Brad Leonard Oh come on, Rodney is a legend, but you know damn well how kids can learn to do anything. Im surprised there arent MORE people doing this stuff.
@@Mitsurugi2424 your comment is understated. I was in jr. high during these years. I bought a rodney complete from cal skates out of thrasher magazine. I could ollie up curbs at that point, but I couldn't ollie for shit on rodney's signature model. His front foot was having to do some slide/push down at the end with the bottom of his foot to make that shit happen. There is a reason Rodney is also responsible for the modern skateboard shape (most people dont realize this). If anyone wanted to make that trick easier to do. It was him.
In his biography he said that he would overhear 'people in diners after a competition' say things like: "What's the point in even entering anymore, Rodney is just going to win."
Drew P. Baulsach yeah both Tony and Rodney went through the same things. If you remember in the doc, Tony sought Rodneys advice in this matter and he told him to just have fun and to not worry if you win or lose.
Dude was doing ollie impossibles on a board with no nose or tail and back when flatground kickflips were still considered new-ish. Dude was a legend from the start
The funny thing is, someone watching this in '86 might think "wow, if he's this good now, they're gonna be a million times this in 30 years" but he really is just a god among us
That's because A) Freestyle isn't that popular anymore so most people don't really care to learn these tricks and B) Please do yourself a favor and watch Isamu Yamamoto freestyling to see how much more impressive modern freestyle skating is.
Listen, I know you've got your Bob Burnquist slamming vert, Tony hawk going mainstream, Nyjah being the perfect advertisement for the sport but none of them come close to this man. A true innovator of the sport, a true legend of the sport and a nice guy to boot. For me, Mullen is the embodiment of skateboarding, manuals, flips and kicks and being creative. Incredible.
you notice at 1:30 how his foot mirrors the exact movement of his hand to keep perfect balance? his center of gravity and thus the skateboard doesn't move an inch, this is just amazing.
@jay roylmao don't try to sound smart if you're wrong, at the beggining he was spinning on two wheels. If the point of contact with the ground weren't rolling wheels he couldn't spin on two, but since they are wheels that roll, he can. And even if they don't roll he could still spin on two with enough speed.
As a kid of the 90s let me tell you the guy was so ahead of times, 30years after still such an inspiration, and still one of main reason I still skating
Mullen was an inspiration to me as well & the reason why I tried freestyle. I actually had this video on tape back then. Now, going back to skating, he is still an inspiration, with Round 3 making me pick street skating.
literally 10 years ahead of the competition...thank you for inventing the Ollie Rodney. without it where would skateboarding be today. you are a LEGEND!!!
It’s crazy to me how few skaters have come close to his greatness and board handling skills. And even more, how no skater has surpassed him. True legend
I remember watching him when I was growing up. He was SOOOOOOO far ahead of his time that we never really paid attention. But he was doing things 25-35 years ago that people have only recently started applying. He deserves sooooo much more credit!!!
Dude. Every single one of these moves are in the Tony hawk games. Seeing as actual man doing them is insane because I thought they looked so unreal in the game. What a fucking legend of a man
Without Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bodybuilding would not be what it is today.....and without Rodney Mullen, Skateboarding would not be what it is today either! He literally paved the way, invented what we know today as the "kickflip". He's always been my favourite skater! *
@@trentlyyy5957 Actually, it is. If you do two specific flatland tricks in a row your character does the hair stroke thing. It happens in Tony Hawk's Underground for instance.
He dont always get the recognition he deserves unlike other skaters who have their name put out there.... but I think Rodney is and will always be the best
Rodney is a god in the skateboard community. Let me put it to you this way if there was a stadium filled with skaters all kinds of skaters from Hawk, Hosi, Caballero, the list is to long to put down. Even amateur skaters. And When Rodney opens that door to get in all the skaters that packed that stadium would part like the red sea to make a path for the king of all skaters Rodney Mullen
At this point, it isn't even replicating his skill. There are lots of people who are at least as good as he is, its that every trick that you would see today (kickflip, trey flip, ollie etc.) Rodney invented and did it first. Without Rodney skateboarding would still be all bowls and freestyle.
