If Larson's plan for the 2nd season had come to fruition, Maren would've been replaced. She wasn't a fan favorite where her acting skills were concerned.
I always loved their Egyptian Style flight helmets that lit up in the front. And their brown jackets with their weapons worn like a western cowboy were awesome as well.
@@operasinger2126 For TV it was HUGE money--part of the reason it was eventually cancelled, because of the price tag, unfortunately. But you get what you pay for--for the time it looked amazing.
I love how whoever did a lot of the writing used historical names. Carillon was the name of a French fort in northern New York where a vastly outnumbered French army of 3,000 or so troops took on and defeated 15,000 British troops and not only defeated them, but handed the British their largest defeat in North America. That battle happened on July 8, 1758 and was called, The Battle of Carillon.
A historical battle that did little to prevent the eventual British conquest of Canada from being accomplish three years Unlike the colonial Victory above that did have some decisive beneficial outcome to it for the victors.
@@wedgeantillies66 Well it delayed the British takeover so it did have an effect. The battle on the show as you note had a beneficial outcome as well but unlike the historical battle, we don't know how things turned out for them in the end.
@@artm1973 Only by a year, as fall of Louisburg that same year, open up way for decisive attack upon Quebec, That was the war's ultimate turning point and led to the British conquest of canada being completed. Well if you go by the 1980 attempted sequel series, allowed them to fight another day and survive as a race and eventually find earth.
Born in 75, grew up in the 80s - this was the shit back then! I just love everything about it, the soundeffects, the designs and when they hit the afterburners to go after a Cylon ship or get out of a tight spot. I also especially loved that after a few episodes you knew exactly which shots would land or what would happen when a ship did something because they re-used so many shots and just cut them differently in sequence. It just was a fantastic show for its time.
Yeah. I really wish they had put more into the special effects. But the show was originally supposed to be a series of mini-series or TV movies over the space of a few years. That's why there's so many 2 partners and the original pilot was supposed to be a 3-hour event. When the execs told them to make it a weekly show with around 20 to 24 episodes instead of a 2- or 3-hour movie here and there like they originally planned the budget had to be stretched and cut accordingly. Too bad. I would have liked to see the original idea play out.
@@KnowTrentTimoy Sure but it ran in the 80s on TV, i.e. mostly the TV movies that were cut together from various episodes to make a movie. They did that actually quite well that i only learned years later that there were a bunch of TV episodes cut together. Then came the awful Galactica 1980 or whatever it was called ( timejump and they found Earth and sent in some undercover scouts).
No wonder; it's known they kept recycling the footage; they even reused the Nova of Madagon footage in the Commander Cain episode; it was quite recognizable even though they were supposed to be far away from that location by the time. They called it the "Cylon Death Nebula" that time around.
Not very practical, though. I always had a problem with that big engine behind the cockpit limiting visibility to the rear. In a fighter, you want to be able to see what's chasing you.
Yes, that one always made me smile too. Ancient special effects, kinda corny dialogue on occasion and STILL one of the best TV shows I remember from my childhood.
Ah....great Sci fi! I was about 10 years old when this came out. I always loved the Cylons and their electronic voices. "By your command" yep ...you read that in their voice lol
It's also really cool when there's a big explosion outside the window and the entire bridge lights up. I was just watching the scene when the Atlantia exploded, and thought to myself that those small little moments in BSG are pretty underrated. I mean, the bridge was a huge set when you think about it.
The writers were under the gun for each weeks episode and it showed. Also they tried to make it a show for kids and adults at the same time and that also hurt it. That said, it's still one of my all time favorite series, sci-fi or otherwise. I've watched the entire season many times over the years.
@C B Are we watching the same Battlestar Galactica? Here it is 45 years later and its just as good today as it was in the 70's. Weak writing? Beats the felter carb that's out today.
@@stefank3461 The problem was how fast each episode had to be done. Each had to be done almost in a week. Back then, they didn't have all the tools for TV and movies that we take for granted today. hell, they didn't even have computers a lot of the time! For its time? It was THE best TV show I watched a kid. Now? I look back and see its many flaws, but I still remember Lorne Greene as Adama and to this day, I still feel it as I did then. Maybe I am just stupid, clueless or old, but I still love this. Star Trek, Star War and this will always be my go-to first sci-fi series. Babylon 5, Farscape, Firefly, Stargate, all these were very good n their own ways, no question. But 'Saga of a Star World', which became Battlestar Galactica STILL give me chills when I hear the opening. ''There are those who believe that life here, began out there...'
@@dwrdwlsn5 I completely understand, Edward. When I was young, I wasn't even aware, that Galactica is a series. I saw the two movies, Battlestar Galactica and Attack of the Cylons at the age of six! (And then always feared a cylon will come around the corner!) I was heavy dissapointed when part III came out, this Galactica 1980 compilation, with van Dyke and McCord. I was a teen when I first came over the series, and I completely freaked out! I soaked up everything I could get! But later I had to say that some episodes, for example those light ships, Count Iblis, Starbucks dad, ... are really boring and uninspired. We've seen these stories in Star Trek, Lost in Space,... always the same concept. "Gap filler", we call that in Germany. But as you say, the first few episodes, the cylon war, were epic! Space battles were completely new that time and apart of "Buck Rogers", which was also a Glen A. Larson production with similar sets, and "Star Wars", noone had them! The battles in Star Trek were not compareable. I would watch classic Battlestar Galactica, whenever I switch into it! My affection to SF started with it!
