😢 I'm going through this right now with my kids, they just keep trying to wiggle out the truth, and just don't want to follow what I'm saying, and then saying I'm talking over them when they proceeds to talk over me. I'm Soo frustrated I get angry and we fuss, I'm glad God popped this video in as I calmed down and see what is really going on,I just have to keep at it with a soft touch and not let them get me Soo mad, Imma be Soo calm and show them that they're doing it, then we will see who's really being the hard one. 😂🎉❤, I will not let the devil win 🥰🙌🏽🥰 Glory to God 🤌🏽🙏🏽
My exact thought process... 20 seconds into the video and I hear that and I was like, who is he talking to? Because I only heard cliffe agree in response to him talking, and I left to the comments immediately and found yours at the top lol
He has so much turmoil built inside of him. We should pray for people like this. Just like us, we were once lost but when found again, we were filled with God’s love. Though I agree, he was being hypocritical. “Let me speak” whilst speaking over Cliff.
Lifelong non believer, no religious upbringing. No schooling, no bible study. I spent over 2 decades not believing and even fighting his existence. In the past few months ive opened my heart and my mind to god and jesus christ, and every day i become more embroiled in the word, in the belief, and now i feel a sense of understanding. A sense of matter and meaning to my existence. All those years wasted, acting like i knew better when i didnt even have a clue. My life and mindframe has turned around 100% since. Sure im still a sinner and things are still difficult, but instead of blaming those tribulations on somebody or something, they have gained a new meaning and opened my world to possibilites and even the pursuit of happiness. I know now, im a perfection creation from god, regardless of my shortcomings. Ive been blessed to feel a rebirth and to feel a sense of belonging ive never known existed. I sure hope when my time comes, i can enjoy eternity in paradise with my creator. Gods favorites have a hard time, which empowers me to fight through my sins and my miscalculations. I pray for anybody like me who hasnt yet opened their souls to salvation. Praise jesus christ the flesh, and god my true creator. I love you all and hope we all find peace in this crazy world ❤ amen brothers and sisters!
I love all who have liked and commented. The support I've received in the past few months in life and on youtube through my comments, is a living testament to his grace and love for myself. I pray for all of you and hope only the best. Amen brothers and sisters ❤❤❤
what facts. the very superficial way of communication? the fact that there was no prior separation between religion as an instrument of political power and faith on a meta-level, related to the individual? Does Cliff even know the roots that support his faith?... Judaism without which Christians would have no history and the New Testament would be meaningless.
@@WeirdoOHdid u not just watch a video in which Cliffe condemns the wrongdoing of Christians in the name of Jesus, he states Jesus is different, focus on him. Stop trying to judge Christianity off Christians.
I am Ethiopian orthodox Christian, we have never been colonized by any force and you expressed in a well manner about the oldest orthodox church in Ethiopia before before any country except Armenia, God bless you
Y'all Ethiopians don't get nearly enough respect for withstanding the entirety of colonialism. First when the Muslims did their thing in the latter half of the first millennium, then again when Europe collectively decided there was some very important somethings in Africa, then yet again when Mussolini decided to try, try again. Keep it going, brothers.
This has nothing to do with religion. The guy at the beginning was so profoundly annoying that it made me want to convert to Christianity out of spite. How is someone raised to behave that way?
I remember I was sooooo against Christianity because there were so many hypocrites who hid behind the Bible, it wasn’t until I had my own personal relationship with Jesus is where I fully bought in.
Only in America, a crowd of idiots listening to an idiot, no wonder Trump managed to become potus,and is still drawing crowds after proving to the world he is an idiot.
@@derekardito2032 ,...The Bible decides. There is one truth to the Bible and all the actual Christians have it. The actual Christians have nothing to do with anything called or known as the/s church. The church is for and is made up of those who do not belong to God but who belong to the Godless world. All the manmade denominations exist because they are those who do not understand the Bible and created their own interpretation. These are all the Biblically illiterate and the willingly ignorant. People love lies and deception and cant wait to join up with some fake manmade church. What they will never join up with is the actual truth of the Bible.
@@AVoiceCryingintheDesert-tq4vw the bible is full of lies, proven so, it is a book of claims not a book of truths, there are more facts in the fucking " Beano than the bible and that's aimed at children not adult idiots that believe in fairy stories.
WHO IS A LIAR YOU OR JESUS JUST EXPLAIN TO US PLEASE. DOES JESUS PEACE BE UPON HIM FULFILLED HIS WORD OR NOT Matthew 12 38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” 39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12 FRIDAY NIGHT+SATERDAY NIGHT=== IS NOT EQUAL TO 3 NIGHT AS JHONA WAS. SATURDAY DAY= IS NOT EQUAL TO AS JHONA WAS 3 DAY. AGAIN JHONA WAS ALIVE IN THE FISH BELLY ,,,, BUT ... JESUS WAS DIED ACCORDING TO TEACHING OF CHRISTIAN BROTHERS NOW YOU ANSWER US IS JESUS A LIAR OR YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR THE BIBILE IS CORRAPTED BY PEOPLE AND I CAN GIVE YOU 1000 CONTRADICTION. I AM WAITING ANSWER PLEASE
Amen to that… we are given free will, yet we understand yet not understand what the value of life is till we find ourselves in the other person’s shoes, the walk of life… I’ve seen as an older person for experience of my own life how others live, go abroad and discover what your truly looking for, the experience of life is way different as your own…depending on how one lives there lives and with discovery one just might find themselves…😏
@@linamarie84 well, according to google: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. so I guess. Thing is it doesn't mention following God, it just mentions beliefs in gods. It isn't through believing in Jesus that we are saved, it is by following Jesus.
I'm African. I've lived in Nigeria most of my life. Cliffe's representation of Africa and the gospel is 100% ACCURATE! God bless you, Cliffe and Stuart!
@@Njoofene Nice try buddy, but you're wrong. Christianity was in Nigeria way before colonisation or trans-atlantic slave trade. For example, Portuguese missionaries had introduced Christianity to parts of the kingdoms now known as Nigeria since the 15th century. The spread of Christianity in Nigeria in the 19th century Links better (historically) to the abolition of trans-Atlantic slave trade, introduction of medical facilities and establishment of schools, than colonisation.
