The Return Of The King! Holy crap I missed you so much, you were the reason I got into Elite in the first place! Loved your goofy ship ad videos, COVAS shenanigans, abd your exploration knowhow helped me loads when I got started. Welcome back CMDR!
Me too. The spatula grift is how I first even heard of this game. Then for a while I still didn't play because it just looked daunting. After watching his how to guides, finally got into it. Years later I've got fully G5 engineered conda, cutter, vette, FDL, phantom. Haven't played in a while because I was playing on console and my PC died so couldn't switch over. Gonna get a new PC soon just to get back into it. Probably sooner than originally planned if the Geist videos keep coming. 😂
Welcome back to Elite! Engineering Mats are VERY easy to fill up now, all of them! You need to carry a collector limpet controller and limpets with you, and go fill them up! Took me 3 days playing to COMPLETELY fill Every. Single. Material.
Welcome back to the galaxy! For what it is worth, an overcharged frame shift drive can be used on any ship, but they buck like a mule in overcharge mode. The newest ships(python 2, mandalay, type-8) fly much smoother in overcharge.
Love the look of this ship, and it's great for exploration. Looks like a fighter, fast, great jump range. Can't wait to get one and grab a hot paint job.
Suggestions on explorer build: 2A OC Power plant (ship runs cool anyway,) 5D dirty drag drives (ship runs cool), 3D Engine Focused Distributer (can boost 2-3 times in succession), 4D efficient shields (lighter AND stronger), lightweight scanners, lightweight life support, lightweight heat sink. I get 80LY, 430 cruise 537 boost, and ship runs cool, never above 60 while jumping refueling etc. Turn off repair units, limpet controller, etc until you need them, build should only require about 12 power.
This is CMDR Marsbased from Mandalay Echoes Of The Eye. Safe travels! Hope you document your journey for us and maybe we can meet for a campfire out in the black!
Good to see you back CMDR. High Grade Signals all have lots of G5 and G4 mats now. Jameson's Crash site has more things to scan too. Generally far less need to relog for mats these days 🙂 o7
I purchased the Mandalay yesterday and I moved a few of my engineered modules to the Mandalay and got a jump range of 63ly. I'm trying to get at least 70ly jump range, and head out into the black. 07
19:05 I'm surprised you didn't get Mass Manager for your FSD (SCO) which is typically better for medium and large ships in terms of added jump range. 24:06 There's a double-engineered Detailed Surface Scanner that can be unlocked with materials and purchased with credits which has HUGE (+100%?) probe scanning radius. Overall, it uses less materials than engineering a stock DSS from scratch.
I remember asking years ago what the song in the intro and outro of your video was and you saying that it was a personal piece. I was wondering if you ever planned to release it, I would love to hear it.
Ditch the 4D shield for a 3A with Enhanced Low Power Shields and Hi-Cap. Use the size 4 slot for a corrosion resistant cargo rack. Mount a point defense on the upper hull to deal with missiles at Guardian surface sites.
@@Garryck-1 not necessarily. I was out exploring and found a body with a non human marker. It had thargoid sensors and stuff laying there. I didn't pick them up but yeah... If you already have them unlocked, might as well use it. Not worth grinding for for an exploration ship, I do agree with that
GGs man I got the Mandalay yesterday. It';s absolutely insane in Supercruise overdrive. WIth all the thermal spread experimentals etc, I can just sit in SCO at 4200c and it sits at 50% heat. Madness
And that floor window for exobio is insane. You can see the thing you need to scan beneath your feet and just land over it, disembark, scan it and get back in.. Made 150m in half hour last night
Also definitely worth just sitting in an HGE with a collector limpet controller and you can fill up on grade 5 mats in one round trip, then trade them all down into lower grades. They did this to ease off on the grind
you were the one who inspired my search for raxxla. welcome back! oh, and i think you shouldn't bring research limpets on your trip because, as far as i know, they're only good for researching thargoid stuff. more specifically, they're for taking samples of the "skin" of thargoid ships.
It’s a beautiful ship, both to look at and to fly. 80 LY current jump well fitted for exploration, SCO capability, runs cool as ice, and unrivaled handling.
