One time my husband and I stopped for some sodas on the way to our gate, and when we got to the gate I realized I’d left my purse at the soda shop! The plane was about to board, so I said a prayer and took off down the gate running (I was 65). I made it to the soda shop, retrieved my purse, and made it back to the gate where the plane was boarding. My husband had waited for me despite having priority boarding. I loved him so much to see him waiting for me! I always felt the prayer I said might have had some effect in making that situation work out as well as it did.
Lovely ❤ . However, you didn’t intentionally cause the problem and you ran, showing consideration for others. Also, you didn’t have to wait in line for your purse.🙏🏾
From what I remember: The man was a widower. She was his second wife. The flight was so the man could meet his daughter (from his earlier marriage) and be part of some important milestone in her life. It was later revealed that the wife purposefully waited until the last minute to get coffee from a far away coffee shop so that they would miss the flight.
Well, then, she was being very manipulative. In that case, he did the right thing getting on the plane so that he could continue with the plans made. The wife, (his second) was being very deceitful.
Sparking a good debate on where is agape? And this Bible verse always makes me remember who/what is most important. “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;” Matthew 10:37 NABRE
I wouldn’t go for coffee after my husband said I wasn’t going to make it back in time, but then I would have spent the flight repeatedly telling him how I would have made it back and he would smirk and pretend he agrees with me. I wouldn’t have left him behind though and he wouldn’t have left me, but he would have been annoyed with me. This was fun!
State the fact and I'm actually smiling imagining the scene and wow it's so annoying for the husband though. Lol Has to endure the entire flight and probably the whole day and wondering he should have let her go to the coffee shop so she can shut up. :v
I am so certain my husband will not get on the plane. I am also certain, when I do come back to the gate, seeing him wait for me, at an empty gate, my husband will be standing there EXTREMELY pissed with me. FILTHY PISSED 🤣
I think as a woman replying out here and some would think I'm old school but compromise is a two way street for happiness. I think she should have listened to her husband and not gone to get the coffee. We are a team and together we win. As in marriage there is no one who wins alone.
What is wrong with all the people saying, he shouldn’t have left her? Something seems seriously wrong if someone is so selfish to get a cup of coffee and risk missing a flight… is it only in America that the cost of the flight and all the hassle that will ensue doesn’t pose a huge problem? I always love listening to Fr Mike but this seems totally absurd.
Exactly! I also learned this my first year at West Point, and it has translated perfectly to my marriage (30+ years): NEVER leave your battle buddy behind. That goes both ways: she shouldn’t have left him and he shouldn’t have left her.
I am married 30 years and would not leave my husband behind for that or anything else! We have been through some very tough times and life has taught us how love and commitment is more important than anything else, even our own wants and “needs”. When two are truly one God blesses us 10 fold! 💕
I’m still stuck on why she left him at the gate to go to a different coffee shop. She shouldn’t have left him. I would never have done that to my husband for coffee…sounds like her world is the only world she lives in.
That is such a shallow, and immature ( or she's awfully dense) thing to do "Coffee, Really?" If this is the theme of this marriage -this particular incident doesn't matter ( could be the last nail in the coffin though) - Its unsustainable. the marriage is going to end sometime.
maybe she thought that if he stayed there and secured their luggage and seats, it was better than both going to buy coffee and ending up missing the flight? It's ok to part ways with your husband for a while to get something done more efficiently. She misjudged the time it would take to get said coffee, that's another point. But I don't see the leaving for a while as a problem in itself. About the part of the coffee being so important, I agree it's pretty weird. But maybe she assumed she could make it in time?
I agree with you, Father. I would never leave my wife alone in an airport like that. Marriage has taught me that being right is meaningless if I'm not acting 100% out of love. The Enemy gets involved real quick if I don't act or speak out of love to my wife. Everyone has a different situation but that is my opinion on it. (Married 31 years.)
The problem with this particular scenario Dave, is that the wife left the husband, not vice versa. She clearly didn't want to get on that plane. NO ONE runs to another terminal as boarding begins for a lousy coffee.
The Enemy wants to break up marriages and families. One spouse is often easier to attack than the other. How do you think the Enemy wanted the husband to respond after he got the wife to do something crazy? Spiritual warfare is real. If you’re wife isn’t alert to it, you better be.
@@davidcole333 HAHA I do! I've gotten out of the boarding line to go buy something! And I've given to crazy lengths to get a coffee. I agree though that the wife should've respected her husband. And good she missed the flight.
There's definitely problems in that relationship! I've been with my husband for 32 yrs, married for 28.. there's no way will I leave him behind, nor would I risk the flight by getting coffee, it's only coffee! We need to pray for this couple
I’ve been married 13 years. She never should have left to get the coffee. He didn’t leave her behind, she intentionally missed the flight. Also airlines always page a missing passenger multiple times before they close the doors.
You're exactly right. He should not have followed her to the coffee shop like a wimp, which fortunately he did not, but he might have waited for her at the gate. Maybe all the calls for the missing passenger were too embarrassing so he boarded.
The only secret is patience and working things out. Over the years, I've figured out that there's always a way to fix things when there's a problem. Five years back, my wife and I were on the brink of divorce because of issues in our marriage, but we found a way to fix them. It was hard, but we made it through.
I truly want to find happiness as well. I have someone special in my life, and even though we're not together right now, I can't imagine living without her; my love for her is deep. I really hope she comes back, and I'm fully committed to making it happen. We've tried different ways, like therapy, to make things right.
Releasing someone you love is always a daunting task, but in my situation, I had the support of a spiritual advisor who prevented the disintegration of my marriage. Her name is Suzanne Ann Walters.
Your advice is valued. I'll promptly look her up online. Thank you. I'm optimistic that pursuing this method will also lead to favorable outcomes for me; I deeply yearn for her.
John Gottman and his wife did a study of 20 couples over 20 yrs of following them from the beginning their marriages - what they found that was surprising was that 69% of all marriage problems will never be resolved, because couples fight about the same thing over and over. (People can tend to be good for awhile after major fight - but will trend back to their old habits)
I’m with him! She made her choice so she needs to live the consequences. He TRIED to warn her. (I’ve been married 31 years. I’m female.)In the long run, this is the only hope for the marriage. Otherwise she won’t “get it”.
100%!! Especially when there was a coffee shop right next to the gate. She was 100% in the wrong and being completely selfish for putting their marriage in that situation.
She shouldn't have missed the flight for a stupid cup of coffee. But he never should have gotten on the plane without her. For better or for worse, marriage is a team sport.
There’s more to this story. They were on their way to visit his daughter. She had already been the cause of a missed flight from the night before. She was trying to prevent him from going to see his daughter.
If she just would listen, and act accordingly, to her husband advise there would not be a problem. Just like we should listen to Jezus? Oh well, forgive and forget and don't take it so serious is the only way out \0/
Father we have been married 38 yrs. We have had issues now and then. We had to grow and mature, and give and take and let some things go. But the one thing we did was never give up. We never strayed, we worked hard, and showed respect. And we really do love each other.
