Every Lucio main in the world just groaned. An 'advanced' guide should really cover one of the most valuable points about Lucio; that he is the most survivable healer by far. Mastering his wallride is everything between a competent Lucio and a great one. Just having the brain stem to think 'oh we should go in, best to make everyone run faster' does not a Lucio make.
Anthony De Marco ikr, every time I see a lucio on the other team who doesn't wall ride often, they get mauled if they're getting focused, compared to a wall riding lucio who makes himself a lot harder to hit and generally has higher survivability and a better chance to get out alive if caught off guard, using his SIIIICKK parkour of course.
i groaned all the way to south pole, this is a disgraceful "advanced" lucio guide, so much more could've been said...I could talk for 15 minutes about wallriding alone
I played a game where the enemy team was down by 4, so I speed boosted onto the point but then realised my entire team is still at the choke, trying to kill 1 mei inside her ice. By the time she broke out of it and died, the enemy team was back and then we were back at the choke again. I then tried to ult and speed boost in because we REALLY needed to cap soon and noone moved. Sigh.
LethalByte This is another reason why I hate playing Rein. If my team didn't scramble all over the place making me look like an idiot standing around with my shield up alone, it's because when I try to make a push nobody follows in and I get slaughtered.
Wait until you have the advantage then break it down. If your team doesn't push after that, switch to a different character because you're screwed. This usually happens when one part of the team is in a different chat than the rest.
As a Lucio main with around 100 hours on him, I'd like to share some more advanced tips and tricks that weren't mentioned in the video: 1) The speed in which your ultimate is casted is affected by the aura you momentarily have on - so always switch to speed boost to quickly cast your ultimate! 2) The ultimate also does not shield any allies that are not in Lucio's sight - but (little known fact), you can still cast the ulti and then run into the line of sight with your allies to give them the shielding - it's a small time window where you can still apply the shield! 3) When using speed boost to engage, never be the first one to run into the enemy team - this might seem obvious to many people but so many people do it anyway. It always risks your death and potentially robs a big amount of your team's survivability that a Lucio usually provides for his team! I hope I have given some useful advice and wish you all good luck going into the next season! :)
Another MAJOR advantage of Lucio I haven't seen anyone use, even in this and the gameplay shown - is using the speedboost to capture/move payload/point faster ! Many times in the gameplay video shown above had Lucio switched to speedboost and stayed on point had they captured it much faster. SPEEDBOOST MOVES PAYLOAD FASTER AND CAPTURES POINT FASTER! This is extreamly important when the enemy team is rushing to contest and you just need an extra second or two to capture point.
No in fact the capture speed is determined by how many people are standing there and it's capped at 3 being the fastest cap speed. No other input can speed it up
Overwatch's lucio is one of the most meta heroes since release, in this advanced guide we explain how to get he most out of this hero, including his healing, speed boost, initiation and counter-initiation. Let us know what you think and be sure to drop a Like & Subscribe if you enjoyed!
Thanks so much for making this guide! Lucio is my most played character and one of the best in the entire game. A while ago, my friends and I tried out a Mercy/Lucio combo which worked out pretty well. I would have the speed boost on most of the time so that mercy would be healing the team while being that much harder to hit with the speed boost. If my team or a high priority tank was low on health, I would switch to amp it up healing so me and Mercy would heal them to full health.
Another MAJOR advantage of Lucio I haven't seen anyone use, even in this guide and the gameplay shown - is using the speedboost to capture/move payload/point faster ! Many times in the gameplay video shown above had Lucio switched to speedboost and stayed on point they would have captured it much faster. SPEEDBOOST MOVES PAYLOAD FASTER AND CAPTURES POINT FASTER! This is extreamly important when the enemy team is rushing to contest and you just need an extra second or two to capture point.
As a Lucio/Support main, my biggest issue is healing in solo queue as the ONLY healer. I can't use the others and heal efficently because only Lucio can defend himself and AoE heal. Mercy heals better, but is totally defenseles. Also has a hard time healing 4 DPS 200 HP heroes and 1 Roadhog who can heal himself. Ana is also better and can defend herself but aiming is not super easy. I miss my grenades and then spend half the match hunting down Genji, Tracer, Somba & McCree to heal them. Zen can defend himself and heal just fine, but he can only heal 1 at at time. I can heal the Genji and the Tank and the Widow. But not all at once. Then all 3 are yelling for heals and the DPS have to wait for Transcendence to pop. I feel that is why I'm always stuck as Lucio in healing aura when on Solo queue. I love it when another healer shows up on my side, because I can freely swap between both auras. Any advanced tips on this, I'd appreciate. Even if it is to tell my team to sod off.
Sonickeyblade00 Sounds like you're playing on really low ranks if this is how your competitive matches go.If your team needs constant healing to the point that they can't do without lucios extremely small healing for a few seconds, they really suck, but I doubt it's truely the case, because then they'd instantly die, even with your healing. If they ask for more healing, tell them you need another healer, it's that simple, there's no strategy for dealing with people that doesn't understand the game or doesn't care. If you practice Ana or Mercy, you'll do a better job healing a group than with lucio anyway, and you'll also learn how to use mercys pistol. Zenyatta is more of an off-healer, off-dps than a healer, so he should almost never be the only healer in a game you truly want to win, only if you're playing qp and just want to pratice.
Sonickeyblade00 I agree with you. I would even add to your ana argument that you dont add as much to the fight (unless youre really good) if youre playing her back as you should. as a disclaimer though, im super casual and although i "main" lucio, im not fantastic
Lasergurka Well my usual stomping ground is Quick Play, so skill varies. Also, I'm on console. Where people don't even have their mic's plugged in. To be fair, I'm guilty of that too. I do know what I am getting into though. I could just pick DPS or Tank like everyone else and not care. But I like healing, so I give it a shot regardless. I try to play as Mercy more, but Mercy is very team dependent. For a dead healer heals less than a badly optimized healer. And with Ana... it's mostly my aim. I know that. I might need glasses or something. Also, PS4 still has the Ana stigma where they think she can't solo heal a team.
Sonickeyblade00 Oh, well that explains a lot. in QP most people don't even want to try, so they only player healer if they want to, not because the team needs it. And on console, I'm probably prone to agree that Ana is not a great solo healer, as even on PC you need pretty good aim to pull it off well enough. Staying alive is part about your team, but it's also down to pratice.
How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. How Embarrassing. Me as Winston.
Василий Калинкин No you shouldnt. If for example on control centre Lijang Tower you wall ride around the outside of the point, all it takes is for you to have your ride disrupted and you will fall right into the middle of the enemy team. It means you cant speed boost people coming back from respawn into a fight and it means you cant really output the damage you normally would which can be quite significant to team fights, as well as getting your ultimate up faster by doing damage. Also you move in a straight line when wall riding. Its such a predictable movement pattern. Also if your entire team dies by a zarya ult that you dont get stuck in, youre stuck above the point wall riding, and so you will die late and cause your team to wait for you to respawn. Also if your team does get caught in a graviton surge, if youre wall riding up in the air, it means dropping the beat will take a lot longer and could cost your team a fight. It also means you cant speed boost your team into defensive engagements, save over extending players, or help confirm kills on fleeing enemy players. Even if you were wall riding on the other walls in this map, it would still just be better to walk for the most part. Concentrating on wall riding also makes it harder for you to read the fight and if you are a main caller (as most lucios are), severely inhibits your ability to do this. Wall riding imo should really only be used when contesting by yourself or if there is some other special situation which calls for it (like avoiding getting booped off the bridge on night-garden).
Yeah Louis is right, while it's great to wallride often, it's not always the best solution. I can't count how many times an enemy Lucio has wallrode into a terrible position and ended up getting booped off stage or killed when they should just stand their ground. What I find that works often if you get stuck in a 1v2/3 scenario you don't want to deal with, switch to speed run jump into them do a punch if you want, push them away and mash E like you life depended on it.
Louis Altena by always wall tided he doesn't quite mean in a predictable straight line and circle, a good lucio will be jumping wall to wall, gaining highly, taking minor flanks routes both ways, it allows him to be healthy while speeding, and harder to hit. Not easier.
Maiq The Liar VII Even so a lot of the time its just better to position yourself well in the backline of your team than wall ride in suboptimal positions
you forgot to mention there are 2 ways players play Lucio. at least from my experience playing lucio and having a lucio on my team(Lucio is my main support hero) 1. Passive Lucio basically stay at the backline all game just heals and speed boost when needed. (the gameplay in this video for example) 2. Aggressive/Harassing Lucio basically getting up close and personal with the enemy team and just annoy the enemy team. with the Boops. Normally just finishing off enemies below half their HP., but also go target some heros like widow to put her out of position. Note if you know how to wallride then this can be way easier to do and can keep you alive while you continue your passive healing and speed. Its great. I personally like being aggressive it makes lucio more fun to play, at least for me. Heck sometimes I be brave and 1v1 tracers/sombras/genjis and you will be surprised that I win some of those fights lol
i play him aggressively too and think its better to be aggressive :D helping my team to kill enemies is better than just sitting like torbjörn :D i even get a best kill streak card with lucio :D keep playing aggressively buddy :D
hell yeah to aggressive lucio! I got 74 eliminations / 13 deaths aswel as 18,000 odd healing in a game once, he's actually really good at harassing, and if you master wall riding you can get away just as easily as genji can when in a spot of trouble :D
I didnt mention his wall riding because most of the time doing that takes away from the other high impact parts of his kit. Its more of a gimmick than anything -w
Hardly, it provides to ability to evade enemy fire as well as harass the other team which is very important. Basically the whole of sombra, to harass the enemy.
rand person as long as you're a new player with really no experience or skill with any hero, yes, picking lucio and just being alive is gonna bring the most value to your team.
