If you enjoyed this one, you should check out the tifo for the match against Dinamo Zagreb on the 10th August this year. I was in the stands and it was amazing.
just got on this vid now.....let me tell you this , i took you almost 2 min to see that kid with the gun to his head ..... bro . before you gonna 'react; to stuff like this..... pleeeeease educatie yourself , so U do not look dumb . :)
You damn right Brother Fuck the hitler and all the natzi!!!! LEGIA WARSZAWA before, now and Forever will be the Futboll Club that I Love Respect and never ever betrayed. LEGIA,ŻYLETA, HOOLIGANS and FANS either You IN or OUT. When you out you will never get back. There no better funs then LEGIA HOOLIGANS "GOD BLESS ALL OF US" I live in Chicago,but when LEGIA plays, my heart and spirit is in the stadium where LEGIA fans make a craziest fuss
@@wiesawamaga1287 Bardzo dobre pytanie. Odpowiedź może być tylko jedna: strach płynący dzień i noc z telewizornii był tak silni, że nawet kibicie wymiękli Ale i tak bardziej przerażające jest to, jak wszyscy właściwie przeszli do porządku dziennego jakby się nic nie stało. Była sobie plandemia i nie ma plandemii, wielkie mi halo
Not of the culture, of the identity. You can't make a move in Poland and don't step at soil spilled with our blood. My great grandparents fought, my grandparents fought, my parents fought. Now we have war at our borders again and we are sure they will come for us too, as always. We are ready to our fight even if this will cost us our lives.
Greetings. Respects Iran because he showed empathy towards our people during the Second World War. I also despise the ideological occupation of the Anglo-Saxons. I wish you a lot of health!
Holly fucking shit, i feel sadness, anger, outrage, and so many different feelings just by watching this video, i can;t even imagine how people felt being on that stadium. Greetings from Serbia brothers. You will always have my support and respect. long live Poland.
This stadium setting was on the occasion of the anniversary of the anti-German Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Legia Warsaw fans are famous for their frames commemorating historical events. For which financial penalties are often imposed on them. A fine of EUR 35,000 imposed on Legia Warsaw by the European Football Union (UEFA)
It's pretty important - in Poland we do not say Nazi's, but we say Germans. A lot of people have a feeling that word Nazi's does not say who actually murdered those people.
@@WaliTV-zr1yt Greetings from England. I think it’s admirable that you can accept what your rancid country did, thank God we managed to stop the atrocities your nation was committing. May we never forget. 🤝
@@SlamF95 he tells a bullshit. I'm 30, I'm living in Warsaw. I know that this shit was made by Nazis and I can understand difference between Nazis and modern Germans. Like all of me friends. Srsly. I have a few friends from Germany. I don't have hate in my heart, but I am, as a Pole, obligated to always remember what happended. But, tbh, it was weirdo when I was in Berlin for a couple od days (mustafa kebab is awesome!) and I saw a lot of old people, the thoughts who was whom in the 1939 are still in my head... I think that it will be better and better between us. But we needs couple of years still. In our families they are still living family members who get trought this horror. Nvm. It will be better, don't you worry! Greetings!
@@footballsugoI think that you should improve your history knowledge... Who forced Germans to slaughter so many Jews and Polish people ? The real problem was that noone forced them, they wanted to fight for their country and race.... They were brainwashed but definitely not forced by anyone
Tylko Polska walczy o prawdę I nie zapomina tego co nie można zapomnieć w przeciwienstwie do właściwie całej Europy! A kibice odwalają większość patryiotycznej roboty co leży w kompetencjach naszych pseudo polityków. Chwała wielkiej Polsce, Chwała kibicom!!!🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
@@bartoszmaysz9318 a co ma do tego jak mówili? Na Polaków, którzy sympatyzują np. z lewicą też się mówi "lewacy", tak samo na sympatyzujących z ruchem narodowego socjalizmu mówili "naziści".
@@bartoszmaysz9318 Niemcy = naziści. To są synonimy, także nie rozumiem dlaczego się prujesz, że ktoś używa słowa naziści. Na ruskich z tamtego okresu jak ktoś powie komuniści to też będziesz miał problem?
