All glams should be obtainable in game before they even touch the mogstore.. also what fecking differance does $6 make? What youre really saying is you aint buying until theres a sale.. to which i say enjoy your shitty glam lmfao
@@The_Good_Captain For these for sure, these don't look like anything like the original, they didn't even put in the effort to make anything close to that... this is just some garbage glam made just to be made put a name on it....
Shouldn't even be paying that much tbh. We are all paying subscriptions, this should have been tied to an achievement or an event in game. Total honesty, I'm a hypocrite because I did cave and buy it. But that doesn't mean what I'm saying is any less true
@@miqotesoulia8620 They arent price gouging anyone, you dont *need* this glam, it holds no value, it doesnt change sh*t in the game.. All they are doing is selling a overpriced digital ass-et, waiting for you Limsa posing b**ches to lap it up. You make it sound so much more nefarious than what is at play you overdramatic clown.
Man I used to not really care about these prices but, it’s 18$ for each! Those prices are comparable to free-to-play games like apex legends or even overwatch 2, a game were everyone agrees that 20$ for a skin is way too high. But overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game and that’s how they make money, while ff14 is a pay-to-play game that you have to buy the base game plus all expansions plus a subscription fee that varies depending on different mtx and STILL charges the same amount for “skins” as the most egregious free-to-play games
Subscription based games are already antiquated...subscription based games that put more/better things in a cash shop (on top of your sub cost) than what they put in the game to actually do are what is killing the MMO genre.
This is why it's important to speak out against this stuff as early as possible and not support them. Companies play these sorts of games with customers, where they'll keep pushing as far as they can, until they face significant backlash and it threatens their reputation and revenue. Otherwise, they'll just keep going, and they'll see just how far they can push customers.
Squenix is hurting for money because of overinvestment on other projects, so they're trying to milk their only consistently performing product to cover for the shortfalls.
Thank you for showing all the dye channel variations! Definitely thinking about getting the male one for that top because it is drool worthy even with the undyable brass inlays.
It's really cute, but it looks too much like white mage gear, and I wish the shoes were a little cuter for $18 I wish there was a hair item or headband ??
The original character from this collab is a White Mage so yea, nearly all white mage characters in Final Fantasy games tend to have some kind of nod to the original FF1 white mage design.
@@LZ02-OVERTUREWrong, Macherie Hourne, the character is a Cleric on her first version of the game, this outfit is from her 2nd version were she is a magical attacker, the colour scheme follows the country specific colours, white and magenta. All the royal family + several members of the country wear the same colours. It has nothing to do with being a white mage.
Appreciate your opinion about the two outfits near the end. Won't support this myself, nor encourage it - would have been bad enough if they charged £2.88 for each, like they used to for events that people missed out on, slapping this price tag on for each out of the gate is taking the piss. Hopefully there will be enough pushback, step by step is how we ended up here in the first place.
8:33 I'm just blown away by the fact that since Shadowbringers we have seen one instance of Miqote tail hiding feature for G'raha Tia but for whatever reason it's 2024 and we still aren't allowed to hide our tails for some glamours??? Like how difficult is it to implement such a small quality of life feature that is apparently already a game asset? I stay away from playing cat/dragon people because I got fed up with tails clipping through all my badass caped outfits. Here two more really nice caped outfits that are lesser for having a tail poke through.
I really wish we had an option to hide tails and an option to hide capes. Or one of the two.. But so many pieces would look better without those small ugly capes :/
As a FemRa player, I really like the Queen outfit, but... not with her tail just kind of clipping through the cloak like that. Especially not for that price. Can't have long hair because clipping, but they can release the outfit like that and it's fine? Seriously?
The male outfit looks really good. I've been looking for a set of pants to wear with my White Mage setup using the Vermillion Cloak, this might be it. I don't care about the coat or boots but the gloves might work for a glamour set. Thanks for reviewing it Meoni!
Big thank for the show. I got into online multiplayer games during og runescape and it causes a mix of panic and exitement whenever I stop somewhere in the game world and notice how detailed textures the clothes have
@@LZ02-OVERTURE cry about it casual outfits are great we need more, also the game is filled with plenty of armours and stuff wtf are you talking about lol
Thanks for the news. The male set is a bit more versatile, but I'm getting some ideas with the female dress with Warrior. Pair the chest piece with some armored hands and legs and a non gaudy axe😊
I really like the "male" outfit! I think the pants/boots/gloves are super versatile for other outfits, and the top would make a great DRK chest. One thing I'm curious about (and might have to dreamfit to see) is if the detail on the tights stays after the piece is dyed. 🤔 Either way, thank you for all you do, Meoni! 💙
I find that thins always look much better in-game than they do in any of the previews they show on the website, honestly. I'm glad I wasn't wrong in thinking it would look much better in the game!
