Fractures of the Calcaneus Heel Bone

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • Fractures of the Calcaneus (Heel Bone Fractures)
    What is the Calcaneus?
    The calcaneus, also called the heel bone, is a large bone that forms the foundation of the rear part of the foot. The calcaneus connects with the talus and cuboid bones. The connection between the talus and calcaneus forms the subtalar joint. This joint is important for normal foot function.
    The calcaneus is often compared to a hard boiled egg, because it has a thin, hard shell on the outside and softer, spongy bone on the inside. When the outer shell is broken, the bone tends to collapse and become fragmented. For this reason, calcaneal fractures are severe injuries. Furthermore, if the fracture involves the joints, there is the potential for long-term consequences such as arthritis and chronic pain.
    How do Calcaneal Fractures Occur?
    Most calcaneal fractures are the result of a traumatic event-most commonly, falling from a height, such as a ladder, or being in an automobile accident where the heel is crushed against the floorboard. Calcaneal fractures can also occur with other types of injuries, such as an ankle sprain. A smaller number of calcaneal fractures are stress fractures, caused by overuse or repetitive stress on the heel bone.
    Types of Calcaneal Fractures
    Fractures of the calcaneus may or may not involve the subtalar and surrounding joints. Fractures involving the joints (intra-articular fractures) are the most severe calcaneal fractures, and include damage to the cartilage (the connective tissue between two bones). The outlook for recovery depends on how severely the calcaneus was crushed at the time of injury.
    Fractures that don’t involve the joint (extra-articular fractures) include:
    Those caused by trauma, such as avulsion fractures (in which a piece of bone is pulled off of the calcaneus by the Achilles tendon or a ligament) or crush injuries resulting in multiple fracture fragments
    Stress fractures, caused by overuse or mild injury.
    The severity and treatment of extra-articular fractures depend on their location and size.
    Signs and Symptoms
    Calcaneal fractures produce different signs and symptoms, depending on whether they are traumatic or stress fractures.
    The signs and symptoms of traumatic fractures may include:
    Sudden pain in the heel and inability to bear weight on that foot
    Swelling in the heel area
    Bruising of the heel and ankle
    The signs and symptoms of stress fractures may include:
    Generalized pain in the heel area that usually develops slowly (over several days to weeks)
    Swelling in the heel area
    To diagnose and evaluate a calcaneal fracture, the foot and ankle surgeon will ask questions about how the injury occurred, examine the affected foot and ankle, and order x-rays. In addition, advanced imaging tests are commonly required.
    Treatment of calcaneal fractures is dictated by the type of fracture and extent of the injury. The foot and ankle surgeon will discuss with the patient the best treatment-whether surgical or non-surgical-for the fracture.
    For some fractures, non-surgical treatments may be used. These include:
    Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.) Rest (staying off the injured foot) is needed to allow the fracture to heal. Ice reduces swelling and pain; apply a bag of ice covered with a thin towel to the affected area. Compression (wrapping the foot in an elastic bandage or wearing a compression stocking) and elevation (keeping the foot even with or slightly above the heart level) also reduce the swelling.
    Immobilization. Sometimes the foot is placed in a cast or cast boot to keep the fractured bone from moving. Crutches may be needed to avoid weightbearing.
    For traumatic fractures, treatment often involves surgery to reconstruct the joint, or in severe cases, to fuse the joint. The surgeon will choose the best surgical approach for the patient.
    Whether the treatment for a calcaneal fracture has been surgical or non-surgical, physical therapy often plays a key role in regaining strength and restoring function.
    Complications of Calcaneal Fractures
    Calcaneal fractures can be serious injuries that may produce lifelong problems. Arthritis, stiffness, and pain in the joint frequently develop. Sometimes the fractured bone fails to heal in the proper position. Other possible long-term consequences ofcalcaneal fractures are decreased ankle motion and walking with alimp due to collapse of the heel bone and loss of length in the leg. Patients often require additional surgery and/or long term or permanent use of a brace or an orthotic device (arch support) to help manage these complications.
    For more information please visit

