Dude I tried to get a course, first i had to make a PayPal account then you guys ask for credit card its to much, bc to use Skill-capped i need to order credit card thats crazy. Try I-Deal also. if u guys fix this ill buy the course
4:39 -- low elo players kill the cannon minion with relic shield as fast as possible because their ADC very frequently will fight them for it and often straight up deny them throughout the game. For clarity, not suggesting anyone should immediately pop it with relic shield, just pointing out why they do.
Smart advice that helps in these situations: Ping the minion you want to execute and your relic shield. That works most of the time, at least in Gold. Also: If your ADC constantly attacks the cannon minion, you don't need to care about wave control that much anyhow, because he will be pushing, no matter what. And your execute is way higher than his auto attack. So just take it, before he can do it.
"for some reason, low elo supports take cannon as fast as possible" the reason is your adc is gonna take it if you let it get below 30%hp 90% of the time
half the reason people just follow their ADC's is because if you aren't following them around you get yelled at and when they die 1v5 in the enemy jungle that's apparently the supports fault
Yes that is how it should be. When I play support, I am doing all these that are told but my team just ooga booga every game. I pretty much always place deep wards and around incoming objectives. I shadow my team mates but nearly every one of them just ints after they get a single lead. They don't follow up to the good opportunities. How am I supposed to carry every lane when they are all loosing?
Yeah, but not before taking the tower in your bot lane. Support roam before that time is usually pointless 80% of the time and fucks over your adc as seen in the video. Before you roam think about why your enemy support is or isn't roaming.
@XIII - TheBlackCat I have to disagree. Support roams pre midgame rotation are some of the most important. You want your other lanes to gain advantages from your success not just your ad. As mentioned in the video finding good roam timers with waves pushing back is important, but how to set up a gank to secure a kill is something you can see in other videos. At low elo more times than not the bush connecting mid and river is warded, but there is a path you can walk that makes you NEVER seen. This allows you to wrap around them and set up a free kill the majority of the time. There are other tricks for ganking top lane and even your own lane bottom. Early leads->Easier games
@@Pest165 It will still force a lane (Bot) to 1 v 2 at an xp deficit because you have half of their xp meaning unless you are a duo or come back to bot right when the enemy does 7 to 8 times out of 10 you caused one teammate (ADC) to die+lose a whole wave of farm and gained nothing for it. The opposite of helping the team, it's always gonna be nothing but an extremely risky trick play with low reward it works in super high elo because such stupidity is unexpected, it's bad play and most of the lanes go even. The C in ADC stands for "Carrying trash players" so you want to help that player early game more than any other. Especially if you're a trash support, but if you are god support that got your adc 6 kills 0 deaths before mid game then go crazy.
I honestly didn't know that Turrets gain increased resistances if more than one champion is taking plates. As someone who likes playing Tank Supports, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Dont be afraid to mute youre adc and move around the map and also dont always listen to youre team especaly when they dive into the whole team then ping u just mute dont tilt.
Had a good top Darius and a terrible Jhin adc, around level 7 or 8 I go top lane with Lulu and just be his support lol. Sometimes you waste time helping the weak link.
@@mamiedubingoYes, if they don’t allow you to do your job which is to support the TEAM then mute them. Don’t lose your focus just because your adc wants to be babysat. I usually type in chat “Muted bro” just to let them know not to waste their time flaming in chat. Trust, this will also help your adc focus since they know flaming you won’t get a reaction.
My only problem with the "ADC and Sup should go mid" thing is that I'm in Bronze/Silver. In most games I play everyone seems to group mid, so I tend to wander back to bot lane to clear that sweet sweet farm. - An ADC who used to play Sup.
I just hit plat for the first time! These videos helped me alot, but the biggest thing was going LCS finals and getting motivated. Thanks for always putting out fire content, I'm on the website too, but I don't see anywhere to post celebrating the rank up, probably should be added. Anyway, thanks so much, and I finally got Plat!
@@goshogosho8331 I got up to Plat 2, then started sliding a bit because I was trying to help my friend out of silver and just playing every once in awhile on my main. Still in Plat 4, but in a sad way now XD
If you're learning support it's better to have someone you know play adc with you instead of some random person, actually in general it's better to play league with people you know, the more people the better.
I disagree. You learn much more from playing with different kinds of adc champs and playstyles. You get a much wider experience and learn more from it, by adapting to each new adcs every game, than playing with the same guy over and over
damn, just the other day I lost a game as Lux support, my main, and was the top damage of the match... literally this guide made me see a lot of my errors, I just thought I died to much and was reacting slow but now I see
Personally what got me quickly out of low elo as support was playing proactive champions over reactive ones and and even better champions who can absorb enemy cooldowns. Remember if u make mostly optimal macro plays playing something like for example amumu ur going to carry games much more consistently than being a top dmg morgana.
