Guys guys i need help can someone explain the ranking system? It's so odd that awkward won 10 games and outplayed everyone huge damages but still in bronze 5. I honestly don't get the ranking system. He should be in gold already. Like ability usage is part of the algorithm calculation?
@janareview141 bronze 5 is a 0-1000 sr gap. If he has 500 sr then hes gonna need to win like 20 games to hit bronze 4. If ur rly hard stuck then make a new acc and get placed gold/plat
Awkward, I just wanna say that I am one of those people who you have helped changed their mindset. I wasn't ever a toxic player in chat or outright told anyone they were bad, or trash, but I definitely still thought many many times when I lost a game that it was my team's fault, but now I've changed my entire mindset. I always blame myself first, and ask myself what I could have done better now, and even if I have a good game for my standards, I don't get cocky but ask myself what else could I have done better to do even more to help my team. My friends in vc may say tank diff if we have a "bad" tank but I now always defend them, saying its not their fault but ours. You're an insane coach dude, so glad I found your videos.
“What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” - Paarthurnax. Nice job man mindset is a big part of improving.
Ok... but on support, how do you win if your doom is 0-7... I'm just curious, because this happens a lot, the enemy team has a tank, and my tank is diving their backline and permanently dead... how do win? And let's say you've got the most damage in the lobby as baptiste, and the other team is constantly targeting you as Moira and Sombra.. HOW do you win? How do I get good enough to overcome such a blatant one sided fisting?
@@nashocheeseplay Moira or Kiri and go with your tank. If your doom is gonna dive the backline every fight, and just feed, then do your best to "support" them cos your healing and added damage could result in them living. If that fails, play illari or bap to output a lot of damage and direct your fire at their supports and dps. If your aim isn't that great, play brig and play slow to balance your abilities and offset the mistakes made by your tank
just a reminder, this is not to make fun of all bronze players, it's to make fun of those players that think it's their team keeping them in the rank and not their own skill
@@tbqg So wtf would he have to do to convince you he's giving good advice? People say his mechanical skill carries him so he made a guide on Brig, the hero that requires almost zero aim or mechanical skill. People say he'd lose in Bronze 5 if he was placed there, he showed he can literally just fuck around in that rank and still win. Complaining about his advice is like if Tom Brady taught you how to throw a football and you told him he doesn't know what he's talking about or that he doesn't understand what it's like in Middle School games.
@@zarathustra6116 Awkward is mechanically gifted. He can play any heroes however he wants. I'll take the unranked to gm baptiste only example. He says that DPSing is what will make the difference. In diamond+ elo, yes he's right. But the gold support main cannot do it efficiently. He will just throw for his team. He makes it look easy because he's playing against Gold-Plat players. Tom Brady could tell me how to throw a football perfectly, but so can any average high-school coach, so your example is kinda dumb. Anyway, he tells tips he shouldn't to low elo players. He has a Top 500 mind so it's completely normal, but it's wrong af. That's like being completely new in Football and hiring a pro NFL player and instead of learning the basics strategies, he ask you to recreate complicated plays that are only used in Profession Football. He's the reason why Silver baptiste mains blame their tanks when they were just DPSing missing their shots and wasting their abilities for themself, instead of keeping the tank alive.
they knew you were smurfing in Rialto because you were the only one in the whole lobby who knew what to do. That sense of purpose sticks out to them😂😂😂
Literally no bronze has the awareness to do half the stuff he was doing, that's how they knew lmao. You have to literally be so good, that you can play that bad. It's hilarious
this video should be a wake up call for these low rank players who complain. if theyre in this rank they are of similar skill to all these players in this video that have 0 awareness
@@aumnamahshivaaya play enough games and you will climb if you are higher skill. the biggest roadblock is just not playing enough games a season. also if you can, communicate to ur teammates if you have better awareness
I think the leavers/throwers are a time of day thing. I have found out if play too early in the morning I can have 50% leaver games but playing just 3-4hours later in the day I will have zero issues. Might be part of people playing at work/school and just leaving when they realize they have to go but are in comp instead of just a quickplay.
Bro use basic logic, if leavers are a real issue, 50% of the leavers are still on the enemy team not yours, so you get as many free wins as you do loses. Also leavers isn’t an excuse any decent player could carry a 4v5 or even 3v5 in bronze
@@froggod6484 bro was just analyzing what might cause leavers, not that leavers are the reason for a loss. i think you need to use basic reading skills.
@@froggod6484Bro.. talking about logic... If you dont leave, enemy has 5 players who could leave and ur team only 4. In long run u get free SR from leavers, the more there is the faster u climb.
I will fully admit I was this unaware of my surroundings when I was in bronze and seeing this reminded me of how incompetent I used to be. I'm only in gold now, but at least I know how to listen and realize when someone is behind me. Also the Ashe that said all Ball players should die alone is never going to make it out of bronze. They had double snipers and refused to swap the whole game. The lack of self awareness is baffling.
You still improved from where you were. That's not nothing, good on ya. :D Also, I have been told innumerable times that I should die alone as Ball. Ironically, that's the only thing these types of players seem to be able to do.
my first ov rank back in october was high silver so I've never felt how it was but now in diamond all i gotta do when i feel like i suck is watch my old replays
@@Seeker_of_Truth_and_Beauty I've never really cared how high my rank was luckily. I've just been happy to see noticeable improvement and I'm pretty confident I'll be able to hit plat next season. I'm actually working harder on ranking up in mystery heroes over normal comp right now since the ranks are so inflated 😂 I'm at plat 2 and I'm really hoping I can make it to diamond before the season ends just so I'll be guaranteed to get enough points to buy Tracer's gold gun. Currently I only have Ashe and Widow but after Tracer I'm going for Junker Queen. By far my favorite tank. But yeah I think the biggest problem with the Ball whiners is that they don't understand he's not some traditional shield tank like Rein or Sigma so you have to change how you fight him if you want to beat him. I really want to learn Ball eventually but right now I'm beyond terrible with him.
@@Slightly_Decent Oh my brother, you are in for a fun ride. When Ball clicks with you, he *clicks.* If you're like me, where U2GM runs help you immensely, I'd recommend checking out Yeatle. He's been #1 Tank many times, and has runs on every Tank, but is most known as a Ball specialist. I wouldn't say he's as good a teacher as Awkward is, but he's more than good enough for you to pick some tips up.
I think I'm starting to understand what's happening. People are stuck like this because this is all they see in their games. If you are stuck at a rank it's hard to improve if the best players you can play against and learn from in a meaningful way are also stuck at your rank. Like the fact some of these guys immediately knew you where smurfing, even though you hard troll in some cases only let's me deduct that the team (and enemy team for that matter) is indeed at fault for one not ranking up but not because they are holding your ranking up back but the rate of improvement.
I guess, but even playing with people who aren't knowledgable about the game will still slowly get your mechanical skill up and your affinity to what the heroes do and how to beat them, you develop that yourself. Maybe specific playstyles or things to keep in mind aren't as obvious without hearing from more experienced players, but you can definetly get out of bronze. Not to mention it takes like 20 mins of listening to a t500 player's youtube video about a hero to learn some tricks and tips about positioning and what you should be doing. Also, blaming others never helps, even if you are right. There is alwasy something you can do to improve, do that instead of worrying about something you can't change
i have a hard time winning games no matter how much i follow awkward. Im obviously not as good as him but its seems like no matter what i my good plays are hard cancelled by everyone elses bad ones. Im def making mistakes but idk how to cancel out the bad
@@peegeeop4513 I would say don't be as aggressive as Awkward. Because if you aren't better than everyone in the lobby, it isn't going to be nearly as effective. Still should be doing more damage than healing or at least 50/50
the chance for leavers and throwers on your team is flat out lower than the chance to have throwers/leavers on the enemy team, if you are the constant variable you have 4 potential throwers and the enemy team has 5, statistically its impossible to be stuck just because of leavers
ok im stunk between gold and plat i carry each game top frag and play point w good mechs and my team8s either cant keep anyone alive or my other dps is 4 n 8 i dont think im the problem
@@god_number4 If your claims are true and you still fail to consistently deny enemy win conditions and favor your own.. then buddy you literally are the problem.
@@Real_MisterSir bro what are you saying deny enemy win conditions bro they win bc my team goes negative and im the only one doing anything i win more then i lose but when i lose its out of my control how does that make me the problem??
Hey Awkward, I just wanted to thank you for posting these vids for us, especially the tracer U2GM one as you are the reason I hit master rank on dps by mostly playing tracer. 💪😎🔥❤
Don't feel bad man everyone starts somewhere. Something that has helped me in gold is playing Awkwards videos in the background. The constant monologue of things he's doing helps in reminding me to be aware of them myself. Hope this helps. Good luck in your climb.
