Paradoxar yea they interfered big time. first of all they only gave david ayer 6 weeks to write the script because before they even hired him they had already set a release date so he didnt have enough time to come up with a compelling story. then in post production due to the negative reception of BVS they ordered reshoots to make the the movie a little more fun and not so dark and dreary which is why there is such a stark contrast between the first trailer they released at comicon which was before the reshoots and the next few trailers which were after. they divided the film into about 7 different versions and they had the company who cut the last couple of trailers together to edit the full movie so they didnt let ayer edit his own film. he was present during editing but didnt have final say on what was and wasnt cut from the movie. there is more but those are just some of the reasons the movie turned out the way it did. they basically tried to change the tone of the film after they had already filmed the damn movie and used a company who edits trailers to edit the film to be more fun and have more jokes. its also rumored that they had close to an hour of footage of joker but they cut most of it because of how dark it was. I think all this is why they are having david ayer write and direct the upcoming gotham city sirens because they know they fucked up and wanted to give him a chance to see his vision through on another dc project since his vision was butchered in suicide squad.
Suicide Squad is a good one which was awful studio interference along with Fantastic Four by Josh Trank. Then there's also Age of Ultron to a lesser degree where Whedon was forced to put in certain scenes such as the Thor bath scene which made him angry. Edgar Wright was working on Ant-Man for 7 years before Marvel as a studio interfered and he said he couldn't go along with it to fit the MCU since he started working on the movie before the MCU officially started with Iron Man. Then Superman Lives is another good one which was a very good documentary by John Schnepp and Dune is another one. There's a lot so it would make a great series.
Paradoxar Yep, there were two competing versions with Ayer's version and then the version edited together by a trailer company which is the one we got in theaters. If you want to know what Ayer's version was, watch the original teaser from Comic-Con which was very dark and moody. I thought it was fine, not great, but that was his movie. It wasn't the music video with one liners which is what we got. David Ayer was completely screwed over.
Dillon’s speech is one of the greatest Pump Up Speeches in movie history. “You’re all gonna die. The only question is how you check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your fucking knees, begging? I ain’t much for begging. Nobody ever gave me nothing. So I say fuck that thing. Let’s fight it!”
Absolutely, the best scene in the film, and the best speech in the entire franchise with that said let’s pretend alien three and resurrection never existed
VB MUTT Bruh... Denis Villeneuve is a great director but David Fincher made movies like Fight Club, Zodiac,Se7en, Gone Girl,the girl with dragon tattoo,Social Network. Fincher is a better director in my opinion.
@@Jaythesparrow No you don't. The whole reason people like that game is because interacting with the Alien a.i. is really unique, and to turn it into a non-interactive movie would ruin that.
@@HOTD108_ except it wouldnt ruin it because there is also already a solid market for watching but non interactive. Look at the view counts for gameplay on youtube.
i liked Alien Resurrection. On its own as a pure action flick. maybe if Ripley wasn't in it and it was about a bunch of merc's that just got a fucked deal type of flick, like "Predetor's". ...ok, I was shit faced when i saw it, but i still like it.
An R-rated movie and a over-the- top act isn't gonna save the fact that, It's a FOX epic fail on comerical and fanbase point. Why can't it be a alien clone instead of a DNA-Ripley is beyond me. Like, look at all the Dark Horse Alien comics possibility. Ironically even GOTG have a better skrits and performance than resurrection. Like comparing PG-13 movies that target fans and children alike over a icon 80's movies is a bit far off.
You should've leaned over and whispered, "Noisy bitch" because there's nothing worse than a pretentious person acting like a know-it-all by talking about how other films also did the thing on the screen while still in the theater - that's what the walk from the theater to the car is for.
@@fuzzydunlop7928 I agree. My friend and I got notes to get out of school early because we were "sick". His brother took us to the mall to see "The Empire Strikes back". It was opening day, but nobody was there yet. There was a handful of people in the theater. We were respectful as you pointed out and kept quiet throughout the viewing. After leaving the theater to walk around the mall, as was the thing then, we discussed Darth Vader being Luke's father. Of course, at the time we were passing a long line of people who were just then coming to see it. But we NEVER talked through the movie.
That's the best "It was all a dream" idea I've ever heard. While we're at it, we can pretend that Ridley Scott's new movies are just a senile old man's bible porn.
@@jellyfishrage33 tbh, the first I've heard of Alien 3 being treated as a dream was on an article written by author Peter David ages ago. Made sense then, still makes sense now. But tbh tho, I don't dig seeing a movie and then having to dismiss it as a dream because the movie made no sense or because it actually and very stronly implied it (looking at you, JOKER).
Alien 3 is a masterpiece. It's deep, dark, fascinating movie. There are flaws in this movie, but there are in any of alien franchise movies. When you think a little, it's much deeper movie than James Cameron's commercial (but also masterpiece) epic Aliens. It's the perfect antipod of everything Cameron's movie is. Also it's the last film in Alien franchise which is not shiny, modernistic and shallow. And the last one with that tone. And a soul.
Fincher will never go back to this film, He has evolved into such a perfectionist of a Director that he would have to re-shoot the entire film. A 3 hour Studio's Extended Edition is the best we can hope for, but I am satisfied with the Assembly Cut if we don't get it.
I think, but this is only my personal opinion, that the best possible version of this movie that can be made with the existing footage is a mix between the Theatrical and Assembly Cuts: Take the latter and insert the Aliens' Birth Scene and Ripleys Death Scene from the former. The Dog-scene just packs a stronger punch (and fits Dillons speech much better) while the latter... if only because of the Music.
Joe Shmoebies I agree. I also felt so sad in the scene where bishop was in the dumpster and he asked to be turned off. why couldn't they have just survived?
Joe Shmoebies I agree. And then not 5 minutes later into the flick Ripley requests starved sex from the same doctor who helped chop Newt's body open. That was it for me. No developed attraction. No motive leading into the moment. I can understand her appreciate him willing to help her investigate the girl's death, but to suddenly put it aside and get horny?. ...W..T..F
When I was 15 I got the alien anthology set for my birthday. I'd only ever seen the first film and was looking forward to watching the sequels. I loved Aliens so much that I immediately put on Alien 3 afterwards. As soon as Hicks and Newt died I turned the movie off and went to bed upset. The next evening I decided to give the film another chance and started watching it again. As I sat watching the movie, I found myself becoming invested in the character of Clemens and his intriguing backstory. I believed that Clemens was the new male hero and I was shocked and annoyed when he's suddenly killed and then instantly forgotten about. By the time I got to the end of the film I didn't even care when Ripley sacrificed herself. Alien 3 desensitised me to death and I've always associated it with the randomness and fragility of life and the inevitably of our demise. The only question is how we check out....
My dad has told me on a good few occasions about how he went to see Alien 3 in theaters, and how half of the theater emptied after the Newt and Hicks scene. It sucked to see, but it was an incredibly bold move to pull, and it also made the rest of the film feel so dark and depressing, but I think that's what I like most about it. It wasn't afraid to be bold, and definitely wanted to stand out among the other two films up to that point. And that it did. Not my favorite in the franchise, but I can say that I liked it enough to respect what it did with the tone of the film
MasterOfKnowledge But to be fair, there really wasn’t many places to go after Aliens. In 1992 they didn’t have the extensive cgi we have today to create huge alien worlds or anything so it was either a rehash of Aliens or something depressing and they chose the latter.
More like "Yeah... the studio didnt bother to give an actual reason here and its apparent that they originally did not expect to make a fun or interesting movie but just the same old shit as Alien 2 where we blast around aliens. Good luck when you are solely blamed for studio's incompetence"
Yeah, isn't that exactly the opposite of what she was trying to say by not having guns in the film? If you're trying to say that guns are bad, why not show guns being bad? The main character saying that guns are good and we're fucked without then is exactly the opposite of her message.
I dont think its really possible...or necessary. But... i WOULD like to see them go back and redo the alien fx shots. IMO its the only nagging, remaining artifact that could realistically be fixed/improved
Newt saying "mommy" was understandable because she already knew her family was dead and she sees Ripley as a her guardian at that point. Also Kids can sometimes accidentally call their school teachers ,"mommy" because they see that similar matriarchal relationship.
This entire movie is bad for fans of Aliens - luckily the franchise seems to be moving away from Cameron's action schlock and more towards the horror it should've been all along.
It's a horror movie, that's what happens. Personally, I was impressed that Fincher wasn't afraid to kill people off, even Ripley herself. The whole point of this film was to show how futile it is to fight. You can't beat this thing. Nobody can.
@@nateblack8669 Eh. I'm a bit ambivalent to Cameron's sentiments there. It's not "his" franchise, y'know? I think Aliens came out at the wrong time - it was too good, too soon for the franchise as a whole. Where do you go from Aliens? That's a crescendo movie.
Noe Hernandez holyshit I just noticed that. its length is befitting of the content though.... this movie is the epitome of why studios should stay out of story and direction. much to be discussed
I really wish these big Hollywood stars wouldn't make such demands. It happened with Sigourney Weaver in this movie and, more recently, with Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men: Apocalypse that she didn't want to be painted blue. I think that no matter how well known you become as an actor, surely, you have some respect for the craft of movie making. The point of actors is to embody the role however they can. I think Weaver is a phenomenal actor but it's a shame that, in this movie, she had to become one more person sticking their two pence into a movie that was already over saturated with ideas and issues. Not to say she was the sole issue, not at all. It probably is only a smaller part but it's definitely something that needs to be addressed in Hollywood. Actors have a job to do, just like anyone else. They should do their job to the best of their ability. Imagine if you were a coffee barista and walked into work and said you would refuse to make Lattes and refused to wear your uniform. You'd be out of work.
