Both of these gifts surprised me! A June Bug on the back of y neck was shocking! Tommy often demonstrated that he thought June bugs were the very best toy ever. That boy would deliberately do naughty things and apologize by laying on my feet and presenting his tummy meowing up to me to say "Awwwe come on now! We both know you love me and you WILL forgive me eventually" He was not wrong. White Heart had made a deal with the neighbor in the back cottage. She raised chicken for eggs and dinner. White Heart would go into her house and catch mice, and exchange the dead mice for some cooked chicken. Then at some point White Heart figured out how to open the chicken coop, and presented a live chicken to me as I was getting out of the shower on Mother's Day. After I got dressed, I captured the chicken, and returned the chicken to my neighbor, who was rounding up the other chickens that had escaped when White Heart had left the door open. That was the end of mouse and chicken exchange. My neighbor had to resort to a padlock for the chicken coop. All would have been forgiven if White Heart had closed the coop door after she had left.
My little girl (a torte) died at 18. Running up and down stairs like usual. Came over to me curled up on my lap (that was a total surprise) because she was not a cat that loved cuddles. Stayed with me for 2 hours and then passes away
We have a male Maine Coon cross that had been abused and was returned to the SPCA twice. He was really shy when we got him but now, several years later he is a very happy boy. He gets treats, lots of loves, grooming and follows us around to make sure we do not get lonely. And yes, occasionally, we get gifts. We live in an old house and had a mouse problem. We have had many cats over the years and have NEVER had a hunter. This cat IS and we get dead mice often. And he is such a sweet gentleman. NEVER demands anything. Smart as a whip and is able to communicate whatever he wants whether it is attention, kibbles, wet catfood or treats. Needless to say he is a delightful companion and we feel so lucky to have him with us. MCs like to go outside and he is no different, however, he stays in the backyard, never leaves. And he is an alarm if we have visitors. He is NOT an outdoor cat. He comes in the house to pee and eat and does not like to stay outside at night. He has a large fluffy bed with a heater that he absolutely adores.
About "gifts" The most alarming "gift" was a live June bug on the back of my neck at 3 AM from "Bad Cat" Tommy. The most amazing "gift" was a live chicken from White Heart on Mother's Day, the cat door was closed, and she had to leap 6 feet through an open window while carrying a chicken that was as big as she was to bring it into the house. In the "wild" cats gain status in the clowder by bringing food.
My cat knows when I'm sick, and will sit and purr with me until we fall asleep together. It's wonderful to have the connection we do for sure! I think cats can pick up on brainwaves or something. My cat knows before I do that I'm waking up in the morning, and will trill quietly with happiness before I'm fully awake, some days it's not as cute, but most days he makes me giggle while I wake up. 😊 My cat is a great snuggle buddy! He puts me to sleep with his purr, loves to put his paws around my neck and tuck his head under my chin and purr us both to sleep 🥰 My cat is my favorite buddy of all time! 😸
I absolutely agree. Cats are considered mystical creatures because of all the good they bring to humans who love them, shelter them and care for them.. Shared this video on my facebook😊😊😊
I feel the same way. I imagine it means I'm anti-social, but cats are like adults and dogs more like little kids - if that makes any sense. My cat has definitely helped with my depression/anxiety!
Every time I go away (about once a month, for 3-4 days) my boy has 2-3 “gifts” at the door for me the next morning after I get home. The cat sitter is soooo jealous 😆😆
I still miss the love of my torte cat Tiffy. No way to start over again. Impossible. Thank you for this video which is done with so much cat empathy and love. ❤
I woke up the other morning and had 3 moles and a chipmunk laying on my bedroom floor in a pile. My girl Charlette is a night she came in the window and had a massive huntsman spider trying to escape her mouth. It was the stuff of nightmares seeing those legs wiggling around outside her mouth
I've been super sick with the flu for the past five (going on six) days. Spicey'D and Puff Daddy will not leave my side. They are constantly purring laying on top of me or pressed up against me. Yes! They are healing. I might actually be well enough to go to work in two days. But, with them loving on me and curing what ails me, who wants to?