@18:15 It's a good overall point about the heat problem with dirty-tuned thrusters, but Mandalay runs so cool that the problem is nonexistent at this point. Also, drive distributors grant you much more maneuverability than you would otherwise have. All of this is subjective and IMHO ❤🔥
My Favorite ship design is still the Mamba but this new thing looks pretty sweet too. Love the 60's era car styling with their giant silver Art Deco engines on a zongon peterson ships
Mamba is probably my favorite looking ship inside and out. I WISH it had better internals to make it a viable exploration ship, I mean it can technically but....that gas tank though. However, the Mandalay is probably my all time favorite ship now.
So I bought 2 of the pre-built ships and 25 hours into the game, I still have not used them yet. I admit I do feel like I should "earn" them. My reasoning is this: If you do not understand the grind it takes to build up reputation, merits and money early on. You will quit if you simply try and skip into nicer ships. Nothing like respecting 10LY hops for hours at a time to appreciate how amazing a 50LY jump is to have with the Mandalay. Also getting interdicted and getting killed in 3 shots by a pirate when you make a mistake makes you appreciate the fire power of the Python MKII more.
Glad youre back, i do enjoy your videos. But i have to note that clean drives arent a good option for any ship, even stealth ships. It also does not affect your heat in supercruise. It only affects the thermal load in normal space and mainly under boost. If anything, it makes you HOTTER in supercruise, since they have a higher powerdraw and the more powerdraw, the higher the heat. You can pretty comfortably get away with 4D thrusters and a 3D distributor, but yea if you want more than 500ms speed and want to boost more often, you can also run larger distributor and thrusters... just run the D variants of course. Also: running that docking computer but not a supercruise assist is crazy to me given how much youre gonna really dock in an explorer
I just bought this ship last night and was playing around with the overcharge super cruise. Thought popped into my head “I wonder if Sepulcher Geist is gonna mess around with this ship.” We are so back.
Geist, my guy, I'm glad you're back. But please do some reading over the last couple of updates to the game, dawg. The stuff you missed is showing hard here. Regardless, hope to see more videos from you soon!!!
Deep Charge is only the best option for Class 1, 2, and 3. Class 4 and above should always use Mass Manager instead, it gives marginally better jump range. Also, there is a pre-engineered Detailed Surface Scanner available from Tech Brokers that has +100% additional probe scanning radius, twice as good as you can engineer yourself.
I only run one AFMU cause if you 'repair/reboot' your afmu it auto repairs with a minimum of 1% so you can't every really break it completely. I'd make some other different choices as well, but overall, great build, thanks for the vid.
@@jonathanrich9281 You run a Repair/Reboot sequence. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but if you try 2 or 3 times it will repair to 1%. You can google youtube videos that show how to run this command.
I got my Mandalay to 58.73 LY it’s not 70 but it will do, personally I rather take my time than need to get anywhere in a hurry eco traveler. One thing I would really like to request tho is a Cobra MK 5 exploration build. No need for it to be stellar, standard would do. But definitely would like to hear your thoughts on it.
People think it lowers your heat but it only does in normal flight, not in supercruise. I don't think clean drives is a good option for any ship in the game.
active peak player numbers have doubled since this update came out and I love the new ship. I am currently 20,000 Lys away from the bubble. I am the happiest I've been in game in a long time. Come Join us, EICO 🙏 welcomes you.
How or why when designing an explorer ship from start to finish, would one start with "A" graded cores which are free if and when something happen's when "D's" are the mandate. And what's the purpose of having not one which is all an explore ship need's in weapon slot's when only the guarding site's may need a weapon. Are there six slot's devoted to weapon's. Putting even the lightest and engineering them to be even lighter, drop's one jump range available. I built an explorer as I usually did using all "D's but the FSD, engineered them for longer less heat jump range and with the exception of it size taken into consideration, only get's a couple of more ly's than a same basic explorer conda. Then putting that build in storage. I using the same ship, installed all the various mod's along with engineering them for combat. And to my surprise, it's because of the new improved only on the mandalay sco compatible, so much better than even the supposedly best ship for combate. One would be a fool to ever not use it for combat. When fully upgraded and fully engineered for combat, it's faster, considerably more boost, more manoverable, etc. etc. etc. all with a to the N-th degree, better jump range. Don't believe me, use corialis and build both, the explore and the combat version's. It's combative build is to the N-th degree a better ship than it's an explore.
