This video is great and really opened my eyes about how I play. I never knew i was playing poorly, but this brings stuff up that i never even relized. Thankyou NotParadox!
Sorry, how could a loss when your teammates do the same thing they were doing before, and you doing better than before, be at their fault? They were doing all the same and you were even more impactful than usual. That probably was an unwinnable game from the start...
Still is. Only thing I would have wished from this video would be another perspective other than the solo-laners since I feel that one is more straigthforward. At least for me I never find myself in a position where I don't know something I need to do(be it camps or soak or join a fight) but when I play other roles I tend to just sit around not doing impactful things because I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a healer or tank (for example) when there's not a team fight and people are spread out.
***I want to add a small disclaimer - This was meant to be a fun game, I feel like I was calling out certain players to prove points, but understand most of the players here are competitive NGS teams, if you want to watch them play seriously check them out, this was a fun game with friends, so know they may not be playing at their 100%. Everything is in fun. Try to take the explanations of adding impact to the game without names of players. In this particular game I say "I am getting camps but the enemy laner isn't," this isn't the Yrel's fault, Yrel doesn't get camps, she is a low impact hero by herself but is one of the best team enablers, we are both playing to our strengths. This is a tough subject as it will always call out someone whether or not I mention anything. Be Respectful please.*** Also I see a lot of comments about heroes who add a lot of impact or heroes who add very little impact. Let me give a sneak peek as I might make another video about this later. In the solo lane they have some of the best heroes for impact: Malthael, Sonya, and rag can all double soak lanes and blow apart camps) In the assassin area Jaina and Greymane have the fastest camp clear, while also have decent wave clear. In the tank area Johanna has the fastest wave clear. Diablo has the highest kill potential In the support area Rehgar has the fastest wave and camp clear. Don't limit this to my list alone. Time how long it takes you to do a camp, can you do it in under 20 seconds? can you blow up a wave in under 10 seconds? well guess what? that means you can do a camp without missing wave experience. There are tons of heroes especially in the mage area that bring a lot of impact to the game, but you need to play to your strengths. Don't waste time anywhere. If you're not good at camps don't waste time on them, start backing before objectives and save your fountain so when you get to the objective you have full mana and a fountain ready. There are tons of ways to be impactful. But at the end of the day it comes down to doing as many things in a game as possible with the least amount of downtime.
Hey Paradox, what kind of stuff should I be doing on Illidan to try and get more value and fight without dying? I find a lot of the times the enemy will cc me to death or I won’t quite get another evasion in time and I’ll at most just end up trading a kill or two.
@@TheCorndogLover Illidan is tough, he has a lot of counters right now. You need to weigh your options in fights. When I take a fight I try to look for specific things that will cause me to die and look specifically for those. In this video I was looking for mephisto's w as he was the most damage on their team, if I could avoid that I would be fine. On illidan you need to do the same. Looking for the enemies to use everything that counters, then get in there. Play safe doing light tags on the edges of fights until then. Illidan's strengths come from his high mobility and safe camp clear. Abuse those things.
I was trying this. Picked Sonya on Tomb of the Spiderqueen. I managed to kill the enemy solo laner, pushed out our lane, did one of the siege giants, got back to soak, killed their solo laner again, did the second siege giant (but didnt take the camp), pushed the lane, killed the enemy solo laner, pushed the lane again, went to do our bruisers, got back to lane for soak, killed their solo laner, took our siege camp and went to turn in my idk 40 gems or so. I'd say this was kind of a kickstart for my team. Nobody else turned in any gems. They were just berserking in midlane, dying to towershots, when trying to "secure" kills and didn't soak toplane. All the XP advantage I got was negated by my team, because they were feeding like mad and didnt pay any attention to the objective. I decided to alternate between mid and bot to grab as many gems as possible while maybe getting a kill or save a life on that midbrawl, payed the missing 20 and joined midlane, because now, with the objective, we could push here and get a lead. Yeah.. My team decided to chase lucio all over the map for the entire objective and the enemy team just did every spider as 4 man. I pushed as good as I could while not being in danger. The game went on like this. It was one of the worst teams I ever played with, but I'm not writing this to show how much better I am than my team, but because I seek more advice and wanted to describe just how awefull some of my games get. There are players out there who can turn even those games into a victory and I have no clue how they do it. I guess I'm not flexible enough and can't adopt to my teams bad decisions in a way that will make them work. How do you work with a team that's ignoring every call and ping (like: "pay attention, top lane is coming down to gank you, get away there" or "only 5 gems missing, let's get them fast"), keeps feeding and chasing and wastes objective after objective?
The stressfull thing about this is, I'm at a low enough rank where if people on either team see an enemy on the minimap, they make a bline for a team fight. Could be 3 levels behind but all they want to do is fight. If you split, and maybe done join a team fight thats it, toxicity for the rest of the game. I play illidin alot, if I say, leave a lane to get a camp, or I dont go to an objective because I know it's a loosing fight, I get shreaded for it :'( it's a pain
Ignore them I had a game where I brought over 5k more xp then the enemy solo lane and my team screamed at me for not showing up to the first cursed hollow spawn when it spawned on the enemy side and they all died.
Playing passively won't win you a game back.. That is the main reason why ppl want to fight, they see opponent low on mana or HP and they'll do the fight cause of that reason DESPITE being lower level, and honestly don't blame them for the effort The real danger though is NOT LOOKING AT THE MINIMAP when starting the fight, but then it doesn't mean it's a bad call, sometimes some very passive people ignore teamfights all game long and what exactly is their strategy to equalize the playing field or win ??
Haha! I feel you man. I'm pretty low MMR and I like to play tank (Muradin or E.T.C. mostly). I think I can be impactful by doing CC, making good calls for engage/disengage and taking damage for my team. It's frustrating when people don't listen to my danger/retreat pings. Every single game, I start pealing and call for a retreat to save someone and they think this is a team fight opportunity. Like... no... we're outnumbered and out leveled... Sometimes I'm wrong because details (mana levels, cooldowns and skill levels) but I would prefer if we didn't take the risk and focused on something "safer"... you know... like taking out the siege camp bombarding our buildings... *sigh*... We have to be lucky for these details to work out in our favor when we're at a quantifiable disadvantage. After watching this I'm considering playing bruiser-like (Sonya, Varyan, Leoric[
4:57 That's the problem with low ranks is that people often brag about numbers, much like you said. Sometimes they won't contribute impactfully, but will brag even if they lose "Hey, at least I got top siege damage" (by sitting in a lane all day as a Zagara and not joining teamfights or objectives). They fail to see the bigger picture.
I pinned a list of some I like, but tons of heroes can be impactful, it's mainly about doing the most amount of things that matter in the shortest amount of time. Don't waste time on things your hero isn't good at.
Zafras Frozen tassadar has good vision, good zoning, is hard to kill, and the ability to precast “heals” on primary targets. If you think Low Impact I cant imagine picking tassadar. Li Ming is much lower impact because she has near to no CC, no health, and her skill shots are blocked by absolutely everything. And if you want her one strength, poke, you could get junkrat, Hanzo, or Chromie, who do as much poke as Li Ming but offer much more to the team.
Thanks for this video; it's very insightful. As a QM player who hasn't yet touched ranked, I had several of these minmaxing concepts down in my head, but I never managed to stitch them into a cohesive whole. I'll definitely be implementing this strategy into my games over the next few months and I have supreme confidence in its efficacy!
NotParadox, your advice is helping me so much improving my game, it's incredible. This video in particular. After getting all frustrated with Hero League a couple seasons ago, I'm now having a really good time, ranking up and most importantly enjoying the game. Thanks man! -- As a side note, the "psychology aspect" has also been very interesting and helps me to understand my frustration as well as other people better.
Depends on the hero, some heroes are designed to wither the opponent down and kills (more specifically finishing blows) should be done by other people, so it's more complicated than that A perfect example of such hero are Nazeebo, Kael'Thas, Cassia, Gul'Dan, Raynor, Zul'Jin, Alarak, Maiev.., and so on Example of "finishers" are Genji, Illidan, Kerrigan, Valla, ... Basically the first group have most of the time an insane POKE but not enough CHASE or kill pressure, the other group is totally reverse = they LACK POKE but have chase and kill pressure potential.. There are a FEW heroes that have BOTH but those are (as you can see) = RARE, and have quite a few other disadvantages that makes them balanced.. The basic two that I can think of ATM are Tracer and Li Ming, but again as said before - they tend to have other drawbacks for "compensation" I think this should give you the idea, no ? So it's not that "clear" outright out of the blue, sometimes that DRAFT ITSELF limits the potential so "I got TOP DPS" isn't an invalid argument most of the time UNLESS if the hero has the finisher and chaser potential
Yes I agree that some heroes have more kill potential then others. Thats why its sad to see most of the drafts are made from 2 pokers raging at the other roles.
They never saw a Pro series, like 15-13 kills, and top damage is a hanzo with 40k, then you say "how the hell they killed so much with so low damage of their assassin?" then you saw a replay, arrow, 1 W of hanzo, diablo charge stun, lighting breath, and then you realize there is no more tyrande. Ppl play like all heroes are Diablo with 100 souls.
It's situational. If a Nazeebo gets top damage by 2k in a 20 minute match over a Kael'thas then it's nothing special. If a Sonya gets 80k damage in a match where a Raynor gets 20k damage then yeah, that Raynor messed up. It's not meaningless, it just doesn't tell the whole story. There is such thing as an ineffective assassin.
