Quote stolen from instagram: "If there's a person saying that it's raining, and another person is saying that it is not raining, your job as a journalist is not to listen to both sides: Your job is to open the f*cking window and check if it's raining." Edit for the people getting triggered by this quote: GO TOUCH SOME GRASS AND BREATHE SOME FRESH AIR
@@molodezhnaja Different then saying it's raining (because you can actually see rain) and something that is subjective, and using it as actual facts. you can't see something subjective, so you obviously have to do more work then just "look to see if it's raining". the "rain" in this case is one side of a two side story, and looking only to see if it's "raining" is neglecting of half of a whole, not actually seeing if one side is right, you in that moment declare only yourself as wrong.
@@theoriganalxldub I will say this once more, this quote ONLY works if the thing your arguing is objective, and can be seen. If its subjective then taking both sides into account so that you have the whole picture is sometimes more important then being "right" mostly because if its subjective you CAN'T be right, you can only be wrong.
Or you just saw a bunch of testimonies by renowned doctors including the former CEO Chief Science officer that it isn't necessary - the top up vaccines are necessary with dangerous side effects and people have already had dangerous side effects from the AstraZeneca/vaccine. Its about the persons RIGHT TO THEIR OWN BODY. It isn't rocket science .
@@SuperOmnicronsj44 Just because you have the right to drive yourself off a cliff, doesn't mean you should be allowed to do it with a van full of people. Not getting vaccinated literally gets people killed. If anti-vaxers were only risking their lives, and not the lives of everyone around them, you might have a point.
Yeah I'm pretty sure you were not going to die from covid. At least, I would not assume other people are "at risk". I assume everyone knows how to take CARE of themselves.
that right eh? well, worse than anything is millions of fools still not learning you can't believe everything you here from the mainstream media, if any, and what excuse is there by now that even after something as bogus as 911 20 years ago, so many people haven't learned?
One important detail left out of the Wakefield controversy is that while he was seeking to discredit the MMR vaccine, he was seeking to secure a patent on HIS OWN vaccine he was developing. I call that a conflict of interest.
@@Tadpoletofrogs Of course you'd belive wakefield for his bogus psuedoscience, and not the fact he was soo money minded to cause harm to future generations of children growing up with the parents beliving in this! Maybe, yk, try to minimise your ego and actually protect the children by vaccinating them! And don't you or anyone else dare say "oH bOo HoO vAcCiNeS mAdE x ChIlD sIcK" it didn't, in most cases it was a genetically soread disease, or caused by improper standardisation and poor hygeine! So please, as someone who wants to see a future where kids can actually be healthy, safe and cheerful, instead of having shorter and disease ridden lives because of people like you who can't even accept truth because of you ego and confirmational bias, please, just atleast try to change, for the next generations sake!
@@corey2232 even a broken clock is right 2 times per day. Imo it is time for big media, big business,and bigctech to ride into the sunset. Break it all up into small entities. They are the new robber barons.
Last year when the Covid precautions were being rolled out, I remember an observation that if it works most people will look at the low numbers and instead of taking that to mean that we did the right thing they'll point to it as evidence that we overreacted over nothing.
@@snowangelnc and boy, did it turn out to be true. they still believe it even though Brazil and other nations that barely had restrictions are getting superfucked.
@@gleipnirrr yes, i'm dutch and we had very mild restrictions untill it was too late. Now we have strickter measures, but people don't want restrictions anymore because they "don't work", fail to follow up on the measures and complain if the cases are on the rise again that the measures don't work, rinse and repeat. On top of that, our vaccination campaign is very slow, i'm 32 so i might get my first dose in june or july...
@@churblefurbles you mean the government propaganda program to sell subsidized crops like corn and wheat by claiming they are foundation for a good diet?
I had a local news executive/producer who talked to me and some classmates some years ago in some college course who told us that not all stories have two sides. Some are really in favor of one "side" so to speak. But ultimately news is a form of entertainment or "edu-tainment" in some ways which means it has to be conveyed in a more appealing manner by presenting two opposing factions. So there you have it. An actual media expert who worked in the news industry for decades that revealed the truth about the illusion and apparent entertainment value of "bothsideism".
@@AdamCoate dude I know some people who got the 1st dose and it activated their bodies as 5G hotspots but no one believes me either! They ask for proof but all I tell them is dude, trust me.
I just wish the anchors didn't have to be neutral on these. Having the opposite side can be good for showing the ridiculousness of one side compared to the proof from another, but that cannot happen if the host is treating both sides as if they are equally valid.
@@AdamCoate Pretty sure it takes more than a shot in the arm to significantly alter brain chemistry to the degree that an autist's brain differs from a non-autists. That is a BARGE LOAD of synapses and neurons that need to alter their firing patterns to perfectly replicate the patterns of an autist in a non-autist. And what's wrong with a little autism? The severity of autism so as to render someone disabled isn't the only kind of autism out there, you know.
@@AdamCoate if you're trolling, good job because you actually sound like somebody whi heard from their neighbor's friend's aunt that their cousin's kid got austism from vaccines. If you aren't trolling, do you have ANY evidence that proves you point other than mouth pieces on Dr. Oz? Like papers written by people who studied for years to make informed decisions on these kinds of subjects?
@@arrow3741 man, you really love the government a lot huh? Just shoot anything into your arm just like they tell you. Very sheepish. Very tuskegee of you.
Man... I grew up with a mom LOVING Oprah. Came home from school everyday and watched it with her but Oprah has done some real damage. With this, John of God, Dr. Os, and Phil.
I never considered her to be a journalist, she was a talk show host. I don't know why people give that kind of entertainment as much sway as the director of the cdc.
But clickbait didn't come from nowhere. I wonder if a UBI of sorts could help journalism, perhaps by addressing the issue where journalists are underpaid, or enabling more people to pay for better news.
that's not at all what the video is arguing for, on the contrary I see many conservative people demand that the media stop being biased and to let their viewers decide who is right, that is essentially bothsideism which is what this video is tackling, conformation bias can make it seem like this video is reprimanding the media
No! Thats horrible, their brainwashed, but that doesn’t mean we should fucking kill them you psycopath. We need to prevent outlets for Antivaxxers, and actually reeducate them (not in the creepy, murder toucher way, like actual re-education)
That Bothsideisum drives me crazy. Same thing happened with climate change, media presented equal time with scientists and deniers. And people who aren't as scientifically literate got confused.
It’s tragic! I like to think the first time Bothsideism happened, the aim was to present critical evaluation of a strong argument - which is good, but “presenting both sides” is only the first step. So many people don’t do the other steps 😔
I once read it this way: "When reporting about the weather, the journalist's job isn't to give a platform to both sides of the story (the ones saying it's raining and the ones saying it's sunny), but to look out of the window and report the truth"
The problem is that sometimes the window is being bricked up, sometimes there is a man in a black suit and tie standing guard over the blinds, and sometimes we are just to lazy to throw open the curtains...
@@colmlooney5843 you forgot the most important possibility: maybe the "rain" is fake and produced locally (please read further) to elaborate what i mean: if someone in the apartment above you waters the plants on his windowsill, you might see water dropping down outside your window. or someone is using a hose. or the conspiracies are true and the different governments are doing a weather-war across the globe and wtf am i even saying? unless you always find the source (which in the rain case, would probably be pretty easy by going outside the house) you can never be sure what is truly happening. (now this part isn't as important anymore) there was once the psychology study done about the accuracy of reports of bystanders. what they said: 2 cars drove out of the driveway, the second one didn't way for the first one to out and rammed it from behind. what had happened: the "first car" drove backwards into the driveway and hit the "second car" ofc, this is a silly example, but if the question were "did it rain yesterday?" and you have no video footage of it happening, all you can do is check if anything is still wet. but someone may have made these things wet/dry to prove his point so you'd come to the wrong conclusion! but if you have multiple people say that it did/n't rain, you'll have no idea what to conclude (and ofc, there's also the point of different times of "yesterday") but yeah, if your conspiracy has to be as big as the pro-vaxxers, like 99% of people actually working with the stuff constantly confirming it's effectiveness over 100 years and applying vaccines to their families and apparently all their families are not informed / lying to the public, wouldn't that make 20+% of western civilization in on the conspiracy? do you really want to fight against a power THIS big?
When writing research papers for school, we have to study multiple articles from reliable sources, but idiots that COVER THE NEWS FOR A WHOLE COUNTRY can post whatever from any ridiculous false sources. Ugh.
These parents' reactions are pure ableism. They wanted a perfect healthy baby, and they lash out when they find out their baby was born different. They don't accept they could have given birth to a baby that was already different, already had this condition, so they want to find external factors they can blame to absolve themselves. If they could just accept and care for the child they have, based on their needs, instead of trying to force the child to be someone they aren't, they'd be doing a lot less harm. It's so wild to see interviews with parents of autistic kids where they'll say really hurtful stuff in earshot of the child, and act like the kid won't understand or internalize those harmful messages. Autistic children are children. They grow up to be autistic adults. And we'd all be better off if wider society would take the time and effort to learn to accept and accommodate us as we are.
Most have normal children till they notice that changed after they got a vaccine.Like when the measles vaccine gave me the measles and I got a fever from it so bad I almost died.It would seem for some people the effects of the vaccine on them can vary and playing Russian roulette I would rather choose not to play and get it the regular way and take my chances.The reason they keep you from suing them is because they know some people have deadly side effects. like say blood clots as we just found the covid shot did.And no way to bring those dead people back.We should all have a choice.
There's an SMBC comic that takes a (sort of) comedic look at this, like, a lot of autistic adults are very focused, driven, methodical and smart, and many have historically into science, medicine, and technology. So while there's no reason to think that vaccines cause autism, there's pretty good reason to think that autism causes vaccines.
@@adamkorzon2972 You realize the comment you're replying to is discussing how there's nothing wrong with autism, and crappy parents using it as a fear tactics is harmful to their children and other autistic people? Vaccines are mercilessly vetted before released to the people. You talk about blood clots in J&J: that was six people, out of millions. Compare that to COVID itself where over 300,000 people died in my country. And as you say, there's no way to bring those people back, BUT we can prevent the deaths that WILL continue to happen if we don't get vaccinated. Or, let me put it this way. I'm assuming you aren't getting the vaccine. If you then contract COVID and die, it's YOUR fault. Or if you pass it onto someone else who dies, YOUR choice has led to that death. If this a game of Russian roulette, you're already playing and the vaccine is how you put the safety on the gun.
As an adult with no contact with my mother - who isn't even an anti-vaxxer but who had "made her own decisions regarding vaccines; after all, she was a nurse" (an in all likelihood actually someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, something way too many people are accused of these days for simply being selfish dicks) - I had to inform a doctor as an adult that my vaccination status was unclear in many cases and that I definitely hadn't gotten SOME clearly recommended vaccines since the Summer I was eleven, my mother had simply stopped taking care that I, for example, ever see a dentist. So I got to say yes to A LOT of shots to be administered over a span of several months.
@@camelopardalis84 Sorry you went through that, glad herd immunity got you through without catching anything fatal... always wondered if Nurse Ratched had kids
@@bubbafug00gle51 I in all likelihood did get vaccinated against the dangerous things. The main problem was that she didn't take care of some things - but not others - starting when I was 11 (at most). The dentist thing is the most illustrative example. I sure knew that dentist appointments are a recurring thing, but I had never been in charge of making sure they took place or anything. My mother had always made the appointments and brought me to them. Basically, my whole job was to sit in that chair and comply with what the doctor told me and to repeat the same with the dental hygientist(spelling/is that even the right word?). And I did see doctors when I broke my ankle less than a year later. I even got contact lenses at 11. But this mostly meant that I wasn't aware that some appointments (dentist, vaccinations) simply didn't take place anymore. No "from now on your immunisations and your teeth are your responsibility". When I moved out at almost 20, I still had the immunisation status I'd had at 11, if not younger. And still no reminder that now that I lived independently, I had to take care of these things myself. Despite the topic of tetanus shots coming up only weeks before I moved out. I didn't take care of these things for way too long a time afterwards and I am unsure as to how far I need to blame myself. Some of the reasons that kept me from tackling these things are other things that have to do with me growing up the way I did. It's a weird topic for me. In any case, thanks for your words. I don't remember Nurse Ratched too well - I only saw the film once 17 years ago. But sadly, people with NPD do like to start carreers in nursing, social work and the like. Those can be positions in which you have a lot of uncontrolled power. Just like you do as a mother. Nurse Ratched would have been a terrible mother who'd habe been able to blind people with her "nurturing job" and "good education", so much is sure.
Yes, this is it. In 2013 the city I lived in voted on community water fluoridation. The people against it - donut shop owners, chiropractors, and "concerned mothers" - were presented equal or more media and social media time than the people for it - dentists, doctors, and public health advocates. When I did door-to-door canvassing, a lot of people who spoke to me really thought the scientific evidence was split, whereas in reality something like 99% of the studies on the subject showed it was good for health and safe. Strangely, when I told them I used o be a chemist who worked at a lab testing drinking water they found what I said compelling, but honestly, my opinion should be worth nothing compared to the CDC, AAP, etc., yet it was the personal story that worked.
They should be charged for it imo. In the UK the media just outright lied that their was a fuel shortage because of a lack of driver but it just wasn’t and isn’t true. The problem is a lot of people went out and panic bought a load of petrol and diesel, causing a fuel crises. So now nurses, doctors, care workers, paramedics, people who work in warehouses to supply food, firefighters ect. Are struggling to get fuel because the media told all the mums that they needed to fill cans up with fuel to do the school run down the road. When the media does things like that which will result in people dying then the journos and the editors who give the green light to it should be charged with man slaughter imo or they should have media licenses and if you’re caught lying then you get it stripped and you’d better find a new career.