The most important part is that you recognize that. If you play and focus on listening to what’s going/tracking where enemies are, your awareness will increase and you’ll get better. You can do it!
difference is this guy been playing this game since he was born and been top 500 for years vs bronze players who trying to rank up and also these are literally bots 😭
its not. you wouldn't be bronze if you played good. i got so many trollers and dumb teammates but if you are good enough you will climb. i got to diamond by HARD carrying everygame. after diamond i still had incredible performance but i needed a team as well that had common sense, which most have in diamond.
As a silver player, my teammates should stop feeding whilst I am in the enemies backline with no cooldowns. I shouldn't think about my actions, that isn't my job smh
It’s still upsetting that you basically have to be plat to escape bronze in any short amount of time. To get out quickly, you need to be able to carry a horrible team, overcome every size tank, DPS, and support diff known to man, and also win against smurfs (not every match, but even like 2/7-8 games is enough to ruin a card) and despite leavers (again not many, but between them and the Smurfs, you can’t lose many games to other bronze players, even when your team is getting just straight up diffed).
Never played an fps before overwatch. Played qp before ranked to get used to the game. Gold dps/support, plat tank. No idea how anyone can be bad enough to be bronze.
I’m out now, but how I got in was I started playing the game with friends on the same console, switching every death, so we all developed the bad habit of walking main, no cover, try to kill someone before you die. You get put in bronze by not understanding the game, or just playing without thinking.
Ive coached over 400 players, alot of them where bronze 5 and 99% of them belive they are playing good and its other reasons there stuck there, 1% of them where right
It’s shocking to me as well.. even when I just started the game confused asf, I was never below silver. In fact if it was this easy I would have quit playing a long time ago because there is no challenge lol.
@@DangSensei77I recorded one of my first games I played as Lucio in quickplay and even I had better awareness 💀 I mean I still was awful and like an NPC, but when someone was on point I ran right back and didn't c9 LMFAO It's a really funny video to look back to, I wish I recorded more games when i was newer 😭
@@TamWam_ I was 100x better in my first few games, i think i could win 3v1 against these players in me second game. Only to learn the control in the first game...
had a friend who was hard stuck bronze, we would go into 1v1's just to practice before getting into quick play (I was too high elo to play comp with him) and I would just run circles around him as he tried to get to point or fight me, basically his reasoning is that to win the game you have to be on point, basically nothing matters except the objective to bronze.
@@Jamie_241 I swear I am currently silver 1 (new player tho and I started in bronze aswell, but I am glad I am improving ) and I get flamed so much for not healing as much as the healbot enemy mercy 💀
@@kattheassassin yeah, don’t healbot; damage boost tilts fights way more. try to keep like a roughly 40/60 at least and as u get higher in comp and can trust ur team more u can get it to 60/40 which is usually what i try to get at. also don’t super focus on tanks cos ur job is more or less keep the dps up and running and side heal the tank
Such a wholesome message at the end there! Awaiting your return patiently Awkward. Thank you to you and your editor for the great content! Let's rank up baby!
This and the silver video were really enlightening as to how such simple mechanics and positioning can give you a huge advantage, even with a major handicap. I can’t wait to see how the plat and diamond videos go.
The part at the end where you say people tell you, “Oh, Awkward you’re a top 500.” And you’re response is “So you’re asking that you rank up without having the skill for it. Don’t you think that sounds a little bit ridiculous?” That’s the truest thing I ever heard for this game. Like people in Bronze are or whatever rank because that’s their skill tier. If you want to get out of whatever rank, improve the skills of the only person who’s in ALL of your games-which would be YOU. Another super helpful video ❤
I can see your point, but I don't totally agree. You constantly called out how unaware bronze players can be. As a GM player, you can carry them and play well enough to make up for their poor performance. I'm just an okay player though, so I'm not good enough to carry an entire team. Sometimes I make stupid mistakes, but there are a fair few games where I think I did pretty well, but the team played so poorly that we still got crushed.
Try to just copy what high rank players do, and watch guides. Idk how much this'll help, but for me when I watch top players play, I subconsciously pick up their habits and remember to use them. Like when I first saw a tracer blink melee, a Lucio rollout, a sj rez on mercy, etc, even when the player themself don't point out the tech they use I copy it and it usually helps
The most important take away from all of Awkwards content: "there is no nobility in being good at the video game when you are bad at everything else" This advice rings in my head every day, and helps me do my best and realize my greater potential outside of the game. Much love for your content brother
Also worth pointing out that Bronze 5 is VERY different than Bronze 1... As a hard stuck bronze player, I find climbing from 5 to 2 is easy. 2 to 1 is hard.
It's the COMPLETE lack of awareness and any type of game sense. In my opinion, you can EASILY carry the game if you are the average player. So, in that sense, you'd be winning games. Now, if you are trapped there, probably rewatch your VODS and pinpoint all of your problems
As someone who climbed from silver to low gm i can accurately say that the biggest problems with low rank players is they don't look behind them EVER. You can literally be in voice saying "behind you "
as someone who spent some time in bronze, 90% of my problem was awareness. i was not paying attention to people, cooldowns, ults, etc. just getting to a point where you can do that takes you out of bronze all by itself.
@@walker1686the problem with that, he is putting restrictions on himself that are greatly impactful to prove a point. It’s not your teammates, it’s because you need to get better. The fact that he won a game on tracer with melee only should be proof enough that a player with the ability to shoot shouldn’t struggle.
this video is absolutely hilarious, and to think there’s actual people out there that don’t think they belong in bronze or silver when they have the awareness of a walnut
Most damage in the server with only ball form really shows that even when you can't use the majority of your abilities as a character, a players skill on the aspects of the character they can use will always equate to a lot more damage than someone at a lower skill level but can use all of the tools/abilities at your character's disposal.
I’m in bronze support, my issues seems to be knowing cooldowns, holding ults, positioning, inconsistencies in aim, and not damaging instead of doing “garbage heals” as you put it in another video.
@@hexgleam I'm playing since 2017 and none of my regular gaming buddies know what those words mean, and most of them play lower than me around gold probably less hours and still better than these bronze streamer fans
They could have just played other games. The term diff has existed for ages but definitely became widespread from league of legends and is now used in almost every competitive game along with terms like gap.
I remember spending 100+ games trying to climb out of bronze when I first started and now watching this all that time later it looks nothing like I remember. But that’s also probably because I had the observational skills of a wallnut
as someone with poor mobility in my hands who went from playing console games (not even fps games usually) my whole life to playing OW on PC and immediately falling into bronze... what I realize is most bronze players who don't understand why they are bronze don't realize that the primary thing you displayed here was simply STAYING ALIVE. After a few months of repeating those mistakes, I climbed pretty quickly out of bronze. My mechanics still kinda suck shit, I sometimes don't hear everything that I should, but learning how its more valuable to stay alive than get a kill 99 percent of the time dragged my ass all the way to plat in two seasons. In every rank in between I saw poor mechanics and spatial awareness, but the main difference on average was that my teammates gradually began paying more attention to their health bars and breakpoints. This vid is interesting because its highlighting that point. There is an upper ceiling to the skill of.. erm .. staying alive, and I would guess its in the upper diamond ranks. After THAT the player differences boil down to knowledge, strategy, cooldown management, and mechanics. So when a top ranked player displays a skill diff in those areas, bronze players don't understand that most of our fights are won simply because our team stayed alive longer than the other team, as distinct from the idea that we killed the other team faster. That 2nd point circuit royale hold is a great example of that, and easily doing more damage than anyone else was honestly just because your up time was so high in comparison. That isn't to say a top ranked player is immune to some dumb ass mistakes, nor is it saying that a silver genji suddenly going supersaiyan and killing 4 with a naked blade doesn't turn a fight. All I am saying is that this is what a lot of top ranked players call game sense. It isn't so much knowing the game so much as its knowing what can kill you. My mechanics didn't magically improve in two months, and neither did I suddenly break the secret code to unlock the big team wipe plays. All I did was play the game focusing intently on staying alive, sometimes running from duels against more fit heroes or simply better players mechanically. We ALL have some sick plays in us, and they come out more often if you're alive longer. Mercy is good practice for this (since basically "just stay alive" is basically her third cooldown ability) but I did this on tanks like Dva, Sigma, and Rein as well as on dps like torb, mei, tracer, and hanzo. Either way, good luck out there gamers, and remember to keep having fun!
super entertaining video, it's cool to see you genuinely have fun playing in bronze 5 with handicaps to prove a point even if its just to one viewer - what you said at the end is very true and I hope everybody realizes how truly insignificant it is to be skilled at video games if they have nothing else in their life to take pride in. love your energy and your videos, wishing you the best :)
Good point, but there is really no need to throw ableist insults around 😔 This is really sad to see, especially since you mentioned in that same comment how pathetic it is to be only good at video games and nothing else. This is the perfect portrayal of having no social skills whatsoever.