In gold and plat I find that it's never worth using speed unless you can get a Rein to talk with you on the mic first. And that's assuming you don't have some Genji/Junkrat/Hanzo main who's turned voice chat off because he's been asked to swap too many times this season. Otherwise you'll pop speed and nobody will move, they'll all just poke at the choke for days. Often even after we hold the choke. But Lucio is still definitely worth using. As a solo healer you can heal everyone at once. At these ranks you can sit on a high ground ledge, heal and shoot all game, and nobody will come after you. You can literally god spot. Also his ultimate, which should almost never be used offensively, can be used to convince cowards to fight. It'll expire before the fight begins, but the point is that you turned 3 or so functionally AFK players into actual people.
Jake Surname Well, you can solo heal even more effectively as Mercy or Ana, as long as you can keep yourself alive. Solo healing as lucio is really only better if your team is basically ONLY low hp DPS, because lucio does just about nothing to help tanks. As mercy or Ana you can switch targets very very quickly, effectively AoE healing, but actually healing your tanks aswell.
That's basically always though, isn't it. Also you can't heal as effectively as Ana or Mercy because that diverts your attention from staying alive. You don't even have to look at them as Lucio.
Jake Surname you can look away from people you're healing with mercy. Ana can sleep flankers and heal, while her teammates drop back to deal with flanker.
Jake Surname funny how gold in overwatch is so much like low silvers from other games. Apparently they are fixings that for next season. I guess the shame of healers is incompetence, unless that run forward nobody notices that their lucio is speed boosting them. But I also find he can act like a taxi, a sort of poor mans teleporter for attack, if your team becomes smart enough to regroup before the choke and not poke at it (which they might do being down a healer), lucio can leave and bring someone back faster. Then you can enter combat. Preferably with a competent team. The thing is, going in alone is suicide, unless a lucio or zen zen ults, but people don't realize that when your whole team is at the chock there's no reason to poke, poke is ult charge for the enemy. If everyone's there, and I don't see or know that all six enemies can be at the other end of the chock (a separate thing all together from knowing that not all six enemies are at the chock) I go in myself, and tell the people verbally to attack, to push forward, but if, looking at the camera, they don't go in. I don't lead. A flanker will have to disrupt them enough that they have to push. Also if one person goes alone I trust that they are going in and go in as soon as possible, no delay, it needs to be a push not a trickle. Just a change in mind set, and with that in mind lucio is much better
Advance Guide to play Lucio. 1. Listen to I Wanna Be like you from the jungle book on repeat. 2. Git gud at song switching and wall riding. 3. Worship Stanky and Gordo.
Finally!!! As somebody who mostly plays support, I am so happy this video exists. I don't know how many times I've had to explain to team mates that Lucio's value is not in healing, but rather in speed boost, and it's initiating potential. Also I like how somebody finally understands that being a good Lucio isn't "just pressing e." Love this channel, have been here for a while, still not disappointed.
that's because a lot of high-level Lucio stay on the ground and don't wall ride much. me personally I use my wall ride to get to higher ground so I can't be ulted by a rein or something and to move quicker out of range of attackers if they sneak up but most don't use it at all.
Pros almost never use it, but in solo queue meta, you might mistake it's much more important than it really is. A lucio with perfect speedboost timing is far more powerful than one that can crawl on walls like spiderman without speed boost properly.
***** i do agree with you mate, it is still quite a useful tool that i think could make more people better but it is mostly about the speed boost and ult. get good at that first then learn your spider man
It's honestly not that useful. Some players are very skilled at making it work as a pseudo-Genji like DPS Stanky, but it's not as good as playing him like a Support. The fact is, wallriding forces your momentum in whatever direction the wall goes, and that's rarely what you actually should be doing. You should be moving unpredictably and bunny hopping while watching the enemies and making play calls.
James Markin yeah he doesn't really like the aggressive style and personally i don't either but he did do a few videos on it and sorta became more of a assertive Lucio
EpicCity my main hero, shame it doesn't really tell me anything new, although I appreciate it for what it is and it's value to less experienced lucio players :)
As a Lucio Main. I can add one more tip. When You want the enemy rein to disappear so you can go in and Rush A or Rush B. Have your Rein stand as close to the Opponent and forward boop the enemy Rein. Works like a charm when their defenses are strong.
This was a surprisingly helpful video. As someone who has about 2-3 times as many hours into Lucio as any other hero, I never really thought about using his speed boost to move through choke points or when counter initiating. I use it when running away or when moving with the group towards a point, but never really thought of using his speed advantage to make choke points easier to cross. Thanks for the help!
Basicly every time someone ults of the enemy team you should go for amped up speed. So good at getting you and your team away from dva mech or hanzo ult, or mei blizzard. I rarely ever use the heal when someone is critically low, as the very low heal they get doesn't do the job at all!
"But aoe heal can heal everyone and get gold healing and i don't have to do anything its so easy!" - trash lucio players. I wonder how many of them play junkrat since his damage style is basically how lucio heals; low effort and low impact aoe spam that gets accidental kills now and then because someone was in the right position at the right time.
Lyndon T All about dem medals man^^ Its actually quite sad how many people believe that 12 HPS could outheal ANY source of damage. Or how many junkrats believe its smart to spam at a Zarya who then gains charge and gets healed by Ana right away anyway xD
As someone who has just picked up playing Lucio, this guide was great. It confirmed a lot of the stuff I was already doing, and also gave me some more ideas.
DO NOT swap between speed & healing every few seconds during a fight! you will fuck up your DPSs shots doing that! Only use speed when your team needs to get places (in or out of a fight, through a choke, outside the AOE of an enemy ult or whatever)
for me I had to just start focusing more to notice what's going on. I remembered what I tend to do and I assume other people do the same at times. heck even get a pair of headphones to hear what all is going on
Lucios Wall run is also amazing in situations! I would say its advanced but I've jumped off the map and got back up to save myself, or climbed up out of vision through wall run. Its not easy on Console, but if you can master it, its a huge life saver.
As a Lucio main i'm both surprised and disappointed at the complete lack of mention (and almost no footage of) wall riding, given how powerful it is i would have expected it to show up at least once in an 'Advanced Lucio Guide'.
uhh... you do realize that he said it in team chat right? also when he said that, they had capped the second point with 7:14 left, so i'm pretty sure it was a fairly easy match. if he had said it to everyone in the match, it would be a bit of bm, but it was his team chat so there's really nothing wrong with it.
Yeah, same. I don't understand why they just aren't making the other Supports more appealing, instead of nerfing Lucio until he's almost completely useless.
what Has Lucio done if he's getting nerfed. he was unique before, and even if he's gotten the nerds, He Still UNIQUE. so their is no point of nerfing Lucio because he unique. especially with his utility.
Thank you I play lucio a lot and he is my favorite character in overwatch. This is going to really help in me in the future. Btw you guys are my fav youtubers
In the boop segment at 8:16, Zarya was trying to get pinned for shield energy, and you booped Rein out of the way so she couldn't. Just thought that should be pointed out.
I've mained Lucio quite a bit, and one thing I love doing is in a team fight I throw in speed boost and just zip from the side up next to the enemy rein and boop him to the side. This opens up the entire enemy team for taking damage for the 2-3 secs before the rein gets back in place. Takes a lot of skill but so worth it! PS Haven't tried it in higher levels and don't even bother if they have a Roadhog.
I play Lucio the most. Most valuable lesson I've learned is stay alive. Run like hell with your tail between your legs when your team is defeated and stay alive; speed boost your team into the next fight instead of trying to stall the objective.
Video Request: Please please please make a video of a list of "plays" that are not just ult-combos. You mentioned in one video lucio boost rein+mcree to flashbang+pin enemy rein as an initiation play. Any long time listener knows the zarya bubble + winston/genji initiation with lucio speed boost follow up, but what other plays are there that the pros are using that we could try? Please include ultimate combos where more in-depth explanation is needed (more than just zar/hanzo ult together) and comments about what classes can throw a wrench in the plan. Thanks :) (Also, thanks to you guys I hit diamond last season! Keep the awesome videos coming!)
As someone who has played a ton of Lucio, most of what you said was very accurate, but honestly, you get far more value staying in Healing mode when around the payload or when you're personally low, but not being hit than just speeding around. Your constant healing can help support your surrounding teammates far more than speed boosting just cause that extra 6 HP (obviously he heals more than that, but you get what I mean) could be the difference between them being dead or alive.
As a lucio main, speed boost is one hell of a tool. Probably one of the best things to have in the game. I'm constantly switching between speed and healing.
To be mostly on speed mode is to assume other healers are selected. Even with friends the healer is the last thing most people want to be and often times there's only one healer. So Lucio is my main and I use mostly healing mode in close with the rest of the team for this reason and it really works.
I keep hearing this thing about "always use Lucio for speed over healing." Which makes sense in theory, but the problem is speed boosting doesn't charge his ultimate. Getting sound barrier up ASAP through healing amp I feel is more valuable than just constantly speed boosting your team. Once his ult is charged though, then yes, I totally agree about speed boosting being infinitely more valuable. For some reason, everyone seems to be forgetting this point.