Hannah Kennedy I would have loved for Bryan Singer or the studio to have just responded to Jennifer by saying "Okay, fuck off then, we'll cast someone who doesn't mind being painted blue". It's just 'those' certain actors who seem to forget their place, they get given a linear job to do, and they can't even do that without letting their ego get in the way. It's literally like a police officer getting in the news for some heroic deed, maybe receiving a medal or award, then the next day walking into the head office of the Met and saying "We're going to spend X amount of budget on what I want or I'm leaving." Thing is, a police officer wouldn't do that. "Those" actors are just daft cunts who have zero discipline.
It's really not just "those" certain actors, though. In fact, the actors willing to put in the work on the A-list isn't the longest list, it's why people were always still so eager to hire Tom Cruise, for example.
I honestly forget Jennifer Lawrence is in those films. She's just so forgettable and after the first one it seemed that she thought she was above those movies and she stopped putting in any effort in her role.
Hannah Kennedy i really hate that they always try to shoe horn her in the alien series like they did in four.. Im cool with alien 3 being her final chapter, i dont need to see her in anymore prequels or sequels. Her story is done to me.
I also agree... i really hate when actors interfere in their movies with insane requests... like this movie didn't have enough problems Also as an actor your job is to...well...ACT... jesus Christ So even if you are against the use of arms you should still use an arm for the movie that you signed in on as that thing means nothing to you: it's your work, you work is tho act,impersonate various characters and "become" them once the camera is filming you... what i am saying is that even if you are against something like the use of weapons but you are an actor and you are requested to maybe use one for a scene you should do it because it's your fucking job and everyone smart enough will understand that when they see you at the cinema or on television in a movie/tv series wielding a weapon you sae not contradicting yourself but you are just doing your fucking job as an actor, using for the most part FAKE guns, while IN REALITY you are against them I now it sounds weird but i hope you understand
the problem when people can't separate their own personal lives and ideologies from their own job...and i fkn hate guns (unless it's a crossbow or a bow XD) to me there are somethings worth fighting for on a movie, but arguing about guns in a sci-fi follow-up movie like Aliens?!....that's not even rational, imo.
I know the internet runs off of negative criticism towards films and that it’s fun, which it is. But you really feel the passion when you hear someone talk about something they really like. That’s what gets others into film.
I've seen Alien 3 multiple times growing up. Seemed like it got regular rotation on late-night cable. The shots are memorable, and the score packs some punch.
There was actually a comic version of Aliens (Aliens : Outbreak) in which a grown Newt fights aliens in deep space along with Hicks and at the end they return to Earth only to find out that Aliens were all over the place killing people. I've heard that Dark Horse re-released the comic book after Alien 3 and that they changed the names of the main characters in order to get in line with the fact that Newt and Hicks had been found dead at the beginning of Alien 3. I had the original version with Newt and Hicks (which were turned into Billie and Wicks), and I thought at the time that the story was amazing, that it would make for an amazing movie version yet that most probably the budget to get it made would have been simply prohibitive.
Alien 3 is a lesson in what happens when you are more interested in creating a franchise than telling a good story. They should never have included Ripley, or any of the other survivors from Aliens for that matter, because their arc was complete. Any attempts to continue it further would only diminish the legacy of the originals, which is exactly what happened. Prometheus was the first genuine attempt to create a fresh take on the concept, and even though it was flawed, it deserves more credit for being something other than a lazy cash grab.
great least Prometheus tried to build on the whole universe in which the xenomorphs exist...rather than stretching the arcs of some characters from the second one.
They could have taken inspiration from the comics, which jumped ahead and featured the adventures of an adult Newt and an old Hicks. That might have been interesting.
For me Alien and Aliens are the good movies and now the game Alien Isolation, the rest nightmares of Ripley when she is sleeping in the Sulaco returning home.
This movie was the most disappointing movie viewing experience of my young life. I had just watched Aliens the weekend before and was pumped to see what they would do with Hicks, Newt, Ripley and Bishop just to watch them unceremoniously kill 2 of my favorite characters. I then had to endure 2 hours of boring bleakness and walked out of the theatre bitterly disappointed. I remember the sour taste it left it my mouth to this day.
Same here Mike, and re-watching the assembly cut as an adult didn't really change my opinion on it. I don't mind a slow burn or a dark film at all, but this is still terrible imo.
@@TheBasketballArchivist I just watched Alien3 assembly cut and i think its fine. Not great but not terrible. Ripley sacrifice is commendable but her charecter development is worse . The bleakness of the movie didnt bother me. The Doctor and Preacher guy are great. I would not watch it again though. But Its better than most films too. I would give it atleast 7.
This movie ruined Butterfingers for me. I'm in the theater, the alien is right in her face, ready to eat her... I bite into a mini Butterfinger... and it snaps me in the mouth. I spit it out into my hand, scared shitless, and run out of the theater. In the hall I open my hand and see that a thick rubber band has been baked into the Butterfinger. I've never eaten one again.
David Fincher on Alien 3 (Full Quote - find it on IMDB) - There were a lot of enormously talented people working on that movie. It's just a movie starts from a unified concept, and once you've unified the concept it becomes very easy to see the things you're not going to spend money on. And if a movie is constantly in flux because you're having to please this vice-president or that vice-president of production .. . I think a movie set's a fascist dictatorship--you have to go in and know what it is you want to do because you have to tell 90 people what it is you want to do and it has to be convincing. Otherwise, when they start to question it, the horse can easily run away with you and it's bigger than you are. So that was a movie where the time was not taken upfront to say, "This is what we're doing, and all of this is what we're not doing." So as we were shooting, a lot of people--I suppose in an effort to make it "better" or "more commercial" or more like the other ones they liked as opposed to the one that you liked--took to being extremely helpful, so that this could be more James Cameron than James Cameron. And of course you're sitting there going, "Guys, remember I don't have any guns. I don't have any tripod guns or flamethrowers or any of that shit!" If a movie gets off on a wrong foot, when you've never done it before you assume everyone is going to be there to help you right the ship, but really you're beholden to a lot of banana republics. I worked on it for two years, got fired off it three times and I had to fight for every single thing. No one hated Alien 3 more than me; to this day, no one hates it more than me. It was a baptism by fire. I was very naive. For a number of years, I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be, which is stupid. I thought, "Well, surely you don't want to have the Twentieth Century-Fox logo over a shitty movie." And they were like, "Well, as long as it opens." They didn't care.
Also, read what Charles Dance had to say about it in "What Went Wrong With Alien 3, According To Tywin Lannister". "Fincher had the studio on his back the whole time phoning him at all hours of the day and night - not taking into account the time change." "I remember walking on this huge set at Pinewood Studios and Fincher comes up and fires off his shot list for the day. Here’s this guy young enough to be my son who knew all the crew’s jobs, all the shots he wanted, and where he was going to make the cuts in the film, and I thought, ‘My God, this guy is going to go far.’"
Applause to Matt for that prop for "The Game". That's probably *my* favorite Fincher. Big kudos for the facts about the Assembly Cut and the effects. This was really good.
I just talk back to the guys like I’m in the room with them! no one I know in real life wants to discuss this stuff! So thanks for being here Chris Stuckmann!
Tom Rothman is the one doing the shady crap behind the scenes. He is micro-managing almost every movie he can. He was kicked out from Fox in like 2011 and now he's at Sony Pictures micro-managing more movies and even trailers, the Spider-man: Homecoming trailer was bad because of Tom Rothman. Using as much footage with RDJ in it as possible to sell the movie.
Hey Chris, I know this comment is a bit late, but regarding the facehuggers on the Sulaco, I read the book before going to see this movie and it explained a lot of points that the movie either glossed over or left out altogether. In Alien, the mother alien hid in the compartment where the landing gear retracts and remained hidden there until she attacks Bishop. You can see her climbing out of that compartment as pulls her tail back with Bishop impaled on it. She laid the eggs while she was in this compartment. After the crew goes to sleep, the facehuggers emerge from their eggs and explore the ship looking for life until they find the stasis pod room. One facehugger tries to get into Hick's pod and cracks the glass casing which causes a glass shard to pierce it. It dies but the acid blood causes catastrophic fires on something like 7 decks and the ship's automated system relocated the stasis pods to a life boat and chucks it at the closest planet it can find with human life. Another facehugger makes it into Ripley's pod, and the last is the one which attacks the dog. All of this is badly conveyed in the movie in a flashback sequence that is no longer than a couple of minutes.
The first 15 minutes of this were amazing. To be able to condense all that fuckery into a coherent synopsis like that was beautiful to watch. Most interesting and organic chat about film I’ve seen.
Man after watching this I think we need to do a documentary on studio interference and how many movies and shows have been affected by this level of crazy haphazard way of handling their properties. I mean wow I have known for some time that studio side seat diving can do some real heavy duty damage, and these movies that have been coming out lately are a perfect example. From what's been happening with DCCU, the Ant-Man movie which we got lucky on. Then there is the reason why we most likely will never seen a good Fantastic Four Movie and what happened to FireFly. This is definitely something that needs to be disgust at length.
Your friend really undersold the batshit INSANITY that was the Eric Red script. If you have time I highly suggest tracking it down and reading it. It's bonkers. That godzilla creature at the end he was talking about was actually the xenomorphs fusing with the ENTIRE SPACE STATION and chasing are escaping heroes through space as some kind of galactus type monster. It's madness lol.
29:25 The only reason why Ripley slept with Clemens was to avoid his questions regarding her strange behaviour towards Newt's body. CLEMENS EVEN SAYS SO IN THE MOVIE. Something along the lines of "Which was a clever way of distracting me, and it did work."