ความคิดเห็น • 171

  • @adamryan6915
    @adamryan6915 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I broke both of my heel bones from falling about 30 - 40ft. The surgeon has said that the injuries are extremely severe and that I'm going to need multiple surgeries. I had my first surgery 25 days after the initial injury in which I had subtalar fusions on both feet to prevent arthritis and to restore the shape of the calcaneus. He said that the fusions were the best thing otherwise I would have chronic arthritis in those joints in each foot. I'm hoping at some point, there will be some replacement hardware for that joint cause its hard at 19 years old adjusting to the injury. But I'm doing my best! I'm a bit anxious that I've messed up my life now and I'm also scared that my feet will never be the same ever again. But I'm doing my best to stay positive! :)

    • @bobbyctexas9445
      @bobbyctexas9445 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're going to have to follow doctors' instructions and stay positive. The recovery time period is a little dragged out, and you'll need a 19 year old can do attitude. Being young should help in your recovery. I pray that GOD bless you and heal you. As you recover and heal up. When you've healed...Post something about your story to help others and with you learned suggestions.

    • @jayjargon8029
      @jayjargon8029 ปีที่แล้ว

      I really hope you get better man I’m praying for you

    • @deniesekline-thatcher8380
      @deniesekline-thatcher8380 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bless your heart I hope you have recovered 🙏

    • @jordanali9630
      @jordanali9630 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stay strong bro I've Fractured my Calcaneas And I'm 24 the Doctors said 6 weeks To Heal But I'm sure it would be More

    • @cbrown-parker8804
      @cbrown-parker8804 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @amandathompson6269
    @amandathompson6269 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My son just broke his... we can't get into an ortho for days... after watching this video I am terrified he will need surgery! I keep looking at his x-rays wishing Dr's had weekend appointments!

  • @andrewwarren2793
    @andrewwarren2793 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Was working in USA from UK, roofing. Fell 20ft shattering calcaneus. Had surgery in the states where, according to UK surgeons, they did a fantastic job. Was 24 at the time. After 1 year back to work but never the same, constant limp and morning pain. Now 60 and sometimes need crutches to walk. Never stop with any therapy and treatment that you can get.

    • @Joseph-ny5rr
      @Joseph-ny5rr 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am 4 months after surgery, shattered heel bone and broken talus joint. The pain is unbelievable, nothing helps. I am back working but still in a medical boot. Every day the pain is hell and work is 100 times harder than it was before. I don't know what to do

    • @Joseph-ny5rr
      @Joseph-ny5rr 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also fell off a roof

    • @davidcasas1943
      @davidcasas1943 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ⁠how’s it going now buddy, I’m 3 months after surgery and still in a splint, i see the doctor next week to see what else is next, I fractured my calcaneus and fused something in there , the bone that controls circular motion at the ankle. I think the boot is next I’m just wondering how long it takes

  • @FAPVlog-qs4qn
    @FAPVlog-qs4qn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, i need help please. I have a broken bone around the calcaneus, its very near but not the calcaneus. Its cracked and a several small pieces of it are dislocated. The foot has been gyps around 4 weeks now. My question is, will it heal itself and regrow it self to its original shape? Thank u so much.