Lucio's super useful in stopping the payload, even if his team isn't utilizing his speed boost. I've had a bunch of matches where the payload was just about to reach the objective and through booping and constant healing I was able to keep knocking them back and keep my team alive while staying relatively within the same area. Of course if there's an ulting d.va or reaper, his speed boost did come in handy :p
Popping a speed amp to enable your Reaper or McCree to finish off an out of position flanker - and then proceed to snowball the fight and take the objective - is so much fun. ^^
As far as switching in and out of healing,, pretty much when everyone is topped up or mostly there, I switch over to speed. What I don't like about this is it can kind of troll the aim and evasion of your team. That fear stopped me doing it as much as I wanted to, but it's been less of a problem than I imagined it would be and the speed boost, even if it catches team mates off guard, seems to give them an advantage regardless.
thank you I main lucio and always love some new outside insight to him and your absolutely right. You you need to play him to truly learn him. But I feel that he has more value than just his speed.
You guys should do a couple videos on how to play with a certain hero. Like what the team should be doing when a person picks that hero. Like with Ana you could tell everyone not to stand in front of her when she's trying to save the diving characters. Something like that seems useful
May or may not have been mentioned but if you are capping a point or moving the payload freely use your speed and boost it. You will cap the point MUCH faster and the payload will move a little more quickly especially after a team wipe. Also Lucio is an excellent healer if you are not great with mercy and need a more reliable healer than Zen or Ana. Its not unheard of to get 6k, 10k, or 12k healing in a match. He is an excellent healer because he can reach so many people in the area while the latter healers are more targeted and rely on navigating and prioritizing between teammates Surprised his wall ride ability was never mentioned as it is helpful to get out of trouble and be hard to target.
Lucio is one of the heroes with the most potential that a lot of people never seem to make use of, for instance, hes the only character in the game that can wall ride and give aurora heals, not only that but speed. Speed is key because i barely ever see lucios use their speed to max potential, there is this weird thing with momentum and speed that's hard to get into but i only see it possible with lucio, and i don't see anyone exploiting it to gain faster speed, making you and your teammates harder to hit, while also keeping up decent heals. you can also play really aggressive because of your secondary and speed allows you to recover from any tight situation. just remember, with lucio you will need another support.
As one of the resident Noobs, I have a question: Lucio's healing/speed boost has a radius of around 30 meters, right? Does that apply in all directions (like a perfect sphere around him), or only horizontally? I'm guessing the former?
U forgot a boop that works in solo que which is just booping someone into your team this is mostly in solo que where focus fire is terrible so u can get away with running at the enemy and ur team will usually get an accidental focus fire on the person flying towards them
In solo Q I use the ult as a sign of "we're going in now" and I don't speed boost. Normally everyone has taken a little bit of damage the defending team probably hasn't. I then time the amp it up heal to repair any damage taken prior to me dropping it so when it runs out the whole team have more health than when we went in and hopefully now more than the enemy team who've now taken damage. You are now more likely to win that fight. In lower ranks If you amp-speed/ult or vice versa, when the barrier runs out, both teams are now on equal damage taken and you're now on cooldown so no real benefit. I use it to try and tip the scales in my team's favour.
Martin Wolf do it when and if you need mobility. It's more useful for avoiding enemies and getting out of sticky situations. Also you can use it to get line of sight on more teammates.
Martin Wolf ABWR there are absolutely no down sides to wall riding. So if you can wall ride be wall riding. It makes you harder to hit and it keeps you up and out of the way so your not blocking your teams field of view. My suggestion is load in on a map by your self and just practice wall riding.
+The 5 dollar film maker _there are absolutely no down sides to wall riding_ Then why don't pros do it in tournaments? The downsides are that it makes you predictable, since Lucio is forced to move forward on the wall. What if you don't want to move forward? Often times you need to stay in a given area so you have a sight picture on what the enemy is doing, and wallriding forces you in a direction you don't want to go. It's wrong to wallride I'd say 95%+ of the time because it accomplishes nothing. There are safer locations for Lucio than on a wall if you know how to position and he is not usually a high priority target regardless. _it keeps you up and out of the way so your not blocking your teams field of view_ It should go without saying that Lucio doesn't stand in front of his team's field of view ffs. You stand behind them or off to the side. @OP you don't really need to worry about wallriding almost ever. It's mostly a fun gimmick. Just worry about correct positioning.
Definitely important to keep shooting as Lucio: take advantage of the fact that he doesn't need to choose between healing and dealing damage the way Mercy and Ana need to (grenade aside). If you're not doing damage as Lucio, you might as well switch to Mercy or Ana since they still won't do damage while healing but their healing is more powerful. And while his damage isn't great, some well-placed headshots can kill surprisingly often. Try to book a Roadhog after he hooks you, that can sometimes help you survive.
The way I play lucio is to turn on speed, taxi people, and as people enter I flank with speed, left click a squishy and hoop to finish em off, use them wall runs with speed or heal to get back to your team where ever they are, and give them heal. Always works for me, but sometimes one of our guys died if we don't have another good healer
I'm an 1,800 player that used to main Lucio and I've learned the more I play him the more the speed boost becomes massive. I used to only use it when we left the spawn room but once I realized his amazing that boost is I started working it in more. Down side is sometimes I get caught up in the fight and forget to change, whoops.
1:53 Your Reinhardt died because you were trying to speed boost a static ally. Had you been in your healing mode, booped the heroes away from him, and then used your "E" when it was up, you could have either won that 2 v 3, or at least gotten him out, and not wasted that 15 seconds waiting for him to respawn and run back.
I always find lucios who are wall running but don't use speed boost. Just quickly switch to speed. Go up the wall. Then back to health. Also you didn't mention the amp it up's effect does not go away when you switch beats
I'm going to post to you a comment I just made, and hopefully you can see the logic in it. "1:53 Your Reinhardt died because you were trying to speed boost a static ally. Had you been in your healing mode, booped the heroes away from him, and then used your "E" when it was up, you could have either won that 2 v 3, or at least gotten him out, and not wasted that 15 seconds waiting for him to respawn and run back." Trying to disengage with your speed boost is not as helpful as healing. You can use your speed boost ONLY after the enemy is dead, or LoS. Make sure you're safe, then run. Making use of the speed boost is great for pushes, or running from an Ult, and that's great, but you have to have communication. And don't sacrifice healing for speed. People have plenty of ways to get away from Ults that they don't always need to rely on your speed, but that extra healing might save them from that bit of damage they took from it while moving.
Saimeren making sure you're safe and then running doesn't make too much sense, because then you won't need to run. Its just about if you helping them to run will help them more than healing will, if yes, then speed boost. You can need to disengage with most of the team on full health, but you can tell you're gonna loose the fight, maybe they already focused down 2 people, but your healers are keeping the rest close to full health, in that case a speed boost to disengage is a million times more useful than using amped healing on almost full health team mates.
"Making sure you're safe and then running doesn't make too much sense, because you won't need to run." Simply being LoS from that Rein, and Hanzo makes you "safe" and then you retreat from there. Pushing them to the other side of the payload so your Rein doesn't get hit makes him safe. As for the fight as a whole (regarding Underdogman) Lucio runs in, and boops the enemy rein away from his own. The Hanzo was already working his way to the far side of the payload when he dropped down, and Ana isn't much of a threat to 2 players being healed. Once that happens, a few seconds would have gone by, and his "E" ability would have been up for a bigger heal to deal with any damage that Ana was pushing out. Healing the Rein through the damage that the enemy Rein, and Ana pushes out would have saved the Rein instead of letting him die because you were hoping you could run away. (which only the Lucio got away, and they then would have had to wait for him to respawn when they otherwise wouldn't have had to.)
There are going to be different viewpoints, but in this scenario, I feel like the best idea would be to heal boost then switch to speed boost to help the Ana. They would then sleep the rein. However, we all have 20/20 hindsight. I may had been a bit vague when I posted the OP, but I meant there are those people who look a Lucio as only another healer. He's more than that, as this video explains what Lucio can really do, his pure presence alone can make or break a match.
8:16 As a Zarya main, I can tell you now, that Zarya hates you. She wanted to be charged by the Rein, as she had her barrier up, and would've gotten charge from it. Now yes, it can be good to boop a charging Reinhardt, in fact, it's best to do it most of the time. But that was not a good example.
I totally agree with everything you said accept for picking other healers over lucio in solo queue, sometimes your team is not coordinating and the aoe healing can be better than a mercy focused healing, definitely better then Zen healing
I don't think you should underestimate the healing ability of lucio. Think of it like giving a 7-10% damage reduction on anyone in line of sight. This means it takes one or two more shots to kill someone, which is a big deal when that one or two more shot TTK means your team gets the kill instead of the other team.
"You charge your ult really quickly." You get a decent amount of ult from hitting headshots, but that's assuming you can even hit them. His gun is one of the most awkward ones to use because of the projectile delay, so your beginning players are going to have lots of difficulty getting his ult up in a reasonable amount of time.
So the healing and speed boosts will impact your teammates when you automatically switch to them? You don't have to shoot your teammates individually like Ana and Mercy do?
