Me, as a Polish know a lot about Turkey :) History of your Empire, Ataturk, and much more. But now I wan to focus on our common part ;) When Poland was partiated by Prussia(Germany) Russia and Austria, Turkey as Only one from Big countries didn't accepted this! Turkey had even a chair for ambasador of Lechistan (Poland) and officially when Turkish Leader asked where is the ambasador of Lechistan somebody answered. "He is indisposed now. But he will be back for sure." We will never forget about it :) many thanks!
Martin Z Sadly, only the western Turkey is modern and european. The eastern side is just complete disaster, terrorist attacks, religious population, poor education and such.. And our government is doing a quite good job on killing the country and making a terrorist, islamic name for the country. I hope we were a producing country rather than just wasting and using everything. But the government is hindering that and slowly killing the economy, and the whole world hates us and think we're all islamic crazy people. Just sad..
But he's kinda right. In germany you spot the difference between a turk from central anatolia or the black sea coast and someone from Izmir or Istambul in one second. The ones from big cities and more richer areas behave like normal people.
Why I’m never questioned by a person like him? I would tell the entire history of Polish people. They are unique nation that loves it’s homeland so much just like us. They defended their soil and always aided other christian countries to stand against Ottoman rule. But later their lands were shared by the countries which they aided before sadly. Funny thing is, Ottoman government was the only government in Europe that abnegated the fragmentation of Poland. Regards from Turkey.
I'm Turkish guy and I need to say that when you talk about Poland you gotta say something about Chopin.Poland ppl should proud of him.Love him, love Poland with my best regards.
@@kayacenk4164 Nicolas Copernicus and Frederick Chopin are some examples of famous Polish people. It's a pity their names are known as Nicolaus Copernicus and Frederick Chopin instead of Mikołaj Kopernik and Fryderyk Chopin so people do not realize their nationality
I am Polish girl that is living in Turkey. Most of the Turks think about us (if they know something) that we have hard winters and long history marked by wars. And Lewandowski - they love football here.
As a Turk having been in Poland, Polish people especially men are very racist and anti-muslim. I have experienced several racist attacks. People said that Turks were our long time enemy and did not like the Turks and had to endure them. Poland is not safe for us.
Be more dramatic please. Like we were the only one invaded somewhere. Brits once leeched off of the many nations and now you guys have no problem with going there to kiss their ass and work for less to make a living. and you say you hate invaders. Isn't this a bit hypocritical... I'm assuming Poland is like kind of a bit more western version of Turkey. Mentality is pretty similar. There are many bigots there and here.
My family is from Poland in particular Silesia. We live in an appartment building in Germany (Almania) and our neighbour's are from Isparta - they have always nr. 32 on their licence plates. They are great people. Allways, when Bayram is, they bring us a great piece of self-slaughtered steak. They even invited us to make vacations at their vacation house in Turkey during summer.
As a Turkish, I know Polish Hussars, WW2 and split of Poland, Poland's independence after WWI, help of Poles to Germans at the Battle of Vienna in 1683, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian invasion, splitting of Poland by Austria, Russia and Prussia, etc.
As a Turk, I don't think all Turks are muslim. We born and we get branded as muslim and that's it. Officially more than %95 of population is muslim cause that's what's written in our IDs. Yet I can say with confidence a big part of that number is not muslim and Islam is in decline in Turkey, especially in the western coastal areas. I don't have any facts all Im saying is from personal experience. Central and eastern Anatolia is a different story though.
Vasslander The same in Poland. When I was born I was branded as catholic... In official stats there is more than 95% catholics but I think that there below 30% actively follow in this faith...
Let me tell you stories about the two country Poland was the first European country that recognise Republic of Turkey ( before Lozan) In WW2, Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia then the German ambassador Franz Von Papen in Ankara wanted to take embassy of Czechoslovakia because of Anschuluss agreement.Turkey gave the building to German Embassy. After that, Germany occupied Poland. Then von Papen wanted to take the embassy again.Poland Embassy was in front of the Czechoslovakia embassy about 150 meter. The president of Turkey (İsmet İnönü) said 'We have a friendship with Poland.We had waited for the ambassador of Poland for 150 years in the past. ( Ottoman Empire was supporting the found of Poland.When Russian,Prussian,Austrian envoys came, Ottoman Sultan asks' where is your Polish colleague? I can not see him?' So he meant this) İnönü:'It is an unacceptable request. I can not accept.'
Asd Kjh Come to Turkey yourself, then see if your comment is true or not. You just sound very uneducated, it's sad. But greetings from Turkey to beautiful Poland. 🇵🇱🇹🇷
A few years ago i would confuse Turkey with all of those middle east mud, and i must say that i was wrong. I apologize to all Turks for doing that. So far i thought that Poland and Turkey are supposed to be hostile to each other (mostly because of history) Since i've met a turk that was surprisingly nice to me i decided to get to know turkey a little bit more (because so far i treated it like a 2nd Syria) and i've found out that Turkey is actually nothing like what i thought it was. Now i'm glad to know what Turkey really looks like, Turks are really nice and friendly people and we share same view on a lot of things, i'm looking forward to visit Turkey. I wish that other young Poles weren't as ignorant as i was a year ago and that they could find out on their own, that Turkey is a great country.
Wulf the people in this so called “middle east mud” are also friendly... if you had taken a little more initiative you would have also been apologizing to those people. I guess you haven’t learned not to generalize or put people in boxes after your first confrontation with ignorance..... then you have learned nothing.
God! Apologizing for your racism by segregating... Now that you understand that we are not the "2nd syria", you can apologize for your racism from the people of "1st syria".
Only if you knew, Erdogan turned my beautiful country into a third world 💩 hole. We have approximately 4-5 million Syrians, and close to over 1 million Afghans in turkey. Mostly man & young man especially the afghans. Do yourself a favor, and don’t visit turkey, you will be shocked & disgusted
Seeing all those nice comments about my country, I realized that besides some geographical information and your famous football player lewandowski I did not really know much about the culture or the history of poland. But from now on I will sure try to learn more about poland. greetings from turkey to all of you who freed themselves from prejudice and filled their heart with love and understanding. peace.