What I struggle the most is seeing where my character is and also the vanishing cursor. Many times when I get surprised by a gank or some crazy fight, I lose the cursor and moving into enemies ults and things like this 😂😂. Total noob btw, just installed this yesterday. Has seen so much lol content that made me give it a try
I am masters peak sup main and this was super helpful for me just to clarify what im doing right and whats not really necessary and just have more overall confidence in what im doing
@@sekischro5093 i think the biggest mistake is that you need to know when to roam, and when to babysit your adc. some adcs are bad and you need to leave, others are actually good and just need your help to dominate the game. and dont tilt if the lane fucks up :D
Support is the easiest role to climb. I came from adc and jgl to support. Free elo if you have some basic macro (for example by watching this video). Trying to solo carry as jgl can be hard in low elo because your team mates are apes sometimes and autopilot while jgl is forced to do bad decisions. If you are playing support you have a lot of time and its easy to help jgl or a fed team mate and not be an ape, enabeling them to carry easily.
@@pagecollector4856 Not if you are support and always been support. Riot will make it easier to climb for those who switches roles but not if you have been the same role since day 1.
@@JackPot-i2d In this case playing only support did prevent you from learning anything. You cant blame the role for this. Try to learn jungle for like 50 - 100 games, come back to support and you will climb.
XP is really not that important as support I sometimes gank mid Level one or two as thresh knowing I will not get the xp just to get that flash or the kill
Usually you just want to split it between your ADC and Midlaner. Early game you should be roaming mid and creating play opportunities and helping mid push waves and gain river control. Your midlaner shouldn't be taking negative XP gains because they will have more time to back or gain the upper hand in lane to stay and absorb more waves. People are always extremely stingy on XP and will fight over a wave, but making good plays with a larger number of teammates is infinitely better than just absorbing XP.
Really hope people watch this. As an ADC the wave control section is the bit most of my supports get wrong. Pushing wages I’m trying to freeze by killing large minions too quick, not helping to push when trying to crash a wave etc.
A tip for you would be pinging the ideal wave position on the map with the "Hold" or "Push" pings! As a support that has to babysit a lot of my ADCs through wave control, this helps quite a bit ;D
@@foxliing This, supports can't read your mind and vice versa, if you can't communicate basic shit to your support down in botlane go play a solo lane.
When I play support or adc, I’m usually the only one getting mid prio to prep for objectives and they don’t listen to my pings, instead dying deep inside the enemy jg. How should I adapt to them? This is why I prefer solo lanes so I have the power to split or group when I want as well as pressure side lanes
I've run into this issue a lot as an ADC main, and what I find most helpful is to ask if there is anything that I can trade back. If I can't save my teammates from their own incompetence, I can at least try to profit from it. I also find that how much I can profit depends on how much information I've been gathering. When I review my own games, the times when I did a bad job of mitigating others' mistakes were times when I was not being diligent to gather information ahead of time. You might have a similar issue.
17:32 nautilus should've hook on tower after ashe took the plating, AA+W to reset auto and just continue attacking it, this way they would took one more plating
I dominate last part of this video. 9 out of 10 games I'm the one with most vision score even as Jungler sometimes, and even when loosing. Doubling or even tripling sometimes the vision score of the enemy Support. But it comes to me at a cost, I lately feel always behind in experience. I think it's because enemy Supports (even in Gold), for example, don't do deep vision or roaming around, but despite trying to fix it, even if I stay 24/7 in a lane, I still feel like I'm falling behind in experience. Like if they had the old EXP runes filling their page. And no, it's not a Nilah & Zilean botlane all the time. By the way: 12:50 is probably the luckiest auto to have been ever captured in video.
I used to be a top laner, but I recently got suck of being by myself all the time, so I decided to be a support, so I know a lot about wave control from being a top laner for 2 years
This might sound pretty terrible, but ive played literally thousands of games as a support....and i didnt even think of some of this stuff lol. I normally have a high WR in the role but i definitely benefited from some of this video lol
If you don't know where the enemy is on the map and you don't have a teammate with you, stick to shallow warding in that case. In this Morgana's case, her ADC is there to back her up. Warding this deep for objectives also depends on the champion, as Morgana can escape towards her Vayne pretty easily with her kit if things get messy.
Yeeah I understand what he says at 5:20 , but dont forget If Im a low elo player my adc is too, and he could be a complete potato. They doesnt let you use your support item and you just cant stack em. Sometimes they are using are of their spells, however I have 3 stack of relic shield up....
My favourite part is 4:38 where they show the wrong abilities for Alistar combo :P It's W Q not W E. The rest is super useful though so thank you - Emerald Zilean one trick.
