish leaving in Warsaw for quite some time and I share many of your views - I love Poland and Polish people.
Poland received me with open arms and I love to contribute as much as I can to help to develop and spread the Polish love around.
Good talk Trev, if you ever return to Poland get in touch mate.
All we need is better politicians. It's not going well atm...😑😒
@@YolkaF ;)
@@YolkaF ah shit, could be worse. Looking at you, America.
@@DebilNo4Mk1 we are up the neck in same shit... believe me
@@YolkaF our President doesn't have dementia and he didn't hand billions of dollars of military equipment over to our enemies. Also our politicians can define what a woman is. It could be way worse, calm down.
I am American but will soon be travelling to Poland. I definitely was intimidated by the language at first but after about 2 months of studying the language, it's absolutely beautiful & the words just make sense.
Well done for making the effort to learn. Best wishes and hope you like the visit.
powodzenia :D
oops im a bit late
It warms my heart to read things like this. The truth of it is that if you want to put your back into it you will learn it. My partner is Italian and she loves learning it, even though it is SO different compared to Latin languages. Keep up the good work! Thumbs up!
Hej jestem z Polski :)
I have worked in McDonals's in Poland and we have cleaned the ice cream machine every night - so it's all depends on the owner
Calabrien it’s being cleaned fortnightly just sirup nozzles are being cleaned every night
Poles when they see a video about Poland:
Hippity hohippity this comment section is now our property
omg you're so right hahaha
Tak :P
tak! (yes)
Every country does the same. Just watch some "American ppl in Germany" or smth like this.
Bywa i tak
I am very happy to hear such good things about Poland. I spent about 4 weeks there on business. It was a wonderful experience. I laughed about your comments about McDonalds there. I was so impressed with one in Krosno that I contacted the regional McDonalds office somewhere in Poland to tell them of my wonderful experience. The young girls that worked there and the quality of the food really impressed me.
Dziękuję za miłe słowa o moim Kraju. Polska i Polacy są specyficznym Narodem, wynika to z naszej ciężkiej historii, Polski Naród wiele wycierpiał, natomiast nie ma chyba drugiego tak kreatywnego i ciekawego narodu. Polacy są prawdziwi, od razu wyczuwamy fałsz, nie lubimy cwaniactwa, fałszywych uśmieszków, ugrzecznienia, a ponad wszystko nie lubimy gdy ktoś nam mówi jak mamy żyć w naszym kraju... ale jeżeli zdobędzie się zaufanie Polaka- nie znajdziesz lepszego i bardziej zaufanego człowieka.
"...ponad wszystko nie lubimy gdy ktoś nam mówi jak mamy żyć w naszym kraju..." - taaak? A 80% idotow covidowych podczas zjebki wirusowej to skad sie wzielo? Wszyscy poszli jak szczury za obrazkami z ekranika - zero wlasnego myslenia!
Wait, so McDonald's in the States is even worse? And people still buy it?
Hermenegilda Kociubińska
Yes the do and think ,not all of them, it is a good food. The explanation of this phenomena is really simple. They have no comparison and are “trained” to eat it since they can chew.
I eat Mc in Franc, Italy, Niederlande, Deutschland and Polska. What i can tell. The most worst was in DE seriously you always can find some restaurants that have a bad reputation but de Mc is always bad.
I think the Polish Mac has a better bun than the ones in England. The meat could also be superior . Makes a difference.
@@heniakonas9439 From my polish POV, a person who eats polish bread and buns every day, such... thing... like Mac bun is something I can't tell WHY OH WHY it was invented? It's taste and texture is so weird... The burger itself is ok, but that ugly sweet 'sponge'...
@@mpingo91 Friend of mine tried market breat while in London. 3 days of diarrhea. Amount of additives is greater than flour itself.
CORRECTION: "Janusz" It's a man about 60 years old, who laying on the couch all day in own house and he complain at everything. But he isnt dangerous. "Jakiś problem?!" may ask you typical "Seba", called "Sebix", who wears a tracksuit and cap. He usually drinks a beer next to shop. Haha !
You need remember.
Greetings from Gdańsk 🤩
Agnieszka don't forget about the Seba's girlfriend Karina (Karyna), and her son Brian (Brajanek).
