Bio weapons. This is not about just one specific 💉but all. The schedule has drastically changed over the years, they contain harmful ingredients, manufacturers are exempt from liability, lack of safety studies and etc.
incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. Some American manufacturers are exempt from some liabilities, but not all and not elsewhere. Zero evidence they are bioweapons, and zero way the application methods would be useful for bioweapons. What harmful ingredients (the safe mercury compound is no longer used)? What lack of safety studies?
Probably because the regulations are in the hands of the creator's them selves, and we saw medical coercion on rushed vaccines and people having side effects from it. Just a possibility
the regulations were _not_ in the hands of the creators, none of them. The vaccine process had 30 years of research and testing behind it, and the contents were pushed out to save lives--which it did immediately--and the set used proved to be some of the safest and least side-effect-prove vaccines ever made. _Misinformation_ is why people are scared.
Have u? Also covid vaccine shouldnt be compared it was an emergency, so it had to skip multiple step to post- marketing review. Also other vaccine have been getting better over years.
I lost 3 family members. All of them had a history of high blood pressure that went away for years but came back after taking Pfizer vaccine. They all could not handle the vaccine and died of stroke
Had all the shots until my son stopped talking after his 18 month shots. Even more dug in after incentivizing with french fries or loss of work if we didnt take it. Trust is lost and there is NOTHING these fools can do that will make us take something including loss of home. Authoritarians make me sick.
Reminder to everyone in the comments that although mRNA vaccines have the label of “vaccine”, they use an entirely different method of producing an immune response than traditional vaccines. The medical, political, and academic insistence on equating these two separate technologies, and people’s direct experiences of side effects and mandates over the past several was a major driver of skepticism. It is disingenuous to speak about the eradication of something like polio with one technology decades ago and equate it with these new, less tested, highly politicized, and fairly questionable methods.
'traditional' vaccines have about 4 different methods of operation. Adding one that's safer than most and with 30 years of research behind it isn't special.
No, verified effect. And anti-vaccine arguments and so on have been proven to be either misinformation, misunderstandings, or straight lies. So that's verified too. Ask smallpox how effective vaccination is. ...wait, you can't, it's gone.
Well, you could also get myocarditis, blood clots, and strokes without getting the C19 vac (and from the infection itself)… 😅 Ideally you’d weigh the risk-benefit and make the decision
@@linesandlines612 in this case, of course referring to sars-cov-2 infection (it can also occur after other infections, of course, but not really relevant)
@alterego2421 Wow... 3 wrong statements in 22 words is kinda impressive. You should start reading some studies, you're 3+ late but it's never too late.
Don't forget about turbo cancer (lost a jabbed fam member to that and clots last week) and SADS (like my 24yr old cousin we lost immediately after taking it)
Some time after my dad took the booster he got psoriasis and then later nearly died from a spinal abscess and had to relearn to walk again. One of my older friends who was fit before this for her age developed angina attacks and lost some movement in her arms the day after she took the second jab.
were they validated to be from the vaccines? Also, some very rare negative effects are always possible with any medicine, and doesn't invalidate its use to save lives. Those two people may be alive only because of that jab.
@@thekaxmax As you see in the comment above, vaccine injuries go unreported. And I highly doubt that as vaccinated people I know still caught the rona and so did I, so the jabs were ineffective.
@@bonniestar4707 No. They sometimes don't stop it entirely for some people in rare circumstances. One data point is not a valid general result. What _has_ been shown is that for those people who get SARS2 despite the vaccines, whichever one they get, the effects are lessened compared to what it would have been without--this is not normal for a vaccine, and it's related to the creation process for them. So it may have still saved your life. And the vaccines have been proven to save millions of lives, and to be safer than most vaccines. Got evidence contrary to that, present it. Evidence, not a single anecdote.
My arm was so sore after the sars vaccine I was required by my job to graduate by 2012. It spread to the other arm months after I had it until my back got sore and gave out. It was a horrible experience on some nights I woke up with numb arms or legs. After that, every flu shot gave me a bad reaction. The one I had in 2019 was so terrible I nearly died an awful experience. There was no boosters to try so I have been on immune therapy which I might lose because I had to move to a more affordable place. I used to be physically competitive. Now I get dizzy and my vision blurs. Good thing I had a friend or two left to help me move. I can't lift like I used to. I am lucky if I can get food shopping done. Worst experience of my life. Dragging my legs behind me down the stairs to get to the bathroom. That's what I remember after the pain from the arm I got the shot in spread all over my body and stole my ability to walk.
@@bonniestar4707 There was a whole class of us that got sick in the work program we were in. I met one of them a few years later. He was afraid to speak out about it. I've had to come to terms with dying and we didn't trust them for nothing. I have to drain inflammation from my body daily these days and it's depleting me. I talked with someone who went through that program twenty years before I did to ask what was going on in that program. This confident and intelligent man practically fell apart in front of me about being set up by others and how we may not live to see retirement. He attempted suicide a few times after and I never heard from him again.
