I'm pretty sure the willingness of Americans to get vaccinated in the 40s wasn't just WW2 patriotism- The average American in that era had seen polio and TB first-hand, and was fairly likely to have family, neighbours, people they knew personally, who'd had a kid die from the preventable diseases that we vaccinate against. In a way, the modern anti-vax movement is a result of vaccination program's success- 99% of anti-vaxxers are people from developed nations, under 50, who've grown up, never seeing any harm done by vaccine-preventable illnesses like measles, mumps, TB, polio etc... BECAUSE vaccines have meant these illnesses are either non-existent, or so rare (in the first world, at least) that most people have never encountered them. But the average adult in the 1940s had grown up in a very different world...
Among the things that ignorant people are ignorant of is their own ignorance. Its one of the most fascinating and infuriating aspects of life as human.
The drastic reduction of polio was proven by multiple studies (including from several ivy league medical universities) to have been helped more by wastewater treatment & sanitation practices than the "vaccine." The first practical "vaccine" was exposing people to cow pox triggering an immune building response that kept them from later dying of smallpox. People wouldn't have to be getting jabbed all the time of they weren't raised in bubbles of isopropyl alcohol.
@@harbingertheheretic3541 Polio is not only transmitted by dirty feces contaminated water, but also from bodily fluid (drool, sneeze, cough) of infected person. Hence vaccination is still needed or else you want another COVID like situation . Then again your last sentence implied we should be living in a more dirty way if we want to be immune from virus without vaccine, which negates the asserted benefit of wastewater treatment.
Another issue with the idea of "your choice on which 300$ insulin to buy" is that this ONLY works for the rich. The poor, like me, often only have one option anyway, either because outreach programs can only afford the cheapest option, or because I can only afford the cheapest option. Take antibiotics, I have an allergy to both ammox and sulfa drugs... so doctors are wary of giving me amoxicillin's little sister: penicillin. However the other antibiotics are prohibitively expensive. This means that despite me having the "choice" of antibiotics with few or no side effects, I've actually had to take something I was allergic to and hope that my reaction wasn't too bad, because the "alternative" was to go without antibiotics at all.
Tbf, novalin is available for 25$ for about two week's supply. It's not ideal but knowing this has saved a lot of hassle at the free clinic. It's not ideal but it can tide people over until they are able to get enrolled in medicaid and can get to a real endocrinologist.
And yet, thanks to the market, you have other options, and so does everyone else. Innovation is stifled in places where the free market is regulated. $300 insulin doesn't work only for the rich. Insulin companies GIVE AWAY insulin to those who cannot afford it. The problem with antibiotics isn't the market... it's the government interference in the market. They actually CANNOT give it to you for free, because of government regulation. They're afraid that it will create some kind of crazy superbug... which may be true... but people still suffer because of it, and the market would solve that problem anyway.
And that sounds rough, but the price of drugs and medical care is a deep routed issue that has less to do with anti-vaxxers, and more to do with our insurance system and the way medicine is regulated. Employers are encouraged, or sometimes even required to provide health insurance for their employees, either by government regulations or just economic and political pressure, and health insurance is almost a must for Americans. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals can charge up the wazzu, because they don't operate in a free market, where customers choose the lowest price. Hospitals usually don't charge patients, they charge large insurance corporations, and so they charge a lot. It's common practice for hospitals to have different fees for insured v.s uninsured transactions. They upcharge people with insurance. There's almost no incentive to keep prices low or operations efficient. And, it's not to say that all healthcare would be exceedingly affordable if hospitals were forced to compete in a free market. America has incredibly rigourous and strict regulations on hospital operations, we have hefty requirements to become licensed, and all of this adds up to making things expensive. Not to say that it's bad persay. You want to make sure that drugs are safe, but the more testing you have to do, the more expensive it gets. The higher qualified someone has to be to get licensed, the more expensive they will be. That's why drugs are cheaper in China, they have lower standards. America has the viewpoint of absolute perfection as a bare minimum when it comes to healthcare. And it's expensive. We get ambulance rides for just about anything. We give MRIs out like candy. We have the biggest, the best, the most. Doctors are insured against malpractice suits... Etc. And it's expensive. I think that first and foremost, a legislation that everyone could get behind, would be mandated transparent pricing for all hospitals, and complete open accounting books for any hospital that receives a dime of taxpayer money or donations. You should know what things cost and why. But idk I guess
@@hunterterrell9930 I agree, even with the regulation you proposed. I'm an anarchocapitalist, so that's saying a lot. I mean, if we can't have an absolute free markets -- I don't want doctors to have to be qualified by anyone but their patients -- then that's the next best thing. You summed it up nicely friend. If anyone wants to test your claim, I urge them to walk into a doctor's office at their next appointment and ask how much an X-ray costs. Your doctor does NOT know, and neither does anyone else in the building, either.
I agree but people also tend to lump everything under that category. While at the same time 12 people in 8 months go missing after they make a breakthrough or find another cure for cancer. We have many many cures and we actually do know what causes it it's just that those things are like the framework of our society so it would be "world-ending" for that stuff to actually get out to the public
@@larsy7563 well it's only "probable" bc it was never allowed to be replicated and if it was wrong why would it need to be silenced?? Most of our problems could easily be solved if we just accepted and understood the universe even just as much as we pretend to. Studies have shown that real differences in the growth of plants when you say negative things to them as apposed to positive, the fact that computers work proves that the world is not physical that it is energy, and we know that time is a man made construct yet insist in time travel and the multiverse. It's like we are running away from the truth
It's the thinking of most people in the world. The only thing is that the people who don't want to benefit everyone else usually don't realize they're benefiting themselves too.
Most people are inherently good, but the politicians, media and corporations who have the most indirect effects on our lives might operate by “What’s best for me". We aren't communist or socialist, so individuals still have the freedom to think and choose for themselves outside of what you call "American life".
@@TylerWitucki thanks to American education you, like many, believe media, government, and corporations have “indirect” influence over us while socialism is bad and capitalism gives us real freedom......
@@gking407 At least I'm educated. You are clueless if you believe corporations, media, and the government don't have a large impact on people. Please go to communist China or North Korea and have your freedoms striped away and tell me how free you feel. Socialism has never worked out in history....
4:33 What was the logic behind putting a note on a grenade that you throw through someone's window?! Was it a fake grenade they knew wouldn't explode and only wanted to look more intimidating than a rock with a note? Did they expect him to pick up the grenade and read the note before it exploded? Were they expecting him to live through the explosion and then find the note afterwards?
FBI found the passports of 9-11 hijackers, and the Nashville Christmas bomber, post explosion... and if you believe that, you prolly believe Epstein killed himself.
Wait, why have I always known Jenny McCarthy was involved with the Anti-Vax movement (in fact it's pretty much all I know about her) but I'm just now learning that Jim Carey was right there beside her the whole time? Did I just miss that obliviously or has this just not been pinned to him as nearly heavily as it has to her?
Jim Carey kept a pretty low profile for a long time, and people remember liking his movies, so the fact that he was a known figure but not loud made him less of a target. McCarthy expressly puts herself into public about it so it's easy for her to be a target. Women selling weird medical/health junk sometimes get lambasted harder than comparable men, but in this case there's a clear reason.
Because McCarthy was the leader of the movement. Carrey was just her boyfriend at the time. I bet you can't name a single boyfriend of the BLM leader, can you?
Nobody is killing children. They aren't being "vaccinated" since they're not at risk of contracting the overhyped flu called coronavirus. Polio caused many adverse side effects including neurological damage and cancer that emerged decades later. Autoimmune disorders and blood clots have occurred among duped people who've been injected with the Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca genetic therapies (misidentified as vaccines.) I have no patience for these idiots getting jabbed with untested drugs that are a giant experiment involving a bioweapon that will destroy your immune system. Why do you think 100% of all animals that were tested with these drugs died when exposed to later viruses? Look up pathogenic priming.
@@NickZedd1 Oh, look. It's the rise of Dr. Google. I suppose you think that it's just a coincidence that numbers are plummeting and plummeting faster where vaccination rates are higher.
"High protein" for a cereal. Just to put that into perspective, that whole bowl, milk and all, has less protein than 2 Eggs. More nutrition than frosted flakes is a really low bar.
@@Acteaon That's a hell of a lot more convenient than a bowl of anything. However "As PART OF a balanced breakfast." If you want protein, eat a protein. Trying to get it from a grain is bass ackwards.
I guess this is the first time I've seen someone properly adress this issue on this website. It's not just about spitting out "anti-vaxxers are idiots" on the table. What caused their unease? What is it that makes it stronger nowadays? Is there anything we can do to stop it? And there we have it, a video that examinates both sides and says what is it that is wrong about the one and the other. Thank you Michael!
It's certainly a difficult topic. I must admit I find anti-vaxxers a bit frustrating to say the least. I just wish there was a direct way of dealing with them. I want to help them and stop them hurting others but I feel so powerless if I don't confront them.
@@georgesears2916 It's kind of that thing where an open dialogue could be the best possible way to make this happen, but unfortunately none of the sides want to have this neutral conversation or are just unwilling to listen, so it makes it way worse than it should be :P.
Let me start off with I'm not an antivaxxer. Don't ever call me that because you're not liars. Don't become one either. This is a question about freedom and if we should still have it or not. If health is now more important than it. I say it is not. People are free to not take a vaccine. I have taken the most important ones in my area and if someone else has not, that's not my responsibility. Just as it is not anyone's responsibility for me to take a new one but me. I own my body not anyone else. And if I don't trust a vaccine, it should, nay, MUST be my choice to take it because once that freedom goes I may as well put the chains on myself. I don't agree with most antivax rhetoric. But on the new one, I urge you not to be too trusting. Ask questions. And ask the right ones. Where is the photograph of the virus? Where are the signed laws that state that I forfeit my rights as a human being? Where are the test documents of said virus? Why are the regulations now suddenly upended whereas for the measles the dude lost every case until it was proven to exist? Ask questions. And if you don't get answers, get suspicious. That's why most people NOW don't trust this new vaccine. And for reference lookup Tiffany Pontes Dover. She supposedly dies 2 days after receiving the vaccine. There is way more out there but you have to be open to it. Truth will find a way but only if you let it. No more fear people. Love and peace.
@@dragon67849 I think you can certainly ask questions. The difference between an average person and an anti-vaxxer is that the average person usually has 3 to 5 questions about the vaccine, whereas the anti-vaxxer has 30 to 50 questions, most of which cannot be answered because the question's premise is all wrong. I don't care what drives a person's scepticism towards vaccines, what matters to me is if they take the vaccine by the end of the day. If you ask 1000 questions but choose to take the vaccine anyways then you're a vaxxer, but if you choose not to take the vaccine because of (insert reason here), then you're an antivaxxer. Antivaxxers don't get why we hate them. They think we hate them because they are asking so many questions. In fact, we hate them because antivaxxers, by definition, are people who prioritises their own safety, health, and freedom, over everybody else's, and they don't see a problem with that which baffles most people. They euphemise this sinister and toxic narcissism by calling it 'liberty' and 'freedom', when I think it is a form of dominion and subjugation.
I get why people don’t trust the government with their health. I’ve been getting vaccinated my whole life and I completely understand why others do not. We’ve been giving plenty of reasons to distrust. That’s the fault of our government and not of the people. That’s my opinion
The other thing that REALLY bothers me about anti-vaxxers: they are fundamentally stating to the world that they would rather their children be dead than autistic. It’s a declaration of conditional love. As someone on the functional end of the spectrum, I have trouble adhering to the ideology of better education for these people. When they basically state that it’s better for children to be dead than unexpectedly troublesome, it’s hard to root for them to be better.
@@Grimmlocked I don't even know you, I wouldn't love you at all regardless of what you were. Those that I do love, I love unconditionally, despite how harmful it is for me to do so. Not by choice, but because that's just how emotions work. You don't choose how you feel, if you do those aren't feelings, they're decisions.
"anti-vaxers" is a tribalist's insult to defame anyone that asks too many questions or raises sensible concerns on a completely corruptible and demonstrably corrupted industry and their (mostly) shoddy shots.
I don’t think it’s about trusting the government. If you don’t trust the government, and the government is telling you that murdering is bad, you wouldn’t go murdering everyone you see, just to prove that you don’t trust the government. It’s just a problem of people not using their brain, not believing in science.
@@thierryhenry674 I think there is also the checkered past of the pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines and the fact they have no liability for a supposedly safe vaccine. People are also under the impression that vaccines are “free”. This is not true your tax money is being spent on it. Pfizer stands to make 33.5 billion this year alone off the vaccine. Moderna has made 19.2 billion and that’s a company that’s only been around for 11 years and has never made a successful vaccine. I’m not saying don’t get vaccinated. People not questioning the government and pharmaceutical companies are the ignorant ones. Why is it so taboo to talk about the science behind the vaccine is there no room for improvement? Even the sitting president said don’t get vaccinated before he was in office! Crazy times we live in stay safe.