Gosh it's just stereoype guys
Janusz it's a Type of guy who spend a days for watching TV, drunk a lot of beer afer Work and drive a Volkswagen Passat B5 1.9TDI
@@wiktoriawolny nah
And daughter Jessica ( Dzesyka)
I'm always surprised how much foreigners praise the public transport in Poland, while Poles (Me included.) constantly complain about it being late*, or in case of trains being kinda old and in need of update.
*I always have the feeling, that if I'm earlier than the planned arrival, the train will be at least 10 minutes late, and it'll be the coldest/hottest day ever. But if I'm 1 second late, it's long gone. Murphy's laws sucks. ;d
Should try the British public transport to make you appreciate what Poland has.
Well i travel 2 times a week between Poznan and Leszno and train is on time for most times (longest late, 120 mins, was because someone went under train, in place where you aren't even allowed to cross the trails)
>tomoko pfp
Ok, based
@@lolpl0000 imagine the smelle
try in Italy, you are surrounded by afro-asia-muslims and sinti everywhere.
Miło zobaczyć na nagraniu moje rodzinne miasto. Cieszę się, że podobało Wam się w Sandomierzu. Widać nawet liceum, które ukończyłam. To naprawdę magiczne miejsce. Następnym razem polecam udać się do podziemi starówki. Są tam tunele i powiązana z nimi ciekawa legenda. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Because of these reasons, and many more, we emigrated from Germany to Poland
Greetings from poland
oh, that is actually interesting... and kinda cute
@@Kivuhl 😃😃
And there is thousands of reasons why people emigrates from Poland anywhere abroad. You wouldn't be that optimistic if you knew what is going on here, especially when it comes to politics and community. Trust me.
@@SeaPhirre And tax ,national insurance ,etc.
@@SeaPhirre Examples please... Polish people emigrate for work, and more and more are coming back....Has nothing to do with politics. Besides higher salaries in the past, there is nothing for Polish people (and defenedly girl) to move to going to the west.
Polska pozdrawia!😂 Cieszę się, że są tacy ludzie, którzy doceniają historię i piękno Polski 😊
Do momętu aż zobaczą wojne polityczną w polskim wydaniu.
@@lokir2809 😖
You are such a nice guy, hearing these words I really appreciate living in Poland and being Polish. Bless you
Your observations are very accurate. In addition, you have a very pleasant voice.
Yep. The voice.
When you said “Jakiś problem” with that face it really made my day 😂 that was perfect 👌
Is u polish
Ja jestem z Polski. 🇵🇱
@@Cup815 Are u polish*
@@kamilmukos9113 is u*
usielbiam jak poliniaki swieca angielszczyzna
"masz jakieś wonty?" is the street smarter upgrade :)
In addition to those seven,I would add that there are plenty of places where one can get a coffeee,a tea and light refreshments at a reasonable price in pleasant, clean surroundings with good service . There are a wide range of interesting places to visit:cities, the seaside, forest and mountain areas.
Smutne jest to że czasami obcokrajowcy mówią dużo dobrego o Polsce a sami tylko narzekamy
Bo my tu żyjemy, a oni są przejazdem.
To samo powiedziałbyś żyjąc w tych,, wspaniałych,, krajach słynących z,, prawdziwej demokracji,, jakiś dłuższy czas.
To nie do końca tak. Kiedy się gdzieś mieszka na co dzień, bierzesz wszystkie dobre rzeczy za granit, i ich nawet nie zauważasz. Kiedy uwierają Cię buty, przestajesz zwracać uwagę na to jak wygodna jest ta koszula którą właśnie masz na sobie.
trawa jest zawsze bardziej zielona po drugiej stronie płotu
@@nilmergomino3097 Wszędzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie ma :)
Hey bro!!! Your opinion of Poland made me so proud of being polish:)
Thanks for putting in a good word for us.
I totally agree with you! I’m from the south of France and I was shocked a bit!!! Great !
If McDonald's is better in Poland, how bad is it in the States?
tasting like cardboard.
Ej McDonald's smakuje nawet w Polsce jak kuźwa karton, to w stanach jak gówno z z obory xd?
