I used to be terrified of Rein's charge as McCree. Now that I know Flashbang stops his charge, I see Rein charging towards me, and I'm just like, "RED LIGHT! :D"
The hook from Roadhog does it too. It actually has felt really good to leap to the side, then as he's hurdling toward my team, I hook yank him over to me.
Its great when a rein tries to take you over the edge when youve got a a recall, their like yeah, got the tracer thats been causing mayhem, recall and nope, thanks for the kill bro!
Ana's prevalence in the meta unlocks Reinhardt to be an offensive force worth respecting, but even without Ana's help, Rein can be key to opening up a team fight, as his charge is one of the best ways to deal with an enemy team's Rein shield in Overwatch. -F
I disagree with your sugested nerf to Ana Ult, because sometimes you can not aline her ult with other nicely. I would sugest that they nerf it in a way that your Ult charges slower when you are ulted, or it has a cap on how much you can charge it. You have to think about us lower ranks too...
PFFFF here is the real guide 1. Sit by clif 2. Sit 3. Sit 4. Random unsuspecting victim comes along 5. TAKE HIM TO THE DEPTHS or just the bottom of the screen or something 6. Spam "GIT FOKIN REKT" In chat. 7.Repeat from step 1
you dont need to look down and swing to hit targets laying on the ground. I see way too many reinharts doing this for no reason. It also decreases the range of the hammer when you look down.
Really now? A fucking huge hammer being swung towards the ground decreases the range of said hammer? Would it be because video game logic or because swinging a hammer at the fucking ground of all places means you aren't swinging in front of yourself? Please note I'm being sarcastic. Realistically, everyone should know this, real life and Overwatch.
It's kind of neat to realize how much of this I was already starting to pick up on my own. There was still a lot of new information for me, of course, and I hope I can manage to use it properly.
Whenever I'm Ana and we have a Reinhardt and I have my steroids ready....I say "fuck it" and give it to Zenyatta, Mercy or Junkrat....I mean have you seen a lightning blue junkrat jumping in and shooting grenades and throwing mines everywhere? It's pretty hilarious especially if they spam the "Happy birthday!" Voice line
I'm pretty much exactly the Reinhardt player you describe in this video, and I would like to point out something really handy that you didn't mention in this video concerning Earthshatter. You guys know all the floating cars around certain maps, like the payload? Enemies think those are good cover. They aren't. Earthshatter goes right under there and, depending on how grouped up they are behind say, the payload, can lead a pretty easy team kills. At least in my experience.
not so sound 'pro' or anything but that is kind of similar of how i've been playing my rein. thank you for making this guide by the way. it gives me more confidence and points me in the right direction.
Haha I love that... "Rein games". If you charge too late you get pinned but if you charge and die your team is screwed. You gotta bait the other Reinhardt into making a mistake. Your Rein also has to be very vocal. He needs to call out what's going on, when he's going to charge, and when he's backing away because his shield is low.
Realistically, EVERYONE needs to communicate a bit more in this game. Not talk over people or be deathly silent the entire time, but actually communicate. But yes, the Rein should definitely be communicating the most as he is usually at the front of a fight and can determine the pace of a push/counterpush.
In regards to the Reinhardt/Ana Combo, I very much dislike this concept everyone has of nerfing something every time something is good. People used to joke about how unviable Ana was when she was first released. Now they discover a huge meta-altering trick with her, and suddenly she needs a nerf. Can't good things just be good?
you don't necessarily need to always charge a charging reinhardt, if he's farther than two car payload lengths and begins a charge, you have enough time to time a jump slightly to the side as he comes thru and look directly at him. Instead of getting pinned, you'll get launched into the air ridiculously high, and then you can come back down with an earthshatter or just your own charge. If you're lucky, you could pin a Pharah, lol. This pin-avoid works well with other tanks (doesn't seem to work too well with other classes but sometimes does so try it if you have nowhere to run to), but seems to work best with reindhardt. If you're worried about your team, then don't be, because there's usually no one standing directly behind you, as you would be blocking their vision.
its because of this that i just try to bait charge from a distance with the shield and go "olé" when he misses. Also why I makes sure to either be right in rein's face or come from an unexpected place for the dirty sneaky rein charge.