What I know about Poland is that they have gone through a lot of struggles in history, both due to Russian and German/Prussian aggression. Also, of course I know about Chopin, Arthur Rubinstein, Penderecki, Kieslowski, Mickiewicz, Milosz. I suppose when you go through such terrible times, the arts shine! And yeah, I'm a turkish guy pretending to be Bach on youtube :D
As a turkish i know winged hussars, what germans did in WW2 to Polish people, you made the the first countryball memes and of course Chopin (i think he is the most succesful pianist.). Kocham Polskę 😁
I know a lot of things about Poland from football clubs like Legia Warszawa to historical people like Jan Sobieski. But most beautiful thing from Poland i´ve ever seen is the Witcher 3 game. Man it´s absolutely beautiful
We helped Turks convert their alphabet to Latin script. We fought wars against each other and alongside each other. Turkey went from a small nation that liked Poland to a large empire that hated Poland, and now back to a nation that likes Poland.
auchan candır boşver biedronkayı :) I would choose Auchan rather than Biedronka,I think it is affordable and you can find any kind of product what you are looking for.
Ben Polonya ve Polonya kültürünü Witcher serisinden sonra merak sarıp araştırma fırsatı buldum ve çok benzer noktalarımız olduğunu gördüm özellikle halk müzikleri ezgileri konusunda.
I have spent 2 months of my life in Kraków. Left a piece of my heart there, other one in Warszawa. Never forget your people, milkbars, zapiekanka, pierogli and as a conservatory student, the pocket-friendly supermarket ZABKA! I'll see you sometime Polska!
Wow... I am from Canada and know much about Poland, and I studied the Ottomans as well. I am surprised Turks know so little about Poland. There has Turk-Pole interaction politically for hundreds of years.
Ja o Turcji wiem to, że kiedyś było to Imperium Osmańskie. Turcja brała udział w I Wojnie Światowej. W czasie II Wojny Światowej była neutralna, rządził tam Ataturk albo Inonu nie pamiętam dokładnie. Teraz w Turcji rządzi Erdogan i tyle wiem.
I have been in two cities in Poland. One was Krakow, I can't remember the name of the other city. People were very nice, kind and helpful. The city was charming.
As a Turkish i know; The infamous winged hussars and the 2nd Vienna siege,Capital city is Warsaw, Slavic girls are beatiful ;),They have been annexed twice once by coalition of Russia,Austria and Prussia and the other is before WW2 by Nazi Germany and Commies.
once i had my holiday in warsaw and krakow , i really enjoyed my stay there, i think we turks have prejudices about other nations as other nations have about us. We only like to visit western europe but i think poland is worth visiting. beautiful.
O Turcji wiem dużo, tak mi się wydaje. Historia, traktat w Buczaczu podpisany przez Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego, bitwa pod Chocimiem 1673, bitwa pod Wiedniem 1683, listy, które wymieniała sułtanka Hurrem z Zygmuntem Augustem, wielka miłość Sulejmana Wspaniałego i Roksolany (Hurrem), polska wioska w Turcji, tulipany w Istambule (miałam przyjemność widzieć na żywo), fish-kebab serwowany w tym samym mieście, Ataturk, czyli ichni Piłsudski, to, że Turcja nigdy nie uznała rozbiorów Polski, to, że Sobieskiego nazywano Lwem Lechistanu i szanowano go, zamiast nienawidzić (ewenement?), to, że jeśli Turków się pokonało w bitwie to zaczynali szanować przeciwnika, Stambuł jako największe miasto Europy (jeśli liczyć go do Europy xD), no i to, że kiedy byłam tam na wakacjach jako mała dziewczynka, to wszyscy byli mili i mówili, jakie mam fajne blond włosy. Za moją mamą, też blondynką, każdy się tam oglądał, co sprawiło, że mój ojciec był bardzo niezadowolony. :P No i serial o Kosem i Wspaniałe Stulecie.
it's very pity to see that our people don't know too much thing about Poland, to be honest before I came to Poland I did not know anything too but now I have too much knowledge about my second country :) I hope I can stay here till the end of my life. Live Long Poland!
We Turks always supported the Polands and Polan Nation's indipendence. Especially in 1848 like our Hungarian friends. They come to Ottoman Empire and some of them becamed Muslim and Ottoman General, others lived and died in Ottoman Lands in pecae
1. Turcja nigdy nie uznała rozbiorów Polski. Imperium Osmańskie to obok Szwajcarii jedyne państwo, które oficjalnie nie uznało faktu zniknięcia I Rzeczpospolitej z mapy świata. Ile w tym sentymentu do szanowanego przeciwnika, a ile politycznej kalkulacji (Austria i Rosja od wieków rywalizowały z Wysoką Portą o hegemonię w rejonie), trudno powiedzieć. Tak czy inaczej legenda głosi, że w czasie rozbiorów na dworze sułtana stało puste krzesło czekające na polskiego ambasadora, a przy corocznych prezentacjach dyplomatów dworzanie powtarzali zawsze: „Poseł Lechistanu jeszcze nie przybył”. Ciekawostką było przechowywanie kluczy do polskiej ambasady w skarbcu sułtańskim. Tuż po odzyskaniu niepodległości w 1918 roku, klucze te sułtan przekazał Polakom. 2. Adampol, czyli Polonezköy. W połowie XIX wieku w wyniku starań księcia Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego i przychylności samych Turków, pod Stambułem powstała polska osada. Dała ona schronienie weteranom powstania listopadowego, Wiosny Ludów oraz powstania styczniowego. Po polsku zwana Adampolem, po turecku Polonezköy (Polska Wioska), dziś jest typowo turystyczną miejscowością. Ale choć potomkowie Polaków stanowią w niej już tylko ok. ⅓ mieszkańców, najstarsi wciąż mówią po polsku, a tradycyjnie wójtem wybiera się Polaka - podaje Wikipedia. 