My late wife struggled with MCAS, or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. In relation to this video, basically it meant that her body's immune system viewed nearly everything as a "threat" and produced Mast Cells in incredible numbers to fight this imaginary threat. Towards the end of her life her MCAS was so bad that she was on a nearly all-liquid diet after a few years of turkey and rice being the only solid foods that her system could handle decently well. She was consistently ill, dehydrated but like bloated from the water that the Mast Cells and the immune system create to fight this war, and was consistently taking Benadryl to fight off hives and allergic reactions. She was an incredibly strong woman but her MCAS combined with Ehlors Danlos caused her internal organs to begin to fail and she was granted the opportunity to use the MAID (Medical Assistance in Death) program here in Canada in July 2023. Thank you Kurzgesagt for producing a story like this. While MCAS on its own was not the focal point, anything that produces more awareness of Mast Cells and what they can do to the body gives more knowledge to a world that often saw my wife as a hypochondriac rather than as someone suffering from a debilitating condition.
I live in fear of stories like this. I have three different autoimmune diseases, plus an unspecified connective tissue issue, and several times I have had what appeared to be an allergic reaction to... nothing. Itchy rash and whelps just came out of nowhere. But I've never been able to catch it on camera, and it's never happened in front of a doctor, so they can't/won't do anything about it.
So sorry for your loss 😢Are you well now? My cousin used to suffer from this. But with management (which involves identifying and avoiding triggers) it's actually ok.
@MorriAelthyn Document everything and see if you can find any correlations between these events and certain things. My wife and I started together with her thinking maybe she was celiac, but she started even having reactions to laundry detergent she had used all her life, certain materials in clothing, etc. It might seem really laborious, but keep a journal for a month of what you do daily and if you have a reaction or not. Might be able to find patterns. I hope that your journey ends up finding a more positive resolution, but remember that being your own greatest advocate (along with family) is super important while navigating through this.
The best part of being a "conspiracy theorist" is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell's palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly. On top of that contracting covid repeatedly with every single symptom increased. Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers. And S . A . D. Even chain smoking, binge drinking and heavy drug addiction combined would take much longer to do much less damage to a healthy human body. The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.
"Danger close, fire on my order general" "Mr. President, its a spider!" "Thats an order, launch all nuclear weapons on my position!" " president. Sir yes sir." "It's been an honor."
@@felixthecat3n2The point of the video is that small, harmless things like shrimp are treated like the end of the world by our bodies. The joke is that the president is going to blow up the country because of one spider.
Hey I never comment much on TH-cam but now I’m doing it because I’m worrying about you guys not been uploaded any videos for a month. I hope you guys are busy and love doing your good work. You are the only channel that I really care about in TH-cam. Your videos about human emotions helped me alot and the video about weed made me finally quit it. Thanks for helping me and people like me…
I just want to say how much I appreciate the audio quality on this channel. I didn't even know so many channels had poor audio quality until this channel came along.
@gr.4380 I'm not a producer. I'm just someone with two ears that can hear this video better than other channels. The means and method they use is irrelevant to me. Only the result matters.
@philipliao4006 even more intriguing - Yaldabaoth feeds off our generational trauma, keeping us in a perpetual cycles of rebirth so as to harvest our lower vibrational energies we call "stressors". That's why the drones are all popping up. We're on the brink of war and our overlords can't have us blowing ourselves up as we're their energy source... like on the matrix. Anyway, my schizo is wearing off. Have a wonderful day and happy saturnia!
Amazing how you guys depict the battles of the immune system with the drama, action, and intensity they are from the perspective of the cells. Felt like I was watching an action movie!
As a Physician, I would highly recommend your videos to my patients! You make complicated topics into easily digestible and understandable bits of info that everyone could understand
As a patient, I could have truely used this information a few years earlier. I'm currently getting therapy for chronic allergies. My journey started, when my nose got all stuffy after school swimming class. Only got worse over the years but no doc really knew how to treat my nose. As I got older, I visited a couple of gyns because I had terrible stomach pains, liquid stool and the occasional vomit at the weirdest times and -well- it is always associated with being a woman... but the docs never found anything they could treat. I went through 2 surgeries for my nose and lots of cortisone nose spray until I got the blessing of a very knowledgable lead doc to start this therapy. I have been wondering why my periods got a lot better. No stomach aches, minor bloating - it's a blessing. I never could have guessed that all of this was part of my chronic allergies but it makes so much sense why it all stopped at the same time.
Food allergy triggered anaphylaxis is something I've had to deal with as a parent since my son was an infant. Society has made huge progress in 10 years, and medical care has as well (Xolair), but I'm so glad to see this covered by Kurzgesagt. So many people still dismiss it or make it a punchline when it is a deadly issue that people have to manage every single day. Thank you for raising awareness and highlighting that it can kill in just minutes.
The worst part is that there's a lot of misinformation about what constitutes an allergy - so there's a strong tendency even among members of the medical community not to take allergies as seriously as they should. Allergies can get worse over time as your body creates more antibodies against the thing it THINKS is Godzilla, so you can go from an allergy that just causes mild itching and hives to one that makes your digestive system so inflamed that you vomit uncontrollably, to one that causes anaphylaxis and threatens your life, over the course of a few years or months. But, if you mention that an allergy makes you vomit, sometimes nurses won't even write it in the chart when you're hospitalized - even if you know from the history of the allergy's progression or prior allergy testing that the symptom is the result of an allergy and not just lactose intolerance. A lot of people assume anaphylaxis and hives are the only thing that can be an allergy, which actually significantly endangers people if a previously mild allergy escalates. I wish you and your son the best - navigating the dangers allergies pose is immensely difficult, especially with the amount of people that roll their eyes when they hear "allergy" and assume that it's something people just fake because they're seeking attention. As someone with a common food allergy that produces an intense reaction, I'm also really glad for how much not only science has progressed but societal tools have progressed. A lot of restaurants now have apps they can input common allergens into to give a customer with allergies a custom menu that only contains the foods they can eat, and it makes me so freakin' happy. :D I can go to so many more restaurants now!
Same. My now 24yo daughter had an anaphylactic response to a mixed nuts sample at Sam’s Club when she was 6. She’d had nuts plenty of times before. It pisses us off the way allergies are still (usually) treated as a joke in society.
2:22 this level of passion for detail for a short war clip on a video about allergies speaks levels of the amount of skill and creativity of the people behind Kurzgesagt
I almost died when I was 13 years old, I was eating some good old fish, it was then when I realized that I was allergic to fish, I was rushed to the hospital with my face and parts of my body looking like a balloon. I woke up in a hospital bed, after almost 8 hours. TY for making this video, I am sure that many others will love it!!
8:56 “even the deadliest diseases like Ebola take days to kill us, while our immune system can do it in a matter of minutes” just shows how strong our immune system truly is 💀🥶
Thanks for producing this. I've struggled with allergies my whole life, and in fact just two days ago while at a company dinner I (believe) I consumed a trace amount of cashew nuts which caused severe abdominal pains, sickness and other symptoms for... well - until now over 30 hours later. Allergies are such a poorly understood topic, people assume that they are not that common or that serious - or sometimes a personal choice. The reality when you have them, especially serious allergies, is far from it. Thanks for raising their profile.
Same. I've been allergic to cashews and pistachios my whole life and ended up in the hospital twice from accidental cashew ingestion. Even now, people think I am being "difficult" when I refuse to go or outright walk out of a restaurant after I learn they usually make their dishes with cashews, but can "make it special for me without them". I've had cross-contamination reactions when I've agreed to this in the past. Even trace amounts wreck me for hours.
My partner thought allergies were "all in your head" until he suddenly got anaphylaxis shock from a bee sting the first time. Just because you don't believe in allergies, doesn't mean they won't effect you.
Awesome production quality! I currently have MCAS, a disorder not recognized by major medical research, and this sheds light onto not only my condition, but the thousands of others who have it!
My 17 year old son has Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. His mast cells are constantly fighting imaginary worms 24/7. It leads to hives, itchiness, pain, and exhaustion. He has immune system bombs going off in his body all the time, every single day, and he can't get them to stop. We're trying new medications and treatments for MCAS and other issues he has (EDS and POTS which often go along with MCAS). Sadly, nothing has helped just yet and he's barely making it from day to day. I'm definitely going to recommend this video when i try to describe what MCAS is like.