Can you make a video about the basic flow and game phases for each type of game (payload, control point, control point with payload...). I have trouble understanding each phase and basic strategies I should be focused on, besides just killing them all to get to the point.
Contents great. I would love to be able to listen to a podcast of these videos, in fact most of the time I am at work, with TH-cam minimized, just listening.
I quite enjoyed this video as Reinhardt is my 2nd most played hero, right behind mercy. I actually feel I play in a similar way to what the guy in the video was doing, although he seemed to do it a little bit better than me, I really do have fun with it though as I steal Potg 3 out of 5 games I play with him. I can't even disagree with anything I heard here either, some solid tips. I'm definitely going to check out TOUKA's channel and see if I can't learn more about this punishing monster, I love playing him and really hope to be as good at playing him one day.
I dropped a lot and I recently picked up rein and watched this video and a few others and now I'm destroying teams in comp as rein and climbing back up
Guys can you please tell how you know who's "in the meta" and when its viable to pick other characters? Also I've heard dive meta is dead, what do you think?
The meta changes at every level of play. It depends how coordinated your team is and how skilled the tier is - that changes the usefulness/value of every hero immensely. We should be doing a video on this subject this week. -F
Dunno about the PRO meta but dive is pretty strong with a D.va+winston+mercy trio with soldier and reaper with dd and last pick is zenyatta or lucio, preferably zenyatta, ana is also good.
Doesn't work. While swinging his hammer the arc is so big he destroyed my speed boosted Lucio... First swing he misses, second he hits, third he kills. i will never understand why this "slow" character can so easily kill squishies that are 4 meters away running for their lives...
If your team is properly coordinated, a nano boosted Rein will die very quickly if everyone focusses their fire on him. Mei can freeze him and wall him out to waste time on the nano boost, another Reinhardt can Earthshatter/charge him, Zarya's ultimate can help restrict his movement (though he can charge to get out of it) and of course, Ana's Sleep Dart will put him to sleep for 5 seconds out of the 8 second nano boost duration, assuming your team doesn't wake him up. Again, coordination is very important.
Reinhardt is defiantly my favourite character! So annoyed that I cant get the summer games voice line so I'm stuck on 2 unlocks away from having all unlocks :( ( the other being his golden weapon because I'm a noob and got no team ) cool vid btw :) subbed
you missed to mention that you can block ultimate damage, or that you can pin away DVa's mech and protect your Team from the explosion, you can even save yourself if you time it right and put your shield after you hit the wall
I think removing the Boosted target's ability to build ult is pretty much necessary at this point. But I think a needed tradeoff would be to drastically increase the target's reload speed. This would make a lot more of the cast viable ult targets compared to how it is now. Because nerfing the ult gain would basically only hurt he main best option slightly enough, and just less its effectiveness drastically for most other options.
I just realized Toukachan is literally an alternate version of me in Overwatch. I'm a pretty aggressive battle rein, we have the same highlight Intro, skins, play style and for a while I was also platinum. I'm in mid Diamond now but I play exactly the same way he does.
Wait wait wait... Shielding your team and soaking up that incoming damage with your shield IS tanking. You're doing fine; this is just something that will help you take the next step. Be careful though, since as he mentioned, this is one of the hardest thing to learn when playing Rein. You need to be extremely aware of when to go in, and ONLY go in at those times. You can play him more aggressively like in this video IF AND ONLY IF your team is coordinated and it's guaranteed that they will back you up the instant you drop your shield to charge or swing.
QUESTION: Can Rein ult UNDER an enemy shield? I know it usually doesn't work, but I saw Reinforce (Team Rogue) do it one game when the enemy Rein looked up. Reinforce Earthshattered and the entire backline dropped. I figured that the shield had to be in the ground to stop the Earthshatter, but when I tried this myself (Rein standing on the payload) it didn't work. Is there a vulnerable angle to his shield?