3. Kemal Atatürk i Polska Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to twórca współczesnej Turcji, który obalił sułtanat i zeuropeizował kraj, zostając w 1923 roku jego prezydentem. Polscy miłośnicy kultury tureckiej często przypominają, że II RP była jednym z pierwszych krajów, który uznał istnienie nowego bytu państwowego. 23 lipca 1923 roku podpisano Traktat Przyjaźni pomiędzy Polską a Turcją. Do dziś nie został on uchylony. Ciekawostką związaną z Atatürkiem jest też jego wizyta w Adampolu w 1937 roku. Polscy mieszkańcy witali go ponoć chlebem i solą. 4. Polacy zmieniają Turcję Przychylny XIX-wieczny stosunek Turków do Polaków sprawił, że wielu politycznych uchodźców (tak jak mieszkańcy Adampola) wybierało państwo sułtanów jako swój drugi, emigracyjny dom. Wielu z nich wniosło przy okazji duży wkład w życie tego kraju: broniąc go, modernizując, zmieniając. Nie można w tym miejscu zapomnieć o generale Józefie Bemie - bohaterze Powstania Listopadowego i węgierskiego zrywu 1848 roku. Po upadku powstania w 1849 zbiegł do Turcji, przeszedł na islam i wstąpił do tureckiej armii. W 1850 roku uruchomił własnym sumptem fabrykę saletry, a także został wojskowym gubernatorem syryjskiego Aleppo, którego w swojej ostatniej bitwie bronił w 1850 roku przed Beduinami. “Newsweek” wspomina też o Karolu Brzozowskim, XIX-wiecznym poecie, który zbudował w tym kraju setki kilometrów linii telegraficznych. 5. W 2014 roku mija równe 600 lat, od kiedy sułtan Mehment I Çelebi przyjął na swoim dworze w Bursie Skarbka z Gór i Grzegorza Ormianina - pierwszych dyplomatów z Europy. - To jedne z najdłużej utrzymywanych stosunków dyplomatycznych w historii polityki. W czasie II wojny światowej Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej działała nieprzerwanie na terenie Ankary, a rząd turecki aktywnie udzielał pomocy uchodźcom z Polski. Źródło powyższych informacji:,polak-turek-dwa-bratanki-6-rzeczy-ktorych-mogliscie-nie-wiedziec-o-wspolnej-600-letniej-historii-obu-krajow,
Może i piszesz prawdę ale biorąc pod uwagę to, co nam złego zrobili raczej przychylnie bym się o tym państwie nie wypowiedział. Każdy kto kiedyś groził Polsce jest i będzie wrogiem
Poland has always been a strong, brave and belligerent nation for centuries. They draw these forces from their devotion to their religion and Homeland. Like us Turks. They fought the Germans, they fought the Russians, they fought us. Poland saved Europe from us. Without Poland, Catholics would end up as Orthodox. I know that many Poles fought and fought the Nazis for their homeland. We fought the same war in 1923. Greetings to all Poles from Turkey. The siege of Vienna is the beginning of a friendship. We call the Polish village "Polonezköy" based above.🇹🇷🇮🇩
Bardzo dziekujemy za to że chociaż coś wiecie na ten temat Ale chłopcy u nas nie noszą spódnic tylko dziewczyny Sorka ale nie umiem mówić po turecku I pewnie mnie nie rozumiecie 😉😉♡
What I recognized in this video is, that Turkish people are great. Never judge the people of a nation by it's government. Otherwise everybody is supposedly an asshole.
Pierwsze skojarzenia z Turcją to; Hakan Sukur, ludobójstwo Ormian, Ata Turk, Silna rola wojska w państwie, tandetne zabawki, Wspaniałe Stulecie, silne relacje Turków z Francuzami, a i jeszcze to, że na złość (Rosji), nigdy nie akceptowali rozbiorów
I know a lot of things about Poland thanks to Europa Universalis 4! Kazmierz Jagiellon, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Winged Hussars, their beautiful women, Lewandowski and much more. Poland is neighbor of Germany, Russia, Lithuania and several countries. Ottoman Empire was the only empire that didn't accept when Prußia (Prussia), Russia and Austria partiated Poland.
I don't know if you're still in Istanbul but I really want to see you in kadıköy sometime. I mean it's not that hard since I'm studying there. I love your videos as a Turkish fan, keep up the good work.
To teraz powiedz mi cwaniaku, gdzie leży Barbados, bo dla Turków, którzy są światową potęgą i ogromnym państwem (2,5x większe od Polski) ma to takie samo znaczenie jak dla Ciebie to gdzie leży Barbados i co jest jego stolicą.
Szymon Kurczak Nie porównuj Polski kraju środkowej Europy do Barbados gdzieś na Karaibach na wyspach. Nie wyobrażam sobie jak można nie wiedzieć gdzie jaki kraj znajduje się na mapie... Tak trudno popatrzeć w mapę? To co może Unia Europejska znajduje się na Antarktydzie?
W pełni z tobą się zgadzam. Tylko dla Turcji to my jesteśmy nieważnym krajem. W niektórych krajach w szkołach nie stawia się nacisku na wiedzę o innych krajach tak jak u nas. Najlepszym tego przykładem są podręczniki do historii w Anglii. O historii innych krajów nie mówi się prawie w ogóle.
Szymon Kurczak Może masz rację co do tego jak uczą samolubnej historii w innych krajach. U nas dzieciak ogarnia mniej więcej kraje na mapie... Dlatego jestem tak zdziwiony co do poziomu wiedzy tej Pani
Türkiye Polonyanın işgalini hiç bir zaman kabul etmedi her ne kadar Viyana'da Avusturyalıları bizden kurtarmış olsalarda, Sultan elçileri kabul ederken her zaman "Lehistan elçisi geldi mi ?" Diye sorar ve sultana yanındaki adam "Gelmek üzeredir efendim yoldadır" diye 150 sene protesto etmiştir.
Turks are really honorable. We had a lot of wars, but they were the only country that didn't accept disfragmentation of Poland. I'm really thankful to you. Respect!
Co w tym złego, skoro są w tym dobrzy? Każdy robi co potrafi. W nie jednej dziedzinie Turcy nas biją o głowę! Piękny, kraj, wspaniała kuchnia, gościnni ludzie!
Well... We have history full of wars but also full of mutual respect. I believe Turks are great both as friends and as enemies but I'm happy that now our countries are in the same alliance and I hope our countries will have even closer relations.