I have only seen 1 mouse in 20 years of living with cats. Unfortunately, they don't scare the water roaches away. They live mostly outside but some come inside as well. The cats eventually ignore them. I think they taste bad.
Il video perfetto per considerare l' adozione di un gatto Tutte cose vere che approvo I gatti sono creature speciali e così affascinanti e ci capiscono molto di più di tanti umani Grande Amore e grande cura per loro... sempre!!!!!❤❤❤
Scusa mio italiano, pero' quando sono andata in italia, mi sembrava che la gente ha tanta simpatia per i gatti. Io sono in Australia, e ho l'impressione che non e' uguale. Forse e' solo un mio parere🤷♀️
@@loretta_3843 certo, spesso amano gli animali ma purtroppo anche qui ci sono luoghi come rifugi che accolgono gatti e cani randagi Purtroppo c' è ancora tanto da fare nella tutela degli animali
2:17 I actually plan on being a cat behaviorist so that's a plus but I'm also thinking of being a dog behaviorist as well only case I come around cases with dogs and cats but pretty much it since I want to know how keep peace around with cats and other peoples dogs and mainly for me to that way I can keep my cat safe from defensive dogs that are scared. 2:32 this is so true and it's a complete false stereotype same for them being solitary to an extent it only applies when hunting other than that they are social creatures also not independent they’re actually very dependent creatures as well too. 5:41 actually breeds like Balinese, Siamese, Russian Blue, American Shorthair, and Burmese cats can live longer in fact Balinese cats can live about 18-22 years old. 7:25 now right here is a misconception not all cats are low maintenance some breeds of cat are actually high maintenance
My cat understood that I eat bread, not dead mice, so she stole slices of bread for me, I still not know where so got them, and Fried Chicken legs.... lol , probably from the neighbours BBQ..
Depends on where you live. We are rural and their dangers are fox, hawks and vultures. Neighbors traps and poison ☠️- antifreeze. Our home came with the 50+ feral colony. We’ve fixed and fed them all. Over many years we have 10 outside & 9 inside + 1 neighbors cat. The house cats get let in & out all day. They patrol the property but mostly look for cozy sunny spots on the huge front porch or back patio. My husband has fashioned an old pop up trailer as a cozy winter home for outdoor cats. The outside cats are nicer to each other than the house cats are. They are mostly getting older. But we still get cats that are dumped by the barn that sits on the road. Barn cats don’t want them, so they eventually travel to our house. Starved and beaten up. Yes, we have a front declawed young one show up traumatized. She’s plump and happy now. She plays her favorite game of going out the front and walk around to the back to be let in- all day long!!😄
So, did any of these amazing things surprise you? 🐈
Both of these gifts surprised me! A June Bug on the back of y neck was shocking! Tommy often demonstrated that he thought June bugs were the very best toy ever. That boy would deliberately do naughty things and apologize by laying on my feet and presenting his tummy meowing up to me to say "Awwwe come on now! We both know you love me and you WILL forgive me eventually" He was not wrong.
White Heart had made a deal with the neighbor in the back cottage. She raised chicken for eggs and dinner. White Heart would go into her house and catch mice, and exchange the dead mice for some cooked chicken. Then at some point White Heart figured out how to open the chicken coop, and presented a live chicken to me as I was getting out of the shower on Mother's Day. After I got dressed, I captured the chicken, and returned the chicken to my neighbor, who was rounding up the other chickens that had escaped when White Heart had left the door open. That was the end of mouse and chicken exchange. My neighbor had to resort to a padlock for the chicken coop. All would have been forgiven if White Heart had closed the coop door after she had left.
Cats are amazing creatures
When I got injured at work and couldn't walk one of my cats was afraid I wouldn't be able to feed myself. He brought me 11 mice in the first 2 days.
Awww little fella was looking after you bless him 🙏🙏😊
Aww you have a great cat.
Lol. U have so many mice in your home😂
My little girl (a torte) died at 18. Running up and down stairs like usual. Came over to me curled up on my lap (that was a total surprise) because she was not a cat that loved cuddles. Stayed with me for 2 hours and then passes away
We Sorry For Your Kitty Cat!
So very sorry for the loss of your precious girl.
Sorry for the loss of your little girl 😢🖤
So sorry, but that is true love.
