Weird that for our core identity supposedly being “slow and tough” a lot of these weaknesses are that they’re not durable for the points costs. I’m happy with our damage output, but wish our units could survive long enough to use them more than once
It’s really hard to make tough armies with the way the rules work. I mean, if you’re complaining about Necrons, imagine how Death Guard players feel. The best example of a reasonably balanced tough army is Custodes, and the way they balance them is by preventing players from taking more than, like, 30 models in a 2000 pt. game.
@@Edude117 Pretty spot on number, even with the (GT winning btw) "guard and wardens + characters" list, where you run 15 wardens and 15 guard, you do not end up with more than 33-34 custodes models, characters included. Plus 1-2 allied characters. And arguably they are a bit too cheap now (we will see if massed ap -1/-2 (with ignores cover) will become a thing to counter them, poor deamons might once again get caught in the crossfire if so). So yeah, spot on with that. Plus it is worth to mention that "tough" here means T6 and invun. Which still melts to shit ton of stuff, which is why wardens are such a crutch for *even them*. Meta is that deadly atm, very high on firepower.
Look you can't complain too much, when you can bring models back unlike 90% of other armies, you're tougher than Guard and GSC to take down and the only army tougher than you with resurrect mechanics are Custodes who can do it 1 time a game and CSM who have to be Tzeentch marked to do so
I'm biased because I play canoptek but wraiths are both tough *and* fast. They're not as unkillable as index Lychguard but move literally double which I prefer much more. AND have dev wound pistols for when they do tie up enemy units.
One thing to call out is the Silent King has the ignore modifiers rule, which per the last FAQ lets you ignore dmg reduction. Which would lead well into fighting other C'tan equivlants.
Yeah, definitely not buying old sculps just so GW can replace the update and get you spend more money. That's why with all the new kroot stuff I'm going to build a tau force
Remember the eldar avatar was over 35 years between sculpts. Just to give you a hint of how long I been playing the eldar vyper was brand new when I started
Please do a bad match-up video, a video based on worst/best match ups for each army against each army. Could be interesting and give people what to expect.
That seems like it requires hours of research. You would need to know every single unit in every army. As a new player it seems like a huge undertaking. 😅
As a Necron player, Custodes is always a rough matchup. They can really tank non-C'Tan damage well and once they charge they tend to shred Necron units in melee, even beyond what reanimation heals. Custodes is for sure my least favorite.
Wish destroyers were better off running in the destroyer detachment rather than awakened. Annihilation Legion could use some changes, so many of the stratagems are too situational to get used
I would love to see this video again considering some of the new cost changes and some updates, namely Skorpekh Lord cost decrease, C'tan point increase/No Cosmic Precision (though they're still REALLY good) and Night Scythe getting Deep Strike, especially w/HCL hyperphasing tech.
I run awakened dynasty for my Necrons and ive got to say, that plus one to hit while being lead is no joke. Youve got immortals hitting on 2s and 5&6 are critical with a plasmancer. I think my list will survive the balance okay (i do use void dragon, but ive used him since he came out because i love the model and ill probably use him after for the same reason) plus its all hits, so Skorpekh lords with skorpekhs are really good in melee
The vault with a babysitter Technomancer and relic is nuts. You can heal up to 6 wounds back on it, and the powers/guns now hit on 2s. The indirect can be used and it will still hit on 3s. Add in some triarcj stalkers and now the hiding unit doesn't get cover. It absolutely melts things and can now even use two powers a turn. Imo its a sleeper unit.
Silent King is overcosted. He can all, but good in nothing and required support for himself. And then you build your list around him as a one of central units you feel like "I spend 600 pts for 2 las shots and average close-combat..." And his main weaknesses is his Menhirs.
Yes you got to build around him but I like him. If I am running index legion I have him go forward with 2 doomsday arks a reanimator and technomancer with the +1to hit thing. This means the doomsday arks hit on a 2+ with a reroll then wound most things on 3 or 3 with a reroll 1. Then let the king act as a bullet magnet. When he has lost 10 or 12 wounds use the reanimation stratagem to heal most of it in the enemy turn and back to full strength in yours. If your opponent doesn't wipe them in 1 turn they stay at full strength. Also heavy destroyer does good hear as well
@@musicalcharge Not then you spend quarter of your army on it( Ofc it depends from your opponent, but a lot of army can oneshot him or make looks like as some variant of redemptor… and it’s sad(
Agree that ctan are undercosted, its not great for internal balance that I keep getting drawn back to running 3 of them. For weaker units, what I'd like to see happen (tho i expect changes would be limited to pts changes): 1. Warriors, give them d6 reanimation back, but maybe not d3+3 on objectives. Would be swingy but at least potentially good but less oppressive than stacked reanimation in the index could be. 2. Skorpekhs and their lord to combined be more like 250-270 pts rather than 300. 3. Triarch Praetorians would be so much better with a 2+ save, and no necron infantry currently has that so is a niche they could have. Would like to see them gain the grenades keyword as well as we dont have anyone with that either. 4. Slight pts drop on the Stalker, though I have had good value from it as a tanky forward mover to draw fire away from the multiple ctan. 5. Would love it if we could mix up the loadouts in Lychguard to have a 50:50 mix of shields and warscythes to make the unit more rounded. 6. Convergence would be more viable of it gave its FNP to infantry and mounted units so it could be used to improve thr defence of LHDs who are more likely to hang back in or near the deployment zone than the infantry units in the army. 7. In the lore Ghost Arks transport all kinds of Necron infantry, not just warriors. I feel its held back by the model kit coming with warrior models attached. If it could transport immortals or lychguard it wpuld make its utility less dependent on the value of warriors. 8. Psychomancer as a lone op would be the dream. 9. I'd like the CCB to join Tomb Blades, might give you a reason to dry and run them as more than 3 model utility pieces. All wish listing that, any changes are far more like to be points buffs/nerfs.