Okay, this video is for me. I have been Battle Reinhardt'ing a lot, and it's working EXTREMELY WELL for me, I keep getting 30 eliminations and only 8 deaths, while still protecting my team. What I usually do is actively remind myself to not overextend and to backpedal to shield my teammates. I still manage to aquire as much as 30,000 total damage blocked in longer competitive matches! I always swing my hammer when an enemy gets close, then raise my barrier when they are far away. I still have a long way to go to land better charges, since I barely charge as much as I should, but my Fire Strike accuracy is pretty good lately. I always try to jump in front of a teammate with my shield up if I think they are in trouble. Sadly, battle Reinhardt works better with coordinated teams. However, in solo queue competitive, I keep getting really good matches for some reason. Regardless of all that. I think it's working out so well because people are too used to thinking that Reinhardt is just a big walking barrier who does nothing but protect his team. When I start swinging my hammer, enemy players just fall at my feet dead because they stupidly get in too close to punch me through my shield.
one thing I do with my team (I play mei a lot) is cut off the enemy rein and make sure our rein can charge him. that way in the next battle it's 6v5 without their rein
Rein's always been one of those characters that can chain team kills out of nowhere with just his combos. I love playing him, but a lot of times I misuse his combos and end up wasting a ult.
Ultra-Reinhardt is one of the scariest things in the game, but I'm sad to see other URs back away or show ANY sort of caution. UR can survive pretty much ANYTHING, even ultimates like death blossom or rip tire. As a UR, I entered with an earth shatter and before the nano boost ended, I had another one! It's brutal! Only thing to be scared of is self destruct or Bastion. For charging, practice using it to get from the gate to the next point, but not when it's a straight line. The Ruins map on Ilios has a lot of good ops for the 'Reinhardt Drift' as I like to call it. 9/10 it's good to charge a Reinhardt that charges you. Even fielding, equal damage... There are exceptions though. Sometimes you want to let the enemy pin you. You can survive the follow up hit and then charge him back if you were at full health. This gets the Emmy stunned, right next to your team's damage output, and gets you right back at the line with a shield ready to deploy. Really should only be done on defense at naturally heavy choke points (the big gate at Hanamura is a good one) and only if your team is present and alert. Also fun, attacking at that same gate, if you gauge the distance right, Rein can pin someone and with just a bit of drifting, can carry them past the bell and stop right at the cliff, having the enemy fall off and you perfectly fine. Good for removing problematic tanks.
Idk if this is a good strategy but, as reinhardt on an objective mission I charge into a full room with hid charge attack and knock the enemies off guard allowing my teammates to run in and take it over. Not the best player but not the worst.
Throughout the entire video you can see the rein being out of position, pinning enemies back to their spawn (which you never want to do as rein) and charging off of cool down (which will end up with you dying to the 3 enemies behind his shield). Also never play on payload as rein when you have the upper hand, always go a head of the payload to gain as much distance as possible.
I was playing as rein wince and y team couldn't push threw on volskaya industries,so i charged in to the room on the right and they ignored me bit I wand us tries gored came up behind and made a huge 5 man earthshatter and it won us the first piont
I've mained Reinhardt from open beta, and all tacticks said in this video has become basic norm for me. Sure, I can play bad sometimes too when having bad day, but given how he's probably my best hero in game and others say he's hard to pla yeffectively, it makes me feel a bit good about myself :)
Instead of counter charging the reinhardt to where you both fall down you could just drop your shield and jump to the side. This obviously depends on the situation, but it's far more effective when you can do it.
awhile ago, I learned that reinhardts attacks and firestrikes can be deflected by genji! I can now stop running from reinhardts attacks. except his charge, dont try to deflect, just don't.
No? You can see in the video that Rein's doesn't charge when he's hitting enemies that we're hit by Earthshatter, same with every ult in the game, even Mei and Zarya.
Atticus Lee I mean team mates. He's saying you shouldn't gain charge when hitting enemies while buffed by Ana, but it's Anas ultimate not yours. If I'm Soldier and a shoot everyone caught in Zaryas ult I get charge off of it cause it's not my ult.
lol i have been watching youroverwatch since the release of the game and becuse of quality of the vids i assumed they were as big as overwatch central or force gaming. that shows how distracted i am
the thing is, alot ALOT of rein don't know how to charge, they see someone in front of them they charge, period. and doing so they usually go for 10km long charge leaving their team alone, not breaking the ennemy team and get nuked down by ennemies. Swinging the hammer is nice, but only if you know when to do it (easier to do in team ofc XD). Quite frankly the number of game I've win simply because the ennemy rein was full on bloodrage andleave his team 90% of the time.
but its written TOUKA so everyone will pronounce it that way, TOUKACHAN, clearly! if he wants it to be pronounced differently he should have wrote it differently.
