All would have been forgiven if that Phobos upgrade sprue had some special weapons, maybe a volkite, a plasma incinerator and an Astartes granade launcher. Why fill it up with MORE pouches and head swaps? such an odd choice
Bits for an eliminator, a couple reivers and some special weapons is all we could ask for. What we get is another identical helix gauntlet and a dabbing sergeant
@@LucasLima-ul1bm I think that squad will have weapons upgrade from reiver and incursors squad, maybe bolt sniper from eliminators (a big maybe) but the armor will be from infiltrators. Hence an upgraded infiltrator squad.
Not including an eliminator in the phobos team is such a missed opportunity. How ridiculous is it that orks get a dedicated sniper while phobos marines don't.
I personally love Phobos. BUT I wish they hade more variety in poses, like some "assault" style running phobos dudes. I'm going to get this set for sure.
I figured they'd use the infiltrator/incursor sprue for the bespoke Marine KT because it's non-chapter specific and already has a tonne of different build options. I'm a little sad they don't seem to have done more with the upgrade sprue options. Would it have killed them to get the Eliminator Bolt Sniper Rifle on there as an option for one dude?
I didn’t even think of added the profiles for the Eliminator Sniper Rifle to the sprue. I guess that is the most functional way to get it in their. Maybe throw in the suppressor’s weapon in as well 🤔?
@@battlebrotherstabletop I'm pretty sure it's just a melee marine so minus fancy skull helm and grapple launcher lol if they did add reiver options tbh I would be satisfied with the awesome grapple launcher and grav chute
If they include ALL 4 Phobos units in the rules I’d be pretty stoked… but for a hype week box, and half of it is basically just a sprue, and for the price this box is likely to be… yeah I’m a bit salty too.
I guess they went with this because Marines were overdue and they also wanted this stealth theme. If it were up to me, I'd have delayed the stealth theme and done "bespoke" Deathwatch vs Tyrannids first. Maybe that's next, I dunno.
Yeah I feel the same, Love the new chaos team and im sure the marines rules will be very good so that might be fun, Can't see myself buying this box though. Will have to see.
Agree on beeing bummed out about the marines. Luckily there’s usually a great way to personalize the minis. So I’m glad they’re giving us a (hopefully) great ruleset I can kitbash something for. And I still hope that they give us the option to add Reivers and Eliminators, even though they aren’t in the box.
Definitely agree with what you said, not surprised at all though. People like the Phobos armor as in being the "new scout," I like firstborn scouts but I don't think they would give them any love anymore sadly
I'm excited to see the narrative missions that go with the terrain. Will be interesting to see how that kind of layout affects the feel of the game. Good luck to everyone out there fighting over the one guy who wants the phobos half of this box.
I'm really stoked for the new marines mostly because it's one of the only flavor of marines I don't own. So that'll be fun. And the potential for marines to just be a little better 🙏🙏🙏
I am also not too keen on infiltrators/incursors but then I looked up the Phobos captain/lieutenant/librarian and those models are rad and will serve as a badass base for converting to incursors/infiltrators. Also gonna use eliminators as incursors too. Fight me. For the terrain, if it is still like old sector fronteris then you can easily take each big buildings and only put together one short wall with a long wall and each big building can make 2 L buildings.
+1 I don't even like Space Marines but would have probably gone for new Scout sculpts over boring Smurfs. I'll probably wait until I can get the trator guard separate as the box doesn't do it for me
I feel like the Phobos Marines can be saved by NOT painting them up as Ultra Marines. I feel like painting them as Ravenguard or White Scars or Blood Angels or a successor chapter…just something not blue, something that has a history of stealthy, black ops stuff would have fit. Traitor Guard…*chefs kiss*. The terrain I feel like will be GREAT with a crate and barrel box (munitorum armored containers). It means an extra cost, but I’m cool with it if it makes a pretty, well functioning board.
“Excited” for Phobos is a strong word, lol. I’m going to pick this up cause 2/3 of the box is very cool. And I am also waiting for black templars kill team. Maybe in white dwarf as a list update
I'm stoked for the Phobos team. I think they're the best Marine models and the compendium versions were just missing something from being playable. I think the special rules will make these both usable and fun to play.
I'm building a Chaos army so the traitor guard will come in handy and I am building a Deathwatch so the marines will be added to that as a second Spectrus Kill Team
I was really hoping for a subfaction-specific marine team or more elites/commanders units. Blood angels, dark angels, space wolves, Death Watch, Eliminators, vanguard vets, bladeguard vets, anything! This release was definitely a bummer. The white dwarf release not being necrons or Marines also bummed me out. That said, I'm choosing to be positive and tell myself "it's only up from here".
I agree with you. I feel like they could have done a mix and match Shadowspear team with Upgrade Sprue and maybe given them a Raven Guard theme. I.e. Mor Deythan style Eliminators or something.
Yeah dude I fully agree. I think they're gonna be good and maybe actually pretty fun but fuuuuckkkkkkkk it's boring. With all the bespoke teams getting more fluffy I was hoping for something fluffy for marines. Deathwatch would have been the call for me.
@@reedersmith4019 I could see that as being easy filler to make a White Swarf Space Marine Sub Faction Team with bespoke rules. The funny thing is that if they mix and match existing units, it would feel like the old edition of Kill Team. Although, I do not believe the old rules were as good, the customization and mixed unit forces was certainly fun.