I am so glad that you guys show an apple when saying "any kind of food" - and mention that allergies can be developed at any point in life! I developed an allergy to apples out of nowhere a few years ago and to this day people are weirded out/don't believe someone can be allergic to apples, thinking only peanuts and shellfish and other common allergics can cause allergies. This is literally the first time in media that I see my allergy being acknowledged as existing 😅 thank you
Sad to hear that you developed an allergy for apples! There are low-allergy hybrids being created as we speak. In the Netherlands you can buy the Santana apple, which is one that has less of the protein that many apple-allergic people react to. A friend of mine is allergic to most fruits, and she said this apple made her mouth itch way less than a regular apple :) Still, n=1, so if you want to try it out be careful.
Interesting. My father has a mild apple, carrot and onion allergy. And my siblings developed similar symptoms as they grew off age. So yes it is possible. My father could still eat apples in small amounts if cooked properly as it was semi-mild. He did that just so he could enjoy apple pie.
@ehnehm true some spiders are terrifying but some are also adorable. Like the peacock spider. Im sure many insects or even some animals have a scarier other. Also as scary as some can be. Spiders are pretty darn cool. Without them, we'd face famine because the bug population would get out of control and ruin all our crops ❤
@adiamondtrash9344 the last 10% of the quality of animation takes the most time for a very small amount of people who notice and/or care. its generally not worth it.
Except that politics/propaganda is clearly not their strong suit and is blatantly obvious. They should stick to science, and honestly, their quality has dropped here too.
As a person who has the most common, yet most annoying allergy, dust-mite allergy very severely (I got 2 surgeries, and monthly injections, just to be able to breath and I am 16yrs old), I loved the vid, incorporated alot
@@spinekingjrgensen5779 thx m8, it aint that serious, just annoying - thank god I dont go into more serious reactions, and welp, insurance covers 100% so im happy,
@@spinekingjrgensen5779 but dr did say its higly unlikely, the allergy affects my nasal polyps, and he said those usually go by 15, and im turning 17, so yeah
@sanstheskeleton-lo4zj Mm sounds like a pain man- glad to hear it’s only inconvenient and not dangerous. I’m sure you know this already but just limit exposure so you don’t encourage your immune system to overreact more strongly.
I was actually satisfied with the explanation I had been given about why allergies occur; but after watching this video, I feel like I now know something different- better than before.
Yeah, me too. I'd known it was serious, but now I effectively believe it is SERIOUS, which is a step-or-three-up in the 'threat list' in my mind. It's more all-encompassing than I'd realized before. Thankfully, my few allergies are sensitivities to medications, so I can avoid them pretty easily.
@@theaslam9758 "Finally" because most people don't know, don't care and don't even understand that living with allergies is like having an invisible disability like being born without legs, unable to walk most places. Often ignored as if allergies don't exist. Further elaboration is that people with deadly food allergies are treated unseriously in general, even at restaurants that are obligated to follow regulations for food allergies. Likewise with disabilities, you get bullied, made fun of by people kicking down for the joy of giving pain to those less fortunate- just look at lactose intolerance which is not allergies but very similar. If you have a problem imagining this, here's a story that gives an example of living with food allergies: Everyone in your school can eat deadly poison, you can't. The cafeteria often fries all food in the same pan, so there's always poison coating the pan. "Please wash the pan" you plead, "there might be poison on that pan that would be the end for me!" They all nod, pretending to understand- but most of them don't, or don't care if poison fell in your food. One day while eating at the same cafeteria you always do, you just crawl up and vomit. Fun right? After you nearly died, people seem to take it have taken it seriously- but then, everyone forgets. You feel like an idiot for bringing it up every time, "please wash the pan... I cant eat poison" The staff even gets annoyed with you, give you unpleasant looks. You feel like a Karen and that noone cares that it could happen easily again. This is what for a lot of people, food allergies is like.
You should do a remake of Bacteriaphages. It's been over 6 years since you uploaded it and the world has changed a lot in the last 6 years, both good and bad. Edit: Shout-out BlackVoidAA for giving me the title. The "remake" is titled "Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus". I say "remake" with quotation marks, because it's not so much about their biology, but more so on their interactions between human cells and bacteria.
Absolutely, but in general. Their medicine videos in particular are so incredble. To get even a grasp of what is capable right now or in a future we can experience is so wild. Don't get me wrong, turning a black hole into a bomb or terraforming venus into eden is interesting. But hands on scientific breakthrough that just decades ago where to be believed only to be possible by a miracle? That's what I want to see more of.
Okay the presentation in this video was amazing, the sound and amazing music, the visuals(especially the scale of the worm), and the storytelling. This has got to be one of my favorite vids to date.
I am pretty sure the song is just Epic mountain’s ”Brain eater ” previously used the the Naegleria fowleri video. This may be untrue though, since I did not listen too closely.
I cant wait to get this calendar and one for my special little girl. You guys are an inspiration and I can’t wait to make what you guys create part of my ritual. I hope to be part of the family for many years. 🎉
@@trucker5600it may not have been their first time eating it directly. Cross contamination, especially with seafood, is common and some people’s immune systems are so sensitive that it can be triggered with even just one protein.
@@trucker5600 Considering he is speaking from memory about childhood, it is probably the first time that he REMEMBERS eating a prawn. He probably has eaten a prawn previously in some pizza or some other food, knowingly or without, and nothing happened, but suddenly getting a severe life threatening allergic reaction is certainly a memorable happening that is now permanently imprinted into his memory.
Allergies are the worst. I've had allergies and asthma my whole life, and very little acute reactions these days which I'm grateful for. But I suspect they are always there, causing inflammation to flare up in little ways all over my body and just generally lowering my energy level, causing pain and discomfort, and reducing my quality of life. I'm grateful to not live through the horrible things that others have described in these comments, and my heart goes out to them. I just wonder how many of us feel just a little worse all the time because of allergy/inflammation-related problems.
I love how in the cover page it saids "Do not eat" and in small letter "if you're allergic" Edit: ...Until Kurzgesargt changed the cover page Edit2: Kurzgesargt changed the imagen twice, now is the original, perfect
This video is great and came out at the perfect time for me, because I just had an allergy test done and discovered that I'm off-the-charts allergic to basically all of the outdoors: every grass, weed, and tree that was tested. Just yesterday, when this video dropped, I got my first injection of allergy shots, something I'm going to be getting twice a week for the next 6 months, and then spread out for the next 5 years. As a companion video to this, maybe you could look at allergy shots, because as was stated in this video, we don't really understand allergies that well. Why do they develop, why are some people (like me) more susceptible, why might they go away, but now how are all of those things true and yet we can still target allergies with medication that can possibly (hopefully) cure us of our allergies? Love the work y'all do!
My partner was allergic to corn for years, and then one day after accidently drinking a milkshake with maize starch in it we noticed no allergic reaction. It had just gone. We put it down to lower over all stress levels as well as living in the countryside with better air quality than in the town we had previously lived in.
It's weird that it is equally likely of being better air quality, as being LESS clean since it's in the countryside. That's what makes studying this stuff difficult. Stress is usually just bad, so that's a thing.
There's a point around the age of 30 when your allergies can flip. Existing ones can disappear, new ones can appear, and mild ones can suddenly become severe. I lost a few allergies like that, but gained a few around the same time. One of which is lethal.
Thank you so much for bringing attention to this growing issue, as someone with food allergies, its very hard to get other people to understand the severity of them
I've had friends who have nearly died due to allergic reactions - it really is no joke. I have to try and be firm, but patient with people about allergies though. As the video states, allergies have genuinely skyrocketed in recent decades, so a lot of older people may have never known anyone with severe food allergies until they were well into their life - and never had anyone calmly and thoroughly explain it to them the way this video does.
and a lot of peopel dont understand they have them, i am battling a 2 days ww1 cuz some egg but 3 years ago i wouldve think i had a cold and endured beliving my inmune system was weak turns out it was too strong and had nothing to fight but food and dust
Some things evolve into crabs more than once...but who knew there were immune-system-crabs too! I hadn't thought about that until I saw this comment. :)
Really captivating storytelling! It’s impressive how your team is able to turn a biology class into a thrilling 10-minute movie. Besides that, I got a really bad allergic reaction to allegedly shrimp twice two weeks ago I didn’t noticed, I only felt quite unwell, hot and got tiered. I only noticed how close it was after I told my doctor the symptoms, so I guess that adds to me being so captivated be the video. This popped up in my inbox and I just had to click it, given what happened two weeks ago, iam thankful for your work, so know I know what happend , really interesting. Kudos to your team.
