Dolphin fire = Target training for water cannon equipped vessels. They're pretending that the bouy is a vessel that's on fire. Added benefit that it washes a lot of the bird excrement off the bouy. If the water cannons are as powerful as the ones on some fire trucks, that police boat must be having a fun time trying to maneuver.
Found something that said, Dolphin fire refers to sailors practicing using the joyce stick for fires.
Every sailor knows not to piss into the wind.
Man the have barbecues out there in the ocean that looks like the best block party
Dolphin Fires?
Dolphin fire = Target training for water cannon equipped vessels. They're pretending that the bouy is a vessel that's on fire. Added benefit that it washes a lot of the bird excrement off the bouy. If the water cannons are as powerful as the ones on some fire trucks, that police boat must be having a fun time trying to maneuver.
Thank you @CAMintmier, that was most informative!
Dolphin fires😂😂😂
Dolphin fires?, do you mean practice?🤔
What the hell is a Dolphin fire??
I'm not super impressed with the reach on the fire cannon.
Dolphins Can Burn Hot Water, at will so say the experts.😮
Dolphin fires 🤔?