Had complete supraspinatus detach , MRI showed retracted 2” , amazing surgeon in Dartmouth was able to reattach. The pain before was relentless, after 3 months recovery and now 5 years later its never been better, its like a Miracle to me what that surgeon was able to do for me.
How long did you wait until you did the surgery after the rupture? I had my surgery just last monday (complete supraspinatus detach aswell). I waited 16 months and therefore the retraction was patte 2. Reha time :)
I had a fall 15 years ago and two different orthopedic specialists recommended rotator cuff surgery. My only symptom at the time was occasional shoulder soreness when I took walks. Luckily, I am friends with a physical therapist who asked if I had good shoulder mobility. I said I did and she recommended I give the soreness time to go away without the torture of surgery. I followed her advice, the pain gradually went away, and I have enjoyed 15 painless years. My point is not to rush into surgery if your mobility is good and your soreness is tolerable. While you may never pitch for the NY Yankees, you may still be better off….especially if you are well over 50 years old!
I've been doing 15 minutes of rotator cuff exercises before any upper body workouts and this has helped me tremendously! Light weight, high reps. Great video guys!
After a serious fall, the CAT scan results showed a massive tear. My heart Dr. said NO operation. I went for two injections and four months of PT. The shoulder is much better, but I have to be careful with use. I already had two rotator operations on my right shoulder when I was 55. At 82, I really don't want another operation.
I’m 10 weeks post op (rotator cuff repair, ruptured bicep ‘clean up’, bursectomy, and acromial decompression) and doing well. Ultra sound wasn’t very helpful for me - it showed that the bicep was ruptured, but didn’t show a clear picture of the supraspinatus tear. Thankfully my orthopedist ordered an MRI, which showed everything. Glad to be getting full use of my shoulder back. I have had a lot of surgeries - this one had very little pain associated compared to back and abdominal surgeries. But the recovery was extremely inconvenient the first 4-6 weeks.
Thanks Docs for the information. I was diagnosed with this in my left shoulder clinically with no tests to confirm a few years ago. It got better after a few months using heat treatment and gentle excercise. The pain was intense and I had limited use of my arm. Now that I have this video if it happened again I would be better able to discuss tests and treatments with the doctor.
I tore my rotator cuff in 2005 when I first started working in law enforcement. Had to have surgery to repair it. Just tore it a second time in August 2024. Once you've torn it you never forget the feeling. Lifting the arm or rotating the arm is nearly impossible. You hit a point where your arm stops moving even though twitching. Then the pain isn't something you can pinpoint. It just feels like a invisible bubble of pain surrounding the area. You need a MRI to diagnose the tear. Cortisone shots are a waste of time and are know to only harden the ligaments/tendons thus making them more prone to tearing. Physical therapy before surgery is a waste of time too. Surgery is the only fix and afterwards you need months of physical therapy.
Rotator cuff surgery is brutal- I suffered a full thickness tear in two of my tendons as a result of a mva a few years ago. Same accident shattered my collarbone, surgery on that as well to set it with a six inch metal plate. I’d take a shattered collarbone all day long again before I’d want another rotator cuff surgery. Six month recovery and still don’t have full range of motion and probably never will
Another injury that I live with, both rotator cuffs are torn but due to the dangers involved with the surgery( my best friends father lost the use of his arm after they performed surgery) the surgeon recommended trying to live with what usability I had, I have to be careful of what amount of stress I put on them with the risk of injuring further, I can throw a ball under handed but not overhand etc. The times when I forget I pay a price of little use of the arm for a couple of weeks to a month. Going back many years there was no mention of injections, just rest and keeping the joints flexible.
This was really helpful. I pulled muscles in the shoulder in early December and a friend (who works in physio) insisted it was the rotator. I swore it wasn't. I could tell by the where it hurt and how it hurt. This showed I was correct! Yay for me!