@@Renuu oh man, I just realized you were referring to not using all the heroes’ abilities by “handicaps” and not the other players 🤦♀️ Just had a sensitive reaction because we hate that word. I can delete the comment if you want to because it’s obviously not fitting. Sorry for misunderstanding. Not a native speaker and didn’t understand it can be used that way.
There's nothing wrong with being Bronze. The problems start when you're a Bronze, saying you don't deserve Bronze, despite acting like you're a Bronze player... and blaming everyone else for your Bronze-ness.
anyone stuck in bronze is definitely self-inflicted, ive only peaked diamond but even i could get out of it if needed. made a new account and was getting matched initially against a lot of bronze in qp and every game wasn’t even remotely close. it’s very easy to dominate that low of a rank
New accounts do not face the same issues. I'm in elo hell on my main, hardstuck in silver/gold. I get leavers basically every other match, even when we're winning. I played 4 ranked games yesterday and in 3 of them someone left. When I made a new account last month I easily hit plat immediately then diamond even though I had more losses than wins. That's how messed up the system is. I'm sick of being the best person on the scoreboard 90% of the time and being in elo hell, it's like why bother even playing on my main account anymore for competitive? This is something you will never understand because you just make new accounts and think you're on equal ground as someone claiming to be in elo hell. You don't get it. It's so bad that I'm thinking about just only playing on my new account even though every single thing for every single game is on my main. I know I'm right because the scoreboard backs up my point, before it was a bit harder to tell how much better I was than most people in my matches, but now that the numbers are all there it's just plain undeniable. I can only do so much when most of the time the dps is complete garbage, people are leaving etc (whether on purpose to troll, because they're mad we lost one round, or their internet is trash). No one leaves over losing one round in diamond, i rarely have leavers on my alt account's matches. I main support and most of the time am getting more than decent healing numbers as well as outdamaging at least one of the dps if not both. The little amount of effort I have to put in on my alt account to get somewhere while on my main I can perform even better and get nowhere is ridiculous. Either way, there is something different about playing on an actual hardstuck account as opposed to making a new one. This guy has disproven absolutely nothing. I'm telling you right now of the past 30 games I've played on my main around half of those had someone leave in the middle of the match. THIS IS A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. And on top of it you're a GM player, I would assume people are less likely to leave if they see there is someone doing outstanding work, as opposed to me who just does better than normal carrying but nothing to call your friend over to gawk at. And regardless of someone being hardstuck or not, someone who is not in your party that leaves the match should not affect your rank, that game should just be counted as nothing in terms of your rank scoring. Give the enemy team the win and their points, but do not penalize the rest of the team for this crap. It's so easy to fix yet they refuse. Their only reason for not doing it was because you can squad up and get one person to leave and not suffer a loss. Again, easy to get around if you don't give that leniency to the people who were grouped up with the leaver. Why does my rank have to be repeatedly punished over other people having bad internet, getting frustrated or wanting to troll? It's not right.
Honestly stats don't mean anything. Literally look at the new Eskay video, her team had 10-20+ deaths and low elims, while the enemy team had Hydron and other pros that were 30-40+ elims. The way they won was strategy, positioning, morale, etc. you might have good stats but that could just be spam shooting the tank, playing like a coward and not doing plays, etc. which is what i still do tbh
former bronze player here (710 sr at my lowest). i started playing in 2020 and was very new to fps games and m+k, and despite watching a lot of overwatch content, i was severely lacking in mechanical skill. i slowly got better as time went on, but unfortunately, bottom rank bronze is the worst place to be. i managed to get myself into plat on tank playing hog and gold on support playing ana, but i couldn't make any progress with my dps rank. i remember dropping 50+ kills in games (which admittedly is very easy in bronze) and still losing due to either people throwing, leavers, or smurfs. my skill still wasn't good by any means, but it was well above the low bronze standard. at that point i was pretty much at the level of an average gold player. not good enough to solo carry, but enough to know that i wasn't where i belonged. games in that rank are literal hell. i have no idea how it is in overwatch 2, but no one cared. it was all smurfs, throwers, people who had been hard stuck since release, alcoholics, and the once in a blue moon actual new player. each game was basically a coin toss. will the masters player be on my team or theirs? not only would smurfs absolutely floor anyone they went up against, they would also throw to stay in low bronze because their parents don't love them. i distinctly remember getting in games with people who would just sit afk around the map with no reasons given. its not an experience i want anyone to have, especially new players. the only way i got out of this was by putting hours into learning how to be mini yznsa (because bronze players can't hit pharah) and doing my best to solo it out. once i finally got out of there i ended up making it into plat on dps in the same season. im not amazing by any means, nor was i then, but its important to note that its incredibly difficult to climb out of low bronze if you aren't a diamond+ player. i firmly believe that a lot of bronze players would do well in gold/silver given the chance and that it really does have a lot to do with your teammates and your opponents. regardless, fun vid to watch!!
I disagree with you completely. A true Gold Player in Bronze would carry. No doubt about it. It’s pure delusion to think that only a Diamond+ player could get out of Bronze without difficulty. Also, a Bronze in Gold or Silver would get rolled. They’d only do well if they improved to the point that they’re out of Bronze and in whatever appropriate rank they’re playing.
I was predicted bronze 1 in DPS and placed in a bronze lobby. I'm only gold, but I was still able to carry and win and get out of bronze. Tbf it is predictions but still, the enemies were bronzelike to me. Standing still, hard peeking, etc
As a Mercy main, I pride myself on being aware of my surroundings and do my best to call out to my teammates what I'm seeing. If we're aware, but the enemy team is just better, then so be it.
Oppenheimer telling awkward he deserves to die alone for playing ball when he isn't piledriving and is barely shooting is hilarious. If they think that that's what an oppressive ball looks like, they should probably stay in bronze for their own sanity.
There is potential in everything, but it's a moot point; these people are grouped because they are ranked the same, they are all yet to reach their potential.
It really all depends on personal skill level. I learned to recognize the scrub mentality years ago so I always catch myself almost falling into that hole and I need to pull myself out of it and get back on track. Focusing on improving what you control and ignoring what you don't control is a mindset that'll help you improve in EVERYTHING you do. With that said, my personal skill level is so screwed that I get hardstuck in Plat whenever I try to climb. At that point I start falling into the average of the rank and it's the point where I start feeling that dread of losses being outside my control. Worst feeling ever, so I get it, but I still need to focus on what I'm doing wrong even if it feels very easy to blame others.
For a while I was stuck in bronze, for two reasons. One, I truly don't get the best teammates (aka the ones who knew they sucked and just didn't care, really) and two, I know I'm not good and actually try to improve but my mental was just not great and I downplayed my abilities, lacked confidence in my plays etc. Vids like this honestly showed me how easy it was to get out of bronze, even though I'm not fully out just yet (been bordering bronze 1 and silver 5, occasionally I jump up to silver 3 but quickly dwindle down because I repeatedly make bad plays). Not complaining, btw, just sharing my, hopefully soon, ex-bronze life lol
@@RandomAusFan I sadly haven't been playing much since the launch of season 6 cuz It started crashing during basically every one of my games, be it comp, qp, or a custom. It's actually really frustrating
@@fourdredd_art ahh Yea I dont blame u i havent moved much since ive been drained and burnt out a bit on this game but i try to see if i can ramble something of this season
My explanation of each excuse: -Leavers and throwers: you are trash and they know that they have lost so they give up -Tank feeding: they are focussing your tank and not your dps or support but you don’t use that to kill them -Smurfs: a silver that got put into a bronze lobby for 1 game Just accept that you make mistakes and not your team and you will improve, play some unbanked to improve and to warm up and you will get better much faster Edit: just saw the guy saying tank diff when awkward was using only punch Edit again: I do 5-8k damage per game on Brigitte, don’t say I can’t get 3k
People who say leavers are keeping them in bronze don’t understand basic stats. If you’re not leaving your games, there’s a pool of 4 potential leavers on your team and 5 on the enemy, play enough games and you’ll get more free wins than leavers on your team.
You should do an unranked to GM on Illari for a few interesting reasons. 1. it shows the audience/haters that anyone can climb on a new hero with good positioning and game sense without fully knowing how to use a brand new character. and 2. Her being heavy dps at the moment it drives home the point of Damage damage damage wins games. Thanks for all your content!
Leavers and throwers actually are somewhat of a problem, but they definitely aren’t big enough of a problem to constitute deranking. 1 out of every 10 games might be a stretch even
I don’t see how people complain about teammates in bronze. I have played games on a bronze account without my screen turned on and won... I have won by spamming voice lines and not shooting once...