Personally I think any laner should get one pink and put it in a bush of your own jungle's entrance. Rather then in the pixel bush. It takes much longer before getting noticed and helps know if you're getting counter jungled and possibly getting a free kill. Also stops amu from going around pit to gank you
As a support main, pink ward is overate in my opinion . Ive reached challenger with 2-3 pink wards per match to deny enemy vision in baron or dragon. Never buy them in laning phase. Why do you spend 75g and give enemy 30g for some vision? I mean if you have advantage, you already have vision and if not, your enemy will destroy it easily.
@@NamNguyễnHoài-f2sI might disagree with one point. I used to buy a control ward every back but I realized thats inting. But whats not inting, is buying an early pink ward to ward bot or mid side jungle entrance, so your jungler cant get counterjungles or killed. If enemy jungle spots it, you just denied him mobs and xp. Imagine what would have happened if he took ur camps, and potentially killed ue jungler. Also, if the ward doesnt get spotted it can stay there for eternity. No one will get the gold, and your jungler wont end up walking to his raptors and kruggs, only to see them being stolen. He will thank you for that. I usally buy 1 pink ward at the start and place it there at jungle entrance, and once I get my ward item I ward river bushes, tribush, and drake.
im silver, but i like to think im smart ( i dont play ranked ) and skillcapped seems to always explain the subject so i can easily understand it and recreate it in my own games
The issue I have with support is people do not do anything off my vision, like I place vision around dragon and ping it, and nobody shows up, eventually the enemy rotates and takes it UNDER MY VISION and nobody even tries to rotate to stop dragon, even when we are ahead, teammates in most my games prioritize the CS over getting Baron or Dragon in most my games and it makes it very hard to win BC even if I'm fed enemy still gets the dragons (when they have no right to) and just wins anyways, like I spotted 3 low HP characters entering dragon after fighting our fed overextended jungle who got them all low, despite them all being low my team doesn't rotate to contest them and since I'm an enchanter I don't have the solo damage to kill them all so they just kinda take the dragon despite walking over my vision and being low BC my teammates didn't care about 3 free kills and a dragon BC that 2 CS is definitely more worth than 2 shutdowns, a dragon and free tower pressure afterwards
I recently started playing some support because a friend started paying adc. I like the role but don't want to play with randoms because I made some really bad experiences, any tips ?
Xd i am support main lux i play around most of the things that are mentioned in the video but adc always push like crazy and after wave crush they stay for 2 or 3 more waves then is my fault that i am out of mana from making sure that the adc has not die up to that moment so i can go b to refill mana i low low elo and i know if I am in low elo then i am also not good but i have idea what i want to do but most if not all of them (teammates) don't think and go solo one after the other in a 1 v 3 or 4 die and leave me alone to keep the waves from crushing to the towers
Lux support main here. When you have no mana left, help your ADC crash the wave as fast as possible and then go to the bushes and recall. If the ADC doesn't get the hint and recall with you, caution ping them & ping your mana %. If they're going to stay without you (high health & mana or not enough gold for items), this will at least tell them to play further back. When they play safe, you can regroup with them faster with an extra item or two that will push your lead. If your ADC still pushes and dies, oh well, you did everything you could. If you stick around with an ADC like this, you will most likely both die to a gank or all in, so from my experience, it's best just to let them be stupid. They can't logically blame you for their death, so they will either learn their lesson or rage. If they learn their lesson, great! If they start inting, try helping out mid and making more map impact instead of sticking by their side. It's not your job to keep your ADC alive if they're making terrible plays! As said in the video, you are the support for EVERYONE on your team.
"Why spot the roam last minute?" well.. most players are goldfish with adhd.. this zed is long forgotten when he arrives bot and this one last minion there... :D
I feel like 90% of this and other guides revolve around engage supports or supports that are hook or bind focused. Like man soraka just can’t do what morgana, pyke, crank, or naut can do. Guess I maybe should just play a hook/bind support… seems like it’s anything else just disadvantaged
The current meta is very much focused on engage supports, which is probably why they focused on it so much. There's also a theory that it's easier to get out of low ELO using an engage support rather than an enchanter.
Game 1: adc died twice, couldn't dodge ashe/seraphine abilities. Refused to leave base - blames me (lvl 3 lulu) for not blocking it all. Game 2: adc disconnected 20 mins in with 1/4/2 kda. Game 3: 1/11/4 top and jg -not even joking, they had the same kda and were arguing about whose fault it was. (I have 100% kp) Game 4: a win. Finally. (I've demoted and have very little LP before next demotion.) *Next day, repeat*
I've been a support main(thresh) since 2019 I never reached gold apparently ADC in normal queue is so much better than the ADCs in Rank. Adc in ranks are potato head, I try teaching them how to use my lantern instead of flashing away from the fight... Every flash hook I hit they don't engage but when I missed they flash towards the enemy T-T... Honestly most of the time it's isn't the support's fault and yet most of us gets to be blamed. if I earn a dollar everytime my lantern gets ignored, I could afford a new pc to play another game...
from what i see from high elo videos and low elos they tend to mostly track the jungler and knowing their advantages and disadvantage and mostly they have vision all around the map their macro do be easier since they all work together in terms of vision control ofc that from what i see from the videos i aint high elo myself
From what I see, its manyfold. But one that stands out is trading skills in early lane phase and roam timings and match up knowledge and synergy knowledge with their adc.
