A friend of mine that I duo with is always upset about the bot lane moving into his lane or never going where he thinks they should be and I always tell him, "Dude. You cannot make them do anything. Just go where they aren't. Is it the best option? No, but it is the best option you have." Realizing that the difference between best possible option and best option available really changed my gameplay for the better.
So true. I find myself doing this all the time. Another huge problem I found is not pinging simple stuff like OTW or who to target, then getting mad at teammates when we don't focus on the same way. Communication goes a long way, especially if you're a botlaner who relies on the 2v2
@@sidenote1459 If your adc throws away their lead there isn't much you can do about it. A lot of low elo adcs just don't respect the enemy team like I just had a Kai'sa today that ult into 4 people to instantly flash as soon as it connected because only then did she realize it was a terrible play to make. An important part of the game is to recognize who your strongest member or wincon is, and try to play around them as a support player. You don't need to babysit them, that's annoying too, but to hover on their side of the map and just be suss about when they may get ganked can make a big difference in turning the game in your favor.
@1337b3nnyvav00m this dude is right. Why ur friend complains tho? I doubt he's in high elo. Because adc and their sup need to go mid latter on to secure objectives and potential push mid tower
I always play with the mentality "If the play that I think is right requires a teammate to make a correct play, then my idea is not the correct play to make"
This is good advice, but my problem is idk how to deal with teammates that repeatedly die like 5+ times to their laner (or jungler). Most games are not winnable at that point when I have 4 teammates all running it down basically. But I will try and apply these tips to my gameplay
Simple, match their laners items, requires gold, farm up and never fight 5v5 always fight 1v2 where you can have the best outcome, in a team fight you only have 25% chance of contribution, but if you manage to skirmish and pick enemy one by one and if you have number advantage then yes team fight, but general rule never, and always think what would tryndamere do! As a jungler early game is the most important yes but so is mid to late game, I transition into a top laner where I split push where the next monster objective is gonna be, but only if I’m able to fight 1v1 or 1v2 and win. If they send multiple I back stay near and rinse and repeat, I want them to react to my game and not the other way around, that way my team is able to either pick someone off or get another objective simple as that
@@Mrbigmike311yeah taking 1v2s might make your odds better but man it doesn't make it that much easier when you're staring down a full item jg/top/mid as adc and your support leaves you to peel for yourself
@@Mrbigmike311 if only people would understand TO NOT! fight 24/7 and instead avoid it at all cost and maaaaybe catch an ez kill in the jg. But no, low elo players are like plankton when it comes to grey matter.
i usually hate these skill capped videos but this is a good one, theres a big difference between whats right and what works, in solo q what works is right even if its not technically the right play
Absolutely one of the biggest things i need to change atm - i'm too often split pushing, going for top towers, when my team is brawling in bot jng. I'm always pissed because they are fighting over nothing, while there are better plays available - but in the end, most of them die and i can't stop baron solo, so i just did something useless out of spite, instead of swallowing my ego and help my team with their play. I think this can help me easily get from low plat to low diamond, when i just think about how many games i lose because of this.
I love carrying my team as Kai'Sa when the 15/2 enemy Hecarim with full lethality build and 900 movement speed ults into me through my team and one shots me, best feeling tbh
Good video, but as a support main it's really frustrating if the other person (adc) can not press heal or even forgets to auto attack. So I have to play way more passiv and generally lean to playing carry supports like Lux or Thaliyah. I would love to see more guids specifically for supports. Keep it up :)
As a master elo support playing in low elo can be super hard and frustrating sometimes. I've been doing random support climbs to plat just to test myself. Did sona/pyke to plat so far, but Champs like Ali have been alot harder since I have 0 dmg
just have the expectation that your adc is gonna basically go afk in lane. when i play adc i basically expect my sp to afk, face check the leona in brush as an enchanter or miss all their skill shots. this usually prevents tilting and builds reliance on yourself to lane perfectly
The "Your idea isn't always going to fly" is talked about really frequently, but ways to address working with that and benefiting regardless of your teams choice isn't something I hear often. Thanks a bunch for the ideas!
Most valuable solo queue video I have seen in a long time This is how I beat the #ADC-in-current-year meme that has no one play around the ADC even when I'm 15/0 and communicating intent. It's not simply a raw power problem; it's a player behavior problem, and we can solve for that. It's also perfectly okay to cruise to a win at 0/0/20 on Ashe because you scouted the Macro with Hawkshot and were always there to tilt the skirmish with your CC and supplemental damage; at some point the enemy doesn't even realize that you have all your items without any kills of your own; you just also have multiple other win conditions on the map because your allies have kills in addition to your DPS, and you've still got Hawkshot to know which rotations and objectives are open. This is often preferable to actually getting fed myself in certain comp vs. comp scenarios because when my allies get the idea to go do action, they actually have the gold to do it with, instead of being anemic and feeding an enemy who is playing a class that counters mine.
Best video ever, thanks ! I just lost a game yesterday where I tried too hard to force my idea for I was the giga fed. I was too confident they would think alike and fail to adapt to their hard back. Died alone and threw the game. This is the kind of reallity check I needed. Thanks.
this is genuinely the most useful information someone has given me when it comes to league, I can always count on japanese import to give really good and well explained info on how to do better
@@Fazzrito ^ This exactly. Unless you're a tank/bruiser, you should honestly STAY with your team at all times so you can get assists->gold->items->fed.