  • @bobbyctexas9445
    @bobbyctexas9445 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I recently fell from a ladder while taking down the Christmas Lights. I thought at the time I made it without injury until I tried to stand up and could not put any weight on my left foot. At that time, I figure I had fractured my ankle by the way it felt so I managed to hop on one leg into my house and get my wife to get me to the ER. There at the ER I was told that I had fractured my left calcaneus and by the information I gave the doctor , he told me I was lucky I did not injure both legs or my back & head. When I ask about treatment the ER doctor told me surgery would be required and to follow up with the ortho trauma doctor the following Monday ( About 3 days later). At the ER X-rays and a Cat Scan were taken and when I arrive for the Ortho Doctor appointment, I was told that I did indeed have the Calcaneal fracture, but I did not require surgery as the bone fragments were basically in place and did not interfere with my ankle joint. Thank GOD!
    I was put in a soft well-padded splint at the ER and again at the ortho doctor it was removed and replaced. For the next three months I was non weight bearing on my injured foot. I wore the jones cast for 1 month and was later put in a boot for the next 2 months. After three months of not putting any weight on the injured foot I was given the OK to begin putting weight on that leg." Praise GOD!
    At first it was like learning to walk again and sort troubling not being able to perform that walking motion. I immediately sought out physical therapy and began that the following week or at about 13-14 weeks after the fall.
    in the beginning it seemed like it may take a while to regain the ability to walk again but after about another month of therapy and lots of pain and swelling I am at about 90 % walking without a limp.
    I just saw my Ortho Doctor today at a little over 18 weeks and was told I was doing well and would not need to return for any future visits. I have a few more physical therapy visits and then I will be on my own to finish healing and getting back to normal again. Hallelujah!
    This entire ordeal and experience have been a huge set back and quite concerning.
    If you are on this site reading this note you are probably like me when this first happened feeling sort of clueless and looking for some answers and education on dealing with this injury. I found myself quite concerned for my wellbeing after watching some of these video's and even started getting a bit depressed for a day or so.... I wanted to write a note of encouragement to anyone reading this and just say "it eventually gets better."
    I have just a few suggestions if you find yourself with a fractured calcaneus. Get to an ER and orthopedic doctor for treatment. Follow their instructions and do not put any weight on that injury. As soon as you are in the removable boot try 15-minute Ice treatments for the swelling. This will become almost necessary for swelling when you are finally weight bearing and starting to walk again. I found that in the evenings Ice Treatment helped quite a bit as I had a lot of swelling and some pain most days after weight bearing began.
    My wife and daughters started me on Homeopathy treatments on the day after my injury and I continue today. We believe this has had a positive effect on the overall healing time and with discomfort. If possible, add some natural treatment if you can... It may help and certainly cant hurt.
    I know for fact it is a "Tremendous Drag" if you are dealing with this injury and I know everyone's break seriousness and treatment may be different / with surgery or non-surgery or maybe even other injuries. I recall when this first happened, and I was tired of jumping around on one leg in pain and wondering when I was ever going to get better and finding myself discouraged All I can say is DO NOT get too Discouraged ! It does get better with time. Follow the Doctors Instructions and give it time to heal.
    I am just now passed the 18th week and not quite back to normal yet and still have some pain, swelling and discomfort. However, walking is becoming a little more normal feeling again and I can now finally see daylight at the end of this tunnel.
    My hope is that with some more time perseverance and healing I will be back to where I was before I got careless on the ladder .... and can get back to the lifestyle and things I enjoy doing !
    My prayer is that you will too. GOD Bless and heal you

    • @carpediemwithLesli
      @carpediemwithLesli 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi. Thank you for your post. I feel off a stool while staining my deck on May 25, 2022. Went to emergency room twice and was told nothing was broken. But my foot was not getting better. I went to an orthopedic doctor a d she did x-rays again and found the fracture. Had cat scans yesterday and got a call from my doctor and she confirmed the fracture. She's waiting on the surgeon return call to see if I will need surgery. She said that she wouldn't want to have surgery because it will create complications because of where the fracture is.
      I'm depressed because I have a 40' Hatteras that now I won't be able to enjoy this summer.
      I can't put any weight on my foot cause I'll do more damage. Now I'm getting a knee scooter tomorrow cause doctor said with crutches I'd still try to put my foot down😢
      This sucks!!!
      But thank you for your post and I'm glad you're on your way to recovery!!!

    • @bobbyctexas9445
      @bobbyctexas9445 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am sorry to learn you are having to deal with this injury too. Stay positive and and don't get too discouraged. Follow doctors orders eat well and add nutrition that promotes healing. The end of this month will mark 6 months since I fractured my heal and was just thinking today it feeling more close to normal and seems to get a little better everyday. There are days where I over do it and seem to set myself back a bit but with a little rest after it hurts... it gets just that much better. I hope you heal quickly and can start weight bearing again soon but don't do that until the doctor clears you. If you can see a physical therapist try that when back on both feet. It is most encouraging having that help. May GOD Bless you heal you and give you encouragement to over come. In Jesus name.

    • @pariapourmalek4420
      @pariapourmalek4420 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you 🙏

    • @jimgraham290
      @jimgraham290 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I am glad I came across this post. It was uplifting at a moment I needed it. I fell off a ladder 8 weeks ago and broke my Calcaneus and fractured my Tibia. Surgery and 6 screws later and I am still not weight bearing. I have been getting really bummed being on crutches and a knee scooter for two months and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. You reminded me there is light...