Glad you made this video because people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m actually allergic to exercising and it sucks because I’d actually prefer to be able to be somewhat active but god forbid I do cardio for more than a few minutes I break out in the most itchiest rash worse than poison ivy it’s rough. And no it’s not temperature or fabric related I could be in no clothes and it would still happen. It’s an allergic reaction to the blood capsules bursting when I’m active that causes the rash everywhere I’m moving
I have a similar issue. I have to take a Zyrtec and use a prescription nasal spray or else I’ll have a runny nose for the rest of the day after I work out. It’s the craziest thing. I have numerous other allergies too (skin contact, pollen, etc.) so I just need to adjust. If you haven’t spoken to an allergist about it, it might be worth your time.
So I actually used your videos as sources for two different Composition classes, and did really well on both papers. You guys are amazing source material!
it shocked me when the first time i know that there are people that allergic to peanuts, flower's pollen, dust, or seafood. while me and everyone around me doesn't have any kind of allergies. but then i notice, most people that has the allergies live really clean, extremely clean
That's an interesting observation, but I'm curious whether the causality might be the other way around: people with allergies, especially severe ones, might choose to be especially clean to avoid reactions!
I'm very happy this video makes something clear; the hygiene hypothesis can be true without us being 'too clean', that's a piece of nuance that's sometimes hard to get across. Allergies are the one step back for the two steps forward we made with hygiene and now we just need to work out another way to address them.
It's also a bit more precise both about what aspects of hygiene might be contributors, and about using terms like "might" for the speculative parts, because it's still very much speculation that hygiene is in any way contributory to allergy (particularly when you broaden it out and consider all forms of allergy instead of just type 1 allergies like the ones described here)
@@apokkalyps6 Fixing things rather than waiting for evolution is kind of the point of medicine. Plus for evolution to work there needs to be a selective pressure ... that is countless people dying from allergies, that is not remotely desirable.
As a person who's been allergic to many substances and foods for all of my life (and having read the section in Immune about allergies), I'm so glad you made this video!
This is amazing. I can finally see what I have learned in immunoserology and parasitology as a medical laboratory science student in Kurzgesagt animation! Superb!
When I was 8, I got three wasp stings at once. The sting swelled up, but it went away a few days after icing it and taking Tylenol for kids. I didn't have to go get it checked. This summer at 26 I got a sting from a honey bee while removing some weeds in my garden making a rash appear, so I had to go to an urgent care unit. Luckily it didn't affect my breathing, but I had to get prescribed topical medication and it took two weeks to completely clear up, it was extremely discomforting as no over-the-counter painkiller helped. I wish I asked the GP at the hospital for a prescription for Tylenol 2 or something cause it was not pleasant to deal with. It's crazy how the immune system can change how it reacts to certain things over time. Also learned a hard lesson to use long sleeves in the garden, I was using gloves but the honey bee got me in the forearm.
I had a friend in college that was allergic to shellfish... Every year, she would order a huge clambake and eat it as fast as possible in the parking lot of the hospital before running in to the Emergency Room.
@@Doomquillliving a life without shellfish is one I don’t want. If you can’t eat shellfish or garlic or onion or whatever deliciousness people are allergic to what’s even the point of living?
I actually am allergic to shrimp so the first time I tried it, I enjoyed it and ate a lot but didn't know I was allergic to it at the time, it was one of the worst experience I had, it sucks cus I love the taste of prawn but I'd rather not experience that again. Seeing this video at least made me feel at ease knowing what chaos was inside me stopping me from enjoying shrimp, and yeah based on what I know about worms, I'd take this allergy any day over ever having worms
@@CantHandleThisCanYa Sorry about your lack of attention from your parents, we don't live in a jungle anymore, survival of the fittest is a stupid rule to apply.
@@CantHandleThisCanYa you dont live up to your name :( you obviously cant handle genetic diversity seeing how youre offended someone has a gene you consider as a weakness
@@CoffeeRobin-cs1nf While allergies are not that big of a deal. We're probably gonna face the issue of everyone being dependent on modern medicine to survive, because even the weakest reproduce.
Great video. My dad gifts me one of your calendars every year and I can't wait to hang mine up! (So, also, thanks for being a part of this now fun family tradition)
I have a allergy that has been wrecking my life for almost a decade now, any greens outside especially trees and tomato plants (not the fruits) give me rashes like burns. It's nice to know more about it as allergies (besides the really bad ones) are downplayed at least where i am from to a depressingly low degree of influence on your health even when i yearly have things similar to second degree burns which don't allow me to move wherever i get so unlucky as to get a big outbreak of rash. It's a lot better in winter but i still get itchy whenever i handle firewood as it a lot of the time has residue from plants or lichens all over them. Thanks a lot on doing videos about things people don't usually take much thought in but impacts a great many people!
Stayed for the "ad" at the end for the calendar and was reminded, I hadn't watched one of the videos, which of course had to be rectified immediately. Even the ads in Kurzgesagt are very informative, sometimes even unknowingly ;). Sadly I absolutely do not use calendars, have literally been trying and thinking about positives for it etc, simply because of your calendars, haven't succeeded yet, but still hope for the best (and don't mind having some incredibly beautiful calendars along the way)
@@Nothing_6000they've probably expanded their team, animating all this stuff and uploading them at the rate that they have been doing for the last year or so, wouldn't be possible without new hires helping the team
@@tumpasarkar2370 i don’t think it’s that. i think they produce a lot but hold off on releasing until the festive period, as Ad revenue is always peak during this time. They aren’t the only channel doing this currently, for instance, veritasium is doing the same thing.
Huge fan! Thank you for these. Can you please make a followup video on non-allergenic rhinitis? I have that and it's the most annoying and frustrating thing to have. No real allergens but I get all the symptoms of an allergy. Thanks!
Kurzgesagt has been uploading so much recently. All the respect to you guys! I'm shocked everytime I see another Kurzgesagt notification. You guys are doing work.
i discovered this channel literally a week ago by searching up “what’s a black hole?”. im already a HUGE fan of the animation, their way of conveying information and the analogies they use. i’ll definitely watching the rest of their videos and im happy to join the Kurzgesagt community!
Hey Kurzgesagt! There was a recent discovery of semi-Dirac Fermions (a type of quasiparticle), and I thought it would be interesting to see a video on that from you, since I’ve always loved the concise but informational videos you’ve produced. Covering the many properties of quasiparticles as well from a modern perspective (if this hasn’t occurred already on this channel) would also be really awesome. A lot of love from Canada!!!
thanks for putting some light on a topic most don't know a lot about, i've had a peanut allergy all my life and have had to experience people not taking it seriously, trying to feed me peanuts to see what would happen ect... Thankyou Kurzgesagt!!!
I recently learned that anxiety attacks (something I've had more than once) are comparable to allergies, in that they're caused by your body's natural defense mechanisms (in this case, the fight-or-flight response) overreacting to something harmless but perceived as a threat, and gradually getting worse because it's trying to get rid of a problem that isn't there. It's why grounding techniques are an effective way to defuse anxiety attacks, such as looking around and naming objects or colors you can see, or sounds and smells you can detect: it's basically telling the unconscious part of your mind "stand down, we're safe here, nothing is going to harm us".
As someone working in science, specifically in the field of the immune system and related topics, the writing of this video is gold. Not only is it concise, omitting unneeded details and breaking complex topics down to make this whole process digestable... The analogies are amazing. I had some good chuckles, like at the "angry hedgehog grenades without safety pins". Please do continue your very important educational work here! Kudos!
Wasn't allergic to dust/pollen but I am now allergic. Once I start sneezing randomly, I keep sneezing (with runny nose) throughout the day unless take an antihistamine. I hope I never become allergic to shrimps or something similar though, it could be deadly.
Not every allergy is anaphylactic. My allergy to tree nuts just causes me to get a rash in my throat and vomit. It’s not fun for sure but it has happened many times and never been life threatening.
