Bonus to the Clothes change idea: To balance the fact anyone can disguise as the other team, it means their own sentries will see them as enemies and shoot them to death.
It's not make sense because wiki says what he recognizes their teammates by color of team so in that case they will not shoot blue soldier and spy just because they wearing a red suit for a disguise
Idea: Court for war crimes that included: - Disguise as an enemy - Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia - Using explosive traps - Using fire weapons - Executions (taunt kills) - Causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health (brutal mele weapons)
@@warpear3330 well to be honest as i know if combat medic uses his weapon he can be considered a combatant and shooted but im not an expert i just read few articles
I read an article on Wikipedia on war crimes once, and dat made me smarter. Small disclaimer: i'm stupid, and you should search it up by yourself. (war ruses and war crimes on Wikipedia) So basically, field medics can't direcly fire at the enemy or something, and you can't disguise as a medic using a red cross to then reveal yourself a military, but this is off-topic. I'm not sure about it, it's 50/50.
This is crazy! I love it! Not only was the animation realistic, like the real movies, and well animated, but the voices weren't just the google "David voice" of TF2! It was perfect!
Ideas: 1. Sniper’s Jarate will infect any open wounds. 2. Any food Heavy throws with get dirty on the ground because plates won’t magically appear under the food. 3. They have to worry about snakes in some maps. (Like Dustbowl) Edit: Forgot the bullets inflict pain one already appeared.
@@surodensa Piss disinfects wounds when it hasn't been left to be consumed by bacteria, hasn't been left in a warm environment, and used soon after being pissed out. Piss, does not in fact, disinfect wounds when an australian man with ESRD pisses it and leaves it sitting there for several minutes, usually in the hot sun since most TF2 maps are in a desert environment. Not to mention the fact it's not even particularly effective as an anti-septic, with soap and water being 100x more effective... the main thing that it could be used for is to irrigate a wound when clean water is unavailable.
I like how you linked all of these together as if it were all a single, continuing game session. That being said... If the Spy & the Soldier were able to disguise themselves by wearing enemy clothing, then wouldn't the motorized Payload Cart with the Sentry on top be also targeting them? A heavy dose of serendipity is called for...
So if that said, the actual running is a sprint mechanic, or maybe he just has a really cool stamina, by the fact that he likes caffeine, his motto is a proof of that.
Fun fact: Team Fortress 2 was originally going to have throwable grenades like we see here, but they were taken out because games ended up just being test players constantly spamming grenades at doorways.
I always figured the backstab was an instant kill because it was put through the spine, separating it in half. If it didn’t kill Heavy it would at least cripple him.
A backstab could theoretically kill a person, as long as it lands on it's spine or penetrates deep enough to cause irreparable damage to some internal organ (Preferably, the Heart or Lungs).
At this point, someone would make a "That's what she said" joke the way how you worded that, but my dad has some experience using a butterfly knife before, and I can confirm your statement.
Yep, that's the whole point of backstabbing in the first place...Putting the knife right where it would do the most good. However, any stab that does NOT instantly sever the spine (such as cutting the carotid or between the ribs & into the heart) might still leave a few seconds of life left for the target to retaliate, as long as they don't panic & can initially resist the pain (Heavy might resist like that); there would be only a few seconds to do so.
Uhh do I need remind you all the grenade ping is still on ther the grenade still triggers explode? I know this is the fifth message you four got in four year 💀
Idea: > the rescue ranger would electrify enemies since you're basically shooting batteries that repair buildings. > overloading the beggars bazooka will force the first rockets out the back of the bazooka's tube, dropping it out and landing on the ground with a kaboom
It’s actually filled with air because there is tank of gas already on the flamethrower so I would suspect it would explode from presssure if fast enough
Idea: Soldier can’t die he ate an entire bottle of “I die I come back stronger pills” Idea: Medics Uber is stored in his backpack. So he can switch his medigun but still have the same amount of Uber.
With the 'backstabs wouldn't kill' one, it just feels wrong. Because most of the time it's a stab either at or near the spine, which would at least paralyze anybody, basically killing them on a battlefield. I don't mean to be a downer, but eh.
@@richardlounsbury295 the lungs wouldn t iinstantly incapacitate you. the heart maybe but there were people who survived being stabbed in the heard in modern times. The liver takes too long to kill you from bleeding (not days but definitely not instantly). plus the heavy is a pretty thick and muscular guy (we say he is fat but that guy is probably bear buff kind of guy) and judging by the lenght of spies knife it would have a hard time getting to the vital area especially in a fast paced situation. honestly the spine seems the best way to take the heavy out in 1 hit with that small of a blade since you don t need to kill in order to basically incapacitate someone by severing the spinal cord.