I I tore my rotator cuff trying to get out of bed week two after a total hip replacement 😳 will be dealing with that after I’m done healing from the hip surgery
I had an accident on a Military Sealift Command vessel shortly after 9/11 which resulted in a full tearing of my rotator cuff. I had the surgery done and during the physical therapy they tore it again and my doc told me I needed more surgery. I declined and let it "heal" on it's own.
Ya'll do great videos. I'd also like to see a video about tendenitis. I had a cartwheeling skiing accident where I damaged my rotator cuff. I didn't go to the doctor but implented my own phys therapy, it took 6 months for the pain to subside and regain my motion and strength.
Great description and explanation of rotator cuff problems!👍 The only problem I've ever had with my shoulder is when it was completely frozen. I had no range of motion, I couldn't even raise my arm. The pain was excruciating and I had to drive myself to the doctor. I finally got an injection which really helped the first time. I was put on Prednisone both times before I got any relief. Shoulder pain isn't fun at all! My brother ended up having surgery after he fell and injured his shoulder. It's painful with a long healing process. You will almost always need to see a doctor and take measures to ease the pain. Thanks for sharing another great and informative video!
Hi Doctors!! Boise girl here!! I have a partial tear and after watching this, I discovered that my pain is referred pain from under and back of my arm. Slowly getting better but what a pain in the butt!!! (not literal!) Thank you!
Thank you for this video!! I have a tear and my doctor directed me to surgery. I'm seeing a chiro now. He was able to help me lift my shoulder up in one visit. He used some massage techniques that is working for me, and I haven't even started therapy yet.
You guys are doing a lot to renew people’s confidence in doctors. You both and the guest doctors all present as really thoughtful, smart , up to date, patient, bright professionals which is all people want from their doctors. We don’t need superstars we just need fellow human beings who really know what they are doing in the area of specialty and are conscientious. Humour that doesn’t mask lack of concern or minimize patient concerns is also a nice touch of course.
recently diagnosed with rotator cuff tear grade 3 close to its site of insertion with thinning of tendon. cut out defect of 10.5*6mm size. Rest of arm advised.
Great explanations on the rotator cuff, symptoms and treatments. I have been suffering with night time pain originating from rotator cuff tear for 7 months. Had sports medicine doctor evaluate the problem with x-ray, can't have steriod injection (recently diagnosed with Open-angle glaucoma), so he gave me a Toradol/lidocaine injection (zero effect). MRI showed suspected nonretracted full-thickness perforation mid supraspinatus tendon. No medial tendon retraction seen and no cuff atrophy. Full flexibility and strength in the front, but limited range of motion behind my back (with pain). Been doing physical therapy for 2 months and seeing a little improvement. At 71 years old I am in excellent medical condition and no mobilities, and doctor said recommendation for surgery for elderly patients usually isn't warranted.
Pretty well done. I'm glad that you will be talking about arthritis vs. rotator cuff in the future. I have arthritis and folks may assume that they have rotator cuff and it is not that. One thing I'll say is that I'd go the MRI route to begin with. It is much more detailed and provides a baseline for future injury and strain to these joints.
Did this slipping while climbing up a waterfall in a cave. I was fine apart from pain at the time and drove home, the next day real limited mobility, guess the bruising came out. Anyway physio suggested exercises, kept at those for a while eventually after some month pain was gone and I got 90% of the range back never quite all of it. Didn't ask about surgery, a good friend had surgery and she was worse after so I decided to live with the small remaining restriction of movement.
I have a suspected rotator cuff tear as diagnosed clinically by my physiatrist. I can do most of what I need to do until the bursitis sets on. Then, it's non-stop pain. Cortisone shots are miracles for me. They last about 4 months for me, so maybe I get three per year. Thank you for this video. I feel like you made it just for me. :-) Oh, and I do change my pants. Lol!
I’m 5 days out from rotator repair. Wasn’t given much info, but do know the bicep was involved. I’m in quite significant pain . I’m using intermittent ice and hydrocodone and celebrex. Should I be in this much pain? Thanks so much for all of your help. Love your channel. Have learned so much and you guys keep it real.