As a middle-aged man living in a warm climate, I was surprised to discover that I developed a cold allergy a few years ago. I noticed an unusual reaction when I entered cold water: my skin swelled up in patches, resembling a map.
whenever i have allergies my mom used to give so small amounts and gradually increased by time. it works so well and after about 6 months allergies are gone
Guys ya’ll making me worry.. I know I don’t deserve to ask this “what takes you so long to upload videos.” I hope you all doing well. I miss your videos. I mainly open TH-cam to enjoy your contents… I wish this channel will be active and do the good work as long as the TH-cam lasts
Here’s a like, also.. I also came here to see if someone had noticed this. I forgot about kurgesagt for a month, when I remembered, I rushed to their channel. I was super worrieddd when I saw they hadn’t posted but they post so frequently, I hope they don’t just stop posting.
I recently got diagnosed with something called Dermatographia. It’s a skin condition in which, if I itch anywhere, my skin feels warm, but it also gets red and inflamed. But I have to keep itching it. However, if I don’t itch, it just gets more itchy to the point that it hurts. All I need is an allergy pill to stop the itchiness (but not the inflammation), though it feels nice seeing a video explaining my condition.
Look into histamine intolerance, maybe that's the cause. I was scratching myself so badly until I realized the food was the trigger. I had to start from zero, add one food per week to discover what was triggering me. Then I looked up what linked 'tomatoes, tea, chocolate, soy sauce and fish' and discovered nothing except that they are all high in histamine. Then I focused on low histamine foods and through the years I learned to know what triggered me. Problem is, it can be confusing because you might be ok with chicken but only if very fresh. Cause the longer meat stays in the fridge, the more histamine it liberates and produces. That's what was driving me nuts in my quest to find the cause. Or bread, I can eat it if I make my own with 2h rise max before baking. Anyway, hope it's not that frankly but if you see this, at least try to cut all high histamine foods (grains, fresh meat, most veggies and many fruits are ok so it's easy once you know to try and see if that helps you).
crazy coincidence that i saw this right after coming home from the allergist where i underwent a food allergy challenge! like you mentioned, it's unclear why, but i can now eat (a small amount of) almonds, even though i had anaphylactic reactions to them for my entire life before now
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first comment
They're really getting rid of their ad budget for 2024 these days, huh?
My late wife struggled with MCAS, or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. In relation to this video, basically it meant that her body's immune system viewed nearly everything as a "threat" and produced Mast Cells in incredible numbers to fight this imaginary threat. Towards the end of her life her MCAS was so bad that she was on a nearly all-liquid diet after a few years of turkey and rice being the only solid foods that her system could handle decently well. She was consistently ill, dehydrated but like bloated from the water that the Mast Cells and the immune system create to fight this war, and was consistently taking Benadryl to fight off hives and allergic reactions.
She was an incredibly strong woman but her MCAS combined with Ehlors Danlos caused her internal organs to begin to fail and she was granted the opportunity to use the MAID (Medical Assistance in Death) program here in Canada in July 2023.
Thank you Kurzgesagt for producing a story like this. While MCAS on its own was not the focal point, anything that produces more awareness of Mast Cells and what they can do to the body gives more knowledge to a world that often saw my wife as a hypochondriac rather than as someone suffering from a debilitating condition.
I live in fear of stories like this. I have three different autoimmune diseases, plus an unspecified connective tissue issue, and several times I have had what appeared to be an allergic reaction to... nothing. Itchy rash and whelps just came out of nowhere. But I've never been able to catch it on camera, and it's never happened in front of a doctor, so they can't/won't do anything about it.
So sorry for your loss 😢Are you well now?
My cousin used to suffer from this. But with management (which involves identifying and avoiding triggers) it's actually ok.
@MorriAelthyn Document everything and see if you can find any correlations between these events and certain things. My wife and I started together with her thinking maybe she was celiac, but she started even having reactions to laundry detergent she had used all her life, certain materials in clothing, etc. It might seem really laborious, but keep a journal for a month of what you do daily and if you have a reaction or not. Might be able to find patterns.
I hope that your journey ends up finding a more positive resolution, but remember that being your own greatest advocate (along with family) is super important while navigating through this.
The best part of being a "conspiracy theorist" is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell's palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly. On top of that contracting covid repeatedly with every single symptom increased. Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers. And S . A . D.
Even chain smoking, binge drinking and heavy drug addiction combined would take much longer to do much less damage to a healthy human body. The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.
@@MorriAelthyn d3 is answrr. clinical doses plus co factors
Been here since 2016. My brother died of allergy, i must thank you for approaching this topic
I'm really sad for your loss. I hope you're doing better
Unfortunately I can relate to your story, one of my friends died from an allergy a couple years ago as well.
@Signo554 what happens to body when in allergy? Or critical level of allergy
@mr_enceladus fym “how” do you not know allergies can kill you?
"Mr. President, there is a spider in the bathroom!"
"It was an honor, boys."
"Danger close, fire on my order general"
"Mr. President, its a spider!"
"Thats an order, launch all nuclear weapons on my position!"
" president. Sir yes sir."
"It's been an honor."
Am I being a bit of a thicko? I don't get the president/spider thing...🙄
i have like 10 in my bathroom and its fine👌
@@felixthecat3n2The point of the video is that small, harmless things like shrimp are treated like the end of the world by our bodies. The joke is that the president is going to blow up the country because of one spider.
Hey I never comment much on TH-cam but now I’m doing it because I’m worrying about you guys not been uploaded any videos for a month. I hope you guys are busy and love doing your good work. You are the only channel that I really care about in TH-cam. Your videos about human emotions helped me alot and the video about weed made me finally quit it. Thanks for helping me and people like me…
+1 :-)
+97 :)
why did you quit weed ? don't listen to far-right propaganda about weed, why is it legal then in so many countries ?
Actually, the "Smoking" video really impacted me, and since then, I completely quit smoking. Thank You
Awesome! You should be proud
Nice work, proud of you!
I managed to drop cigarettes for a year and nicotine entirely for 6 months. Haven't felt this good in a long time
Congrats! Keep it up!
I just want to say how much I appreciate the audio quality on this channel. I didn't even know so many channels had poor audio quality until this channel came along.
no its just that this one blows them out of the water 🤣
Epic Mountain killing it every single time with the music.
It's not really higher quality audio but a V shaped EQ over the voiceover, which most people think sounds "higher quality"
@gr.4380 I'm not a producer. I'm just someone with two ears that can hear this video better than other channels. The means and method they use is irrelevant to me. Only the result matters.
@@gr.4380 I am sorry to have to say this so directly ... you really have no clue what you think you are talking about :D
So basicly our immune system has PTSD from fighting parasites.
More intriguing: Our immune system has generational PTSD from our ancestors fighting parasites.
@philipliao4006 even more intriguing - Yaldabaoth feeds off our generational trauma, keeping us in a perpetual cycles of rebirth so as to harvest our lower vibrational energies we call "stressors".
That's why the drones are all popping up. We're on the brink of war and our overlords can't have us blowing ourselves up as we're their energy source... like on the matrix.
Anyway, my schizo is wearing off. Have a wonderful day and happy saturnia!
And you can treat that PTSD, like you can treat your regular PTSD. There are studies how to end your allergies.
My immune system is Imperium from wh40k
@@jessicaternida2916 ye me too im still in primary school
Amazing how you guys depict the battles of the immune system with the drama, action, and intensity they are from the perspective of the cells. Felt like I was watching an action movie!
Reminds me of the movie Osmosis Jones
There were clear references to Dune and Starwars, so.. you kinda did :)
You probably could like watching Cells at Work, then!
Cells at Work does that, too!
As a Physician, I would highly recommend your videos to my patients! You make complicated topics into easily digestible and understandable bits of info that everyone could understand
As a patient, I could have truely used this information a few years earlier.
I'm currently getting therapy for chronic allergies.
My journey started, when my nose got all stuffy after school swimming class. Only got worse over the years but no doc really knew how to treat my nose.
As I got older, I visited a couple of gyns because I had terrible stomach pains, liquid stool and the occasional vomit at the weirdest times and -well- it is always associated with being a woman... but the docs never found anything they could treat.
I went through 2 surgeries for my nose and lots of cortisone nose spray until I got the blessing of a very knowledgable lead doc to start this therapy.