@@ZergMeTaSWORM i quote "A direct stab to the heart is survivable as long as you can receive appropriate treatment within minutes of the trauma. A thoractomy is considered the standard and most probable successful emergency medical procedure for an unprepared and unsterile site with minimal equipment, but it goes without saying that a surgeon, heart specialist or being close to an emergency room is a prerequisite. The difficulties faced are in evacuating the pooled blood and clot and closing the wound to the heart while maintaining manual systole to ensure there is blood flowing through the chambers for the lungs and for the body. It is important also to ensure that there is no blood flow being communicated between the chest cavities, and if so, the amount of blood loss becomes unrecoverable without the above emergency methods and application by a doctor. By saying this a violent and severe sharp trauma that punctures the heart will cause immediate arrest and death to follow in minutes, only prolonged by the remaining integrity of oxygen. The heart is one of three main targets to incapacitate someone violently and instantly. Should the heart be stopped by a severing of the vagus nerve which runs from the medulla through the cervical there will be no electrical pulse to contract the heart or if the carotid artery is shunted or severed and there is no blood flow to the heart, myocardial infarction occurs, and function will cease. This implies severe polytrauma to the cervical and/or carotid arteries will cause instant death. The longest one can survive a deep penetrating cut to the heart without immediate intervention will be the time it takes for the brain to cease functioning after the heart has stopped and the maximum time will be around 3-4 minutes." TL;DR direct stab to heart survivable if received appropriate treatment within minutes
@@richardlounsbury295 considering that the medigun can heal a fully opened chest cavity in a matter of second its sufice to say medical treatment is available in minutes. also we are talking about instant vs minutes. a direct severing of the spinal column produce paralysis instantly. it incapacitates the person instantly while a direct hit to the heart doesn't. and the discussion is whether the stab is INSTANTLY fatal and or incapacitating vs not. no one is saying you won t die from those with a high chance. also the discussion is withing universe but with real life logic applied. so we take into account that medigun is a thing that they are all combat veterans who delt with injuries and probably have a higher tolerance for said injuries, and that the blade of the spy is probably not long enough to cause major damage to heavy who is burly and muscular (since he carries a 200kg minigun like its nothing), i think its safe to assume that the only higher chance of incapacitating a target instantly is aiming for the cervical spine, and since the spy seems to be very skilled in handeling blades he might have the technique and knowledge to perform such a task.
Actually, it would depend on whether or not the backstab hit the spine or not. If it didn’t, then yes. The heavy would easily be able to fight back. But, if it hit the spine, that is damaging the line from the brain to the limbs, so heavy would basically have his brain severed from his body.
idea: Capturing intelligence would be harder, put in a safe, in a High security room, heavily guarded and any suspicous activity would immediately raise an alarm
Ideas: -Any cosmetic can be equipped by any class. -Pyros can airblast their teammates -The Spy-circle wouldn’t work and would break if you attempted to backstab somebody with it.
Ideas: -Engineer has to be the slowest class since he carries 4 giant toolboxes (let's assume each toolbox is caring around 132 pounds/60kg of steel, in total 528 pounds/240 kg) and also 200 metal which I'm guessing would be 200 pounds/90 kg of steel. 728 POUNDS/330 KG OF STEEL ALL CARRIED AT ONCE! Forget being the slowest, engineer has to have the back of Hercules to be able to move all of that! (Side note: Heavy carries around 337 pounds/153 kg with the shotgun and a tiny bit more than 331 pounds/150 kg with the sandvich) -All the mercenaries should be deaf/half-deaf from all the loud noises around them since they wear no soundproof headphones; -It is impossible for demoman to reach maximum charge speeds in less than a second bc of the way velocity works; -Spy backstabbing people has a very high chance at leave them paralyzed and a very low chance at killing them instantly; -Getting hit by a lot of syringes from Medic's syringe gun would make you feel very sick or could kill you very quickly if you receive a fatal dose; -Spy stabbing people in the neck is way more deadly; -Weapons have to be manually reloaded (I'm specifically looking at the scatter gun, minigun, flamethrower and sticky-bomb launcher); -The mercenaries has to store weapons and ammo somewhere; -Pyro would pass out a lot bc of overheating
@@TitanEaterOfCrayons so, your saying that not in logic reality that the suit itself would pass a person out cause of the high heat you'd will feel if your running in your own sweat.
Idea: If the sentry's targeting is so accurate, then it can also shoot pipes, stickies and rockets in the air, detonating them before they reach it. Functioning pratically the same way as a C-RAM
Small detail, but I deeply appreciate how Sniper was the first one to notice the Stickies in the beginning. It's such a small detail but I super appreciate it
Well , thats acctualy fast , as the Dispenser has Machinegun drums and chains , and the dispenser also seem to have a little micro tiny itti bitty Gas station
Idea: Naturally, being a wizard, Merasmus would use his spells more wisely to achieve his goals. Plus, he'd develop better spells to aid him in achieving said goals.
Nobody would ever respawn, so eventually: One team would all die, and the other team (and administrator) would have nothing to do but sit around aimlessly. OR Everyone dies somehow and the map is left completely empty, maybe besides maybe one person, who'd be driven insane due to the isolation and loneliness, surrounded by nothing but the corpses of their fallen enemies & comrades. Plenty of possibilities!
Here's an idea: every weapon category would need different type of ammunition so scout can't reload his shotgun from the box that has rockets for soldier's rpg
And some weapon reloading would take way way longer than they do in game. like for instance some of demos weapons he just pulls back on and it reloads, that doesn't make sense
1:30 I believe that it is required for the thrower to unscrew the cap at the bottom of the grenade in order to ignite the fuse. Otherwise, they are just tossing grenades at the enemy for no reason at all.
Ideas: Scout's an idiot but I doubt he's stupid enough to hit himself with the Boston Basher when missing Also Medic would be useless because the medi-gun is just a firehouse with ghost bustery healing powers. He has to preform standard medical procedures and we all know the likelihood of that.
ideas: the medic can use stem cells or the medigun can use electricity to encourage the blood cells to repair faster, how ever this would make the person being healed use up lots of energy and be tired. spy would use a suit that can bend light see here:
@@TheOatmealDude Look up the Fat Man Bomb, the shell was about the same size as the bomb in the cart, it’s not a grenade or tnt because those are too small. It’s not an IBM because those are too long
@@TheOatmealDude Ok, let’s assume the fat man (without the shell, just the black powder) is 18,000 pounds, the holes in the payload maps are about 300 feet deep and in some maps, the explosion breaches the surface of the ground so let’s add 50 more feet. The 18,000 pounds of black powder alone wouldn’t be enough to make an explosive cloud 350 feet high, so it has to be nuclear.
