@4:45, there's another way to break that strategy and it's you having a very good support getting the minion execute support/just mindlessly hitting the wave. TLDR: That strat only works if you have duo or your support has more than 2 brain cells, 1 for warding and 1 for roaming.
yes! i got really fed as vayne playing 1v2 in lane cause my support thought he was jg but i almost ever lose when my lux hard shoves every wave and steals minions
@@annadrabkova3716 remember playing with this permaroaming leona, was sivir so they had a hard time shoving me in, she was just harassing enemy jg the whole game and I got juicy XP lead. It was even better when the enemy morgana started counter-roaming but by that point I had a 2 level lead against enemy adc.
This hardpushing strategy also illustrates why Noonquiver is such a good powerspike; even if you can't waveclear like Sivir, you can still push out decently well on any champ if you're doing extra dmg to minions.
It doesn't matter. I peaked Dia 4 with Dia 2 mmr and then had 11 consecutive losses due to brainless team mates. Jng has no idea that ganking lvl 6 enemy while he's lvl 4 and the wave is frozen on my side is not a good idea. Even after I type in chat don't come, they gank. Then we both get killed because their jng was also there. Brainless people will keep you down.
@FyreWanderer While that's true, people climb with meta champs, not with game knowledge. I refuse to be a meta slave. Once again, I win lane 8/10 games but I can't win the game when most of the games I have at least two who are feeding. Even in dia. I hoped that dia will bring me inner piece, only to be disapointed in those players too. For example, bot lane is 0/2 0/2 and their adc is 4/0 and my bot lane in freaking dia thinks that it's a good idea to try and get that sweet shutdown only to be sent to the fountain. Almost all of my games are like this. And don't get me started on bot lane ignoring pings and chat info like mid is going bot, back away. Almost every game they don't listen and get killed... LoL is the worst game I've ever played and World of tanks was holding that 1st place for a long time. Only when I really got into full grasp of what LoL is, I am 100% sure that it's the worst ftp game ever made.
@@SolosoyAngel123 no, they wrote "they climb with meta champs" and not "only with meta champs". using meta champs make the climb far more easy, though.
really well done! I've been using this strategy for the last three days and I'm averaging 9cs/min in silver...I was bronze when I started. It just works!!
Anivia bot/sup is able to maintain an infinite freeze by using her wall next to the turret. The minion's pathfinding gets confused because you blocked the way to lane and they will get to lane far later than enemy minions. It's honestly op and nobody knows this
There is a high ranked Trundle support player who does something similar. It takes a level of competence to use intelligently as some of your replies seem to think its useless; It is useless when used incorrectly.
Some of this is really only possible because Sivir's waveclear is absolutely insane, which is something not every champ has. Some champs don't even have abilities lvl1 (Aphelios)
Been using this strategy with a TON of success. However I just had a Mundo support who got mad at me for 'backing too much' and said "Well I guess I'm taking over the lane then". Then started perma shoving the wave, forced bad fights, got mad and went afk.
Surprised tristana wasn't mentioned on this list. Maybe because her waveclear is slightly slower? I do this same thing in plat but with tristana, except you can also punish players with 1v1 duels occasionally while you do it, and you can shove towers 100 times faster than most champions. Trist Q buff granted even more attack speed during your 7 second AS buff timer recently, so clearing is even easier than before. You also get the ability to all in dive people at their tower early game due to her early game pressure in the lane that a lot of these other picks lack in their kits. Her peel in the side wave is insanely good as well. Using E-Q on the cannon wave can also 1 shot a wave fairly early on similar to Sivir, just the downside of slightly longer cooldowns over some of these other picks. Her E passive is similar to a jinx rocket in mechanics but with no mana cost. Q also costs no mana. Very easy to manage in comparison when something bad happens and you get stuck in the lane for another 2-3 waves in terms of mana management. Nothing like those moments at 9:58 where something messed up your tempo and you're 1v2 and out of mana to fix the wave for several minutes...
it's because it's not safe waveclear. ur earlygame attack range is super low so you have to put yourself in a bad position to actually use your abilities on the wave
I suppose the range has to be taken into consideration. At level 5 you're standing at an awkward 557 range. It's a balancing act between wave control and threatening all in trading to get the wave push and maintain control I guess and that's a bit of a different twist on this tactic that the video wasn't necessarily focusing on. Either way, it's similar and works fairly well, it's just a tiny bit more aggressive play mixed in to make it almost as efficient.
I'd say the main difference between Tristana and Sivir would just be that Tristana is forced onto doing that, while as Sivir you can choose to use your WQ to push. Although the point of the video is about pushing braindead 24/7, but, you wouldn't want to do so all the time since there are situations in which is better off for you to hold a freeze near your turret. With Tristana that's nearly, if not, impossible. Apart from that, you're correct; Tristana works just as well for the rest. Tristana is not as good as Sivir for teamfighting, but, that's pretty much the only aspect I would think of that Sivir outperforms Tristana.
