I think some of us can relate to Quasimodo at some point in our lives. He's the guy who wants to show himself to the world, but knows that people won't accept him... at least not right away.
@@DementedDuskull Great! Kudos to you for not letting the stress of life during a pandemic wear you down. I'm just saying that there are some people who can relate to Quasi, even though his movie is pretty much Disney's most forgotten film. I probably didn't word my previous comment right. Let me fix that.
I love Quasimodo because hes got so many amazing qualities missing in so many human beings except for good looks which should not matter but to him and others it does. Hes the kind of people this world needs and how extremely strong he is and humble. I truly wanted him to get the girl in the end, but sometimes life just doesnt work out that way. I felt his pain when he suddenly realizes he was never going to be with the one he wanted. We have all felt this pain and can relate in some way, shape, or form...no pun attended. Underrated song from an underrated classic.
i always felt that the ending was good because he wasn't accepted by someone he felt attraction for, he was loved by everyone, he didn't chase someone who didn't feel anything for him like some people do, he was just taken in and finally treated as an actual human by the rest of the world, he became a part of it.
sorry, as you said that Brendan, all I can think about is that scene in Seinfeld about the operation conversation George is having with Jerry and George says "They left the Junior Mint INSIDE HIM?!?!"
They say this was out of place for being light-hearted? But aren't the gargoyles are all in his head? And this is his subconscious trying to assure himself to have confidence, only to be proven wrong later... That makes this the saddest, most sympathetic scene in the movie. Poor Quasi...
Jodgee Also, maybe it's my imagination but there's something in the tone of the song which hints at the fact that [SPOILER!] they're wrong and he's not going to "get the girl" in the end.
I understand this theory about them not being real and all (actually, I love it) but the theory is broken when Victor throws a brick at a mook and he and Hugo throw a catapult from up the cathedral and hit some guards near the end.
Personally I still like this song, I see the gargoyles as Quasi's subconscious and I think this song is just him attempting to reassure himself. He's bound to have gone crazy living in solitude for so long that he might not know how to react to such a devastating scene, therefore neither do the gargoyles. Hence the out of place upbeat number that doesn't really fit in.
Izzy Sportychicken They cut it from the stage show because it's supposed to be darker than the movie, even though this is actually really, really dark.
That's what makes this song so sad, despite its cheerful and upbeat tone. We (the audience) are fully aware that Quasimodo's feelings for Esmeralda are completely unreciprocated. Poor Quasi is deluding himself. She's got the hots for Phoebus, not him. After all, no woman would pass up the tall, dark and handsome for the short, pale and abominable.
That's what makes this song so sad, despite its cheerful and upbeat tone. We (the audience) are fully aware that Quasimodo's feelings for Esmeralda are completely unreciprocated. Poor Quasi is deluding himself. She's got the hots for Phoebus, not him. After all, no woman would pass up the tall, dark and handsome for the short, pale and abominable. (Sorry. I had to post my comment here because some prick named montork was harassing me for speaking my mind in his comment thread.)
Some guys seem to instantly assume a girl likes them, just because he has an interest in her. I bet this is the song that plays in their head to make them believe that.
I like Quasimodo just the way he is. Despite his looks, I just love him. He's has a heart of gold, a caring sweet nature, and he's always ready to help a friend in times of need. He can't let Frollo keep controlling him like a helpless animal. Quasimodo DESERVES freedom!
It's really not bad, it's mainly meant to lighten up what's a pretty dark film compared to other Disney films, but also nice to have a song of how quasi is different looking, but it's also a good quality
You know, I didn't mind the dark humor; it fit. The gargoyles serve as hallucinations to comfort Quasimodo, and in this situation, that's what they were doing.
90-year-olds can climb cathedrals and wield 2-handed swords? Give that a shot when you hit 90 and let me know how it turns out. And yes. I do think the movie's "heroes" making a joke of Frollo's gypsy genocide is MUCH more offensive than somebody lusting after a character who literally every man in the movie finds attractive.
TheKiss The fact that Frollo was 90 wasn't really the point of either comment. Offensive? It wasn't genocide of gypsies, he was just burning down houses that were suspected of harbouring Esmeralda. And even so, it never really happened, sure, if they actually said there were gypsies in the burning house, that would be offensive, but since they didn't, the audience is left to assume that he is lighting it on another flame.
Baby Dogson It takes a very tall flame to reach the height of the gargoyles' position on the cathedral. He lit in on a building of some sort. And even if the house-burning operation wasn't directly concerned with killing gypsies, it was part of Frollo's overall campaign, which definitely was. From what we see in the scene where Phoebus is shot, it's safe to assume several of those buildings had innocent people trapped inside. Or at the very least, people's homes and all of their possessions were destroyed. I still don't find that fair game for a hot-dog joke.
TheKiss Who knows? There were probably some other soldiers, willing to risk their lives to save the people inside. But the flames still engulfed the houses.
Honestly, I never had any problems with the gargoyles. Yes, they weren't in the original novel. Yes, they are goofy. And yes, this song does come out of nowhere. But I personally don't care, mainly because I grew up watching this movie a lot as a kid. Besides, Disney movies need at least one comedy relief, and these 3 are pretty funny! XD
Bobby Denton Honestly, the Gargoyles needed to be there. Never forget that this is a kid film. If it was just a depressing ride all the way through, it would've left most of them miserable in the theatres.