The way miniguns operate is a Air cooled system, yes the barrels can start to glow if used for long but because the barrels rotate the air actually helps cool the barrels, which technically means a Minigun can shoot as long as Ammo is supplied
@@alyssadavenport629 @Alyssa Davenport that should be a item Suggested stats: √firing speed 25+ √damage penalty 50+ √ammo 50+ X heat meter increases every shot X decreases damage every shot X stops shooting when heat meter is full X need to wait for 5 second cooldown before shooting again
Spy's backstab can consistently kill you instantly, no matter how big you are, as long as the knife hits exactly between two vertebrae, severing the spine
2:47 But the sandvich is actually pretty healthy i think, it wouldn't make heavy that fat, and noting that heavy works out and stuff he wouldn't be that fat.
It's probally a really strong amount, as most things that use engines can throw you off a bit with air. The issue is, how the hell is pyro getting jet plane amounts of launch into a flame thrower.
That was the original idea for the game but then they decided they didn't want someone would change class to do somthing then change back rather then waiting for someone on there team to do it and they didn't want that
@@tluigi2400 No, he can't. The gas passer is full of gas, while a flamethrower throws liquid gasoline. A flamethrower is essentially a squirt gun with a lighter.
"Backstab wouldn't kill someone instantly" Actually, in the right spot, it COULD kill somebody instantly, and if it doesn't, a stab to the spine would paralyze them.
Idea: Medic's Medigun should heal everything this list -Demo's Eye Patch -Spy's Lungs from smoking -Heavy's weight, he should be more buffy -Demo's and Scout's brain for consuming too much alcohol and soda -Engineer's right hand will no longer be a robotic hand -Scout's back, I mean, look at him, his back is kinda curved... Good luck on all people with their idead ;D!
@@WittishK what do you mean the weapons won't? does that make him unable to move? Rhetorical question: NO So if he is invisible there is nothing stopping him from taking out his gun or knife and pulling the trigger or swinging the blade.
Idea had already been done years ago (not by DasMxD, but another animator: ). Maybe DasMxD could pull a twist on it, like "BONK! Atomic Punch would be an extra-sugary energy drink that enhances your speed & dodging prowess, but makes you crash like a rock after a few minutes/hours." Basically a much more intense version of red-bull marketed by Mann Co. Not sure how Crit-a-cola would be made realistic though.
or hypothetically if the airblast WAS strong enough to deflect projectiles it would also be strong enough to push the airblasting pyro back which would create an opportunity for the pyro to be able to rocket jump using airblast without the need for an enemy solder's rocket.
Join my discord! NOW! (Behind the scenes, events and more!)
And don't forget to leave a comment for the next episode.
Cool thanks for telling
How did you post a lil image please tell me how to do it.
@@arm2687 it's a members only thing
idea: *physically* , *any spawn doors can be opened by any team*
Actually we can.
Bcz of bugs
He did it in the video
the spy with enhanced face flexes is one of the best things created in the tf community
First reply lol
It will never beat the existence of The Engineer
Hey I know you from somewhere
wow this is one of the only comments I could find that isnt just an idea
Idea: aimbotters would snap their necks because of how fast they turn their heads
holy shit this is clever
Also they would get extremely dizzy from spinning so much
@@Typicalusername43 good idea!
@@IvanTube0 Thank you!
Bonus to the Clothes change idea:
To balance the fact anyone can disguise as the other team, it means their own sentries will see them as enemies and shoot them to death.
It's not make sense because wiki says what he recognizes their teammates by color of team so in that case they will not shoot blue soldier and spy just because they wearing a red suit for a disguise
Could be an interesting concept for CtP and CtF, more Infiltration mechanics
in lore sentries are recognise members of team by color of clothes, so the only thing that dont make sense is your comment@@ЕрсұлтанЖеңіс
idea: the grenades solders wearing would explode if shot
@@IsidroHernandez-ob6ki say that out loud! Not in a reply section!
Idea: The tank on Pyro's back explodes if shot
I always thought that was an oxygen tank
@@diamondorebama5501 Even if it was oxygen it is still very pressurized.
Bosh ye true
Love your. Videos
You make great content
Idea: Medic's syringes would cause drug trips.
How has legit no one seen this
Well it looks like it doesn't have any substances
Hello Hoovy Tube
Hi hoovy tube keep up the great work
Idea: Court for war crimes that included:
- Disguise as an enemy
- Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia
- Using explosive traps
- Using fire weapons
- Executions (taunt kills)
- Causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health
(brutal mele weapons)
Also the medic killing people himself. I see you've read some Wikipedia Pages. Nice.
@@warpear3330 well to be honest as i know if combat medic uses his weapon he can be considered a combatant and shooted
but im not an expert
i just read few articles
I read an article on Wikipedia on war crimes once, and dat made me smarter. Small disclaimer: i'm stupid, and you should search it up by yourself. (war ruses and war crimes on Wikipedia) So basically, field medics can't direcly fire at the enemy or something, and you can't disguise as a medic using a red cross to then reveal yourself a military, but this is off-topic. I'm not sure about it, it's 50/50.
You are allowed to kill the medic if the medic shot his gun btw
@@greentea_DP yea so you are allowed only to kill incompetent one's
This is crazy! I love it! Not only was the animation realistic, like the real movies, and well animated, but the voices weren't just the google "David voice" of TF2! It was perfect!
Idea: Collecting heads with the Eyelander wouldn't do anything but horrify everybody
No you just gain respect instead of horrify
@@noodles4814 respect from your team, horror from the enemies
But at some point the heads Wil start decomposing
well, it is haunted.