@@knoxhobbylife that's what I miss most about the old edition. I loved list building and making flavorful/fun/gimmicky teams. I miss being able to mix firstborn and primaris too. I hope they see the value in mixed lists at some point. Fire teams were a nice idea in the compendium but we are well beyond those now.
With all the new cultist models coming, I was honestly hoping for a full Cultist themed team, with the mutants and a Torment. I am stoked for Traitor Guard though.
Yeah, they’re awesome! I’m using those layouts to teach the guys at the store not to just setup an Octarius block in each corner and the oil rig in the middle and call it a day 😂
I do agree with the infiltrator/ incursor team being thematic and thus applicable to Kill Team. My issues is that we are how many boxes into Kill Team 2.0? I believe this would be the 4th set. So, you hold off putting the poster boys of 40k in a Kill Team to give other teams love, which I appreciate very much. But then you blow the build up, by releasing, like you said, "a boring Kill Team" to represent Space Marines with a less than iconic Upgrade Sprue. The Legionairres got an upgrade sprue and it was AMAZING! The terrain is cool, maybe not for Kill Team, and the Traitor Guard are super awesome, especially with the Black Fortress Comissar and Ogryn. I think this just has people bummed out and looking at this box as, am I really just buying this for Traitor Guard and maybe using this terrain for 40k?
I'm still remembering my downvotes when I compared a 2017 SM KT with beautiful kitbashes and so much different specialists and character vs. half a box of Intercessors for KT 2021. "but nobody enjoyed KT 2017, so many plasma gun spams" "Unfortunately" the KT 2021 game design is much better plus the fact that nobody I know wants to play KT 2017 anymore; so we are stuck with KT 2021 BUT: OssifiedMods - just released Horus Heresy and is soon going to release Badab War with much more flexibility in KT building. Check it out if you have the chance.
I’m actually quite happy with Phobos getting proper rules. I’m extremely not excited about this upgrade sprue… on the other hand I’m quite happy with it - it so generic, that I will easily get them from models and bits that I already have 😊
I like the traitor guard team. I like infiltrators and their lethal five up bolters are nice but that's all they've got going got going for them right now
Was talking about this on r/killteam today GW really missed a trick releasing the first marine team as an upgrade sprue that makes them barely distinguishable from the regular models. They should have really pushed the boat out and made a Legion of the Damned Marine Killteam!
Definitely agree about the Phobos looking boring, but I’m really into the aesthetic of the traitor guard. Luckily for me, the other half of the channel (Vic) seems really into the marines, so it looks like it’ll end up a perfect box for us to split. I bet there will be a ton of Phobos on eBay lol.
I was hoping fot a dw kill team just like the proteus kt from big 40k, where they could swap 2 regular guys for either a terminator or a vanguard veteran. Still not as bummed about phobos because of both the huge potential for cool conversions and the high likelihood that they get some zneaky taktikz like charge from conceal or change order after shooting/killing in melee.
Thanks for another enjoyable and interesting vid mate! The pattern for the boxes post Octarius seems pretty set; One team of new mini's, one team or upgraded mini's and some terrain. As someone who bashes guard way too much and has more traitors than he will ever need I am excited by the love they are getting from GW and their own rules will be a cool option, (though I only just got my head fully around them as Vet's!) but would have loved a more interesting Marine team instead. Maybe they will get the love another time any thing to make the faction have a more novel team would be cool, they are so m'eh in the compendium even with the update buff in numbers a useful only as a tutorial team with no special rules at all. Overall it is good to see the game getting this support, did they confirm this will go beyond the first mapped out year yet?
The bright spot imo is that marines are getting another set of rules to use that might be more competitive. Screw the models, kitbash the hell out of your own team and hijack the rules
Couldn't agree more regarding the Marines in the box, such a huge miss to do something really cool with them. Sorta wish they had wasted a WD issue on them if this was their plan and put something good in the box with those Traitor Guard sigh.
@@battlebrotherstabletop Yeah for real coulda scanned his team or thrown in an upgrade sprue. CSM gets mixed options we get Phobos. I love Phobos but what is this game?
Now I love Phobos Marines, but I definitely agree that this could have been better. It feels like they've just given more toys to a compendium team rather than building an entirely new one. Obviously we haven't seen the rules and I could be wrong, but that's the impression it gives me.
Is this the first time the type of armor will matter? I’m still unclear about some of the gameplay but I like Grey Knights with the interceptor pack and they can’t be used in Kill Team. Unless I’m wrong there too lol
I'd like to see you convert your own guard squad here. Paint them as penal legion guard led by a commissar ala Schafers Last Chancers. Lots of character to be found in the new cadian heads and the cadian command squad to personalise each model. Could do an ogryn too as a bodyguard for the commissar to stop anybody from giving him a nasty 'accident'
I like the box and plan on using all of it. I admit the phobos team does look a bit bland but I'll definitely be using them, possibly as my main team. I'm interested to see what mechanics they use to make up for them all being armed with bolters because as you say, the legionary team looks a lot better with access to a variety of different weapons including plasma
I'll show you all! My Wyrmblade Sactus Talon is gonna have THREE knives! I do sort of wonder how they'll make marines a touch more competitive, will specialists do it? Perhaps adding an extra operative or two?
You really think the blue ribbon baby of the 40K universe isn’t going to be op af? They’re gonna be the high tactic juggernaut that owns the top tier for a long long time.