My advice to people is if you’re not going to vaccinate yourselves or your kids you guys should move out and live in rural areas away from everybody else (Respectfully) the only vaccine I’m against is the covid vaccine don’t touch that
That's a big statement along with the Earth is flat and the Moon landing never happened. Why not give real data and real case studies. I'm really keen to see real evidence. Please give more than just your belief.
@ICU306 when you can't ask questions about the vaccine and they have to bribe or force you to take it that should be your first clue. Then they banned ivermectin and HCQ which would have stopped the spread. But in order to use the emergency act, they couldn't have a drug that worked. This was planned. Would we even know there was a pandemic going on if the media and government didn't talk about it all day long? Where did the flu go? Go look at the records of every year how many people died from the flu and then look at 2020, 2021, 2022.
My government threatened to bring in the military if people left their homes. They also ridiculed anyone that did. They told us that the vaccine required consent, but was made mandatory to go to work and earn a living wage. If the vaccine did have adverse side effects, the drug companies had no liability. My prime minister secretly made himself the minister for health (and 4 other areas), despite not having any degree in the health industry. He cut funding to schools and hospitals and criticised his peers for not acting in his interests. So yes, I didn’t want the vaccine. But I did get it, because I wanted to support my family. There was a 2 week isolation period, because Covid was so dangerous. But now, nobody cares. It’s treated like the flu… just like we all said it would be. I’m not against vaccines. I’m against people abusing power. Videos like this won’t make me any happier about what happened. I find it strange that people say it’s a fear of vaccines. It’s not fear at all. It’s the political agenda behind the whole thing. Big pharma made a lot of money out of vaccines. Let’s not deny it.
I'm sorry that that happened. The same year of getting the jab, my fit and healthy dad got psoriasis and a spinal abscess that nearly killed him and he had to relearn to walk again and still isn't the same.
I am a "healthy Volunteer". I participate in medical clinical research studies for various new drugs. Years and years of animal testing happen before human trials. So why is it that the 5 different Covid vaccines were ready in about a year? And why are they pretending it is safe for pregnant women? 🤔 Clinical Trials - There is no established time for testing and approving a drug, but in general, completing the first 3 phases of clinical trials can take 10-15 years or longer before starting the approval stage. A Phase I study usually lasts several months. This type of trial includes a low number of participants no exceeding one hundred, who are generally healthy individuals in whom the drug’s safety is tested. In the case of Phase II trials, they can last from several months to two years. This phase involves up to several hundred participants and assesses the drug’s effectiveness, dose and safety during a relatively short period. Studies for Phase III clinical trials usually take from 1 to 4 years. This phase involves from 300 to 3,000 patients and is designed to determine the drug’s long-term effects. Conclusion: "they" (big pharma) either have been testing it for years, or "they" know its BS poison and DGAF. I cant say anything more than that, i keep getting my posts deleted for community guideline violations. I've been warned.
We have no idea what's in that shot and it's not a proven cure. My sister (a nurse) got both shots, bed ridden for the next 4 weeks. My wife (no shot) contracted Cov, sniffles at most.
Um yea if you would inform yourself you would know what's in that shot and at least 95% of people don't get any symptons after a shot. I got one shot from a double shot. Never got allowed the second one cuz my dad just secretly took me to the first one but then my anti vax mom didn't allow me to get the second.. Either way i never got symptons from that vaccines or any other or at best some weeks after my shot i also got the sniffles for 2 days. But i don't know if that's from the shot or because i got covid. Anyway my mom and sister got covid and were bed ridden for the next 3 weeks.. So your experience doesn't mean anything. Placebo can go a huuuge way, if you just look at how many people swear to homeopathy that does absolutely nothing and doesn't have an atom of anything in there. Unless you can re-produce your experience in a doubleblind study with thousands of people, then it's not the shot it's just your brain. And.. usually.. no shot ever gets mass produced to the public, if there hasn't been done at least a few doubleblind studies with lots of people. In fact 90% of the reason these vaccines take so long to develop is that you need to put them in studys first for months or years.. Unfortunately you can't do a 20-100 years longterm study on a vaccine if there's a global pandemic that needs to be immediately dealt with so the shots given out to the public are proven to be safe shortterm and most likely they are longterm safe, usually you can't inject a poison into someone that only starts to kill them 10 years later. But yeah over the very longterm these vaccines aren't "100% guaranteed safe" but when millions of people are dying from the vaccine, you have to take a certain risk, that maybe causes some very rare case of healthy people developing more problems from the shot than the real virus would have caused them problems but at least 99% of people benefit from them and the principles of vaccines only works if at least 90-95% of the population is vaccinated so sorry if the vaccine caused you issues for whatever reason but like any medication, it has side effects. There is no pill or medication in the world, that hasn't caused some people some random problem like headaches or diarrhea. Even death. But it's hard to say whether these things truly come from the medication most of the time.. Most side effects listed on any random pill, where you start to read the "may affect 1 in 100, 1000, 10.000" etc. is probably just from self reports and not from very well done studies and yea even in studies these 1 in 10.000 people problems, they may be real, they may be not but either way as the normal person i'm only going to care about the side effects that maybe 1 in 10 or at most 1 in 100 people get. Or in other words, if i'm in severe pain, i don't care, i take the risk of a pain pill side effects anyday.. And i'd rather take the minuscule risks of a vaccine rather than the very real risks of covid or long covid. Also yes it's a proven cure.. i don't know your definition or standards of "proven" are but they are as proven as einstein's "theory" of relativity or the "theory" of evolution. (Just because something is called a theory in science, doesn't mean it's not proven. You would call it a hypothesis instead of theory if it had no proof. And vaccines are definitely more a proven theory than a hypothesis.)