My Ex-wife used to stress me out when we went on vacations. We would spend thousands of dollars on flights, lodging, and excursions. I would be excited for the trip for months in advance, and then she would never be ready to leave for the airport on time. Always it was showing up at the last minute before they stop checking bags. I would be so stressed out, and almost regret even going on the trip with her, because of her lack of care for my feelings. It is a sign, if your spouse can't cooperate or care for and respect your opinion.
🩸 christians redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ are in heaven before the first seal of the tribulation is opened. 👀 Revelation 5 KJV 🩸 9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. 11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Colossians 1 KJV 🩸 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 🩸🤔 Is your faith in the blood of Jesus Christ? Romans 3 KJV 🩸 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
She was acting spoiled, selfish, impulsive and imprudent. Which means that in future a conversation about travel plans and expectations and planning ahead are in order! Maybe even them having to travel separately in the future if she continues to be inconsiderate, but in this situation, you don’t just leave your partner/spouse. Like Father said, perhaps a battle was won, but more solemnly the war could be lost.
I am a wife of 33 years. I feel like what this woman did is probably not new behavior and and falls in the category of "coercive control". By not honoring her husband's simple request, she put him in an incredibly difficult situation. The consequences were extreme considering the supposed goal (a coffee). I think what is most disturbing to me, having been a faithful Catholic for all of my marriage, is the idea that somehow we are supposed to accept abusive behavior from a spouse. Even Jesus set boundaries against abusive behavior, as shown when "turn the other cheek" is explained in actual context. This man set a strong boundary and I commend him.
I'm old- fashioned and my husband is a wise man. If he said it was a bad idea and I wouldn't make the flight in time, then I wouldn't go out of respect for him. Also, I would have offered it up as a small sacrifice to God, and went with the coffee shop that was close by.
A lot does depend on context. Yes in a proper marriage, he wouldn't leave her, but this isn't like she was in the bathroom or needed to do something urgent. She wanted a particular coffee, discussed it, was warned that the plane would leave, and then consciously decided to act against her husband for the coffee she wanted. Is it fair that he gets the blame for getting on the plane? We dont know the purpose or urgency of the flight, so i can't comment on that. But why did she leave him? This seems like you're giving him the responsibility of staying behind for her and not giving her the responsibility to stay by his side when he warned her the plane would leave. Yes, he should stay because of love, but she shouldn't have left because of love as well. So the people in this scenario need communication about priorities and teamwork
I'll pray that one day you'll happen upon just the right video to open your heart to Jesus. And you'll feel the joy of being a Christian. God bless you!
I am an atheist, my husband is christian. I admire faith a lot, there are many things that one can learn from it, especially in regards to human connections.
Its a good question about setting boundaries and letting the person learn the consequence of their choices. For example, a friend of mine is a DRE and leads pilgrimages every couple years. Most parishioners who go on them are elderly and dont have the same sense of time urgency as younger adults do. Well, many of them would be perpetually late for the bus. If she said, be back at the bus at 2:50 bc were leaving at 3, they'd saunter in at 3:10+ So finally she started warning them, if they weren't back on time, they'd leave without them. She followed through on her threat and left someone behind and so they had to get back to the hotel by themselves and missed the rest of the activities for the day. She said that person never missed the bus time after that. So, say this woman was perpetually making her husband late and he warned her, "if youre not back in time, I'm leaving," i could see that as a 'letting her experience the consequences of her choices.' like what if he's had many conversations and said it hurts him when she makes him late and she persists in doing it anyway? What if he's missed out on other things because of her perpetual lateness? To me, this doesnt sound like its a first-time she's done this sort of thing. Sometimes love is setting a boundary.. IDK, but im kind of on his side.
I’ve been married for 44 years. I wouldn’t have gotten on the plane. I would have waited. I agree with your Father Mike. Marriage is more important than a destination. Many thanks. Lisa
Wow, this is a great anecdote for helping anyone discern the state of their relationship! Even though I would never ditch my husband for coffee when I can see he’s anxious about timing, and he would never leave my side in an airport except to hit the restroom, I don’t think there is a right answer for this situation. I think what’s most important is what comes next-do they choose to apologize and forgive the other, striving to understand what the other values? Or do they use it forever as ammunition against the other? At 6 years, we’re still new to marriage, but we’ve experienced the fruits of humble apologies, forgiveness and honest, vulnerable communication. ❤ Prayers this couple can too!
*Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*
I thought my husband would have argued with the flight attendants to announce and not leave without a checked in passenger. My husband listened to the scenario and plainly said, “ I would not have boarded without you”…. Married happily in the LORD for 16 years with two blessed children.
I heard the whole story and the wife was actually trying to prevent her husband from seeing his daughter (her step daughter) and had pulled this before…twice😂
Yeah, I'd heard it before too, and remembered that it was intentional on her part, but couldn't remember the exact details. It was some important event for the daughter though, right? Like a graduation or something?
As a woman, i would absolutely support the husband getting on the plane. You don't do things to " test" your partner. I for one would have left on the flight as I would have been sooo furious, it would have made me ugly with him. 😊
This actually blows my mind. There is a less than zero chance my husband would get on a plane without me and leave me stranded in an airport, even if I really deserved it.
@@fujikokunyou have a nice husband and I bet you deserve him. I hope he would not give in to your rebellion like a wimp and follow you to the distant coffee shop. I hope he'd just wait at the gate.
I am wondering about the responsibility of the wife. If she told him to get on the flight and she chooses to risks missing their flight by going way out of her way to get that cup of coffee, which she could have gotten close by, I’m asking myself-where is her accountability and love for her husband to put him in that position? I don’t think he did anything wrong. Just my thoughts. We all need to take the log out of our own eye and be thoughtful of the other person we are with-no matter what their relationship is to us. I feel like the husband was trying to work with her and trust her judgement-
He DID do the right thing. We are given will and intellect. Intellect says “don’t risk it, forgo the coffee’. She willed to go against common sense. She is a big girl, take chances and sometimes you get burned. I doubly fault HER for 1) making the choice to ho for coffee and 2) putting HIM in an awkward position. Part of loving someone is allowing them to make their own mistakes.
Coffee? Or a seat next to your husband? Not a tough choice. SHE made a SELFISH choice. She got married before she was ready, if that's still the choices she is still making. "No, I don't want this coffe, I want THAT coffee?!?" Maybe after she's alone awhile longer she'll learn how to be grateful for him. She sounds very spoiled. She is not a child and apparently knows how to buy another ticket. Leave her and show her you love her by waiting for her at the airport when she DOES arrive. At least he saved money by not wasting TWO tickets and spending money on 4 total tickets. My husband would have gone for the coffee because he has a servant's heart but I would never behave that way. Im extremely grateful for him!!!
Was it Southwest Airlines with no reserved seating? In that case, if he waited for her at the gate, they would've risked being separated on the plane if she made it back on time, but everyone else boarded. By going on the plane, he can save a seat so that they can sit together. I also realize that 25 years ago, this would've been way more of a conundrum. Now, you can just call or text each other and see where you are. You can ask, "Hey, they're boarding now. Do you want me to get on the plane or do you want me to wait for you?"