I think we can all identify with Quasimodo at some point in our lives. He's the guy who wants to show himself to the world, but knows that people won't accept him... at least not right away.
The gargoyles were beautiful. They showed everything clausy thought without making the ‘out loud noises’ a man living alone usually has in movies. The way they were just statues when frollo or anyone else entered made you think that clausy just imagined them, along with the ‘can stone talk?’ Question but at the end of the movie, and at the end of frollos life he sees them come to life, depicting hell and all that he has earned himself wonderfully, noting else could make that scene work. The gargoyles also lighten the mood of such a dark and different Disney movie and add a funny element for all the kids watching. The gargoyles were a necessary work of art in this movie and anyone who disagrees clearly just lacks understanding.
I love the Gargoyles and always will. Without sidekick characters, Disney movies would just be boring ordinary movies. This is magic that only Disney can pull off. The "dark" tone of this movie never bothered me that much. I always thought of it as a history lesson. The burning at the stake, religious zealotry and all those various other elements really did happen during the middle ages. Disney decided to explore those themes with this movie and this always felt "normal" to me. The way for the audience to know that this is a Disney universe is by having sidekick characters like these. Mulan was quite tragic at times too, and audiences were furious when they learned that the live action remake wouldn't have Mushu. I love the gargoyles.
When I first got into the movie, I was expecting to dread the gargoyles from the reviews...but strangely enough I never had the problem. I mean, sure they disrupted the pace and where a bit too goofy - but they help lighten the mood when all hell breaks loose. They where even a little humorous, not _funny_, but playful.
+Bill Suffocated The disruption is pretty bad though, and they feel completely out of place. If they had blackened the humor a little, kept the gargoyles inside Quasis head instead of actually being alive I think it would have been fantastic.
I think the Unshaved Mouse sums it up best in his blog - "Complaining about comedy relief characters in a Disney movie is like complaining that the language in a Quentin Tarantino movie would not be tolerated on the lowest docks of Bristol." Comic sidekicks are part and parcel of Disney - and honestly, for Disney, this movie is very dark and mature. They included the gargoyles, but they more than compensated for them with "Hellfire" and "The Bells of Notre Dame".
3:39 This song helped me learn how to finally snap my fingers! No, really it did LOL! I finally learned when I was rewatching this film for the first time in years at 21 years old. For years I was trying to learn how to snap my fingers but to no avail. I had the position memorized but I could never get my fingers to make the sound no matter how hard I tried. So for years I just kept trying. But when I was rewatching this film, I decided to just “pretend-snap” my fingers along with the gargoyles and the statues in tune with the song and suddenly out of nowhere I heard the snapping sound. I kept going and I continued to make the snapping noise! I was beyond thrilled that I had finally gotten it all thanks to a silly song! I then continued snapping my fingers nonstop for like 5 minutes straight my fingers were beet red and completely sore. So now whenever I watch this film I always have to snap my fingers at that scene as a little bit of a tribute 😂😂😂
Since the gargoyles a part of Quasimodo's imagination, I assume that they sorta witness everything that he witnesses about Esmerelda. They each represent different aspects of his mind.
JJdaPK I don't think the gargoyles are a part of Quasimodo's imagination. If they were made by his mind, they wouldn't affect things. Like with the catapult and other things involved in the fire. Maybe it's more of a 'If you believe, they're alive.'
People hate the gargoyles? They are funny, cheesy, good friends to qusimando and supportive, cheerful, silly and help the movie from being too dark and sad. I like them and all three are enjoyable.
I don't hate the gargoyles, but I think this song should have been cut or it should have taken place earlier in the movie....like before Paris started burning. As it is now, it's too out of place. Paris is burning, Esmerelda is a fugitive, Pheobus is dying, and Frollo is killing gypsies. The last thing we need is a feel good song.
***** In other words, comic relief. Which is pretty much the whole purpose of having these characters in there. Just like Timon and Pumba in the lion king.
Except Timon and Pumbaa fit right in with the Lion King. They were comic relief yes, but they meshed very well with the film. Victor Hugo and Laverne were out of place in Hunchback and their musical number was completely off compared to the rest of the songs. Hakuna Matata at least felt like it *belonged* in the movie it was in.
G HP Absolutely right. Hakuna Matata was inane and silly, but the characters realized by the end that that way of life is irresponsible and hurtful. Timon and Pumbaa sobered up and took Simba seriously later in the movie....all the gargoyles do here is throw off the tone of the whole movie.
Furthermore, when the gargoyles are "fighting" near the end of the movie, what I believe is that Quasimodo actually does all of those things (such as drop a brick on a soldier's head, build a catapult) but he wants to pretend it isn't him so he doesn't feel as bad doing it. Keep in mind that in that scene, the gargoyles and Quasi are never in the same shot of the camera.
This is perhaps my favorite song in the movie after Heaven's Light/Hellfire. It's lighthearted, funny, and inspirational. It makes the scene after it even harder to watch as we see Quasi's heart broken. If this song should be taken out of the movie, then Esmeralda should die at the end, Clopin should be an old, darker Gypsie and Frollo should be the arch-deacon, as well as a good person toward the beginning who becomes insane due to lust that he's hidden from years of celibacy. That way everything would be like the book. No? Too dark or boring? Well, I think this number brings a bit of lightheartedness that juxtapositions the rest of the movie. It's actually something lots of renown literary figures use to enhance the story. For example, Shakespeare does it in Romeo and Juliet during the Mercutio scenes, adding humor just before a major character dies. So all you people complaining about this one scene, think about how something like this makes you feel good just so that you can feel even more horrible later. Thats genius.