Awesome video thanks for the tips you're spot on. I especially liked the chess analogy and I've noticed its truth in the defending scenario you mentioned many times. Almost every time our team gets stuck defending or even over commits too many people to defending a lane we end up losing a downhill battle.
@notparadox. good video. you forgot to mention that you have to know your heroe weakness and strengths in order to know in wich areas he/she can be impactful. not all the heroes can do what sonya does.
Great point! I added that in a pinned comment. It's hard to explain sometimes but seeing a sylvanus on a camp for 2 minutes or a johanna on a camp, makes me cry a little inside. Like you're playing the best wave clear heroes and some of the worst camp clear times, just play to your strengths you're wasting so much time.
I took in as much as I could from this video and last night was the first time I’ve ever won 8 quick match in a row. This is by far the most helpful video I’ve ever watched. This has opened my eyes massively .
Being more of a league player myself (though I do actually play HotS), I’ve noticed that it’s a bit harder to learn macro with the overarching emphasis on map-specific objectives. It, in my opinion, draws people away from the conceptual idea of macro-play overall, in that, with HotS, macro-play is about picking and choosing what to do at what times, which is what differentiates the good from the great. Any player, with time, can attain the micro-knowledge and skills to win singular fights, but not many can comprehend and analyse the total situation to know when to take risks, sacrifice, and be selfless for the team. This could mean having to risk your own life or defensive structures (ie. towers) for the sake of being a distraction to opponents, or creating an impact elsewhere. Players need to learn how to analyse to find out where they can maximise their value-adding per second, the key to winning games; the ability to quickly decide what actions will ultimately add the most benefit to the team ... or disadvantage to opponents. Of course, this isn’t easy, for some, it comes natural, for others, it’ll inevitably take more and more practice.
This is a very helpful video. I did enjoy his coaching and tips! The most reliant way to level up in HOTS is to have a few teammates join you in while ranking up.
this video was sent to me by a friend as we've been working on improving our gameplay together and struggling to find ways to climb out of what feels like a pit in the lower MMR games. Excellent points and really eye-opening insight into the game
I don’t play ranked anymore because I’m more of a casual player, but this really helped me understand how I can be better! I’m not bad by any means, but I’m definitely guilty of wasting time. Thank you so much for the informative videos
It is great how you recognize all the mistakes that you made in the game. Because that's not something i'm good at, even if i know that i'm not doing everything right and you really help me realize my mistakes
I definitely learned something here. I'm a gold rank player, and I've played quite a lot of games with a friend of mine who's master, but he could never explain to me with this clarity what I was doing wrong. He is just slightly above me in mechanics, but I never realized how much difference there was in this.
I think you can just ask for bronze replays and I'm sure people would be okay even if their names are visible. I for one wouldn't mind, if it meant everyone got a learning experience out of it. I'm not bronze, though, but terrible regardless.
To be honest. If someone is bronze they either need to fix their internet connection or learn mechanical skills. One of my friends is bronze 3 (player lvl 360) and he has serious tunnel vision
I think your strong suit is explaining macro strategy which I don't hear about nearly as much from other HOTS content creators, mainly just the emphasis of EXP. You make timing merc captures sound like the sudden stab of a poniard to your opponent's side as you parry pointless attacks aside. It illustrates the idea how you can win without even being really good at the direct hero to hero combat though you certainly should at least be competent. I think that is perspective you should present your guides and advice from. I think it's fine to not be as comprehensive on every hero. We can listen to nubkeks or MFPallytime to cover other areas of the hero. What I want to hear from NotParadox is how I can leverage each character's macro strategy and win the match in between the actual team battles.
You can also deny enemy impact that's essentially what killing the enemy team members is since they can't do anything while dead. But this also extends to denying the enemy team from rotating or doing camps, zoning people out of fights, often times a diver zones someone out but keeps chasing and their team gets killed when they could have turned around and won the team fight for their team by creating a 5v4. Could be just denying micro from the enemy team by disrupting a combo, and other things
I found this video a bit late, but I want to thank you for making it. I stopped playing heroes a while back because I was stuck at Diamond 1 and it drove me crazy, I couldn't see how I could improve and got into a loop of only seeing what others did wrong. However it is clear now that maybe I didn't do enough impact. So thank you. I might return to the game because of this video.
I am Bronce, and i wouldn't mind, helping you showing the difference in level of knowledge of the game and impact on the team, vs a GM player; i think i could learn a ton of things, and it could help other players too. Seriously awesome video, it showed me quite a few things i was taking into consideration. I'm sure i will take this into account from now on and hope this will make me improve.
This video sir gave's u a new suscriber. u are totally right in what u were saying. my own games were starting to improve recently, and was because progresively i start to improve my style of game. and much of the things that u mentioned are the one that i improve, now i wanna start playing Hero League. i wanna keep improving so keep doing videos like this it really helps. Sorry for my english btw xD
Suggestion: a video on keeping tabs of spells that have been used in fights and when it's good to go and engage heros that would normally win, but are then on cool down. Also a video on when to use a stun on other characters.
I think part of the problem is that it's not that easy to estimate if damage you did was useful or not. That's why so many people get it wrong, just look at the number and go "THIS IS BIG. ME GUD" Sometimes poke damage is meaningful because it exhausts their healer's supplies and you can engage on them when they're all half dead. Sometimes it's absolutely pointless because there's no followup and their healer is brightwing and poops free healing.
Well, and sometimes even damage that doesn't kill someone forces them on the defensive, which may save an allies life. The principle is sound, that impact is what matters not numbers, but the same applies even with respect to getting kills.
Maining abathur for a while can also help with that, since his playstyle is centered around impact throught presence. Lerning where you need to be, without having to walk there is nice to get a feel for that
While the title and thumbnail were a bit misleading (thought this was about the different hero league ranks), this has been a very useful video for me, with valuable tips. Especially when you play assassins, people often judge you by the damage numbers. I always felt like it's not that simple, and it's about more than just numbers
Was playing a match with Chen where I knew the best value I could get would be to soak my lane because early game was not looking good for our team comp vs theirs. Super vague, but I died very little, soaked a whole bunch, and despite losing early objectives our XP and structures stayed on par and we ended up winning. Problem with this at my MMR is people get really pissy when you try to tell them what to do. Ie, enemy team loses 3 members, and you're near a boss- could probably take a boss. But if you tell the team they should take a boss, they're gonna shoot back not being told what to do. As a Gold 2 in teamleague queuing solo I just focus on my own gameplay, and usually ping more than typing things out for the reason above. Hopefully they've got some baddies on their team too and it'll be my focus on 'impact' that will secure a win.
I never looked at the game in some ways you explain it. just a few days I've started to give zero fucks about being a spec or not but just trying to be more impactful and truly I see the difference immediately. This is a great piece of advice!
Discovered you today and i love your videos. I love how you explain the things understandable even for a HotS or even MOBA Noob like me :D You earned yourself a sub man :p
one problem in the lower ranks is that when you try to solo lane, your teammates don't understand the concept and don't either a) allow you to actually do it - by coming into your lane AND/OR b) not moving as 4 capitalizing on having an actual solo laner. And often times this results into getting behind in XP.
In chess not everything is about trying to setup a checkmate, I agree with your friend on tempo. Every move you make should be trying to make your pieces as useful has to be "impactful" sometimes playing defensively can be the best plan but generally you have to be getting something for your trouble, but when you consider that you are kinda playing aggressively in a sense
When I play I seem to get highly impactful teams all the time, the issue is they are impactful for the enemy team by taking every fight, always focusing the tank but never killing them, and generally standing around. :D
Hi Man! Awesome video!! I'd like to add a champ to the list I'd like to see you cover: Li Ming. But can you also do a video over how the specific groups of champs increase their impact? Or would it require that you end up doing individual videos for every single champion?? :)
It's difficult to gauge. The common moments to watch for are "did a friendly hero just die or otherwise need to back," "is the enemy already clustered around the objective while you are spread out across the map," and "does the enemy team have a talent advantage over you (especially 10)?" And occasionally "Do I need to prevent an enemy solo-laner from gaining a fort?" Basically you have to weigh the advantages of that particular objective versus the gain you might get by staying. Do you give the enemy their first tribute so that you get 10's for the next tribute?
Also I should add that if you're going to do this in low ranks, communicate this to your team. They will go hard into a 4v5 and then ask where you were when they lose.
If you want a replay to laugh at and compare to you own, hit me up. I'm a bronze league player that wants nothing more than to be laughed at by people better than me
This video was great. I play really well and generally get low deaths but curious what I could be doing better. I will try to pay attention to how impactful my match is. Thanks!
I enjoyed this video not only for the impact and thoughts on HoTS but also life as a whole. People who are successful are always doing something impactful for those around them and themselves. I find myself procrastinating and waiting to pounce for the kill like greymane when there were things I could have done to make that opportunity appear. Thanks NotParadox. I feel motivated listening to you.
I just watch the videos because of the actual knowledge you give, you have tons of experience and good calls, but I cant get over your superiority complex, every sentence revolves on how YOU are better than the rest and how YOU single handely won the match.
@NotParadox, I'm happy to provide some Viking videos for you to compare against and measure impact. I've found it difficult to find learning materials on TLV so almost everything I know is self-taught and I am happy to be lambasted if it provides some learning materials.