Lewandowski, Dortmund right back 😀 and Right Wing, Polonez Köy (In Istanbul) Kurwa, Kaan Dobra old footballer, He is Polish and he chose Turkey for the 2nd Nationality... Legia Warsaw, And lastly Commonwealth. I think thats all for me.
I am Turkish from Denmark and I have met some Polish people here. I see Polish people as hard working and good people. Salute Poland
@@miroslav1908 ❤💪
Same for Turkish in Poland.
Danimarka’daki “Türkler” Güney Doğulu değiller mi lol?
Me, as a Polish know a lot about Turkey :) History of your Empire, Ataturk, and much more. But now I wan to focus on our common part ;) When Poland was partiated by Prussia(Germany) Russia and Austria, Turkey as Only one from Big countries didn't accepted this! Turkey had even a chair for ambasador of Lechistan (Poland) and officially when Turkish Leader asked where is the ambasador of Lechistan somebody answered. "He is indisposed now. But he will be back for sure." We will never forget about it :) many thanks!
What about Second Vienna Siege my friennddd.
You mean Austria Empire which crushed you with Russians after Vienna Siege right? Pity...
Nope. Battle of Vienna was in 1683. Partiation of Poland in 1772-1795. It was different emperor.
I commented about Empire not emperor my frieendd. They were very ungrateful.
ramramram22ramam . I'm glad to hear that! :D And i want to add to these words above. ;) We love your cuisine as well!
I really like Turks. I used to live with one in London, very decent, modern guy. Best regards from Poland!
Martin Z Sadly, only the western Turkey is modern and european. The eastern side is just complete disaster, terrorist attacks, religious population, poor education and such.. And our government is doing a quite good job on killing the country and making a terrorist, islamic name for the country. I hope we were a producing country rather than just wasting and using everything. But the government is hindering that and slowly killing the economy, and the whole world hates us and think we're all islamic crazy people. Just sad..
Ya Boi Camper hahaha you are funny 😂😂
Mustafa Kemal'in Askerleriyiz! Aynen, ağlanacak durumumuza gülelim değil mi ?
But he's kinda right. In germany you spot the difference between a turk from central anatolia or the black sea coast and someone from Izmir or Istambul in one second. The ones from big cities and more richer areas behave like normal people.
Hashimoto Altai
Kurds (iranians) live in the Eastern part
Why I’m never questioned by a person like him? I would tell the entire history of Polish people. They are unique nation that loves it’s homeland so much just like us. They defended their soil and always aided other christian countries to stand against Ottoman rule. But later their lands were shared by the countries which they aided before sadly. Funny thing is, Ottoman government was the only government in Europe that abnegated the fragmentation of Poland. Regards from Turkey.
im impressed
Thank you very much for these words !!! POLE.
Thank Youuuu ❤🤍♥️🤍♥️🤍♥️🤍♥️🤍
I'm Turkish guy and I need to say that when you talk about Poland you gotta say something about Chopin.Poland ppl should proud of him.Love him, love Poland with my best regards.
its funny bcuz i listen chopin all the time and never know he was polish :D
@@kayacenk4164 Nicolas Copernicus and Frederick Chopin are some examples of famous Polish people. It's a pity their names are known as Nicolaus Copernicus and Frederick Chopin instead of Mikołaj Kopernik and Fryderyk Chopin so people do not realize their nationality
I am Polish girl that is living in Turkey. Most of the Turks think about us (if they know something) that we have hard winters and long history marked by wars. And Lewandowski - they love football here.
I'm a Turkish and Lewandowski is my favourite player xD he is the best :D
As a Turk having been in Poland, Polish people especially men are very racist and anti-muslim. I have experienced several racist attacks. People said that Turks were our long time enemy and did not like the Turks and had to endure them. Poland is not safe for us.
Özcan Özbek i am Polish and i like turks. I am sorry if some o e treated you bad.
Be more dramatic please. Like we were the only one invaded somewhere. Brits once leeched off of the many nations and now you guys have no problem with going there to kiss their ass and work for less to make a living. and you say you hate invaders. Isn't this a bit hypocritical... I'm assuming Poland is like kind of a bit more western version of Turkey. Mentality is pretty similar. There are many bigots there and here.
Long live the Turks & Poles! Very rich history!
Greetings from Turkey :) I love Poland Peoples .
As a Turkish,Winged Hussars, WW2, their beautiful women, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, The Pianist (film), and our famous twitch streamer jahrein
and, cheaper and more qualitied life
1 TL = 1 PLN now
Rumpel Stilckinio oh i didnt follow thanks
I think Robert Lewandowski is pretty famous too
sağol :D I know some about Turkey but the most important thing is that Turkey didn'd accepted appartiation of Poland :) Thank You!
As a Turk i have spent 5.5 months in Szczecin. I had really good time in Poland. I love that country. Dzien Dobry to all!
My family is from Poland in particular Silesia. We live in an appartment building in Germany (Almania) and our neighbour's are from Isparta - they have always nr. 32 on their licence plates. They are great people. Allways, when Bayram is, they bring us a great piece of self-slaughtered steak. They even invited us to make vacations at their vacation house in Turkey during summer.
Turkey as the only country in the world did not recognize the partitions of Poland for what I thank :)
I am Polish and I have a lot of respect for Turkey
I greet in your beautiful country is the Polish city of Adampol
thank you very much :) best wishes and cordial greetings from Poland
They were also one of the first countries to recognize Poland's independence
not only also Persia- Iran
Persia didn't reconigzed it too...
Mateusz Bieniek Merhaba
Mateusz Bieniek Cześć
Mateusz a ty co za turasami jestes ? A mowia ze Polacy muslimow nie lubia.Pewnie kebaby lubisz ??!!
Mateusz Bieniek i najprościej, zgasiłeś wsiura Inka bez aspektów
Amejame A ty cos masz do mnie ?? Co masz na mysli piszac wsiura??
As a Turkish, I know Polish Hussars, WW2 and split of Poland, Poland's independence after WWI, help of Poles to Germans at the Battle of Vienna in 1683, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian invasion, splitting of Poland by Austria, Russia and Prussia, etc.