@@kubinnChodzi o zakłamywanie historii. Przy aktywnym udziale Niemców. Im to bardzo pasuje. Zdjąć z siebie odpowiedzialność za zbrodnie wojenne. Naziści z tajemniczego Nazilandu. W reportażu z amerykańskich szkół, na pytanie kim byli naziści ? Większość odpowiedziała... Polakami. Przecież były polskie obozy, itd.... Nie pomagajmy w wypaczaniu faktów. My wiemy, ale inni już nie...
@@kubinn ty to wiesz, ja to wiem. Problem polega na tym że niemcy od wielu wielu lat próbują wybielić siebie i za drugą wojnę światową zwalić winę na "nazistów". Jeżeli ludzie nawet w Polsce, tak jak Ty, mają wyprane mózgi i z narodu oprawców robią naród ofiar - zrównując ofiary i katów - to zastanów się jak będą wyglądać podręczniki do historii za lat 20. Fajni i demokratyczni niemcy pod okupacją nazistów "z księżyca" i polskie obozy koncentracyjne. Jak nie rozumiesz całego zabiegu wybielania i fałszowania historii propagowanego przez dzisiejsze Niemcy to świadczy tylko o tym że robią to dość skutecznie, A jeżeli nawet polacy dają się na to nabrać to zastanów się jak manipulacja działa na ludzi którzy II wojnę i zbrodnie niemców znają z filmów i youtuba. Myślenie nie boli.
Polscy kibice są najlepsi. Jestem z Bełchatowa, małe miasteczko gdzieś w centrum Polski, 50 000 mieszkańców. Wydzierając gardło na stadionie GKSu przeżyłem chwile, których nie zapomnę do końca życia. Pozdro dla wszystkich kibiców w Polsce AEEAAAOOOOOOO
I am from the UK and was at the 100th celebrations in Warsaw. Flying the union jack and the Polish flag. Hope to return soon to these great people. Time for Poland to rid themselves of the German-led EU. If Britain can so it so can our friends POLAND !!!!
*The Germans were catching the Polish children by their legs and smashing them and the wall, so civilised and humane were the Germans during the Second World War, unfortunately the Soviets were even worse* 😔
Historical truth cannot be distorted. The saddest thing is that the criminals were never brought to justice and the Germans never bore the cost of murdering defenseless Polish children and destroying Warsaw...
Imagine that Legia was heavy fined for that tifo, because it says "germans" not "nazis", and so it does not comply with political correctness.HEavy financial fine. Ps: War ended in May 45. This is from Warsaw Uprising, August 44, when Warsaw was raised to the ground (about 90% demolished, blown up, burned) and warsovians were slaughtered.
But it's interesting that if it had been done by Soviet Russia, they wouldn't have any problem of putting "communists" instead of Russians. This comes from the fact that Legia supporters (as a lot of polish supporters) actually have far-right mentality, so very close to nazi mentality, that's why they prefer to put germans instead of nazis. Germany and german people continue to exist and the big majority are completely against what happened in the past and are sorry for it. Only the nazis don't apologize for it, but somehow these fans still don't understand that, I'm curious why.....
@@arturbasto8523 Przestan pieprzyc, jesli chodzi o ruskich to nie ma dla nas roznicy czy nazwiesz ich komunistami czy ruskimi. Bez wzgledu na nazwe bandyta pozostanie bandyta.
@@arturbasto8523you are full of bullshit. This is not because of anti-German approach of Legia fans, but rather it's for the sake of preserving history. If someone from Germany is against the war and all of that, I don't think they should be against telling people how things were.
I’m not sure how long ago this happened, but the original video is no longer available to watch. The account that uploaded the original video was terminated.
@@kazikowski1976 ok genius So why we had so many ( most in any country in Europe)Jews living in Poland for hundreds of years. Simple because they were prosecuted killed and chased away from most of the Europe especially Western Europe they came to tolerant Poland were they found best conditions to prosper and live in peace according to their religion .I’m sure if life in Poland was so bad for them for eight hundred years they wouldn’t settle there by the millions and move somewhere else. Go to sleep dude because you’re taking nonsense.