I recently made a very convoluted damage averages calculator for 10th edition, and the Nightbringer has won out on every big-killy-thing duel so far, usually by a considerable margin. Of course, there is always the possibility that I messed up some brackets somewhere down the line... Nightbringer attacking Avatar of Khaine: 6.729166667 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 48% of its health, 3 Round Kill Avatar of Khaine attacking Nightbringer: 1.055555556 damage per round after Reanimation Protocols, 8.8% of its health, 12 Round Kill Nightbringer attacking Angron: 12.45833333 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 77.8% of his health, 2 Round Kill Angron attacking Nightbringer: 2.75308642 damage per round after Reanimation Protocols, 22.9% of its health, 5 Round Kill Nightbringer attacking Bloodthirster: 12.45833333 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 69.2% of its health, 2 Round Kill Bloodthirster attacking Nightbringer: 4.231481481 damage per round including Mortal Wounds and after Reanimation Protocols, 35.2% of its health, 3 Round Kill Overall it definitely seems like something intended to be brought down by mass lynching rather than one-on-one fights.
Considering what the Nightbringer is canonically it probably should win most one on one fights. Though I'd be interested in how points factor into the matchups though I'm not sure what the end variable would be. Points per wound per round?
@@Captain1nsaneo That is a fun idea, though complicated a bit by how much more than direct fighting points can apply to (characters like Guilliman would particularly suffer here). However, for the above, it should be fine. Nightbringer attacking Avatar of Khaine: Deals 160.8 points worth of damage per round. Avatar of Khaine attacking Nightbringer: Deals 22.44 points worth of damage per round. Nightbringer attacking Angron: Deals 322.87 points worth of damage per round. Angron attacking Nightbringer: Deals 58.395 points worth of damage per round. Nightbringer attacking Bloodthirster: Deals 221.44 points worth of damage per round. Bloodthirster attacking Nightbringer: Deals 89.76 points worth of damage per round. Out of the big-thing-killy duels I have been doing, the character i have been the most disappointed in all over again is Ghazghkull. He is meant to be the biggest and killiest member of a race dedicated to being big and killy, and the successor to the Beast who was mightier than Primarchs, but does quite poorly when put up against anything that should be in his weight-class like the above. I suppose that is only to be expected when he was downgraded from 'the greatest active threat to Terra and target of one of the largest Imperial deployments in the history of the Imperium, including the massing of one of the largest Black Templar crusades ever with the sole goal of killing him' to 'a side-threat and rival to a mere Space Wolf Captain, even if one with a couple of omnibuses'.
@@tiredtortoise3396 Thanks for running the numbers. The Angron ratio is absurd. It's always sad when a tentpole of a faction isn't viable. Sorry to hear that Gaz is in such a state, reminds me of how terrible the monolith has been until very recently. Though if it's anything to go by, in an edition or 3, Gaz should return to being awesome in the right deployment.
The biggest problem with the Ghost ark isn't how good warriors are, it's that you can only put 10 of them with one character. So that means no full 20 man blocks and no overlord+cryptek bundle.
Warriors are good in one very specific build, namely in hypercrypt with the arisen tyrant plasmancer. Movement and range don't matter when you can pop out of a monolith or deep strike outside of 3, and you're averaging 22 lethal hits with the full squad when fishing for crits. That'll put a dent in just about anything, and then you can add Szeras to the mix.
@@newvegasify1 do the math hammer and you'll find it's actually pretty good. They can hide in strategic reserve and pop out of the monolith even T1. With Szeras nearby and no cover, they'll wreck pretty much anything. Even in cover they'll cause a dent, and if you keep them in cover with Szeras, that's saving on 3s even against AP -2. Now you have 20 bodies, 40 OC, lots of move blocking and primaries control drawing fire away from your c'tan, who you really only need two of anyway. Heck, you can even pay 2 CP for them to charge, they're still rerolling hits and getting an extra pop of AP from Szeras.
@@musicalcharge Everything you said is true but unrealistic. In a tournament game a player always leaves his units in cover most of the time. So they realistically lose their natural ap and having szeras there is also an if. The monolith is a big model and you may need to spend a CP to use cosmic precision, you may not be able to bring in the monolith and szeras. Even if you got the two ap what are you really taking down? You can definitely take down a war dog, heck you can take half the wounds off of a Bigger titan sure and hopefully a LHD or the monolith can take it down. You can wipe a big man blob of aggressors assuming you got szeras in there close and assuming they didn't have cover and assuming they didn't use armor of contempt. Also assuming this isn't another faction that can move instantly when you get close. Also you left yourself in cover right and protected because the warriors are many and have good oc, but you only killed one unit nearby with them and your still haven't tabled them yet. So your grand combo of nearly 800 points and probably a cp kills ideally an aggressor squad and leaves itself out in the near open. There is a reason why at LVO or any of the bigger events you never see necron warriors.