So far ahead of his time that I don't think people could even comprehend the fact that they were seeing the greatest of all time, doing tricks that we would still be trying to do in 2020
You all saw 2:25 minutes of pure talent and skill. But you didn't see the 10.000+ hours of trying and failing...trying and failing, and trying and failing.
i've watched this clip well over a hundred times through the years and not once been apathetic. his fluidity -- the man's a true, natural genius. what a legacy.
It’s still awesome to see Rodney doing his old bag o tricks!! Got to see him one time at a mall here in Corpus Christi Texas. It’s one thing to watch him in a video. And quite another to get to see it live!! The dude just rips!!
I love how he always proudly shows off his invention at 1:15. nice OLLIE! I wish people would cheer when I land an ollie! nowadays it's like if it doesn't flip, it's sh*x.
Taylor Lalk He invented the flatground Ollie which is what he did here. Alan Gelfand invented the vert Ollie which is completely different. No one had figured out how to get the board up in the air like this without a ramp before Mullen did it.
Spihk heart bust!? Can you use Bozeman Hotmail Recipient's Roomies Ghnavel Feces to spihk heartbust all all times mates internet friends for people Possibly in a gas station that American international College Server Cooper Possibly told Bozeman Hotmail Recipient about putting on Fire!?
Most underrated skate of all time. I always loved this dude and hated when none of my friends knew who he was or cared. Even to this day they love so many skaters and give Rodney 0 credit. Dudes more of a legend for skating that he knows.
you cant really compare rodney to any other sport star, like anyone really. 1. He invented half of the flat ground tricks you know 2. He invented the boards you know today as a skateboard 3. no one can even get close to his consistency
Usually these are just excerpts and talked over + with different music due to copyrights. I didn’t know Rodney was this well choreographed musically and rhythmically too. Truly a superhuman of his craft amongst his peers who were Titans of their own.
I remember Grover at Harrow skate park(UK) telling me about when Alva and crew did a European tour, back in the '80s. He said "the whole crew could only do 10 tricks between them... but they were the only 10 tricks in the world. Everybody copied what those guys were doing in the Pool or Performance Bowl or HP" Never forget your roots.
Rodney Mullen made me believe that i can do everything he does just because he made it look so easy while in reality, he's probably the only person in the world that can master that many difficult tricks
I feel bad for the guy who had to go after him...
What's Up really? Do you have an example of a 6 year old doing this? I’m genuinely interested.
Brad Leonard Oh come on, Rodney is a legend, but you know damn well how kids can learn to do anything. Im surprised there arent MORE people doing this stuff.
Sorry, I didn't mean to ask you to backup your claim.
@@locuscades1906 rodney still has tricks only a tiny percent of people who skated their entire lives can do..
@@campfire8103 Show me this shit today make me believer i think your full of shit im calling you out
Its awesome how everyone went crazy for the flat ground ollie!
not only that it was thirty years ago but look what he's riding! Anyone would have a hard time doing an ollie on that thing even these days
It's harder on a flat board.
@@Mitsurugi2424 your comment is understated. I was in jr. high during these years. I bought a rodney complete from cal skates out of thrasher magazine. I could ollie up curbs at that point, but I couldn't ollie for shit on rodney's signature model. His front foot was having to do some slide/push down at the end with the bottom of his foot to make that shit happen.
There is a reason Rodney is also responsible for the modern skateboard shape (most people dont realize this). If anyone wanted to make that trick easier to do. It was him.
@@chriswilliamson9030 pretty sure he is kind of the "creator" of the Ollie as well. Wasn't is something people did on vert and he adapted it.
@@Mitsurugi2424 wtf are you on about? i was agreeing with you
In his biography he said that he would overhear 'people in diners after a competition' say things like: "What's the point in even entering anymore, Rodney is just going to win."
yeah it's like who's going to compete against that lol
Ultimate flex
That was Tony Hawk who said that. In the Bones Brigade documentary
Drew P. Baulsach I mean sure but I read it from Rodney’s autobiography.