@@eagleeye6824 no jest naprawdę bez smaku. w 2018 przejechałem stany samochodem i mcd wszędzie powodował rozczarowanie. bułka smakowała jak bawełniana koszulka, mięso jak tektura, warzywa jak kropla octu i woda, tylko ketchup dawał ślad smaku.
w usa można dostać świetne mięso (wołowina w teksasie, wieprzowina w alabamie, wodne graty w luizjanie, kurczak w kentucky i tennessee ALE nie w kfc, za to w innych sieciówkach jest super) ale nie w mcd.
Wyobraź sobie jedzenie miękkiej deski zamiast mięsa
@@takako-kun8397 dzięki MCDonald's w Chinach pojawiła się otyłość .O USA nie piszę,a Polska zaczyna ich gonić !!
Dzięki takim filmom doceniam jak wiele się w Polsce zmieniło.
Bardzo duzo sie zmienilo na lepsze,jak przyjezdzam do Polski na urlop z Niemiec,to widze jak piekna jest teraz Lodz.Milo spacerowac po ulicach,Manufaktura,Piotrkowska,inne ulice.
Na pewno nie jeśli chodzi o politykę. Fakt jest taki, że Polska robi się coraz ładniejsza bo jest w co inwestować, mamy kraj rozwijający się. ;)
Typical Janusz is completely harmless. Sebix is who you should be affraid of 😎
Yeah, I completly agree with it, Sebix can attack you even on a bus stop, it happend to me once for 5 years in Warsaw but still 🙄 I was really afraid and there was no one to help 😳 Sebix wanted some money from me, I was lucky that the bus came soon. It all happend at the bus stop Plac Starynkiewicza so I don't recommend this place at night 🙄
And u forgot grazyna and Barbara ;D
@@Gaśnicawbagażniku69 they are only scary in family
or even Damian.
Naprawdę zrobiło mi się miło że ktoś docenia nasz naród, jego historię i samych polaków DZIĘKUJE!!!
Czy serio musimy robić taki wstyd ?
@@mcdeersky601 Czemu wstyd?
My Polacy mamy to do siebie że mamy gorszą opinie o samych sobie i jak wyjeżdżamy do innych państw to się zachowujeny najczęściej jak patola
co tam historia co bylo 100lat temu,to mi nie wlozy nic do garnka i malo interesuje
wazna jest ekonomia i sila nabywcza
Po pierwsze,, Polaków" z wielkiej litery. Po drugie, Polska jest świetna, niezależnie od tego, czy to jakiś cudzoziemiec zauważy czy też nie
The guy who'd ask if you have a problem may be Seba -- Janusz's son.
Janusz son is Piotrek haha
Hahaha jebłem na cycki 🤣🤣
Seba is Jessica's guy, he is also Brajanek's father.
@@Daniel---- Nie Piotrek tylko Pioter.
Pieter kurła wypad od tego kompiutera trawę kosić. Później janusz przy kabiaretach haha chlop za babe sie przebrał
To jest niesamowite ale Polacy naprawdę lubią jak ktoś z innego kraju chwali Polskę i wymienia jej zalety A nie wady. Bardzo lubię Cię oglądać pozdrawiam (mam nadzieję że jeszcze odwiedzisz nasz kraj)
Racja, bo jesteśmy brzydką panną i pragniemy słyszeć komplementy.
it has beutiful mountains and sea also Warsaw and wrocław are beautiful
Go to Poznań and Luboń
As long as you're not LGBT+ person... Poland is SOOOOO homophobic. I hate it. I want to get the hell out of here.
@@autistic_chromium stop,you will meet homophobic people anywhere especially the older ones.its not a case for poland only,if you just want to go abroad just because of that go ahead,but don't be dissapointed
Wspaniale się słucha 😁 bardzo się cieszę, że Polska Ci się spodobała 😁 subskrubuję!
Oh God, I'm from Poland and I have to say that. You made my day. Really. It's nice to hear something good about your country. A few things went wrong, but now I won't stop smiling all week. Thank you 💖💖💖
It is really nice to hear so many positives about PL. Glad you enjoyed it.