Question, my gf and I play mainly as me as rein her as Ana... And we have had lots of success blowing up defenses, repelling some dives, but people won't do voice chat.... I don't think that's ever going to happen when we play with everyone being random. I've had minimal luck typing out a whole speech how I'm going to go depending on map, and comp and ect but main issue is when her ult is ready and I ask for it right before we go crush it then so many times no one will push with us or make that charge mean anything. If anything people before the match very often say don't be Ana, blah blah.... What do you guys suggest? Where do you find people whom can grasp strategy or find people who will stand behind the rectangle? Or how can I better explain what this video explains, what I've been doing since before season 2 started...
My recommendation is (provided that your girlfriend is skillful with Ana) ignore them when they say not to play her; unless it's just a really poor map for Ana. Aside from that, just do your best communicating, try and find some friends to group with so you know people will communicate.
0:47 "it is important to be able to land all of your charges and fire strikes"
*misses fire strike*
Negative example bro
Made up for it with the hammer down lmao
SG Gunner lol
aetherion763 😂 well it isn't him playing
This guide is complete nonsense.. none can understand my mind! NONE! :3 hahaha!
TYRODIN! yesterday I got a 78 elimination game with Rein are u proud of me dad
Lord Tyrodin please make a guide yourself.
Daddy tyrodin
Make your own guide! I'm only here because I wanna learn to be a good Reinhardt like you
I used to be terrified of Rein's charge as McCree. Now that I know Flashbang stops his charge, I see Rein charging towards me, and I'm just like, "RED LIGHT! :D"
If I ever get the chance to do that the voice in my head would say "Where the fuck u goin BITCH"
The hook from Roadhog does it too. It actually has felt really good to leap to the side, then as he's hurdling toward my team, I hook yank him over to me.
Its great when a rein tries to take you over the edge when youve got a a recall, their like yeah, got the tracer thats been causing mayhem, recall and nope, thanks for the kill bro!
you don't even have to go on the side in the face does it as well (Fucking broken phusics ;) )
Rein is so under appreciated TBH. Thanks for making this video.
yeah, hes only picked 99/100 times in high level play, the other 1/100 games really undermine him tbh
think he means the player playing rein is under appreciated, like when people say rein is easy
Ana's prevalence in the meta unlocks Reinhardt to be an offensive force worth respecting, but even without Ana's help, Rein can be key to opening up a team fight, as his charge is one of the best ways to deal with an enemy team's Rein shield in Overwatch. -F
I Love your vids and if you can do a widow asker video that would be great
*widow maker
Wait ana and rein in the meta. My two fav chars sweet.
I don't know if I want them to change it because if they do ana will never be able to be played agin
I disagree with your sugested nerf to Ana Ult, because sometimes you can not aline her ult with other nicely. I would sugest that they nerf it in a way that your Ult charges slower when you are ulted, or it has a cap on how much you can charge it.
You have to think about us lower ranks too...
here is the real guide
1. Sit by clif
2. Sit
3. Sit
4. Random unsuspecting victim comes along
5. TAKE HIM TO THE DEPTHS or just the bottom of the screen or something
6. Spam "GIT FOKIN REKT" In chat.
7.Repeat from step 1
You forgot step 4.5: shout "Catchphrase!". If you don't yell "Catchphrase!" there's no point in even having Overwatch installed.
HowDo ILogin Oh yeah
you dont need to look down and swing to hit targets laying on the ground. I see way too many reinharts doing this for no reason. It also decreases the range of the hammer when you look down.
Rly? Great advice.
That's pretty useful actually. Ty!
Really now? A fucking huge hammer being swung towards the ground decreases the range of said hammer? Would it be because video game logic or because swinging a hammer at the fucking ground of all places means you aren't swinging in front of yourself?
Please note I'm being sarcastic. Realistically, everyone should know this, real life and Overwatch.
Dennis Vu this note was better information then anything in this advanced guide video!
I don't get it
I love playing rein against another rein. The mind games are great, and the potential for game winning plays is too good to pass up
It's kind of neat to realize how much of this I was already starting to pick up on my own. There was still a lot of new information for me, of course, and I hope I can manage to use it properly.