I love how cliff does not compromise with sin to please people or receive the approval of man ….He said “I hope it will be a women not a man you get married to” wow Cliff is the real deal we need more preachers like him. God bless your ministry!!🙏
@@Silver77cyn you can be born with a sin struggle but it’s up to your free will whether or not you follow through with that sin. My sin struggle is being promiscuous and adultery. I can remember from a young age objectifying women and wanting to fornicate with them before marriage. I focused heavily on that until I realized it is wrong and God calls us to not act on that sin and give it over to him and trust in him. Being “born” gay is the same thing. It’s a sin struggle you deal with from even a young age but it’s up to you if you decide to act on it or not and I pray that your faith leads you to him and not the sin.
I grew up with my grandparents who were very religious. When I transferred schools I became friends with a girl who practiced paganism and witchcraft, and I thought that I should as well. I was so convinced that I had religious trauma and I should hate the church. Then I met my wonderful fiancé who is currently serving in the navy. One night at work I was having a really hard night because he was on an underway and we had very limited contact. My coworker noticed and walked up to me and he said “Jesus loves you.” I thought he was joking because we would always joke around about religion. I looked at him and I asked if he was trying to joke around. He told me no, he had turned to God. He said he saw I was having a bad day and he wanted to let me know that God was there for me. We spent the rest of our shift talking about it and that’s when he introduced me to Cliff. I will admit I cried a lot that night. I felt so much better after though. I am so incredibly grateful for my coworker for helping me come back to God. It was especially hard as a 17 year old who was convinced that God wouldn’t forgive me for rejecting him. My fiancé and I are getting married in January and we have decided we want to be baptized together. Thank you God for all of the forgiveness and love I know I’m not worthy of. Thank you for sending your Son to earth so we can spend eternity with you. Update: We just set our wedding date for this coming June. We plan on getting married in my childhood church by the same pastor that married my parents.
Love is a State of Spiritual Integrity.... It is knowing that God is Spirit, and Spirit is the Only Presence. Therefore, I and My Father are One, and I Love My Neighbor as Myself!! We must see through the physical realm and our false sense of stability about it.... Matter/Form is a False Imitation of Spirit appearing via False Sense of Being. Spirit is the Only Presence!! The message of the Christ is to Realize Our own Divine, Immortal Nature within, and it will lead us out of the Veiled Dream of Time and Space. Out of the Karmic Cycle of Birth and Death. Follow me I, the Realized Christ/Spirit of your being across the Mystical Ocean of Time and Space where you don't walk in the world of matter, form, physicality, iniquity, mortality.
I wish Cliffe had spoken on my campus decades ago when I identified as an atheist. I would saved myself a lot of grief in life. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for 26 years now.
God bless all of these folks, I understand the frustration and the lack of patience in their voices. They are frustrated because they are trying so hard to understand, whether they know it or not they strive to understand the truth. It is truly beautiful to hear them ask these tough questions. We’re in this together, God loves you ❤️❤️
I feel like the listeners are becoming more engaged now than ever before. Earlier videos from years ago I would see people just kind of sitting there, staring off into space, checked out if you will. I’m glad to see more alertness now, more interaction, head nodding at least. I wish I would have caught Cliffe in my college campus years ago (U of I). Thank you both for all you do. Thank you for helping to give me fuel to reach others. Thank you for loving, Biblically.
I believe Cliffe has been working on this talent (talking to people) so long now and God has helped him. The people may leave today and disagree but… he’s planted a seed in them that if they get curious enough, they will seek the proof and it will be revealed to them. Cliffe is just getting to be a master at this.
@xMCxVSxARBITERx its because the word of God shines light on the works of Satan. Our fight isn't against flesh and blood. It's against evil spirits we cannot see physically. This is why we should love everyone with the same love Jesus showed us. We christians need to be the light and salt of this world.
Because they are looking for Answers. As they are most open minded Generation ever. Why people should be prepared for God to build his New Church on these very same people. It's coming this fall and it starts in New York, Chicago, California. As God goes were he is needed most...
Without Jesus, I would go back to doing drugs alcohol, sleeping with different women, having kids everywhere , cussing every time I talk, being mean to everybody , stealing , cheating , lieing , hustling people,if I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, I would be a wicked man. Jesus made me new now I walk in peace , joy , excitement, strength, loving everybody , healing people , helping people , singing to the lord , exercising, eating healthy, free from addictions
@@cutieusagii I feel sorry for you, just you can see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, I come from witchcraft and satanist, the spirit world is more real then the physical world , when you start living for Jesus , that’s when you start walking in the spirit
@@cutieusagiiHe isnt hiding behind something, especially something that “doesnt exist.” He learned more about jesus and it changed him. Hes not hiding from those things, hes standing up against them.
@@cutieusagii Yeah? Well that something that doesn't exist just radically changed someone's entire personality and mind. If He doesn't exist, how can he change people in this way? How do you explain addictions suddenly lifting in people who have been using drugs to the point that their neurochemistry is permanently altered? What ever happened to 'no judgement', my friend?
"I don't like being judged." = "I want to live however the hell I want." That first guy made the mistake of thinking this was his pulpit. Cliffe owns that pulpit, not that little guy.
I'm not sure he realized people are Judged everyday. Everything from how well you do your job. To standing before a Judge in court. As some people lived the way they wanted and they ended up in Prison...
@CantstanyaYou just judged them... That is the problem with Secular Humanism.. They want the privilege of doing the very thing they claim others do. So stop being the real hypocrite. As the other person could be wrong. Butt you people claim to be experts..
That ending with forgiveness got me so good. I’m a Christian and i know all of these things being preached but it’s good to hear it preached because it causes you to reflect on your wrongs to make them right. When it sounds like they’re talking about you then it’s a lesson you need to hear or re-hear.