Drew P. Baulsach yeah both Tony and Rodney went through the same things. If you remember in the doc, Tony sought Rodneys advice in this matter and he told him to just have fun and to not worry if you win or lose.
Tap dancing to the music at the start.....on a skateboard.
That's real talent
That's rad
I was like it's even too the music at points
Literally insane❤
I honestly believe there has been no one more dedicated to the sport than Mullen.
In many ways many skaters are just as dedicated to the sport. He even said it himself. He was just fortunate enough to have a blank canvis that’s all
Yeah wouldn't argue that for a second!!! Simply the goat!!!!
@@Mr.Plant1994 Thats a good point, he's also just had a long time to do it. But seeing him in 2020 still doing Casper 360flips is kind of insane haha.
Skateboards ride Mullen.
My God he was already doing ollie impossibles.
He created the trick so yah, along with like 50% of them
The 180 flip at 36:
He defies physics.
he INVENTED them.
Do 360 pop shovit all people mute do the hollie WOOOOOO
Dude was doing ollie impossibles on a board with no nose or tail and back when flatground kickflips were still considered new-ish. Dude was a legend from the start
He invented the kickflip broski
@@kelb0y9o20 he invented almost everything
The funny thing is, someone watching this in '86 might think "wow, if he's this good now, they're gonna be a million times this in 30 years" but he really is just a god among us
well we have flip tricks now which rodney also invented
among usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong usamong us
@@normaluser1228i wish i could punt you like a football but i physically can’t through this screen
He landed every single trick. Is this what his practice looks like too?
In interviews he said even inventing tricks it took him only an hour to nail them.
@Evan Gates dude Rodney is a practice fiend.
@Evan Gates you can hear interviews where he discusses how much he practiced.
All those tricks eventually became a warmup routine. Consistency confidence
Man , even watching this today in 2020 , it still amazes me how this man handles the art of freestyle skateboarding. This is truly art
What’s nuts you me is how clean he lands everything. Nothing sloppy not a single heel or toe touch straight flawless the whole way thru.
All on a single kick board, those boards were heavy too
he is just floating man.
The algorithm is on point this year, see you guys at the next random vid
O really dont get why these people are still making jokes about yt algorithm, are you trying to look smart? Cs all youre doing is being a bitch
@@carolcauneto5999 why you got some negative shit to say?
@@carolcauneto5999 talking about the yt algorithm isn't even being smart. You must be an annoying person to be around.
Ana Carolina what a know it all schmuck
Even today people would struggle to do the tricks he did back in the 80’s
That Ollie impossible though...
Go watch Jonny Giger's Series "Impossible Tricks of Rodney Mullen"!
But the tricks skaters do today seems way harder than what they did in the 80's
You haven't seen anyone skate lately then. Tricks today make this look like childs play... because it is now.
That's because A) Freestyle isn't that popular anymore so most people don't really care to learn these tricks and B) Please do yourself a favor and watch Isamu Yamamoto freestyling to see how much more impressive modern freestyle skating is.
Tell me Rodney Mullen isn’t one of the raddest people of all time.
Rodney Mullen isn't one of the raddest people of all time.
Just wondering ...people still use that word in the “community”?
Victory what word?
Adam Tukaczynski dang sure told me
MKMW C guess so shit
That board is really flat! And to imagine he did all those tricks with that wheeled wooden plank.
You have never gleemed inside a cube
It is a freestyle skateboard.
@@SlickRick4EVER and hes doing street tricks
He also helped invent the modern skateboard. The man truly is a gift to humanity.
The fish... el pescadito
Listen, I know you've got your Bob Burnquist slamming vert, Tony hawk going mainstream, Nyjah being the perfect advertisement for the sport but none of them come close to this man. A true innovator of the sport, a true legend of the sport and a nice guy to boot.
For me, Mullen is the embodiment of skateboarding, manuals, flips and kicks and being creative. Incredible.
you notice at 1:30 how his foot mirrors the exact movement of his hand to keep perfect balance? his center of gravity and thus the skateboard doesn't move an inch, this is just amazing.