Every lane can gank mid, and adc is not really strong in early laning phase. Kills are nice but have to make sure adc can farm first. Support also need time to upgrade their ward item. Plus midlaner playing bot can’t roam as effective.
Cause if one team has 1 player on bot, and other team has 2 on bot, than 2vs1 will be much easier to destroy cause the lane is longer, while 1 player can stay pretty safe on midlane against 2
IMPROVE FAST and RANK UP at: www.skill-capped.com/lol 👈👈👈👈
No thankyou, i can see the scripting arrow. -_-
Dude I tried to get a course, first i had to make a PayPal account then you guys ask for credit card its to much, bc to use Skill-capped i need to order credit card thats crazy. Try I-Deal also. if u guys fix this ill buy the course
4:39 -- low elo players kill the cannon minion with relic shield as fast as possible because their ADC very frequently will fight them for it and often straight up deny them throughout the game.
For clarity, not suggesting anyone should immediately pop it with relic shield, just pointing out why they do.
You can kill the cannon at 1/4-1/3 hp then unless the adc really lost his mind 😂
@@Resurrektt low elo adc's usually don't have mind. Some even don't know how does relic shield works.
Smart advice that helps in these situations: Ping the minion you want to execute and your relic shield. That works most of the time, at least in Gold.
Also: If your ADC constantly attacks the cannon minion, you don't need to care about wave control that much anyhow, because he will be pushing, no matter what. And your execute is way higher than his auto attack. So just take it, before he can do it.
@@gruchaczpl5328 I've recently been yelled at for 'csing' with my relic shield. 90% of the time now I play enchanters in solo queue ;D
@@Resurrektt tell that to my last ezreal player who denied me ever seige minion at and after lvl5
"for some reason, low elo supports take cannon as fast as possible" the reason is your adc is gonna take it if you let it get below 30%hp 90% of the time
true, sometimes I have 3 stacks on my support item and can't get a minion, cause my adc just swipe them all up :D
as a supp main, this comment is the definition of relatable
half the reason people just follow their ADC's is because if you aren't following them around you get yelled at and when they die 1v5 in the enemy jungle that's apparently the supports fault
gg sp gap!
Then mute and leave it be, if the adc afk the game was unwinable anyway
Plus someone who cry in chat while you are just chill will get the hate
I play Support since season 5 and this rarely happens/happened to me
I loved the how the Soraka added jungle diff because Ashe died at 1:45.
Was hoping someone else noticed.... always jungle diff 😂
Yes because the jg could see there bot lane is in a tough situation so he can help…
Love when you said you support the whole team not just the ADC
Yes that is how it should be. When I play support, I am doing all these that are told but my team just ooga booga every game. I pretty much always place deep wards and around incoming objectives. I shadow my team mates but nearly every one of them just ints after they get a single lead. They don't follow up to the good opportunities. How am I supposed to carry every lane when they are all loosing?
Yeah, but not before taking the tower in your bot lane. Support roam before that time is usually pointless 80% of the time and fucks over your adc as seen in the video. Before you roam think about why your enemy support is or isn't roaming.
@XIII - TheBlackCat I have to disagree. Support roams pre midgame rotation are some of the most important. You want your other lanes to gain advantages from your success not just your ad. As mentioned in the video finding good roam timers with waves pushing back is important, but how to set up a gank to secure a kill is something you can see in other videos. At low elo more times than not the bush connecting mid and river is warded, but there is a path you can walk that makes you NEVER seen. This allows you to wrap around them and set up a free kill the majority of the time. There are other tricks for ganking top lane and even your own lane bottom. Early leads->Easier games
@@Pest165 It will still force a lane (Bot) to 1 v 2 at an xp deficit because you have half of their xp meaning unless you are a duo or come back to bot right when the enemy does 7 to 8 times out of 10 you caused one teammate (ADC) to die+lose a whole wave of farm and gained nothing for it. The opposite of helping the team, it's always gonna be nothing but an extremely risky trick play with low reward it works in super high elo because such stupidity is unexpected, it's bad play and most of the lanes go even. The C in ADC stands for "Carrying trash players" so you want to help that player early game more than any other. Especially if you're a trash support, but if you are god support that got your adc 6 kills 0 deaths before mid game then go crazy.