Don’t call anyone fools they are misguided, Matthew 5:22 - But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Cliff prays a lot for help from the Lord. He has talked about his anger problems. I personally know it all too well. Without prayer and constant connection to Christ, I would give in to a type of destructive outburst tied to depression and anxiety. It's like someone shaking up a bottle of soda with this constant pressure wanting to escape as fast as possible. If I can give you any advice, it would be to pray. "May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen" That's one I've been using multiple times a day. It's both to ask God for help and also focus me on how I want to live for Christ. Deep breaths and prayer. If you can, find a dark, quiet room and pray. It's easier to focus on God when there aren't any distractions. I wish I knew this when I was younger, but I never really prayed as a child, even going through Christian school k-12th grade. I only prayed with other people because I thought it was expected of me.
1 John 3:7-10 “Little children, let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous. The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil.” “Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God”
1 JOHN 2:1 My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous
He's just a bootie bandit 😂 Their always annoying in conversations about morality🙄🤷♂️ Just pray on, there? their? behalf for a desire to grow in them to have a relationship with Abba
These guys show some extreme patience for such a crowd. I really admire that. I have patience but not to this level. I recently lost it today towards a couople that's been constantly lying and being manipulative.
Abba Father, please touch this young man with Your Love, and thank You for this gentleman behaving so respectfull toward this young man. Please det this young man free, in Jesus Name, Amen!
I grew up in a christian family. I'm 18 years old now and I've been thinking a lot about God and the meaning of life past the last 4 years. I met amazing religious teachers in my school and I've watched a lot of videos, listened to many debates and reaserched on my own. I read a book about NDE - near death experiences and it also helped me tu understand the reality of heaven much better. Now I can say that I believe in God based on logical, historical and spiritual evidence and because I thought long and hard about it, not because everyone in my family believes, but because I have faith. Sometimes I also feel some doubt and I am very afraid of death especially when I look at it through an atheistic point of view, but I know life is much more then that and I'm aware that the spiritual realm exists. Listening to you and other christians really helped me find answers to many questions I had and my faith is much stronger and real compared to how it was before. I appreciate you're videos and these young people who are not afraid to ask questions and are seeking the truth. I hope they can find God in their lifes. ❤
I truly admire your courage and patience . God is truly using you in the young people of todays culture and I do try my best to pray for you daily God bless you and may the Holy Spirit continue to give you courage and strength
Father god please bless every person who reads and sees this, I ask that you would help us into the light through these dark times, I pray that you would bring more people to your glory everyday, forgive me for being meek but thank you for the hardships you gave me, I wish to only walk in the light and someday be a beacon for someone else, god bless yall and god bless cliffe and Stuart 🤧🤧
totally look up to both Cliffe and his son. they speak the truth about Jesus Christ without compromise. Lord help me be bold and a light like these two men!
@@Theo_Skeptomai have you directly observed your consciousness or mind which is the necessity for questioning reality in truth form? (what you're doing right now) have you ever directly observed the emotional bond you feel towards your family and friends? these are not observable, doesn't mean it's hard to believe in
@@Theo_Skeptomai I didn't say they were realities but if so, you state as if fact or a truth claim as in absolute they are human imagination, while 1 line later "they aren't really expected to be observable" so you've observed what you say to be unobservable? and if they do reside in human imagination, are we not then reduced to the material being chemical reactions, therefore what you've said as well as Is ultimately not us coming to a conclusions based on our ability to freely observe? just our chemicals lastly, no one knows if god is a reality or states such, and like you said with consciousness/mind, god is not expected to be observable either, as he is immaterial and eternal being therefore god incarnate as human, Jesus. So we humans in our finite universe with limited brains can understand with the languge/logic we use
Wow, I really needed to hear this. I have stumbled on your videos randomly over a span of a year but this one talk completed my questions of whether to detach from my daughter. I have been estranged from her in the last 3 years. It might even be the reason that I have cancer. As a Christian, I thought that I must detach away from her and give God my first and my all. I think I am wrong with that kind of thinking. My priority should not be only in my daughter but in helping others know who Jesus is. I have some more soul searching and seeking God in this matter. I clearly understand how God the Father loves His children and wants them to come home. Thank you for what you do. In His Service.
I love how this CHANNEL is growing,. In 2017 it had about 20k-40k subscriber and now they're close to 400K this to show you how much people wanna learn about God!
I never believed in hell, but had a near death experience and have had prayers answered and I literally woke up one day feeling a peace and ‘thoughts’ that I was running out of time, needed to be baptized and just KNOW it was God speaking to me. It’s been 3 months and so many of the things i have fought my whole life were just gone… PTSD, Anger, issues from an abusive childhood. I just know now and am on a path to get educated, repent and be saved. These videos are helping me so much. Thank you.
Anyone else thankful for this kid? He's speaking the common thread of thinking in most college student's minds. It takes guts to battle an obviously faithful, knowledge filled man with speech that has (most likely) not been FULLY challenged aka entirely THOUGHT OUT. This young man is showing the extent of deception; creating a verbal enemy against truth.. turning a passive audience into WITNESSES of Gospel versus World.
@@oatcake9996 it’s such a confusing name to read 😂 but it’s actually simple to say once you hear it. It’s pronounced like: “KIN-eck-LEE” - (or “kUN-eck-lee”, but the main thing is the “K” and “N” are basically pronounced in quick succession.)
right!! i think to myself, i have hurt ppl, and ppl have hurt me, i am a sinner and need to be forgiven by god, (as is everyone) so who am i to not forgive them, when god can. of course it take time, but i will always forgive. i am not better than the person next to me, i have no right to judge them when i myself am imperfect. of course we make mistakes and go against what we think sometimes, but in the end, god loves us and we will be forgiven when we accept him and his son wholeheartedly and repent for our sins. but, i dont need to tell you that im sure.
Cliffe does it the right way. He shows the sinner affection and love, understands them, feels for them, and most of all - he finds a way to relate- it makes them feel like they are not alone. And that God can always give us a way out, can always help us rediscover the path. And guys like Cliffe and Stuart and helping good people who struggle identity what that path is.