I have been wondering why my periods got a lot better. No stomach aches, minor bloating - it's a blessing.
I never could have guessed that all of this was part of my chronic allergies but it makes so much sense why it all stopped at the same time.
lol. A med graduate saying this is not assuring. Cringe
@@PointSouthAndSee come back to me when you have tried to treat people who cant read and write. Doctors dont have monopoly over health communication.
@ nah won’t be coming back to you. You thought and failed
Digestible, heh?
Food allergy triggered anaphylaxis is something I've had to deal with as a parent since my son was an infant. Society has made huge progress in 10 years, and medical care has as well (Xolair), but I'm so glad to see this covered by Kurzgesagt. So many people still dismiss it or make it a punchline when it is a deadly issue that people have to manage every single day. Thank you for raising awareness and highlighting that it can kill in just minutes.
The worst part is that there's a lot of misinformation about what constitutes an allergy - so there's a strong tendency even among members of the medical community not to take allergies as seriously as they should. Allergies can get worse over time as your body creates more antibodies against the thing it THINKS is Godzilla, so you can go from an allergy that just causes mild itching and hives to one that makes your digestive system so inflamed that you vomit uncontrollably, to one that causes anaphylaxis and threatens your life, over the course of a few years or months. But, if you mention that an allergy makes you vomit, sometimes nurses won't even write it in the chart when you're hospitalized - even if you know from the history of the allergy's progression or prior allergy testing that the symptom is the result of an allergy and not just lactose intolerance.
A lot of people assume anaphylaxis and hives are the only thing that can be an allergy, which actually significantly endangers people if a previously mild allergy escalates.
I wish you and your son the best - navigating the dangers allergies pose is immensely difficult, especially with the amount of people that roll their eyes when they hear "allergy" and assume that it's something people just fake because they're seeking attention. As someone with a common food allergy that produces an intense reaction, I'm also really glad for how much not only science has progressed but societal tools have progressed. A lot of restaurants now have apps they can input common allergens into to give a customer with allergies a custom menu that only contains the foods they can eat, and it makes me so freakin' happy. :D I can go to so many more restaurants now!
Same. My now 24yo daughter had an anaphylactic response to a mixed nuts sample at Sam’s Club when she was 6. She’d had nuts plenty of times before.
It pisses us off the way allergies are still (usually) treated as a joke in society.
2:22 this level of passion for detail for a short war clip on a video about allergies speaks levels of the amount of skill and creativity of the people behind Kurzgesagt
Appreciate the “Lisan Al-Gaib” Mast cell at 3:30
I was wondering if someone would see that.
Bless the Maker and His water
Bless the coming and going of Him
May His passage cleanse the gut
May He keep the world for His people
I was not expecting a Dune reference but I am here for it.
kamikaze al-gaib
And Beetlejuice at 9:59.
3:17 "And then, they just lie and wait. Angrily." 😭😭
he's just standing there... menacingly!
The immune system's version of land mines.
Me when I'm low on funds and waiting for more work to be scheduled. lol
I almost died when I was 13 years old, I was eating some good old fish, it was then when I realized that I was allergic to fish, I was rushed to the hospital with my face and parts of my body looking like a balloon. I woke up in a hospital bed, after almost 8 hours.
TY for making this video, I am sure that many others will love it!!
hope you got well with no complications :D
@@FlemishFries Thank God I suffered no complications!
I misread the good old fish as goldfish I’m so sorry 💀
@BuggyBrand XD
@@senorpolainas3567 how do people survive their heads being inflated 🎈😭
8:56 “even the deadliest diseases like Ebola take days to kill us, while our immune system can do it in a matter of minutes” just shows how strong our immune system truly is 💀🥶
Yes because the immune system will fight against Ebola. But against your own immune system nobody can protect you
Well because there is nothing to protect us from it because it is our only protection. So aint too impressive.
“hey immune system, how are you doing today?”
“… yeah.”
Thanks for producing this. I've struggled with allergies my whole life, and in fact just two days ago while at a company dinner I (believe) I consumed a trace amount of cashew nuts which caused severe abdominal pains, sickness and other symptoms for... well - until now over 30 hours later. Allergies are such a poorly understood topic, people assume that they are not that common or that serious - or sometimes a personal choice. The reality when you have them, especially serious allergies, is far from it. Thanks for raising their profile.
Same. I've been allergic to cashews and pistachios my whole life and ended up in the hospital twice from accidental cashew ingestion. Even now, people think I am being "difficult" when I refuse to go or outright walk out of a restaurant after I learn they usually make their dishes with cashews, but can "make it special for me without them". I've had cross-contamination reactions when I've agreed to this in the past. Even trace amounts wreck me for hours.
My partner thought allergies were "all in your head" until he suddenly got anaphylaxis shock from a bee sting the first time. Just because you don't believe in allergies, doesn't mean they won't effect you.
Awesome production quality! I currently have MCAS, a disorder not recognized by major medical research, and this sheds light onto not only my condition, but the thousands of others who have it!
Sorry to hear! Been fighting Long Covid for over 2 years, so I feel you 🥲
My 17 year old son has Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. His mast cells are constantly fighting imaginary worms 24/7. It leads to hives, itchiness, pain, and exhaustion. He has immune system bombs going off in his body all the time, every single day, and he can't get them to stop.
We're trying new medications and treatments for MCAS and other issues he has (EDS and POTS which often go along with MCAS). Sadly, nothing has helped just yet and he's barely making it from day to day.
I'm definitely going to recommend this video when i try to describe what MCAS is like.
oh god i hope y’all find a solution that works for him soon 🥺 i’m sorry you have to watch your baby go through such pain!!!
Clinical doses d3
Get him checked for SIBO. Also make sure he gets enough vitamin D and vitamin A and thiamine.
@@alex-cf4dy Looking up the symptoms, SIBO doesn't match up with what my son is experiencing.
Jesus, that ain't no way to live.
I just hope he's happy with everything else.
Small thank you for your awesome videos
Thank you for your support! 💖🦆
@@kurzgesagt Kênh bạn có đánh bản quyền đối với những kênh sao chép video của bạn không?
I am so glad that you guys show an apple when saying "any kind of food" - and mention that allergies can be developed at any point in life! I developed an allergy to apples out of nowhere a few years ago and to this day people are weirded out/don't believe someone can be allergic to apples, thinking only peanuts and shellfish and other common allergics can cause allergies. This is literally the first time in media that I see my allergy being acknowledged as existing 😅 thank you
Just send this video to the doubters so they can get educated instead of being judgmental. I cant stand it when people accuse me of making it up
It's like most people only think 2 allergies exist and anything else is a cry for attention they must ignore
Sad to hear that you developed an allergy for apples! There are low-allergy hybrids being created as we speak. In the Netherlands you can buy the Santana apple, which is one that has less of the protein that many apple-allergic people react to. A friend of mine is allergic to most fruits, and she said this apple made her mouth itch way less than a regular apple :) Still, n=1, so if you want to try it out be careful.
Interesting. My father has a mild apple, carrot and onion allergy. And my siblings developed similar symptoms as they grew off age. So yes it is possible. My father could still eat apples in small amounts if cooked properly as it was semi-mild. He did that just so he could enjoy apple pie.
Me with bananas @eliyawaters9075
"An allergy is like finding a spider in your bedroom and exploding a nuclear bomb."
A valid reaction.
Jumping spiders are extremely cute, and very highly likely also the most intelligent spider out of all the spider species.
@@JustSomeGuyLV Fair. Counterpoint: Palystes castaneus
@@JustSomeGuyLVall spoders are adorable
@ehnehm true some spiders are terrifying but some are also adorable. Like the peacock spider. Im sure many insects or even some animals have a scarier other. Also as scary as some can be. Spiders are pretty darn cool. Without them, we'd face famine because the bug population would get out of control and ruin all our crops ❤
@@bryn1063 Yeah, as far as crawlers go, spiders are pretty chill
I love how diverse these videos are in terms of the topics they cover. And two videos in two days? Amazing!
Not really the quality of animation took a hit
@adiamondtrash9344 the last 10% of the quality of animation takes the most time for a very small amount of people who notice and/or care. its generally not worth it.