@@ASOCOMIDIUM exactly! Which is why I default to this forever push, hard pressure, high tempo, look for picks/1v1s or better scenario with her specifically. There's practically no other way to play her cuz her kit doesn't allow it. She sucks at literally everything else. :)
Love this, I even died when trying to crash the third wave and didn't have enough for my cull. Ended up just turtling until lvl 5 and never interacted with the enemy again, killed like 7 turrets that game, just took waves and rotated to objectives. Very fun :D
one thing I really loved about this guide is that the timings are pretty much spot on with a real game, you can basically just watch along and have a coach in your ear telling you what to do
First game of this went disgustingly well, literally could ignore the enemy bot. Did not trade at all since I had a Yuumi, but they happened to run into my full combo on the wave and the enemy bot got mopped up along with the farm.
@@pianospeedrunnot necessarily, learning is, but teaching itself is not. You only need to to teach the information once. It’s up to the learner to repeat
@@Thatdudewiththedogs in theory yeah but in practice it's only the smartest people who can use information they heard once and change their behaviour / practice from that. Most people (including myself) are like clay, regular pressure molds us. Maybe you are very smart ? (I'd respect that)
I'm surprised you didn't include Xayah. As her W E is very similar to Sivir's Q W clear, and while sivir gets a spell shield early, Xayah' R will be her safety net.
Im surprised you didn't put tristana on this list. the early game is more aggressive, but for the macro section her q and e and e passive make her a great pusher, and she shreds towers. Her ult and w let he split while being able to get away, and her passive gives her huge scaling. If you rune her on the exact same runes as sivir, I feel like she outscales, and while her waveclear might be slightly worse, her self peel is way better.
This might be my favorite League guide of all time. So damn comprehensive, so detailed and I'm just in awe that you answered every question I had before I had a time to ask it. Thank you for putting this together
In my games my random support players don't do the cheater recall, instead they stay to try and poke the enemies, and ruin the rebounding wave, die to the enemy bot 1v2, or get ganked by their jungler. I guess the larger strategy still works, just shove waves. But any wave management trick is impossible with a bad support that constantly wants to touch the minions, either over pushing, ruining a freeze I have, or just preventing a wave from rebounding back into us.
it's been a long time since i played, but in my time it seemed like everyone tried to kill the first tower as fast as possible. BTW, that was before "tower shields" were added...that makes me feel old.
I used this strat back in May to hit Diamond and reached Rank 9 Sivir NA. Yet another example by Skill Capped that fundamentals and macro is a much more efficient way of climbing than just "getting good."
I did train my macros by watching pro's BUT it's very hard to implement it in low Elo. I once took Drake and Tower because I did not commit to the team fight at baron, but that caused my team to flame be and then everything went downhill
the best option is to mute everyone and do your own thing, better than playing well is maintaining a calm mentality, if you listen to pro's voice comms every time they mess up the team say "it's ok" "too bad" and try to keep a positive attitude until the end of the game and tilt later lol
Man, I love watching these "useful" tips for high elo players, being a low elo myself. These make absolute no sense in my games, but I still love the cool info 😂
Played this strategy just now, my warwick support literally decided to int the whole time and ended up with 18 deaths within 20 minutes... i finished the game with 324 farm though and did 0 damage to enemies
also the best champion to make enemy blitz/morgana/any other 1-important-to-hit-ability-champion players reconsider their life choices no, really, so funny to see enemy support just give up after a few failed attempts to engage on me spellshield
Thank you, after seeing this video and trying to mimic it I sucked even harder than usual and lost lane much faster, which in hindsight made me lose so much less time because the other team steamrolled us way faster than usual.
Strategies like these are the reason why it’s actually quite easy to climb until about emerald/diamond. Everyone is focused on always fighting and I just focus on objectives and map control. I prefer to climb as a supp tho, been playing heimer and it took me from bronze to emerald in just a couple days. Unless my adc is really bad, I always win bot because I am controlling the game with my turrets. And with the same turrets I go and solo drake when possible and also force jungler to take two rifts during the game. And we can always take fast baron at 20 min with just 2-3 people. It’s been a really broken pick so far, but I think it will be harder to climb now because average skill and map control is higher.