@@newvegasify1 this is only if you're already building around immortals and want a 60 point upgrade to get the better damage over the Tesla. Is it always better? Maybe not always, but often enough to be worth it. It's not really that hard to coordinate everything, especially if you're just going to bring immortals, Szeras and the warriors off the board edge. The argument of "you don't see top tables playing x" doesn't really apply yet either, it's still early days of the meta and a lot of people are experimenting, but if you want to argue from authority, none less than Richard Siegler said that warriors have play in hypercrypt.
With the Tomb sentinel I do wish GW would get rid of it's blast effect from it's gun. I useally run this and have deep strike into the enemies home objective or corners of the map when investigate signals are drawn. But most often it will then get melee'd being so close into enemy Ter
With blast and big guns never fire, you can still shoot out of combat at another target with -1 to hit from my understanding. So not completely helpless
I recently added the Tomb Sentinel to my Canoptek Court. I have 2 ways of using it. If I'm fighting a strong Psyker army (Grey Knights or TSons), I keep him with my Doomstalkers & Reanimator, for defense. If Psykers aren't a problem, deep strike and go for the enemies home objective. I love this model.
It's like trying to build night haunt spirit hosts and omg I literally just left one half built as I melted most with reapplications of cement. Evil build style
The funny thing is every time I use the Triach Stalker it’s one of my best units with the Torrent, I’ve wiped rhinos off the board a couple times with the Focus profile of the heat Ray as well Awakened Dynasty. Agreed, theyre awesome. It would be nice to at least know if we're gonna get some new models any time soon... I really don't feel like buying more of the old ones
I've been wanting to start playing 40k tabletop for a while now and narrowed down my choice to necrons but there are SO many units to choose from, its tough
For some options other than that other commenter has said- you could do a teal/blue and gold for a lovely nihilakh or you could go with the Mephrit that pairs forest green and orange, then there's Maynarkh which is bronze, black and orange, Novokh for red and silver, nephrekh which generally uses bronze and blue or green, but ultimately, pick a few colors you like the look of. It doesn't matter if you stick to codex schemes. I personally do a slight twist on Nihilakh, but I've seen everything from brown to yellow look good on Necrons. Just get in and do some test models. You can always repaint, reprime or strip!
My original jab aside, seeing your PfP why not take inspiration from that? Use silver as the base, but give it a brunsh of a darker metallic to brass it up - something like rune lord brass or balthasar gold. Then apply highlights or designs of red and yellow and white in layered lines. Use basic black for vehicles with the red yellow white. Have a Dynasty screaming for vengeance.
About the overlords dmg reduction: does that mean a dmg 1 attack just won’t do any wounds? Because that sounds wrong but so far I haven’t found anything that tells me specifically
Based off GW's history, I am worried that they will just nerf the shit out of the units that are a bit too good right now and do nothing with the ones that need help. A Gauss flayer being the same str as a bolter and no ap is such a joke...... And they don't even have a special rule or something to make the str nerf less shit. The tomb blades were another one that GW just keeps refusing to do justice..... Their supposed to have some supper fancy evasion matrix that is only possible because they are not living bodies. For any of the necron flyer units it's very sad that they don't get special movement rules to reflect their ability to ignore physics. The other legions need some love cause it seems like almost everything good goes to hyper crypt.
the skorpekh lord is brilliant if you give him the 4+ FNP enhancement and run him solo as a distraction carnifex. he soloed a norn emissary, Abbadon with a unit of legionaries, magnus. its very underratted
I would boost the convergence to a 6 mainly because it's cheap. In infantry based lists it is useful for the fnp and in hypercrypt you can phase it around the board mainly on the edges but u could use it depending on terrain to block paths and force the opponent to shoot it
Main weakness of c'tan is that they don't have save, if you force them 30 Ap 0 saves trough lethal hits ot sth, they just die, skorpekh lord would be great if he gave sustained, lethal counters plasmacytes ability and skorpekhs are not tough enough to last 3 turns midfield to use all of it anyway
I like the Triarch Stalker with either the Heavy Twin Gauss Arrays for striping cover or using the Scout move with heat Ray. Necrons don't have many units that can take Melta's especially [Melta4] or a Flamer that rolls 2D6 auto hits and 4 attacks that deal 3 damage each making it a high damage, short range and can deal good damage in CC shooting its flamer while engaged and potentially dealing 12 Damage in Combat. Spyders feel like they should be taken in units of 2 in order to reanimate. The problem with C'Tan isn't their price which is the same as it was in 9th except for the Nightbringerwho needs tto be bumoed up to 270. The problem is that Necrons can take several C'Tan and in 9th you were restricted to taking 1 per detachment.
Think my hope with the Triarch Stalker is that it comes down a bit in the way of points. Great for the uses above as you say. Last game I primed my doomstalker to kill a Ballistus dread by stripping the cover.