I remember watching the show as a very small child. This was also part of the universal studios tour back in the 80s. Absolutely fantastic and terrifying as a child.
Wow. Amazing how much ahead of its time this series was in directing, screenwriting etc. Some of these parts make it hard to believe it came out in 1978.
This was must see TV for 10yr old me. 😊 My parents bought me one of the viper and raider toys with the missiles that could actually be fired, for Christmas. This was before they were recalled and they turned into non-firing missiles.
Imperious Leader: "The Colonials wiped out our ATTACKING FORCE of RAIDERS? How is that possible? We took them by Suprise?" Centurion: "Apparently, someone forgot to tell THEM!"
The special effects shots were second-to-none at the time and remained so until The Empire Strikes Back imo. All they lacked was the funding to do more sfx shots for an episodic show vs a movie.
And there was the transition from John Dykstra's MCA57/Apogee Inc. to Universal Hartland, Universal's new in-house photographic effects studio. Even then, Hartland was hamstrung. While Hartland was being constructed, the crew was busy filming the Buck Rogers theatrical pilot FX at Doug Trumbull's Future General facility before Trumbull ramped up for Star Trek The Motion Picture. Once Hartland was ready, there were technical issues with the air filtration system causing issues with lint on the film elements. After that was fixed, they were also assigned the FX work on The Concorde: Airport 79.
Can you imagine Galactica making it home to Earth explaining that they have a bunch of highly evolved machines chasing them trying to wipe out humanity. Great, thanks for leading them here to our underdeveloped colony.
I believe the premise was that they did not know whether this lost colony was more advanced or less advanced or on the same level of development as they. There is also a plot hole here because IF our Earth was the 13th colony and the 13th tribe went there using spaceships, the later Galactica 1980 premise of their arriving in our 1980s does not make sense... Rather, I always thought that the 13th tribe did not actually settle on Earth but only kick-started the development there and then moved on; that would explain the narration at the beginning of the pilot movie (Saga of a Star World). I had read lots of Erich von Däniken (our European equivalent to Graham Hancock) by that time because my dad was a fan and I kept sneaking the books after he'd read them, and so I initially assumed they would be going in that direction.
@@christianealshut1123I figured that the original colonists might have gone out in sublight, generation ships. Perhaps after reaching Earth they might have sent a generation ship back to report that they made it. After sending that ship off, they might have had a massive civil war (over how to run the colonies, fighting about the form if government, like a dictatorship?), perhaps using nukes. If this war destroyed their technology, the few survivors perhaps had to start all over again. Or possibly at least from the stone age, or so?
Practical effects always have a better quality than cgi. To me cgi looks either too unrealistic or 'too realistic' to be believable, if you understand me.
@@jasonjackson1688 You would think with that kind of budget they would've refrained from the overuse of recycled space battle footage throughout the series but I guess they were trying to save where they could.
The tension in this one is HIGH when you take into account how long it took them to get in the air and then to the battle, compared to just boosting out of the launch bay. Great scene!
I remember saying that word in elementary school in 79 and I got detention. At the time I was pissed. Now I laugh about it. Ah, only if the teacher knew what I was really trying to say.
Oooh, and they probably used those words for purposes of the age rating, which might have been higher if they had actually used words like s**t and f**k... But everybody KNEW what they were anyway.
Man, i remeber seeing it when i was a Kid back in the 80s. I guess i saw that pilot 50 times or more. Carillon (and what happend there) was creepy af. But the battle was awesome!
R.I.P., Commander Adama (Lyon [Lorne] Hyman Greene), Flight Sergeant Jolly (Russell Anthony [Tony] Swartz), and Captain Apollo (Richard Lawrence Hatch). And R.I.P. , John Colicos [Baltar] and Daniel Patrick Macnee [Count Iblis].
The laser turrets on the Galactica were a nice touch. Reminded me of a WW11 carriers AA guns. I always did wonder why the the civilian ships were not mounted with them and crews trained by Galactica gunners.
it was a rag tag fleet. Any ship they could find that flies. The only military ship that wasn't destroyed was the Galactica. Everything else obliterated in the massacre of the colonies.
They were effective at the beginning of Saga of a Star World. They probably took out a few off screen. They just needed to sell the hopeless situation and make the Viper aid more impactful.
Want to make a best selling sci fi movie. Make a great space battle. The longer it is plus more destructive the more fans will remember and talk about it. I remember these space battles when I was a kid watching this show. They were awesome to me as they are today.
