1/ The Cuban Mambo and Rumba dances have always been quick,quick,slow. Or 234, 234. Where 41 is the slow step. Since the Puerto Ricans had stolen the Mambo and changed the name from Mambo to Salsa. They also changed the counting from 234,234 to 123,567. Now the Puerto Ricans realized that they have missed the most important ingredients in the Latin dance which is the PAUSE ! The more they fucked around, the more they confused the poor beginners ! On 1 ? Or on 2 ? George Wu, AIA 2012-8-9
2/ Why don't the Puerto Ricans copy the Cuban counting 234,234 also, when they stole the Cuban Mambo away from the Cubans ? Then you don't have to worry about break on 1 or break on 2 any more ! George Wu, AIA 2012-8-9
God, you look like a magician! :D
Le magien de la salsa!
thx, very usefull :-)
Muy bueno, gracias!
What happens to 4 count it gets skipped? 123567? 4 is counted too?
I wanna learn salsa sooo bad but it looks hard as fuck man, and it doesn't help that I'm kinda stupid too.
Thank you all for you great comments. New moves on 2 are coming soon. Keep watching!!
1/ The Cuban Mambo and Rumba dances have always been quick,quick,slow. Or 234, 234. Where 41 is the slow step. Since the Puerto Ricans had stolen the Mambo and changed the name from Mambo to Salsa. They also changed the counting from 234,234 to 123,567. Now the Puerto Ricans realized that they have missed the most important ingredients in the Latin dance which is the PAUSE ! The more they fucked around, the more they confused the poor beginners ! On 1 ? Or on 2 ? George Wu, AIA 2012-8-9
2/ Why don't the Puerto Ricans copy the Cuban counting 234,234 also, when they stole the Cuban Mambo away from the Cubans ? Then you don't have to worry about break on 1 or break on 2 any more ! George Wu, AIA 2012-8-9
What is the name of the teacher please?
The Name of the teacher is Tony Rausseo. Performer, Instructor and choreographer of Latin Dances