as adc main, i never play sivir cuz her simple kits vs other adc but i've change my mind, sivir really help me climb out of elo hell. she got nth fancy yet very consistent and strong best of all u can throw pizza and the strategy worked
I faced this strategy todays after the enemy adc picked up Sivir before I could. I was in panic, but remembered old days maining Xayah and hers incredible wave clear. It’s almost the same strategy but you have one advantage: stun on your E and disengage on your R. Not that effective on sidelinening, but better on line phase
99% of people who watch this will throw this strategy out the door 1 min into laning phase. But they still watch cause they want to feel like they trying to get better
funny you would say that, I am around diamond mmr and this is what i do on velkoz mid in hard match ups. wave clear and reset on cannon waves. also i always clear wave before rotating and I ALWAYS get enemy t1 & t2 this way. it is indeed very simple. Also I defend my t1 as much as I can so it keeps pressure on mid lane and vision and defend our jungle openings. To anyone under platinum elo, I would advise you this playstyle. even people in diamond and platinum can benefit from this also
weird, went into game, had the worlds worst support, my team fed enemy laner until she was 3/0 pre level 6, but using this despite going 0/3/2 i was 30 cs up, took turret while mine was basically at full health and was only 700 gold down like hot damn crazy
The problem with using sivir, is that bronze tier players will generaly give up, because they think sivir has no damage, even tho she is legit the most broken ADC.
I'm not a pro, but the short answer is yes, but then think of what that will cost you. The biscuits help set you up for early game, and boots help you with extra speed, and saves you 300 gold for damage items. So it depends.
Welp, my chosen main, jhin, does not excel at this or the split push strategy. What should your strategy be on an adc that can't implement these strats? I feel so at the mercy of my support and my team as jhin, and I can't think of a way to break that with his kit.
Take note support because that's why at low elo you can literaly have a free lane as an engage support, because you ll be up front of your adc for a potential engage and even if you fail a little bit if you force the focus onto you and your adc is free dpsing then you win the trade, especialy if he goes for the adc enemy first.
When I play vs this as a support player I just punish Sivir when they try to cs. Like Sorakas poke can really stop this play by just hitting her as she last hits.
This video seems like a really good one. However most of these actions afterwards you cleared the wave simply just dont happen in my games. I will try to copy as much as possible
I just tried this technique, I was chilling, practiicing and dealing with my waves (against Veigar Morgana ffs), my top looses inhib at minute 15, my mid is 0/6/0, we lost the game hard in 19 minutes hmm I guess I'l not practice today xDDD
Seems something you can do in other lanes with Minion Dematerializer or with against some champions like fiora,camille,kassadin with no wave clear at all
you cant do this mid i think cuz the lane is too short if you are talking about cheater recall, but if your talking about creating roam timers on cannon waves then thats just normal
Tried this strategy, was working until first recall my support didnt recall with me, died and fixed wawe by accident (pushing) my jg was farming whole game did 0 ganks and objectives, my top was feeding and mid troling so i end game 0/10/0 unable to do anything dying under turret oneshoted (literally, just one skillshot 100% hp lost).
Did this strategy. First game my Lee sin and nilah invaded enemy red level 1 and died giving cait a kill. She pushed into my turret and did a cheater recall on me. Cait proceeds to get a double kill level 2... on lee and nilah... In the enemy base. needless to say that game did not go well and I got flamed :) Giving it more games of course!
Yes, but what if, for example, I see that the drake is there, preasure mid minions and go for drake but enemys simply don't care about minions on mid and all come on drake? What if they don't care for minions at all?
@@FlightFromReality Yes, but listen, for example, when I applied this, I didn't know how to beat the game. I get the impression that the farm is irrelevant and that if everyone doesn't apply it, it generally doesn't even matter that I push some lanes. If we are weaker than them they will take the soul. If, for example, I have 300 farm in 30 min, and my opponent who dropped 4-5 waves of minions has about 200, it does not mean that the enemy's jg is weaker. Only the rest of the team will beat ours.
The only issue I find with this guide, is that it tells adc to farm jungle but doesn't explain when it's ok to do so. And I often find someone from my team stealing my raptors before the lane phase even ends
This is the main reason why sivir is still not introduced in WR despite being one of the OG champion. Her pushing capability is too strong and the game is not ready for it yet
6:57 alright but what if the enemies had a brain here and froze the wave by holding it? Then you're stuck on low mana and try to push the next one while enemy jgl comes and fucks u up? Or recall and lose 1 and a half wave?
Maybe I missed this, but 2 questions: 1) What if you have another hyper wave-clear adc in lane to where you just cannot cheater recall, and 2) Why deny farm from your jungler??
Sivir has the best wave clear. Her W+Q combo is so broken lol. I don't think any ADC can match it. But thee enemy support is always smart, so they will also push.
Point 2 you aren't really trying to deny your jg farm. For example around 21:45 they talk about taking bot side camps as the jg is top side and likely to take Krugs. Basically if the jg ain't going to be there for a while anyway go for it, they'll likely be respawning before they get there and be higher value when they do. Watch camps after laning phase and see how often they just sit there unclaimed, as a carry it's definitely fine to take the farm in my opinion. Heck I'll even take camps as a support if no one else is nearby. Basically just take the nearest resources that you can after getting priority and keep repeating.
@@nic.h Yeah, if no one else takes them, Jungle camps belong to the support. Otherwise Riot would have implemented diminishing gold for jungle creeps if you have a support item. Usually gold on the ADC is worth more than on any other champ, because ADCs have great late game scaling. They need the gold to carry fights and take down objectives.