Ciesze się że mój kraj Ci się spodobał😁
I'm glad you liked my country 😁
Thank you Trev for this video. It has made my day. We Polish people tend to complain a lot about our country but it is so nice and heartwarming to hear an outsiders positive perspective.
Cieszę się jak słyszę pozytywy o moim kraju - wciąż są zmiany. Dziękuje za ten film 👍
Dziękuję za tyle miłych słów o ,,nas".
Udostępniam rodzinie i swoim czytelnikom
Fajnie posłuchać jak ktoś mówi tak o Polsce dzieki
Więc powiem Ci tak miło mi słyszeć że tak postrzegasz Polskę i mam nadzieję że jeszcze się do niej wybierzesz :)
Thanks for these few warm and cozy words about our country. I was born in Poland and live here almost all life but it still seems to me that most Poles don't realize how precious treasure Poland is. Instead of it most Poles choose grumping about their country and fight each other about politics (we really love that). But you appreciated Poland in unique and beautiful way in this material. I don't remember any Pole who spoke about Poland in that tender way. Thanks again for that and regards from Warsaw
I am Polish and I have lived in Poland since I was born. I like my country very much and thank you for advertising Poland in this way by presenting your opinion
I will write in polish, just because you are learning our language :). Tadeuszu! Cieszę się, że Polska Ci się podoba! Z kolei mnie, bardzo podoba się to, że Twoje filmy nie są puste i często dodajesz komentarz do filmu oraz przedstawiasz nam własne przemyślenia, także keep going! Jestem Polką od urodzenia i tu się wychowałam, nadal poznaję ją na nowo, także dzięki Wam! Mam nadzieję, że przeprowadzka uda Ci się w tym roku i będziecie w końcu na stałe razem. Wish you all the best sweeties! :)
Fajnie, że podoba Ci się nasz Kraj, Powodzenia i częstych wizyt w Polsce.
Hi Trev. Thanks a lot for this great video about Poland. I used it for my ESL classes and it worked well. We had a nice discussion about how WE see Poland, and other countries, compared them, etc. Many many thanks. Best, Ada
Sandomierz... moje rodzinne miasto. Bardzo mi się podoba film, ciesze się że nie wszyscy widza nas, Polaków jako Januszy i że podoba im się nasz kraj. Dziękujemy
Przyjemnie słucha się gdy ktoś opisuję Polskę w miły sposób 😁
actually while my studies in poland I could go out for a walk down city center of Poznan in the middle of the night alone and be fine. walking at 1-3 am - blessed silence and fresh air after hours working at the laptop
Poznan by night is great. Even in WIlda, which is supposed to be dangerous, I never had anything weir happening.
I miss my beloved Poznan!
Świetny film :D aż się miło robi, bardzo fajnie posłuchać komplementów od obcokrajowca. :D
Dzięki, fajnie że pokażujesz nam rzeczy których nie dostrzegamy :)
Pozdrawiam z Polski.
Glad you enjoyed your time in Poland, you'll always be welcome here!
Nie wiem jak skomentować ten film ale po prostu dziękuję za taką miłą opinię o Polsce.
Poland has the safest, cleanest and most efficient public transport I've ever seen. you certainly don't need a car, its not a necessity if you're living here. dobra dobra tak tak
Looking at the title I expected some negative shocks and I'm completly surprised by this matierial. Espacialy things you mentioned... I wouldn't thought of them as positive for people from states. It was really nice to hear that so thanks man!
Hi Trev!
I'm Polish but despite the fact that I live in your country 🇺🇸 for 26 years (Chicago,IL) I'm still proud of my country. I'm also glad that you like so many things in Poland 🇵🇱 and thank you for so many positive and warm comments about my country. I hope that during each next visit you will see something new that will interest you and stay in your memory.
Miło, że widzisz tyle pozytywów w naszym kraju. Zaskakujące jest to, jak bardzo się do niego przyzwyczaiłam i już przestałam go doceniać pod tymi względami.. a "Janusz" z twoich ust jest piękne xD
If you want to see the old town, I invite you to Lublin's beautiful cities and interesting places to visit!
5:09 It's a Polish trait I guess. We separate people from governments. For example: perception of Russians and Russian government is diametrically different.