Except that politics/propaganda is clearly not their strong suit and is blatantly obvious. They should stick to science, and honestly, their quality has dropped here too.
@@friendlycowboy97what are you on about? This video was fantastic
@adiamondtrash9344how so??
The video about smoking really did stir my brain. I finally quit smoking after 2 years. Thank you guys❤
Keep it rolling mate
Breath deep, friend!
As a person who has the most common, yet most annoying allergy, dust-mite allergy very severely (I got 2 surgeries, and monthly injections, just to be able to breath and I am 16yrs old), I loved the vid, incorporated alot
I am taking AntiHistamine injections, medicine name is Xoliar
I hope your immunotherapy works out. You might become immune in a few years forbedring on how far you’re in.
@@spinekingjrgensen5779 thx m8, it aint that serious, just annoying - thank god I dont go into more serious reactions, and welp, insurance covers 100% so im happy,
@@spinekingjrgensen5779 but dr did say its higly unlikely, the allergy affects my nasal polyps, and he said those usually go by 15, and im turning 17, so yeah
@sanstheskeleton-lo4zj Mm sounds like a pain man- glad to hear it’s only inconvenient and not dangerous.
I’m sure you know this already but just limit exposure so you don’t encourage your immune system to overreact more strongly.
8:14 is the classiest way I've ever seen diarrhea/vomiting depicted, well done 😆
the toilet licking its lips 😆
Classy or cute?
So demeaur
The ahego face had me dying. Then I went to the comment section to find this exact comment! Gentlemens!
I was actually satisfied with the explanation I had been given about why allergies occur; but after watching this video, I feel like I now know something different- better than before.
Yeah, me too. I'd known it was serious, but now I effectively believe it is SERIOUS, which is a step-or-three-up in the 'threat list' in my mind. It's more all-encompassing than I'd realized before. Thankfully, my few allergies are sensitivities to medications, so I can avoid them pretty easily.
Following you since 2016. Allergies claimed my brother’s life, and I truly appreciate your effort in discussing this matter.
I have multiple life-threatening food allergies and this possibility haunts me daily, and i'm glad people are approaching this topic finally.
Get some worms and see if your allergies decrease
The next US administration may signigficantly limit the development of new allergies.
wdym finally lol?
@@theaslam9758 "Finally" because most people don't know, don't care and don't even understand that living with allergies is like having an invisible disability like being born without legs, unable to walk most places. Often ignored as if allergies don't exist.
Further elaboration is that people with deadly food allergies are treated unseriously in general, even at restaurants that are obligated to follow regulations for food allergies.
Likewise with disabilities, you get bullied, made fun of by people kicking down for the joy of giving pain to those less fortunate- just look at lactose intolerance which is not allergies but very similar.
If you have a problem imagining this, here's a story that gives an example of living with food allergies:
Everyone in your school can eat deadly poison, you can't.
The cafeteria often fries all food in the same pan, so there's always poison coating the pan.
"Please wash the pan" you plead, "there might be poison on that pan that would be the end for me!"
They all nod, pretending to understand- but most of them don't, or don't care if poison fell in your food.
One day while eating at the same cafeteria you always do, you just crawl up and vomit.
Fun right?
After you nearly died, people seem to take it have taken it seriously- but then, everyone forgets.
You feel like an idiot for bringing it up every time, "please wash the pan... I cant eat poison"
The staff even gets annoyed with you, give you unpleasant looks.
You feel like a Karen and that noone cares that it could happen easily again.
This is what for a lot of people, food allergies is like.
You should do a remake of Bacteriaphages. It's been over 6 years since you uploaded it and the world has changed a lot in the last 6 years, both good and bad.
Edit: Shout-out BlackVoidAA for giving me the title. The "remake" is titled "Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus". I say "remake" with quotation marks, because it's not so much about their biology, but more so on their interactions between human cells and bacteria.
Real, i wanna know when this medicine update is dropping
@@The_man2534 The ultrakill crossover update (they named a species Minosphrime)
Absolutely, but in general. Their medicine videos in particular are so incredble. To get even a grasp of what is capable right now or in a future we can experience is so wild.
Don't get me wrong, turning a black hole into a bomb or terraforming venus into eden is interesting. But hands on scientific breakthrough that just decades ago where to be believed only to be possible by a miracle? That's what I want to see more of.
What happened? What is the big update?
Okay the presentation in this video was amazing, the sound and amazing music, the visuals(especially the scale of the worm), and the storytelling. This has got to be one of my favorite vids to date.
I am pretty sure the song is just Epic mountain’s ”Brain eater ” previously used the the Naegleria fowleri video. This may be untrue though, since I did not listen too closely.
wtf squishy again!?!
@ChiefArug huh
I cant wait to get this calendar and one for my special little girl. You guys are an inspiration and I can’t wait to make what you guys create part of my ritual. I hope to be part of the family for many years. 🎉
Danke! Ihr macht großartige Videos, sehr informatv und spannend. Macht bitte weiter.
Vielen Dank für die Worte und deine Unterstützung 💖🙏
Ich bin nicsht klug
As a guy who almost suffocated to death from my bloating throat when I first ate a prawn as a little kid, can confirm a delicious prawn can kill.
Genetic weakness
But shouldn't the first time eating something be harmless according to the video?
@@trucker5600it may not have been their first time eating it directly. Cross contamination, especially with seafood, is common and some people’s immune systems are so sensitive that it can be triggered with even just one protein.
@@trucker5600 Considering he is speaking from memory about childhood, it is probably the first time that he REMEMBERS eating a prawn. He probably has eaten a prawn previously in some pizza or some other food, knowingly or without, and nothing happened, but suddenly getting a severe life threatening allergic reaction is certainly a memorable happening that is now permanently imprinted into his memory.
@@CantHandleThisCanYanot really, it's a survival tool that lost its purpose over time
So basically my body has a military industrial complex without an real enemy.
That poor shrimp is the new "Iraqi WMD".
i mean kinda, your body has nuclear bombs and is looking for the smallest reason to use them
Wish i could sell my antibodies to third world countries
@@datboimcdude7655 actual mutually assured destruction
It's more like the body had a strong enemy it fought before but can have ptsd episodes when a shrimp shows up.
Allergies are the worst. I've had allergies and asthma my whole life, and very little acute reactions these days which I'm grateful for. But I suspect they are always there, causing inflammation to flare up in little ways all over my body and just generally lowering my energy level, causing pain and discomfort, and reducing my quality of life. I'm grateful to not live through the horrible things that others have described in these comments, and my heart goes out to them. I just wonder how many of us feel just a little worse all the time because of allergy/inflammation-related problems.
give a try to helminthic therapy, solved my allergies problems
I love how in the cover page it saids "Do not eat"
and in small letter "if you're allergic"
Edit: ...Until Kurzgesargt changed the cover page
Edit2: Kurzgesargt changed the imagen twice, now is the original, perfect
Fun fact :It used to be worms
3 people just became anorexic due to misinterpretation.
I was expecting. We Need to Rethink Exercise sequel
@@Randoontheinternet-i7w Shrimps is bugs
This video is great and came out at the perfect time for me, because I just had an allergy test done and discovered that I'm off-the-charts allergic to basically all of the outdoors: every grass, weed, and tree that was tested. Just yesterday, when this video dropped, I got my first injection of allergy shots, something I'm going to be getting twice a week for the next 6 months, and then spread out for the next 5 years. As a companion video to this, maybe you could look at allergy shots, because as was stated in this video, we don't really understand allergies that well. Why do they develop, why are some people (like me) more susceptible, why might they go away, but now how are all of those things true and yet we can still target allergies with medication that can possibly (hopefully) cure us of our allergies? Love the work y'all do!
My partner was allergic to corn for years, and then one day after accidently drinking a milkshake with maize starch in it we noticed no allergic reaction. It had just gone. We put it down to lower over all stress levels as well as living in the countryside with better air quality than in the town we had previously lived in.
It's weird that it is equally likely of being better air quality, as being LESS clean since it's in the countryside. That's what makes studying this stuff difficult. Stress is usually just bad, so that's a thing.
Funny you say this. I've noticed people in other countries say they don't develop allergies until they get to america
@@vsoriginalpoetry6696 I'd suspect this can also go the inverse, though.