I see thats how you carry games as a jungler, but how do you carry games as a challenger/smurf in other roles? I know that for top, you simply just stay in the side lane or perma split push to cause all 5 members to go to your lane. For supp, you roam to get deep vision, and make plays by getting to areas first to create an imbalance in fights for the opponent/engage on the opponent. For adc, its most likely to get as fed as possible and to be around fights with higher success rates. And for mid, its to be either the second/third jungler or to create pressure like top lane... Is that all its supposed to be for a challenger/smurf to carry games? Cause i know im missing either some other form of information or im just not executing gameplans properly
Yeah, as a support main, I'm wondering what his takes are on how to carry as a support. For the most part, supports can carry hard as fuck, but ONLY if they have an actual team to carry. I can do my absolute best carrying the game as Soraka, AND secure objectives, but still lose if my team ints. What then? Do I just call it a loss? Do I sell my items and go for AP to hopefully do the damage my shitty team cannot? Do I turn my chat on and try to reason with them? It's completely unreliable sometimes.
@@nomoretwitterhandles Probably depends on the champ, if you play brand support you'll likely be able to just snack all kills when you know you can carry with them and then just carry every teamfight. If you play a support that can not carry with their own dmg, then you'll need to get your teammates fed enough early on that even with slight mistakes they can not die, possibly roaming a lot, getting a lot of vision at good timings if executed right can all lead to less risks for your teammates, while the roams can also be advantages and kills for your teammates. If you're a support champion who is basically just a permanent buffer for teammates and maybe a lil cc for the enemy, if all your team is already 0/3 then it's likely lost for you, gotta be the carry for your bot and mid before it comes to that
@@nomoretwitterhandles I mean you mostly just want to set up vision in areas where it's likely a play is going to be made (there was a skill capped video a few weeks about this aswell iirc). That way it's much more likely that you don't have this experience where your team just ints, since full information about the enemies generally ends in better decision making and can catch your opponents off-guard at the same time. And another important concept is that "First Move" thing.
So many videos on chanel with diana and simillar champions that can really carry solo easily. How about showing basic things with bad teammates on charas that actually cant carry like this and something that really cant outplay much: amumu, malphite, how about brand agaisnt poke and fed assassins, how about blitzcrank against not favorable setup, how about playing vi in middle diamond or how about fiddle that playing against whole enemy team in his jungle and his teammates still dying? This would be much better example than 14 2 diana.
As a low-elo top laner who’s been playing casually for a while this video hits home lol. Let go of expectations in low-elo and you will enjoy your games no matter what and you’ll play cleaner
My favorite are things like this, lol. They sit there, go in, die, then ping ping ping, and type, "Why weren't you there?!" My response is always, "Why did you play like I was?"
I hate invade they are useless most of the time imo they don't work and lead to overstay cause ppl are greedy besides it doesn't help for lane I'd rather get my lane start right.
this video helped me whit a mentality witch helped my carry as support got an a for that game, witch was just look at what your team is doing and try to help them already accomplish it and don't force plays to much.
Were you boosting the account in the video? Its current ign is Takemítchy and there are clearly multiple players playing on the account. A challenger smurf wouldn't be in gold 2 after 90 games. Also, look at the rocketbelt hotkeys when the account plays diana; when the diana pops off (like in the example shown in the video), the rocketbelt hotkey is on 3, whereas when the other player(s) play on the account, it's on 1. Looks like account sharing to me.
i am specifically watching this because of my last league game. (trying to climb to ranked.) i was the jungler, as briar. (my new main since neeko got the update that made maining her in any way other than casual support feel weird.) and for whatever reason, my team decided to bring the enemy team towards me, wait for them to leave, then steal the jungle resources. so I spent the entire game at level 3 for most of the game since there was nothing to farm, had almost no gold for my build, and kept sending the strongest enemies towards me, getting me one shot and repeating to farm the jungle instead of their own lanes. so no resources, no gold, and my own team using me as a meat shield and letting the enemy farm me. it felt like less of a 5v5 and more of a 1v9 in all honestly.
These scenario videos are great especially paired with the videos on fundamentals, but the protagonist is always a fed carry. Could you please do a midgame video like this for supports? Not one where you're a 20/0 zyra or brand, but one where you got your low elo adc fed early but they behave like the players in this video.
For example I just lost a game where I got our vayne 6 kills in lane with 0 deaths, but our jung mid and top went 2/25/3 collectively. I believe these games are winnable (in low elo), but could we see a guide for supports in these kind of situations? I know we all suck and every low elo support will tell you the same thing, but I got Dia 3 in S9 and now that im getting back into the game after years i find myself in these scenarios more often than one would like, without any real idea of how to fix this midgame
You mention you don't expect your teammates to follow up on plays but you gank mid to get prio. In many of my games, i have done the same only for my teammates to not rotate. Prio is the same as expecting them to follow up it means nothing if they dont look at the minimap or respond to pings
Untrue. Prio means that at least Ahri won't be coming. That's pretty much a given when she has a big wave. And well, if she comes, gg. She just lost a lot of gold.
so i got a real hard question , what am supposed to do when i get a teammate who just keep dying and pushing that at min 4 he is 0/4 , so what can i do to end this game , like i dont care if my teammates dont feed or push or play on objectives my problem that when i get a feeder it is so hard to comeback , when i play jungle i see enemy mid missing and i tell my mid help he dont so what happen is my camps getting cleared while i cant do anything about it because it is a clear 1v2 aight ? these happen alot
I play in a pre-made 5 stack so this helps a decent bit even tho we have comms, I find that they constantly want to fight and the game typically turns to aram by minute 15, im then left to farm all the lanes and they complain about having no gold and being underleveled
@@johnzermeno3106 I absolutely understand where you're coming from. I love my friends, but they are some of the thickest-headed people in the world when it comes to League lmao. Even my friends in Master+ can be inters that I have to carry super hard. The best thing you can do is either quit playing SR with your friends, or find better friends to play with. Or just be honest and say "Hey y'all, you're not allowed to get tilted about losing if you won't let me help you win."