He should have texted her "the plane is boarding, come back! I will buy you all the coffee you want when we get there!" Actually, as a wife of 40 years, and traveling often with my husband, I would not have left the gate at the last minute for a beverage lol.
I agree with you Fr. Schmidt, the marriage relationship is the most important thing here. Whatever other influences and circumstances affected the husband’s action in this particular situation, the main concern here really is the marriage relationship of this couple.
I heard this story on The Five when it occurred. They were saying the father was traveling to visit his biological children from another woman. So his wife was holding him back from seeing his kids.
Thank your Father. I needed to hear this. My husband and I are in a testing phase. So we will put our faith in God and each other and remember why we chose each other in the first place.
This is more a matter of time management or lack thereof than a marriage issue. I would never jeopardize loosing the flight over coffee and I’m a coffee addict. She was wrong.
My husband would never gotten on the plane. But I would have never dismissed my husband’s counsel. Coffee is never that important. 😅 I would never take a chance of being separated from him. God rest his soul.
Tomorrow (6/20) is our 53rd wedding anniversary. I would expect my husband to get on the airplane if I insisted on going too far to get back on time. Especially when he warned me that it was too far. I am a grown woman and I can figure out what to do to get to the destination since my own actions caused me to miss the flight. He knows I can figure it out. So he would leave. It’s okay. Best wishes 🌸
I think I would have asked spouse, what's back up plan if you don't make it...not go, buy additional tickets. It is a tough one, I get Fr. Mike saying there's only one reason for not getting on the plane and that is love, but what about her showing love by sacrificing her need for coffee out of love for her husband.
Totally agree! We're traveling together. If I had wanted coffee, knowing my husband of 25 years, he'd go get it for me and I'd be waiting for him so that we could board together. If he was late, then we're late. I wouldn't leave him behind and he wouldn't have left without me. I can imagine the husband's face when he realized, the hatch was locked in. Sheer panic, I'm sure. 😂
Father the husband was absolutely in the right. He told her as the head of his family that they dont have time to go get coffee and she didnt listen to him and did not trust his leadership. A man is not meant to hang around and follow his wife around like a little puppy, the order in their relationship is absolutely off if she does not listen to him or follow him as the head of her family.
As the wife, I wouldn’t have gone to get the coffee at the other place. The compromise would get the coffee at the closer place and getting on the plane on time. They are both apart of the marriage and have a responsibility to work together.
I’m married to my husband for 42 years. Oh 43 years next month and I say, first she the wife is wrong to insist and go to that coffee shop. She showed bad judgment . Second once she is gone I would say the husband should go with her. Never get separated while traveling. Very bad idea getting separated while traveling. I’m saying this because my husband and I have traveled to 30 countries mostly pilgrimages. The rule is when we have to separate , for using rest room etc” meet me at the spot where we last saw each other”. Don’t move anywhere.
There was more to the story. It wasn't the wife's first time doing this and on both occasions apparently the husband was going to see his child (the wife's step daughter). I heard the full story on the news when it came out. It seemed like the wife on both occasions deliberately chose to sort of sabotage the husband's attempt to see his daughter
Yikes 😬. Maybe their relationship isn't bigger than this moment, maybe this is what the marriage is.....a man married to a bitter, manipulative wife....oof!
We have been married for 40 years and have six kids, all married now and 13 grandkids. It all comes down to respecting each other - just as you would respect a friend, neighbor, or priest, you respect the person you are married (golden rule) love one another as I have loved you
I’m 💯fine with him flying without her. That was her choice; she was making him choose between her or his daughter. Daughter should win over step-Mom; missing that could ceramony over step-mom wanting a particular brand of coffee could have hurt his relationship with his daughter and taken years to repair.
Actually, I'm not sure I buy the story - and think if this really happened as it was said, she did not want to go wherever they were going and wanted to miss the flight. She had plenty of time to go to that other coffee shop; and for her to know about it, she had to have already passed it. Second, if she truly wanted the coffee - it had better be cold because she had to have known that as soon as she boarded the staff would tell her to toss it before takeoff. Her time to truly enjoy it was almost nil.
Oddly, your words about the importance of your spouse comes from an unmarried person. Surprisingly, you said the most truthful thing about marriage and your spouse. My lifelong commitment is to be with my spouse, not against. We may not always agree, but we are a unit/ one in each other watched over by God.
I agree with you, Fr. Mike. The guy should've waited for his wife to return even though she did a dumb thing by taking the risk. We all make mistakes.....better to miss the flight and be annoyed with her than cause a major problem by leaving her behind. To me that would be close to unforgivable. It's disrespectful and mean if he did it to teach her a lesson.
I agree with you Fr Mike. She already knows that she did the wrong thing. They missed their flight, but he stays back for her because he loves her!! Amen 🙏
After almost 40 years of marriage, more than likely, I would not have gotten on the plane--have had too many situations like this in the past. And this video, makes a great point that when you get married, you are no longer an "I" but become a "We" in everything. However, if one of the spouses reverts and starts to be an "I" person, then who knows? Maybe, the other who is the "we" person gets on the plane, if for nothing else, to remind the first of "we" and "us." Nice she wanted the coffee, but given the circumstances, and we don't know the whole story, but did she absolutely have to have that coffee and could she have sacrificed and gotten the other or given up her quest completely? Again, a reminder to her to be "we" vs. "I" as neither of them could control the take-off.
I might have canceled the trip. Just forget it. I'm going home. You can make your joe with Mr. Coffee, and we don't get on the plane. Done. Her disrespecting their schedule is a big no. But then, I'm not married. But if I was, I wouldn't have been as stupid as she was. Just. get. on. the. plane.
Her priority was coffee - not her husband, not their relationship, and not the commitment to whatever the reason was that had booked that flight. It's very hard to say what the husband should have done in the circumstances where the wife first chooses to put coffee above her spouse
Yea, we were in London England and my husband had to go to the bathroom and British Airways was BOARDING. He said he would make it. I didn't think he would. So I got through the gate but did NOT go down the ramp to the plane, I waited for him. They tried to force me to go down the ramp and I told them NO that my husband had to go to the bathroom and would be there in just a minute. The Pilot came out asking me to do the same and said they would leave without me, but I told him we cannot leave without my husband. He is everything to me. Then he came, running and got through the gate and we walked down the ramp together, and the plane left a few minutes late. So my answer, always STICK to YOUR guns and your partner. No matter what. You can always get another flight. You cannot get another spouse. Spouses are given to us by God, they are special, unique, one of a kind, CHERISH each moment together! ❤🌹
I don't think the husband bears fault here. SHE, left him, over a cup of coffee. (Eve disobeying.) In a rightly ordered marriage, the husband is in charge. Over a cup of coffee? I believe she's self- centered.
You are right Fr. Mike. Marriage is more important than any other relationships. He shouldn't take the flight without the wife. But we don't know the details. I am struggling in my marriage now. I am no longer happy but I am staying and praying that God would intervene. For me i choose love over happiness. I offer my pain to God. I want to remain true to my vows God is faithful there is hope and happiness ahead
Father Mike, you hit the nail on the head!!! It’s so true, this is the most importance earthly relationship, it cannot and should not be replaced by anything or anyone. I am saying this coz I have had to defend this truth so many times in my life but never won this battle, I have been told I am heartless, not a good Christian coz I have tried my best to hold this truth that this is the most important relationship after our relationship with God.
