Why would it be "nice" to see someone hating a thing about themselves? I see it as upsetting. To literally hate something about yourself, in most cases is pretty sad.
The ability to critique ourselves is one of our strongest assets. The real shame is the people who choose to give up on being the best version of themselves.
@@scooopable most people hate something about themselves. Someone who doesn’t have any dissatisfactions is incredibly rare. But we forget that. So seeing other people admit what they are insecure about is comforting because it reminds us that the vast majority of people don’t feel perfect, just as we don’t.
Just want to (respectfully!) point out that you *relate* to something/someone, or something *resonates* with you. You resonating with something means that thing feels some type of way about you. Hope this helps anyone who mixes up these words, easy mistake to make
i honestly wish the guy in the purple shirt who dropped out of college to be in culinary school at 3:30 the best. just because you didn’t get your phd like your family members doesn’t mean you’re worth any less!! the most important thing is you choosing what you really want and what will make you happy and if that’s culinary school, you already won. genuinely wishing you the best and i hope you’ll make it in the future!!
Same, I am more proud of him for setting his own path, one that opens doors for other family members who don't fit the conventional ways of schooling He should wear it with honor and pride
"I'm short so I feel like people don't respect me." I felt that. I'm 5'1 and 125 pounds, most people see me as a child sometimes because of my small frame. Now that I work in the medical field I feel like people under estimate me even more because of my size and age.
That totally resonates with me. Im 5’2 and am severely underweight, and people don’t really take me seriously, and sometimes I think people think I’m a child.
I think being short and petite is not very talked about because there aren't many people who are so short that get bullied for it and people mostly are insecure about being "too tall" or "too big" but they don't know how it feels when you are 20 and get mistaken for a child and people don't respect you or take you seriously.
Hearing others share their insecurities helps reassure us that we're not alone 🥺 We just can't let the insecurities win, but fighting them is often hard.
The 22 year old woman who said she feels like she hasn’t done enough in her life so far made me feel so seen. I’m the same age and I also feel like I’m so behind in life because other people the same age as me are already so talented and skilled, have travelled lots, and are already getting married and having kids. I know everyone has their own path in life and there is no set age where you must do something, like getting in a relationship, starting a career, etc. But it’s hard to stop comparing myself to others
This is the exact things I struggle with and you are not alone! Especially in the day of social media, it is hard not to compare ourselves to the highlight reel that is Instagram, but you got this ❤️
Honestly, you're 22. Your adult life has barely started and you've probably got another six decades ahead of you. You've got PLENTY of time left to achieve things.
3:40 Dude, please do not be ashamed of going to Culinary School. Some people out here hella educated and can't make a descent healthy meal. Be proud of what you are doing. I respect you.
In about 95% of these cases people's insecurity stems from the fact that their self image is defined by those around them and the feedback they get from them. There is no internal measuring going on. When your self-image depends on other people you will never be satisfied or secure. Security comes from an internal assessment, both good and bad.
@@TryingtoTellYou I agree with you, but I also agree with Bill. You can't feel ashamed of something that you never feel ashamed of but let's say others keep enforcing something about you that you never had an issue with but because you get the same message about yourself repeatedly , now an insecurity is being created, making you feel like you need to worry about this thing that you never even thought about in the first place. I think both of you are correct.
@@DA-js7xz Wrong... er? Even those with autism are self aware, they are simply slower to the uptake. I had a friend in primary school who had a learning disability and I constantly had to console him because of the bullying he received.
Self esteem is a misnomer. You can’t just “love yourself” into having positive self esteem. External stimuli is entirely responsible for how we view ourself unfortunately.
I've learned that being able to laugh at yourself, and taking things easier can heavily impact how you view yourself. Especially throwing yourself out of your comfort zone constantly. It definitely helped me realize that majority of people aren't as judgmental as we think they are, they laugh with us and relate to us.
It is hard not to care what people think I'll admit that but you should learn not to don't let someone's opinion affect your are people's opinions gonna matter when you're dead? Why does it matter when you're here. Trust me it's something I've had learn how to do I'm the black sheep drug addict of the family because obviously worst things haven't taken place in the family oh there's quite the history I'll leave it at that
This video was extremely comforting in an odd kind of way. More specifically, the guy at 2:28 made me feel seen and less alone in my insecurity. I'm also a gay black man and I grew up in an ultra conservative Christian household. So as expected, I developed a lot of internalized homophobia growing up. I was especially insecure about the sound of my voice because I felt it sounded too feminine. I also had insecurities surrounding my mannerisms and perceived masculinity in general. I was afraid that people would perceive me as girly, weak, a coward, sissy, punk, and et cetera because of the femininity that I sometimes displayed. However, it's taken a lot of years and a lot of self-love to no longer be insecure about those things. I still have a long way to go... But it feels good to know that I'm not the only one who's insecure about that...
the guy that said “i droped out of college to go to culinary school” is something i’ve never even thought of to be bad. culinary school is still school you still need a good gpa, scholarships, financial aid and stuff like that to get into a school. everyone is smart in different ways.