@Golgotha_Mythos69 How do people know that they have been fooled if they don’t believe the government who keeps lying to them? The anti vaccine movement could be people who just think that the government is lying to them and they don’t believe known liars. One example of this is Dr. Anthony Fauci who lied to the general public in March of 2020 by telling people not to wear masks to save the lives of the medical establishment. I agree that vaccines are safe and people should get vaccinated and if they don’t get vaccinated, we should put them in a situation where they will choose to get vaccinated.
@@giantsr1eva That example about Fauci is repeated a lot, but you must remember that were it not for Trump’s absolute and complete IDIOCY, he wouldn’t have had to say that. It’s similar to the way RWers claim calling AGW “Climate Change” was “proof” we’re lying, when the only reason it was changed from “Anthropogenic Global Warming” was because RWers purposefully misunderstood the science behind it….or even the whether from climate! Mistrust of the gov’t is natural and even healthy. But there’s a difference between lies to protect the wealthy and “I didn’t come from no monkey!” mistrust from a group of scientifically illiterate, mostly CREATIOINIST populace who have been brainwashed to reject ALL science and ALL facts from ‘intellectuals’. The video you’re commenting on touched on this, btw. Being fooled is easy when one has ZERO critical thinking skills left (assuming they ever had them).
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool I’m sure you’re kidding, but honestly we need to try some compassion, tough as it is. Even saying that much pisses people off who’ve been vaccinated, I get it. But seriously… It’s religion. Use the Socratic method to dismantle how they believe what they do about science and you will make a difference. It’s up to EACH of us on the most personal level. “Burn” them with hard, cold facts, logic, and reason. It’s kryptonite for religious idiocy. Seen it work over and over again. It even worked on me.
@@hadara69 Actually I remember all these democrat politicians and all these celebrities saying they will never take a vaccine because it was the trump government pushing them. But as soon as Biden got into power suddenly they would. This is why people don't trust them they flip flop depending on who is in the white house.
I have Autism but both my parents never fell for the "home treatments" mostly because they were both somewhat trained Medical Personnel (Dad a Combat Medic and Mom an former Nursing school student she dropped out) they just treated me like a normal child I went into special ed classes but that was it. I was treated like a normal kid.
thanks---i came from a 'medic crazed' family and mom was jabbing kids up in grade schools in the 80s with whatever. you now have this so-called 'new normal' madness going on, however, the family i'm from is also of the alcoholic variety, in which it was why various twelve step programs were started with A.A. being the original one, which is nothing to do with any of the others except they use they same program more-less. now, since spring 2020, there has been genocide on us by churches being closed down which is where A. A. meetings were mostly run in. there have been at least twice as many overdoses and suicides because of it. myself, i also wasn't treated like a 'normal kid' because my parents were the cause of most of my serious child abuse, that had resulted in me having serious mental problems to the point of being an in patient for a month in 1987. however, this is where a few years later i met some people who had first got me off caffeine and so forth, then i took my last med in 93, and hadn't taken a jab since the early 80s. i didn't even have a choice to get a shot in 76 because i was in grade four then, which is when they had jabbed up 42 million people and around when Bill Gates was introduced. so, through it i 'all i learned 'normal' doesn't apply and what we need is to have boundaries and investigations that don't oppress things like holistic movements or so-called anti-vaxxers.
Yeah it depends on the context. When used to argue morality, it's easy to accuse people who think that it's impossible for one side to be morally perfect and the other to be morally evil of bothsidesism.
@@dynamicworlds1 I'm not sure, but I'd think that golden mean fallacy would better describe choosing a centrist opinion just because it's centrist, which is different than showing two sides of an issue in a positive light even if one of the two sides does not deserve it.
Hopefully the corruption and death (and rebirth) of the industry speeds up a bit, it's not fun to know that old media is dying but they still have some time left to fuck up public discourse
I don’t think it’s arguable. The media barely bothers to hide the fact that at best they twist the facts and selectively report to support the narrative they want and at worst outright lie if they feel the ends justify it.
Whenever the media makes a grand claim in science or medicine, I always search for the peer-reviewed journal about the claim. I trust scientists far more than journalists.
Peer reviewed studies can be affected by chem-trails. I prefer those web sites with the pyramid and the shining eye. That's where i learned the TRUTH about 9/11 being filmed in Stanley Kubrick's garage, and Queen Elizabeth being a reptile.(The evidence is overwhelming - eLIZAbeth. LIZA is fully 2/3 of the word LIZARD, and lizards are reptiles.) I close my case.
thanks--actually the problem is that there is no real journalism by anyone who owns the mainstream media, which is the same mind/perception screwing cult as ever. the mainstream was originally meant to be investigative but apparently has become a pathetic public relations instead.
@@Jebbtube Mmmm well, perhaps when they see the needle, some persuasion might be needed. (I would have thought cake would be more popular than money ... but perhaps they're little bankers) ;)
Everytime someone brings up Andrew Wakefield, they always leave out one huge key thing - He had a patent for his own MMR vaccine that gave the M, M, and the R in separate doses and was considered "Autism Free" or some shit. Guy was just angling for a huge ass payday from this one beyond getting paid $800k for his study.
i think he is probably just another of the psychopaths that for over 30 years David Icke tried to tell people that they are part of a 'bloodline cult', and it is the same one that was behind 911 20 years ago. there is a book called Agenda 21 if you can find it, and it was written by them because that's how stupid they think people have gotten now.
Of course that science journalism is hard. But if comparatively small TH-cam channels such as yourself and plenty others can do it so good consistently. Then I don't think that multi million media channels on TV, with more than ten times the staff and resources, can excuse their repeating failures in scenictific coverage on it being hard.
Small is to Wiscrack's advantage. It only has to fill 15 minutes a week, and can live on Patreon and sponsorship. TV networks and YT drama channels have to throw any kind of dreck at the screen to fill the hours (and keep the lights on)
PS. I forgot about their one hour podcast! Talking heads is the cheapest form of content, and I don't begrudge them it! (And they can do all this without dumping toxic waste into the media landscape)
@@jedigecko06 We're not asking the media do talk 24h about science with deep explanations, we're asking them to not be intellectually dishonest when they do talk about these matters, because they're not topics subject to opnion. Also, since they know the harm they caused, they also need as well make it right: instead of bothsidemism, start dismissing ideas they helped propagate, like the earth being flat or vaccines being harmful. Not talking about it anymore won't help.
science journalism is hard because many "multi million media channels" on TV aren't taking science journalism seriously. Like Michael said science journalism is underpaid and aren't getting enough time for proper research.
I remember seeing a tweet from some journalist (I really wish I remembered who it was) that was complaining that the scientific community didn't do enough to educate her on how confidence intervals work and how to make sense of the data. I was so shocked how it was her job to educate people and she refused to take responsibility for learning it herself.
“Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Wow, this could have easily been a commentary on the modern plandemic and how people decided to believe the common cold was a pandemic because it was easier than accepting they live in a completely false reality.
@@AdamCoate More specifically, it's about the kind of people stupid enough to fall for the ignorant nonsense asserted by "plandemic" conspiracy-theory thinking. The kind of callus idiots who have no concept of cellular biology or epidemiology and try to euphemize catastrophic loss of life to schizophrenic conspiracy theories: “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
@@CaptainRaynor5 I chose my words precisely. I didn't choose my words only to insult, but I won't pretend I don't have strong feelings about dangerous idiots. I chose my words to accurately describe. The arrogance of the chicken littles who know nothing but the fear they want everybody else to feel and are incorrigible to the point of irrationality render their opinions irrelevant when trying to make rational decisions. Healthy amounts of skepticism are based on rational inquiry and apply rigorous methods of verification (see Karl Poppers concept of falsifiability) rather than trying to connect dots to confirm their previously conceived notions (confirmation bias) that leads to irreconcilably contradictory opinions (cognitive dissonance and schizophrenic thinking) held by the "plandemic" conspiracy theorists. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect coupled with delusional narcissism.
It's also important to distinguish between anti vaxxers and anti authoritarians. I love the fact vaccines exist, and have done immeasurable good, but I'm not taking this one because the government seems hellbent on forcing everyone to take it instead of just giving the data and risk analysis and letting people make their own choice. My problem is with government overreach, not vaccines, and that probably represents most people who are not getting vaxxed.
Exactly. Most people of the people I know are not against vaccines in general, they're not anti-vaxxers, they are sceptical with the coronavirus vaccines. We shouldn't put these people under the same category as the Karens who fear vaccines cause autism.
The main problem hear is that we have all had that medical professional who was having a bad day, or made a mistake, or in rare cases, may have truly been incompetent. We are more than happy to cut and paste that individual onto any negative medical story.
I feel like that is something we are prone to with many demographics. That person we had a negative experience with becomes a proxy for the whole group and it’s a problem.
it's the same scenario as 'conspiracy theory', where it was introduced in the 1950s to oppress anyone who rebels at the mainstream narrative of it, and is the same purpose 'heretic' served in the Middle Ages.
i think the biggest thing for me is when people do shout and cry about their child getting Autism or adhd and what i will always say is: so? would you rather your child be more likely to die of an easily preventable disease or be a little weird and in most cases (this is coming from someone who has both of Adhd and autism so take that as you will) more interesting.
I have heard Ant-Vaxxers saying stuff like "Before Vaccines Polio was not that dangerus". So if you're deep enough in Anti-Vaxx a question like that won't work.
@@lathanandrews417 www.aappublications.org/news/2020/12/29/covid-2million-children-122920 'bout 172 for the uk but im not really talking about that im more talking about measles and smallpox
@Matthew Eugene Rosa Vaccines do not cure any one. They prevent disease. And when no one gets the disease, the disease dies out. The virus is still around us but noone gets sick. Antibiotics cures you from a disease. But you can only use antibiotics againt bacteria not viruses. And whats with the hostility? Not all anti-vaxxers are crazy. But some of them are. Like those who claim polio was not dangerus.
I like how this channel doesn't just come out saying something is wrong but describes the original context, then how social or media handling of information skewed misinformation into the balloon that it's become. Keep up the rational work.
100%. Related to this video, there’s a lot of evidence that’s now correlating good public health with a robust local media-and communities without a local newspaper, etc. so far, far worse in health outcomes. Presumably bc all they have is Facebook groups and Fox News.
Wisecrack: Media created a fake debate with their "let the audiences decide" attitude. Also Wisecrack: What do you think? Leave your answers in the comments below.
The one thing is to have people commenting. The other thing is to present those comments as a form of possible truth in a report. Those who think they can find facts in TH-cam comments.... oh well
if you mean this latest of covid madness, it began exactly the same way the lies about 911 did 20 years ago, with having paid people on the ground to lie to the camera about what they saw and heard, and i believe it was the same where a strain was made in a lab then set loose this time, then the media began it's magic. it generally has caused mass panic that didn't have to happen if the mainstream hadn't of become just another public relations instead of investigative journalism with no 'side picking.'
It's not dumb to ask a question like "why should we use these vaccines?", as it's quite reasonable for someone to not have that particular information and asking the question is the obvious way to get that information. When you don't have information, asking questions to get it is a reasonable step. This is true whatever the topic.
@Ego Master Covid has no natural place of origin and I think that proves that it is man made, I want someone to give me the data like why in the hell hasn't anyone come forward with it's natural place of origin? And people still believe the Jab is god. Well, I do believe in science and I also know I can get sick from a vaccine, so who's the Idiot? I'm still waiting for someone to tell us where this Virus came from. I'll tell you where the Wuhan institute of virology. It's gain of function!
@Ego Master Evil works through darkness to build up it's own kingdom. People have fought slavery, genocide and wars throughout history and so who knows what the final war will be but the wise can never laugh at the sugestion of the use of chemicals are bioweapons to control are subdue people. History repeats it's self and thus the political field must change, the real question then is for how long and how long before it really get's bad but that I don't think anyone knows.
@Ego Master Ideally we would all have axcess to raw information regarding covid. What are the facts? What is the real data? How many people are really dying from vaccines? I think these are important questions that we should all have raw info and data on but the reality is people have to do there own research to find the answers. However, odd it may seem to some I put my faith in God and Gods eternal judgement not man are mankind. If the data is there it should be readily avalable to all but it's not because people lie and decieve. I'll continue to say it and If anyone can prove me wrong that it's a bioweapon then show me the data that shows where it came from otherwise it isn't natural. There are no two ways aboout it. There are a lot of snakes in high places and even Jesus warned people of the kindgom of darkness in his time.
yes, there are in fact no dumb questions but only dumb answers; that was one thing a psychiatrist i saw briefly back in the 80s had said. what is presently going on since spring 2020, has simply happened because no one investigated the information initially, and believed some guy in a suit on the mainstream media, which caused mass panic instead of investigations being done. it is the same way the 911 lies began after the Twin Towers came down. the mainstream media was originally supposed to of been an investigative platform but has instead become a pathetic public relations gig.
Hey Micheal, just wanted to let you know that you're an awesome presenter . . I find myself engaged and focused whenever I watch your Episodes, keep it up :)
I'm not an anti-vaxxer, neither have I experienced health care professionals to be hugely helpful. While all of us need to exercise scepticism correctly, professionals need to be held accountable and properly adress issues they've created for people.