Having a cat to take care of helps to relieve my stress. It takes my mind off my worries.
We have a male Maine Coon cross that had been abused and was returned to the SPCA twice. He was really shy when we got him but now, several years later he is a very happy boy. He gets treats, lots of loves, grooming and follows us around to make sure we do not get lonely. And yes, occasionally, we get gifts. We live in an old house and had a mouse problem. We have had many cats over the years and have NEVER had a hunter. This cat IS and we get dead mice often. And he is such a sweet gentleman. NEVER demands anything. Smart as a whip and is able to communicate whatever he wants whether it is attention, kibbles, wet catfood or treats. Needless to say he is a delightful companion and we feel so lucky to have him with us. MCs like to go outside and he is no different, however, he stays in the backyard, never leaves. And he is an alarm if we have visitors. He is NOT an outdoor cat. He comes in the house to pee and eat and does not like to stay outside at night. He has a large fluffy bed with a heater that he absolutely adores.
About "gifts" The most alarming "gift" was a live June bug on the back of my neck at 3 AM from "Bad Cat" Tommy. The most amazing "gift" was a live chicken from White Heart on Mother's Day, the cat door was closed, and she had to leap 6 feet through an open window while carrying a chicken that was as big as she was to bring it into the house.
In the "wild" cats gain status in the clowder by bringing food.
When my Catfish was nearing the end, I recorded his purring so I could always listen to it.
My cat knows when I'm sick, and will sit and purr with me until we fall asleep together. It's wonderful to have the connection we do for sure!
I think cats can pick up on brainwaves or something. My cat knows before I do that I'm waking up in the morning, and will trill quietly with happiness before I'm fully awake, some days it's not as cute, but most days he makes me giggle while I wake up. 😊
My cat is a great snuggle buddy! He puts me to sleep with his purr, loves to put his paws around my neck and tuck his head under my chin and purr us both to sleep 🥰
My cat is my favorite buddy of all time! 😸
My cat is a talker... ❤
Meowy kittie!
Yeah mine too lol it doesn’t stop. My neighbors in the apartment hear us having conversations lol
Cats also know how to respond differently to each person in the same household.
There's nothing like having a cat
I absolutely agree. Cats are considered mystical creatures because of all the good they bring to humans who love them, shelter them and care for them..
Shared this video on my facebook😊😊😊
I prefer cats over dogs because dogs can be very annoying. I'm a cat person and so is my partner he loves cats as much as i do
Wise Choice! Me Too & We All Do! 👍👏💯☝️💙👑🏆👋
I feel the same way. I imagine it means I'm anti-social, but cats are like adults and dogs more like little kids - if that makes any sense. My cat has definitely helped with my depression/anxiety!
All my cats help me. I have 2 HUGE boys, I have kittens, talkers, and snugglers. Each one has a different personality and benefit. I love cats!
Every time I go away (about once a month, for 3-4 days) my boy has 2-3 “gifts” at the door for me the next morning after I get home. The cat sitter is soooo jealous 😆😆
I still miss the love of my torte cat Tiffy. No way to start over again. Impossible. Thank you for this video which is done with so much cat empathy and love. ❤
My Tuxie Ace often gifts me with one of his toy mice.
Marbles is adorable!💖
Can you make a video on how to empathize with your cat and communicate! And how to read their emotions by looking at their body language!
My Layne Haven is such a sweet blessing in my life. He's so smart and affectionate .❤❤❤
I woke up the other morning and had 3 moles and a chipmunk laying on my bedroom floor in a pile. My girl Charlette is a night she came in the window and had a massive huntsman spider trying to escape her mouth. It was the stuff of nightmares seeing those legs wiggling around outside her mouth
I've been super sick with the flu for the past five (going on six) days. Spicey'D and Puff Daddy will not leave my side. They are constantly purring laying on top of me or pressed up against me. Yes! They are healing. I might actually be well enough to go to work in two days. But, with them loving on me and curing what ails me, who wants to?
I'm a cat parent and this is great help for my cat and how to help her❤
Marbles done with the streetlife😹
Very good video, and this is so true about my ginger & white 9 year old tabby cat 😻🙌🥰😊😻😺
Lacey is my mini lion. She is the BIG explorer & hunter especially at 03:00.