Just a reminder to everyone that you are beautiful in your own way & that ‘societal norms’ & ‘beauty standards’ are detrimental & most importantly fake. Being able to accept yourself as you are is the most powerful thing you can do.
Not everyone is beautiful, if they were, the concept would be lacked of purpose. I accept myself as a non beautiful person whose looks some people find cool, which is fine. calling myself 'beautiful' would feel both, a bit delusional, and like giving up to the external pressure to feel that way.
@@cristian-bull I see what you mean. I could’ve clarified it more. I meant beautiful as more than just the physical aspects and more so the entire makeup of a person. Basically what makes them the ‘whole package.’
we need to stop telling people they'fe beautiful when they're not coz it's only emphasizing the importance of being beautiful. sometimes we just need to accept we're average and that's okay.
@@TryingtoTellYou they can be a positive or negative drive. But also that opens up people's willingness to judge you unnecessarily. We have all done that.
Friendly word of advice: stay off of it. It’s superficial and gives off a false image. It’s not worth getting your self-esteem damaged by something unrealistic (I.e influencers). Be yourself and do what makes you happy.
the fact that people who seem fucking beautiful to me have insecureities about the way they look realy comforts me. like, i don`t want anyone to feel insecure, but at the same time it realy shows me that you don`t have to like everything about yourself to be seen as beautiful by others.
The best way I found to not care what people think is sympathy. More often than not, what people judge about you is what they secretly judge about themselves. Once I realized that their judgments were a reflection of how they saw and felt about themselves, it made me sad for them because I've been there.
For some reason I always thought of physical things about me when i thought of insecurities, so it was quite mind blowing to hear people mentioning mental insecurities... Yes, yes, I HAVE THAT TOO
I felt relieved that others also feeling insecure about their personality. I feel it is too big, or not empathetic enough or can make others feel uncomfortable constantly. Which makes me feel like I’m making mistakes with how I treat others. And ask myself if I’m truly being respectful and so on.
I'm 28 and severely balding. I always wore hats in public. Once I discovered shaving my head it boosted my confidence significantly (saved money too on haircuts). I still get a little self conscious when my hair grows past a certain length
My biggest insecurity is also about my personality and my English. I have always been struggling with making friends my entire life, and as an immigrant who moved to the US when I was 14, I always feel my English is not good enough to become indistinguishable from the people around me. Due to the lack of social interaction, I never really got to make many friends who actually spoke the language. I just let every growth opportunity slip away, avoiding putting myself out there as much as i can.
bro. i can relate to the guy @ 2:36 so much. i’m a black female, but people have told me that i wasn’t black enough. because i really enjoy k-pop and anime, and i have been told that i’m trying to act white because i like those things. how? this is just my personality. and people in my school used to say “you’re a white girl in a black girl’s body” because i personally don’t say the n-word and i don’t really talk with a blaccent, so that makes me trying to be white?? this is just how i grew up talking, i don’t know what you want from me.
Even though he dropped outa college, he's still on the road to success because he's still learning, hes going to cullinary school. You don't need a college degree to be successful
God I love this channel. This channel has done so much for me and this world, and no one even knows that fully yet. I’m gonna make an impact like this. Somehow. Some way. Just don’t know what it is yet
@@Ghxstgvrl I can relate. This channel and jubilee create content that makes you realise that there are other people going through the same shit as you are. You are not alone.
Im not really insecure about anything other than my voice but it’s pretty wild to see how much being self conscious about what you sound like can impact your social and communication skills
I always get insecure when people ask me where I work and if I went to college. I got over my image insecurities because I realized most people don’t care what you look like.
Except that a lot of people aren't self aware and don't realize how harmful they are toward others. In those cases, others are more truthful than ourselves.
I was riddled with insecurities as a kid and a young adult, but the older I get, the less I care what others think about me. I know that's probably not universal, but I'd wish it for everyone. Chances are, if someone think's I'm trash or the best human in the world, they're wrong.