Been having left side back shoulder pain when walking and brushing teeth (oddly). Lasted about a month, started doing light weight exercises involving the shoulders and now its pretty much gone. Still a good idea if I'm a senior?
Wow! Yes, I've had my rotator cuff repair 1 1/2 year ago. I still have severe pain to this day at about two years. I tore my long bicep totaly away, two tenden tears, a whole in my rotator cuff and the bone was shaved because they where rubbing together. I have little motion in several ways with my right arm. I still need help!!!😢😢
I had a nasty rotator cuff tear. Only one rotator was intact, the little one. From a fall. Frozen shoulder resulted. Physical therapy for a year gave me pretty much normal use of arm. I can move any direction without weight. Still have occasional pain, Fatigue. I had no surgery. I’m happy. Happy not to have surgery.
My diagnosis is a full tear of top tendon on my right rotator cuff. I seem to have full movement including overhead reach with little pain. Pain does occur, at times, when sleeping and my arm gets in a position that produces pain. With this video, the recommendation is therapy first. I take Tylenol and advil and that lessens the pain. I had 2 surgeries on left shoulder for rotator cuff- 1st failed. My new injury seems to have more mobility than older rotator surgery. So try therapy before surgery is a good first attempt to relieve pain?
I have 2, one is bone on bone and the other just partial. From having somre arthritus and using a walking for my knees for 2 long. Much pain. waiting to have surgery as we speak.
As a 50+ tradesman , I do a lot of overheard work. I had supraspinatus surgery at 50. At almost 60, I've torn it again 26mm. Most shoulder movements are still there. So I'm gone to try and rehab it out till I can retire.
PT definitely saved me from having surgery. Turns out my flexibility was shit and I needed to do a lot of different stretching and strengthening exercises, but they worked!
Hoping more positive results for PRP and healing. Have excruciating pain in the front of my R shoulder with tight bicep, limited ROM. See primary doc tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Excellent and helpful video after suffering a tear from golf….no warm up, too aggressive… however one shot of cortisone by a well known expert and slowly following physio exercises was a successful return to an active 60 something lifestyle. Very informative guys, thank you!!
yeh im considering the zone again at 60 reinjured last summer had 2 teen early 20s on the fence doc said zone rest 2 years ago but wrenched again heard new zone doesnt linger as long as dinosaur era
hello *Talking With Docs* , are you Docs able to make a video about slip disc and how to prevent and also how to recuperate after if possible Much appreciated
I've had pain in my left shoulder for about 8 months now, finally went to my NP and she is sending me for an Xray. She thought maybe arthritis . (I'm 58) Pain usually bothers me later into the night when i sleep and first thing in morning when i get up and as i get moving around it goes away. The other day was putting my jacket on and my phone was in my left pocket and as I brought my arms around to pull the sleeves over my shoulders- did it ever hurt and thats the first time i think it has ever bothered me during the day. The weight of Iphone pro seemed to do it. Anyways thanks for talking about this. Really enjoy your channel
Is this a more common injury due to certain jobs, for example I was a plasterer for a Decade and recently went into food running along side painting and decorating
I have a full thickness tear of my supraspinatus tendon for over 6 months now and my life has not changed a bit, i work, i train, lifting weights use rowing machine , very rare i get that occasional pain only when i move my arm on an weird angle very rare and only lasts around 5 to 10 seconds, from my experience i will never do a surgery unless it affect my daily life.
That was very informative! My shoulder issues have involved repeated sports injuries. Now, at 75, X-rays show the cartilage is gone. With physiotherapy guidance I have a limited but still functional range of motion, but I have pain and although the exercises seem to maintain the situation they don’t improve it. I try to limit Advil/Tylenol to nights only so I can sleep. I’m waiting for a second cortisone shot but the wait is months. I’m using kinesiology tape to stabilize my shoulder for some activities like golf and kayaking. Shoulder replacement is an option we’ve (Dr, Physio) discussed, but are trying to delay. If you have any other options I’d love to know.
