It's like comparing Apple and oranges. The sunny side egg cooked by SS pan was miles off compared to the ikea Teflon pan. Teflon won by a country mile. Teflon pans should lasts more like years (1 to 2 years on the date side) compared to months as suggested my Ms McFatty, unless you don't know what you're doing.
我睇完之后,真係又去買左隻All-Clad D3 10”。好在買得早,𠲖𠺢哋美元又昇左啦。馬上开始您介绍的荷包蛋实驗先…😅 By the way, American Test Kitchen 也嚴選 All-Clad 12” D3 爲年度最佳不锈龬镬。花田話麥婆婆都知啦,已经三年on a row! 哦…😅 Frying pan debates真係令我頭都大哂😵💫,我只要跟著姐造。您視頻用花田鑊炒,我就搬Kanda。您用All-Clad,我用All-Clad。總之就是師姐出馬!見招拆招。😅
Should not be comparing Apple to Apple cause Non-stick and stainless steel pans have different functions...Non-stick is for not too high heat cooking like frying an egg. But you wouldn’t use the stainless steel to fry and egg
Thus let the whole skillet reach the same temperature throughout. Having a higher heat capacity on the heavy stainless steel skillet, a smaller fire keep the temperture steadily. While the used sticky old bad oil being bended with new fresh oil, thus restore the non-stick performance of the used old oil. And also avoid the new oil sucking too much heat energy from the skillet.
This is not really a fair comparison of the price comparison of two pans, you look like you are comparing stainless steel pan vs non stick pan instead. You can’t really compare the price of the two pans when the pans are usually chosen to do different things and have different properties. It’s an informative video but it would be better if you compare two stainless steel pans of different price point instead.
If you watch the video till the end, I still insist all-clad delivers premium quality just it excels better in professional kitchen. And I clearly stated, with proper use, both pans could achieve nonstick quality. I have never said All-clad does not worth the money. Completely agree on comparing stainless steel vs stainless steel. No doubt it is easier to see the performance differences. Just I do not own a range of stainless steel pans yet. If the opportunity comes in future, I am more than happy to make a video on same-material comparison. Thanks for your inputs.
Yes I did indeed watch the whole video till the very end. I agree with all your points and what you have said is very informative. But I’m saying you don’t compare price of an apple to an orange. So I’m suggesting the idea of the video is comparing non stick vs stainless rather than about the price. Don’t get me wrong, I am all in for stainless steel pans because I found it more environmentally friendly and I do like investing in my kitchenware.
Two comments: 1) your use of non-stick is problematic: it's way too hot for the fish! 2) for the use of the stainless steel pan, the pan is also too hot,. In fact you may try turning off the heat after the initial preheating. The fried egg should have been much better, and the pan should not have burnt oil (yellowish color) for the fish.
Pans are not hot enough for the eggs initially, needs more oil. Look at how Thai ladies fry their eggs in a pan/wok, yes that much oil. Telltale sign is when the egg white bubbles up vigorously on contact. The burner can go to low or even off once the egg is in the pan, as the copious amount of oil and thick pan help to retain heat. Salmon on ikea pan is burnt, pan is too hot. The fumes coming off at that moment are burning off from the teflon coating. Basically both items she cooked would've cooked better in an 8" pan. The oil would pool together much better to coat the protein with less surface area to spread out. Far less chance of sticking. Oil acts as a blanket to coat every surface pore for browning. That's why the middle of the fish skin is not brown. For the price it is a good performer. Yes I own this pan also. She didn't talk about a critical difference between the two pans. The Ikea pan is although thick, a disc bottom pan. Sauces scorch on the sidewalls because of this, whereas a clad pan will have much more even heating as there are no seams of different material to join. Actual cooking on stainless is always on low to med low heat. I only ever turn stainless on high heat to get the pan up to temp. Once the food is introduced to the pan, turn it back down. Clad stainless is easy to clean if you don't fuck up. When you do, you pay the price in cleaning. You learn from your mistakes, hopefully less major clean up with improved proficiency. I'm being critical, the video is still a good intro. It's terrible for the environment to keep buying/tossing non stick pans from JHC every year. Please use more stainless pans, your food will taste better. Keep one non-stick pan just for things such as omelete, pancakes, etc.... I own 3/5/copper all clad, and to be frank 3 ply is more than good enough. Save your money, d3 10" fry pan is $100 usd vs $241 for copper lined, law of diminishing returns. Avoid d3 ply for pots, they lack pour lips. Other viable options include Cuisinart multiclad, made in, etc.