    • @bobbyctexas9445
      @bobbyctexas9445 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Jim Graham
      I do understand. Just keep following the doctor's requirements. You will soon be back on two feet.
      After hopping around on 1 foot for so long, I was so happy when I could just stand on both feet and pee. I am now past the 1 year mark and starting to walk for exercise a pretty brisk 6.5 mile path. I have been trying to do this three times a week. Yesterday was the latest, and today, my foot feels better than usual. Overall, I am pretty much back to normal and getting better. the pain and doubts I had back in the non weight bearing days does go away. If you can get physical therapy, do that. If not... watch therapy videos and do that. I found an ice pack helped after therapy. GOD Bless. Happy healing.

  • @zavchannel3617
    @zavchannel3617 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How long to heal after successful surgery

    • @Joseph-ny5rr
      @Joseph-ny5rr 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You don't want to know 😢 I am 4 months after surgery shattered heel and breaking talus joint. I don’t think there is a full recovery in my future.

    • @zavchannel3617
      @zavchannel3617 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Joseph-ny5rr you still on cast for 4months? I pray for your recovery

  • @bahrican45
    @bahrican45 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I just have a question I recently fractured my heel bone and the fracture is running in to the joint area from what I understood cause the doctor didn't help much at the hospital and he said I fractured it in a way where it will heel on its own and told me 3 months to heal and I would most likely have arthritis I just wanted to know could he have done anything to help it from arthritis

    • @TekcanSami
      @TekcanSami 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi how is your recovery ? Can you walk without cruthes ? How many weeks it takes to walk without any cruthes

    • @carpediemwithLesli
      @carpediemwithLesli 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is exactly where I'm at right now!!😢😢😢

  • @robsweatherchannel
    @robsweatherchannel 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My phisian is not a orphedics or fracture clinci specialist but she mentioned that I have broken my heel, 2 metatarsals and ankle bones - she has given me injections tHAT meed to do to prevent DvT but she said you want 2 weeks and see if meed operation what should I do?? 2nd opinion?
    Very painful and my foot swollen in the cast and more worse now. ......I did fall from height and heard a crack and snap which was quite loud and also same ankle where I sprained it a month ago......this alll on holiday

  • @kumarshiv7152
    @kumarshiv7152 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello sir can my right leg get calcaneus fracture. Can i walk by using pneumatic walker boot after removing the cast?

  • @ryleighfisher2805
    @ryleighfisher2805 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I fell from a four foot fall jumping off and I landed all my weight on my heel and now it's swollen I can't walk on it is it broken?

    • @relentlessxasf8770
      @relentlessxasf8770 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ryleigh Fisher Same thing here is yours still swollen or broken?

    • @rickysingh616
      @rickysingh616 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I had a similar fall. I broke my heel

    • @davidpainn973
      @davidpainn973 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ricky Singh how do you know if you broke your heal? I might of broke mine.. plz help

    • @mariosegovianovazquez620
      @mariosegovianovazquez620 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidpainn973 have you recovered from your heel?

  • @CreatureOTNight
    @CreatureOTNight 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can it be from a blow/impact to the rear of an ankle. Say a metal pallet jack going into the ack of the foot.

  • @m0v3mental60
    @m0v3mental60 8 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Fell, 1 story and half. Landed on feet (roofing construction work). Shattered left calcaneus, 11screws, 1plate. Healed ok, plate and screws taken out. There after Infection occurred, wound would not close/heal on its own. On crutches almost a full year, almost 2 years to complete recovery. Oh yeah, I forgot to say, when I landed, it was instant pain. And I remember the pain like it was yesterday, even thought this was 4+ years ago.

    • @427ci3
      @427ci3 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Movement. How are u doing now? I broke mine almost 3 years ago.

    • @robertacosta957
      @robertacosta957 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Movement. I did left heel and the RIGHT HEEL 7 year's ago and it hurts LIKE HELL at night and my PAIN PILLS DON'T WORK SOMETIMES TRIED OF TAKING PILLS ALL THE TIME,What can I do for the PAIN one HURTING Mother 😭.