Support is just baby-sitting
Nice, now I can play better the 1/100 game where I'm autofilled, and tilt harder at my support not applying any of these fundamentals the other 99 !
Made me laugh 😂
Or you come to the dark side and become a support main
i know this. but my team don'tknow
I honestly didn't know that Turrets gain increased resistances if more than one champion is taking plates. As someone who likes playing Tank Supports, I'll definitely keep that in mind.
This is actually enough to get to master. Best guide I've seen so far.
Dont be afraid to mute youre adc and move around the map and also dont always listen to youre team especaly when they dive into the whole team then ping u just mute dont tilt.
Had a good top Darius and a terrible Jhin adc, around level 7 or 8 I go top lane with Lulu and just be his support lol. Sometimes you waste time helping the weak link.
Is muting my adc truly the thing to do ? We're supposed to be a duo for a game, i'm just wondering
@@mamiedubingoYes, if they don’t allow you to do your job which is to support the TEAM then mute them. Don’t lose your focus just because your adc wants to be babysat. I usually type in chat “Muted bro” just to let them know not to waste their time flaming in chat. Trust, this will also help your adc focus since they know flaming you won’t get a reaction.
I love this, 11:14 Starts off with 2 supports and escalated into a fiesta. Solo q is wild
My only problem with the "ADC and Sup should go mid" thing is that I'm in Bronze/Silver. In most games I play everyone seems to group mid, so I tend to wander back to bot lane to clear that sweet sweet farm.
- An ADC who used to play Sup.
I just hit plat for the first time! These videos helped me alot, but the biggest thing was going LCS finals and getting motivated. Thanks for always putting out fire content, I'm on the website too, but I don't see anywhere to post celebrating the rank up, probably should be added. Anyway, thanks so much, and I finally got Plat!
Congrats! What does your progression look like now, and regardless, keep it up!
@@goshogosho8331 I got up to Plat 2, then started sliding a bit because I was trying to help my friend out of silver and just playing every once in awhile on my main. Still in Plat 4, but in a sad way now XD
Just got to gold 1 22LP! Highest I’ve ever been and I’m looking to get to plat asap in the support role
Love it, this is how a guide should be. When i get autofilled supp i have an idea on what to do
If you're learning support it's better to have someone you know play adc with you instead of some random person, actually in general it's better to play league with people you know, the more people the better.
I disagree. You learn much more from playing with different kinds of adc champs and playstyles. You get a much wider experience and learn more from it, by adapting to each new adcs every game, than playing with the same guy over and over
damn, just the other day I lost a game as Lux support, my main, and was the top damage of the match... literally this guide made me see a lot of my errors, I just thought I died to much and was reacting slow but now I see
8:10 Amumu making fun of Jinx for not basing in 10 minutes was pretty funny
I want to say i reached diamond in 10 days thanks to this video. I was in plat 4 before i watched this. Ty Skill Capped
how did u practice? im also plat 4 rn (from silver) by abusing nami. but i think im hardstuck in here cuz i cant get any higher
17:15 when your in low elo as a supp u will run away because of plates n the adc will get pissed ur not hitting it aswell xd
Personally what got me quickly out of low elo as support was playing proactive champions over reactive ones and and even better champions who can absorb enemy cooldowns. Remember if u make mostly optimal macro plays playing something like for example amumu ur going to carry games much more consistently than being a top dmg morgana.
Leona is the low elo Goat since her engage is so strong and so easy to follow
I was literally just thinking to myself... What lane should I main and there you have it, skill capped answered the question for me xD
When they say to roam around mid, it is not to STAY in mid whole game, but, WHILE in mid... always look for better opportunities Round the map.
4:35 W, E knock up combo guys incredible🤣
These guides help out so much, thanks a lot.
1:40 I believe you mean that you have 1 player trying their hardest to get a wave advantage versus 0.
What I struggle the most is seeing where my character is and also the vanishing cursor. Many times when I get surprised by a gank or some crazy fight, I lose the cursor and moving into enemies ults and things like this 😂😂. Total noob btw, just installed this yesterday. Has seen so much lol content that made me give it a try
Thx for the wave tactics, my ADC will surely wait for me to get the cannon at low hp and not just randomly throw all his spells at it
I started to play adc cause 80% of time at my elo they dont know what to do. Now im playing adc with supports who have no idea what to do.
0:27 Whoa there Goku, I didn't know you played League
great video. i learned alot. thank you .