Bro what 🤯last trick while he's spinning if you watch really close you see he's balancing on one single wheel! A face melter in it's own right!
Does that trick in the movie Gleaming the Cube as well
@jay roylmao don't try to sound smart if you're wrong, at the beggining he was spinning on two wheels. If the point of contact with the ground weren't rolling wheels he couldn't spin on two, but since they are wheels that roll, he can. And even if they don't roll he could still spin on two with enough speed.
@jay roy you silly boy, they'd have to be on an axle for that to be correct
@jay roy hahaha how fucking dumb can you be?
Dan Reader lol omg
As a kid of the 90s let me tell you the guy was so ahead of times, 30years after still such an inspiration, and still one of main reason I still skating
Mullen was an inspiration to me as well & the reason why I tried freestyle. I actually had this video on tape back then. Now, going back to skating, he is still an inspiration, with Round 3 making me pick street skating.
literally 10 years ahead of the competition...thank you for inventing the Ollie Rodney. without it where would skateboarding be today.
you are a LEGEND!!!
34 years later, still amazes me. What a legend.
It’s crazy to me how few skaters have come close to his greatness and board handling skills. And even more, how no skater has surpassed him. True legend
I remember watching him when I was growing up. He was SOOOOOOO far ahead of his time that we never really paid attention. But he was doing things 25-35 years ago that people have only recently started applying. He deserves sooooo much more credit!!!
MY local video store had this whole contest available to rent- we must have watched is 1,000 times. Rodney STILL blows me away, to this day.
Dude. Every single one of these moves are in the Tony hawk games. Seeing as actual man doing them is insane because I thought they looked so unreal in the game. What a fucking legend of a man
he invented like half the moves in the tony hawk games
@@littlegirlshowSynch And he's never even played the games! So much influence and impact and yet he's one of the most humble geniuses ever
a lot of these people here on the audience have no idea how lucky they were to have experienced this legend
This is art
that must be one happy deck to be used so well lol
@Nich Hardy what
@Nich Hardy Why you gotta hate on gay people man? That's wrong Nich, very wrong. tsk tsk tsk.
@Nich Hardy Hey
Nich Hardy honestly there had to be that one guy to ruin it smh
Without Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bodybuilding would not be what it is today.....and without Rodney Mullen, Skateboarding would not be what it is today either! He literally paved the way, invented what we know today as the "kickflip". He's always been my favourite skater! *
The athlete of the century. Someday in the future We'll see no one else changed so much any other sport. Rodney Mullen, the God of Skateboarding
What Tony Hawk is to Vert skating, Rodney Mullen is to Street skating
lmao. Skateboarding isn't even a real sport
bobbyjoe2402 what makes a sport “real” ?
@@raincitypsyche it's gotta be something physically demanding and manly. Like football, bodybuilding, boxing or nascar
@@bobbyjoe1111 it's gonna be in the olimpics soon thus definitely you can call it a sport.
1:32 pogo hair
Carmen Nieves Exposito Cordobes i love the extremley forced laughter by the entire crowd makes that moment just that much more pricless
shapes nothing forced about it
The flood gates of vag opened for sure.
Should of been one of his special moves in the Tony hawk's games lol
@@trentlyyy5957 Actually, it is. If you do two specific flatland tricks in a row your character does the hair stroke thing. It happens in Tony Hawk's Underground for instance.
This will one day be skating in the future; I dig how Mullen does tricks to the beat. It's like watching someone dance on a skateboard.
Its insane how good he was at that age at that time. He was on another planet to everyone else.
Rodney should go last. Otherwise everything after him won't be impressive.
He dont always get the recognition he deserves unlike other skaters who have their name put out there.... but I think Rodney is and will always be the best
Man, the 80's were so much simpler but so much more entertaining
Rodney is a god in the skateboard community. Let me put it to you this way if there was a stadium filled with skaters all kinds of skaters from Hawk, Hosi, Caballero, the list is to long to put down. Even amateur skaters. And When Rodney opens that door to get in all the skaters that packed that stadium would part like the red sea to make a path for the king of all skaters Rodney Mullen
Garry Roth couldnt in a million years have worded it better myself
Serious question, has no one taken his place as his successor? No one can replicate his skill?