The fact that the shooting profile for the Void Dragon's spear is Str4 always makes me laugh, like; an eldritch spear of living metal thrown by a fragment of a star god that was ancient when the universe was still young has the same chance to wound a space marine, or even a guardsmen, as a boltgun 🤣
If you don't know how to efficiently kill C'Tan you might be looking at the game a little too one-dimensionally. So many things can kill C'Tan in one turn. Sucks to see so many people so sad about it when it's really their own vision that's defeating them, not the C'Tan.
@@GrimDave40k Having every other army loaded with unique special characters makes the game feel like a computer game and armies that consist of just few huge monsters feels like whole another game. Not 40k at its finest.
Deathmarks are 10/10, they are so cheap. I agree with about everything else +/-1. I also feel like you are undervaluing the Reanimator, I know the aura is small, but he is goofy tough for 75 points on a modal that you can use to bait fire.
@@avonthes using 'vehicle' keyword you can. Hyperphasing rule has no excluding phrasing; ALL necron units. Its something similar to the core rule "A bodyguard unit can have only ONE leader attached" not entirely true bc you have special abilities that a second "leader" can be attached to a unit that already has a character assigned too. Cheers 😊
@@evgenijvalamin6473 yes a full squad of scythe guard are not good, but say in a 5x squad, if you could take 2x sword/shield and 3x scythe that would help the unit quite a bit. Allow the S/S to tank some damage and get the scythes into combat.
If you have to write "cool lore" in the strength of Trazyn, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel and that he is horrible lmao VERY cool lore tho, love the book
Some complaints: Warriors are too weedy. Lychguard require an expensive character to function as they should- either cut their cost or make their rule different. I think being able to field Lychguard as a generic melee unit without a leader would be nice. Basic Overlords are too expensive compared to the Shroud lord. Cutting basic "Lieutenant" Lords was stupid. Ophydian destroyers should be STR5. Praetorians are too expensive. Obeisance and Annihilation Legion are undertuned. Ranged destroyers need some stratagem and enhancement love in Annnihilation Legion. Annihilation Barges are undertuned and don't have great loadouts. Lokhusts need new sculpts. Immortal tesla needs to be nerfed to 18" for internal balance.
They hit the poor lads with the legends stick, only reason Trayzn didn't get it too is because he's the most popular necron character in the game. Not gameplay wise of course, he hasn't been usable since 5th edition but lorewise. Same thing happened to anrakyr the traveller, I hope we get these guys back in the future.
@@JavierEscuelIa sorry dude, no trying to troll , is just that many are goinfg to say that necrons are totally fine and nothing is wrong with them, that is the reason for no finishing the sentence.
@@lol32jnjcaa62 my G is afraid of Skeletons, C'tan are disgustingly overpowered, the rest of the codex is strong, especially compared to the disaster which is the current space marine codex but thats honestly more a space marine problem than it is a necron problem, lol.
Weird that for our core identity supposedly being “slow and tough” a lot of these weaknesses are that they’re not durable for the points costs. I’m happy with our damage output, but wish our units could survive long enough to use them more than once
It’s really hard to make tough armies with the way the rules work. I mean, if you’re complaining about Necrons, imagine how Death Guard players feel. The best example of a reasonably balanced tough army is Custodes, and the way they balance them is by preventing players from taking more than, like, 30 models in a 2000 pt. game.
@@Edude117 Pretty spot on number, even with the (GT winning btw) "guard and wardens + characters" list, where you run 15 wardens and 15 guard, you do not end up with more than 33-34 custodes models, characters included. Plus 1-2 allied characters.
And arguably they are a bit too cheap now (we will see if massed ap -1/-2 (with ignores cover) will become a thing to counter them, poor deamons might once again get caught in the crossfire if so). So yeah, spot on with that.
Plus it is worth to mention that "tough" here means T6 and invun. Which still melts to shit ton of stuff, which is why wardens are such a crutch for *even them*.
Meta is that deadly atm, very high on firepower.
Look you can't complain too much, when you can bring models back unlike 90% of other armies, you're tougher than Guard and GSC to take down and the only army tougher than you with resurrect mechanics are Custodes who can do it 1 time a game and CSM who have to be Tzeentch marked to do so
I'm biased because I play canoptek but wraiths are both tough *and* fast. They're not as unkillable as index Lychguard but move literally double which I prefer much more. AND have dev wound pistols for when they do tie up enemy units.
Who told you the Necron core identity was being "slow and tough?" What edition did you start playing them?
One thing to call out is the Silent King has the ignore modifiers rule, which per the last FAQ lets you ignore dmg reduction. Which would lead well into fighting other C'tan equivlants.
Very Thematic that the Silent King is specialized into fighting C’Tan-like entities.
Always happy when Auspex focuses on Necrons 💀
The nightbringer would be so cool...IF the model wasn't 30 years old or something xD.
Artel W minis do an amazing proxy. Look up Noctae Voidreaper
Yeah, definitely not buying old sculps just so GW can replace the update and get you spend more money. That's why with all the new kroot stuff I'm going to build a tau force
Remember the eldar avatar was over 35 years between sculpts. Just to give you a hint of how long I been playing the eldar vyper was brand new when I started
I must be crazy because I actually like the Nightbringer model...
hey now, don't be too harsh it's only *checks notes*... 22 years old
Please do a bad match-up video, a video based on worst/best match ups for each army against each army. Could be interesting and give people what to expect.