@@nomoretwitterhandles very tru, its just that they aren't as dedicated as me I guess, they would rather see it as a casual thing where I see it as a learning experience to get better and rank up you know?
Only time I ever blame my team for a loss these days is when they vote to FF. Cant tell you how many games I've been losing hard because a Yi is 15/0, then their mid afk's and you win off of 1 fight.
Ikr. Feels like I'm getting these people in almost every game. Then my winrates on my best champions fall down hard, which makes actual decent players want to dodge because of something entirely out of my control.... lol
I'm actually just convinced Riot has put something on my account that matches me with really bad players. I call it prisoner island. I was super toxic and almost got my account permabanned... and they made me write them a letter of apology to keep my account (this is already super fucked up.) In short, I wrote the letter, but it came at a cost... my account was placed in prisoner island and now I am ONLY matched with asshole players that AFK / quit the game / feed. It is SO consistent that I might have a team that can win 1/10 games. I took a break for about a year and returned to the game and now I'm 12 losses in a row, I've won 1 game in 2 days... and I consistently finish with the highest CS, lowest death... and I'm the only player on my team that will not surrender at 15 minutes. How do I know this is a real thing? I have 2 accounts. One is platinum and I have spent very little money on the account, my MAIN account, which I've spent LOTS of money on is hard stuck iron league. Trust that I'm not just getting lucky on my alt account.. I lose all my good skins if I play it, so, I just don't play it. People try and say that prisoner island isn't a thing... but neither is having to write Riot a letter of apology to get to keep my account. I literally had a ban placed on my account and a Riot employee hold my account hostage until I wrote him and his company an apology for saying bad words.
This video assumes some people have any idea at all. I swear in Silver you will find pretty good people but also people that have no idea how to play their champ or how to even move, people that don't look at the map or that will take any 1v4 they can get even when behind.
Oh you find that everywhere; finding that in Plat right now, lol. Hell, sometimes my own brain just ejects and I forget all the fundamentals surrounding my 800+ games played on Illaoi, lol.
This is so hard to do for me. I know what the correct play is. I ask team to do it, and they don't. I just can't figure out what the better play is based off of the bad decision my team is making. Finding the "play that will still work" is extremely hard for me.
sometimes i win games by just brute forcing towers, often dying for a tower. But sometimes this feels neccesary whrn im the only one even managing the sidelanes..or worse, the only one ever showing in a lane
Honestly I have over 200 games thus far (increasing fast) and I am just in Silver. The fact that my other accounts that aren't level 30 have been in smurf Q and I get diamond+ players and the game quality is so much higher on these new accounts just completely demotivates me from actually wanting to grind out of Silver. But I'll give it a chance and try to implement these tips. Sadly I quit jungling cause it's just torture to do so in low elo
what if u dont wanna carry ppl that will not take the time to learn the game not that they have to be pros but theres some basic stuff u could learn befor riot even lets u into pvp i mean i get kinda sick of the jg sitting in my lane and mayb running it down also in my lane cuz they dont know how to farm there jg like i was real bad when i 1st started but i stayed in bots for about 6 mounts cuz i didnt wana ruin ppls games and then i started getting picked up on 5 mans and going in to pvp like what is even the point in going into pvp when u dont know how to play ur just gonna get more outa a bot game at that stage
i mean when u get a job ur expected to be useful in some way cuz ppl dont want there time wasted same goes for the game also money is time and time is money really dont like mine being wasted again not that they have to be pro but able to play
Okay, how do I do this as sup when my low elo teammates would rather aram than get objectives? Do I go solo and get mass reported for inting and not playing my position? Or do I join them mid and watch them all die because no one wants to focus and they muted my pings?
ahhh man Soloq isnt that what it should be. Watching this i feel like SoloQ is about how good are you at handling 4 monkeys through a labyrinth or something like that
What about toxic teammates that do things like running it down, griefing your lane by stealing xp/farm? How am I as a solo laner supposed to handle that?
I always had a very "no team, me solo" mentality, but this kinda makes sense Imma try this and see how that goes Just wondering tho: Does this work with other roles?
i dont think this works well on sup. and i wouldnt try this on adc unless youre good whit samira, besides that it should work just fine on other roles. my tip is to pick something that can peel a bit for yourself... something whit mobility and cc.
If someone can get all the bad teams also someone can get all the good teams and be in a league they arent supposed to, so when they find someone who has climbed by itself they get stomp
What to do if you hav no vision as sups not gonna use wards, jgler or top just goes Aram fighting endsup dead half of the game, while enemy team constantly pressures u with 2-3 man ganks which aren't successful but your team is using this time roam around like minions.
I understand what you are saying but i don't see a big benifit for me as a top laner. Also what about the scenario where your team mates are extending the game too much "say 20 extra minutes" to the point where gold advantage is gone and difference becomes so small in items? Because the problem is that this is a big part of what low elo games are like. And when you end up in a game where both teams have about equal items it gets much more complicated.
can we get this same video but for a mid laner?? I have teammates who can't fix side lanes and aram mid while i try to fix side lanes so we don't get split on. This has actually cost me a lot of games. Where my teammates literally lack the understanding of macro, and us just losing the game because we're being split to death instead of actually getting destroyed by the other team.