@@thierryhenry674 sorry but why should I "believe in science"? Most times that a great scientist has made a discovery, the majority of other scientists were either ignorant of it or outright refused to accept it. There was one scientist whose name I would have to look up who discovered that a certain strain of bacteria causes stomach ulcers. NO ONE else believed him. So he had to literally drink the bacteria to prove that it causes ulcers... By giving himself stomach ulcers! Science is not a democracy and it's certainly not something to "believe" in like you would believe in some kind of deity. It's something to be skeptical of and rigorously investigate. You must constantly search through all the dilettantes and corrupt sycophants of the dolers out of money and grants, to find the rare geniuses who actually fucking matter. Everyone believed the earth was flat until one man proved them wrong. Everyone believed the sun revolved around the earth until one man proved them wrong. Everyone thought that thalidomide was safe and effective before the minority proved that it caused babies to be born with tiny malformed limbs. It was on the market for like 4 years and injured like millions of fetuses across the world before it was finally confirmed to be dangerous. If your newest thalidomide is so fucking safe and effective, how about you just leave everyone who doesn't want it yet alone? I personally am not taking any new cutting edge medication until I see at least the TEN year outlook for the people it was first tested on. Aka, YOU.
It comes down to distrust of professionals and government and where one gets their information from. Simple as that. The distrust is fully justified if you look at the history of governmental/professional abuse. The concern ends up being where people get their information of and who one chooses to trust as purveyors of truth
Good. Then don't blame women who seek abortions or doctors seeking to give abortions from not trusting so-called "legal experts" such as prosecutors and judges when they tell you you are "under arrest" or "committing a crime" just for getting an abortion, no matter what the law says.
@@theultimatereductionist7592 I'm a conservative, I fully believe women have a right to pre-lateterm abortions. Talk to your state rep and let them know your concerns, ill call them too. Don't assume all issues are equal though, this Vax is suspicious as hell from its inception.
>Makes video about people being irrationally scared of something they don't understand >Promotes a product that lists "GMO-free" as an advantage as if GMOs were bad in the second minute of the video I get that youtube doesn't pay, but come ooooon
Notice a lot of the diseases they brought up were those that affect children. Which you should get them vaccinated for. The current thing not really a child problem. It's an old people problem.
See how fearmongering kills the golden rice project, which in turns fails to save children in 3rd world country. Thanks organic natural paleolithic raw pseudoscience!
I'm still pissed that I live in Africa where most of the crops we grow get shipped to The West who use them to feed cows which not only contribute to pollution through CO2 footprint, but also cause deforrstation for grazing ground. All of this just so they can supply meat to fast food restaurants and provide franchise opportunitues for us while people here are starving. The sad part is when I see people begging for money outside of an international fast food restaurant. It's just capitalism, right there in your face. Raw matrix. Inescapable.
@@yoloman3607 Before Prohibition the average American consumed almost triple the amount of booze that they do today. The prohibition greatly diminished the alcoholism of many people. That's why.
@@TheBrickMasterB That isn't true in the slightest. The average amount of alcohol drunk hasn't changed much in the US according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. In fact, the amount of pure alcohol ingested on average currently at 2.35 gallons is actually a mere two tenths of a gallon away what was recorded pre prohibition at around 2.56 gallons of pure alcohol from all sources annually.
@@yoloman3607 respectfully, that's a strawman. You tried to draw a line between criminalization and regulation, when in reality those forces work in opposite directions.
@@man_made_marsupial they call bullying "emphatic" twisted information for twisted minds, they call "history" making up stories, they forgot to mention parts of history when most people were made to believe that those who were set on fire are evil, not those who did set them on fire. Their eyes were blind to judge by the actions not words. They history of upside down inside out to the truth. They do not see how this guy stuff their mind with toxic ideas, and promote for their body toxic cancerous chemicals that he calls "food". I wish them good luck and may high forces clear their vision one day.
@@man_made_marsupial You do know that not everyone is lying to hurt your feelings right? Like you know that just because you don’t follow the “mainstream” it doesn’t make what you say true. You do get that you don’t receive special treatment just because somethings not flattering to you? It always makes me laugh when guys like you say the most basic, entitled, insecure, borderline retarded retort of “well people can lie” but expect people to trust you as THE only arbiter of truth from the ignorance of unsubstantiated nonsense on the internet. You and people who think the Earth is flat have the EXACT same arguments, where you demand authority in fields you have no knowledge of while playing the victim so you can claim to be right automatically. The fact that people in this country have become so spoiled and sheltered they think they’re the only ones who look into stuff is sickening. Can you even fathom research that’s not just a Google search? If you were asked how can we tell chemically what a certain medicine does in a demonstration without Wikipedia?
“If you believe that we can trust pharmaceutical companies to inject people only with drugs and toxins that are good for them, then you are neither a historian nor a critical thinker. There is a reason these companies demanded legal immunity from lawsuits - their products are inherently dangerous. And government officials are also immune from lawsuits. So the system inherently lacks accountability, regardless of one’s position on vaccination. Sadly, the political system is ironically dismissing the scientific method to promote a one-size-fits-all experimental pharmacy for the American people. Even vaccine-enthusiasts must admit that mandatory vaccination policies eliminate the continued availability of a control sample - a group of healthy and natural people - who check and balance their assumptions about the science of immunity.” Greg Glaser, JD
Magic Spoon costs $39.00 for (4) 7oz boxes. That comes out to over $22/lb. No thanks. I'll get myself a fancy steak for that price. It's also keto friendly.
I see exactly what you mean and agree but it's just an ad. It's not like he's grifting. The only time I ever buy something based on ads is good which is essentially porn.
I am currently in med school in Europe, and the idea of "shared decision-making", i.e. enabling the patient to make an informed decision, is really hammered into students' minds. However, in the public discussion we had doctors speak out against people being able to choose their vaccine, and also providing them with information, as that would only "confuse" them. And when people reacted with scepticism towards the vaccine, some politicians brought into play the idea of mandatory vaccines for certain jobs. It's like we don't learn form mistakes and just perpetuate what brought us here.
@@michaelmoraga2926 I think that we should stop praising "critical thinking" because ignorant people take the concept and weaponize it. Climate denialists and flat earthers, for instance, think that THEY are the ones using crititcal thinking and being smart because the Scientific community have formed some sort of Church of global warming or round earth, in their view. It's not "lack of critical thinking", it's just ignorance over how science and the scientists work.
@@randomthings1293 I appreciate your point, but if someone cannot think critically (and unable to question their own assumptions), they cannot understand The How of something they are unfamiliar with (like science). Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate an issue (to break it into its parts and understand its premises or motivations). It's not an elitist buzz word. Critical thinking is a necessary skill for independent thinking (and for a sound democracy), and a basic skill too often lost when testing and indoctrination are given priority (Hello USA). A well-rounded curriculum will include both humanities and science in order to promote this vital skill. 'Ignorant people' will weaponize anything they are threatened by, so avoiding something because they do not understand it is problematic (I think you may be talking political rhetoric, more than educational goals; apples & oranges). Full disclosure: I've taught reading/writing for 25 years in multiple cultures; literacy and university. Writing is thinking. I appreciate this exchange of ideas. Peace!
I’ve heard from countless individuals that regret getting the covid jabs, who stopped getting more. And I've talked to hundreds that have had zero, and not even one regrets their decision. In fact, the vast majority agree that not participating in this is one of the best decisions that we’ve ever made in our lives. ^ All that I need to know, right there ^
Welcome to the human race. We are emotional creatures, not logical ones. We evolved to succumb to peer pressure from our in group, because we depended on our in group for our survival. Modern science has shown that if you present information that contradicts what a human believes, and that belief is a part of their in group's core identity, that contrary information will only deepen the belief, rather than change it. This is the backfire effect. The harder you try to change someone's mind, even if they believe in something objectively and provably incorrect, the more they will resist you and resent you for your efforts. We are still looking for a solution to this problem.
There is no problem and no solution is need it! If you believe in vaccines , go ahead and do it, I believe they are harmful and will never do it!! No one will make me do it!! Why is it a problem for you??
@@archiemelkonian if you sign a contract says if you got sick from a vaccines preventable diseases and will not seek hospitalization thus took critical medical supplies from other patients. Hell yeah do whatever you want. Did you sign such contract?
The problem with people turning to alternatives, many unproven, is in large part the fault of the culture of medicine itself. Especially in relation to how women are treated. Typical experience: dismissiveness, minimization, not listening to your concerns, rushing you out the door without providing any solutions, comments along the lines of 'you're just stressed' or 'anxious' while ignoring the concerns. Medicine is one of the most patriarchical and narcissistic professions out there. If medicine is to become an institution people trust again, it needs to start with listening to the concerns of patients and in particular, start treating women better. Make women's health a priority. They can take some serious cues from how the average naturopath consults with their patient.
The fifth point made in this essay seems the most important one to me. It revolves around what's called "Self-defeating prophecy". From Wikipedia: Epidemics with grim projections also encourage changes that can prevent those projections from coming true and in turn lead to people questioning these changes because the projections did not come true. For our discussion it means that the prevention of diseases via herd immunity has lowered the risk of suffering from the disease to the level where side effects of getting the vaccine are equally likely. It's a fragile balance between self interest and the welfare of all.
I worked at gas station when it was getting bad about masks. The amount of people who screamed at me, tried to fight me, tell me that “I’m lucky they’re Christians otherwise they’d shot me”, had to have the police make them leave because they’re stalking the store, cry about how “THIS IS JUST LIKE CHINA” tell me that I’m racist for making black peoples wear masks, people tell me I’m racist for making white people wear masks, I’m a Communist, they’re going to “boycott the store because we should be helping each other out”, and every other thing that’s stereotypically MS. My favorites were the spoiled brats that who said “nope. I’ve got asthma. I don’t have to do anything! You can’t make me! What you’re saying if I was black or in a wheelchair you wouldn’t serve me! You’re a racist”! It was also funny how they would record us and say “I’m being discriminated against” then I’d say “let the little girl have a tantrum” then they’d record themselves threatening to kill me and thought that wouldn’t be a problem. I did let people come in out without masks, and our store got fined. They said if it happened again then whoever let them in was going to have to pay the fine, and lose their job, and insurance. When I told people that they said “So what?! I didn’t make you do it! You’ve gotta take responsibility for helping me out!” I lost my shit! “Hey we’re all supposed to stick together!” immediately followed by “hey every man for himself”. I told people “sure I’ll let you come in without a mask! But you have to promise you’ll pay the fine, and let me use your insurance when I lose mine after I’m fired.” YOU’RE A GOD DAMN COMMUNIST! Why should I pay for something YOU did? Why is everything against ME! So yea. I’ve lost total respect for the country, my state, my people, the conservative ideals I was told to have, and basic honesty/decency. It’s heartbreaking when you realize everything you’ve been told to believe is a lie. You realize the “foundation” you built your home under is sand. The builder knew it was sand, knew you wouldn’t check, and knew you’d find out but didn’t care.
@@mistersippi2945 The ultimate result of 'every man for himself' is stone-age living standards. Every important thing in life is the result of communal effort, from the two people needed to make a baby, to enterprises, to science, to law and order, and to the existence of countries.
@@juanausensi499 oh I agree. In fact that’s what I thought everyone else thought too. I never turned down someone who needed my help on a project, even if it was hard, because we were told that a real community does things like that. It wasn’t until the last let’s say 6-7 years of my life I’ve learned that I was the rube handing cash to the carny. What they REALLY meant is “I should always get what I want no matter what”. Followed by “disagree and I’ll kill you”. Followed by them telling me that I’m the one in the wrong for just not being part of the flock.
@@mistersippi2945 I think exacerbated individualism in the USA is the end result of the Cold War and the idiological conflict with communism. The effort put in make a difference maybe was too great, and things that in the rest of the world are just common sense in the USA are seen as pro-Communist.
@@juanausensi499 I definitely agree with that. I’ve worked since I was 11 years old and throughout high school and college I kept that job (office cleaning), and had a job at the mall, and football practice, and property maintenance, and family obligations because I was one of the only trustworthy responsible people in my family. I was still told I’m “too lazy” because I was young. By people who haven’t had a job in decades and say that’s fine because “I got disability/fibromyalgia”. Someone called me a lazy Communist for helping my aunt do yard work and not expecting money. Fat slugs who I’ve worked circles around took credit for the shit I DID because they were in their 40s-50s and I was early 20s. People who are proud to boast that they live off their parents money called me communist, while he said that anyone whose not rich is lazy. To people who’ve worked their whole lives and are far from rich. And the sick thing is the just sat there and took it! Like eunuchs they let this 24 year old lecture them about “hard work and manliness” after he said he’s never had a job! So on top of what you said a lot of people are just dickless nobodies who want to be subservient.
You couldn't try to have some kind of conversation with an actual person who is vaccine-hesitant or something? By any pre-2021 definition, these are not vaccines. They had to change the definition, just for these injections. These vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission. What beneficial effect they do have wears off, we don’t know when. They probably don’t protect against new variants or mutations. The vaccines have unknown longterm side effects.