18$ Per , and it isn't account wide. MTX is getting out of hand in this industry. Blizzard is just as bad, and sets a poor precedent. Sadge they didn't do an IN-GAME COLLABORATION to do a small quest and interaction to earn them,
So coming from WotV player. King of Leonis is King Monts outfit (2nd version of Mont) and the Queen of Hourne is Queen Macherie (2nd Version of her) Sadly if want to see said char's they don't show up in their alt outfits till near Season 3 story+. Sadly the normal Brave Exvius was shutdown end of Oct 2024. So, War of the Visions is a spinoff of the normal Exvius is a Final Fantasy Tactic's style game play.(Recently we had a FFT collab. Now FF X2 Collab active. Free Paine char Dark Unit) If they do more customes from this game. Honestly Male side could add Jayden Summer outfit for the males and Summer Kilphe for the females. If put another custome would be nice is Vinera Fennes outfit. Be great for Dancer or Ninja.
The outfits look really nice. Love the high quality textures and I really want to see more Final Fantasy aesthetic gear in the game, it's just quite a shame they're expensive store gear. Tho that's been the regular store outfit price for years so not exactly surprised. May wait for a sale as usual.
i don't like that matte velvety texture for the dress, with dark colours is look great, but with light colours look pretty much like fuzzy blankets. it would kinda be less of a problem if it would be a dark coloured dress in the first place, what just dye badly with light colours, but it a light coloured dress.
Do these skins have the updated textures? I’ve noticed that many Dawntrail gear still have the old textures (not graphically updated). For example warrior artifact amor looks horrible all around an so does dark knight chest piece and sage hand armor. It’s weird that some pieces are updated and some are not even if they’re part of the same set.
Hm I just checked the pieces you're talking about and they look updated to me? I'm pretty sure every Dawntrail artifact piece is updated textures. The ones in this video look updated too.
Bought the king one and I’m very very happy with it - goes really well into my Viceroy Zenos glamour. Dont see how people are complaining about the prices when I paid nowhere near 18USD but yeaaa 😂
Seems people are talking about prices. Honestly, that battle was fought and lost years ago. The consumers are fine with paying money for outfits. $18 each is a lot so I'll probably wait for a while and get it on sale, but it looks good! Ty for the showcase Meoni
I have to say, anyone RPing as Dimitri from Fire Emblem 3 Houses in FFXIV just got the perfect gear with that king set. Even has a lion on it. I will probably grab the queen set once it is a bit cheaper. $18 is too much even if the boots and the tights are wonderful.
It would be nice to get Shiva's outfits (both the OG Shiva and Shadowbringer's Shiva) (Plus their respective hair styles if they're not already in the game)
I like the king set and problably going to buy it, pure white dye cloth with a red cape is quite cool. As for the queen set I only like the thights and that is not enough for me to buy it.
Mont's glam won between the two. Macherie's glam is nice but it looks like a generic white mage robe. I love they added the Leonis lion on Mont's glam. Now, we just need Rain, Fina, Lasswell, Madam Edel, Akstar, and Sol.....Coping is hard.
Rather weird they put WotV Outfits in FF14. I know WotV had Shadowbringer Collab when it first came out. So seems fair after 4 years later they collided finally. Wonder if this sells enough, they put other chars in. Vinera Fennes outfit maybe? Be good for Dancer/Ninja. But would be nice to see Rains, White Lotus Fina, Lasswell outfit.
This is FFBE War of Visions anyway, not Brave Exvius itself, the two is separate game with different gameplay. War of Vision still have its EN server I think while the Brave Exvius EN is dead and only JP version remaining. The gameplay of WoV is like Tactics and even inherit its style for art.
Fyi WotV side actually didn't do anything related to FF14 so it isn't collaboration as in a full-fledged collab (rn WotV is doing X-2 collab event) but just Mogstore adding new stuff to their lineup and say it is a 'collab'.
That is the Gown of Light from the Minfilia's Modish Attire Set, coincidentally also from the cash shop. But since it's only two pieces (body and legs), it is only $12 USD.