Okay someone help me with this: As ADC, when your mid is ass and won't move out of mid to sidelane after either bot tower fell, what do? What usually happens: I go sidelane and miss plays going on elsewhere (esp. when fed I'm basically wasting my lead); Support follows me and gives up a lot of pressure this way; Support _doesn't_ follow me and I'm an easy target; I play safe in sidelane which means I'm doing nothing a lot of the time and have to give up both pressure and CS; I farm just 1 or 2 safe waves and rotate mid again, giving mediocre sidelane pressure and waste time and resources sharing mid; I go mid either way and now 3 people are underleveled, underfarmed and one sidelane is constantly being pressured hindering a lot of playmaking. What's the best possible outcome in situations like this in low ELO?
Excellent video, very helpful. I'm smurfing right now with fun picks and I often get trolled by teammates not listening the close up calls I make, ending up throwing the game. It's so tilting. Now I see how should I think in these scenarios, will try it. I just hope I won't developp bad habits because of that :p
As a jungler I usually experience my teammates lose lane before I even got level 3 and ping for assistance right before getting dive with a stacked wave. I'm just " Yeah F that have fun dying then"
This why my most common mistake as climbing. Never expect your team mates to do a play. They are way worst than you lol. Remember the famous quote, "if you want something right, you have to do it yourself".
How does this apply to other roles? I'm a support main, and the vibe I'm getting is "how to carry bad teammates: play jungle". Hope I'm wrong though, and there's things I can do. I know about roaming, shotcalling, pinging, trying to get your team vision where they are playing, and playing around the stronger members of the team. But what do I do when none of them seem capable of carrying? It's not like I can say "it's ok if this gank fails; I still get to farm stuff". If my gank fails, my carry overextends and gets ganked in laning phase, or we lose a 2v2, it's a net loss for me. It's spots like those that make me want to play a carry instead, but I know there must be another way!
I found it helpful to spam danger pings on the closest place without vision where an enemy could reasonably be. Often makes my adc back off a bit and miss a few CS, but about every third or fourth time, it actually saves us. It's debatable if it's worth it in gold, but it makes them more likely to check the map more often.
Also, providing vision on the map doesn't mean players are looking at it. Many players need to really concentrate to do wave management or even just last-hit. Pinging really helps. "Danger" on the enemy, "retreat" on your adc and repeat it once.
i find some games are just impossible to win, your mid goes 0/5 top goes 0/6 jung 0/3 and your sitting there 1/0 laning phase not even over yet just impossible to win
I just realized I can watch all the jungle guides and improve my game sense because I realize after talking to a master who watched my game that I AM the shit player with 0 game sense.
Holy sht. I've been silver for 7 seasons with kindred and this is exactly the problem I always have. I will give an update with how the climb is going.
8:00 my god even watching this is frustrating. This is why i'm stuck in gold - i don't have the patience to just go back i will keep pushing and die because I can't fucking believe they backed off.
This is cool and all but it doesn't work if team solos all game and will not respond to anything even enemy jungle standing on a ward at 10hp 5 feet away, assuming they even warded in the first place. Every game team adv 15 vision all game not counting me
IMPROVE FAST, RANK UP, GUARANTEED: www.skill-capped.com/lol 👈👈👈
"Why did the jungle gank mid?"
"To get to the other side"
they needa pin this lmao
thats hell of a thumbnail
i was shocked.
A friend of mine that I duo with is always upset about the bot lane moving into his lane or never going where he thinks they should be and I always tell him, "Dude. You cannot make them do anything. Just go where they aren't. Is it the best option? No, but it is the best option you have."
Realizing that the difference between best possible option and best option available really changed my gameplay for the better.
Ego makes you blind, you must banish it
So true. I find myself doing this all the time. Another huge problem I found is not pinging simple stuff like OTW or who to target, then getting mad at teammates when we don't focus on the same way. Communication goes a long way, especially if you're a botlaner who relies on the 2v2
@@sidenote1459 If your adc throws away their lead there isn't much you can do about it. A lot of low elo adcs just don't respect the enemy team like I just had a Kai'sa today that ult into 4 people to instantly flash as soon as it connected because only then did she realize it was a terrible play to make. An important part of the game is to recognize who your strongest member or wincon is, and try to play around them as a support player. You don't need to babysit them, that's annoying too, but to hover on their side of the map and just be suss about when they may get ganked can make a big difference in turning the game in your favor.
Bot SHOULD be mid once laning phase ends.. allows them to rotate to either side of the map quickly.
@1337b3nnyvav00m this dude is right. Why ur friend complains tho? I doubt he's in high elo. Because adc and their sup need to go mid latter on to secure objectives and potential push mid tower
I always play with the mentality "If the play that I think is right requires a teammate to make a correct play, then my idea is not the correct play to make"
Will follow this mentality. Toll now i was like " Gotta do right plays to climb",.
@@MP-ut6eb only real "right plays" in low elo are ones that don't rely on teammates using their brain 😂😂😂
@@redrosewick facts.
i just played jax top. i was 1v4 top lane and my team somehow didnt manage to secure dragon or mid/bot turret. XD we lost that game too
@@klons1992Ofc cause at the end of the day, its a team game…
This is good advice, but my problem is idk how to deal with teammates that repeatedly die like 5+ times to their laner (or jungler). Most games are not winnable at that point when I have 4 teammates all running it down basically. But I will try and apply these tips to my gameplay
Simple, match their laners items, requires gold, farm up and never fight 5v5 always fight 1v2 where you can have the best outcome, in a team fight you only have 25% chance of contribution, but if you manage to skirmish and pick enemy one by one and if you have number advantage then yes team fight, but general rule never, and always think what would tryndamere do! As a jungler early game is the most important yes but so is mid to late game, I transition into a top laner where I split push where the next monster objective is gonna be, but only if I’m able to fight 1v1 or 1v2 and win. If they send multiple I back stay near and rinse and repeat, I want them to react to my game and not the other way around, that way my team is able to either pick someone off or get another objective simple as that
@@Mrbigmike311 that's a good way to turn a 15 minute loss into a 50 minute loss
@@Mrbigmike311yeah taking 1v2s might make your odds better but man it doesn't make it that much easier when you're staring down a full item jg/top/mid as adc and your support leaves you to peel for yourself
@@Mrbigmike311 if only people would understand TO NOT! fight 24/7 and instead avoid it at all cost and maaaaybe catch an ez kill in the jg. But no, low elo players are like plankton when it comes to grey matter.