It's strange because I'm so incredibly negative toward myself about my physical appearance (from face to knees and everything in between) but when I hear other people talk about their insecurities, I'm instantly like "Oh never! You are stunning, my god! Don't ever think that."
4:46 There's something so ironic about people with insecurities giving advice on dealing with insecurities. Like, if your advice doesn't work for you, then why are you giving it? lol
crazy to see people insecure about what other people think about them and how they perceive them because thats just something that never crosses my mind
I've come to the conclusion that everybody has their own fears and fights of varying sizes they deal with- even the coolest person you know, you're not the first to have them and you're definitely not any lower than everyone else for having them, accept what you can't change and deal with what you can all while saying to yourself that you're trying and you love yourself for that.
Others can say true statements about you as well. A lot of people don't actually realize how abusive or manipulative they are until someone else identifies situations.
Such a wide range in answers! I was certainly expecting the body shame, but the concerns about personality caught me off guard! I always love these videos because they show me different perspectives! I’ve always had a personality that people enjoy, and I kinda figured most people have good personalities but sometimes you just gotta get to know em first. I didn’t realize that was insecurity for some folks! ❤❤❤
The fact that i am 41 with no family or house of my own. I feel like i am not man enough for a woman because i don’t have that macho confidence that every man has. And i know girls love men who are ambitious and confident. Sooo basically i feel like i am not good enough for anyone.
It's nice to see others also feel insecure about their personality(I don't know if that came out right). Most people talk about physical insecurities, so it feels nice to see it.
1:34 "i just speak how i feel" i'm not sure if this person's insecurity is that since there's not much context but it's interesting that they point that out because as a very shy and quiet person, i generally look up to people who are outspoken and say what's on their mind. maybe to these kinds of people they might be insecure about it and while i can't completely understand it since i'm not like that, to me, i admire that a lot. of course there's a difference between saying *anything* that could potentially hurt other people and being outspoken but as someone who overthinks a lot and has a difficult time expressing myself, i really do admire these types of people. i know there are some people who like shy people for various reasons and i respect that, but it can be hard to see my shyness as anything other than weakness, especially when it has affected my life in many ways
1:35 girlll girl aww I really do relate to this so much and it's so sad to feel that way Feeling lonely when you're not even alone is the worst feeling in the world
I always felt like an imposter. I was highly successful in my chosen career. I was highly respected by my coworkers. I always felt like I wasn’t as gifted as others perceived me to be.
The guy who's going into culinary school: the economy's changing. A PhD isn't worth what it used to be worth, and it doesn't set you up the way it used to. I think it's smart not to saddle oneself up with debt just for the sake of a piece of paper that has a lower chance of paying for itself as time's gone on (unless you're getting into a specific profession, of course).
1:31 I highly doubt her “personality” got her fired. She probably checks her horoscope daily, and disrespected her boss, thinking that’s just her “big personality” in her zodiac sign. 🤡💀
The ultimate take away is insecurity is an inevitable human trait. Change the things you can, accept the things you cannot. It's that simple and If you can't manage that prepare to be unhappy for a very long time. I'm speaking as someone with insecurities from both past traumas and not.
I have insecurities about my weight, my cheeks, my chin, my belly... However, as much as I know these insecurities are originated by extremely unhealthy social beauty standards, I feel like is not the society what's making me feel insecure, but myself. I don't like my body as it is right now, whether the reason is originated in society's beauty standards or not. It's kinda ingrained, like that lady said, in all of our minds. And since I want to look a certain way, I feel like I won't be enough for myself until i get there. No matter how many people say my belly looks cute. I honestly don't talk about my insecurities too much, and that's why I'm bringing it up here. I'm curious. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Omg same!!! I feel this way completely. It started from a young age. I think what also made me feel insecure is being constantly compared to my twin sister and not being desired by a lot of people. So on top of the dislike I had for how certain parts of myself looked- bcoz those parts got me into situations where I was bullied (like my weight and the scars I had on my legs from mosquito bites)- I battled with trying to change them so that I get desired more and that i appeal to what people liked about my twin. It's still ingrainrd in the back of my mind even when i go shopping. And it's just making me feel sad a lot
@@charmainephasoana6850 sorry, I didn't read this before. But same. I feel undesired, and that tops over my own insecurities to make me feel even worse
I'm short and skinny and as a young adult I get treated like a dumb teenager and completely disrespected by much older adults or even those around the same age as me. Its almost a daily thing of everyone treating me like a child when I'm a fully functioning adult. I get carded for anything and even at the movie theatres, the workers start accusing me of having a fake id when it's my real drivers license. I hate looking so young, life is hard with people constantly making comments about it I'm very insecure about it
Physical: My acne and giant forehead worsened by my receeding hairline Personality: That I dont fit in and people dont like me or that I'm not respected/taken seriously
2:43 genuine question and I try not to sound rude, but how can this man "identify" as a black person? Really no offense, but I'm not the only guy who sees a white man? I'm wondering, maybe both or one of his parents are black and that's why? Someone enlighten me with a logical answer please. Again don't cancel me lol, just asking cause this was hella confusing
He looks to me mixed probably with one parent being white or southern European and the other being half indigenous half black I seen people like him in Guatemala!