It's been a while since I've been to Vegas, so it took a minute for me to realize why naming a Mandalay "Luxor" is funny, but I busted out laughing once I got it. One question: why a research limpet controller on an exploration ship?
you didnt play elite for a long time i can say.. sco is standard drive for all ships but on mandalay is amazing. stability of the flight, fuel consumption almost non existent, temperature stability. i somehow think it will be nerfed as no other ship comes close to it. remember travel for "free" anaconda to the hutton orbital? 1.5h? now its about 27 min with mandalay.
This ship is small enough where deep charge is more efficient than mass manager? Cool, everything I engineered aside from my courier is pretty damn massive.
"We" won't find Raxxla, a huge part of finding Raxxla is not talking about it. The people who have shown what little they found out have either stopped posting or found a dead end because they talked too much. Raxxla is and will stay a secret unless you choose to take on the search.
Does everyone on youtube use the same editors now? Seems like every other elite dangerous, RuneScape, star citizen etc video uses the same editing style (pacing of speech, comedy style, and choice of music from a specific subset of games)
take a Overcharged A4 Powerplant with Thermal Spread. Lower Heat, 5 tons weight and 21,8 MW are more than enough power. Same for the Thrusters. A4 Dirty with Stripped down.....9 tons and enough Boost for a lightweight ship.
I for one am not interested, you quit the game to go play starfield when the game needed people to stick around the most. Nothing worse than a fair weather fan.
we're SO fucking back
We aren’t the game bugged now half the player count can’t log exploration data or selling anything at ports or FCs
So good to see you playing Elite Dangerous again =]
The Return Of The King! Holy crap I missed you so much, you were the reason I got into Elite in the first place! Loved your goofy ship ad videos, COVAS shenanigans, abd your exploration knowhow helped me loads when I got started. Welcome back CMDR!
I agree!! Great to see you back SG!!!!
And Tetko too!
Me too. The spatula grift is how I first even heard of this game. Then for a while I still didn't play because it just looked daunting. After watching his how to guides, finally got into it. Years later I've got fully G5 engineered conda, cutter, vette, FDL, phantom. Haven't played in a while because I was playing on console and my PC died so couldn't switch over. Gonna get a new PC soon just to get back into it. Probably sooner than originally planned if the Geist videos keep coming. 😂
Welcome back to Elite! Engineering Mats are VERY easy to fill up now, all of them! You need to carry a collector limpet controller and limpets with you, and go fill them up! Took me 3 days playing to COMPLETELY fill Every. Single. Material.
When engineering a class 5 or higher FSD, 'mass manager' will give you more jump range than 'deep charge'...
I agree. Deep charge is for Grades 2 3 and 4 Fsd.
This build can get to 75 ly jumps if you fully upgrade it. Good point @Garryck-1
"This is the jackpot of jackpots!" What everyone thinks when they find out more Spatula Goose Elite Expedition videos are coming.
Nice to see you back! You can get this build to jump even further if you fully upgrade it too. That’s sick. Thanks for the video
Welcome back to the galaxy!
For what it is worth, an overcharged frame shift drive can be used on any ship, but they buck like a mule in overcharge mode. The newest ships(python 2, mandalay, type-8) fly much smoother in overcharge.
Welcome back! Glad you’re enjoying the new ship and material updates!
Great video, nice to see you back in Elite 👍
I really like the horizontal bar in the cockpit, It helps you line up your angle when fuel scooping
Love the look of this ship, and it's great for exploration. Looks like a fighter, fast, great jump range. Can't wait to get one and grab a hot paint job.
13:32 I also haven't played in years, but I've been keeping an eye on updates and yes, they did increase material spawns
By quite a lot too as much as 10 times
Suggestions on explorer build: 2A OC Power plant (ship runs cool anyway,) 5D dirty drag drives (ship runs cool), 3D Engine Focused Distributer (can boost 2-3 times in succession), 4D efficient shields (lighter AND stronger), lightweight scanners, lightweight life support, lightweight heat sink. I get 80LY, 430 cruise 537 boost, and ship runs cool, never above 60 while jumping refueling etc. Turn off repair units, limpet controller, etc until you need them, build should only require about 12 power.
This is CMDR Marsbased from Mandalay Echoes Of The Eye. Safe travels! Hope you document your journey for us and maybe we can meet for a campfire out in the black!