    • @isahussain70
      @isahussain70 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@robertacosta957 bro i got same shit l fall of bike since 2017 a second winter and now its 2018 and still hurting me i dont no what to do. sometime i dont feel any pain for 1,2 weeks then again now today ia november 12 /2018 and i feel pain like someone poking me and when i walk feel like its burning now i guess i need a surgery . and i have worst days in my life.....😭😭😭😓😓😓😓😓😭😭😭 and please if you have any ideas please tell me please

    • @robertacosta957
      @robertacosta957 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I was thrown from a tree from 20 ft the limb threw me off the the ladder I'm an ex paratrooper never got hurt jumping from the c-130s here are in 20 ft Crush my left heel completely 7 screws and a plate on my left heel broke my right heel and five places didn't want for 2 and 1/2 years couldn't walk have to learn how to walk all over again it was tough but you never supposed to give up I learned that from jump School never to give up cuz only the cuz Only the Strong Survive the weak Fall by the wayside but it does make it rough cannot wear my cowboy boots anymore but at least I'm walking can't walk very far not even two blocks always have to have my cane with me at all times whatever you do never give up the Lord knows what you can do and what you can't do but this cold weather is a booger on my heels God bless you'll have good and bad days like me so much for country dancing.😉😊

    • @rickysingh616
      @rickysingh616 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I broke my heel from a 4 ft jump and a bad landing. This was back in may 2019. Currently it is still swollen, bruised, limited in mobility. My consultant says I will have limited mobility and dismissed ice would have any benefit from bringing down the swelling and saying that will remain also. The foot feels denser to touch when compared with the other. I walk with pain. Can't rotate my foot to the left and right. Barely have strength to go up on to my toes. Treatment I had was no surgery, cast for 6 weeks, boot for another 6 weeks. Then walking on crutches. Even now feel an imbalance on my feet like my weight isn't distributed properly.

  • @syonasaini3864
    @syonasaini3864 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My doctor told me that my heel bone is extended I dont know what to do he prescribed me some pain killers
    What are the precautions I can take or what exercises I can do to treat this ?

  • @dennisthemenace8854
    @dennisthemenace8854 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i jumped off a roof broke my heel and never had surgery it took me 2 years to walk it healed deformed is it possible to go back in and rebrake it and fix it i limp pretty bad and its pretty deformed

  • @BeachCarr
    @BeachCarr 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I broke my left heel and i was just walking up steps...I was told the heel is where it is supposed to be and I didnt need surgery...i was told to stay off of it for atleast 1 month and when I go back the Doc they will do xrays and see if I can begin walking therapy...

  • @emlynodonnell4362
    @emlynodonnell4362 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi doctor I crushed my kilkennys 4 and a half years ago I am still suffering severe pain in my leg omens and I am lost and don't know what to do about it if you can help me please get in contact with me and let me know what I can do thank you

  • @kourtneya290
    @kourtneya290 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I was at the trampoline park and I flew down the stairs and landed straight on my left heel and I walked away on my top toes limping. It’s been 3 days and it still swollen and hurts. It burns and gets sharp pains.

    • @davidpainn973
      @davidpainn973 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Something similar happens to me 3 days ago! Can’t walk on it still.. What happened? Should I see a doctor? How is your foot now? What did the doctor do?

    • @kourtneya290
      @kourtneya290 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      David Payan Rodriguez i think you should see a doctor just in case! i only had bruising on my bone, which the doctor couldn’t do anything about that, so pretty much i just dealt with the pain and made sure to ice it, and it went back to normal. but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

    • @davidpainn973
      @davidpainn973 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Vans aesthetics thank you very much for the response! Yeh I fell off a 25ft mini cliff and landed straight legged on the heal of me foot.. lol. Hopefully I get lucky and it is just a bruised bone.. fingers crossed 🤞

    • @kourtneya290
      @kourtneya290 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      David Payan Rodriguez you’re welcome! and oh wow! i hope it’s just a bruised bone too! but if it’s still not getting better in a few days a doctor visit would definitely be the best option

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidpainn973 how are you now brother

  • @rickalbuquerque1205
    @rickalbuquerque1205 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They said they could do nothing for me. My heel it was shattered in many pieces , they said it would have to heal that way and then I'd have to walk on it that way and then later on when the pain became unbearable they would have surgery to fuse two bones together that would just help get rid of the pain. Is this correct in my situation?

    • @mabushalesley7819
      @mabushalesley7819 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are you fine now?

    • @rickalbuquerque1205
      @rickalbuquerque1205 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mabushalesley7819 It's been 5 months not yet still hurts

  • @Fireemoji212
    @Fireemoji212 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I was hit by a car and broke mine. Doctor said he doesn’t think I will need surgery but I’m getting a CT scan tomorrow to be sure. I’m thankful that it doesn’t seem like I’ll need surgery especially after reading other people’s experiences with breaking this bone. The pain im in is bad so I can’t even imagine what some of yall have gone through. Doc said arthritis would form and told me what PT I should be doing but I can’t move it much at all or put any amount of weight on it. Really sucks as I’m a college student and school is hard to get through with my knee scooter riding around on it all day. As soon as I get home I take the aircast off and ice it until the ice doesn’t even feel cold anymore lol.