@@Bakambol Was? Jestem Polakiem. Wiem, że pomagaliśmy Żydom i wiem, że również byli tacy co trudnili się szmalcownictwem i donosami na Gestapo a także organizacją pogromów
@@agataostaszewska8412 W tlumieniu Powstania Warszawskiego braly udzial oddzialy ROA - tzw wlasowcy, mozliwe ze miedzy nimi znalezli sie jacys Ukraincy , ale nie bylo tam zadnej ukrainskiej formacji militarnej kolaborujacej z niemcami(swiad. z mal. lit.) .Doskownie kilka dni temu na swojej stronie , w jednym ze swoich komentarzy odnosnie Powstania Pan Stanislaw Michalkiewicz skorygowal moja wiedze historyczna w tym temacie . Co nie oznacza ze nie nalezy pamietac o zbrodniach tej ounosko -upowsko-banderowskiej swoloczy z SS Galizien . Niestety rowniez doiedzialem sie ze nie rozprawiono sie z ss-galicyjskimi bandytami , ktorzy znalezli sie po wojnie w strefie alianckiej , i to dzieki generalowi Andersowi na ktorego miala wplyw jego ukrainska kochanka .
It is an anniversary of Warsaw Uprising ,operation by the Polish underground resistance to liberate Warsaw from German occupation. It occurred in the summer of 1944, and it was led by the Polish resistance Home Army. It was Germany that invaded Poland and started WWII. These Nazis had their nationality. There were Germans.
Its a tribute to the event called „Powstanie Warszawskie” it was located in Warsaw in 1944. Polish ppl were under German ocupation and in 1944 polish decided to put themselves up germans but after 1 month they had to capitulate
Now living in the west I admit my 1st love is was and will stay forever - Warszawa. Nice that you remember this action of Legia's supporters. As in comments some say they were Germans that wanted to kill my Warszawa and her citizens. As not Bush'ists invaded Iraq or Syria. As in all the cases where countries murder and destroy other countries and escapes consequences by hiding themselves behind the king, president of political system. We have no power to force the compensations but we have the obligation to our victims to name it streigth forwardly THEY WERE GERMANS. Like other nations should name their oppressors USA, Great Britain, France, USSR etc...
It is estimated that the total fatal losses of the Slavic Polish population under German occupation were approximately 2,770,000 people. This group does not include victims of Soviet crimes in the areas incorporated into the USSR after 1939, or victims of UPA crimes in Volhynia. Pamiętamy 💪🇵🇱
The siren that howled before the anthem was in 1944, on August 1 at 5 pm, it howled and it was a signal for civilian Poles to regain Warsaw from the German occupation because that's all we had left, only the army was underground and it was illegal and we managed to be Polish and speak Polish Polish. We thank the insurgent of Warsaw
Dude thank you for this one!!1 I am in tears....Come and visit us anytime this pandemic bs ends....by tghe way we're singing our national anthem...you are heavily undesubscribed dude :)
...nah - I think those white squares in the backroud & on the sides were meant to represent the building of Warsaw, but i''m not sure about it... PS. - and it turned out I was wrong - it's the date of 1944 - The Warsaw Uprising - and in the middle you have a German in a nazi-times uniform pointing a gun to child's head...
Mike Tyson visits Poland quite often, he has extensive knowledge of the Warsaw Uprising and World War II, the guy feels the blues (I've always liked him without knowing it; and interestingly, he converted to Islam, and we here in Poland are Catholics after all, or as the intolerant betons and butchers say about us). On YT there is his speech on the Warsaw Uprising. I recommend it.
Poles were sent to Siberia thousands of kilometers from Poland deep into Russia where they worked until they died or until someone managed to escape as slaves in the mines. My schoolmate's grandfather managed to escape, 6 of them escaped and only he returned. In the school I went to there was a big board of all the families from the village that were sent to Siberia, people were sent mainly from the areas of Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław. Poles were also slaves in death camps created by German Nazis on Polish territory.
When a black person wants to go to Poland: NOO! Don't go! They are racist, they will beat you up or kill you! When a black person comes back from Poland: I had a great time, it was lovely, people are so nice. Why it always be like this?
I hope you enjoyed the video! :) Make sure you like and Subscribe! Lets get to 1,000 subscribers. Thanks and Much love!