Gargoyles are good. As a kid I remember watching this film all the time and the only bits I really understood was with the Gargoyles. They're there to make the kids stay interested. Also, if they weren't there, it would literally just be Quasi on his own, and sometimes you need the interaction of a conversation to convey stuff for the audience - And think of near the end when Quasi is tied up, and he yells at them. It's so powerful because we know how much they mean to him.
Yeah. Screen Junkies also pointed out you literally can't figure out the words. "So he's a bit of a fixer upper, shmafeefafifa, something something something something little bit of love!"
Phippsta Nope, I always found Quasimodo in this movie really cute. lol Tom Hulce's performance also helped to bring out a side in the character that was attractive. :)
This song is in the best place it could be! the idea is to calm things down after a intense song like Hellfire, but I first I thought the Gargoyles where pointless, but when you think about it they're role is huge! if you believe that they're imagination, they're the personification of Quasimodo's connection to the tower. They fit in the movie just right! :D
Paris: (on fire, Frollo massacring citizens, hunting Esmeralda) Hugo: "Paris is glowing this evening." (roasts a sausage with the flames) That's messed up, lol.
You know, I think this song actually fits the film more then most people think. Yes the gargoyles could care less about a burning Paris. But Quasimodo doesn't care about any of it either, he's more concerned if he'll see Esmerelda. Its actually quite a dark song in the sense that our protaganist is more concerned about wooing a girl then he is about deaths of thousands. Also notice how the lyrics are both flattering and insulting at the same time. If you think of the gargoyles as in Quasimodo's head, it makes sense for Quasimodo to try to make himself feel better, but with his shattered self asteem have a difficult time doing it.
I still feel that this is out of place. Frollo burn the town, massacre citizens, Phoebus was injured, Esmeralda is hunted and here are the gargoyles..🕺🕺🎼🎶💃
Okay while this is the weakest song of the film my favorite part of the song starts at 3:20 and how it keeps picking up plus I do always chuckle when I see the Church statues snapping as well.
I was amazed when I found out the gargoyles were named after Victor Hugo* who wrote the Hunchback of Notre Dame book. *I read somewhere Laverne was Victor Hugo's middle name.
this song really helpt me getting my self esteem back, i am 16 years old and my self esteem is already 0, but specially after 7 years of being bullied, this song helpt me getting it back.
Gargoyles would have been much better if they were part of Quasi's imagination. Most of the most followed this concept until the movie had them helping at the end as a poor attempt to wrap them into the plot. In fact they would have been much more powerful if Quasi only believed they were moving, because it would really show how absolutely lonely he is.
I see your point, but I think they were always alive and only Quasi himself thought they were imaginary, but all the clues are there that they are living beings - 1. They come to life even when Quasi is absent, 2. like you mentioned, they aided him in the final fight 3. Hugo is always flirting & kissing on Esmerelda's goat and 4. in the sequel, Madelline could hear & see them. At first she thought she was imagining them too but she confirmed she knew they were there but winked to assure them their secret's safe with her. Remember they reacted like "Whaa--?!!" When they realized she could hear them.
I sing this to myself everyday, hoping and praying that one day... I will find her! I may not be the best-looking, physically Hench, smartest, funniest guy in the world... But I can offer you all of my love and attention and time! And hopefully if I am lucky enough to find her... She will never meet another guy like me!
And you're damn right to think that about yourself man, confidence is key and we have to keep in mind that nobody's perfect, no need to pressure ourselves too hard to appeal to others, as long as we stay true to ourselves it's all that matters :) And did you find her?? 👀
In a strange way this is one of my favorite Disney movies outside of the Lion King and Tarzan. Its dark, strange, and unusual ending make it one of Disney's best movies.
I love it when the gargoyle Victor mentions the torture chambers at 0:30 up to 0:38. Even when he mentions the rack. That was a torture device they had back in the Middle Ages. I read up on those things and they sure do sound painful. I know they had more devices back then.
+MHS0501 Part of me wonders what someone would see watching this. Is he just sitting there staring off into space? Does he actually move the gargoyles around the bell tower? Is he doing the voices out loud?
No, they're really moving and talking. Remember, they come to life even when Quasi isn't around. And also - they participate in the final battle, and in the sequel (god awful sequel mind you) Quasi's new love interest also interacts with them which shocks the Gargoyles themselves.
I read that a fella criticized the song for going against the film's message of looking beyond surface, but if you think about it, it tells througth that another good message: That is OK to be different. Because the Gargolyes tell Quasimodo in the song that Esmeralda could like him not because he's cute, but because he's ugly and because he's different from the rest. So they are basically telling him "You are different that's great". Maybe with some re-writing for the upcoming remake, it could fit with the rest of the songs in the film and keep the film's message, but still keeping the one from here, and still be funny.
