I imagine there's some under-the-hood math wizardry going on so the game can support various levels of player numbers, I.E. if there are fewer active players missions count for more, with more players missions count for less.
Partly because of afk. Partly because there are so many idiots focusing the bugs. And Partly because the automatons are way better are sniping with ranged attacks
Arrowhead CEO's response to someone calling him lazy and should be fixing the servers: "Yes! Good idea, I will sit behind the engineers and ask them "are we there yet?". Or... I could let the engineers work independently, towards our common goal without me as the CEO pestering them at every moment. I wonder which one will work best?"
12:50 "your actual character is extremely weak" bro has not seen the kinda feats I've seen the INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT pull off on Malevelon Creek NOT TODAY!
me, kiting a bile titan, three chargers, five hunters, and about 20 random other assortments of bugs, with low visibility and all strategems on cooldown for two minutes straight solo:
Extract timer on, 3 guys holding the line, meanwhile I’m soloing the last automaton outpost and hoofing it back to the shuttle and get there literally at the last possible second with no time on the clock. Fucking great game.
Reminder: Everything in game can be earned with gameplay and all reward tracks are evergreen, which means they'll exist forever. You dont have to purchase a single Supercredit to make your way into the Premium tracks. Warbonds are not Battle Passes. Warbonds are Warbonds.
One of the things I've learned as a developer in general is that if you do something for real *nobody* will believe you until it breaks. I've got a bot that plays Dwarf Fortress and posts things that the dwarves say on a social media account (Sentient Dwarf Fortress). People look at that and think it's just piecing together text with a random number generator. No, it's real Dwarf Fortress dialogue that the game doesn't even show you unless you go to a specific screen repeatedly.
@@TheBKdynasty I tried to link to it, but it's not appearing here so presumably it disappeared to some moderation queue. Googling "sentient dwarf fortress" should point you in the right direction.
I dont know if ive ever played a game where every cool interaction you could hope for works EXACTLY the way you want. You can steer your hellpod so that it lands on a bug and instantly kills it, you can throw the bots' grenades back at them, you shoot off the arms of the 40k dreadnoughts so all they can do is slowly waddle towards you, you can shotgun robots in half, the incendiary shotgun shoots the flaming pellets that make it look like you're shooting a Helldivers 1 shotgun, your orbital drop markers can stick to larger bugs and the explosion will track it, the ticks explode like grapes when you shoot their bodies. The only thing that could exist but doesnt is that you cant pilot the robots' AT-STs when they comically fall over after you kill the pilot. This game fucking rules.
It's so refreshing to see a game engage with the " call in all the bombs blow it all up" ethos of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction because it's been a hot minute. I miss that game
@Ike_of_pyke oh no, can't claim that valor. The terminids are just...ungodly at the higher difficulties. You'll be wishing to go back to the bots after a difficulty 7+ mission on a bug world.
If Starship Troopers is the origin point, EDF is if you take a left, Lost Planet is if you take a right, EX Troopers is if you go just straight up vertically, and Helldivers is if you go deadpath down the center and just keep walking. Ironically if you turn around and just walk in the opposite direction, you get the actual Starship Troopers licensed game from last year.
@@GELTONZ Hell yeah bro, glad you know the vibe! EX-Troopers is absolutely insane, but man is that a high-quality game with lots of love and content. Even had a small really fun multiplayer community, even if we had to be up at 2AM on the weekend to engage with it XD
We need more divers on Malevelon creek! The creek holds, but barely!every day we loose ground and good divers to the robot menace! Defend Democracy now. Dive into the creek, in the name of sweet liberty!
Everytime I see we've made progress, I check back a few hours later and see that it's dropped back to 10%! We need to deliver Liberty to those godless bots!
I don't know if Pat has seen Helldivers (as in, not the sequel), but you absolutely can lose Super Earth. That's why it's called Super Earth. It's not Earth. It's like Earth number 157 and the other 156 are just gone.
I'm confused though, aren't they in the Sol system? Like at multiple points the UI elements say that Super Earth is in the Sol system, which would imply that it's actually Earth or if not Earth it's a moon that was terraformed to be another Earth within our solar system.
The idea that theyll roll out stuff when the war gets bad for us invites the same idea that theyll roll out new problematic enemy types within factions when we get too close to definitive victory. This cycle goes on to keep breathing life into the game until the big final victory before servers go down.
Helldivers is one of those games that's actually deeper than it appears to be on the surface. As it turns out there's an armor penetration mechanic that is per weapon, which alright you'd assume that enemies have armor ratings right? Well different parts of the bodies have different armor values. Which you'd then think "oh giant weakspot." Yes, but not just that. There are secondary spots on each enemy that are slightly softer. Like the hip joints of the walker guys can be shot at with most light fire weapons, or you cando the ME 3 shoot the pilot through the coinslot. Or if you have the angle pop their head.
@@The1Gobywe all move to a new Super Earth and start the whole affair over with. Each Galactic War ended with either Super Earth falling to one of our weak, treacherous, subhuman enemies or us considering the homeworlds of each of our brutal, mighty, unstoppable alien foes.