I am masters peak sup main and this was super helpful for me just to clarify what im doing right and whats not really necessary and just have more overall confidence in what im doing
Same, emerald supp here
what mistakes do plat sp make the most? im trying to get out of plat
@@sekischro5093 i think the biggest mistake is that you need to know when to roam, and when to babysit your adc. some adcs are bad and you need to leave, others are actually good and just need your help to dominate the game. and dont tilt if the lane fucks up :D
I didn't know the tower defense bit for melee supports. Thanks for that!
those videos are really helpful. thanks for the efforts ❤❤
Support is the hardest role to climb BECAUSE you’re at the mercy of your team 😩
then play at low elo ap supports like xerath or lux
Support is the easiest role to climb. I came from adc and jgl to support. Free elo if you have some basic macro (for example by watching this video). Trying to solo carry as jgl can be hard in low elo because your team mates are apes sometimes and autopilot while jgl is forced to do bad decisions. If you are playing support you have a lot of time and its easy to help jgl or a fed team mate and not be an ape, enabeling them to carry easily.
@@pagecollector4856 Not if you are support and always been support. Riot will make it easier to climb for those who switches roles but not if you have been the same role since day 1.
@@JackPot-i2d In this case playing only support did prevent you from learning anything. You cant blame the role for this. Try to learn jungle for like 50 - 100 games, come back to support and you will climb.
i went from a silver adc to plat sp by quitting adc and playing sp
9:40 ah, yes. Placing 7 wards. Of course, how could I be so foolish to only play 4. Silly me.
Question: How should supports aim to keep up in XP without sharing too much xp with your laners and giving away your position on the map?
They dont. U need to help, vision and supporting, lvl up is the last thing
XP is really not that important as support
I sometimes gank mid Level one or two as thresh knowing I will not get the xp just to get that flash or the kill
you dont
Usually you just want to split it between your ADC and Midlaner.
Early game you should be roaming mid and creating play opportunities and helping mid push waves and gain river control. Your midlaner shouldn't be taking negative XP gains because they will have more time to back or gain the upper hand in lane to stay and absorb more waves.
People are always extremely stingy on XP and will fight over a wave, but making good plays with a larger number of teammates is infinitely better than just absorbing XP.
Really hope people watch this. As an ADC the wave control section is the bit most of my supports get wrong. Pushing wages I’m trying to freeze by killing large minions too quick, not helping to push when trying to crash a wave etc.
A tip for you would be pinging the ideal wave position on the map with the "Hold" or "Push" pings! As a support that has to babysit a lot of my ADCs through wave control, this helps quite a bit ;D
@@foxliing This, supports can't read your mind and vice versa, if you can't communicate basic shit to your support down in botlane go play a solo lane.
When I play support or adc, I’m usually the only one getting mid prio to prep for objectives and they don’t listen to my pings, instead dying deep inside the enemy jg. How should I adapt to them?
This is why I prefer solo lanes so I have the power to split or group when I want as well as pressure side lanes
I've run into this issue a lot as an ADC main, and what I find most helpful is to ask if there is anything that I can trade back. If I can't save my teammates from their own incompetence, I can at least try to profit from it. I also find that how much I can profit depends on how much information I've been gathering. When I review my own games, the times when I did a bad job of mitigating others' mistakes were times when I was not being diligent to gather information ahead of time. You might have a similar issue.
17:32 nautilus should've hook on tower after ashe took the plating, AA+W to reset auto and just continue attacking it, this way they would took one more plating
The final destination clip of the ADC 🤣🤣
Problem is that for you to do 80% of these things your ADC also has to know what your doing which makes it hard to climb to higher elos
As an ADC main, I am better from this video
“The only guide you’ll ever need” okay well I was gonna pay for your training courses but I guess I won’t need it now😎
Great guide
I dominate last part of this video. 9 out of 10 games I'm the one with most vision score even as Jungler sometimes, and even when loosing. Doubling or even tripling sometimes the vision score of the enemy Support. But it comes to me at a cost, I lately feel always behind in experience.
I think it's because enemy Supports (even in Gold), for example, don't do deep vision or roaming around, but despite trying to fix it, even if I stay 24/7 in a lane, I still feel like I'm falling behind in experience. Like if they had the old EXP runes filling their page. And no, it's not a Nilah & Zilean botlane all the time.
By the way: 12:50 is probably the luckiest auto to have been ever captured in video.
I used to be a top laner, but I recently got suck of being by myself all the time, so I decided to be a support, so I know a lot about wave control from being a top laner for 2 years
Thanks for the free guide
Lol I had 1 match where my adc was following me around as supp lol.
This might sound pretty terrible, but ive played literally thousands of games as a support....and i didnt even think of some of this stuff lol. I normally have a high WR in the role but i definitely benefited from some of this video lol
14:13 yeah and theres is when always enemy team picks you because no ally close and gg objective
If you don't know where the enemy is on the map and you don't have a teammate with you, stick to shallow warding in that case. In this Morgana's case, her ADC is there to back her up. Warding this deep for objectives also depends on the champion, as Morgana can escape towards her Vayne pretty easily with her kit if things get messy.