@@odinsrensen7460 Do I want to possibly stay alive, or possibly have a longterm side effect. Yes. I mean... no. I mean... Well, I guess the choice is mine. ^_^
@@JohnAcey "When you control opinion, as corporate America controls opinion in the United States by owning the media, you can make the masses believe almost anything you want, and guide them as you please." ~ Gore Vidal
Because she's hot. I'd rather listen to Jenny McCarthy than a committe of saggy-faced, Dr Whatshisface and them, from the famous Protestant college hospital down there in Colorado or something.
@@ScribblebytesWorldwide I dunno, I might be old fashioned but I prefer to get my medical advice from a Doctor instead of someone being famous for looking good. Jenny is qualified to give advice about grooming, make up and posing for pictures but not to give medical advice. It is better to be bored then dead. But it seems like people trust more in celebrities then people with actual knowledge today and yeah, it is more fun to listen to Kanye ranting about politics then an actual politician but I still don't want him in charge of things. I blame Bono, he was one of the first celebrity "experts".
@@tokivikerness8863 Well, yes, but "legal" doesn't necessarily mean "easily accessible." And in many places in the US, there's a very small window of time during pregnancy in which getting an abortion is legal.
@@Schutti73 Getting six or seven or eight shots against the same disease over three years makes me wonder: does it reflect faith or distrust for the jab? And does it reflect obliviousness to the great rise in the incidence of myocarditis, stroke and turbo cancers since its roll-out?
I'd say that I'm a pro-vaxxer (I just had my flu-shot and planning to get my c-19 when it's available for me) but honestly, I'm glad to hear a more in-depth view of reasons for mistrust and uncertainty rather than "Cause they're tin foil hat dumb, hur der". By the looks of it, trust is more rare than... well... anything. And where we heading, trust becomes rarer each moment.
I’ve already seen and heard of countless cases of people dying and suffering terrible reactions. 3% of people vaccinated have severe events causing hospitalization or death. THIS IS WORSE THAN COVID. Look at the possible side effects from FDA, they’re all very severe and worse than much of what covid would do to most people. The main ingredient in anti freeze is in the vaccine.
@@LuckyW23Dude, listen. I'm Pro-vaccine. I had no issues with them and would rather to see everyone get them while they can. I praised Wisecrack for their nuance and understanding about Anti-vaxxers. Yes it's easy for me to point and laugh to score points among my peers but I understand there is more than that. If you going to tell me how "Vaccines is poison" and the same Anti-vaxxer propaganda expect me to convert me, then you are no better than the Pro-vaccine people that scream "Get the shot, tin foil idiots". Also everything has a risk, people choke on food all the time but would that stop you from eating? I had no issues/reactions with any of my past vaccinations, so I'll take that 3% risk just to end this Covid-19 nightmare.
I noticed this bit of hypocrisy myself. I understand that the sponsor probably made him stress the "no GMO" part, but it's still hilarious. I wonder if Wisecrack would have the balls to do a video about how GMOs aren't really anything to be afraid of, and keep the same sponsor and the same speech about how their cereal is "GMO free".
@@SuperOmnicronsj44 Most of the anti-vaxxers he cited are anti-GMO too, haha. Mercola is a big example of a guy who profits off his fake "cures" for "GMO-induced diseases". A lot of money in anti-GMO grifting with the help of the Big Organic Lobby .
This was an entire unit in my History of Western Medicine course in under 30 minutes! Also one of the major proponents of inoculations in England was Lady Montagu who learned of the practice during her husband’s stint as an ambassador in the Ottoman Empire. Her positive reception (since she herself was scarred by it) helped with acceptance in the aristocracy.
Did they teach the difference between inoculation and transfection? Is it ok to adapt a trusted wording to increase acceptance of an experimental genetic immunization? People didn't wanna eat GMO.. Now they become GMOs themselves - and they believe it's just a harmless inoculation!
@@ScienceMessiah What are you talking of GMOs you tool? First off, not all Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines. Second, mRNA does not changes DNA. It doesn´t even get into the cell nucleus.
@@ScienceMessiah you are the genius that should look it up. Reverse transcription is dependent on an enzyme PRODUCED BY A FEW VIRUSES. Humans don't have such enzyme. Thus there is no way to transform the RNA from those vaccines into DNA and insert in our genome. Even after billions of vaccinations, with trillions of cells in each individual, the chances are not zero, the chances of such thing being harmful is near zero. After all, as YOU SHOULD KNOW, reverse transcription IS a mechanism used by certain viruses... it has happened for billions of years. And most probably all of us have had viruses doing just that and adding junk DNA in much greater quantities than possible by mRNA vaccines considering our lack of the enzyme. Are you a privatdozen in WHAT discipline? Homeopathy? Crystals? Chromatic therapy?
The State: **builds on a historical legacy of deeply unethical medical experimentation and paternalism to maintain a for-profit healthcare Industry focused on Medical Intellectual property monopolies and pharmaceutical price-gouging** People in general: **Stop trusting the state & healthcare Industry in favour of increasingly paranoid and baroque conspiracy theories** The State: **Pikachu Face**
America is a country that strongly supports being independent, and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Trusting other people and doing things to help other is the antithesis of American Individualism.
But if they were truly about individualism, then they shouldn't rely on others for anything. Like why not grow their own food or make their own furniture instead of going to a store.
@@Justanotherconsumer Oh yes, the tried and true "note tied to a rock thrown through a window" delivery system. But with the added threat of fire and explosion.
TCG Guide Thats pretty disingenuous to say “ Bloodletting still exists today “. It exists foe ONE condition: Hemochromatosis. Hundreds of years ago it was considered standard therapy for a multitude of problems, without ANY proven benefit.
@@Rainman270 No hemochromotosis is what I have but it's also used in the treatment of these other conditions as well; polycythemia vera, porphyria cutanea tarda, and polycythemia secondary to arterio-venous fistulae, cyanotic congenital heart disease or cor pulmonale.
@@tcgguide3818 ok, you got a few more there, but drawing blood has been PROVEN to be beneficial and have therapeutic benefit, unlike Bloodletting hundreds of years ago for any number of reasons.
@@glebbokhan9777 In C D's case they are hot white women that, according to C D, should be taken down a peg whenever possible... possibly just due to their attractive features.
High glycemic index cereals lead to inflammation and heart disease... much like vaccines. That's why the "take the shot get free Krispy Kreme" is so appropriate to those who want to destroy their health in two different ways. FYI: Post Raisin Bran has a higher glycemic index than Coka Cola.
Brilliantly well-researched vid. Fair play to you guys! The irony of being sponsored by Magic Spoon though: "GMO-free" is a definite grift, on par with homeopathy
So many things that are gluten free display gmo free as well, I cringe as I eat.... Anything edible. And now I have to switch to a gluten free diet because of Celiac's disease. Lowkey was considering buying that cereal 😭💀
I've had the phizer vaccine (both shots) but won't be taking the 'booster' shot. I didn't realise the vaccine is only effective for 6 to 8 months. I'll queue for a vaccine that actually works
Hey magic spoon. In the immortal words of Chris Farley, "You can slap a guarantee on a box but all it tells me is that it's a guaranteed piece of shit."
So not only the discredited doctor is responsible but so does the lawyer that paid him to write the article. They should be send to trail and send to solitary confinement.
I tried magic spoon, the cereal was so bad I threw it away and contemplated eating the box. Also it has shit nutrition according to the nutrition facts it is way worse than most of those "sugary" which are often fortified with tons of stuff.
@@dallascarpenter5168 Well you kinda can. Vaccines are absolutely necessary in an urbanised society and not using them is murderous, while GMO are optional, and while safe for consumption, their total long-term economic effect is difficult to assess due to monoculture risks and the like. In part, GMO products have been made to sell herbicides and pesticides which at one time were safer and more efficient than alternatives, but over time, organisms resistant to these have been emerging. GMO themselves may not be an issue, but they are part of an overall approach to high intensity farming that may not turn out to be very sustainable long term. But i doubt that's specifically the line of thinking most anti-GMO consumers have. And unqualified and sitting right beside each other in the video, it's still damn funny!
2020 Alec: Can we do a whole series of videos focused on different aspects of the anti-vaxxer movement? Jared: No. 2021 Alec: Can we do a whole series of videos focused on different aspects of the anti-vaxxer movement? ... Alec: ... Yes.
It appears they were right. 1 Million injuries requiring medical attention and over 20k deaths for a virus with a 98.5% survival rate. The CDC says VAERS is nothing to see because the reports are not verified while another source says the average reporting is 1-2% so it could be 50-100 times worse. Life insurance companies are feeling the pain with over 100k claims for payouts per month too.
"This videos is all about how antivaxxers are ridiculous and anti-science but first let me tell you about this awesome cereal that doesn't have any of those dirty GMOs"
It's interesting how, to all appearances, most #Vaxtards are irrationally pro-GMO. At least the "WiseCrack" that's a bit low on Wisdom but HIGH on "crack," is demonstrating some balance. #UniformityOfOpinion is actually more of a mark of brainwashing than what he's exhibiting.
I find it kinda funny all these people shitting on him for promoting a GMO free product. It's almost like people who accept the vaccine are so indoctrinated that they all have to agree with eachother on everything like mindless slaves. Fuck critical independent thinking, conform or be criticized
@@TylerWitucki - Using grains that EVOLVED to be robust in a specific environment instead of engineering grains to thrive in EVERY environment is scientific as well. Literally copy writing genetic codes of a living thing and leveraging that to squeeze farmers out of the market is SOCIOPATHIC not scientific by the way.
@Zavier Botsford ... No, it's just how breeding plants works. Every strain of corn we grow in the US is a GMO, corn naturally would take much more water, yield less, and other stuff. GMOs are great when it's properly used, but if taken too far it can be problematic for ecosystems and us.
I am not anti Vax yet I don't want to take the Covid Vaccines because of the time frame they have been produced. It's too fast for the kinks to have been worked out
I find it kinda funny all these people shitting on him for promoting a GMO free product. It's almost like people who accept the vaccine are so indoctrinated that they all have to agree with eachother on everything like mindless slaves. Fuck critical independent thinking, conform or be criticized
@@zacka1337 the people who don't like the vaccine all agree on not liking the vaccine, too. What's the point to make here? People often agree on certain things based on their personality? Are black people slaves/sheep because most don't agree with racism? I would think not. What's wrong with thinking alike? There is nothing wrong with holding similar values to other people.
@@frown2462 No! But you don't understand! From his worldview, if you disagree that means you have the big secret that nobody else does and everybody else is a sheep
I think there is room to make an entire video on women in medicine and why so many women opt for the natural option. People mock the Karen without understanding the torture medicine put her through that made her give up.
I had a hippy neighbor who didn't vaccinate her daughter. She got whooping cough which came back every winter, caused weeks of missed school and limited what she was able to do.
It's really interesting that Europeans were more against being forced. I live in Denmark and my somewhat skeptical mother was freaking out about a proposed law that would let the government forcibly vaccinate and quarantine people (then fine them if they didn't comply), thankfully all things relating to force were dropped but it's interesting seeing this situation play out again.
I don't think anyone should be forced to do anything. They should have access to freedom of choice. Especially for things like chemicals and live viruses being injected directly into your body.
Danish citizen here as well - forcing is not needed because uptake in Denmark is very high even for the now last demographic groups of young people. As he said, enough people don't skip the line, pay their due tax and in general operate with an understanding of being part of a larger community, so that the few a-holes who don't, dosen't matter enough to ruin it for everyone.
@@emm8357 The Covid vaccines have gene therapy instead, much worse than live viruses. Even the guy who invented the mRNA vaccine Robert malone has a problem with them because of the spike protein that is attached. I believe the Johnson and Johnson vaccine has the virus though.
Just to play devils advocate... "I better inject mercury, formaldehyde, fetal tissue, and dead kidney cells from a monkey directly into my bloodstream, because, you know.... polio."
Part Two: What Can We Do About It? We may understand why people accept for promote vaccine misinformation--gained a context I much appreciate, but we're just as stuck as before. What can the average person stuck in their home do to change that reality?
Sometimes there isn't much to be done. They are so far in their bullcrap logic that not even the most persuasive can bring then back. I think being less empathetic can help. If one of them loses someone or even dies because of anti-science beliefs could be a good thing to specifically point out that a "traditional" a.k.a real treatment could have saved their lives, so the ones who survive can abandon those crazy beliefs out of guilt (because they may indirectly caused harm to a loved one with those crazy ideas) or fear (seeing the bad results that the anti-science brought, they could choose to avoid them out of fear that the bad thing will happen again). Other empathetic ways are proving themselves not enough. Misinformation is not contained by logical arguments.
Africans brought many skills with them. The transatlantic slave trade was a brain drain of the continent. All those skills were used by slaveholders to enrich themselves and their country, having the opposite result in Africa.
21:50 If unvaccinated are the only ones infecting other unvaccinated while vaccinated people are safe from infection, then there's no violation of the social contract.
Is Jim Carrey still kind of off his rocker, or has he come back to reality by now...? I still love the guy, regardless of his opinions, but I'm curious.