This is actually so important. Back when i was gold or low plat, everyone only fight and fight, so i decided to always be soaking lanes, even as a support i wouldn't join my team for useless fights
I suppose one of the main reasons why my rank got as high as it ever did (ended up touching masters, mostly stayed diamond) was that my focus playstyle tends to be constant push and camps. For a long while Azmodan was my main, this was so far back he still had bribe and even though I got so much smack talk about not getting globe talents I had 60% winrate at some points. Unfortunately it is then a mistake of mine to focus entirely on this strat as I do. I fail at assassins as I can't even do their base mechanics due to my over focus on macro play. Macro play can carry your team to great heights, but eventually you'll rise to the rank where people can macro as well as you do or even better. After I reached the plateau that my baseline macro focus was matched but the enemy had more strengths in other areas I sat at my 50%s in diamond 2 and for a moment, master 720's. A lesson I am still trying to learn, and that others should try too, is that you need to play around the enemies team AND your team. Eventually everyone understands what their hero can do well enough, and eventually everyone understands map timers and when to take camps and what not, but something I find so often (specially since I love playing Abathur…) is that allies will out right refuse to play around my mechanics. I see myself do this sometimes when I am playing a Diablo or Dehaka where I ignore how my team applies dps and just play the game as I do all my others. A key component that higher ranked players need to understand to get even higher ranks is that you must give impact to the game that helps your team mechanics the best. Kel'thuzad loves it if you can stun their squishies for a long time, doesn't care so much if you are just applying aoe preassure. Kael'thas loves to have someone who can go and finish the kill targets he whittles down not a split pushing dual laning Xul. Dehaka likes to push lanes and pop in for the team fight to apply cc and be in the enemies face, doesn't really like having an allied Azmodan who pushes lanes. TDLR People need to learn how to FILL into their team to make the best comp possible, not just picking the right heroes but also applying that hero to what you need to do.
Wow! Your vids are ussually very very good, but this was awesome. Thanks for that NP!!! I play on an amateur team (mostly golds and one master) and the last tournament we went to the semi finals just because of a little better macro than the rest. We don't pull the best combos (timing), and sometime we lose TF that we shouldn't, and focusing on the macro aspects has paid off. I forwarded this video to all of them because it can really empower our gameplay, to be aware and conscious of the impact one is providing is key imho. Thanks!!
For some reason you never get ganked, the enemy does no camps even while ahead, they didn't even push bot at all, Those are the games i can win too by just contributing as much exp, camps and damage as possible. In the game i lose i chill at my solo lane getting exp, getting camps and everyone goes Bing Bing bing, fort lost, fort lost. If i even think about not going to a obviously lost obj, like you didnt, i get reported. If i win my lane and think about pushing there will be 3 people showing up in my lane chasing me behind my fort and farther. btw do you know what happens when i bully my laneopponent out of my lane and go take a camp? HIS FREAKIN TEAM SHOWS UP 3 MAN KILLS ME AND TAKES MY FREAKIN CAMP. This all works, in theory, when your teammates are at least compentent enough to not feed as fast as their respawn timer allows them and represent at least so much threat that the enemys can't leave their lane without facing some consequence. Rather show us a game where the enemy is actually doing something. Or better show us a game where you lost and explain why, that would help much more.
Not Paradox lives in an alternate reality and he's also incapable of understand that many of his good strategies work because the enemy team is just lousy bad beyond recognition.
Hey Micky, the point of the video wasn't that I won, it was that I didn't waste time, and thus I got a huge exp advantage and then I capitalized on it. Part of the video was to explain I was in a rainbow of ranks. You can do these same things in your rank. If you're in the rank that people report you for not going to a lost objective you're in the rank you can 1v5 if you can get a 3 level lead by yourself, you're in a rank that people won't gank you when you're doing camps. I play in all sorts of ranks. People just also overthink this stuff. "Oh this wouldn't work in my rank." This works in every rank, it is just way easier in low ranks. But not wasting time and having high impact works in GM as well it just won't be a 10k exp lead, it will be smaller but that would get way more comments like yours going "but you only did a 2k exp lead, I do that all the time" even though in GM that 2k could have been the difference. So when explaining impact should I show my gm game with a very small thing that changes the game, or should I show a silver game where I alone get a 3 level lead and can 1v5 the enemies. I think you just want to complain honestly.
Not Paradox ..I don't doubt that. And I wouldn't care less. However, the advice you give is aimed to players who either have very basic knowledge of the game or are bad at it (and presumably want to get better). These players will not benefit from your advice (specially watching the games you upload) because you tend to use examples that "work" for you 'cause the enemy players are bad or are doing things wrong, not because you're being particularly good at it or the idea you are explaining would actually work in the majority of situations. You say: I clear the lane, I go take a camp. Any enemy team with more map awareness will instantly recognize this pattern and gank you at the second chance, stealing your camp and killing you. A better laner than this Yrel would simply check the camp if you're not in lane, thus making you vulnerable to a potential gank by asking for help, contesting it if the match up benefits her or at least, most probably, forcing you to retreat for fear of the aforementioned dangers. But as you are against this Yrel who doens't have a clue, things look easy and smooth. This is misleading. You can brag all you want about your rank and your coaching skills, you could be the Top 1 in every aspect of the game, mechanically and strategically, and yet that doesn't mean your videos work as intended for the intended purpose.
I like how you just passively said healers are not impactful. Bro I main support and believe me, the right heal on the right guy at the right moment turns a fight around itself like crazy
Idk what rank I am to be honest, I normally place high Silver but I usually stop playing after placements(I get caught up in other games, or used to). I'm only level 200, and I consider myself to mainly play Nova and tankier heroes like Dehaka and Diablo. One thing I feel like I successfully do on Nova *and* fighters, is locking down a key target. Be it a Brightwing healing her team or a Raynor that steps out of place, I feel like I'm good at keeping people either color blind or out of fights. On Nova I usually do most dmg in the game, but on bruisers I feel like I never soak the most dmg. I know you said that the numbers aren't as important as my elo makes it out to be, but I feel like when I don't put numbers up I'm not doing my job. With Nova, I'm not always focusing who we're killing. Some-times I feel like my team is able to get a target w/o me, so I'll go burst down the enemy support or frontline that's coming to help the person who's dying to keep them off. With tanks, I am able to lock down a target, but I feel like when I do that, my team gets caught up on the enemy frontline and we lose the fight. When I don't lock down a key target like a dps or support, I feel like we *still* lose the fight, because by the time the enemy frontline is dead, all of us can be sneezed on and we'd die. Is there smtn different I should be doing in fights besides just the normal peel/lockdown?
What do you think about the mentals aspect of area-effect damage that gets the enemy overall just low enough that it encourages friendlies to go in instead of retreating? Same with slower area healing vs. burst heal. Basically just the morale / tactical nudge for friendlies when in solo queue zero comms. I'm not suggesting that's better than killing a single target. Or that you'd focus a 50% HP target over a 25% HP target. But in low MMR what do you think about the morale value of non-killing damage?
*Id like to say that more people need to watch your videos, but i dont need rivals xd* but in all do honesty, this mindset helps so much, since i started playing last season ranked for first time in 3y i was silver 2 and when i rewind i can say, all you say its true. Just by this video i know i will play much better so thus, you deserve more views ma bro and we will have less lost players that just hit n run.
Hey Paradox in your video you said you didn't want to Compare Bronze player to a GM not to "bully" them. I'm bronze and would totally like for you to do it to me. I feel I, as well as the community could learn a lot from it. If ever you reconsider your stance I'd be glad to be the guinea pig. Hope you decide to do it. No need to edit the name. I take criticism well, it's how you learn. I'm sure a lot of people would learn as well. You know... for the greater good or something like that...
as if this isnt the cringiest reply. you have some dude stepping up to take criticism on a public forum and your first instinct is to belittle them. fuck off and have a nice day
And one more one more thing. heheheh You're part of the reason why I have to play with players who ignore team fights to get "soak" while your team scrambles to exit fights.
If they would going for impact, then they would know that this one teamfight is more important than the soak and then they would join. If they only knew what impact really means
One more thing, notice it wasn't until you actually joined the fights that you got a significant level lead, your team rang off 5 straight kills to break the game wide open. Once you joined them....kills are very significant because a dead player can't soak or put out map pressure. You undervalue this and overvalue camps.
I've always seen a wall between Gold and Platinum. This is the hardest rank to cross. You may get matched bad, nothing that can be done about that. It's a mindset. The mindset of the long term gameplay.
many times i got scolded here in hots coz not joining their "pointless" fight while im trying to get double lane soak and siege camp ( obj has not started ), i learn this long ago from my 5000 hour dota which i already stop playing but the mindset is still there. IMPACTFUL what a strong word
In lower ranks, people will angry ping you every time they die if you weren't right beside them. Whatever you are doing, people will assume you're wrong if you aren't winning team fights...
This really on works for a few characters. You could soak and clear camps great as an Illidan but he is so easily countered now he is a worthless pick. Maiev is a great team fight initiator but is fairly poor on wave clear and camps. I find it's better to just have one person rotate up to the solo laner and clear a camp quickly and then return to their position. I've been using Deckard and Yrel mostly to level up in silver (Yrel only when someone picks a healer before me). This is for a number of reasons; they are both enablers, most people in lower ranks want kills so don't want to play healers or low damage chars, they are valued by the pros (l though I tweak my builds due to the much lower cooperation) which usually means I'll have a better chance of winning than if I picked Gazlowe. and they don't require as much micro skill to be effective. Some caveats of course is I never pick Abathur in ranked even though he is my best char as the team won't know how to play with him and I'll get blamed for the eventual loss. He is banned most of the time in pro play along with Mediev. I can only play so many matches at a time as it gets tiring landing 3-4 man roots or stay a while and listen only to have no one on the enemy team killed. Silver and gold is like a box of chocolates....