That seems like it requires hours of research. You would need to know every single unit in every army. As a new player it seems like a huge undertaking. 😅
As a Necron player, Custodes is always a rough matchup. They can really tank non-C'Tan damage well and once they charge they tend to shred Necron units in melee, even beyond what reanimation heals. Custodes is for sure my least favorite.
I really appreciate you covering the forgeworld models as well! Nice to see non competitive models get some spot light!
I enjoy these faction focus videos. Know these are somewhat subjective, but like the perspective. Lookinging forward to the next one.
Wish destroyers were better off running in the destroyer detachment rather than awakened. Annihilation Legion could use some changes, so many of the stratagems are too situational to get used
I would love to see this video again considering some of the new cost changes and some updates, namely Skorpekh Lord cost decrease, C'tan point increase/No Cosmic Precision (though they're still REALLY good) and Night Scythe getting Deep Strike, especially w/HCL hyperphasing tech.
I run awakened dynasty for my Necrons and ive got to say, that plus one to hit while being lead is no joke. Youve got immortals hitting on 2s and 5&6 are critical with a plasmancer. I think my list will survive the balance okay (i do use void dragon, but ive used him since he came out because i love the model and ill probably use him after for the same reason) plus its all hits, so Skorpekh lords with skorpekhs are really good in melee
The vault with a babysitter Technomancer and relic is nuts. You can heal up to 6 wounds back on it, and the powers/guns now hit on 2s. The indirect can be used and it will still hit on 3s. Add in some triarcj stalkers and now the hiding unit doesn't get cover. It absolutely melts things and can now even use two powers a turn. Imo its a sleeper unit.
"Maybe" if the psychomancer was more lore accurate and could join flayed ones he might have more use.
Twice Dead King Reference >.>
Unfortunately, at 17:15, the last hoorah is no longer. The current kit does not come with the clear green rods, but just regular gray rods. :(
I miss the days of running 80 warriors and still being able to survive long enough to score.
Thank you so much for doing these. I don't think you realize how much influence you have on the meta.
My friend is a necron player. Thxs for the weakness tips auspex!😂😂
Silent King is overcosted. He can all, but good in nothing and required support for himself. And then you build your list around him as a one of central units you feel like "I spend 600 pts for 2 las shots and average close-combat..."
And his main weaknesses is his Menhirs.
Yes you got to build around him but I like him. If I am running index legion I have him go forward with 2 doomsday arks a reanimator and technomancer with the +1to hit thing.
This means the doomsday arks hit on a 2+ with a reroll then wound most things on 3 or 3 with a reroll 1.
Then let the king act as a bullet magnet. When he has lost 10 or 12 wounds use the reanimation stratagem to heal most of it in the enemy turn and back to full strength in yours. If your opponent doesn't wipe them in 1 turn they stay at full strength.
Also heavy destroyer does good hear as well
Ignores modifiers is one of the most powerful abilities in the meta right now, and he has it as an aura. I think he's costed just fine.
@@musicalcharge Not then you spend quarter of your army on it(
Ofc it depends from your opponent, but a lot of army can oneshot him or make looks like as some variant of redemptor… and it’s sad(
Agree that ctan are undercosted, its not great for internal balance that I keep getting drawn back to running 3 of them. For weaker units, what I'd like to see happen (tho i expect changes would be limited to pts changes):
1. Warriors, give them d6 reanimation back, but maybe not d3+3 on objectives. Would be swingy but at least potentially good but less oppressive than stacked reanimation in the index could be.
2. Skorpekhs and their lord to combined be more like 250-270 pts rather than 300.
3. Triarch Praetorians would be so much better with a 2+ save, and no necron infantry currently has that so is a niche they could have. Would like to see them gain the grenades keyword as well as we dont have anyone with that either.
4. Slight pts drop on the Stalker, though I have had good value from it as a tanky forward mover to draw fire away from the multiple ctan.
5. Would love it if we could mix up the loadouts in Lychguard to have a 50:50 mix of shields and warscythes to make the unit more rounded.
6. Convergence would be more viable of it gave its FNP to infantry and mounted units so it could be used to improve thr defence of LHDs who are more likely to hang back in or near the deployment zone than the infantry units in the army.
7. In the lore Ghost Arks transport all kinds of Necron infantry, not just warriors. I feel its held back by the model kit coming with warrior models attached. If it could transport immortals or lychguard it wpuld make its utility less dependent on the value of warriors.
8. Psychomancer as a lone op would be the dream.
9. I'd like the CCB to join Tomb Blades, might give you a reason to dry and run them as more than 3 model utility pieces.
All wish listing that, any changes are far more like to be points buffs/nerfs.
I recently made a very convoluted damage averages calculator for 10th edition, and the Nightbringer has won out on every big-killy-thing duel so far, usually by a considerable margin. Of course, there is always the possibility that I messed up some brackets somewhere down the line...