I'm 15 and I have my life for Jesus Christ and I kept getting into God's and Jesus words daily morning and night finding time for our Father in Heaven and I'm so glad I did because I want to preach our the gospel to other people and pray for them so their soul can be free from the Sin, and because Jesus Christ only wants our heart aand soul to be safe THROUGH HIM he is the truth, the light and the life, and he is the way, I believe and have grown strongly in my faith even if I can't see him physically I will still have faith and believe in him. And I'm so grateful that I decided to get into the Word of God and that God gave or share me his knowledge to understand other people little by little, because I've been struggling with multiple sins at a time and it was so hard.. but I'm so glad Jesus Christ save my soul and gave me mercies and a second chance I began my research and my name was written in the Bible in the old English language way. May the Grace of Our Lord Father in Heaven be with us all In Jesus name Amen ✝️❤️
I wish you were my pastor bro. Wendigoon (a TH-camr who covers horror) got me to kinda step back and realize I can be myself and be Christian. (I’m not a good in my eyes) But listening to you bro I’m floooooooored. I love this. So smart, articulate, and kind
I used too curse Jesus and was the last person that god would come to But his love and grace is so powerful and the undeniable proof of god is love. Jesus came in my life 6 months ago and he has proven his grace to me and that was before I truly let him into my heart and felt his glorious presence. Jesus is my lord and savior and he will bring us home sooner rather than later by looks of things
“Let me speak” *proceeds to speak over cliffe*
And never actually made a point
😢 I'm going through this right now with my kids, they just keep trying to wiggle out the truth, and just don't want to follow what I'm saying, and then saying I'm talking over them when they proceeds to talk over me.
I'm Soo frustrated I get angry and we fuss, I'm glad God popped this video in as I calmed down and see what is really going on,I just have to keep at it with a soft touch and not let them get me Soo mad, Imma be Soo calm and show them that they're doing it, then we will see who's really being the hard one. 😂🎉❤, I will not let the devil win 🥰🙌🏽🥰 Glory to God 🤌🏽🙏🏽
My exact thought process... 20 seconds into the video and I hear that and I was like, who is he talking to? Because I only heard cliffe agree in response to him talking, and I left to the comments immediately and found yours at the top lol
That's an arrogant brat😒
He has so much turmoil built inside of him. We should pray for people like this. Just like us, we were once lost but when found again, we were filled with God’s love. Though I agree, he was being hypocritical. “Let me speak” whilst speaking over Cliff.
Lifelong non believer, no religious upbringing. No schooling, no bible study. I spent over 2 decades not believing and even fighting his existence. In the past few months ive opened my heart and my mind to god and jesus christ, and every day i become more embroiled in the word, in the belief, and now i feel a sense of understanding. A sense of matter and meaning to my existence. All those years wasted, acting like i knew better when i didnt even have a clue. My life and mindframe has turned around 100% since. Sure im still a sinner and things are still difficult, but instead of blaming those tribulations on somebody or something, they have gained a new meaning and opened my world to possibilites and even the pursuit of happiness. I know now, im a perfection creation from god, regardless of my shortcomings. Ive been blessed to feel a rebirth and to feel a sense of belonging ive never known existed. I sure hope when my time comes, i can enjoy eternity in paradise with my creator. Gods favorites have a hard time, which empowers me to fight through my sins and my miscalculations. I pray for anybody like me who hasnt yet opened their souls to salvation. Praise jesus christ the flesh, and god my true creator. I love you all and hope we all find peace in this crazy world ❤ amen brothers and sisters!
Wow. You found the meaning of life. How incredibly beautiful
bless you
Amen wonderful testimony just wow thank you for inspiring ❤
Thank you my brother for this beautiful testimony of what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has done in your life ❤
I love all who have liked and commented. The support I've received in the past few months in life and on youtube through my comments, is a living testament to his grace and love for myself. I pray for all of you and hope only the best. Amen brothers and sisters ❤❤❤
Wake up babe. Cliffe dropped a new video of him spitting facts.
Based!!! Bro I love this guy. I never listened to a Christian man spit harder facts, logic and still be passionate at the same time.
Came for Christ, stayed for the spittin facts
what facts. the very superficial way of communication? the fact that there was no prior separation between religion as an instrument of political power and faith on a meta-level, related to the individual? Does Cliff even know the roots that support his faith?... Judaism without which Christians would have no history and the New Testament would be meaningless.
@@WeirdoOHdid u not just watch a video in which Cliffe condemns the wrongdoing of Christians in the name of Jesus, he states Jesus is different, focus on him. Stop trying to judge Christianity off Christians.
I am Ethiopian orthodox Christian, we have never been colonized by any force and you expressed in a well manner about the oldest orthodox church in Ethiopia before before any country except Armenia, God bless you
Me too 🇪🇹☦
Wow that's omitting I didn't know I'm Mexican and I'm glad I know now
Y'all Ethiopians don't get nearly enough respect for withstanding the entirety of colonialism. First when the Muslims did their thing in the latter half of the first millennium, then again when Europe collectively decided there was some very important somethings in Africa, then yet again when Mussolini decided to try, try again.
Keep it going, brothers.
1 country out of dozens 😂. Israelis wont claim u . And christians look at yall as heretica
7:56 Cliff looks so proud of his son in this moment.
This is one of the funniest conversations, I cracked up at "Let me speak"
Or you mean “let me 🔥 FLAME “
What was he even saying in the beginning of the video?!?
Hahaha 🤣 dude got wrecked! He has no valid points even the young men behind were like
“bro give up”
And he probably identifies himself as "they/them"..
This has nothing to do with religion. The guy at the beginning was so profoundly annoying that it made me want to convert to Christianity out of spite. How is someone raised to behave that way?
I remember I was sooooo against Christianity because there were so many hypocrites who hid behind the Bible, it wasn’t until I had my own personal relationship with Jesus is where I fully bought in.
AMÉN ✝️❤️🔥 Celebration as in Heaven so on Earth!
Very happy for you!
The reason why Jesus is attacked is because he is the truth.
@@randomreviews1461Or it might be because it's all a lie 🤷
This is a MASSIVE CROWD! I commend Cliffe for standing on his principals and saying something super unpopular and taboo in modern time.