Great vid. Lower level players always look at raw numbers and use that as the basis for how well they played. Sure you may have highest DPS, heals, etc but if you have the least XP and least takedowns then it doesn't really mean anything. I wish more people actually understood this concept.
If you could, I have been stuck in gold rank winning and then losing games. I would like to know what one should do if you have players who on your team who pick not so good heroes which could be harder game for you to win, if you have players who are not good at their hero, etc. Sometimes it is hard when almost every game you have at least 1-2 players who are like this so what heroes should you pick or what should you do if you have a team like this?
This is exactly my problem and I knew it for a long time. DECISION MAKING. I feel like I'm at decent level mechanically but I lack the insight what would be the best thing to do at any given time and if I decide that "Ok it's time for push" how can I convince 4 other ppl that in a situation when we have enemy wiped, curse going on it's obvious time to push instead of taking boss..... ? I mean should I go help them with the boss? Should I take at least fort on one of the lanes or should I take a camp? Should I join fight over nothing in mid lane or should I stay in my lane and soak? I hear that often stupid decision made by the rest is the better decision if you join them, than to do what you are supposed to be doing. That leads to creating very bad habits. Recently TL has been opened to solo players. Now I play with some plat and gold players (being silver myself) and when someone pinged camp I automatically took it without thinking even though they pinged to not cap it and wait for objective. I know this is how it should be done but when I play HL nobody EVER does that so I created already bad habit of taking camps too early for the sake of taking camp. Now that I play with players who understand the timings of camps I hinder them with bronze level habits despite the knowledge of how it should be done. My problem is that to develop good decision making you need to be playing with high rating ppl otherwise you will have to relearn habits every league you enter. Unfortunately before you develop good habits for a particular league you most likely will drop back to the previous one due to bad decisions. Should I always play like pros do? I tried that once and it left me trying to catch up with exp which my team was losing fighting 3v5 1 v5 or even 4 v5 How can one learn decision making when you play in a team where everybody does whatever they please?
Please thumbs up this question so he see's it. Ok I am not criticizing you, this is a legitimate question. At 2:50, you were soloing a camp while objective was up. Someone on your team died in the team fight, and then you said you will go do something else useful since you know you can't win objective now. But if you weren't doing the camp while they were fighting for objective, maybe that's the reason you lost the team fight in the first place. Again this is not a criticism, I'm just curious as to your rationale, because I honestly rage out about why I will never make it out of silver when I see a guy doing that.
I think that in terms of general game knowledge you are the best hots content creator. A lot of the hots content creators choose to dedicate themselves to exploring heroes, some of them do prove they have a lot of macro knowledge, but they will not elaborate unless asked and do not really make much videos pertaining to it. Till today I am not too sure how and when I should get mercs.
Have you watched Kala? He does community coaching and points out every mistake a player makes in their replays. If you haven't seen his vids i recommend you give them a try. He's just as good if not imo better than the vids here. Not to discredit notparadox
watched this video when you posted it and watched it again now, as i'm starting to play hots again. i would be happy to send you a low impact replay for comparison!
TL;DR: If your damage doesn't lead to a kill or exp, it isn't impactful. Make sure your damage leads to a kill to be impactful. Real life implication: make sure what you're doing leads to something getting done.
Re: the backline/drontline Holy hell I am so sick of teammates screaming "STOP FOCUSING THE TANK!" even when it would make sense to do so. Tank overextends and is in the middle of our team alone with the rest of his team far back? Doesn't matter if it's a free kill, the screamer will tell you to stop focusing the tank. Do we not have the position, opening, and kit to catch and kill the half health Li Li? Doesn't matter, the screamer will shout "FOCUS LI LI" and watch as she kites us all over the place without dying when we could have killed the frontline tank or bruiser instead. That's the big thing I've noticed at lower ranks. The dumb screamers who think diving and focusing the backline should be the game plan every fight while the frontline should always be ignored. If your damage isn't able to focus the backline, your tanks need to do a better job peeling.
So I started playing Hero League today after 380 hero levels :P Just wanted to know if I should turn my chat on or off, 'cause ppl get quite toxic pretty often but on the other side I can correct their bad plays..
I'm in masters and I had our Alex use Dragon form to clear a minion wave, I'm starting to think every rank is the same, I don't even know how some of these people make it higher than plat.
This is the worst type of advice to give new players. You're a camp spammer basically. You played well pushing Yrel out of lane, but instead of going down to help your team secure a kill, you go get a camp, Yrel goes bot, to assist securing a kill at 3:01, and instead of assisting the rest of your team exit the conflict safely, you go back up top unopposed and they get a second kill at 3:12. At 3:47 you say there is no impact if you have no mana, but that's not true either. Helping your team exit fights is a very useful impact on the game. You're basically just hitting minions all game and owning a lane. You point out at 4:16 that you have 1k more xp then their Yrel, but because you are ignoring the map pressure that bot lane is experiencing and ignoring their pings for help, they are up 1 kill at this point and the total xp is even for both sides. At 4:41 you say Yrel is not getting camps and not even joining team fights, but at 3:01 I just listed, she went down to help secure 2 kills while you got a camp. You're not even aware of this. You're got level 10 at the same time, but if you would have helped your team at the 3 minute mark as Yrel did, you would probably be a full half level to 1 level ahead because you would be leading the net kills. Jesus dude, at 5:22 you say you're adding so much impact, but the truth is, you're not helping your team exit fights when you have dominated the top lane for 5 minutes and are the reason they lost the objective as I pointed out at 3:01. I'm done watching this video here, but you are super wrong about "damage that doesn't result in kills is a waste". This game is all about zoning the other team, period. If you can zone the other team throughout the game, you will control the map. You have no business providing advice to new players.
This is exactly the video I've been looking for, and probably the best video on your channel. I'm dying to see more in depth examples. You talked about a comparison being mean, but I mean I'm gold and I'd be down to submit replays for you to call me out and trash talk me if you want :D Btw, how does one get you to coach them? Do you have a patreon or something?
Hey Paradox. You touched on supports a little bit, but I was hoping you could expand on how supports can have the most impact in games. I'm trying to understand how healing someone can create impact. Is it more about enabling the players on my team so they themselves can be impactful or is there more to it? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
I haven't played HL in a few seasons but last time I grinded it I went 29-6 with Sonya and went from Platinum 3 to Diamond 3. I don't think I have ever lost a solo lane as Sonya.
It's easy to see how impactful you're being in this game for sure. If sonya was being played by a lower ranked player I'm sure she'd be getting tunnel vision on the yrel or standing around with their team in case they get unexpectedly engaged on. However, it also seems like this is a really easy game to be impactful in (or maybe you just make it look easy) because the enemy team never tries to catch you out during all that time you're alone clearing waves and camps. In my games if I try to soak that hard, sooner or later I get caught by 2 or 3 of the enemy team that left bottom while the others occupy my team's attention, into a chain of CC that I can't escape from while my team stays bottom 4-manning the minion wave until every last one is dead, at which point they realize they're down by a player and can't contest any camps or objectives.
This is all good advice, and relates to your other video about making trades to come back when behind. It's a game about finding as much value where you can. This video's TLDW is "learn the solo lane meta"
My little Gold fish watched this, now he is a shark making impact.
My pet moonstone watched it and now he's the First Impact. Humanity, prepare to go extinct!!
Well, feeding is very impactful.
This video is great and really opened my eyes about how I play. I never knew i was playing poorly, but this brings stuff up that i never even relized. Thankyou NotParadox!
Man his sonya is pathetic. He don't know basics, so many mistakes
Hop into game. Teammates do the exact opposite, we get destroyed in first 3 min. GG.
My life in one comment xd
Sorry, how could a loss when your teammates do the same thing they were doing before, and you doing better than before, be at their fault? They were doing all the same and you were even more impactful than usual. That probably was an unwinnable game from the start...
@@trianglelullaby384 English is not my native, i guess a better word would be "excuse me"?
Remember shia's speech
This was personally one of the best, if not the best, videos you've put out.
Still is. Only thing I would have wished from this video would be another perspective other than the solo-laners since I feel that one is more straigthforward. At least for me I never find myself in a position where I don't know something I need to do(be it camps or soak or join a fight) but when I play other roles I tend to just sit around not doing impactful things because I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a healer or tank (for example) when there's not a team fight and people are spread out.
***I want to add a small disclaimer - This was meant to be a fun game, I feel like I was calling out certain players to prove points, but understand most of the players here are competitive NGS teams, if you want to watch them play seriously check them out, this was a fun game with friends, so know they may not be playing at their 100%. Everything is in fun. Try to take the explanations of adding impact to the game without names of players. In this particular game I say "I am getting camps but the enemy laner isn't," this isn't the Yrel's fault, Yrel doesn't get camps, she is a low impact hero by herself but is one of the best team enablers, we are both playing to our strengths. This is a tough subject as it will always call out someone whether or not I mention anything. Be Respectful please.***
Also I see a lot of comments about heroes who add a lot of impact or heroes who add very little impact. Let me give a sneak peek as I might make another video about this later.
In the solo lane they have some of the best heroes for impact:
Malthael, Sonya, and rag can all double soak lanes and blow apart camps)
In the assassin area
Jaina and Greymane have the fastest camp clear, while also have decent wave clear.