The Macherie outfit is really pretty. I hate that underwear is tied to your leg piece, though. I would love to have more 'clothing' cosmetic slots including underwear... Edit: Pet peeve though, I'm sick of tights ending at ankles. I wish we could get proper tights... this would also go along with the whole 'wanting clothing cosmetic slots' thing. I don't recommend letting this tempt you into wotv though... not a great experience. lol
I wished for the leisurewear set today. Really not interested in that collab cash stuff. Also this should be an event in game and not an extra cash grab. I won't buy these. The time where I bought almost everything is somehow over. SE dissapointed me too often, and for a too long time.
And this is why I never get anything from the cash shop... $18 for an outfit that's not even account wide... if they at least made everything on the cash shop account wide, I'd probably buy some of the cheaper items. Think about it, some profit is better than no profit.
I'm not paying $18 bucks for this. No way in hell, maybe 10-12 but not 18. I'm just gonna wait for a mog sale to buy this so I can make my Nero Claudias cosplay.
Hi Meoni! Firstly, thank you for all of your invaluable content over the past years in regards to FFXIV! This is disheartening to hear, even though these pieces are aesthetically pleasing, I feel that for a cross over event they leave much to be desired in the way of acquisition (Paid items for a crossover?). To me the devs are getting too lazy ( I love them all but it's true). For example, they touted a two dye system for the launch of 7.0, then add undyeable gear set items in the new dungeons? I would have liked to see those pieces dyeable. Heck giving the option to just have 1 dye option would have been better than none at all. They are even reskining most in game models and putting new models on the cash shop. Overall, I feel that a mobile version and these types of crossovers are hurting the game. I am not trying to be a downer, I am just a heartbroken fan. I feel the game supports Square in a way that is more deserving than the treatment it's currently receiving. They can't complain about "spaghetti" code forever, especially when they are raking in the dough. Oh and to add, I agree 100 percent, the game clips way too much, and after 10 years I was hoping hair models would be extendable beyond the shoulders. AND HELMETS FOR ALL RACE
I like that they made both sets available for any character, I personally bought the dress and put it on my highlander hyur man, looks a little odd in the chest area because he obviously has nothing to fill it with but it still looks really good on him overall 😌
tsk, no kidding. Awaiting on the next Scene on Story. They put a FF X2 event. Not thrilled for that. Granted we had a FFT recently finally. Finally able to upgrade TGC and Ramza.
It is. I played it as well and it's not the most mind-blowing game out there. If you've played Phantom of the Kill back when the OG game existed, then you've played this game
The colors on them are so dull. Especially if you try to dye it metallic white. It looks almost like a flat cream color. Barely has any shine to it, at least in the preview window. And these prices are ridiculous, they're not good enough sets for it.
If it was the good Brave Exvius I'd care. War of the Visions is not it though. I don't even remember the names of the characters these outfits are inspired by
Jamais je n'achèterai jamais des conneries dans un jeu omg je paye l'abonnement et j'achète les extensions je ne comprends pas pourquoi je dois dépenser plus c'est un vice 😂😂 réveillez vous 😅
I want to like them but eh, they just don't wow me tbh. I'll probably wait until they go on sale one day. It's those three datamined hairstyles that I (and I think most of us) are waiting for. We've sorely been in need of eye-popping new hairstyles for awhile. Hopefully they drop this month, maybe with the annual winter sale and/or the release of the next patch or Christmas (Starlight) event. Lots of opportunities there to sneak them in.
Too much going in the store vs being earnable in the game. It's off-putting and a major reason I let my sub lapse. If this were a FtP or even BtP game then maybe. But a sub only game? Nah.
As a dude who owns most of mogstore (barring 1/2 mounts) this is trash...(just like FF14 in its entirety lately) Just like 90% of stuff on Mogstore.. Yoshi and SE are killing this game now. Rest in Pish. Also nice thumbnail, typical dude playing as a female character, creepy AF.