  • @jeremybowman2565
    @jeremybowman2565 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey if anyone sees this I just took a bad fall off a snowboard jump went like 15 feet up and cased the jump I can still walk on my heel tho there is just some pain I don’t know what to do 🙏🙏

  • @zencontroller
    @zencontroller 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    had this injury for 20+ yrs then had the same injury from being crushed beween a car and my motor bike. The Doctors at Doncaster Royal infirmary made me get up and walk on it and told me it would be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bastards!!!!

  • @Lamebred.
    @Lamebred. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've done this, in the process of recovery 5 weeks in to be exact. I've been told that I'm going to walk with a permanent limp have pain when walking especially when on non flat land like uphill etc and sports for me are finished.. has anyone had this and recovered and could tell me is it really this bad afterwards? or is my doctor exaggerating a little? 🤞

    • @bobbyctexas9445
      @bobbyctexas9445 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope the reply finds you doing well. I read your post and was curious how you were healing and coming along?

    • @afsanaali8877
      @afsanaali8877 ปีที่แล้ว

      it’s probably gonna be worse than how your doctor said it bro

    • @jeremiahjohnson3605
      @jeremiahjohnson3605 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Josh - hope you have healed up a lot since this. The Dr will usually give you the worst case scnenario in my experience. they want to prepare you for the worst and hopefully your outcome turns out better. Calcaneus injuries are all different and some people will recover well and others not so well.

    • @Lamebred.
      @Lamebred. 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you, I appreciate that. 🫡🙌 Yes i certainly feel that was the case here for me. I still get pain after a while walking, and can't move my foot in a certain direction. But i don't walk with a limp. Im able to do everything i did before.. Except on the running part, im still working on that, thats a struggle still tbh as i seem to run with a limp and i'm not able to go full speed, it is more of a jog. But I will get there. 🤞 But nothing to what i likely expected writing the orignal comment. 💪

    • @Lamebred.
      @Lamebred. 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry for not seeing your message before. I appreciate you. See my message above on how im getting on. Thanks man.

  • @ritarai5706
    @ritarai5706 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had fall down from ladder it’s height may be 12 feet n suffered calcaneal# I got to hospital n putting pop 49 days n it’s remove already but there is some swelling n paining on ankle n heal side so i request to advice me n hw much times to recover

  • @naay9360
    @naay9360 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    How do u diagnose

  • @Kevinegan1
    @Kevinegan1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    My doctor told me that he stopped counting after he reached 56. He was referring to the number of pieces my heel had been crushed into. The ankle joint was crushed along with many of the bones in my foot. The flesh of my heel extending about 6 inches up the back of my foot was crushed and quickly became necrotic. It was a miracle but my two doctors saved my foot and was able to work another twenty years doing everything they had told me I'd never be able to do again. But the nerve damage and the onset of arthritis finally took its toll and I retired.

  • @soundzentertainmentnz
    @soundzentertainmentnz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just got one of these bad boys.. im getting my plate put in today ... SO it begins

    • @Ariyan_Shen
      @Ariyan_Shen 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How are you doing after a year? Returned to normal?

  • @rickysingh616
    @rickysingh616 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Broke mine, they didn't do surgery on it, said it's not worth it as it causes more problems in the future apparently. 9 months on I'm still struggling. Foot it still swollen and bruised. Loss of range of motion, left and right. Can barely go on to my toes. Said I will definitely suffer from arthritis when I'm older.

    • @dennisthemenace8854
      @dennisthemenace8854 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      same here been 8 years still limp no range of motion just glad im able to work 10 hrs a day but still painful especially in the morning

    • @rickysingh616
      @rickysingh616 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dennisthemenace8854 it over two years, got pain in my lower back when I apply pressure on that foot. It radiates upwards, so it's not sciatica. feels painful in the ankle like something is trapped. Can't stand on tippy toes on one foot. Two feet is sort of do able. constantly stiff and painful when moved. Tendon slips over the ankle, can visually see it as well as it's painful, when it makes a large cracking sound everytime it does.