1. Sniper’s Jarate will infect any open wounds.
2. Any food Heavy throws with get dirty on the ground because plates won’t magically appear under the food.
3. They have to worry about snakes in some maps. (Like Dustbowl)
Edit: Forgot the bullets inflict pain one already appeared.
piss, on the contrary, disinfects wounds
Speaking of Jarate, that and Mad Milk can be shattered as they're glass jars which means it can also inflict bleed
if you don't believe, then look on the internet
@@surodensa Piss disinfects wounds when it hasn't been left to be consumed by bacteria, hasn't been left in a warm environment, and used soon after being pissed out. Piss, does not in fact, disinfect wounds when an australian man with ESRD pisses it and leaves it sitting there for several minutes, usually in the hot sun since most TF2 maps are in a desert environment. Not to mention the fact it's not even particularly effective as an anti-septic, with soap and water being 100x more effective... the main thing that it could be used for is to irrigate a wound when clean water is unavailable.
2nd is already in another video.
*ah yes, my favorite food, ugly*
Ugly it tastes ugly
R u eating yourself?
@@pixeltoxa9284 yes wait actung spy actung is German btw medic could tell you why
(melee crit) medic is zere even a point your life
chicken is best *break fast*
I like how you linked all of these together as if it were all a single, continuing game session. That being said...
If the Spy & the Soldier were able to disguise themselves by wearing enemy clothing, then wouldn't the motorized Payload Cart with the Sentry on top be also targeting them?
A heavy dose of serendipity is called for...
the sentry prob. senses actual enemies instead of disguised ones
@@keannoxyrenceesquivel2349 then why in actual Tf2 game .. you can disguise as spy and enemy sentry wont beat ur ass
@@shreyaskumar5366 spy has a masking device
@@shreyaskumar5366spy has advanced techno
@likewastaken0906 it works though
Engie: Sees a grenade
Also engie: Stretches his neck Closer to the grenade
Soldier's grenades weren't primed, and still had the pins in them. They might as well have been a slight surprise more than anything.
He was trying to push back the explosion by screaming.
Fact: scout can’t run the entire time. He’ll get tired eventually...
he could have great stamina
So if that said, the actual running is a sprint mechanic, or maybe he just has a really cool stamina, by the fact that he likes caffeine, his motto is a proof of that.
Well sure he can he just starts teleporting across the map once hes tired so he can take a break.
Fun fact: Team Fortress 2 was originally going to have throwable grenades like we see here, but they were taken out because games ended up just being test players constantly spamming grenades at doorways.
Hm.. kind of like SCP:SL
@@kris089t2 not everyone has stickies
@@kris089t2 only the demoman has those.
@@quietsong2583 yes. Really anoying.
I wonder how effective that would be now that airblasting exists.
Idea: playing as demo would make half of your screen black because demo has one eye.
It would be more like You see a little less than any other class
The three words of three wise men
*2 wise men
@@Faux_Fox_ what 2? There three engi,scout,heavy weapons guy
You sure you countin man/gal
Sorry if im impolite towards you
*hælp meyh.*
You spelled sandwich wrong
I always figured the backstab was an instant kill because it was put through the spine, separating it in half. If it didn’t kill Heavy it would at least cripple him.
or through the brain stem
@@leahflops9425 maybe depends where your aiming when backstabbing
I thought because you can pierce the heart or lungs with no ribcage to protect it
@bored ye like backstabbing on the side of the back would damage a few muscles but wont kill
If this is still eligible: Engineer can make more than Turrets, Dispensers, and Teleporters, during matches.
Yes I agree
demoman creating their own mini-nuke
@@nichsulol4844 yes
A backstab could theoretically kill a person, as long as it lands on it's spine or penetrates deep enough to cause irreparable damage to some internal organ (Preferably, the Heart or Lungs).
At this point, someone would make a "That's what she said" joke the way how you worded that, but my dad has some experience using a butterfly knife before, and I can confirm your statement.
Spy does state that he specifically aims for the sternum
Correction: The spy would be knowledgeable enough to know where he needs to stab to sever the spine, brain stem, or other vital areas.
He is stabbing them right next to the spine into the gugular which would kill them quickly or instantly so youre smarter.
Correction: The heavy has severe scoliosis making it hard for the spy to find where his spine is
@@howdoicomment5932 But Then Spy would know that since he is like an assassin. One must know the weakness of the target
That's what I was going to say
Yep, that's the whole point of backstabbing in the first place...Putting the knife right where it would do the most good. However, any stab that does NOT instantly sever the spine (such as cutting the carotid or between the ribs & into the heart) might still leave a few seconds of life left for the target to retaliate, as long as they don't panic & can initially resist the pain (Heavy might resist like that); there would be only a few seconds to do so.
Soldier : * throws grenade *
2:09 : * grenades magicallly come back. *
I noticed that
Perhaps, He picked up an Ammo crate.
@@taveymavey6748 me too
*so damn true*
Uhh do I need remind you all the grenade ping is still on ther the grenade still triggers explode? I know this is the fifth message you four got in four year 💀
> the rescue ranger would electrify enemies since you're basically shooting batteries that repair buildings.
> overloading the beggars bazooka will force the first rockets out the back of the bazooka's tube, dropping it out and landing on the ground with a kaboom
second idea already happened
Idea: Grenades won't instantly explode when thrown, the safety pin will always have to be pulled before throwing.
Idea: Shooting pyro's fuel tank would make his flamethrower explode
*BF1 vibe instensifies*
Technically shooting propain or petrol only makes a hole in the container, it would require a spark like in incinerating rounds
hey i sied that in the last epasode
It’s actually filled with air because there is tank of gas already on the flamethrower so I would suspect it would explode from presssure if fast enough
Idea: Soldier can’t die he ate an entire bottle of “I die I come back stronger pills”
Idea: Medics Uber is stored in his backpack. So he can switch his medigun but still have the same amount of Uber.
it's too late though, we isn't coming back.....
@@sewpkan1297 uh yeah we ain't comin back from 2020
@@sewpkan1297 is it because rick may died?
did you forget this is "if TF2 was realistic"?
@@RondaBriggs I think he was talking about he's voice actor Rick May
With the 'backstabs wouldn't kill' one, it just feels wrong. Because most of the time it's a stab either at or near the spine, which would at least paralyze anybody, basically killing them on a battlefield. I don't mean to be a downer, but eh.