Two become one but she decided to leave when she knew he’d get on the plane because it was boarding. She chose to go against her husband’s wishes and not listen. She had incredibly bad judgement (don’t know anyone who would do this right before boarding). As a married women, I’m glad he got on the plane. She was being the difficult one. It was unnecessary. Hopefully she learns to take her husband into consideration next time and chooses him over coffee.
Annoyed with myself for engaging in this obvious engagement bait but even before learning the whole story, he was right to leave. A grown woman made her choice & it was a poor one.
I immediately looked at this differently. I've been married 34 years and my husband had any kind of worry about missing the flight I would have just said, " No problem, I'll hit the coffee shop on our return flight home".
25 years married. 10 children. As the guy, I’d get on the plane. Otherwise I would be enabling selfish behavior that is bound to repeat itself. Or, better yet, anticipate her needs and get a cuppa coffee before you get to the gate.
I’m so paranoid I’ll miss my flight that I won’t risk it. 😅 we are usually traveling as a family so we try to allow for extra time so that we can get beverages, use a restroom and be ready.
Another thing to consider would be their luggage - if there are valuable/sentimental items in their luggage, someone would need to be on the other end of that flight to collect their luggage. Sadly, it could be very complicated protecting it and/or getting it returned. That would be a sound reason to get on the plane - even for the sake of the delayed spouse.
Of course you wait. That’s essentially what love is: isn’t it? Being patient and kind and forgiving? If it’s a small thing- then you let them learn from mistakes. But a flight seems pretty significant. But what do I know?! ☺️🤷♀️
This one is awesome!!! It’s definitely something that could’ve happened to us. My husband and I discussed it and after being married 40 years, we both said we wouldn’t have boarded the plane. We would have definitely tried to speak to someone at the gate and have her paged but wouldn’t have left on the plane. Yes, it would’ve have been an I told you so rest of the day 🙈
Fr. Mike, have you ever had to pay airline change fees? These can be VERY expensive (multiple hundreds of dollars). She had to pay a change fee, and if he had stayed behind also, that additional expense would have been doubled. That's a VERY expensive cup of coffee! It's not just the additional time involved. Plus their luggage was already on the plane, and there would have been no one to collect their luggage at their destination city. Heaven only knows how or when they would have gotten their luggage back. She is perfectly capable of flying by herself on an airplane. Let's be a little practical here!
Without showing my husband this post, i told him the story and asked what he would've done if that happened to us. He didn't even think about it and said "we'll go together and get that coffee." We've been married for 34 years and through ups and especially the down parts, we just keep the love and respect. We know that we are God's gifts to each other 🥰
My wife has an incredible problem with punctuality. I’m also super neurotic about being on time. This sounds like a nightmare to me. If it was me and mine, I would have gotten on the flight and prayed she made it like she said she would.
I have way too much anxiety at airports and have to be at my gate and see that it exists way before it boards, and I pretty much stay put unless I have to go to the bathroom when it gets close to the time of boarding. So, hearing that she just HAD to go to some particular coffee shop far away for her bourgeois coffee at first gave me the feeling that she was a selfish, hedonistic brat. But then I thought, well, there are other areas in my life where I am a selfish, hedonistic brat. When you are in a marriage, with true love and trust at its center, there will be flaws and aspects of one another that require some forgiving. If it was a man who I really loved and who really loved me, I would certainly hope that he would be waiting for me no matter what. That I could always count on him to be there, waiting for me. If marriage teaches us to be like Christ and brings us closer to Him, would you really abandon the person you are supposed to love and sacrifice for by "teaching them a lesson"? Would Christ do that to his Church?
Sounds like total Narcissistic behavior.🙄 BUT, we actuality do not know enough to make a judgment call. I seriously love coffee but i would NOT risk missing a flight to get coffee.
One time my husband and I stopped for some sodas on the way to our gate, and when we got to the gate I realized I’d left my purse at the soda shop! The plane was about to board, so I said a prayer and took off down the gate running (I was 65). I made it to the soda shop, retrieved my purse, and made it back to the gate where the plane was boarding. My husband had waited for me despite having priority boarding. I loved him so much to see him waiting for me! I always felt the prayer I said might have had some effect in making that situation work out as well as it did.
Lovely ❤ . However, you didn’t intentionally cause the problem and you ran, showing consideration for others. Also, you didn’t have to wait in line for your purse.🙏🏾
A purse is much more important than having just the right kind of coffee.
It was very stupid of me to forget it though
We are human and forget things, you're not stupid!🤗@@AlisonVerdi-lj1gw
Very different scenario
From what I remember:
The man was a widower. She was his second wife. The flight was so the man could meet his daughter (from his earlier marriage) and be part of some important milestone in her life.
It was later revealed that the wife purposefully waited until the last minute to get coffee from a far away coffee shop so that they would miss the flight.
Well, then, she was being very manipulative. In that case, he did the right thing getting on the plane so that he could continue with the plans made. The wife, (his second) was being very deceitful.
The wife should have preferred her husband’s request to not get the coffee. She was wrong. She chose to risk her ticket.
Heard this about this story as well. Wish this comment could get more attention
Ahhh i knew there was something more to it.
Sparking a good debate on where is agape?
And this Bible verse always makes me remember who/what is most important.
“Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;”
Matthew 10:37 NABRE
I wouldn’t go for coffee after my husband said I wasn’t going to make it back in time, but then I would have spent the flight repeatedly telling him how I would have made it back and he would smirk and pretend he agrees with me. I wouldn’t have left him behind though and he wouldn’t have left me, but he would have been annoyed with me.
This was fun!
State the fact and I'm actually smiling imagining the scene and wow it's so annoying for the husband though. Lol
Has to endure the entire flight and probably the whole day and wondering he should have let her go to the coffee shop so she can shut up. :v
Haha… I feel you. Same here!
I am so certain my husband will not get on the plane.
I am also certain, when I do come back to the gate, seeing him wait for me, at an empty gate, my husband will be standing there EXTREMELY pissed with me. FILTHY PISSED 🤣
I think as a woman replying out here and some would think I'm old school but compromise is a two way street for happiness. I think she should have listened to her husband and not gone to get the coffee. We are a team and together we win. As in marriage there is no one who wins alone.
I seriously LOVE coffee. I really love it. I would not have risked missing a plane to get a cup though. It just seems crazy to me
But rather than should he have gotten on the plane, why aren't you asking should she've gone to got her coffee? It's a no brainer.
What is wrong with all the people saying, he shouldn’t have left her? Something seems seriously wrong if someone is so selfish to get a cup of coffee and risk missing a flight… is it only in America that the cost of the flight and all the hassle that will ensue doesn’t pose a huge problem? I always love listening to Fr Mike but this seems totally absurd.
Seriously!! If desperately already coffee migrained, the plane coffee service will do.