i usually hate these skill capped videos but this is a good one, theres a big difference between whats right and what works, in solo q what works is right even if its not technically the right play
Absolutely one of the biggest things i need to change atm - i'm too often split pushing, going for top towers, when my team is brawling in bot jng. I'm always pissed because they are fighting over nothing, while there are better plays available - but in the end, most of them die and i can't stop baron solo, so i just did something useless out of spite, instead of swallowing my ego and help my team with their play.
I think this can help me easily get from low plat to low diamond, when i just think about how many games i lose because of this.
the thing i love the most about this video is that it really starts right away no intro or 2 minutes long explaining
I love carrying my team as Kai'Sa when the 15/2 enemy Hecarim with full lethality build and 900 movement speed ults into me through my team and one shots me, best feeling tbh
7:15 "always good to have the smurfs on my team"
Sums up the entire low elo ideology
Good video, but as a support main it's really frustrating if the other person (adc) can not press heal or even forgets to auto attack. So I have to play way more passiv and generally lean to playing carry supports like Lux or Thaliyah. I would love to see more guids specifically for supports. Keep it up :)
Don’t expect to carry as a support in low elo
Thats why "solo" supports are way better in low elo!
As a master elo support playing in low elo can be super hard and frustrating sometimes. I've been doing random support climbs to plat just to test myself. Did sona/pyke to plat so far, but Champs like Ali have been alot harder since I have 0 dmg
just have the expectation that your adc is gonna basically go afk in lane. when i play adc i basically expect my sp to afk, face check the leona in brush as an enchanter or miss all their skill shots. this usually prevents tilting and builds reliance on yourself to lane perfectly
Same but Thaliya sup is Exotic...ill try
The "Your idea isn't always going to fly" is talked about really frequently, but ways to address working with that and benefiting regardless of your teams choice isn't something I hear often. Thanks a bunch for the ideas!
Most valuable solo queue video I have seen in a long time
This is how I beat the #ADC-in-current-year meme that has no one play around the ADC even when I'm 15/0 and communicating intent.
It's not simply a raw power problem; it's a player behavior problem, and we can solve for that.
It's also perfectly okay to cruise to a win at 0/0/20 on Ashe because you scouted the Macro with Hawkshot and were always there to tilt the skirmish with your CC and supplemental damage; at some point the enemy doesn't even realize that you have all your items without any kills of your own; you just also have multiple other win conditions on the map because your allies have kills in addition to your DPS, and you've still got Hawkshot to know which rotations and objectives are open.
This is often preferable to actually getting fed myself in certain comp vs. comp scenarios because when my allies get the idea to go do action, they actually have the gold to do it with, instead of being anemic and feeding an enemy who is playing a class that counters mine.
And when i spam ping that katarina is going bot 4 times and they dont care, but she gets 8/0 then it is mid diff
If you're going to make the wrong decision, make it together.
Best video ever, thanks ! I just lost a game yesterday where I tried too hard to force my idea for I was the giga fed. I was too confident they would think alike and fail to adapt to their hard back. Died alone and threw the game. This is the kind of reallity check I needed. Thanks.
this is genuinely the most useful information someone has given me when it comes to league, I can always count on japanese import to give really good and well explained info on how to do better
But the real question is if you’re not very fed in the Diana game, do you still play around for your teammates?
Well, there is no another option.
@@Fazzrito ^ This exactly.
Unless you're a tank/bruiser, you should honestly STAY with your team at all times so you can get assists->gold->items->fed.
This is hands down the most useful climbing video on the channel this year
… is it really though …. Really … ?
I see thats how you carry games as a jungler, but how do you carry games as a challenger/smurf in other roles?
I know that for top, you simply just stay in the side lane or perma split push to cause all 5 members to go to your lane. For supp, you roam to get deep vision, and make plays by getting to areas first to create an imbalance in fights for the opponent/engage on the opponent. For adc, its most likely to get as fed as possible and to be around fights with higher success rates. And for mid, its to be either the second/third jungler or to create pressure like top lane...
Is that all its supposed to be for a challenger/smurf to carry games? Cause i know im missing either some other form of information or im just not executing gameplans properly
Yeah, as a support main, I'm wondering what his takes are on how to carry as a support.
For the most part, supports can carry hard as fuck, but ONLY if they have an actual team to carry. I can do my absolute best carrying the game as Soraka, AND secure objectives, but still lose if my team ints. What then? Do I just call it a loss? Do I sell my items and go for AP to hopefully do the damage my shitty team cannot? Do I turn my chat on and try to reason with them? It's completely unreliable sometimes.
Probably depends on the champ, if you play brand support you'll likely be able to just snack all kills when you know you can carry with them and then just carry every teamfight.
If you play a support that can not carry with their own dmg, then you'll need to get your teammates fed enough early on that even with slight mistakes they can not die, possibly roaming a lot, getting a lot of vision at good timings if executed right can all lead to less risks for your teammates, while the roams can also be advantages and kills for your teammates.