What is the fear? Typically, it seems that the fears, even those based on science and facts, come from knowing that there are potential risks that are unknown at the time. Over time, the science may find adverse reactions and effects. As no two individuals are alike, with differing physiological conditions and states, these 'unknowns' cause hesitancy and fear ... and some for very good reason. Expecting a 'universal' vaccine might be expecting a bit too much, all things considered. Time, as usual, may tell. What we don't know, can hurt us. And if we don't know what we don't know, then ... the unknown may be feared ... for good reason.
I’m not a scientist but in any case, in a very factual and logical way. 2 criteria must be met to validate the efficacy of a vaccine: Tests must be carried out on a complete generation Tests must be carried out on all possible human typologies (This is not the case for most vaccines, especially not in the case of COVID).
My condolences to you. My dad nearly died some months after he took the booster from a spinal abcess. He had to relearn to walk again and hasn't been the same since.
@@bonniestar4707 I'm sorry about what happened to your dad. I really hate people who say covid vaccines are safe just because they were vaccinated with no side-effects on them , luckily. I also got one colleague died a month later after vaccination. Me and she tried not to get vaccinated due to health problems but we were focused by the government. She got vaccinated finally in order to keep the job and I determined not to get vaccination but resigned. I heard from other colleagues that she wasn't able to walk as normal and died around a month later after vaccination.... I wish your dad can get well very soon and return his normal life as before 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This lady completely ignores the lack of long-term double-blind studies. It's not the immediate side effects that are concerning anymore. Then again, this was recorded in 2016 and is completely obsolete now. Bad choice Ted!
@@ripman21 For now. We just lost a family member to it last week (turbo cancer and clots). Excess death rate is still alarming 4 years after this plandemic started.
what propaganda? The diseases existed and still exists, the vaccines worked (not just one, despite what some try and say), the lives lost and the lives saved are real and documented, the safety processes worked (noting that no safety procedure ever designed for anything works 100% of the time), and that every bit of anti-vaccine advice given has been proven to not work and be based on lies.
Because so far no scientist has been able to demonstrate using the scientific method (control experiments and the null hypothesis) that the independent variable under investigation (the alleged ‘pathogen’) causes the hypothesized dependent effect (a set of symptoms called a disease).
All that this TED$ has to do is talk to Pathologists across the World and Look at the number of dead. Moreover, look at the age of those People who have died, and that's it. No need to play Games.
If you're scared of myocarditis (you're right to be), you should get vaccinated. COVID-19 causes way more myocarditis, that are more severe and have worse outcomes than the vaccines induced ones. And we know that being vaccinated lowers the risk of COVID-19 induced myocarditis.
@6:00 non puoi assicurarmi in nessun modo che i risks sono outweight dai benefici.... perché semplicemente le persone non sono tutte uguali, e nessuno può conoscere me stesso meglio di me
I suggest you read "Turtles all the way down" to get informed about the real knowledge about childhood vaccines, including a whole chapter about polio. Vacvine hesitant people are in fact vaccine risk aware and practicing an informed personal medical decision.
Funny how you said you need to listen to us and then delete my comment. Just like you turned a deaf ear to all the medical professionals that spoke out.
This talk was PRIOR to COVid, right? The govt handling of that campaign was 'less than ideal' in line with her advice. Still, most reasonable people see the benefit of vaccines far outweighing the risks.
Never taken a vax besides the ones that were forced upon me for school when I was young. Speaking from covid and flu never had covid or if I did I didn’t notice and the only time I’ve ever gotten the flu it was when I got the flu shot and it was awful. But I’ve been around so many family members with the flu when I didn’t get the shot and I never caught it after legitimately touching and cleaning up after them
Comments are honestly hilarious. Every country has its weirdos, but you Americans are on another level. I really hope for you that the comment section doesn't reflect the actual general opinion of your population.