Killing off Hicks and Newt, offscreen especially, made all of the events, all of the sacrifice, and enjoyment, of "Aliens" pointless. It was so depressing a way to start a movie that it was a giant turnoff for me when I first saw this film. I really didn't care much what happened to anyone after that, because what's the point? They're all going to die anyway; we're just waiting to see how they die. It took away all emotional involvement for me. Then they killed off Ripley at the end. Heroically, yes, but once again, all of the heroics, all of the struggle and sacrifice, were for nothing. Why even make this movie more than ten minutes long? Just kill everybody, and let's move on. Nothing of consequence changed, or got better, or was revealed or affirmed. The Alien kills everybody. Wetland-Yutani is evil. The end. Oh, and they were in a prison/foundry(?) this time. Next.
You explained the exact same thoughts I had after seeing "Alien 3". Couldn't agree with you more depressing, pointless and just flat out disappointing. Even though director Neill Blomkamp has shelved his Alien project film and stated it has a slim chance of being made I'd still like to keep the hope that it will be and retcon the whole story of Alien 3 into a much better outcome. It was such a letdown with Hicks and Newt being killed off so quickly after everything that happened with them in "Aliens".
My Wife is a teacher, my Mother and Grandmother were teachers and I've heard them talk about how if a child likes you and feels safe around you, it's not uncommon for them to accidentally call you some version of mom.
Have to admit. Love how you find the positive in really bad movies. Even bringing in someone that has a more positive review about the movie you dislike. Kudos.
The line "Mommy" is one of greatest lines in film history. Not only is it emotional as eff, it perfectly ties up Ripley and Newt's character arcs, plus the main story, with one word. It's brilliant.
@@Ken-fh4jc It's cuz you're young and won't get the impact until you're older. And I don't mean that offensively. I didn't see it when I would watch Aliens on repeat. Now, years later, it actually makes me tear up.
Actually, going from Warrant to Lt.after surviving a xenomorph encounter makes perfect sense... she’d be promoted and it’s the proper rank jump, from senior NCM to junior NCO.
Warrant officers and lieutenant are BOTH commissioned officer ranks albeit almost like two different adjacent structures. For example warrant officer ranks are generally subject matter experts to specific specialized MOS (military occupational specialty) and as such This actually makes no sense. And a warrant officer is definitely a higher commissioned rank in most cases I've ever heard of.
Hate this new tradition of copyright music claims. Anyway, just watched the Assembly Cut today. I hated the theatrical cut, but I really LOVE this versions.
There's no fixing that turd, but it does contain a memorable performance by Perlman. The only good thing about the film (and the spider scene). Joss Whedon's darkest moment.
Joshua Wiljanen I think that's worse. AvP and AVPR didn't try to be anything special but just think of the basketball scene in Resurrection... that is as bad as it can get. At least AvP and AVPR had some cool moments. Especially AVPR. I loved the predator xenomorph and the womb scene. That's pure alien right there.
I think AVP is pretty bad, but I can understand someone being so turned off by Resurrection's campiness and low points that it becomes a competition between the two. But I disagree that AVPR had any cool moments.
I thought Ripley clutching the Alien when she dies all ties back to her wanting a daughter again. Her daughter died while she was in cryo-sleep, then she found Newt. Then Newt died at the beginning of this film. In a sick/twisted way, the queen alien in her is like the daughter she wasn't able to have.
I would say: Alien: Fear of Space and the Unknown (Apollo programm wasnt that long ago) Aliens: War (Cold War and Middle east) Alien 3: The Apocalypse (Year 2000 panic started) Alien 4: Progress of Science and its effects on the Human (First Cloned Sheep and use of Stem Cells) I had always the impresion that Alien try to capture the Zeitgeist of the decade it was made.
Jan P Actually, the first Alien was more about employees vs the big corporations. Specifically the mistrust employees had of big corporations at that time. The fear of the unknown played a smaller part. And Aliens was based on the Vietnam war, not the cold war/middle east. The gulf war happened after Aliens. And the Cold war was a standoff between super powers threatening to nuke each other. In Aliens the marines greatly underestimate their opponent until it's too late similar to the US military greatly underestimating the Viet Cong forces. With Alien 3 it's difficult to say thanks to the many rewrites and the story being butchered but I don't think it's based on the thematics of that time. I think it's more a redemption story. I certainly never had the impression it tried to be apocalyptic or showcased the fear of mankind losing all technology. Not in the least because, throughout the film, they still use computers. Alien ressurection is definitely about cloning though, obviously. That was the new thing at the time and gave Fox the perfect excuse to try and ressurect the franchise, unfortunately.
"In 1992, on Earth, we will discover that everyone can hear you scream", was the movie I was hoping for and not some religious prison drama with an alien thrown in. Not that it couldn't have been good though, I think if they'd have kept Hicks, Newt and Bishop in it and changed the feel of the prison, it could have been decent.
That interview shows the error of our film culture. If a movie is a masterpiece the director is a God. Not the writers, producers, effects team. If it fails (BvS) then its the directors fault but the studio pressure can ruin films. I liked his comments
Directors do have the final say on stuff, so it's understandable. A good script is worth jack-shit in movies unless you have a worthy director to adapt it and most of the time they have to edit it to refine it. The only person with a bigger influence on how a movie turns out is the producers and they mostly just focus on money stuff and being marketable.
I meant the final say on the movie's actual quality. The producers just make sure that people will go see it. People praise/blame the producers for how commercially successful a movie is but praise/blame the director for how critically successful it is. So it makes sense.
That was a really candid can see how the studio literally threw him to the fire when it failed yet they didn't go with what he wanted for the film anyway. Hollywood is brutal sometimes...I'm just glad he went on to make fantastic films after that.
Excuses are not filmed. The only thing that matters is what is in the frame. Although everything that happened behind the scenes is very interesting. Regardless of whose fault is it (FOX!). I can not like or forgive a movie just because it has excuses to be bad ... Amazing video and analysis!
Jeremiah Kane meh meh meh meh meh meh. Everything sucks and everybody's is stupid. Meh meh meh keh. You sound like a teenager complaining about popular music. Nobody cares about your opinion you entitled winer. Also the irony of your usage of the concept of ego is epic.
7:00 "That line's stupid because she had parents. She wouldn't just forget about them." ?? C'mon! Even if you yourself never called your female teacher, "Mom," when you were a little kid and your mind was on something else, then you _definitely_ heard another kid do it. That's pretty much a universal experience.
@@davideast5331 Nope. Did it once myself when I was five or so and I wasn't paying attention. The topic came up once within my circle of friends and _everyone_ had a story. It *_IS_* weird, and it's hugely embarrassing, but it's also common.
@@davideast5331 In my case, I'd guess that it happened because right around that time, my mum and my teacher were the only adult females that I was spending large amounts of my time with, the majority of that obviously being with my mother. The name I used most often, to communicate with the adult female I saw most often being, "Mummy," when I got super focussed on whatever I was doing that day and forgot where I was, that was the name that slipped out. Or maybe I was just weird - who knows?
Hey Chris! Just discovered your channel and love it. I watched Alien 3 in 1992 and hated it at first. But over the years have come to love it and rank it as my favourite. Of all the Alien movies, I watch it at least once or twice a year. And it’s the only soundtrack I’ve bought. Love the music! Keep up the great work man!
We need an edit of AC before it gets good. The normal one misses too much, the AC includes a lot of redundant scenes. They should let me edit it for balance.
What ultimately ruined Alien 3 for me was the fact that they killed off nearly all of the main, surviving characters of Aliens, with the exception of Ripley. And worse, they were killed off-screen! So we don't get any closure to these characters, especially Newt.
But isn't that also the case with Alien->Aliens, only Ripley surivived? Ok, in Alien most of the deaths were onscreen, but still, if you have all of the major characters survive aren't you just making the exact same film again? I like Hicks and Newt but it's hard to see how they would have fit in to the prison planet scenario that they ultimately went with.
Funny how Fincher wanted the film to be more gory. James Cameron when making Aliens stated "You don't create fear with gore, you create disgust.". I enjoy parts of Alien 3, but the one thing it fails massively in is in being scary. I failed to live up to it's genre expectations.
Alien 3 is a masterpiece. It's deep, dark, fascinating movie. And the ambient and music and chills and nostalgia and nihilistic philosophy. There are flaws in this movie, but there are in any of alien franchise movies. When you think a little, it's much deeper movie than James Cameron's commercial (but also masterpiece) epic Aliens. It's the perfect antipod of everything Cameron's movie is. Also it's the last film in Alien franchise which is not shiny, modernistic and shallow. And the last one with that tone. And a soul. Alien 3 10/10
12:22 The greatest sci-fi movie never made is Dune by Jodorowsky! there is even a great documentary about it...HR Ginger,Salvador Dali,Orson Welles,Mick Jagger,David Carradine and Pink Floyd were attached to the project! Just imagine Jodorowsky also almost made a Doctor Strange movie in the 80s with David Bowie as Stephen Strange and if you know Jodorowsky´s films you know that it would be the trippiest fucking film ever made
It ́s true all of it I actually got to meet Jodorowsky about 4 days ago. He was doing a tarot reading at a cafe I was in. I didn't get picked but he signed a napkin for me and gave me a couple of his cards after I helped photograph the readings for some of the customers. He also gave me a little snail figure he told me was made out of horse hair. It was an INCREDIBLE experience. I wish I believed in social media enough to post it.
Carlos Sáez-Woah! that was a dumb comment! First,how can you dislike Jodorowksy´s vision if you never watch the film ?... Of course Jodorowksy would have to creative liberties,after all he is an artist but instead of pencil and paper he has a camera,I think by now to say that some things that translate well paper don´t translate as well to the screen is rather cliche.Jodorowsky said in 1985 that ''he found the Dune story mythical and had intended to recreate it rather than adapt the novel'' In the end that´s what matters to capture the feel,like Lean said '' I think the best you can do in a movie is to be faithful to the author's intention in all areas'' Then it is also known that Herbert and Jodorowsky had an amicable relationship...