In the tank area
Johanna has the fastest wave clear. Diablo has the highest kill potential
In the support area
Rehgar has the fastest wave and camp clear.
Don't limit this to my list alone. Time how long it takes you to do a camp, can you do it in under 20 seconds? can you blow up a wave in under 10 seconds? well guess what? that means you can do a camp without missing wave experience. There are tons of heroes especially in the mage area that bring a lot of impact to the game, but you need to play to your strengths. Don't waste time anywhere. If you're not good at camps don't waste time on them, start backing before objectives and save your fountain so when you get to the objective you have full mana and a fountain ready. There are tons of ways to be impactful. But at the end of the day it comes down to doing as many things in a game as possible with the least amount of downtime.
Hey Paradox, what kind of stuff should I be doing on Illidan to try and get more value and fight without dying? I find a lot of the times the enemy will cc me to death or I won’t quite get another evasion in time and I’ll at most just end up trading a kill or two.
NotParadox you’re awesome man. I use you as my primary source of hots info.
@@TheCorndogLover Illidan is tough, he has a lot of counters right now. You need to weigh your options in fights. When I take a fight I try to look for specific things that will cause me to die and look specifically for those. In this video I was looking for mephisto's w as he was the most damage on their team, if I could avoid that I would be fine. On illidan you need to do the same. Looking for the enemies to use everything that counters, then get in there. Play safe doing light tags on the edges of fights until then. Illidan's strengths come from his high mobility and safe camp clear. Abuse those things.
Alright, I'll try to pay more attention to when I can get safe damage in and what I can avoid better, thanks!
Can you do a video-guide about solo-laning as Artanis? I more or less understand what to do in TF but solo-laning is a trouble
I was trying this. Picked Sonya on Tomb of the Spiderqueen. I managed to kill the enemy solo laner, pushed out our lane, did one of the siege giants, got back to soak, killed their solo laner again, did the second siege giant (but didnt take the camp), pushed the lane, killed the enemy solo laner, pushed the lane again, went to do our bruisers, got back to lane for soak, killed their solo laner, took our siege camp and went to turn in my idk 40 gems or so.
I'd say this was kind of a kickstart for my team. Nobody else turned in any gems. They were just berserking in midlane, dying to towershots, when trying to "secure" kills and didn't soak toplane. All the XP advantage I got was negated by my team, because they were feeding like mad and didnt pay any attention to the objective.
I decided to alternate between mid and bot to grab as many gems as possible while maybe getting a kill or save a life on that midbrawl, payed the missing 20 and joined midlane, because now, with the objective, we could push here and get a lead.
Yeah.. My team decided to chase lucio all over the map for the entire objective and the enemy team just did every spider as 4 man. I pushed as good as I could while not being in danger. The game went on like this. It was one of the worst teams I ever played with, but I'm not writing this to show how much better I am than my team, but because I seek more advice and wanted to describe just how awefull some of my games get. There are players out there who can turn even those games into a victory and I have no clue how they do it.
I guess I'm not flexible enough and can't adopt to my teams bad decisions in a way that will make them work. How do you work with a team that's ignoring every call and ping (like: "pay attention, top lane is coming down to gank you, get away there" or "only 5 gems missing, let's get them fast"), keeps feeding and chasing and wastes objective after objective?
The stressfull thing about this is, I'm at a low enough rank where if people on either team see an enemy on the minimap, they make a bline for a team fight. Could be 3 levels behind but all they want to do is fight. If you split, and maybe done join a team fight thats it, toxicity for the rest of the game. I play illidin alot, if I say, leave a lane to get a camp, or I dont go to an objective because I know it's a loosing fight, I get shreaded for it :'( it's a pain
People at low ranks use the minimap? That's news to me.
Ignore them I had a game where I brought over 5k more xp then the enemy solo lane and my team screamed at me for not showing up to the first cursed hollow spawn when it spawned on the enemy side and they all died.
Turn chat off and soak. Do it enough and it will start to get you ranks.
Playing passively won't win you a game back.. That is the main reason why ppl want to fight, they see opponent low on mana or HP and they'll do the fight cause of that reason DESPITE being lower level, and honestly don't blame them for the effort
The real danger though is NOT LOOKING AT THE MINIMAP when starting the fight, but then it doesn't mean it's a bad call, sometimes some very passive people ignore teamfights all game long and what exactly is their strategy to equalize the playing field or win ??
Haha! I feel you man. I'm pretty low MMR and I like to play tank (Muradin or E.T.C. mostly). I think I can be impactful by doing CC, making good calls for engage/disengage and taking damage for my team.
It's frustrating when people don't listen to my danger/retreat pings. Every single game, I start pealing and call for a retreat to save someone and they think this is a team fight opportunity. Like... no... we're outnumbered and out leveled... Sometimes I'm wrong because details (mana levels, cooldowns and skill levels) but I would prefer if we didn't take the risk and focused on something "safer"... you know... like taking out the siege camp bombarding our buildings... *sigh*... We have to be lucky for these details to work out in our favor when we're at a quantifiable disadvantage.
After watching this I'm considering playing bruiser-like (Sonya, Varyan, Leoric[
4:57 That's the problem with low ranks is that people often brag about numbers, much like you said. Sometimes they won't contribute impactfully, but will brag even if they lose "Hey, at least I got top siege damage" (by sitting in a lane all day as a Zagara and not joining teamfights or objectives). They fail to see the bigger picture.
I really enjoy your channel and I like all your stuff. But this kind of in depth explanations are awesome and help A LOT improving in this game!
Could your next video be about heroes that bring little to no impact? I feel a bit blue balled here since you didn't name anyone as an example.
I pinned a list of some I like, but tons of heroes can be impactful, it's mainly about doing the most amount of things that matter in the shortest amount of time. Don't waste time on things your hero isn't good at.
Tassadar top useless hero.
Zafras Frozen tassadar has good vision, good zoning, is hard to kill, and the ability to precast “heals” on primary targets. If you think Low Impact I cant imagine picking tassadar. Li Ming is much lower impact because she has near to no CC, no health, and her skill shots are blocked by absolutely everything. And if you want her one strength, poke, you could get junkrat, Hanzo, or Chromie, who do as much poke as Li Ming but offer much more to the team.
@@lukeberghaus272 i see #1 EU GM plays Lming in alot of his games
@@ZafrasF good double soak after 10, best assassin after level 20 twilight archon.
You can nullify %75 of diablo breaths too.
Thanks for this video; it's very insightful. As a QM player who hasn't yet touched ranked, I had several of these minmaxing concepts down in my head, but I never managed to stitch them into a cohesive whole. I'll definitely be implementing this strategy into my games over the next few months and I have supreme confidence in its efficacy!
NotParadox, your advice is helping me so much improving my game, it's incredible. This video in particular. After getting all frustrated with Hero League a couple seasons ago, I'm now having a really good time, ranking up and most importantly enjoying the game. Thanks man! -- As a side note, the "psychology aspect" has also been very interesting and helps me to understand my frustration as well as other people better.
I love it when people say I got top dmg.
And when I say kill effectiveness they say again "I got top dmg"
Depends on the hero, some heroes are designed to wither the opponent down and kills (more specifically finishing blows) should be done by other people, so it's more complicated than that
A perfect example of such hero are Nazeebo, Kael'Thas, Cassia, Gul'Dan, Raynor, Zul'Jin, Alarak, Maiev.., and so on
Example of "finishers" are Genji, Illidan, Kerrigan, Valla, ... Basically the first group have most of the time an insane POKE but not enough CHASE or kill pressure, the other group is totally reverse = they LACK POKE but have chase and kill pressure potential.. There are a FEW heroes that have BOTH but those are (as you can see) = RARE, and have quite a few other disadvantages that makes them balanced.. The basic two that I can think of ATM are Tracer and Li Ming, but again as said before - they tend to have other drawbacks for "compensation"
I think this should give you the idea, no ?
So it's not that "clear" outright out of the blue, sometimes that DRAFT ITSELF limits the potential so "I got TOP DPS" isn't an invalid argument most of the time UNLESS if the hero has the finisher and chaser potential
Yes I agree that some heroes have more kill potential then others. Thats why its sad to see most of the drafts are made from 2 pokers raging at the other roles.
They never saw a Pro series, like 15-13 kills, and top damage is a hanzo with 40k, then you say "how the hell they killed so much with so low damage of their assassin?" then you saw a replay, arrow, 1 W of hanzo, diablo charge stun, lighting breath, and then you realize there is no more tyrande. Ppl play like all heroes are Diablo with 100 souls.
It's situational. If a Nazeebo gets top damage by 2k in a 20 minute match over a Kael'thas then it's nothing special. If a Sonya gets 80k damage in a match where a Raynor gets 20k damage then yeah, that Raynor messed up. It's not meaningless, it just doesn't tell the whole story. There is such thing as an ineffective assassin.
You're really good at this bro and I've learned a lot actually, saw your Malthael Q Combo video, thanks!
Awesome video thanks for the tips you're spot on. I especially liked the chess analogy and I've noticed its truth in the defending scenario you mentioned many times. Almost every time our team gets stuck defending or even over commits too many people to defending a lane we end up losing a downhill battle.
@notparadox. good video. you forgot to mention that you have to know your heroe weakness and strengths in order to know in wich areas he/she can be impactful. not all the heroes can do what sonya does.