Anyone else think the video was about how to battle reinharts, as in fighting a reinhardt
Punch him in the face through his shield.
They look so confused every time
Darkfire Blast i hoped it would be this
This video has made me realise just how long the range is on that ult
Whenever I'm Ana and we have a Reinhardt and I have my steroids ready....I say "fuck it" and give it to Zenyatta, Mercy or Junkrat....I mean have you seen a lightning blue junkrat jumping in and shooting grenades and throwing mines everywhere? It's pretty hilarious especially if they spam the "Happy birthday!" Voice line
Yeah, buff up the healer make them almost invisible and watch her fly around while shinning blue
I thought this would be a video about battling Reinhardt, in other words countering him. But this was quite great so I'll take that too! xD
You have the balls to challenge what the castors criticize in professional games. I like you. This is content worth watching.
Some say, he can charge Pharahs out of the sky. All we know is: He's called Toukachan!
I'm pretty much exactly the Reinhardt player you describe in this video, and I would like to point out something really handy that you didn't mention in this video concerning Earthshatter.
You guys know all the floating cars around certain maps, like the payload? Enemies think those are good cover. They aren't. Earthshatter goes right under there and, depending on how grouped up they are behind say, the payload, can lead a pretty easy team kills. At least in my experience.
not so sound 'pro' or anything but that is kind of similar of how i've been playing my rein. thank you for making this guide by the way. it gives me more confidence and points me in the right direction.
Just picked up the game few weeks ago and ive fallin in love with this bfg
Haha I love that... "Rein games". If you charge too late you get pinned but if you charge and die your team is screwed. You gotta bait the other Reinhardt into making a mistake.
Your Rein also has to be very vocal. He needs to call out what's going on, when he's going to charge, and when he's backing away because his shield is low.
Realistically, EVERYONE needs to communicate a bit more in this game. Not talk over people or be deathly silent the entire time, but actually communicate. But yes, the Rein should definitely be communicating the most as he is usually at the front of a fight and can determine the pace of a push/counterpush.
I main Rein and sometimes they are like shut up. And its usefull game stuff so.... bah. Pubs.
In regards to the Reinhardt/Ana Combo, I very much dislike this concept everyone has of nerfing something every time something is good. People used to joke about how unviable Ana was when she was first released. Now they discover a huge meta-altering trick with her, and suddenly she needs a nerf. Can't good things just be good?
The devs don't want a best strat that everyone must use to win.
*playing Nepal*
*hops down hole into little area that leads to point*
*charges me and the whole team off the cliff*
catch phrase
Love that double kill at 5:10
you don't necessarily need to always charge a charging reinhardt, if he's farther than two car payload lengths and begins a charge, you have enough time to time a jump slightly to the side as he comes thru and look directly at him. Instead of getting pinned, you'll get launched into the air ridiculously high, and then you can come back down with an earthshatter or just your own charge. If you're lucky, you could pin a Pharah, lol.
This pin-avoid works well with other tanks (doesn't seem to work too well with other classes but sometimes does so try it if you have nowhere to run to), but seems to work best with reindhardt. If you're worried about your team, then don't be, because there's usually no one standing directly behind you, as you would be blocking their vision.
its because of this that i just try to bait charge from a distance with the shield and go "olé" when he misses. Also why I makes sure to either be right in rein's face or come from an unexpected place for the dirty sneaky rein charge.
Can you make a video about the basic flow and game phases for each type of game (payload, control point, control point with payload...). I have trouble understanding each phase and basic strategies I should be focused on, besides just killing them all to get to the point.
Contents great. I would love to be able to listen to a podcast of these videos, in fact most of the time I am at work, with TH-cam minimized, just listening.
I quite enjoyed this video as Reinhardt is my 2nd most played hero, right behind mercy.
I actually feel I play in a similar way to what the guy in the video was doing, although he seemed to do it a little bit better than me, I really do have fun with it though as I steal Potg 3 out of 5 games I play with him.
I can't even disagree with anything I heard here either, some solid tips.
I'm definitely going to check out TOUKA's channel and see if I can't learn more about this punishing monster, I love playing him and really hope to be as good at playing him one day.
I dropped a lot and I recently picked up rein and watched this video and a few others and now I'm destroying teams in comp as rein and climbing back up
Can't stop watching these videos!