I think that technically the prison was officially shut down. The prisoners chose to remain as a form of penance and to keep removed from greater society. I think they were able to sustain themselves with those huge industrial furnaces and they only sent company people on shifts to oversee everything, but they let the prisoners handle most of their own daily affairs unless something huge happens (like a crashed sleep pod).
Awesome video guys ... Obviously there was a lot of good and bad with this film and you guys covered them in great detail, so good. For myself, despite being a bit upset about killing off Hicks and Newt as well as kinda reducing bishop to a little more than a cameo, i still enjoyed this film a lot. I got over it afterwards realizing those characters wouldn't have worked too well with how the script / plot turned out anyways. My top 3 reasons for a thumbs up (In no particular order): 1-Dialing the action back and going with that art- house horror feel to the movie after all the action in Aliens. 2-The ending when the company arrives at Fury with another Bishop android in their party and his interaction with Ripley before she sacrifices herself. Nooooooooo! 3-Without a doubt, Charles S.Dutton. He was so great in this movie. I think all his speeches were awesome and fit so well with the vibe the movie. Especially "There's 2 ways you can check out, fighting or on your fucking knees, begging" , epic stuff to me . He truly is a great character actor who sadly just hasn't been in enough movies. He definitely filled that void of not having any Michael Biehn quotes to mimic ... So i agree with both of you on a lot points, thought i seriously was alone, lol. We could probably film a full length documentary if the 3 of us ended up having a full conversation about it, hahaha. Again, super video, thanks Chris. Film nerds like myself just love listening to guys like you critique stuff. Sharing a passion for cinema can really go deep sometimes. We definitely need more of these vids ... Cheers !!!
@@Bartman954 Yeah, Hicks was being sarcastic calling Ripley lieutenant. She was brought on as a civilian advisor originally. I'll have to watch Alien again but I don't remember her having a specific rank.
@@rwxstudio7173 Well in Alien when she talks to Ash, she say's " Ash, when Kane and Dallas are off the the ship, I'm in charge " so she clearly has some high rank and in Alien 3, you can hear the Warden also called her lieutenant as well
I think in her hearing in Aliens, she's either a warrant officer or a chief warrant officer. But that was a civilian merchant fleet rank, not a military rank.
Not for nothing... "When Studios Interfere" would be a great regular series.
I could think of a dozen shows to delve into.
agreed 100 percent its a great format.
Paradoxar yea they interfered big time. first of all they only gave david ayer 6 weeks to write the script because before they even hired him they had already set a release date so he didnt have enough time to come up with a compelling story. then in post production due to the negative reception of BVS they ordered reshoots to make the the movie a little more fun and not so dark and dreary which is why there is such a stark contrast between the first trailer they released at comicon which was before the reshoots and the next few trailers which were after. they divided the film into about 7 different versions and they had the company who cut the last couple of trailers together to edit the full movie so they didnt let ayer edit his own film. he was present during editing but didnt have final say on what was and wasnt cut from the movie. there is more but those are just some of the reasons the movie turned out the way it did. they basically tried to change the tone of the film after they had already filmed the damn movie and used a company who edits trailers to edit the film to be more fun and have more jokes. its also rumored that they had close to an hour of footage of joker but they cut most of it because of how dark it was. I think all this is why they are having david ayer write and direct the upcoming gotham city sirens because they know they fucked up and wanted to give him a chance to see his vision through on another dc project since his vision was butchered in suicide squad.
David Kahnt The Walking Dead for ONE
Suicide Squad is a good one which was awful studio interference along with Fantastic Four by Josh Trank. Then there's also Age of Ultron to a lesser degree where Whedon was forced to put in certain scenes such as the Thor bath scene which made him angry. Edgar Wright was working on Ant-Man for 7 years before Marvel as a studio interfered and he said he couldn't go along with it to fit the MCU since he started working on the movie before the MCU officially started with Iron Man. Then Superman Lives is another good one which was a very good documentary by John Schnepp and Dune is another one. There's a lot so it would make a great series.
Paradoxar Yep, there were two competing versions with Ayer's version and then the version edited together by a trailer company which is the one we got in theaters. If you want to know what Ayer's version was, watch the original teaser from Comic-Con which was very dark and moody. I thought it was fine, not great, but that was his movie. It wasn't the music video with one liners which is what we got. David Ayer was completely screwed over.
Dillon’s speech is one of the greatest Pump Up Speeches in movie history.
“You’re all gonna die. The only question is how you check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your fucking knees, begging? I ain’t much for begging. Nobody ever gave me nothing. So I say fuck that thing. Let’s fight it!”
One of the many good things in this movie
Dude I fucking love it
It so epic! Especially helps with the music swelling!
Absolutely, the best scene in the film, and the best speech in the entire franchise with that said let’s pretend alien three and resurrection never existed
Can you imagine how this movie would have turned out if they gave the great David Fincher full control over the project?
Seriously fuck the studios.
Denis Villeneuve > David Fincher
I was gonna comment this. What a disaster.
Yeah. And at least Villeneuve knows how to light a film.
VB MUTT Bruh... Denis Villeneuve is a great director but David Fincher made movies like Fight Club, Zodiac,Se7en, Gone Girl,the girl with dragon tattoo,Social Network. Fincher is a better director in my opinion.
Matthew's love for Alien 3 is wholesome, and an inspiration to me as I've defended divisive films that I believe are great.
Alien 3 isn’t without its faults, but I will stand by it being a better piece of cinema than Resurrection, and I will die on that hill.
I like that he just went "fuck it, I love it". I have that same type of love for Hulk 2003. 😂
I think we all have that one movie we love that a lot of people hate or just isn’t super popular.
What are some examples?
@@jackbailey8631 My #1 is and will always be Last Jedi. Save your pitchforks. I've heard it already.
*Fun Fact:* Some of the original ideas for Alien 3 were used as the plot in Alien Isolation Game.
That game was fucking nuts. Wish it was also made into a movie.
John Doe They turned it into a webseries. I’m pretty sure it’s just cutscenes.
So that's why the game is so good
@@Jaythesparrow No you don't. The whole reason people like that game is because interacting with the Alien a.i. is really unique, and to turn it into a non-interactive movie would ruin that.
@@HOTD108_ except it wouldnt ruin it because there is also already a solid market for watching but non interactive. Look at the view counts for gameplay on youtube.
"We'll talk about Alien Resurrection soon-"
"Good luck with that."
When does he say that?
i liked Alien Resurrection. On its own as a pure action flick. maybe if Ripley wasn't in it and it was about a bunch of merc's that just got a fucked deal type of flick, like "Predetor's".
...ok, I was shit faced when i saw it, but i still like it.
Alien resurrection is rater R over the top movie and I prefer this flick than the gurdians of galaxy , or other pg 13 marvel or dc movies
An R-rated movie and a over-the- top act isn't gonna save the fact that, It's a FOX epic fail on comerical and fanbase point. Why can't it be a alien clone instead of a DNA-Ripley is beyond me. Like, look at all the Dark Horse Alien comics possibility.
Ironically even GOTG have a better skrits and performance than resurrection. Like comparing PG-13 movies that target fans and children alike over a icon 80's movies is a bit far off.
I will never forget seeing A3 in the theater and at the furnace sacrifice this woman said "Terminator 2".
Wylie Coyote I noticed that as a little kid and I was 5, and T2 did it wayyyy better and did it first
You should've leaned over and whispered, "Noisy bitch" because there's nothing worse than a pretentious person acting like a know-it-all by talking about how other films also did the thing on the screen while still in the theater - that's what the walk from the theater to the car is for.
I agree. My friend and I got notes to get out of school early because we were "sick". His brother took us to the mall to see "The Empire Strikes back". It was opening day, but nobody was there yet. There was a handful of people in the theater. We were respectful as you pointed out and kept quiet throughout the viewing.
After leaving the theater to walk around the mall, as was the thing then, we discussed Darth Vader being Luke's father. Of course, at the time we were passing a long line of people who were just then coming to see it. But we NEVER talked through the movie.
@@TheTeufelhunden68 Bahaha, well in all things context is key. Did you get any rude glances?
@@kellenbrennan6992 agree
I’d like to think that Alien 3 and resurrection were just Ripley’s dreams while she was asleep
Exactly this.
Yes! That was my idea for "fixing" Alien 3. Ripley wakes up from a nightmare and we discover that ALIEN 3 NEVER HAPPENED!
That's the best "It was all a dream" idea I've ever heard. While we're at it, we can pretend that Ridley Scott's new movies are just a senile old man's bible porn.
@@jellyfishrage33 tbh, the first I've heard of Alien 3 being treated as a dream was on an article written by author Peter David ages ago. Made sense then, still makes sense now.
But tbh tho, I don't dig seeing a movie and then having to dismiss it as a dream because the movie made no sense or because it actually and very stronly implied it (looking at you, JOKER).
Alien 3 is a masterpiece. It's deep, dark, fascinating movie. There are flaws in this movie, but there are in any of alien franchise movies. When you think a little, it's much deeper movie than James Cameron's commercial (but also masterpiece) epic Aliens. It's the perfect antipod of everything Cameron's movie is. Also it's the last film in Alien franchise which is not shiny, modernistic and shallow. And the last one with that tone. And a soul.
I second Matt's plea. Please Fincher, come back and give us your version of Alien 3.
His plea would sound better if he didn't give Alien 3 a perfect 10/10.
Fincher will never go back to this film, He has evolved into such a perfectionist of a Director that he would have to re-shoot the entire film. A 3 hour Studio's Extended Edition is the best we can hope for, but I am satisfied with the Assembly Cut if we don't get it.
Fincher has disowned that movie, much like Kubrick disowned Spartacus.