Exactly! I also learned this my first year at West Point, and it has translated perfectly to my marriage (30+ years): NEVER leave your battle buddy behind. That goes both ways: she shouldn’t have left him and he shouldn’t have left her.
Wow love your reply! Lucky wife!!!
I am married 30 years and would not leave my husband behind for that or anything else! We have been through some very tough times and life has taught us how love and commitment is more important than anything else, even our own wants and “needs”. When two are truly one God blesses us 10 fold! 💕
I’m still stuck on why she left him at the gate to go to a different coffee shop. She shouldn’t have left him. I would never have done that to my husband for coffee…sounds like her world is the only world she lives in.
Yes, exactly my thought
That is such a shallow, and immature ( or she's awfully dense) thing to do "Coffee, Really?" If this is the theme of this marriage -this particular incident doesn't matter ( could be the last nail in the coffin though) - Its unsustainable. the marriage is going to end sometime.
I can't even imagine just for a coffee that she wants this happened. Small things sometimes really matter even in good or bad.
maybe she thought that if he stayed there and secured their luggage and seats, it was better than both going to buy coffee and ending up missing the flight?
It's ok to part ways with your husband for a while to get something done more efficiently. She misjudged the time it would take to get said coffee, that's another point. But I don't see the leaving for a while as a problem in itself.
About the part of the coffee being so important, I agree it's pretty weird. But maybe she assumed she could make it in time?
I agree with you, Father. I would never leave my wife alone in an airport like that. Marriage has taught me that being right is meaningless if I'm not acting 100% out of love. The Enemy gets involved real quick if I don't act or speak out of love to my wife. Everyone has a different situation but that is my opinion on it. (Married 31 years.)
The problem with this particular scenario Dave, is that the wife left the husband, not vice versa. She clearly didn't want to get on that plane. NO ONE runs to another terminal as boarding begins for a lousy coffee.
The Enemy wants to break up marriages and families. One spouse is often easier to attack than the other. How do you think the Enemy wanted the husband to respond after he got the wife to do something crazy? Spiritual warfare is real. If you’re wife isn’t alert to it, you better be.
Wow you are just a good little soldier.
Your wife is so lucky.
@@davidcole333 HAHA I do! I've gotten out of the boarding line to go buy something! And I've given to crazy lengths to get a coffee. I agree though that the wife should've respected her husband. And good she missed the flight.
There's definitely problems in that relationship! I've been with my husband for 32 yrs, married for 28.. there's no way will I leave him behind, nor would I risk the flight by getting coffee, it's only coffee! We need to pray for this couple
I’ve been married 13 years. She never should have left to get the coffee. He didn’t leave her behind, she intentionally missed the flight.
Also airlines always page a missing passenger multiple times before they close the doors.
You're exactly right. He should not have followed her to the coffee shop like a wimp, which fortunately he did not, but he might have waited for her at the gate. Maybe all the calls for the missing passenger were too embarrassing so he boarded.
The only secret is patience and working things out. Over the years, I've figured out that there's always a way to fix things when there's a problem. Five years back, my wife and I were on the brink of divorce because of issues in our marriage, but we found a way to fix them. It was hard, but we made it through.
I truly want to find happiness as well. I have someone special in my life, and even though we're not together right now, I can't imagine living without her; my love for her is deep. I really hope she comes back, and I'm fully committed to making it happen. We've tried different ways, like therapy, to make things right.
Releasing someone you love is always a daunting task, but in my situation, I had the support of a spiritual advisor who prevented the disintegration of my marriage. Her name is Suzanne Ann Walters.
Your advice is valued. I'll promptly look her up online. Thank you. I'm optimistic that pursuing this method will also lead to favorable outcomes for me; I deeply yearn for her.
Welcome... You should
John Gottman and his wife did a study of 20 couples over 20 yrs of following them from the beginning their marriages - what they found that was surprising was that 69% of all marriage problems will never be resolved, because couples fight about the same thing over and over. (People can tend to be good for awhile after major fight - but will trend back to their old habits)
I’m with him! She made her choice so she needs to live the consequences. He TRIED to warn her. (I’ve been married 31 years. I’m female.)In the long run, this is the only hope for the marriage. Otherwise she won’t “get it”.
Yeah I’m at 26 years and feel the same.. coffee? Really? Lolol PRIORITIES.
As a husband, I will wait for my wife, miss the flight with her, BUT she will not be drinking the coffee, I will. She will "get it."
@@AlexisPatrickLozare 😊😂
I take it you aren't familiar with the curse of Eve
@Alexis you sir are a legend
The marriage is more important than coffee.
Such a terrible analogy for the marriage Covanent
And the ticket is worth more than a coffee
I was gonna say the same...I'm not missing a flight for a cup of coffee.
100%!! Especially when there was a coffee shop right next to the gate. She was 100% in the wrong and being completely selfish for putting their marriage in that situation.
shows she doesnt resepct him, which shows a deeper issue in their relationship
She shouldn't have missed the flight for a stupid cup of coffee. But he never should have gotten on the plane without her. For better or for worse, marriage is a team sport.
No matter how irresponsible your spouse may be
There’s more to this story. They were on their way to visit his daughter. She had already been the cause of a missed flight from the night before. She was trying to prevent him from going to see his daughter.
@@SubArcticAdventuresI came to make this comment. Glad you commented on it.
If she just would listen, and act accordingly, to her husband advise there would not be a problem. Just like we should listen to Jezus? Oh well, forgive and forget and don't take it so serious is the only way out \0/
Childish/ immature
Father we have been married 38 yrs. We have had issues now and then. We had to grow and mature, and give and take and let some things go. But the one thing we did was never give up. We never strayed, we worked hard, and showed respect. And we really do love each other.
My Ex-wife used to stress me out when we went on vacations. We would spend thousands of dollars on flights, lodging, and excursions. I would be excited for the trip for months in advance, and then she would never be ready to leave for the airport on time. Always it was showing up at the last minute before they stop checking bags. I would be so stressed out, and almost regret even going on the trip with her, because of her lack of care for my feelings. It is a sign, if your spouse can't cooperate or care for and respect your opinion.
I rather argue about missing the flight than argue about leaving her and making her worry about what now, and feeling scare
🩸 christians redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ are in heaven before the first seal of the tribulation is opened. 👀
Revelation 5 KJV 🩸
9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;
Colossians 1 KJV 🩸
14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
🩸🤔 Is your faith in the blood of Jesus Christ?
Romans 3 KJV 🩸
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
A woman that stubborn would figure out what to do. And I hope she also ate a lot of crow!
Okay, that's the action you'd pick. I'd suggest that your answer is incomplete without also identifying how you would later address her bad behavior.
She was foolish to risk missing the flight, and he was wrong to leave her. God bless you, Fr. Mike - I'm praying for you!
Why was he wrong to leave her. Choices choices choices.
She was acting spoiled, selfish, impulsive and imprudent. Which means that in future a conversation about travel plans and expectations and planning ahead are in order! Maybe even them having to travel separately in the future if she continues to be inconsiderate, but in this situation, you don’t just leave your partner/spouse. Like Father said, perhaps a battle was won, but more solemnly the war could be lost.