There's a point around the age of 30 when your allergies can flip. Existing ones can disappear, new ones can appear, and mild ones can suddenly become severe. I lost a few allergies like that, but gained a few around the same time. One of which is lethal.
Thank you so much for bringing attention to this growing issue, as someone with food allergies, its very hard to get other people to understand the severity of them
I've had friends who have nearly died due to allergic reactions - it really is no joke. I have to try and be firm, but patient with people about allergies though. As the video states, allergies have genuinely skyrocketed in recent decades, so a lot of older people may have never known anyone with severe food allergies until they were well into their life - and never had anyone calmly and thoroughly explain it to them the way this video does.
and a lot of peopel dont understand they have them, i am battling a 2 days ww1 cuz some egg but 3 years ago i wouldve think i had a cold and endured beliving my inmune system was weak turns out it was too strong and had nothing to fight but food and dust
2:49 Holy moly everything _DOES_ evolve into crabs
Haha, no.
@@ItsMyGuy_KeeganRussyeah, only some things evolve into crabs, such as me!
Dam.. like what reggie said
A very wise guy said that everything will become crebs one day!😅
Some things evolve into crabs more than once...but who knew there were immune-system-crabs too! I hadn't thought about that until I saw this comment. :)
Definitely my favourite TH-cam channel, very insightful and honest
kurgesagt uploading videos at December mid - end like there is no tomorrow (because advertisers pay much more those days).
Love you guys ;)
Really captivating storytelling! It’s impressive how your team is able to turn a biology class into a thrilling 10-minute movie.
Besides that, I got a really bad allergic reaction to allegedly shrimp twice two weeks ago I didn’t noticed, I only felt quite unwell, hot and got tiered.
I only noticed how close it was after I told my doctor the symptoms, so I guess that adds to me being so captivated be the video.
This popped up in my inbox and I just had to click it, given what happened two weeks ago, iam thankful for your work, so know I know what happend , really interesting.
Kudos to your team.
8:12 The toilet licking it's lips at the sound of diarrhea is freaking great 😆Your animators are on a whole other tier level!
the toilet and bucket are soo cute lol
AliExpress sellers sometimes translate toilet as sanitary mouth. Maybe that's what it is called in Chinese if translated word by word.
Glad you made this video because people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m actually allergic to exercising and it sucks because I’d actually prefer to be able to be somewhat active but god forbid I do cardio for more than a few minutes I break out in the most itchiest rash worse than poison ivy it’s rough. And no it’s not temperature or fabric related I could be in no clothes and it would still happen. It’s an allergic reaction to the blood capsules bursting when I’m active that causes the rash everywhere I’m moving
I have a similar issue. I have to take a Zyrtec and use a prescription nasal spray or else I’ll have a runny nose for the rest of the day after I work out. It’s the craziest thing.
I have numerous other allergies too (skin contact, pollen, etc.) so I just need to adjust. If you haven’t spoken to an allergist about it, it might be worth your time.
So I actually used your videos as sources for two different Composition classes, and did really well on both papers. You guys are amazing source material!
Immune System Out of Nowhere:
“Hey Jim want to blow up the shrimp”
“Ehh sure, hasn’t been the same since those worms stopped showing up”.
"those worms are hiding somewhere in here, I just kno- HOLY SHIT THAT SHRIMP MUST BE THE WORM! GO FOR THE KILL!"
I read this in an Italian accent
"I'm bored, I'll attack this random thing"
@@dirtpig02 as an Italian, I do approve that
Just read it as if a mafia goon is talking to another one and it honestly made my day@@dirtpig02
4:22 “get set up for your attack run”
That’s brilliant!
it shocked me when the first time i know that there are people that allergic to peanuts, flower's pollen, dust, or seafood. while me and everyone around me doesn't have any kind of allergies. but then i notice, most people that has the allergies live really clean, extremely clean
That's an interesting observation, but I'm curious whether the causality might be the other way around: people with allergies, especially severe ones, might choose to be especially clean to avoid reactions!
I'm very happy this video makes something clear; the hygiene hypothesis can be true without us being 'too clean', that's a piece of nuance that's sometimes hard to get across. Allergies are the one step back for the two steps forward we made with hygiene and now we just need to work out another way to address them.
It's also a bit more precise both about what aspects of hygiene might be contributors, and about using terms like "might" for the speculative parts, because it's still very much speculation that hygiene is in any way contributory to allergy (particularly when you broaden it out and consider all forms of allergy instead of just type 1 allergies like the ones described here)
allergies aren't new. they might be more common but they aren't new.
We cannot or should not adress allergies. Our bodies are not prepared for it. The process will occur naturally over the next few million years.
@@apokkalyps6 Fixing things rather than waiting for evolution is kind of the point of medicine.
Plus for evolution to work there needs to be a selective pressure ... that is countless people dying from allergies, that is not remotely desirable.
@@apokkalyps6 Million years? The human race doesn't have time for that! We want solutions now.
As a person who's been allergic to many substances and foods for all of my life (and having read the section in Immune about allergies), I'm so glad you made this video!
This is amazing. I can finally see what I have learned in immunoserology and parasitology as a medical laboratory science student in Kurzgesagt animation! Superb!
I have seen your videos since 2014,y'all make amazing videos, so informative and creative... Thank you for all the knowledge you've given to me.. 🙌🏻
When I was 8, I got three wasp stings at once. The sting swelled up, but it went away a few days after icing it and taking Tylenol for kids. I didn't have to go get it checked.
This summer at 26 I got a sting from a honey bee while removing some weeds in my garden making a rash appear, so I had to go to an urgent care unit. Luckily it didn't affect my breathing, but I had to get prescribed topical medication and it took two weeks to completely clear up, it was extremely discomforting as no over-the-counter painkiller helped. I wish I asked the GP at the hospital for a prescription for Tylenol 2 or something cause it was not pleasant to deal with.
It's crazy how the immune system can change how it reacts to certain things over time. Also learned a hard lesson to use long sleeves in the garden, I was using gloves but the honey bee got me in the forearm.
Bees and wasps have different toxins though.
I've been stung by both bees and wasps on multiple occasions, hopefully I haven't developped an allergy because of it.
@@obamngaaa makes sense then
I had a friend in college that was allergic to shellfish... Every year, she would order a huge clambake and eat it as fast as possible in the parking lot of the hospital before running in to the Emergency Room.
That's a very special kind of stupid. I'm honestly impressed.
One question, why tho?
@@Doomquillliving a life without shellfish is one I don’t want. If you can’t eat shellfish or garlic or onion or whatever deliciousness people are allergic to what’s even the point of living?
You must not live in America because that would be a massively expensive clambake
You know, I think its a good thing collage kids cant have alcohol
I actually am allergic to shrimp so the first time I tried it, I enjoyed it and ate a lot but didn't know I was allergic to it at the time, it was one of the worst experience I had, it sucks cus I love the taste of prawn but I'd rather not experience that again. Seeing this video at least made me feel at ease knowing what chaos was inside me stopping me from enjoying shrimp, and yeah based on what I know about worms, I'd take this allergy any day over ever having worms
Sorry about your genetic weakness
@@CantHandleThisCanYa Sorry about your lack of attention from your parents, we don't live in a jungle anymore, survival of the fittest is a stupid rule to apply.
@@CantHandleThisCanYa you dont live up to your name :(
you obviously cant handle genetic diversity seeing how youre offended someone has a gene you consider as a weakness
@@CantHandleThisCanYa so sorry that you're inexperienced & had apathy in this kind of thing because of your pathetic life
@@CoffeeRobin-cs1nf While allergies are not that big of a deal. We're probably gonna face the issue of everyone being dependent on modern medicine to survive, because even the weakest reproduce.
This was such a good watch, absolutely love your analogies and all your videos, thank you!
7:38 that... THAT whole part was terrifying.
Especially combined with the music.
I understand. I love this part though
thats the side effects that they put on the back of medicine bottles.
@RockyMein oh no 😥
"You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?"
-The Immune System, probably
9:54 Mario!?
Luigi is out on business in NY
Lol I was just about to comment that
Forget Mario, there's a freaking Beetlejuice reference in there!
Itsa me!