Bro same. I been playing a year and I play a pretty aura. The amount of creeps who play this game is wild. It’s dudes playing females creeping on dudes who play females idk it’s a mind fuck. It’s hard to make actual friends cause the amount of “do u erp” is nutz
@@Pikaru-c4u Made only 1 good friend in the year and a half ive been playing, she plays as a dude character just so these creeps dont creep on her.. Its mental.. been asked to erp a few times and every time it makes me want to vomit. If the game setting has you playing as a girl like Horizon for the sake of narrative, fairs fair, You want to play as a cat/bun/potato child, fairs fair but if youre a dude who *chooses* to play dress up and as a girl character, thats just creepy and wierd, Hence why i stay out of Limsa, sheer degen central. I dont buy their excuse of "girls have better glams".. no they dont, i play as a male Viera and i was getting DM'd about my glams atleast once a week by randomers. So they have literally no excuse other than being creepy, it reeks of desperation. I feel sorry for this dudes IRL misses (if he even has a IRL misses like hes claimed before) which id bet my entire account he fecking doesnt, probably married some dude in-game xD
So for basically the price of an expansion you can get 2 outfits?
I'd pay like $10 to $12 for these but $18 is just a little too much for what you're getting.
13.50 € in EU :D
All glams should be obtainable in game before they even touch the mogstore.. also what fecking differance does $6 make?
What youre really saying is you aint buying until theres a sale.. to which i say enjoy your shitty glam lmfao
@@The_Good_Captain For these for sure, these don't look like anything like the original, they didn't even put in the effort to make anything close to that... this is just some garbage glam made just to be made put a name on it....
Shouldn't even be paying that much tbh.
We are all paying subscriptions, this should have been tied to an achievement or an event in game.
Total honesty, I'm a hypocrite because I did cave and buy it. But that doesn't mean what I'm saying is any less true
@Zephy_Sky Yea my friend and I were talking about that last night. The price is right on point with free to play games and it really should be lower.
They look cool but $18 is a bit much.
They’ll probably come on sale down the line - I’m only gonna buy one now and I’ll buy the other whenever it is less expensive
@@adamvillegas5040 I bought them and I didnt pay anywhere near 18dollars uwu
I love the outfits. But i usually wait for a sale before i buy anything from the store. Outfits are expwnsive and not account wide.
yes! this is the way. Im sick of them price gouging us for these outfits.
@@miqotesoulia8620 They arent price gouging anyone, you dont *need* this glam, it holds no value, it doesnt change sh*t in the game..
All they are doing is selling a overpriced digital ass-et, waiting for you Limsa posing b**ches to lap it up.
You make it sound so much more nefarious than what is at play you overdramatic clown.
Man I used to not really care about these prices but, it’s 18$ for each! Those prices are comparable to free-to-play games like apex legends or even overwatch 2, a game were everyone agrees that 20$ for a skin is way too high. But overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game and that’s how they make money, while ff14 is a pay-to-play game that you have to buy the base game plus all expansions plus a subscription fee that varies depending on different mtx and STILL charges the same amount for “skins” as the most egregious free-to-play games
Subscription based games are already antiquated...subscription based games that put more/better things in a cash shop (on top of your sub cost) than what they put in the game to actually do are what is killing the MMO genre.
This is why it's important to speak out against this stuff as early as possible and not support them. Companies play these sorts of games with customers, where they'll keep pushing as far as they can, until they face significant backlash and it threatens their reputation and revenue. Otherwise, they'll just keep going, and they'll see just how far they can push customers.
Man stop crying like a bitch these outfits have always been been been around this point this isn't the first 18 outfits crying ass.
Squenix is hurting for money because of overinvestment on other projects, so they're trying to milk their only consistently performing product to cover for the shortfalls.
Thank you for showing all the dye channel variations! Definitely thinking about getting the male one for that top because it is drool worthy even with the undyable brass inlays.
I wished we got Hilda's hairstyle today :(
Rightttt! How long until the next Mog Station addition you think? It's hard waiting 👀
If we'd ever get it someday. But just in case...I hope it would NOT be on mogstation....
@@avelinevarlineau7123 Hilda's, Zero's and G'raha's hairstyles will probably be on mogstation, it was datamined.
and eyes
@@CapaGam1ng I read on reddit that it may come in january but it sounds a bit randomly for me 🤔
Oh god my family walked in when you were looking at the tights on your character.... woops!
Creeps got to creep.
@@The_Good_Captain it's called Gooning, read about it, maybe you'll learn something...
It's really cute, but it looks too much like white mage gear, and I wish the shoes were a little cuter for $18 I wish there was a hair item or headband ??
The original character from this collab is a White Mage so yea, nearly all white mage characters in Final Fantasy games tend to have some kind of nod to the original FF1 white mage design.