The moment you stop caring what everyone else thinks is the moment you start to appreciate what you might have felt insecure about. I was always incredibly insecure about my speech impediment. I still can be at times. However, I now speak openly about my speech impediment and take pride in my voice because it comes from me and no one else. Anyone who thinks their judgement can now affect me will be sorely mistaken. I respect myself, my voice, my speech impediment, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me.
My biggest insecurity is my jaw but it’s not worth it for me to go under the knife and get surgery. The risk of life long pain isn’t worth it. I’ll just have to deal with a weak chin. Oh well, I still bagged me a man! Lol
it's kinda nice to see that everyone hates something about themselves, makes it feel like it's human to not think your perfect
We aren't really, but there is people that think they are
Why would it be "nice" to see someone hating a thing about themselves? I see it as upsetting. To literally hate something about yourself, in most cases is pretty sad.
@@scooopable just poor word choice. They mean it's validating. As in no one is alone in it.
The ability to critique ourselves is one of our strongest assets. The real shame is the people who choose to give up on being the best version of themselves.
@@scooopable most people hate something about themselves. Someone who doesn’t have any dissatisfactions is incredibly rare. But we forget that. So seeing other people admit what they are insecure about is comforting because it reminds us that the vast majority of people don’t feel perfect, just as we don’t.
I can definitely resonate with a lot of these. It’s sad that society has such a significant impact on how we view ourselves.
Lol I relate to too many.
Just want to (respectfully!) point out that you *relate* to something/someone, or something *resonates* with you. You resonating with something means that thing feels some type of way about you. Hope this helps anyone who mixes up these words, easy mistake to make
i honestly wish the guy in the purple shirt who dropped out of college to be in culinary school at 3:30 the best. just because you didn’t get your phd like your family members doesn’t mean you’re worth any less!! the most important thing is you choosing what you really want and what will make you happy and if that’s culinary school, you already won.
genuinely wishing you the best and i hope you’ll make it in the future!!
Same, I am more proud of him for setting his own path, one that opens doors for other family members who don't fit the conventional ways of schooling
He should wear it with honor and pride
Yeah! Culinary school is a win in itself. He could be a future pastry chef.
I loved how brave he was to pursue his dream
"I'm short so I feel like people don't respect me." I felt that. I'm 5'1 and 125 pounds, most people see me as a child sometimes because of my small frame. Now that I work in the medical field I feel like people under estimate me even more because of my size and age.
I had a friend in high school who was equally as short. Loved her company very much! Please know you are valued by your peers.
I feel the same way and have had girl friends who would constantly make fun of it
That totally resonates with me. Im 5’2 and am severely underweight, and people don’t really take me seriously, and sometimes I think people think I’m a child.
I think being short and petite is not very talked about because there aren't many people who are so short that get bullied for it and people mostly are insecure about being "too tall" or "too big" but they don't know how it feels when you are 20 and get mistaken for a child and people don't respect you or take you seriously.
Yup me too
"my teeth'' says that with the prettiest smile
fr i would die to have that teeth
She just didn't wanted to admit anything , that was most obvious lie u could see 😂
Hearing others share their insecurities helps reassure us that we're not alone 🥺 We just can't let the insecurities win, but fighting them is often hard.
I agree, it feels like I'm not the only one who is dealing with some of my own insecurities. Everyone has some kind of insecurity.
The 22 year old woman who said she feels like she hasn’t done enough in her life so far made me feel so seen. I’m the same age and I also feel like I’m so behind in life because other people the same age as me are already so talented and skilled, have travelled lots, and are already getting married and having kids. I know everyone has their own path in life and there is no set age where you must do something, like getting in a relationship, starting a career, etc. But it’s hard to stop comparing myself to others
This is the exact things I struggle with and you are not alone! Especially in the day of social media, it is hard not to compare ourselves to the highlight reel that is Instagram, but you got this ❤️
Get off instagram and social media. Watch less television, read more books
Honestly, you're 22. Your adult life has barely started and you've probably got another six decades ahead of you. You've got PLENTY of time left to achieve things.
me too!