It's sad how many good games are smaller studio games with little money for big servers, meanwhile shitty ass games with big stuidios have a bajillion servers with no players. For reference suicide squad kill the batmans legacy has like 1000 or less people playing.
i gotta say, the people that talk nonstop about the suicide squad game sound like star wars fans. "kill the batman legacy" is such a weird thing to say
Well it isn't just server issues, A lot of that Live stuff is eating up processing. They thought it would be smaller thus put all of it in to get their bang for their buck but the game taking off means the game is processing a lot of the live stuff almost all the time eatting up server processing
@@malum9478 It's a joke on the game's actual title "Kill the Justice League", but I mean the game has destroyed Rocksteady, the makers of the Arkham series of games. Those are basically done now. Even if the game's failure doesn't destroy the studio, the heads of the company quit during development of Suicide Squad. I mean the fact that they spent 300 MILLION DOLLARS and darn near a decade of development time on a game that will cease to exist entirely in a year is depressing. It's like the perfect example of an out-of-touch AAA failure so it's kinda worth discussing and bringing up.
I just noticed that the other day when I played with some friends! I decided to "go to the lab" and hit the join game button when I was on a waiting screen. And even though I couldn't join my friend, I was sent to my ship.
@@graffitisamurai we’re simple animals, getting things, breaking things and fighting the people we don’t like speaks to the cave man brain on such a spiritual level. If a franchise just owns that mentality and wears it on its sleeve it’s hard not to get hooked. Works for COD, Warhammer, Doom and Helldivers and all of them to great success
@@AsurendrasOrder as a guy with zero qualifications to make this statement I feel like patriotic fervor feeds into that same part of your brain that focuses on memes.
as someone who has been affected by the server issues, especially on the weekends i will say: the Peak players for Helldivers 1 was just under 7000, like they didn't even breach 5 digits Helldivers 2 has been in the several hundred thousands nonstop, and the only thing really stopping them from going past 500,000 is that the servers cannot handle the load so, it's reasonable that they really were not expecting the insane popularity they have currently
He’s probably referring to all the people who lack media literacy and took the movie at face value without realizing it was meant to be satire; which is unfortunately a lot of people
There are two types of ding dongs: those who criticize the Starship Troopers movie for being fascist propaganda and those who think Paul Verhoven didn't triple-dunk the movie in satire.
@@graffitisamurai In other words, people who hate it because they think it's fascist propaganda, and people who love it because they think it's fascist propaganda.
It's the Rorschach Effect where everyone ignored your satire because the people you are trying to strawman agree with your satire and completely dismiss your attempt at criticism. See: TV Tropes' "Strawman Has A Point"
Pat didn't mention this but even the Ceo of the studio said not to buy the game right now in till they fix the server and backend code problem, also there be a lot more glitches then you would think at the moment, like infinite bugs on easier difficulties, the extraction ship not showing up or getting blown away by someone's stratagem, spawning in space, bouncing nukes, things spawning underground, and more. There was also people not logging out of the game when they where done so they could keep their spot on the server because there was no afk timer. Also stay away from the Official Discord, its a hell house in there of people complaining.
It's been a while since I've seen a game with live service elements get good word of mouth. I personally don't tend to enjoy the genres with that monetisation, but if they handled it well then good for them.
Yeah. Cool that the game is succeeding - but its definitely one of the ""features"" I would never have missed from Helldivers 1. (Also the game has some sus virus scam stuff in it)
The whole themes of the game, what people are saying about the monetization and the fact that the worst problem they have is "THERE ARE TOO MANY PLAYERS!" which is the best problem to have. 3 points that makes it work.
I don't know if you actually think that's what Kernel level AC does, but it don't. It interfaces with the kernel to analyse running processes and protect areas of memory where the game is stored at runtime. The main concern with Kernel-Level Anticheat is the potential for abuse by governments and exploiters alike.
Haven't seen anyone mention it but the mechs at least are confirmed. One of the last trailers put out ends with a mech with text saying they're coming out soon after launch. Personally tho I'm hoping the bike with the sidecar comes back.
4:36 not sure this is true. Im on PC, didn’t link an account, and had a guy undeniably on PS5 in my squad last night. heard the ps5 notification when he unmuted to talk and was clearly on controller
Last Friday: Oh hey, we're finally adapting and actually winning a few defense missions against the major event against the automatons! We might actually succeed in the event mission! The next three days: "Oh hey, we've lost literally every defense mission since that. We're so screwed. Liberty is going to die."
"Wait do you mean Unironically like Starship Troopers or Ironically?" It makes so much sense that Woolie, the guy that would sell out Humanity for the chance of getting a jetpack from Xcom Aliens, would be a bug sympathizer smh
This game honestly deserves GOTY nominations for being able to have Pat actually come back to loving it despite mind goblins and multi thread long Twitter rants about the game not working for him.
Man i knew instantly when he said Super Vietnam he meant Malevelon Creek🤣 Side note worst launch of a fucking great game ive ever seen as far as playability issues but i trust arrowhead to fix it as time goes on. Most of the people bitching about it werent around to see what gta V online was like when it originally dropped and it shows. Side side note im gonna come
Lets not forget Helldivers on PC has a particular brand of intrusive DRM (nProtect's Game Guard), that is infamous for being very insecure. So you're basically installing a serious security flaw into your home computer with this game. I was literally ready to buy it day one and then I saw that news and it killed it for me. Games like Deep Rock don't do anti-cheat. And other games will (instead of installing spyware holes into your PC) just check your items against the server to ensure you own them. Because all the DRM is meant to protect is people stealing micro-transaction items.
Are there any documented examples of GameGuard being exploited as a vulnerability? I haven't seen any with a surface level search, but I may just be looking in the wrong places. Seems like GameGuard is overkill for a PvE game regardless.