As a Turk, I don't think all Turks are muslim. We born and we get branded as muslim and that's it. Officially more than %95 of population is muslim cause that's what's written in our IDs. Yet I can say with confidence a big part of that number is not muslim and Islam is in decline in Turkey, especially in the western coastal areas. I don't have any facts all Im saying is from personal experience. Central and eastern Anatolia is a different story though.
Vasslander The same in Poland. When I was born I was branded as catholic... In official stats there is more than 95% catholics but I think that there below 30% actively follow in this faith...
our old grandmas will probably know a lot about turkey now because there are turkish series on tv :D
I love Turkey and Turks, from Warsaw🇵🇱❤️🇹🇷
Sending love to poland🇹🇷❤️🇵🇱
Hi polands! I'm from Turkey and I love you! Really 😊
Let me tell you stories about the two country
Poland was the first European country that recognise Republic of Turkey ( before Lozan)
In WW2, Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia then the German ambassador Franz Von Papen in Ankara wanted to take embassy of Czechoslovakia because of Anschuluss agreement.Turkey gave the building to German Embassy.
After that, Germany occupied Poland. Then von Papen wanted to take the embassy again.Poland Embassy was in front of the Czechoslovakia embassy about 150 meter.
The president of Turkey (İsmet İnönü) said 'We have a friendship with Poland.We had waited for the ambassador of Poland for 150 years in the past. ( Ottoman Empire was supporting the found of Poland.When Russian,Prussian,Austrian envoys came, Ottoman Sultan asks' where is your Polish colleague? I can not see him?' So he meant this)
İnönü:'It is an unacceptable request. I can not accept.'
By the way Ismet Inonu Pasha was partly Kurdish from origin
@@dpwXXIPolskaPolak so ?
Turkey is beautiful! Greeting from Poland.
Many Polish Tourist make holiday in Turkey. Beautiful Country.
Yes = usuallu Janusze and Maryny who visiting that islamic slums.
Asd Kjh Zamknij sie! Shut up!
Asd Kjh Come to Turkey yourself, then see if your comment is true or not. You just sound very uneducated, it's sad. But greetings from Turkey to beautiful Poland. 🇵🇱🇹🇷
@@asdkjh4370 GO AWAY
Turkey did not recognize the partitioning of Poland
Btw. Happy Independent's Day 🇵🇱
A few years ago i would confuse Turkey with all of those middle east mud, and i must say that i was wrong. I apologize to all Turks for doing that. So far i thought that Poland and Turkey are supposed to be hostile to each other (mostly because of history)
Since i've met a turk that was surprisingly nice to me i decided to get to know turkey a little bit more (because so far i treated it like a 2nd Syria) and i've found out that Turkey is actually nothing like what i thought it was. Now i'm glad to know what Turkey really looks like, Turks are really nice and friendly people and we share same view on a lot of things, i'm looking forward to visit Turkey. I wish that other young Poles weren't as ignorant as i was a year ago and that they could find out on their own, that Turkey is a great country.
Wulf the people in this so called “middle east mud” are also friendly... if you had taken a little more initiative you would have also been apologizing to those people. I guess you haven’t learned not to generalize or put people in boxes after your first confrontation with ignorance..... then you have learned nothing.
Love turki
God! Apologizing for your racism by segregating...
Now that you understand that we are not the "2nd syria", you can apologize for your racism from the people of "1st syria".
Only if you knew, Erdogan turned my beautiful country into a third world 💩 hole. We have approximately 4-5 million Syrians, and close to over 1 million Afghans in turkey. Mostly man & young man especially the afghans. Do yourself a favor, and don’t visit turkey, you will be shocked & disgusted
I love Poland with all my heart ❤🤍 from Turkiye. Beautiful, interesting history with brave people.
I loved my 2 week stay in Turkey in 2009. Visited Kusadasi, Pammukkale, and many others. I really wish that Turkish people travel more Poland.
Izabela Maria ı hope one day i’ll be able to visit poland.🇵🇱🇹🇷
no tak
@@iwonakrol5842 why no tak ;/
Turkey 💖 Polska Kocham cie Polska 😊 ☺ 😍. Sevdiğim ülkelerden biri Polonya.
Polska to raj w europie
Çok ırkçı ve müslüman karşıtı bir ülke. Orada yaşadım ve ırkçı saldırılara maruz kaldım.
Ty jesteś z polski czy z Turcji ?
Love Turkey
o cok guzel Polska
Turk kardeşlerime selam olsun(:
Hanzala Umayr teşekkür ederim kardeşim
Hanzala Umayr teşekkür gardaş :)
alyküm selam
Aleyküm Selam
Dla nas to dziwne, ale jakby sie tak porzadnie zastanowic nad tym, co my wiemy o niektorych panstwach...
Ktuś Niznany ja znam wielu sulejmanów tureckich umiem narysowaç granice imp osmańskiego tak jak wielu innych państw
POGKPP To chyba logiczne, że zawsze znajdzie sie ktoś kto interesuje sie danym panstwem.
tylko że ja się interesuje każdym państwem
POGKPP Problem w tym, ze ja mowie o przecietnym polaku a nie o tobie
wiem gdzie jest rosja itp ale z historii jedyne co wiem że rasputin jest z rosji a francja miała dość przejebane podczas 2 wś
Seeing all those nice comments about my country, I realized that besides some geographical information and your famous football player lewandowski I did not really know much about the culture or the history of poland. But from now on I will sure try to learn more about poland. greetings from turkey to all of you who freed themselves from prejudice and filled their heart with love and understanding. peace.
What I know about Poland is that they have gone through a lot of struggles in history, both due to Russian and German/Prussian aggression. Also, of course I know about Chopin, Arthur Rubinstein, Penderecki, Kieslowski, Mickiewicz, Milosz. I suppose when you go through such terrible times, the arts shine!
And yeah, I'm a turkish guy pretending to be Bach on youtube :D
As a turkish i know winged hussars, what germans did in WW2 to Polish people, you made the the first countryball memes and of course Chopin (i think he is the most succesful pianist.). Kocham Polskę 😁
Türkler çok iyi insanlar. Misafirleri çok seviyorlar. Ben de Türkleri seviyorum..