I saw the Movie, with “sensorround” sound in 1979 I believe the Blu-ray has an audio track to mimic that mix,…but, I don’t have a home system to get the effect, when I was 10 years old. ☺️
Hola. Excelente , " Galáctica , astronave de combate " ( " Battlestar Galactica " - 1978 ) episodio piloto de esta exitosa serie de TV , exhibida en EE.UU , y que fue estrenada como película en el resto del mundo. Glenn A. Larson , de creencia religiosa mormón , influyó bastante en algunos aspectos de ésta . Twentieth Century Fox demandó a esta serie de ciencia ficción , argumentando que se parecía mucho a la historia presentada en el film " La guerra de las galaxias " ( " Star wars " - 1977 ) , pero , en lo único que coincidían , era que en ambas participó el técnico en efectos especiales John Dykstra , ganador del premio Oscar , en el mismo rubro , por lo que el tribunal , desestimó la demanda. Gracias por subir el video , maestro. Un abrazo cordial. Saludos desde Chile , Sudamérica.
One thing I liked about the new BSG as opposed to the original is that the Galactica doesn't get owned by just a few raiders. The flak screen chews them up by itself, which is a lot more plausible.
@@dalethelander3781 Flak is anti-aircraft fire. A bunch of flak guns will fire in unison at a focused area around the ship, creating a bubble of protective fire. Any ship dumb enough to try and fly through that flak screen will get chewed to pieces. Ever see the old WW2 movies with high altitude bombers flying through exploding black clouds? That's flak.
@@dalethelander3781 its ballistic ammunition in the newer BSG as apposed to lasers but the Death Star had the right idea if they had 100 cannons all firing in the same direction thats like a flak screen.
Sooo, cool over-the-tail laser headshot by Boomer....RIGHT?!!! TOP GUN stuff right there! Imagine being a teen watching this on tv, THEN going to see the premier of STAR WARS shortly after!
I would love to see a revamp of the FX with modern CGI, keeping the story and characters the same. Get rid of the constantly recycled flight and fight scenes with new visuals. Kinda like what they did to Start Trek TOS years ago. Otherwise, this is my childhood. I loved this show.
It would be awesome to have a space combat sim based on the original BSG, preferably a fan-made one based on the Freespace Open engine. (There's one based on the remake from 2004 called "Diaspora", which is pretty awesome.)
It was proposed to Universal to re-make the FX the way Paramount did with Star Trek TOS. Universal originally showed interest. Then they wanted it cut back to the pilot and the two-part episodes. Then they cut it back to just the pilot. Then they said, "Y'know what? Screw it." Adam "Mojo" Liebowitz would've supervised the project.
At 2:20 The Cylons are flying the "V" formation made famous by the British Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) during the first month of the Battle of Britain (July 1940). "V" for victory! The Colonials had to exile in deep space.
@@Bondek1996 To this day I still tear up thinking about Apollo and Zac’s last words to one another. Apollo being the protective older brother didn’t want to leave Zac behind. Zac having to remind Apollo of his duty as a Colonial Warrior. A duty their father and Apollo instilled in Zac. Hatch played it very stoic. If I had to leave my younger brother behind like that I would be in tears. All Apollo can do is tell his brother that he is proud of him “I would fly with you anytime little brother”. 😭
Well, when the FX house is doing this series, the Buck Rogers pilot, and the feature film The Concorde: Airport 79, and you have a staff of about 10...
With all due respect to Miss Laurette Spang, and Miss Jane Seymour, what teenaged boy DIDN'T have a crush on Miss Maren Jensen in 1978? Face it! "There's just SOMETHING about a women in uniform!"
There was more to it than that. Studio politics. Politics between the ABC Network and their affiliated stations. There was a lot of fur flying behind the curtains that not many were privy to. Add in a network programming executive brought in during the spring of 79 who didn't care for science fiction.
This show was a little campy at times but for the most part the acting and screenplay was really good. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer , Adama and Tigh were all well cast for their parts and played distinct and memorable characters, although Boomers role in the pilot show was limited. Fun fact: If you've ever served in the US military in a war zone, you'd instantly recognize the plan that Adama and Col. Tigh ran here in disobeying the Council Of 12 and putting all the warriors on hidden standby alert. Truth is that these types of "conspiracies of silence" happen all the time in real life military planning when it comes to cutting through red tape and incompetent senior and civilian leadership.
You know, I had a thought about the Viper squadrons' approach to the combat zone. They could have taken off earlier and vectored off to a pair of staging areas where they could aim themselves toward the fleet in a pincer maneuver and then drift in unpowered until they reached weapons range, then powered up and attacked for maximum surprise and momentum. The idea would have been to cut off their possible withdrawal route and leave no Cylon survivors to go back or transmit a distress signal and warn the others.
I think the original series was better than the new one. never liked the human-formed Cylons in the new series, they were too human and some of the original caricatures were left out
The original was a space opera with clearly defined good guys and bad guys. The "reboot" was a muddled mess trying to make profound points about politics, the War on Terror, and relativism.
Why do the cylons need 3 robots flying their fighters. Couldn't the fighters just fly themselves autonomously? A robot is just a computer with legs and arms. I don't understand the robots inside the fighters?
They were envisioned as aliens in the pilot. When it became a show aired during family hour, the onscreen death limit per episode led the creators to make the Cylons robots.