@@LuisSoto-fw3if while misinformation can, are and profit certain sources spreading them, the most important reason misinformation has become an issue is that we've spent the better half of human history persecuting, criminalizing and ostrasizing critical thinking skills, learning and scientific discovery. In order to fix that, scientific methodology has to become vastly more available and applocable to voters, tax-oayers and everyday people.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool Bit radical. I can see why you'd be mad though: People lose their relatives to the misinformation that these people spread. I don't think they should die, but if they insist on being threats their needs to be a way to stop them.
@@ThomasBomb45 Shutting out opinions and discussion is a gateway to authoritarianism People have the right to speak their minds, and you and I have the right to laugh them out of the room (btw this "what do you think" is asking for comments on the video)
I would resub if Wisecrack had more content like this. We need a watchdog on the news. I avidly watch the news and always notice dangerous misinformation trends. Please do one on how many news people are married to politicians and wall street folks.
The problem also with needing “both sides” is that it devalues the research of genuine experts and puts pressure on society to fear everything and trust no one- because that fear sells traditional media. Media then become jury, judge and executioner on any idea or individual. It just depends what the flavour of the month is- doctors, educators, authority, government- then see what gets the most clicks but completely disregard the impact it has on society, the academic communities and individuals. I really appreciate TH-cam channels like wisecrack for doing research.
thanks--i think especially right now, if we can see that the mainstream media is the problem to begin with, it eliminates either 'sides' being involved in investigate platform issues, in which the present mainstream has apparently become completely void of, and this is the same way the lies about 911 began after the Twin Towers came down 20 years ago. it was originally meant as an investigative journalism platform but apparently has become a pathetic public relations gig instead .
the sources were cited at the bottom of the video when being mentioned. if you want the sources, watch the part of the video that mentioned the particular study or info :)
that's because millions of fools still didn't you can't just trust the mainstream media because some guy in a suit told us our lives were in danger in spring 2020, without any investigations being done. how did millions still not learn after something as bogus as 911 20 years ago?
"Reaction" about sums up everything to do with media; including TH-cam. No matter what we try "reaction" videos, content, news reports, etc will never change. The only way to battle sensationalism is with censorship; but that in itself is open to abuse by restricting freedoms. Its a no win situation.
Doing something about capitalism would actually help ... If all a publisher cares about is clicks because that's where the money (indirectly) comes from, said publisher will have no problem with regularly publishing badly written articles, clickbait articles, articles that consist of a headline and - sigh - a fucking *video* instead of a text ...
thanks---well, if there's any good news right now, at least there were about three million people who had tuned into David Icke's podcast just after he was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020. everyone was calling him a clown when he first came out in 89. however, i figure the only way is having an investigative platform that screen any claims before things like the absurd panic that happened again in spring 2020, which was the same way the lies about 911 happened after the Towers came down. it might take war, but here again, there is absolutely no excuse that psychopathy with endless money should be controlling the world still, when there is even a market now for solar panels. Tesla and others had got trashed by the elite cult then, which David Icke tried to get through to people about has been mind screwing people for centuries, and go back 4000 years. isn't it a tad absurd that Bill Gates alone has hundreds of billions of dollars, and doesn't even have a medical degree? i have no question it was the Bush regime who escorted him to where he is now, and it is also much to do with the public's pathetic perception of him as some kind of hero because he was supposedly the abused geek, and even though he was born rich. you first have to get people to see that he is just the latest face of what is now a technocrat cult, right? that's what Icke tried to get through to people about for over 30 years, and has over 20 books written about them. they have murdered many for trying to do what Icke has simply because the public has continued to keep them in power by voting them in over and over even though the voting systems have obviously been rigged as well.
Antivax parents disgust me because of how they try to disguise they’re self centeredness as love for their child. They act as if they’re the victims of their child’s neurodiversity and refuse to accept their differences and love them for who they are. I’ve never come across an autistic person that described their neurotype as a problem, and I’ve never seen or heard about autism’s issues stemming from the person with it. These issues almost always stem from others refusing to accommodate and/or not draw attention to their differences. I’m sure many, maybe even most or all autistic children with antivax parents see right through this lie and know their parents don’t love them for who they truly are deep down. Autism isn’t a disease. I’ve met many people that see being neurodiverse as a one of their best traits, and I agree with them.
No one is saying the covid vaccine will cause autism. Learn to keep up! People are saying "my body my CHOICE". And we all know YOU as an individual don't want other people having a choice. You wanna be a Nazi.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool Though your enthusiasm is commendable, that sort of rhetoric is doing us pro-vaxers no favors. Anti-vaxers feed off of our rage. I recommend that you read about how Daryl Davis dealt with the KKK. His method is a much more effective way of combating awful ideologies.
"Reality show producers like casting people with poor emotional regulation." There's your problem. And people like to imitate what they see on TV, hence science and politics have also become reality shows. Everything is just a reality show now.
yes, and i have no question it has been perpetrated by a beyond psychopathic cult with endless money who has also kept hiring paid actors for 'presidents' ever since JFK was taken out.
uh those illnesses aren't completely gone some people still get them each year. there's also reasons some people can't be/aren't vaccinated or are exempt because they survived the illnesses the vaccines are designed to prevent. I for example don't have the chicken pox vaccine because I had the disease prior to the vaccine being approved by the FDA
Those illnesses aren't gone but there isn't an epidemic of them, and that's because people are vaccinated. Also, people who can't get the vaccine because of heath problems, are protected by those around them who got the vaccine (less people sick = minor chance of getting it from someone). It's called herd immunity. For the people who survived the illness, good for you, you became immune in a different way. It doesn't mean that people who never got that disease shouldn't get vaccinated
@@warrenharshaw7677 fear of getting autistic by a vaccine, which is scientifically impossible and it's being debunked a lot, yet people still believe it.
@@kat4923 Right now, no one is saying the covid vaccine causes autism. Most of us are just intelligent enough to acknowledge the government BS for what it is.
Great video! As a former newspaper reporter, I say a big "Amen!" to everything you said about the dangers of bothsidism. However, you left out one cause of bothsidism: the threats of lawsuits. News outlets are scared shitless of those kinds of lawsuits. Even if they are more than likely thrown out, it's still a black eye. It's the reason, for example, that media bent over backwards regarding issues like smoking and climate change. The pro-smoking and pro-pollution forces have enough money and political clout to make life hell for any media corporation that doesn't repeat their company lines "in the interest of balance."
I'll believe whatever the government says like everyone else when they actually foster open and honest debate. I have a strange habbit of not trusting and reverting into 'battered wife syndrone' when someone with a tie tell me how to percieve reality. If you lie I will not foget nor will I trust you untill you acknowledge that lie.
Unfortunately that’s a (maybe the only) part I understand about conspiracy theorists. Governments have been getting more and more opaque and controlled by corporate interests to the point they lost a lot of credibility. And like the story of Peter and the Wolf, even if the threat is real it is hard to take them seriously now.
@@andrecalatre You mean "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", not "Peter and the Wolf", but you and the OP are right on point. If you lie about other things, you can't complain if people don't believe you when you're actually telling the truth.
Covid no natural place of origin, Covid the only soloution is the Jab, It's all wacky shit and wacky science. I'm still waiting for someone to tell us it's natural place of origin and If they can't it's because it's man made. Do the math more over every alternative to a vaccine has been sweept under the rug. Ok I'm buying it! BS
I think another problem is that most people love an underdog story. One person believes something different than most professionals, who put him down for his beliefs? How interesting! Maybe he has a point while the majority are corporate sellouts? And since the USA is so obsessed with individualism and “thinking for yourself”, this adds to the problem. “We live in a society” - but sometimes there’s a reason why most people believe/do certain things.
yes, isn't that relevant to how, for example, Bill Gates has been made out to be some kind of a hero because he was the supposedly 'abused geek? talk about a cooperate sell out---every guy on the internet except here has been playing super-neuron-surgeon since spring 2020, and wouldn't that also have to do with Gates not having a medical degree himself?
The problem with modern times is people don't know how or are too lazy to find accurate information. When we used to go to text books for the facts now people use social media or Google searches to get information without checking its validity.
Logic needs to be its own subject in the core curriculum. It's at least as important as language arts and mathematics. If people were generally familiar with how to think logically, and how to recognize logical errors (fallacies), then even bad journalism wouldn't get the better of them. However, I doubt that media would fail to adapt to an audience that is significantly more inclined to be logical. So in the end I think it would fix journalism too.
Critical thinking classes should be mandatory. My sister, who I consider to be an intelligent person, suggested to me that wearing masks is harmful to people's health and I was completely blown away that she didn't consider that people have been wearing fabric over their faces for various reasons for thousands of years without suffering from harmful side effects. It's an obviously stupid argument that she and her husband heard from some libertarian podcast and because they know the government is trying to control our behaviour by forcing us to wear masks, she didn't even question it a little bit. She said that we would agree to disagree and I was like "This isn't really a debate. Your assertion is stupid." I'm glad she still loves me. But I wish she didn't just accept the things people tell her without even doing a quick "Does this even make sense?" on the argument.
We have Philosophy as an elective course at our schools (this is in Germany) which was the closest thing to a logic class, and it was one of the most valuable classes I had, over the course of 8 years. It started with fallacies and paradoxes like the Ship of Theseus and then went on to talk about various philosophers - the structure then was generally "familiarize yourself with their worldview, discuss its pros and cons in class, elect which elements usefully expand your own worldview". I barely remember most philosophers, or who said what, but the classes gave me a basis in critical thinking and an informed worldview - which of course continues to evolve, but at least it has a good base.
I swear man. This Channel always guides my perspective in a positive way. Makes me think and see things in necessary ways that releases some of the Mental Fog if that makes sense.
1:51 I stop there because I'm still debating whether vaccines are even all that beneficial. The polio vaccine has been the golden vaccine that changed humanity but it has been debated whether it was sanitation and proper plumbing that was the real hero. That questioning had made me wonder if all other vaccines are also in that same boat. It's the whole "correlation doesn't equal causation" debate.
Vaccines have always been unsafe since their inception, and have always been pushed on us as a miracle cure. So those people throughout history who actually used their brains were traditionally against injecting poison into their children's bodies.
@@AdamCoate I wish I was sure this was sarcasm. But you claimed vaccines have always been injected when the basic procedure was created in African societies who didn't even smelt metal, let alone make glass. This means you mean it. Sigh.
one article i read put it very nicely: when the media keeps presenting "experts" who's expertise is to just agree with what the presenter said and who were proven wrong time and again, the public (over time) stops believing what the experts say even when they are actual experts
Thanks! If you ever do a part two, I recommend to cover social media and why such platforms amplify misinformation by default (it's a feature, not a bug).
Honestly, right now... I am not an anti-vaxxer and I have taken both my vaccinations against covid (got a stiff arm for a day or two but that was it) however, I do agree with protesters on ONE front, the push towards making everyone take the vaccine (and I mean FORCING people to take the vaccine essentially) is very uncomfortable from my point of view. Making people unable to go to stores, or buy things, or get access to services because they either can't or won't take the vaccine rings a BIT too dystopian for my taste.
You're a good person. People don't want it for various reasons; some logical and others superstitious. The media only presents the looney arguments and claims that all people who rather not have the vaccine believe in the mark of the beast. I am an atheist and I simply don't feel comfortable with how this specific vaccine has been politicized or the fact that its manufacturers have no liability for its failure. They pretend that it has no real side effects and if you ask questions they attack and threaten you. I have taken vaccines since becoming an adult willingly... I think they are great, but I can't ignore how strange the events surrounding this one are.
I understand where you're coming from, but this is really no different from many other laws that already exist. Like road safety laws, for example. Is it really right to fine people thousands of dollars for breaking those laws? I think yes, because they endanger the public by doing so.
@@saucevc8353 I would argue that it is a bit different as this is something you inject into your body. Vaccines / Medicine or even food are honestly a sign of honest trust about what is in it. Because you are giving it access to your body (which is the most private of places possible for anyone) And the second you start to FORCE people to allow anything into their bodies, it is sort of taking a step too far. (IMO) I am fine with giving people an incentive. Or encouraging. but FORCING is straight into the uncomfortable zone.
Jenny Mcarthy: “All the illegal drugs I took and the booze I drank while I was pregnant didn’t gave my child autism, It was obviously cause by all the vacines I didn’t give him.” 🤪🤪🤪
@@fluffynator6222 I think heavy drinking while pregnant can cause issues for the child, but don't quote me on that, I'm not a professional, just saying what my Mom told me, because she was addicted to alcohol and drugs before having children, and wanted to be good mother, so she went clean
12:03 ya, this is scientific illiteracy at its best. “There’s no scientific evidence but there could be!” No, that’s just another way of saying that even though there has been evidence, that evidence has shown no link.
I'm really surprised that no mention was made of the fact that The Lancet published a retraction of the Wakefield study that they had published. Anyone with access to ProQuest can find it.
actually grateful for the sponsor this week - i'm squarely in their target audience, and i love the service because it's wayyyyy cheaper than the competitors!!!! can't believe i'm writing this in a comment, but here we are. thank you!
you mistyped, ill fix it. "If I had to choose between a not-so-deadly disease and autism, I’ll choose autism any day. - coming from someone who does NOT HAVE autism but says they do." fixed ^w^
@@lindinle damn, gotta go tell my former psychiatrist that she misdiagnosed me! Thanks internet stranger. It’s a deadly disease. The reason it’s not considered as deadly is because it’s pretty much irradiated thanks to VACCINES
@@lindinle I'm sorry, who the fuck are you to tell someone they do or don't have autism? Are you a professional who knows this person personally and understands them? I very highly doubt it. Plus, what disease are we talkin here? There are many deadly viruses which have pretty much been fenced off with vaccines, and what's not deadly to some may be deadly to others. Better safe than sorry. Plus plus, vaccines don't cause autism.