Great point! I added that in a pinned comment. It's hard to explain sometimes but seeing a sylvanus on a camp for 2 minutes or a johanna on a camp, makes me cry a little inside. Like you're playing the best wave clear heroes and some of the worst camp clear times, just play to your strengths you're wasting so much time.
I took in as much as I could from this video and last night was the first time I’ve ever won 8 quick match in a row. This is by far the most helpful video I’ve ever watched. This has opened my eyes massively .
Being more of a league player myself (though I do actually play HotS), I’ve noticed that it’s a bit harder to learn macro with the overarching emphasis on map-specific objectives. It, in my opinion, draws people away from the conceptual idea of macro-play overall, in that, with HotS, macro-play is about picking and choosing what to do at what times, which is what differentiates the good from the great. Any player, with time, can attain the micro-knowledge and skills to win singular fights, but not many can comprehend and analyse the total situation to know when to take risks, sacrifice, and be selfless for the team. This could mean having to risk your own life or defensive structures (ie. towers) for the sake of being a distraction to opponents, or creating an impact elsewhere. Players need to learn how to analyse to find out where they can maximise their value-adding per second, the key to winning games; the ability to quickly decide what actions will ultimately add the most benefit to the team ... or disadvantage to opponents. Of course, this isn’t easy, for some, it comes natural, for others, it’ll inevitably take more and more practice.
This is a very helpful video. I did enjoy his coaching and tips! The most reliant way to level up in HOTS is to have a few teammates join you in while ranking up.
this video was sent to me by a friend as we've been working on improving our gameplay together and struggling to find ways to climb out of what feels like a pit in the lower MMR games. Excellent points and really eye-opening insight into the game
The amount of times you can say impactful in a 4 min time frame has really impacted the way i watch this video
I don’t play ranked anymore because I’m more of a casual player, but this really helped me understand how I can be better! I’m not bad by any means, but I’m definitely guilty of wasting time. Thank you so much for the informative videos
It is great how you recognize all the mistakes that you made in the game. Because that's not something i'm good at, even if i know that i'm not doing everything right and you really help me realize my mistakes
I definitely learned something here. I'm a gold rank player, and I've played quite a lot of games with a friend of mine who's master, but he could never explain to me with this clarity what I was doing wrong. He is just slightly above me in mechanics, but I never realized how much difference there was in this.
I think you can just ask for bronze replays and I'm sure people would be okay even if their names are visible. I for one wouldn't mind, if it meant everyone got a learning experience out of it. I'm not bronze, though, but terrible regardless.
To be honest. If someone is bronze they either need to fix their internet connection or learn mechanical skills.
One of my friends is bronze 3 (player lvl 360) and he has serious tunnel vision
I think your strong suit is explaining macro strategy which I don't hear about nearly as much from other HOTS content creators, mainly just the emphasis of EXP. You make timing merc captures sound like the sudden stab of a poniard to your opponent's side as you parry pointless attacks aside. It illustrates the idea how you can win without even being really good at the direct hero to hero combat though you certainly should at least be competent.
I think that is perspective you should present your guides and advice from. I think it's fine to not be as comprehensive on every hero. We can listen to nubkeks or MFPallytime to cover other areas of the hero. What I want to hear from NotParadox is how I can leverage each character's macro strategy and win the match in between the actual team battles.
You can also deny enemy impact that's essentially what killing the enemy team members is since they can't do anything while dead. But this also extends to denying the enemy team from rotating or doing camps, zoning people out of fights, often times a diver zones someone out but keeps chasing and their team gets killed when they could have turned around and won the team fight for their team by creating a 5v4. Could be just denying micro from the enemy team by disrupting a combo, and other things
I really like this video, it makes a lot of sense and I look forward to applying it to my gameplay. Thanks for the continued content!
I found this video a bit late, but I want to thank you for making it.
I stopped playing heroes a while back because I was stuck at Diamond 1 and it drove me crazy, I couldn't see how I could improve and got into a loop of only seeing what others did wrong. However it is clear now that maybe I didn't do enough impact.
So thank you. I might return to the game because of this video.
I am Bronce, and i wouldn't mind, helping you showing the difference in level of knowledge of the game and impact on the team, vs a GM player; i think i could learn a ton of things, and it could help other players too.
Seriously awesome video, it showed me quite a few things i was taking into consideration.
I'm sure i will take this into account from now on and hope this will make me improve.
very very nice, after 7 years of playing i still havent thought about some of the tipps
This video sir gave's u a new suscriber. u are totally right in what u were saying. my own games were starting to improve recently, and was because progresively i start to improve my style of game. and much of the things that u mentioned are the one that i improve, now i wanna start playing Hero League. i wanna keep improving so keep doing videos like this it really helps.
Sorry for my english btw xD
Suggestion: a video on keeping tabs of spells that have been used in fights and when it's good to go and engage heros that would normally win, but are then on cool down.
Also a video on when to use a stun on other characters.
I think part of the problem is that it's not that easy to estimate if damage you did was useful or not. That's why so many people get it wrong, just look at the number and go "THIS IS BIG. ME GUD" Sometimes poke damage is meaningful because it exhausts their healer's supplies and you can engage on them when they're all half dead. Sometimes it's absolutely pointless because there's no followup and their healer is brightwing and poops free healing.
Well, and sometimes even damage that doesn't kill someone forces them on the defensive, which may save an allies life. The principle is sound, that impact is what matters not numbers, but the same applies even with respect to getting kills.
IMO the last 5 minutes was a great wrap up to the overall purpose of the video. Thank you!!!
Maining abathur for a while can also help with that, since his playstyle is centered around impact throught presence. Lerning where you need to be, without having to walk there is nice to get a feel for that
Probably the best video of you, and you make some of the best HoTS content already.
While the title and thumbnail were a bit misleading (thought this was about the different hero league ranks), this has been a very useful video for me, with valuable tips. Especially when you play assassins, people often judge you by the damage numbers. I always felt like it's not that simple, and it's about more than just numbers
more people need to see this video, even if you know how to play it's nice to have a refresher or another person's view point. TY
Was playing a match with Chen where I knew the best value I could get would be to soak my lane because early game was not looking good for our team comp vs theirs. Super vague, but I died very little, soaked a whole bunch, and despite losing early objectives our XP and structures stayed on par and we ended up winning.
Problem with this at my MMR is people get really pissy when you try to tell them what to do. Ie, enemy team loses 3 members, and you're near a boss- could probably take a boss. But if you tell the team they should take a boss, they're gonna shoot back not being told what to do.
As a Gold 2 in teamleague queuing solo I just focus on my own gameplay, and usually ping more than typing things out for the reason above. Hopefully they've got some baddies on their team too and it'll be my focus on 'impact' that will secure a win.
I never looked at the game in some ways you explain it. just a few days I've started to give zero fucks about being a spec or not but just trying to be more impactful and truly I see the difference immediately. This is a great piece of advice!
Discovered you today and i love your videos. I love how you explain the things understandable even for a HotS or even MOBA Noob like me :D You earned yourself a sub man :p
one problem in the lower ranks is that when you try to solo lane, your teammates don't understand the concept and don't either a) allow you to actually do it - by coming into your lane AND/OR b) not moving as 4 capitalizing on having an actual solo laner. And often times this results into getting behind in XP.
In chess not everything is about trying to setup a checkmate, I agree with your friend on tempo. Every move you make should be trying to make your pieces as useful has to be "impactful" sometimes playing defensively can be the best plan but generally you have to be getting something for your trouble, but when you consider that you are kinda playing aggressively in a sense
When I play I seem to get highly impactful teams all the time, the issue is they are impactful for the enemy team by taking every fight, always focusing the tank but never killing them, and generally standing around. :D
Hi Man! Awesome video!! I'd like to add a champ to the list I'd like to see you cover: Li Ming. But can you also do a video over how the specific groups of champs increase their impact? Or would it require that you end up doing individual videos for every single champion?? :)
@NotParadox I have a hard time knowing when I should swap out of the solo lane to go help at objective.
It's difficult to gauge. The common moments to watch for are "did a friendly hero just die or otherwise need to back," "is the enemy already clustered around the objective while you are spread out across the map," and "does the enemy team have a talent advantage over you (especially 10)?" And occasionally "Do I need to prevent an enemy solo-laner from gaining a fort?"
Basically you have to weigh the advantages of that particular objective versus the gain you might get by staying. Do you give the enemy their first tribute so that you get 10's for the next tribute?
Also I should add that if you're going to do this in low ranks, communicate this to your team. They will go hard into a 4v5 and then ask where you were when they lose.
If you want a replay to laugh at and compare to you own, hit me up. I'm a bronze league player that wants nothing more than to be laughed at by people better than me
This video was great. I play really well and generally get low deaths but curious what I could be doing better. I will try to pay attention to how impactful my match is. Thanks!
I enjoyed this video not only for the impact and thoughts on HoTS but also life as a whole.
People who are successful are always doing something impactful for those around them and themselves. I find myself procrastinating and waiting to pounce for the kill like greymane when there were things I could have done to make that opportunity appear. Thanks NotParadox. I feel motivated listening to you.
i volunteer myself to be used as an example of a bad player - i'd love to see the analysis
I just watch the videos because of the actual knowledge you give, you have tons of experience and good calls, but I cant get over your superiority complex, every sentence revolves on how YOU are better than the rest and how YOU single handely won the match.
This video is gold. I wish to play ranked games and play well, I was looking for videos like this. Thank you very much!