I think, but this is only my personal opinion, that the best possible version of this movie that can be made with the existing footage is a mix between the Theatrical and Assembly Cuts: Take the latter and insert the Aliens' Birth Scene and Ripleys Death Scene from the former. The Dog-scene just packs a stronger punch (and fits Dillons speech much better) while the latter... if only because of the Music.
Please... Let it be where Hicks and Newt live for Heaven's sake :/
The problem I have with newt dying is it makes all the effort to save her in Aliens completely worthless. They saved her for nothing.
Joe Shmoebies Agree 100 percent. Probably why I've never watched this all the way through.
I'm pretty sure that that's why Alan Dean Foster, who wrote all the novels, called Newt's death an "obscenity."
Joe Shmoebies I agree. I also felt so sad in the scene where bishop was in the dumpster and he asked to be turned off. why couldn't they have just survived?
Joe Shmoebies I agree.
And then not 5 minutes later into the flick Ripley requests starved sex from the same doctor who helped chop Newt's body open. That was it for me.
No developed attraction. No motive leading into the moment. I can understand her appreciate him willing to help her investigate the girl's death, but to suddenly put it aside and get horny?. ...W..T..F
Joe Shmoebies Honestly I was more sad that the Android died. Same point though.
When I was 15 I got the alien anthology set for my birthday. I'd only ever seen the first film and was looking forward to watching the sequels. I loved Aliens so much that I immediately put on Alien 3 afterwards. As soon as Hicks and Newt died I turned the movie off and went to bed upset. The next evening I decided to give the film another chance and started watching it again. As I sat watching the movie, I found myself becoming invested in the character of Clemens and his intriguing backstory. I believed that Clemens was the new male hero and I was shocked and annoyed when he's suddenly killed and then instantly forgotten about. By the time I got to the end of the film I didn't even care when Ripley sacrificed herself. Alien 3 desensitised me to death and I've always associated it with the randomness and fragility of life and the inevitably of our demise. The only question is how we check out....
Clemens was awesome. He said that Alien 3 is way better than Aliens.
My dad has told me on a good few occasions about how he went to see Alien 3 in theaters, and how half of the theater emptied after the Newt and Hicks scene. It sucked to see, but it was an incredibly bold move to pull, and it also made the rest of the film feel so dark and depressing, but I think that's what I like most about it. It wasn't afraid to be bold, and definitely wanted to stand out among the other two films up to that point. And that it did. Not my favorite in the franchise, but I can say that I liked it enough to respect what it did with the tone of the film
MasterOfKnowledge But to be fair, there really wasn’t many places to go after Aliens. In 1992 they didn’t have the extensive cgi we have today to create huge alien worlds or anything so it was either a rehash of Aliens or something depressing and they chose the latter.
"I've always associated it with the randomness and fragility of life" Yes, those are the themes! That's why I love the movie.
@@eventhorizon4816 no it's not.
"This is a maximum security prison.....And you have no guns! Of any kind?"
*ME*: Yea thanks to you apparently HAHAHAHA
The irony lol.
Never underestimate corporate neglect.
More like "Yeah... the studio didnt bother to give an actual reason here and its apparent that they originally did not expect to make a fun or interesting movie but just the same old shit as Alien 2 where we blast around aliens. Good luck when you are solely blamed for studio's incompetence"
Yeah, isn't that exactly the opposite of what she was trying to say by not having guns in the film? If you're trying to say that guns are bad, why not show guns being bad? The main character saying that guns are good and we're fucked without then is exactly the opposite of her message.
@@althealligator1467 If she was going to have stupid ideals, she should’ve at least done it right.
Man you have been knocking it out of the park with interesting and thoughtful videos lately
I agree with Matt. I would love to see a modern director's cut of Alien 3!
With redone Alien effects. I agree that some of the shots of it are terrible.
I dont think its really possible...or necessary. But... i WOULD like to see them go back and redo the alien fx shots. IMO its the only nagging, remaining artifact that could realistically be fixed/improved
Isn't there an Assembly Cut or something?
@@lynngatrell7965 PROJECT A34K
The best you're going to get is the already available Assembly Cut - I don't think Fincher will go near the movie ever again.
I think this is the best video you ever made, I had no idea about any of this.Great job
Newt saying "mommy" was understandable because she already knew her family was dead and she sees Ripley as a her guardian at that point.
Also Kids can sometimes accidentally call their school teachers ,"mommy" because they see that similar matriarchal relationship.
You can establish a parental bond without hamfisting such a stupid melodramatic line in there.
@@KD--sj8eo OMG, it was the 80's.
People are like robots these days.
@@KD--sj8eo Well i agree but looking back it's good that newt got that kind of closure before her death
@Right-Wing Persian⚡️⚡️ ripley just kidding the line isn’t a problem I don’t understand?
*maternal, not necessarily matriarchal.
I was pissed off at the beginning, I thought killing the characters right away was terrible for fans of Aliens
I couldn't agree more.
This entire movie is bad for fans of Aliens - luckily the franchise seems to be moving away from Cameron's action schlock and more towards the horror it should've been all along.
It's a horror movie, that's what happens. Personally, I was impressed that Fincher wasn't afraid to kill people off, even Ripley herself. The whole point of this film was to show how futile it is to fight. You can't beat this thing. Nobody can.
James Cameron described it as a slap in the face for him and fans.
@@nateblack8669 Eh. I'm a bit ambivalent to Cameron's sentiments there. It's not "his" franchise, y'know? I think Aliens came out at the wrong time - it was too good, too soon for the franchise as a whole. Where do you go from Aliens? That's a crescendo movie.
you should really try to do more in depth videos like this more often, this was awesome.
What the hell?!? A 53 minute stuckman video???? Yes please!!!!
Noe Hernandez yeah more debate type videos like this
Noe Hernandez holyshit I just noticed that. its length is befitting of the content though.... this movie is the epitome of why studios should stay out of story and direction. much to be discussed
Noe Hernandez My body is ready
I just noticed it too...
I was convinced it was a typo, now I have a 53 minute Stuckman video to watch today AND a new Nerd Crew RLM! HAPPY EASTER MONDAY TO ALL!!!
I come back to this video all the time. Really appreciate Matt’s perspective and in-depth knowledge of the making of Alien 3. Much love, Chris!
I really wish these big Hollywood stars wouldn't make such demands. It happened with Sigourney Weaver in this movie and, more recently, with Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men: Apocalypse that she didn't want to be painted blue. I think that no matter how well known you become as an actor, surely, you have some respect for the craft of movie making. The point of actors is to embody the role however they can. I think Weaver is a phenomenal actor but it's a shame that, in this movie, she had to become one more person sticking their two pence into a movie that was already over saturated with ideas and issues. Not to say she was the sole issue, not at all. It probably is only a smaller part but it's definitely something that needs to be addressed in Hollywood. Actors have a job to do, just like anyone else. They should do their job to the best of their ability. Imagine if you were a coffee barista and walked into work and said you would refuse to make Lattes and refused to wear your uniform. You'd be out of work.
Hannah Kennedy I would have loved for Bryan Singer or the studio to have just responded to Jennifer by saying "Okay, fuck off then, we'll cast someone who doesn't mind being painted blue".
It's just 'those' certain actors who seem to forget their place, they get given a linear job to do, and they can't even do that without letting their ego get in the way.
It's literally like a police officer getting in the news for some heroic deed, maybe receiving a medal or award, then the next day walking into the head office of the Met and saying "We're going to spend X amount of budget on what I want or I'm leaving."
Thing is, a police officer wouldn't do that. "Those" actors are just daft cunts who have zero discipline.
Yeah, they should have said OK, we will get Rebecca romain back. She was only meant to be a younger version anyway.
It's really not just "those" certain actors, though. In fact, the actors willing to put in the work on the A-list isn't the longest list, it's why people were always still so eager to hire Tom Cruise, for example.
I honestly forget Jennifer Lawrence is in those films. She's just so forgettable and after the first one it seemed that she thought she was above those movies and she stopped putting in any effort in her role.
Hannah Kennedy i really hate that they always try to shoe horn her in the alien series like they did in four.. Im cool with alien 3 being her final chapter, i dont need to see her in anymore prequels or sequels. Her story is done to me.
You need to make more videos like this, it is a really interesting format.
Holy shit! A 53 minute Chris Stuckmann video?! Sign me up!!!
My first thought was "Holy...53 min...has Chris included the whole movie in this video?"
PILO do you know how long feature films are?
PỺO's MƎᴻTɐʟ MƎʟTdowɴs lol was more meant to be ironic, even sarcastic...never mind, though.
If you watch or you've watched the video, you but get why it's so long.
A flawed joke and sarcasm doesnt go with text well
This was a really fantastic interview/ talk, Chris -- Long time fan here - and I'd love to see more stuff like this!!
I fast forwarded most of this video lmao, all I wanted to see was Stuckmann review
Alien³ to me was a non-stop Industrial NIИ music video...
I like all "Alien" franchise movies equally
But how
@@ConnorMcCartney95 Because David Fincher.
Possibly why I love it so much. I only really watch it through VHS means also though. So much better
@@fuzzydunlop7928 Fincher is the master of dark movies , Seven,Fightclub you name it ,
I love Sigourney Weaver, but the demands about no guns was insane.
I agree...particularly after the previous film was such a hit, by basically being a war movie against the Aliens.
I also agree... i really hate when actors interfere in their movies with insane requests... like this movie didn't have enough problems
Also as an actor your job is to...well...ACT... jesus Christ
So even if you are against the use of arms you should still use an arm for the movie that you signed in on as that thing means nothing to you: it's your work, you work is tho act,impersonate various characters and "become" them once the camera is filming you... what i am saying is that even if you are against something like the use of weapons but you are an actor and you are requested to maybe use one for a scene you should do it because it's your fucking job and everyone smart enough will understand that when they see you at the cinema or on television in a movie/tv series wielding a weapon you sae not contradicting yourself but you are just doing your fucking job as an actor, using for the most part FAKE guns, while IN REALITY you are against them
I now it sounds weird but i hope you understand
Agree the funny thing is she disregard's this film and the direction it went, even though she was part why the film was a mess.
the problem when people can't separate their own personal lives and ideologies from their own job...and i fkn hate guns (unless it's a crossbow or a bow XD) to me there are somethings worth fighting for on a movie, but arguing about guns in a sci-fi follow-up movie like Aliens?!....that's not even rational, imo.