I would say that, in solo que, lucio's healing is more useful than you give it credit. Since the tank won't be taking the damage, and the enemy won't be focus firing, damage tends to get spread between players more in solo que, making amped healing super useful.
also does decent damage. just switched to him after losing the first round as dps. ended up winning the next to rounds and the match in the end. loving lucio
this reminds me of that one guy insisting on lucio in a poke war while i was zarya and practically begging him to pick something with which he can actually heal me, only to have him mock me because lucio is such a must pick in pro matches
great video I completely agree with it but I disagree with the always shooting thing. in my opinion doing damage limits spatial awareness so you are less likely to see that Genji or tracer walking behind your team and miss the opportunity to call that out to the team. that can result in a dead healer or widow maker. so i think it is better to be eyes for your team than the little 64 damage per second max.
how are offensive and defensive assists derived? Is there a timer window after switching auras where if your teammate gets an elim it builds your ult faster? Or is only during amp it up?
Since this is an Advanced Guide I thought something was missing. One of the big things in Lucio's kit is his ability to wall ride. I wish that YourOverwatch would have touched on in this video. for example: When the wall ride? When to not wallride. What are the advantages? Disadvantages? Best spots? Tips wall riding in the competitive scene.
This is a hero guide I needed. I think the big problem in solo que the team separates too much.I've noticed when I'm Lucio there would be hero's who are flaking that shouldn't be.
tl;dr: This guide is good but Lucio is so, SO much more... This is more of a beginner's guide, to be honest. Nothing stated here seems like more than a person would learn before a few hours logged onto the hero. Booping Reinhardt away as he's charging is the most advanced thing you guys stated here. As a Lucio "main", I was hoping to learn a trick or two I hadn't thought of yet, but it was an eleven minute waste of time. You guys make great videos, don't get me wrong... I love your content and learned a lot... but there is so much more to this hero than what you said here. I must admit the speed boost being priority is more of an intermediate skill for Lucio players but even then, you should learn that within a couple hours of the hero. I'm glad you put as much emphasis as you did on speed boosting more than healing because that is Lucio's true utility. Good job there. More Lucios need to speed boost. Wall riding, while not prioritized by pros, is still an important skill still used by them in clutch moments. It was a huge oversight not to mention it at all in this video. He is the quintessential healer of the game. He's never a bad pick [yes, even the lucios that never speed boost still AoE heal just by existing and deny ults with sound barrier]. Even if you spent more time going over where and when to "boop," this would be a better video. One example that has saved my [and therefor my team's] ass plenty of times is booping immediately after being hooked by Roadhog. If you're in healing cylinder before getting the hook, you can prevent that infamous 1HKO so long as your secondary fire is available... and you never even mentioned that. AND THE RANGE OF HIS ABILITIES ARE SO IMPORTANT!! You barely have to be near your teammates at all to be effective. If you want to play the aggressive healer who does poke damage, you can, but you are equally as effective staying completely out of harm's way. Conversely, Lucio is the best hero for contesting payloads. I've kept a payload away from a checkpoint on multiple maps for 2-3+ minutes at a time just by dodging the enemy and booping strategically. I wish you went over how amazing he is at payload defense / overtime offense. Another note: Transcendence > Sound Barrier for Graviton. If you're running Lucio/Zen, then your Zen should use his ultimate instead of you because it's instant, more effective for ults commonly combo'd with it, and not even Sombra [if she enters the meta] can stop it. Ana is a counter to Zen ult if she's smart enough to nade the graviton but honestly that's pretty rare. Either won't survive if Lucio can't Amp it Up, and both will die to Death From Above + Graviton. I've seen Graviton + DFA burn through Zen&Lucio's ults combined. It wasn't pretty. Mentioning that as well would help players understand how to better synergize their ults with other healers. Recognizing which ultimates you can and can't counter with Sound Barrier is something else you glossed over. Knowing when you can save a team and when you should just save ult and hope to counter-engage is crucial. A smaller side-note is recognizing when your team is safe enough for you to go back for respawning teammates and give them the speedboost to your point on defense. As a Lucio, you're typically also the shotcaller for the team. You can singlehandedly lead your team to victory by dictating where they should be pushing, how they should be ulting, and speedboosting/dropping the beat appropriately for said pushes or counter pushes. I hope you guys follow this video up with more advice for the other Lucios out there who are looking to learn a thing or two.
>> booping immediately after being hooked by Roadhog Really surprised this wasn't mentioned. Saved my bacon countless times. Also surprised wall riding wasn't mentioned.
What should I do when 5 members of my team pick various forms of dps? Is it better that I fill a tank, or a healer? Example: Anubis attack: Soldier, McCree, Sombra, Mei, Widow.
TreasureFox I default to healer in that situation, but the first or second fight should tell you if that's a good choice. If the other team isn't dying but yours is, swap to tank and see if things start to die.
Lucio is my most used hero and being able to get my team to objectives quicker or using my sound barrier during our big assault is great.....when the team actually co-operates. I can't heal you all super quick when I'm the only healer and like all supports try to provide us with some cover
I feel like whether with lucio or not some of the clips would still have same result such as the counter initiate clip from Zarya perspective, would the speed boost help or more damage help?
Well what's your opinion on getting stuck as a solo healer in KOTH should you not pick lucio since you don't get to use his speed even though he's amazing on there? Because everyone complains if you don't pick him
I once had silver lucio damage on competitive. We had 3 healers 3 tanks and apparently ana mercy dont rly do damage and rein with zarya werent rly attacking. Oh and a good lucio burst combo is to left click then right click and punch while they are mid air. It is rly good and overall lucio punches are good for many reasons like you can run around jump crounge wallride etc. as melee doesnt need aim.
Wait, so DURING fights, also keep speed unless healing is needed/the amp is ready? Is that to make strafing and whatnot more effective, the faster movement during the fight makes your team harder to hit?? Can someone clarify this please.
Can you explain to me how anytime I use Soundwave, my opponent barely moves an inch, yet when they use it, I go flying? I get in their face usually and they don't get booped much, but they don't even need to be in my face and I get booped hard.
the lucio in the gameplay kinda get's the idea... but it looks like he is playing in slow motion :D For example: 9:23 It took him about 7 seconds to ult+speedboost
Best way I use his Ult is when DVa uses her ult. switch to speed, then pop the ult, and whoever doesnt get out of range will USUALLY survive depending on their health. I've easily negated 1,000 damage from it.
Every Lucio main in the world just groaned. An 'advanced' guide should really cover one of the most valuable points about Lucio; that he is the most survivable healer by far. Mastering his wallride is everything between a competent Lucio and a great one. Just having the brain stem to think 'oh we should go in, best to make everyone run faster' does not a Lucio make.
Anthony De Marco if i could like this again I would
Anthony De Marco ikr, every time I see a lucio on the other team who doesn't wall ride often, they get mauled if they're getting focused, compared to a wall riding lucio who makes himself a lot harder to hit and generally has higher survivability and a better chance to get out alive if caught off guard, using his SIIIICKK parkour of course.
i groaned all the way to south pole, this is a disgraceful "advanced" lucio guide, so much more could've been said...I could talk for 15 minutes about wallriding alone
Thanks for saying it lmaooooo
God i am late to this video
How to Lucio in pubs: speedboost in, and watch as your teams stands their ground, letting you lead the charge
Story of my life. It's why I wish there was a Push/Pullback voice command.
I played a game where the enemy team was down by 4, so I speed boosted onto the point but then realised my entire team is still at the choke, trying to kill 1 mei inside her ice. By the time she broke out of it and died, the enemy team was back and then we were back at the choke again.
I then tried to ult and speed boost in because we REALLY needed to cap soon and noone moved.
This is another reason why I hate playing Rein. If my team didn't scramble all over the place making me look like an idiot standing around with my shield up alone, it's because when I try to make a push nobody follows in and I get slaughtered.
lol so true
Wait until you have the advantage then break it down. If your team doesn't push after that, switch to a different character because you're screwed. This usually happens when one part of the team is in a different chat than the rest.
As a Lucio main with around 100 hours on him, I'd like to share some more advanced tips and tricks that weren't mentioned in the video:
1) The speed in which your ultimate is casted is affected by the aura you momentarily have on - so always switch to speed boost to quickly cast your ultimate!
2) The ultimate also does not shield any allies that are not in Lucio's sight - but (little known fact), you can still cast the ulti and then run into the line of sight with your allies to give them the shielding - it's a small time window where you can still apply the shield!
3) When using speed boost to engage, never be the first one to run into the enemy team - this might seem obvious to many people but so many people do it anyway. It always risks your death and potentially robs a big amount of your team's survivability that a Lucio usually provides for his team!
I hope I have given some useful advice and wish you all good luck going into the next season! :)
Another MAJOR advantage of Lucio I haven't seen anyone use, even in this and the gameplay shown - is using the speedboost to capture/move payload/point faster !
Many times in the gameplay video shown above had Lucio switched to speedboost and stayed on point had they captured it much faster.
This is extreamly important when the enemy team is rushing to contest and you just need an extra second or two to capture point.
Navid V. Can anyone test this? Thanks.
Navid V. It does not increase the speed which a point is captured.
Lucio only increases walkspeed
TrickEdge N payload may not work but I'm sure point capture does speed up with lucio
No in fact the capture speed is determined by how many people are standing there and it's capped at 3 being the fastest cap speed. No other input can speed it up
Overwatch's lucio is one of the most meta heroes since release, in this advanced guide we explain how to get he most out of this hero, including his healing, speed boost, initiation and counter-initiation. Let us know what you think and be sure to drop a Like & Subscribe if you enjoyed!