I'd say part of the problem here is that scientists are very often ill-equipped to communicate their research. Science communication should be given the attention it's due during a scientist's training.
So it is on the scientists now? Finally, a frank admission that journalists are worthless. They suck even at the one thing they SHOULD be good at: Communication.
@@48917032 Well, it's a complex issue that could be improved in multiple ways, but as a scientist in training I can only comment on the one that's the most relevant to me. Really, in this day and age, just by presenting your results in public in a way that doesn't make it sound like you're reading from a teleprompter you already stand head and shoulders above most of your peers. Learning how to communicate your results is sometimes almost as important as the results themselves.
I don't think it's just a matter of communication, it's a feature of cognitive biases, our elimination of diseases and the way the human brain works. It often values strong emotion over fact.
@@SusantheNerdy Oh, for sure, there are lots of factors influencing this issue. But still, the fact that scientists are not properly trained to share their results with the wider public in a time where the "information market" is so saturated causes nothing but trouble. If a reliable source does not publish their facts in an easily digestible manner, someone else may just swoop in with some "alternative facts" to fill the gap.
not unreasonable, but the problem is that the mainstream media has been owned and controlled by a beyond psychopathic cult with endless money. it was original meant as an investigative journalistic outlet, and has clearly become a pathetic public relations gig instead. you can't ignore the fact Bill Gates alone only has hundreds of billions of dollars and is even aloud to own The Who, which he just tells them to tell the public whatever. David Icke was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020 just for mentioning what he thought about the 5g thing at the time, and they did it to him because he was closer than ever to exposing their agenda for us. they have murdered many people for trying to, but he has been meant to do what he has, which is over 30 years of investigations of the Monarchy and U.S. Gov,, and has over 20 books written on them. there is a book called Agenda 21 if you can find it, because the cult wrote it and that's how stupid they think people have gotten.
Let's jump right from the wild claim to: "why would someone do this?" rather than observe if the claim is correct or not. I feel like this logic is in the heart of many conspiracy theories. ❤️ You wisecrack
actually, the word 'conspiracy' was put into 'use' by a strange man named Karl Popper in the 1950s, and then the CIA got a hold of it. it is designed as we have seen all to clearly since spring 2020, to oppress anyone who rebels at the mainstream narrative of it. it is the same way 'heretic' was used in the Middle Ages. David Icke was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020, supposedly because of what he said about the 5g thing at the time, however, it was because he was closer than ever to exposing the cult behind this latest madness and their agenda for us. don't buy it, look for a book called Agenda 21 because they wrote it and that's how stupid they think people have gotten now.
I have to constantly battle the elder members of my family to whatever sensationalist myth they discovered on their own. Every week there is something new i have to debunk. Ive gotten very good at researching scientific journals because of them.
thanks--for someone like me, your scenario isn't new because i was from an alcoholic family which contains denials to begin with. i had to move away from them 20 years ago to preserve my sanity, which i didn't even realize i was doing at the time. yes, just concentrate on your own investigations, because this latest madness had only all began because millions of people still didn't learn you can't just trust the mainstream media. my dad has been threatened in his life by the psychopaths behind this, and they have had him more paranoid than ever even though he has never even had an i-phone or lap top. Nazi Germany didn't need any of this stuff either to brainwash people.
Why should we believe the media corporations didn't do this deliberately? After all, the corporations benefit from creating conflicts and engaging viewers.
To all Anti-vaxxers Are you implying that you would rather have a dead child than an autistic one?cause I am on the spectrum,and I think my parents would strongly disagree with you.
People should be able to choose what they want in their body. Period. They can decide for themselves. Whether they’re right or wrong doesn’t matter. And if you find that you have a problem with that. You really need to practice worrying about yourself
@@seanmurphy3357 I know you aren’t talking about kids dying from covid. Because that would be a very stupid comment. Considering how covid hasn’t really affected them.
@@catguy2304 People should be able to choose what they want in thier body=my body my choice Abortion is horrible=aborting a child after for example assault or protection not working is bad Whoah contradiction. Ofc there is a difference. Vaccines not only protect you, but also helps people around you who actually are immuno compromised who actually cannot get vaxxed and who are under the risk of getting the disease from unvaxxed person who may be none the wiser. While in abortion the "child" has yet to develop conciousness and is as much of a human as a mosquito at that moment. Sure some people exploit abortion to avoid stuff like work or to sleep around with ease, but that is definetly not the majority. Would you rather have a child born into a world where the child's parent abandons them? Or resents them? Or in the worst case abuses them? Or even cannot afford them? Sure i am not exactly keen on most prochoicers who advertise abortion like some sort of hip and cool alternative to birth control, but prolifers are none the better.
"Not all opinions are created equal." Skepticism is all fine and dandy but if you believe something despite the evidence overwhelming supporting the contrary, that's living in denial, not "just having a different opinion."
Generally people believe what the TV scientist tells them is true, then at most do a cursory search on Google to verify that the propaganda is backed up by propaganda science articles. Then they go on living their happy little lie.... I mean "life".
why not? a world with endless variants popping up because people arent getting vaccinated is less free than one with a mandate to take the vaccine in my eyes
thanks--how many time s have we asked:" how much bloody proof does one need?" for example, i have no question that Bush were behind 911 20 years considering the evidence there has been since. yet, no one was charged, and millions of people still haven't even learned apparently, you can't just trust the mainstream media without investigations.
@@shawniscoolerthanyou it gets better. The guy above has linked to an article that mentions Stefan Lanka. Which is a bit like using Dr Mario as a legitimate source.
Hmm. That might be true, yeah. However: We in Germany have also a lot of vaccine-sceptics, and the media in Germany generally hasn't covered something like MMR and Wakefield and McCarthy. I think a bigger factor than some might want it to be why only 68% of Germans are vaccinated with at least one dosage by now is the European Championship. Right when the vaccination-campaign was reaching the general public, and everybody could get vaccinated, after over a year of wearing masks, limiting ourselves, after two lockdowns, apparantly they thought it to be a great idea to let the UEFA organize that championship - all over Europe, with spectators, who were viewed on TV, mostly not wearing a mask, oftentimes not practicing social distancing, with a final in front of 67,000 spectators. I think a lot of those that were undecided lost a lot of faith in the government at that moment. Because before that it was (rightly so) communicated that the pandemic was so critical that we all needed to stay at home, that we should work from home, wear masks, practice social distancing, disinfect, and that we should thank God for the vaccines so hastily developed - and all of that, all of that, suddenly meant nothing - because of soccer. It was the point in time that was so critical. Because I cannot blame people who were waging "vaccination" against "waiting it out" tending more towards "waiting it out" at that point. Yes, it's very stupid, but if the people in charge act that incredibly brain-dead it's no wonder that the people they govern start acting the same. It's of course not only that - but also that. That blatant show of hypocrisy, when it's alright to compel your population to follow the rules to the point where you force them to stay inside with the police versus the complete lack of rules for others. I think the lowest vaccination-rate to availability is in Russia - because the people there generally have a deep distrust in the government, for good reason. So the vaccination-rate also very much reflects the trust in the government and the state. States like Denmark, Finland or Canada on the other hand coherently have high vaccination-rates.
That's a very good observation. Here in Greece we are about 54% fully vaccinated and because I've spoken to people who didn't do it they told me it's not that they're anti-vaxxers. It's because the way the media and the government have a really fear- mongering campaign so the general population be forced to do it. And of course the corruption of the government is another reason for people to be sceptical and not just take it everything the prime minister says.
Quote stolen from instagram: "If there's a person saying that it's raining, and another person is saying that it is not raining, your job as a journalist is not to listen to both sides: Your job is to open the f*cking window and check if it's raining."
Edit for the people getting triggered by this quote: GO TOUCH SOME GRASS AND BREATHE SOME FRESH AIR
It's from journalism professor Jonathan Forster.
@@justalostlocal Thanks!
@@molodezhnaja Different then saying it's raining (because you can actually see rain) and something that is subjective, and using it as actual facts. you can't see something subjective, so you obviously have to do more work then just "look to see if it's raining". the "rain" in this case is one side of a two side story, and looking only to see if it's "raining" is neglecting of half of a whole, not actually seeing if one side is right, you in that moment declare only yourself as wrong.
@@theoriganalxldub I will say this once more, this quote ONLY works if the thing your arguing is objective, and can be seen. If its subjective then taking both sides into account so that you have the whole picture is sometimes more important then being "right" mostly because if its subjective you CAN'T be right, you can only be wrong.
"I decided to educate myself" = "I googled until I found something that agrees with me"
Admittedly that can be a problem.
dont be discourage to educate yourself through googling though, just be aware of confirmation bias
Or you just saw a bunch of testimonies by renowned doctors including the former CEO Chief Science officer that it isn't necessary - the top up vaccines are necessary with dangerous side effects and people have already had dangerous side effects from the AstraZeneca/vaccine. Its about the persons RIGHT TO THEIR OWN BODY. It isn't rocket science .
I believe it was Ben Franklin who said "He who teaches himself has a fool for a master". I think he was right.
@@SuperOmnicronsj44 Just because you have the right to drive yourself off a cliff, doesn't mean you should be allowed to do it with a van full of people. Not getting vaccinated literally gets people killed. If anti-vaxers were only risking their lives, and not the lives of everyone around them, you might have a point.
My mom believed vaccines cause autism but vaccinated me and my brother. I asked why and she said 'autism is better than dying'
Yeah I'm pretty sure you were not going to die from covid. At least, I would not assume other people are "at risk". I assume everyone knows how to take CARE of themselves.
that right eh? well, worse than anything is millions of fools still not learning you can't believe everything you here from the mainstream media, if any, and what excuse is there by now that even after something as bogus as 911 20 years ago, so many people haven't learned?
@Quack Epistemologist autism can present later
I'm sorry you have an idiot for a mother
Your mom has good morals
One important detail left out of the Wakefield controversy is that while he was seeking to discredit the MMR vaccine, he was seeking to secure a patent on HIS OWN vaccine he was developing. I call that a conflict of interest.
All while actively being paid to do so, of course.
Since when gastroenterologist manufacture vaccines. 😂
Lies. Prove it?
@@Tadpoletofrogs research it. It is widely reported on.
@@Tadpoletofrogs Of course you'd belive wakefield for his bogus psuedoscience, and not the fact he was soo money minded to cause harm to future generations of children growing up with the parents beliving in this! Maybe, yk, try to minimise your ego and actually protect the children by vaccinating them! And don't you or anyone else dare say "oH bOo HoO vAcCiNeS mAdE x ChIlD sIcK" it didn't, in most cases it was a genetically soread disease, or caused by improper standardisation and poor hygeine! So please, as someone who wants to see a future where kids can actually be healthy, safe and cheerful, instead of having shorter and disease ridden lives because of people like you who can't even accept truth because of you ego and confirmational bias, please, just atleast try to change, for the next generations sake!
As an Australian, I deeply apologise for the existence of 60 Minutes
60 minutes usa has been peddling crap since the 70s.
60 Minutes has actually had quite a few good stories. There's some shite mixed in, but I can't crap on them all.
@@corey2232 even a broken clock is right 2 times per day. Imo it is time for big media, big business,and bigctech to ride into the sunset. Break it all up into small entities. They are the new robber barons.
it is still better than A Current Affair
60 minutes is originally from the states I know there is 60 Minutes Australia
“Lies are not another side of the story, they’re just lies.” The Wire
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool So the vax doesn't work? Shocker!
Came here to post this but knew it had already been said.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool ooh found the antivax alt account
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool can't tell if this is a joke
One kid’s suffering tugs at our heartstrings but a million kids being healthy is just a statistic
Last year when the Covid precautions were being rolled out, I remember an observation that if it works most people will look at the low numbers and instead of taking that to mean that we did the right thing they'll point to it as evidence that we overreacted over nothing.
@@snowangelnc and boy, did it turn out to be true. they still believe it even though Brazil and other nations that barely had restrictions are getting superfucked.
@@gleipnirrr yes, i'm dutch and we had very mild restrictions untill it was too late. Now we have strickter measures, but people don't want restrictions anymore because they "don't work", fail to follow up on the measures and complain if the cases are on the rise again that the measures don't work, rinse and repeat. On top of that, our vaccination campaign is very slow, i'm 32 so i might get my first dose in june or july...
Tell that to the food pyramid.
@@churblefurbles you mean the government propaganda program to sell subsidized crops like corn and wheat by claiming they are foundation for a good diet?
I had a local news executive/producer who talked to me and some classmates some years ago in some college course who told us that not all stories have two sides. Some are really in favor of one "side" so to speak. But ultimately news is a form of entertainment or "edu-tainment" in some ways which means it has to be conveyed in a more appealing manner by presenting two opposing factions. So there you have it. An actual media expert who worked in the news industry for decades that revealed the truth about the illusion and apparent entertainment value of "bothsideism".
@@AdamCoate dude I know some people who got the 1st dose and it activated their bodies as 5G hotspots but no one believes me either! They ask for proof but all I tell them is dude, trust me.
