Its one of those "You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father/from a certain point of view" type things. Vulkan the Primarch, the leader of the Salamanders Legion did in fact die on Istvaan alongside the Legion. Never again would the Salamanders number in the tens of thousands, and never again would Vulkan lead them. Vulkan the man, the son of the Emperor, did survive and actively chooses to never lead his sons again. We even saw this during the War of the Beast series - Vulkan openly refusing to meet with the Salamanders because he doesn't want to lead them anymore. And during the Heresy/Siege, he's in the throne room with his finger on the final button, again openly refusing to lead what few Salamanders were on Terra in battle. Truly his identity as a Primarch was dead.
I would say Vulcan had goals in his mind that did not include his sons and the impact he has on them post heresy and during the Beast Wars. Remember how long the Emporer withheld Vulcan from his legion to teach him how to temper his willingness to sacrifice them to save humanity. Trying to understand better uses for his legion. How to evaluate appropriate times to sacrifice marines and protect the legion from his own humanity. Vulcan could easily self deprecate himself to the point of feeling unfit to lead his legion or he is prioritizing the protection of the Emporer over leading his legion.
When you think about it. Being unsure of his suvival makes sense. He was dead when he got from istvan. Was revivied then imediately left for Terra. During the war of the beast he never talked to them. So really they have very little to confirm he survived outside of stories that to them, may seem like a faint hope.
@@Matihood1yeah wasn't he at terra at some point during all that. Even if he wasn't it's not like he raided the ork planet solo he was accompanied by a force that wasn't inconsequential in size and there were survivors, some of who were high ranking imperial officials. I think he raided the new ullanor with some imperial fists if my facts aren't twisted up completely.
@@secondarytrollaccount You are right. There's always a chance that all of this went unrecorded but how could it have? A PRIMARCH returned after a few millennia of all of them being gone. There has to have been some recorded information.
@@Matihood1 I'm going to have to re read the lore on the war of the beast but now that I'm thinking about it I remember something about the imperial fist chapter getting absolutely wrecked during the war with few survivors only for them to recieve astartes and geneseed from someone else. If my memory and mind has not slipped into full blown dimentia in my mid 20s or if I'm also not suffering the Mandela effect I believe I heard a somewhat reputable lore channel make similar claims about the fists while covering the war of the beast a few months after I read the book/novel on audibal. If I remember this comment thread I'll come back with the facts after I've read everything over again. I'm not trying to just say any random crap and pass it on as fact but I swear my brain is telling me what I just said has some truth to it.
@@Matihood1 I remember the people in charge of of the imperiums defenses against the orks during that time or atleast some high ranking individuals randomly found him on a planet that was destroyed protecting it since he failed to save it maybe? Then they got him to lead the offensive on ullanor but idk if that was before or after the orks jumped an attack moon directly over terra to give the imperium a chance of surrendering. It's been so long since I've read anything about that lore everything I just said could be a lie and I could just be alpharious though.
My favorite Vulken moment is when he take Curze by surprise with his hammer after he had been torturing him for so long. Curze: Did you think it was going to be that easy? I know that has a telaporter in it. Vulken: Your right, I did design it to escape certain situations, but you forgot one thing. Curze: what's that? Vulken: It also a hammer!
Thx for your lovely work as you do but i ask agine bcs of perfect chance this week pls more info on black dragons and/or all other salamanders successers overall
So I just rewatched your Vulcan/Dorn reunion video from 4 years ago. It’d be awesome if you started doing some more of those narration/scene breakdowns again.
The lion would arrive upon the area. He knew he was here. Is he still sane? "You shouldn't have come here,brother." A voice came from behind. "I came because i still care,vulkan." The lion turned around,unarmed. Vulkan was a different man in conparison to 10 milenia ago. Vulkans once vibrant ruby eyes,are now a dull shade of red. He looked broken. Weary. "I appreciate your concern my brother. Truly,im grateful. But...i refuse have more lives weigh on my concious. I...have done terrible...terrible deeds in the emporors name...caldera burned because of my rage...hundreds of innocent races burned in my willingly work for such a corrupt torturous." "...i will not deny any of your reasons are false. ...if you can believe it,i have my own share of guilt...far more then i dare think about. But i do not let it consume me because i know i can do better right now. And i have vulkan! My sons,past and present have joined me,i have found my redemption in doing what is right, rather then what the emporor asked of me. And i shudder to think how much sorrow and pain weighs upon guilimans concious." "I-..." "Vulkan,you were the inmortal dragon of the emporors yes,but you were the most benevolent of us save perhaps sanguinus. Yes,millions burned at your will,but how many more have been saved! All of us have commited our fair amount of atrocitys vulkan. But every human soul is capable of good and evil. And when i one day die,i hope the millions of the future remember me for what i did to save us rather then my faults. Its not the steps to dammnation,nor the path of redemption that defines us. What makes a man a man is not how he starts things. It is how he ends them." Vulkan eyed the lion in surprise. "You almost sound like sanguinus there for a moment. ....youve changed." "For the better i hope. What of you?" Vulkan looked to the skys,the shadows and the stars and nodded. "I...will think about it. But before you more thing." Vulkan reaches from a pocket,grabbing a small envelope. "Give this to whoever commands the salamanders in this age." The lion nodded. "You have my word. ...i will not speak of our conversation here with guiliman if you wish." Vulkan nodded. "I will see you sometime perhaps safe vulkan. Be well." "Of course." To be continued...