Oh so Tuckson, Kingwaterfall and me are the comments trio for all the current Skill Capped videos, noice!
0:14 How to Carry as Support? Easy just Go top-lane AD Thresh
Yeeah I understand what he says at 5:20 , but dont forget If Im a low elo player my adc is too, and he could be a complete potato. They doesnt let you use your support item and you just cant stack em. Sometimes they are using are of their spells, however I have 3 stack of relic shield up....
4:40 knock-up combo is WQ, not WE - persnickety, great videos though :D
i like those "what is a ward ?" :D
Wait so Casters want to push up and Ingage want to be pushed in, so what to do when you are caster vs Ingage ?
As caster vs engage you want to freeze the minion wave near your tower, so they cant engage on you.
A little sugestion, maybe when you promote the rank up guaranted you should show rank from gold to diamond 😅
This would actually make a lot of sense as I believe most of their subscriber base is in the range of Gold-Plat.
“Now all 5 members of Nautilus’ team know Viego is on blue buff”
Me: Pinging 50x and my team still having no idea where he is.
i personally start working objectives a full minute before it spawns i ward then recall so i have a full set of wards ready.
Bro, ain't no mid laner in low elo gonna agree to a lane swap, you will end up with 3 people on mid and enraged 13yo Yas main who will start trolling
early bird gets the W0Rm, i love support guides cuz im a support main hardstuck in master rn. trying to climb out.
If you are masters, wouldnt this already be common knowledge for you? I believe this guide was made for the majority of people who are in silver-plat.
My favourite part is 4:38 where they show the wrong abilities for Alistar combo :P It's W Q not W E. The rest is super useful though so thank you - Emerald Zilean one trick.
Me as a person who cant drive: 💀
5:10 Anyone else noticed seju dying to singed in her own base 3 minutes into the game?
£18.99 is a bit much, I was gonna buy a subscription but it's too much per month.
Meanwhile 4:49 Singed is killing sejuani in base.
The ONLY MID LANE MACRO Guide You NEED for Season 13 Please, i need it.
Personally I think any laner should get one pink and put it in a bush of your own jungle's entrance. Rather then in the pixel bush. It takes much longer before getting noticed and helps know if you're getting counter jungled and possibly getting a free kill. Also stops amu from going around pit to gank you
As a support main, pink ward is overate in my opinion . Ive reached challenger with 2-3 pink wards per match to deny enemy vision in baron or dragon. Never buy them in laning phase.
Why do you spend 75g and give enemy 30g for some vision? I mean if you have advantage, you already have vision and if not, your enemy will destroy it easily.
@@NamNguyễnHoài-f2sI might disagree with one point. I used to buy a control ward every back but I realized thats inting. But whats not inting, is buying an early pink ward to ward bot or mid side jungle entrance, so your jungler cant get counterjungles or killed. If enemy jungle spots it, you just denied him mobs and xp. Imagine what would have happened if he took ur camps, and potentially killed ue jungler. Also, if the ward doesnt get spotted it can stay there for eternity. No one will get the gold, and your jungler wont end up walking to his raptors and kruggs, only to see them being stolen. He will thank you for that.
I usally buy 1 pink ward at the start and place it there at jungle entrance, and once I get my ward item I ward river bushes, tribush, and drake.
just saying, alistar combo is WQ, not WE xD 4:40
Best trick in the book, taking a suppot that counter the ennemy bot and work well with your adc make the lane 103000x ez
im silver, but i like to think im smart ( i dont play ranked ) and skillcapped seems to always explain the subject so i can easily understand it and recreate it in my own games
@@kien8134 ever considered taking your life?
@@monke8746 least delusion&toxic hardstuck silver player😂
The issue I have with support is people do not do anything off my vision, like I place vision around dragon and ping it, and nobody shows up, eventually the enemy rotates and takes it UNDER MY VISION and nobody even tries to rotate to stop dragon, even when we are ahead, teammates in most my games prioritize the CS over getting Baron or Dragon in most my games and it makes it very hard to win BC even if I'm fed enemy still gets the dragons (when they have no right to) and just wins anyways, like I spotted 3 low HP characters entering dragon after fighting our fed overextended jungle who got them all low, despite them all being low my team doesn't rotate to contest them and since I'm an enchanter I don't have the solo damage to kill them all so they just kinda take the dragon despite walking over my vision and being low BC my teammates didn't care about 3 free kills and a dragon BC that 2 CS is definitely more worth than 2 shutdowns, a dragon and free tower pressure afterwards
i main senna and i often dont really know how i should be roaming without losing my souls
I recently started playing some support because a friend started paying adc. I like the role but don't want to play with randoms because I made some really bad experiences, any tips ?
Probably late but imo it's best to play randoms first to find some good adc, then friend them and continue to play with them.