Personally, I think the gargoyles were necessary, because they ARE actually parts of his imagination. Like Hobbes is Calvin's imaginary friend, they're made real to us because they're real to the main character, but to no one else. They show how lonely Quasi is--he made up his own friends. If you take out the gargoyles and pretend they're just Quasi thinking to himself, this is him trying to convince himself that Esmeralda COULD love him. It's poignant and sad when you see it that way.
"Paris-the city of lovers is glowing *sigh* true, that's because it's on fire but still. There's Lamoure" My favorite line in Disney history.
When she wants ooh la la... She wants YOU LA LA!! lol it's so dumb but I love that so much
I know it's an old comment.
I whole-heartedly agree! That just sums up France.
*Is glowing this evening
Why? it's burning!
That's messed up, lol.
I think some of us can relate to Quasimodo at some point in our lives. He's the guy who wants to show himself to the world, but knows that people won't accept him... at least not right away.
I don't relate, my life's awesome
@@DementedDuskull Great! Kudos to you for not letting the stress of life during a pandemic wear you down. I'm just saying that there are some people who can relate to Quasi, even though his movie is pretty much Disney's most forgotten film.
I probably didn't word my previous comment right. Let me fix that.
Thank you
@Arkana De Mon Amen to that
I don't care if the world accepts me or not. All I care about is accepting God and him forgiving me.
I love Quasimodo because hes got so many amazing qualities missing in so many human beings except for good looks which should not matter but to him and others it does. Hes the kind of people this world needs and how extremely strong he is and humble. I truly wanted him to get the girl in the end, but sometimes life just doesnt work out that way. I felt his pain when he suddenly realizes he was never going to be with the one he wanted. We have all felt this pain and can relate in some way, shape, or form...no pun attended. Underrated song from an underrated classic.
i always felt that the ending was good because he wasn't accepted by someone he felt attraction for, he was loved by everyone, he didn't chase someone who didn't feel anything for him like some people do, he was just taken in and finally treated as an actual human by the rest of the world, he became a part of it.
For real, that is such a wholesome, adult message, that you can move on from a crush that doesn't pan out, and get what you really need instead.
I don't know about you guys, but "shaped like bread" has always been on my list of qualifiers for guys I wanna date.
hmm I'd date a pretzel...
On Tinder I only have one specification - "shaped like garlic bread."
All I can think of is George Costanza singing and dancing to this in his apartment.
Did that really happen?
sorry, as you said that Brendan, all I can think about is that scene in Seinfeld about the operation conversation George is having with Jerry and George says "They left the Junior Mint INSIDE HIM?!?!"
And the Gnome King and Abis Mal
They say this was out of place for being light-hearted? But aren't the gargoyles are all in his head? And this is his subconscious trying to assure himself to have confidence, only to be proven wrong later... That makes this the saddest, most sympathetic scene in the movie. Poor Quasi...
Coron Deeja I agree. This is the best kind of comic relief, the kind that is actually depressing if you think about it in the slightest.
Jodgee Also, maybe it's my imagination but there's something in the tone of the song which hints at the fact that [SPOILER!] they're wrong and he's not going to "get the girl" in the end.
I understand this theory about them not being real and all (actually, I love it) but the theory is broken when Victor throws a brick at a mook and he and Hugo throw a catapult from up the cathedral and hit some guards near the end.
+Matheus Barros Costa 😊😊😊
Matheus Barros Costa but it couldn’t be true. The gargoyle that killed Frollo was in his imagination too
When Frollo said he would burn down all of Paris, I thought it was just an expression.
But... apparently not.
+Lorin ZeWolf apparently not
*Pumped up kicks plays*
He is pure evil
A monster who posess by the Seven Sin
Personally I still like this song, I see the gargoyles as Quasi's subconscious and I think this song is just him attempting to reassure himself. He's bound to have gone crazy living in solitude for so long that he might not know how to react to such a devastating scene, therefore neither do the gargoyles. Hence the out of place upbeat number that doesn't really fit in.
Izzy Sportychicken They cut it from the stage show because it's supposed to be darker than the movie, even though this is actually really, really dark.
It's a fucking Disney movie. Of course there's gonna things that aren't true in real life
I agree I have no hate in this scene it's light and funny I can't help with the Amadeus hair part. Makes me laugh
Izzy Yates well in kingdom hearts their real but I’m pretty sure that’s not canon 😂
@@jodgee2374 well, it was included in the German version.
if this IS all in his head..
he's being v kind to himself and its v wholesome.
His Amadeus wig
That's what makes this song so sad, despite its cheerful and upbeat tone.
We (the audience) are fully aware that Quasimodo's feelings for Esmeralda are completely unreciprocated. Poor Quasi is deluding himself. She's got the hots for Phoebus, not him.
After all, no woman would pass up the tall, dark and handsome for the short, pale and abominable.
@@DamontheDemon7 i didn't ask for this comment nor do I appreciate it.
@@DamontheDemon7 gross, and i feel sorry for you.
perpetuating toxic stereotypes is sad.
Lwel wserc oyu
...it's so sad because right after this song,he realized the whole song was a lie ;^;
Of course, he soon accepted Esmerelda as a friend, rather than a lover.
That's what makes this song so sad, despite its cheerful and upbeat tone.
We (the audience) are fully aware that Quasimodo's feelings for Esmeralda are completely unreciprocated. Poor Quasi is deluding himself. She's got the hots for Phoebus, not him.