The folks who made Helldivers made better Starship Troopers games than the people who made the actual licensed Starship Troopers game. The latter of which, inexplicably, looked at that IP and said: "You know what people want from this game? A phase where you play Minecraft."
There's a not-insignificant number of people who unironically like ST as a heroic war movie, either not getting or not caring that it's pretty clearly meant to be an in-universe propaganda film of the kind the fascist human empire Heinlein semi-wittingly described in the original novel might make for itself. "Ironically vs unironically" is probably the wrong way to put it; it's really more of a case of "are you in on the joke or not?"
@@adams3627 Yeah, that's why I'm confused. Since it's a satire, liking it Ironically would mean enjoying the film as straight-forward propaganda, like a double negative. Or maybe if you consider the film to be poorly made and you enjoy it for being poorly made. I think you're right in that they mean "do you get the satire or not" and are just using the wrong words to describe it. That being said, I don't think it matters whether you like Starship Troopers as a satire or as straightforward propaganda, both camps are probably going to enjoy Helldivers 2. It's a game about how fun it is to kill bugs. From what I've seen, the over-the-top nature of in-universe propaganda just helps set and keep the tone light, it's not a real critique. And that's fine, I'm just saying it has a different purpose than the satire of Verhoeven's movie.
@@arempy5836 Think about it like people liking Fight Club unironically, as in thinking Tyler Durden had some good ideas and represented a healthy masculinity
@@adams3627terran federation isn’t fascist, if it is, then the athenian democracy was also fascist, and the only non-fascist democracies are modern western democracies, which sounds awfully ignorant of history.
I paid for a game I can’t even play. We need more servers. Also if someone sits in their ship for 20-25 minutes without playing any missions or joining up with friends then kick them off so the rest of us can play.
Why did it take Pat of all people (no offense, I just find it weird) to explain that the playstation link isn't necessary to play the game? Can they not specify this better on the steam page?
I'm delighted it's doing so well. Adored playing the first one so I was worried. Getting real FFXIV Expansion vibes with the player count situation, victims of their own success. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up and spread liberty at some point 👍
When you are selecting a mission, you can find the white missions instead of the yellow ones. They will have a number of people in them. Also, if you're in a mission you can drop an sos beacon. It makes it so your mission is visible to others.
Quickplay and open parties. As a level 23 player, most of my game time has been playing with randoms through quickplay when it wasn't outright broken (seems to be fixed now). At the higher difficulties you definitely need to ping more and chat more, but it is still very workable.
Remember when FF14 had this same problem but even more insane cause they were just there to pick up WoW refugees, a bunch of free till like lvl 85 and secondary servers for just the housing? YEAH! Good on them! GIVE THEM MORE SERVER ROOM PS and let them fix the problem faster.
Yeah I never had to do that either and I've played with my friend on PS5 plenty of times... When I you were able to get into games in the middle of the day, that is.
Compare this game to its most similar rival, Starship Troopers Extermination, a game which can barely fill a single match, and you will see exactly what not to do when developing a game.
You earn supercredits in gameplay pickups. Its slow, you earn 20 super credits every 3 missions, so 30 missions where you scour the map earns 200 credits. It takes time. It takes a lot of time. But if you play for 60 to 70 hours straight you'll have enough for a battle pass.
@@TheAussieBlue Sure, in fact I did pay for my battle pass but saved my super credits for armor cosmetics and now have 2 full heavy sets, a light set, and a standard 50% explosive resist set with the sc that I had earned up to this point. I want to say 750-900 sc spent so far and I'm currently sitting on 250. Yes the game is very generous with the in game currency but I was still confused when opening the battle pass for the first time and found Pat's statement to be false
@@richardjohnson8991 oh that's just (crazy talk), Pat's stand. It makes it so that anything he says is immediately wrong, warping reality itself to do so if neccessary.
The Starship Troopers discourse a certain group of intelectual individuals have started on Twitter is hilarious, it's always a treat to see people genuinely celebrating something that directly makes fun of them because they're too dumb to realize that they're the butt of the joke and normal people don't fall for the obvious propaganda the film is parodying.
@@UCannotDefeatMyShmeat i fuxkin love that. Come to think of it, you've got people celebating Zulu, a fantastic film, for... very troublesome, supremacist reasons. Completely missing the point that at the end of the film the Welsh and Zulu have great respect for each other, no, they just focus on all the white people killing black people.
Comparing Helldivers to Palworld is such a fucking insult, like seriously by Pat's logic Starcraft is also just a Starship Troopers game and might as well say the same for 40k. It's also just like Palworld. Right?!
The idea of “ironically” enjoying Starship Troopers is the stupidest thing I’ve heard on this podcast, which is saying something. Really hope it was a joke but I’m glad it was only five seconds of the discussion.
@@TysonRex37 The parody IS the face value. People who like to smell their own farts like to pretend that general audiences and/or vocal minorities don’t understand what anything means. When these same fart-smellers hear of people who enjoy Starship Troopers “unironically” or get in on the American Psycho sigma male meme, they just write it off as genuine people that don’t understand what they’re watching. And then go on to complain about media literacy.
@@MrMetalforever5 ...no. parody is, inherently, not face value. it's making fun of something. if you don't recognize that it's something being made fun of, then you're taking it at face value, and also are an idiot. wtf are you even bitching about???