Sadly, it's not limited to the US. We've the same thing in France, there's a real problem with the understanding of science nowadays, it should be taken globally and seriously.
I think her advice also works for politcs , ethics, drug abuse, xphobias, antigender discussion, economics, relationships, couples, divorce... I'm bit of a bleedingheart scienceminded, leftist liberal socialist pagan queer atheist christian philosophiser, so don't mind my ignorance.
Vaccines are not for everyone. Why not develop a screening process to help identify those who should get vaccinated and those who shouldn't. Risks appear low in the data because doctors don't report adverse effects properly.
Bio weapons. This is not about just one specific 💉but all. The schedule has drastically changed over the years, they contain harmful ingredients, manufacturers are exempt from liability, lack of safety studies and etc.
incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. Some American manufacturers are exempt from some liabilities, but not all and not elsewhere. Zero evidence they are bioweapons, and zero way the application methods would be useful for bioweapons. What harmful ingredients (the safe mercury compound is no longer used)? What lack of safety studies?
@@thekaxmaxmRNA vaccines are US Military BI0WEAP0NS.
@@thekaxmaxthey can get away with whatever they want. Example the Epstein list
@@thekaxmax Vaccine makers are exempt from lawsuits.
Probably because the regulations are in the hands of the creator's them selves, and we saw medical coercion on rushed vaccines and people having side effects from it. Just a possibility
the regulations were _not_ in the hands of the creators, none of them. The vaccine process had 30 years of research and testing behind it, and the contents were pushed out to save lives--which it did immediately--and the set used proved to be some of the safest and least side-effect-prove vaccines ever made.
_Misinformation_ is why people are scared.
Have u seen what came out of the covid jab corpse ?
Have u?
Also covid vaccine shouldnt be compared it was an emergency, so it had to skip multiple step to post- marketing review.
Also other vaccine have been getting better over years.
@@jamta69 Um... NO! I dont care that you were super scared.... Thats not an excuse to throw the scientific method out the window.
@@dougmicheals6037 im talking in support.
Even if they went directly into post marketing review,the risk out weighted the result.
@@dougmicheals6037 u got it wrong im on side of vaccine
I lost 3 family members. All of them had a history of high blood pressure that went away for years but came back after taking Pfizer vaccine. They all could not handle the vaccine and died of stroke
My condolences to you and your family
I'm so sorry for your loss x
I’m sure you lost family members, and I’m also sure that they did not die wanted hundred percent from the vaccine.
Stop lying.
Had all the shots until my son stopped talking after his 18 month shots. Even more dug in after incentivizing with french fries or loss of work if we didnt take it. Trust is lost and there is NOTHING these fools can do that will make us take something including loss of home. Authoritarians make me sick.
Because millions of people have been harmed by them. Especially recently, that’s why
Reminder to everyone in the comments that although mRNA vaccines have the label of “vaccine”, they use an entirely different method of producing an immune response than traditional vaccines.
The medical, political, and academic insistence on equating these two separate technologies, and people’s direct experiences of side effects and mandates over the past several was a major driver of skepticism. It is disingenuous to speak about the eradication of something like polio with one technology decades ago and equate it with these new, less tested, highly politicized, and fairly questionable methods.
'traditional' vaccines have about 4 different methods of operation. Adding one that's safer than most and with 30 years of research behind it isn't special.
@alterego2421 what meme? Go look up facts, not Fox News conspiracy theorist talking heads.
@alterego2421 what do you mean by that statement, then? It's badly formed, badly spelled, and hard to understand.
I wasn't afraid , then I got one, now I am afraid my life has changed forever.
You changed your name to Elon Trump. You are right that vaccine really messed you up
Is it a fear? Or is it our intuition telling us that we should not have it? My intuition said no!
Same here I told my whole family to not get it and now they all admit I was right. God is good and so is the five of discernment
This has to be a joke, right?
She's either a typical highly-delusional, psychotic liberal or paid to say that, by pharmaceutical corporates.
No, verified effect. And anti-vaccine arguments and so on have been proven to be either misinformation, misunderstandings, or straight lies. So that's verified too.
Ask smallpox how effective vaccination is. ...wait, you can't, it's gone.
got any evidence to show it's a joke and not taken from actual studies and real results?
@@thekaxmax got any evidence it was taken from studies?
Best part of fearing the covid-19 vaccine is that I didn’t get myocarditis, or neuropathy, or blood clots or strokes
Well, you could also get myocarditis, blood clots, and strokes without getting the C19 vac (and from the infection itself)… 😅 Ideally you’d weigh the risk-benefit and make the decision
@@linesandlines612 in this case, of course referring to sars-cov-2 infection (it can also occur after other infections, of course, but not really relevant)
@alterego2421 Wow... 3 wrong statements in 22 words is kinda impressive. You should start reading some studies, you're 3+ late but it's never too late.