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@rickysingh616 how are you now

    • @rickysingh616
      @rickysingh616 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brotherhood4694 hi thanks for the question. As fair as the consultant is concerned mobility wise it's what I'll have to live with. I still suffer from and will suffer with chronic pain and mobility issues. I've had zero improvement. He did finally however agree that I have Peroneal subluxation after I pushed for an MRI. It's where the tendon still slips out of place and is very painful. He did suggest open foot surgery where judging from the MRI he said the tendons are all flat and it would require it to be punctured with micro needles to encourage blood flow and pin the tendon back, however he said there's only 50% chance of success as well and a high probability of damaging a nerve and then even more complications. I asked if anyone does keyhole and he says no. Thinking there's got to be someone out there who can do something and fix this issue. He considered the lack of mobility to the extra bone growth as well and the extra swollen flesh, which honestly is confusing because logically if you have extra bone growth it can be shaved or grinded down ( i know this as I've had shoulder surgery years ago and that's what they did). I hasn't bothered giving me a steroid injection in to the joint which is annoying. The medical system here seems very disinterested in helping, it's royally pi****g me off.
      I also have this pain where if I apply weight or pressure on my left foot (the bad one), I feel a shooting pain going up the leg and on the left side of my lower back. Whenever I bring it up he says it's impossible for it to be related but I can do it by just laying down and flexing my foot. So at a bit of a loss
      Thanks for reaching out and asking. Have you suffered with something similar?

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@rickysingh616do you have chance to develop arthritis , when you become 45-50

  • @tonystapleton687
    @tonystapleton687 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    hey doc can to bone heal of it self

  • @LuisRivera-rw6xz
    @LuisRivera-rw6xz 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have 80% tendons ligaments n more torn. Also have a stress fracture. I'm in heck of a lot of pain

  • @jaketaylor5754
    @jaketaylor5754 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey mine was non surgical.. Im rare.

    • @AutumnStPerre
      @AutumnStPerre 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      me too!

    • @ArzoCanada
      @ArzoCanada 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AutumnStPerre I haven't had surgery either as the dr said it has not shifted or displaced..he said do lots of's been 3 months since my fall and I just started physio. my entire leg is stiff. He said if the pain continues we may have to perform surgery. I dont want any type of suregery. I already had 2 surgery on my knee on same leg

    • @ArzoCanada
      @ArzoCanada 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I haven't had surgery either as the dr said it has not shifted or displaced..he said do lots of's been 3 months since my fall and I just started physio. my entire leg is stiff. He said if the pain continues we may have to perform surgery. I dont want any type of suregery. I already had 2 surgery on my knee on same leg

    • @damiensmith8774
      @damiensmith8774 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes mine too non displaced

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ArzoCanada how are you now

  • @mightywolf0947
    @mightywolf0947 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know what's wrong with my heel.i jumped into the shallow end of a pool and after I felt lots of pain in my left heel my right foot is fine it's just know when I walk normally my heel hurts

  • @romanaaranda6252
    @romanaaranda6252 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    On December 5 2017 my husband broke rt. Heel on side was trimming the palm tree about 16-17 feet high was recovering nicely then on February 9 of 2018 he feel again from his scooter flipped over on his back and the same heel landed on tile floor well now he broke the back side of heel again.

    • @damiensmith8774
      @damiensmith8774 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hairline fractured the front core width edge part of my anterior calcaneal process falling off my scooter too

    • @damiensmith8774
      @damiensmith8774 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m 5 weeks now no surgery just a half cast for 1 week camboot for a couple of weeks weened myself into a brace working day on day off at the moment because my pain returns I give it a day off I get a strong day with it

  • @calebsmith3715
    @calebsmith3715 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just shattered both of my heel bones. I have a long recovery ahead of me.

    • @adelina4229
      @adelina4229 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here... 19 and in a wheelchair, life is great

    • @rhondafenner1893
      @rhondafenner1893 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here been a year since Dumbass lady hit me head on 8/31/18. Been HELL😲 shatter (R) arm 4 plates +other life threatening injuries.I'm usually a very forgiving person but this Shit I'm Not Especially when I had my Grandson w/me😒 But I will get through this😊

    • @dvcsub
      @dvcsub 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Drunk driver head-on. Applied brake all the way, shattered my right heel. Been terrible, I can’t even imagine having BOTH heels broken. What has made it so limiting for me is having it elevated at all times so the swelling and inflammation can go down. Been like that for 7 weeks now. Had my surgery at 27 days after accident.