So basically its another story of "capitalism ruins everything and makes life worse for everyone." Awesome, love living in a world where money is more important than human lives. Very good time and place to exist.
i’m fully vaccinated but i’m not sure where to stand on this anymore. the vaccine mandates i don’t agree with fully. it seems like states with high vaccination rates also have really high infection rates. and there’s lots of claims that people getting vaccinated are developing heart issues and other health problems. i’m not sure what to think anymore. and it makes me question myself. if i was wrong about the vaccine. if i was wrong about covid. or are people just getting in my head
I agree. I think most of the claims are bs considering i haven't seen ONE reliable statistic from these people. I know it is a buissness and they are making money from it, but dozens of incredibly skillfull smart people have contributed to developing these vaccines.
Okay, let *me* try to get in your head for a bit then: Most everything you believe to be true is a lie. You've been programmed from birth by professional propagandists. What you're seeing now is not about control, this is not about anything regarding Klaus Schwab or the World Economic Forum. This is not about a great reset. This whole thing is not for profit, at least not in fake fiat money terms. They dont care about fake money, why would they, they have trillions of the stuff and if they want more their buddies just print a load for them. The economy is as fake as everything else these days and is just there to keep the remaining slaves in line while they forced to hand over their actual wealth. They are making a *real* wealth grab, such as property. Look at how much farmland Bill Gates has bought. The truth of the matter is, you are a slave and your labor is obsolete. You are observing the controlled demolition of obsolete technology and infrastructure that was used to support the human resources that were necessary to build the technological infrastructure of today. The end goal is depopulation, because quite simply they believe there is no longer sufficient resources for billions of people to live luxurious lives. Previously they needed the slaves in their billions to create, power and sustain their lifestyles, now they have AI and robotics to take the place of the human slaves, which have quite literally become useless eaters consuming resources as they slob their lives from birth to death performing useless work of no real benefit to the ruling class. And useless slaves have always been killed off, the world has not changed that much throughout history. Or maybe not. Who knows.
@@vri8486 It was the edgiest I could find on the internet, combined, trimmed and given a little polish. Don't think millions of people are going to fall over tomorrow or anything like that, but a reduction in overall life expectancy doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. Just below retirement age would be the sweet spot. And wouldn't you have replied with a similarly pithy response if I told you Australia were going to put people in camps a few months ago?
Mothers who choose to protect their children and take extra time to research everything, are not doing it to seem like they’re doing more or that they aren’t lazy. they Are they do this because they love their children And are concerned about their health more than a stranger with a medical degree.
Research and critical thinking are great things. But if someone decides to feed their kids weeds and have them wear magic crystals as a result of that study, that mother was not critical enough and didn't do enough research. To put it another way, if that mother was writing a essay instead of deciding the life and death of their own children, they would get a D on that essay and be told to find more reliable sources.
Thanks for your video. I feel very angry after I watched it. Also felt very powerless. I lived through a period in Australia where a guy making vitamin pills dispensed with putting any vitamins in said tablets. Your video reminds me of a time I was approached as a medical professional to front some herbal medicines and make oodles of money. I refused This world makes me sick.
Neither did I. And thus I wasn't as disappointed as I otherwise might have been. Seems he's "half right" on many subjects, and, to "sum things up," "WiseCrack" LOW on "wisdom" yet HIGH on "crack."
*Sigh* My mom loves Mercola and won't listen to any of the scientific studies I show her. She says they're all lies paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. And I ask her, well who are your studies paid for then?
@@shadeaquaticbreeder2914 If something truly works then the pharmaceutical or medical industry will research it to find out why. Many of the medicines that we have today has come from this practice. Anecdotes passed down are not good healthcare.
@@earnestbrown6524 your dumb. That is factually wrong. And has been proven wrong over our history. Nikola Tesla for 1 and every single independent scientist/inventer after him has gotten bought out or silenced or has gone missing. We haven't cured anything in over 70 years!!! Our medicine today has NOTHING to do with curing whatever is wrong it's just covering up the symptoms to hide the cause so they can make money forever
Having anti vaxers is a great thing for the economy!!! We need as many old timers kicking the bucket as possible. Social security needs a break in spending.
Hello Wisecrack! Long time member and subscriber. Much love and respect for what you guys do. Pretty awesome! I have a video suggestion. Can you make a video (or series) about Social Justice Warriors and how it’s changed in post modern society, how it’s influenced by the internet and anonymity, people getting easily offended (on both sides of the aisle), and cancel culture? Also, if you can do a “What went wrong? Qanon” THAT WOULD BE FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Please please please consider it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! And keep it up everyone :)
I'm pretty sure the willingness of Americans to get vaccinated in the 40s wasn't just WW2 patriotism- The average American in that era had seen polio and TB first-hand, and was fairly likely to have family, neighbours, people they knew personally, who'd had a kid die from the preventable diseases that we vaccinate against.
In a way, the modern anti-vax movement is a result of vaccination program's success- 99% of anti-vaxxers are people from developed nations, under 50, who've grown up, never seeing any harm done by vaccine-preventable illnesses like measles, mumps, TB, polio etc... BECAUSE vaccines have meant these illnesses are either non-existent, or so rare (in the first world, at least) that most people have never encountered them.
But the average adult in the 1940s had grown up in a very different world...
Well put. Couldn't agree more.
Look into "Dr. Mary's monkey"
Well. Y mom got me quarantined from school so. Ayy
Damn that’s an interesting point.
“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance-it is the illusion of knowledge.” Daniel J. Boorstin
How very poignant
discover* lol
Among the things that ignorant people are ignorant of is their own ignorance. Its one of the most fascinating and infuriating aspects of life as human.
Damn, I am going to use that more often than I'd like!
Can confirm not having polio is “jazzy.”
Beats doing the horizontal stationary Charleston any day!
The drastic reduction of polio was proven by multiple studies (including from several ivy league medical universities) to have been helped more by wastewater treatment & sanitation practices than the "vaccine." The first practical "vaccine" was exposing people to cow pox triggering an immune building response that kept them from later dying of smallpox. People wouldn't have to be getting jabbed all the time of they weren't raised in bubbles of isopropyl alcohol.
@@harbingertheheretic3541 Polio is not only transmitted by dirty feces contaminated water, but also from bodily fluid (drool, sneeze, cough) of infected person. Hence vaccination is still needed or else you want another COVID like situation .
Then again your last sentence implied we should be living in a more dirty way if we want to be immune from virus without vaccine, which negates the asserted benefit of wastewater treatment.
@@dimasakbar7668 Well said.
It boils down to a trust issue. Whether or not you trust your politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and 3-letter agencies.
Another issue with the idea of "your choice on which 300$ insulin to buy" is that this ONLY works for the rich. The poor, like me, often only have one option anyway, either because outreach programs can only afford the cheapest option, or because I can only afford the cheapest option. Take antibiotics, I have an allergy to both ammox and sulfa drugs... so doctors are wary of giving me amoxicillin's little sister: penicillin. However the other antibiotics are prohibitively expensive. This means that despite me having the "choice" of antibiotics with few or no side effects, I've actually had to take something I was allergic to and hope that my reaction wasn't too bad, because the "alternative" was to go without antibiotics at all.
Gotta love America's healthcare for profit system.
Tbf, novalin is available for 25$ for about two week's supply. It's not ideal but knowing this has saved a lot of hassle at the free clinic. It's not ideal but it can tide people over until they are able to get enrolled in medicaid and can get to a real endocrinologist.
And yet, thanks to the market, you have other options, and so does everyone else. Innovation is stifled in places where the free market is regulated. $300 insulin doesn't work only for the rich. Insulin companies GIVE AWAY insulin to those who cannot afford it. The problem with antibiotics isn't the market... it's the government interference in the market. They actually CANNOT give it to you for free, because of government regulation. They're afraid that it will create some kind of crazy superbug... which may be true... but people still suffer because of it, and the market would solve that problem anyway.
And that sounds rough, but the price of drugs and medical care is a deep routed issue that has less to do with anti-vaxxers, and more to do with our insurance system and the way medicine is regulated. Employers are encouraged, or sometimes even required to provide health insurance for their employees, either by government regulations or just economic and political pressure, and health insurance is almost a must for Americans. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals can charge up the wazzu, because they don't operate in a free market, where customers choose the lowest price. Hospitals usually don't charge patients, they charge large insurance corporations, and so they charge a lot. It's common practice for hospitals to have different fees for insured v.s uninsured transactions. They upcharge people with insurance. There's almost no incentive to keep prices low or operations efficient. And, it's not to say that all healthcare would be exceedingly affordable if hospitals were forced to compete in a free market. America has incredibly rigourous and strict regulations on hospital operations, we have hefty requirements to become licensed, and all of this adds up to making things expensive. Not to say that it's bad persay. You want to make sure that drugs are safe, but the more testing you have to do, the more expensive it gets. The higher qualified someone has to be to get licensed, the more expensive they will be. That's why drugs are cheaper in China, they have lower standards. America has the viewpoint of absolute perfection as a bare minimum when it comes to healthcare. And it's expensive. We get ambulance rides for just about anything. We give MRIs out like candy. We have the biggest, the best, the most. Doctors are insured against malpractice suits... Etc. And it's expensive. I think that first and foremost, a legislation that everyone could get behind, would be mandated transparent pricing for all hospitals, and complete open accounting books for any hospital that receives a dime of taxpayer money or donations. You should know what things cost and why. But idk I guess
@@hunterterrell9930 I agree, even with the regulation you proposed. I'm an anarchocapitalist, so that's saying a lot. I mean, if we can't have an absolute free markets -- I don't want doctors to have to be qualified by anyone but their patients -- then that's the next best thing. You summed it up nicely friend.
If anyone wants to test your claim, I urge them to walk into a doctor's office at their next appointment and ask how much an X-ray costs. Your doctor does NOT know, and neither does anyone else in the building, either.
Repeat after me: pharma being shit does not mean magic beans cure cancer. - Ben Goldacre
I agree but people also tend to lump everything under that category. While at the same time 12 people in 8 months go missing after they make a breakthrough or find another cure for cancer. We have many many cures and we actually do know what causes it it's just that those things are like the framework of our society so it would be "world-ending" for that stuff to actually get out to the public
@@larsy7563 well it's only "probable" bc it was never allowed to be replicated and if it was wrong why would it need to be silenced?? Most of our problems could easily be solved if we just accepted and understood the universe even just as much as we pretend to. Studies have shown that real differences in the growth of plants when you say negative things to them as apposed to positive, the fact that computers work proves that the world is not physical that it is energy, and we know that time is a man made construct yet insist in time travel and the multiverse. It's like we are running away from the truth
Both of Goldacre's books ("Bad Pharma" for pharmaceutical companies and "Bad Science" for alternative medicine) are very engaging reads! :)
@@shadeaquaticbreeder2914 and these 12 people are?
@@MisterTutor2010 no, I didn't say they were. I mean as a whole. As a society
“What’s best for me, nevermind anyone else” is the epitome of American life, politics, religion, and now health.
It's the thinking of most people in the world. The only thing is that the people who don't want to benefit everyone else usually don't realize they're benefiting themselves too.
Most people are inherently good, but the politicians, media and corporations who have the most indirect effects on our lives might operate by “What’s best for me". We aren't communist or socialist, so individuals still have the freedom to think and choose for themselves outside of what you call "American life".
@@TylerWitucki thanks to American education you, like many, believe media, government, and corporations have “indirect” influence over us while socialism is bad and capitalism gives us real freedom......
@@gking407 At least I'm educated. You are clueless if you believe corporations, media, and the government don't have a large impact on people. Please go to communist China or North Korea and have your freedoms striped away and tell me how free you feel. Socialism has never worked out in history....
@@TylerWitucki First you said “indirect effect” then “large impact”? Also ideologies adapt making history less useful than you might think.
Sexism in medicine has a huge history and I’m glad you included it as being a major cause in the Anti Vaxx movement
Sexism and racism.
4:33 What was the logic behind putting a note on a grenade that you throw through someone's window?! Was it a fake grenade they knew wouldn't explode and only wanted to look more intimidating than a rock with a note? Did they expect him to pick up the grenade and read the note before it exploded? Were they expecting him to live through the explosion and then find the note afterwards?
Military personel has been writing messages on bombs and shells for decades. It's mental masturbation
FBI found the passports of 9-11 hijackers, and the Nashville Christmas bomber, post explosion... and if you believe that, you prolly believe Epstein killed himself.
@@scottymacdewder5229 wait what?????
@@southernbelle1313 true stories
No, Mr. Bond. They expected him to die
Wait, why have I always known Jenny McCarthy was involved with the Anti-Vax movement (in fact it's pretty much all I know about her) but I'm just now learning that Jim Carey was right there beside her the whole time? Did I just miss that obliviously or has this just not been pinned to him as nearly heavily as it has to her?
Does it matter? No. Get vaccinated for what you think should be vaccinated for and live your life.
Remarks like what?
Jim Carey kept a pretty low profile for a long time, and people remember liking his movies, so the fact that he was a known figure but not loud made him less of a target. McCarthy expressly puts herself into public about it so it's easy for her to be a target. Women selling weird medical/health junk sometimes get lambasted harder than comparable men, but in this case there's a clear reason.