Guilliman should talk to Bjorn as he was the only one, besides traitors and now the Lion that could have related to the changes the imperium has gone through since the crusade and the concessions he has had to make through the centuries as the imperium completely 180’ed from what the emperor wanted.
@@____________838 they were and they took his lifeless body back to Nocturne for cremation and only a small few witnessed his return (three i believe and if i remember he told them not to tell anyone of his return) and they travel via the webway to Terra. But I find it hard to believe after the end of the heresy he never returned to his legion at all.
Wasn't there the lore snippet that if the chapter finds all his relics he will come back and therefore Hestan is on the hunt for them, or is this already redconned?
Im not surprised with things being lost to them over time and those that did know him and guarded him and stayed with him going to terra would have died so not many chapters have a vast bank of knowledge after 10k years as the data has probably been currupted over time
Do we actualy know that he lead The Salamanders during the scouring because at the point we are at in the Siedge only Two Salamanders know of his resurrection. So while we know he will stand up to Guiliman about braking up The Salamanders, that he wants to pursue Fabus Buile & the Emperors Children we don't know what force he led to do it
Thank you for all you do for the Warhammer 40K community; Always a tab the rest 👍 Loving me the Vulkan week!!! 1 of my favorite primarch🤙 On another note, I and the community hope your mother is doing very well, and we'll keep you and your family in our prayers 🙏 Stay strong brother!!! ⚔️The Emperor Protects 🦅👑
At the end of the Siege of Terra, the Salamanders showed the Custodes how to to their job. Vulkan standing in front of the Golden Throne is one of the most in-character things he could do. He literally had a hand in crafting it. "You wish to destroy part of my masterwork? Eat hammer heretic!"
We know Vulcan lives! It will be interesting to learn what he's been up to during his absence. The lord of drakes is too noble and humanitarian to remain idle while the forces of chaos and xenos threaten civilian populations of the imperium.
Vulkan is a perptual, Night Haunter drove himself into a paroxysm of rage! The last confirmed sight Vulkan was the fight against the Ork Beast. Vulkan used his dark gifts to look into the WWWWAAAAAAĜGHHHH! energy. The question is, did Vulkan use the last of his strength to manipulate Ork WWWWHHHAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH energy to transport himself elsewhere?
Its one of those "You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father/from a certain point of view" type things. Vulkan the Primarch, the leader of the Salamanders Legion did in fact die on Istvaan alongside the Legion. Never again would the Salamanders number in the tens of thousands, and never again would Vulkan lead them.
Vulkan the man, the son of the Emperor, did survive and actively chooses to never lead his sons again. We even saw this during the War of the Beast series - Vulkan openly refusing to meet with the Salamanders because he doesn't want to lead them anymore. And during the Heresy/Siege, he's in the throne room with his finger on the final button, again openly refusing to lead what few Salamanders were on Terra in battle. Truly his identity as a Primarch was dead.
Never thought about it like that, it's a good idea
He never wanted it I think. He wanted to be a simple blacksmith or farmer
I think he thought his boys went through enough.
I'm gonna hammer anyone that wants to kill dad, but MAN am I tired.
I would say Vulcan had goals in his mind that did not include his sons and the impact he has on them post heresy and during the Beast Wars.
Remember how long the Emporer withheld Vulcan from his legion to teach him how to temper his willingness to sacrifice them to save humanity. Trying to understand better uses for his legion. How to evaluate appropriate times to sacrifice marines and protect the legion from his own humanity.
Vulcan could easily self deprecate himself to the point of feeling unfit to lead his legion or he is prioritizing the protection of the Emporer over leading his legion.