I just wish the anchors didn't have to be neutral on these. Having the opposite side can be good for showing the ridiculousness of one side compared to the proof from another, but that cannot happen if the host is treating both sides as if they are equally valid.
Pretty sure it takes more than a shot in the arm to significantly alter brain chemistry to the degree that an autist's brain differs from a non-autists. That is a BARGE LOAD of synapses and neurons that need to alter their firing patterns to perfectly replicate the patterns of an autist in a non-autist.
And what's wrong with a little autism? The severity of autism so as to render someone disabled isn't the only kind of autism out there, you know.
@@AdamCoate if you're trolling, good job because you actually sound like somebody whi heard from their neighbor's friend's aunt that their cousin's kid got austism from vaccines. If you aren't trolling, do you have ANY evidence that proves you point other than mouth pieces on Dr. Oz? Like papers written by people who studied for years to make informed decisions on these kinds of subjects?
@@arrow3741 man, you really love the government a lot huh? Just shoot anything into your arm just like they tell you. Very sheepish. Very tuskegee of you.
Man... I grew up with a mom LOVING Oprah. Came home from school everyday and watched it with her but Oprah has done some real damage. With this, John of God, Dr. Os, and Phil.
My sister won't speak with me, since I criticized Oprah. Oprah is irresponsible, at best.
I never considered her to be a journalist, she was a talk show host. I don't know why people give that kind of entertainment as much sway as the director of the cdc.
@@Redmenace96 really?
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
Same with judge judy
This entire video is a great case against media clickbaiting
But clickbait didn't come from nowhere. I wonder if a UBI of sorts could help journalism, perhaps by addressing the issue where journalists are underpaid, or enabling more people to pay for better news.
@@shawniscoolerthanyou UBI is brain dead. ever heard of inflation?
But people watched it for the "reaction", so what's the difference?
Really I don’t blame the media when they are supplying why the people want.
that's not at all what the video is arguing for, on the contrary I see many conservative people demand that the media stop being biased and to let their viewers decide who is right, that is essentially bothsideism which is what this video is tackling, conformation bias can make it seem like this video is reprimanding the media
I have to admit I was kind of sad when Jared announced that he was leaving, he was by far my favorite, thankfully Michael filled that spot in my heart
True, Michael fuckin' rocks.
Jared left? I thought something felt off. Dam that sucks.
Jared will make a surprise guest appearance someday! I hope... 😞
At least Michel isn't a Jew!
Jkjk. I don't actually know if he isn't a Jew.
totally agree
Is like being scared of being strike by lighting, that you fear every cloud in a sunny day.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
No! Thats horrible, their brainwashed, but that doesn’t mean we should fucking kill them you psycopath. We need to prevent outlets for Antivaxxers, and actually reeducate them (not in the creepy, murder toucher way, like actual re-education)
That Bothsideisum drives me crazy. Same thing happened with climate change, media presented equal time with scientists and deniers. And people who aren't as scientifically literate got confused.
Tony Heller will unconfuse you.
It’s tragic! I like to think the first time Bothsideism happened, the aim was to present critical evaluation of a strong argument - which is good, but “presenting both sides” is only the first step. So many people don’t do the other steps 😔
@@justcomments everybody deserves a price for just being as they are and having an opinion. What's this idea called?
Yeh, it drives me crazy, especially when Islam is concerned
@@Shinkajo David Wood joined the chat.
I once read it this way: "When reporting about the weather, the journalist's job isn't to give a platform to both sides of the story (the ones saying it's raining and the ones saying it's sunny), but to look out of the window and report the truth"
@@Hopesfallout Neither does your comment.
@@heroino89 that is true
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
The problem is that sometimes the window is being bricked up, sometimes there is a man in a black suit and tie standing guard over the blinds, and sometimes we are just to lazy to throw open the curtains...
@@colmlooney5843 you forgot the most important possibility: maybe the "rain" is fake and produced locally (please read further)
to elaborate what i mean: if someone in the apartment above you waters the plants on his windowsill, you might see water dropping down outside your window. or someone is using a hose. or the conspiracies are true and the different governments are doing a weather-war across the globe and wtf am i even saying?
unless you always find the source (which in the rain case, would probably be pretty easy by going outside the house) you can never be sure what is truly happening.
(now this part isn't as important anymore)
there was once the psychology study done about the accuracy of reports of bystanders.
what they said: 2 cars drove out of the driveway, the second one didn't way for the first one to out and rammed it from behind.
what had happened: the "first car" drove backwards into the driveway and hit the "second car"
ofc, this is a silly example, but if the question were "did it rain yesterday?" and you have no video footage of it happening, all you can do is check if anything is still wet. but someone may have made these things wet/dry to prove his point so you'd come to the wrong conclusion! but if you have multiple people say that it did/n't rain, you'll have no idea what to conclude (and ofc, there's also the point of different times of "yesterday")
but yeah, if your conspiracy has to be as big as the pro-vaxxers, like 99% of people actually working with the stuff constantly confirming it's effectiveness over 100 years and applying vaccines to their families and apparently all their families are not informed / lying to the public, wouldn't that make 20+% of western civilization in on the conspiracy? do you really want to fight against a power THIS big?
When writing research papers for school, we have to study multiple articles from reliable sources, but idiots that COVER THE NEWS FOR A WHOLE COUNTRY can post whatever from any ridiculous false sources. Ugh.
These parents' reactions are pure ableism. They wanted a perfect healthy baby, and they lash out when they find out their baby was born different. They don't accept they could have given birth to a baby that was already different, already had this condition, so they want to find external factors they can blame to absolve themselves.
If they could just accept and care for the child they have, based on their needs, instead of trying to force the child to be someone they aren't, they'd be doing a lot less harm.
It's so wild to see interviews with parents of autistic kids where they'll say really hurtful stuff in earshot of the child, and act like the kid won't understand or internalize those harmful messages.
Autistic children are children. They grow up to be autistic adults. And we'd all be better off if wider society would take the time and effort to learn to accept and accommodate us as we are.
Thanks for this. Solidly insightful.
^^^^ i was thinking that too while listening to their interviews
Most have normal children till they notice that changed after they got a vaccine.Like when the measles vaccine gave me the measles and I got a fever from it so bad I almost died.It would seem for some people the effects of the vaccine on them can vary and playing Russian roulette I would rather choose not to play and get it the regular way and take my chances.The reason they keep you from suing them is because they know some people have deadly side effects. like say blood clots as we just found the covid shot did.And no way to bring those dead people back.We should all have a choice.
There's an SMBC comic that takes a (sort of) comedic look at this, like, a lot of autistic adults are very focused, driven, methodical and smart, and many have historically into science, medicine, and technology. So while there's no reason to think that vaccines cause autism, there's pretty good reason to think that autism causes vaccines.
@@adamkorzon2972 You realize the comment you're replying to is discussing how there's nothing wrong with autism, and crappy parents using it as a fear tactics is harmful to their children and other autistic people?
Vaccines are mercilessly vetted before released to the people. You talk about blood clots in J&J: that was six people, out of millions. Compare that to COVID itself where over 300,000 people died in my country. And as you say, there's no way to bring those people back, BUT we can prevent the deaths that WILL continue to happen if we don't get vaccinated.
Or, let me put it this way. I'm assuming you aren't getting the vaccine. If you then contract COVID and die, it's YOUR fault. Or if you pass it onto someone else who dies, YOUR choice has led to that death.
If this a game of Russian roulette, you're already playing and the vaccine is how you put the safety on the gun.
I had measles as a small child. I still remember being so sick, even to this day. When I had my kids, did I get them vaccinated? Hell yes.
As an adult with no contact with my mother - who isn't even an anti-vaxxer but who had "made her own decisions regarding vaccines; after all, she was a nurse" (an in all likelihood actually someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, something way too many people are accused of these days for simply being selfish dicks) - I had to inform a doctor as an adult that my vaccination status was unclear in many cases and that I definitely hadn't gotten SOME clearly recommended vaccines since the Summer I was eleven, my mother had simply stopped taking care that I, for example, ever see a dentist. So I got to say yes to A LOT of shots to be administered over a span of several months.
Cool story bro
@@camelopardalis84 Sorry you went through that, glad herd immunity got you through without catching anything fatal... always wondered if Nurse Ratched had kids
@@bubbafug00gle51 I in all likelihood did get vaccinated against the dangerous things. The main problem was that she didn't take care of some things - but not others - starting when I was 11 (at most). The dentist thing is the most illustrative example. I sure knew that dentist appointments are a recurring thing, but I had never been in charge of making sure they took place or anything. My mother had always made the appointments and brought me to them. Basically, my whole job was to sit in that chair and comply with what the doctor told me and to repeat the same with the dental hygientist(spelling/is that even the right word?). And I did see doctors when I broke my ankle less than a year later. I even got contact lenses at 11. But this mostly meant that I wasn't aware that some appointments (dentist, vaccinations) simply didn't take place anymore. No "from now on your immunisations and your teeth are your responsibility". When I moved out at almost 20, I still had the immunisation status I'd had at 11, if not younger. And still no reminder that now that I lived independently, I had to take care of these things myself. Despite the topic of tetanus shots coming up only weeks before I moved out. I didn't take care of these things for way too long a time afterwards and I am unsure as to how far I need to blame myself. Some of the reasons that kept me from tackling these things are other things that have to do with me growing up the way I did. It's a weird topic for me.
In any case, thanks for your words. I don't remember Nurse Ratched too well - I only saw the film once 17 years ago. But sadly, people with NPD do like to start carreers in nursing, social work and the like. Those can be positions in which you have a lot of uncontrolled power. Just like you do as a mother. Nurse Ratched would have been a terrible mother who'd habe been able to blind people with her "nurturing job" and "good education", so much is sure.
Yes, this is it. In 2013 the city I lived in voted on community water fluoridation. The people against it - donut shop owners, chiropractors, and "concerned mothers" - were presented equal or more media and social media time than the people for it - dentists, doctors, and public health advocates. When I did door-to-door canvassing, a lot of people who spoke to me really thought the scientific evidence was split, whereas in reality something like 99% of the studies on the subject showed it was good for health and safe. Strangely, when I told them I used o be a chemist who worked at a lab testing drinking water they found what I said compelling, but honestly, my opinion should be worth nothing compared to the CDC, AAP, etc., yet it was the personal story that worked.
The problem being media often doesn't get held accountable for scaremongering, or misrepresenting information.
yea, where is the repercussion for telling lies...
Ya like CNN's technical director Charlie Chester saying "fear sells" and admitting CNN is propaganda.
@@ForbiddenFollyFollower fox doesnt even accept
They should be charged for it imo. In the UK the media just outright lied that their was a fuel shortage because of a lack of driver but it just wasn’t and isn’t true. The problem is a lot of people went out and panic bought a load of petrol and diesel, causing a fuel crises. So now nurses, doctors, care workers, paramedics, people who work in warehouses to supply food, firefighters ect. Are struggling to get fuel because the media told all the mums that they needed to fill cans up with fuel to do the school run down the road.
When the media does things like that which will result in people dying then the journos and the editors who give the green light to it should be charged with man slaughter imo or they should have media licenses and if you’re caught lying then you get it stripped and you’d better find a new career.
What else is it supposed to do?
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
~Soren Kierkegaard
How do people know that they have been fooled if they don’t believe the government who keeps lying to them? The anti vaccine movement could be people who just think that the government is lying to them and they don’t believe known liars. One example of this is Dr. Anthony Fauci who lied to the general public in March of 2020 by telling people not to wear masks to save the lives of the medical establishment. I agree that vaccines are safe and people should get vaccinated and if they don’t get vaccinated, we should put them in a situation where they will choose to get vaccinated.
@@giantsr1eva That example about Fauci is repeated a lot, but you must remember that were it not for Trump’s absolute and complete IDIOCY, he wouldn’t have had to say that. It’s similar to the way RWers claim calling AGW “Climate Change” was “proof” we’re lying, when the only reason it was changed from “Anthropogenic Global Warming” was because RWers purposefully misunderstood the science behind it….or even the whether from climate!
Mistrust of the gov’t is natural and even healthy. But there’s a difference between lies to protect the wealthy and “I didn’t come from no monkey!” mistrust from a group of scientifically illiterate, mostly CREATIOINIST populace who have been brainwashed to reject ALL science and ALL facts from ‘intellectuals’. The video you’re commenting on touched on this, btw.
Being fooled is easy when one has ZERO critical thinking skills left (assuming they ever had them).
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool I’m sure you’re kidding, but honestly we need to try some compassion, tough as it is. Even saying that much pisses people off who’ve been vaccinated, I get it. But seriously…
It’s religion. Use the Socratic method to dismantle how they believe what they do about science and you will make a difference. It’s up to EACH of us on the most personal level. “Burn” them with hard, cold facts, logic, and reason.
It’s kryptonite for religious idiocy.
Seen it work over and over again.
It even worked on me.
@@hadara69 Actually I remember all these democrat politicians and all these celebrities saying they will never take a vaccine because it was the trump government pushing them. But as soon as Biden got into power suddenly they would. This is why people don't trust them they flip flop depending on who is in the white house.