I had a rotator cuff surgery one year ago , get better and went back to work 4 months ago , now i has another tear in my other shoulder what could cause this to happen?
I've had two bad shoulders for 15 years. Went to the doctor, she sent me for ultrasound.. she said I have impingments and go see physio. I felt left uninformed and in the dark. I didn't go back.. but still have shoulder issues.
I had an injury during ground fighting training as a police officer. Im having pain but not much reduced motion during the tests. It will go where you tell me to but it hurts like hell during and after. My infraspinatus is feeling like its working overdrive to compensate for my subscap. My scapulas are widely asymmetrical. MRI tomorrow. Hoping to get some answers because lots of websites say its not gonna be a tear if i pass the tests
I would love to know what the good doctor would recommend for preventing damage to the rotator cuff. I used to really enjoy lifting weights, and the rotator cuff always comes up in discussions. Would he be a proponent of a few rotator cuff stretches before over the head/shoulder exercises? Or would it just be frowned upon (overhead lifts - such as overhead press) as bringing forward the inevitable? Thanks as always for sharing your valuable knowledge with us all :)
I have a rotator cuff surgery in September and I think is getting worse. I can't sleep, or been in my side, of face down; if I lay down up put pressure in my shoulder blade or muscle in my back and gets painful also the PT is not helping much. Is it possible something when wrong in the surgety?
Ok...I am 65 and both my shoulders are affected..but, they have good and bad days...some days, I have a full function..and some it is extremely painful.. I have had this for many years...I blame my sleeping habits..pillows extra.. So, as they are not constantly in pain, is it an age thing? I was a London firefighter in my past life.
👋 Docs, Good timing. Friend has dx rotator cuff needs surgery. She's 70, very UN active, so not a fall or over exertion. She's also diabetic and her platelets are low, so they need 3 months on pills to increase. Is this an inherited problem ? She has no clue how this happened. Thanks guys.
Fixing to have surgery, but my Dr never offered physical therapy first. Can it heal itself without surgery? Lots of pain, but really don't want to have surgery and 6-10 weeks of not using my right arm. MRI showed tear in the Super. Extremely hard to sleep.
The one on the right seems like an intelligent goofball, I sincerely say with respect - and is probably the doctor I would prefer. The other 2 docs seem like the type my mother would prefer lol, which is fine, nothing against them. I injured my shoulder by vigorously throwing critter feed to my bird and squirrel friends. Thanks for this information!
My left Arm is almost dead and useless. I'm going to seet PCP next month. I remember hurting my deltoid. But I woke up and it was gimped. I can't raise my arm over my head or even over my shoulder if I try and put it behind my back but that really hurts when I try and do it. Any thoughts or ideas do you think I'm going to need surgery? And if so, how long am I going to be laid up for? How long will I be in the hospital for that ?
I had the xray,shot, MRI,and PT for my rotator cuff tear. No surgery Dr doesn't recommend it. Its not the same but keep up exercises and stretches.i believe massage is good,ice,heat also. Mine was a small tear but dont know if it will heal on its own completely. ItllBe a yr in May. No injury just wear n tear.
Took a fall several years ago. The initial X-ray showed no fracture. After two weeks of constant pain, had an MRI. Turns out I broke my Greater Tuberosity and a slight tear of my supraspinatus. Did quite a few weeks of PT. Had one injection. No surgery, but I did lose some range of motion. When I over use that arm, I will have pain and need to ice to reduce the inflammation.