If you're a support champion who is basically just a permanent buffer for teammates and maybe a lil cc for the enemy, if all your team is already 0/3 then it's likely lost for you, gotta be the carry for your bot and mid before it comes to that
@@nomoretwitterhandles I mean you mostly just want to set up vision in areas where it's likely a play is going to be made (there was a skill capped video a few weeks about this aswell iirc). That way it's much more likely that you don't have this experience where your team just ints, since full information about the enemies generally ends in better decision making and can catch your opponents off-guard at the same time. And another important concept is that "First Move" thing.
Damn you massacred the hell out of lux in that thumbnail.
Just by keeping the "Im the only wrong person" mindset, i've been able to climb quite well, all the way from silver 2 to plat 4 in like 100 games
jesus 100 games to reach plat youre bad LOL
@@nicktan7733True. Rookie number. I have 160 wins and in Bronze 4.
@@nicktan7733 from silver 2 mmr to plat 4 in 100 games? Not bad at all Id say. Of course low elo, but not bad
So many videos on chanel with diana and simillar champions that can really carry solo easily. How about showing basic things with bad teammates on charas that actually cant carry like this and something that really cant outplay much: amumu, malphite, how about brand agaisnt poke and fed assassins, how about blitzcrank against not favorable setup, how about playing vi in middle diamond or how about fiddle that playing against whole enemy team in his jungle and his teammates still dying? This would be much better example than 14 2 diana.
I like that you made a recap at last to sum up the most important points
As a low-elo top laner who’s been playing casually for a while this video hits home lol. Let go of expectations in low-elo and you will enjoy your games no matter what and you’ll play cleaner
7:15 Yuumi: Always good to get the smurfs on my team
You can't play with some idiots in this game. It just can't be done and that's it.
that thumbnail is so cursed.
A guy I used to be friends with:
"I had no expectations and I'm still disappointed."
Had a duo yesterday Blame me for their failed forced lvl 1 invade. They need to watch this video.
My favorite are things like this, lol. They sit there, go in, die, then ping ping ping, and type, "Why weren't you there?!" My response is always, "Why did you play like I was?"
I hate invade they are useless most of the time imo they don't work and lead to overstay cause ppl are greedy besides it doesn't help for lane I'd rather get my lane start right.
The thumbnail is absolutely magical
this video helped me whit a mentality witch helped my carry as support got an a for that game, witch was just look at what your team is doing and try to help them already accomplish it and don't force plays to much.
Really like the recap section of these videos to bring home and highlight the intended message of the video. Great job!
Were you boosting the account in the video? Its current ign is Takemítchy and there are clearly multiple players playing on the account. A challenger smurf wouldn't be in gold 2 after 90 games. Also, look at the rocketbelt hotkeys when the account plays diana; when the diana pops off (like in the example shown in the video), the rocketbelt hotkey is on 3, whereas when the other player(s) play on the account, it's on 1. Looks like account sharing to me.
i am specifically watching this because of my last league game. (trying to climb to ranked.) i was the jungler, as briar. (my new main since neeko got the update that made maining her in any way other than casual support feel weird.) and for whatever reason, my team decided to bring the enemy team towards me, wait for them to leave, then steal the jungle resources. so I spent the entire game at level 3 for most of the game since there was nothing to farm, had almost no gold for my build, and kept sending the strongest enemies towards me, getting me one shot and repeating to farm the jungle instead of their own lanes. so no resources, no gold, and my own team using me as a meat shield and letting the enemy farm me. it felt like less of a 5v5 and more of a 1v9 in all honestly.
These scenario videos are great especially paired with the videos on fundamentals, but the protagonist is always a fed carry. Could you please do a midgame video like this for supports? Not one where you're a 20/0 zyra or brand, but one where you got your low elo adc fed early but they behave like the players in this video.
I would love to see this, good idea.
For example I just lost a game where I got our vayne 6 kills in lane with 0 deaths, but our jung mid and top went 2/25/3 collectively. I believe these games are winnable (in low elo), but could we see a guide for supports in these kind of situations? I know we all suck and every low elo support will tell you the same thing, but I got Dia 3 in S9 and now that im getting back into the game after years i find myself in these scenarios more often than one would like, without any real idea of how to fix this midgame
@@freakalmighty2533 not every game is winnable.
@@ehyzen in this case atleast 7 out of 10 games isnt winnable and I'm getting and loosing the same amount of lp. So how do I climb then?
You mention you don't expect your teammates to follow up on plays but you gank mid to get prio. In many of my games, i have done the same only for my teammates to not rotate. Prio is the same as expecting them to follow up it means nothing if they dont look at the minimap or respond to pings
Untrue. Prio means that at least Ahri won't be coming. That's pretty much a given when she has a big wave. And well, if she comes, gg. She just lost a lot of gold.
"multiple out during a scenario" translates to "brilliant strategy." gj!
so i got a real hard question , what am supposed to do when i get a teammate who just keep dying and pushing that at min 4 he is 0/4 , so what can i do to end this game , like i dont care if my teammates dont feed or push or play on objectives my problem that when i get a feeder it is so hard to comeback , when i play jungle i see enemy mid missing and i tell my mid help he dont so what happen is my camps getting cleared while i cant do anything about it because it is a clear 1v2 aight ? these happen alot
you just can't carry a game if your teammates are super bad and so clueless on what's happening around them
thinking the same. you are adc and your support throws himself several times 2vs 1 for no reason with less levels and health at the start of the game
This video is great for the community!
