Men should not get to stop if they really want to know what happens. We as women don't get to stop and an epidermal just starts labor over again and still does not stop the pain
My contractions lasted for 5 minutes at a time. They called UT coupling. More than 1 contraction at a time. They sucked. Wouldn't trade my son for anything though. Two and a half days of labor and then a c-section.
🤣😂🤭 It’s not funny but it is. The one leg bicycle is priceless ❤️
It would be awesome if this was required by OBs in medical school.
Men should not get to stop if they really want to know what happens. We as women don't get to stop and an epidermal just starts labor over again and still does not stop the pain
Shutup. Men are stronger than women and can do that easy. I tried lapour pins and won on my wife.
How did I get here from watching snakes eat things?!
Someone just lost their happy place!😂😂😷🇺🇸
Men couldn't take this pain for hours and hours, that's why God made the woman give birth.
The guy who administered this experience had better experienced this also.
Every male politician should have to go through this for 12 hours before they pass any pregnancy/abortion bill.
Shutup. Men are stronger than women and can do that easy. I tried lapour pins and won on my wife.
My contractions lasted for 5 minutes at a time. They called UT coupling. More than 1 contraction at a time. They sucked. Wouldn't trade my son for anything though. Two and a half days of labor and then a c-section.
Shutup. Men are stronger than women and can do that easy. I tried lapour pins and won on my wife.
Shutup. Men are stronger than women and can do that easy. I tried lapour pins and won on my wife.
Poor guy.
No man should have to endure this little touch of labor.
Is the science behind this explained somewhere? I realize I probably just missed a link
He didn't last even 3mins
He is a selfish prick. At no time did he try to relate the pain to what women experience. It was all about him.