I completely agree. part of what I loved about Aliens were the pulse rifles and smartguns.
My guy.
You need to do a podcast with Matt and do stuff like this.
That would be *KILLER!!!*
I know the internet runs off of negative criticism towards films and that it’s fun, which it is. But you really feel the passion when you hear someone talk about something they really like. That’s what gets others into film.
I've seen Alien 3 multiple times growing up. Seemed like it got regular rotation on late-night cable. The shots are memorable, and the score packs some punch.
It's the heart of Alien franchise
@@eventhorizon4816 hahah in what way is it the heart
@@WizardosBoz it's the one with the deepest emotions and best acting and thrills
@@eventhorizon4816 i feel like Alien is the heart of the franchise lol
There was actually a comic version of Aliens (Aliens : Outbreak) in which a grown Newt fights aliens in deep space along with Hicks and at the end they return to Earth only to find out that Aliens were all over the place killing people.
I've heard that Dark Horse re-released the comic book after Alien 3 and that they changed the names of the main characters in order to get in line with the fact that Newt and Hicks had been found dead at the beginning of Alien 3.
I had the original version with Newt and Hicks (which were turned into Billie and Wicks), and I thought at the time that the story was amazing, that it would make for an amazing movie version yet that most probably the budget to get it made would have been simply prohibitive.
Alien 3 is a lesson in what happens when you are more interested in creating a franchise than telling a good story. They should never have included Ripley, or any of the other survivors from Aliens for that matter, because their arc was complete. Any attempts to continue it further would only diminish the legacy of the originals, which is exactly what happened. Prometheus was the first genuine attempt to create a fresh take on the concept, and even though it was flawed, it deserves more credit for being something other than a lazy cash grab.
Fear Ghoul
Fear Ghoul
And they still haven't learned... Look what happened to Fan-Four-stic and the oversaturated bloated hurried DCU.
There is a book written about what happens after Alien Resurrection. Very good and much better than the Resurrection.
great least Prometheus tried to build on the whole universe in which the xenomorphs exist...rather than stretching the arcs of some characters from the second one.
They could have taken inspiration from the comics, which jumped ahead and featured the adventures of an adult Newt and an old Hicks. That might have been interesting.
"it's bad."
"Yeah but here's why it ended up so bad."
"That doesn't make it not bad tho."
Y e s
these twats talk too much. The material speaks for itself
It wasn't bad.
It ended so good. (the only reasonable way)
Taylor Lemoine
“Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands everywhere?”
“Yes! No!”
we have an alien 3 trash talker
This is exactly the kind of conversation we'd all love to have with Chris or the Flick Pick!!
Alien 3 has a fantastic musical score.
Bottle 12 noi
Bottle 12 absolutely
Sounds like a made-for-tv movie score. It reeks of cheapness and lack of ambition.
Thumbs down
Fun fact: it’s the only score in the entire series to not include any references to or themes from Jerry Goldsmith’s Alien score.
For me Alien and Aliens are the good movies and now the game Alien Isolation, the rest nightmares of Ripley when she is sleeping in the Sulaco returning home.
I had such high hopes for the Colonial Marines game.
Everything after aliens is not canon.
This movie was the most disappointing movie viewing experience of my young life. I had just watched Aliens the weekend before and was pumped to see what they would do with Hicks, Newt, Ripley and Bishop just to watch them unceremoniously kill 2 of my favorite characters. I then had to endure 2 hours of boring bleakness and walked out of the theatre bitterly disappointed. I remember the sour taste it left it my mouth to this day.
Same here Mike, and re-watching the assembly cut as an adult didn't really change my opinion on it. I don't mind a slow burn or a dark film at all, but this is still terrible imo.
@@TheBasketballArchivist I just watched Alien3 assembly cut and i think its fine. Not great but not terrible. Ripley sacrifice is commendable but her charecter development is worse . The bleakness of the movie didnt bother me. The Doctor and Preacher guy are great. I would not watch it again though. But Its better than most films too. I would give it atleast 7.
@@TheBasketballArchivist But why are everyone talking in british accents though?lol
you described how Ive felt about every alien movie since aliens haha
This movie ruined Butterfingers for me. I'm in the theater, the alien is right in her face, ready to eat her... I bite into a mini Butterfinger... and it snaps me in the mouth. I spit it out into my hand, scared shitless, and run out of the theater. In the hall I open my hand and see that a thick rubber band has been baked into the Butterfinger. I've never eaten one again.
Haha, that sounds awful!
Lmfao your comment needs to go down in history.
damn, i just got sick of them sticking to my teeth. your situation sounds much more intense
This one time I took a bite out of a peach and when I looked at the rest of it in my hand, a live worm was in it. I never trusted peaches since, lol
Yeah, but I still don't trust peaches, lol
David Fincher on Alien 3 (Full Quote - find it on IMDB) - There were a lot of enormously talented people working on that movie. It's just a movie starts from a unified concept, and once you've unified the concept it becomes very easy to see the things you're not going to spend money on. And if a movie is constantly in flux because you're having to please this vice-president or that vice-president of production .. . I think a movie set's a fascist dictatorship--you have to go in and know what it is you want to do because you have to tell 90 people what it is you want to do and it has to be convincing. Otherwise, when they start to question it, the horse can easily run away with you and it's bigger than you are. So that was a movie where the time was not taken upfront to say, "This is what we're doing, and all of this is what we're not doing." So as we were shooting, a lot of people--I suppose in an effort to make it "better" or "more commercial" or more like the other ones they liked as opposed to the one that you liked--took to being extremely helpful, so that this could be more James Cameron than James Cameron. And of course you're sitting there going, "Guys, remember I don't have any guns. I don't have any tripod guns or flamethrowers or any of that shit!" If a movie gets off on a wrong foot, when you've never done it before you assume everyone is going to be there to help you right the ship, but really you're beholden to a lot of banana republics. I worked on it for two years, got fired off it three times and I had to fight for every single thing. No one hated Alien 3 more than me; to this day, no one hates it more than me. It was a baptism by fire. I was very naive. For a number of years, I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be, which is stupid. I thought, "Well, surely you don't want to have the Twentieth Century-Fox logo over a shitty movie." And they were like, "Well, as long as it opens." They didn't care.
Also, read what Charles Dance had to say about it in "What Went Wrong With Alien 3, According To Tywin Lannister".
"Fincher had the studio on his back the whole time phoning him at all hours of the day and night - not taking into account the time change."
"I remember walking on this huge set at Pinewood Studios and Fincher comes up and fires off his shot list for the day. Here’s this guy young enough to be my son who knew all the crew’s jobs, all the shots he wanted, and where he was going to make the cuts in the film, and I thought, ‘My God, this guy is going to go far.’"
@@EbonKim Charles Dance said Alien 3 is much better movie than Aliens couple of times :D
Applause to Matt for that prop for "The Game". That's probably *my* favorite Fincher.
Big kudos for the facts about the Assembly Cut and the effects. This was really good.
I just talk back to the guys like I’m in the room with them! no one I know in real life wants to discuss this stuff! So thanks for being here Chris Stuckmann!
Shout out to 'The Game'? No one ever talks about that movie, it's great.
It was great for the first 2/3 but the ending is utter crap. Killed the movie for me.
Love that movie, suspenseful all the way around.
Fuck yeah, guy. I love "The Edge" as well. No one talks about that much in my world.
My fav movie of his and Michael
Awesome movie.
I saw this movie when I was 13, cause my dad was awesome. You'd be surprised how awesome all that POV alien stuff is when you're 13.
Tom Rothman is the one doing the shady crap behind the scenes. He is micro-managing almost every movie he can. He was kicked out from Fox in like 2011 and now he's at Sony Pictures micro-managing more movies and even trailers, the Spider-man: Homecoming trailer was bad because of Tom Rothman. Using as much footage with RDJ in it as possible to sell the movie.
I always thought Matt was insane for his opinion on Alien 3. Then I watched it for the first time and cannot believe how much I enjoyed it.
I adore Alien 3 Extended cut. I've watched it a dozen times. I treat the first 3 Alien movies like perfect trilogy.
agree :D
This is like my 4th time rewatching this vid. It's just brilliant :)
Dude props for mentioning Fincher directed MJ's WHO IS IT. One of his most under appreciated songs ever.
agreed, great song.
I love that song.
I absolutely loved this. Can’t get enough of these behind the scenes insights...wish there would be more of them. Great job!
They killed off Tywin Lannister way too early in this movie!
Kevin Li Tell that to Zod's snapped neck
I'm still bummed they killed off Spunkmeyer in Aliens... Because his name was Spunkmeyer. *SPUNKMEYER!*
He could have been the new Ripley.
Hey Chris, I know this comment is a bit late, but regarding the facehuggers on the Sulaco, I read the book before going to see this movie and it explained a lot of points that the movie either glossed over or left out altogether.
In Alien, the mother alien hid in the compartment where the landing gear retracts and remained hidden there until she attacks Bishop. You can see her climbing out of that compartment as pulls her tail back with Bishop impaled on it.
She laid the eggs while she was in this compartment.
After the crew goes to sleep, the facehuggers emerge from their eggs and explore the ship looking for life until they find the stasis pod room. One facehugger tries to get into Hick's pod and cracks the glass casing which causes a glass shard to pierce it. It dies but the acid blood causes catastrophic fires on something like 7 decks and the ship's automated system relocated the stasis pods to a life boat and chucks it at the closest planet it can find with human life.