Hey Awkward, Its Morning Glory, I messaged you on Discord a while ago, my family is doing much better now and we are financially better now, since I got a job, I also climbed up from Silver 3 to Plat 2 in my spare time Thank you for your guidance Awkward, I am forever grateful ❤
I watched your videos and started playing again. I'm in bronze and can definitely carry my games. I have leavers some of the time, but I can still win even if someone leaves. I've had really close 4v5 games because bronze players will over extend and feed so by going backwards when they go forwards they will often just die. It's not that many games though. Probably like 1 in 20 or something? but I think we tend to remember the worst games the most. it's just like a human psychology thing.
I feel like it’s much harder to get INTO bronze than it is to get out of lmao. I wouldn’t do anything on Lucio; just troll and I would win games. If you’re not ranking up out of bronze it really is a skill issue.
It really is. I remember I tried to make a bronze account so I could play with some friends that were silver/gold level. After struggling to lose, I finally was placed in Bronze 2 after like 20 losses. Most of the time I was playing heroes I've never played or would never touch again. Then all my friends quit, but I still enjoyed playing the game. I hopped on that account, played some solo queue when I didn't want to sweat and instantly shot out of bronze and back up to masters. Never was I held back by "elo hell." If you are bronze, you belong in bronze.
@@ChooopyElo hells a iffy thing like I went from bronze to diamond 4 in a week after being hard stuck elo hell is usually the result of not playing enough comp the games unsure on where you belong in bronze I had a gm tank on dps like if you don’t play religiously it’s 50 50 overwatch
It 100% the productive actions per second, you are a good player so even if you only take one action every 5 seconds it's gonna be better that the player that isn't good making 3-4 poor decisions every second and one good one
"They must be trolling" "they don't even notice me behind them" but also: "I don't know how anyone can blame their team" ...Really? You don't understand how people are blaming their team when these players exist en masse in the game?
I can tell you exactly why people dont pay attention. It's because they rely soley on audio cues for being hit and those in OW are so quiet and often either non-existant or so blown out by everything else thats going on you cant hear them.
You have a bad sound then. I have HyperX headphones with 7.1 on, all in-game setting are untouched, like I didn't enable Dolby Atmos and such. I can hear people getting hit behind me, all footsteps are clear, never had an issue with sound cues.
@@rezq9109 Footsteps are fine. Things happening to other people are fine. In a vacuum the hit sounds would probably be fine, but generally depending on what you're hit by the impact sounds for stuff hitting you is not noticeable enough in the heat of battle until you reach that first 50% threshold (which is often too late with the dmg output in this game) where your character says their voice line. Numerous times i've watched a replay and notice myself get hit more times than i've heard or seen. Most of the time it doesnt make a difference because damage output is so absurd, but the times it does are super frustrating. I don't have 7.1 surround headphones, but decent Razer positional audio headphones; Bought them for mic clarity. But the audio cues alone just arent enough. And if you imagine a lot of thesr Bronze players probably arent even using headphones, that compounds this issue imo. The visual cues are even worse! You get nothing til those 50-20% break points, which is often too late. There's clearly a focus on not drawing attention from what you're doing, but damn, flash the screen or something when I get hit.
I feel better about gettin stomped in my gm games every now an then after watchin this. This is painful to watch how you managed to not leave out of sheer boredom is beyond me lol. Great content as usual.
Honestly, I used to play on a bronze account and just watch how they played and sometimes it was actually entertaining when there was nothing else to do in ow1
dude this guy is one the biggest chads ive ever seen in video games. And you cant even call him toxic or arrogant because he backs up EVERY SINGLE WORD he says right in front of you
if there is a next time could you do one where you heal bot just to show how bad it actually is? My teammates are always so annoyed when I use your kiriko four step method and say they would prefer to have a support who just heal smh
The best thing you can do: 1. Watch Awkward content and learn the fundamentals. Be sure you are doing it right and understanding :) 2. Play with no chat. No voice, no text. You do not have to listen to them. 3. Put enough time into improving :) You are gonna rank up no matter what (even if the matchmaking is not that good).
You should tell them about his videos, particularly if he has one on a hero they play a lot. My buddy loves playing Tarcer so I shared Awkwards video, and he saw the value.
"They don't even know I'm behind them" - meanwhile their dva is capping point behind yall hahaha
lmaooo true
Holy hell, Bronze is a world of its own man!
The complete lack of awareness from Bronze players is truly astounding
Thats why we smurf there
And people wonder why the teams suck when you want to rank up💀
@@jasonprestidge8774 you’re exactly who he’s talking about in the vid. It’s not ur team preventing you from climbing.
Guys guys i need help can someone explain the ranking system?
It's so odd that awkward won 10 games and outplayed everyone huge damages but still in bronze 5.
I honestly don't get the ranking system. He should be in gold already. Like ability usage is part of the algorithm calculation?
@janareview141 bronze 5 is a 0-1000 sr gap. If he has 500 sr then hes gonna need to win like 20 games to hit bronze 4. If ur rly hard stuck then make a new acc and get placed gold/plat
Awkward, I just wanna say that I am one of those people who you have helped changed their mindset. I wasn't ever a toxic player in chat or outright told anyone they were bad, or trash, but I definitely still thought many many times when I lost a game that it was my team's fault, but now I've changed my entire mindset. I always blame myself first, and ask myself what I could have done better now, and even if I have a good game for my standards, I don't get cocky but ask myself what else could I have done better to do even more to help my team. My friends in vc may say tank diff if we have a "bad" tank but I now always defend them, saying its not their fault but ours. You're an insane coach dude, so glad I found your videos.
“What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” - Paarthurnax. Nice job man mindset is a big part of improving.
Bro changed
Ok... but on support, how do you win if your doom is 0-7... I'm just curious, because this happens a lot, the enemy team has a tank, and my tank is diving their backline and permanently dead... how do win? And let's say you've got the most damage in the lobby as baptiste, and the other team is constantly targeting you as Moira and Sombra.. HOW do you win? How do I get good enough to overcome such a blatant one sided fisting?
@@nashocheeseplay Moira or Kiri and go with your tank. If your doom is gonna dive the backline every fight, and just feed, then do your best to "support" them cos your healing and added damage could result in them living. If that fails, play illari or bap to output a lot of damage and direct your fire at their supports and dps. If your aim isn't that great, play brig and play slow to balance your abilities and offset the mistakes made by your tank
if pros can carry then it's possible
just a reminder, this is not to make fun of all bronze players, it's to make fun of those players that think it's their team keeping them in the rank and not their own skill
Sadly, even with your reminder they'll still miss the point. Probably not paying attention, just like in their Bronze matches. :D
It's just another excuse to blatantly smurf. His whole channel sadly is dedicated to that.
@@tbqg So wtf would he have to do to convince you he's giving good advice? People say his mechanical skill carries him so he made a guide on Brig, the hero that requires almost zero aim or mechanical skill. People say he'd lose in Bronze 5 if he was placed there, he showed he can literally just fuck around in that rank and still win. Complaining about his advice is like if Tom Brady taught you how to throw a football and you told him he doesn't know what he's talking about or that he doesn't understand what it's like in Middle School games.
Tank diff
@@zarathustra6116 Awkward is mechanically gifted. He can play any heroes however he wants. I'll take the unranked to gm baptiste only example. He says that DPSing is what will make the difference. In diamond+ elo, yes he's right. But the gold support main cannot do it efficiently. He will just throw for his team. He makes it look easy because he's playing against Gold-Plat players. Tom Brady could tell me how to throw a football perfectly, but so can any average high-school coach, so your example is kinda dumb. Anyway, he tells tips he shouldn't to low elo players. He has a Top 500 mind so it's completely normal, but it's wrong af. That's like being completely new in Football and hiring a pro NFL player and instead of learning the basics strategies, he ask you to recreate complicated plays that are only used in Profession Football. He's the reason why Silver baptiste mains blame their tanks when they were just DPSing missing their shots and wasting their abilities for themself, instead of keeping the tank alive.
they knew you were smurfing in Rialto because you were the only one in the whole lobby who knew what to do. That sense of purpose sticks out to them😂😂😂
It’s because most people in bronze can’t play ball for shit lol
Lmaooo 😂
Literally no bronze has the awareness to do half the stuff he was doing, that's how they knew lmao. You have to literally be so good, that you can play that bad. It's hilarious
idk why but that whole segment where he just kept calling the winston by the player's name was hilarious
There's a reason why I pulled you Richard 😂😂😂
Best moment of the video for sure had me rolling in a bath of my own tears.
All I could think of was "RICHAAARD!!" from Metal Wolf Chaos XD
@@Spede667or the meme "wtf Richard "
richard is my ranked teamates
this video should be a wake up call for these low rank players who complain. if theyre in this rank they are of similar skill to all these players in this video that have 0 awareness
@@aumnamahshivaaya play enough games and you will climb if you are higher skill. the biggest roadblock is just not playing enough games a season. also if you can, communicate to ur teammates if you have better awareness
@@aumnamahshivaayadid we watch the same video? 😂
@@aumnamahshivaayathe game tracks personal stats as well if you can’t climb it’s on you
ngl im a plat player, i know that i suck, i just dont know why i suck.