You know there was a Battle of Carillon in real life? On July 8th 1758 at present day Fort Ticonderonga between the British and their iroquois allies on one side and the French and their abénakis allies on the other side.
I could never get enough of those Colonial Vipers....an absolutely awesome design & cool fighter....was nine years old when this came out & loved it👍🍻
The original design for the Colonial Viper was used for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
I know, give me a Viper over an X-Wing any day.
This show tided us over between Star Wars movies. God bless it.
Any space fighter that has a turbo boost has to be the best.
My 3 favorites sci-fi fighter craft:
1. TIE Interceptor
2. Viper
3. X-wing
I used to fancy Athena so much as a teen in the 1980s/90s!😍
Because she was smoking hot! Ms. Jensen was devine!
If Larson's plan for the 2nd season had come to fruition, Maren would've been replaced. She wasn't a fan favorite where her acting skills were concerned.
@@dalethelander3781 What she lacked in acting ability, she made up for in other areas! (In my opinion!)
Personally I had a crush on corporal Rigel, besides being a cutie, she had a cool hairdo.
I know Maren needed work on her acting, but my God, the sight of her makes my heart thud.
I always loved their Egyptian Style flight helmets that lit up in the front.
And their brown jackets with their weapons worn like a western cowboy were awesome as well.
whole show was awesome...very B grade 70s....but that made it the best :)
@@NaturaBreeze $1,000,000 an episode production cost. That's not "B Grade".
Original battlestar galactica warrior uniforms were great.
Cylons looked like super machines.
@@johnpauljones9310 Great series. For TV looked like they spent big money.
@@operasinger2126 For TV it was HUGE money--part of the reason it was eventually cancelled, because of the price tag, unfortunately. But you get what you pay for--for the time it looked amazing.
The Vipers were just such a cool ass design. And the Cylons looked totally lethal. Great designs.
The vipers and the cylon raiders were way foxier than the star wars ships. There I said it. 😊
I agree.
ABC had the ultimate sci fi franchise goldmine and blew it by putting too much pressure on larson.
I love how whoever did a lot of the writing used historical names. Carillon was the name of a French fort in northern New York where a vastly outnumbered French army of 3,000 or so troops took on and defeated 15,000 British troops and not only defeated them, but handed the British their largest defeat in North America. That battle happened on July 8, 1758 and was called, The Battle of Carillon.
A historical battle that did little to prevent the eventual British conquest of Canada from being accomplish three years
Unlike the colonial Victory above that did have some decisive beneficial outcome to it for the victors.
@@wedgeantillies66 Well it delayed the British takeover so it did have an effect. The battle on the show as you note had a beneficial outcome as well but unlike the historical battle, we don't know how things turned out for them in the end.
@@artm1973 Only by a year, as fall of Louisburg that same year, open up way for decisive attack upon Quebec, That was the war's ultimate turning point and led to the British conquest of canada being completed.
Well if you go by the 1980 attempted sequel series, allowed them to fight another day and survive as a race and eventually find earth.
Born in 75, grew up in the 80s - this was the shit back then!
I just love everything about it, the soundeffects, the designs and when they hit the afterburners to go after a Cylon ship or get out of a tight spot. I also especially loved that after a few episodes you knew exactly which shots would land or what would happen when a ship did something because they re-used so many shots and just cut them differently in sequence.
It just was a fantastic show for its time.
Yeah. I really wish they had put more into the special effects. But the show was originally supposed to be a series of mini-series or TV movies over the space of a few years. That's why there's so many 2 partners and the original pilot was supposed to be a 3-hour event. When the execs told them to make it a weekly show with around 20 to 24 episodes instead of a 2- or 3-hour movie here and there like they originally planned the budget had to be stretched and cut accordingly. Too bad. I would have liked to see the original idea play out.
You were like 3 yrs old when the show came out in 1978.
@@KnowTrentTimoy Sure but it ran in the 80s on TV, i.e. mostly the TV movies that were cut together from various episodes to make a movie. They did that actually quite well that i only learned years later that there were a bunch of TV episodes cut together.
Then came the awful Galactica 1980 or whatever it was called ( timejump and they found Earth and sent in some undercover scouts).
Born in the same year and BSG 78' is what got me into SciFi.
No wonder; it's known they kept recycling the footage; they even reused the Nova of Madagon footage in the Commander Cain episode; it was quite recognizable even though they were supposed to be far away from that location by the time. They called it the "Cylon Death Nebula" that time around.
I actually saw this on the big screen. Loved every minute of it. Lorne Greene was bloody fabulous as Adama.
Timeless and very advanced for its time. Pure Classic!!! Love it.
Love this show to this day. Never could get into the remake.
The remake had it's good points, but was never in the same league as the original.
The remake spent more time wallowing in depression and just plain nastiness for me to ever really enjoy it all that much.
I’ve never watched the remake, to me this was a classic, any remake should have carried on where this left off, ignoring Galactica 1980 of course.