Don't forget about turbo cancer (lost a jabbed fam member to that and clots last week) and SADS (like my 24yr old cousin we lost immediately after taking it)
@@goodoldtom we all did, and we're happy with our choice
Some time after my dad took the booster he got psoriasis and then later nearly died from a spinal abscess and had to relearn to walk again. One of my older friends who was fit before this for her age developed angina attacks and lost some movement in her arms the day after she took the second jab.
My mother's neighbor died in her sleep a week after the vaccine. She was perfectly healthy, walked every day. She wasn't labeled as a vaccine injury.
were they validated to be from the vaccines?
Also, some very rare negative effects are always possible with any medicine, and doesn't invalidate its use to save lives. Those two people may be alive only because of that jab.
@@thekaxmax As you see in the comment above, vaccine injuries go unreported. And I highly doubt that as vaccinated people I know still caught the rona and so did I, so the jabs were ineffective.
@@bonniestar4707 No. They sometimes don't stop it entirely for some people in rare circumstances. One data point is not a valid general result. What _has_ been shown is that for those people who get SARS2 despite the vaccines, whichever one they get, the effects are lessened compared to what it would have been without--this is not normal for a vaccine, and it's related to the creation process for them. So it may have still saved your life.
And the vaccines have been proven to save millions of lives, and to be safer than most vaccines.
Got evidence contrary to that, present it. Evidence, not a single anecdote.
🫶 love to you!
After covid vaccine... my hair got thin and heart issues came like tachycardia
This is happening to a lot of older and younger people.
I'm sorry to hear this
My arm was so sore after the sars vaccine I was required by my job to graduate by 2012. It spread to the other arm months after I had it until my back got sore and gave out. It was a horrible experience on some nights I woke up with numb arms or legs. After that, every flu shot gave me a bad reaction. The one I had in 2019 was so terrible I nearly died an awful experience. There was no boosters to try so I have been on immune therapy which I might lose because I had to move to a more affordable place. I used to be physically competitive. Now I get dizzy and my vision blurs. Good thing I had a friend or two left to help me move. I can't lift like I used to. I am lucky if I can get food shopping done. Worst experience of my life. Dragging my legs behind me down the stairs to get to the bathroom. That's what I remember after the pain from the arm I got the shot in spread all over my body and stole my ability to walk.
one very very bad reaction does not invalidate a lifesaving treatment and preventative.
@@thekaxmax No one said this would be easy
@@NerveFlux Given the effects on you now the vaccine is probably the only reason you're alive at all. This is true of others as well.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you.
@@bonniestar4707 There was a whole class of us that got sick in the work program we were in. I met one of them a few years later. He was afraid to speak out about it. I've had to come to terms with dying and we didn't trust them for nothing. I have to drain inflammation from my body daily these days and it's depleting me.
I talked with someone who went through that program twenty years before I did to ask what was going on in that program. This confident and intelligent man practically fell apart in front of me about being set up by others and how we may not live to see retirement. He attempted suicide a few times after and I never heard from him again.
Why do some people fear a balanced diet and gyms?
They fear getting to the point where they are their best selves physically and mentally and still fail in life.
Follow the money...
If there’s one vaccine I do not trust is the covid vaccine, most of the other vaccines I’m ok with
It just woke us up to the rest
I honestly regret getting the covid vaccine, out of all of the vaccines I’ve gotten in my life, I’m only 21 yrs old
My advice to people is if you’re not going to vaccinate yourselves or your kids you guys should move out and live in rural areas away from everybody else (Respectfully) the only vaccine I’m against is the covid vaccine don’t touch that
Eat lots of vitamins and fruits, to me those are the natural vaccines😎😁, correct me if I’m wrong please😅🙏🏻
You all need to read the book " The Moth in the Iron Lung ", a Biography of Polio !
You all need to read the book " The Moth in the Iron Lung ", a Biography of Polio !
People are dying or getting sick after vaccination
Because they are bio weapons…
That's a big statement along with the Earth is flat and the Moon landing never happened. Why not give real data and real case studies. I'm really keen to see real evidence. Please give more than just your belief.
Explain how, I want to know what the thought process is behind that comment
Grow the f up.
@ICU306 when you can't ask questions about the vaccine and they have to bribe or force you to take it that should be your first clue. Then they banned ivermectin and HCQ which would have stopped the spread. But in order to use the emergency act, they couldn't have a drug that worked. This was planned. Would we even know there was a pandemic going on if the media and government didn't talk about it all day long? Where did the flu go? Go look at the records of every year how many people died from the flu and then look at 2020, 2021, 2022.
My government threatened to bring in the military if people left their homes. They also ridiculed anyone that did.
They told us that the vaccine required consent, but was made mandatory to go to work and earn a living wage.
