Mr. Camera man, please know the law before you comment. It's NOT against the law to say "shut the fuck up!" It might be unprofessional but NOT against the law. I wish more people know the law before they comment. I see street side lawyers all the time. Funny people.
Where in any of this did I say it was against the law????? Oh I didnt did I? I wish people would read whats in front of them instead of whats not there.
Did you take this video to the sheriffs office>?
Police showing up at a nightclub "intimidating" a bunch of drunk people? No way how dare they! Ive never heard of police showing up at these places.
That must have been one of the drink and drown Wednesdays.
Mr. Camera man, please know the law before you comment. It's NOT against the law to say "shut the fuck up!" It might be unprofessional but NOT against the law. I wish more people know the law before they comment. I see street side lawyers all the time. Funny people.
Where in any of this did I say it was against the law????? Oh I didnt did I? I wish people would read whats in front of them instead of whats not there.
Right around 1:12 You said they can't say that to you "it's against the law"
It's stupid to lie when people can point to the truth. 1:12 is where you say that, moron.
Wow and y'all say cops are fucked up and it is not against the law for cops to cuss at anybody
Where were you at I've been around Augusta and never saw that place
A spot called Coyotes
Peach Orchard Rd
2:00 Officer No-name. You're in the wrong.
lol, chief tool wont do shit man, trust me