Only in America, a crowd of idiots listening to an idiot, no wonder Trump managed to become potus,and is still drawing crowds after proving to the world he is an idiot.
Sadly however, he did not speak the truth of the Bible. This man is not a Christian, he is just representing/playing one.
@@AVoiceCryingintheDesert-tq4vw and who decides what is a Christian according to Christians, no wonder there are over 4,000 denominations lol.
@@derekardito2032 ,...The Bible decides. There is one truth to the Bible and all the actual Christians have it. The actual Christians have nothing to do with anything called or known as the/s church. The church is for and is made up of those who do not belong to God but who belong to the Godless world.
All the manmade denominations exist because they are those who do not understand the Bible and created their own interpretation. These are all the Biblically illiterate and the willingly ignorant. People love lies and deception and cant wait to join up with some fake manmade church. What they will never join up with is the actual truth of the Bible.
@@AVoiceCryingintheDesert-tq4vw the bible is full of lies, proven so, it is a book of claims not a book of truths, there are more facts in the fucking " Beano than the bible and that's aimed at children not adult idiots that believe in fairy stories.
We are not Save by religion we are save by grace through faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord
Matthew 12
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.”
39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12
Amen ✝️👑
Amen to that… we are given free will, yet we understand yet not understand what the value of life is till we find ourselves in the other person’s shoes, the walk of life… I’ve seen as an older person for experience of my own life how others live, go abroad and discover what your truly looking for, the experience of life is way different as your own…depending on how one lives there lives and with discovery one just might find themselves…😏
By definition religion IS faith in God
@@linamarie84 well, according to google: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
so I guess.
Thing is it doesn't mention following God, it just mentions beliefs in gods. It isn't through believing in Jesus that we are saved, it is by following Jesus.
I'm African. I've lived in Nigeria most of my life. Cliffe's representation of Africa and the gospel is 100% ACCURATE!
God bless you, Cliffe and Stuart!
😂true am Nigerian to
You got it by colonisation though!
@@Njoofene Nice try buddy, but you're wrong. Christianity was in Nigeria way before colonisation or trans-atlantic slave trade. For example, Portuguese missionaries had introduced Christianity to parts of the kingdoms now known as Nigeria since the 15th century.
The spread of Christianity in Nigeria in the 19th century Links better (historically) to the abolition of trans-Atlantic slave trade, introduction of medical facilities and establishment of schools, than colonisation.
@@Njoofenethe bible was in Africa before Europe!
This father-son co-op is undisputed 🔥🔥🔥
fr their great together
They playing a duo game and getting a gold loadout fr fr
@@shadow_blades5060got the twin shotty’s akimbo call em Alpha and Omega 😂
@@geosweet_ blud about to call in a spiritual Nuke
All about the $$$$
I love how cliff does not compromise with sin to please people or receive the approval of man ….He said “I hope it will be a women not a man you get married to” wow Cliff is the real deal we need more preachers like him. God bless your ministry!!🙏
Amen 💚
Casual homophobia.
And does he not understand that someone is born gay, you can’t just change that.
@@Silver77cyn you can be born with a sin struggle but it’s up to your free will whether or not you follow through with that sin. My sin struggle is being promiscuous and adultery. I can remember from a young age objectifying women and wanting to fornicate with them before marriage. I focused heavily on that until I realized it is wrong and God calls us to not act on that sin and give it over to him and trust in him. Being “born” gay is the same thing. It’s a sin struggle you deal with from even a young age but it’s up to you if you decide to act on it or not and I pray that your faith leads you to him and not the sin.
@@grizzbe Um….praying the gay away never works pal. That’s like trying to teach a fish to live in land, they were never meant for it.
I grew up with my grandparents who were very religious. When I transferred schools I became friends with a girl who practiced paganism and witchcraft, and I thought that I should as well. I was so convinced that I had religious trauma and I should hate the church. Then I met my wonderful fiancé who is currently serving in the navy. One night at work I was having a really hard night because he was on an underway and we had very limited contact. My coworker noticed and walked up to me and he said “Jesus loves you.” I thought he was joking because we would always joke around about religion. I looked at him and I asked if he was trying to joke around. He told me no, he had turned to God. He said he saw I was having a bad day and he wanted to let me know that God was there for me. We spent the rest of our shift talking about it and that’s when he introduced me to Cliff. I will admit I cried a lot that night. I felt so much better after though. I am so incredibly grateful for my coworker for helping me come back to God. It was especially hard as a 17 year old who was convinced that God wouldn’t forgive me for rejecting him. My fiancé and I are getting married in January and we have decided we want to be baptized together. Thank you God for all of the forgiveness and love I know I’m not worthy of. Thank you for sending your Son to earth so we can spend eternity with you.
Update: We just set our wedding date for this coming June. We plan on getting married in my childhood church by the same pastor that married my parents.
Tears - God bless you both 🙌✝️❤️
May god bless you❤
I'm so proud of you. Your story is beautiful ❤
I see the cliff cloning was a success 😂.
Such a beautiful relationship you both have as father and son
When Cliff asked, "What is love?" I responded to myself, "Baby don't hurt me, no more!" 😂
It’s a valid response 😂
Sufficiently Rick rolled now. Thanks for that...
Imagine if someone said that at the moment lol.
@@OnlyBobGreen I would have been someone. LOL
Love is a State of Spiritual Integrity....
It is knowing that God is Spirit, and Spirit is the Only Presence. Therefore, I and My Father are One, and I Love My Neighbor as Myself!!
We must see through the physical realm and our false sense of stability about it....
Matter/Form is a False Imitation of Spirit appearing via False Sense of Being.
Spirit is the Only Presence!!
The message of the Christ is to Realize Our own Divine, Immortal Nature within, and it will lead us out of the Veiled Dream of Time and Space. Out of the Karmic Cycle of Birth and Death.
Follow me I, the Realized Christ/Spirit of your being across the Mystical Ocean of Time and Space where you don't walk in the world of matter, form, physicality, iniquity, mortality.
I wish Cliffe had spoken on my campus decades ago when I identified as an atheist. I would saved myself a lot of grief in life. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for 26 years now.