Nightbringer attacking Avatar of Khaine: 6.729166667 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 48% of its health, 3 Round Kill
Avatar of Khaine attacking Nightbringer: 1.055555556 damage per round after Reanimation Protocols, 8.8% of its health, 12 Round Kill
Nightbringer attacking Angron: 12.45833333 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 77.8% of his health, 2 Round Kill
Angron attacking Nightbringer: 2.75308642 damage per round after Reanimation Protocols, 22.9% of its health, 5 Round Kill
Nightbringer attacking Bloodthirster: 12.45833333 damage per round including Mortal Wounds, 69.2% of its health, 2 Round Kill
Bloodthirster attacking Nightbringer: 4.231481481 damage per round including Mortal Wounds and after Reanimation Protocols, 35.2% of its health, 3 Round Kill
Overall it definitely seems like something intended to be brought down by mass lynching rather than one-on-one fights.
Considering what the Nightbringer is canonically it probably should win most one on one fights. Though I'd be interested in how points factor into the matchups though I'm not sure what the end variable would be. Points per wound per round?
That is a fun idea, though complicated a bit by how much more than direct fighting points can apply to (characters like Guilliman would particularly suffer here). However, for the above, it should be fine.
Nightbringer attacking Avatar of Khaine: Deals 160.8 points worth of damage per round.
Avatar of Khaine attacking Nightbringer: Deals 22.44 points worth of damage per round.
Nightbringer attacking Angron: Deals 322.87 points worth of damage per round.
Angron attacking Nightbringer: Deals 58.395 points worth of damage per round.
Nightbringer attacking Bloodthirster: Deals 221.44 points worth of damage per round.
Bloodthirster attacking Nightbringer: Deals 89.76 points worth of damage per round.
Out of the big-thing-killy duels I have been doing, the character i have been the most disappointed in all over again is Ghazghkull. He is meant to be the biggest and killiest member of a race dedicated to being big and killy, and the successor to the Beast who was mightier than Primarchs, but does quite poorly when put up against anything that should be in his weight-class like the above. I suppose that is only to be expected when he was downgraded from 'the greatest active threat to Terra and target of one of the largest Imperial deployments in the history of the Imperium, including the massing of one of the largest Black Templar crusades ever with the sole goal of killing him' to 'a side-threat and rival to a mere Space Wolf Captain, even if one with a couple of omnibuses'.
@@tiredtortoise3396 Thanks for running the numbers. The Angron ratio is absurd.
It's always sad when a tentpole of a faction isn't viable. Sorry to hear that Gaz is in such a state, reminds me of how terrible the monolith has been until very recently. Though if it's anything to go by, in an edition or 3, Gaz should return to being awesome in the right deployment.
The biggest problem with the Ghost ark isn't how good warriors are, it's that you can only put 10 of them with one character.
So that means no full 20 man blocks and no overlord+cryptek bundle.
Ahhh the 3rd. 😊
55:55 Also has FNP 4+, I wasn’t aware of that - proper tanky
and a 4+ Invu Save
Warriors are good in one very specific build, namely in hypercrypt with the arisen tyrant plasmancer. Movement and range don't matter when you can pop out of a monolith or deep strike outside of 3, and you're averaging 22 lethal hits with the full squad when fishing for crits. That'll put a dent in just about anything, and then you can add Szeras to the mix.
Even then it still only makes good not great and it’s 280 points. For that points you can bring a C’tan with points to spare.
@@newvegasify1 do the math hammer and you'll find it's actually pretty good. They can hide in strategic reserve and pop out of the monolith even T1. With Szeras nearby and no cover, they'll wreck pretty much anything. Even in cover they'll cause a dent, and if you keep them in cover with Szeras, that's saving on 3s even against AP -2. Now you have 20 bodies, 40 OC, lots of move blocking and primaries control drawing fire away from your c'tan, who you really only need two of anyway. Heck, you can even pay 2 CP for them to charge, they're still rerolling hits and getting an extra pop of AP from Szeras.
@@musicalcharge Everything you said is true but unrealistic. In a tournament game a player always leaves his units in cover most of the time. So they realistically lose their natural ap and having szeras there is also an if. The monolith is a big model and you may need to spend a CP to use cosmic precision, you may not be able to bring in the monolith and szeras. Even if you got the two ap what are you really taking down? You can definitely take down a war dog, heck you can take half the wounds off of a Bigger titan sure and hopefully a LHD or the monolith can take it down. You can wipe a big man blob of aggressors assuming you got szeras in there close and assuming they didn't have cover and assuming they didn't use armor of contempt. Also assuming this isn't another faction that can move instantly when you get close. Also you left yourself in cover right and protected because the warriors are many and have good oc, but you only killed one unit nearby with them and your still haven't tabled them yet. So your grand combo of nearly 800 points and probably a cp kills ideally an aggressor squad and leaves itself out in the near open.
There is a reason why at LVO or any of the bigger events you never see necron warriors.
@@newvegasify1 this is only if you're already building around immortals and want a 60 point upgrade to get the better damage over the Tesla. Is it always better? Maybe not always, but often enough to be worth it. It's not really that hard to coordinate everything, especially if you're just going to bring immortals, Szeras and the warriors off the board edge. The argument of "you don't see top tables playing x" doesn't really apply yet either, it's still early days of the meta and a lot of people are experimenting, but if you want to argue from authority, none less than Richard Siegler said that warriors have play in hypercrypt.