@@kaylaisrad figure it out. that's part of the climb
I think the leavers/throwers are a time of day thing. I have found out if play too early in the morning I can have 50% leaver games but playing just 3-4hours later in the day I will have zero issues. Might be part of people playing at work/school and just leaving when they realize they have to go but are in comp instead of just a quickplay.
Yeah me too, I once played from like 10pm - 3am and the games were good until like 2-3 where I had a lot of leavers
Even with leavers you can still win lol so there should be no excuse to get out of bronze (late response).
Bro use basic logic, if leavers are a real issue, 50% of the leavers are still on the enemy team not yours, so you get as many free wins as you do loses. Also leavers isn’t an excuse any decent player could carry a 4v5 or even 3v5 in bronze
@@froggod6484 bro was just analyzing what might cause leavers, not that leavers are the reason for a loss. i think you need to use basic reading skills.
@@froggod6484Bro.. talking about logic... If you dont leave, enemy has 5 players who could leave and ur team only 4. In long run u get free SR from leavers, the more there is the faster u climb.
I will fully admit I was this unaware of my surroundings when I was in bronze and seeing this reminded me of how incompetent I used to be. I'm only in gold now, but at least I know how to listen and realize when someone is behind me. Also the Ashe that said all Ball players should die alone is never going to make it out of bronze. They had double snipers and refused to swap the whole game. The lack of self awareness is baffling.
You still improved from where you were. That's not nothing, good on ya. :D
Also, I have been told innumerable times that I should die alone as Ball.
Ironically, that's the only thing these types of players seem to be able to do.
my first ov rank back in october was high silver so I've never felt how it was but now in diamond all i gotta do when i feel like i suck is watch my old replays
@@Seeker_of_Truth_and_Beauty I've never really cared how high my rank was luckily. I've just been happy to see noticeable improvement and I'm pretty confident I'll be able to hit plat next season. I'm actually working harder on ranking up in mystery heroes over normal comp right now since the ranks are so inflated 😂 I'm at plat 2 and I'm really hoping I can make it to diamond before the season ends just so I'll be guaranteed to get enough points to buy Tracer's gold gun. Currently I only have Ashe and Widow but after Tracer I'm going for Junker Queen. By far my favorite tank. But yeah I think the biggest problem with the Ball whiners is that they don't understand he's not some traditional shield tank like Rein or Sigma so you have to change how you fight him if you want to beat him. I really want to learn Ball eventually but right now I'm beyond terrible with him.
@@Slightly_Decent Oh my brother, you are in for a fun ride. When Ball clicks with you, he *clicks.*
If you're like me, where U2GM runs help you immensely, I'd recommend checking out Yeatle.
He's been #1 Tank many times, and has runs on every Tank, but is most known as a Ball specialist.
I wouldn't say he's as good a teacher as Awkward is, but he's more than good enough for you to pick some tips up.
Saying that all (enemy) ball players should die is not a Bronze thing😂😂😂
You will also see that in Gold or Plat😂😂
I think I'm starting to understand what's happening. People are stuck like this because this is all they see in their games. If you are stuck at a rank it's hard to improve if the best players you can play against and learn from in a meaningful way are also stuck at your rank.
Like the fact some of these guys immediately knew you where smurfing, even though you hard troll in some cases only let's me deduct that the team (and enemy team for that matter) is indeed at fault for one not ranking up but not because they are holding your ranking up back but the rate of improvement.
I guess, but even playing with people who aren't knowledgable about the game will still slowly get your mechanical skill up and your affinity to what the heroes do and how to beat them, you develop that yourself. Maybe specific playstyles or things to keep in mind aren't as obvious without hearing from more experienced players, but you can definetly get out of bronze. Not to mention it takes like 20 mins of listening to a t500 player's youtube video about a hero to learn some tricks and tips about positioning and what you should be doing. Also, blaming others never helps, even if you are right. There is alwasy something you can do to improve, do that instead of worrying about something you can't change
i have a hard time winning games no matter how much i follow awkward. Im obviously not as good as him but its seems like no matter what i my good plays are hard cancelled by everyone elses bad ones. Im def making mistakes but idk how to cancel out the bad
@@peegeeop4513 I would say don't be as aggressive as Awkward. Because if you aren't better than everyone in the lobby, it isn't going to be nearly as effective. Still should be doing more damage than healing or at least 50/50
You might have a point here. But I think if they watch TH-cam videos on how to position they will definitely climb out
You can get up to at least plat just from mechanical skill it's not rocket science
the chance for leavers and throwers on your team is flat out lower than the chance to have throwers/leavers on the enemy team, if you are the constant variable you have 4 potential throwers and the enemy team has 5, statistically its impossible to be stuck just because of leavers
Perfectly said 🔥
Statistically its impossible to get bitches if you go this deep into thinking about it 🤓
ok im stunk between gold and plat i carry each game top frag and play point w good mechs and my team8s either cant keep anyone alive or my other dps is 4 n 8 i dont think im the problem
@@god_number4 If your claims are true and you still fail to consistently deny enemy win conditions and favor your own.. then buddy you literally are the problem.
@@Real_MisterSir bro what are you saying deny enemy win conditions bro they win bc my team goes negative and im the only one doing anything i win more then i lose but when i lose its out of my control how does that make me the problem??
I really want to see an Unranked to GM on controller
Why tho
@@katto1937 why not it's something different and it's a content idea
@@xion3985 crazy, I was crazy once
@@xion3985 awkward doesnt mKe videos for "content"
Hey Awkward, I just wanted to thank you for posting these vids for us, especially the tracer U2GM one as you are the reason I hit master rank on dps by mostly playing tracer. 💪😎🔥❤
as a bronze player it hurts watching this because this is most likely what I do also
Don't feel bad man everyone starts somewhere. Something that has helped me in gold is playing Awkwards videos in the background. The constant monologue of things he's doing helps in reminding me to be aware of them myself. Hope this helps. Good luck in your climb.
The most important part is that you recognize that. If you play and focus on listening to what’s going/tracking where enemies are, your awareness will increase and you’ll get better. You can do it!
difference is this guy been playing this game since he was born and been top 500 for years vs bronze players who trying to rank up and also these are literally bots 😭
its not. you wouldn't be bronze if you played good. i got so many trollers and dumb teammates but if you are good enough you will climb. i got to diamond by HARD carrying everygame. after diamond i still had incredible performance but i needed a team as well that had common sense, which most have in diamond.
I lost it laughing at "Am I winning!?" Coming from you that is so genuine, I truly have so much respect for you doing these 😂
As a silver player, my teammates should stop feeding whilst I am in the enemies backline with no cooldowns. I shouldn't think about my actions, that isn't my job smh
@41:25 that Lucio casually wall sliding got me. Probably felt like fast and furious for them
Jokes on you, you can’t distract people on Lucio who don’t even notice you
It’s still upsetting that you basically have to be plat to escape bronze in any short amount of time. To get out quickly, you need to be able to carry a horrible team, overcome every size tank, DPS, and support diff known to man, and also win against smurfs (not every match, but even like 2/7-8 games is enough to ruin a card) and despite leavers (again not many, but between them and the Smurfs, you can’t lose many games to other bronze players, even when your team is getting just straight up diffed).
Never played an fps before overwatch. Played qp before ranked to get used to the game. Gold dps/support, plat tank. No idea how anyone can be bad enough to be bronze.
I’m out now, but how I got in was I started playing the game with friends on the same console, switching every death, so we all developed the bad habit of walking main, no cover, try to kill someone before you die. You get put in bronze by not understanding the game, or just playing without thinking.
I know Awkward's intentions are good but I still find videos like these a bit mean and unfair to Bronze player's skills and complaints.
Ive coached over 400 players, alot of them where bronze 5 and 99% of them belive they are playing good and its other reasons there stuck there, 1% of them where right
You coached 400 players in a year ??? Holy shit
@@gsoma4022 no, over 5 years
@@gsoma4022 where did he ever say a year?
What happened to the 1% that were right
@@TamWam_ Nothing happend, they where just stuck cuz of other reasons, like they dident play the game enough to acctualy leave the rank etc.
I love that when he was playing Winston and messing with the supports in the backline, the supports were getting screamed at to heal in the chat lmao
Hearing Jet Set Radio music with Lucio gameplay is a blessing everytime
Awkward going into bronze and being shocked that the players are bronze is something
It’s shocking to me as well.. even when I just started the game confused asf, I was never below silver. In fact if it was this easy I would have quit playing a long time ago because there is no challenge lol.