şaka la şaka bende türküm hadi kaçtım bay
kullandığın dil çok doğal, şaka kısmına gelmeden türk olduğunu belli ediyorsun, bari biraz bozuk türkçe kullanıp daha inandırıcı yapsaymışsın
I know a lot of things about Poland from football clubs like Legia Warszawa to historical people like Jan Sobieski. But most beautiful thing from Poland i´ve ever seen is the Witcher 3 game. Man it´s absolutely beautiful
We helped Turks convert their alphabet to Latin script. We fought wars against each other and alongside each other. Turkey went from a small nation that liked Poland to a large empire that hated Poland, and now back to a nation that likes Poland.
To prawda z tym alfabetem łacińskim? Możesz coś więcej o tym napisać?
Mustafa Celaleddin Pasha (Konstanty Borzęcki) was the first to propose Latin Alphabet for Turkish.
Even you christians don't respect him, we respect Jesus though
Patriota Wielkiej Rzeczpospolitej
Turkey never been a small nation, Turkics are everywhere in the world
You can hate my prophet if you want, it's your right, but don't insult us
We love Polish people. There is a Polish village in Istanbul. Polonezköy/Adampol
Kocham Polska! I lived in Warszawa for 5 months as an Erasmus student. Already miss Poland. Thanks Biedronka.
Cansın Balcı xd
Biedronka pozdrawia XDD
BIEDRONKA xdddddddddddddddd
auchan candır boşver biedronkayı :) I would choose Auchan rather than Biedronka,I think it is affordable and you can find any kind of product what you are looking for.
@@SHAUNlK hahahah
I love Poland from Turkey 🇹🇷🖤🇵🇱
I love you so much my poland and my polish lech friends. So much love and respect to you from me from a turkish man ))
I'm Turkish and i visited Poland once for a week. It was great advanture for me! Your meal was interesting becuz any meal had cabbage in it :D
Ben Polonya ve Polonya kültürünü Witcher serisinden sonra merak sarıp araştırma fırsatı buldum ve çok benzer noktalarımız olduğunu gördüm özellikle halk müzikleri ezgileri konusunda.
Jestem Polką i kocham Turcję i jej mieszkańców. Mam zięcia który jest Turkiem i mieszka w Polsce . Jestem też babcią uroczej Nilay ❤️ 🇵🇱🤝🇹🇷 !
I really like Turkey. Their series are better than ours. Turkish people are beautiful. I know some words in
Turkish language: Günaydın, evet or hayır.
I love Poland,
Greetings from İstanbul ^^
I am a Turk. It was a very nice video. I love Poland.
I have spent 2 months of my life in Kraków. Left a piece of my heart there, other one in Warszawa. Never forget your people, milkbars, zapiekanka, pierogli and as a conservatory student, the pocket-friendly supermarket ZABKA! I'll see you sometime Polska!
Canberk Duman pozdrowienia. GOD BLESS
Zabka ahah everytime open :)
Wow... I am from Canada and know much about Poland, and I studied the Ottomans as well. I am surprised Turks know so little about Poland. There has Turk-Pole interaction politically for hundreds of years.
Ja o Turcji wiem to, że kiedyś było to Imperium Osmańskie. Turcja brała udział w I Wojnie Światowej. W czasie II Wojny Światowej była neutralna, rządził tam Ataturk albo Inonu nie pamiętam dokładnie. Teraz w Turcji rządzi Erdogan i tyle wiem.
Kult America, i am Turk and i am your fan, I expect to see more videos from you
Best regards for all Turks :) Full respect and greetings from Poland :)
I have been in two cities in Poland. One was Krakow, I can't remember the name of the other city. People were very nice, kind and helpful. The city was charming.
Na początku nikt nic nie wie o Polsce a na końcu: "Tak tak Polacy zajebiści są"
Polenezköy is pole?? Wow i learnt it now. It is a famous village in istanbul's asia side.
Love poland
The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Poland was established on the WW1's end.I know so much information 'bout Poland but I'm hanging
Turcja wspaniały kraj i cudowni ludzie
Dziękuję ❤
As a Turkish i know;
The infamous winged hussars and the 2nd Vienna siege,Capital city is Warsaw, Slavic girls are beatiful ;),They have been annexed twice once by coalition of Russia,Austria and Prussia and the other is before WW2 by Nazi Germany and Commies.
Winged Hussars are probably the best creation of Poland. Not just an effective unit but also cool as f*k.
Yeah I play a lot of grand strategy games...
idk but in the age of empires series turks getting hussars free when they reach imperial age
careful to spearmans !!
Where was your Winged Hussars at world war II?
Turkey Strong ....they were probably ' making themselves busy by (polish)ing german commanders'' boots.
once i had my holiday in warsaw and krakow , i really enjoyed my stay there, i think we turks have prejudices about other nations as other nations have about us. We only like to visit western europe but i think poland is worth visiting. beautiful.
Arda ile Bilim This girl confused Scotland with Poland 😂
Arda ile Bilim onlar İskoc ya
Pol pl yes Schotland :)
No way !!
I from Poland
No boy
Yes girl
Nie ma mowy !!
Chłopacy nie noszą spódnic
Dziewczyny noszą
Też padłem xD
1:24 the girl confused Poland with Scotland 😂😂
Polonya'nın başkenti Varşova bunu herkes bilir ve Almanya'nın üstünde değil
O Turcji wiem dużo, tak mi się wydaje. Historia, traktat w Buczaczu podpisany przez Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego, bitwa pod Chocimiem 1673, bitwa pod Wiedniem 1683, listy, które wymieniała sułtanka Hurrem z Zygmuntem Augustem, wielka miłość Sulejmana Wspaniałego i Roksolany (Hurrem), polska wioska w Turcji, tulipany w Istambule (miałam przyjemność widzieć na żywo), fish-kebab serwowany w tym samym mieście, Ataturk, czyli ichni Piłsudski, to, że Turcja nigdy nie uznała rozbiorów Polski, to, że Sobieskiego nazywano Lwem Lechistanu i szanowano go, zamiast nienawidzić (ewenement?), to, że jeśli Turków się pokonało w bitwie to zaczynali szanować przeciwnika, Stambuł jako największe miasto Europy (jeśli liczyć go do Europy xD), no i to, że kiedy byłam tam na wakacjach jako mała dziewczynka, to wszyscy byli mili i mówili, jakie mam fajne blond włosy. Za moją mamą, też blondynką, każdy się tam oglądał, co sprawiło, że mój ojciec był bardzo niezadowolony. :P No i serial o Kosem i Wspaniałe Stulecie.