Another Spatula Geese video!!!!!! Hell yeah! I was hoping you'd review this ship.
Happy you're back playing Elite, excited to see more.
enjoy your elite videos you draw my interest back to the game
Good to see you back CMDR. High Grade Signals all have lots of G5 and G4 mats now. Jameson's Crash site has more things to scan too. Generally far less need to relog for mats these days 🙂 o7
I purchased the Mandalay yesterday and I moved a few of my engineered modules to the Mandalay and got a jump range of 63ly. I'm trying to get at least 70ly jump range, and head out into the black. 07
Mamba is still the best looking ship, goong to engineer the hell out of it for exploration
Power to you
19:05 I'm surprised you didn't get Mass Manager for your FSD (SCO) which is typically better for medium and large ships in terms of added jump range.
24:06 There's a double-engineered Detailed Surface Scanner that can be unlocked with materials and purchased with credits which has HUGE (+100%?) probe scanning radius. Overall, it uses less materials than engineering a stock DSS from scratch.
I accidentally clicked on this video and immediately wanted to switch to another one. Then I heard the Fable music and stayed until the end.
This ship is incredible. I'm currently getting it up to G5 snuff myself. Time to go deal with the robber baron mats traders.
Excellent to see you back🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
I remember asking years ago what the song in the intro and outro of your video was and you saying that it was a personal piece. I was wondering if you ever planned to release it, I would love to hear it.
@ your the goat
Ditch the 4D shield for a 3A with Enhanced Low Power Shields and Hi-Cap. Use the size 4 slot for a corrosion resistant cargo rack. Mount a point defense on the upper hull to deal with missiles at Guardian surface sites.
There's no point having corrosion resistance unless you're gonna fuck around with AX combat. So it's utterly useless on an exploration ship.
@@Garryck-1 not necessarily. I was out exploring and found a body with a non human marker. It had thargoid sensors and stuff laying there. I didn't pick them up but yeah... If you already have them unlocked, might as well use it. Not worth grinding for for an exploration ship, I do agree with that
Spatula Geese back on the menu boys! Welcome back a Legend!
GGs man I got the Mandalay yesterday. It';s absolutely insane in Supercruise overdrive. WIth all the thermal spread experimentals etc, I can just sit in SCO at 4200c and it sits at 50% heat. Madness
And that floor window for exobio is insane. You can see the thing you need to scan beneath your feet and just land over it, disembark, scan it and get back in..
Made 150m in half hour last night
Also definitely worth just sitting in an HGE with a collector limpet controller and you can fill up on grade 5 mats in one round trip, then trade them all down into lower grades. They did this to ease off on the grind
The paint job on your Mandalay is so pretty
Welcome back Geist
Dude pls bring back old videos of exploration. I really miss those adventures
you were the one who inspired my search for raxxla. welcome back!
oh, and i think you shouldn't bring research limpets on your trip because, as far as i know, they're only good for researching thargoid stuff. more specifically, they're for taking samples of the "skin" of thargoid ships.
It’s a beautiful ship, both to look at and to fly. 80 LY current jump well fitted for exploration, SCO capability, runs cool as ice, and unrivaled handling.
@18:15 It's a good overall point about the heat problem with dirty-tuned thrusters, but Mandalay runs so cool that the problem is nonexistent at this point. Also, drive distributors grant you much more maneuverability than you would otherwise have. All of this is subjective and IMHO ❤🔥
I've flown like every ship in the game and only use dirty drives, it's not what causes your ship to overheat. It's about powerplant efficiency mostly
My Favorite ship design is still the Mamba but this new thing looks pretty sweet too. Love the 60's era car styling with their giant silver Art Deco engines on a zongon peterson ships
Spatula Goose is back!
Nice to see some Elite videos again. Think you might need to update your Type 8 and Elite ship review videos though! 😅
Mamba is probably my favorite looking ship inside and out. I WISH it had better internals to make it a viable exploration ship, I mean it can technically but....that gas tank though. However, the Mandalay is probably my all time favorite ship now.
So I bought 2 of the pre-built ships and 25 hours into the game, I still have not used them yet. I admit I do feel like I should "earn" them. My reasoning is this: If you do not understand the grind it takes to build up reputation, merits and money early on. You will quit if you simply try and skip into nicer ships. Nothing like respecting 10LY hops for hours at a time to appreciate how amazing a 50LY jump is to have with the Mandalay. Also getting interdicted and getting killed in 3 shots by a pirate when you make a mistake makes you appreciate the fire power of the Python MKII more.