100% agree on the Space Marines *cry*. I built up some Space Wolves last edition of Killteam. They all had so much flair and personality. I was so stoked when Space Marines expanded to have different chapters/factions with different buffs. Space Wolves could even have unique units like Plasma Scouts. There was so much cool stuff they could have done here whether that was allowing one of the models be a unique chapter-specific unit, allowing for a nice mix of the many different types of Space Marine models, or really just anything but this! This barely seems better than the compendium. Still extremely excited about Killteam but this seems like a big miss.
The Phobos feel very "meh." I am glad that they are re-releasing the Traitor Guard models, including the Commissar and Ogryn, but I already have them from BSF, so this box is 95% going to be a pass for me.
I think I basically agree with you on all points. I recently decided to pledge my allegiance to Chaose, turning my back on the Imperium (though I'm still gonna build my Sister Novitiates and DKoK and all that) but I was super excited when I heard there was gonna be a bespoke Space Marines team. Super excited! And I love the Traitor Guard, I can't wait to get those guys, but with the Marines I was hoping it was gonna be something cool like Black Templars or Blood Angels or heck, Castellans of the Rift with cool new rules or just... just SOMETHING more exciting than a buncha blue bolter beefcake. It's just... it's boring. It's bland. I like my Deathguard where all of my models matter, and this guy here has a plasma gun and that boy over there has an axe and a mace and this one's got a big sign that says "Guess what, you're sick now." These marines in this set are just... dudes with bolters, the only thing differentiating them is that they're holding them differently. Just... utter boredom with this team. So bored. I'm sleepy already.
Yep, totally agree. I’m sure the rules for the Phobos dudes will be cool and thematic and tactical, but the models just aren’t exciting. Maybe a good canvas to convert them, but sooo boring IMO
I get what you're saying about the Phobos team, but I'm excited to get kind of "bespoke" rules for SM. I'm planning to run them with normal Intercessor models, should work thematically. Although I'm a fan of "tacticool" in general, I don't particularly like it with SM (as you said, knights in space). I will probably never own a Phobos armour model, I've loved the classic Angels of Death since I was 13. But after this it's time for new Black Templar, Death Company, Grey Mane, Iron Hands, Ravenwing, Death Watch (Primaris-Sprue?) etc. teams.
Regardless im definitely buying the box, i main marines for my personal killteam and i actually excited for this, the terrain looks great and the traitor guards look fun, but all and all im pretty excited. And who knows maybe will get another space marine team in another future box... fingers crossed..
If the phobos marines have like... a reiver or two with grav chutes and grapnel launchers built into the data sheet, they can get that good forward deployment and terrain negation that good teams need. Maybe some good engagement/conceal swapping rules and some AP1 bolters and they'd be more than competitive. But yea. Super boring. The one upside (and I mentioned this on your poll) is it gives me hope that deathwatch get a white dwarf update and I generally have liked the white dwarf teams more than the box set teams anyway.
As I said in another comment, I think we will have: Sgt leader Voxbreaker auspex comms Sniper Close support specialist (incursors/reivers weapons) Demo man Helix specialist medic All in infiltrators outfit What do you think?
I'm a Phobos guy for 40k, just love the aesthetic, but, it should have been reivers if any, but I agree it's a stupid choice. In fact you're right, a new scout kit would have been perfect, they put bikes in necromunda, why not redo Scout bikers for Killteam.
Reavers are my favorite actually. But I do not see them in this kit. Really wanted to have a competitive reaver team. Maybe phobos soup are going to get some kind of innate focus fire trait?
I am stoked about the terrain - I almost bought the set when it first came out - so it’s nice to get it out of this set. It is big & chunky, so I’ll be interested to see how it plays in KT. The Traitor Guard team is nice, but I’ve already got a ton of those minis from Blackstone Fortress, so it’s underwhelming. The Phobos marines are not wowing me. I really hope the rules for them are good.
Completely agree on the Marines. Regardless of rules, it’s just very uninspiring. Could’ve done a full kit and mixed in, Reavers (fairly sure they’re left out), and Eliminators at a minimum.
In a universe where GW makes smarter decisions, Phobos Marines don't exist in 40k or anything until this box. In that universe everyone is all "OMG Spec Ops Space Marines! So cool! So different!" but here its just more Phobos marines that everyone already has enough of.
I'm all about the squads but like, yay give me more normal soldiers because I like that. And I'm not using standard marine models anyway. But if it's just the box itself. Oh no. Absolutely not.
Is that an ogryn in your drawers or are you happy to see me? I will probably get Moroch for the terrain and Traitor Guard. Check out RIG miniatures for some cool Guard conversions and dioramas. Totally agree about the Phobos marines. No Eliminator or Riever OR power weapon makes them a total miss IMO. I'll probably stick with my Space Wolf Intercessors as they have more flavor.