@@LZ02-OVERTUREWrong, Macherie Hourne, the character is a Cleric on her first version of the game, this outfit is from her 2nd version were she is a magical attacker, the colour scheme follows the country specific colours, white and magenta.
All the royal family + several members of the country wear the same colours.
It has nothing to do with being a white mage.
@@NovaNui You arent wrong but NEEEEERRRRRD lol
@@The_Good_Captain checking the game's website for 1 minute is being a nerd nowadays? All what I said is there.
I used to play but the story annoyed me in how much the good guys kept making the dumbest decisions and nothing ever went right for them.
Appreciate your opinion about the two outfits near the end.
Won't support this myself, nor encourage it - would have been bad enough if they charged £2.88 for each, like they used to for events that people missed out on, slapping this price tag on for each out of the gate is taking the piss.
Hopefully there will be enough pushback, step by step is how we ended up here in the first place.
I hate to say it but there won't be. Tons of other games started doing this stuff and barely anyone seems to care : /
Square enix is in the RED and FF14 is their main cash cow. So expect them to do this more
The only thing I love is the Queen set legging and boots. But the price is a just a bit too high in CAD.
8:33 I'm just blown away by the fact that since Shadowbringers we have seen one instance of Miqote tail hiding feature for G'raha Tia but for whatever reason it's 2024 and we still aren't allowed to hide our tails for some glamours??? Like how difficult is it to implement such a small quality of life feature that is apparently already a game asset?
I stay away from playing cat/dragon people because I got fed up with tails clipping through all my badass caped outfits. Here two more really nice caped outfits that are lesser for having a tail poke through.
I really wish we had an option to hide tails and an option to hide capes. Or one of the two.. But so many pieces would look better without those small ugly capes :/
As a FemRa player, I really like the Queen outfit, but... not with her tail just kind of clipping through the cloak like that. Especially not for that price. Can't have long hair because clipping, but they can release the outfit like that and it's fine? Seriously?
18$ is crazy.
This could have been a set we could earn in the Game.
why let if go for free when the creepy limsa posers will buy anything with fishnets and heels.
Just FYI it's ff war of visions outfits, brave exvius is discontinued sadly
Sadly. I might have shelled out for Laswell's outfit and a sword glam.
Isn't the jp version still up for brave exvius?
@@leathaleyeit is
@NeoVela dang I forgot about jpn ver 😆 now I feel like I need to make an account and start over 🙃
Jp version: Don't kill us
The male outfit looks really good. I've been looking for a set of pants to wear with my White Mage setup using the Vermillion Cloak, this might be it. I don't care about the coat or boots but the gloves might work for a glamour set. Thanks for reviewing it Meoni!
Big thank for the show.
I got into online multiplayer games during og runescape and it causes a mix of panic and exitement whenever I stop somewhere in the game world and notice how detailed textures the clothes have
Are they NUTS???
If people keep buying..
@ExileTwilight yea... I folded and... For reasons - Pearl White and Red dye 👀❤️😅
@@SuikodenGRI'm glad you like it because we're going to get a whole lot more of it
@@LZ02-OVERTURE cry about it casual outfits are great we need more, also the game is filled with plenty of armours and stuff wtf are you talking about lol
Prices on the mogstation have always been wacky.
SE releasing outfits on the Cash Shop that are UNISEX on release?! It's like CHRISTMAS!! 😍
Jewish holiday.. no wonder its overpriced and tacky as sh*t xD
Another set that costs like an entire indie game :/
these should have been like a log in reward thing like the other ff character outfits, or whatever it is now, 18 bucks for each is ah yea
Thanks for the news. The male set is a bit more versatile, but I'm getting some ideas with the female dress with Warrior. Pair the chest piece with some armored hands and legs and a non gaudy axe😊
I really like the "male" outfit! I think the pants/boots/gloves are super versatile for other outfits, and the top would make a great DRK chest. One thing I'm curious about (and might have to dreamfit to see) is if the detail on the tights stays after the piece is dyed. 🤔
Either way, thank you for all you do, Meoni! 💙
I find that thins always look much better in-game than they do in any of the previews they show on the website, honestly. I'm glad I wasn't wrong in thinking it would look much better in the game!