7:23 tf with that dodge xD
5:35 My PTSD just spiked lol
For all supps but specially Bard, mute your adc, if spams pings mute them too, it's good for your health and you'll play better.
Xd i am support main lux i play around most of the things that are mentioned in the video but adc always push like crazy and after wave crush they stay for 2 or 3 more waves then is my fault that i am out of mana from making sure that the adc has not die up to that moment so i can go b to refill mana i low low elo and i know if I am in low elo then i am also not good but i have idea what i want to do but most if not all of them (teammates) don't think and go solo one after the other in a 1 v 3 or 4 die and leave me alone to keep the waves from crushing to the towers
Lux support main here. When you have no mana left, help your ADC crash the wave as fast as possible and then go to the bushes and recall. If the ADC doesn't get the hint and recall with you, caution ping them & ping your mana %. If they're going to stay without you (high health & mana or not enough gold for items), this will at least tell them to play further back. When they play safe, you can regroup with them faster with an extra item or two that will push your lead.
If your ADC still pushes and dies, oh well, you did everything you could. If you stick around with an ADC like this, you will most likely both die to a gank or all in, so from my experience, it's best just to let them be stupid. They can't logically blame you for their death, so they will either learn their lesson or rage. If they learn their lesson, great! If they start inting, try helping out mid and making more map impact instead of sticking by their side. It's not your job to keep your ADC alive if they're making terrible plays! As said in the video, you are the support for EVERYONE on your team.
soraka 1:47 LOL
That's really nice everyone who love to support say hi🙏
"always help your adc to push" yet i keep getting flamed and pinged when i do it or when i use the execute support item to get gold from minions.
my ADC always yells at me when i engage on minions
3:37 bltz hook canceled an already active karma q lmfao
If only there was a channel for Supports like Virkayu is for Jungling.
0:21 did they really feel the need to clip out a single loss?
"Why spot the roam last minute?" well.. most players are goldfish with adhd.. this zed is long forgotten when he arrives bot and this one last minion there... :D
Was this guide voiced by Ezreal?
I feel like 90% of this and other guides revolve around engage supports or supports that are hook or bind focused. Like man soraka just can’t do what morgana, pyke, crank, or naut can do. Guess I maybe should just play a hook/bind support… seems like it’s anything else just disadvantaged
The current meta is very much focused on engage supports, which is probably why they focused on it so much. There's also a theory that it's easier to get out of low ELO using an engage support rather than an enchanter.
I love Milio but i feel like when i'm not with the adc, i'm not super usefull :/
Game 1: adc died twice, couldn't dodge ashe/seraphine abilities. Refused to leave base - blames me (lvl 3 lulu) for not blocking it all.
Game 2: adc disconnected 20 mins in with 1/4/2 kda.
Game 3: 1/11/4 top and jg -not even joking, they had the same kda and were arguing about whose fault it was. (I have 100% kp)
Game 4: a win. Finally. (I've demoted and have very little LP before next demotion.)
*Next day, repeat*
Had some guy tell me that support role is most useless roll in the game and he needs pick priority. I picked Anivia support joke is on him 😂😂
you convinced an adc to blame my support for my bad games
Games do tend to go a lot better when you support the whole team and not just the adc. 🤷🏼♂️
rooting for jg guide
I've been a support main(thresh) since 2019 I never reached gold apparently ADC in normal queue is so much better than the ADCs in Rank. Adc in ranks are potato head, I try teaching them how to use my lantern instead of flashing away from the fight... Every flash hook I hit they don't engage but when I missed they flash towards the enemy T-T... Honestly most of the time it's isn't the support's fault and yet most of us gets to be blamed. if I earn a dollar everytime my lantern gets ignored, I could afford a new pc to play another game...
Stop blaming your team. I know its frustrating but blaming your team wont fix ur problems
What's the difference between low and high elo support macro?
from what i see from high elo videos and low elos they tend to mostly track the jungler and knowing their advantages and disadvantage and mostly they have vision all around the map their macro do be easier since they all work together in terms of vision control ofc that from what i see from the videos i aint high elo myself
From what I see, its manyfold. But one that stands out is trading skills in early lane phase and roam timings and match up knowledge and synergy knowledge with their adc.
" for alistar to find another knockup combo.."
Shows W + E..
knock up combo is W Q .. or just Q.. buuut k
How to build?
If mid is the best place for the adc/support, why don't they just start the game there?
The bot tower is easier to take than the rest. Better odds of taking it with 2 people
Every lane can gank mid, and adc is not really strong in early laning phase. Kills are nice but have to make sure adc can farm first. Support also need time to upgrade their ward item. Plus midlaner playing bot can’t roam as effective.
Cause if one team has 1 player on bot, and other team has 2 on bot, than 2vs1 will be much easier to destroy cause the lane is longer, while 1 player can stay pretty safe on midlane against 2