@NotParadox, I'm happy to provide some Viking videos for you to compare against and measure impact. I've found it difficult to find learning materials on TLV so almost everything I know is self-taught and I am happy to be lambasted if it provides some learning materials.
This is actually so important. Back when i was gold or low plat, everyone only fight and fight, so i decided to always be soaking lanes, even as a support i wouldn't join my team for useless fights
Every time I do that as a support I get called out and reported lmao, now i just switched to playing solo laners
I suppose one of the main reasons why my rank got as high as it ever did (ended up touching masters, mostly stayed diamond) was that my focus playstyle tends to be constant push and camps. For a long while Azmodan was my main, this was so far back he still had bribe and even though I got so much smack talk about not getting globe talents I had 60% winrate at some points.
Unfortunately it is then a mistake of mine to focus entirely on this strat as I do. I fail at assassins as I can't even do their base mechanics due to my over focus on macro play. Macro play can carry your team to great heights, but eventually you'll rise to the rank where people can macro as well as you do or even better. After I reached the plateau that my baseline macro focus was matched but the enemy had more strengths in other areas I sat at my 50%s in diamond 2 and for a moment, master 720's.
A lesson I am still trying to learn, and that others should try too, is that you need to play around the enemies team AND your team. Eventually everyone understands what their hero can do well enough, and eventually everyone understands map timers and when to take camps and what not, but something I find so often (specially since I love playing Abathur…) is that allies will out right refuse to play around my mechanics. I see myself do this sometimes when I am playing a Diablo or Dehaka where I ignore how my team applies dps and just play the game as I do all my others.
A key component that higher ranked players need to understand to get even higher ranks is that you must give impact to the game that helps your team mechanics the best. Kel'thuzad loves it if you can stun their squishies for a long time, doesn't care so much if you are just applying aoe preassure. Kael'thas loves to have someone who can go and finish the kill targets he whittles down not a split pushing dual laning Xul. Dehaka likes to push lanes and pop in for the team fight to apply cc and be in the enemies face, doesn't really like having an allied Azmodan who pushes lanes.
TDLR People need to learn how to FILL into their team to make the best comp possible, not just picking the right heroes but also applying that hero to what you need to do.
Wow! Your vids are ussually very very good, but this was awesome. Thanks for that NP!!!
I play on an amateur team (mostly golds and one master) and the last tournament we went to the semi finals just because of a little better macro than the rest.
We don't pull the best combos (timing), and sometime we lose TF that we shouldn't, and focusing on the macro aspects has paid off.
I forwarded this video to all of them because it can really empower our gameplay, to be aware and conscious of the impact one is providing is key imho.
For some reason you never get ganked, the enemy does no camps even while ahead, they didn't even push bot at all, Those are the games i can win too by just contributing as much exp, camps and damage as possible. In the game i lose i chill at my solo lane getting exp, getting camps and everyone goes Bing Bing bing, fort lost, fort lost. If i even think about not going to a obviously lost obj, like you didnt, i get reported. If i win my lane and think about pushing there will be 3 people showing up in my lane chasing me behind my fort and farther.
btw do you know what happens when i bully my laneopponent out of my lane and go take a camp? HIS FREAKIN TEAM SHOWS UP 3 MAN KILLS ME AND TAKES MY FREAKIN CAMP.
This all works, in theory, when your teammates are at least compentent enough to not feed as fast as their respawn timer allows them and represent at least so much threat that the enemys can't leave their lane without facing some consequence.
Rather show us a game where the enemy is actually doing something. Or better show us a game where you lost and explain why, that would help much more.
Not Paradox lives in an alternate reality and he's also incapable of understand that many of his good strategies work because the enemy team is just lousy bad beyond recognition.
Hey Micky, the point of the video wasn't that I won, it was that I didn't waste time, and thus I got a huge exp advantage and then I capitalized on it. Part of the video was to explain I was in a rainbow of ranks. You can do these same things in your rank. If you're in the rank that people report you for not going to a lost objective you're in the rank you can 1v5 if you can get a 3 level lead by yourself, you're in a rank that people won't gank you when you're doing camps.
I play in all sorts of ranks. People just also overthink this stuff. "Oh this wouldn't work in my rank." This works in every rank, it is just way easier in low ranks. But not wasting time and having high impact works in GM as well it just won't be a 10k exp lead, it will be smaller but that would get way more comments like yours going "but you only did a 2k exp lead, I do that all the time" even though in GM that 2k could have been the difference. So when explaining impact should I show my gm game with a very small thing that changes the game, or should I show a silver game where I alone get a 3 level lead and can 1v5 the enemies. I think you just want to complain honestly.
@@anameyoucantremember I guess I never get to masters/gm with any of these strategies nor do I coach top open teams with these strategies. Oh wait...
@@NotParadox savage
Not Paradox ..I don't doubt that. And I wouldn't care less. However, the advice you give is aimed to players who either have very basic knowledge of the game or are bad at it (and presumably want to get better). These players will not benefit from your advice (specially watching the games you upload) because you tend to use examples that "work" for you 'cause the enemy players are bad or are doing things wrong, not because you're being particularly good at it or the idea you are explaining would actually work in the majority of situations. You say: I clear the lane, I go take a camp. Any enemy team with more map awareness will instantly recognize this pattern and gank you at the second chance, stealing your camp and killing you. A better laner than this Yrel would simply check the camp if you're not in lane, thus making you vulnerable to a potential gank by asking for help, contesting it if the match up benefits her or at least, most probably, forcing you to retreat for fear of the aforementioned dangers. But as you are against this Yrel who doens't have a clue, things look easy and smooth. This is misleading. You can brag all you want about your rank and your coaching skills, you could be the Top 1 in every aspect of the game, mechanically and strategically, and yet that doesn't mean your videos work as intended for the intended purpose.
I like how you just passively said healers are not impactful. Bro I main support and believe me, the right heal on the right guy at the right moment turns a fight around itself like crazy
Great video NP. I wish everyone that played the game could see this. Might open a lot of eyes
Idk what rank I am to be honest, I normally place high Silver but I usually stop playing after placements(I get caught up in other games, or used to). I'm only level 200, and I consider myself to mainly play Nova and tankier heroes like Dehaka and Diablo. One thing I feel like I successfully do on Nova *and* fighters, is locking down a key target. Be it a Brightwing healing her team or a Raynor that steps out of place, I feel like I'm good at keeping people either color blind or out of fights. On Nova I usually do most dmg in the game, but on bruisers I feel like I never soak the most dmg. I know you said that the numbers aren't as important as my elo makes it out to be, but I feel like when I don't put numbers up I'm not doing my job. With Nova, I'm not always focusing who we're killing. Some-times I feel like my team is able to get a target w/o me, so I'll go burst down the enemy support or frontline that's coming to help the person who's dying to keep them off. With tanks, I am able to lock down a target, but I feel like when I do that, my team gets caught up on the enemy frontline and we lose the fight. When I don't lock down a key target like a dps or support, I feel like we *still* lose the fight, because by the time the enemy frontline is dead, all of us can be sneezed on and we'd die. Is there smtn different I should be doing in fights besides just the normal peel/lockdown?
Unfortunately, you should not be playing Nova. She's mostly a win more hero currently.
And how do I add impact as a healer but to run to lanes where i'm needed?
What do you think about the mentals aspect of area-effect damage that gets the enemy overall just low enough that it encourages friendlies to go in instead of retreating? Same with slower area healing vs. burst heal. Basically just the morale / tactical nudge for friendlies when in solo queue zero comms.
I'm not suggesting that's better than killing a single target. Or that you'd focus a 50% HP target over a 25% HP target. But in low MMR what do you think about the morale value of non-killing damage?
*Id like to say that more people need to watch your videos, but i dont need rivals xd*
but in all do honesty, this mindset helps so much, since i started playing last season ranked for first time in 3y i was silver 2
and when i rewind i can say, all you say its true. Just by this video i know i will play much better
so thus, you deserve more views ma bro and we will have less lost players that just hit n run.
Hey Paradox in your video you said you didn't want to Compare Bronze player to a GM not to "bully" them. I'm bronze and would totally like for you to do it to me. I feel I, as well as the community could learn a lot from it. If ever you reconsider your stance I'd be glad to be the guinea pig. Hope you decide to do it. No need to edit the name. I take criticism well, it's how you learn. I'm sure a lot of people would learn as well. You know... for the greater good or something like that...
I'd say same, but I'm not "mechanically good" so no value there :P
as if this isnt the cringiest reply. you have some dude stepping up to take criticism on a public forum and your first instinct is to belittle them. fuck off and have a nice day
Awesome video!
Incidentally, this is exactly how you achieve success in the workplace as well.
Impact is over 9000 here!
I like measuring impact in time wasted vs time gained
And one more one more thing. heheheh You're part of the reason why I have to play with players who ignore team fights to get "soak" while your team scrambles to exit fights.
If they would going for impact, then they would know that this one teamfight is more important than the soak and then they would join. If they only knew what impact really means
One more thing, notice it wasn't until you actually joined the fights that you got a significant level lead, your team rang off 5 straight kills to break the game wide open. Once you joined them....kills are very significant because a dead player can't soak or put out map pressure. You undervalue this and overvalue camps.
I've always seen a wall between Gold and Platinum. This is the hardest rank to cross. You may get matched bad, nothing that can be done about that. It's a mindset. The mindset of the long term gameplay.
many times i got scolded here in hots coz not joining their "pointless" fight while im trying to get double lane soak and siege camp ( obj has not started ), i learn this long ago from my 5000 hour dota which i already stop playing but the mindset is still there. IMPACTFUL what a strong word
In lower ranks, people will angry ping you every time they die if you weren't right beside them. Whatever you are doing, people will assume you're wrong if you aren't winning team fights...