I am a wife of 33 years. I feel like what this woman did is probably not new behavior and and falls in the category of "coercive control". By not honoring her husband's simple request, she put him in an incredibly difficult situation. The consequences were extreme considering the supposed goal (a coffee). I think what is most disturbing to me, having been a faithful Catholic for all of my marriage, is the idea that somehow we are supposed to accept abusive behavior from a spouse. Even Jesus set boundaries against abusive behavior, as shown when "turn the other cheek" is explained in actual context. This man set a strong boundary and I commend him.
This!!!!!! Don’t enable their inner demons
I'm old- fashioned and my husband is a wise man. If he said it was a bad idea and I wouldn't make the flight in time, then I wouldn't go out of respect for him. Also, I would have offered it up as a small sacrifice to God, and went with the coffee shop that was close by.
A lot does depend on context. Yes in a proper marriage, he wouldn't leave her, but this isn't like she was in the bathroom or needed to do something urgent. She wanted a particular coffee, discussed it, was warned that the plane would leave, and then consciously decided to act against her husband for the coffee she wanted. Is it fair that he gets the blame for getting on the plane? We dont know the purpose or urgency of the flight, so i can't comment on that. But why did she leave him? This seems like you're giving him the responsibility of staying behind for her and not giving her the responsibility to stay by his side when he warned her the plane would leave. Yes, he should stay because of love, but she shouldn't have left because of love as well. So the people in this scenario need communication about priorities and teamwork
The urgency doesn't matter the possibility of missing flight ( of hundreds or even $1000's on) trump's cup of coffee.
I agree, we are focusing on the wrong person here
I’m not a believer. I lost my faith a few years back. However I watch videos like this from time to time.
I'll pray that one day you'll happen upon just the right video to open your heart to Jesus. And you'll feel the joy of being a Christian. God bless you!
Same. Something about this channel, particularly Fr. Mike puts me in a good mood for some reason.
I am an atheist, my husband is christian. I admire faith a lot, there are many things that one can learn from it, especially in regards to human connections.
I still believe in God but i just feel numb to that information... but the videos give me a little bit of joy
Come home! He is waiting!
Its a good question about setting boundaries and letting the person learn the consequence of their choices.
For example, a friend of mine is a DRE and leads pilgrimages every couple years. Most parishioners who go on them are elderly and dont have the same sense of time urgency as younger adults do. Well, many of them would be perpetually late for the bus. If she said, be back at the bus at 2:50 bc were leaving at 3, they'd saunter in at 3:10+
So finally she started warning them, if they weren't back on time, they'd leave without them. She followed through on her threat and left someone behind and so they had to get back to the hotel by themselves and missed the rest of the activities for the day. She said that person never missed the bus time after that.
So, say this woman was perpetually making her husband late and he warned her, "if youre not back in time, I'm leaving," i could see that as a 'letting her experience the consequences of her choices.' like what if he's had many conversations and said it hurts him when she makes him late and she persists in doing it anyway? What if he's missed out on other things because of her perpetual lateness? To me, this doesnt sound like its a first-time she's done this sort of thing. Sometimes love is setting a boundary..
IDK, but im kind of on his side.
I’ve been married for 44 years. I wouldn’t have gotten on the plane. I would have waited.
I agree with your Father Mike. Marriage is more important than a destination. Many thanks.
Wow, this is a great anecdote for helping anyone discern the state of their relationship! Even though I would never ditch my husband for coffee when I can see he’s anxious about timing, and he would never leave my side in an airport except to hit the restroom, I don’t think there is a right answer for this situation. I think what’s most important is what comes next-do they choose to apologize and forgive the other, striving to understand what the other values? Or do they use it forever as ammunition against the other? At 6 years, we’re still new to marriage, but we’ve experienced the fruits of humble apologies, forgiveness and honest, vulnerable communication. ❤ Prayers this couple can too!
I would have gotten on the plane with my husband and had a cup of airline coffee! Especially if they were boarding!
Exactly what my response was. These days I am not risking being separated at an airport.
I wouldn’t have gone to get the coffee….
Yes if my husband said no, I wouldn't go...although I am impulsive and rebellious ...but I know this and it doesn't usually work out.
*Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*
There's wonder working power in following Kingdom principles on giving and tithing. Hallelujah!
But then, how do you get all that in that period of time? What is it you do please, mind sharing?
How can I start this digital market, any guidelines and how can I reach out to her?
So nice to see Christy fiore talked about here. Her good works are speaking already, and like wild fire, she's spreading.
Can I also do it??? My life is facing lots of challenges lately
I thought my husband would have argued with the flight attendants to announce and not leave without a checked in passenger. My husband listened to the scenario and plainly said, “ I would not have boarded without you”…. Married happily in the LORD for 16 years with two blessed children.
“Our relationship is bigger than this moment.”
I needed to hear this! Thank you so much!
I heard the whole story and the wife was actually trying to prevent her husband from seeing his daughter (her step daughter) and had pulled this before…twice😂
That complicates things! So it was his duty to his child vs his wife… Siding with the husband on this one. Poor guy what a mess
What?! I can't believe it! Siding with dad for sure!!
Yeah, I'd heard it before too, and remembered that it was intentional on her part, but couldn't remember the exact details. It was some important event for the daughter though, right? Like a graduation or something?
@@PoldaranOfDalaran I can’t remember the exact details but yes, I remember that it was an important event for the daughter.
Same story I heard.
As a woman, i would absolutely support the husband getting on the plane. You don't do things to " test" your partner. I for one would have left on the flight as I would have been sooo furious, it would have made me ugly with him. 😊
This actually blows my mind. There is a less than zero chance my husband would get on a plane without me and leave me stranded in an airport, even if I really deserved it.
Going for a coffee does not translate to being stranded. Consequences to your actions.
@@maryrankin9869and yet he still wouldn’t get on that plane without me.
She's not stranded. She'd find a way. People miss flights.
@@fujikokunyou have a nice husband and I bet you deserve him. I hope he would not give in to your rebellion like a wimp and follow you to the distant coffee shop. I hope he'd just wait at the gate.
would you blow off his order to not leave to get coffee though?
I am wondering about the responsibility of the wife. If she told him to get on the flight and she chooses to risks missing their flight by going way out of her way to get that cup of coffee, which she could have gotten close by, I’m asking myself-where is her accountability and love for her husband to put him in that position? I don’t think he did anything wrong. Just my thoughts. We all need to take the log out of our own eye and be thoughtful of the other person we are with-no matter what their relationship is to us. I feel like the husband was trying to work with her and trust her judgement-
I totally agree that the wife has some culpability in this.
He DID do the right thing. We are given will and intellect. Intellect says “don’t risk it, forgo the coffee’. She willed to go against common sense. She is a big girl, take chances and sometimes you get burned. I doubly fault HER for 1) making the choice to ho for coffee and 2) putting HIM in an awkward position. Part of loving someone is allowing them to make their own mistakes.
