It's not a hall sensor - a hall sensor needs power and ground and then has an output. It's probably just a reed switch. There's a magnet in the float, and when the float is up, the switch is closed, and when the float is down, the switch is open. It could be either that it's all gummed up from the Vactra 2, or that the new oil isn't dense enough to float the float
Hey that's a float level sensor, for when the tank is low on oil, it will flip the bit and let you know to check it I'm going thru my '93 VF2 doing all the oil lube lines and metering units as well these last weekends
Hey brother thank you so much for these videos- Do you have any on clogged lines? I.e. a high pressure situation, or, residual pressure situation? Best, Adrian
Hi Im afraid i dont have any videos on that but the only real way to sort that is to go through each axis 1 by one and replace lines and metering units, as after all these years its not worth changing single lines and units, the early recommended Vactra2 oil really did clog things up bad which is why they no longer recommend it
Hi I have never owned a minimill but the older vf series like mine need 100psi at the main regulator and then you set the smaller spindle air/oil reg to 15psi
Hi Marc, it takes a while in my VF2 2012 to drop the hours. Once the pressure is zero the machine alarms out. When I tested 0/1 readings while pressure ON/OFF they dont change at all. Ive measure the pressure switch and seems ok. When I am trying to test oil level by bridging the connector I am not getting the correct signals but I am not sure if I am using multimeter correctly here. In summary...the oil level is good/ when the oil pressure drops the machine alarms out. It can take 30-60mins...I havent really measure it. Can this be a leak or fitting or some valve?
If you have a look through the parameters there is a parameter for the time out oil lube in milliseconds, maybe that is set wrong on your machine? if it activates the pumps and holds pressure then that side of it works but if it holds pressure too long then that will also cause it to alarm out so most likely a blockage in a line or 1 of the metering units is clogged up so ideally you need to remove the lube lines and metering units on each axis 1 axis at a time and replace it all, its a poxy job but once done it will be good for years especially now you dont use the old sticky vactra type oils Thanks Marc
Hi It’s tight for space on the vfoe’ but doable, see my other video for replacing the z axis lube lines on a vfoe which I couldn’t stop oil leaking, that one really tested my patience Thanks Marc
Thank you for making these videos! I'm doing maintenance on my VF-0E and your videos really help me prepare.
Glad you like them and glad they are helping you
I got a 1995 vf3 that I'm restoring. You're videos have really helped! Thanks for all the info mate!
Your welcome
Glad your finding them useful
A Reed switch. Magnetically operated and float was upside down. Could test magnet with something metal just so you can feel it. Good work Marc
Yeah since learnt about the reed switches, every days a school day lol
It’s a hall sensor. Basically a magnetic switch.
Ah thanks, I never tested to see if it was magnetic, makes sense, same as a cam trigger sensor then
It's not a hall sensor - a hall sensor needs power and ground and then has an output. It's probably just a reed switch. There's a magnet in the float, and when the float is up, the switch is closed, and when the float is down, the switch is open. It could be either that it's all gummed up from the Vactra 2, or that the new oil isn't dense enough to float the float
@@gorak9000 It turned out i had re fitted it upside down when i knocked it off, the new oil is fine floating the float, thanks Marc
Great video, thx a lot.
Glad it helped
Hey that's a float level sensor, for when the tank is low on oil, it will flip the bit and let you know to check it
I'm going thru my '93 VF2 doing all the oil lube lines and metering units as well these last weekends
Definitely worth doing these bits of maintenance to keep the ballscrews and ways good
Hey brother thank you so much for these videos-
Do you have any on clogged lines? I.e. a high pressure situation, or, residual pressure situation?
Im afraid i dont have any videos on that but the only real way to sort that is to go through each axis 1 by one and replace lines and metering units, as after all these years its not worth changing single lines and units, the early recommended Vactra2 oil really did clog things up bad which is why they no longer recommend it
Hi. I have a question. What should be the air pressure for spindle lubrication in a Haas Minimill?
I have never owned a minimill but the older vf series like mine need 100psi at the main regulator and then you set the smaller spindle air/oil reg to 15psi
Hi Marc, it takes a while in my VF2 2012 to drop the hours. Once the pressure is zero the machine alarms out. When I tested 0/1 readings while pressure ON/OFF they dont change at all. Ive measure the pressure switch and seems ok. When I am trying to test oil level by bridging the connector I am not getting the correct signals but I am not sure if I am using multimeter correctly here. In summary...the oil level is good/ when the oil pressure drops the machine alarms out. It can take 30-60mins...I havent really measure it. Can this be a leak or fitting or some valve?
If you have a look through the parameters there is a parameter for the time out oil lube in milliseconds, maybe that is set wrong on your machine? if it activates the pumps and holds pressure then that side of it works but if it holds pressure too long then that will also cause it to alarm out so most likely a blockage in a line or 1 of the metering units is clogged up so ideally you need to remove the lube lines and metering units on each axis 1 axis at a time and replace it all, its a poxy job but once done it will be good for years especially now you dont use the old sticky vactra type oils
Did you bought the metering units from Haas?
No i bought them from a 3rd party supplier
Thanks mate @@kinzy_fabrications , I been looking but can find a UK supplier, Would it be possible to have the name of your supplier?
I'm gonna be replacing my metering units as well as the flexible line, how bad of a job was it? My machine is a 95 VF0-E
It’s tight for space on the vfoe’ but doable, see my other video for replacing the z axis lube lines on a vfoe which I couldn’t stop oil leaking, that one really tested my patience
The machine runs for a few minutes, then "low pressure"
Please help me. Solve the problem, please.
Start by checking everything I go through in the video step by step
Well, thank you, but I don't understand what ( TR)means in the ALARM.thanks
@@arabarab9033 It normally means TRANSMISSION
So you may be low on gearbox oil or the gearbox oil pump is not working properly
hi marc .can you help me .LOW PRESSURE TR .ALARM .
What is the alarm number? is it alarm 179?
number 2004.
"Lube unit pressure too low !"
What do you mean?