If the vaccine did have adverse side effects, the drug companies had no liability.
My prime minister secretly made himself the minister for health (and 4 other areas), despite not having any degree in the health industry.
He cut funding to schools and hospitals and criticised his peers for not acting in his interests.
So yes, I didn’t want the vaccine. But I did get it, because I wanted to support my family.
There was a 2 week isolation period, because Covid was so dangerous. But now, nobody cares. It’s treated like the flu… just like we all said it would be.
I’m not against vaccines. I’m against people abusing power.
Videos like this won’t make me any happier about what happened.
I find it strange that people say it’s a fear of vaccines. It’s not fear at all. It’s the political agenda behind the whole thing. Big pharma made a lot of money out of vaccines. Let’s not deny it.
My dad suffered a stroke after receiving the booster.
Someone else's dad had suffered a stroke after having eaten peanut butter
My Mom too. 💔
He probably did plenty other non causal things before that stroke.
I'm sorry that that happened. The same year of getting the jab, my fit and healthy dad got psoriasis and a spinal abscess that nearly killed him and he had to relearn to walk again and still isn't the same.
Correlation does not equal causation.
I am a "healthy Volunteer". I participate in medical clinical research studies for various new drugs. Years and years of animal testing happen before human trials. So why is it that the 5 different Covid vaccines were ready in about a year? And why are they pretending it is safe for pregnant women? 🤔
Clinical Trials -
There is no established time for testing and approving a drug, but in general, completing the first 3 phases of clinical trials can take 10-15 years or longer before starting the approval stage.
A Phase I study usually lasts several months. This type of trial includes a low number of participants no exceeding one hundred, who are generally healthy individuals in whom the drug’s safety is tested.
In the case of Phase II trials, they can last from several months to two years. This phase involves up to several hundred participants and assesses the drug’s effectiveness, dose and safety during a relatively short period.
Studies for Phase III clinical trials usually take from 1 to 4 years. This phase involves from 300 to 3,000 patients and is designed to determine the drug’s long-term effects.
Conclusion: "they" (big pharma) either have been testing it for years, or "they" know its BS poison and DGAF. I cant say anything more than that, i keep getting my posts deleted for community guideline violations. I've been warned.
Better fear mortal obesity. Kills many more and stresses out the healthcare affordability.
And still not getting the jabs lmao foh, keep your clot shots
Comments turned off in...3..2..1..
Narratives must be enforced.
Because some misinformed people who don't know what they're talking about are commenting?
You are a propagandists dream NPC.
@@annmarie4080 Nope, the only thing I care about is science, and I read literature everyday since 4 years now. Nice try.
Mine was shadowbanned probably. Don't think anybody can see it.
1 word SADS
Covid vaccine survivor here. Representing one of the few who survived if I have to believe the comment section here. 🙃
I really do hope it goes ok for you, and that you are one of the few lucky ones
We have no idea what's in that shot and it's not a proven cure. My sister (a nurse) got both shots, bed ridden for the next 4 weeks. My wife (no shot) contracted Cov, sniffles at most.
Um yea if you would inform yourself you would know what's in that shot and at least 95% of people don't get any symptons after a shot. I got one shot from a double shot. Never got allowed the second one cuz my dad just secretly took me to the first one but then my anti vax mom didn't allow me to get the second.. Either way i never got symptons from that vaccines or any other or at best some weeks after my shot i also got the sniffles for 2 days. But i don't know if that's from the shot or because i got covid. Anyway my mom and sister got covid and were bed ridden for the next 3 weeks.. So your experience doesn't mean anything. Placebo can go a huuuge way, if you just look at how many people swear to homeopathy that does absolutely nothing and doesn't have an atom of anything in there. Unless you can re-produce your experience in a doubleblind study with thousands of people, then it's not the shot it's just your brain. And.. usually.. no shot ever gets mass produced to the public, if there hasn't been done at least a few doubleblind studies with lots of people. In fact 90% of the reason these vaccines take so long to develop is that you need to put them in studys first for months or years.. Unfortunately you can't do a 20-100 years longterm study on a vaccine if there's a global pandemic that needs to be immediately dealt with so the shots given out to the public are proven to be safe shortterm and most likely they are longterm safe, usually you can't inject a poison into someone that only starts to kill them 10 years later. But yeah over the very longterm these vaccines aren't "100% guaranteed safe" but when millions of people are dying from the vaccine, you have to take a certain risk, that maybe causes some very rare case of healthy people developing more problems from the shot than the real virus would have caused them problems but at least 99% of people benefit from them and the principles of vaccines only works if at least 90-95% of the population is vaccinated so sorry if the vaccine caused you issues for whatever reason but like any medication, it has side effects. There is no pill or medication in the world, that hasn't caused some people some random problem like headaches or diarrhea. Even death. But it's hard to say whether these things truly come from the medication most of the time.. Most side effects listed on any random pill, where you start to read the "may affect 1 in 100, 1000, 10.000" etc. is probably just from self reports and not from very well done studies and yea even in studies these 1 in 10.000 people problems, they may be real, they may be not but either way as the normal person i'm only going to care about the side effects that maybe 1 in 10 or at most 1 in 100 people get. Or in other words, if i'm in severe pain, i don't care, i take the risk of a pain pill side effects anyday.. And i'd rather take the minuscule risks of a vaccine rather than the very real risks of covid or long covid.