Either way, if you hit the right spot you could hit the lungs, heart, or liver, since theres not much protection on your back
@@richardlounsbury295 the lungs wouldn t iinstantly incapacitate you. the heart maybe but there were people who survived being stabbed in the heard in modern times. The liver takes too long to kill you from bleeding (not days but definitely not instantly). plus the heavy is a pretty thick and muscular guy (we say he is fat but that guy is probably bear buff kind of guy) and judging by the lenght of spies knife it would have a hard time getting to the vital area especially in a fast paced situation. honestly the spine seems the best way to take the heavy out in 1 hit with that small of a blade since you don t need to kill in order to basically incapacitate someone by severing the spinal cord.
@@ZergMeTaSWORM i quote "A direct stab to the heart is survivable as long as you can receive appropriate treatment within minutes of the trauma. A thoractomy is considered the standard and most probable successful emergency medical procedure for an unprepared and unsterile site with minimal equipment, but it goes without saying that a surgeon, heart specialist or being close to an emergency room is a prerequisite. The difficulties faced are in evacuating the pooled blood and clot and closing the wound to the heart while maintaining manual systole to ensure there is blood flowing through the chambers for the lungs and for the body. It is important also to ensure that there is no blood flow being communicated between the chest cavities, and if so, the amount of blood loss becomes unrecoverable without the above emergency methods and application by a doctor. By saying this a violent and severe sharp trauma that punctures the heart will cause immediate arrest and death to follow in minutes, only prolonged by the remaining integrity of oxygen. The heart is one of three main targets to incapacitate someone violently and instantly. Should the heart be stopped by a severing of the vagus nerve which runs from the medulla through the cervical there will be no electrical pulse to contract the heart or if the carotid artery is shunted or severed and there is no blood flow to the heart, myocardial infarction occurs, and function will cease. This implies severe polytrauma to the cervical and/or carotid arteries will cause instant death. The longest one can survive a deep penetrating cut to the heart without immediate intervention will be the time it takes for the brain to cease functioning after the heart has stopped and the maximum time will be around 3-4 minutes." TL;DR direct stab to heart survivable if received appropriate treatment within minutes
@@richardlounsbury295 considering that the medigun can heal a fully opened chest cavity in a matter of second its sufice to say medical treatment is available in minutes. also we are talking about instant vs minutes. a direct severing of the spinal column produce paralysis instantly. it incapacitates the person instantly while a direct hit to the heart doesn't.
and the discussion is whether the stab is INSTANTLY fatal and or incapacitating vs not. no one is saying you won t die from those with a high chance. also the discussion is withing universe but with real life logic applied. so we take into account that medigun is a thing that they are all combat veterans who delt with injuries and probably have a higher tolerance for said injuries, and that the blade of the spy is probably not long enough to cause major damage to heavy who is burly and muscular (since he carries a 200kg minigun like its nothing), i think its safe to assume that the only higher chance of incapacitating a target instantly is aiming for the cervical spine, and since the spy seems to be very skilled in handeling blades he might have the technique and knowledge to perform such a task.
This is what i was literally just thinking
Actually, it would depend on whether or not the backstab hit the spine or not. If it didn’t, then yes. The heavy would easily be able to fight back. But, if it hit the spine, that is damaging the line from the brain to the limbs, so heavy would basically have his brain severed from his body.
idea: Capturing intelligence would be harder, put in a safe, in a High security room, heavily guarded and any suspicous activity would immediately raise an alarm
So just 2fort with sentries?
Idea:the holiday punch wouldn’t make you laugh
Idea: Soldier would be able to dig with his shovel.
Real trench warfare hours
But this my idea...
Oh yeah
I saw in a comic that soldiers shovel couldnt really dig anything cause it was a pretty sheet quality
@@evee_evvillamar4477 yeah it just kept lighting on fire
Idea: Critical Hits wouldn't exist, however different areas of the body would take more damage depending on how vital they are.
Nathan Vetterlein: "ow my balls my BALLZ"
men i have been hit in the sack
@@happiest9225 **soviet salute intensifies** goodbye comrade
Big brain idea
No, critical hits would actually be when the enemy isn’t expecting you to hit, so it hurts more than usual
I love how they used the Wario Ware: Smooth Moves music
Heavy: "Sanvich!"
Scout: "Chicken!"
Engineer: *"UGLY"*
The sandvich, the Chicken, and the ugly
@@BongBong-Gaming y e s
2:43 Ugly
Sniper: apples
Cha Cha real smooth
I love that soldier throws his grenades and next frame we see him he has them back XD
Soldier didn't pull grenade pin isn't he?
Damn you merasmus
Demomsn has fucking alcohol for blood maybe he regrows them
@@T_F_T did* 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
Skill issue
Fun fact: Demoman balls explode because of the stickies.
Oh wow, i guess no Scottish demo-mans here
Then he says that sparks brushing off that his head just blew off
Question did demo die cause of stickyois
@@gamin_wit_ghost5894 no, but the next generation yes
Ullapull Caber:"A sober person would throw it"
Demoman: throws it
-Any cosmetic can be equipped by any class.
-Pyros can airblast their teammates
-The Spy-circle wouldn’t work and would break if you attempted to backstab somebody with it.
the spectacle wouldn't break but be melted by the body temperature of the victim
@@thewafflegamer6152 you mean Spy-cycle
Its spy cicle
But you can stab with ice
-Engineer has to be the slowest class since he carries 4 giant toolboxes (let's assume each toolbox is caring around 132 pounds/60kg of steel, in total 528 pounds/240 kg) and also 200 metal which I'm guessing would be 200 pounds/90 kg of steel.
Forget being the slowest, engineer has to have the back of Hercules to be able to move all of that!