If you enjoyed this one, you should check out the tifo for the match against Dinamo Zagreb on the 10th August this year. I was in the stands and it was amazing.
just got on this vid now.....let me tell you this , i took you almost 2 min to see that kid with the gun to his head ..... bro . before you gonna 'react; to stuff like this..... pleeeeease educatie yourself , so U do not look dumb . :)
Welcome to Europe 🔥🔥🔥
You damn right Brother Fuck the hitler and all the natzi!!!! LEGIA WARSZAWA before, now and Forever will be the Futboll Club that I Love Respect and never ever betrayed. LEGIA,ŻYLETA, HOOLIGANS and FANS either You IN or OUT. When you out you will never get back. There no better funs then LEGIA HOOLIGANS "GOD BLESS ALL OF US" I live in Chicago,but when LEGIA
plays, my heart and spirit is in the stadium where LEGIA fans make a craziest fuss
Legii można nie lubić, ale oprawy, zwłaszcza patriotyczne to absolutny top na świecie
Kibic widzwa legie nienawidze od zawsze ale to bylo zajebiste. Szacun
Pozdro od Lecha jesteście niesamowici 😢 zawsze się łezka kręci w oku
Poland ! Solid people and solid country. Respect and love from London.
Amen, lots of respect from the U.S.
@@user-ve2jj1ik4b he means not that what you are thinking
@Zitar it's a magic ✨
You dont really know the poles.
Legi nie można odmówić patriotyzmu, wielki szacunek
Patriotyzm jedno, ale trzeba też mieć odwagę.
Co prawda jestem za lechem, ale szacun dla legii
@@Arti128 Pytanie gdzie byli kibice Legii, Lecha i innych klubów podczas plandemii ?
@@wiesawamaga1287 Bardzo dobre pytanie. Odpowiedź może być tylko jedna: strach płynący dzień i noc z telewizornii był tak silni, że nawet kibicie wymiękli Ale i tak bardziej przerażające jest to, jak wszyscy właściwie przeszli do porządku dziennego jakby się nic nie stało. Była sobie plandemia i nie ma plandemii, wielkie mi halo
W razie wojny wszyscy kibole legii beda rozpierdalac witryny sklepowe krasc co sie da i spierdalac za granice :D
Just got back from a year in Poland. Amazing country. The Warsaw uprising is a huge part of the culture
Not of the culture, of the identity. You can't make a move in Poland and don't step at soil spilled with our blood.
My great grandparents fought, my grandparents fought, my parents fought. Now we have war at our borders again and we are sure they will come for us too, as always. We are ready to our fight even if this will cost us our lives.
@@pawegoik3322Przyjacielu mogą po nas przyjść, mogą nawet pokonać ale nigdy nas nie zniszczą i nie zwyciężą 🇵🇱
@@JackSparrow-pq1wh Jest tak jak piszesz :)
Na codzień - obcy, gdy jest potrzeba - bracia.
Krzew ideę, a gdy nadejdzie czas staniemy ramię w ramię.
I respect Polish people love you guys from Iran
Greetings. Respects Iran because he showed empathy towards our people during the Second World War. I also despise the ideological occupation of the Anglo-Saxons. I wish you a lot of health!
Poles love Persians - and remember with gratitude your help and hospitality during II WW. God Bless Iran!
We will do it again Love Poland 🇵🇱 ✝️✝️🫶🫶
Holly fucking shit, i feel sadness, anger, outrage, and so many different feelings just by watching this video, i can;t even imagine how people felt being on that stadium. Greetings from Serbia brothers. You will always have my support and respect. long live Poland.
This stadium setting was on the occasion of the anniversary of the anti-German Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Legia Warsaw fans are famous for their frames commemorating historical events. For which financial penalties are often imposed on them. A fine of EUR 35,000 imposed on Legia Warsaw by the European Football Union (UEFA)
Russian money behind Legia ultras, worth to know ..
@@MarScbl That was our money that we collected before games. If you don't know something, stop talking shit
@@MarScbl wtf you are completely wrong
Also Legia made a TIFO about the 35k fine
@@MarScblthat's totally bs my dude
1944 Powstanie Warszawskie w której walczyli wszyscy którzy mogli nawet dzieci o wolną Polskę 🔥🇵🇱
Bezsensowny zryw który kosztował życie tysięcy ludzi i obrócił miasto w pył
Ta oprawa jest poruszająca. Tyle istnień, tyle dzieci, córek, synów, matek, ojców
Kibice Legii szacun
It's pretty important - in Poland we do not say Nazi's, but we say Germans. A lot of people have a feeling that word Nazi's does not say who actually murdered those people.
@@WaliTV-zr1yt Greetings from England. I think it’s admirable that you can accept what your rancid country did, thank God we managed to stop the atrocities your nation was committing. May we never forget. 🤝
Germans killed them !