Hi guys, Love your sense of humor 😊 I have a question and it's with regard to fluid replacement during surgery. Is there any way to filter the fluids ( remove bone spur for instance) of the suction closed system and deliver it back through IV line ? I have seen some hip replacement procedure, and there is a lot of fluids waste. Have a good days
I have recently been in a police academy where we did pushups on a constant and regular basis. I mean a lot of pushups! Now I have so pain in both shoulders that it sometimes gets unbearable. My right bicep gets numb and sometimes i feel numbness in my fingers. What's baffling to me is I have decent range of motion even placing my arm behind my back but its painful. After doing my research and then listening to these doctors, I'm wondering if it is a rotator cuff issue or something else. I'll be going to a orthopedic who specializes in shoulders and upper body Monday.
That's the clearest description of the rotator cuff tendons and muscles that I've ever seen.
3 awkward looking old timers in a badly lit room - one would never thought...you are right !
Had complete supraspinatus detach , MRI showed retracted 2” , amazing surgeon in Dartmouth was able to reattach. The pain before was relentless, after 3 months recovery and now 5 years later its never been better, its like a Miracle to me what that surgeon was able to do for me.
Let me guess you did this bench pressing heavy weight
How long did you wait until you did the surgery after the rupture?
I had my surgery just last monday (complete supraspinatus detach aswell). I waited 16 months and therefore the retraction was patte 2. Reha time :)
Happy 4- u 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I had a fall 15 years ago and two different orthopedic specialists recommended rotator cuff surgery. My only symptom at the time was occasional shoulder soreness when I took walks. Luckily, I am friends with a physical therapist who asked if I had good shoulder mobility. I said I did and she recommended I give the soreness time to go away without the torture of surgery. I followed her advice, the pain gradually went away, and I have enjoyed 15 painless years. My point is not to rush into surgery if your mobility is good and your soreness is tolerable. While you may never pitch for the NY Yankees, you may still be better off….especially if you are well over 50 years old!
We always agree to not rush in
I agree don’t Rush I haven’t just rested shoulder
This surgeon does a fantastic job of explaining. Clear and concise
I've been doing 15 minutes of rotator cuff exercises before any upper body workouts and this has helped me tremendously! Light weight, high reps.
Great video guys!
Excellent video and thanks for bringing in another guest. Osteoarthritis in the shoulder sucks too.
After a serious fall, the CAT scan results showed a massive tear. My heart Dr. said NO operation. I went for two injections and four months of PT. The shoulder is much better, but I have to be careful with use. I already had two rotator operations on my right shoulder when I was 55. At 82, I really don't want another operation.
Glad 4-u
I’m 10 weeks post op (rotator cuff repair, ruptured bicep ‘clean up’, bursectomy, and acromial decompression) and doing well. Ultra sound wasn’t very helpful for me - it showed that the bicep was ruptured, but didn’t show a clear picture of the supraspinatus tear. Thankfully my orthopedist ordered an MRI, which showed everything. Glad to be getting full use of my shoulder back. I have had a lot of surgeries - this one had very little pain associated compared to back and abdominal surgeries. But the recovery was extremely inconvenient the first 4-6 weeks.
Thanks Docs for the information. I was diagnosed with this in my left shoulder clinically with no tests to confirm a few years ago. It got better after a few months using heat treatment and gentle excercise. The pain was intense and I had limited use of my arm. Now that I have this video if it happened again I would be better able to discuss tests and treatments with the doctor.
I tore my rotator cuff in 2005 when I first started working in law enforcement. Had to have surgery to repair it. Just tore it a second time in August 2024. Once you've torn it you never forget the feeling. Lifting the arm or rotating the arm is nearly impossible. You hit a point where your arm stops moving even though twitching. Then the pain isn't something you can pinpoint. It just feels like a invisible bubble of pain surrounding the area. You need a MRI to diagnose the tear. Cortisone shots are a waste of time and are know to only harden the ligaments/tendons thus making them more prone to tearing. Physical therapy before surgery is a waste of time too. Surgery is the only fix and afterwards you need months of physical therapy.