ME TOO! I’m 21 and I’ve felt this way since I was in high school. It’s so frustrating
3:40 Dude, please do not be ashamed of going to Culinary School. Some people out here hella educated and can't make a descent healthy meal. Be proud of what you are doing. I respect you.
In about 95% of these cases people's insecurity stems from the fact that their self image is defined by those around them and the feedback they get from them. There is no internal measuring going on. When your self-image depends on other people you will never be satisfied or secure. Security comes from an internal assessment, both good and bad.
That's a lie. You cannot be shamed for something you are not already ashamed of yourself.
@@TryingtoTellYou I agree with you, but I also agree with Bill. You can't feel ashamed of something that you never feel ashamed of but let's say others keep enforcing something about you that you never had an issue with but because you get the same message about yourself repeatedly , now an insecurity is being created, making you feel like you need to worry about this thing that you never even thought about in the first place. I think both of you are correct.
@@TryingtoTellYou wrong. Plenty of people aren't self aware and need to be told about their actions. Like how you're trolling multiple comments here.
@@DA-js7xz Wrong... er? Even those with autism are self aware, they are simply slower to the uptake. I had a friend in primary school who had a learning disability and I constantly had to console him because of the bullying he received.
Self esteem is a misnomer. You can’t just “love yourself” into having positive self esteem. External stimuli is entirely responsible for how we view ourself unfortunately.
It's difficult to not care what other people think of you when you know for a fact that you're being watched and judged.
I've learned that being able to laugh at yourself, and taking things easier can heavily impact how you view yourself. Especially throwing yourself out of your comfort zone constantly. It definitely helped me realize that majority of people aren't as judgmental as we think they are, they laugh with us and relate to us.
Keeps everyone in check, it has its advantages
Lies😅 Some of us really don't give a fuck what people think about us.😊
It is hard not to care what people think I'll admit that but you should learn not to don't let someone's opinion affect your are people's opinions gonna matter when you're dead? Why does it matter when you're here. Trust me it's something I've had learn how to do I'm the black sheep drug addict of the family because obviously worst things haven't taken place in the family oh there's quite the history I'll leave it at that
This video was extremely comforting in an odd kind of way. More specifically, the guy at 2:28 made me feel seen and less alone in my insecurity. I'm also a gay black man and I grew up in an ultra conservative Christian household. So as expected, I developed a lot of internalized homophobia growing up. I was especially insecure about the sound of my voice because I felt it sounded too feminine. I also had insecurities surrounding my mannerisms and perceived masculinity in general. I was afraid that people would perceive me as girly, weak, a coward, sissy, punk, and et cetera because of the femininity that I sometimes displayed.
However, it's taken a lot of years and a lot of self-love to no longer be insecure about those things. I still have a long way to go... But it feels good to know that I'm not the only one who's insecure about that...
This was oddly calming. Nice to hear people talk about things that I'm insecure about too.
the guy that said “i droped out of college to go to culinary school” is something i’ve never even thought of to be bad. culinary school is still school you still need a good gpa, scholarships, financial aid and stuff like that to get into a school. everyone is smart in different ways.
Just a reminder to everyone that you are beautiful in your own way & that ‘societal norms’ & ‘beauty standards’ are detrimental & most importantly fake. Being able to accept yourself as you are is the most powerful thing you can do.
Not everyone is beautiful, if they were, the concept would be lacked of purpose.
I accept myself as a non beautiful person whose looks some people find cool, which is fine.
calling myself 'beautiful' would feel both, a bit delusional, and like giving up to the external pressure to feel that way.
@@cristian-bull I see what you mean. I could’ve clarified it more. I meant beautiful as more than just the physical aspects and more so the entire makeup of a person. Basically what makes them the ‘whole package.’
Beauty standards actually help drive us to stay fit, healthy and desirable so....
we need to stop telling people they'fe beautiful when they're not coz it's only emphasizing the importance of being beautiful. sometimes we just need to accept we're average and that's okay.
@@TryingtoTellYou they can be a positive or negative drive. But also that opens up people's willingness to judge you unnecessarily. We have all done that.
I was so insecure today after scrolling trough social media too much… so I really needed this video today, thank you 🥰
Friendly word of advice: stay off of it. It’s superficial and gives off a false image. It’s not worth getting your self-esteem damaged by something unrealistic (I.e influencers).
Be yourself and do what makes you happy.