Germans was Nazis
@@SlamF95 he tells a bullshit. I'm 30, I'm living in Warsaw. I know that this shit was made by Nazis and I can understand difference between Nazis and modern Germans. Like all of me friends. Srsly. I have a few friends from Germany. I don't have hate in my heart, but I am, as a Pole, obligated to always remember what happended. But, tbh, it was weirdo when I was in Berlin for a couple od days (mustafa kebab is awesome!) and I saw a lot of old people, the thoughts who was whom in the 1939 are still in my head... I think that it will be better and better between us. But we needs couple of years still. In our families they are still living family members who get trought this horror. Nvm. It will be better, don't you worry! Greetings!
i think its unfair that targeting germany becaus they forced them to do it
@@footballsugoI think that you should improve your history knowledge... Who forced Germans to slaughter so many Jews and Polish people ? The real problem was that noone forced them, they wanted to fight for their country and race.... They were brainwashed but definitely not forced by anyone
PS. For us Poles the true war started in 1939 and it ended only in 1989 with the collapse of communism.
unfortunately this war did not end in 1989. Now its even worse. We are under the strictest occupation
@M Rrr1994 pis and kaczynski
Sorry we star much more before
This is very true we all think Poland was liberated in 1945 but we were just occupied by the ussr for the next 40 years
@@zdzisawk5198 nie wierzę jak można być tak głupim jak ty
Tylko Polska walczy o prawdę I nie zapomina tego co nie można zapomnieć w przeciwienstwie do właściwie całej Europy! A kibice odwalają większość patryiotycznej roboty co leży w kompetencjach naszych pseudo polityków. Chwała wielkiej Polsce, Chwała kibicom!!!🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Respect, football fans in Poland are not afraid to tell the truth!
not Nazis, Germans! We really should start to say things as they were.
Nie byli nazistami? Byli.
@@bartoszmaysz9318 a co ma do tego jak mówili? Na Polaków, którzy sympatyzują np. z lewicą też się mówi "lewacy", tak samo na sympatyzujących z ruchem narodowego socjalizmu mówili "naziści".
@@bartoszmaysz9318 Niemcy = naziści. To są synonimy, także nie rozumiem dlaczego się prujesz, że ktoś używa słowa naziści. Na ruskich z tamtego okresu jak ktoś powie komuniści to też będziesz miał problem?
@@kubinnChodzi o zakłamywanie historii.
Przy aktywnym udziale Niemców. Im to bardzo pasuje. Zdjąć z siebie odpowiedzialność za zbrodnie wojenne.
Naziści z tajemniczego Nazilandu.
W reportażu z amerykańskich szkół, na pytanie kim byli naziści ? Większość odpowiedziała...
Polakami. Przecież były polskie obozy, itd....
Nie pomagajmy w wypaczaniu faktów. My wiemy, ale inni już nie...
@@kubinn ty to wiesz, ja to wiem. Problem polega na tym że niemcy od wielu wielu lat próbują wybielić siebie i za drugą wojnę światową zwalić winę na "nazistów". Jeżeli ludzie nawet w Polsce, tak jak Ty, mają wyprane mózgi i z narodu oprawców robią naród ofiar - zrównując ofiary i katów - to zastanów się jak będą wyglądać podręczniki do historii za lat 20. Fajni i demokratyczni niemcy pod okupacją nazistów "z księżyca" i polskie obozy koncentracyjne. Jak nie rozumiesz całego zabiegu wybielania i fałszowania historii propagowanego przez dzisiejsze Niemcy to świadczy tylko o tym że robią to dość skutecznie, A jeżeli nawet polacy dają się na to nabrać to zastanów się jak manipulacja działa na ludzi którzy II wojnę i zbrodnie niemców znają z filmów i youtuba. Myślenie nie boli.
Polscy kibice są najlepsi. Jestem z Bełchatowa, małe miasteczko gdzieś w centrum Polski, 50 000 mieszkańców. Wydzierając gardło na stadionie GKSu przeżyłem chwile, których nie zapomnę do końca życia. Pozdro dla wszystkich kibiców w Polsce AEEAAAOOOOOOO
I am from the UK and was at the 100th celebrations in Warsaw. Flying the union jack and the Polish flag. Hope to return soon to these great people. Time for Poland to rid themselves of the German-led EU. If Britain can so it so can our friends POLAND !!!!
Thank you my British friend. Greetings from Warsaw. 😘🇵🇱
thank you for the kind words!!