@@johanneschristopherstahle3395 damn I hate the diminishing returns because of the support item, they need to drop it around the time tower plates drop in my opinion. I've seriously been considering builds without it on certain champs as I regularly seem to end up catching waves that are crashing and no one wants to get, it such a waste of resources at that point. Basically ditch it for a watchful wardstone at level 13 and stock up on control wards instead. But that has downsides as well. Less wards/vision, extra free gold for enemy when clearing, visible, cost to buy, and while the item is gold efficient it's still pretty weak given alternatives. Yeah really just wish they time limited it like plates or dropped the diminishing returns all together.
At 7:23 you didnt follow the wave so it would crash, they could easily freeze it, get a good recall timing and also maybe setup a gank, which elo was this?
I tired this as a jungle main without laning experience. My observations: - Creating a slow push is hard. - You also have to know how to beat the enemy duo otherwise they can still fuk you hard if you step up at the wrong time.
Unlock the FULL Course for this Strategy at: www.skill-capped.com/lol/pricing/plans#climbfast 👈👈👈
I wantes to be the first one to type somsthing in the video :(
Yummi exists btw did u forget?
fix thumbnail - it is cursed
@4:45, there's another way to break that strategy and it's you having a very good support getting the minion execute support/just mindlessly hitting the wave. TLDR: That strat only works if you have duo or your support has more than 2 brain cells, 1 for warding and 1 for roaming.
Lmao this works in bronze elo where there not tower diving the adc at 6
Your worst support isnt the afk, its the hard shoving one crashing it prematurely at wave 2 and stealing most of your minions...
And they flame you for dying as they always recall at stupid times then they die 2v1 then flame you again.
Yeah AFK's not that bad tbh. At least you get an XP lead that can be useful through the whole game xD
yes! i got really fed as vayne playing 1v2 in lane cause my support thought he was jg but i almost ever lose when my lux hard shoves every wave and steals minions
@@annadrabkova3716 remember playing with this permaroaming leona, was sivir so they had a hard time shoving me in, she was just harassing enemy jg the whole game and I got juicy XP lead. It was even better when the enemy morgana started counter-roaming but by that point I had a 2 level lead against enemy adc.
This hardpushing strategy also illustrates why Noonquiver is such a good powerspike; even if you can't waveclear like Sivir, you can still push out decently well on any champ if you're doing extra dmg to minions.
7:44 he missed the cannon so he told us to close our eyes
@@abcdefghilihgfedcba pretty sure thats what he meant lowkey
Thats really unusual, usually my jungler comes by every canon wave promply and steals it from me to finance his trashy gank....
Shh... don't tell anyone else
15:02 Lane Gameplan Recap
28:38 Sivir Build
I think this might be the best way to learn and get used to wave management and waves order, will definitely try it out.
It doesn't matter. I peaked Dia 4 with Dia 2 mmr and then had 11 consecutive losses due to brainless team mates. Jng has no idea that ganking lvl 6 enemy while he's lvl 4 and the wave is frozen on my side is not a good idea. Even after I type in chat don't come, they gank. Then we both get killed because their jng was also there. Brainless people will keep you down.
@FyreWanderer While that's true, people climb with meta champs, not with game knowledge. I refuse to be a meta slave. Once again, I win lane 8/10 games but I can't win the game when most of the games I have at least two who are feeding. Even in dia. I hoped that dia will bring me inner piece, only to be disapointed in those players too. For example, bot lane is 0/2 0/2 and their adc is 4/0 and my bot lane in freaking dia thinks that it's a good idea to try and get that sweet shutdown only to be sent to the fountain. Almost all of my games are like this. And don't get me started on bot lane ignoring pings and chat info like mid is going bot, back away. Almost every game they don't listen and get killed... LoL is the worst game I've ever played and World of tanks was holding that 1st place for a long time. Only when I really got into full grasp of what LoL is, I am 100% sure that it's the worst ftp game ever made.
@@vanjamenadzerWhat do you mean only people using meta champions can climb? What a lame excuse.
@@SolosoyAngel123 no, they wrote "they climb with meta champs" and not "only with meta champs". using meta champs make the climb far more easy, though.
@@ShyartiN Have you seen his whole text? I do not think i misunderstood what he meant with "People climb with meta champs".
really crazy ive been a sivir main since like season 3-4 and this has basically been my strategy for years
so i expect you to be diamond + right?
really well done! I've been using this strategy for the last three days and I'm averaging 9cs/min in silver...I was bronze when I started. It just works!!
Anivia bot/sup is able to maintain an infinite freeze by using her wall next to the turret. The minion's pathfinding gets confused because you blocked the way to lane and they will get to lane far later than enemy minions. It's honestly op and nobody knows this
everyone knows it, its just not that useful
literally everyone knows this, it’s one of the most obvious mechanics. But it’s not used for good reason
I thought this was an Anivia joke beacause she has a frozen wall and freezing abilities and can just «freeze» the wave with abilities
There is a high ranked Trundle support player who does something similar.