"You like Starship Troopers?" "Ironically or Unironically?" There is so much to say on the subject because there are so many layers of misunderstanding surrounding Starship Troopers, going from the book(a Utopian ultra Libertarian ideal about a minimalist state that utalized a limited earned suffrage, and admittedly romanticized views on military servicemen), to people's misinterpretation of the book("fascism"), to what Verhoven wanted the movie to be(a criticism of the book's "fascism"), to what the movie actually is(a poor adaptation that accidentally managed to retain some of the original book's messaging), to people's misinterpretions of the movie("fascism") It's hilarious if it weren't so sad.
@@Griffin1171-love-you-all the style and severity of punishment has nothing to do with size and scope of government. Edit: in fact, that's more a philosophic/moral/ethical debate about the nature of crime abd punishment. I'm sure there are ultra authoritarians who would advocate for never using corporal or capital punishment, that wouldn't make them any less authoritarian than the ones who do.
Yeah, I was going to say this. Its like a bell curve distribution, at the low end there are people who the themes have completely flown over their head and don't know anything, and then in the middle is all of the self-labeled 'intellectuals' who just parrot the same bad faith misinteroperation of the themes to score political points, and then on far side is the very few who ACTUALLY know the themes.
The funniest thing is that even with servers filled to the brim, we're still losing the Automaton front
Because a chunk of the players online are just afk'ing
Everyone is focused on the bugs when we need more bodies to hold back the automaton scourge!
Those Defend Escort missions are definetly bugged, you get surrounded so easily in a small mission area
I imagine there's some under-the-hood math wizardry going on so the game can support various levels of player numbers, I.E. if there are fewer active players missions count for more, with more players missions count for less.
Partly because of afk. Partly because there are so many idiots focusing the bugs. And Partly because the automatons are way better are sniping with ranged attacks
Arrowhead CEO's response to someone calling him lazy and should be fixing the servers:
"Yes! Good idea, I will sit behind the engineers and ask them "are we there yet?".
Or... I could let the engineers work independently, towards our common goal without me as the CEO pestering them at every moment.
I wonder which one will work best?"
Holy shit, good on them for having the one self-aware CEO in the industry
My favorite was the guy who just tweeted the word "servers" at him and he responded like "ah yes I knew I was forgetting something"
@@Shadest I wanna bar-b-cue with this guy.
I like to imagine arrowhead’s servers is just the beginning of halo 1 pillar of autumn blast doors beeping and plasma nades are being thrown.
it’s just like a single server tower in its own room that’s currently glowing red hot and you need protective gear to be in the same room with it
@@RadicalRegice MGS4 Microwave hallway room
12:50 "your actual character is extremely weak" bro has not seen the kinda feats I've seen the INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT pull off on Malevelon Creek
me, kiting a bile titan, three chargers, five hunters, and about 20 random other assortments of bugs, with low visibility and all strategems on cooldown for two minutes straight solo:
The shit you can do with 50% explosive resist damage. I use that with a sheild pack just to avoid friendly fire half the time.
Extract timer on, 3 guys holding the line, meanwhile I’m soloing the last automaton outpost and hoofing it back to the shuttle and get there literally at the last possible second with no time on the clock. Fucking great game.
Reminder: Everything in game can be earned with gameplay and all reward tracks are evergreen, which means they'll exist forever.
You dont have to purchase a single Supercredit to make your way into the Premium tracks. Warbonds are not Battle Passes. Warbonds are Warbonds.
Based on what Pat says on the robots in space Vietnam, Womble’s words ring true even here. “Drop the napalm on the VC!” “Where’s the VC?”“EVERYWHERE!”
As someone who's been on a few missions ...YES
Yeah Robot Space Vietnam does NOT fuck around. Shit is scary as fuck.
"That missile is heading for the giants current location, WHERES THE GIANT MANSLEY?"
@@alephnole7009 "you mean we're ..."
"Going to die Mansley !"
Accurate nam experience
Games where "player" is an ammo type
One of the things I've learned as a developer in general is that if you do something for real *nobody* will believe you until it breaks. I've got a bot that plays Dwarf Fortress and posts things that the dwarves say on a social media account (Sentient Dwarf Fortress). People look at that and think it's just piecing together text with a random number generator. No, it's real Dwarf Fortress dialogue that the game doesn't even show you unless you go to a specific screen repeatedly.
Oh man you’ve gotta post a link for that bot
@@TheBKdynasty I tried to link to it, but it's not appearing here so presumably it disappeared to some moderation queue. Googling "sentient dwarf fortress" should point you in the right direction.
What's the twitter?
What's your @?
14:00 Maxim 20: If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win.
Man schlock future is a great comic. I’ve shouted that in game.
I dont know if ive ever played a game where every cool interaction you could hope for works EXACTLY the way you want. You can steer your hellpod so that it lands on a bug and instantly kills it, you can throw the bots' grenades back at them, you shoot off the arms of the 40k dreadnoughts so all they can do is slowly waddle towards you, you can shotgun robots in half, the incendiary shotgun shoots the flaming pellets that make it look like you're shooting a Helldivers 1 shotgun, your orbital drop markers can stick to larger bugs and the explosion will track it, the ticks explode like grapes when you shoot their bodies. The only thing that could exist but doesnt is that you cant pilot the robots' AT-STs when they comically fall over after you kill the pilot. This game fucking rules.
'Don't come this way!': suspiciously pat-shaped EDF civilian at the helldivers server door.
Pat’s goblins literally pay no rent
It's so refreshing to see a game engage with the " call in all the bombs blow it all up" ethos of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction because it's been a hot minute. I miss that game
Also in lore we were farming the bugs, but "somehow" right when the bots began attacking the bugs broke containment
I love all the newbie players joking about how the terminids are a breeze compared to the automatons.