(Side note: Heavy carries around 337 pounds/153 kg with the shotgun and a tiny bit more than 331 pounds/150 kg with the sandvich)
-All the mercenaries should be deaf/half-deaf from all the loud noises around them since they wear no soundproof headphones;
-It is impossible for demoman to reach maximum charge speeds in less than a second bc of the way velocity works;
-Spy backstabbing people has a very high chance at leave them paralyzed and a very low chance at killing them instantly;
-Getting hit by a lot of syringes from Medic's syringe gun would make you feel very sick or could kill you very quickly if you receive a fatal dose;
-Spy stabbing people in the neck is way more deadly;
-Weapons have to be manually reloaded (I'm specifically looking at the scatter gun, minigun, flamethrower and sticky-bomb launcher);
-The mercenaries has to store weapons and ammo somewhere;
-Pyro would pass out a lot bc of overheating
@Titan Slayer he just coming up with ideas its fine
Question, then; what is overhealing in the TF2 world.
Also robots would fall over SO OFTEN
You forget that Pyro wears a fireproof full body suit and a gas mask
Das a lot of ideas
@@TitanEaterOfCrayons so, your saying that not in logic reality that the suit itself would pass a person out cause of the high heat you'd will feel if your running in your own sweat.
Idea: If the sentry's targeting is so accurate, then it can also shoot pipes, stickies and rockets in the air, detonating them before they reach it. Functioning pratically the same way as a C-RAM
I prefer to use CIWS personally lol
Small detail, but I deeply appreciate how Sniper was the first one to notice the Stickies in the beginning. It's such a small detail but I super appreciate it
Idea: Heavy and Pyro couldn't automatically reload after touching a dispenser or ammo pack, so they have to *manually* replace the barrel or gas can.
Well , thats acctualy fast , as the Dispenser has Machinegun drums and chains , and the dispenser also seem to have a little micro tiny itti bitty Gas station
Pyro he could just insert run a gas hose into the dispenser which could be fast to refuel
@@KonpakuYoumu2003 microscopic wireless tube
Idea: Naturally, being a wizard, Merasmus would use his spells more wisely to achieve his goals. Plus, he'd develop better spells to aid him in achieving said goals.
Naturally, being in hot water with the Japanese mafia, Merasmus would be dead!
Idea: wizzards are fake
Idea : *If sniper throws Jarate in water, the water will be piss-water.*
Disgusting, but interesting
Dire Hellspawn I mean they call the area under two fort sewers alreadu
Simply genius
I mean if there is more water then piss then there would only be a slight hint of sinpers piss drowned in water
Heavy: Sandvich!
Scout: Chicken!
Engineer: *Ugly...*
Ah yes, my favorite food.
*ū g ł ÿ .*
Repeat after me.... Ugly (I meant not you)
Uhh, no
@@user-Helen1008 нет
Actually,Ugli is a fruit. Also known as the Jamaican Tangelo.
Nobody would ever respawn, so eventually:
One team would all die, and the other team (and administrator) would have nothing to do but sit around aimlessly.
Everyone dies somehow and the map is left completely empty, maybe besides maybe one person, who'd be driven insane due to the isolation and loneliness, surrounded by nothing but the corpses of their fallen enemies & comrades.
Plenty of possibilities!
Arena mode lol
He was in 3
Think this is already in a previous
It was
The payload is easily pushable because the mercs aren’t “pushing” the cart, it moves automatically when they stand near it.
Idea: Engineer could just take off the sapper, he doesn’t need to swing his wrench wildly
It sticks itself on
@@zOOpygOOpert i think it uses wires, since sentry is powered by some form of a computer (probably) due to being able to detect an enemy
He gets shocked
If he tried to touch it he'll get zapped
@fallout 76 guy He might as well rather smack it with the wrench
Idea: Scout wouldn't have all his shells in his shotgun. Instead he would have to manually reload his shotgun.
All weapons finally have physics.
Same with sniper
He has a real nice drum mag otherwise
Even a stick grenade gun
The scattergun is so fucked that realism cant ever apply
Here's an idea: every weapon category would need different type of ammunition so scout can't reload his shotgun from the box that has rockets for soldier's rpg
And some weapon reloading would take way way longer than they do in game.
like for instance some of demos weapons he just pulls back on and it reloads, that doesn't make sense
Yeah and great idea
Though that would be torture
@@lizzard3699 sticky launcher has a drum
Wasn't this already done in one of the previous iterations though?
@@artemefimov8215 yes I know, but demo can hold like what, 20+ stickys in 1 drum no wider than a frisbee?
1:30 I believe that it is required for the thrower to unscrew the cap at the bottom of the grenade in order to ignite the fuse. Otherwise, they are just tossing grenades at the enemy for no reason at all.
Not enough bones. Blame SFM
@@matt_safair enough.
Idea: " The sun would blind everyone as soon it is in the field of view, except for people who wear sunglasses . "
The sun is a deadly laser
well, everyone uses a sunglasses ,problem solved.
Idea: Australium weapons would be extremely heavy (like gold).
Maybe , we don't have a whole lot of information about Australium . It can be as heavy as gold or as light as aluminum.
Wouldn’t hit make the user and anyone nearby physically stronger thus allowing them to carry it?
@Caslert Caslert tanks for the correction
No,its like gold spray paint.
@@jessicawroten9481 no it's an actual material, read the comics
Heavy: Sandvich
Scout: Chicken
Engineer: Ugly
Hotel: Trivago
You: Kazotsky Rasputin
More like..
Engineer: cake :3
This is: Requeim
@@rbelizairo2640 I'm not Russian I'm Ukranian :|
3:22 half life 2 refference hahahaha
Poor lazlo 😢
@@Quaz_Tf2 the finest mind of his generation, come to such an end 😞
Spy can kill and sap sentries even though he is invisible.