This was by far my favorite series Non stop action and adventure I loved it as a kid Its a terrible shame they dont make Tv programs like they used to
Loved Adama's Carillon gambit when I first saw it as a kid in 1978, and still love it now.
Same here, and when I saw the box dvd set, I snatched that puppy up!
Possibly the most Beautiful Ship ever imagined! The Viper! I want one.
Not very practical, though. I always had a problem with that big engine behind the cockpit limiting visibility to the rear. In a fighter, you want to be able to see what's chasing you.
Adama telling Colonel Tigh to discuss discipline in the ranks made me really laugh out loud lol.
Yes, that one always made me smile too.
Ancient special effects, kinda corny dialogue on occasion and STILL one of the best TV shows I remember from my childhood.
The Battlestar Galactica toys were my favorite as a kid.
When I was a kid, I didn't understand the sarcasm in Adama's response to Tigh about "discipline in the ranks", lol.
Loved battlestar galactica should have gone on a lot longer..
It would have if ABC had listened to Glen Larson and restricted the series to TV movies as originally planned.
@@kchishol1970 you are 100 percent correct.
larson's original plans of mini movies planned out every few months.
You had to understand the studio politics at the time.
one of the best episodes of the tv show, absolutely amazing.
My favorite TV show
Ah....great Sci fi! I was about 10 years old when this came out. I always loved the Cylons and their electronic voices. "By your command" yep ...you read that in their voice lol
0:12 I always loved this scene, it actually looked like a real life bridge on a warship going to battle stations.
Yeah, the red lights really sell it too.
It's also really cool when there's a big explosion outside the window and the entire bridge lights up. I was just watching the scene when the Atlantia exploded, and thought to myself that those small little moments in BSG are pretty underrated. I mean, the bridge was a huge set when you think about it.
This is how they filled up Stage 28 (now gone).
Which you have actually seen many times no doubt. 🤣
You'd think things like turning on the positive shields when under attack would be Standard Operating Procedure so it didn't have to be ordered.
Best sci fi show that should have lasted longer and been a mega franchise.
Cylons looked like unstoppable machines.
The writers were under the gun for each weeks episode and it showed. Also they tried to make it a show for kids and adults at the same time and that also hurt it. That said, it's still one of my all time favorite series, sci-fi or otherwise. I've watched the entire season many times over the years.
@C B Are we watching the same Battlestar Galactica? Here it is 45 years later and its just as good today as it was in the 70's. Weak writing? Beats the felter carb that's out today.
The first episodes were epic, but the laters were really weak.
@@stefank3461 The problem was how fast each episode had to be done. Each had to be done almost in a week. Back then, they didn't have all the tools for TV and movies that we take for granted today. hell, they didn't even have computers a lot of the time!
For its time? It was THE best TV show I watched a kid. Now? I look back and see its many flaws, but I still remember Lorne Greene as Adama and to this day, I still feel it as I did then. Maybe I am just stupid, clueless or old, but I still love this. Star Trek, Star War and this will always be my go-to first sci-fi series. Babylon 5, Farscape, Firefly, Stargate, all these were very good n their own ways, no question. But 'Saga of a Star World', which became Battlestar Galactica STILL give me chills when I hear the opening.
''There are those who believe that life here, began out there...'
I completely understand, Edward. When I was young, I wasn't even aware, that Galactica is a series. I saw the two movies, Battlestar Galactica and Attack of the Cylons at the age of six! (And then always feared a cylon will come around the corner!) I was heavy dissapointed when part III came out, this Galactica 1980 compilation, with van Dyke and McCord. I was a teen when I first came over the series, and I completely freaked out! I soaked up everything I could get!
But later I had to say that some episodes, for example those light ships, Count Iblis, Starbucks dad, ... are really boring and uninspired. We've seen these stories in Star Trek, Lost in Space,... always the same concept. "Gap filler", we call that in Germany.
But as you say, the first few episodes, the cylon war, were epic! Space battles were completely new that time and apart of "Buck Rogers", which was also a Glen A. Larson production with similar sets, and "Star Wars", noone had them!
The battles in Star Trek were not compareable.
I would watch classic Battlestar Galactica, whenever I switch into it!
My affection to SF started with it!
I remember watching the show as a very small child. This was also part of the universal studios tour back in the 80s. Absolutely fantastic and terrifying as a child.
The OG Cylons we’re so 😎! I wanted to be an IL Series as a kid.
Wow. Amazing how much ahead of its time this series was in directing, screenwriting etc. Some of these parts make it hard to believe it came out in 1978.
This was must see TV for 10yr old me. 😊 My parents bought me one of the viper and raider toys with the missiles that could actually be fired, for Christmas. This was before they were recalled and they turned into non-firing missiles.
One of best battle scene of the series.
Having heard that, I think I'll pass.
"There's nothing to stop them!!!" I love Maren Jensen. 🥰😍😘
And Adama didn't even tell his daughter the plan, hardcore
Back when TV was good.
Still love this. More up my alley than the reboot.
"Fire in the bay!"
If only there was a way of extinguishing a fire in a part of the ship that has a door that opens directly to a complete vacuum.