Sorry - wow
I had rotator, labrum and bicep shoulder surgery a year ago. Still not feeling great😢
Rotator cuff surgery is brutal- I suffered a full thickness tear in two of my tendons as a result of a mva a few years ago. Same accident shattered my collarbone, surgery on that as well to set it with a six inch metal plate. I’d take a shattered collarbone all day long again before I’d want another rotator cuff surgery. Six month recovery and still don’t have full range of motion and probably never will
This was very helpful. I believe this is what I've had for months just hoping it would resolve with rest. Now I know I should see my doc.
Seeking help from a doctor in time will indeed help your body regulate well.
Is the best part of being a surgeon getting to wear pajamas everyday at work?
I love how our two Docs always wear matching outfits!
Hahahaaa, I was just watching the video thinking I should get myself a pair of those to wear to bed!!
Those are scrubs silly...not pjs.
I agree
My husband was recently diagnosed with calcification of the shoulder tendons. Could you do a video on this?
Another injury that I live with, both rotator cuffs are torn but due to the dangers involved with the surgery( my best friends father lost the use of his arm after they performed surgery) the surgeon recommended trying to live with what usability I had, I have to be careful of what amount of stress I put on them with the risk of injuring further, I can throw a ball under handed but not overhand etc. The times when I forget I pay a price of little use of the arm for a couple of weeks to a month. Going back many years there was no mention of injections, just rest and keeping the joints flexible.
I hope you are well.🤝
@@checkmecareWell as can be expected thanks.🙂
I learn a lot from these videos - thank you! Anyone else notice that at 7:40 Strength is misspelled? Just sayin' . . . .
I was looking for this comment
Sure😊if you can find a doctor to book a mri or ,,, any other test
Great video - very informative! I hope to use ultrasound more in diagnosing rotator cuff tears.
This was really helpful. I pulled muscles in the shoulder in early December and a friend (who works in physio) insisted it was the rotator. I swore it wasn't. I could tell by the where it hurt and how it hurt. This showed I was correct! Yay for me!
Great information. Thank you!
I I tore my rotator cuff trying to get out of bed week two after a total hip replacement 😳 will be dealing with that after I’m done healing from the hip surgery
How old are you and how are you feeling now?
I had an accident on a Military Sealift Command vessel shortly after 9/11 which resulted in a full tearing of my rotator cuff. I had the surgery done and during the physical therapy they tore it again and my doc told me I needed more surgery. I declined and let it "heal" on it's own.
Same here
How's it going with the selfhealing?
@@Stiif_10 My road to healing has nothing to do with myself. I give all the praise, honor and glory to God as He did it.
@@buckshot4428god is the man🤙
Ya'll do great videos. I'd also like to see a video about tendenitis. I had a cartwheeling skiing accident where I damaged my rotator cuff. I didn't go to the doctor but implented my own phys therapy, it took 6 months for the pain to subside and regain my motion and strength.
Great description and explanation of rotator cuff problems!👍
The only problem I've ever had with my shoulder is when it was completely frozen. I had no range of motion, I couldn't even raise my arm. The pain was excruciating and I had to drive myself to the doctor. I finally got an injection which really helped the first time. I was put on Prednisone both times before I got any relief.
Shoulder pain isn't fun at all! My brother ended up having surgery after he fell and injured his shoulder. It's painful with a long healing process.
You will almost always need to see a doctor and take measures to ease the pain.
Thanks for sharing another great and informative video!
So welcome Vickie!
Hi Doctors!! Boise girl here!! I have a partial tear and after watching this, I discovered that my pain is referred pain from under and back of my arm. Slowly getting better but what a pain in the butt!!! (not literal!) Thank you!
I'm having the same thing now, did you had to do surgery?
You guys really uploaded another video about this two days before I’m going in for rotator cuff evaluation, what a trip!
Thank you for this video!! I have a tear and my doctor directed me to surgery. I'm seeing a chiro now. He was able to help me lift my shoulder up in one visit. He used some massage techniques that is working for me, and I haven't even started therapy yet.