Dude is farming somewhere. Making plows.
When you think about it. Being unsure of his suvival makes sense. He was dead when he got from istvan. Was revivied then imediately left for Terra.
During the war of the beast he never talked to them.
So really they have very little to confirm he survived outside of stories that to them, may seem like a faint hope.
While Vulcan returned for the War of the Beast did he meet his chapter.
If not then that would explain why the Salamanders don't know.
It feels like the news would've still reached them somehow. I mean, there were plenty of witnesses to Vulkan's return.
@@Matihood1yeah wasn't he at terra at some point during all that. Even if he wasn't it's not like he raided the ork planet solo he was accompanied by a force that wasn't inconsequential in size and there were survivors, some of who were high ranking imperial officials. I think he raided the new ullanor with some imperial fists if my facts aren't twisted up completely.
@@secondarytrollaccount You are right. There's always a chance that all of this went unrecorded but how could it have? A PRIMARCH returned after a few millennia of all of them being gone. There has to have been some recorded information.
@@Matihood1 I'm going to have to re read the lore on the war of the beast but now that I'm thinking about it I remember something about the imperial fist chapter getting absolutely wrecked during the war with few survivors only for them to recieve astartes and geneseed from someone else. If my memory and mind has not slipped into full blown dimentia in my mid 20s or if I'm also not suffering the Mandela effect I believe I heard a somewhat reputable lore channel make similar claims about the fists while covering the war of the beast a few months after I read the book/novel on audibal. If I remember this comment thread I'll come back with the facts after I've read everything over again. I'm not trying to just say any random crap and pass it on as fact but I swear my brain is telling me what I just said has some truth to it.
@@Matihood1 I remember the people in charge of of the imperiums defenses against the orks during that time or atleast some high ranking individuals randomly found him on a planet that was destroyed protecting it since he failed to save it maybe? Then they got him to lead the offensive on ullanor but idk if that was before or after the orks jumped an attack moon directly over terra to give the imperium a chance of surrendering. It's been so long since I've read anything about that lore everything I just said could be a lie and I could just be alpharious though.
I always thought Curze would taunt him with the future.
Well ot seems he didn't forsee his attempts to kill him failing
My favorite Vulken moment is when he take Curze by surprise with his hammer after he had been torturing him for so long.
Curze: Did you think it was going to be that easy? I know that has a telaporter in it.
Vulken: Your right, I did design it to escape certain situations, but you forgot one thing.
Curze: what's that?
Vulken: It also a hammer!
It's more like 12 000 years since Istvan now. About as remote as the oldest excavated buildings in Göbekli Tepe are from us.
After everything Vulcan went through, I don't blame him for taking a holiday 😂
Thank you!... lunchtime boredom purged🎉
Thx for your lovely work as you do but i ask agine bcs of perfect chance this week pls more info on black dragons and/or all other salamanders successers overall
So I just rewatched your Vulcan/Dorn reunion video from 4 years ago. It’d be awesome if you started doing some more of those narration/scene breakdowns again.
The lion would arrive upon the area. He knew he was here. Is he still sane?
"You shouldn't have come here,brother." A voice came from behind.
"I came because i still care,vulkan." The lion turned around,unarmed. Vulkan was a different man in conparison to 10 milenia ago. Vulkans once vibrant ruby eyes,are now a dull shade of red. He looked broken. Weary.
"I appreciate your concern my brother. Truly,im grateful. But...i refuse have more lives weigh on my concious. I...have done terrible...terrible deeds in the emporors name...caldera burned because of my rage...hundreds of innocent races burned in my willingly work for such a corrupt torturous."
"...i will not deny any of your reasons are false. ...if you can believe it,i have my own share of guilt...far more then i dare think about. But i do not let it consume me because i know i can do better right now. And i have vulkan! My sons,past and present have joined me,i have found my redemption in doing what is right, rather then what the emporor asked of me. And i shudder to think how much sorrow and pain weighs upon guilimans concious."
"Vulkan,you were the inmortal dragon of the emporors yes,but you were the most benevolent of us save perhaps sanguinus. Yes,millions burned at your will,but how many more have been saved! All of us have commited our fair amount of atrocitys vulkan. But every human soul is capable of good and evil. And when i one day die,i hope the millions of the future remember me for what i did to save us rather then my faults. Its not the steps to dammnation,nor the path of redemption that defines us. What makes a man a man is not how he starts things. It is how he ends them."
Vulkan eyed the lion in surprise.
"You almost sound like sanguinus there for a moment. ....youve changed."