Cant believe no one said Chopin....
I dont know who that is.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it's very pity to see that our people don't know too much thing about Poland, to be honest before I came to Poland I did not know anything too but now I have too much knowledge about my second country :) I hope I can stay here till the end of my life.
Live Long Poland!
Turkish girls are some of the finest on Earth: very feminine, smart, cute, strong-willed. Oh my!
i wish it was true but let's be honest
Yeah too bad that movie says opposite.
The ones that don't have a beard you mean?
much Turkish girls are kezban...
thank you❤️
Polish people are friendly and not racist at all. And their character more hot and easy going.
I like poland. From Turkey. :)
poland most based and respectable country in europe. much respect
We Turks always supported the Polands and Polan Nation's indipendence. Especially in 1848 like our Hungarian friends. They come to Ottoman Empire and some of them becamed Muslim and Ottoman General, others lived and died in Ottoman Lands in pecae
1. Turcja nigdy nie uznała rozbiorów Polski.
Imperium Osmańskie to obok Szwajcarii jedyne państwo, które oficjalnie nie uznało faktu zniknięcia I Rzeczpospolitej z mapy świata. Ile w tym sentymentu do szanowanego przeciwnika, a ile politycznej kalkulacji (Austria i Rosja od wieków rywalizowały z Wysoką Portą o hegemonię w rejonie), trudno powiedzieć. Tak czy inaczej legenda głosi, że w czasie rozbiorów na dworze sułtana stało puste krzesło czekające na polskiego ambasadora, a przy corocznych prezentacjach dyplomatów dworzanie powtarzali zawsze: „Poseł Lechistanu jeszcze nie przybył”. Ciekawostką było przechowywanie kluczy do polskiej ambasady w skarbcu sułtańskim. Tuż po odzyskaniu niepodległości w 1918 roku, klucze te sułtan przekazał Polakom.
2. Adampol, czyli Polonezköy.
W połowie XIX wieku w wyniku starań księcia Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego i przychylności samych Turków, pod Stambułem powstała polska osada. Dała ona schronienie weteranom powstania listopadowego, Wiosny Ludów oraz powstania styczniowego. Po polsku zwana Adampolem, po turecku Polonezköy (Polska Wioska), dziś jest typowo turystyczną miejscowością. Ale choć potomkowie Polaków stanowią w niej już tylko ok. ⅓ mieszkańców, najstarsi wciąż mówią po polsku, a tradycyjnie wójtem wybiera się Polaka - podaje Wikipedia.
3. Kemal Atatürk i Polska
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to twórca współczesnej Turcji, który obalił sułtanat i zeuropeizował kraj, zostając w 1923 roku jego prezydentem. Polscy miłośnicy kultury tureckiej często przypominają, że II RP była jednym z pierwszych krajów, który uznał istnienie nowego bytu państwowego.
23 lipca 1923 roku podpisano Traktat Przyjaźni pomiędzy Polską a Turcją. Do dziś nie został on uchylony. Ciekawostką związaną z Atatürkiem jest też jego wizyta w Adampolu w 1937 roku. Polscy mieszkańcy witali go ponoć chlebem i solą.
4. Polacy zmieniają Turcję
Przychylny XIX-wieczny stosunek Turków do Polaków sprawił, że wielu politycznych uchodźców (tak jak mieszkańcy Adampola) wybierało państwo sułtanów jako swój drugi, emigracyjny dom. Wielu z nich wniosło przy okazji duży wkład w życie tego kraju: broniąc go, modernizując, zmieniając. Nie można w tym miejscu zapomnieć o generale Józefie Bemie - bohaterze Powstania Listopadowego i węgierskiego zrywu 1848 roku. Po upadku powstania w 1849 zbiegł do Turcji, przeszedł na islam i wstąpił do tureckiej armii. W 1850 roku uruchomił własnym sumptem fabrykę saletry, a także został wojskowym gubernatorem syryjskiego Aleppo, którego w swojej ostatniej bitwie bronił w 1850 roku przed Beduinami. “Newsweek” wspomina też o Karolu Brzozowskim, XIX-wiecznym poecie, który zbudował w tym kraju setki kilometrów linii telegraficznych.
5. W 2014 roku mija równe 600 lat, od kiedy sułtan Mehment I Çelebi przyjął na swoim dworze w Bursie Skarbka z Gór i Grzegorza Ormianina - pierwszych dyplomatów z Europy. - To jedne z najdłużej utrzymywanych stosunków dyplomatycznych w historii polityki. W czasie II wojny światowej Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej działała nieprzerwanie na terenie Ankary, a rząd turecki aktywnie udzielał pomocy uchodźcom z Polski.
Źródło powyższych informacji:,polak-turek-dwa-bratanki-6-rzeczy-ktorych-mogliscie-nie-wiedziec-o-wspolnej-600-letniej-historii-obu-krajow,
Sylwester S. Turcja nie uznała zaborów aby wkurwić hasburgów..
Może i piszesz prawdę ale biorąc pod uwagę to, co nam złego zrobili raczej przychylnie bym się o tym państwie nie wypowiedział. Każdy kto kiedyś groził Polsce jest i będzie wrogiem
No wlasnie! To mi sie podoba o Turkach, ze nie uznala rozbiorow Polski!
Można powiedzieć że turcy nigdy nienawidzili polaków a uważali nas tylko za honorowych przeciwników
Ne diyo bu çevirebilecek olan var mı?
