Neat idea using the foam, a fantastic result. I made a slightly more elaborate floating reamer holder with a chuck as most of my reamers are chucking reamers.
New sub here - good to see you ended up with a smile ! That particular type of foam has a tendency to collapse with time , (if it pinches to the point of popping the air encapsulated within ) . . . whereas a spongy neoprene foam would rebound . < just an observation / suggestion ;) Since it's a prototype , there is always room for modification or improvement. Simplicity is always a big plus . . . this design gets a big YES ! from me ;) Simple, yet elegant !
Cool project, 1 thought if the back edges of the reamer have sharpe corners. Might it help avoid scoring if the edges were lightly stoned off? Great channel you got here. I just found you from rustinox, glad he mentioned you.
Neat idea using the foam, a fantastic result. I made a slightly more elaborate floating reamer holder with a chuck as most of my reamers are chucking reamers.
New sub here - good to see you ended up with a smile ! That particular type of foam has a tendency to collapse with time , (if it pinches to the point of popping the air encapsulated within ) . . . whereas a spongy neoprene foam would rebound . < just an observation / suggestion ;) Since it's a prototype , there is always room for modification or improvement.
Simplicity is always a big plus . . . this design gets a big YES ! from me ;) Simple, yet elegant !
That's a real good result, even with the need to adapt as the project was going on... ;)
Pierre, it was all good. Fun and Functional.
Cool project, 1 thought if the back edges of the reamer have sharpe corners. Might it help avoid scoring if the edges were lightly stoned off? Great channel you got here. I just found you from rustinox, glad he mentioned you.