Great video. My dad gifts me one of your calendars every year and I can't wait to hang mine up! (So, also, thanks for being a part of this now fun family tradition)
I have a allergy that has been wrecking my life for almost a decade now, any greens outside especially trees and tomato plants (not the fruits) give me rashes like burns. It's nice to know more about it as allergies (besides the really bad ones) are downplayed at least where i am from to a depressingly low degree of influence on your health even when i yearly have things similar to second degree burns which don't allow me to move wherever i get so unlucky as to get a big outbreak of rash. It's a lot better in winter but i still get itchy whenever i handle firewood as it a lot of the time has residue from plants or lichens all over them.
Thanks a lot on doing videos about things people don't usually take much thought in but impacts a great many people!
Allergies are taken very serious where I am from in the Midwest US where are you located?
Stayed for the "ad" at the end for the calendar and was reminded, I hadn't watched one of the videos, which of course had to be rectified immediately. Even the ads in Kurzgesagt are very informative, sometimes even unknowingly ;). Sadly I absolutely do not use calendars, have literally been trying and thinking about positives for it etc, simply because of your calendars, haven't succeeded yet, but still hope for the best (and don't mind having some incredibly beautiful calendars along the way)
2 videos in 2 days??? Yes!!!!!
They're uploading so fast so suddenly
@@Nothing_6000they've probably expanded their team, animating all this stuff and uploading them at the rate that they have been doing for the last year or so, wouldn't be possible without new hires helping the team
@@tumpasarkar2370 i don’t think it’s that. i think they produce a lot but hold off on releasing until the festive period, as Ad revenue is always peak during this time. They aren’t the only channel doing this currently, for instance, veritasium is doing the same thing.
Zoidberg: "what's this, 2 meals in one week?"
@ 🤣🤣
Huge fan! Thank you for these. Can you please make a followup video on non-allergenic rhinitis? I have that and it's the most annoying and frustrating thing to have. No real allergens but I get all the symptoms of an allergy. Thanks!
Kurzgesagt has been uploading so much recently. All the respect to you guys! I'm shocked everytime I see another Kurzgesagt notification. You guys are doing work.
i discovered this channel literally a week ago by searching up “what’s a black hole?”. im already a HUGE fan of the animation, their way of conveying information and the analogies they use. i’ll definitely watching the rest of their videos and im happy to join the Kurzgesagt community!
Same! Welcome 🎉
0:34 Relatable.
Same 🗿
The only natural response
Funniest comment I have ever read
Hans, bring ze flammenwefer!
They haven't uploaded since last year 🥲
Describing very complicated things like these by colorful animations is something that every science book should do.
As a Canadian who has been dealing with cold urticaria for the past decade I am happy to hear that I can now blame worms every winter
5:23 immune system got that sudo access
yeah, pretty much. Full overwrite access with kill command.
Hey Kurzgesagt! There was a recent discovery of semi-Dirac Fermions (a type of quasiparticle), and I thought it would be interesting to see a video on that from you, since I’ve always loved the concise but informational videos you’ve produced. Covering the many properties of quasiparticles as well from a modern perspective (if this hasn’t occurred already on this channel) would also be really awesome. A lot of love from Canada!!!
I am a major allergy sufferer and a huge fan of your immune-system series. (Got the book, too.) This was a great and informative summary of allergies.
Finally, a video that speaks to my struggles with prawn allergy!
This might be the scariest Kurzgesagt video in a while..
Hi Kurzgesagt,
I am really excited for my new calendar and desk planner.
u guys r my fav youtuber. thanks
thanks for putting some light on a topic most don't know a lot about, i've had a peanut allergy all my life and have had to experience people not taking it seriously, trying to feed me peanuts to see what would happen ect... Thankyou Kurzgesagt!!!
fighting imaginary kaijus, huh?
a windmill: *existing near your immune cells*
your cells: eSTA A LA VISTA- (it's ON SIGHT)
I have an antihistamine in my pocket. Let's play a game
I recently learned that anxiety attacks (something I've had more than once) are comparable to allergies, in that they're caused by your body's natural defense mechanisms (in this case, the fight-or-flight response) overreacting to something harmless but perceived as a threat, and gradually getting worse because it's trying to get rid of a problem that isn't there. It's why grounding techniques are an effective way to defuse anxiety attacks, such as looking around and naming objects or colors you can see, or sounds and smells you can detect: it's basically telling the unconscious part of your mind "stand down, we're safe here, nothing is going to harm us".
That's nice to know, I just wish we could bring our cells to therapy then to stop the allergies.
Amazing concepts, humor, imagery, sounds, transitions, voice, everythings is top notch. Bravo🎉
Allergies are such an interesting topic. Thanks for covering it!
14:35 @duolingo is that you?
@@enolacartercameronthe Green not Dark
Damn loving the constant uploads
I love that the most replayed section is the intro, and I can completely understand why.
As someone working in science, specifically in the field of the immune system and related topics, the writing of this video is gold.
Not only is it concise, omitting unneeded details and breaking complex topics down to make this whole process digestable... The analogies are amazing. I had some good chuckles, like at the "angry hedgehog grenades without safety pins".
Please do continue your very important educational work here! Kudos!
Wasn't allergic to dust/pollen but I am now allergic. Once I start sneezing randomly, I keep sneezing (with runny nose) throughout the day unless take an antihistamine. I hope I never become allergic to shrimps or something similar though, it could be deadly.
Not every allergy is anaphylactic. My allergy to tree nuts just causes me to get a rash in my throat and vomit. It’s not fun for sure but it has happened many times and never been life threatening.
@@adamgaarsoe-boyle8746I’m like this and almost every year I get new mild allergies. My last one is to gluten and I only got a rash on my arms
i swear i thought u said champagne at 8:08 but then turned on subtitles to find u said sharp pain
I'd love getting drunk from champagne in an allergic reaction
@@Project_VideoGame Yeah, but imagine the hangover.
As a middle-aged man living in a warm climate, I was surprised to discover that I developed a cold allergy a few years ago. I noticed an unusual reaction when I entered cold water: my skin swelled up in patches, resembling a map.
The fact that my immune system can kill me faster than most diseases somehow makes me very proud
Why be proud of a genetic weakness?
We are the worst enemy of ourselves
whenever i have allergies my mom used to give so small amounts and gradually increased by time. it works so well and after about 6 months allergies are gone
I've heard of constant exposure being a good way to get rid of allergies, doesn't work with everyone though
this channel is something every scientist looks at to remember about basic or advanced stuff
Guys ya’ll making me worry.. I know I don’t deserve to ask this “what takes you so long to upload videos.” I hope you all doing well. I miss your videos. I mainly open TH-cam to enjoy your contents… I wish this channel will be active and do the good work as long as the TH-cam lasts
Here’s a like, also.. I also came here to see if someone had noticed this. I forgot about kurgesagt for a month, when I remembered, I rushed to their channel. I was super worrieddd when I saw they hadn’t posted but they post so frequently, I hope they don’t just stop posting.
5:50 Immune system weed 😂
I recently got diagnosed with something called Dermatographia. It’s a skin condition in which, if I itch anywhere, my skin feels warm, but it also gets red and inflamed. But I have to keep itching it. However, if I don’t itch, it just gets more itchy to the point that it hurts. All I need is an allergy pill to stop the itchiness (but not the inflammation), though it feels nice seeing a video explaining my condition.
Look into histamine intolerance, maybe that's the cause. I was scratching myself so badly until I realized the food was the trigger. I had to start from zero, add one food per week to discover what was triggering me. Then I looked up what linked 'tomatoes, tea, chocolate, soy sauce and fish' and discovered nothing except that they are all high in histamine. Then I focused on low histamine foods and through the years I learned to know what triggered me. Problem is, it can be confusing because you might be ok with chicken but only if very fresh. Cause the longer meat stays in the fridge, the more histamine it liberates and produces. That's what was driving me nuts in my quest to find the cause. Or bread, I can eat it if I make my own with 2h rise max before baking. Anyway, hope it's not that frankly but if you see this, at least try to cut all high histamine foods (grains, fresh meat, most veggies and many fruits are ok so it's easy once you know to try and see if that helps you).
crazy coincidence that i saw this right after coming home from the allergist where i underwent a food allergy challenge! like you mentioned, it's unclear why, but i can now eat (a small amount of) almonds, even though i had anaphylactic reactions to them for my entire life before now
bro it have been 11 years since i have started watching u bro.Its crazy how fast time passes