Another facehugger makes it into Ripley's pod, and the last is the one which attacks the dog.
All of this is badly conveyed in the movie in a flashback sequence that is no longer than a couple of minutes.
The first 15 minutes of this were amazing. To be able to condense all that fuckery into a coherent synopsis like that was beautiful to watch. Most interesting and organic chat about film I’ve seen.
Man after watching this I think we need to do a documentary on studio interference and how many movies and shows have been affected by this level of crazy haphazard way of handling their properties. I mean wow I have known for some time that studio side seat diving can do some real heavy duty damage, and these movies that have been coming out lately are a perfect example. From what's been happening with DCCU, the Ant-Man movie which we got lucky on. Then there is the reason why we most likely will never seen a good Fantastic Four Movie and what happened to FireFly. This is definitely something that needs to be disgust at length.
this breakdown has brought a deep level of appreciation for this film considering all the bullshit David fincher had to put up with
Your friend really undersold the batshit INSANITY that was the Eric Red script. If you have time I highly suggest tracking it down and reading it. It's bonkers.
That godzilla creature at the end he was talking about was actually the xenomorphs fusing with the ENTIRE SPACE STATION and chasing are escaping heroes through space as some kind of galactus type monster. It's madness lol.
Lmao, it's so fucking ridiculous that i think it could actually pan out.
lol yeah I thought that idea was actually kinda cool. I mean it sounds goofy as hell but if done right it could have been cool.
I don’t know…I’d give it a shot.
29:25 The only reason why Ripley slept with Clemens was to avoid his questions regarding her strange behaviour towards Newt's body.
CLEMENS EVEN SAYS SO IN THE MOVIE. Something along the lines of "Which was a clever way of distracting me, and it did work."
Killing off Hicks and Newt, offscreen especially, made all of the events, all of the sacrifice, and enjoyment, of "Aliens" pointless. It was so depressing a way to start a movie that it was a giant turnoff for me when I first saw this film. I really didn't care much what happened to anyone after that, because what's the point? They're all going to die anyway; we're just waiting to see how they die. It took away all emotional involvement for me. Then they killed off Ripley at the end. Heroically, yes, but once again, all of the heroics, all of the struggle and sacrifice, were for nothing. Why even make this movie more than ten minutes long? Just kill everybody, and let's move on. Nothing of consequence changed, or got better, or was revealed or affirmed. The Alien kills everybody. Wetland-Yutani is evil. The end. Oh, and they were in a prison/foundry(?) this time. Next.
Completely agree with you, that soured the whole movie right from the get go for me too, was a dumb ass idea.
You explained the exact same thoughts I had after seeing "Alien 3". Couldn't agree with you more depressing, pointless and just flat out disappointing. Even though director Neill Blomkamp has shelved his Alien project film and stated it has a slim chance of being made I'd still like to keep the hope that it will be and retcon the whole story of Alien 3 into a much better outcome. It was such a letdown with Hicks and Newt being killed off so quickly after everything that happened with them in "Aliens".
I'm also still holding out hope for Niell Blomkamp's movie, I want that to happen so badly.
dont cry children
Popdaddy88 hicks didn't die
I wish Chris did more of these kind of videos
Um wow someone actually says Alien 3 is their fav!??? That's legit INSANE
My Wife is a teacher, my Mother and Grandmother were teachers and I've heard them talk about how if a child likes you and feels safe around you, it's not uncommon for them to accidentally call you some version of mom.
An underrated and under appreciated masterpiece. This is a beautiful film.
Thanks for saying, I want to watch it
Have to admit. Love how you find the positive in really bad movies. Even bringing in someone that has a more positive review about the movie you dislike. Kudos.
Alien 3 wasn't bad tho.
Alien 3 is far from bad movie
Alien resurrection sucked tho
The line "Mommy" is one of greatest lines in film history. Not only is it emotional as eff, it perfectly ties up Ripley and Newt's character arcs, plus the main story, with one word. It's brilliant.
Yeah it’s a wonderful line!!
I just don’t see a girl Newt’s age saying something like that. Maybe if she was loke 5 or 6.
@@Ken-fh4jc It's cuz you're young and won't get the impact until you're older. And I don't mean that offensively. I didn't see it when I would watch Aliens on repeat. Now, years later, it actually makes me tear up.
If your whole family is murdered by aliens and you see humans get slaughtered and you almost get slaughtered by the queen you might call a woman mommy
Alien 3 When Studios Interfere is a kick discussion about the history and making of Alien 3 Chris and Matt !
Actually, going from Warrant to Lt.after surviving a xenomorph encounter makes perfect sense... she’d be promoted and it’s the proper rank jump, from senior NCM to junior NCO.
Yes but who promoted her? Gorman was too dead to bother.
Warrant officers and lieutenant are BOTH commissioned officer ranks albeit almost like two different adjacent structures. For example warrant officer ranks are generally subject matter experts to specific specialized MOS (military occupational specialty) and as such This actually makes no sense. And a warrant officer is definitely a higher commissioned rank in most cases I've ever heard of.
@@sonofkaiba no, I talking about the Canadian and British system, the US is different.
she wasnt in the military. she was a CDL Space Truck Driver.
Hate this new tradition of copyright music claims. Anyway, just watched the Assembly Cut today. I hated the theatrical cut, but I really LOVE this versions.
Love how you guys talk to David at the end it’s awesome I hope he see it
2:30 "But something happened in college" It was weed. Weed happened in college.
I was thinking the same, Alien 3 is his favorite Alien movie? Why did he watch Alien and Aliens sober?
no, it happened in the boys gym shower room, when a jock started soaping his back and things got out of hand
Can't wait to see that Alien: Resurrection Hilariocity!
There's no fixing that turd, but it does contain a memorable performance by Perlman. The only good thing about the film (and the spider scene). Joss Whedon's darkest moment.
Brion and the scene at the stairs with that guy clinging at the ladder & shooting at the alien below. That was cool
im not a fan of 3... theatrical or assembly. I think we can all agree Resurrection is the worst tho.
Tom Valentino I love the assembly cut but yes, we can agree Resurrection is the worst. That is if we aren't including AVP..
Joshua Wiljanen
I think AvP and AVPR are better than Resurrection. I just hate hate hate hate hate Resurrection.
I mean, I think they're all garbage but at least Resurrection tried to be a good movie. Still, I won't try to say it's any good.
Joshua Wiljanen
I think that's worse. AvP and AVPR didn't try to be anything special but just think of the basketball scene in Resurrection... that is as bad as it can get.
At least AvP and AVPR had some cool moments. Especially AVPR. I loved the predator xenomorph and the womb scene. That's pure alien right there.
I think AVP is pretty bad, but I can understand someone being so turned off by Resurrection's campiness and low points that it becomes a competition between the two. But I disagree that AVPR had any cool moments.
The first script sounds awesome. Aliens is my favorite movie so I would’ve loved to see more of the marines and hicks.
I thought Ripley clutching the Alien when she dies all ties back to her wanting a daughter again. Her daughter died while she was in cryo-sleep, then she found Newt. Then Newt died at the beginning of this film. In a sick/twisted way, the queen alien in her is like the daughter she wasn't able to have.
Yeah, I'm sure that's why they bumped her maternal feelings for the creatures up to eleven in Resurrection.
27:00 The Kong Skull Island and Matt roaring is comic gold.
Alien: Rape
Aliens: Vietnam
Alien 3: Abortion
Alien Ressurection: I... guess freedom of choice?
Yep....Aliens is essentially Southern Comfort in Space-WalterHill..:)
Burori1 AVP: Too lazy to attempt subtext
I would say:
Alien: Fear of Space and the Unknown (Apollo programm wasnt that long ago)
Aliens: War (Cold War and Middle east)
Alien 3: The Apocalypse (Year 2000 panic started)
Alien 4: Progress of Science and its effects on the Human (First Cloned Sheep and use of Stem Cells)
I had always the impresion that Alien try to capture the Zeitgeist of the decade it was made.
Jan P
Actually, the first Alien was more about employees vs the big corporations. Specifically the mistrust employees had of big corporations at that time. The fear of the unknown played a smaller part.
And Aliens was based on the Vietnam war, not the cold war/middle east. The gulf war happened after Aliens. And the Cold war was a standoff between super powers threatening to nuke each other.
In Aliens the marines greatly underestimate their opponent until it's too late similar to the US military greatly underestimating the Viet Cong forces.
With Alien 3 it's difficult to say thanks to the many rewrites and the story being butchered but I don't think it's based on the thematics of that time. I think it's more a redemption story. I certainly never had the impression it tried to be apocalyptic or showcased the fear of mankind losing all technology. Not in the least because, throughout the film, they still use computers.
Alien ressurection is definitely about cloning though, obviously. That was the new thing at the time and gave Fox the perfect excuse to try and ressurect the franchise, unfortunately.
I would say:
Alien : The Thing from Another World (monster motion tracker)
Aliens: Starship Troopers (Bug hunting)
Alien 3: Sleeping Beauty (Grumpy = Morse)
Alien Resurrection: Firefly
Prometheus: Bladerunner (Quest for extended life)
Alien Covenant: Frankenstein/Dracula
"In 1992, on Earth, we will discover that everyone can hear you scream", was the movie I was hoping for and not some religious prison drama with an alien thrown in. Not that it couldn't have been good though, I think if they'd have kept Hicks, Newt and Bishop in it and changed the feel of the prison, it could have been decent.
ikr 🥺
That interview shows the error of our film culture. If a movie is a masterpiece the director is a God. Not the writers, producers, effects team. If it fails (BvS) then its the directors fault but the studio pressure can ruin films. I liked his comments
Benjamin Saunders Directors rarely wear all three hats, so to speak.