I play in a pre-made 5 stack so this helps a decent bit even tho we have comms, I find that they constantly want to fight and the game typically turns to aram by minute 15, im then left to farm all the lanes and they complain about having no gold and being underleveled
Bro stop tryharding in 5 stack lol
@@omagos3275 its not that I try hard, its when my friends complain after I literally suggest the solution to the problem
@@johnzermeno3106 5-stacks are circle jerks unless you full fill it
@@johnzermeno3106 I absolutely understand where you're coming from. I love my friends, but they are some of the thickest-headed people in the world when it comes to League lmao. Even my friends in Master+ can be inters that I have to carry super hard.
The best thing you can do is either quit playing SR with your friends, or find better friends to play with. Or just be honest and say "Hey y'all, you're not allowed to get tilted about losing if you won't let me help you win."
@@nomoretwitterhandles very tru, its just that they aren't as dedicated as me I guess, they would rather see it as a casual thing where I see it as a learning experience to get better and rank up you know?
Brillant. Even if it hurts to admit it, you have to adapt to your teammates stupidity and not try to force some smart plays; ridiculous but true.
Dear viewer fyi this video solves the problem of you being "hardstuck".
Only time I ever blame my team for a loss these days is when they vote to FF. Cant tell you how many games I've been losing hard because a Yi is 15/0, then their mid afk's and you win off of 1 fight.
Skillcapped thumbnails is getting more and more nuts these day
How can I apply these as a midlaner?? How can i beat fed enemies??
What do you do about multiple 0/18 teammates in bronze/iron though?
Ikr. Feels like I'm getting these people in almost every game. Then my winrates on my best champions fall down hard, which makes actual decent players want to dodge because of something entirely out of my control.... lol
I'm actually just convinced Riot has put something on my account that matches me with really bad players. I call it prisoner island. I was super toxic and almost got my account permabanned... and they made me write them a letter of apology to keep my account (this is already super fucked up.) In short, I wrote the letter, but it came at a cost... my account was placed in prisoner island and now I am ONLY matched with asshole players that AFK / quit the game / feed. It is SO consistent that I might have a team that can win 1/10 games. I took a break for about a year and returned to the game and now I'm 12 losses in a row, I've won 1 game in 2 days... and I consistently finish with the highest CS, lowest death... and I'm the only player on my team that will not surrender at 15 minutes. How do I know this is a real thing? I have 2 accounts. One is platinum and I have spent very little money on the account, my MAIN account, which I've spent LOTS of money on is hard stuck iron league. Trust that I'm not just getting lucky on my alt account.. I lose all my good skins if I play it, so, I just don't play it. People try and say that prisoner island isn't a thing... but neither is having to write Riot a letter of apology to get to keep my account. I literally had a ban placed on my account and a Riot employee hold my account hostage until I wrote him and his company an apology for saying bad words.
This video assumes some people have any idea at all. I swear in Silver you will find pretty good people but also people that have no idea how to play their champ or how to even move, people that don't look at the map or that will take any 1v4 they can get even when behind.
Oh you find that everywhere; finding that in Plat right now, lol. Hell, sometimes my own brain just ejects and I forget all the fundamentals surrounding my 800+ games played on Illaoi, lol.
This is so hard to do for me. I know what the correct play is. I ask team to do it, and they don't. I just can't figure out what the better play is based off of the bad decision my team is making. Finding the "play that will still work" is extremely hard for me.
I just play with the rule "If the correct play needs my team to also do a correct play/follow up, then it is not the correct play in this moment"
sometimes i win games by just brute forcing towers, often dying for a tower. But sometimes this feels neccesary whrn im the only one even managing the sidelanes..or worse, the only one ever showing in a lane
This is an incredible video. Thank you!
Honestly I have over 200 games thus far (increasing fast) and I am just in Silver. The fact that my other accounts that aren't level 30 have been in smurf Q and I get diamond+ players and the game quality is so much higher on these new accounts just completely demotivates me from actually wanting to grind out of Silver. But I'll give it a chance and try to implement these tips. Sadly I quit jungling cause it's just torture to do so in low elo
what if u dont wanna carry ppl that will not take the time to learn the game not that they have to be pros but theres some basic stuff u could learn befor riot even lets u into pvp i mean i get kinda sick of the jg sitting in my lane and mayb running it down also in my lane cuz they dont know how to farm there jg like i was real bad when i 1st started but i stayed in bots for about 6 mounts cuz i didnt wana ruin ppls games and then i started getting picked up on 5 mans and going in to pvp like what is even the point in going into pvp when u dont know how to play ur just gonna get more outa a bot game at that stage
i mean when u get a job ur expected to be useful in some way cuz ppl dont want there time wasted same goes for the game also money is time and time is money really dont like mine being wasted again not that they have to be pro but able to play
Okay, how do I do this as sup when my low elo teammates would rather aram than get objectives? Do I go solo and get mass reported for inting and not playing my position? Or do I join them mid and watch them all die because no one wants to focus and they muted my pings?
That thumbnail almost gave me a stroke
ahhh man Soloq isnt that what it should be. Watching this i feel like SoloQ is about how good are you at handling 4 monkeys through a labyrinth or something like that
What about toxic teammates that do things like running it down, griefing your lane by stealing xp/farm? How am I as a solo laner supposed to handle that?
I love how Annie flashed in and killed right after you left. it wasn't that she didn't know what to do, she just didn't want you to "steal her kill"
Probably not that intentional. She might have camera locked and only just realized she was low and should burn flash.
I always had a very "no team, me solo" mentality, but this kinda makes sense
Imma try this and see how that goes
Just wondering tho: Does this work with other roles?
i dont think this works well on sup. and i wouldnt try this on adc unless youre good whit samira, besides that it should work just fine on other roles. my tip is to pick something that can peel a bit for yourself... something whit mobility and cc.
this taught me a lot thank you
Good perspective I learn something today.