Because McCarthy was the leader of the movement. Carrey was just her boyfriend at the time. I bet you can't name a single boyfriend of the BLM leader, can you?
@Anna Fine, name the boyfriend of any other movement leader. I only said BLM because I was thinking of a movement just as stupid as the antivaccers.
Why was the anti-vaxxer's 2 year old crying ?
mid-life crisis
That is so dark; I know I shouldn't have laughed.
So good lol
You realize many adults haven’t been vaccinated and are perfectly fine
@@HenryPaulThe3rd Acute radiation poisoning is a thing and yet many adults are fine. I think I'll have Plutonium for breakfast =D
@@cgarzs That’s a stupid comparison
My uncle got polio. He was born in 1947 and couldn't walk until he was five. I have no patience for these idiots who are killing children.
Nobody is killing children. They aren't being "vaccinated" since they're not at risk of contracting the overhyped flu called coronavirus. Polio caused many adverse side effects including neurological damage and cancer that emerged decades later. Autoimmune disorders and blood clots have occurred among duped people who've been injected with the Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca genetic therapies (misidentified as vaccines.) I have no patience for these idiots getting jabbed with untested drugs that are a giant experiment involving a bioweapon that will destroy your immune system. Why do you think 100% of all animals that were tested with these drugs died when exposed to later viruses? Look up pathogenic priming.
@@NickZedd1 Oh, look. It's the rise of Dr. Google. I suppose you think that it's just a coincidence that numbers are plummeting and plummeting faster where vaccination rates are higher.
@@NickZedd1 you've been living under a rock for the last year and a half right?
@@wvu05 Vaccination rates aren't that high, and the free-fall of Covid rates is most notably attributed to natural immunity over inoculation.
@@Rjasper499 Yes, and that's why the areas with lower vaccination rates are having a spike in cases. I'm sure that's just a big coincidence.
"High protein" for a cereal. Just to put that into perspective, that whole bowl, milk and all, has less protein than 2 Eggs. More nutrition than frosted flakes is a really low bar.
hard to take video seriously when i get slapped with that BS
Yea I thought much the same. I’d still take a couple of hard boiled eggs for breakfast over cereal any day.
@@Acteaon That's a hell of a lot more convenient than a bowl of anything. However "As PART OF a balanced breakfast." If you want protein, eat a protein. Trying to get it from a grain is bass ackwards.
@Literally Cancer i dont mind stupid nord vpn add or raid shadow legends which are misleading, but this one is misleading and can be harmful
@@ZFherri Explain how it can be harmful
I guess this is the first time I've seen someone properly adress this issue on this website. It's not just about spitting out "anti-vaxxers are idiots" on the table. What caused their unease? What is it that makes it stronger nowadays? Is there anything we can do to stop it? And there we have it, a video that examinates both sides and says what is it that is wrong about the one and the other. Thank you Michael!
It's certainly a difficult topic. I must admit I find anti-vaxxers a bit frustrating to say the least. I just wish there was a direct way of dealing with them. I want to help them and stop them hurting others but I feel so powerless if I don't confront them.
@@georgesears2916 It's kind of that thing where an open dialogue could be the best possible way to make this happen, but unfortunately none of the sides want to have this neutral conversation or are just unwilling to listen, so it makes it way worse than it should be :P.
@@georgesears2916 try the book Anti-vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement by Jonathan M Berman. It's made conversations so much easier.
Let me start off with I'm not an antivaxxer. Don't ever call me that because you're not liars. Don't become one either.
This is a question about freedom and if we should still have it or not. If health is now more important than it. I say it is not. People are free to not take a vaccine. I have taken the most important ones in my area and if someone else has not, that's not my responsibility. Just as it is not anyone's responsibility for me to take a new one but me. I own my body not anyone else. And if I don't trust a vaccine, it should, nay, MUST be my choice to take it because once that freedom goes I may as well put the chains on myself. I don't agree with most antivax rhetoric. But on the new one, I urge you not to be too trusting. Ask questions. And ask the right ones. Where is the photograph of the virus? Where are the signed laws that state that I forfeit my rights as a human being? Where are the test documents of said virus? Why are the regulations now suddenly upended whereas for the measles the dude lost every case until it was proven to exist? Ask questions. And if you don't get answers, get suspicious. That's why most people NOW don't trust this new vaccine.
And for reference lookup Tiffany Pontes Dover. She supposedly dies 2 days after receiving the vaccine. There is way more out there but you have to be open to it. Truth will find a way but only if you let it. No more fear people. Love and peace.
@@dragon67849 I think you can certainly ask questions.
The difference between an average person and an anti-vaxxer is that the average person usually has 3 to 5 questions about the vaccine, whereas the anti-vaxxer has 30 to 50 questions, most of which cannot be answered because the question's premise is all wrong.
I don't care what drives a person's scepticism towards vaccines, what matters to me is if they take the vaccine by the end of the day. If you ask 1000 questions but choose to take the vaccine anyways then you're a vaxxer, but if you choose not to take the vaccine because of (insert reason here), then you're an antivaxxer.
Antivaxxers don't get why we hate them. They think we hate them because they are asking so many questions. In fact, we hate them because antivaxxers, by definition, are people who prioritises their own safety, health, and freedom, over everybody else's, and they don't see a problem with that which baffles most people. They euphemise this sinister and toxic narcissism by calling it 'liberty' and 'freedom', when I think it is a form of dominion and subjugation.
"Why is there so much misinformation about health? Anyway, buy this gmo free, gluten free , keto friendly, soy free , grain free all-natural cereal."
GMO-free, gluten-free, keto-friendly, soy-free, grain-free, all-natural... and _flavor free,_ to boot!
Then you open the box and it’s empty cause it’s free of everything
I know, so, what is this cereal made of?
Because they make a lot of money of ignorance and stupidity and most of all FEAR.
Hey, my boy has to eat too. What's wrong with a little product placement? At least it's not something cringe.
I get why people don’t trust the government with their health. I’ve been getting vaccinated my whole life and I completely understand why others do not. We’ve been giving plenty of reasons to distrust. That’s the fault of our government and not of the people. That’s my opinion
The other thing that REALLY bothers me about anti-vaxxers: they are fundamentally stating to the world that they would rather their children be dead than autistic. It’s a declaration of conditional love. As someone on the functional end of the spectrum, I have trouble adhering to the ideology of better education for these people. When they basically state that it’s better for children to be dead than unexpectedly troublesome, it’s hard to root for them to be better.
You are an idot
love is conditional, anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you something
@@Grimmlocked What a sad life you and the people you tolerate because it benefits you live. If your feelings are conditional, that's not love.
@@dontmisunderstand6041 would you love me if I was a worm?
@@Grimmlocked I don't even know you, I wouldn't love you at all regardless of what you were. Those that I do love, I love unconditionally, despite how harmful it is for me to do so. Not by choice, but because that's just how emotions work. You don't choose how you feel, if you do those aren't feelings, they're decisions.
i love how this show went from ,, after two good movies what went wrong in the dark Knight rises'' to the very cultural significance of anti-vaxers
Yeah I always thought it was something like screen rant and was surprised that this video was made my them.
Along with pop media, they also examine contemporary culture. One of their podcasts is called Culture Binge
"anti-vaxers" is a tribalist's insult to defame anyone that asks too many questions or raises sensible concerns on a completely corruptible and demonstrably corrupted industry and their (mostly) shoddy shots.
I was watching the movie The road to Wellville, staring Anthony Hopkin, Matthew Broderick, John Cusack and Bridget Fonda.
@@Mike-hz4jp Fun Fact: Hbomberguy made the best vaccine-video i've seen today,
though professor dave does come close.
Close but no Cigar...
I feel a little weirded out watching video about anti-vaxxers and the ad has rhetoric stating that a cereal is gmo free.
He can take that allergic reaction nerve-convulsing b.s. if he wants to.
Not the same thing.
@@nosuchthing8 It tends to be the same people who don’t understand basic science that both dislike vaccines and gmos.
@@SuperOmnicronsj44 huh?
It's kind of cute that the people that believe ALL VACCINES are super duper healthful also believe that GMO's make food more nourishing.
As always the question is "Does one trust their government?"
I don’t think it’s about trusting the government.
If you don’t trust the government, and the government is telling you that murdering is bad, you wouldn’t go murdering everyone you see, just to prove that you don’t trust the government.
It’s just a problem of people not using their brain, not believing in science.
You're right, let's destroy public schools
@@thierryhenry674 I think there is also the checkered past of the pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines and the fact they have no liability for a supposedly safe vaccine. People are also under the impression that vaccines are “free”. This is not true your tax money is being spent on it. Pfizer stands to make 33.5 billion this year alone off the vaccine. Moderna has made 19.2 billion and that’s a company that’s only been around for 11 years and has never made a successful vaccine. I’m not saying don’t get vaccinated. People not questioning the government and pharmaceutical companies are the ignorant ones. Why is it so taboo to talk about the science behind the vaccine is there no room for improvement? Even the sitting president said don’t get vaccinated before he was in office! Crazy times we live in stay safe.
@@nicholas4687 Amen! You can totally be all for science and at the same time question the shitty parts of it, that's what science is about tho
@@thierryhenry674 sorry but why should I "believe in science"? Most times that a great scientist has made a discovery, the majority of other scientists were either ignorant of it or outright refused to accept it. There was one scientist whose name I would have to look up who discovered that a certain strain of bacteria causes stomach ulcers. NO ONE else believed him. So he had to literally drink the bacteria to prove that it causes ulcers... By giving himself stomach ulcers! Science is not a democracy and it's certainly not something to "believe" in like you would believe in some kind of deity. It's something to be skeptical of and rigorously investigate. You must constantly search through all the dilettantes and corrupt sycophants of the dolers out of money and grants, to find the rare geniuses who actually fucking matter. Everyone believed the earth was flat until one man proved them wrong. Everyone believed the sun revolved around the earth until one man proved them wrong. Everyone thought that thalidomide was safe and effective before the minority proved that it caused babies to be born with tiny malformed limbs. It was on the market for like 4 years and injured like millions of fetuses across the world before it was finally confirmed to be dangerous. If your newest thalidomide is so fucking safe and effective, how about you just leave everyone who doesn't want it yet alone? I personally am not taking any new cutting edge medication until I see at least the TEN year outlook for the people it was first tested on. Aka, YOU.
It comes down to distrust of professionals and government and where one gets their information from. Simple as that. The distrust is fully justified if you look at the history of governmental/professional abuse. The concern ends up being where people get their information of and who one chooses to trust as purveyors of truth
Good. Then don't blame women who seek abortions or doctors seeking to give abortions from not trusting so-called "legal experts" such as prosecutors and judges when they tell you you are "under arrest" or "committing a crime" just for getting an abortion, no matter what the law says.
@@theultimatereductionist7592 I'm a conservative, I fully believe women have a right to pre-lateterm abortions. Talk to your state rep and let them know your concerns, ill call them too. Don't assume all issues are equal though, this Vax is suspicious as hell from its inception.
@Hummer call it whatever, fuck the damn thing
@Hummer "baby"
@Hummer ye embryos arent a thing.
Can we all just thank our lucky stars that we have a philosopher at the helm of Wisecrack?
I’m pretty sure you mean a philosiphizer
@@Cobreezyy06 he has a philosophy degree, I don't know if he's published but he is well read.
@@lizc6393 he has
@@lizc6393 only ever makes a single reference point for each video though so not that widely read in terms of building a cohesive argument
@@rhiannejones3815 it's TH-cam, the videos have to appeal to a fairly broad demographic.
>Makes video about people being irrationally scared of something they don't understand
>Promotes a product that lists "GMO-free" as an advantage as if GMOs were bad in the second minute of the video
I get that youtube doesn't pay, but come ooooon
Notice a lot of the diseases they brought up were those that affect children. Which you should get them vaccinated for. The current thing not really a child problem. It's an old people problem.
See how fearmongering kills the golden rice project, which in turns fails to save children in 3rd world country.
Thanks organic natural paleolithic raw pseudoscience!
I think the main sell is the lack of sugar, but I agree with the sentiment.
I'm still pissed that I live in Africa where most of the crops we grow get shipped to The West who use them to feed cows which not only contribute to pollution through CO2 footprint, but also cause deforrstation for grazing ground. All of this just so they can supply meat to fast food restaurants and provide franchise opportunitues for us while people here are starving. The sad part is when I see people begging for money outside of an international fast food restaurant. It's just capitalism, right there in your face. Raw matrix. Inescapable.
It’s a child problem if mom and dad die
"In some cases, superstition and ignorance play a huge role" ohhhh man...what else can we apply that to...
There is no case in American history where deregulation has ended up in anything but a complete disaster.
You tried the removal of prohibition?
@@yoloman3607 Before Prohibition the average American consumed almost triple the amount of booze that they do today. The prohibition greatly diminished the alcoholism of many people. That's why.
@@TheBrickMasterB That isn't true in the slightest. The average amount of alcohol drunk hasn't changed much in the US according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. In fact, the amount of pure alcohol ingested on average currently at 2.35 gallons is actually a mere two tenths of a gallon away what was recorded pre prohibition at around 2.56 gallons of pure alcohol from all sources annually.