Yay! Advanced guide :)
How to play lucio in extreme detail: Exist
Thanks so much for making this guide! Lucio is my most played character and one of the best in the entire game. A while ago, my friends and I tried out a Mercy/Lucio combo which worked out pretty well. I would have the speed boost on most of the time so that mercy would be healing the team while being that much harder to hit with the speed boost. If my team or a high priority tank was low on health, I would switch to amp it up healing so me and Mercy would heal them to full health.
Another MAJOR advantage of Lucio I haven't seen anyone use, even in this guide and the gameplay shown - is using the speedboost to capture/move payload/point faster !
Many times in the gameplay video shown above had Lucio switched to speedboost and stayed on point they would have captured it much faster.
This is extreamly important when the enemy team is rushing to contest and you just need an extra second or two to capture point.
Your Overwatch What happend to toka?
As a Lucio/Support main, my biggest issue is healing in solo queue as the ONLY healer. I can't use the others and heal efficently because only Lucio can defend himself and AoE heal.
Mercy heals better, but is totally defenseles. Also has a hard time healing 4 DPS 200 HP heroes and 1 Roadhog who can heal himself.
Ana is also better and can defend herself but aiming is not super easy. I miss my grenades and then spend half the match hunting down Genji, Tracer, Somba & McCree to heal them.
Zen can defend himself and heal just fine, but he can only heal 1 at at time. I can heal the Genji and the Tank and the Widow. But not all at once. Then all 3 are yelling for heals and the DPS have to wait for Transcendence to pop.
I feel that is why I'm always stuck as Lucio in healing aura when on Solo queue. I love it when another healer shows up on my side, because I can freely swap between both auras. Any advanced tips on this, I'd appreciate. Even if it is to tell my team to sod off.
Sonickeyblade00 Sounds like you're playing on really low ranks if this is how your competitive matches go.If your team needs constant healing to the point that they can't do without lucios extremely small healing for a few seconds, they really suck, but I doubt it's truely the case, because then they'd instantly die, even with your healing. If they ask for more healing, tell them you need another healer, it's that simple, there's no strategy for dealing with people that doesn't understand the game or doesn't care. If you practice Ana or Mercy, you'll do a better job healing a group than with lucio anyway, and you'll also learn how to use mercys pistol.
Zenyatta is more of an off-healer, off-dps than a healer, so he should almost never be the only healer in a game you truly want to win, only if you're playing qp and just want to pratice.
Sonickeyblade00 i struggle with the same situation as you as a main support. no one can be a solo healer but no one want to play support
Sonickeyblade00 I agree with you. I would even add to your ana argument that you dont add as much to the fight (unless youre really good) if youre playing her back as you should. as a disclaimer though, im super casual and although i "main" lucio, im not fantastic
Lasergurka Well my usual stomping ground is Quick Play, so skill varies.
Also, I'm on console. Where people don't even have their mic's plugged in. To be fair, I'm guilty of that too.
I do know what I am getting into though. I could just pick DPS or Tank like everyone else and not care. But I like healing, so I give it a shot regardless.
I try to play as Mercy more, but Mercy is very team dependent. For a dead healer heals less than a badly optimized healer. And with Ana... it's mostly my aim. I know that. I might need glasses or something. Also, PS4 still has the Ana stigma where they think she can't solo heal a team.
Sonickeyblade00 Oh, well that explains a lot. in QP most people don't even want to try, so they only player healer if they want to, not because the team needs it. And on console, I'm probably prone to agree that Ana is not a great solo healer, as even on PC you need pretty good aim to pull it off well enough. Staying alive is part about your team, but it's also down to pratice.
Lucio boops more than sombra
M Maximillion shes getting that voice line thats bound to be spammed because it sounds annoying when spammed lmao
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
How Embarrassing.
Me as Winston.
+kingdancekiller you are only human
you are only human
you are only human
you are only human
you are only human
you are only human
Me as genji
i will break you
Is this easy mode?
Is this easy mode?
Is this easy mode?
Is this easy mode?
when you are lucio you should always wallride. if your team ask you not to (idk why) then say you are going for an achievement.
And its fun
Василий Калинкин No you shouldnt. If for example on control centre Lijang Tower you wall ride around the outside of the point, all it takes is for you to have your ride disrupted and you will fall right into the middle of the enemy team. It means you cant speed boost people coming back from respawn into a fight and it means you cant really output the damage you normally would which can be quite significant to team fights, as well as getting your ultimate up faster by doing damage. Also you move in a straight line when wall riding. Its such a predictable movement pattern. Also if your entire team dies by a zarya ult that you dont get stuck in, youre stuck above the point wall riding, and so you will die late and cause your team to wait for you to respawn. Also if your team does get caught in a graviton surge, if youre wall riding up in the air, it means dropping the beat will take a lot longer and could cost your team a fight. It also means you cant speed boost your team into defensive engagements, save over extending players, or help confirm kills on fleeing enemy players. Even if you were wall riding on the other walls in this map, it would still just be better to walk for the most part. Concentrating on wall riding also makes it harder for you to read the fight and if you are a main caller (as most lucios are), severely inhibits your ability to do this. Wall riding imo should really only be used when contesting by yourself or if there is some other special situation which calls for it (like avoiding getting booped off the bridge on night-garden).
Yeah Louis is right, while it's great to wallride often, it's not always the best solution.
I can't count how many times an enemy Lucio has wallrode into a terrible position and ended up getting booped off stage or killed when they should just stand their ground. What I find that works often if you get stuck in a 1v2/3 scenario you don't want to deal with, switch to speed run jump into them do a punch if you want, push them away and mash E like you life depended on it.
Louis Altena by always wall tided he doesn't quite mean in a predictable straight line and circle, a good lucio will be jumping wall to wall, gaining highly, taking minor flanks routes both ways, it allows him to be healthy while speeding, and harder to hit. Not easier.
Maiq The Liar VII Even so a lot of the time its just better to position yourself well in the backline of your team than wall ride in suboptimal positions
you forgot to mention there are 2 ways players play Lucio. at least from my experience playing lucio and having a lucio on my team(Lucio is my main support hero)
1. Passive Lucio basically stay at the backline all game just heals and speed boost when needed. (the gameplay in this video for example)
2. Aggressive/Harassing Lucio basically getting up close and personal with the enemy team and just annoy the enemy team. with the Boops. Normally just finishing off enemies below half their HP., but also go target some heros like widow to put her out of position. Note if you know how to wallride then this can be way easier to do and can keep you alive while you continue your passive healing and speed. Its great.
I personally like being aggressive it makes lucio more fun to play, at least for me. Heck sometimes I be brave and 1v1 tracers/sombras/genjis and you will be surprised that I win some of those fights lol
i play him aggressively too and think its better to be aggressive :D helping my team to kill enemies is better than just sitting like torbjörn :D i even get a best kill streak card with lucio :D keep playing aggressively buddy :D
Terry Mingo I prefer to play him aggressively too. One match I got 52 elims as him XD
yes! I'm the aggressive Lucio; especially on temple of anubis because of all the pillars :)
hell yeah to aggressive lucio! I got 74 eliminations / 13 deaths aswel as 18,000 odd healing in a game once, he's actually really good at harassing, and if you master wall riding you can get away just as easily as genji can when in a spot of trouble :D
Terry Mingo I love to do both. especially when I'm on overtime and I need to hold the point for us to win.
For an "Advanced Lucio Guide" you should have at least mentioned some wall riding tricks. Big part of his mobility.
I didnt mention his wall riding because most of the time doing that takes away from the other high impact parts of his kit. Its more of a gimmick than anything -w
Bruh... rly?
Hardly, it provides to ability to evade enemy fire as well as harass the other team which is very important. Basically the whole of sombra, to harass the enemy.
Not even going to mention wall riding? It's super good and can make you way more hard to hit, ESPECIALLY on console
Michael Mcauliffe Yep
I recently changed my Lucio controls to mimic DSP Stanky.
Sooooo good.
kingdancekiller elaborate?
If anyone wants a good wallriding tutorial check out Jamie Allegro's videos on the subject.
And then you get hooked by any decent Roadhog, even on console (unless you're completely out of range of course)
I thought the trick to lucio was to exist
Seriously, it requires advanced skills to do that well.
112BALAGE112 why is everyone saying that now?
"advanced skill" teehee
Phoxniix Vids cuz he is aoe
rand person as long as you're a new player with really no experience or skill with any hero, yes, picking lucio and just being alive is gonna bring the most value to your team.
*Since Roadhog is a dps, new Symmetra must be a tank.*
Vladhimir Theophile /// And Sombra is not dps, she is support. Holy moly it all makes sense now
Witold Kowalski *mind explodes*
defense is left behind
orisa isn't a tank?
I don't remember if this was said in the video, but you should use Speed Boost when somebody on your team is Nano Boosted.
In gold and plat I find that it's never worth using speed unless you can get a Rein to talk with you on the mic first. And that's assuming you don't have some Genji/Junkrat/Hanzo main who's turned voice chat off because he's been asked to swap too many times this season. Otherwise you'll pop speed and nobody will move, they'll all just poke at the choke for days. Often even after we hold the choke.
But Lucio is still definitely worth using. As a solo healer you can heal everyone at once. At these ranks you can sit on a high ground ledge, heal and shoot all game, and nobody will come after you. You can literally god spot. Also his ultimate, which should almost never be used offensively, can be used to convince cowards to fight. It'll expire before the fight begins, but the point is that you turned 3 or so functionally AFK players into actual people.