I am so guilty of this, and I'm definitely not good enough to pull off 1v5 fights in those situations and yet I tey to force them anyway
This is gold, too bad my teammates in LAS cant understand this video.
Yasuo player saying Diana is a busted champed, lol, o the irony
Wow, that was so important for me to hear, damn....
can u make a video like this for laners rather than jg because jg is always the one that throws in my exp
Great video!!
If someone can get all the bad teams also someone can get all the good teams and be in a league they arent supposed to, so when they find someone who has climbed by itself they get stomp
What to do if you hav no vision as sups not gonna use wards, jgler or top just goes Aram fighting endsup dead half of the game, while enemy team constantly pressures u with 2-3 man ganks which aren't successful but your team is using this time roam around like minions.
I understand what you are saying but i don't see a big benifit for me as a top laner.
Also what about the scenario where your team mates are extending the game too much "say 20 extra minutes" to the point where gold advantage is gone and difference becomes so small in items? Because the problem is that this is a big part of what low elo games are like. And when you end up in a game where both teams have about equal items it gets much more complicated.
can we get this same video but for a mid laner?? I have teammates who can't fix side lanes and aram mid while i try to fix side lanes so we don't get split on. This has actually cost me a lot of games. Where my teammates literally lack the understanding of macro, and us just losing the game because we're being split to death instead of actually getting destroyed by the other team.
Okay someone help me with this:
As ADC, when your mid is ass and won't move out of mid to sidelane after either bot tower fell, what do?
What usually happens:
I go sidelane and miss plays going on elsewhere (esp. when fed I'm basically wasting my lead);
Support follows me and gives up a lot of pressure this way;
Support _doesn't_ follow me and I'm an easy target;
I play safe in sidelane which means I'm doing nothing a lot of the time and have to give up both pressure and CS;
I farm just 1 or 2 safe waves and rotate mid again, giving mediocre sidelane pressure and waste time and resources sharing mid;
I go mid either way and now 3 people are underleveled, underfarmed and one sidelane is constantly being pressured hindering a lot of playmaking.
What's the best possible outcome in situations like this in low ELO?
If you essentially play with 4 vs 5 brains the best outcome is that everyone presses yes at ff 15 and doesnt't waste more time :)
Excellent video, very helpful. I'm smurfing right now with fun picks and I often get trolled by teammates not listening the close up calls I make, ending up throwing the game. It's so tilting. Now I see how should I think in these scenarios, will try it. I just hope I won't developp bad habits because of that :p
Yes dude, i'm frightened by developing bad habits
As a jungler I usually experience my teammates lose lane before I even got level 3 and ping for assistance right before getting dive with a stacked wave. I'm just " Yeah F that have fun dying then"
This why my most common mistake as climbing. Never expect your team mates to do a play. They are way worst than you lol. Remember the famous quote, "if you want something right, you have to do it yourself".
Yasuo @ 7:15 Always good to get the smurfs on my team lol
thumbnail goated
Classic flashing into well and zhonyas. Wp Zac
How does this apply to other roles? I'm a support main, and the vibe I'm getting is "how to carry bad teammates: play jungle". Hope I'm wrong though, and there's things I can do. I know about roaming, shotcalling, pinging, trying to get your team vision where they are playing, and playing around the stronger members of the team. But what do I do when none of them seem capable of carrying? It's not like I can say "it's ok if this gank fails; I still get to farm stuff". If my gank fails, my carry overextends and gets ganked in laning phase, or we lose a 2v2, it's a net loss for me. It's spots like those that make me want to play a carry instead, but I know there must be another way!
I found it helpful to spam danger pings on the closest place without vision where an enemy could reasonably be. Often makes my adc back off a bit and miss a few CS, but about every third or fourth time, it actually saves us. It's debatable if it's worth it in gold, but it makes them more likely to check the map more often.
Also, providing vision on the map doesn't mean players are looking at it. Many players need to really concentrate to do wave management or even just last-hit. Pinging really helps. "Danger" on the enemy, "retreat" on your adc and repeat it once.
I am resentful and despise how correct this video's thesis is.
Dota player here.
I started winning a lot after having the same mentality.
1:45 100% true
that id the best thumbnail ive ever seen in a while
i find some games are just impossible to win, your mid goes 0/5 top goes 0/6 jung 0/3 and your sitting there 1/0 laning phase not even over yet just impossible to win
this yuumi was like it is always good to have smurfs in ur team XD
I just realized I can watch all the jungle guides and improve my game sense because I realize after talking to a master who watched my game that I AM the shit player with 0 game sense.
this is extremely great vital info
Holy sht. I've been silver for 7 seasons with kindred and this is exactly the problem I always have. I will give an update with how the climb is going.
Q : how can you carry if all your teammates are losing their own lane? (Ex. You are mid, both top anf bottom are losing)
Roaming in Early/mid and help them win
Yeah, now what do i do if my random feeding top randomly decides to follow me and claim all jungle camps? Smite has a high cd.
8:00 my god even watching this is frustrating. This is why i'm stuck in gold - i don't have the patience to just go back i will keep pushing and die because I can't fucking believe they backed off.
Cursed thumbnail
This dude is so chill lol
Now I guess I have to learn the difference between sub optimal play and trap...
This is cool and all but it doesn't work if team solos all game and will not respond to anything even enemy jungle standing on a ward at 10hp 5 feet away, assuming they even warded in the first place. Every game team adv 15 vision all game not counting me
jungle is another story tho adc and top is way harder