我都用ikea 鑊,超好用! 一年一隻,不肉痛!
All-clad copper core 係好好嘅不鏽鋼 pan (除咗 Mauviel 嘅 copper pan)。
P.S. 業餘煮夫一名
6:34 極同意!真係好少可有易潔鑊做到傳熱又快又平均,仲要百零蚊貨仔,仲幾個月換一隻都抵,你同我直頭用同一款同一size鑊,難怪你叫我一定要睇呢集😂
非常感謝你概分享同比較 睇完我而家清楚自己選擇乜嘢啦 永遠支持 加油💪💪💪👍
平貴, 睇條邊, ikea 果個只有個底係複合底, 邊位係好薄的, 如果你一次煮大量食物, 由平底轉上去果個灣位會痴, (even佢係易潔)....all clad 係一塊3/ 5層鐵皮啤出黎的, 自然成本比較高, 邊位冇咁易燶
第一次看妳視頻,非常欣賞妳實踐示範。加拿大是用電爐,所以平底鑊至用得著。Ikea,T-fal等易潔pan 常用,鐵和不銹鋼鑊都有,不過小用,因我懒怕保養打理! 😅
不銹鋼鍋太熱,把蛋燒焦,Leidenfrost effect 是大錯特錯。
最欣賞既係,除左教煮餸,仲介紹如何護理廚房用具。Thank you so much.
Very encouraging 🥹🥹 謝謝支持🙏🏻😉
Ikea 锅贵嗰款注明可以入焗炉,但没注明易洁涂层可以承受最高温度多少?烤鸡一般要220°C不敢用它,怕会破坏易洁涂层,其它不用这么高温才用它。
見到花田姐views 同follower 越來越多 , 證明有質量嘅影片 係唔怕冇人欣賞, 繼續加油期待你下次嘅片
片做得幾好 有水準 You earned a subscribe
All clad鑊歴久如新,煎肉零舍唔同,一贊酒沾在鑊中的fond 能做出美味的汁。易潔鑊便不能做出這效果
Stainless steel 导热快,散热也快,保温(retain heat) 不好,其实 不适合 和 不沾材料 结合。 (Teflon will easily melt above 280℃ continuously use daily)..
食用油被烧成 褐色,代表 已经 过了 230℃冒烟点了。。
建议,不锈钢锅 烧热,水滴状后,下油后,油热,下食材(鱼)后,灭明火,让 锅温度 保持 热度煎,3-5 分钟后,再开小火,继续小火煎。。
煮食讲究 如何 保持 火候温定,(时间久,火候太大,破坏 食油和食材 的营养)。不同的锅具,讲究不同的方法,保持温定的油温)。
鱼没煎坏,但鱼的营养 所剩无几了。。
其實 以你煮食經驗 用乜都有好收穫 👍
Do not over heated non-stick wok. When you see the oil became smoke, that is already too hot.
It's like comparing Apple and oranges.
The sunny side egg cooked by SS pan was miles off compared to the ikea Teflon pan. Teflon won by a country mile.
Teflon pans should lasts more like years (1 to 2 years on the date side) compared to months as suggested my Ms McFatty, unless you don't know what you're doing.
我睇完之后,真係又去買左隻All-Clad D3 10”。好在買得早,𠲖𠺢哋美元又昇左啦。馬上开始您介绍的荷包蛋实驗先…😅
By the way, American Test Kitchen 也嚴選 All-Clad 12” D3 爲年度最佳不锈龬镬。花田話麥婆婆都知啦,已经三年on a row!
Frying pan debates真係令我頭都大哂😵💫,我只要跟著姐造。您視頻用花田鑊炒,我就搬Kanda。您用All-Clad,我用All-Clad。總之就是師姐出馬!見招拆招。😅
I am more interested in comparing teflon based and granite based non-stick frying pans
Should not be comparing Apple to Apple cause Non-stick and stainless steel pans have different functions...Non-stick is for not too high heat cooking like frying an egg. But you wouldn’t use the stainless steel to fry and egg
解釋的好詳細, 謝謝美女花田.
Yes ~
Thus let the whole skillet reach the same temperature throughout.