Glad youre back, i do enjoy your videos. But i have to note that clean drives arent a good option for any ship, even stealth ships. It also does not affect your heat in supercruise. It only affects the thermal load in normal space and mainly under boost. If anything, it makes you HOTTER in supercruise, since they have a higher powerdraw and the more powerdraw, the higher the heat.
You can pretty comfortably get away with 4D thrusters and a 3D distributor, but yea if you want more than 500ms speed and want to boost more often, you can also run larger distributor and thrusters... just run the D variants of course.
Also: running that docking computer but not a supercruise assist is crazy to me given how much youre gonna really dock in an explorer
We are so back!!!
I wish they put it in the console version
Here's hoping that they put a lot more variety in planet types, space phenomena, geology, biology and warp effect.
we're so back
Where do you buy this badboy
have you found out i have no idea
@@ArrakisCentral nvm i js found out console edition hasnt been updated in 3 years lol kms
You have to buy this in the Frontier store with real money
@@ArrakisCentral yea i was looking for it for weeks like a dumbass. Need to invest in a pc first lol
I am already at the soul nebula with mine, and am heading to beagle the long way around.
I just bought this ship last night and was playing around with the overcharge super cruise. Thought popped into my head “I wonder if Sepulcher Geist is gonna mess around with this ship.”
We are so back.
How much is it im getting back into the game
Geist, my guy, I'm glad you're back. But please do some reading over the last couple of updates to the game, dawg. The stuff you missed is showing hard here. Regardless, hope to see more videos from you soon!!!
WOWOWOWOWOW! Another video?! is it my birthday?
You can get more speed with a 5D thrusters with drag drives than the 5A with clean drives. Heat is not really an issue.
Am I hearing Fable? Classic!
I don't know why, but I'm looking for chemical manipulators, and I am ONLY finding the proto stuff in large quantities like that
Deep Charge is only the best option for Class 1, 2, and 3. Class 4 and above should always use Mass Manager instead, it gives marginally better jump range. Also, there is a pre-engineered Detailed Surface Scanner available from Tech Brokers that has +100% additional probe scanning radius, twice as good as you can engineer yourself.
I only run one AFMU cause if you 'repair/reboot' your afmu it auto repairs with a minimum of 1% so you can't every really break it completely. I'd make some other different choices as well, but overall, great build, thanks for the vid.
How does this work, and how do you reboot it?
@@jonathanrich9281 You run a Repair/Reboot sequence. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but if you try 2 or 3 times it will repair to 1%. You can google youtube videos that show how to run this command.
@@gregs9492 doesnt it eat your other modules up to repair?
Its in ur right hand panel under ship@jonathanrich9281
Holy hell. The sheer number of HGE mats that dropped are gonna dent my bank account to the tune of a new gaming pc to get back into elite.
I'm just having dreams of my phantom with ludicrous amounts of limpets snagging mats by the hundreds. 😂
@@blackhawks81H oh yeah they buffed HGEs like crazy
I got my Mandalay to 58.73 LY it’s not 70 but it will do, personally I rather take my time than need to get anywhere in a hurry eco traveler. One thing I would really like to request tho is a Cobra MK 5 exploration build. No need for it to be stellar, standard would do. But definitely would like to hear your thoughts on it.
Mass Manager > Deep Charge on class 5+ for FSD
Yep 100%. Mass Manager on the FSD every time for class 5 and above. Deep Charge is only of class 4 and below.
Hope frontier can keep updating the game so Geist can keep making his vids
for 5A FSD and larger, mass manager is the better choice than deep charge - it gives further jump for less fuel. Kinda no brainer
Can you explain why your thrusters are modded to clean drive and not dirty drive?
I think he said heat, but Mandalay is a cool(er) rnning ship so I think he get that choice wrong on this ship.
People think it lowers your heat but it only does in normal flight, not in supercruise. I don't think clean drives is a good option for any ship in the game.
Climate change dude.
ASP Explorer is the ED feeling: Star wars Millennium Falcon ship pilot Han Solo.