Coffee? Or a seat next to your husband? Not a tough choice. SHE made a SELFISH choice. She got married before she was ready, if that's still the choices she is still making. "No, I don't want this coffe, I want THAT coffee?!?" Maybe after she's alone awhile longer she'll learn how to be grateful for him. She sounds very spoiled. She is not a child and apparently knows how to buy another ticket. Leave her and show her you love her by waiting for her at the airport when she DOES arrive. At least he saved money by not wasting TWO tickets and spending money on 4 total tickets. My husband would have gone for the coffee because he has a servant's heart but I would never behave that way. Im extremely grateful for him!!!
Was it Southwest Airlines with no reserved seating? In that case, if he waited for her at the gate, they would've risked being separated on the plane if she made it back on time, but everyone else boarded. By going on the plane, he can save a seat so that they can sit together.
I also realize that 25 years ago, this would've been way more of a conundrum. Now, you can just call or text each other and see where you are. You can ask, "Hey, they're boarding now. Do you want me to get on the plane or do you want me to wait for you?"
You’re missing the fundamental point
@@adamssurta8568 I guess some of us can't be somewhat facetious? 🤷🏽♂️
Agreed.. Stick together. Thick and thin, better or worse. Hugs
He should have texted her "the plane is boarding, come back! I will buy you all the coffee you want when we get there!" Actually, as a wife of 40 years, and traveling often with my husband, I would not have left the gate at the last minute for a beverage lol.
I agree with you Fr. Schmidt, the marriage relationship is the most important thing here. Whatever other influences and circumstances affected the husband’s action in this particular situation, the main concern here really is the marriage relationship of this couple.
I heard this story on The Five when it occurred. They were saying the father was traveling to visit his biological children from another woman. So his wife was holding him back from seeing his kids.
Thank your Father. I needed to hear this. My husband and I are in a testing phase. So we will put our faith in God and each other and remember why we chose each other in the first place.
This is more a matter of time management or lack thereof than a marriage issue. I would never jeopardize loosing the flight over coffee and I’m a coffee addict. She was wrong.
My husband would never gotten on the plane. But I would have never dismissed my husband’s counsel. Coffee is never that important. 😅 I would never take a chance of being separated from him. God rest his soul.
Tomorrow (6/20) is our 53rd wedding anniversary. I would expect my husband to get on the airplane if I insisted on going too far to get back on time. Especially when he warned me that it was too far. I am a grown woman and I can figure out what to do to get to the destination since my own actions caused me to miss the flight. He knows I can figure it out. So he would leave. It’s okay. Best wishes 🌸
Very thought provoking. As a wife, because I love my husband, I would not have risked missing the flight for a cup of coffee 🥰
I think I would have asked spouse, what's back up plan if you don't make it...not go, buy additional tickets. It is a tough one, I get Fr. Mike saying there's only one reason for not getting on the plane and that is love, but what about her showing love by sacrificing her need for coffee out of love for her husband.
Totally agree! We're traveling together. If I had wanted coffee, knowing my husband of 25 years, he'd go get it for me and I'd be waiting for him so that we could board together. If he was late, then we're late. I wouldn't leave him behind and he wouldn't have left without me. I can imagine the husband's face when he realized, the hatch was locked in. Sheer panic, I'm sure. 😂
No matter what the situation you never leave your spouse behind.
Please pray for this couple.
Father the husband was absolutely in the right. He told her as the head of his family that they dont have time to go get coffee and she didnt listen to him and did not trust his leadership. A man is not meant to hang around and follow his wife around like a little puppy, the order in their relationship is absolutely off if she does not listen to him or follow him as the head of her family.
As the wife, I wouldn’t have gone to get the coffee at the other place. The compromise would get the coffee at the closer place and getting on the plane on time. They are both apart of the marriage and have a responsibility to work together.
I’m married to my husband for 42 years. Oh 43 years next month and I say, first she the wife is wrong to insist and go to that coffee shop. She showed bad judgment . Second once she is gone I would say the husband should go with her. Never get separated while traveling. Very bad idea getting separated while traveling. I’m saying this because my husband and I have traveled to 30 countries mostly pilgrimages. The rule is when we have to separate , for using rest room etc” meet me at the spot where we last saw each other”. Don’t move anywhere.
There was more to the story. It wasn't the wife's first time doing this and on both occasions apparently the husband was going to see his child (the wife's step daughter). I heard the full story on the news when it came out. It seemed like the wife on both occasions deliberately chose to sort of sabotage the husband's attempt to see his daughter
Yikes 😬. Maybe their relationship isn't bigger than this moment, maybe this is what the marriage is.....a man married to a bitter, manipulative wife....oof!
We have been married for 40 years and have six kids, all married now and 13 grandkids. It all comes down to respecting each other - just as you would respect a friend, neighbor, or priest, you respect the person you are married (golden rule) love one another as I have loved you
I might be furious with him for running off to get coffee making us miss our flight, but I would never leave without him.
I’m 💯fine with him flying without her. That was her choice; she was making him choose between her or his daughter.
Daughter should win over step-Mom; missing that could ceramony over step-mom wanting a particular brand of coffee could have hurt his relationship with his daughter and taken years to repair.
Thanks you for this vidéo, so helpful! And I like that you put the CCC's references
Love is most important. Stick together always.
Actually, I'm not sure I buy the story - and think if this really happened as it was said, she did not want to go wherever they were going and wanted to miss the flight. She had plenty of time to go to that other coffee shop; and for her to know about it, she had to have already passed it. Second, if she truly wanted the coffee - it had better be cold because she had to have known that as soon as she boarded the staff would tell her to toss it before takeoff. Her time to truly enjoy it was almost nil.
Oddly, your words about the importance of your spouse comes from an unmarried person. Surprisingly, you said the most truthful thing about marriage and your spouse. My lifelong commitment is to be with my spouse, not against. We may not always agree, but we are a unit/ one in each other watched over by God.
Getting on the plane doesn’t mean you don’t love her. You can still love her and get through the situation as this is not a true test of love.
I think it's the small things that add up and chip away at the marriage. Like he said: winning the battle but losing the war.
Thank you, Father Mike!!! Congratulations on the success of your new book!!!! We are very grateful for all you are doing for the Church!!!
I agree with you, Fr. Mike. The guy should've waited for his wife to return even though she did a dumb thing by taking the risk. We all make mistakes.....better to miss the flight and be annoyed with her than cause a major problem by leaving her behind. To me that would be close to unforgivable. It's disrespectful and mean if he did it to teach her a lesson.
I agree with you Fr Mike. She already knows that she did the wrong thing. They missed their flight, but he stays back for her because he loves her!! Amen 🙏
Lost the war on this're absolutely right on this one Fr Mike!
After almost 40 years of marriage, more than likely, I would not have gotten on the plane--have had too many situations like this in the past. And this video, makes a great point that when you get married, you are no longer an "I" but become a "We" in everything. However, if one of the spouses reverts and starts to be an "I" person, then who knows? Maybe, the other who is the "we" person gets on the plane, if for nothing else, to remind the first of "we" and "us." Nice she wanted the coffee, but given the circumstances, and we don't know the whole story, but did she absolutely have to have that coffee and could she have sacrificed and gotten the other or given up her quest completely? Again, a reminder to her to be "we" vs. "I" as neither of them could control the take-off.