Poland has always been a strong, brave and belligerent nation for centuries. They draw these forces from their devotion to their religion and Homeland. Like us Turks. They fought the Germans, they fought the Russians, they fought us. Poland saved Europe from us. Without Poland, Catholics would end up as Orthodox. I know that many Poles fought and fought the Nazis for their homeland. We fought the same war in 1923. Greetings to all Poles from Turkey. The siege of Vienna is the beginning of a friendship. We call the Polish village "Polonezköy" based above.🇹🇷🇮🇩
Bardzo dziekujemy za to że chociaż coś wiecie na ten temat
Ale chłopcy u nas nie noszą spódnic tylko dziewczyny
Sorka ale nie umiem mówić po turecku
I pewnie mnie nie rozumiecie 😉😉♡
miauci koci Użyłem Google Translate ale dziękuję bardzo za miłe słowa. Pozdrowienia z Turcji do pięknej Polski. 🇵🇱🇹🇷❤️
@@AdaYavuz2002 Nawzajem 🇵🇱🇹🇷
What I recognized in this video is, that Turkish people are great. Never judge the people of a nation by it's government. Otherwise everybody is supposedly an asshole.
Pierwsze skojarzenia z Turcją to; Hakan Sukur, ludobójstwo Ormian, Ata Turk, Silna rola wojska w państwie, tandetne zabawki, Wspaniałe Stulecie, silne relacje Turków z Francuzami, a i jeszcze to, że na złość (Rosji), nigdy nie akceptowali rozbiorów
Profeta A nie na złość Habsuburgom? ;)
Profeta Profetowski - dokładnie.
As a Turk i can say many things about poland their war against teutonic order their commonwealth and their winged hussars
What if i told i know a guy named Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
James McNulty ow.look at that.This is the longest word in turkish :
James McNulty 😃 yes this is a verb
I know a lot of things about Poland thanks to Europa Universalis 4! Kazmierz Jagiellon, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Winged Hussars, their beautiful women, Lewandowski and much more. Poland is neighbor of Germany, Russia, Lithuania and several countries. Ottoman Empire was the only empire that didn't accept when Prußia (Prussia), Russia and Austria partiated Poland.
Seni seviyorum! Kocham Cię! I love you!
kocam sie derken?
Me too 😉
I don't know if you're still in Istanbul but I really want to see you in kadıköy sometime. I mean it's not that hard since I'm studying there. I love your videos as a Turkish fan, keep up the good work.
- W Afryce?
- Może...
O kurwa brak mi słów...
To teraz powiedz mi cwaniaku, gdzie leży Barbados, bo dla Turków, którzy są światową potęgą i ogromnym państwem (2,5x większe od Polski) ma to takie samo znaczenie jak dla Ciebie to gdzie leży Barbados i co jest jego stolicą.
Szymon Kurczak Nie porównuj Polski kraju środkowej Europy do Barbados gdzieś na Karaibach na wyspach. Nie wyobrażam sobie jak można nie wiedzieć gdzie jaki kraj znajduje się na mapie... Tak trudno popatrzeć w mapę? To co może Unia Europejska znajduje się na Antarktydzie?
W pełni z tobą się zgadzam. Tylko dla Turcji to my jesteśmy nieważnym krajem. W niektórych krajach w szkołach nie stawia się nacisku na wiedzę o innych krajach tak jak u nas. Najlepszym tego przykładem są podręczniki do historii w Anglii. O historii innych krajów nie mówi się prawie w ogóle.
Szymon Kurczak Może masz rację co do tego jak uczą samolubnej historii w innych krajach. U nas dzieciak ogarnia mniej więcej kraje na mapie... Dlatego jestem tak zdziwiony co do poziomu wiedzy tej Pani
spoko koleś jesteś. Pozdrawiam :)
I’m disappointed no one knows about Inonu’s reply to Von Papen and Ottoman Empire asking for polish ambassador from Austria, Prussia and Russia.
Jan Sobioski got last hit to us in Vienna, let him rest in peace, A good enemy is better than a bad friend
I never saw a man with skirts in Poland for my entire life while i live there and visited much cities...
Respect from your old rivals up north
Poland and Turkey not long ago celebrated 600 years of diplomatic relationship :)
ingilizce akıyor krdşm :)
Türkiye Polonyanın işgalini hiç bir zaman kabul etmedi her ne kadar Viyana'da Avusturyalıları bizden kurtarmış olsalarda, Sultan elçileri kabul ederken her zaman "Lehistan elçisi geldi mi ?" Diye sorar ve sultana yanındaki adam "Gelmek üzeredir efendim yoldadır" diye 150 sene protesto etmiştir.
The Witcher 3 of course. Thanks to Poles for this masterpiece.
love Poland from Turkey
I ❤polnische People!the boy is verry Gentlemen
Turks are really honorable. We had a lot of wars, but they were the only country that didn't accept disfragmentation of Poland. I'm really thankful to you. Respect!
The man in the thumbnail looks kurdish not turkish.
this girls also loks Kurdish or Zaza..
Tak się składa że dość blisko mam do turka z Istanbula co kebaby zajebiste robi :)
Greetings from Turkey
Poland won a war with Turkey. They respect us now. POZDRAWIAM POLSKĘ !!
A ci tylko myślą o tym żeby handlować :D
Z rosjanem wypije z zydem pohandluje a Polakowi w twarz napluje
Józef Stalin to był wielki Polak!
Turks love money.
Co w tym złego, skoro są w tym dobrzy? Każdy robi co potrafi. W nie jednej dziedzinie Turcy nas biją o głowę! Piękny, kraj, wspaniała kuchnia, gościnni ludzie!
Fajny Filmik! Bardzo lubie twoj Kanal. Aby tak dalej!
Polish is strange nation. First they fighting with Turkey, after all they are good friends :D
i dont agree with that "friends" part.
Poland hates Türkiye this 2 countries can never be friends
@@tulparska8449 you're saying this to a polish person
Well... We have history full of wars but also full of mutual respect. I believe Turks are great both as friends and as enemies but I'm happy that now our countries are in the same alliance and I hope our countries will have even closer relations.
Lewandowski, Dortmund right back 😀 and Right Wing, Polonez Köy (In Istanbul) Kurwa, Kaan Dobra old footballer, He is Polish and he chose Turkey for the 2nd Nationality... Legia Warsaw, And lastly Commonwealth. I think thats all for me.
Polish people are nice. I have good experience with them during one of my old projects. And pierogi is delicious 😋
Za 2 tygodnie lecę do Turcji ^^