Guys can you please tell how you know who's "in the meta" and when its viable to pick other characters? Also I've heard dive meta is dead, what do you think?
look up lone hawk he goes over the meta a lot.
will do, thx
OneAmongstMany has a weekly meta breakdown, he's a pro-level caster so its his job to know the meta and the interactions between heros
The meta changes at every level of play. It depends how coordinated your team is and how skilled the tier is - that changes the usefulness/value of every hero immensely. We should be doing a video on this subject this week. -F
Dunno about the PRO meta but dive is pretty strong with a D.va+winston+mercy trio with soldier and reaper with dd and last pick is zenyatta or lucio, preferably zenyatta, ana is also good.
i thought this video was about how to counter super rein.
"Run." -Walter White
Doesn't work. While swinging his hammer the arc is so big he destroyed my speed boosted Lucio... First swing he misses, second he hits, third he kills. i will never understand why this "slow" character can so easily kill squishies that are 4 meters away running for their lives...
If your team is properly coordinated, a nano boosted Rein will die very quickly if everyone focusses their fire on him. Mei can freeze him and wall him out to waste time on the nano boost, another Reinhardt can Earthshatter/charge him, Zarya's ultimate can help restrict his movement (though he can charge to get out of it) and of course, Ana's Sleep Dart will put him to sleep for 5 seconds out of the 8 second nano boost duration, assuming your team doesn't wake him up. Again, coordination is very important.
You can't counter the super Rein.
Onyx Of Time Sleep dart.
I find the good gameplay as Rein so satisfying to watch
Reinhardt is defiantly my favourite character! So annoyed that I cant get the summer games voice line so I'm stuck on 2 unlocks away from having all unlocks :( ( the other being his golden weapon because I'm a noob and got no team ) cool vid btw :) subbed
you missed to mention that you can block ultimate damage, or that you can pin away DVa's mech and protect your Team from the explosion, you can even save yourself if you time it right and put your shield after you hit the wall
Hollywood is a map with part on Hollywood BLVD, Reaper is a character, makes me sad there's no Museum of Death Easter Egg off in the distance :(
I think removing the Boosted target's ability to build ult is pretty much necessary at this point.
But I think a needed tradeoff would be to drastically increase the target's reload speed. This would make a lot more of the cast viable ult targets compared to how it is now. Because nerfing the ult gain would basically only hurt he main best option slightly enough, and just less its effectiveness drastically for most other options.
Like if u like nano boosted reins
My friend is called Nano and is a Reinhardt main. That's where Nano Boost's name comes from, obviously.
But battle mercy...
+PartiallyDrunkHoovy Battlemercy4life
boostio is better
Q: How do you sustain when there's a pharah on the enemy team? I often myself getting rocketed from above my shield without being able to do anything.
My favourite rein play is just charging a d.va ult off the point so the team stays alive, I was in a 6 stack and my friends were so satisfied by it
Ending song?
And great guide man! :D
Really helpful.
I just realized Toukachan is literally an alternate version of me in Overwatch.
I'm a pretty aggressive battle rein, we have the same highlight Intro, skins, play style and for a while I was also platinum. I'm in mid Diamond now but I play exactly the same way he does.
Video was good but the stream was super crazy and fun.
Could you do a video on shot calling?
I enjoy playing Rein, but I get so caught up in shielding my team I often forget to actually tank. I'll keep some of this stuff in mind.
Wait wait wait... Shielding your team and soaking up that incoming damage with your shield IS tanking. You're doing fine; this is just something that will help you take the next step. Be careful though, since as he mentioned, this is one of the hardest thing to learn when playing Rein. You need to be extremely aware of when to go in, and ONLY go in at those times. You can play him more aggressively like in this video IF AND ONLY IF your team is coordinated and it's guaranteed that they will back you up the instant you drop your shield to charge or swing.
QUESTION: Can Rein ult UNDER an enemy shield? I know it usually doesn't work, but I saw Reinforce (Team Rogue) do it one game when the enemy Rein looked up. Reinforce Earthshattered and the entire backline dropped. I figured that the shield had to be in the ground to stop the Earthshatter, but when I tried this myself (Rein standing on the payload) it didn't work. Is there a vulnerable angle to his shield?
i'm glad to know my battle reinin isnt looked down upon :D
What about Reins that have discovered that I'll counter-charge them and use it as an opening for their earthshatter?