I think the issue is that there is zero personality on the SM team, they all look like a basic squad, not some elite crew with specialists and unique members
I like the box for the most part. Traitor Guardmen? Awesome! Ogryn and Commissar? Cool! I am looking at these with Blackstone Fortress in mind. Terrain? It's so cool too! For most of my mini-agnostic skirmish games, also works well for stuff like Crisis Protocol and such. Phobos marines? Eh, even with an upgrade sprue, not really all that original. My main issue is, I really like MOST of the box, but NOT for Kill Team. That says something. Same happened with Nachmund and Chalnath, terrain is cool but it's just reusing older terrain sprues, which may not have been designed with KT's rules in mind, unlike Octarius'. I feel GW could have a chance to really create more varied terrain sets here, another main issue I have is with the board designs, stop putting dirt and sand boards in all the boxes, it's boring! KT18 had some cool boards like Munitorum or Deathworld Forest, and also Warcry has some of the coolest boards in the Mausoleum and the Stormvault. They had such a cool chance to make Chaos, Elder or Tau themed terrain and boards, but they didn't. Such a waste. For Chaos I think the Warcry boards fit so much more nicely than any current KT one. If they release a Tyranids or Nurgle set without any dedicated boards I'm gonna go mental, I have already assumed if they release a Catachan one they'll reuse the Deathworld Forest one again.
tbf I think most people are bored with space marines, I'm glad they only got the upgrade sprue as all the boxes centre around a new kill team and an existing one with an upgrade. I think people would've been pretty upset if space marines had gotten more stuff. Terrain seems odd, sure more small pieces makes for a better game board?
Space marines; of all Primaris the Phobos aesthetic has always appealed the most and I genuinely thought we'd get Eliminators (Supasnipers!) or even a Phobos Librarian as maybe a 2-3 slot choice. Slightly confused and a little disappointed. Sidenote: hopes of seeing any flavor of chapter specific veteran mini Marines or Terminators soon is fading. When or if, I imagine it'll be a WD article later in the release cycle, which is a shame considering the new Heresy models (Beakies!) that are about to drop. Sadly it's a **Moroch Meh** from me.
those phobos marines were the first thing that irked me about that box, guard looked cool, terrain too and then I saw the marines and was immediatly turned off, i'd rather have 5 normal intercessors than those phobos, it feels cheap and shit, give me 5 terminators
Im not surprized about space marines, the game got new ruleset more than half a year ago and there wasnt a basic marine box for it yet. Compendium teams are not marketable because there is nothing "new" about them, and these are good enough for a "new" team because it is equally good for those who are into space marines and for total 40k noobs that only know space marines as blue space warriors
I really liked the Warcry Release. Im probably going to drop kill Team and just start Warcry. Better models, better rules, more options and multiplayer. The people at my FLGS have crazy Warbands. You can bring all kinds of heroes and beast in that game. It makes kill team seem bland
Lol “You little idiots want to live forever!!” Ben inspiring his guard
😂 died when I read this
All would have been forgiven if that Phobos upgrade sprue had some special weapons, maybe a volkite, a plasma incinerator and an Astartes granade launcher. Why fill it up with MORE pouches and head swaps? such an odd choice
Exactly. I’m sure they’ll have cool ploys and stuff but like, let me shoot big guns instead, you know?
Bits for an eliminator, a couple reivers and some special weapons is all we could ask for. What we get is another identical helix gauntlet and a dabbing sergeant
@@LucasLima-ul1bm the DAB
@@LucasLima-ul1bm I think that squad will have weapons upgrade from reiver and incursors squad, maybe bolt sniper from eliminators (a big maybe) but the armor will be from infiltrators. Hence an upgraded infiltrator squad.
Not including an eliminator in the phobos team is such a missed opportunity. How ridiculous is it that orks get a dedicated sniper while phobos marines don't.
Phobo's marines = Being 10 and getting socks for Christmas.
I love the infiltrators! First team I painted. Very very killteamy!
"Yuck your Yum" is becoming a staple of my communication going forward.... *salutes
I personally love Phobos. BUT I wish they hade more variety in poses, like some "assault" style running phobos dudes. I'm going to get this set for sure.
I figured they'd use the infiltrator/incursor sprue for the bespoke Marine KT because it's non-chapter specific and already has a tonne of different build options. I'm a little sad they don't seem to have done more with the upgrade sprue options. Would it have killed them to get the Eliminator Bolt Sniper Rifle on there as an option for one dude?
They could have easily said "if you take a sniper, you take one less marine to try to balance it
I didn’t even think of added the profiles for the Eliminator Sniper Rifle to the sprue. I guess that is the most functional way to get it in their. Maybe throw in the suppressor’s weapon in as well 🤔?
@@knoxhobbylife that would be awesome 🥲
This is, for the first time in a while, a release that ABSOLUTELY feels like a "Ugh, we'll HAVE to do this team. Let's just do it."
My idea to actually fix SM would be a white dwarf bespoke team. Able to mix and match different types of units.
I still hope we'll get that too.
Everyone wants this. It seems obvious. But I guess it doesn’t sell boxes
"I'm already working on my own conversion"
We know ben we know 😂😂
😂 I can’t help it
Eliminators + Reivers sounds so much more interesting than Incursors + Infiltrators. Bummer they seem to have went with the latter
Yea he made me excited for a second when he said reivers are in the box
@@MaxZeCat in one of the promotion photos there’s a reiver shown, but it could be a mistake from GW
@@battlebrotherstabletop I'm pretty sure it's just a melee marine so minus fancy skull helm and grapple launcher lol if they did add reiver options tbh I would be satisfied with the awesome grapple launcher and grav chute
If they include ALL 4 Phobos units in the rules I’d be pretty stoked… but for a hype week box, and half of it is basically just a sprue, and for the price this box is likely to be… yeah I’m a bit salty too.
I guess they went with this because Marines were overdue and they also wanted this stealth theme. If it were up to me, I'd have delayed the stealth theme and done "bespoke" Deathwatch vs Tyrannids first. Maybe that's next, I dunno.