Every engineers worst nightmare lol
Hmmm invinsible isnt real bru?
True I like that idea as a spy main
@@linsi1074 Cloak is still technology, so it works.
idea: When a round is over, the team that has lost does not surrender.
Enemy team win
Enemy team : Prepare to die
Your team : No u
If you know ur enemy and know urself you need not fear the result of a hundred battle war
-sun tzu... Probably
and they can't shoot the enemy for surrendering because it's a warcrime
Idea: The engineer wouldn't be able to build his machines with just metal. He would need wires and curcuitboards and stuff to get them to work.
Also batteries
They would need to be plugged into a wall socket
@@Boobquake not really if they have batteries
One of the few videos where the Blue team are both the main characters and are very badass!
Ideas: Scout's an idiot but I doubt he's stupid enough to hit himself with the Boston Basher when missing
Also Medic would be useless because the medi-gun is just a firehouse with ghost bustery healing powers. He has to preform standard medical procedures and we all know the likelihood of that.
ideas: the medic can use stem cells or the medigun can use electricity to encourage the blood cells to repair faster, how ever this would make the person being healed use up lots of energy and be tired.
spy would use a suit that can bend light see here:
Hey medic a good doctor his license is gone for stealing a skeleton
Wait the medi gun is a firehouse?
Then why dont they just run people over with the firetrucks!
Heavy's teeth will hurt or even break when he tries to eat his Robo-Sandvich, since it's made with metal.
Not neccesarily. It coukd be made of gallium or any of the soft metals.
@@bulkbogan2242 But it can still break their teeth if they try to bite it. Right?
@@metroidman64 If its full on metal, then yes
i think something like that was done in an original, dont know tho
@@crabking6450 No. I haven't seen it in the first one. Neither from 2 to 4.
Idea: Spy accidentally brings a completely normal watch to the battlefield.
I can just imagine his reaction when he thinks he's invisible and just realizes as the entire team looks at him that he isn't
@@direhellspawn6629 XD NOICE
Idea: the bomb explosion would be a lot bigger, it’s a literal nuke in a cart.
But it isn’t a nuke isn’t it just a normal sided bomb
@@TheOatmealDude Look up the Fat Man Bomb, the shell was about the same size as the bomb in the cart, it’s not a grenade or tnt because those are too small. It’s not an IBM because those are too long
@@PrinceApollo117 yes but it could be a normal bombshell not a nuclear warhead
@@TheOatmealDude Ok, let’s assume the fat man (without the shell, just the black powder) is 18,000 pounds, the holes in the payload maps are about 300 feet deep and in some maps, the explosion breaches the surface of the ground so let’s add 50 more feet. The 18,000 pounds of black powder alone wouldn’t be enough to make an explosive cloud 350 feet high, so it has to be nuclear.
@@PrinceApollo117 can't argue with science
Idea: Heavy ' s mini gun should overheat after shooting for a while.
The way miniguns operate is a Air cooled system, yes the barrels can start to glow if used for long but because the barrels rotate the air actually helps cool the barrels, which technically means a Minigun can shoot as long as Ammo is supplied
@@Endros9497 I did not know that
That's a stupid idea
@@SovietDeathFridge Hey no salt thats bad
whats your idea huh?
@@alyssadavenport629 @Alyssa Davenport that should be a item
Suggested stats:
√firing speed 25+
√damage penalty 50+
√ammo 50+
X heat meter increases every shot
X decreases damage every shot
X stops shooting when heat meter is full
X need to wait for 5 second cooldown before shooting again
Spy's backstab can consistently kill you instantly, no matter how big you are, as long as the knife hits exactly between two vertebrae, severing the spine
Smart ass
*s m o r t*
Lethal area would be much smaller than in-game, then.
Idea: any class on any team can hurt others no matter the team
Idea: Soldier is basically a walking bomb, so if anyone would shoot him at the front, his grenades wil explode.
Zach are you stupid? TF2 came out first so he can't be junkrat you juvenile jar-pissing jalopy
@@vodago r/rare burns
@@Datoneguy_9343 ikr
@@Datoneguy_9343 ew you must be from Reddit eugh I can smell you from here
Nah bad idea it is the same that atomic bombs detonated because of falling
Here's an idea: Heavy can lose weight if he's working out and/or jogging around the map without getting murdered
Here's an idea: the engineer can upgrade his team's weapons instead of just upgrading just sentry guns and dispensers.
The Force-a-million nature
But the sandvich is actually pretty healthy i think, it wouldn't make heavy that fat, and noting that heavy works out and stuff he wouldn't be that fat.
Idea: Pyro's compressed air isn't strong enough to throw people off.
It's probally a really strong amount, as most things that use engines can throw you off a bit with air. The issue is, how the hell is pyro getting jet plane amounts of launch into a flame thrower.
That’s the idea. It wouldn’t be strong enough, as how the hell does all that crap fit in there?
@@timelessfriends6404 just got it today. If his airblasts have that much power
pyro should be fucking roasting 30 percent of the map.
@@omiheaddev7090 Bruh.
his flames should roughly take up like, most of upward's first cap point.
Then the airblasts are just really mundanee
soldier and demo could destroy walls and buildings with their explosives.
Don’t forget pyro being able to do his trailer justice burning whole maps to the ground.
That was the original idea for the game but then they decided they didn't want someone would change class to do somthing then change back rather then waiting for someone on there team to do it and they didn't want that
heavy's minigun could tear a wooden house apart too
Idea: Demoman will be too drunk to properly aim his explosives
Idea: Engineer has his own Toolbox arm where If he opens it he can make alot of stuff
Idea: Pyro can only refill his flamethrower at a gas station. Ammo packs won't work for him.
"that's a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong trip"
He could use the gas passer for refilling his flamethrower
@@tluigi2400 No, he can't. The gas passer is full of gas, while a flamethrower throws liquid gasoline.