Okay, this video is for me. I have been Battle Reinhardt'ing a lot, and it's working EXTREMELY WELL for me, I keep getting 30 eliminations and only 8 deaths, while still protecting my team. What I usually do is actively remind myself to not overextend and to backpedal to shield my teammates. I still manage to aquire as much as 30,000 total damage blocked in longer competitive matches!
I always swing my hammer when an enemy gets close, then raise my barrier when they are far away. I still have a long way to go to land better charges, since I barely charge as much as I should, but my Fire Strike accuracy is pretty good lately. I always try to jump in front of a teammate with my shield up if I think they are in trouble. Sadly, battle Reinhardt works better with coordinated teams. However, in solo queue competitive, I keep getting really good matches for some reason.
Regardless of all that. I think it's working out so well because people are too used to thinking that Reinhardt is just a big walking barrier who does nothing but protect his team. When I start swinging my hammer, enemy players just fall at my feet dead because they stupidly get in too close to punch me through my shield.
Awesome guides guys! Could you guys do a guide to Lucio next please? :)
defense matrix stops firestrike
He's Reinhardt game is crazy good, damn
anyone who olays overwatch should watch this no matter what you play as
one thing I do with my team (I play mei a lot) is cut off the enemy rein and make sure our rein can charge him. that way in the next battle it's 6v5 without their rein
Reinhardt+Ana= OP
and I love it
Rein's always been one of those characters that can chain team kills out of nowhere with just his combos. I love playing him, but a lot of times I misuse his combos and end up wasting a ult.
reingames, i love that
so, if you have 6 people lined up in front of you as rein.
those 6 people have 50 health.
could you rein charge through them all?
Ultra-Reinhardt is one of the scariest things in the game, but I'm sad to see other URs back away or show ANY sort of caution. UR can survive pretty much ANYTHING, even ultimates like death blossom or rip tire. As a UR, I entered with an earth shatter and before the nano boost ended, I had another one! It's brutal! Only thing to be scared of is self destruct or Bastion.
For charging, practice using it to get from the gate to the next point, but not when it's a straight line. The Ruins map on Ilios has a lot of good ops for the 'Reinhardt Drift' as I like to call it.
9/10 it's good to charge a Reinhardt that charges you. Even fielding, equal damage... There are exceptions though. Sometimes you want to let the enemy pin you. You can survive the follow up hit and then charge him back if you were at full health. This gets the Emmy stunned, right next to your team's damage output, and gets you right back at the line with a shield ready to deploy. Really should only be done on defense at naturally heavy choke points (the big gate at Hanamura is a good one) and only if your team is present and alert.
Also fun, attacking at that same gate, if you gauge the distance right, Rein can pin someone and with just a bit of drifting, can carry them past the bell and stop right at the cliff, having the enemy fall off and you perfectly fine. Good for removing problematic tanks.
Hi, what pro streamers do you guys watch to learn from how they play? You talk about some in videos. Many thanks (I watch your twitch as well)
Idk if this is a good strategy but, as reinhardt on an objective mission I charge into a full room with hid charge attack and knock the enemies off guard allowing my teammates to run in and take it over. Not the best player but not the worst.
Throughout the entire video you can see the rein being out of position, pinning enemies back to their spawn (which you never want to do as rein) and charging off of cool down (which will end up with you dying to the 3 enemies behind his shield). Also never play on payload as rein when you have the upper hand, always go a head of the payload to gain as much distance as possible.
You need more subs
The most important aspects of rein is counter charging correctly and blocking earthshatter
Published on my birthday. Only Destin for a Reinhardt main
nice guide thanks!
Ana can't actually charge ult while nano boost is up on rein, it just charges way too fast in general.
I love being a battle Rein. Catch phrase!
I was playing as rein wince and y team couldn't push threw on volskaya industries,so i charged in to the room on the right and they ignored me bit I wand us tries gored came up behind and made a huge 5 man earthshatter and it won us the first piont
Reinhardt is a BOSS. Ana's best friend.