We dont go anywhere out of EU. Good luck with your Brexit
Poland would collapse without EU-support
@@Coldvader poland hasnt collapsed for thousand years so stupid argument
*The Germans were catching the Polish children by their legs and smashing them and the wall, so civilised and humane were the Germans during the Second World War, unfortunately the Soviets were even worse* 😔
Karma is a bitch!
1 sierpnia 1944
i jakos szybko zapominamy te ofrisary i robimy interesy i polityke z nimi ..
@@walsjell idź się lecz
@@marcindpol a ty wydoroslej z haselek i plytkich manipulacji dla plebsu ktore niczego nie zmieniaja!
so much respect. No surrender. Crystal palace F.C
they are singin Polish anthem!
@@hsvdgwkqpm7107 tak
@@hsvdgwkqpm7107 xD jak nie jak tak
Thanks for god word RESPECT from POLAND
Cześć i chwała bohaterom!
Respect from Calgary, Canada!
What you should know about Legia, that the fans almost never shut up singing! Very unique on the world scale.
True for most polish fans
Historical truth cannot be distorted. The saddest thing is that the criminals were never brought to justice and the Germans never bore the cost of murdering defenseless Polish children and destroying Warsaw...
Legię można pierdolić ale i trzeba kochać za odwagę za powstanie są świry ale to nasze polskie świry z jajami jak koła od traktora ❤❤🎉❤
Pozdrawiam z warszawskim sercem
Imagine that Legia was heavy fined for that tifo, because it says "germans" not "nazis", and so it does not comply with political correctness.HEavy financial fine. Ps: War ended in May 45. This is from Warsaw Uprising, August 44, when Warsaw was raised to the ground (about 90% demolished, blown up, burned) and warsovians were slaughtered.
But it's interesting that if it had been done by Soviet Russia, they wouldn't have any problem of putting "communists" instead of Russians. This comes from the fact that Legia supporters (as a lot of polish supporters) actually have far-right mentality, so very close to nazi mentality, that's why they prefer to put germans instead of nazis. Germany and german people continue to exist and the big majority are completely against what happened in the past and are sorry for it. Only the nazis don't apologize for it, but somehow these fans still don't understand that, I'm curious why.....
@@arturbasto8523 Przestan pieprzyc, jesli chodzi o ruskich to nie ma dla nas roznicy czy nazwiesz ich komunistami czy ruskimi. Bez wzgledu na nazwe bandyta pozostanie bandyta.
@@arturbasto8523you are full of bullshit. This is not because of anti-German approach of Legia fans, but rather it's for the sake of preserving history. If someone from Germany is against the war and all of that, I don't think they should be against telling people how things were.
this is why in Europe, ultras movement is more then football. Is about your city,country, history and reliogion sometimes.
They are famous in Poland for TIFO's like that. Amazing stuff. Greetings form Netherlands.
I’m Scottish an know polish an the anthem
brawo 👏👏👏👏👍🇵🇱💕
Sad becuse i live in warszawa an its a nise place nice vacation
Twórca tego powinien dostać Nobla 👍👍👍👑
Jako Poznaniak muszę przyznać legionistom. Jak odpierdolą oprawę to nie ma chuja we wsi
Takie słownictwo, publiczne to winno być bardzo karalne ,kodeksem i 😪😶☹️😨😰😐🫢🥺🙄🩶🖤🤗🤗🤗😭😭😭💔💔💔
Perfect from the UK unfortunately real fans in our country have been priced out of the stadiums. But this is proper fans.
Priced out? How much is a ticket for a football game
Regards from Poland to you.
Respect for posting this video 🇵🇱
Not Nazzi - German id correct
@@bambina5604 mainly Germans. Hitler was elected by GERMANS.
Nazi= Germnans. Germans= Nazi.
@@bambina5604 SS Ukrainian Galizien also... And Juden SS
nazi is correct
Ponad podziałami jestem kibicem Lecha, ale Wielki Szacunek za oprawę. Kozak
Jestem czystej krwi Polką ❤❤ Uwielbiam naszych Kibiców Legii❤❤❤ (L)egia❤❤❤
Niesamowite,Prawdziwe,oby tak dalej.
I’m not sure how long ago this happened, but the original video is no longer available to watch. The account that uploaded the original video was terminated.
we will not forget the harm done to the Polish nation by the Germans, Soviets and Ukrainians (Wolyn)
If wouldn’t be for Russians, Germans would send us through the chimney .