Jake Surname Well, you can solo heal even more effectively as Mercy or Ana, as long as you can keep yourself alive. Solo healing as lucio is really only better if your team is basically ONLY low hp DPS, because lucio does just about nothing to help tanks. As mercy or Ana you can switch targets very very quickly, effectively AoE healing, but actually healing your tanks aswell.
That's basically always though, isn't it.
Also you can't heal as effectively as Ana or Mercy because that diverts your attention from staying alive. You don't even have to look at them as Lucio.
Jake Surname you can look away from people you're healing with mercy. Ana can sleep flankers and heal, while her teammates drop back to deal with flanker.
Jake Surname funny how gold in overwatch is so much like low silvers from other games. Apparently they are fixings that for next season.
I guess the shame of healers is incompetence, unless that run forward nobody notices that their lucio is speed boosting them.
But I also find he can act like a taxi, a sort of poor mans teleporter for attack, if your team becomes smart enough to regroup before the choke and not poke at it (which they might do being down a healer), lucio can leave and bring someone back faster. Then you can enter combat. Preferably with a competent team.
The thing is, going in alone is suicide, unless a lucio or zen zen ults, but people don't realize that when your whole team is at the chock there's no reason to poke, poke is ult charge for the enemy. If everyone's there, and I don't see or know that all six enemies can be at the other end of the chock (a separate thing all together from knowing that not all six enemies are at the chock) I go in myself, and tell the people verbally to attack, to push forward, but if, looking at the camera, they don't go in. I don't lead. A flanker will have to disrupt them enough that they have to push. Also if one person goes alone I trust that they are going in and go in as soon as possible, no delay, it needs to be a push not a trickle. Just a change in mind set, and with that in mind lucio is much better
Jake Surname same but I'm a console player on ps4
Advance Guide to play Lucio.
1. Listen to I Wanna Be like you from the jungle book on repeat.
2. Git gud at song switching and wall riding.
3. Worship Stanky and Gordo.
Finally!!! As somebody who mostly plays support, I am so happy this video exists. I don't know how many times I've had to explain to team mates that Lucio's value is not in healing, but rather in speed boost, and it's initiating potential. Also I like how somebody finally understands that being a good Lucio isn't "just pressing e." Love this channel, have been here for a while, still not disappointed.
No mention of wallriding in an advanced lucio guide. Lol
that's because a lot of high-level Lucio stay on the ground and don't wall ride much. me personally I use my wall ride to get to higher ground so I can't be ulted by a rein or something and to move quicker out of range of attackers if they sneak up but most don't use it at all.
Pros almost never use it, but in solo queue meta, you might mistake it's much more important than it really is. A lucio with perfect speedboost timing is far more powerful than one that can crawl on walls like spiderman without speed boost properly.
***** i do agree with you mate, it is still quite a useful tool that i think could make more people better but it is mostly about the speed boost and ult. get good at that first then learn your spider man
Cause this isn't a "omg me soloq carry so good" guide LUL.
It's honestly not that useful. Some players are very skilled at making it work as a pseudo-Genji like DPS Stanky, but it's not as good as playing him like a Support.
The fact is, wallriding forces your momentum in whatever direction the wall goes, and that's rarely what you actually should be doing. You should be moving unpredictably and bunny hopping while watching the enemies and making play calls.
As a support main I approve this message
Finally a video dedicated to my main man Lucio!
there is pretty much a channel dedicated to him with some videos to the other healers, it's ProfessorGanymede. he's really good
+NiteOwl He is good, he doesn't give tips on being aggressive though. You can easily pick off squishy targets with some practice as Lucio.
James Markin yeah he doesn't really like the aggressive style and personally i don't either but he did do a few videos on it and sorta became more of a assertive Lucio
YES! Advanced guide for my main hero!
EpicCity my main hero, shame it doesn't really tell me anything new, although I appreciate it for what it is and it's value to less experienced lucio players :)
says he mains lucio username is BASTION
youtube hero Memeing
EpicCity I just got his golden gun a couple days ago and got his pixel spray. I thank salty phish lol.
Too bad it didn't tell me alot of new things and those new things aren't super helpful.
I cannot comprehend how lucio needs an advanced guide. HE IS SO SIMPLE
I thought i was a good Lucio until I saw DSPStanky play.
ReDPiNGHeRo ikr I hate when I see Lucios just standing there
Honestly he doesn't play a Lucio, he plays a pseudo-Genji who looks like Lucio. He'd honestly be better off just playing Genji.
Honestly though?
+Liberty Prime If you think this you clearly haven't watched him play.
The_Lazy_Hermit just know this is selected game play not live so he probably puts all of his best plays which may not be very many
Healing combination... There's 2 tanks and 3 DPS usually in single...
Wakeng Thao but a good Soldier is a healer. So 50/50 chance you have two healers
2 tanks boy are you optimistic
Wakeng Thao what does DPS stand for
Arvid Arvol thanks it now makes sense
As a Lucio Main. I can add one more tip. When You want the enemy rein to disappear so you can go in and Rush A or Rush B. Have your Rein stand as close to the Opponent and forward boop the enemy Rein. Works like a charm when their defenses are strong.
thx for sharing trick.
I don't understand what that accomplishes. How does booping the enemy Rein make him disappear?
Liberty Prime booping him, will throw him off, the enemy team will be wide open.
AfroJeffrey For like a second.
Liberty Prime if you hit him with a close boop he would be flung far.
This was a surprisingly helpful video. As someone who has about 2-3 times as many hours into Lucio as any other hero, I never really thought about using his speed boost to move through choke points or when counter initiating. I use it when running away or when moving with the group towards a point, but never really thought of using his speed advantage to make choke points easier to cross. Thanks for the help!
Basicly every time someone ults of the enemy team you should go for amped up speed. So good at getting you and your team away from dva mech or hanzo ult, or mei blizzard. I rarely ever use the heal when someone is critically low, as the very low heal they get doesn't do the job at all!
"But aoe heal can heal everyone and get gold healing and i don't have to do anything its so easy!" - trash lucio players. I wonder how many of them play junkrat since his damage style is basically how lucio heals; low effort and low impact aoe spam that gets accidental kills now and then because someone was in the right position at the right time.
Lyndon T
All about dem medals man^^ Its actually quite sad how many people believe that 12 HPS could outheal ANY source of damage. Or how many junkrats believe its smart to spam at a Zarya who then gains charge and gets healed by Ana right away anyway xD
>Starts playing Lucio
>Advanced Lucio guide is uploaded to TH-cam
illuminati confirmed
As someone who has just picked up playing Lucio, this guide was great. It confirmed a lot of the stuff I was already doing, and also gave me some more ideas.
DO NOT swap between speed & healing every few seconds during a fight! you will fuck up your DPSs shots doing that!
Only use speed when your team needs to get places (in or out of a fight, through a choke, outside the AOE of an enemy ult or whatever)
Excellent guide as always. Best Overwatch channel on TH-cam TBH 👍
Could you guys do a video on battle awareness? I'm having trouble picking up queues in fights.
That's not something that can be thought, it hust comes with playing the game
for me I had to just start focusing more to notice what's going on. I remembered what I tend to do and I assume other people do the same at times. heck even get a pair of headphones to hear what all is going on
Lucios Wall run is also amazing in situations! I would say its advanced but I've jumped off the map and got back up to save myself, or climbed up out of vision through wall run. Its not easy on Console, but if you can master it, its a huge life saver.
As a Lucio main i'm both surprised and disappointed at the complete lack of mention (and almost no footage of) wall riding, given how powerful it is i would have expected it to show up at least once in an 'Advanced Lucio Guide'.
you forgot to mention about his wall sliding its a huge advantage to avoiding getting hit.
I really appreciate having actual examples of these things as best you guys could fit them in, again another top tier video from YO. Thanks guys! 👍🏻
I never played him until like 3 days ago, and I realized you can make a MASSIVE impact on the game with him.
OUR STREAM IS! www.twitch.tv/youroverwatch/
i hate people like u, who say easy after a match! IT ISNT EASY, EASY IS IF THE OTHER TEAM DIDNT PUT UP A FIGHT. AND USUALLY THEY DO
uhh... you do realize that he said it in team chat right? also when he said that, they had capped the second point with 7:14 left, so i'm pretty sure it was a fairly easy match. if he had said it to everyone in the match, it would be a bit of bm, but it was his team chat so there's really nothing wrong with it.
I've played over 100 hours of Lucio since launch. I miss his speed from launch
Yeah, same. I don't understand why they just aren't making the other Supports more appealing, instead of nerfing Lucio until he's almost completely useless.
what Has Lucio done if he's getting nerfed. he was unique before, and even if he's gotten the nerds, He Still UNIQUE. so their is no point of nerfing Lucio because he unique. especially with his utility.
Thank you I play lucio a lot and he is my favorite character in overwatch. This is going to really help in me in the future. Btw you guys are my fav youtubers
In the boop segment at 8:16, Zarya was trying to get pinned for shield energy, and you booped Rein out of the way so she couldn't. Just thought that should be pointed out.
I was waiting so long for this. Lucio needs some love!
I've mained Lucio quite a bit, and one thing I love doing is in a team fight I throw in speed boost and just zip from the side up next to the enemy rein and boop him to the side. This opens up the entire enemy team for taking damage for the 2-3 secs before the rein gets back in place. Takes a lot of skill but so worth it! PS Haven't tried it in higher levels and don't even bother if they have a Roadhog.