With the Tomb sentinel I do wish GW would get rid of it's blast effect from it's gun. I useally run this and have deep strike into the enemies home objective or corners of the map when investigate signals are drawn. But most often it will then get melee'd being so close into enemy Ter
With blast and big guns never fire, you can still shoot out of combat at another target with -1 to hit from my understanding. So not completely helpless
@@about99ninjas56 While that is true, most often or not you want to kill the unit that fighting you in melee rather then something else
I recently added the Tomb Sentinel to my Canoptek Court. I have 2 ways of using it. If I'm fighting a strong Psyker army (Grey Knights or TSons), I keep him with my Doomstalkers & Reanimator, for defense. If Psykers aren't a problem, deep strike and go for the enemies home objective. I love this model.
Has anyone actually built the Psychomancer without going nuts? I actually gave up on mine and used him for conversion parts.
It's like trying to build night haunt spirit hosts and omg I literally just left one half built as I melted most with reapplications of cement. Evil build style
Same with psychomancer
The funny thing is every time I use the Triach Stalker it’s one of my best units with the Torrent, I’ve wiped rhinos off the board a couple times with the Focus profile of the heat Ray as well
I feel like Auspex is secretly a Ctan shard himself.
It's still crazy to me that Lokhust Destroyers with Lokhust Lord hit on 2's with reroll od 1's and lethals on 5+...
I run them instead of warrior blobs now. Pretty tough as well Awakened Dynasty. Agreed, theyre awesome. It would be nice to at least know if we're gonna get some new models any time soon... I really don't feel like buying more of the old ones
I've been wanting to start playing 40k tabletop for a while now and narrowed down my choice to necrons but there are SO many units to choose from, its tough
I've still got my 9th ed starter box untouched and I have no clue what color scheme to go with Necrons.
For some options other than that other commenter has said- you could do a teal/blue and gold for a lovely nihilakh or you could go with the Mephrit that pairs forest green and orange, then there's Maynarkh which is bronze, black and orange, Novokh for red and silver, nephrekh which generally uses bronze and blue or green, but ultimately, pick a few colors you like the look of. It doesn't matter if you stick to codex schemes. I personally do a slight twist on Nihilakh, but I've seen everything from brown to yellow look good on Necrons. Just get in and do some test models. You can always repaint, reprime or strip!
My original jab aside, seeing your PfP why not take inspiration from that? Use silver as the base, but give it a brunsh of a darker metallic to brass it up - something like rune lord brass or balthasar gold. Then apply highlights or designs of red and yellow and white in layered lines. Use basic black for vehicles with the red yellow white.
Have a Dynasty screaming for vengeance.
Do mephrit, White Green and silver actually looks really nice.
The answer is always Fuchsia
- Cool lore
Man really needed another pro for the man
About the overlords dmg reduction: does that mean a dmg 1 attack just won’t do any wounds? Because that sounds wrong but so far I haven’t found anything that tells me specifically
I think you're spot on. Certain units with similar abilities specify "to a minimum of 1" while the Overlord doesn't. To me, that's "to a minimum of 0"
Based off GW's history, I am worried that they will just nerf the shit out of the units that are a bit too good right now and do nothing with the ones that need help.
A Gauss flayer being the same str as a bolter and no ap is such a joke...... And they don't even have a special rule or something to make the str nerf less shit.
The tomb blades were another one that GW just keeps refusing to do justice..... Their supposed to have some supper fancy evasion matrix that is only possible because they are not living bodies.
For any of the necron flyer units it's very sad that they don't get special movement rules to reflect their ability to ignore physics.
The other legions need some love cause it seems like almost everything good goes to hyper crypt.
the skorpekh lord is brilliant if you give him the 4+ FNP enhancement and run him solo as a distraction carnifex. he soloed a norn emissary, Abbadon with a unit of legionaries, magnus. its very underratted
I would boost the convergence to a 6 mainly because it's cheap. In infantry based lists it is useful for the fnp and in hypercrypt you can phase it around the board mainly on the edges but u could use it depending on terrain to block paths and force the opponent to shoot it
I don't think you can phase it around the board in hc. Fortifications can never go in SR.
@smash_hamster you are correct my mistake.
Main weakness of c'tan is that they don't have save, if you force them 30 Ap 0 saves trough lethal hits ot sth, they just die, skorpekh lord would be great if he gave sustained, lethal counters plasmacytes ability and skorpekhs are not tough enough to last 3 turns midfield to use all of it anyway
Thanks for the analysis
I like the Triarch Stalker with either the Heavy Twin Gauss Arrays for striping cover or using the Scout move with heat Ray. Necrons don't have many units that can take Melta's especially [Melta4] or a Flamer that rolls 2D6 auto hits and 4 attacks that deal 3 damage each making it a high damage, short range and can deal good damage in CC shooting its flamer while engaged and potentially dealing 12 Damage in Combat.
Spyders feel like they should be taken in units of 2 in order to reanimate.
The problem with C'Tan isn't their price which is the same as it was in 9th except for the Nightbringerwho needs tto be bumoed up to 270. The problem is that Necrons can take several C'Tan and in 9th you were restricted to taking 1 per detachment.
Think my hope with the Triarch Stalker is that it comes down a bit in the way of points. Great for the uses above as you say. Last game I primed my doomstalker to kill a Ballistus dread by stripping the cover.