Also yes it's a proven cure.. i don't know your definition or standards of "proven" are but they are as proven as einstein's "theory" of relativity or the "theory" of evolution. (Just because something is called a theory in science, doesn't mean it's not proven. You would call it a hypothesis instead of theory if it had no proof. And vaccines are definitely more a proven theory than a hypothesis.)
SCOTUS must $w!ng for upholding the mandate to inject health care workers with Graphene HYDROXIDE.
@@RitaTheCuteFoxeveryone promoting the mRNA, US Military's BI0WEAP0N will be put to de@th for WAR Crimes.
Is the is big pharma ever held personally responsible? Not with money but with their life?
Change your name to FED Talks.
😂 nice one
No trust,my fear.
Ive had 4 covid shots, all different from each other. To me the risk seemed less lethal than contracting covid. Age 67 , 3 years into leukemia.
Now your body produces the virus.
I’m so sorry you’ve got leukaemia. Have You read the research though That shows that the vaccine doesn’t stop Covid happening right?
@@PrezCamacho LOL, not at all. How can you say that after 3+ years?
@@annarodgers77 You know that the word "reduce" exists, right?
@@erashog9063The Leukemia diagnosis came before the 1st COVID shot.
What is the fear? Typically, it seems that the fears, even those based on science and facts, come from knowing that there are potential risks that are unknown at the time. Over time, the science may find adverse reactions and effects. As no two individuals are alike, with differing physiological conditions and states, these 'unknowns' cause hesitancy and fear ... and some for very good reason.
Expecting a 'universal' vaccine might be expecting a bit too much, all things considered. Time, as usual, may tell. What we don't know, can hurt us. And if we don't know what we don't know, then ... the unknown may be feared ... for good reason.
This should be flagged for misinformation
Which part is misinformation?
@@goodoldtom I'm pretty sure that "this" refers to the comment section.
@@goodoldtom ah, all of it?
I’m not a scientist but in any case, in a very factual and logical way.
2 criteria must be met to validate the efficacy of a vaccine:
Tests must be carried out on a complete generation
Tests must be carried out on all possible human typologies
(This is not the case for most vaccines, especially not in the case of COVID).
worst TEDx talk EVER ...just here for the comments
My friends' brother died suddenly after covid vaccine, he was only 36 years old...😢
My condolences to you. My dad nearly died some months after he took the booster from a spinal abcess. He had to relearn to walk again and hasn't been the same since.
@@bonniestar4707 I'm sorry about what happened to your dad. I really hate people who say covid vaccines are safe just because they were vaccinated with no side-effects on them , luckily. I also got one colleague died a month later after vaccination. Me and she tried not to get vaccinated due to health problems but we were focused by the government. She got vaccinated finally in order to keep the job and I determined not to get vaccination but resigned. I heard from other colleagues that she wasn't able to walk as normal and died around a month later after vaccination....
I wish your dad can get well very soon and return his normal life as before 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@daisukineko2574 I'm sorry that that happened to your colleague. He can walk now but his mobility is nowhere near what it was.
This lady completely ignores the lack of long-term double-blind studies. It's not the immediate side effects that are concerning anymore. Then again, this was recorded in 2016 and is completely obsolete now. Bad choice Ted!
Cos they know what’s in them
I cought covid, had 3 4 shots but still lost my sense of smell 😂
and yet you lived to tell the tale
@@ripman21 For now. We just lost a family member to it last week (turbo cancer and clots). Excess death rate is still alarming 4 years after this plandemic started.
Government propaganda.
"...thoughtful communication, empathy, and heavy propaganda"
what propaganda? The diseases existed and still exists, the vaccines worked (not just one, despite what some try and say), the lives lost and the lives saved are real and documented, the safety processes worked (noting that no safety procedure ever designed for anything works 100% of the time), and that every bit of anti-vaccine advice given has been proven to not work and be based on lies.
wow you really love your government injections@@thekaxmax
@@gj2986 "government injections" Seriously?🤣
This lady is definitely clueless
Because so far no scientist has been able to demonstrate using the scientific method (control experiments and the null hypothesis) that the independent variable under investigation (the alleged ‘pathogen’) causes the hypothesized dependent effect (a set of symptoms called a disease).