@@yoloman3607 respectfully, that's a strawman. You tried to draw a line between criminalization and regulation, when in reality those forces work in opposite directions.
@@Nippleless_Cage You clearly don't know what a strawman is.
every time I learn about the history of women’s health, it gets worse 😩
I think you'd love a podcast called Sawbones. A marital tour of misguided medicine
@@fred_e I’ll check it out, thank you!!
Meh; I think your uterus is making you hysterical.
You're just a rib after all...
Don't worry, men's health was even more trash for most of history.
I appreciate the historical and empathetic take on the anti-vaxx movement, really puts things into perspective
@@man_made_marsupial they call bullying "emphatic" twisted information for twisted minds, they call "history" making up stories, they forgot to mention parts of history when most people were made to believe that those who were set on fire are evil, not those who did set them on fire. Their eyes were blind to judge by the actions not words.
They history of upside down inside out to the truth. They do not see how this guy stuff their mind with toxic ideas, and promote for their body toxic cancerous chemicals that he calls "food". I wish them good luck and may high forces clear their vision one day.
You do know that not everyone is lying to hurt your feelings right? Like you know that just because you don’t follow the “mainstream” it doesn’t make what you say true. You do get that you don’t receive special treatment just because somethings not flattering to you?
It always makes me laugh when guys like you say the most basic, entitled, insecure, borderline retarded retort of “well people can lie” but expect people to trust you as THE only arbiter of truth from the ignorance of unsubstantiated nonsense on the internet. You and people who think the Earth is flat have the EXACT same arguments, where you demand authority in fields you have no knowledge of while playing the victim so you can claim to be right automatically.
The fact that people in this country have become so spoiled and sheltered they think they’re the only ones who look into stuff is sickening. Can you even fathom research that’s not just a Google search? If you were asked how can we tell chemically what a certain medicine does in a demonstration without Wikipedia?
@@overseaoversea6602 what the crap are you babbling about?
@@claybfxeat what he advertises at the begging and take an injection, if you want, some dont, may you find peace with it
“If you believe that we can trust pharmaceutical companies to inject people only with drugs and toxins that are good for them, then you are neither a historian nor a critical thinker. There is a reason these companies demanded legal immunity from lawsuits - their products are inherently dangerous. And government officials are also immune from lawsuits. So the system inherently lacks accountability, regardless of one’s position on vaccination. Sadly, the political system is ironically dismissing the scientific method to promote a one-size-fits-all experimental pharmacy for the American people. Even vaccine-enthusiasts must admit that mandatory vaccination policies eliminate the continued availability of a control sample - a group of healthy and natural people - who check and balance their assumptions about the science of immunity.” Greg Glaser, JD
Pro Anti Vaxx here, they're really good for business. I haven't selled so many kid sized caskets since smallpox until now.
Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The only anti vaxxer I can really get into! Litterly!
Where is smallpox prevalent?
@Hummer cry
This person is probably dead.
smh it has been 9 months with no reply
Magic Spoon costs $39.00 for (4) 7oz boxes.
That comes out to over $22/lb. No thanks. I'll get myself a fancy steak for that price. It's also keto friendly.
@Stella Hohenheim Nobody asked you to reply either...
I see exactly what you mean and agree but it's just an ad. It's not like he's grifting. The only time I ever buy something based on ads is good which is essentially porn.
I am currently in med school in Europe, and the idea of "shared decision-making", i.e. enabling the patient to make an informed decision, is really hammered into students' minds. However, in the public discussion we had doctors speak out against people being able to choose their vaccine, and also providing them with information, as that would only "confuse" them. And when people reacted with scepticism towards the vaccine, some politicians brought into play the idea of mandatory vaccines for certain jobs.
It's like we don't learn form mistakes and just perpetuate what brought us here.
I appreciate chinabcz it has public health NOT privatized health
"Science is wrong yet again." Oooofff. That was quite demonstrative of her lack of understanding of science.
What timestamp? :)
Agreed... Indoctrination produces people who think knowledge is static; critical thinking produces people who know science is a process of discovery.
It's like saying mathematics is wrong because somebody worked out an equation incorrectly...
@@michaelmoraga2926 I think that we should stop praising "critical thinking" because ignorant people take the concept and weaponize it. Climate denialists and flat earthers, for instance, think that THEY are the ones using crititcal thinking and being smart because the Scientific community have formed some sort of Church of global warming or round earth, in their view.
It's not "lack of critical thinking", it's just ignorance over how science and the scientists work.
@@randomthings1293 I appreciate your point, but if someone cannot think critically (and unable to question their own assumptions), they cannot understand The How of something they are unfamiliar with (like science). Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate an issue (to break it into its parts and understand its premises or motivations).
It's not an elitist buzz word. Critical thinking is a necessary skill for independent thinking (and for a sound democracy), and a basic skill too often lost when testing and indoctrination are given priority (Hello USA). A well-rounded curriculum will include both humanities and science in order to promote this vital skill.
'Ignorant people' will weaponize anything they are threatened by, so avoiding something because they do not understand it is problematic (I think you may be talking political rhetoric, more than educational goals; apples & oranges).
Full disclosure: I've taught reading/writing for 25 years in multiple cultures; literacy and university. Writing is thinking.
I appreciate this exchange of ideas. Peace!
I’ve heard from countless individuals that regret getting the covid jabs, who stopped getting more.
And I've talked to hundreds that have had zero, and not even one regrets their decision.
In fact, the vast majority agree that not participating in this is one of the best decisions that we’ve ever made in our lives.
^ All that I need to know, right there ^
Welcome to the human race. We are emotional creatures, not logical ones. We evolved to succumb to peer pressure from our in group, because we depended on our in group for our survival.
Modern science has shown that if you present information that contradicts what a human believes, and that belief is a part of their in group's core identity, that contrary information will only deepen the belief, rather than change it.
This is the backfire effect.
The harder you try to change someone's mind, even if they believe in something objectively and provably incorrect, the more they will resist you and resent you for your efforts.
We are still looking for a solution to this problem.
There is no problem and no solution is need it! If you believe in vaccines , go ahead and do it, I believe they are harmful and will never do it!! No one will make me do it!! Why is it a problem for you??
@@archiemelkonian The cracked wiseness is a nice channel, buuuut how about i recommend
you some more who are equally epic-and-free?
Incidentally, there a lot of people hiding having received a COVID vaccine to protect their status among their peer group.
@@archiemelkonian if you sign a contract says if you got sick from a vaccines preventable diseases and will not seek hospitalization thus took critical medical supplies from other patients. Hell yeah do whatever you want. Did you sign such contract?
@UCGfwA3skD37jijsgIvGtzSQ yeah its a problem for us bcs u promoting mass killing, fhuck you.
I didn’t think they could get any better. And then they go and reference Mitchell and Webb🤣
That Mitchell and Webb Look
The problem with people turning to alternatives, many unproven, is in large part the fault of the culture of medicine itself. Especially in relation to how women are treated. Typical experience: dismissiveness, minimization, not listening to your concerns, rushing you out the door without providing any solutions, comments along the lines of 'you're just stressed' or 'anxious' while ignoring the concerns. Medicine is one of the most patriarchical and narcissistic professions out there. If medicine is to become an institution people trust again, it needs to start with listening to the concerns of patients and in particular, start treating women better. Make women's health a priority. They can take some serious cues from how the average naturopath consults with their patient.
I got the vaccine and my cellphone reception has never been this good!!!
Jesus if they give you $5off for a box of cereal, how much is the cereal? $50 for a box?
50 Cad for 4 boxes
I am an anti-vaxxer.
The cereal would go bad before I got around to eating it all.
It’s $40 for 4 boxes and yes, you have to buy 4 at once. (It’s $36 with a subscription! :P )
Rus🤝🤝🤝that means you are not sheeple
The fifth point made in this essay seems the most important one to me. It revolves around what's called "Self-defeating prophecy". From Wikipedia: Epidemics with grim projections also encourage changes that can prevent those projections from coming true and in turn lead to people questioning these changes because the projections did not come true. For our discussion it means that the prevention of diseases via herd immunity has lowered the risk of suffering from the disease to the level where side effects of getting the vaccine are equally likely. It's a fragile balance between self interest and the welfare of all.
I worked at gas station when it was getting bad about masks. The amount of people who screamed at me, tried to fight me, tell me that “I’m lucky they’re Christians otherwise they’d shot me”, had to have the police make them leave because they’re stalking the store, cry about how “THIS IS JUST LIKE CHINA” tell me that I’m racist for making black peoples wear masks, people tell me I’m racist for making white people wear masks, I’m a Communist, they’re going to “boycott the store because we should be helping each other out”, and every other thing that’s stereotypically MS.
My favorites were the spoiled brats that who said “nope. I’ve got asthma. I don’t have to do anything! You can’t make me! What you’re saying if I was black or in a wheelchair you wouldn’t serve me! You’re a racist”! It was also funny how they would record us and say “I’m being discriminated against” then I’d say “let the little girl have a tantrum” then they’d record themselves threatening to kill me and thought that wouldn’t be a problem.
I did let people come in out without masks, and our store got fined. They said if it happened again then whoever let them in was going to have to pay the fine, and lose their job, and insurance. When I told people that they said “So what?! I didn’t make you do it! You’ve gotta take responsibility for helping me out!”
I lost my shit! “Hey we’re all supposed to stick together!” immediately followed by “hey every man for himself”. I told people “sure I’ll let you come in without a mask! But you have to promise you’ll pay the fine, and let me use your insurance when I lose mine after I’m fired.”
YOU’RE A GOD DAMN COMMUNIST! Why should I pay for something YOU did? Why is everything against ME!
So yea. I’ve lost total respect for the country, my state, my people, the conservative ideals I was told to have, and basic honesty/decency. It’s heartbreaking when you realize everything you’ve been told to believe is a lie. You realize the “foundation” you built your home under is sand. The builder knew it was sand, knew you wouldn’t check, and knew you’d find out but didn’t care.
@@mistersippi2945 The ultimate result of 'every man for himself' is stone-age living standards. Every important thing in life is the result of communal effort, from the two people needed to make a baby, to enterprises, to science, to law and order, and to the existence of countries.
@@juanausensi499 oh I agree. In fact that’s what I thought everyone else thought too. I never turned down someone who needed my help on a project, even if it was hard, because we were told that a real community does things like that.
It wasn’t until the last let’s say 6-7 years of my life I’ve learned that I was the rube handing cash to the carny. What they REALLY meant is “I should always get what I want no matter what”. Followed by “disagree and I’ll kill you”. Followed by them telling me that I’m the one in the wrong for just not being part of the flock.
@@mistersippi2945 I think exacerbated individualism in the USA is the end result of the Cold War and the idiological conflict with communism. The effort put in make a difference maybe was too great, and things that in the rest of the world are just common sense in the USA are seen as pro-Communist.
@@juanausensi499 I definitely agree with that. I’ve worked since I was 11 years old and throughout high school and college I kept that job (office cleaning), and had a job at the mall, and football practice, and property maintenance, and family obligations because I was one of the only trustworthy responsible people in my family.
I was still told I’m “too lazy” because I was young. By people who haven’t had a job in decades and say that’s fine because “I got disability/fibromyalgia”. Someone called me a lazy Communist for helping my aunt do yard work and not expecting money. Fat slugs who I’ve worked circles around took credit for the shit I DID because they were in their 40s-50s and I was early 20s.
People who are proud to boast that they live off their parents money called me communist, while he said that anyone whose not rich is lazy. To people who’ve worked their whole lives and are far from rich. And the sick thing is the just sat there and took it! Like eunuchs they let this 24 year old lecture them about “hard work and manliness” after he said he’s never had a job!
So on top of what you said a lot of people are just dickless nobodies who want to be subservient.
When do we expect DLC for covid-19?
Britain's already got the DLC early, but it's not very good.
Ima just wait for covid-21
It's out already
As soon as they straighten out the bugs?
Well your in luck! We have a new adaption that is more infectious. Covid straight to the dome.
Great work man. It’s not been easy find good sociological analyses of AVs. This is very illuminating. Thank you.
You couldn't try to have some kind of conversation with an actual person who is vaccine-hesitant or something?
By any pre-2021 definition, these are not vaccines. They had to change the definition, just for these injections.
These vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission.
What beneficial effect they do have wears off, we don’t know when.
They probably don’t protect against new variants or mutations.
The vaccines have unknown longterm side effects.
Do I want to possibly stay alive, or possibly have a longterm side effect.
Yes. I mean... no. I mean...
Well, I guess the choice is mine. ^_^
"When you control opinion, as corporate America controls opinion in the United States by owning the media, you can make the masses believe almost anything you want, and guide them as you please." ~ Gore Vidal
Why are people getting their health information from the judges from The Masked Singer?
Because Ken’s an actual doctor....oh, wrong judge.
Because she's hot. I'd rather listen to Jenny McCarthy than a committe of saggy-faced, Dr Whatshisface and them, from the famous Protestant college hospital down there in Colorado or something.