Yeah, social media is full of fake things
the fact that people who seem fucking beautiful to me have insecureities about the way they look realy comforts me. like, i don`t want anyone to feel insecure, but at the same time it realy shows me that you don`t have to like everything about yourself to be seen as beautiful by others.
1:36 her hair is GORGEOUS
I would love to watch a behind-the-scenes video about what it’s like to edit these
The best way I found to not care what people think is sympathy.
More often than not, what people judge about you is what they secretly judge about themselves. Once I realized that their judgments were a reflection of how they saw and felt about themselves, it made me sad for them because I've been there.
For some reason I always thought of physical things about me when i thought of insecurities, so it was quite mind blowing to hear people mentioning mental insecurities... Yes, yes, I HAVE THAT TOO
This people are BRAVE, I could NEVER even tell my best friend my biggest insecurity talk more of saying it on camera
I felt relieved that others also feeling insecure about their personality. I feel it is too big, or not empathetic enough or can make others feel uncomfortable constantly. Which makes me feel like I’m making mistakes with how I treat others. And ask myself if I’m truly being respectful and so on.
I'm 28 and severely balding. I always wore hats in public. Once I discovered shaving my head it boosted my confidence significantly (saved money too on haircuts). I still get a little self conscious when my hair grows past a certain length
I loveee bald guys. Glad your confidence has boosted.
My biggest insecurity is also about my personality and my English. I have always been struggling with making friends my entire life, and as an immigrant who moved to the US when I was 14, I always feel my English is not good enough to become indistinguishable from the people around me. Due to the lack of social interaction, I never really got to make many friends who actually spoke the language. I just let every growth opportunity slip away, avoiding putting myself out there as much as i can.
bro. i can relate to the guy @ 2:36 so much. i’m a black female, but people have told me that i wasn’t black enough. because i really enjoy k-pop and anime, and i have been told that i’m trying to act white because i like those things. how? this is just my personality. and people in my school used to say “you’re a white girl in a black girl’s body” because i personally don’t say the n-word and i don’t really talk with a blaccent, so that makes me trying to be white?? this is just how i grew up talking, i don’t know what you want from me.
i resonate to a lot of these insecurities and it is kind of comforting/(sad) to see i'm not the only one who feels like this
Even though he dropped outa college, he's still on the road to success because he's still learning, hes going to cullinary school. You don't need a college degree to be successful
“at 22 i feel like i haven’t accomplished enough in my life” 🙃🙃Girl
"Coming off bubbly and people thinking i have no brain up in there." I almost sobbed because this resonated so hard with me
That advice hit me in my heart. This is something I’m struggling w right now, hard.
God I love this channel. This channel has done so much for me and this world, and no one even knows that fully yet.
I’m gonna make an impact like this. Somehow. Some way. Just don’t know what it is yet
@@Ghxstgvrl I can relate. This channel and jubilee create content that makes you realise that there are other people going through the same shit as you are. You are not alone.
The advice to gorge yourself out of depression or to throw profanities at anyone who has a word of criticism for you?
Im not really insecure about anything other than my voice but it’s pretty wild to see how much being self conscious about what you sound like can impact your social and communication skills
The guy who drop out of school to go to cooking school is an accomplishment
"The only person that can tell you something TRUE about yourself is YOU." YES!
looks at stupid comment confusedly
@@TryingtoTellYou you mean your own?
@@Manvir. Um. How does one comment in response to a comment they have not yet made?
I always get insecure when people ask me where I work and if I went to college. I got over my image insecurities because I realized most people don’t care what you look like.
omg the "too emotional and sensitive" girl made me wanna cry
“The only person who can tell you anything true about yourself is you”
I’m holding onto this one 💜
Except that a lot of people aren't self aware and don't realize how harmful they are toward others. In those cases, others are more truthful than ourselves.
How others perceive me. Any time I’m in public and I hear people laughing I automatically assume they’re laughing at me
3:41 culinary school is passion, do what you love!! I do the same
I was riddled with insecurities as a kid and a young adult, but the older I get, the less I care what others think about me. I know that's probably not universal, but I'd wish it for everyone.
Chances are, if someone think's I'm trash or the best human in the world, they're wrong.
Statically that's true for most. Self confidence goes up with age
0:26 "my teeth" she says with a smile out of a toothpaste commercial
0:15 is so gorgeous omg i can’t even
This shows the beauty of us all. Different physically and emotionally. But yet we all have our issues.
3:15 : “Anything you do they will tear you down for it” 💯 📌
I started living for myself when I realized this
Love seeing humans showing their humanity. Let's celebrate each other.