I have Autism but both my parents never fell for the "home treatments" mostly because they were both somewhat trained Medical Personnel (Dad a Combat Medic and Mom an former Nursing school student she dropped out) they just treated me like a normal child I went into special ed classes but that was it. I was treated like a normal kid.
thanks---i came from a 'medic crazed' family and mom was jabbing kids up in grade schools in the 80s with whatever. you now have this so-called 'new normal' madness going on, however, the family i'm from is also of the alcoholic variety, in which it was why various twelve step programs were started with A.A. being the original one, which is nothing to do with any of the others except they use they same program more-less. now, since spring 2020, there has been genocide on us by churches being closed down which is where A. A. meetings were mostly run in. there have been at least twice as many overdoses and suicides because of it. myself, i also wasn't treated like a 'normal kid' because my parents were the cause of most of my serious child abuse, that had resulted in me having serious mental problems to the point of being an in patient for a month in 1987. however, this is where a few years later i met some people who had first got me off caffeine and so forth, then i took my last med in 93, and hadn't taken a jab since the early 80s. i didn't even have a choice to get a shot in 76 because i was in grade four then, which is when they had jabbed up 42 million people and around when Bill Gates was introduced. so, through it i 'all i learned 'normal' doesn't apply and what we need is to have boundaries and investigations that don't oppress things like holistic movements or so-called anti-vaxxers.
"Bothsideism" is a pretty good way to describe what is otherwise known as the grey fallacy
Also the golden mean fallacy.
Yeah it depends on the context. When used to argue morality, it's easy to accuse people who think that it's impossible for one side to be morally perfect and the other to be morally evil of bothsidesism.
And "onesideism" is a pretty good way to describe an echo chamber.
@@dynamicworlds1 I'm not sure, but I'd think that golden mean fallacy would better describe choosing a centrist opinion just because it's centrist, which is different than showing two sides of an issue in a positive light even if one of the two sides does not deserve it.
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
The media being disingenuous isn't new, and it's arguably worse in the current climate
@Olaf Sigurson exactly, the media only propagate bs
Hopefully the corruption and death (and rebirth) of the industry speeds up a bit, it's not fun to know that old media is dying but they still have some time left to fuck up public discourse
I don’t think it’s arguable. The media barely bothers to hide the fact that at best they twist the facts and selectively report to support the narrative they want and at worst outright lie if they feel the ends justify it.
@IfWhiningAtProblemsWorks, WhyDoCorporationsLobby? well said
@IfWhiningAtProblemsWorks, WhyDoCorporationsLobby? one of your sources is project veritas which is also known to lie lol
Whenever the media makes a grand claim in science or medicine, I always search for the peer-reviewed journal about the claim. I trust scientists far more than journalists.
Peer reviewed studies can be affected by chem-trails.
I prefer those web sites with the pyramid and the shining eye.
That's where i learned the TRUTH about 9/11 being filmed in Stanley Kubrick's garage, and Queen Elizabeth being a reptile.(The evidence is overwhelming - eLIZAbeth. LIZA is fully 2/3 of the word LIZARD, and lizards are reptiles.)
I close my case.
All human beings are susceptible to bias, influence and money. And we don't cope too well with ego building praise, either. Look at NGT
@@LeonFelixRusso Look guy. You are the only person bringing up lizard people.
thanks--actually the problem is that there is no real journalism by anyone who owns the mainstream media, which is the same mind/perception screwing cult as ever. the mainstream was originally meant to be investigative but apparently has become a pathetic public relations instead.
Same difference. Both owned and controlled by same entity.
"paid kids at a birthday part for blood samples" 09:46 - yeah, but who hasnt done that?
They don't put up much of a fight.
@@Jebbtube Mmmm well, perhaps when they see the needle, some persuasion might be needed. (I would have thought cake would be more popular than money ... but perhaps they're little bankers) ;)
@@Jebbtube "wait, you guys are getting payed?"
Everytime someone brings up Andrew Wakefield, they always leave out one huge key thing - He had a patent for his own MMR vaccine that gave the M, M, and the R in separate doses and was considered "Autism Free" or some shit. Guy was just angling for a huge ass payday from this one beyond getting paid $800k for his study.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
He really is a sociopathic grifter, and in our society that made him a multi-millionaire!
i think he is probably just another of the psychopaths that for over 30 years David Icke tried to tell people that they are part of a 'bloodline cult', and it is the same one that was behind 911 20 years ago. there is a book called Agenda 21 if you can find it, and it was written by them because that's how stupid they think people have gotten now.
When there's a debate between Logic and Emotion, Emotion always win. No matter what.
It is impossible to argue with idiots
This comment right here
@@Edujs23 But who do you think are the idiots?
Of course that science journalism is hard.
But if comparatively small TH-cam channels such as yourself and plenty others can do it so good consistently. Then I don't think that multi million media channels on TV, with more than ten times the staff and resources, can excuse their repeating failures in scenictific coverage on it being hard.
Small is to Wiscrack's advantage. It only has to fill 15 minutes a week, and can live on Patreon and sponsorship.
TV networks and YT drama channels have to throw any kind of dreck at the screen to fill the hours (and keep the lights on)
PS. I forgot about their one hour podcast!
Talking heads is the cheapest form of content, and I don't begrudge them it! (And they can do all this without dumping toxic waste into the media landscape)
@@jedigecko06 We're not asking the media do talk 24h about science with deep explanations, we're asking them to not be intellectually dishonest when they do talk about these matters, because they're not topics subject to opnion. Also, since they know the harm they caused, they also need as well make it right: instead of bothsidemism, start dismissing ideas they helped propagate, like the earth being flat or vaccines being harmful. Not talking about it anymore won't help.
science journalism is hard because many "multi million media channels" on TV aren't taking science journalism seriously.
Like Michael said science journalism is underpaid and aren't getting enough time for proper research.
I remember seeing a tweet from some journalist (I really wish I remembered who it was) that was complaining that the scientific community didn't do enough to educate her on how confidence intervals work and how to make sense of the data.
I was so shocked how it was her job to educate people and she refused to take responsibility for learning it herself.
“Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Wow, this could have easily been a commentary on the modern plandemic and how people decided to believe the common cold was a pandemic because it was easier than accepting they live in a completely false reality.
@@AdamCoate More specifically, it's about the kind of people stupid enough to fall for the ignorant nonsense asserted by "plandemic" conspiracy-theory thinking. The kind of callus idiots who have no concept of cellular biology or epidemiology and try to euphemize catastrophic loss of life to schizophrenic conspiracy theories:
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
@@Dan-ud8hz Catastrophic loss of life, maybe. But who did it and why? Your post doesn't dismiss the "plandemic" only throws petty insults.
@@CaptainRaynor5 I chose my words precisely. I didn't choose my words only to insult, but I won't pretend I don't have strong feelings about dangerous idiots. I chose my words to accurately describe. The arrogance of the chicken littles who know nothing but the fear they want everybody else to feel and are incorrigible to the point of irrationality render their opinions irrelevant when trying to make rational decisions. Healthy amounts of skepticism are based on rational inquiry and apply rigorous methods of verification (see Karl Poppers concept of falsifiability) rather than trying to connect dots to confirm their previously conceived notions (confirmation bias) that leads to irreconcilably contradictory opinions (cognitive dissonance and schizophrenic thinking) held by the "plandemic" conspiracy theorists. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect coupled with delusional narcissism.
@@CaptainRaynor5 So you cry about insults while defending one that does nothing but insult... interesting.
It's also important to distinguish between anti vaxxers and anti authoritarians. I love the fact vaccines exist, and have done immeasurable good, but I'm not taking this one because the government seems hellbent on forcing everyone to take it instead of just giving the data and risk analysis and letting people make their own choice. My problem is with government overreach, not vaccines, and that probably represents most people who are not getting vaxxed.
Exactly. Most people of the people I know are not against vaccines in general, they're not anti-vaxxers, they are sceptical with the coronavirus vaccines. We shouldn't put these people under the same category as the Karens who fear vaccines cause autism.
The main problem hear is that we have all had that medical professional who was having a bad day, or made a mistake, or in rare cases, may have truly been incompetent. We are more than happy to cut and paste that individual onto any negative medical story.
I feel like that is something we are prone to with many demographics. That person we had a negative experience with becomes a proxy for the whole group and it’s a problem.
@@discreetscrivener7885 Agreed
@@discreetscrivener7885 very true..and very scary.
it's the same scenario as 'conspiracy theory', where it was introduced in the 1950s to oppress anyone who rebels at the mainstream narrative of it, and is the same purpose 'heretic' served in the Middle Ages.
Medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of death.
i think the biggest thing for me is when people do shout and cry about their child getting Autism or adhd and what i will always say is: so? would you rather your child be more likely to die of an easily preventable disease or be a little weird and in most cases (this is coming from someone who has both of Adhd and autism so take that as you will) more interesting.
I have heard Ant-Vaxxers saying stuff like "Before Vaccines Polio was not that dangerus". So if you're deep enough in Anti-Vaxx a question like that won't work.
How many babies have died from Covid??
@@lathanandrews417 www.aappublications.org/news/2020/12/29/covid-2million-children-122920
'bout 172 for the uk but im not really talking about that im more talking about measles and smallpox
@Matthew Eugene Rosa Vaccines do not cure any one. They prevent disease.
And when no one gets the disease, the disease dies out. The virus is still around us but noone gets sick.
Antibiotics cures you from a disease. But you can only use antibiotics againt bacteria not viruses.
And whats with the hostility? Not all anti-vaxxers are crazy. But some of them are. Like those who claim polio was not dangerus.
@@lathanandrews417 how many children lost a parent because he died from Covid-19?
I like how this channel doesn't just come out saying something is wrong but describes the original context, then how social or media handling of information skewed misinformation into the balloon that it's become. Keep up the rational work.
Wisecrack: “Despite serious phrasing problems”
Gramps: “My grandsons received the D...”
Lmaoo!!! 😂😂🤦♂️ [2:45]
yay 😂I'm not the only one who laughed at this
Paused the video to scroll down looking for exactly this comment.
Haha, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste
I came down here looking for comments about that, was not disappointed.
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
You mentioning of how hard it is to be a journalist today and how that affects information dissemination should be an wisecrack episode.
100%. Related to this video, there’s a lot of evidence that’s now correlating good public health with a robust local media-and communities without a local newspaper, etc. so far, far worse in health outcomes. Presumably bc all they have is Facebook groups and Fox News.
I wish I could thumbs this up twice.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost
Wisecrack: Media created a fake debate with their "let the audiences decide" attitude.
Also Wisecrack: What do you think? Leave your answers in the comments below.
The one thing is to have people commenting. The other thing is to present those comments as a form of possible truth in a report. Those who think they can find facts in TH-cam comments.... oh well
if you mean this latest of covid madness, it began exactly the same way the lies about 911 did 20 years ago, with having paid people on the ground to lie to the camera about what they saw and heard, and i believe it was the same where a strain was made in a lab then set loose this time, then the media began it's magic. it generally has caused mass panic that didn't have to happen if the mainstream hadn't of become just another public relations instead of investigative journalism with no 'side picking.'
It's not dumb to ask a question like "why should we use these vaccines?", as it's quite reasonable for someone to not have that particular information and asking the question is the obvious way to get that information.
When you don't have information, asking questions to get it is a reasonable step.
This is true whatever the topic.
@Ego Master Covid has no natural place of origin and I think that proves that it is man made, I want someone to give me the data like why in the hell hasn't anyone come forward with it's natural place of origin? And people still believe the Jab is god. Well, I do believe in science and I also know I can get sick from a vaccine, so who's the Idiot? I'm still waiting for someone to tell us where this Virus came from. I'll tell you where the Wuhan institute of virology. It's gain of function!
@Ego Master Evil works through darkness to build up it's own kingdom. People have fought slavery, genocide and wars throughout history and so who knows what the final war will be but the wise can never laugh at the sugestion of the use of chemicals are bioweapons to control are subdue people. History repeats it's self and thus the political field must change, the real question then is for how long and how long before it really get's bad but that I don't think anyone knows.
@Ego Master Ideally we would all have axcess to raw information regarding covid. What are the facts? What is the real data? How many people are really dying from vaccines? I think these are important questions that we should all have raw info and data on but the reality is people have to do there own research to find the answers. However, odd it may seem to some I put my faith in God and Gods eternal judgement not man are mankind. If the data is there it should be readily avalable to all but it's not because people lie and decieve. I'll continue to say it and If anyone can prove me wrong that it's a bioweapon then show me the data that shows where it came from otherwise it isn't natural. There are no two ways aboout it. There are a lot of snakes in high places and even Jesus warned people of the kindgom of darkness in his time.
yes, there are in fact no dumb questions but only dumb answers; that was one thing a psychiatrist i saw briefly back in the 80s had said. what is presently going on since spring 2020, has simply happened because no one investigated the information initially, and believed some guy in a suit on the mainstream media, which caused mass panic instead of investigations being done. it is the same way the 911 lies began after the Twin Towers came down. the mainstream media was originally supposed to of been an investigative platform but has instead become a pathetic public relations gig.
Hey Micheal, just wanted to let you know that you're an awesome presenter . . I find myself engaged and focused whenever I watch your Episodes, keep it up :)
That’s due to the jump cuts lol
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost
I'm not an anti-vaxxer, neither have I experienced health care professionals to be hugely helpful. While all of us need to exercise scepticism correctly, professionals need to be held accountable and properly adress issues they've created for people.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
I agree, but apply the same logic to people - read anti-vaxx/pro-disease- that spread missinformation
@@LuisSoto-fw3if while misinformation can, are and profit certain sources spreading them, the most important reason misinformation has become an issue is that we've spent the better half of human history persecuting, criminalizing and ostrasizing critical thinking skills, learning and scientific discovery. In order to fix that, scientific methodology has to become vastly more available and applocable to voters, tax-oayers and everyday people.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool Bit radical. I can see why you'd be mad though: People lose their relatives to the misinformation that these people spread. I don't think they should die, but if they insist on being threats their needs to be a way to stop them.