@@hamann1241 Care to elaborate?
@@halthammerzeit I think Polish people simply like Americans. In Poland people are talking very actively about politics, its not a taboo topic. It often leads to arguments but I think it's good - it is easier to control corruption and governments when people care a lot about politics
@@hamann1241 I can only speak from my own experience. Sorry if you've met with different one.
Miło słyszeć tyle pięknych słów o naszym pięknym kraju jakim jest Polska😀, pozdrawiam i zapraszam do poznawania innych pięknych zakątków 👍😀✈️
"You can go out at night and don't worry"
*_try warsaw prague_*
Bartek Oleszkiewicz agreed
try targówek😂
Bałuty Łódź
Kraków Nowa Huta or... Main Sqare with sourroundings. :D
Myślę, że w każdym kraju i w każdym mieście znajdą się mniej lub bardziej bezpieczne miejsca. Tylko zależy, których jest więcej, tych bezpieczniejszych czy tych mniej bezpiecznych.
Miło usłyszeć te słowa. My Polacy często nie doceniamy tego o czym mówisz :(
Ja doceniam,chce wrocic do Polski,jest piekna.
@@danutaroccasecca2569 Dla tego nie doceniamy, sama napisałaś, że chcesz wrócić czyli nie widzisz jej na co dzień. Mieszkając tu nie widzi się na co dzień poprawy bo to działa powoli a jak ktoś wyemigruje i wraca po latach to "Wow!". Trochę jak z włosami, rosną powoli i niby tego nie zauważamy a jak by tak zasnąć na łyso a obudzić się z długimi do pasa włosami to by było łał. Ta łysina to Polska z początku lat 90 a włosy do pasa to dzień dzisiejszy:P
@@YouRSK1990 ja doceniam i cieszę się że jestem tu i będę i nie zamierzam ani myślą ani czynem zostawić mój kraj,widzę zmiany i martwię się bo Polska się rozdwaja a powinna wiedzieć co dla nas i ogólnie dla ludzi dobre,. Póki co jeszcze żyjemy w normalnym kraju nie zastraszonym,na razie🇵🇱
@@YouRSK1990 Oj, od kilku lat Polska się cofa...
8:09 Fun Fact: You can't use airport in Radom. The planes don't fly there
Wiedziałem że ktoś to napisze xD
Legenda głosi że ktoś kiedyś widział samolot na pasach startowych...
Ja jestem z Radomia xD
Nikt nie pytał
I didn't even realize there was an airport in Lublin :) What a nice video. I'm sure a lot of tourists will find it useful. Dziekujemy :)
Aż mi się miło robi w sercu że mamy taką reputacje :)
Niezmiernie miło robi się na sercu, widząc że tak interesujesz się naszym krajem i językiem i że dzielisz się tą wiedzą ze swoimi słuchaczami... :) :) I w tak piękny sposób opowiadasz o Polsce, że aż uśmiech sam pojawia się na twarzy... :) Dziękuję :)
Polecam odwiedzić Toruń piękne Miasto Kopernika i pierników 🤣
Tl: I recommend visiting Toruń, beautiful city of Kopernik and gingerbreads
The city at 4:45 it's Sandomierz - known for "Ksiądz Mateusz" movie.
C’mon Sandomierz is known for way more things, having over 1000 years old history is one of the oldest cities in Poland. Ojciec Mateusz is few years old phenomenon.
I spent all my childhood on that square and know every nook and cranny:)
@@sunsstorm you're kidding me ? I live 60 km from Sandomierz. This was the info for ordinary people.Not for an expert like you :-) . Do you know who was Jan Długosz ?
Możesz nazwać go : "Father Mathew". :)
Po takich filmikach jestem dumna że jestem z Polski ❣🇵🇱
Też jestem dumna.
To słabo, że musisz obejrzeć film na YT by być dumną z Polski. Mi wystarczy historia naszego kraju.