If only they didn't have that problem over and over again!
The episode Fire in Space is a great example of that... By far the worst episode in the series, IMO.
They walso seem to ahve issues with the ventral hull catching fire... every single time.
@@pauloportugal1396 Worse than "The Magnificent Warriors"?
It was a vulnerable carrier in space. Three solid hits and the Atlantia was gone. Like the newer tougher Battlestars.
Imperious Leader: "The Colonials wiped out our ATTACKING FORCE of RAIDERS?
How is that possible? We took them by Suprise?"
Centurion: "Apparently, someone forgot to tell THEM!"
Apparently, not as big a surprise as we'd had hope for. Said the centurion in the original Battlestar Galactica.
There has never been a sexier starfighter, IMO, than the OG Colonial Viper.
I also love the sleek N1 from Star Wars.
I'm happy that Porkins found a new job after that Rebel Alliance gig didn't pan out.
Yeah he was pretty jolly about it too.
La mejor parte de esta peli.... LA MEJOR SERIE!!!!
A PS. Do love Adama's reaction after Athena's "there's nothing to stop them!" Of course he knows but can't let on...barely contained glee
The special effects shots were second-to-none at the time and remained so until The Empire Strikes Back imo. All they lacked was the funding to do more sfx shots for an episodic show vs a movie.
And there was the transition from John Dykstra's MCA57/Apogee Inc. to Universal Hartland, Universal's new in-house photographic effects studio. Even then, Hartland was hamstrung. While Hartland was being constructed, the crew was busy filming the Buck Rogers theatrical pilot FX at Doug Trumbull's Future General facility before Trumbull ramped up for Star Trek The Motion Picture. Once Hartland was ready, there were technical issues with the air filtration system causing issues with lint on the film elements. After that was fixed, they were also assigned the FX work on The Concorde: Airport 79.
I used to watch this as a kid and the special effects were pretty good for the time
This was such a great show.
Can you imagine Galactica making it home to Earth explaining that they have a bunch of highly evolved machines chasing them trying to wipe out humanity. Great, thanks for leading them here to our underdeveloped colony.
I believe the premise was that they did not know whether this lost colony was more advanced or less advanced or on the same level of development as they. There is also a plot hole here because IF our Earth was the 13th colony and the 13th tribe went there using spaceships, the later Galactica 1980 premise of their arriving in our 1980s does not make sense... Rather, I always thought that the 13th tribe did not actually settle on Earth but only kick-started the development there and then moved on; that would explain the narration at the beginning of the pilot movie (Saga of a Star World). I had read lots of Erich von Däniken (our European equivalent to Graham Hancock) by that time because my dad was a fan and I kept sneaking the books after he'd read them, and so I initially assumed they would be going in that direction.
@@christianealshut1123I figured that the original colonists might have gone out in sublight, generation ships.
Perhaps after reaching Earth they might have sent a generation ship back to report that they made it.
After sending that ship off, they might have had a massive civil war (over how to run the colonies, fighting about the form if government, like a dictatorship?), perhaps using nukes.
If this war destroyed their technology, the few survivors perhaps had to start all over again.
Or possibly at least from the stone age, or so?
Considering their budget and capabilities at the time, it still looks pretty sweet.
Pilot cost $14M.
Lost Planet of the Gods and The Gun On Ice Planet Zero were $3M each.
Greetings From Earth, $2M.
All other episodes $1M each.
That show had a massive budget for the time.
Practical effects always have a better quality than cgi. To me cgi looks either too unrealistic or 'too realistic' to be believable, if you understand me.
@@jasonjackson1688 You would think with that kind of budget they would've refrained from the overuse of recycled space battle footage throughout the series but I guess they were trying to save where they could.
I love watching this show got to get it on dvd
The tension in this one is HIGH when you take into account how long it took them to get in the air and then to the battle, compared to just boosting out of the launch bay. Great scene!
They should have counted down 100 , 99 , 98 ,, 97 , 96 ,,,
“Felderkarb” still in my top 100 curse words.
I remember saying that word in elementary school in 79 and I got detention. At the time I was pissed. Now I laugh about it. Ah, only if the teacher knew what I was really trying to say.
What about Frak??
“Frak” is number one non-curse, curse word.
Oooh, and they probably used those words for purposes of the age rating, which might have been higher if they had actually used words like s**t and f**k... But everybody KNEW what they were anyway.
II love when Boomer and Jolly get the opportunity to show their quality.
Man, i remeber seeing it when i was a Kid back in the 80s. I guess i saw that pilot 50 times or more.
Carillon (and what happend there) was creepy af. But the battle was awesome!
R.I.P., Commander Adama (Lyon [Lorne] Hyman Greene), Flight Sergeant Jolly (Russell Anthony [Tony] Swartz), and Captain Apollo (Richard Lawrence Hatch).
And R.I.P. , John Colicos [Baltar] and Daniel Patrick Macnee [Count Iblis].
Starbuck: That One's For Atlantia!
OMG ... memories
The laser turrets on the Galactica were a nice touch. Reminded me of a WW11 carriers AA guns. I always did wonder why the the civilian ships were not mounted with them and crews trained by Galactica gunners.