And I will never forget what we did to Jews by fact of WWII pogroms
@@kazikowski1976 ok genius
So why we had so many ( most in any country in Europe)Jews living in Poland for hundreds of years.
Simple because they were prosecuted killed and chased away from most of the Europe especially Western Europe they came to tolerant Poland were they found best conditions to prosper and live in peace according to their religion
.I’m sure if life in Poland was so bad for them for eight hundred years they wouldn’t settle there by the millions and move somewhere else.
Go to sleep dude because you’re taking nonsense.
@@kazikowski1976My czyli kurw… kto?!Polacy pomagali Żydom i tysiące z nich zginęło za ratowanie was a ty piszesz takie rzeczy?Wstyd!🤮
@@Bakambol Was? Jestem Polakiem. Wiem, że pomagaliśmy Żydom i wiem, że również byli tacy co trudnili się szmalcownictwem i donosami na Gestapo a także organizacją pogromów
Napiszę w swoim języku ,jednym z bohaterów powstania Warszawskiego był też czarnoskóry,❤
Not Nazis!They were Germans!!!
My friend , they were not NAZIST !!! They were GERMANS !!!!!!!!!!!
SS German AND SS Ukrainian Galizien
@@agataostaszewska8412 W tlumieniu Powstania Warszawskiego braly udzial oddzialy ROA - tzw wlasowcy, mozliwe ze miedzy nimi znalezli sie jacys Ukraincy , ale nie bylo tam zadnej ukrainskiej formacji militarnej kolaborujacej z niemcami(swiad. z mal. lit.) .Doskownie kilka dni temu na swojej stronie , w jednym ze swoich komentarzy odnosnie Powstania Pan Stanislaw Michalkiewicz skorygowal moja wiedze historyczna w tym temacie . Co nie oznacza ze nie nalezy pamietac o zbrodniach tej ounosko -upowsko-banderowskiej swoloczy z SS Galizien . Niestety rowniez doiedzialem sie ze nie rozprawiono sie z ss-galicyjskimi bandytami , ktorzy znalezli sie po wojnie w strefie alianckiej , i to dzieki generalowi Andersowi na ktorego miala wplyw jego ukrainska kochanka .
Aha , wlaze na te brytolskie strony i zadaje tym madrusiom pytanie gdzie lezy naziland , czyli kraj , panstwo z ktorego pochodza "nazi" .
Poland was invaded by Germans not by some unidentified Nazis or UFOs.
Respect for words bro. Come to Poland as soon as the epidemic ends :)
How did you like a new Legia choreo??? Majesty 🇵🇱🇨🇿
Dzieku Wam warszawskie dzieci ✌️🇵🇱♥️
Thank You for the reaction and respect! This is powerful! Best regards from Warsaw, Poland.
Hello from Poland 🇵🇱
WW2 ended in 1945 but 1944 is a date of "Warsaw Uprising".
Check video called "A minute of silence - WARSAW UPRISING"
1944 was the Warsaw uprising an important year for poland
Na kolejnym meczu taka oprawa o Wołyniu i Ukraińcach którym teraz rząd wchodzi w cztery litery
It is an anniversary of Warsaw Uprising ,operation by the Polish underground resistance to liberate Warsaw from German occupation. It occurred in the summer of 1944, and it was led by the Polish resistance Home Army. It was Germany that invaded Poland and started WWII. These Nazis had their nationality. There were Germans.
it wasn't any space nasism and Adolf - it was Germans and Adolf - elected by the great majority on the countie in free election
Amazing! 🇵🇱 💪🤠👏👏👏👍
Its a tribute to the event called „Powstanie Warszawskie” it was located in Warsaw in 1944. Polish ppl were under German ocupation and in 1944 polish decided to put themselves up germans but after 1 month they had to capitulate
63 days.Not 1 month
All the best man! :D From LEGIA WARSAW FANATIC!
Now living in the west I admit my 1st love is was and will stay forever - Warszawa. Nice that you remember this action of Legia's supporters. As in comments some say they were Germans that wanted to kill my Warszawa and her citizens. As not Bush'ists invaded Iraq or Syria. As in all the cases where countries murder and destroy other countries and escapes consequences by hiding themselves behind the king, president of political system. We have no power to force the compensations but we have the obligation to our victims to name it streigth forwardly THEY WERE GERMANS. Like other nations should name their oppressors USA, Great Britain, France, USSR etc...