@@DangSensei77I recorded one of my first games I played as Lucio in quickplay and even I had better awareness 💀 I mean I still was awful and like an NPC, but when someone was on point I ran right back and didn't c9 LMFAO
It's a really funny video to look back to, I wish I recorded more games when i was newer 😭
He's not shocked just slight making fun of, even in high ranks you'll make fun of bad plays this is natural. It's called having fun!!
@@TamWam_ I was 100x better in my first few games, i think i could win 3v1 against these players in me second game. Only to learn the control in the first game...
had a friend who was hard stuck bronze, we would go into 1v1's just to practice before getting into quick play (I was too high elo to play comp with him) and I would just run circles around him as he tried to get to point or fight me, basically his reasoning is that to win the game you have to be on point, basically nothing matters except the objective to bronze.
"Someone pick heavy heal like mercy"
*suffers in mercy main *
Thought the same thing
literally nobody below plat knows how mercy works, it’s hilarious at times
I guess in bronze, mercy is a ‘heavy heal’ since no one can aim consistently enough to kill whatever she’s yellow beaming 😂
@@Jamie_241 I swear I am currently silver 1 (new player tho and I started in bronze aswell, but I am glad I am improving ) and I get flamed so much for not healing as much as the healbot enemy mercy 💀
@@kattheassassin yeah, don’t healbot; damage boost tilts fights way more. try to keep like a roughly 40/60 at least and as u get higher in comp and can trust ur team more u can get it to 60/40 which is usually what i try to get at. also don’t super focus on tanks cos ur job is more or less keep the dps up and running and side heal the tank
Such a wholesome message at the end there! Awaiting your return patiently Awkward. Thank you to you and your editor for the great content! Let's rank up baby!
This and the silver video were really enlightening as to how such simple mechanics and positioning can give you a huge advantage, even with a major handicap. I can’t wait to see how the plat and diamond videos go.
The part at the end where you say people tell you, “Oh, Awkward you’re a top 500.” And you’re response is “So you’re asking that you rank up without having the skill for it. Don’t you think that sounds a little bit ridiculous?” That’s the truest thing I ever heard for this game. Like people in Bronze are or whatever rank because that’s their skill tier. If you want to get out of whatever rank, improve the skills of the only person who’s in ALL of your games-which would be YOU. Another super helpful video ❤
I can see your point, but I don't totally agree. You constantly called out how unaware bronze players can be. As a GM player, you can carry them and play well enough to make up for their poor performance. I'm just an okay player though, so I'm not good enough to carry an entire team. Sometimes I make stupid mistakes, but there are a fair few games where I think I did pretty well, but the team played so poorly that we still got crushed.
Try to just copy what high rank players do, and watch guides. Idk how much this'll help, but for me when I watch top players play, I subconsciously pick up their habits and remember to use them. Like when I first saw a tracer blink melee, a Lucio rollout, a sj rez on mercy, etc, even when the player themself don't point out the tech they use I copy it and it usually helps
The most important take away from all of Awkwards content: "there is no nobility in being good at the video game when you are bad at everything else"
This advice rings in my head every day, and helps me do my best and realize my greater potential outside of the game. Much love for your content brother
Bruh you gotta timestamp raw gold like that. Shit, he should print that on a t shirt and some calenders.
honestly this whole video has been so funny its insane. that people still think you can be hardstuck in bronze is kinda crazy to me
I’m hardstuck in bronze but that’s just because I’m bad and too lazy to solo queue 😕
Also worth pointing out that Bronze 5 is VERY different than Bronze 1... As a hard stuck bronze player, I find climbing from 5 to 2 is easy. 2 to 1 is hard.
But remember
In the end of the day
It is a skill issue
I'm still hardstuck bronze for 3 seasons but I already gave up on season 4 because of the bronze 5 glitch thing, so I just play comp for fun now 😂
It's the COMPLETE lack of awareness and any type of game sense. In my opinion, you can EASILY carry the game if you are the average player. So, in that sense, you'd be winning games. Now, if you are trapped there, probably rewatch your VODS and pinpoint all of your problems
bro did minimal work and got people saying tank diff LMAO
Nah fr😭 like does no one peep him just hooking and melee
I refuse to believe there are actual real human being stuck on bronze. No shot
As someone who climbed from silver to low gm i can accurately say that the biggest problems with low rank players is they don't look behind them EVER. You can literally be in voice saying "behind you "
I read that in the maugas "behind youu~" voice line 😭 it lowk creeps me ojt when I hear it
as someone who spent some time in bronze, 90% of my problem was awareness. i was not paying attention to people, cooldowns, ults, etc. just getting to a point where you can do that takes you out of bronze all by itself.
There is a known human psychological trait where when a person becomes good at something, they forget how hard it was as a beginner
There is no shame in being a beginner there is only shame in staying a beginner
@@user-zf1we7rv6mhe’s shaming them tho. He says “I have more dmg than most of the server” while he’s literally smurfing in the lowest elo??
@@walker1686the problem with that, he is putting restrictions on himself that are greatly impactful to prove a point. It’s not your teammates, it’s because you need to get better.
The fact that he won a game on tracer with melee only should be proof enough that a player with the ability to shoot shouldn’t struggle.
@@loki7701obviously they know they have to get better bro THEY ARE IN BRONZE LMAO they didn’t need a ducking top 500 to shit on them and tell them
@@loki7701what I’m trynna say is. Stay in ur elo
this video is absolutely hilarious, and to think there’s actual people out there that don’t think they belong in bronze or silver when they have the awareness of a walnut
Fr, I remember being placed silver 4 on support and literally climbed to gold 1 within a week, it was my first week of playing comp 💀
13:37 I can't believe their dps wrote tank diff looool
Most damage in the server with only ball form really shows that even when you can't use the majority of your abilities as a character, a players skill on the aspects of the character they can use will always equate to a lot more damage than someone at a lower skill level but can use all of the tools/abilities at your character's disposal.
I’m in bronze support, my issues seems to be knowing cooldowns, holding ults, positioning, inconsistencies in aim, and not damaging instead of doing “garbage heals” as you put it in another video.
Have you tried shooting the other team
Honestly if you play Moira, watch you health bar, you can kinda just W into teams and be unpunished with minimal mechanics
23:00 “how can anyone blame their team” the echo blamed his supports as you say that😂
I'm astounded by "meta talk" in their chats too, like saying "tank diff" which means they are totally not new to the game
@@rezq9109 "tank diff" is hardly hard to understand and people see it in games their streamers play
@@hexgleam I'm playing since 2017 and none of my regular gaming buddies know what those words mean, and most of them play lower than me around gold
probably less hours and still better than these bronze streamer fans
They could have just played other games. The term diff has existed for ages but definitely became widespread from league of legends and is now used in almost every competitive game along with terms like gap.
@@rezq9109I mean it the opposite of gg in all team based games you see this
I remember spending 100+ games trying to climb out of bronze when I first started and now watching this all that time later it looks nothing like I remember. But that’s also probably because I had the observational skills of a wallnut
as someone with poor mobility in my hands who went from playing console games (not even fps games usually) my whole life to playing OW on PC and immediately falling into bronze... what I realize is most bronze players who don't understand why they are bronze don't realize that the primary thing you displayed here was simply STAYING ALIVE. After a few months of repeating those mistakes, I climbed pretty quickly out of bronze. My mechanics still kinda suck shit, I sometimes don't hear everything that I should, but learning how its more valuable to stay alive than get a kill 99 percent of the time dragged my ass all the way to plat in two seasons. In every rank in between I saw poor mechanics and spatial awareness, but the main difference on average was that my teammates gradually began paying more attention to their health bars and breakpoints.
This vid is interesting because its highlighting that point. There is an upper ceiling to the skill of.. erm .. staying alive, and I would guess its in the upper diamond ranks. After THAT the player differences boil down to knowledge, strategy, cooldown management, and mechanics. So when a top ranked player displays a skill diff in those areas, bronze players don't understand that most of our fights are won simply because our team stayed alive longer than the other team, as distinct from the idea that we killed the other team faster. That 2nd point circuit royale hold is a great example of that, and easily doing more damage than anyone else was honestly just because your up time was so high in comparison.
That isn't to say a top ranked player is immune to some dumb ass mistakes, nor is it saying that a silver genji suddenly going supersaiyan and killing 4 with a naked blade doesn't turn a fight. All I am saying is that this is what a lot of top ranked players call game sense. It isn't so much knowing the game so much as its knowing what can kill you. My mechanics didn't magically improve in two months, and neither did I suddenly break the secret code to unlock the big team wipe plays. All I did was play the game focusing intently on staying alive, sometimes running from duels against more fit heroes or simply better players mechanically. We ALL have some sick plays in us, and they come out more often if you're alive longer.
Mercy is good practice for this (since basically "just stay alive" is basically her third cooldown ability) but I did this on tanks like Dva, Sigma, and Rein as well as on dps like torb, mei, tracer, and hanzo. Either way, good luck out there gamers, and remember to keep having fun!