Daewon Song is the only person who has ever come close.
At this point, it isn't even replicating his skill. There are lots of people who are at least as good as he is, its that every trick that you would see today (kickflip, trey flip, ollie etc.) Rodney invented and did it first. Without Rodney skateboarding would still be all bowls and freestyle.
@@AlienHeadGaming I don't know man. The level of tech and consistency are as high as his innovation (which is god-tier).
9 years old on here and I am not disappointed in the slightest, guys crazy talented
imagine seeing this stuff be done for the first time
So far ahead of his time that I don't think people could even comprehend the fact that they were seeing the greatest of all time, doing tricks that we would still be trying to do in 2020
And this ladys and gents, is ART!
There will never be someone like him.
Probably the most talented human I’ve ever seen.
What a beast. I've never seen anything like this.
You all saw 2:25 minutes of pure talent and skill.
But you didn't see the 10.000+ hours of trying and failing...trying and failing, and trying and failing.
Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice...
that's how good he was. IS sorry
10000 hours? Heh....that's Rodney. Try 50000 or more probably.
Pls aplaud for the Sherlock ....
Ya, it's called dedication and it's ultra impressive.
i've watched this clip well over a hundred times through the years and not once been apathetic. his fluidity -- the man's a true, natural genius. what a legacy.
I love how he smacks his skateboard to the beat right at the beginning.
I come back and watch this from time to time. Just amazing how he revolutionized skateboarding as we know it. #LEGEND
When that boi hit the “I make it look too easy” look I had to drop a like
dude i love watching these
When I was a kid, I thought the flatland tricks were just made up for the game to make it more fun, seeing someone actually do them is mind boggling
...and this dude did not just doing them, this dude invented them. Crazy, indeed.
I remember when l was young...back in 1990" and my buddy gave me a plan b skate video!!
Rodney Mullen pulls off the Darkslide!!!👍👍👍
Probably the Best Skate Video l have Ever seen!!🤙🤙
If I was to go after him after seeing this I would’ve left the competition lol
Me too. Lol. I would have put down my board and pretended I was just in the audience the whole time instead of a participant
I don't even skateboard. Never did. But godam I'm a fanboy of Rodney Mullen. I can't get enough of him.
that was awesome! and gotta love those vintage chucks :)
MsDudette21 I don’t like em tbh
It’s still awesome to see Rodney doing his old bag o tricks!! Got to see him one time at a mall here in Corpus Christi Texas. It’s one thing to watch him in a video. And quite another to get to see it live!! The dude just rips!!
The best ever
I seriously wonder if anyone today could perform this routine in one take. A true master. What a sick run!
I love how he always proudly shows off his invention at 1:15. nice OLLIE! I wish people would cheer when I land an ollie! nowadays it's like if it doesn't flip, it's sh*x.
He didn't invent the Ollie but he did invent many of the flip tricks
Taylor Lalk He invented the flatground Ollie which is what he did here. Alan Gelfand invented the vert Ollie which is completely different. No one had figured out how to get the board up in the air like this without a ramp before Mullen did it.
Conquerer13 And even Gelfand didn't figure out what to do with it. Hawk was the first to really pop the tail and get good air.
chimyshark try olieing using THAT board
+Lemon flavored Bleach easy :)
I've watched this video so many times but I'm always surprised.
that balancing skill is inhuman 😱
This still blows my mind. The creativeness and accuracy
Always wondered why my skater in the Tony hawk games wipe his hair, now I iknow. 1:30
Absolutely perfection! 🛹🐐💯🔥🔥🔥🔥PP...
Rip to anyone that had to come up against this man in a freestyle comp 😂
and RIP to everyone that was there and died for real since that time...