Raxxla of course, minor find in the greater list of to do’s
active peak player numbers have doubled since this update came out and I love the new ship. I am currently 20,000 Lys away from the bubble. I am the happiest I've been in game in a long time. Come Join us, EICO 🙏 welcomes you.
I love to hear it, Brother.
@@SepulcherGeist It's good to see you visiting EDO again. Missed your EDO videos.
Returning back to the game. Do i have to wait 3 months to buy the Mandalay if i dont want to use ARX?
I'm pretty sure, yes
Python Mk II you can get for credits now, Type 8 is available for credits 28 November. Mandalay 3 months. At the end of January I believe. o7
@ thank you for answering
How or why when designing an explorer ship from start to finish, would one start with "A" graded cores which are free if and when something happen's when "D's" are the mandate. And what's the purpose of having not one which is all an explore ship need's in weapon slot's when only the guarding site's may need a weapon. Are there six slot's devoted to weapon's. Putting even the lightest and engineering them to be even lighter, drop's one jump range available.
I built an explorer as I usually did using all "D's but the FSD, engineered them for longer less heat jump range and with the exception of it size taken into consideration, only get's a couple of more ly's than a same basic explorer conda.
Then putting that build in storage. I using the same ship, installed all the various mod's along with engineering them for combat. And to my surprise, it's because of the new improved only on the mandalay sco compatible, so much better than even the supposedly best ship for combate. One would be a fool to ever not use it for combat. When fully upgraded and fully engineered for combat, it's faster, considerably more boost, more manoverable, etc. etc. etc. all with a to the N-th degree, better jump range.
Don't believe me, use corialis and build both, the explore and the combat version's. It's combative build is to the N-th degree a better ship than it's an explore.
dat Fable music tho
Why deep over mass manager?
The only thing I dislike about prebuilt ships is that you can't store the modules they come with. Why would they make them sell only???
I still can't believe you of all people never got into the krait phantom as a long range Explorer.
Now I see why yall blocked the engine sound, nasty!😊
Aye I bought that gold just to not be red just like you did. But then I liked the red so much....
Time to bjy that Type-8 and do a review?
It's been a while since I've been to Vegas, so it took a minute for me to realize why naming a Mandalay "Luxor" is funny, but I busted out laughing once I got it.
One question: why a research limpet controller on an exploration ship?
you didnt play elite for a long time i can say.. sco is standard drive for all ships but on mandalay is amazing. stability of the flight, fuel consumption almost non existent, temperature stability. i somehow think it will be nerfed as no other ship comes close to it.
remember travel for "free" anaconda to the hutton orbital? 1.5h? now its about 27 min with mandalay.
This ship is small enough where deep charge is more efficient than mass manager? Cool, everything I engineered aside from my courier is pretty damn massive.
Mass manager is best on all FSDs larger than class 4
We're probably going to get Half-Life 3 before we find Raxxla...
"We" won't find Raxxla, a huge part of finding Raxxla is not talking about it. The people who have shown what little they found out have either stopped posting or found a dead end because they talked too much. Raxxla is and will stay a secret unless you choose to take on the search.
Half-Life 3 is finished, they just stored the final build at Raxxla.
Does everyone on youtube use the same editors now? Seems like every other elite dangerous, RuneScape, star citizen etc video uses the same editing style (pacing of speech, comedy style, and choice of music from a specific subset of games)
@@Meanderthal17 I edit my own videos, I am self taught, and that is just how I talk.
@SepulcherGeist must just be a coincidence these days lol. Oddly specific trend for me to notice amongst my niche game TH-camrs
Where the FACK is Raxxla!
I think the word you are looking for is Utilitarian
Maybe add a mining laser if you need raw mats for boosters etc
OMG dude, limpets for collecting.
Pay 2 Skip, better known as Pay 2 Lose, as you lose the game play associated with getting the thing like the money, engineering, etc.
take a Overcharged A4 Powerplant with Thermal Spread.
Lower Heat, 5 tons weight and 21,8 MW are more than enough power.
Same for the Thrusters.
A4 Dirty with Stripped down.....9 tons and enough Boost for a lightweight ship.
D thrusters are better than A thrusters for exploration. Unless you want max speed, then you have to go 5A of course
well so much time lost becaus you dident used your colectorlipets.....
I for one am not interested, you quit the game to go play starfield when the game needed people to stick around the most. Nothing worse than a fair weather fan.