He really hit em with the LTG speech at the end, "Just remember this when you blame your team. You are a loser".
He's a smurfed in bronze lobbies he's a massive loser too
super entertaining video, it's cool to see you genuinely have fun playing in bronze 5 with handicaps to prove a point even if its just to one viewer - what you said at the end is very true and I hope everybody realizes how truly insignificant it is to be skilled at video games if they have nothing else in their life to take pride in. love your energy and your videos, wishing you the best :)
Good point, but there is really no need to throw ableist insults around 😔 This is really sad to see, especially since you mentioned in that same comment how pathetic it is to be only good at video games and nothing else. This is the perfect portrayal of having no social skills whatsoever.
sorry but I don't see how my comment included any sort of ableist joke, can you please clarify because I don't want to come off that way
@@Renuu oh man, I just realized you were referring to not using all the heroes’ abilities by “handicaps” and not the other players 🤦♀️ Just had a sensitive reaction because we hate that word. I can delete the comment if you want to because it’s obviously not fitting. Sorry for misunderstanding. Not a native speaker and didn’t understand it can be used that way.
@@letterborneVods ok no worries lol I was just confused and didn’t want to be offending anybody, no need to delete your comment or anything
@@Renuu I just feel dumb now 😂 thank you for understanding even though I insulted you
There's nothing wrong with being Bronze.
The problems start when you're a Bronze, saying you don't deserve Bronze, despite acting like you're a Bronze player... and blaming everyone else for your Bronze-ness.
Is it me or does it seem like awkward is really really enjoying his time in that rank haha he looks so happy
like all the smurfs
Since you don't have to try in that rank, it's fun asf. I've had similar fun when trolling in quickplay with friends
anyone stuck in bronze is definitely self-inflicted, ive only peaked diamond but even i could get out of it if needed. made a new account and was getting matched initially against a lot of bronze in qp and every game wasn’t even remotely close. it’s very easy to dominate that low of a rank
Its all fun and games until the bronzes adapt and start meleeing back
when a torbjorn turret has more awareness than you have
New accounts do not face the same issues. I'm in elo hell on my main, hardstuck in silver/gold. I get leavers basically every other match, even when we're winning. I played 4 ranked games yesterday and in 3 of them someone left. When I made a new account last month I easily hit plat immediately then diamond even though I had more losses than wins. That's how messed up the system is. I'm sick of being the best person on the scoreboard 90% of the time and being in elo hell, it's like why bother even playing on my main account anymore for competitive?
This is something you will never understand because you just make new accounts and think you're on equal ground as someone claiming to be in elo hell. You don't get it. It's so bad that I'm thinking about just only playing on my new account even though every single thing for every single game is on my main.
I know I'm right because the scoreboard backs up my point, before it was a bit harder to tell how much better I was than most people in my matches, but now that the numbers are all there it's just plain undeniable. I can only do so much when most of the time the dps is complete garbage, people are leaving etc (whether on purpose to troll, because they're mad we lost one round, or their internet is trash).
No one leaves over losing one round in diamond, i rarely have leavers on my alt account's matches.
I main support and most of the time am getting more than decent healing numbers as well as outdamaging at least one of the dps if not both. The little amount of effort I have to put in on my alt account to get somewhere while on my main I can perform even better and get nowhere is ridiculous.
Either way, there is something different about playing on an actual hardstuck account as opposed to making a new one. This guy has disproven absolutely nothing.
I'm telling you right now of the past 30 games I've played on my main around half of those had someone leave in the middle of the match. THIS IS A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. And on top of it you're a GM player, I would assume people are less likely to leave if they see there is someone doing outstanding work, as opposed to me who just does better than normal carrying but nothing to call your friend over to gawk at.
And regardless of someone being hardstuck or not, someone who is not in your party that leaves the match should not affect your rank, that game should just be counted as nothing in terms of your rank scoring.
Give the enemy team the win and their points, but do not penalize the rest of the team for this crap. It's so easy to fix yet they refuse. Their only reason for not doing it was because you can squad up and get one person to leave and not suffer a loss. Again, easy to get around if you don't give that leniency to the people who were grouped up with the leaver. Why does my rank have to be repeatedly punished over other people having bad internet, getting frustrated or wanting to troll? It's not right.
Honestly stats don't mean anything. Literally look at the new Eskay video, her team had 10-20+ deaths and low elims, while the enemy team had Hydron and other pros that were 30-40+ elims. The way they won was strategy, positioning, morale, etc. you might have good stats but that could just be spam shooting the tank, playing like a coward and not doing plays, etc. which is what i still do tbh
former bronze player here (710 sr at my lowest). i started playing in 2020 and was very new to fps games and m+k, and despite watching a lot of overwatch content, i was severely lacking in mechanical skill. i slowly got better as time went on, but unfortunately, bottom rank bronze is the worst place to be. i managed to get myself into plat on tank playing hog and gold on support playing ana, but i couldn't make any progress with my dps rank. i remember dropping 50+ kills in games (which admittedly is very easy in bronze) and still losing due to either people throwing, leavers, or smurfs. my skill still wasn't good by any means, but it was well above the low bronze standard. at that point i was pretty much at the level of an average gold player. not good enough to solo carry, but enough to know that i wasn't where i belonged. games in that rank are literal hell. i have no idea how it is in overwatch 2, but no one cared. it was all smurfs, throwers, people who had been hard stuck since release, alcoholics, and the once in a blue moon actual new player. each game was basically a coin toss. will the masters player be on my team or theirs? not only would smurfs absolutely floor anyone they went up against, they would also throw to stay in low bronze because their parents don't love them. i distinctly remember getting in games with people who would just sit afk around the map with no reasons given. its not an experience i want anyone to have, especially new players. the only way i got out of this was by putting hours into learning how to be mini yznsa (because bronze players can't hit pharah) and doing my best to solo it out. once i finally got out of there i ended up making it into plat on dps in the same season. im not amazing by any means, nor was i then, but its important to note that its incredibly difficult to climb out of low bronze if you aren't a diamond+ player. i firmly believe that a lot of bronze players would do well in gold/silver given the chance and that it really does have a lot to do with your teammates and your opponents. regardless, fun vid to watch!!
I disagree with you completely. A true Gold Player in Bronze would carry. No doubt about it. It’s pure delusion to think that only a Diamond+ player could get out of Bronze without difficulty.
Also, a Bronze in Gold or Silver would get rolled. They’d only do well if they improved to the point that they’re out of Bronze and in whatever appropriate rank they’re playing.
I was predicted bronze 1 in DPS and placed in a bronze lobby. I'm only gold, but I was still able to carry and win and get out of bronze. Tbf it is predictions but still, the enemies were bronzelike to me. Standing still, hard peeking, etc
As a Mercy main, I pride myself on being aware of my surroundings and do my best to call out to my teammates what I'm seeing. If we're aware, but the enemy team is just better, then so be it.
Meanwhile for me mercy has gotten so boring that I just play Kiri now 💀 I've had 200h on mercy, and I have 500h in overwatch total lmao
I've played Overwatch since 2016, got out of bronze for the first time ever this season thanks to your videos.
Congrats bro
Honest question: How?? How tf have you played ow since launch and just now got out of bronze?
Bro that is a whole new kind of impressive. Some people are just built different ig.
Always love hearing you encourage everyone to go to the gym, upgrade their lives, etc. The role model these kids need from a streamer
Oppenheimer telling awkward he deserves to die alone for playing ball when he isn't piledriving and is barely shooting is hilarious. If they think that that's what an oppressive ball looks like, they should probably stay in bronze for their own sanity.
If anything, this only proves how much carrying potential one person has in bronze lobby. So blaming your team doesn't carry any weight.
There is potential in everything, but it's a moot point; these people are grouped because they are ranked the same, they are all yet to reach their potential.
It really all depends on personal skill level. I learned to recognize the scrub mentality years ago so I always catch myself almost falling into that hole and I need to pull myself out of it and get back on track. Focusing on improving what you control and ignoring what you don't control is a mindset that'll help you improve in EVERYTHING you do.
With that said, my personal skill level is so screwed that I get hardstuck in Plat whenever I try to climb. At that point I start falling into the average of the rank and it's the point where I start feeling that dread of losses being outside my control. Worst feeling ever, so I get it, but I still need to focus on what I'm doing wrong even if it feels very easy to blame others.
Want ez rank up? When *you* get destroyed, do not make excuses, nobody wants to hear it. Just say “my bad” and move on.
i would love watch more of these in different ranks 😭
i would like to see a bronze 5 to gm series. then i may stop complaining. probably not, but still 😂
For a while I was stuck in bronze, for two reasons. One, I truly don't get the best teammates (aka the ones who knew they sucked and just didn't care, really) and two, I know I'm not good and actually try to improve but my mental was just not great and I downplayed my abilities, lacked confidence in my plays etc. Vids like this honestly showed me how easy it was to get out of bronze, even though I'm not fully out just yet (been bordering bronze 1 and silver 5, occasionally I jump up to silver 3 but quickly dwindle down because I repeatedly make bad plays). Not complaining, btw, just sharing my, hopefully soon, ex-bronze life lol
GL how about now?