18$ Per , and it isn't account wide. MTX is getting out of hand in this industry. Blizzard is just as bad, and sets a poor precedent. Sadge they didn't do an IN-GAME COLLABORATION to do a small quest and interaction to earn them,
So coming from WotV player. King of Leonis is King Monts outfit (2nd version of Mont) and the Queen of Hourne is Queen Macherie (2nd Version of her)
Sadly if want to see said char's they don't show up in their alt outfits till near Season 3 story+. Sadly the normal Brave Exvius was shutdown end of Oct 2024. So, War of the Visions is a spinoff of the normal Exvius is a Final Fantasy Tactic's style game play.(Recently we had a FFT collab. Now FF X2 Collab active. Free Paine char Dark Unit)
If they do more customes from this game. Honestly Male side could add Jayden Summer outfit for the males and Summer Kilphe for the females.
If put another custome would be nice is Vinera Fennes outfit. Be great for Dancer or Ninja.
The outfits look really nice. Love the high quality textures and I really want to see more Final Fantasy aesthetic gear in the game, it's just quite a shame they're expensive store gear. Tho that's been the regular store outfit price for years so not exactly surprised. May wait for a sale as usual.
Thanks for the showcase, Meoni
i don't like that matte velvety texture for the dress, with dark colours is look great, but with light colours look pretty much like fuzzy blankets.
it would kinda be less of a problem if it would be a dark coloured dress in the first place, what just dye badly with light colours, but it a light coloured dress.
Do these skins have the updated textures? I’ve noticed that many Dawntrail gear still have the old textures (not graphically updated). For example warrior artifact amor looks horrible all around an so does dark knight chest piece and sage hand armor. It’s weird that some pieces are updated and some are not even if they’re part of the same set.
Hm I just checked the pieces you're talking about and they look updated to me? I'm pretty sure every Dawntrail artifact piece is updated textures. The ones in this video look updated too.
Bought the king one and I’m very very happy with it - goes really well into my Viceroy Zenos glamour. Dont see how people are complaining about the prices when I paid nowhere near 18USD but yeaaa 😂
Insane quality for a insane price, im sure when it goes on a discount sale, then everyone will buy it
We need Rain's outfit
or Lasswells. Hell slap White Lotus Fina. We be good.
Yeah it’s definitely a skip for me, specially for that price.
Seems people are talking about prices. Honestly, that battle was fought and lost years ago. The consumers are fine with paying money for outfits. $18 each is a lot so I'll probably wait for a while and get it on sale, but it looks good! Ty for the showcase Meoni
its good to still try and talk about it and fight it but I agree. most people are happy to pay those kind of prices and it sucks
I'm not fine with the prices. Which are very high according to my country salaries ;d and i'm not buying anything
Definitely going to wait till theyre on sale
I have to say, anyone RPing as Dimitri from Fire Emblem 3 Houses in FFXIV just got the perfect gear with that king set. Even has a lion on it.
I will probably grab the queen set once it is a bit cheaper. $18 is too much even if the boots and the tights are wonderful.
OMG the boots for female outfit are amazing! :o
Am I wrong or do those pants look like somewhat higher quality arr pants?
This would be King Mont and Queen Macherie of Hourne from season 3 of FFBE WOTV
What is yr top piece before a first showcase?
i wanna know too
I think it's Minifilia's Modish Attire torso "Gown of Light"
@@ItsOceanOfficial true it iss, tysm
cant wait to wear this with Glamourer :3
Wish they did the 2b treatment with the tights bit thats just me
What? Increasing the glute size?
You're not the only one
Honestly they look like the one legit that’s on the nier dragoon outfit. They are just recycling stuff now
Honestly, £12 may better spent on a new game on black Friday discount
The ribbon on the leg gear… 👀
It would be nice to get Shiva's outfits (both the OG Shiva and Shadowbringer's Shiva)
(Plus their respective hair styles if they're not already in the game)
Ok dude.
I like the king set and problably going to buy it, pure white dye cloth with a red cape is quite cool. As for the queen set I only like the thights and that is not enough for me to buy it.
Mont's glam won between the two. Macherie's glam is nice but it looks like a generic white mage robe. I love they added the Leonis lion on Mont's glam. Now, we just need Rain, Fina, Lasswell, Madam Edel, Akstar, and Sol.....Coping is hard.
Rather weird they put WotV Outfits in FF14. I know WotV had Shadowbringer Collab when it first came out. So seems fair after 4 years later they collided finally. Wonder if this sells enough, they put other chars in. Vinera Fennes outfit maybe? Be good for Dancer/Ninja. But would be nice to see Rains, White Lotus Fina, Lasswell outfit.