WW11? when did we have WW3 to 10?
@@Bloodrayne800 last week. You missed them.
it was a rag tag fleet. Any ship they could find that flies. The only military ship that wasn't destroyed was the Galactica. Everything else obliterated in the massacre of the colonies.
@@Bloodrayne800 💩💩
In the novels they mention some of the other ships carrying defensive guns. I think Rising Star and Celestra were armed to some degree.
Oh my. Rammer. Take Off, 7of9!SB.
Rip Lorene greene
Did the BattleStar’s Laser turrets EVER hit a Cylon? Even once? They should’ve turned them off and saved the power.
They were effective at the beginning of Saga of a Star World. They probably took out a few off screen. They just needed to sell the hopeless situation and make the Viper aid more impactful.
Yes, we’ve seen them numerous times.
@williamburd3784 Let's be honest. We seen it once and they recycled the footage.
Heck, I never understood where the hell the laser turrets even *were*. Or, for that matter, where the Vipers launched from.
Want to make a best selling sci fi movie.
Make a great space battle. The longer it is plus more destructive the more fans will remember and talk about it.
I remember these space battles when I was a kid watching this show.
They were awesome to me as they are today.
Best Sunday night show ever
I agree
I love the Egyptian style flight helmets from the OG show.
This show still kicks azz today as it did in the 70's.
Why didn't they put the positive shield up sooner, like 5 microns
Because then they couldn't use the footage of raiders through the viewpoint for dramatic effect.
I saw the Movie, with “sensorround” sound in 1979
I believe the Blu-ray has an audio track to mimic that mix,…but, I don’t have a home system to get the effect, when I was 10 years old. ☺️
Yeah, the Sensurround track's there, but I've never been able to access it.
Excelente , " Galáctica , astronave de combate " ( " Battlestar Galactica " - 1978 )
episodio piloto de esta exitosa serie de TV , exhibida en EE.UU ,
y que fue estrenada como película en el resto del mundo.
Glenn A. Larson , de creencia religiosa mormón , influyó bastante en algunos aspectos de ésta .
Twentieth Century Fox demandó a esta serie de ciencia ficción , argumentando
que se parecía mucho a la historia presentada en el film
" La guerra de las galaxias "
( " Star wars " - 1977 ) , pero , en lo único que coincidían , era que en ambas participó el técnico en efectos especiales
John Dykstra , ganador del premio Oscar , en el mismo rubro , por lo que el tribunal , desestimó la demanda.
Gracias por subir el video , maestro.
Un abrazo cordial.
Saludos desde Chile , Sudamérica.
One thing I liked about the new BSG as opposed to the original is that the Galactica doesn't get owned by just a few raiders. The flak screen chews them up by itself, which is a lot more plausible.
What's a flak screen?
The new bsg sucked
@@dalethelander3781 Flak is anti-aircraft fire. A bunch of flak guns will fire in unison at a focused area around the ship, creating a bubble of protective fire. Any ship dumb enough to try and fly through that flak screen will get chewed to pieces. Ever see the old WW2 movies with high altitude bombers flying through exploding black clouds? That's flak.
@@Allen-by6ci How do you do that with lasers?
@@dalethelander3781 its ballistic ammunition in the newer BSG as apposed to lasers but the Death Star had the right idea if they had 100 cannons all firing in the same direction thats like a flak screen.
I love the scale of the fighters to the Battlestar. In Starwars all of the ships are 1/3 the size of the ISD.
Adama's little smile at 1:42 when the incoming squadron doesn't match any known Cylon war machines. Gee, I wonder what they could be.
RIP Terry Carter, the one and only Tigh
Sooo, cool over-the-tail laser headshot by Boomer....RIGHT?!!! TOP GUN stuff right there! Imagine being a teen watching this on tv, THEN going to see the premier of STAR WARS shortly after!
1:46 I just love the numbers of vipers, force once they are attacking in force rather than drips and drabs, and know why the cylons feared them
I wonder what it cost to make an episode because the effects were very good
It was around 1 million dollars per episode
Loved this show as a kid. I look at it now and realize how bad the effects were and who designed a "Battlestar" with like 2 guns on it? LOL
I would love to see a revamp of the FX with modern CGI, keeping the story and characters the same.
Get rid of the constantly recycled flight and fight scenes with new visuals.
Kinda like what they did to Start Trek TOS years ago.
Otherwise, this is my childhood. I loved this show.
It would be awesome to have a space combat sim based on the original BSG, preferably a fan-made one based on the Freespace Open engine.
(There's one based on the remake from 2004 called "Diaspora", which is pretty awesome.)
Well, not a flight sim, but I seem to remember there was a Homeworld mod based on BSG.
The closest I get is flying a Super Hornet on Star Citizen.
Wing commander was pretty close as I recall.
When I wrote my comment a year ago, I somehow wasn't aware of the PS2 game based on the '78 series.
Is it worth looking into?
Raiders versus Vipers, Battlestar Galactica-style! If that battle scene doesn't get your adrenaline surging,....we need to talk.