@@RandomAusFan I sadly haven't been playing much since the launch of season 6 cuz It started crashing during basically every one of my games, be it comp, qp, or a custom. It's actually really frustrating
@@fourdredd_art ahh Yea I dont blame u i havent moved much since ive been drained and burnt out a bit on this game but i try to see if i can ramble something of this season
@@RandomAusFan same here, if ow feels like staying open long enough for me to do so, lol. GL to you tho
My explanation of each excuse:
-Leavers and throwers: you are trash and they know that they have lost so they give up
-Tank feeding: they are focussing your tank and not your dps or support but you don’t use that to kill them
-Smurfs: a silver that got put into a bronze lobby for 1 game
Just accept that you make mistakes and not your team and you will improve, play some unbanked to improve and to warm up and you will get better much faster
Edit: just saw the guy saying tank diff when awkward was using only punch
Edit again: I do 5-8k damage per game on Brigitte, don’t say I can’t get 3k
People who say leavers are keeping them in bronze don’t understand basic stats. If you’re not leaving your games, there’s a pool of 4 potential leavers on your team and 5 on the enemy, play enough games and you’ll get more free wins than leavers on your team.
donkey kong music while
playing winston was a nice touch
I'm glad someone appreciated it 😤
The fact that you can just stand behind people and melee them to death is killing me
4:40 mei:your locked in here with me!
You should do an unranked to GM on Illari for a few interesting reasons. 1. it shows the audience/haters that anyone can climb on a new hero with good positioning and game sense without fully knowing how to use a brand new character. and 2. Her being heavy dps at the moment it drives home the point of Damage damage damage wins games. Thanks for all your content!
"Look, I'm tanking." Had me laughing so hard
that moment when wife-leaver pulls richard. certified heavy healer moment
Once I played a qp match on a friend's account. I placed a torb turret, kept repairing it and won the game by myself pretty much
Reminds me of the POTG of a torb repairing a turret 💀
Leavers and throwers actually are somewhat of a problem, but they definitely aren’t big enough of a problem to constitute deranking. 1 out of every 10 games might be a stretch even
I had people who left 5 games in a row, and sometimes it's more, sometimes no one leaves
it would be funny to make a serie where you play in every rank
I was dying when you hooked the soldier after he just ran past you 😭😭
I havent laughed like this in a while man. Hilarious content
I don’t see how people complain about teammates in bronze. I have played games on a bronze account without my screen turned on and won... I have won by spamming voice lines and not shooting once...
Now this is peak Overwatch
thank god you’re the only hi rank player that plays in bronze for content. once you’re gone everything will be fine!
Hey Awkward, Its Morning Glory, I messaged you on Discord a while ago, my family is doing much better now and we are financially better now, since I got a job, I also climbed up from Silver 3 to Plat 2 in my spare time
Thank you for your guidance Awkward, I am forever grateful ❤
I watched your videos and started playing again. I'm in bronze and can definitely carry my games. I have leavers some of the time, but I can still win even if someone leaves. I've had really close 4v5 games because bronze players will over extend and feed so by going backwards when they go forwards they will often just die. It's not that many games though. Probably like 1 in 20 or something? but I think we tend to remember the worst games the most. it's just like a human psychology thing.
I feel like it’s much harder to get INTO bronze than it is to get out of lmao. I wouldn’t do anything on Lucio; just troll and I would win games. If you’re not ranking up out of bronze it really is a skill issue.
It really is. I remember I tried to make a bronze account so I could play with some friends that were silver/gold level. After struggling to lose, I finally was placed in Bronze 2 after like 20 losses. Most of the time I was playing heroes I've never played or would never touch again. Then all my friends quit, but I still enjoyed playing the game. I hopped on that account, played some solo queue when I didn't want to sweat and instantly shot out of bronze and back up to masters. Never was I held back by "elo hell." If you are bronze, you belong in bronze.
@@ChooopyElo hells a iffy thing like I went from bronze to diamond 4 in a week after being hard stuck elo hell is usually the result of not playing enough comp the games unsure on where you belong in bronze I had a gm tank on dps like if you don’t play religiously it’s 50 50 overwatch
@@Chooopyelo hells just the result of not playing enough like tons of people my self included play 2-3 comp matches a day
It 100% the productive actions per second, you are a good player so even if you only take one action every 5 seconds it's gonna be better that the player that isn't good making 3-4 poor decisions every second and one good one
I wish I lacked critical game thinking like these ppl, they seem so happy 💔
almost like newborn babies, clueless deaf and blind
"They must be trolling" "they don't even notice me behind them"
but also: "I don't know how anyone can blame their team"
...Really? You don't understand how people are blaming their team when these players exist en masse in the game?
@@andromeda1999mksome are some aren't. There was no evidence these people were doing that.
Because they are one of thoes players, and so is the enemy team
I didn't have so much laugh in a long time 😂😂 these people are amazing
Me, as a humble silver tank, on a losing streak: “so…if I just melee I’ll break this streak” 😂
Saw this live and it was so awesome! So true thank you for putting this myth to rest once and for all. If you’re bronze YOU DESERVE TO BE THERE
I can tell you exactly why people dont pay attention. It's because they rely soley on audio cues for being hit and those in OW are so quiet and often either non-existant or so blown out by everything else thats going on you cant hear them.
You have a bad sound then. I have HyperX headphones with 7.1 on, all in-game setting are untouched, like I didn't enable Dolby Atmos and such.
I can hear people getting hit behind me, all footsteps are clear, never had an issue with sound cues.
@@rezq9109 Footsteps are fine. Things happening to other people are fine. In a vacuum the hit sounds would probably be fine, but generally depending on what you're hit by the impact sounds for stuff hitting you is not noticeable enough in the heat of battle until you reach that first 50% threshold (which is often too late with the dmg output in this game) where your character says their voice line. Numerous times i've watched a replay and notice myself get hit more times than i've heard or seen. Most of the time it doesnt make a difference because damage output is so absurd, but the times it does are super frustrating.
I don't have 7.1 surround headphones, but decent Razer positional audio headphones; Bought them for mic clarity. But the audio cues alone just arent enough. And if you imagine a lot of thesr Bronze players probably arent even using headphones, that compounds this issue imo. The visual cues are even worse! You get nothing til those 50-20% break points, which is often too late. There's clearly a focus on not drawing attention from what you're doing, but damn, flash the screen or something when I get hit.
This is so hilarious. Also AWKWARD is the reason why I can’t get out of B5 😢
I just started playing the game 3 weeks ago and landed in B3😭 I’m constantly trying to watch videos to get better so fingers crossed!
11:50 bronze players and taking highground lmao, good joke
I loved that right off the bat that they all forgot he was behind them as soon as he walked around a corner like bots.
3:40 insane music pick 🔥🔥
Tyty, grew up with all these games 🔥
what's the name?
@@projectzeenowhat's the name plsss
@@theofrtsch2680 Let Mom Sleep - Jet Set Radio
@@theofrtsch2680 get set radio
"Who's smurfing?! I am, but I'm not doing anything!" killed me dawg...
It's true tho 😂😂
I feel better about gettin stomped in my gm games every now an then after watchin this. This is painful to watch how you managed to not leave out of sheer boredom is beyond me lol. Great content as usual.
Honestly, I used to play on a bronze account and just watch how they played and sometimes it was actually entertaining when there was nothing else to do in ow1
Lol love the jet set music during lucio segment haha
1:30 had me rolling 😂
dude this guy is one the biggest chads ive ever seen in video games. And you cant even call him toxic or arrogant because he backs up EVERY SINGLE WORD he says right in front of you
if there is a next time could you do one where you heal bot just to show how bad it actually is? My teammates are always so annoyed when I use your kiriko four step method and say they would prefer to have a support who just heal smh
He has done that in I think it was gold? It was a few months ago iirc
The best thing you can do:
1. Watch Awkward content and learn the fundamentals. Be sure you are doing it right and understanding :)
2. Play with no chat. No voice, no text. You do not have to listen to them.
3. Put enough time into improving :) You are gonna rank up no matter what (even if the matchmaking is not that good).
@@TomMorello725 thanks but i play with people i know so i don't want to avoid them i just wished they watched a bit of awkward's content
You should tell them about his videos, particularly if he has one on a hero they play a lot. My buddy loves playing Tarcer so I shared Awkwards video, and he saw the value.
@@olibamford9353 I see. Share this video, woud be nice for your friends. Glhf!
Shout out to the editor for putting JSRF music on the Lucio segment that soundtrack is phenomenal.