@@ScribblebytesWorldwide I dunno, I might be old fashioned but I prefer to get my medical advice from a Doctor instead of someone being famous for looking good. Jenny is qualified to give advice about grooming, make up and posing for pictures but not to give medical advice.
It is better to be bored then dead. But it seems like people trust more in celebrities then people with actual knowledge today and yeah, it is more fun to listen to Kanye ranting about politics then an actual politician but I still don't want him in charge of things. I blame Bono, he was one of the first celebrity "experts".
@@loke6664 Jenny is also a doctor. ..Doctor Goodbody
Because they're stupid.
When abortion is illegal and so you become and anti-vaxxer parent: Improvise, adapt and overcome.
Abortion is legal in most of the western world where it seems like most anti vaxxers are.
@@tokivikerness8863 coming from an immigrant family... you are soooo wrong
@@tokivikerness8863 Well, yes, but "legal" doesn't necessarily mean "easily accessible." And in many places in the US, there's a very small window of time during pregnancy in which getting an abortion is legal.
@@nilakall5804 what would you know?
@@notbot2648 as it should be. Still that's a lie to say it's illegal when its not.
What's the point of attaching a note to a grenade unless you're expecting the grenade to not explode?
It's the principle of the matter
I wonder how many people have gotten their 4th and 5th boosters since this video came out.
Yeah. Now the Vax is banned in Europe. Needs a doctors note if you are under 60. Video didn't age well at all.😂.
@@misterpacha1 In your parallel "Germanik New Medicine" Universe maybe.
I got my 6th shot 2 days ago.
Some have 9 - it’s pure insanity
@@Schutti73 Getting six or seven or eight shots against the same disease over three years makes me wonder: does it reflect faith or distrust for the jab? And does it reflect obliviousness to the great rise in the incidence of myocarditis, stroke and turbo cancers since its roll-out?
@@jrbleauTurbo cancer isn't an actual diagnosis.
I'd say that I'm a pro-vaxxer (I just had my flu-shot and planning to get my c-19 when it's available for me) but honestly, I'm glad to hear a more in-depth view of reasons for mistrust and uncertainty rather than "Cause they're tin foil hat dumb, hur der". By the looks of it, trust is more rare than... well... anything. And where we heading, trust becomes rarer each moment.
I’ve already seen and heard of countless cases of people dying and suffering terrible reactions. 3% of people vaccinated have severe events causing hospitalization or death. THIS IS WORSE THAN COVID. Look at the possible side effects from FDA, they’re all very severe and worse than much of what covid would do to most people. The main ingredient in anti freeze is in the vaccine.
@@LuckyW23 but have u seen or heard case of the vaccinated disease ??
And where do you pull that 3% number from?
@@hexfizgamingch the cdc....
@@LuckyW23Dude, listen. I'm Pro-vaccine. I had no issues with them and would rather to see everyone get them while they can. I praised Wisecrack for their nuance and understanding about Anti-vaxxers. Yes it's easy for me to point and laugh to score points among my peers but I understand there is more than that. If you going to tell me how "Vaccines is poison" and the same Anti-vaxxer propaganda expect me to convert me, then you are no better than the Pro-vaccine people that scream "Get the shot, tin foil idiots". Also everything has a risk, people choke on food all the time but would that stop you from eating? I had no issues/reactions with any of my past vaccinations, so I'll take that 3% risk just to end this Covid-19 nightmare.
To be clear, you're promoting a GMO free product (highlighting this quality) in a video critiquing antivaxxers. Incredible
Pretty funny
I noticed this bit of hypocrisy myself. I understand that the sponsor probably made him stress the "no GMO" part, but it's still hilarious. I wonder if Wisecrack would have the balls to do a video about how GMOs aren't really anything to be afraid of, and keep the same sponsor and the same speech about how their cereal is "GMO free".
Yeah, I caught that, too. Who's paying the guy ? right?
I'll keep my Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, thank you very much.
@@SuperOmnicronsj44 Most of the anti-vaxxers he cited are anti-GMO too, haha. Mercola is a big example of a guy who profits off his fake "cures" for "GMO-induced diseases". A lot of money in anti-GMO grifting with the help of the Big Organic Lobby .
This was an entire unit in my History of Western Medicine course in under 30 minutes! Also one of the major proponents of inoculations in England was Lady Montagu who learned of the practice during her husband’s stint as an ambassador in the Ottoman Empire. Her positive reception (since she herself was scarred by it) helped with acceptance in the aristocracy.
Did they teach the difference between inoculation and transfection?
Is it ok to adapt a trusted wording to increase acceptance of an experimental genetic immunization?
People didn't wanna eat GMO.. Now they become GMOs themselves - and they believe it's just a harmless inoculation!
We have to kill anti-vaxxers and torture them
@@ScienceMessiah What are you talking of GMOs you tool?
First off, not all Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.
Second, mRNA does not changes DNA. It doesn´t even get into the cell nucleus.
@@rogeriopenna9014 Reverse Transcription
Look it up you genius!
@@ScienceMessiah you are the genius that should look it up. Reverse transcription is dependent on an enzyme PRODUCED BY A FEW VIRUSES.
Humans don't have such enzyme. Thus there is no way to transform the RNA from those vaccines into DNA and insert in our genome.
Even after billions of vaccinations, with trillions of cells in each individual, the chances are not zero, the chances of such thing being harmful is near zero.
After all, as YOU SHOULD KNOW, reverse transcription IS a mechanism used by certain viruses... it has happened for billions of years. And most probably all of us have had viruses doing just that and adding junk DNA in much greater quantities than possible by mRNA vaccines considering our lack of the enzyme.
Are you a privatdozen in WHAT discipline? Homeopathy? Crystals? Chromatic therapy?
The State: **builds on a historical legacy of deeply unethical medical experimentation and paternalism to maintain a for-profit healthcare Industry focused on Medical Intellectual property monopolies and pharmaceutical price-gouging**
People in general: **Stop trusting the state & healthcare Industry in favour of increasingly paranoid and baroque conspiracy theories**
The State: **Pikachu Face**
America is a country that strongly supports being independent, and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Trusting other people and doing things to help other is the antithesis of American Individualism.
It comes from a fear of the government which this country was founded on
Yeah Americans don’t seem to give a shit about their fellow citizen, which will be destructive to us in the long run
Some of that is admirable, but when something like disease hits maybe you need a re think.
But if they were truly about individualism, then they shouldn't rely on others for anything. Like why not grow their own food or make their own furniture instead of going to a store.
I love how the guy tied a note to the grenade not thinking that if it worked the note would be incinerated.
if it worked no one would have found the note.
Plot twist: the note was vaccinated against grenade
My guess is that it was never intended to explode, just a clear threat that the delivery method worked.
@@Justanotherconsumer Oh yes, the tried and true "note tied to a rock thrown through a window" delivery system. But with the added threat of fire and explosion.
Then again, the note might have just been for the thrower's benefit. A spot of vindictive catharsis.
Last time I was this early my aunt was still vaccinating her kids
I'm sorry to hear that.
...in general or just for covid?
@@majdjinn5042 You can't really have stopped doing something, we have just gotten to.
The aunt could say she not vaccinating for that and that alone or always have.
One is foolish, the other not so much. Given the science.
It's difficult for me to trust anyone who says that Magic Spoon tastes good.
Bloodletting is a legit medical practice that IS still used in America today. I have to go in for regular bloodletting to treat iron overloading.
TCG Guide Thats pretty disingenuous to say “ Bloodletting still exists today “. It exists foe ONE condition: Hemochromatosis. Hundreds of years ago it was considered standard therapy for a multitude of problems, without ANY proven benefit.
@@Rainman270 No hemochromotosis is what I have but it's also used in the treatment of these other conditions as well; polycythemia vera, porphyria cutanea tarda, and polycythemia secondary to arterio-venous fistulae, cyanotic congenital heart disease or cor pulmonale.
@@tcgguide3818 ok, you got a few more there, but drawing blood has been PROVEN to be beneficial and have therapeutic benefit, unlike Bloodletting hundreds of years ago for any number of reasons.
I think roasting Jenny McCarthy is every true Americans duty
She literally looks like a Karen stereotype. How can one one not roast her?
@@badluck5647 I'm not american so - what's wrong with a Karen?
@@glebbokhan9777 Look up Karen on urban dictionary
I want to speak to your manager.
@@glebbokhan9777 In C D's case they are hot white women that, according to C D, should be taken down a peg whenever possible... possibly just due to their attractive features.
You: Most cereals are just full of sugar,
Me: Literally eating a bowl full of mini marshmellows
I would legit buy "Lucky Charms: Oops all Marshmallows"
High glycemic index cereals lead to inflammation and heart disease... much like vaccines. That's why the "take the shot get free Krispy Kreme" is so appropriate to those who want to destroy their health in two different ways. FYI: Post Raisin Bran has a higher glycemic index than Coka Cola.
@@occupydemocratsparody5318 nobody is going to eat raisin bran as freqeunt as someone could drink a coke lol
If only Americans had a real and reliable public health care system that isn’t profiting from people’s health or sicknesses.
There's a reason the original hippocratic oath forbade doctors from accepting any payment whatsoever for their treatment.
I think, as long as money is involved, no one will be honest or have others best intentions in mind.
We have to kill anti-vaxxers and torture them for the sake of humanity
Brilliantly well-researched vid. Fair play to you guys! The irony of being sponsored by Magic Spoon though: "GMO-free" is a definite grift, on par with homeopathy
So many things that are gluten free display gmo free as well, I cringe as I eat.... Anything edible. And now I have to switch to a gluten free diet because of Celiac's disease. Lowkey was considering buying that cereal 😭💀
I wouldn't say they're the same. GMO scepticism is mostly just pretentious whereas homeopathy regularly gets people killed.
@@TheArtistKnownAsNooblet I'm kinda starting to think that people are so anti GMOs because they think the G stands for gluten.
Gmo’s can be bad. They can be good. Round up ready soybeans and their economic impact is real bad.
We have to kill anti-vaxxers and torture them
Ridicule never changes peoples minds, understanding does that
- kudos wisecrack on the best video on this topic I've seen
And then the comments memed it...
I've had the phizer vaccine (both shots) but won't be taking the 'booster' shot.
I didn't realise the vaccine is only effective for 6 to 8 months. I'll queue for a vaccine that actually works
Hey magic spoon. In the immortal words of Chris Farley, "You can slap a guarantee on a box but all it tells me is that it's a guaranteed piece of shit."
Why are you so mean?
I could get a good look at a t-bone steak by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but, I'd rather take the butchers word for it.
@@ScribblebytesWorldwide let me guess. You’re offended?
So not only the discredited doctor is responsible but so does the lawyer that paid him to write the article. They should be send to trail and send to solitary confinement.
I tried magic spoon, the cereal was so bad I threw it away and contemplated eating the box. Also it has shit nutrition according to the nutrition facts it is way worse than most of those "sugary" which are often fortified with tons of stuff.
Certified review and top comment ^
why didn't you spend $15 and your time to ship back their box of cereal to get your $5 back? lmao what a shit marketing technique, bet it works too
Title should have been: Vaccines - what went wrong?
It's funny how you can debunk antivaxers here, which is fair, and at the same time go "anti GMO? here you go buy the stuff from our sponsor"...
I was about to post the same thing. Wisecrack, are you aware of the irony? You can't pick and choose your science.
@@dallascarpenter5168 Well you kinda can. Vaccines are absolutely necessary in an urbanised society and not using them is murderous, while GMO are optional, and while safe for consumption, their total long-term economic effect is difficult to assess due to monoculture risks and the like. In part, GMO products have been made to sell herbicides and pesticides which at one time were safer and more efficient than alternatives, but over time, organisms resistant to these have been emerging. GMO themselves may not be an issue, but they are part of an overall approach to high intensity farming that may not turn out to be very sustainable long term.
But i doubt that's specifically the line of thinking most anti-GMO consumers have. And unqualified and sitting right beside each other in the video, it's still damn funny!
Because he's FULL OF SHIT?
Those aren't the same things, lol.
well buying anti gmo is not bad just stupid
In that Frontline episode referenced here, one of the doctors pointed out that vaccines are victims of their own success.
Alec: Can we do a whole series of videos focused on different aspects of the anti-vaxxer movement?
Jared: No.
Alec: Can we do a whole series of videos focused on different aspects of the anti-vaxxer movement?
Alec: ... Yes.
As a casual watcher, I have not idea what happened to Jared.
@@michaeljmeyer3 He doesn´t work on Wisecrack anymore
He is a legend, nonetheless, and will always be remembered
@@emirochoa6055 100%
It appears they were right. 1 Million injuries requiring medical attention and over 20k deaths for a virus with a 98.5% survival rate. The CDC says VAERS is nothing to see because the reports are not verified while another source says the average reporting is 1-2% so it could be 50-100 times worse. Life insurance companies are feeling the pain with over 100k claims for payouts per month too.
"This videos is all about how antivaxxers are ridiculous and anti-science but first let me tell you about this awesome cereal that doesn't have any of those dirty GMOs"
Bitchute has plenty of real Drs and real data that refutes the pc narrative .