Chujnia ze potrzebujesz filmów. Byłem w wielu miejscach na swiecie uwierz polska jest wyjątkowa po każdym wzgledem
Szczerze miło że ktoś patrzy na nasze państwo :3. Najlepsze miejsce dla fanów historii militarii. Jak się skończy korona wpadaj częściej 👊
Its very nice to hear so many good things about Poland ❤️
Uświadomiłam sobię właśnie jaka Polska jest piękna 💟🇵🇱🇵🇱💟
Kraj piękny tylko politycy zjebani
Karki ...rusz cztery litery w Polskę , sama zobaczysz piękno ojczyzny....czy muszą nam mówić o tym obcokrajowcy , by sobie uświadomić jaki mamy piękny kraj?
@@marekkropiwnicki5540 tak bo patrzę na twarze naszej ojczyzny , potem na młode pokolenie z tęczą i mi si3 srać chce
@@birb2330 bedziesz srać tęczą?
@@fileko2352 dokładnie .
As a Bulgarian, I really want to move to Poland
@@jestemniewazny7295 Bulgarian government: *Am I joke to you?*
@@jestemniewazny7295 nawet tutaj musisz o tym pierdolić...🤮🤮🤮
As a Pole, I really want to move to Bulgaria ;) And yeah, doing business is much easier in Bulgaria, taxes are much lower.
@@budus2 Nah, Bulgaria sucks
@@lonelyhetaliafangirl4936 NIE PRAWDA, BUŁGARIA MA FAJNY KLIMAT I WINO
To mój pierwszy filmik na tym kanale, który obejrzałam i to ja jestem zszokowana. Bardzo miło mi słyszeć takie rzeczy. ;)
I am very happy that this movie was made and I hope you will stay here as long as possible❤️ we invite you to visit more old towns
i really enjoyed this vlog!
i moved to poland last year from america as well, but i know the language well thanks to my polish parents. there were so many more shocking things for me, but eventually you get used to it.
Being Pole, I have so much respect for you, for all kind words you've said. I'M glad you've enjoyed your time, and obviously you are always very welcome here. :)
Polish means polski . Polak to Pole / niestety, bo brzmi okropnie/ 😲
@@melianna999 senkju, zapomnialam ze mozna tu edytować. I pole i polish brzmi fatalnie 😆😆 dobrego dnia,x
@@kayalewska369 miłego dnia 🌷😀
Też dziękujemy za miłe słowa i zapraszamy ponownie :)
Thank you trevor it is really encouraging to hear so many compliments about my country. All the best, Filip
Janusz na bazarku nie stanowi takiego zagrożenia jak Łysy w przejściu podziemnym xD Your relation over my country warmed my heart, and our flag
Dziękujemy! Miło usłyszeć tyle pozytywnych wniosków 😁.
Super film, fajnie było zobaczyć swoj kraj innymi oczyma
You are such a lovely person. You seem to really like Poland and Poles. Thank you for the kind words. Remember, Poland is a small country of not that much diversity as the US. The Polish underground is just a few kilometres, compared to the NY one. Still nice to hear all the kind words, dude. ❤️
4:25 nie spodziewałem się tu zobaczyć swojego miasta pozdrowienia z Sandomierza
Księdza Mateusza pozdrów:P
ps. poważnie to musze kiedyś odwiedzić to miatso bo jest piękne:)
Czekałem tylko na kogoś z Sandomierza
rsk1990 miasto rzeczywiście piękne , jeszcze żeby przestali stawiać progi zwalniające jak pojebani to już niczego nie będzie brakować
Pozdro z Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego ;)
TBH i just discovered your chanel and i already watch a feeeew video and I'm really surprised of way how Ure talking about Poland and polish people, so nice but also true.
Thx and good luck from Lublin 😉
Great city. Stay tuned for a few more videos and you'll see why I like it 👌
Mogę dodać do tego co powiedziałeś jedno .Przyjeżdżając do Polski nie musisz znać naszego języka,bo większość w stopniu podstawowym zna angielski :) Jak poimprezujesz z nami przez dłuższy okres,to TY poznasz podstawy polskiego !!
Thank you for the video. I am a native Pole.Polish food, open culture and public transportation is what I miss here in USA
Kurcze, napisałbym to po angielsku (ale tego jest za dużo) lub użył tłumacza google, ale wtedy wychodzą dziwne rzeczy.