You have been gullible for 26 years now.
@@FactStormI’ll pray for you brother❤
I'll think for you brother@@colbstah2559
@@FactStormLol. I’ll take the radical christians over the insufferable gay dude any day
I’m so happy cliff has a son that is as passionate as he his and eager to learn his wisdom
Yeah it's super cool to see that
he looks alot like cliff
I’m from a South Africa , I was born as Apartheid ended , I Love Christ Because of His love for me.
God bless all of these folks, I understand the frustration and the lack of patience in their voices. They are frustrated because they are trying so hard to understand, whether they know it or not they strive to understand the truth. It is truly beautiful to hear them ask these tough questions. We’re in this together, God loves you ❤️❤️
I feel like the listeners are becoming more engaged now than ever before. Earlier videos from years ago I would see people just kind of sitting there, staring off into space, checked out if you will. I’m glad to see more alertness now, more interaction, head nodding at least. I wish I would have caught Cliffe in my college campus years ago (U of I). Thank you both for all you do. Thank you for helping to give me fuel to reach others. Thank you for loving, Biblically.
I believe Cliffe has been working on this talent (talking to people) so long now and God has helped him. The people may leave today and disagree but… he’s planted a seed in them that if they get curious enough, they will seek the proof and it will be revealed to them. Cliffe is just getting to be a master at this.
I definitely think there is currently a spiritual battle going on right now.
It's probably because people more and more dislike the grace and gospel that would otherwise be freely given to them...
@xMCxVSxARBITERx its because the word of God shines light on the works of Satan. Our fight isn't against flesh and blood. It's against evil spirits we cannot see physically. This is why we should love everyone with the same love Jesus showed us. We christians need to be the light and salt of this world.
Because they are looking for Answers. As they are most open minded Generation ever. Why people should be prepared for God to build his New Church on these very same people. It's coming this fall and it starts in New York, Chicago, California. As God goes were he is needed most...
Without Jesus, I would go back to doing drugs alcohol, sleeping with different women, having kids everywhere , cussing every time I talk, being mean to everybody , stealing , cheating , lieing , hustling people,if I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, I would be a wicked man. Jesus made me new now I walk in peace , joy , excitement, strength, loving everybody , healing people , helping people , singing to the lord , exercising, eating healthy, free from addictions
that just who you are. You hide behind something that doesn't exist. At least 2 tbs
@@cutieusagii I feel sorry for you, just you can see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,
I come from witchcraft and satanist, the spirit world is more real then the physical world , when you start living for Jesus , that’s when you start walking in the spirit
@@cutieusagiiHe isnt hiding behind something, especially something that “doesnt exist.” He learned more about jesus and it changed him. Hes not hiding from those things, hes standing up against them.
You need an imaginary friend to be a decent person, with a fear of eternal damnation. No character
@@cutieusagii Yeah? Well that something that doesn't exist just radically changed someone's entire personality and mind. If He doesn't exist, how can he change people in this way? How do you explain addictions suddenly lifting in people who have been using drugs to the point that their neurochemistry is permanently altered? What ever happened to 'no judgement', my friend?
"I don't like being judged." = "I want to live however the hell I want." That first guy made the mistake of thinking this was his pulpit. Cliffe owns that pulpit, not that little guy.
Cliffe doesn't own the pulpit,God does
I'm not sure he realized people are Judged everyday. Everything from how well you do your job. To standing before a Judge in court. As some people lived the way they wanted and they ended up in Prison...
Bro the way that gay guy standing is pissing me off 😤
@CantstanyaYou just judged them... That is the problem with Secular Humanism.. They want the privilege of doing the very thing they claim others do. So stop being the real hypocrite. As the other person could be wrong. Butt you people claim to be experts..
That ending with forgiveness got me so good. I’m a Christian and i know all of these things being preached but it’s good to hear it preached because it causes you to reflect on your wrongs to make them right. When it sounds like they’re talking about you then it’s a lesson you need to hear or re-hear.
Cliffe is literally so INCREDIBLE! Bringing fools to jesus for 40 years!
Don’t call anyone fools they are misguided,
Matthew 5:22 - But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
7:52 Cliffe lookin like a proud dad .. I’m proud too
Fr ❤
Cliff has way more patience than I have. The guy kept putting words in Cliff's mouth.
Cliff prays a lot for help from the Lord. He has talked about his anger problems. I personally know it all too well. Without prayer and constant connection to Christ, I would give in to a type of destructive outburst tied to depression and anxiety. It's like someone shaking up a bottle of soda with this constant pressure wanting to escape as fast as possible. If I can give you any advice, it would be to pray.
"May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen"
That's one I've been using multiple times a day. It's both to ask God for help and also focus me on how I want to live for Christ. Deep breaths and prayer. If you can, find a dark, quiet room and pray. It's easier to focus on God when there aren't any distractions.
I wish I knew this when I was younger, but I never really prayed as a child, even going through Christian school k-12th grade. I only prayed with other people because I thought it was expected of me.
He actually wanted to put something different in Cliff's mouth..
Welcome to the Christian #Sippe
@@FynnDynamite LMAO real
Hi Cliff. Love your ministry, Palestine did not exist in Jesus time. It is and always will be Christian. Please do everything right.
It's actually the opposite if u r looking at it objectively
1 John 3:7-10
“Little children, let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous. The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil.”
“Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God”
Man this is beautiful. Im new in learning the bible. Thank you.
AMEN brother
1 JOHN 2:1
My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous
I just love watching these public meets with my brother in the faith, Cliff who is fearless to share God’s truth👌🏾👍🏾👏🏾 👏🏾👏🏾
I love watching these thanks cliffs and knetchle
I like how cliffs doesn’t argue with one person he talks to the crowd
Hey guys please pray for my girlfriend. Her name is Hazel and she claims to be an atheist now. Shes lost her faith, please pray for her
i will make sure to do so thank u for sharing
@@westy_0w_ thank you
She has a free will, all you can do is show Jesus inside you and love.