*You don't know the horrors that await you.*
Ah you're an HD1 Vet ?
@Ike_of_pyke oh no, can't claim that valor. The terminids are just...ungodly at the higher difficulties. You'll be wishing to go back to the bots after a difficulty 7+ mission on a bug world.
@@Ike_of_pyke i am.
*and every night i pray i don't see a tendril coming out of the ground.*
I wonder what people will think of the new itineration of the The Illuminate.
It is HORRIFIC how large the bug hordes can get. I still have nightmares of dodging multiple big bugs at a time in HD1
If Starship Troopers is the origin point, EDF is if you take a left, Lost Planet is if you take a right, EX Troopers is if you go just straight up vertically, and Helldivers is if you go deadpath down the center and just keep walking.
Ironically if you turn around and just walk in the opposite direction, you get the actual Starship Troopers licensed game from last year.
As someone who has played all of these except Helldivers, I approve of this message.
...MAN EX-Troopers is a trip!
@@GELTONZ Hell yeah bro, glad you know the vibe!
EX-Troopers is absolutely insane, but man is that a high-quality game with lots of love and content. Even had a small really fun multiplayer community, even if we had to be up at 2AM on the weekend to engage with it XD
We need more divers on Malevelon creek! The creek holds, but barely!every day we loose ground and good divers to the robot menace! Defend Democracy now. Dive into the creek, in the name of sweet liberty!
Gotta cut the Creek off before we make another run at it. Too many bots replacing the ones we break.
Everytime I see we've made progress, I check back a few hours later and see that it's dropped back to 10%! We need to deliver Liberty to those godless bots!
I don't know if Pat has seen Helldivers (as in, not the sequel), but you absolutely can lose Super Earth. That's why it's called Super Earth. It's not Earth. It's like Earth number 157 and the other 156 are just gone.
That implies every time Super Earth loses they recreate Mars.
@@cjrecio5702 I mean is it really Earth if you don't got Mars right next to it?
@@jojak0512 True
I remember logging on once or twice in HD1 and seeing that we lost another Super Earth. Soulcrushing
I'm confused though, aren't they in the Sol system? Like at multiple points the UI elements say that Super Earth is in the Sol system, which would imply that it's actually Earth or if not Earth it's a moon that was terraformed to be another Earth within our solar system.
The idea that theyll roll out stuff when the war gets bad for us invites the same idea that theyll roll out new problematic enemy types within factions when we get too close to definitive victory. This cycle goes on to keep breathing life into the game until the big final victory before servers go down.
Well, I think it's gonna be like Helldivers 1, you lose the war, the campaign resets.
Helldivers is one of those games that's actually deeper than it appears to be on the surface.
As it turns out there's an armor penetration mechanic that is per weapon, which alright you'd assume that enemies have armor ratings right? Well different parts of the bodies have different armor values. Which you'd then think "oh giant weakspot." Yes, but not just that. There are secondary spots on each enemy that are slightly softer. Like the hip joints of the walker guys can be shot at with most light fire weapons, or you cando the ME 3 shoot the pilot through the coinslot. Or if you have the angle pop their head.
The fact that there is a none zero percent chance we can lose Super Earth is amazing
It happened in the first game xD
@@cjrecio5702 Have to ask then, what happened?
@@The1Gobywe all move to a new Super Earth and start the whole affair over with. Each Galactic War ended with either Super Earth falling to one of our weak, treacherous, subhuman enemies or us considering the homeworlds of each of our brutal, mighty, unstoppable alien foes.
@@The1Goby You move on to Earth64
When a player exits the game in ship view, their ship blow up. neat.
It's sad how many good games are smaller studio games with little money for big servers, meanwhile shitty ass games with big stuidios have a bajillion servers with no players.
For reference suicide squad kill the batmans legacy has like 1000 or less people playing.
And yet even with that few players, _Suicide Squad_ is _also_ having server issues. Go figure.
i gotta say, the people that talk nonstop about the suicide squad game sound like star wars fans. "kill the batman legacy" is such a weird thing to say
Well it isn't just server issues, A lot of that Live stuff is eating up processing. They thought it would be smaller thus put all of it in to get their bang for their buck but the game taking off means the game is processing a lot of the live stuff almost all the time eatting up server processing
If Rocksteady gets shut down in the future because of this i wouldn't be the least surprised. What a fall from grace.
@@malum9478 It's a joke on the game's actual title "Kill the Justice League", but I mean the game has destroyed Rocksteady, the makers of the Arkham series of games. Those are basically done now. Even if the game's failure doesn't destroy the studio, the heads of the company quit during development of Suicide Squad.
I mean the fact that they spent 300 MILLION DOLLARS and darn near a decade of development time on a game that will cease to exist entirely in a year is depressing. It's like the perfect example of an out-of-touch AAA failure so it's kinda worth discussing and bringing up.
I can explain that map in one phrase: the For Honor system. But everyone is on the same team and super earth is the vultcano. That's what it is.
This is correct and it's great.
@@RavenCloak13 i miss For Honor 1v1 a lot.
The funniest thing is you can skip the queues if you launch the game through joining a friend on Steam.
I just noticed that the other day when I played with some friends!
I decided to "go to the lab" and hit the join game button when I was on a waiting screen. And even though I couldn't join my friend, I was sent to my ship.