Directors do have the final say on stuff, so it's understandable. A good script is worth jack-shit in movies unless you have a worthy director to adapt it and most of the time they have to edit it to refine it. The only person with a bigger influence on how a movie turns out is the producers and they mostly just focus on money stuff and being marketable.
I meant the final say on the movie's actual quality. The producers just make sure that people will go see it. People praise/blame the producers for how commercially successful a movie is but praise/blame the director for how critically successful it is. So it makes sense.
That was a really candid can see how the studio literally threw him to the fire when it failed yet they didn't go with what he wanted for the film anyway. Hollywood is brutal sometimes...I'm just glad he went on to make fantastic films after that.
Excuses are not filmed. The only thing that matters is what is in the frame. Although everything that happened behind the scenes is very interesting. Regardless of whose fault is it (FOX!). I can not like or forgive a movie just because it has excuses to be bad ... Amazing video and analysis!
*Sees Chris Stuckman video
*Sees Alien 3
*Sees 53 minutes of content
Tom !!!
*flags for sexual harassment
Sorrow In A Can WINNER! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💩👉🏼👌🏼🍆
Yes that is literally what we all did. Dunno why you had to write it though.
Because there's nothing like getting a few hundred likes on a comment to bolster a low ego, that's why they all do it.
Jeremiah Kane meh meh meh meh meh meh. Everything sucks and everybody's is stupid. Meh meh meh keh. You sound like a teenager complaining about popular music. Nobody cares about your opinion you entitled winer. Also the irony of your usage of the concept of ego is epic.
This was an excellent discussion. I’d like to see him on your show again.
I'd imagine that "No, you're not gonna fuck a xenomorph" had to have been the most awkward sentence that guy in a suit had ever spoken.
"That line's stupid because she had parents. She wouldn't just forget about them." ??
C'mon! Even if you yourself never called your female teacher, "Mom," when you were a little kid and your mind was on something else, then you _definitely_ heard another kid do it.
That's pretty much a universal experience.
You trolling? A kid calling their teacher mom is kinda weird and I've never heard of anyone doing that
Nope. Did it once myself when I was five or so and I wasn't paying attention.
The topic came up once within my circle of friends and _everyone_ had a story.
It *_IS_* weird, and it's hugely embarrassing, but it's also common.
@@stickiedmin6508 I guess I can see that happening. I just never heard it myself
In my case, I'd guess that it happened because right around that time, my mum and my teacher were the only adult females that I was spending large amounts of my time with, the majority of that obviously being with my mother.
The name I used most often, to communicate with the adult female I saw most often being, "Mummy," when I got super focussed on whatever I was doing that day and forgot where I was, that was the name that slipped out.
Or maybe I was just weird - who knows?
@@davideast5331 I can confirm, it does happen - even more embarrassing in high school.
Hey Chris! Just discovered your channel and love it. I watched Alien 3 in 1992 and hated it at first. But over the years have come to love it and rank it as my favourite. Of all the Alien movies, I watch it at least once or twice
a year. And it’s the only soundtrack I’ve bought. Love the music! Keep up the great work man!
Love how you guys as friends can just sit down and debate their opinons. Very nice honestly..
13:43 Yep, and that's how you waste 13 million... Well done, studio.
I really love alien 3. I think both cuts are good but especially the assembly cut.
We need an edit of AC before it gets good. The normal one misses too much, the AC includes a lot of redundant scenes. They should let me edit it for balance.
@@brianvillatoro6588 Yes.
AHS Society yeah, I made an edit, with the dog and the queen , but the rest is from the extendet cut
I have a Weyland-Yutani shirt, but where do I get the Fiorina shirt?
Anyone know?
I've seen that t-shirt in a store called Last Exit to Nowhere, in a darker color.
Would love to see many more of these videos. 'The Brando and Stuckmann Show' should be a regular thing
What ultimately ruined Alien 3 for me was the fact that they killed off nearly all of the main, surviving characters of Aliens, with the exception of Ripley. And worse, they were killed off-screen! So we don't get any closure to these characters, especially Newt.
But isn't that also the case with Alien->Aliens, only Ripley surivived? Ok, in Alien most of the deaths were onscreen, but still, if you have all of the major characters survive aren't you just making the exact same film again? I like Hicks and Newt but it's hard to see how they would have fit in to the prison planet scenario that they ultimately went with.
@@socalguy829 which is why they should have done the plot of them going to earth
Hicks survives the person in his pod is a different person you meet hicks in aliens colonial Marines game
I might like it then because I don't like the first two. Lol. This could be a good one. I've never seen this one.
I miss these videos
Funny how Fincher wanted the film to be more gory. James Cameron when making Aliens stated "You don't create fear with gore, you create disgust.". I enjoy parts of Alien 3, but the one thing it fails massively in is in being scary. I failed to live up to it's genre expectations.
Back here after Alien Romulus. Love videos like this would like more behind the scenes Hollywood breakdowns
Ellitot Goldenthal did an amazing job on the score! It has a kind of sacrificial tone.
Alien 3 is a masterpiece. It's deep, dark, fascinating movie. And the ambient and music and chills and nostalgia and nihilistic philosophy. There are flaws in this movie, but there are in any of alien franchise movies. When you think a little, it's much deeper movie than James Cameron's commercial (but also masterpiece) epic Aliens. It's the perfect antipod of everything Cameron's movie is. Also it's the last film in Alien franchise which is not shiny, modernistic and shallow. And the last one with that tone. And a soul.
Alien 3 10/10
The greatest sci-fi movie never made is Dune by Jodorowsky! there is even a great documentary about it...HR Ginger,Salvador Dali,Orson Welles,Mick Jagger,David Carradine and Pink Floyd were attached to the project! Just imagine
Jodorowsky also almost made a Doctor Strange movie in the 80s with David Bowie as Stephen Strange and if you know Jodorowsky´s films you know that it would be the trippiest fucking film ever made
It ́s true all of it I actually got to meet Jodorowsky about 4 days ago. He was doing a tarot reading at a cafe I was in. I didn't get picked but he signed a napkin for me and gave me a couple of his cards after I helped photograph the readings for some of the customers. He also gave me a little snail figure he told me was made out of horse hair. It was an INCREDIBLE experience. I wish I believed in social media enough to post it.
It ́s true all of it i think you should post it good job dude
Carlos Sáez-Woah! that was a dumb comment!
First,how can you dislike Jodorowksy´s vision if you never watch the film ?...
Of course Jodorowksy would have to creative liberties,after all he is an artist but instead of pencil and paper he has a camera,I think by now to say that some things that translate well paper don´t translate as well to the screen is rather cliche.Jodorowsky said in 1985 that ''he found the Dune story mythical and had intended to recreate it rather than adapt the novel'' In the end that´s what matters to capture the feel,like Lean said '' I think the best you can do in a movie is to be faithful to the author's intention in all areas''
Then it is also known that Herbert and Jodorowsky had an amicable relationship...
I love Matt's passion and knowledge of this movie!
I really wish they would have made that Anchor Point story with Hicks and Bishop. That story sounds so cool
I think that technically the prison was officially shut down. The prisoners chose to remain as a form of penance and to keep removed from greater society. I think they were able to sustain themselves with those huge industrial furnaces and they only sent company people on shifts to oversee everything, but they let the prisoners handle most of their own daily affairs unless something huge happens (like a crashed sleep pod).
This movie just feels very joyless and devoid of any emotion to me. At least when compared to the first two.
Martin Bührer good point
It's quite nihilistic and just overall bleak.
I think that's kinda what the studio wanted
You're doing life on a prison planet in outer space. I imagine it wouldn't feel like Sponge bob😂
The first one only. The second is basically a sci-fi channel movie.
Awesome video guys ...
Obviously there was a lot of good and bad with this film and you guys covered them in great detail, so good.
For myself, despite being a bit upset about killing off Hicks and Newt as well as kinda reducing bishop to a little more than a cameo, i still enjoyed this film a lot. I got over it afterwards realizing those characters wouldn't have worked too well with how the script / plot turned out anyways.
My top 3 reasons for a thumbs up
(In no particular order):
1-Dialing the action back and going with that art- house horror feel to the movie after all the action in Aliens.
2-The ending when the company arrives at Fury with another Bishop android in their party and his interaction with Ripley before she sacrifices herself. Nooooooooo!
3-Without a doubt, Charles S.Dutton. He was so great in this movie. I think all his speeches were awesome and fit so well with the vibe the movie. Especially "There's 2 ways you can check out, fighting or on your fucking knees, begging" , epic stuff to me . He truly is a great character actor who sadly just hasn't been in enough movies. He definitely filled that void of not having any Michael Biehn quotes to mimic ...
So i agree with both of you on a lot points, thought i seriously was alone, lol. We could probably film a full length documentary if the 3 of us ended up having a full conversation about it, hahaha.
Again, super video, thanks Chris.
Film nerds like myself just love listening to guys like you critique stuff. Sharing a passion for cinema can really go deep sometimes. We definitely need more of these vids ... Cheers !!!
Ripley is a lieutenant. In "Aliens" one of the Marines calls her a lieutenant.
It was Hicks in a throwaway line
@@Bartman954 Yeah, Hicks was being sarcastic calling Ripley lieutenant. She was brought on as a civilian advisor originally. I'll have to watch Alien again but I don't remember her having a specific rank.
Yeah I’m pretty sure that was tongue in cheek
@@rwxstudio7173 Well in Alien when she talks to Ash, she say's " Ash, when Kane and Dallas are off the the ship, I'm in charge " so she clearly has some high rank and in Alien 3, you can hear the Warden also called her lieutenant as well
I think in her hearing in Aliens, she's either a warrant officer or a chief warrant officer. But that was a civilian merchant fleet rank, not a military rank.