You're 22! You have so much time to live a life you love 💛
Thank you ❤️
It's strange because I'm so incredibly negative toward myself about my physical appearance (from face to knees and everything in between) but when I hear other people talk about their insecurities, I'm instantly like "Oh never! You are stunning, my god! Don't ever think that."
4:46 There's something so ironic about people with insecurities giving advice on dealing with insecurities. Like, if your advice doesn't work for you, then why are you giving it? lol
crazy to see people insecure about what other people think about them and how they perceive them because thats just something that never crosses my mind
I've come to the conclusion that everybody has their own fears and fights of varying sizes they deal with- even the coolest person you know, you're not the first to have them and you're definitely not any lower than everyone else for having them, accept what you can't change and deal with what you can all while saying to yourself that you're trying and you love yourself for that.
I feel insecure because I don't have family and anyone to rely on. Makes me feel like a stranger in a strange land.
Others can say true statements about you as well. A lot of people don't actually realize how abusive or manipulative they are until someone else identifies situations.
Such a wide range in answers! I was certainly expecting the body shame, but the concerns about personality caught me off guard!
I always love these videos because they show me different perspectives! I’ve always had a personality that people enjoy, and I kinda figured most people have good personalities but sometimes you just gotta get to know em first. I didn’t realize that was insecurity for some folks!
The fact that i am 41 with no family or house of my own. I feel like i am not man enough for a woman because i don’t have that macho confidence that every man has. And i know girls love men who are ambitious and confident. Sooo basically i feel like i am not good enough for anyone.
It's nice to see others also feel insecure about their personality(I don't know if that came out right). Most people talk about physical insecurities, so it feels nice to see it.
To have all those insecurities at once is killing me😂😂🤦🏼♂️
1:34 "i just speak how i feel" i'm not sure if this person's insecurity is that since there's not much context but it's interesting that they point that out because as a very shy and quiet person, i generally look up to people who are outspoken and say what's on their mind. maybe to these kinds of people they might be insecure about it and while i can't completely understand it since i'm not like that, to me, i admire that a lot. of course there's a difference between saying *anything* that could potentially hurt other people and being outspoken but as someone who overthinks a lot and has a difficult time expressing myself, i really do admire these types of people. i know there are some people who like shy people for various reasons and i respect that, but it can be hard to see my shyness as anything other than weakness, especially when it has affected my life in many ways
Okay loved this. now I wanna hear everyone’s thing they love about themselves most for some positivity 💖
Very relatable. I care waaaaay too much what others think of me/how they perceive me. I gotta work on that
0:25 "My teeth" wtf what is supposed to be wrong with them?😂
Hey, don't judge them. It takes courage to admit insecurities.
This video made me emotional. I feel so seen ❤
1:35 girlll girl aww I really do relate to this so much and it's so sad to feel that way
Feeling lonely when you're not even alone is the worst feeling in the world
I always felt like an imposter. I was highly successful in my chosen career. I was highly respected by my coworkers. I always felt like I wasn’t as gifted as others perceived me to be.
I want to party with all these people. They all seem so fun.
I was waiting for someone to talk about being insecure about their intelligence! That and being short, I feel like it's harder to be taken seriously
Being short insecurity >>>>>>> any other insecurity
The guy who's going into culinary school: the economy's changing. A PhD isn't worth what it used to be worth, and it doesn't set you up the way it used to. I think it's smart not to saddle oneself up with debt just for the sake of a piece of paper that has a lower chance of paying for itself as time's gone on (unless you're getting into a specific profession, of course).
1:31 I highly doubt her “personality” got her fired. She probably checks her horoscope daily, and disrespected her boss, thinking that’s just her “big personality” in her zodiac sign. 🤡💀
it's sad that the absolute majority of these insecurities come from how others see us or have made us feel in the past :(
I kept saying "oh and that too! " for the rest of the video
I think I really needed this video. I’m glad I’m not the only one that has certain insecurities .
This actually helped me in a weird way… thanks :)
I’ve been insecure about my 5 head since high school😭but over the past years I’ve just embraced it and I’m learning to love it
2:45 ppl don't think ur white bc of ur voice buddy...
He’s definitely mixed
@@kayfaith5058 with like 10% black, like I have to squint to see it
I'm the combination of 70% of them (in case of insecurities)
I love all the Greys Anatomy merch people were wearing 😂
0:26 thats crazy cause before she said that i was thinking “wow she has nice teeth”💀
The ultimate take away is insecurity is an inevitable human trait. Change the things you can, accept the things you cannot. It's that simple and If you can't manage that prepare to be unhappy for a very long time. I'm speaking as someone with insecurities from both past traumas and not.