I recognized a lot of my own strategies that I've developed, being entirely self-taught. Feels good to know I'm playing him well.
For like a minute I was distracted by the soccer Lúcio gun lol
I play Lucio the most. Most valuable lesson I've learned is stay alive. Run like hell with your tail between your legs when your team is defeated and stay alive; speed boost your team into the next fight instead of trying to stall the objective.
Video Request: Please please please make a video of a list of "plays" that are not just ult-combos. You mentioned in one video lucio boost rein+mcree to flashbang+pin enemy rein as an initiation play. Any long time listener knows the zarya bubble + winston/genji initiation with lucio speed boost follow up, but what other plays are there that the pros are using that we could try? Please include ultimate combos where more in-depth explanation is needed (more than just zar/hanzo ult together) and comments about what classes can throw a wrench in the plan. Thanks :) (Also, thanks to you guys I hit diamond last season! Keep the awesome videos coming!)
As someone who has played a ton of Lucio, most of what you said was very accurate, but honestly, you get far more value staying in Healing mode when around the payload or when you're personally low, but not being hit than just speeding around. Your constant healing can help support your surrounding teammates far more than speed boosting just cause that extra 6 HP (obviously he heals more than that, but you get what I mean) could be the difference between them being dead or alive.
As a lucio main, speed boost is one hell of a tool. Probably one of the best things to have in the game. I'm constantly switching between speed and healing.
To be mostly on speed mode is to assume other healers are selected. Even with friends the healer is the last thing most people want to be and often times there's only one healer. So Lucio is my main and I use mostly healing mode in close with the rest of the team for this reason and it really works.
I love playing Lucio. As a Lucio main this is a helpful video, thanks
I keep hearing this thing about "always use Lucio for speed over healing." Which makes sense in theory, but the problem is speed boosting doesn't charge his ultimate. Getting sound barrier up ASAP through healing amp I feel is more valuable than just constantly speed boosting your team. Once his ult is charged though, then yes, I totally agree about speed boosting being infinitely more valuable. For some reason, everyone seems to be forgetting this point.
Lucio has been my highest win rate hero for past two seasons and among the top 2 played. A lot of people seem to underestimate him
The main thing that surprised me is the damage behind his gun! It does much more than I expected
Lucio's super useful in stopping the payload, even if his team isn't utilizing his speed boost. I've had a bunch of matches where the payload was just about to reach the objective and through booping and constant healing I was able to keep knocking them back and keep my team alive while staying relatively within the same area. Of course if there's an ulting d.va or reaper, his speed boost did come in handy :p
Popping a speed amp to enable your Reaper or McCree to finish off an out of position flanker - and then proceed to snowball the fight and take the objective - is so much fun. ^^
As far as switching in and out of healing,, pretty much when everyone is topped up or mostly there, I switch over to speed. What I don't like about this is it can kind of troll the aim and evasion of your team. That fear stopped me doing it as much as I wanted to, but it's been less of a problem than I imagined it would be and the speed boost, even if it catches team mates off guard, seems to give them an advantage regardless.
thank you I main lucio and always love some new outside insight to him and your absolutely right. You you need to play him to truly learn him. But I feel that he has more value than just his speed.
Tip #1: Just exist and let your team do the rest.
You guys should do a couple videos on how to play with a certain hero. Like what the team should be doing when a person picks that hero.
Like with Ana you could tell everyone not to stand in front of her when she's trying to save the diving characters. Something like that seems useful
May or may not have been mentioned but if you are capping a point or moving the payload freely use your speed and boost it. You will cap the point MUCH faster and the payload will move a little more quickly especially after a team wipe.
Also Lucio is an excellent healer if you are not great with mercy and need a more reliable healer than Zen or Ana. Its not unheard of to get 6k, 10k, or 12k healing in a match. He is an excellent healer because he can reach so many people in the area while the latter healers are more targeted and rely on navigating and prioritizing between teammates
Surprised his wall ride ability was never mentioned as it is helpful to get out of trouble and be hard to target.
Lucio is one of the heroes with the most potential that a lot of people never seem to make use of, for instance, hes the only character in the game that can wall ride and give aurora heals, not only that but speed. Speed is key because i barely ever see lucios use their speed to max potential, there is this weird thing with momentum and speed that's hard to get into but i only see it possible with lucio, and i don't see anyone exploiting it to gain faster speed, making you and your teammates harder to hit, while also keeping up decent heals. you can also play really aggressive because of your secondary and speed allows you to recover from any tight situation. just remember, with lucio you will need another support.
As one of the resident Noobs, I have a question: Lucio's healing/speed boost has a radius of around 30 meters, right? Does that apply in all directions (like a perfect sphere around him), or only horizontally? I'm guessing the former?
U forgot a boop that works in solo que which is just booping someone into your team this is mostly in solo que where focus fire is terrible so u can get away with running at the enemy and ur team will usually get an accidental focus fire on the person flying towards them
In solo Q I use the ult as a sign of "we're going in now" and I don't speed boost. Normally everyone has taken a little bit of damage the defending team probably hasn't. I then time the amp it up heal to repair any damage taken prior to me dropping it so when it runs out the whole team have more health than when we went in and hopefully now more than the enemy team who've now taken damage. You are now more likely to win that fight. In lower ranks If you amp-speed/ult or vice versa, when the barrier runs out, both teams are now on equal damage taken and you're now on cooldown so no real benefit. I use it to try and tip the scales in my team's favour.
When you want to boop someone, make sure you swap to speed, you'll push enemies a few metres further with speed song active
Thanks for the guide! a guide on wall riding and when and why to do it would b e greatly appreciated.
Martin Wolf agreed.
Martin Wolf do it when and if you need mobility. It's more useful for avoiding enemies and getting out of sticky situations. Also you can use it to get line of sight on more teammates.
Martin Wolf ABWR there are absolutely no down sides to wall riding. So if you can wall ride be wall riding. It makes you harder to hit and it keeps you up and out of the way so your not blocking your teams field of view. My suggestion is load in on a map by your self and just practice wall riding.
Thanks for the answers! That makes a lot of sense. I will definitely get in a custom game by myself and practice this.
+The 5 dollar film maker
_there are absolutely no down sides to wall riding_
Then why don't pros do it in tournaments? The downsides are that it makes you predictable, since Lucio is forced to move forward on the wall. What if you don't want to move forward? Often times you need to stay in a given area so you have a sight picture on what the enemy is doing, and wallriding forces you in a direction you don't want to go. It's wrong to wallride I'd say 95%+ of the time because it accomplishes nothing. There are safer locations for Lucio than on a wall if you know how to position and he is not usually a high priority target regardless.
_it keeps you up and out of the way so your not blocking your teams field of view_
It should go without saying that Lucio doesn't stand in front of his team's field of view ffs. You stand behind them or off to the side.
@OP you don't really need to worry about wallriding almost ever. It's mostly a fun gimmick. Just worry about correct positioning.
Definitely important to keep shooting as Lucio: take advantage of the fact that he doesn't need to choose between healing and dealing damage the way Mercy and Ana need to (grenade aside). If you're not doing damage as Lucio, you might as well switch to Mercy or Ana since they still won't do damage while healing but their healing is more powerful. And while his damage isn't great, some well-placed headshots can kill surprisingly often. Try to book a Roadhog after he hooks you, that can sometimes help you survive.
The way I play lucio is to turn on speed, taxi people, and as people enter I flank with speed, left click a squishy and hoop to finish em off, use them wall runs with speed or heal to get back to your team where ever they are, and give them heal.
Always works for me, but sometimes one of our guys died if we don't have another good healer
I'm an 1,800 player that used to main Lucio and I've learned the more I play him the more the speed boost becomes massive. I used to only use it when we left the spawn room but once I realized his amazing that boost is I started working it in more. Down side is sometimes I get caught up in the fight and forget to change, whoops.
Weegle, thanks for the video it was very informative. What I got from your breakdown of his auras was especially helpful. Thanks!
1:53 Your Reinhardt died because you were trying to speed boost a static ally.
Had you been in your healing mode, booped the heroes away from him, and then used your "E" when it was up, you could have either won that 2 v 3, or at least gotten him out, and not wasted that 15 seconds waiting for him to respawn and run back.
I always find lucios who are wall running but don't use speed boost. Just quickly switch to speed. Go up the wall. Then back to health. Also you didn't mention the amp it up's effect does not go away when you switch beats
I combo lucio can be used in is healing boost and anas granade. it will heal fast and many.
Hopefully alot of people watch this.
I can't count how many people tell me to "heal only" or "heal more".
I'm going to post to you a comment I just made, and hopefully you can see the logic in it.
"1:53 Your Reinhardt died because you were trying to speed boost a static ally.
Had you been in your healing mode, booped the heroes away from him, and then used your "E" when it was up, you could have either won that 2 v 3, or at least gotten him out, and not wasted that 15 seconds waiting for him to respawn and run back."
Trying to disengage with your speed boost is not as helpful as healing. You can use your speed boost ONLY after the enemy is dead, or LoS. Make sure you're safe, then run.
Making use of the speed boost is great for pushes, or running from an Ult, and that's great, but you have to have communication. And don't sacrifice healing for speed. People have plenty of ways to get away from Ults that they don't always need to rely on your speed, but that extra healing might save them from that bit of damage they took from it while moving.