@@invurret9533 Nothing's too radical. We need to exterminate the rats
The moral of the story is: Don't listen to celebrities, no matter what!
imo moral of the story is "corporate media/modern news networks are shit"
@@Vicioussama Yes!
If the general public needs to be taught that moral, I think it might already be too late for us.
Listen to government, they never lie
Even the smartest celebrities aren't experts in science and medicine. Do the research and don't rely on figureheads to make a case for you.
“But what do you think?” “ you decide”
Free speech should be encouraged no matter what
@@spencerjames9417 I think it's about how "no shit I decide what I think"
Sorry wrong channel.
@@spencerjames9417 This isn't a debate on free speech. This is a debate on what speech the news should amplify. There is a HUGE difference
@@ThomasBomb45 Shutting out opinions and discussion is a gateway to authoritarianism
People have the right to speak their minds, and you and I have the right to laugh them out of the room
(btw this "what do you think" is asking for comments on the video)
I would resub if Wisecrack had more content like this. We need a watchdog on the news. I avidly watch the news and always notice dangerous misinformation trends. Please do one on how many news people are married to politicians and wall street folks.
Putting the burden of proof on the accused instead of the accusor can seriously bring horrible consequences..
The problem also with needing “both sides” is that it devalues the research of genuine experts and puts pressure on society to fear everything and trust no one- because that fear sells traditional media. Media then become jury, judge and executioner on any idea or individual. It just depends what the flavour of the month is- doctors, educators, authority, government- then see what gets the most clicks but completely disregard the impact it has on society, the academic communities and individuals.
I really appreciate TH-cam channels like wisecrack for doing research.
thanks--i think especially right now, if we can see that the mainstream media is the problem to begin with, it eliminates either 'sides' being involved in investigate platform issues, in which the present mainstream has apparently become completely void of, and this is the same way the lies about 911 began after the Twin Towers came down 20 years ago. it was originally meant as an investigative journalism platform but apparently has become a pathetic public relations gig instead .
I don't like anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't put in my body and that's the bottom line.
It would be nice to have a list of the cited sources in the description for those who want to learn more
Great video anyway!
the sources were cited at the bottom of the video when being mentioned. if you want the sources, watch the part of the video that mentioned the particular study or info :)
So the media created a controversy and then flamed the fire, huh, who would have guessed?
that's because millions of fools still didn't you can't just trust the mainstream media because some guy in a suit told us our lives were in danger in spring 2020, without any investigations being done. how did millions still not learn after something as bogus as 911 20 years ago?
A perfect video that explains why all "opinions" ARE NOT created equal.
So much for “facts over feelings”
"Reaction" about sums up everything to do with media; including TH-cam. No matter what we try "reaction" videos, content, news reports, etc will never change.
The only way to battle sensationalism is with censorship; but that in itself is open to abuse by restricting freedoms. Its a no win situation.
Doing something about capitalism would actually help ... If all a publisher cares about is clicks because that's where the money (indirectly) comes from, said publisher will have no problem with regularly publishing badly written articles, clickbait articles, articles that consist of a headline and - sigh - a fucking *video* instead of a text ...
thanks---well, if there's any good news right now, at least there were about three million people who had tuned into David Icke's podcast just after he was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020. everyone was calling him a clown when he first came out in 89. however, i figure the only way is having an investigative platform that screen any claims before things like the absurd panic that happened again in spring 2020, which was the same way the lies about 911 happened after the Towers came down. it might take war, but here again, there is absolutely no excuse that psychopathy with endless money should be controlling the world still, when there is even a market now for solar panels. Tesla and others had got trashed by the elite cult then, which David Icke tried to get through to people about has been mind screwing people for centuries, and go back 4000 years. isn't it a tad absurd that Bill Gates alone has hundreds of billions of dollars, and doesn't even have a medical degree? i have no question it was the Bush regime who escorted him to where he is now, and it is also much to do with the public's pathetic perception of him as some kind of hero because he was supposedly the abused geek, and even though he was born rich. you first have to get people to see that he is just the latest face of what is now a technocrat cult, right? that's what Icke tried to get through to people about for over 30 years, and has over 20 books written about them. they have murdered many for trying to do what Icke has simply because the public has continued to keep them in power by voting them in over and over even though the voting systems have obviously been rigged as well.
@@dondrysdale7297 1. You need to learn what a paragraph is.
2. David Icke is pretty much a cultist.
Antivax parents disgust me because of how they try to disguise they’re self centeredness as love for their child. They act as if they’re the victims of their child’s neurodiversity and refuse to accept their differences and love them for who they are.
I’ve never come across an autistic person that described their neurotype as a problem, and I’ve never seen or heard about autism’s issues stemming from the person with it. These issues almost always stem from others refusing to accommodate and/or not draw attention to their differences.
I’m sure many, maybe even most or all autistic children with antivax parents see right through this lie and know their parents don’t love them for who they truly are deep down.
Autism isn’t a disease. I’ve met many people that see being neurodiverse as a one of their best traits, and I agree with them.
Antivax is the real virus
No one is saying the covid vaccine will cause autism. Learn to keep up! People are saying "my body my CHOICE". And we all know YOU as an individual don't want other people having a choice. You wanna be a Nazi.
Anti mandates not vaccine
Wisecrack: Bothsideism
Me: um...actually it's pronounced "Jubilee"
Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of them, some of their videos drive me nuts
What's Jubilee? Is it a news TH-cam channel that does a lot of bothsiderism?
Anti-vaxxers must be tortured and burnt alive
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool Though your enthusiasm is commendable, that sort of rhetoric is doing us pro-vaxers no favors. Anti-vaxers feed off of our rage. I recommend that you read about how Daryl Davis dealt with the KKK. His method is a much more effective way of combating awful ideologies.
@@jeffbenton6183 so what you’re saying is you agree they should be burned but it’s bad to say it out loud
It's like not driving to the hospital because of a life threatening injury because you're afraid you might get in a car accident on the way
"Reality show producers like casting people with poor emotional regulation."
There's your problem. And people like to imitate what they see on TV, hence science and politics have also become reality shows. Everything is just a reality show now.
yes, and i have no question it has been perpetrated by a beyond psychopathic cult with endless money who has also kept hiring paid actors for 'presidents' ever since JFK was taken out.
uh those illnesses aren't completely gone some people still get them each year. there's also reasons some people can't be/aren't vaccinated or are exempt because they survived the illnesses the vaccines are designed to prevent. I for example don't have the chicken pox vaccine because I had the disease prior to the vaccine being approved by the FDA
This was more for those not getting vaccinated for non scientific reasons, if you can't get it for a medical reason that's different (:
@@CottonCandySharks What are the non scientific reasons?
Those illnesses aren't gone but there isn't an epidemic of them, and that's because people are vaccinated.
Also, people who can't get the vaccine because of heath problems, are protected by those around them who got the vaccine (less people sick = minor chance of getting it from someone). It's called herd immunity.
For the people who survived the illness, good for you, you became immune in a different way. It doesn't mean that people who never got that disease shouldn't get vaccinated
@@warrenharshaw7677 fear of getting autistic by a vaccine, which is scientifically impossible and it's being debunked a lot, yet people still believe it.
@@kat4923 Right now, no one is saying the covid vaccine causes autism. Most of us are just intelligent enough to acknowledge the government BS for what it is.
Great video! As a former newspaper reporter, I say a big "Amen!" to everything you said about the dangers of bothsidism. However, you left out one cause of bothsidism: the threats of lawsuits. News outlets are scared shitless of those kinds of lawsuits. Even if they are more than likely thrown out, it's still a black eye.
It's the reason, for example, that media bent over backwards regarding issues like smoking and climate change. The pro-smoking and pro-pollution forces have enough money and political clout to make life hell for any media corporation that doesn't repeat their company lines "in the interest of balance."
I'll believe whatever the government says like everyone else when they actually foster open and honest debate. I have a strange habbit of not trusting and reverting into 'battered wife syndrone' when someone with a tie tell me how to percieve reality. If you lie I will not foget nor will I trust you untill you acknowledge that lie.
Unfortunately that’s a (maybe the only) part I understand about conspiracy theorists. Governments have been getting more and more opaque and controlled by corporate interests to the point they lost a lot of credibility. And like the story of Peter and the Wolf, even if the threat is real it is hard to take them seriously now.
@@andrecalatre You mean "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", not "Peter and the Wolf", but you and the OP are right on point. If you lie about other things, you can't complain if people don't believe you when you're actually telling the truth.
Covid no natural place of origin, Covid the only soloution is the Jab, It's all wacky shit and wacky science. I'm still waiting for someone to tell us it's natural place of origin and If they can't it's because it's man made. Do the math more over every alternative to a vaccine has been sweept under the rug. Ok I'm buying it! BS
I think another problem is that most people love an underdog story. One person believes something different than most professionals, who put him down for his beliefs? How interesting! Maybe he has a point while the majority are corporate sellouts?
And since the USA is so obsessed with individualism and “thinking for yourself”, this adds to the problem. “We live in a society” - but sometimes there’s a reason why most people believe/do certain things.
How in the hell is it a "problem" for someone else to think for themselves? What's the problem with individuality?
yes, isn't that relevant to how, for example, Bill Gates has been made out to be some kind of a hero because he was the supposedly 'abused geek? talk about a cooperate sell out---every guy on the internet except here has been playing super-neuron-surgeon since spring 2020, and wouldn't that also have to do with Gates not having a medical degree himself?
The problem with modern times is people don't know how or are too lazy to find accurate information. When we used to go to text books for the facts now people use social media or Google searches to get information without checking its validity.
and note how things like google and FB are pro-vax...
Mother: My child has autism! Well, he couldn't have gotten it from me; what can I blame this on?
The irony in that statement
Nothing. Just a disorder.
yes, sounds like you probably agree that many are dying from what they ere shooting into their arm right now--i've no question about it.
Logic needs to be its own subject in the core curriculum. It's at least as important as language arts and mathematics. If people were generally familiar with how to think logically, and how to recognize logical errors (fallacies), then even bad journalism wouldn't get the better of them. However, I doubt that media would fail to adapt to an audience that is significantly more inclined to be logical. So in the end I think it would fix journalism too.
Critical thinking classes should be mandatory. My sister, who I consider to be an intelligent person, suggested to me that wearing masks is harmful to people's health and I was completely blown away that she didn't consider that people have been wearing fabric over their faces for various reasons for thousands of years without suffering from harmful side effects. It's an obviously stupid argument that she and her husband heard from some libertarian podcast and because they know the government is trying to control our behaviour by forcing us to wear masks, she didn't even question it a little bit. She said that we would agree to disagree and I was like "This isn't really a debate. Your assertion is stupid." I'm glad she still loves me. But I wish she didn't just accept the things people tell her without even doing a quick "Does this even make sense?" on the argument.
We have Philosophy as an elective course at our schools (this is in Germany) which was the closest thing to a logic class, and it was one of the most valuable classes I had, over the course of 8 years. It started with fallacies and paradoxes like the Ship of Theseus and then went on to talk about various philosophers - the structure then was generally "familiarize yourself with their worldview, discuss its pros and cons in class, elect which elements usefully expand your own worldview". I barely remember most philosophers, or who said what, but the classes gave me a basis in critical thinking and an informed worldview - which of course continues to evolve, but at least it has a good base.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
@@SmartDumbNerdyCool clearly a troll account
We had some lessons on logic in English class. We even had a project about making propaganda
I swear man. This Channel always guides my perspective in a positive way.
Makes me think and see things in necessary ways that releases some of the Mental Fog if that makes sense.
1:51 I stop there because I'm still debating whether vaccines are even all that beneficial. The polio vaccine has been the golden vaccine that changed humanity but it has been debated whether it was sanitation and proper plumbing that was the real hero. That questioning had made me wonder if all other vaccines are also in that same boat. It's the whole "correlation doesn't equal causation" debate.
Smart people aren't debating the issue. It's literally only stupid and people who are intentionally telling bald faced lies.
I legit learned something today. I thought this all started with Wakefield. No idea the anti-vaxxers went back that far.
Vaccines have always been unsafe since their inception, and have always been pushed on us as a miracle cure. So those people throughout history who actually used their brains were traditionally against injecting poison into their children's bodies.
@@AdamCoate k
@@AdamCoate You're a moron who loves children dying.
@@AdamCoate I wish I was sure this was sarcasm. But you claimed vaccines have always been injected when the basic procedure was created in African societies who didn't even smelt metal, let alone make glass. This means you mean it. Sigh.
@@lysanamcmillan7972 Really, vaccination started with smallpox, in what was called variolation.
Really, really well covered.
There are ways to tell an intriguing story while being accurate.
We must kill anti-vaxxers at any cost and torture them. They are too stupid to live.
Watch NOVA “calling the shots” as well as that Frontline they had a clip of. They’re exactly what ppl need to see and understand
one article i read put it very nicely: when the media keeps presenting "experts" who's expertise is to just agree with what the presenter said and who were proven wrong time and again, the public (over time) stops believing what the experts say even when they are actual experts
-"oh so you're flying there?"
"god no that's too dangerous... we're going to drive there..."
"MY grandsons... received the D - " i wish you hadn't cut there lmao
Thanks! If you ever do a part two, I recommend to cover social media and why such platforms amplify misinformation by default (it's a feature, not a bug).