The way the Helldivers 2 community talks in character is the best. The FOR DEMOCRACY mindset spilling over to its players is so organically funny.
Nothing gets the blood pumping more than good ol, guilt-free, *fictional* nationalistic jingoism!
Helldivers 2 community shakes hands with Deep Rock Galactic fans for being 1 to 1 with memes associated with voicelines.
For Rock and Stone!
@@graffitisamurai we’re simple animals, getting things, breaking things and fighting the people we don’t like speaks to the cave man brain on such a spiritual level. If a franchise just owns that mentality and wears it on its sleeve it’s hard not to get hooked. Works for COD, Warhammer, Doom and Helldivers and all of them to great success
The people yearn for a common enemy and patriotic fervor.
@@AsurendrasOrder as a guy with zero qualifications to make this statement I feel like patriotic fervor feeds into that same part of your brain that focuses on memes.
So you're telling me that Helldivers 2 is just an Astra Militarum multiplayer campaign?
Pretty much yeh (Well, the difference is you're playing special forces but you're also treated as cannon fodder)
God damn ... You just double my interest
More of an Adeptus scions, given the resources they have access to.
"I'm gonna come"
You can hold your own backpack to reload weapons like the recoilless rifle but you reload slower
Damn what a slap in the face that Sony published the perfect ODST game 😅
Game full but you BETTER buy it anyways, ENLIST RIGHT NOW FUTURE HELLDIVERS
Everyone’s scared of the not terminators until you get the Railgun.
Don't let this distract you from the fact that we need help on Malevelon Creek.
as someone who has been affected by the server issues, especially on the weekends i will say: the Peak players for Helldivers 1 was just under 7000, like they didn't even breach 5 digits
Helldivers 2 has been in the several hundred thousands nonstop, and the only thing really stopping them from going past 500,000 is that the servers cannot handle the load
so, it's reasonable that they really were not expecting the insane popularity they have currently
Whaddya mean "ironically", Woolie? How do you like a parody film ironically?
I assume to unironically enjoy it would be to ignore everything under the surface.
He’s probably referring to all the people who lack media literacy and took the movie at face value without realizing it was meant to be satire; which is unfortunately a lot of people
There are two types of ding dongs: those who criticize the Starship Troopers movie for being fascist propaganda and those who think Paul Verhoven didn't triple-dunk the movie in satire.
@@graffitisamurai In other words, people who hate it because they think it's fascist propaganda, and people who love it because they think it's fascist propaganda.
It's the Rorschach Effect where everyone ignored your satire because the people you are trying to strawman agree with your satire and completely dismiss your attempt at criticism.
See: TV Tropes' "Strawman Has A Point"
27:23 "... and we're all doing our part. Are you? Don't! It's full!"
13:33 Elsenborn Ridge, the bloodiest fight during the Battle of the Bulge.
Pat didn't mention this but even the Ceo of the studio said not to buy the game right now in till they fix the server and backend code problem, also there be a lot more glitches then you would think at the moment, like infinite bugs on easier difficulties, the extraction ship not showing up or getting blown away by someone's stratagem, spawning in space, bouncing nukes, things spawning underground, and more. There was also people not logging out of the game when they where done so they could keep their spot on the server because there was no afk timer. Also stay away from the Official Discord, its a hell house in there of people complaining.
It's been a while since I've seen a game with live service elements get good word of mouth. I personally don't tend to enjoy the genres with that monetisation, but if they handled it well then good for them.
It does this weird thing where all the paid weapons are utter shit, and the best free gun is unlocked in like an hour.
Also the game gives out free premium currency on almost every mission and the highest cash shop item I have seen so far is the equivalent of 5 bucks.
Yeah. Cool that the game is succeeding - but its definitely one of the ""features"" I would never have missed from Helldivers 1.
(Also the game has some sus virus scam stuff in it)
The whole themes of the game, what people are saying about the monetization and the fact that the worst problem they have is "THERE ARE TOO MANY PLAYERS!" which is the best problem to have.
3 points that makes it work.
"Whoooa guys, take it easy. We can only wiretap so many computers at once!"
I don't know if you actually think that's what Kernel level AC does, but it don't. It interfaces with the kernel to analyse running processes and protect areas of memory where the game is stored at runtime. The main concern with Kernel-Level Anticheat is the potential for abuse by governments and exploiters alike.
You got enough tin foil for your house
This is the same anticheat for Maple fucking Story. You'll be fiiine
Haven't seen anyone mention it but the mechs at least are confirmed. One of the last trailers put out ends with a mech with text saying they're coming out soon after launch. Personally tho I'm hoping the bike with the sidecar comes back.
about damn time they talk about HD
4:36 not sure this is true. Im on PC, didn’t link an account, and had a guy undeniably on PS5 in my squad last night. heard the ps5 notification when he unmuted to talk and was clearly on controller
Last Friday: Oh hey, we're finally adapting and actually winning a few defense missions against the major event against the automatons! We might actually succeed in the event mission!
The next three days: "Oh hey, we've lost literally every defense mission since that. We're so screwed. Liberty is going to die."
Another game where blasting Klendathu Drop on loop makes sense
Man 3 games in the last hour that have crasheddddd
Trying to get into the servers makes me feel like Jeremy Renner's character in The Hurt Locker
I used to listen back when it was superbestfriends. You guys look OOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLDDDD now.
If only there was more yellow to help pat
Suffering from success
Litterally "Fuck off we're full"
"Wait do you mean Unironically like Starship Troopers or Ironically?"