"For the better i hope. What of you?"
Vulkan looked to the skys,the shadows and the stars and nodded.
"I...will think about it. But before you more thing."
Vulkan reaches from a pocket,grabbing a small envelope.
"Give this to whoever commands the salamanders in this age."
The lion nodded.
"You have my word. ...i will not speak of our conversation here with guiliman if you wish."
Vulkan nodded.
"I will see you sometime perhaps safe vulkan. Be well."
"Of course."
To be continued...
I feel like this entire video is showcasing wolf lord Rho is unaware of The Beast Ork saga.
2:16-war of the beast reference right there.
Guilliman should talk to Bjorn as he was the only one, besides traitors and now the Lion that could have related to the changes the imperium has gone through since the crusade and the concessions he has had to make through the centuries as the imperium completely 180’ed from what the emperor wanted.
A good green guy with the power to RESPAWN 😄 The Emperor must have been like "Wait until he figures it out, his foe will have NO idea what to do!"
It's almost like he's my son😂
Find it a bit odd that there are some that wouldn't believe he survived istvan
I could have sworn some Salamanders were on Ultramar…
@@____________838 they were and they took his lifeless body back to Nocturne for cremation and only a small few witnessed his return (three i believe and if i remember he told them not to tell anyone of his return) and they travel via the webway to Terra. But I find it hard to believe after the end of the heresy he never returned to his legion at all.
@@RussellWilliams736 wtf… when did my name start having numbers behind it…
I hope Vulcan Hestan (not primarch) will be also included in the Salamander week.
Wasn't there the lore snippet that if the chapter finds all his relics he will come back and therefore Hestan is on the hunt for them, or is this already redconned?
Im not surprised with things being lost to them over time and those that did know him and guarded him and stayed with him going to terra would have died so not many chapters have a vast bank of knowledge after 10k years as the data has probably been currupted over time
I like to think he is turning swords into plowshares in some backwoods agriworld.
Anyone else love to see vulcan return with a great mane of grey dreadlocks and a beard?
Do we actualy know that he lead The Salamanders during the scouring because at the point we are at in the Siedge only Two Salamanders know of his resurrection. So while we know he will stand up to Guiliman about braking up The Salamanders, that he wants to pursue Fabus Buile & the Emperors Children we don't know what force he led to do it
During the HH Vulkan never reveals himself to his legion after Istvaan.
I admit I didn't know they don't have a fuller understanding of their history
Thank you for all you do for the Warhammer 40K community; Always a tab the rest 👍
Loving me the Vulkan week!!! 1 of my favorite primarch🤙
On another note, I and the community hope your mother is doing very well, and we'll keep you and your family in our prayers 🙏 Stay strong brother!!! ⚔️The Emperor Protects 🦅👑
At the end of the Siege of Terra, the Salamanders showed the Custodes how to to their job. Vulkan standing in front of the Golden Throne is one of the most in-character things he could do.
He literally had a hand in crafting it. "You wish to destroy part of my masterwork? Eat hammer heretic!"
As did the blood angels when they literally made all the khornate world eaters $hit their armor and run their A$$E$ off terra.
Vulkan lives until observed, which is why they havent found him.
Schrodingers Vulkan
Maybe the salamanders from the war of the beast were hurt from being denied getting to see him and they altered the records
We know Vulcan lives! It will be interesting to learn what he's been up to during his absence. The lord of drakes is too noble and humanitarian to remain idle while the forces of chaos and xenos threaten civilian populations of the imperium.
part of this is because Malkador isnt there, and he kept track of the history, lore and whatnot among other things..
Vulkan is a perptual, Night Haunter drove himself into a paroxysm of rage! The last confirmed sight Vulkan was the fight against the Ork Beast. Vulkan used his dark gifts to look into the WWWWAAAAAAĜGHHHH! energy. The question is, did Vulkan use the last of his strength to manipulate Ork WWWWHHHAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH energy to transport himself elsewhere?
Isn't Vukan still with corvus and a bunch of imperials freed from that debt planet?
He's unkillable.
If Vulcan is a perpetual, it would be kind of cool that its a genetic mutation that COULD be passed down to his "children." 🤔
Huh, i thought Rogal's fate was unknown, not that he was killed as well
You know one might believe that the salamaders should atleast know theres a good chance of vulcan being alive with him being a perpetual and all.
I'm looking guys! But it's a big galaxy y'know...
Keep up the good work brother.
Wolf rod lo here wassup
@@forgefathervulkanhestan18 STOMP STOMP