After all, no woman would pass up the tall, dark and handsome for the short, pale and abominable.
(Sorry. I had to post my comment here because some prick named montork was harassing me for speaking my mind in his comment thread.)
There was even a deleted song in the movie called In a place of miracles, which is about Esmeralda and Phoebus.
"The city of Paris is glowing...true, it's because it's on fire..."
Warren Lloyd I never got that joke until now
Mitzi Mozzarella LOL XD
Some guys seem to instantly assume a girl likes them, just because he has an interest in her.
I bet this is the song that plays in their head to make them believe that.
The "you have a chance" song at its finest .
I like Quasimodo just the way he is. Despite his looks, I just love him. He's has a heart of gold, a caring sweet nature, and he's always ready to help a friend in times of need. He can't let Frollo keep controlling him like a helpless animal. Quasimodo DESERVES freedom!
Might be one of if not the most underrated Disney song. Such a positive affirmation, honestly I needed to hear this today 🥲🙏🏽
It's really not bad, it's mainly meant to lighten up what's a pretty dark film compared to other Disney films, but also nice to have a song of how quasi is different looking, but it's also a good quality
@@patrickzalatoris3206 it really didn’t fit with the tone of the film. But hey it is a kids film.
wrong gender though
U know esmeralda chose feebus right? It just gave quasimodo false hope. Also the context of the song makes it completely tonally inappropriate
@@dinooo64yt23 Of course we know how the movies ends--the point of this scene is sometimes it's nice to be cheered up by your pals :)
You know, I didn't mind the dark humor; it fit. The gargoyles serve as hallucinations to comfort Quasimodo, and in this situation, that's what they were doing.
If you think losing to a bird is bad, remember that Genie lost to a RUG
Victor's high note at 2:51 always makes me howl with laughter 🤣🤣
@FrankZ hahahahahha so good
"The city of lovers is glowing this evening... True that's because it's on fire" Best line in the song.
The voice of Hugo, Victor and Laverne is Mary Wickes, Charles Kimbrough and Jason Alexander.
That fire Hugo used to light his frank was probably a house...with people trapped inside it.
Disney, what the hell.
Oh, so a 90-something year old man lusting after a teenage girl, sure, fine.
But lighting a sausage on a flaming house? Oh the horror!
90-year-olds can climb cathedrals and wield 2-handed swords? Give that a shot when you hit 90 and let me know how it turns out.
And yes. I do think the movie's "heroes" making a joke of Frollo's gypsy genocide is MUCH more offensive than somebody lusting after a character who literally every man in the movie finds attractive.
TheKiss The fact that Frollo was 90 wasn't really the point of either comment.
Offensive? It wasn't genocide of gypsies, he was just burning down houses that were suspected of harbouring Esmeralda. And even so, it never really happened, sure, if they actually said there were gypsies in the burning house, that would be offensive, but since they didn't, the audience is left to assume that he is lighting it on another flame.
Baby Dogson
It takes a very tall flame to reach the height of the gargoyles' position on the cathedral. He lit in on a building of some sort.
And even if the house-burning operation wasn't directly concerned with killing gypsies, it was part of Frollo's overall campaign, which definitely was. From what we see in the scene where Phoebus is shot, it's safe to assume several of those buildings had innocent people trapped inside. Or at the very least, people's homes and all of their possessions were destroyed. I still don't find that fair game for a hot-dog joke.
TheKiss Who knows? There were probably some other soldiers, willing to risk their lives to save the people inside. But the flames still engulfed the houses.
Everybody needs friends like the gargoyles.
Honestly, I never had any problems with the gargoyles. Yes, they weren't in the original novel. Yes, they are goofy. And yes, this song does come out of nowhere. But I personally don't care, mainly because I grew up watching this movie a lot as a kid. Besides, Disney movies need at least one comedy relief, and these 3 are pretty funny! XD
Bobby Denton Honestly, the Gargoyles needed to be there. Never forget that this is a kid film. If it was just a depressing ride all the way through, it would've left most of them miserable in the theatres.
I agree.
I didn't mind the gargoyles but I REALLY hate this song.
The ending was the best! "Don't you ever migrate!?" XDDD
Yeah man! XD
...out of all the Disney characters, this is what I identified with as a child... and as a grown up as well. T_T
I think we can all identify with Quasimodo at some point in our lives. He's the guy who wants to show himself to the world, but knows that people won't accept him... at least not right away.
I feel like the only person in the world that likes this song.
I like it
I like it too
DAT HIGH NOTE. Damn, Jason Alexander!!
"Nice work, Victor" - I love this part!
And I can't stop laughing when Hugo comes out dressed like Esmeralda
The gargoyles were beautiful. They showed everything clausy thought without making the ‘out loud noises’ a man living alone usually has in movies. The way they were just statues when frollo or anyone else entered made you think that clausy just imagined them, along with the ‘can stone talk?’ Question but at the end of the movie, and at the end of frollos life he sees them come to life, depicting hell and all that he has earned himself wonderfully, noting else could make that scene work. The gargoyles also lighten the mood of such a dark and different Disney movie and add a funny element for all the kids watching. The gargoyles were a necessary work of art in this movie and anyone who disagrees clearly just lacks understanding.