This is FFBE War of Visions anyway, not Brave Exvius itself, the two is separate game with different gameplay. War of Vision still have its EN server I think while the Brave Exvius EN is dead and only JP version remaining. The gameplay of WoV is like Tactics and even inherit its style for art.
Fyi WotV side actually didn't do anything related to FF14 so it isn't collaboration as in a full-fledged collab (rn WotV is doing X-2 collab event) but just Mogstore adding new stuff to their lineup and say it is a 'collab'.
@@HadeaRin Well minus Shadowbringer Collab 4 yrs ago and I think maybe another rerun 2 after that (due to enchance Thancred and Stola being under par)
Amazing!! I love war of the vision! ^^
Everyone talking about the New Outfits heres me wondering what top it is youre wearing before you put the new stuff on
That is the Gown of Light from the Minfilia's Modish Attire Set, coincidentally also from the cash shop. But since it's only two pieces (body and legs), it is only $12 USD.
@@strshdw71thats what i thought too i just dont ever remember it being dyeable
@@m3lod552 That was just changed in one of the recent patches.
likely more comes to cash shop in January
Rain and Laswell skins would of been cool.
I would merge myself with a crystal tower if that means I would be able to hide my tail.
Wheres the Exarch outfit???
Are those time limited or can buy them whenever?
These should stay on the online store for the foreseeable future, not time limited
The Macherie outfit is really pretty. I hate that underwear is tied to your leg piece, though. I would love to have more 'clothing' cosmetic slots including underwear...
Edit: Pet peeve though, I'm sick of tights ending at ankles. I wish we could get proper tights... this would also go along with the whole 'wanting clothing cosmetic slots' thing.
I don't recommend letting this tempt you into wotv though... not a great experience. lol
PASS. not worth at all! insane price for that. should be only $10
Looking at hte shop, most of the stuff that is shop only is around that price. It's nothing new.
@@loneblade201I agree. I can’t believe I bought the maid outfit a few weeks ago just for the shoes. I’m done though…until that cute sweater looks come
Queen outfit really has 2 items, since you the tights will get replaced with the 2b ones most of the time xD
ALMOST bought this but $18 USD for only one outfit that doesn't even include headgear and it not being account wide really pisses me off.
Queen is the worse as it has one less piece than the king but same price
If only the dress wouldn't look horrible on tailed races
I wished for the leisurewear set today. Really not interested in that collab cash stuff. Also this should be an event in game and not an extra cash grab.
I won't buy these. The time where I bought almost everything is somehow over. SE dissapointed me too often, and for a too long time.
prolly been asked lots before, but what is the name of the chest piece at 2:48 mins? from the OC
I believe it's Minfilia's Modish Attire, in the Cash Shop
@@KhristinaCress thank you!
And this is why I never get anything from the cash shop... $18 for an outfit that's not even account wide... if they at least made everything on the cash shop account wide, I'd probably buy some of the cheaper items. Think about it, some profit is better than no profit.
I'm so happy they aren't gender locked
Happy that the men can wear the feminine outfit....but wish I could be even more happy if it wasn't for the price...loving my moon magic rn.
i just wish we got yuna glam on male
I'm not paying $18 bucks for this. No way in hell, maybe 10-12 but not 18. I'm just gonna wait for a mog sale to buy this so I can make my Nero Claudias cosplay.
Hi Meoni! Firstly, thank you for all of your invaluable content over the past years in regards to FFXIV!
This is disheartening to hear, even though these pieces are aesthetically pleasing, I feel that for a cross over event they leave much to be desired in the way of acquisition (Paid items for a crossover?). To me the devs are getting too lazy ( I love them all but it's true). For example, they touted a two dye system for the launch of 7.0, then add undyeable gear set items in the new dungeons? I would have liked to see those pieces dyeable. Heck giving the option to just have 1 dye option would have been better than none at all. They are even reskining most in game models and putting new models on the cash shop.
Overall, I feel that a mobile version and these types of crossovers are hurting the game. I am not trying to be a downer, I am just a heartbroken fan. I feel the game supports Square in a way that is more deserving than the treatment it's currently receiving. They can't complain about "spaghetti" code forever, especially when they are raking in the dough.
Oh and to add, I agree 100 percent, the game clips way too much, and after 10 years I was hoping hair models would be extendable beyond the shoulders. AND HELMETS FOR ALL RACE
I prefer Sphene outfit on store.
with her hairstyle too, would be awesome!