It makes so much sense that Woolie, the guy that would sell out Humanity for the chance of getting a jetpack from Xcom Aliens, would be a bug sympathizer smh
Buenos Aires was an inside job, wake up sheeple
When SuperEart falls is when they close the server.
13:32 deep rock move right there
This game honestly deserves GOTY nominations for being able to have Pat actually come back to loving it despite mind goblins and multi thread long Twitter rants about the game not working for him.
every few years game devs manage to reinvent the same issue Yoship had at the launch of Endwalker
Haven't played it yet but it reminds me a lot of EDF, looks super fun.
Man i knew instantly when he said Super Vietnam he meant Malevelon Creek🤣
Side note worst launch of a fucking great game ive ever seen as far as playability issues but i trust arrowhead to fix it as time goes on. Most of the people bitching about it werent around to see what gta V online was like when it originally dropped and it shows.
Side side note im gonna come
When the servers are fixed I'll join and do my part
Ah, reminds me of the invasion in elite but it’s actually engaging
Lets not forget Helldivers on PC has a particular brand of intrusive DRM (nProtect's Game Guard), that is infamous for being very insecure. So you're basically installing a serious security flaw into your home computer with this game.
I was literally ready to buy it day one and then I saw that news and it killed it for me.
Games like Deep Rock don't do anti-cheat. And other games will (instead of installing spyware holes into your PC) just check your items against the server to ensure you own them. Because all the DRM is meant to protect is people stealing micro-transaction items.
Yeah, this was the big decision maker for me buying it on PS5.
Thank you. Most people assume the problem with kernel level DRM is inherent "spying", rather than introducing a vupnerability.
Are there any documented examples of GameGuard being exploited as a vulnerability? I haven't seen any with a surface level search, but I may just be looking in the wrong places.
Seems like GameGuard is overkill for a PvE game regardless.
@@acceptablecasualty5319 Admittedly the nuanced difference between the two is hard to explain.
which doesn't even work since people are already cheating. this is the one big issue the game has so far and i hope the get rid of it.
The folks who made Helldivers made better Starship Troopers games than the people who made the actual licensed Starship Troopers game. The latter of which, inexplicably, looked at that IP and said: "You know what people want from this game? A phase where you play Minecraft."
What does it mean to like Starship Troopers (the film) ironically or unironically?
no one knows.
There's a not-insignificant number of people who unironically like ST as a heroic war movie, either not getting or not caring that it's pretty clearly meant to be an in-universe propaganda film of the kind the fascist human empire Heinlein semi-wittingly described in the original novel might make for itself. "Ironically vs unironically" is probably the wrong way to put it; it's really more of a case of "are you in on the joke or not?"
@@adams3627 Yeah, that's why I'm confused. Since it's a satire, liking it Ironically would mean enjoying the film as straight-forward propaganda, like a double negative. Or maybe if you consider the film to be poorly made and you enjoy it for being poorly made. I think you're right in that they mean "do you get the satire or not" and are just using the wrong words to describe it.
That being said, I don't think it matters whether you like Starship Troopers as a satire or as straightforward propaganda, both camps are probably going to enjoy Helldivers 2. It's a game about how fun it is to kill bugs. From what I've seen, the over-the-top nature of in-universe propaganda just helps set and keep the tone light, it's not a real critique. And that's fine, I'm just saying it has a different purpose than the satire of Verhoeven's movie.
@@arempy5836 Think about it like people liking Fight Club unironically, as in thinking Tyler Durden had some good ideas and represented a healthy masculinity
@@adams3627terran federation isn’t fascist, if it is, then the athenian democracy was also fascist, and the only non-fascist democracies are modern western democracies, which sounds awfully ignorant of history.
Me when I kill clangers
Bottom text
I paid for a game I can’t even play. We need more servers. Also if someone sits in their ship for 20-25 minutes without playing any missions or joining up with friends then kick them off so the rest of us can play.
Im gonna come
It is not free for the weekend. You just don't have to pay for PS Plus to play online
I want to see Woolie VS EDF
Huh...its that fun might need to buy it have not played a TPS in like 3 years...
Why did it take Pat of all people (no offense, I just find it weird) to explain that the playstation link isn't necessary to play the game? Can they not specify this better on the steam page?
Pat why are you podcasting when the Western Front needs you?
So are there people playing this like battlefield, with proper coordination and combined forces?
Yes. I've seen people running missions as stealth operations
I'm delighted it's doing so well. Adored playing the first one so I was worried. Getting real FFXIV Expansion vibes with the player count situation, victims of their own success. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up and spread liberty at some point 👍
Serious: how do I actually play with other players in this game with no Steam friends?
When you are selecting a mission, you can find the white missions instead of the yellow ones. They will have a number of people in them. Also, if you're in a mission you can drop an sos beacon. It makes it so your mission is visible to others.
Quickplay and open parties. As a level 23 player, most of my game time has been playing with randoms through quickplay when it wasn't outright broken (seems to be fixed now). At the higher difficulties you definitely need to ping more and chat more, but it is still very workable.
Quickplay works now. It was broken for a few days and took forever to get a match, but I was dropping in almost instantly after queueing last night.
and broke again@@Hocotatium111 💀
Go to the operations map and click random or click a specific game with people in it.
…Pat was QA??? Holy fuck. I feel bad for any studio he actually worked at. That’s a crime.
Would you like to know more?