Here's my vote for a government-funded grant for non-profit journalism subject to an accredited committee of multi-partisan and non-partisan experts.
Honestly, right now...
I am not an anti-vaxxer and I have taken both my vaccinations against covid (got a stiff arm for a day or two but that was it)
however, I do agree with protesters on ONE front, the push towards making everyone take the vaccine (and I mean FORCING people to take the vaccine essentially) is very uncomfortable from my point of view.
Making people unable to go to stores, or buy things, or get access to services because they either can't or won't take the vaccine rings a BIT too dystopian for my taste.
You're a good person. People don't want it for various reasons; some logical and others superstitious. The media only presents the looney arguments and claims that all people who rather not have the vaccine believe in the mark of the beast. I am an atheist and I simply don't feel comfortable with how this specific vaccine has been politicized or the fact that its manufacturers have no liability for its failure. They pretend that it has no real side effects and if you ask questions they attack and threaten you. I have taken vaccines since becoming an adult willingly... I think they are great, but I can't ignore how strange the events surrounding this one are.
I understand where you're coming from, but this is really no different from many other laws that already exist. Like road safety laws, for example. Is it really right to fine people thousands of dollars for breaking those laws? I think yes, because they endanger the public by doing so.
@@saucevc8353 I would argue that it is a bit different as this is something you inject into your body.
Vaccines / Medicine or even food are honestly a sign of honest trust about what is in it. Because you are giving it access to your body (which is the most private of places possible for anyone)
And the second you start to FORCE people to allow anything into their bodies, it is sort of taking a step too far. (IMO)
I am fine with giving people an incentive. Or encouraging.
but FORCING is straight into the uncomfortable zone.
News: Trust us!
Jenny Mcarthy: “All the illegal drugs I took and the booze I drank while I was pregnant didn’t gave my child autism, It was obviously cause by all the vacines I didn’t give him.” 🤪🤪🤪
You were vax seen ed ain't it ?
That doesn't cause autism either tho?
@@riverside321 You were drop on your head as child ain’t you
@@fluffynator6222 Whatever you say kiddo.
@@fluffynator6222 I think heavy drinking while pregnant can cause issues for the child, but don't quote me on that, I'm not a professional, just saying what my Mom told me, because she was addicted to alcohol and drugs before having children, and wanted to be good mother, so she went clean
12:03 ya, this is scientific illiteracy at its best. “There’s no scientific evidence but there could be!” No, that’s just another way of saying that even though there has been evidence, that evidence has shown no link.
I'm really surprised that no mention was made of the fact that The Lancet published a retraction of the Wakefield study that they had published. Anyone with access to ProQuest can find it.
actually grateful for the sponsor this week - i'm squarely in their target audience, and i love the service because it's wayyyyy cheaper than the competitors!!!! can't believe i'm writing this in a comment, but here we are. thank you!
If I had to choose between a deadly disease and autism, I’ll choose autism any day.
- coming from someone with autism
you mistyped, ill fix it.
"If I had to choose between a not-so-deadly disease and autism, I’ll choose autism any day.
- coming from someone who does NOT HAVE autism but says they do."
fixed ^w^
@@lindinle damn, gotta go tell my former psychiatrist that she misdiagnosed me! Thanks internet stranger.
It’s a deadly disease. The reason it’s not considered as deadly is because it’s pretty much irradiated thanks to VACCINES
@@katzmfcat8661 Just cause the politicians and "medical experts" who work for the government say it's "deadly" doesn't make it true.
@@lindinle I'm sorry, who the fuck are you to tell someone they do or don't have autism? Are you a professional who knows this person personally and understands them? I very highly doubt it.
Plus, what disease are we talkin here? There are many deadly viruses which have pretty much been fenced off with vaccines, and what's not deadly to some may be deadly to others. Better safe than sorry.
Plus plus, vaccines don't cause autism.
I'd say part of the problem here is that scientists are very often ill-equipped to communicate their research. Science communication should be given the attention it's due during a scientist's training.
So it is on the scientists now? Finally, a frank admission that journalists are worthless. They suck even at the one thing they SHOULD be good at: Communication.
@@48917032 Well, it's a complex issue that could be improved in multiple ways, but as a scientist in training I can only comment on the one that's the most relevant to me. Really, in this day and age, just by presenting your results in public in a way that doesn't make it sound like you're reading from a teleprompter you already stand head and shoulders above most of your peers. Learning how to communicate your results is sometimes almost as important as the results themselves.
I don't think it's just a matter of communication, it's a feature of cognitive biases, our elimination of diseases and the way the human brain works. It often values strong emotion over fact.
@@SusantheNerdy Oh, for sure, there are lots of factors influencing this issue. But still, the fact that scientists are not properly trained to share their results with the wider public in a time where the "information market" is so saturated causes nothing but trouble. If a reliable source does not publish their facts in an easily digestible manner, someone else may just swoop in with some "alternative facts" to fill the gap.
not unreasonable, but the problem is that the mainstream media has been owned and controlled by a beyond psychopathic cult with endless money. it was original meant as an investigative journalistic outlet, and has clearly become a pathetic public relations gig instead. you can't ignore the fact Bill Gates alone only has hundreds of billions of dollars and is even aloud to own The Who, which he just tells them to tell the public whatever. David Icke was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020 just for mentioning what he thought about the 5g thing at the time, and they did it to him because he was closer than ever to exposing their agenda for us. they have murdered many people for trying to, but he has been meant to do what he has, which is over 30 years of investigations of the Monarchy and U.S. Gov,, and has over 20 books written on them. there is a book called Agenda 21 if you can find it, because the cult wrote it and that's how stupid they think people have gotten.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Let's jump right from the wild claim to: "why would someone do this?" rather than observe if the claim is correct or not. I feel like this logic is in the heart of many conspiracy theories.
❤️ You wisecrack
At the heart of all conspiracy theories is sensationalism and lack of education.
@@ooperblownup and that’s why trump won 🥲
some people accept speech as evidence, very low bar for evidence.
actually, the word 'conspiracy' was put into 'use' by a strange man named Karl Popper in the 1950s, and then the CIA got a hold of it. it is designed as we have seen all to clearly since spring 2020, to oppress anyone who rebels at the mainstream narrative of it. it is the same way 'heretic' was used in the Middle Ages. David Icke was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020, supposedly because of what he said about the 5g thing at the time, however, it was because he was closer than ever to exposing the cult behind this latest madness and their agenda for us. don't buy it, look for a book called Agenda 21 because they wrote it and that's how stupid they think people have gotten now.
I have to constantly battle the elder members of my family to whatever sensationalist myth they discovered on their own. Every week there is something new i have to debunk. Ive gotten very good at researching scientific journals because of them.
thanks--for someone like me, your scenario isn't new because i was from an alcoholic family which contains denials to begin with. i had to move away from them 20 years ago to preserve my sanity, which i didn't even realize i was doing at the time. yes, just concentrate on your own investigations, because this latest madness had only all began because millions of people still didn't learn you can't just trust the mainstream media. my dad has been threatened in his life by the psychopaths behind this, and they have had him more paranoid than ever even though he has never even had an i-phone or lap top. Nazi Germany didn't need any of this stuff either to brainwash people.
Jenny McCarthy should open a hospital specifically for antivaxxers. People can google treatment and serve themselves.
Why should we believe the media corporations didn't do this deliberately? After all, the corporations benefit from creating conflicts and engaging viewers.
Reporters aren't interested in facts, they read the words put in front of them and hope for good ratings so they can earn their paycheck.
To all Anti-vaxxers
Are you implying that you would rather have a dead child than an autistic one?cause I am on the spectrum,and I think my parents would strongly disagree with you.
Spends 15 minutes railing against
“letting the audience decide” journalism
ends with “what do you think?”
Deliberately ironic?
People should be able to choose what they want in their body. Period.
They can decide for themselves. Whether they’re right or wrong doesn’t matter.
And if you find that you have a problem with that. You really need to practice worrying about yourself
I'm not okay with dead children
@@seanmurphy3357 I agree. Abortion is horrible
@@seanmurphy3357 I know you aren’t talking about kids dying from covid. Because that would be a very stupid comment. Considering how covid hasn’t really affected them.
@@catguy2304 no. Other diseases that are preventable
People should be able to choose what they want in thier body=my body my choice
Abortion is horrible=aborting a child after for example assault or protection not working is bad
Whoah contradiction. Ofc there is a difference. Vaccines not only protect you, but also helps people around you who actually are immuno compromised who actually cannot get vaxxed and who are under the risk of getting the disease from unvaxxed person who may be none the wiser. While in abortion the "child" has yet to develop conciousness and is as much of a human as a mosquito at that moment. Sure some people exploit abortion to avoid stuff like work or to sleep around with ease, but that is definetly not the majority.
Would you rather have a child born into a world where the child's parent abandons them? Or resents them? Or in the worst case abuses them? Or even cannot afford them?
Sure i am not exactly keen on most prochoicers who advertise abortion like some sort of hip and cool alternative to birth control, but prolifers are none the better.
4:19 news flash: everything in science is always up for debate, it is literally how we get scientific advancements.
Won't those advancements be up for debate
@@funckyshark5354 yep, always. That’s how science works.
@@aaronburrell3729 what's the point then
@@funckyshark5354 to advance science until we understand how we got here and why.
"Not all opinions are created equal." Skepticism is all fine and dandy but if you believe something despite the evidence overwhelming supporting the contrary, that's living in denial, not "just having a different opinion."
Generally people believe what the TV scientist tells them is true, then at most do a cursory search on Google to verify that the propaganda is backed up by propaganda science articles. Then they go on living their happy little lie.... I mean "life".
@@AdamCoate Propaganda scientific articles? TROLL.
This channel is reminding me more and more of freakonomics
Great video, thanks for your work
How did we get to a point where an ex playboy playmate is debating a scientist about the need to vaccinate? Omg...
because the public has aloud psychopaths like Bill Gates to do things like own and run The Who even though he doesn't even have a medical degree.
Even if vaccines were 100% effective and safe, people still shouldn't be forced or coerced into undergoing a medical procedure by their government.
why not? a world with endless variants popping up because people arent getting vaccinated is less free than one with a mandate to take the vaccine in my eyes
@@fire2fireable Vaccinated people can still catch covid. Vaccines only lessen the effects.
I decided to educate myself so I asked my doctor.
As a mathematician, I resent the assertion that scientists have ever proven anything in their lives.
(Vaccines are awesome. Collect the whole set!)
Sure. Vaccines are awesome but just don't ask questions about the vaccine!
thanks--how many time s have we asked:" how much bloody proof does one need?" for example, i have no question that Bush were behind 911 20 years considering the evidence there has been since. yet, no one was charged, and millions of people still haven't even learned apparently, you can't just trust the mainstream media without investigations.
I think Jenny Mccarthy should be held accountable and put on trial for crimes against humanity.
@Matthew Eugene Rosa Christian Observer?! Nah mate.
Hey wackos, link to something credible.
@@shawniscoolerthanyou it gets better. The guy above has linked to an article that mentions Stefan Lanka. Which is a bit like using Dr Mario as a legitimate source.
@@PotatoPirate123 LMAO. Dr. Mario taught me that I can solve my problems if I throw enough pills at them!
Hmm. That might be true, yeah. However: We in Germany have also a lot of vaccine-sceptics, and the media in Germany generally hasn't covered something like MMR and Wakefield and McCarthy.
I think a bigger factor than some might want it to be why only 68% of Germans are vaccinated with at least one dosage by now is the European Championship. Right when the vaccination-campaign was reaching the general public, and everybody could get vaccinated, after over a year of wearing masks, limiting ourselves, after two lockdowns, apparantly they thought it to be a great idea to let the UEFA organize that championship - all over Europe, with spectators, who were viewed on TV, mostly not wearing a mask, oftentimes not practicing social distancing, with a final in front of 67,000 spectators.
I think a lot of those that were undecided lost a lot of faith in the government at that moment. Because before that it was (rightly so) communicated that the pandemic was so critical that we all needed to stay at home, that we should work from home, wear masks, practice social distancing, disinfect, and that we should thank God for the vaccines so hastily developed - and all of that, all of that, suddenly meant nothing - because of soccer.
It was the point in time that was so critical. Because I cannot blame people who were waging "vaccination" against "waiting it out" tending more towards "waiting it out" at that point. Yes, it's very stupid, but if the people in charge act that incredibly brain-dead it's no wonder that the people they govern start acting the same. It's of course not only that - but also that. That blatant show of hypocrisy, when it's alright to compel your population to follow the rules to the point where you force them to stay inside with the police versus the complete lack of rules for others.
I think the lowest vaccination-rate to availability is in Russia - because the people there generally have a deep distrust in the government, for good reason. So the vaccination-rate also very much reflects the trust in the government and the state. States like Denmark, Finland or Canada on the other hand coherently have high vaccination-rates.
That's a very good observation. Here in Greece we are about 54% fully vaccinated and because I've spoken to people who didn't do it they told me it's not that they're anti-vaxxers. It's because the way the media and the government have a really fear- mongering campaign so the general population be forced to do it. And of course the corruption of the government is another reason for people to be sceptical and not just take it everything the prime minister says.
"my grandsons received the D"
Great editing a round of applause for the editor pls
Got my first dose. No hesitancy here!
No critical thought there either.
@@AdamCoate Exactly. The sheeple can't handle their think much less a glass of peppermint schnaps.
Same here
@@AdamCoate fucktard.
@@gleipnirrr your mother called you that