Space marines will never be complete until they drop the faction book or whatever to finally utilize that slot
A negative opinion on a GW product? So, you finally decided to make your best viewed video yet, nice!
I just really needed some validation, and negging GW on the internet is the easiest way to get it
@@battlebrotherstabletop I am FULLY aware. I also don't think that gesticulation is just a me thing!
@@GlassHalfDead I’m pretty sure the fingertips together thing is a trademark GHD gesture
@@battlebrotherstabletop It's how you plot evily!
Yeah I feel the same, Love the new chaos team and im sure the marines rules will be very good so that might be fun, Can't see myself buying this box though. Will have to see.
Sell some of those overstocked T-shirts and you’ll be able to buy 5 boxes easy
Think I’m the only one looking forward to the marine team. It’ll be kitbashed to hell, can’t wait to see some rules.
Yeah, same. I like the Phobos models, and they're a delight to work with.
The chaos commissar is just the dark apostle wearing a dirty astra militarum uniform
Commented, Liked, and Subscribed. You know I am here for you and the algorithms.
Ave Dominus Vox!
Phobosesque is the word you're looking guy with the left arm in the air looks as if he's doing the latest disco moves...😂😂😂v
Marines need Chapter rules or something. They are not on par with Grey Knights or Death Watch.
We still have that in the keywords. Maybe something’s coming ??
Agree on beeing bummed out about the marines. Luckily there’s usually a great way to personalize the minis. So I’m glad they’re giving us a (hopefully) great ruleset I can kitbash something for.
And I still hope that they give us the option to add Reivers and Eliminators, even though they aren’t in the box.
Definitely agree with what you said, not surprised at all though. People like the Phobos armor as in being the "new scout," I like firstborn scouts but I don't think they would give them any love anymore sadly
I'm excited to see the narrative missions that go with the terrain. Will be interesting to see how that kind of layout affects the feel of the game. Good luck to everyone out there fighting over the one guy who wants the phobos half of this box.
I'm really stoked for the new marines mostly because it's one of the only flavor of marines I don't own. So that'll be fun. And the potential for marines to just be a little better 🙏🙏🙏
I am also not too keen on infiltrators/incursors but then I looked up the Phobos captain/lieutenant/librarian and those models are rad and will serve as a badass base for converting to incursors/infiltrators. Also gonna use eliminators as incursors too. Fight me.
For the terrain, if it is still like old sector fronteris then you can easily take each big buildings and only put together one short wall with a long wall and each big building can make 2 L buildings.
+1 I don't even like Space Marines but would have probably gone for new Scout sculpts over boring Smurfs. I'll probably wait until I can get the trator guard separate as the box doesn't do it for me
They should have done a deathwatch killteam, with fluffy sculpts of different legions.
Hopefully the blandness of the kit will act as a blank canvas that will allow people to dust off their first edition space marine conversions.
WELL WELL WELL, Welcome to the Phobuffet!
at least rivers have skull masks and they didn't even get picked
I feel like the Phobos Marines can be saved by NOT painting them up as Ultra Marines. I feel like painting them as Ravenguard or White Scars or Blood Angels or a successor chapter…just something not blue, something that has a history of stealthy, black ops stuff would have fit. Traitor Guard…*chefs kiss*. The terrain I feel like will be GREAT with a crate and barrel box (munitorum armored containers). It means an extra cost, but I’m cool with it if it makes a pretty, well functioning board.
“Excited” for Phobos is a strong word, lol. I’m going to pick this up cause 2/3 of the box is very cool. And I am also waiting for black templars kill team. Maybe in white dwarf as a list update
the new Black Templar stuff would be perfect!
I'm stoked for the Phobos team. I think they're the best Marine models and the compendium versions were just missing something from being playable. I think the special rules will make these both usable and fun to play.
Dope! It’s cool that they’re getting some love for sure. Happy that you’re pumped for them!
"Five zealots lighting everything on fire as they go" sounds way more fun than phobos marines.
I’d have to agree
I'm building a Chaos army so the traitor guard will come in handy and I am building a Deathwatch so the marines will be added to that as a second Spectrus Kill Team
I was really hoping for a subfaction-specific marine team or more elites/commanders units. Blood angels, dark angels, space wolves, Death Watch, Eliminators, vanguard vets, bladeguard vets, anything! This release was definitely a bummer. The white dwarf release not being necrons or Marines also bummed me out. That said, I'm choosing to be positive and tell myself "it's only up from here".
I agree with you. I feel like they could have done a mix and match Shadowspear team with Upgrade Sprue and maybe given them a Raven Guard theme. I.e. Mor Deythan style Eliminators or something.
@@knoxhobbylife That would have been awesome. There are still 6 or 7 more releases/white dwarfs this year so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Yeah dude I fully agree. I think they're gonna be good and maybe actually pretty fun but fuuuuckkkkkkkk it's boring. With all the bespoke teams getting more fluffy I was hoping for something fluffy for marines. Deathwatch would have been the call for me.
@@reedersmith4019 I could see that as being easy filler to make a White Swarf Space Marine Sub Faction Team with bespoke rules. The funny thing is that if they mix and match existing units, it would feel like the old edition of Kill Team. Although, I do not believe the old rules were as good, the customization and mixed unit forces was certainly fun.