I have only seen 1 mouse in 20 years of living with cats. Unfortunately, they don't scare the water roaches away. They live mostly outside but some come inside as well. The cats eventually ignore them. I think they taste bad.
wonderful creatures, greet channel
Il video perfetto per considerare l' adozione di un gatto
Tutte cose vere che approvo
I gatti sono creature speciali e così affascinanti e ci capiscono molto di più di tanti umani
Grande Amore e grande cura per loro... sempre!!!!!❤❤❤
Scusa mio italiano, pero' quando sono andata in italia, mi sembrava che la gente ha tanta simpatia per i gatti. Io sono in Australia, e ho l'impressione che non e' uguale. Forse e' solo un mio parere🤷♀️
@@loretta_3843 certo, spesso amano gli animali ma purtroppo anche qui ci sono luoghi come rifugi che accolgono gatti e cani randagi
Purtroppo c' è ancora tanto da fare nella tutela degli animali
My Tuxie Reginald likes toplay " fetch " with his micies it is adorable 😸😽😺
My cat Oliver is a vey chatty cat. This is not normal for most cats that I had in the past.
We have 3 quiet one and one that makes up for them all by himself 😻
My mother's cat would bring her garbage as gifts. Mostly, empty chip bags. She would bring her multiple bags each day. It was cute, but also a mess 😆
My cat is known to keep me awake! If she would sleep with me, that would me great. The night time is play time!!!!
Try tiring her out before bed with a play session. 🐈
2:17 I actually plan on being a cat behaviorist so that's a plus but I'm also thinking of being a dog behaviorist as well only case I come around cases with dogs and cats but pretty much it since I want to know how keep peace around with cats and other peoples dogs and mainly for me to that way I can keep my cat safe from defensive dogs that are scared. 2:32 this is so true and it's a complete false stereotype same for them being solitary to an extent it only applies when hunting other than that they are social creatures also not independent they’re actually very dependent creatures as well too. 5:41 actually breeds like Balinese, Siamese, Russian Blue, American Shorthair, and Burmese cats can live longer in fact Balinese cats can live about 18-22 years old. 7:25 now right here is a misconception not all cats are low maintenance some breeds of cat are actually high maintenance
Love this vid pinnn?
My cat understood that I eat bread, not dead mice, so she stole slices of bread for me, I still not know where so got them, and Fried Chicken legs.... lol , probably from the neighbours BBQ..
That's adorable!😅
My cat once brought me… A live baby squirrel!!!
I holy shat, no lie!
I did release the squirrel!
I miss my little guy! 😢
That thumbnail was the best.
I owe it to my cat and she does as well.
Once my cat started warming my throat, when I had a flue and sore throat !
Ancient Egyptians worshioped cats.
Cats! So cute! my dad just threw my cat so rude
My cat has gave me 2 Mouses or rats on me and its so funny for no reason❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
Most cats turn into a road pizza after two or three years, if you let it go outside...
Depends on where you live. We are rural and their dangers are fox, hawks and vultures. Neighbors traps and poison ☠️- antifreeze.
Our home came with the 50+ feral colony. We’ve fixed and fed them all. Over many years we have 10 outside & 9 inside + 1 neighbors cat. The house cats get let in & out all day. They patrol the property but mostly look for cozy sunny spots on the huge front porch or back patio. My husband has fashioned an old pop up trailer as a cozy winter home for outdoor cats. The outside cats are nicer to each other than the house cats are.
They are mostly getting older. But we still get cats that are dumped by the barn that sits on the road. Barn cats don’t want them, so they eventually travel to our house. Starved and beaten up. Yes, we have a front declawed young one show up traumatized. She’s plump and happy now. She plays her favorite game of going out the front and walk around to the back to be let in- all day long!!😄
Cats get taken by owls and coyotes in the rural areas where I live.
In Australia people kill them on purpose, which I find to be deeply sad but that I also understand to an extent
My cat brings me presents 🎁 dead and alive🫣😂
I had a cat that got hit by a car and died..... 😭
I’m so sorry for your cat.
Cats bring things home, because home is safe territory. Nothing to do with you.