Having a higher heat capacity on the heavy stainless steel skillet, a smaller fire keep the temperture steadily.
While the used sticky old bad oil being bended with new fresh oil, thus restore the non-stick performance of the used old oil.
And also avoid the new oil sucking too much heat energy from the skillet.
The used old oil give more fragrances but release more toxic ...
现在考虑买 All Clad Graphite Core... 据说比 Copper Core 更好点,准备试试。
首先係用真火, 因為如果你以為電磁爐都會咁平均就錯了. 另外. 消費者委員會做既測試好多時就係做唔到耐用. 成日講大陸野既品質係唔錯.. 有D 係.. 但講到耐用就好多都唔係.
IKEA易潔 唔合大火抄野. 用幾個月應該會變色, (如果你想要大火脆皮)
另外,我係美國買個平既 all-clad non-stick, 係幾好用的. 都係幾百蚊. All-Clad 係名牌黎的.
花田小姐 請問我的不銹鋼鑊預熱後再放油不久已見到有一些油出現啡色 當放下食物煎完後會在鑊上留下啡色的漬 是否鑊已壞 謝謝
今天看到你的髪型能再次配合番你面型 替你真的很安慰
哇⊙∀⊙!这速度太快啦!all clad用在你的电磁炉效果如何那?很期待测试,最想看是all clad cooper core wok在电磁炉上的测试,整个youtube都没有
PTFE 塗層易潔鑊比较好用又襟D,但肯定有PFAS,所以我都戒咗,而家都係用不锈钢、生鐵同碳钢鑊,不過都有keep住一隻陶瓷塗層易潔鑊間中用吓
我都有兩隻3-ply clad pan,可惜两隻個底都鼓起咗,用吾到响電磁/陶爐
Ikea易潔鑊都有好多不同price range, 關鍵除左底層物料同有冇夾層之外,就係佢用邊隻塗層,最平果種應該係純PTFE,係最滑,貴果D會溝左其他野(以我所知係人工鑽石粉末),咁做會犧牲左少少防黏性能,但可以加強傳熱同抗磨性能,賣到最貴果D(200左右),直情聲稱可以用金屬鑊鏟,雖然,我係唔會咁做
This is not really a fair comparison of the price comparison of two pans, you look like you are comparing stainless steel pan vs non stick pan instead. You can’t really compare the price of the two pans when the pans are usually chosen to do different things and have different properties. It’s an informative video but it would be better if you compare two stainless steel pans of different price point instead.
If you watch the video till the end, I still insist all-clad delivers premium quality just it excels better in professional kitchen. And I clearly stated, with proper use, both pans could achieve nonstick quality. I have never said All-clad does not worth the money.
Completely agree on comparing stainless steel vs stainless steel. No doubt it is easier to see the performance differences. Just I do not own a range of stainless steel pans yet. If the opportunity comes in future, I am more than happy to make a video on same-material comparison. Thanks for your inputs.
Yes I did indeed watch the whole video till the very end. I agree with all your points and what you have said is very informative. But I’m saying you don’t compare price of an apple to an orange. So I’m suggesting the idea of the video is comparing non stick vs stainless rather than about the price. Don’t get me wrong, I am all in for stainless steel pans because I found it more environmentally friendly and I do like investing in my kitchenware.
煎野明顯IKEA比較好. 你煮煎野都唔想洗鑊洗到死死吓, 而且就住佢黎用. All - Clad可以做到相同效果, 不過要小心用. Thanks for sharing
我反而想買蜂巢紋不鏽鋼鑊,見朋友用都冇黐鑊問題(本身用緊Tefal 都唔錯)
@@McFattyHK 晤該你呀。天上野可以用鋼丝也可以用洗潔精對嗎?以前我都用錯了。
係呀,其實家人試食都覺得All-Clad 煎出嚟嘅魚好食啲(不過呢啲可能比較主觀)。
All-Clad肯定係restaurant quality, 只係家用要較多技巧而已。
試下de buyer
仲有無得賣就唔知 因為好耐無去過
應該真係捱過一萬訂閱 TH-cam 演選法就會幫下手😂 見有個頻道9bothew又係一萬訂閱前好似泥牛入海咁 過左之後真係長足增長 花田都有少少呢種情況 💪
Two comments: 1) your use of non-stick is problematic: it's way too hot for the fish! 2) for the use of the stainless steel pan, the pan is also too hot,. In fact you may try turning off the heat after the initial preheating. The fried egg should have been much better, and the pan should not have burnt oil (yellowish color) for the fish.