Saimeren In that fight rein still die he not get back but go to pin enemy rein who got nano and it 3vs2
Speed for leave is the best way for that fight
Saimeren making sure you're safe and then running doesn't make too much sense, because then you won't need to run. Its just about if you helping them to run will help them more than healing will, if yes, then speed boost. You can need to disengage with most of the team on full health, but you can tell you're gonna loose the fight, maybe they already focused down 2 people, but your healers are keeping the rest close to full health, in that case a speed boost to disengage is a million times more useful than using amped healing on almost full health team mates.
"Making sure you're safe and then running doesn't make too much sense, because you won't need to run."
Simply being LoS from that Rein, and Hanzo makes you "safe" and then you retreat from there. Pushing them to the other side of the payload so your Rein doesn't get hit makes him safe.
As for the fight as a whole (regarding Underdogman) Lucio runs in, and boops the enemy rein away from his own. The Hanzo was already working his way to the far side of the payload when he dropped down, and Ana isn't much of a threat to 2 players being healed. Once that happens, a few seconds would have gone by, and his "E" ability would have been up for a bigger heal to deal with any damage that Ana was pushing out.
Healing the Rein through the damage that the enemy Rein, and Ana pushes out would have saved the Rein instead of letting him die because you were hoping you could run away. (which only the Lucio got away, and they then would have had to wait for him to respawn when they otherwise wouldn't have had to.)
There are going to be different viewpoints, but in this scenario, I feel like the best idea would be to heal boost then switch to speed boost to help the Ana. They would then sleep the rein. However, we all have 20/20 hindsight.
I may had been a bit vague when I posted the OP, but I meant there are those people who look a Lucio as only another healer. He's more than that, as this video explains what Lucio can really do, his pure presence alone can make or break a match.
Thank You! I'm playing Lucio much and this video really helpd me!
8:16 As a Zarya main, I can tell you now, that Zarya hates you. She wanted to be charged by the Rein, as she had her barrier up, and would've gotten charge from it. Now yes, it can be good to boop a charging Reinhardt, in fact, it's best to do it most of the time. But that was not a good example.
I totally agree with everything you said accept for picking other healers over lucio in solo queue, sometimes your team is not coordinating and the aoe healing can be better than a mercy focused healing, definitely better then Zen healing
I don't think you should underestimate the healing ability of lucio. Think of it like giving a 7-10% damage reduction on anyone in line of sight. This means it takes one or two more shots to kill someone, which is a big deal when that one or two more shot TTK means your team gets the kill instead of the other team.
"You charge your ult really quickly." You get a decent amount of ult from hitting headshots, but that's assuming you can even hit them. His gun is one of the most awkward ones to use because of the projectile delay, so your beginning players are going to have lots of difficulty getting his ult up in a reasonable amount of time.
So the healing and speed boosts will impact your teammates when you automatically switch to them? You don't have to shoot your teammates individually like Ana and Mercy do?
I would say that, in solo que, lucio's healing is more useful than you give it credit. Since the tank won't be taking the damage, and the enemy won't be focus firing, damage tends to get spread between players more in solo que, making amped healing super useful.
At 6:50 why didn't you change to speed boost?
also does decent damage. just switched to him after losing the first round as dps. ended up winning the next to rounds and the match in the end. loving lucio
Are you also going to make a guide on Hanzo or is it not necessary? Please let me know
this reminds me of that one guy insisting on lucio in a poke war while i was zarya and practically begging him to pick something with which he can actually heal me, only to have him mock me because lucio is such a must pick in pro matches
great video I completely agree with it but I disagree with the always shooting thing. in my opinion doing damage limits spatial awareness so you are less likely to see that Genji or tracer walking behind your team and miss the opportunity to call that out to the team. that can result in a dead healer or widow maker. so i think it is better to be eyes for your team than the little 64 damage per second max.
how are offensive and defensive assists derived? Is there a timer window after switching auras where if your teammate gets an elim it builds your ult faster? Or is only during amp it up?
Since this is an Advanced Guide I thought something was missing. One of the big things in Lucio's kit is his ability to wall ride. I wish that YourOverwatch would have touched on in this video. for example: When the wall ride? When to not wallride. What are the advantages? Disadvantages? Best spots? Tips wall riding in the competitive scene.
This is a hero guide I needed. I think the big problem in solo que the team separates too much.I've noticed when I'm Lucio there would be hero's who are flaking that shouldn't be.
tl;dr: This guide is good but Lucio is so, SO much more...
This is more of a beginner's guide, to be honest. Nothing stated here seems like more than a person would learn before a few hours logged onto the hero. Booping Reinhardt away as he's charging is the most advanced thing you guys stated here. As a Lucio "main", I was hoping to learn a trick or two I hadn't thought of yet, but it was an eleven minute waste of time. You guys make great videos, don't get me wrong... I love your content and learned a lot... but there is so much more to this hero than what you said here. I must admit the speed boost being priority is more of an intermediate skill for Lucio players but even then, you should learn that within a couple hours of the hero. I'm glad you put as much emphasis as you did on speed boosting more than healing because that is Lucio's true utility. Good job there. More Lucios need to speed boost.
Wall riding, while not prioritized by pros, is still an important skill still used by them in clutch moments. It was a huge oversight not to mention it at all in this video. He is the quintessential healer of the game. He's never a bad pick [yes, even the lucios that never speed boost still AoE heal just by existing and deny ults with sound barrier]. Even if you spent more time going over where and when to "boop," this would be a better video. One example that has saved my [and therefor my team's] ass plenty of times is booping immediately after being hooked by Roadhog. If you're in healing cylinder before getting the hook, you can prevent that infamous 1HKO so long as your secondary fire is available... and you never even mentioned that. AND THE RANGE OF HIS ABILITIES ARE SO IMPORTANT!! You barely have to be near your teammates at all to be effective. If you want to play the aggressive healer who does poke damage, you can, but you are equally as effective staying completely out of harm's way. Conversely, Lucio is the best hero for contesting payloads. I've kept a payload away from a checkpoint on multiple maps for 2-3+ minutes at a time just by dodging the enemy and booping strategically. I wish you went over how amazing he is at payload defense / overtime offense.
Another note: Transcendence > Sound Barrier for Graviton. If you're running Lucio/Zen, then your Zen should use his ultimate instead of you because it's instant, more effective for ults commonly combo'd with it, and not even Sombra [if she enters the meta] can stop it. Ana is a counter to Zen ult if she's smart enough to nade the graviton but honestly that's pretty rare. Either won't survive if Lucio can't Amp it Up, and both will die to Death From Above + Graviton. I've seen Graviton + DFA burn through Zen&Lucio's ults combined. It wasn't pretty. Mentioning that as well would help players understand how to better synergize their ults with other healers. Recognizing which ultimates you can and can't counter with Sound Barrier is something else you glossed over. Knowing when you can save a team and when you should just save ult and hope to counter-engage is crucial. A smaller side-note is recognizing when your team is safe enough for you to go back for respawning teammates and give them the speedboost to your point on defense.
As a Lucio, you're typically also the shotcaller for the team. You can singlehandedly lead your team to victory by dictating where they should be pushing, how they should be ulting, and speedboosting/dropping the beat appropriately for said pushes or counter pushes. I hope you guys follow this video up with more advice for the other Lucios out there who are looking to learn a thing or two.
>> booping immediately after being hooked by Roadhog
Really surprised this wasn't mentioned. Saved my bacon countless times.
Also surprised wall riding wasn't mentioned.
What should I do when 5 members of my team pick various forms of dps? Is it better that I fill a tank, or a healer?
Example: Anubis attack: Soldier, McCree, Sombra, Mei, Widow.
TreasureFox I default to healer in that situation, but the first or second fight should tell you if that's a good choice. If the other team isn't dying but yours is, swap to tank and see if things start to die.
Lucio is my most used hero and being able to get my team to objectives quicker or using my sound barrier during our big assault is great.....when the team actually co-operates. I can't heal you all super quick when I'm the only healer and like all supports try to provide us with some cover
Thank you for this excellent guide!
I feel like whether with lucio or not some of the clips would still have same result such as the counter initiate clip from Zarya perspective, would the speed boost help or more damage help?
You don't even need to press E, just exist
John Smith That won't work against a good team.
arturo martinez Sometimes you use Q aswell. Works against good teams.
Well what's your opinion on getting stuck as a solo healer in KOTH should you not pick lucio since you don't get to use his speed even though he's amazing on there? Because everyone complains if you don't pick him
I once had silver lucio damage on competitive. We had 3 healers 3 tanks and apparently ana mercy dont rly do damage and rein with zarya werent rly attacking. Oh and a good lucio burst combo is to left click then right click and punch while they are mid air. It is rly good and overall lucio punches are good for many reasons like you can run around jump crounge wallride etc. as melee doesnt need aim.
Wait, so DURING fights, also keep speed unless healing is needed/the amp is ready? Is that to make strafing and whatnot more effective, the faster movement during the fight makes your team harder to hit?? Can someone clarify this please.
Can you explain to me how anytime I use Soundwave, my opponent barely moves an inch, yet when they use it, I go flying? I get in their face usually and they don't get booped much, but they don't even need to be in my face and I get booped hard.
the lucio in the gameplay kinda get's the idea... but it looks like he is playing in slow motion :D
For example: 9:23
It took him about 7 seconds to ult+speedboost
Best way I use his Ult is when DVa uses her ult. switch to speed, then pop the ult, and whoever doesnt get out of range will USUALLY survive depending on their health. I've easily negated 1,000 damage from it.