I wish these came out more frequently
I agree with you! A marriage is far more important than getting to a destination. We should honor and respect our spouse.
Blew my mind, thank you for this perspective ❤
you are so awesome to speak about this. may GOD bless you always.
Most decent husbands would not see that as a dilemma. A frustrating situation, an occasion for anger maybe, but most husbands know what they would do.
I might have canceled the trip. Just forget it. I'm going home. You can make your joe with Mr. Coffee, and we don't get on the plane. Done. Her disrespecting their schedule is a big no. But then, I'm not married. But if I was, I wouldn't have been as stupid as she was. Just. get. on. the. plane.
Her priority was coffee - not her husband, not their relationship, and not the commitment to whatever the reason was that had booked that flight. It's very hard to say what the husband should have done in the circumstances where the wife first chooses to put coffee above her spouse
I might get on plane and wait near the entry to keep the doors open for a few extra minutes. And, ask for spouse's name over loudspeaker!
Yea, we were in London England and my husband had to go to the bathroom and British Airways was BOARDING. He said he would make it. I didn't think he would. So I got through the gate but did NOT go down the ramp to the plane, I waited for him. They tried to force me to go down the ramp and I told them NO that my husband had to go to the bathroom and would be there in just a minute. The Pilot came out asking me to do the same and said they would leave without me, but I told him we cannot leave without my husband. He is everything to me. Then he came, running and got through the gate and we walked down the ramp together, and the plane left a few minutes late. So my answer, always STICK to YOUR guns and your partner. No matter what. You can always get another flight. You cannot get another spouse. Spouses are given to us by God, they are special, unique, one of a kind, CHERISH each moment together! ❤🌹
I don't think the husband bears fault here. SHE, left him, over a cup of coffee. (Eve disobeying.) In a rightly ordered marriage, the husband is in charge. Over a cup of coffee? I believe she's self- centered.
You are right Fr. Mike. Marriage is more important than any other relationships. He shouldn't take the flight without the wife. But we don't know the details.
I am struggling in my marriage now. I am no longer happy but I am staying and praying that God would intervene. For me i choose love over happiness. I offer my pain to God. I want to remain true to my vows God is faithful there is hope and happiness ahead
That’s a mayday episode on the marriage…sounds like the trouble began way before the coffee run!?
Father Mike, you hit the nail on the head!!! It’s so true, this is the most importance earthly relationship, it cannot and should not be replaced by anything or anyone. I am saying this coz I have had to defend this truth so many times in my life but never won this battle, I have been told I am heartless, not a good Christian coz I have tried my best to hold this truth that this is the most important relationship after our relationship with God.
I never would have left my spouse behind 😮
Thank you Fr. Mike😊
This is a very beautiful message❤
I'm married 39 years, my husband would never let me be that stupid, nor would he leave me behind.
That's the most real husband/wife conflict I've ever heard.
Why would this be a way different conversation if the husband missed the flight for a cup of coffee and the wife got on without him?
Two become one but she decided to leave when she knew he’d get on the plane because it was boarding. She chose to go against her husband’s wishes and not listen. She had incredibly bad judgement (don’t know anyone who would do this right before boarding). As a married women, I’m glad he got on the plane. She was being the difficult one. It was unnecessary. Hopefully she learns to take her husband into consideration next time and chooses him over coffee.
Annoyed with myself for engaging in this obvious engagement bait but even before learning the whole story, he was right to leave. A grown woman made her choice & it was a poor one.
I immediately looked at this differently. I've been married 34 years and my husband had any kind of worry about missing the flight I would have just said, " No problem, I'll hit the coffee shop on our return flight home".
Spot on Father!
25 years married. 10 children. As the guy, I’d get on the plane. Otherwise I would be enabling selfish behavior that is bound to repeat itself.
Or, better yet, anticipate her needs and get a cuppa coffee before you get to the gate.
I’m so paranoid I’ll miss my flight that I won’t risk it. 😅 we are usually traveling as a family so we try to allow for extra time so that we can get beverages, use a restroom and be ready.
Another thing to consider would be their luggage - if there are valuable/sentimental items in their luggage, someone would need to be on the other end of that flight to collect their luggage. Sadly, it could be very complicated protecting it and/or getting it returned. That would be a sound reason to get on the plane - even for the sake of the delayed spouse.
Of course you wait. That’s essentially what love is: isn’t it? Being patient and kind and forgiving?
If it’s a small thing- then you let them learn from mistakes. But a flight seems pretty significant.
But what do I know?! ☺️🤷♀️
This one is awesome!!! It’s definitely something that could’ve happened to us. My husband and I discussed it and after being married 40 years, we both said we wouldn’t have boarded the plane. We would have definitely tried to speak to someone at the gate and have her paged but wouldn’t have left on the plane. Yes, it would’ve have been an I told you so rest of the day 🙈
I'm single so I'm getting on the plane. 😎
(I'm cashing this status in for all it's worth.)
Fr. Mike, have you ever had to pay airline change fees? These can be VERY expensive (multiple hundreds of dollars). She had to pay a change fee, and if he had stayed behind also, that additional expense would have been doubled. That's a VERY expensive cup of coffee! It's not just the additional time involved. Plus their luggage was already on the plane, and there would have been no one to collect their luggage at their destination city. Heaven only knows how or when they would have gotten their luggage back. She is perfectly capable of flying by herself on an airplane. Let's be a little practical here!
They serve free coffee on the plane. 🤔
Without showing my husband this post, i told him the story and asked what he would've done if that happened to us. He didn't even think about it and said "we'll go together and get that coffee." We've been married for 34 years and through ups and especially the down parts, we just keep the love and respect. We know that we are God's gifts to each other 🥰
My wife has an incredible problem with punctuality. I’m also super neurotic about being on time. This sounds like a nightmare to me. If it was me and mine, I would have gotten on the flight and prayed she made it like she said she would.
I have way too much anxiety at airports and have to be at my gate and see that it exists way before it boards, and I pretty much stay put unless I have to go to the bathroom when it gets close to the time of boarding. So, hearing that she just HAD to go to some particular coffee shop far away for her bourgeois coffee at first gave me the feeling that she was a selfish, hedonistic brat. But then I thought, well, there are other areas in my life where I am a selfish, hedonistic brat. When you are in a marriage, with true love and trust at its center, there will be flaws and aspects of one another that require some forgiving. If it was a man who I really loved and who really loved me, I would certainly hope that he would be waiting for me no matter what. That I could always count on him to be there, waiting for me. If marriage teaches us to be like Christ and brings us closer to Him, would you really abandon the person you are supposed to love and sacrifice for by "teaching them a lesson"? Would Christ do that to his Church?
Sounds like total Narcissistic behavior.🙄
BUT, we actuality do not know enough to make a judgment call.
I seriously love coffee but i would NOT risk missing a flight to get coffee.
"Would you ditch your spouse to catch a flight?" More like she ditched her spouse for coffee.