Not anymore. 700,000 player cap
Remember when FF14 had this same problem but even more insane cause they were just there to pick up WoW refugees, a bunch of free till like lvl 85 and secondary servers for just the housing?
Good on them! GIVE THEM MORE SERVER ROOM PS and let them fix the problem faster.
so its just planetside 2 as a third person shooter?
from what i have played, helldivers is awesome.
dont have a playstation account, played it fine with people on playstation. outright lie Pat.
Yeah I never had to do that either and I've played with my friend on PS5 plenty of times... When I you were able to get into games in the middle of the day, that is.
Compare this game to its most similar rival, Starship Troopers Extermination, a game which can barely fill a single match, and you will see exactly what not to do when developing a game.
Suffering from success but i feel happy and sad for them having the ff14 problem but il just wait and see
Lies, everyone I know never waits in these supposed queues
Free battlepass DOES NOT pay for paid battlepass. Free pass earns you 550/1000 to buy the paid bp
You earn supercredits in gameplay pickups. Its slow, you earn 20 super credits every 3 missions, so 30 missions where you scour the map earns 200 credits. It takes time. It takes a lot of time. But if you play for 60 to 70 hours straight you'll have enough for a battle pass.
@@TheAussieBlue Sure, in fact I did pay for my battle pass but saved my super credits for armor cosmetics and now have 2 full heavy sets, a light set, and a standard 50% explosive resist set with the sc that I had earned up to this point. I want to say 750-900 sc spent so far and I'm currently sitting on 250.
Yes the game is very generous with the in game currency but I was still confused when opening the battle pass for the first time and found Pat's statement to be false
@@richardjohnson8991 oh that's just (crazy talk), Pat's stand.
It makes it so that anything he says is immediately wrong, warping reality itself to do so if neccessary.
Remember when EVERYONE was calling this game the boring Piss shooter?
The Starship Troopers discourse a certain group of intelectual individuals have started on Twitter is hilarious, it's always a treat to see people genuinely celebrating something that directly makes fun of them because they're too dumb to realize that they're the butt of the joke and normal people don't fall for the obvious propaganda the film is parodying.
They’re eating, and their plate will not be taken
@@UCannotDefeatMyShmeat i fuxkin love that.
Come to think of it, you've got people celebating Zulu, a fantastic film, for... very troublesome, supremacist reasons.
Completely missing the point that at the end of the film the Welsh and Zulu have great respect for each other, no, they just focus on all the white people killing black people.
Comparing Helldivers to Palworld is such a fucking insult, like seriously by Pat's logic Starcraft is also just a Starship Troopers game and might as well say the same for 40k. It's also just like Palworld. Right?!
Please Helldivers 2! Make me come!!!
I’m gonna come
You say severs full, all I hear is us losing Terminator Vietnam and Credence Clearwater Revival.
And yet again, Woolie is completely worthless with anything that isn't a fighting game😢.
I skipped, and i can still play woth ps5 on my pc
But then how will you guarantee citizenship and earn your freedom through the helldiver program?
The idea of “ironically” enjoying Starship Troopers is the stupidest thing I’ve heard on this podcast, which is saying something.
Really hope it was a joke but I’m glad it was only five seconds of the discussion.
PLEASE tell me SOMEONE is posting "It's A Good Day to Die"! I love that song. It's my favorite piece of Starship Troopers propaganda.
… They mean “taking it at face value” or “understanding that it’s a parody.”
The parody IS the face value.
People who like to smell their own farts like to pretend that general audiences and/or vocal minorities don’t understand what anything means.
When these same fart-smellers hear of people who enjoy Starship Troopers “unironically” or get in on the American Psycho sigma male meme, they just write it off as genuine people that don’t understand what they’re watching.
And then go on to complain about media literacy.
@@MrMetalforever5 ...no. parody is, inherently, not face value. it's making fun of something. if you don't recognize that it's something being made fun of, then you're taking it at face value, and also are an idiot.
wtf are you even bitching about???
@@MrMetalforever5 complete idiotic take.
This game is EDF with a budget and polish
"You like Starship Troopers?"
"Ironically or Unironically?"
There is so much to say on the subject because there are so many layers of misunderstanding surrounding Starship Troopers, going from the book(a Utopian ultra Libertarian ideal about a minimalist state that utalized a limited earned suffrage, and admittedly romanticized views on military servicemen), to people's misinterpretation of the book("fascism"), to what Verhoven wanted the movie to be(a criticism of the book's "fascism"), to what the movie actually is(a poor adaptation that accidentally managed to retain some of the original book's messaging), to people's misinterpretions of the movie("fascism")
It's hilarious if it weren't so sad.
"Minimalist State"
The book literally extolls the virtues of capital and corporal punishment?
@@Griffin1171-love-you-all the style and severity of punishment has nothing to do with size and scope of government.
Edit: in fact, that's more a philosophic/moral/ethical debate about the nature of crime abd punishment.
I'm sure there are ultra authoritarians who would advocate for never using corporal or capital punishment, that wouldn't make them any less authoritarian than the ones who do.
@@Griffin1171-love-you-all Indonesia hangs drug smugglers. What's your point?
Minimized suffrage based on military service isn't Yikes to you?
Yeah, I was going to say this.
Its like a bell curve distribution, at the low end there are people who the themes have completely flown over their head and don't know anything, and then in the middle is all of the self-labeled 'intellectuals' who just parrot the same bad faith misinteroperation of the themes to score political points, and then on far side is the very few who ACTUALLY know the themes.