Ty for uploading an epic clip of one of the masters of skateboarding, he truly manipulates that board like no other
1:30 "If all these tricks don't get me the chicks, THIS WILL."
That was so cringe lolol
1986 and he’s still unreal. Wow
Classic shit..real old school...thx
Every time I watch, I watch completely through and then ask how he does that so effortlessly
This freestyle could probably still hold up in 2020 tournaments
Are you kidding? He'd win.
Musicality in skateboarding. Who would have thought. Amazing Rodney!
I love how the video starts with him basically figure skating on a skateboard
The evolution of skating is crazy
What was the second place routine? That must have looked sad in comparison.
I can’t even use words to describe this
radical talent
Spihk heart bust!? Can you use Bozeman Hotmail Recipient's Roomies Ghnavel Feces to spihk heartbust all all times mates internet friends for people Possibly in a gas station that American international College Server Cooper Possibly told Bozeman Hotmail Recipient about putting on Fire!?
How did youtube know I loved Rodney Mullen and also that it recommend it at perfect time lol. 👀👏
Most underrated skate of all time.
I always loved this dude and hated when none of my friends knew who he was or cared. Even to this day they love so many skaters and give Rodney 0 credit. Dudes more of a legend for skating that he knows.
Underrated? Dude is literally the father of street and freestyle skating
Yeah so underrated, who is this Mullen guy?
TheHuskyK9 says you, most people don’t even know this man exists out side of tony hawk games.
One of the greatest ever! A true pioneer
in the whole video he didn't even push once for gaining speed... legend
Bernhard Winkler :37
he used surf-style arm and body motions to push himself.
@@wolfdragon4176 debunked rip
Still cool how he spun to gain momentum!
That choreography was incredible.
Physics: Ehh you can’t do that
Rodney: Hold my beer
So rad. Everything from the tune to his bones tshirt. So much love. What a god.
He’s like the Michael Jackson of skateboarding
You misspelled "Jordan".
Michael Jackson is the Rodney Mullen of pop music.
you cant really compare rodney to any other sport star, like anyone really. 1. He invented half of the flat ground tricks you know 2. He invented the boards you know today as a skateboard 3. no one can even get close to his consistency
2021....and these tricks are still amazing!
@technicalhoboskater - "The Jinx" by Peter and the Test Tube Babies
Oh hehe thx, just asked it too xp
Usually these are just excerpts and talked over + with different music due to copyrights. I didn’t know Rodney was this well choreographed musically and rhythmically too.
Truly a superhuman of his craft amongst his peers who were Titans of their own.
Dude was slaying it before the rest of the world even knew how to Ollie
Best freestyle skater ever. IMO. This is what dedication looks like.
that sync with the music though
This is perfection. even how he synced it with the music
i like how in the beginning of his run the clacking of the kick turns kinda goes with the song playing.
It really extremely does
Not a coincidence
That was '86.
Those were THE tricks.
I remember Grover at Harrow skate park(UK) telling me about when Alva and crew did a European tour, back in the '80s.
He said "the whole crew could only do 10 tricks between them... but they were the only 10 tricks in the world.
Everybody copied what those guys were doing in the Pool or Performance Bowl or HP"
Never forget your roots.
when u realise that the 90s games cheering crowd effects actually was on point.
guess u cheered that way that time 😂
Rodney truly Is a genius he could literally make the board dance!
No mention of who won the contest...I guess we’ll never know
Considering nobody does what he does especially back then I gotta assume he won. The other guys probably did some kickflips lol
@@factualopinion9370 he's being sarcastic
Unsuccumbing not doing a very good job of it. If he were genuinely wondering it would be worded the exact same way lmao
Wheetus G we’re on TH-cam
Rodney Mullen made me believe that i can do everything he does just because he made it look so easy while in reality, he's probably the only person in the world that can master that many difficult tricks
Before I read the title and just saw the thumbnail, for a second I thought someone was aiming a gun at a one legged person.
This video is both vintage and ahead of it's time.
Totally radical dude !
And all this with an old school board, Mullen is truly the god of skateboarding forever.