Ill pray for her ☦️
Just did
Jesus teach me patience… I’m trying very hard not to have anger for this man in the beginning half.
looking for this comment cause wooooo😅
Pity is what your should feel for them.they are afflicted and u could be the same as them but for the grace of God
He's just a bootie bandit 😂
Their always annoying in conversations about morality🙄🤷♂️
Just pray on, there? their? behalf
for a desire to grow in them to have a relationship with Abba
May God bless and keep and grow your ministry from strength to strength, Amen 🙏🙏🙏
These guys show some extreme patience for such a crowd. I really admire that. I have patience but not to this level. I recently lost it today towards a couople that's been constantly lying and being manipulative.
I love Cliff the most politely way to tell someone to buzz off you have a free will you choose to stand here
Am I the only one that enjoys watching at least a video of cliff on a daily basis?😅 I've learned a lot from them, praise the Lord 🙏
You aren't the only one I watch these videos daily as well
I listen to this when I workout lol. I do about 2-3 a day
I usually watch one at lunch time. I especially love his older stuff.
I enjoy watching Cliffe videos. He is articulate, educated & speaks truth. I watch at least 1 video a day. Blessings to Cliffe & his family 🙏🙏
I love his videos I been learning a lot
Arguing to just argue this kid. Cliffe handled this gracefully and logically. An inspiration to be a tool for Yeshua.
Love your point and conclusion Stuart!@22:37 📖👍
I have struggled so hard forgiving people! God please be with me and guide me through this World! God bless you guys!
Pray for them. It will help.
True warrior of Christ. These videos are helping me a lot
People need Jesus thank you cliffe and stewart
Abba Father, please touch this young man with Your Love, and thank You for this gentleman behaving so respectfull toward this young man. Please det this young man free, in Jesus Name, Amen!
Stop praying in the comments
@@BoredAmerican stop whining
Turn to Jesus trust me pls
@@BoredAmericanstop being disrespectful to people who didnt do anything to you
@@NovumInitium cope
I grew up in a christian family. I'm 18 years old now and I've been thinking a lot about God and the meaning of life past the last 4 years. I met amazing religious teachers in my school and I've watched a lot of videos, listened to many debates and reaserched on my own. I read a book about NDE - near death experiences and it also helped me tu understand the reality of heaven much better. Now I can say that I believe in God based on logical, historical and spiritual evidence and because I thought long and hard about it, not because everyone in my family believes, but because I have faith.
Sometimes I also feel some doubt and I am very afraid of death especially when I look at it through an atheistic point of view, but I know life is much more then that and I'm aware that the spiritual realm exists.
Listening to you and other christians really helped me find answers to many questions I had and my faith is much stronger and real compared to how it was before.
I appreciate you're videos and these young people who are not afraid to ask questions and are seeking the truth. I hope they can find God in their lifes. ❤
I truly admire your courage and patience . God is truly using you in the young people of todays culture and I do try my best to pray for you daily
God bless you and may the Holy Spirit continue to give you courage and strength
The greatest gift is to be with your own son on the street sharing the gospel
Father god please bless every person who reads and sees this, I ask that you would help us into the light through these dark times, I pray that you would bring more people to your glory everyday, forgive me for being meek but thank you for the hardships you gave me, I wish to only walk in the light and someday be a beacon for someone else, god bless yall and god bless cliffe and Stuart 🤧🤧
God bless🙏🏻
Love the father and son bonding.. beautiful sharing great message to cherish in ones life. May God bless u both 😊
Cliffe is hilarious with his "between his handsome ears" and "beautiful hunk of matter" 😂😂😂😂
I love this brother
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
totally look up to both Cliffe and his son. they speak the truth about Jesus Christ without compromise. Lord help me be bold and a light like these two men!
The hoops and mental obstacles people make to not believe in God is wild.
@@Theo_Skeptomai no but could you further elaborate why you state such a question
@@Theo_Skeptomai have you directly observed your consciousness or mind which is the necessity for questioning reality in truth form? (what you're doing right now) have you ever directly observed the emotional bond you feel towards your family and friends? these are not observable, doesn't mean it's hard to believe in
@@Theo_Skeptomai no
@@Theo_Skeptomai I didn't say they were realities but if so, you state as if fact or a truth claim as in absolute they are human imagination, while 1 line later "they aren't really expected to be observable"
so you've observed what you say to be unobservable?
and if they do reside in human imagination, are we not then reduced to the material being chemical reactions, therefore what you've said as well as Is ultimately not us coming to a conclusions based on our ability to freely observe? just our chemicals
lastly, no one knows if god is a reality or states such, and like you said with consciousness/mind, god is not expected to be observable either, as he is immaterial and eternal being therefore god incarnate as human, Jesus. So we humans in our finite universe with limited brains can understand with the languge/logic we use
@@Theo_Skeptomai no
Love this man
Amen ❤ I love you Jesus ❤
These conversations are above my head!! But I know where my help comes from!
God bless you two gentlemen, you are brave for standing in front of this generation and preaching like you do🤙🏻
Powerful in the Holy Spirit 🔥❤️
Oak Cliff God bless your ministry. God loves these kids so much and it's obvious that it's pouring through you❤
I love how he says don’t believe in Christianity believe in Christ 🙏🙏Wowww
God Bless Cliff for taking this on!
Praise the Lord working through him.❤️🙏
This was a stellar performance by the Duo!!!
The Dynamic Duo ! !
Hallelujah. May GOD richly bless you father and son.
Cliffe thank you
Wow, I really needed to hear this. I have stumbled on your videos randomly over a span of a year but this one talk completed my questions of whether to detach from my daughter. I have been estranged from her in the last 3 years. It might even be the reason that I have cancer. As a Christian, I thought that I must detach away from her and give God my first and my all. I think I am wrong with that kind of thinking. My priority should not be only in my daughter but in helping others know who Jesus is. I have some more soul searching and seeking God in this matter. I clearly understand how God the Father loves His children and wants them to come home. Thank you for what you do. In His Service.