It takes a level of competence to use intelligently as some of your replies seem to think its useless; It is useless when used incorrectly.
@@darkienl5886 Ornn has an opposite effect tho.
While Anivia and Trundle use this to freeze, Ornn burns the minions
I feel I just watch a 30 min ad about how good Sivir is.
Some of this is really only possible because Sivir's waveclear is absolutely insane, which is something not every champ has.
Some champs don't even have abilities lvl1 (Aphelios)
This is one of the highest quality guides you guys have produced. I'm looking forward to more!
Been using this strategy with a TON of success. However I just had a Mundo support who got mad at me for 'backing too much' and said "Well I guess I'm taking over the lane then". Then started perma shoving the wave, forced bad fights, got mad and went afk.
Surprised tristana wasn't mentioned on this list. Maybe because her waveclear is slightly slower? I do this same thing in plat but with tristana, except you can also punish players with 1v1 duels occasionally while you do it, and you can shove towers 100 times faster than most champions. Trist Q buff granted even more attack speed during your 7 second AS buff timer recently, so clearing is even easier than before. You also get the ability to all in dive people at their tower early game due to her early game pressure in the lane that a lot of these other picks lack in their kits. Her peel in the side wave is insanely good as well. Using E-Q on the cannon wave can also 1 shot a wave fairly early on similar to Sivir, just the downside of slightly longer cooldowns over some of these other picks. Her E passive is similar to a jinx rocket in mechanics but with no mana cost. Q also costs no mana. Very easy to manage in comparison when something bad happens and you get stuck in the lane for another 2-3 waves in terms of mana management. Nothing like those moments at 9:58 where something messed up your tempo and you're 1v2 and out of mana to fix the wave for several minutes...
With sivir you can kill the last minion of a moving wave in safe way.Thats why she is the best in that role
it's because it's not safe waveclear. ur earlygame attack range is super low so you have to put yourself in a bad position to actually use your abilities on the wave
I suppose the range has to be taken into consideration. At level 5 you're standing at an awkward 557 range. It's a balancing act between wave control and threatening all in trading to get the wave push and maintain control I guess and that's a bit of a different twist on this tactic that the video wasn't necessarily focusing on. Either way, it's similar and works fairly well, it's just a tiny bit more aggressive play mixed in to make it almost as efficient.
I'd say the main difference between Tristana and Sivir would just be that Tristana is forced onto doing that, while as Sivir you can choose to use your WQ to push.
Although the point of the video is about pushing braindead 24/7, but, you wouldn't want to do so all the time since there are situations in which is better off for you to hold a freeze near your turret. With Tristana that's nearly, if not, impossible.
Apart from that, you're correct; Tristana works just as well for the rest. Tristana is not as good as Sivir for teamfighting, but, that's pretty much the only aspect I would think of that Sivir outperforms Tristana.
@@ASOCOMIDIUM exactly! Which is why I default to this forever push, hard pressure, high tempo, look for picks/1v1s or better scenario with her specifically. There's practically no other way to play her cuz her kit doesn't allow it. She sucks at literally everything else. :)
My cousin showed this strat to me a month ago, it's so ridiculous how it works 90% of the games I play.
So you have a 90% win rate? And rank1, I guess. But which server?
@@bakic866 well 1 win lane 90% but the other 2 lane and mr jungle still have a say in losing the game lol
@@bakic866 I don't win every game, the strategy works to win botlane, not the entire match.
By how he described the champion at the start, i was expecting yuumi
Love this, I even died when trying to crash the third wave and didn't have enough for my cull. Ended up just turtling until lvl 5 and never interacted with the enemy again, killed like 7 turrets that game, just took waves and rotated to objectives. Very fun :D
This is all very interesting but what I'm more curious about is why Sivir has Cho'gath's ability icons at 09:56 xD
now i need answer too
She also has Gnar's at 1:43. Probably replay bug
She also had riven ability ahahah
one thing I really loved about this guide is that the timings are pretty much spot on with a real game, you can basically just watch along and have a coach in your ear telling you what to do
First game of this went disgustingly well, literally could ignore the enemy bot. Did not trade at all since I had a Yuumi, but they happened to run into my full combo on the wave and the enemy bot got mopped up along with the farm.
oooh a yuumi, nice strat
It's not a skill capped video if they don't mention the even minion rule at least once haha
everything in the video is just a rehash of all their other guides
@@bitbrain3468 repitition is key that goes with watching aswell
Teaching is repetition
@@pianospeedrunnot necessarily, learning is, but teaching itself is not. You only need to to teach the information once. It’s up to the learner to repeat
@@Thatdudewiththedogs in theory yeah but in practice it's only the smartest people who can use information they heard once and change their behaviour / practice from that. Most people (including myself) are like clay, regular pressure molds us. Maybe you are very smart ? (I'd respect that)
I'm surprised you didn't include Xayah. As her W E is very similar to Sivir's Q W clear, and while sivir gets a spell shield early, Xayah' R will be her safety net.