I would love to see this series redone with today's visual technology.
Hehehe...yeah, maybe they could have more adult stories and make Starbuck a girl too. That would be awesome.
It was proposed to Universal to re-make the FX the way Paramount did with Star Trek TOS. Universal originally showed interest. Then they wanted it cut back to the pilot and the two-part episodes. Then they cut it back to just the pilot. Then they said, "Y'know what? Screw it."
Adam "Mojo" Liebowitz would've supervised the project.
No one tell him
At 2:20
The Cylons are flying the "V" formation made famous by the British Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) during the first month of the Battle of Britain (July 1940). "V" for victory! The Colonials had to exile in deep space.
Here Comes The Cavalry, Armed, & Firing.
I wonder if the cylons were paid by giving them chrome polish
"Here's one for Zac."
@@Bondek1996 To this day I still tear up thinking about Apollo and Zac’s last words to one another.
Apollo being the protective older brother didn’t want to leave Zac behind. Zac having to remind Apollo of his duty as a Colonial Warrior. A duty their father and Apollo instilled in Zac. Hatch played it very stoic. If I had to leave my younger brother behind like that I would be in tears.
All Apollo can do is tell his brother that he is proud of him “I would fly with you anytime little brother”. 😭
All that vfx footage was constantly reused across the series until it hurt to watch.
Well, when the FX house is doing this series, the Buck Rogers pilot, and the feature film The Concorde: Airport 79, and you have a staff of about 10...
"fire in the bay!" "damage control" *me: strikes R key*
I had a crush on Maren Jensen. 😍
With all due respect to Miss Laurette Spang, and Miss Jane Seymour, what teenaged boy DIDN'T have a crush on Miss Maren Jensen in 1978?
Face it! "There's just SOMETHING about a women in uniform!"
Was going to post the same but no need now. I was so disappointed when she left the show. Apparently either the producer or director hated her acting.
Every teenage boy had a crush on Maren Jensen at the time! Lol.
We all did!
45 years Ago!
1:23 There she is, guys! The hottest woman on American TV in the 1970s. ❤❤❤
How would the Enterprise-E and the enitre StarFleet handle the Cylon armada and help the Galactica?
All that intergalactic caravanning just to return to Earth to meet and find out, that Glen A Larson had set them up at every turn. What a let down.
Por favor pasar la serie en español gracias
I like the robots the best.
Holy TOledo Batman... TV in the 80's RULED!!! :>)
Cylon centurions ready for destruction..
The Galactica's auto cannons sure did suck, lol
The first series that cost over 1 million per episode, which is why it was cancelled!
There was more to it than that. Studio politics. Politics between the ABC Network and their affiliated stations. There was a lot of fur flying behind the curtains that not many were privy to. Add in a network programming executive brought in during the spring of 79 who didn't care for science fiction.
@@dalethelander3781 Also George Lucas sued for copyright infringement. That lawsuit cost a lot of money.
@@danielserene4532 Mostly just legal fees. Universal and Lucas reached a compromise.
This show was a little campy at times but for the most part the acting and screenplay was really good. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer , Adama and Tigh were all well cast for their parts and played distinct and memorable characters, although Boomers role in the pilot show was limited.
Fun fact: If you've ever served in the US military in a war zone, you'd instantly recognize the plan that Adama and Col. Tigh ran here in disobeying the Council Of 12 and putting all the warriors on hidden standby alert. Truth is that these types of "conspiracies of silence" happen all the time in real life military planning when it comes to cutting through red tape and incompetent senior and civilian leadership.
"closing in at five microns!' That's a bit close dont you think?
The paint's onlt three.
*5 seconds.
the computer controlled cannons should have their tracking software upgraded to Windows 3.0
I was in love with Maren Jensen.
The best part is 2:35 the two of them talk like that
You know, I had a thought about the Viper squadrons' approach to the combat zone. They could have taken off earlier and vectored off to a pair of staging areas where they could aim themselves toward the fleet in a pincer maneuver and then drift in unpowered until they reached weapons range, then powered up and attacked for maximum surprise and momentum. The idea would have been to cut off their possible withdrawal route and leave no Cylon survivors to go back or transmit a distress signal and warn the others.
How much is this on dvd
I'm seeing a listing on Amazon as low as 20 USD.
Take as many as possible
I think the original series was better than the new one. never liked the human-formed Cylons in the new series, they were too human and some of the original caricatures were left out
The original was a space opera with clearly defined good guys and bad guys. The "reboot" was a muddled mess trying to make profound points about politics, the War on Terror, and relativism.
Why do the cylons need 3 robots flying their fighters. Couldn't the fighters just fly themselves autonomously? A robot is just a computer with legs and arms. I don't understand the robots inside the fighters?
They were envisioned as aliens in the pilot. When it became a show aired during family hour, the onscreen death limit per episode led the creators to make the Cylons robots.
You know there was a Battle of Carillon in real life? On July 8th 1758 at present day Fort Ticonderonga between the British and their iroquois allies on one side and the French and their abénakis allies on the other side.