I love the Gargoyles and always will. Without sidekick characters, Disney movies would just be boring ordinary movies. This is magic that only Disney can pull off. The "dark" tone of this movie never bothered me that much. I always thought of it as a history lesson. The burning at the stake, religious zealotry and all those various other elements really did happen during the middle ages. Disney decided to explore those themes with this movie and this always felt "normal" to me. The way for the audience to know that this is a Disney universe is by having sidekick characters like these.
Mulan was quite tragic at times too, and audiences were furious when they learned that the live action remake wouldn't have Mushu. I love the gargoyles.
If it weren't for the gargoyles, this movie would be depressing. Quasimodo being all by himself
When I first got into the movie, I was expecting to dread the gargoyles from the reviews...but strangely enough I never had the problem.
I mean, sure they disrupted the pace and where a bit too goofy - but they help lighten the mood when all hell breaks loose.
They where even a little humorous, not _funny_, but playful.
comic relief in pathetic fallacy, literally everywhere in disney
+Bill Suffocated The disruption is pretty bad though, and they feel completely out of place. If they had blackened the humor a little, kept the gargoyles inside Quasis head instead of actually being alive I think it would have been fantastic.
+CoffeeCupGoodness what might've been
+CoffeeCupGoodness k
True, that's because it's on fire...
I love the gargoyles they were just so funny!
I think the Unshaved Mouse sums it up best in his blog -
"Complaining about comedy relief characters in a Disney movie is like complaining that the language in a Quentin Tarantino movie would not be tolerated on the lowest docks of Bristol."
Comic sidekicks are part and parcel of Disney - and honestly, for Disney, this movie is very dark and mature. They included the gargoyles, but they more than compensated for them with "Hellfire" and "The Bells of Notre Dame".
"And since you're shaped, like a croissant is" XD One of the funniest parts in any Disney movie! Gotta love it.
Esmeralda: Queen
3 steps ahead: 3
Frollo: Joker
Quazies actually quite cute in my eyes
Laverne: "Nice work, Victor."
3:39 This song helped me learn how to finally snap my fingers! No, really it did LOL! I finally learned when I was rewatching this film for the first time in years at 21 years old. For years I was trying to learn how to snap my fingers but to no avail. I had the position memorized but I could never get my fingers to make the sound no matter how hard I tried. So for years I just kept trying. But when I was rewatching this film, I decided to just “pretend-snap” my fingers along with the gargoyles and the statues in tune with the song and suddenly out of nowhere I heard the snapping sound. I kept going and I continued to make the snapping noise! I was beyond thrilled that I had finally gotten it all thanks to a silly song! I then continued snapping my fingers nonstop for like 5 minutes straight my fingers were beet red and completely sore. So now whenever I watch this film I always have to snap my fingers at that scene as a little bit of a tribute 😂😂😂
What does Victor mean, "If I know Esmeralda..."? He glanced at her once. That happened like two days prior.
***** Same difference :P
Since the gargoyles a part of Quasimodo's imagination, I assume that they sorta witness everything that he witnesses about Esmerelda. They each represent different aspects of his mind.
JJdaPK Oh, yeah, I forgot about that analogy.
JJdaPK I don't think the gargoyles are a part of Quasimodo's imagination. If they were made by his mind, they wouldn't affect things. Like with the catapult and other things involved in the fire. Maybe it's more of a 'If you believe, they're alive.'
Veronica Bennie Well, Quasimodo could have done all of that stuff. There's no evidence for or against.
No wonder Quasimodo didn’t pull Esmeralda; he was getting romantic advice from *George Costanza* of all people.
People hate the gargoyles? They are funny, cheesy, good friends to qusimando and supportive, cheerful, silly and help the movie from being too dark and sad. I like them and all three are enjoyable.
It's absolutely hopeless.
You're telling me. I'M LOSING TO A BIRD!
I don't hate the gargoyles, but I think this song should have been cut or it should have taken place earlier in the movie....like before Paris started burning. As it is now, it's too out of place. Paris is burning, Esmerelda is a fugitive, Pheobus is dying, and Frollo is killing gypsies. The last thing we need is a feel good song.
It REALLY doesn't help that this came less than five minutes after "Hellfire". The tone shift is just too jarring.
***** In other words, comic relief. Which is pretty much the whole purpose of having these characters in there. Just like Timon and Pumba in the lion king.
Except Timon and Pumbaa fit right in with the Lion King. They were comic relief yes, but they meshed very well with the film.
Victor Hugo and Laverne were out of place in Hunchback and their musical number was completely off compared to the rest of the songs. Hakuna Matata at least felt like it *belonged* in the movie it was in.
G HP True.
G HP Absolutely right. Hakuna Matata was inane and silly, but the characters realized by the end that that way of life is irresponsible and hurtful. Timon and Pumbaa sobered up and took Simba seriously later in the movie....all the gargoyles do here is throw off the tone of the whole movie.
Furthermore, when the gargoyles are "fighting" near the end of the movie, what I believe is that Quasimodo actually does all of those things (such as drop a brick on a soldier's head, build a catapult) but he wants to pretend it isn't him so he doesn't feel as bad doing it. Keep in mind that in that scene, the gargoyles and Quasi are never in the same shot of the camera.