Im surprised you didn't put tristana on this list. the early game is more aggressive, but for the macro section her q and e and e passive make her a great pusher, and she shreds towers. Her ult and w let he split while being able to get away, and her passive gives her huge scaling. If you rune her on the exact same runes as sivir, I feel like she outscales, and while her waveclear might be slightly worse, her self peel is way better.
tristana cant freeze the wave...
nice qot
@@mateusmayer7240 just don`t level "e".
This might be my favorite League guide of all time. So damn comprehensive, so detailed and I'm just in awe that you answered every question I had before I had a time to ask it. Thank you for putting this together
I do have one question, what to do if your midlaner refuses to swap with you?
In my games my random support players don't do the cheater recall, instead they stay to try and poke the enemies, and ruin the rebounding wave, die to the enemy bot 1v2, or get ganked by their jungler.
I guess the larger strategy still works, just shove waves. But any wave management trick is impossible with a bad support that constantly wants to touch the minions, either over pushing, ruining a freeze I have, or just preventing a wave from rebounding back into us.
it's been a long time since i played, but in my time it seemed like everyone tried to kill the first tower as fast as possible.
BTW, that was before "tower shields" were added...that makes me feel old.
This is the way.
Have you tried communication? Asking support to roam?
anyone noticed at 1:38, sivir’s tooltip is displaying gnar’s abilities instead her own? 😮
was about to say it xd
I used this strat back in May to hit Diamond and reached Rank 9 Sivir NA. Yet another example by Skill Capped that fundamentals and macro is a much more efficient way of climbing than just "getting good."
is this real
@@joshk2181 lol yes.
I did train my macros by watching pro's BUT it's very hard to implement it in low Elo. I once took Drake and Tower because I did not commit to the team fight at baron, but that caused my team to flame be and then everything went downhill
the best option is to mute everyone and do your own thing, better than playing well is maintaining a calm mentality, if you listen to pro's voice comms every time they mess up the team say "it's ok" "too bad" and try to keep a positive attitude until the end of the game and tilt later lol
Nice video! Feedback: tell us how to counter it and what are the weakness of it. That help us to execute the strategy even better!
i main top but when i play ADC. Sivir has been my best pick for decades. always loved her.
Can you make a video about difference between soloq and duoq. I believe claming solo is easiest part. What do you think? Cause matchmaking ofc.
this is the best tuto i've seen as adc so far. helped me improve a lot thx.
Man, I love watching these "useful" tips for high elo players, being a low elo myself. These make absolute no sense in my games, but I still love the cool info 😂
Played this strategy just now, my warwick support literally decided to int the whole time and ended up with 18 deaths within 20 minutes... i finished the game with 324 farm though and did 0 damage to enemies
I just tried this after watching, and it worked.
Wait, isn't this what Sivir usually do in the early?
This is why I didn't like the Mana Gain Change on Shield
Just buy tear you never rrun out of mana
I feel like Sivir is the best champion to teach fundamentals.
Minion Wave Management
Split Pushing
Letting your support take the hits
also the best champion to make enemy blitz/morgana/any other 1-important-to-hit-ability-champion players reconsider their life choices
no, really, so funny to see enemy support just give up after a few failed attempts to engage on me spellshield
Thank you, after seeing this video and trying to mimic it I sucked even harder than usual and lost lane much faster, which in hindsight made me lose so much less time because the other team steamrolled us way faster than usual.
It’s all in the early game. Go into practice tool and practice freezing the lane and slow pushing
Strategies like these are the reason why it’s actually quite easy to climb until about emerald/diamond. Everyone is focused on always fighting and I just focus on objectives and map control. I prefer to climb as a supp tho, been playing heimer and it took me from bronze to emerald in just a couple days. Unless my adc is really bad, I always win bot because I am controlling the game with my turrets. And with the same turrets I go and solo drake when possible and also force jungler to take two rifts during the game. And we can always take fast baron at 20 min with just 2-3 people. It’s been a really broken pick so far, but I think it will be harder to climb now because average skill and map control is higher.
Step 1: check the tier list
Step 2: pick the top tier champions
Step 3: win because people in Solo Q don't know how to ban actually
What about Tristana? I feel like she should make it to A tier at least. She has great escape with W and ult and the wave clear is pretty decent.
Really cool. Can't wait to forget in game. Thank y'all !
1:43 at level one your plan is simple
Play sivir with gnar abilities
(for those who dont get it look bottom left)
as adc main, i never play sivir cuz her simple kits vs other adc but i've change my mind, sivir really help me climb out of elo hell. she got nth fancy yet very consistent and strong
best of all u can throw pizza and the strategy worked
You should also make a video on how you counter this strategy or what you do when someone does this strategy.