The fact that the shooting profile for the Void Dragon's spear is Str4 always makes me laugh, like;
an eldritch spear of living metal thrown by a fragment of a star god that was ancient when the universe was still young has the same chance to wound a space marine, or even a guardsmen, as a boltgun 🤣
yeah the Voiddragon is a BIT too focused against Vehicle ! Str. 6 or 7 would be better
The game is based on a six-sided die.
@@user-gj7lp5iz6k No, really? Like, seriously not joking? I never would have guessed...
@@KC-kl6qc 🤓
Imo they should limit the amount of c'tans to one or two max. Other than that the codex is fine to play against.
For real, give them a rule called "jealous god" or something that says they cant be in a list with anything else with this rule
Same with the eldar avatar. Makes no sense lorewise
fine. but i want my 2+ on my warriors back then. because lorewise
If you don't know how to efficiently kill C'Tan you might be looking at the game a little too one-dimensionally. So many things can kill C'Tan in one turn. Sucks to see so many people so sad about it when it's really their own vision that's defeating them, not the C'Tan.
@@GrimDave40k Having every other army loaded with unique special characters makes the game feel like a computer game and armies that consist of just few huge monsters feels like whole another game. Not 40k at its finest.
You should do a Mechanicus video but it only shows weaknesses
Watching this so I can know the weaknesses of my friend who plays Necrons.
Your friends army:
Night bringer
Canoptek Wraiths
Void dragon
Doomsday ark.
Deathmarks are 10/10, they are so cheap. I agree with about everything else +/-1. I also feel like you are undervaluing the Reanimator, I know the aura is small, but he is goofy tough for 75 points on a modal that you can use to bait fire.
Nightbringer should be the strongest unit in the game, but he needs a new model and the 0-1 C'tan per army rule (excluding Apocalypse)
Thanks you
Good balance codex
convergence of dominion is fun the the hypercrypt, zipping around the board with hyperphasing
Fortifications can't be phased around the board unfortunately.
@@avonthes using 'vehicle' keyword you can. Hyperphasing rule has no excluding phrasing; ALL necron units. Its something similar to the core rule "A bodyguard unit can have only ONE leader attached" not entirely true bc you have special abilities that a second "leader" can be attached to a unit that already has a character assigned too. Cheers 😊
would rate Lychguard as a 5/10.
only use is to protect Imotekh.
They are like 5/10 or 8/10 depends of your opponent and game size.
Imho main lychguard weakness is that they required lord+orb to be effective.
Lychguard could easily be fixed if they just let us mix up the loadout within the squad. Let us take some shields and scythes in the same unit.
@@boestera currents scythes are crap(
@@evgenijvalamin6473 yes a full squad of scythe guard are not good, but say in a 5x squad, if you could take 2x sword/shield and 3x scythe that would help the unit quite a bit. Allow the S/S to tank some damage and get the scythes into combat.
If you have to write "cool lore" in the strength of Trazyn, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel and that he is horrible lmao
VERY cool lore tho, love the book
What happened to the pylon
Some complaints: Warriors are too weedy. Lychguard require an expensive character to function as they should- either cut their cost or make their rule different. I think being able to field Lychguard as a generic melee unit without a leader would be nice. Basic Overlords are too expensive compared to the Shroud lord. Cutting basic "Lieutenant" Lords was stupid. Ophydian destroyers should be STR5. Praetorians are too expensive. Obeisance and Annihilation Legion are undertuned. Ranged destroyers need some stratagem and enhancement love in Annnihilation Legion. Annihilation Barges are undertuned and don't have great loadouts. Lokhusts need new sculpts. Immortal tesla needs to be nerfed to 18" for internal balance.
The Nightbringer needs to go up to 300 points. No questions asked.
Did you say run six transcendents? Is that real? No shot, I thought 3 is max
Six C'Tan - three transcendents and one each of the others for full on oppressive star god list
What happened to my boys Nemesor Zahndrekh and his friend Vargard Obyron are they gone?
They are considered legend now. You can use old index rules for friendly games but tournaments will say no
They hit the poor lads with the legends stick, only reason Trayzn didn't get it too is because he's the most popular necron character in the game. Not gameplay wise of course, he hasn't been usable since 5th edition but lorewise.
Same thing happened to anrakyr the traveller, I hope we get these guys back in the future.
@@whitewall2253 yeah my hope was that Trayzn would be the 10 Edition cover boy and get a good rework for his model and abilitys
WHat the point of the CoD? Take 1 or 2 and leave them in your deployment to block Deep Strikers. maybe?
"Annoying to build" 😂
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Reanimator 6/10 is cap
some people think that necrons are over powered, for me is pretty simple, just dont play against them. now , lets see how many necron defeders are....
Aaaaaaaare what?
@@JavierEscuelIa sorry dude, no trying to troll , is just that many are goinfg to say that necrons are totally fine and nothing is wrong with them, that is the reason for no finishing the sentence.
Other than the C'tan and maybe very slightly too cheap wraiths there's nothing wrong with them.
@@lol32jnjcaa62 my G is afraid of Skeletons, C'tan are disgustingly overpowered, the rest of the codex is strong, especially compared to the disaster which is the current space marine codex but thats honestly more a space marine problem than it is a necron problem, lol.
@@whitewall2253 actually is a good answer