    • @BlastinRope
      @BlastinRope 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I shattered my left heel in a car accident in oct 2017. When the doctor says "explodes" here it is the best way to describe what happened, my calcaneus was in shards.
      Its been a little over 2 years now and I started off riding bikes about a year ago and now I can jog a mile with little problems from my heel.
      Only lasting issues so far is slightly limited range of motion, some minor pains and stiffness and once in a while ill get a really deep itchy sensation under the skin thats impossible to scratch, drives me wild but doesnt last too long and not too often.

    • @rondrty
      @rondrty ปีที่แล้ว

      How long was recovery Caleb??

  • @kaneconklin7046
    @kaneconklin7046 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    bloody hell I broke my heel 6 days ago without knowing it was broken I'm one strong guy not to know I'm foot is fucking broke I'm gonna do the doc tomorrow

  • @allenachterberg3037
    @allenachterberg3037 ปีที่แล้ว

    Had to army crawl back to my car to go to the ER. Very serious injury.

  • @burro500
    @burro500 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fell 3 meters high while rope climbing, the pain is excruciating

  • @JTMoney22
    @JTMoney22 ปีที่แล้ว

    I broke mine. Very rare bone to break. Just running and stepping on home plate playing softball

  • @taqijamani8612
    @taqijamani8612 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Plz help me my heel bone was crack and dr said no need surgery i will do fracture 5 week

  • @motocrosswoody
    @motocrosswoody ปีที่แล้ว

    I broke my heel bone 3,5 years ago. I’m still recovering and far from healed.

    • @Jay-407
      @Jay-407 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ya? I’m going on one year and my ankle is sore majority of the time

  • @piseappo6794
    @piseappo6794 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fracture both of my hill bone and my doctor said his not going to do surgery on it and I'm going to have arthritis throughout my life can anybody help im still healing

  • @avikingman1
    @avikingman1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Three years and counting after shattering mine. I have a slight limp from it, but not much pain, feel it when it is cold though.

    • @Astranoire
      @Astranoire 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How severe was the fracture?

    • @williamanderson3185
      @williamanderson3185 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Astranoire I have 9 screws and a plate, so it was shattered, I fell from a roof.

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@williamanderson3185 how much time it will take to walk normaly

    • @williamanderson3185
      @williamanderson3185 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brotherhood4694 I walk pretty good with shoes/boots with ankle support. Barefoot you have a limp depending on how much range of motion in the ankle is present, i have about 50 %, which is good.

    • @williamanderson3185
      @williamanderson3185 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brotherhood4694 I still have a slight limp if barefoot. i walk fine in boots with ankle support. My range of motion in the ankle is about 50% which is good for this injury. You never really get back to normal, the pain issue moderates but comes and goes as well.

  • @MartiGTR
    @MartiGTR 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I woke up with blood spots on my two heels but no pain or what so ever the skin is a bit denser but it's always like that maybe it's something from my kickboxing I do trow taekwondo heel kicks

  • @matasjakubauskas7267
    @matasjakubauskas7267 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My neighbors were being loud so i kicked the wall , broke this bone , real pain in the ass

  • @PNW_MX
    @PNW_MX ปีที่แล้ว

    Headed to ortho in cpl hours 😮

  • @seanjet7993
    @seanjet7993 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fractures of the

  • @Marvcohen
    @Marvcohen 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @GetOffUrPhone
    @GetOffUrPhone 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fell off a second story balcony while painting a house and fractured mine... Dr put it in a cast for now but tryna learn more about it

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว

      How are you now brother

    • @GetOffUrPhone
      @GetOffUrPhone ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brotherhood4694 I'm back to painting houses an year later! Originally the ER doctor just put it in a cast and told me to wait three months, but a second doctor I went to suggested immediate surgery - I'm glad I listened to the latter. They put two bolts in my ankle that are actually still there, and it took around 5 months before the doctor actually cleared my leg as okay for walking (November ~ April), plus physical therapy for several months after that, since my leg muscles withered a bit after being unused for so long. I'm only in my mid-20s though, so it might be a couple of years before any long term effects make themselves known.

    • @brotherhood4694
      @brotherhood4694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GetOffUrPhone do you have a chance to develop arthritis when you become older