When Quasimodo drops the molten lead, he's the only one pulling the rope (despite being aided by all his friends just a few seconds earlier).
i had this song in my head through a 5 hour art exam...i regret nothing
2:46 You gotta admit, that was cheeky of Disney. Loving the fact that Victor is covering his eyes when he literally doesn't wear anything either 🤣
This is perhaps my favorite song in the movie after Heaven's Light/Hellfire. It's lighthearted, funny, and inspirational. It makes the scene after it even harder to watch as we see Quasi's heart broken. If this song should be taken out of the movie, then Esmeralda should die at the end, Clopin should be an old, darker Gypsie and Frollo should be the arch-deacon, as well as a good person toward the beginning who becomes insane due to lust that he's hidden from years of celibacy. That way everything would be like the book. No? Too dark or boring? Well, I think this number brings a bit of lightheartedness that juxtapositions the rest of the movie. It's actually something lots of renown literary figures use to enhance the story. For example, Shakespeare does it in Romeo and Juliet during the Mercutio scenes, adding humor just before a major character dies. So all you people complaining about this one scene, think about how something like this makes you feel good just so that you can feel even more horrible later. Thats genius.
"Paris... The city of lovers is glowing this evening... True, that's because it's on fire, but still there's l'amourrrrr" - it just cracks me up.
Gargoyles are good. As a kid I remember watching this film all the time and the only bits I really understood was with the Gargoyles. They're there to make the kids stay interested. Also, if they weren't there, it would literally just be Quasi on his own, and sometimes you need the interaction of a conversation to convey stuff for the audience - And think of near the end when Quasi is tied up, and he yells at them. It's so powerful because we know how much they mean to him.
Even if that song is a lie, it still sounds way better than "Fixer Upper" from Frozen. THAT song sounded dreadful...
Yeah. Screen Junkies also pointed out you literally can't figure out the words.
"So he's a bit of a fixer upper, shmafeefafifa, something something something something little bit of love!"
R.I.P. Mary Wickes (1910-95); shame they never dedicated the movie to her memory 😢
Oh, & recently, add Charles Kimbrough too 😢
I can’t believe Hugo and Quasi’s actors are the only ones still alive today. Both of Laverne’s voices are gone, and Victor left us this year
Am I the only person who never thought that Quasimodo was that bad looking in this version of the story?!
Phippsta Nope, I always found Quasimodo in this movie really cute. lol Tom Hulce's performance also helped to bring out a side in the character that was attractive. :)
Yeah, I didn't realize Quasimodo was supposed to be deformed until I read the book
No I like the way he looks
+Phippsta Your telling me. I'm losing to a BIRD!
+Phippsta Nope Disney did a great job
Saw this movie again and Gosh I just remembered how much I love every part of it
This song is in the best place it could be! the idea is to calm things down after a intense song like Hellfire, but I first I thought the Gargoyles where pointless, but when you think about it they're role is huge! if you believe that they're imagination, they're the personification of Quasimodo's connection to the tower. They fit in the movie just right! :D
Paris: (on fire, Frollo massacring citizens, hunting Esmeralda)
Hugo: "Paris is glowing this evening." (roasts a sausage with the flames)
That's messed up, lol.
i love these 3 weird little guys their one of the main reasons i love this movie so much
I like how they're singing such an upbeat and entertaining song while the entirety of Paris is burning to the ground below them.
Bad youtube... Bad suggesting this with what's currently happening in Paris.
"The city of Paris is glowing...true, it's because it's on fire..." has knew meaning tonight. Very heartbreaking news.
RIP Charles Kimbrough
I don't mind the gargoyles to be honest
me neither
Me neither.
i am the same i find them funny
I wish I had gargoyle friends like those 3 to talk to. Especially when I feel sad too.
You know, I think this song actually fits the film more then most people think. Yes the gargoyles could care less about a burning Paris. But Quasimodo doesn't care about any of it either, he's more concerned if he'll see Esmerelda. Its actually quite a dark song in the sense that our protaganist is more concerned about wooing a girl then he is about deaths of thousands. Also notice how the lyrics are both flattering and insulting at the same time. If you think of the gargoyles as in Quasimodo's head, it makes sense for Quasimodo to try to make himself feel better, but with his shattered self asteem have a difficult time doing it.
Ok I can see why people dislike the gargoyles but they were very entertaining and honestly lightened up the depressing nature of the movie
I think that’s what both kids and adults need in these kinds of movies.
Thank goodness, I love this song even though I saw this scene on my "Honor to Us All Sing-Alongs" tape for YEARS!!! :) :) :) :) :)
Same here.
i love this song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Same here. Love your profile pic by the way.
heh, these guys always brighten up even the darkest of moments
"I thought I was the cute one" "no you're the stupid ugly one" lol that always kills me
I thought I was the cute one.
No you're the fat stupid one with the big mouth.
What are you saying exactly?
The gargoyles are friendship goals 👯♀️👯♂️
Am I the only one who loved these guys? And this song?
R.I.P. Charles Kimbrough (1936-2023) and Mary Wickes (1910-95) 😢
Charles is dead?!
It is a so good song.
It sure is. Say, wanna chat somewhere?