Leidenfrost effect?
Can you compare mauviel and ruffoni products?
All clad 是專業廁師用具 他們會用ikea 嗎。怎比較
@@McFattyHK 比個正式回應 不要在小事上執着 係人都知係廚師啦你唔會寫錯字嘅
請問 IKEA 个仔pan,煮食時,手柄会否好熱?
Pans are not hot enough for the eggs initially, needs more oil. Look at how Thai ladies fry their eggs in a pan/wok, yes that much oil. Telltale sign is when the egg white bubbles up vigorously on contact. The burner can go to low or even off once the egg is in the pan, as the copious amount of oil and thick pan help to retain heat.
Salmon on ikea pan is burnt, pan is too hot. The fumes coming off at that moment are burning off from the teflon coating.
Basically both items she cooked would've cooked better in an 8" pan. The oil would pool together much better to coat the protein with less surface area to spread out. Far less chance of sticking. Oil acts as a blanket to coat every surface pore for browning. That's why the middle of the fish skin is not brown. For the price it is a good performer. Yes I own this pan also.
She didn't talk about a critical difference between the two pans. The Ikea pan is although thick, a disc bottom pan. Sauces scorch on the sidewalls because of this, whereas a clad pan will have much more even heating as there are no seams of different material to join.
Actual cooking on stainless is always on low to med low heat. I only ever turn stainless on high heat to get the pan up to temp. Once the food is introduced to the pan, turn it back down.
Clad stainless is easy to clean if you don't fuck up. When you do, you pay the price in cleaning. You learn from your mistakes, hopefully less major clean up with improved proficiency.
I'm being critical, the video is still a good intro. It's terrible for the environment to keep buying/tossing non stick pans from JHC every year. Please use more stainless pans, your food will taste better. Keep one non-stick pan just for things such as omelete, pancakes, etc....
I own 3/5/copper all clad, and to be frank 3 ply is more than good enough. Save your money, d3 10" fry pan is $100 usd vs $241 for copper lined, law of diminishing returns. Avoid d3 ply for pots, they lack pour lips. Other viable options include Cuisinart multiclad, made in, etc.
I love All Clad, it's the Rolls Royce of pots and pans.
我平時聽啲歐洲人 (瑞典叫法)叫 IKEA 做 👉🏻E-Ke-Ya
用 cast iron 最好
其實不秀鋼, 長輩教燒熱第一次油,倒咗D熱油,再用過D新油,就唔黐隻鑊啦!
kuhn rikon, 好似係百貨公司買😅
你個名叫花田不是叫瓜田所以不要擔心吃了自己煮的東西就瓜田李下、 况且妳是做烹飪節目不是拍紀錄片有甚麼怕!有次在看完妳的節目不經意好想看當年的小雲、想聽聽當年IQ博士的主題曲、見到小雲的衝勁和搞笑、 再看看小雲戴上的眼鏡便又想起妳、 是的當年的IQ博士帶比我們很多歡樂、 對比當下香港已物換星移小雲己經消失、 但就是你在節目的行徑和妳戴上的眼鏡喚起了小雲 的追憶 、 小雲曾經帶比我們人很多歡樂同樣妳的烹飪節目也帶比我們短暫的抖氣.
Thanks for your sharing😊
個隻USA鑊 講句多謝先,你送俾我都唔要,宜家個隻我會比錢去買,多謝介紹
為什麼不銹鋼鑊面咁多花痕 看來你對不銹鋼鑊 不懂保養
Hi McFatty, salad master is the better pots
由8k訂閱開始睇到依家差唔多15k ~ 繼續努力💪🏻
嘩! 說話技巧太監骑馬(冇得頂),吸引! 但最難得.....靚
@@kuenso8149 759的鑊都要用膠或木鑊鏟,剛用完要等最少15分鐘才落水喉水洗,適當使用用到9個月是正常啊!
@@KwanHoMing1975 我屋企都可以用到一年有多 我鍾意用28寸 嗰個炒鑊 34吋嗰個要嚟蒸嘢
@@miulingkwok4223 28cm不是常常有貨。你說得對其實小心用,759的鑊都可以用一年左右,我指9個月是比軟少少粗用的使用!😃