Go see if u want ur own opinion
It's interesting how, to all appearances, most #Vaxtards are irrationally pro-GMO. At least the "WiseCrack" that's a bit low on Wisdom but HIGH on "crack," is demonstrating some balance. #UniformityOfOpinion is actually more of a mark of brainwashing than what he's exhibiting.
I find it kinda funny all these people shitting on him for promoting a GMO free product. It's almost like people who accept the vaccine are so indoctrinated that they all have to agree with eachother on everything like mindless slaves. Fuck critical independent thinking, conform or be criticized
leave it to some anti-GMO weirdo to return a $5 to $10 box of cereal to the manufacturer because they didn't like it
@@jerrickmarques8777 all those anti-GMO retards are up to no good.
LOL. I love the video putting down the anti science movement is sponsored by an anti science (anti-GMO) product placement.
hypocrisy is real
That might be because not all science is good
@@TylerWitucki - Using grains that EVOLVED to be robust in a specific environment instead of engineering grains to thrive in EVERY environment is scientific as well. Literally copy writing genetic codes of a living thing and leveraging that to squeeze farmers out of the market is SOCIOPATHIC not scientific by the way.
@@daniellove162 yes. Devil is in the details: intra-species GMOs vs inter-species.
@Zavier Botsford ... No, it's just how breeding plants works. Every strain of corn we grow in the US is a GMO, corn naturally would take much more water, yield less, and other stuff. GMOs are great when it's properly used, but if taken too far it can be problematic for ecosystems and us.
what's the point of attaching a note to a grenade if you expect it to explode? and yes, that is my main takeaway from this video.
Well, no wonder the person who threw it was superstitious.
Logic wasn't their strong suit...
I am not anti Vax yet I don't want to take the Covid Vaccines because of the time frame they have been produced. It's too fast for the kinks to have been worked out
Is cereal actually a type of soup?
Good question for a philosophy based channel, it's a question that only masters could answer.
hey vsauce, Michael here
Morning soup 🤯
C'mon man. Not this again.
Only if it’s placed in a liquid
I really like you guys, and what you guys do, but hawking a non GMO product before a video about science misinformation seems a little off brand, no?
Yeah, that's a little...creepy...weird...strange? Not sure which it is, but it's one of them.
it's on target. :D
I find it kinda funny all these people shitting on him for promoting a GMO free product. It's almost like people who accept the vaccine are so indoctrinated that they all have to agree with eachother on everything like mindless slaves. Fuck critical independent thinking, conform or be criticized
@@zacka1337 the people who don't like the vaccine all agree on not liking the vaccine, too. What's the point to make here? People often agree on certain things based on their personality?
Are black people slaves/sheep because most don't agree with racism? I would think not.
What's wrong with thinking alike? There is nothing wrong with holding similar values to other people.
@@frown2462 No! But you don't understand! From his worldview, if you disagree that means you have the big secret that nobody else does and everybody else is a sheep
It's such a small point made in this video, but the lack of public healthcare infrastructure really is taking its toll right now.
Fun-Fact: Hbomberguy made the best vaccine-video i've seen today, though professor dave does come close.
@@nenmaster5218 yeah his video was great. It really changed my moms mind on mmr
It's Difficult to win an argument against an intelligent person but it's impossible to win an argument against a dumb person
I think there is room to make an entire video on women in medicine and why so many women opt for the natural option. People mock the Karen without understanding the torture medicine put her through that made her give up.
I liked this comment. Indeed, a Karen does not form over night.
Just because you can not understand scientific principles It does not make them wrong ...
I had a hippy neighbor who didn't vaccinate her daughter. She got whooping cough which came back every winter, caused weeks of missed school and limited what she was able to do.
Nature has a funny way of always killing off these movements.
It's really interesting that Europeans were more against being forced. I live in Denmark and my somewhat skeptical mother was freaking out about a proposed law that would let the government forcibly vaccinate and quarantine people (then fine them if they didn't comply), thankfully all things relating to force were dropped but it's interesting seeing this situation play out again.
I don't think anyone should be forced to do anything. They should have access to freedom of choice. Especially for things like chemicals and live viruses being injected directly into your body.
That's usually referred to as 'tyranny'. That does upset some people.
Danish citizen here as well - forcing is not needed because uptake in Denmark is very high even for the now last demographic groups of young people. As he said, enough people don't skip the line, pay their due tax and in general operate with an understanding of being part of a larger community, so that the few a-holes who don't, dosen't matter enough to ruin it for everyone.
@@funkyfiss very few vaccines nowadays are live virus vaccines, and none of the Covid ones are.
@@emm8357 The Covid vaccines have gene therapy instead, much worse than live viruses. Even the guy who invented the mRNA vaccine Robert malone has a problem with them because of the spike protein that is attached. I believe the Johnson and Johnson vaccine has the virus though.
When talkinh about historical mistrust of vaccines, you could've mentioned the vaccine revolt in Brazil in 1904.
Creio que é pouco conhecido lá fora, mas boa lembrança, seria perfeito
@@geovannacampos6794 Nossa história, como de toda a América Latina, é sempre esquecida.
Anti-vaxxers: My kids now won't have to worry about the struggles of autism in their life.
Me: yeah for the 10 minutes that they are alive
Just to play devils advocate...
"I better inject mercury, formaldehyde, fetal tissue, and dead kidney cells from a monkey directly into my bloodstream, because, you know.... polio."
As an Aspie, every time I hear the whole "vaccines cause autism" from these people, I wish I could throttle them
@@sammyvictors2603 I would say its more of a feeling to slap the sense into them
Lol dark comedy classic
@@sammyvictors2603 vaccines dont cause autism, injecting mercury into a 20 pound human being, might.
If inoculation against a terrible disease is fascist, then you can call me Sheev Palpatine.
Part Two: What Can We Do About It?
We may understand why people accept for promote vaccine misinformation--gained a context I much appreciate, but we're just as stuck as before. What can the average person stuck in their home do to change that reality?
Show the facts, discuss like civilized beings. If both parties respect and talk to each other everything is possible. Else, at least you tried.
Sometimes there isn't much to be done. They are so far in their bullcrap logic that not even the most persuasive can bring then back.
I think being less empathetic can help. If one of them loses someone or even dies because of anti-science beliefs could be a good thing to specifically point out that a "traditional" a.k.a real treatment could have saved their lives, so the ones who survive can abandon those crazy beliefs out of guilt (because they may indirectly caused harm to a loved one with those crazy ideas) or fear (seeing the bad results that the anti-science brought, they could choose to avoid them out of fear that the bad thing will happen again).
Other empathetic ways are proving themselves not enough. Misinformation is not contained by logical arguments.
"No GMO" and this expert is telling us about medical myths and vaccines
Fun side note: Cotton didn't free Onesimus from slavery. Even though he saved the life of Cotton and his family.
...I'm not surprised, but jeez
Well yeah Onesimus wasn't a human being, saving massa's life was just his duty
Africans brought many skills with them. The transatlantic slave trade was a brain drain of the continent. All those skills were used by slaveholders to enrich themselves and their country, having the opposite result in Africa.
21:50 If unvaccinated are the only ones infecting other unvaccinated while vaccinated people are safe from infection, then there's no violation of the social contract.
Are unvaccinated people the only ones infecting others? And are unvaccinated people the only ones being infected?
There is no social contract. It’s non existent
Is Jim Carrey still kind of off his rocker, or has he come back to reality by now...? I still love the guy, regardless of his opinions, but I'm curious.
Off his rocker?? What you meant to write is that you do not even begin to understand the universe at all! Lol
@@shadeaquaticbreeder2914 no I think he meant 'off his rocker' as in 'not hysterically out of his mind under the guise of wokeness'
Not mentioning the Tuskegee air men when talking about why people might not trust the government/vaccines is pretty disengengenous
So basically its another story of "capitalism ruins everything and makes life worse for everyone." Awesome, love living in a world where money is more important than human lives. Very good time and place to exist.
i’m fully vaccinated but i’m not sure where to stand on this anymore. the vaccine mandates i don’t agree with fully. it seems like states with high vaccination rates also have really high infection rates. and there’s lots of claims that people getting vaccinated are developing heart issues and other health problems. i’m not sure what to think anymore. and it makes me question myself. if i was wrong about the vaccine. if i was wrong about covid. or are people just getting in my head
I agree. I think most of the claims are bs considering i haven't seen ONE reliable statistic from these people. I know it is a buissness and they are making money from it, but dozens of incredibly skillfull smart people have contributed to developing these vaccines.
Okay, let *me* try to get in your head for a bit then:
Most everything you believe to be true is a lie. You've been programmed from birth by professional propagandists. What you're seeing now is not about control, this is not about anything regarding Klaus Schwab or the World Economic Forum. This is not about a great reset. This whole thing is not for profit, at least not in fake fiat money terms. They dont care about fake money, why would they, they have trillions of the stuff and if they want more their buddies just print a load for them. The economy is as fake as everything else these days and is just there to keep the remaining slaves in line while they forced to hand over their actual wealth. They are making a *real* wealth grab, such as property. Look at how much farmland Bill Gates has bought.
The truth of the matter is, you are a slave and your labor is obsolete.
You are observing the controlled demolition of obsolete technology and infrastructure that was used to support the human resources that were necessary to build the technological infrastructure of today. The end goal is depopulation, because quite simply they believe there is no longer sufficient resources for billions of people to live luxurious lives. Previously they needed the slaves in their billions to create, power and sustain their lifestyles, now they have AI and robotics to take the place of the human slaves, which have quite literally become useless eaters consuming resources as they slob their lives from birth to death performing useless work of no real benefit to the ruling class. And useless slaves have always been killed off, the world has not changed that much throughout history.
Or maybe not. Who knows.
@@odinsrensen7460 woah.edgy
@@vri8486 It was the edgiest I could find on the internet, combined, trimmed and given a little polish. Don't think millions of people are going to fall over tomorrow or anything like that, but a reduction in overall life expectancy doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. Just below retirement age would be the sweet spot.
And wouldn't you have replied with a similarly pithy response if I told you Australia were going to put people in camps a few months ago?
@@odinsrensen7460 i’m just very confused. sorry
Mothers who choose to protect their children and take extra time to research everything, are not doing it to seem like they’re doing more or that they aren’t lazy. they Are they do this because they love their children And are concerned about their health more than a stranger with a medical degree.
Research and critical thinking are great things. But if someone decides to feed their kids weeds and have them wear magic crystals as a result of that study, that mother was not critical enough and didn't do enough research.
To put it another way, if that mother was writing a essay instead of deciding the life and death of their own children, they would get a D on that essay and be told to find more reliable sources.
Scientists and Dr's have already done the research. But some people prefer to bury their heads in the sand.
Thanks for your video. I feel very angry after I watched it. Also felt very powerless. I lived through a period in Australia where a guy making vitamin pills dispensed with putting any vitamins in said tablets.
Your video reminds me of a time I was approached as a medical professional to front some herbal medicines and make oodles of money. I refused
This world makes me sick.
I did not expect wisecracked to sum up such a complicated subject very well.
wise on crack - if you even think about taking that vaccine for CV19
Neither did I. And thus I wasn't as disappointed as I otherwise might have been. Seems he's "half right" on many subjects, and, to "sum things up," "WiseCrack" LOW on "wisdom" yet HIGH on "crack."
*Sigh* My mom loves Mercola and won't listen to any of the scientific studies I show her. She says they're all lies paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. And I ask her, well who are your studies paid for then?
The ad break was for "Book of Remedies" by an Apothecary lol
Homeopathy got taken over by grifting. If you look into what the natives or Chinese do/did then you will find what really works
@@shadeaquaticbreeder2914 If something truly works then the pharmaceutical or medical industry will research it to find out why. Many of the medicines that we have today has come from this practice.
Anecdotes passed down are not good healthcare.
@@earnestbrown6524 your dumb. That is factually wrong. And has been proven wrong over our history. Nikola Tesla for 1 and every single independent scientist/inventer after him has gotten bought out or silenced or has gone missing. We haven't cured anything in over 70 years!!! Our medicine today has NOTHING to do with curing whatever is wrong it's just covering up the symptoms to hide the cause so they can make money forever
Having anti vaxers is a great thing for the economy!!! We need as many old timers kicking the bucket as possible. Social security needs a break in spending.
Exactly what China thought when they created it
We have to kill anti-vaxxers for the sake of humanity. They are too stupid to live
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool Relax bro. Anti vaxers pay taxes, and in turn have the same freedoms we all enjoy.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool that’s what Covid19 is for
@@ralphperez4360 until they get sick and become a burden on society
Healthcare system versus healthcare market
Education system versus education market
Oligarchs versus the people they want to depopulate.
it isn't freaking rocket science ... it really isn't.
Hello Wisecrack! Long time member and subscriber. Much love and respect for what you guys do. Pretty awesome! I have a video suggestion. Can you make a video (or series) about Social Justice Warriors and how it’s changed in post modern society, how it’s influenced by the internet and anonymity, people getting easily offended (on both sides of the aisle), and cancel culture? Also, if you can do a “What went wrong? Qanon” THAT WOULD BE FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Please please please consider it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! And keep it up everyone :)