Timely video. I’m having shoulder pain right now. Thanks
Me 2
Thank you for your expertise! This answers all my questions. Very thorough and well done gentlemen!
This surgeon is very knowledgeable and thoughtful in his responses. Thanks. 🔥
I was told I had frozen should during COVID. It was so painful. I had acupuncture, massage and chiropractor. I finally healed in year.
You guys are doing a lot to renew people’s confidence in doctors. You both and the guest doctors all present as really thoughtful, smart , up to date, patient, bright professionals which is all people want from their doctors. We don’t need superstars we just need fellow human beings who really know what they are doing in the area of specialty and are conscientious. Humour that doesn’t mask lack of concern or minimize patient concerns is also a nice touch of course.
Wow thanks Patrick. Doing our best
recently diagnosed with rotator cuff tear grade 3 close to its site of insertion with thinning of tendon. cut out defect of 10.5*6mm size. Rest of arm advised.
Great explanations on the rotator cuff, symptoms and treatments. I have been suffering with night time pain originating from rotator cuff tear for 7 months. Had sports medicine doctor evaluate the problem with x-ray, can't have steriod injection (recently diagnosed with Open-angle glaucoma), so he gave me a Toradol/lidocaine injection (zero effect). MRI showed suspected nonretracted full-thickness perforation mid supraspinatus tendon. No medial tendon retraction seen and no cuff atrophy. Full flexibility and strength in the front, but limited range of motion behind my back (with pain). Been doing physical therapy for 2 months and seeing a little improvement. At 71 years old I am in excellent medical condition and no mobilities, and doctor said recommendation for surgery for elderly patients usually isn't warranted.
Pretty well done. I'm glad that you will be talking about arthritis vs. rotator cuff in the future. I have arthritis and folks may assume that they have rotator cuff and it is not that. One thing I'll say is that I'd go the MRI route to begin with. It is much more detailed and provides a baseline for future injury and strain to these joints.
What do you do for arthritis?? I have That also Dr. told me to take Advil etc. for now any other suggestions 😞
@@jimmysapien9961try changing diet and fasting
I have had both mine done
Did this slipping while climbing up a waterfall in a cave. I was fine apart from pain at the time and drove home, the next day real limited mobility, guess the bruising came out. Anyway physio suggested exercises, kept at those for a while eventually after some month pain was gone and I got 90% of the range back never quite all of it. Didn't ask about surgery, a good friend had surgery and she was worse after so I decided to live with the small remaining restriction of movement.
I have a suspected rotator cuff tear as diagnosed clinically by my physiatrist. I can do most of what I need to do until the bursitis sets on. Then, it's non-stop pain. Cortisone shots are miracles for me. They last about 4 months for me, so maybe I get three per year. Thank you for this video. I feel like you made it just for me. :-) Oh, and I do change my pants. Lol!
Going to an ortho tomorrow morning for my shoulder issues. Was kinda hoping PRP would be a possibility...
Thanks for all your help 🙏 😊❤
I’m 5 days out from rotator repair. Wasn’t given much info, but do know the bicep was involved. I’m in quite significant pain . I’m using intermittent ice and hydrocodone and celebrex. Should I be in this much pain? Thanks so much for all of your help. Love your channel. Have learned so much and you guys keep it real.
Always thorough and user-friendly information...😊
Been having left side back shoulder pain when walking and brushing teeth (oddly). Lasted about a month, started doing light weight exercises involving the shoulders and now its pretty much gone. Still a good idea if I'm a senior?
Wow! Yes, I've had my rotator cuff repair 1 1/2 year ago. I still have severe pain to this day at about two years. I tore my long bicep totaly away, two tenden tears, a whole in my rotator cuff and the bone was shaved because they where rubbing together. I have little motion in several ways with my right arm. I still need help!!!😢😢
I’m being told there isn’t much to do. But I still think the bicep is torn.
Appreciate your explanation. You have answered all my questions.