A flamethrower is essentially a squirt gun with a lighter.
"Backstab wouldn't kill someone instantly"
Actually, in the right spot, it COULD kill somebody instantly, and if it doesn't, a stab to the spine would paralyze them.
Getting stabbed in the back would feel like hell, But won't kill you
@@thesanss4671 ...Yes it would, if it's to the heart. Spy being a professional means he can probably always stab through the heart
Or in the back of the head
Or just stab them between first vertebrae(atlas) and your skull
This will incapitated everyone (literally)
Im scared, here everyone knows how to kill someone
Idea: even if spy is invisible, he still can backstab people
Thats kinda possible in the original game
When your turn visible you can do backstabs
@@Kutoi-The-Wine-Lover not trying to offend ya, but it doesn't work buddy. I think valve made this for balancing. Not too OP much
i love how soldier didn’t even pull the pin on the grenades
Idea: Scout hats would fly off because of his running and jumping
Not all, but definitely most of his hats.
Idea: scout can’t push the cart 2x faster he’s skinny, heavy would be able to do that!
I never thought of that
bro scout is Strong
@@sebastienmakotercino8474 is he really
He is just fast
Not that strong
@@hathatthechineseshark8168 true.
Idea: when the words that say “if tf2 was realistic _“ appear the words are actually there for the characters
Demoman voice: "what's this now?!"
Fantastic forth wall break. XD
Maybe they could fall on them or something XD
I love these series Soo much
Idea: engineer hits things with his wrench to fix them and realistically it breaks thing when he hits things to "fix" them
I had the same idea
That's actually a good idea
Had same idea but then saw this and regreted
I mean, he CAN use his wrench the right way but you cant break the games system unless ur in a modded server or ur hacking
Idea: The engineer is smart enough to make any type of tech other classes have
Idea: every class can have a back pack in there back
Idea: Medic's Medigun should heal everything this list
-Demo's Eye Patch
-Spy's Lungs from smoking
-Heavy's weight, he should be more buffy
-Demo's and Scout's brain for consuming too much alcohol and soda
-Engineer's right hand will no longer be a robotic hand
-Scout's back, I mean, look at him, his back is kinda curved...
Good luck on all people with their idead ;D!
I think theres a small comic explaining why demo's eye cant be healed, but other than that, maybe the others could get in
@@yarknark oh, sorry, i never read the comics, i think i should :T
@@yarknark I think his eye is cursed by the bombinomicon
Demo eye is cursed so it cant be healed
There's nothing wrong with Scout's back, he stay hunched over on purpose
when an engineer hits his structures, they don't repair, they just deteriorate
Its probably not a good sign that that idea kinda melted my brain
Pressing E will "Actually" Fix/upgrade buildings
@@iainbeasley9414 it was in a video before
About the "back stabs wouldn't kill you" part, while correct, spy could still possibly cripple you if he did enough damage to your spine.
It only insta-kills if you hit directly in spinal cord
Head stabs would insta kill lol
@@nob0dii610 and front stabs (face & stomach)
Just stap him then stap stap stap stap stap stap
Make this way until opponent is die
@@kapsaysin stomach stab would kill you not instantly, but from blood loss (also guts are fatal point)
I always loved dis serie and TF2 changed my whole life!!
Idea:dispensers will run out of stuff in a period of time and the engineer has to go around and get a lot of stuff to stuff back the dispenser
Heavy: sandwich
Scout: chicken
Engineer: *ugly.*
(If spy could turn invisible) Idea: Spy would definitely be able to attack while invisible.
queue the x-files theme!
But the weapons won't :p
@@WittishK what do you mean the weapons won't? does that make him unable to move? Rhetorical question: NO So if he is invisible there is nothing stopping him from taking out his gun or knife and pulling the trigger or swinging the blade.
The weapons won't be invisible
@@WittishK when he brings out his watch in game his weapon are invisible
Idea: Metallic Cosmetics are bulletproof, but you are getting tired faster.
Your neck gets tired
I have experience from heavy helmet and my neck got tired
3:17 half life 2 reference 🤯
Idea: You can infect the wounds of your enemies with the jarate.
Done already.
@@kindertak5396 no, it was about how much pain can deliver Jarate
Pee is actually very sterile, though.
@@squeaktheswan2007 Still bad if on wounds
@@alwexandria True, true.
Idea: the losing team’s sentries wouldn’t disable once the losing team lost.
and the winning team wouldn't have their guns dissapeared
Yesh, great
Idea: When scout drinks bonk, he would get a heart attack since it contains more sugar than the daily recommended allowance.
Sugar, and plutomium (or was it uranium)
Halyna mam zawał!!
Greetings from Poland
@@megawiemjem7098 ???
Idea had already been done years ago (not by DasMxD, but another animator: ). Maybe DasMxD could pull a twist on it, like "BONK! Atomic Punch would be an extra-sugary energy drink that enhances your speed & dodging prowess, but makes you crash like a rock after a few minutes/hours." Basically a much more intense version of red-bull marketed by Mann Co. Not sure how Crit-a-cola would be made realistic though.
That was my idea last time :(
When Heavy said "NET!" I remembered my friend who knows Russian...
It's... "Nyet"
@@RandomFurry07 Nyet?
Бро я русский
Oh my bad@@blackarrow565
Idea: Airblast doesn’t actually deflect projectiles.
It would just lower the momentum
I could see it working on things like stickys or pills but definitely not on rockets.
or hypothetically if the airblast WAS strong enough to deflect projectiles it would also be strong enough to push the airblasting pyro back which would create an opportunity for the pyro to be able to rocket jump using airblast without the need for an enemy solder's rocket.
@@Mr_Autastic MMPH MMMMPH MM MMPH. (Translation: who needs jet packs)