Włączając ten film myślałem, że będą tu same złe rzeczy o Polsce, ale się zupełnie zaskoczyłem tak jak ty. W sumie to nie doceniałem tego co mamy u siebie, każdy zawsze myśli, że USA, bogaty kraj za oceanem, to wszystko musi mieć lepsze, a jednak są rzeczy, w których inny mogliby brać z nas przykład :)
Tak ale czasami można napotkacz się na złego człowieka.
Greetings from Poland! And yeah, public transport is very clean here 😁
*Wow, jakie masz świetne zdanie o Polsce :) Super!*
Thank you for this splendid review
*Prices of high speed mobile internet didn't shocked you? ;-)*
kind addons:
0:30 - No GMO modifying, limited extra tasters and preservatives, less sugar, less salt, less chemical fertilizers in comparison to US. Better agricultural infrastructure: less time between harvest and shop shelves.
0:51 - McDonalds is supplied by local, Polish and European food providers (see pt 1.)
1:40 - There's something on topic cause most of people claim that polish versions of multilingual projects like movie songs or games are most welcomed to listen. (ex. Priscilla's Song and the soundtrack of the Witcher game). Slavic languages with it's difficult but soundly "szsz", "śś" originally comes from... INDIA.
4:20 - Well, Poland is 1000+ years old. USA ~250.
5:30 - Yea, Polish Ppl may seem like a bit grumpy but it's just not a culture of small talk. And just simple respect of others privacy. Noone push you to speak, cause it's inpolite due you may don't want to. In restaurants: waiters will NOT bother you every 10 minutes as it is in States. You will be granted of personal space and interaction how You as a guest wants. If u want to be extra served waiter will wait for your gentle signal to approach. Due that, You will not feel like you occupying the restaurant seat 'too long' so service want you to get out - whats the main of Europeans feeling in most of US diners when you are repeatedly asked with faked smile 'are you finished?', 'you want something more'? over and over again. You have chance to be calmly with yourself for a moment.
7:50 - all means of transport are always/mostly on one and same ticket: metro/bus/trams/metropolitan train.
GMO is not a bad thing at all. It doesnt change the taste if the scientist didnt want to.
Well you get some gmo everywhere... its not like the food you eat is the same as 1000 years ago. Theres a lot of small suppliers spread across the country tho so getting fresh veggies is easy no matter where you are. When it comes to meat its a little mixed. Good quality affordable chicken, turkey and pork but not a lot of good beef. Also not everything is one ticket. Trams and city buses have the same ticket usually but trains (in Gdańsk for example) require a different one. Be careful since you dont want to have anything to do with people who check tickets.
@@XsedoX You are right, but most of changes are to secure plant/fruit/veg from dosing extra pesticides (no GMO = no extra chem allowed = shorten time of eatability = investment in better distribution channel instead of GMO = fresh food with less chem on a plates) or indeed like you'v said: to make 'em taste "better". Problem is that "better" is subjective and from some point stops "talking" with other still natural (less 'superb') tastes mixed in your's dish.
Giving a voice to another American living in Poland:
I'm not very sure about the "szcz" and "ść" coming from India. Like most of the slavic languages, Polish, as well as other languages like, for example, Russian or Ukrainian are divided in subcategories, such as east slavic languages, west slavic languages etc. The subcategories determine which language "family" is going to influence said language. Ofc, even though the alphabet of the Polish language took Latin as example, however, it was heavily inspired by "cyrylica". And even when you learn the basics in polish language they tell you that Polish comes from the preslavic language :)
@@emmysok123 ; All Slav languages comes from far east. Same as all Slav nations. I'm speaking Hindu and I am sure about it. Names of Hindu Gods like Shiva or Wishnu are correctly pronounced by "Ś". Pronounce came directly and stay despite evolution of Slavic languages. The expansion of middle eastern Arabic broke the direct linkage but it's still exist in language.
Great movie. As a Pole I am shocked that as an American you see it this way :) We invite everyone to visit Poland :)
As long as you are white, hetero and catholic... 😉
@@ecossee75 Exactly, I wanted to write the same.
@@ecossee75 not true we invite everyone
I m Swiss and my favourite country is Po land and my favourite City is Warsaw, the top of the top all my love from Switzerland !
@@ecossee75 Bullshit!