@@knoxhobbylife that's what I miss most about the old edition. I loved list building and making flavorful/fun/gimmicky teams. I miss being able to mix firstborn and primaris too. I hope they see the value in mixed lists at some point. Fire teams were a nice idea in the compendium but we are well beyond those now.
With all the new cultist models coming, I was honestly hoping for a full Cultist themed team, with the mutants and a Torment. I am stoked for Traitor Guard though.
I think I'm excited about the rules for the marines, and the traitors rules *may* work for a Star Child warband.
Traitor guard part "this is what loyalists need" and this what Necromunda players can use. So much stuff for conversions.
New Kill Team had boring rules and previous edition terrain boxes been much better.
I’m not a huge infiltrator/incursor fan, but I love Reivers. If this box comes with the option for all Reivers, I’m in
Glad you're liking the terrain mate:D The best maps are Domination, Escalating hostilities, Master Terminals & Duel of wits
Yeah, they’re awesome! I’m using those layouts to teach the guys at the store not to just setup an Octarius block in each corner and the oil rig in the middle and call it a day 😂
I do agree with the infiltrator/ incursor team being thematic and thus applicable to Kill Team. My issues is that we are how many boxes into Kill Team 2.0? I believe this would be the 4th set. So, you hold off putting the poster boys of 40k in a Kill Team to give other teams love, which I appreciate very much. But then you blow the build up, by releasing, like you said, "a boring Kill Team" to represent Space Marines with a less than iconic Upgrade Sprue. The Legionairres got an upgrade sprue and it was AMAZING! The terrain is cool, maybe not for Kill Team, and the Traitor Guard are super awesome, especially with the Black Fortress Comissar and Ogryn. I think this just has people bummed out and looking at this box as, am I really just buying this for Traitor Guard and maybe using this terrain for 40k?
I'm still remembering my downvotes when I compared a 2017 SM KT with beautiful kitbashes and so much different specialists and character vs. half a box of Intercessors for KT 2021.
"but nobody enjoyed KT 2017, so many plasma gun spams"
"Unfortunately" the KT 2021 game design is much better plus the fact that nobody I know wants to play KT 2017 anymore; so we are stuck with KT 2021
BUT: OssifiedMods - just released Horus Heresy and is soon going to release Badab War with much more flexibility in KT building. Check it out if you have the chance.
Your criticism is valid, and from what I’m hearing of the upgrade sprew… like what?!
I was hoping for bespoke scouts really hard. It's be the first time they had a decent customizable plastic kit.
Haha quality video Ben! Phobos are the worst, deathwatch was such a missed opportunity
Deathwatch would be so perfect! Thanks, man!
I’m actually quite happy with Phobos getting proper rules. I’m extremely not excited about this upgrade sprue… on the other hand I’m quite happy with it - it so generic, that I will easily get them from models and bits that I already have 😊
I like the traitor guard team. I like infiltrators and their lethal five up bolters are nice but that's all they've got going got going for them right now
Was talking about this on r/killteam today
GW really missed a trick releasing the first marine team as an upgrade sprue that makes them barely distinguishable from the regular models.
They should have really pushed the boat out and made a Legion of the Damned Marine Killteam!
Definitely agree about the Phobos looking boring, but I’m really into the aesthetic of the traitor guard. Luckily for me, the other half of the channel (Vic) seems really into the marines, so it looks like it’ll end up a perfect box for us to split. I bet there will be a ton of Phobos on eBay lol.
Yo! Yeah I’m with you, traitor guard looks so cool. Oh dude, cheapest second hand bespoke team for sure lol
At this stage, the only thing I want from this box is the book. May pick up some TG later for converting.
I was hoping fot a dw kill team just like the proteus kt from big 40k, where they could swap 2 regular guys for either a terminator or a vanguard veteran.
Still not as bummed about phobos because of both the huge potential for cool conversions and the high likelihood that they get some zneaky taktikz like charge from conceal or change order after shooting/killing in melee.
Thanks for another enjoyable and interesting vid mate! The pattern for the boxes post Octarius seems pretty set; One team of new mini's, one team or upgraded mini's and some terrain. As someone who bashes guard way too much and has more traitors than he will ever need I am excited by the love they are getting from GW and their own rules will be a cool option, (though I only just got my head fully around them as Vet's!) but would have loved a more interesting Marine team instead. Maybe they will get the love another time any thing to make the faction have a more novel team would be cool, they are so m'eh in the compendium even with the update buff in numbers a useful only as a tutorial team with no special rules at all. Overall it is good to see the game getting this support, did they confirm this will go beyond the first mapped out year yet?
Not yet for next year plans ! But hyped for it
I single reiver sprue with a single incurser sprue and this upgrade sprue would have been far more acceptable
The bright spot imo is that marines are getting another set of rules to use that might be more competitive. Screw the models, kitbash the hell out of your own team and hijack the rules
Excellent points all around
Couldn't agree more regarding the Marines in the box, such a huge miss to do something really cool with them. Sorta wish they had wasted a WD issue on them if this was their plan and put something good in the box with those Traitor Guard sigh.
Only cool thing I can think of is painting them as Raptors. They could've at least done a full Phobos team like Pete the wargamer.
Oh man, that would have been awesome. A legit collab. Like the Pete the Wargamer x Games Workshop Raptor KT 👌
@@battlebrotherstabletop Yeah for real coulda scanned his team or thrown in an upgrade sprue. CSM gets mixed options we get Phobos. I love Phobos but what is this game?