This really on works for a few characters. You could soak and clear camps great as an Illidan but he is so easily countered now he is a worthless pick. Maiev is a great team fight initiator but is fairly poor on wave clear and camps. I find it's better to just have one person rotate up to the solo laner and clear a camp quickly and then return to their position.
I've been using Deckard and Yrel mostly to level up in silver (Yrel only when someone picks a healer before me). This is for a number of reasons; they are both enablers, most people in lower ranks want kills so don't want to play healers or low damage chars, they are valued by the pros (l though I tweak my builds due to the much lower cooperation) which usually means I'll have a better chance of winning than if I picked Gazlowe. and they don't require as much micro skill to be effective. Some caveats of course is I never pick Abathur in ranked even though he is my best char as the team won't know how to play with him and I'll get blamed for the eventual loss. He is banned most of the time in pro play along with Mediev.
I can only play so many matches at a time as it gets tiring landing 3-4 man roots or stay a while and listen only to have no one on the enemy team killed.
Silver and gold is like a box of chocolates....
Great vid. Lower level players always look at raw numbers and use that as the basis for how well they played. Sure you may have highest DPS, heals, etc but if you have the least XP and least takedowns then it doesn't really mean anything. I wish more people actually understood this concept.
If you could, I have been stuck in gold rank winning and then losing games. I would like to know what one should do if you have players who on your team who pick not so good heroes which could be harder game for you to win, if you have players who are not good at their hero, etc. Sometimes it is hard when almost every game you have at least 1-2 players who are like this so what heroes should you pick or what should you do if you have a team like this?
This is exactly my problem and I knew it for a long time. DECISION MAKING. I feel like I'm at decent level mechanically but I lack the insight what would be the best thing to do at any given time and if I decide that "Ok it's time for push" how can I convince 4 other ppl that in a situation when we have enemy wiped, curse going on it's obvious time to push instead of taking boss..... ? I mean should I go help them with the boss? Should I take at least fort on one of the lanes or should I take a camp? Should I join fight over nothing in mid lane or should I stay in my lane and soak? I hear that often stupid decision made by the rest is the better decision if you join them, than to do what you are supposed to be doing. That leads to creating very bad habits. Recently TL has been opened to solo players. Now I play with some plat and gold players (being silver myself) and when someone pinged camp I automatically took it without thinking even though they pinged to not cap it and wait for objective. I know this is how it should be done but when I play HL nobody EVER does that so I created already bad habit of taking camps too early for the sake of taking camp. Now that I play with players who understand the timings of camps I hinder them with bronze level habits despite the knowledge of how it should be done. My problem is that to develop good decision making you need to be playing with high rating ppl otherwise you will have to relearn habits every league you enter. Unfortunately before you develop good habits for a particular league you most likely will drop back to the previous one due to bad decisions. Should I always play like pros do? I tried that once and it left me trying to catch up with exp which my team was losing fighting 3v5 1 v5 or even 4 v5 How can one learn decision making when you play in a team where everybody does whatever they please?
Do they guard the camp?
Would you explain how to be impactful with healer. I really want to learn
if this is ranked, why are there two mephistos?
What if im a healer main without any camp clear? How am I suppose to add more impact on top of sticking with my team to make sure they dont die?
Please thumbs up this question so he see's it.
Ok I am not criticizing you, this is a legitimate question. At 2:50, you were soloing a camp while objective was up. Someone on your team died in the team fight, and then you said you will go do something else useful since you know you can't win objective now.
But if you weren't doing the camp while they were fighting for objective, maybe that's the reason you lost the team fight in the first place. Again this is not a criticism, I'm just curious as to your rationale, because I honestly rage out about why I will never make it out of silver when I see a guy doing that.
I think that in terms of general game knowledge you are the best hots content creator. A lot of the hots content creators choose to dedicate themselves to exploring heroes, some of them do prove they have a lot of macro knowledge, but they will not elaborate unless asked and do not really make much videos pertaining to it. Till today I am not too sure how and when I should get mercs.
Have you watched Kala? He does community coaching and points out every mistake a player makes in their replays. If you haven't seen his vids i recommend you give them a try. He's just as good if not imo better than the vids here. Not to discredit notparadox
This is an eyeopener for me
Thnx for the video
wanted to know what i could have done better to win more
watched this video when you posted it and watched it again now, as i'm starting to play hots again. i would be happy to send you a low impact replay for comparison!
TL;DR: If your damage doesn't lead to a kill or exp, it isn't impactful. Make sure your damage leads to a kill to be impactful.
Real life implication: make sure what you're doing leads to something getting done.
u mean, dont be that varian that stand in the bush (standing guard) when we are trying to take bruser in our own side of the map?
Re: the backline/drontline
Holy hell I am so sick of teammates screaming "STOP FOCUSING THE TANK!" even when it would make sense to do so. Tank overextends and is in the middle of our team alone with the rest of his team far back? Doesn't matter if it's a free kill, the screamer will tell you to stop focusing the tank. Do we not have the position, opening, and kit to catch and kill the half health Li Li? Doesn't matter, the screamer will shout "FOCUS LI LI" and watch as she kites us all over the place without dying when we could have killed the frontline tank or bruiser instead.
That's the big thing I've noticed at lower ranks. The dumb screamers who think diving and focusing the backline should be the game plan every fight while the frontline should always be ignored. If your damage isn't able to focus the backline, your tanks need to do a better job peeling.
As a support, this video has really helped me. Thank you.
lul, he said almost nothing for support role, in fact I was rather to have a vid on HOW TO IMPACT THE GAME on other roles (other than solo laner ofc.)
"Two masters on my team, 5 silver on the enemy team."
So I started playing Hero League today after 380 hero levels :P Just wanted to know if I should turn my chat on or off, 'cause ppl get quite toxic pretty often but on the other side I can correct their bad plays..
I'm in masters and I had our Alex use Dragon form to clear a minion wave, I'm starting to think every rank is the same, I don't even know how some of these people make it higher than plat.
they get carried by their friends or other players
I wish it was the end lol, no she actually cast Dragon form to clear a minion wave, there was no fighting happening 😂
This is the worst type of advice to give new players. You're a camp spammer basically. You played well pushing Yrel out of lane, but instead of going down to help your team secure a kill, you go get a camp, Yrel goes bot, to assist securing a kill at 3:01, and instead of assisting the rest of your team exit the conflict safely, you go back up top unopposed and they get a second kill at 3:12. At 3:47 you say there is no impact if you have no mana, but that's not true either. Helping your team exit fights is a very useful impact on the game. You're basically just hitting minions all game and owning a lane. You point out at 4:16 that you have 1k more xp then their Yrel, but because you are ignoring the map pressure that bot lane is experiencing and ignoring their pings for help, they are up 1 kill at this point and the total xp is even for both sides. At 4:41 you say Yrel is not getting camps and not even joining team fights, but at 3:01 I just listed, she went down to help secure 2 kills while you got a camp. You're not even aware of this. You're got level 10 at the same time, but if you would have helped your team at the 3 minute mark as Yrel did, you would probably be a full half level to 1 level ahead because you would be leading the net kills. Jesus dude, at 5:22 you say you're adding so much impact, but the truth is, you're not helping your team exit fights when you have dominated the top lane for 5 minutes and are the reason they lost the objective as I pointed out at 3:01. I'm done watching this video here, but you are super wrong about "damage that doesn't result in kills is a waste". This game is all about zoning the other team, period. If you can zone the other team throughout the game, you will control the map. You have no business providing advice to new players.
5:14 when he placed the turret, all he should do is thank is healer getting him out of there, instad he thinks he is adding all the impact.
This is exactly the video I've been looking for, and probably the best video on your channel.
I'm dying to see more in depth examples. You talked about a comparison being mean, but I mean I'm gold and I'd be down to submit replays for you to call me out and trash talk me if you want :D
Btw, how does one get you to coach them? Do you have a patreon or something?
Hey Paradox. You touched on supports a little bit, but I was hoping you could expand on how supports can have the most impact in games. I'm trying to understand how healing someone can create impact. Is it more about enabling the players on my team so they themselves can be impactful or is there more to it? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
I haven't played HL in a few seasons but last time I grinded it I went 29-6 with Sonya and went from Platinum 3 to Diamond 3. I don't think I have ever lost a solo lane as Sonya.
It's easy to see how impactful you're being in this game for sure. If sonya was being played by a lower ranked player I'm sure she'd be getting tunnel vision on the yrel or standing around with their team in case they get unexpectedly engaged on. However, it also seems like this is a really easy game to be impactful in (or maybe you just make it look easy) because the enemy team never tries to catch you out during all that time you're alone clearing waves and camps. In my games if I try to soak that hard, sooner or later I get caught by 2 or 3 of the enemy team that left bottom while the others occupy my team's attention, into a chain of CC that I can't escape from while my team stays bottom 4-manning the minion wave until every last one is dead, at which point they realize they're down by a player and can't contest any camps or objectives.
okay. but what you do, when the enemy solo laner is helping the team while you do this? so your team is gonna flame you because 4 vs 5
This is all good advice, and relates to your other video about making trades to come back when behind. It's a game about finding as much value where you can.
This video's TLDW is "learn the solo lane meta"
So how would someone get ahold of you for training?