I still feel that this is out of place. Frollo burn the town, massacre citizens, Phoebus was injured, Esmeralda is hunted and here are the gargoyles..🕺🕺🎼🎶💃
You cant be sad all the time despite bad things happening. But yeah its not good : I
It is a little messed up how Hugo roasts marshmallows to Paris burning and happily remarks how the city's 'glowing'. 😂
Okay while this is the weakest song of the film my favorite part of the song starts at 3:20 and how it keeps picking up plus I do always chuckle when I see the Church statues snapping as well.
I was amazed when I found out the gargoyles were named after Victor Hugo* who wrote the Hunchback of Notre Dame book. *I read somewhere Laverne was Victor Hugo's middle name.
this song really helpt me getting my self esteem back, i am 16 years old and my self esteem is already 0, but specially after 7 years of being bullied, this song helpt me getting it back.
it's over for you bro
I’M LOSING TO A BIRD! - George Costanza
Gargoyles would have been much better if they were part of Quasi's imagination. Most of the most followed this concept until the movie had them helping at the end as a poor attempt to wrap them into the plot. In fact they would have been much more powerful if Quasi only believed they were moving, because it would really show how absolutely lonely he is.
I see your point, but I think they were always alive and only Quasi himself thought they were imaginary, but all the clues are there that they are living beings - 1. They come to life even when Quasi is absent, 2. like you mentioned, they aided him in the final fight 3. Hugo is always flirting & kissing on Esmerelda's goat and 4. in the sequel, Madelline could hear & see them. At first she thought she was imagining them too but she confirmed she knew they were there but winked to assure them their secret's safe with her. Remember they reacted like "Whaa--?!!" When they realized she could hear them.
danteorange720 maybe they're all insane...
naah jk ^^
I love the gargoyles so much
It's called comic relief. This movie NEEDS comic relief to give the audience brief breaks from all the serious drama going on. That's why it was made.
"I Thought I was the cute one?" "No, you the fat, stupid one with the big mouth" has got to be the best dialog thoughout the movie.
I sing this to myself everyday, hoping and praying that one day... I will find her! I may not be the best-looking, physically Hench, smartest, funniest guy in the world... But I can offer you all of my love and attention and time! And hopefully if I am lucky enough to find her... She will never meet another guy like me!
And you're damn right to think that about yourself man, confidence is key and we have to keep in mind that nobody's perfect, no need to pressure ourselves too hard to appeal to others, as long as we stay true to ourselves it's all that matters :)
And did you find her?? 👀
@@gibraillagneau1302 I thought I did... She swindled me out of £12K 🤣🤣
In a strange way this is one of my favorite Disney movies outside of the Lion King and Tarzan. Its dark, strange, and unusual ending make it one of Disney's best movies.
I remember getting cravings for hot dogs when I saw this scene on VHS!
I know he starred in "The Producers" but it still somehow shocks me every time I realized how awesome of a voice Jason Alexander has. :P
I loved this song as a kid and i still love it^^
I love it when the gargoyle Victor mentions the torture chambers at 0:30 up to 0:38. Even when he mentions the rack. That was a torture device they had back in the Middle Ages. I read up on those things and they sure do sound painful. I know they had more devices back then.
What's scary is the fact that all of this is in Quasi's head.
+MHS0501 Part of me wonders what someone would see watching this. Is he just sitting there staring off into space? Does he actually move the gargoyles around the bell tower? Is he doing the voices out loud?
No, they're really moving and talking. Remember, they come to life even when Quasi isn't around. And also - they participate in the final battle, and in the sequel (god awful sequel mind you) Quasi's new love interest also interacts with them which shocks the Gargoyles themselves.
I read that a fella criticized the song for going against the film's message of looking beyond surface, but if you think about it, it tells througth that another good message: That is OK to be different. Because the Gargolyes tell Quasimodo in the song that Esmeralda could like him not because he's cute, but because he's ugly and because he's different from the rest. So they are basically telling him "You are different that's great". Maybe with some re-writing for the upcoming remake, it could fit with the rest of the songs in the film and keep the film's message, but still keeping the one from here, and still be funny.
WAIT! the saints (i think thats what the statues are) were snapping along to the song?! lol even they are rooting for Quasimoto!
2:48-2:52 a summary of the reason why Disney made this light-hearted.
0:58 funniest part ever
You can say that again, I have always laughed at that bit.
@@eleanorhogan8643 ikr he got burned
@@hayleyhubbard6040 I really love Hugo.
@@eleanorhogan8643 I love all of them but my fav is victor idk why
@@hayleyhubbard6040 Well Victor is funny.
i could listen to this over and over such an awesome movie, the songs are soo good
Personally, I think the gargoyles were necessary, because they ARE actually parts of his imagination. Like Hobbes is Calvin's imaginary friend, they're made real to us because they're real to the main character, but to no one else. They show how lonely Quasi is--he made up his own friends. If you take out the gargoyles and pretend they're just Quasi thinking to himself, this is him trying to convince himself that Esmeralda COULD love him. It's poignant and sad when you see it that way.
Spot on, gargoyles. Every time I see a croissant, I think to myself, "Gee, I'd love a guy shaped like you."
3:29 hang on but can we talk about that high note
"You ring the bell...you're the bell-ringer...." oh yeah suuuch an underrated classic!
A great sequence that doesn't mesh into the material very well.
but who cares
"Your telling me. I'm losing to a BIRD!"
I love Hugo.
Thats one smart bird. x3