WOW. I Wish I had a school teacher like this
I love how this CHANNEL is growing,. In 2017 it had about 20k-40k subscriber and now they're close to 400K this to show you how much people wanna learn about God!
i can never get tired of watching Cliffe and Stuart's videos. God is with you guys and many people are encouraged to share the word as well.
No, God is not with these guys. These guys are not Christians and sell a 100% false gospel.
Bless You Saints Of God
I never believed in hell, but had a near death experience and have had prayers answered and I literally woke up one day feeling a peace and ‘thoughts’ that I was running out of time, needed to be baptized and just KNOW it was God speaking to me. It’s been 3 months and so many of the things i have fought my whole life were just gone… PTSD, Anger, issues from an abusive childhood. I just know now and am on a path to get educated, repent and be saved. These videos are helping me so much. Thank you.
I’m learning so much from Cliffe and Stewart 🙏✝️🙌🏼👑
Cliffe I really enjoy your videos bringing the word of Jesus to these people. And God bless your patience for dealing with this new generation.
I think I’ve watched almost every single Cliffe & Stuart videos. This is by far one of the best.
20:25 from talking about him on college campuses to being on his podcast. What a journey
Asian Christian here!
Appreciate the talk..
Mr, Cliff God bless you, i love the insight you share and the boldness, man students, the youth...
lol, He on Holy fire in this video. You need to be in these times.
Can not argue with that one, This are the dark ages man. God’s Moral values are tainted, we are losing our brothers and sisters.
I'm a cradle Catholic and Cliffe is one of my favorite Protestant Apologist.
This made me cry, pls keep up the good work the USA needs Jesus now more than ever.
bro this shit got me laughing 😂 I love cliffe
These are wonderful conversations and can help me when I encounter these questions. What a blessing you and your son are for the gospel.
I absolutely love you guys. Keep fighting the good fight.
Praise the Lord for these videos and your ministry! I use these videos often in my Apologetics class. Very thankful to have the extra resources!
Anyone else thankful for this kid? He's speaking the common thread of thinking in most college student's minds. It takes guts to battle an obviously faithful, knowledge filled man with speech that has (most likely) not been FULLY challenged aka entirely THOUGHT OUT. This young man is showing the extent of deception; creating a verbal enemy against truth.. turning a passive audience into WITNESSES of Gospel versus World.
AMEN, Brother CLiffe and Brother Stuart
Great video seeing the TH-cam shorts taken from this video made me look forward to watching this. I always enjoy your encounters with the students
Im not even Cristian and i admire this man ❤❤
I’m glad you’re here with us 😊❤ God bless you!
love that seek christ
agreed. also can someone tell me how to pronounce his surname?
@@oatcake9996 it’s such a confusing name to read 😂 but it’s actually simple to say once you hear it. It’s pronounced like:
“KIN-eck-LEE” - (or “kUN-eck-lee”, but the main thing is the “K” and “N” are basically pronounced in quick succession.)
Recognizing our deep personal need to be forgiven makes forgiving others easier.
right!! i think to myself, i have hurt ppl, and ppl have hurt me, i am a sinner and need to be forgiven by god, (as is everyone) so who am i to not forgive them, when god can. of course it take time, but i will always forgive. i am not better than the person next to me, i have no right to judge them when i myself am imperfect. of course we make mistakes and go against what we think sometimes, but in the end, god loves us and we will be forgiven when we accept him and his son wholeheartedly and repent for our sins. but, i dont need to tell you that im sure.
Cliffe does it the right way. He shows the sinner affection and love, understands them, feels for them, and most of all - he finds a way to relate- it makes them feel like they are not alone. And that God can always give us a way out, can always help us rediscover the path. And guys like Cliffe and Stuart and helping good people who struggle identity what that path is.
Powerful work you are doing here. Praise be to God! I was lost but now I’m found. Jesus loves a wretch like me and I lay down my soul to thee.
I’m thinking about coming up the cliffes church. I really wanna meet him. He’s two hours away from me
Go for it. iirc Cliffe church had somekinda qna After sermon.
So you can asking questions too, or meet him in person and talk to him
where is his church?
@@ThalinaNoangNew Canaan CT outside of NYC
im Ethiopia tanks for you
This was fun to watch! Love you guys man. May Our Good GOD keep blessing you and your ministry ❤
Stuart was jus sittin there, chillin, swingin his legs, lovin this! 😂
Me too, man, me too!
I'm 15 and I have my life for Jesus Christ and I kept getting into God's and Jesus words daily morning and night finding time for our Father in Heaven and I'm so glad I did because I want to preach our the gospel to other people and pray for them so their soul can be free from the Sin, and because Jesus Christ only wants our heart aand soul to be safe THROUGH HIM he is the truth, the light and the life, and he is the way, I believe and have grown strongly in my faith even if I can't see him physically I will still have faith and believe in him. And I'm so grateful that I decided to get into the Word of God and that God gave or share me his knowledge to understand other people little by little, because I've been struggling with multiple sins at a time and it was so hard.. but I'm so glad Jesus Christ save my soul and gave me mercies and a second chance I began my research and my name was written in the Bible in the old English language way. May the Grace of Our Lord Father in Heaven be with us all In Jesus name Amen ✝️❤️
Love you both so much, i hope i can come to america and meat you both in real life. Love from Croatia ❤
Thank you Cliffe
I wish you were my pastor bro. Wendigoon (a TH-camr who covers horror) got me to kinda step back and realize I can be myself and be Christian. (I’m not a good in my eyes) But listening to you bro I’m floooooooored. I love this. So smart, articulate, and kind
I completely agree. I’ve always felt ashamed for liking horror even though I’m catholic. Wendigoon changed my perspective
Wedigoon is fantastic
Cliffe’s legacy. beautiful to see. May God bless them and continue to use them, hope Stuart’s descendants do the same in the same manner.
I love this guy . Happy he is giving knowledge god will bless him
I used too curse Jesus and was the last person that god would come to But his love and grace is so powerful and the undeniable proof of god is love. Jesus came in my life 6 months ago and he has proven his grace to me and that was before I truly let him into my heart and felt his glorious presence. Jesus is my lord and savior and he will bring us home sooner rather than later by looks of things