This Reinhardt is a god
Toukachan is one of the few players who can utilize a variant of the chuck norris style
Reinhardt's the bomb, fav char
Post more rein stuff. I'm a rein main, but I'm fairly new and could use some pointers
Reinhardt in a nutshell: swing yo hammer, pile drive dem scrubs, protect your salty teammates.
dope video boys. keep it up
I've mained Reinhardt from open beta, and all tacticks said in this video has become basic norm for me. Sure, I can play bad sometimes too when having bad day, but given how he's probably my best hero in game and others say he's hard to pla yeffectively, it makes me feel a bit good about myself :)
Instead of counter charging the reinhardt to where you both fall down you could just drop your shield and jump to the side. This obviously depends on the situation, but it's far more effective when you can do it.
The counter charge prevents the enemy Rein from getting into your back line.
Glenn Hurd Which is why I said it depends on the situations since there are upsides and downsides.
Can u do a How to Hanzo
why didn't he get hurt by the other reins charge at 7:04?
got nano boosted
These ults turned me into Jabba the Hut
awhile ago, I learned that reinhardts attacks and firestrikes can be deflected by genji! I can now stop running from reinhardts attacks. except his charge, dont try to deflect, just don't.
I think it should charge ultimate. When Zarya ults everyone gets free ult charge from spraying into it. Same with Reins ult and Mei.
No? You can see in the video that Rein's doesn't charge when he's hitting enemies that we're hit by Earthshatter, same with every ult in the game, even Mei and Zarya.
Atticus Lee I mean team mates. He's saying you shouldn't gain charge when hitting enemies while buffed by Ana, but it's Anas ultimate not yours. If I'm Soldier and a shoot everyone caught in Zaryas ult I get charge off of it cause it's not my ult.
lol i have been watching youroverwatch since the release of the game and becuse of quality of the vids i assumed they were as big as overwatch central or force gaming. that shows how distracted i am
Good guide
Step 1: Pick Reinhardt
Step 2: Get NanoBoosted
Step 3: Profit
roses are red,
chocolate is brown,
my name is Reinhardt,
Touka is a normal reinhardt player that pays us money to be in a video!
I was charging once as rein and got boosted into the air by a junkrat and got a phara it was great
Reinhardt is life
soo helpful thx 4 the vid
Can you pin multiple targets?
the thing is, alot ALOT of rein don't know how to charge, they see someone in front of them they charge, period. and doing so they usually go for 10km long charge leaving their team alone, not breaking the ennemy team and get nuked down by ennemies. Swinging the hammer is nice, but only if you know when to do it (easier to do in team ofc XD). Quite frankly the number of game I've win simply because the ennemy rein was full on bloodrage andleave his team 90% of the time.
but its written TOUKA so everyone will pronounce it that way, TOUKACHAN, clearly! if he wants it to be pronounced differently he should have wrote it differently.
+djjb71 boi it's japanese, the "toe" sound is spelled "tou" in anime land
The GameXpand Thx you
What's the number under the ultimate icon?
Aaaaah I see. Thanks.
Question, my gf and I play mainly as me as rein her as Ana... And we have had lots of success blowing up defenses, repelling some dives, but people won't do voice chat.... I don't think that's ever going to happen when we play with everyone being random. I've had minimal luck typing out a whole speech how I'm going to go depending on map, and comp and ect but main issue is when her ult is ready and I ask for it right before we go crush it then so many times no one will push with us or make that charge mean anything. If anything people before the match very often say don't be Ana, blah blah.... What do you guys suggest? Where do you find people whom can grasp strategy or find people who will stand behind the rectangle? Or how can I better explain what this video explains, what I've been doing since before season 2 started...
My recommendation is (provided that your girlfriend is skillful with Ana) ignore them when they say not to play her; unless it's just a really poor map for Ana. Aside from that, just do your best communicating, try and find some friends to group with so you know people will communicate.
if you`re on ps4, i could join you guys, I make a pretty nice lucio, mercy, mei, junkarat (Still sort of new to the game though :(
OGS Gaming pc but appreciate the offer
Check out the Your Overwatch discord server - it's not perfect, but the general level of play is higher.
Kind of.
If you're lucky.
Where does one get that slick Nurgle-like Reinhardt skin?
t o o k a> touka
I was the one who made the joke that Touka can charge Pharah out of the sky. FeelsGoodMan
Well, it's not a joke, it's the truth!
Touka! Best waifu!
i dont think they need to change anything to deal with this new comp.