A bone thrown to all the people complaining about the current lack of fantasy gear lol
finally a panties bowtie in my fantasy game
Inflated prices oh boi. Rather buy a mount with those prices
I like that they made both sets available for any character, I personally bought the dress and put it on my highlander hyur man, looks a little odd in the chest area because he obviously has nothing to fill it with but it still looks really good on him overall 😌
Hilarious, since SE put out the order to shut down Brave Exvius...
This stuff is straight up dookie what type of glam is this
Game is in a major content drought and they announce a mobile version and a “collab” that’s nothing but cash shop items. Amazing look!
tsk, no kidding. Awaiting on the next Scene on Story. They put a FF X2 event. Not thrilled for that. Granted we had a FFT recently finally. Finally able to upgrade TGC and Ramza.
Isnt that a SE mobile game? I feel like theres something mobile pushy going on at xiv headquarters
It is. I played it as well and it's not the most mind-blowing game out there. If you've played Phantom of the Kill back when the OG game existed, then you've played this game
I played the game for a long while. Stopped about a year ago. maybe more now. It will be nice to dress up like Macherie.
The colors on them are so dull. Especially if you try to dye it metallic white. It looks almost like a flat cream color. Barely has any shine to it, at least in the preview window. And these prices are ridiculous, they're not good enough sets for it.
If it was the good Brave Exvius I'd care. War of the Visions is not it though. I don't even remember the names of the characters these outfits are inspired by
ffxiv character are so bottom flat .... and the polygon >< i wish they would fix that
Don't like the male version. But do like the female version a bit, mostly the top.
$12 skinns with $6 concord tax i see.
Jamais je n'achèterai jamais des conneries dans un jeu omg je paye l'abonnement et j'achète les extensions je ne comprends pas pourquoi je dois dépenser plus c'est un vice 😂😂 réveillez vous 😅
I want to like them but eh, they just don't wow me tbh. I'll probably wait until they go on sale one day. It's those three datamined hairstyles that I (and I think most of us) are waiting for. We've sorely been in need of eye-popping new hairstyles for awhile. Hopefully they drop this month, maybe with the annual winter sale and/or the release of the next patch or Christmas (Starlight) event. Lots of opportunities there to sneak them in.
Not a fan of the outfits, so I'll be saving myself some cash at leastm
brave exvius????????????? damn that's random
War of Visions one, so the spinoff not the main one.
More funny took em 4 and 2 years later (Rerun) on doing something FF14 X WotV. WotV got Y'shtola and Thancred. Finally, we get a WotV Collab
You can bye a whole game for the price of these outfits, square enix are the greediest
Too much going in the store vs being earnable in the game. It's off-putting and a major reason I let my sub lapse. If this were a FtP or even BtP game then maybe. But a sub only game? Nah.
why is this video 18 minutes long?
First and love the outfits.
Hair and tail clipping, my arch nemesis, get really triggered about it when seeing other people's hair clipping right through their outfit...
Seeing how most people stand around mostly naked, u have no issue
As a dude who owns most of mogstore (barring 1/2 mounts) this is trash...(just like FF14 in its entirety lately)
Just like 90% of stuff on Mogstore.. Yoshi and SE are killing this game now. Rest in Pish.
Also nice thumbnail, typical dude playing as a female character, creepy AF.
Bro same. I been playing a year and I play a pretty aura. The amount of creeps who play this game is wild. It’s dudes playing females creeping on dudes who play females idk it’s a mind fuck. It’s hard to make actual friends cause the amount of “do u erp” is nutz
@@Pikaru-c4u Made only 1 good friend in the year and a half ive been playing, she plays as a dude character just so these creeps dont creep on her..
Its mental.. been asked to erp a few times and every time it makes me want to vomit.
If the game setting has you playing as a girl like Horizon for the sake of narrative, fairs fair, You want to play as a cat/bun/potato child, fairs fair but if youre a dude who *chooses* to play dress up and as a girl character, thats just creepy and wierd, Hence why i stay out of Limsa, sheer degen central.
I dont buy their excuse of "girls have better glams".. no they dont, i play as a male Viera and i was getting DM'd about my glams atleast once a week by randomers.
So they have literally no excuse other than being creepy, it reeks of desperation.
I feel sorry for this dudes IRL misses (if he even has a IRL misses like hes claimed before) which id bet my entire account he fecking doesnt, probably married some dude in-game xD
outfits looks stupid lol