Yes !! That’s deffo what it should have been. And that’s what we’ll all (try to) kitbash
Traitor Legionaries: We got a guy that literally turns into a demon.
What a disappointment..
Now I love Phobos Marines, but I definitely agree that this could have been better. It feels like they've just given more toys to a compendium team rather than building an entirely new one. Obviously we haven't seen the rules and I could be wrong, but that's the impression it gives me.
Is this the first time the type of armor will matter? I’m still unclear about some of the gameplay but I like Grey Knights with the interceptor pack and they can’t be used in Kill Team. Unless I’m wrong there too lol
Can you show us your process of kitbashing renegades? :) First chaos unit that I kind of want, but their looks on the box art is just.. not my type...
I can do that!
Also, this terrain set is going to need the scatter from the Munitorum Containers adding, isn't it?
I'd like to see you convert your own guard squad here. Paint them as penal legion guard led by a commissar ala Schafers Last Chancers. Lots of character to be found in the new cadian heads and the cadian command squad to personalise each model. Could do an ogryn too as a bodyguard for the commissar to stop anybody from giving him a nasty 'accident'
So good! So much conversion/narrative potential with these guys. I'll definitely be converting at least some of the models!
"Pho-boss" is only the Leader model; the rest are just phoboys...
Oh yes. Going to use this going forward
I like the box and plan on using all of it. I admit the phobos team does look a bit bland but I'll definitely be using them, possibly as my main team. I'm interested to see what mechanics they use to make up for them all being armed with bolters because as you say, the legionary team looks a lot better with access to a variety of different weapons including plasma
I'll show you all! My Wyrmblade Sactus Talon is gonna have THREE knives! I do sort of wonder how they'll make marines a touch more competitive, will specialists do it? Perhaps adding an extra operative or two?
You really think the blue ribbon baby of the 40K universe isn’t going to be op af? They’re gonna be the high tactic juggernaut that owns the top tier for a long long time.
100% agree on the Space Marines *cry*.
I built up some Space Wolves last edition of Killteam. They all had so much flair and personality. I was so stoked when Space Marines expanded to have different chapters/factions with different buffs. Space Wolves could even have unique units like Plasma Scouts. There was so much cool stuff they could have done here whether that was allowing one of the models be a unique chapter-specific unit, allowing for a nice mix of the many different types of Space Marine models, or really just anything but this! This barely seems better than the compendium. Still extremely excited about Killteam but this seems like a big miss.
I'm really hoping for faction sub traits!
I'm okay with it.
The Phobos feel very "meh." I am glad that they are re-releasing the Traitor Guard models, including the Commissar and Ogryn, but I already have them from BSF, so this box is 95% going to be a pass for me.
Man I love a shit Black Templar haircut! Speaking of hair……. You flashing a bit more chest hair that normal?…….. nice!
It wasn't on purpose I swear 😂... But now it's a way of life and I can't stop
At least you can kitbash both of these teams instead of buying this box
Great point
I think I basically agree with you on all points. I recently decided to pledge my allegiance to Chaose, turning my back on the Imperium (though I'm still gonna build my Sister Novitiates and DKoK and all that) but I was super excited when I heard there was gonna be a bespoke Space Marines team. Super excited! And I love the Traitor Guard, I can't wait to get those guys, but with the Marines I was hoping it was gonna be something cool like Black Templars or Blood Angels or heck, Castellans of the Rift with cool new rules or just... just SOMETHING more exciting than a buncha blue bolter beefcake. It's just... it's boring. It's bland. I like my Deathguard where all of my models matter, and this guy here has a plasma gun and that boy over there has an axe and a mace and this one's got a big sign that says "Guess what, you're sick now." These marines in this set are just... dudes with bolters, the only thing differentiating them is that they're holding them differently. Just... utter boredom with this team. So bored. I'm sleepy already.
Yep, totally agree. I’m sure the rules for the Phobos dudes will be cool and thematic and tactical, but the models just aren’t exciting. Maybe a good canvas to convert them, but sooo boring IMO
I get what you're saying about the Phobos team, but I'm excited to get kind of "bespoke" rules for SM. I'm planning to run them with normal Intercessor models, should work thematically.
Although I'm a fan of "tacticool" in general, I don't particularly like it with SM (as you said, knights in space). I will probably never own a Phobos armour model, I've loved the classic Angels of Death since I was 13.
But after this it's time for new Black Templar, Death Company, Grey Mane, Iron Hands, Ravenwing, Death Watch (Primaris-Sprue?) etc. teams.
Happy to not buy this quarter box but also happy to have a Phobos team already done !
I'll have Time to work on the other teams :)
yaY mOrE sPaCe MaRiNeS
Regardless im definitely buying the box, i main marines for my personal killteam and i actually excited for this, the terrain looks great and the traitor guards look fun, but all and all im pretty excited. And who knows maybe will get another space marine team in another future box... fingers crossed..
That’s awesome! Yeah I agree, would be cool to get another marine team or at least some subfaction traits or something
Big missed opportunity on their part if the rules don't add the chapter keyword and rules flavor for SM similar to Legionary marks.
If the phobos marines have like... a reiver or two with grav chutes and grapnel launchers built into the data sheet, they can get that good forward deployment and terrain negation that good teams need. Maybe some good engagement/conceal swapping rules and some AP1 bolters and they'd be more than competitive.