I faced this strategy todays after the enemy adc picked up Sivir before I could. I was in panic, but remembered old days maining Xayah and hers incredible wave clear. It’s almost the same strategy but you have one advantage: stun on your E and disengage on your R. Not that effective on sidelinening, but better on line phase
@@profetadeoz cool, thanks!
As a support I just coached my cait in this strat. It worked the 1 time I tried it. So that got a sub
first game, w. Does not mean it will always work, but I was glad I could recognize the patterns ! Ty very much !
It's just doesn't work in low elo when ur supp randomly hitting minions and pushing the wave for no reason while u want to freeze..
How about teaching us how you managed to have Chogath's abilities
A detailed video for the "what would Tryndamere do" strat :D
Thanks a lot. This is pretty much how I already played sivir.
99% of people who watch this will throw this strategy out the door 1 min into laning phase. But they still watch cause they want to feel like they trying to get better
This is one of your best guides, ever.
Graves top is also a really good wave clear/split pusher.
funny you would say that, I am around diamond mmr and this is what i do on velkoz mid in hard match ups. wave clear and reset on cannon waves. also i always clear wave before rotating and I ALWAYS get enemy t1 & t2 this way. it is indeed very simple. Also I defend my t1 as much as I can so it keeps pressure on mid lane and vision and defend our jungle openings. To anyone under platinum elo, I would advise you this playstyle. even people in diamond and platinum can benefit from this also
weird, went into game, had the worlds worst support, my team fed enemy laner until she was 3/0 pre level 6, but using this despite going 0/3/2 i was 30 cs up, took turret while mine was basically at full health and was only 700 gold down like hot damn crazy
Woudnt xayah be a great option due to waveclearing and turrent dmg?
Tried this, I'm not an ADC at all. Got to lane and was instantly blocked by a Nautilus and the whole game fell apart.
The problem with using sivir, is that bronze tier players will generaly give up, because they think sivir has no damage, even tho she is legit the most broken ADC.
Neat, I figured this out myself back when I occasionally played Lethality Sivir before I had developed any decent mechanics.
One of the best vids I've seen from you guys
For the rune page. Could minion dematerializer work because it auto kills a minion and makes you deal more damage to “the same type of minions?”
Bro someone answer this man!
I'm not a pro, but the short answer is yes, but then think of what that will cost you. The biscuits help set you up for early game, and boots help you with extra speed, and saves you 300 gold for damage items. So it depends.
isnt xayah good here for her waveclear, and sure is not as safe as sivir pre 6 but after 6 shes very safe aswell?
Best one yet, thanks. looking forward to subscribe to skill capped in near future....
This type of video is the best ones you make
is this strat viable in patch 13.10 onwards after adc mythics, if so what do i need to know?
I abused this a lot. You can also buy ER first item and have infinite mana, then KS and IE.
Ive always played like that just didnt ever tought about picking sivir, she is really op with her ult.
I've played support bard and Lulu and have been hard stuck bronze but then I went ivern support and I went to plat..
Welp, my chosen main, jhin, does not excel at this or the split push strategy. What should your strategy be on an adc that can't implement these strats? I feel so at the mercy of my support and my team as jhin, and I can't think of a way to break that with his kit.
It's support diff bro
Jhin is not even a real adc
how does veigar do this? his early waveclear and mana is awful, and hes very unsafe due to having no mobility or dps
Take note support because that's why at low elo you can literaly have a free lane as an engage support, because you ll be up front of your adc for a potential engage and even if you fail a little bit if you force the focus onto you and your adc is free dpsing then you win the trade, especialy if he goes for the adc enemy first.
The slow and gradual descent into madness can be heard around 8:00
does this still works with minions trucking to lane in 13.10?
I really like how complete and clear this guide was! Thank you!
tried it in URF and it was working so well.
What if it's not Kalista and Morgana, but Pantheon and Pyke?
When I play vs this as a support player I just punish Sivir when they try to cs. Like Sorakas poke can really stop this play by just hitting her as she last hits.
This video seems like a really good one. However most of these actions afterwards you cleared the wave simply just dont happen in my games. I will try to copy as much as possible
I just tried this technique, I was chilling, practiicing and dealing with my waves (against Veigar Morgana ffs), my top looses inhib at minute 15, my mid is 0/6/0, we lost the game hard in 19 minutes hmm I guess I'l not practice today xDDD
Seems something you can do in other lanes with Minion Dematerializer or with against some champions like fiora,camille,kassadin
with no wave clear at all
you cant do this mid i think cuz the lane is too short if you are talking about cheater recall, but if your talking about creating roam timers on cannon waves then thats just normal
wouldnt seraphine be pretty good for this aswell?