Respect to legia warszawa greeting from the heage friends for ever .same dna
Co na to wasi rodacy z Alkmar?
what we sang was the national anthem of Poland
Hey! I'm from Cracow! I'm glad you liked my city :)
Cheers from Poland brother!
Dziękuję za zainteresowanie naszą historią
Poland 💪🏼🇵🇱
It is estimated that the total fatal losses of the Slavic Polish population under German occupation were approximately 2,770,000 people. This group does not include victims of Soviet crimes in the areas incorporated into the USSR after 1939, or victims of UPA crimes in Volhynia. Pamiętamy 💪🇵🇱
6000000 include 3000000 jews
@@georgek55466 mln
"Fuck Hitler..." Dziękuję THX
Fuck Hitler...Fuck Tusk.....
Respects that you wanted to make such a video and has its reach if you want I can send a link to another material related to the Warsaw Uprising
That was amazing.
Hey there 🔥
Not Nazics ... GERMANS!
Krakow is amazing brother!
The siren that howled before the anthem was in 1944, on August 1 at 5 pm, it howled and it was a signal for civilian Poles to regain Warsaw from the German occupation because that's all we had left, only the army was underground and it was illegal and we managed to be Polish and speak Polish Polish. We thank the insurgent of Warsaw
these fans have some spectacular displays.
Dude thank you for this one!!1 I am in tears....Come and visit us anytime this pandemic bs ends....by tghe way we're singing our national anthem...you are heavily undesubscribed dude :)
I really appreciate that! I’ve been to Poland before, and really can’t wait to go back. That’s my favorite place that I’ve traveled to!
in 1944 there was the Warsaw Uprising
Taki antytotalitarny patriotyzm jak najbardziej popieram, a nie jakieś ksenofobiczne, nienawistne hasła i zupełnie niepotrzebne antagonizmy.
...nah - I think those white squares in the backroud & on the sides were meant to represent the building of Warsaw, but i''m not sure about it... PS. - and it turned out I was wrong - it's the date of 1944 - The Warsaw Uprising - and in the middle you have a German in a nazi-times uniform pointing a gun to child's head...
respect from Poland to Hungarian brother from another mother:)
@@bartomiejstarnawski6599 🤜🤛🤝🇵🇱🇭🇺 köszönöm Lengyel barát
@@WhtR88 Szívesen látjuk. Jó napot, barátom.
Mike Tyson visits Poland quite often, he has extensive knowledge of the Warsaw Uprising and World War II, the guy feels the blues (I've always liked him without knowing it; and interestingly, he converted to Islam, and we here in Poland are Catholics after all, or as the intolerant betons and butchers say about us). On YT there is his speech on the Warsaw Uprising. I recommend it.
Poles were sent to Siberia thousands of kilometers from Poland deep into Russia where they worked until they died or until someone managed to escape as slaves in the mines. My schoolmate's grandfather managed to escape, 6 of them escaped and only he returned. In the school I went to there was a big board of all the families from the village that were sent to Siberia, people were sent mainly from the areas of Lviv, Przemyśl, Jarosław. Poles were also slaves in death camps created by German Nazis on Polish territory.
Żaden Francuz ani Grek tego nie zrozumie ;-)
This football club had to pay $80.000 because UEFA said that's not good
Uefa is a fraud
@@mzreky uefa or something. Just for the football company etc. I don't know about that
Nawet czapki nie zdjąłeś wszystko dla piniążków tak jak inne czarnuszki i białasy udawane wszystko
1.VIII every year 17.00 its 1 min silence in Warsow for remember this patriot who die,fight in '44
It's nice to hear you talk about Poland. Unfortunately we have a lot of bad things in Polish history
Poland super))))
When a black person wants to go to Poland:
NOO! Don't go! They are racist, they will beat you up or kill you!
When a black person comes back from Poland:
I had a great time, it was lovely, people are so nice.
Why it always be like this?
I know right? Had the best time there with some of the nicest people I’ve ever met! 🔥🙌🏾
Western propaganda.
thank you Emeka!
Warsaw uprising started in 1944. Second World War ended in 1945.
Just bought Legia Fan Token on Chiliz
Greetings from Tokyo
Legia warszawa dobry film
Nazi = German. Do you know? They have democratic choice in 1933. GERMAN not nazi, men.
No nazisci, NIEMCY, DEUTSCH.
3:44 minutes in "oh that's a gun to a kids head".. no shit mate