I have insecurities about my weight, my cheeks, my chin, my belly... However, as much as I know these insecurities are originated by extremely unhealthy social beauty standards, I feel like is not the society what's making me feel insecure, but myself. I don't like my body as it is right now, whether the reason is originated in society's beauty standards or not. It's kinda ingrained, like that lady said, in all of our minds. And since I want to look a certain way, I feel like I won't be enough for myself until i get there. No matter how many people say my belly looks cute.
I honestly don't talk about my insecurities too much, and that's why I'm bringing it up here. I'm curious. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Omg same!!!
I feel this way completely. It started from a young age. I think what also made me feel insecure is being constantly compared to my twin sister and not being desired by a lot of people. So on top of the dislike I had for how certain parts of myself looked- bcoz those parts got me into situations where I was bullied (like my weight and the scars I had on my legs from mosquito bites)- I battled with trying to change them so that I get desired more and that i appeal to what people liked about my twin. It's still ingrainrd in the back of my mind even when i go shopping. And it's just making me feel sad a lot
@@charmainephasoana6850 sorry, I didn't read this before. But same. I feel undesired, and that tops over my own insecurities to make me feel even worse
Ladies, we are NEVER too much or extra.
best advice for insecurity: DGAF about others' opinion
Definitely my teeth. It’s the thing that people see first when you open your mouth. It’s a hard thing to overcome.
These have basically become my therapy sessions, tears and all 🙃
The fact that there are MULTIPLE people wearing “it’s a good to save lives” merch...🔥🔥🔥
So the cosincese is that we're all insecure about various things. We can get through it as a human race, we're all we got
Is it weird that i am insecure about ALL the insecurities they list
No, I'm also insecure abt everything except the ones who are gay, becoz I'm not gay and I'm a female
My biggest insecurity is my skin. Hyperpigmentation and very bad intertrigo. Oh and acne. It is difficult and costly to try and get rid of.
For some reason when I saw the thumbnail I thought it said "biggest insect curry"
To the lady with the thick calves= 😍😍
I'm short and skinny and as a young adult I get treated like a dumb teenager and completely disrespected by much older adults or even those around the same age as me. Its almost a daily thing of everyone treating me like a child when I'm a fully functioning adult. I get carded for anything and even at the movie theatres, the workers start accusing me of having a fake id when it's my real drivers license. I hate looking so young, life is hard with people constantly making comments about it I'm very insecure about it
To much soft emotions here on this show lol
Physical: My acne and giant forehead worsened by my receeding hairline
Personality: That I dont fit in and people dont like me or that I'm not respected/taken seriously
The personality one is me omg
2:43 genuine question and I try not to sound rude, but how can this man "identify" as a black person? Really no offense, but I'm not the only guy who sees a white man? I'm wondering, maybe both or one of his parents are black and that's why? Someone enlighten me with a logical answer please. Again don't cancel me lol, just asking cause this was hella confusing
i was just about to say this
He's very light skinned but it's possible that one of the parents is black so
He looks to me mixed probably with one parent being white or southern European and the other being half indigenous half black I seen people like him in Guatemala!
if hes mixed half and half he probably feels like he’s missing out on the black side of himself
I took it as meaning that he’s white passing but is black and identifies as so
I love Cut so much ❤ such beautiful people always.
The moment you stop caring what everyone else thinks is the moment you start to appreciate what you might have felt insecure about. I was always incredibly insecure about my speech impediment. I still can be at times. However, I now speak openly about my speech impediment and take pride in my voice because it comes from me and no one else. Anyone who thinks their judgement can now affect me will be sorely mistaken. I respect myself, my voice, my speech impediment, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me.
Its an inheirently human thing to have insecurities. Everyone has something they wish they can improve upon I'm sure of it
the girl at 4:40 is so beautiful
My biggest insecurity is my chest, and i don't do things for myself.
I would suggest you talk to someone because you see yourself as ranked very low.
Wow, I have absolutely zero of those insecurities. I am really proud of that. I have my own securities but seems like I'm doin just fine.
the one one said teeth i literally stopped the video to see how gorgeous she was
My biggest insecurity is my jaw but it’s not worth it for me to go under the knife and get surgery. The risk of life long pain isn’t worth it. I’ll just have to deal with a weak chin. Oh well, I still bagged me a man! Lol
@@miketython8055naww 😂😂