Gets sick after shot.....then gaslights to call it long covid.
This comment section is heavily censored
Clotshots thats why😂😂😂😂
Why do people not believe in diet and exercise?
I'm a nurse. I worked in a clinic for indigent, and we had 2 sets of vaccines a set for the insured a set for the no insured.
That is so sus!! How did the two vaccines differ? Ingredients, potency, amount of poisons?
That’s Absolutely terrible!!
SCOTUS must $w!ng for upholding the mandate to inject health care workers with Graphene HYDROXIDE.
Some people are just aware of the dangers of vaccines
TH-cam why do you keep erasing my comment, hate the truth?
The same thing here
Probably because you're talking out of your @$$
the more they censored the more certain i became
All that this TED$ has to do is talk to Pathologists across the World and Look at the number of dead. Moreover, look at the age of those People who have died, and that's it. No need to play Games.
My fear of vaccine has saved me from myocarditis!
If you're scared of myocarditis (you're right to be), you should get vaccinated. COVID-19 causes way more myocarditis, that are more severe and have worse outcomes than the vaccines induced ones. And we know that being vaccinated lowers the risk of COVID-19 induced myocarditis.
People looking like this giving heath advice 😂😂😂😂😂
Because they are horrible
@6:00 non puoi assicurarmi in nessun modo che i risks sono outweight dai benefici.... perché semplicemente le persone non sono tutte uguali, e nessuno può conoscere me stesso meglio di me
They really TED x sponsored by Pfizer 😂😂
Why half Americans believe in angels?
Remember the faction of them that believe that Australia isn't real and that we're all paid actors? I am still waiting to be paid.
Because Donald said they are real.
This video is propaganda.
I suggest you read "Turtles all the way down" to get informed about the real knowledge about childhood vaccines, including a whole chapter about polio. Vacvine hesitant people are in fact vaccine risk aware and practicing an informed personal medical decision.
Funny how you said you need to listen to us and then delete my comment. Just like you turned a deaf ear to all the medical professionals that spoke out.
That lady in the poster needs help with her weight and health first and foremost
Tuskeegee experiment ....
CVD experiment
Yes. They've done it before, haven't they so why trust they won't do it again?
So much gaslighting
Documentary evidence and credible testimony.
This talk was PRIOR to COVid, right? The govt handling of that campaign was 'less than ideal' in line with her advice.
Still, most reasonable people see the benefit of vaccines far outweighing the risks.
Never taken a vax besides the ones that were forced upon me for school when I was young. Speaking from covid and flu never had covid or if I did I didn’t notice and the only time I’ve ever gotten the flu it was when I got the flu shot and it was awful. But I’ve been around so many family members with the flu when I didn’t get the shot and I never caught it after legitimately touching and cleaning up after them
Can you say Propaganda short…..
Another pillar of health telling us how to be healthy.
er........because they are incredibly unsafe?
Because human thinking is naturally unscientific 😏 … That’s the power of the scientific process …
So true, and sad at the same time...
My commentary gets here deleted, but other oppinions about jab and following are here mentioned
My comment is getting deleted too
The same thing!
Scientific evidence by the experts who told the only experts that were experts were the experts that funded those experts
Comments are honestly hilarious.
Every country has its weirdos, but you Americans are on another level. I really hope for you that the comment section doesn't reflect the actual general opinion of your population.
Sadly, it's not limited to the US. We've the same thing in France, there's a real problem with the understanding of science nowadays, it should be taken globally and seriously.
Amazing outbreak that spread to seven states with zero deaths
dr fauci
give us vaccines
Read the DESCRIPTION, £×£¢utions are long overdue.
I think your only speaking from your opinion no facts probably paid for
Imagine trusting billionaires
After getting the vaccine, I received a pay rise at work. So get a lot of vaccines and you'll be rich. 😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂experimentals ,.no thanks
I think her advice also works for politcs , ethics, drug abuse, xphobias, antigender discussion, economics, relationships, couples, divorce... I'm bit of a bleedingheart scienceminded, leftist liberal socialist pagan queer atheist christian philosophiser, so don't mind my ignorance.
500 pounds woman gives advice on health
This comment has not been deleted 😅
Vaccines are not for everyone. Why not develop a screening process to help identify those who should get vaccinated and those who shouldn't.
Risks appear low in the data because doctors don't report adverse effects properly.
It looks like you fear walking 🚶♂️ …. Let me guess the pavement was blank so it was offensive 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Because they bloat you and make you talk gibberish
I’m hearing any science or data here …😳
Not taking health advice from unheathy people, sorry 🤰
Total rubbish presentation. Sorry TedX you just lost a long term subscriber.
..e dovrebbe spiegarcelo Tara Haelle, dall'alto dei suoi 150kg? :: forse perché fanno ingrassare? ::
Ah ah ah why???
What a waste of a TEDx short 😂