But yea. Super boring. The one upside (and I mentioned this on your poll) is it gives me hope that deathwatch get a white dwarf update and I generally have liked the white dwarf teams more than the box set teams anyway.
As I said in another comment, I think we will have:
Sgt leader
Voxbreaker auspex comms
Close support specialist (incursors/reivers weapons)
Demo man
Helix specialist medic
All in infiltrators outfit
What do you think?
I'm a Phobos guy for 40k, just love the aesthetic, but, it should have been reivers if any, but I agree it's a stupid choice.
In fact you're right, a new scout kit would have been perfect, they put bikes in necromunda, why not redo Scout bikers for Killteam.
I mean the terrain in this box is great (from price point) coz it's already about £100
I am a simp for Phobos Marines and will never apologize for it. 😅
Simp away, my friend ✊
Reavers are my favorite actually. But I do not see them in this kit. Really wanted to have a competitive reaver team. Maybe phobos soup are going to get some kind of innate focus fire trait?
I am stoked about the terrain - I almost bought the set when it first came out - so it’s nice to get it out of this set. It is big & chunky, so I’ll be interested to see how it plays in KT.
The Traitor Guard team is nice, but I’ve already got a ton of those minis from Blackstone Fortress, so it’s underwhelming.
The Phobos marines are not wowing me. I really hope the rules for them are good.
Completely agree on the Marines. Regardless of rules, it’s just very uninspiring.
Could’ve done a full kit and mixed in, Reavers (fairly sure they’re left out), and Eliminators at a minimum.
I’m with you 100%, I’m majorly deflated.
In a universe where GW makes smarter decisions, Phobos Marines don't exist in 40k or anything until this box. In that universe everyone is all "OMG Spec Ops Space Marines! So cool! So different!" but here its just more Phobos marines that everyone already has enough of.
They knew Traitor Guard would sell this box. What incentive did they have to make a good marine team?
I'm all about the squads but like, yay give me more normal soldiers because I like that. And I'm not using standard marine models anyway. But if it's just the box itself. Oh no. Absolutely not.
Agreed. I'm disappointed with the space marines. Never apologize for liking space marines.
Is that an ogryn in your drawers or are you happy to see me?
I will probably get Moroch for the terrain and Traitor Guard.
Check out RIG miniatures for some cool Guard conversions and dioramas.
Totally agree about the Phobos marines. No Eliminator or Riever OR power weapon makes them a total miss IMO.
I'll probably stick with my Space Wolf Intercessors as they have more flavor.
I think the issue is that there is zero personality on the SM team, they all look like a basic squad, not some elite crew with specialists and unique members
I like the box for the most part. Traitor Guardmen? Awesome! Ogryn and Commissar? Cool! I am looking at these with Blackstone Fortress in mind. Terrain? It's so cool too! For most of my mini-agnostic skirmish games, also works well for stuff like Crisis Protocol and such. Phobos marines? Eh, even with an upgrade sprue, not really all that original. My main issue is, I really like MOST of the box, but NOT for Kill Team. That says something. Same happened with Nachmund and Chalnath, terrain is cool but it's just reusing older terrain sprues, which may not have been designed with KT's rules in mind, unlike Octarius'.
I feel GW could have a chance to really create more varied terrain sets here, another main issue I have is with the board designs, stop putting dirt and sand boards in all the boxes, it's boring! KT18 had some cool boards like Munitorum or Deathworld Forest, and also Warcry has some of the coolest boards in the Mausoleum and the Stormvault. They had such a cool chance to make Chaos, Elder or Tau themed terrain and boards, but they didn't. Such a waste. For Chaos I think the Warcry boards fit so much more nicely than any current KT one.
If they release a Tyranids or Nurgle set without any dedicated boards I'm gonna go mental, I have already assumed if they release a Catachan one they'll reuse the Deathworld Forest one again.
Starting to wonder, is Chalnath the only one with the thin shitty box?
Yes, I think so
tbf I think most people are bored with space marines, I'm glad they only got the upgrade sprue as all the boxes centre around a new kill team and an existing one with an upgrade. I think people would've been pretty upset if space marines had gotten more stuff. Terrain seems odd, sure more small pieces makes for a better game board?
Space marines; of all Primaris the Phobos aesthetic has always appealed the most and I genuinely thought we'd get Eliminators (Supasnipers!) or even a Phobos Librarian as maybe a 2-3 slot choice. Slightly confused and a little disappointed.
Sidenote: hopes of seeing any flavor of chapter specific veteran mini Marines or Terminators soon is fading. When or if, I imagine it'll be a WD article later in the release cycle, which is a shame considering the new Heresy models (Beakies!) that are about to drop.
Sadly it's a **Moroch Meh** from me.
those phobos marines were the first thing that irked me about that box, guard looked cool, terrain too and then I saw the marines and was immediatly turned off, i'd rather have 5 normal intercessors than those phobos, it feels cheap and shit, give me 5 terminators
Where Sam doe?
Im not surprized about space marines, the game got new ruleset more than half a year ago and there wasnt a basic marine box for it yet. Compendium teams are not marketable because there is nothing "new" about them, and these are good enough for a "new" team because it is equally good for those who are into space marines and for total 40k noobs that only know space marines as blue space warriors
I really liked the Warcry Release.
Im probably going to drop kill Team and just start Warcry. Better models, better rules, more options and multiplayer. The people at my FLGS have crazy Warbands. You can bring all kinds of heroes and beast in that game. It makes kill team seem bland