This is why Vex is so strong aswell. Her waveclear is just to good compared to other mid laners.
I play AP Nasus with the same strategy. It's off meta and can be quite situational but it utilise the exact same concept.
Who would have thought that farming minions not only gives you XP and gold, but they also allow you to push to objectives! Crazy!
Tried this strategy, was working until first recall my support didnt recall with me, died and fixed wawe by accident (pushing)
my jg was farming whole game did 0 ganks and objectives, my top was feeding and mid troling so i end game 0/10/0 unable to do anything dying under turret oneshoted (literally, just one skillshot 100% hp lost).
the lasthitting displayed hurts my eyes
wtf that really works :D Thanks you guys! You doing great job!
what are the items u need and what order? i dont want to pay money to get better at lol
What if opponent have a assassin jnglr n hungry for you?
I've legit done this for weeks and have not understood how almost noone else thinks she's absolutely turbo.
People only respect dueling on low levels, wave clear is underrated.
Did this strategy. First game my Lee sin and nilah invaded enemy red level 1 and died giving cait a kill. She pushed into my turret and did a cheater recall on me. Cait proceeds to get a double kill level 2... on lee and nilah... In the enemy base. needless to say that game did not go well and I got flamed :) Giving it more games of course!
Yes, but what if, for example, I see that the drake is there, preasure mid minions and go for drake but enemys simply don't care about minions on mid and all come on drake? What if they don't care for minions at all?
You can take a risky 5vs5 at drake knowing that you have already won mid ( you got gold from cs that enemy team is losing to fight at drake)
@@FlightFromReality Yes, but listen, for example, when I applied this, I didn't know how to beat the game. I get the impression that the farm is irrelevant and that if everyone doesn't apply it, it generally doesn't even matter that I push some lanes. If we are weaker than them they will take the soul. If, for example, I have 300 farm in 30 min, and my opponent who dropped 4-5 waves of minions has about 200, it does not mean that the enemy's jg is weaker. Only the rest of the team will beat ours.
The only issue I find with this guide, is that it tells adc to farm jungle but doesn't explain when it's ok to do so. And I often find someone from my team stealing my raptors before the lane phase even ends
This is the main reason why sivir is still not introduced in WR despite being one of the OG champion. Her pushing capability is too strong and the game is not ready for it yet
I got hyped to try this out and instantly got a Senna support that went 0/5/1 in 7 minutes and started roaming because ''useless adc'' xD
6:57 alright but what if the enemies had a brain here and froze the wave by holding it? Then you're stuck on low mana and try to push the next one while enemy jgl comes and fucks u up? Or recall and lose 1 and a half wave?
@@FlightFromReality Not always possible if you're low on mana / health because of the shoving in early levels.
Maybe I missed this, but 2 questions: 1) What if you have another hyper wave-clear adc in lane to where you just cannot cheater recall, and 2) Why deny farm from your jungler??
50% of jungle don't do their golems anyway. that was probably the case
Sivir has the best wave clear. Her W+Q combo is so broken lol. I don't think any ADC can match it.
But thee enemy support is always smart, so they will also push.
Point 2 you aren't really trying to deny your jg farm. For example around 21:45 they talk about taking bot side camps as the jg is top side and likely to take Krugs.
Basically if the jg ain't going to be there for a while anyway go for it, they'll likely be respawning before they get there and be higher value when they do.
Watch camps after laning phase and see how often they just sit there unclaimed, as a carry it's definitely fine to take the farm in my opinion. Heck I'll even take camps as a support if no one else is nearby.
Basically just take the nearest resources that you can after getting priority and keep repeating.
@@nic.h Yeah, if no one else takes them, Jungle camps belong to the support. Otherwise Riot would have implemented diminishing gold for jungle creeps if you have a support item.
Usually gold on the ADC is worth more than on any other champ, because ADCs have great late game scaling. They need the gold to carry fights and take down objectives.
@@johanneschristopherstahle3395 damn I hate the diminishing returns because of the support item, they need to drop it around the time tower plates drop in my opinion.
I've seriously been considering builds without it on certain champs as I regularly seem to end up catching waves that are crashing and no one wants to get, it such a waste of resources at that point. Basically ditch it for a watchful wardstone at level 13 and stock up on control wards instead.
But that has downsides as well. Less wards/vision, extra free gold for enemy when clearing, visible, cost to buy, and while the item is gold efficient it's still pretty weak given alternatives.
Yeah really just wish they time limited it like plates or dropped the diminishing returns all together.
what do you do you if you don't want to play sivir because she puts summoners to sleep?
At 7:23 you didnt follow the wave so it would crash, they could easily freeze it, get a good recall timing and also maybe setup a gank, which elo was this?
I tired this as a jungle main without laning experience. My observations:
- Creating a slow push is hard.
- You also have to know how to beat the enemy duo otherwise they can still fuk you hard if you step up at the wrong time.