I had a nasty rotator cuff tear. Only one rotator was intact, the little one. From a fall. Frozen shoulder resulted. Physical therapy for a year gave me pretty much normal use of arm. I can move any direction without weight. Still have occasional pain, Fatigue. I had no surgery. I’m happy. Happy not to have surgery.
My diagnosis is a full tear of top tendon on my right rotator cuff. I seem to have full movement including overhead reach with little pain. Pain does occur, at times, when sleeping and my arm gets in a position that produces pain. With this video, the recommendation is therapy first. I take Tylenol and advil and that lessens the pain. I had 2 surgeries on left shoulder for rotator cuff- 1st failed. My new injury seems to have more mobility than older rotator surgery. So try therapy before surgery is a good first attempt to relieve pain?
AWESOME explanation!!! Thank you VERY much!!!
Thank you for sharing
You bet!
Thats why strength training is good. Not overdoing it of course.
I have 2, one is bone on bone and the other just partial. From having somre arthritus and using a walking for my knees for 2 long. Much pain. waiting to have surgery as we speak.
Wow! Fantastic information, and you all 3 explained things in a way that is soooo easy to understand! Thank you! I will get an ultrasound.
As a 50+ tradesman , I do a lot of overheard work. I had supraspinatus surgery at 50. At almost 60, I've torn it again 26mm. Most shoulder movements are still there. So I'm gone to try and rehab it out till I can retire.
PT definitely saved me from having surgery. Turns out my flexibility was shit and I needed to do a lot of different stretching and strengthening exercises, but they worked!
Pt will save most from sugeey unfirtunately too many people want the easy way out
Hoping more positive results for PRP and healing. Have excruciating pain in the front of my R shoulder with tight bicep, limited ROM. See primary doc tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Good luck!!!
Excellent and helpful video after suffering a tear from golf….no warm up, too aggressive… however one shot of cortisone by a well known expert and slowly following physio exercises was a successful return to an active 60 something lifestyle. Very informative guys, thank you!!
yeh im considering the zone again at 60 reinjured last summer had 2 teen early 20s on the fence doc said zone rest 2 years ago but wrenched again heard new zone doesnt linger as long as dinosaur era
Thanks Docs. Is there a way to prevent rotator cuff injuries in the first place?
Prehab exercises
How do you differentiate between rotator cuff tear and frozen shoulder? I've had the latter and symptoms sound very similar.
Yes the main issue is the severe stiffness with frozen shoulder
@@TalkingWithDocs Yep, it wasn't fun but the frozen shoulder resolved 100% with time. Thanks for the reply!
hello *Talking With Docs* , are you Docs able to make a video about slip disc and how to prevent and also how to recuperate after if possible
Much appreciated
I've had pain in my left shoulder for about 8 months now, finally went to my NP and she is sending me for an Xray. She thought maybe arthritis . (I'm 58) Pain usually bothers me later into the night when i sleep and first thing in morning when i get up and as i get moving around it goes away. The other day was putting my jacket on and my phone was in my left pocket and as I brought my arms around to pull the sleeves over my shoulders- did it ever hurt and thats the first time i think it has ever bothered me during the day. The weight of Iphone pro seemed to do it. Anyways thanks for talking about this. Really enjoy your channel
Thanks folks, you begin the restoration of my trust in physicians.
Is this a more common injury due to certain jobs, for example I was a plasterer for a Decade and recently went into food running along side painting and decorating
I have a full thickness tear of my supraspinatus tendon for over 6 months now and my life has not changed a bit, i work, i train, lifting weights use rowing machine , very rare i get that occasional pain only when i move my arm on an weird angle very rare and only lasts around 5 to 10 seconds, from my experience i will never do a surgery unless it affect my daily life.
thank you guys for the info. appreciate it.
Our pleasure!
Thanks.... it was very helpful
That was very informative! My shoulder issues have involved repeated sports injuries. Now, at 75, X-rays show the cartilage is gone. With physiotherapy guidance I have a limited but still functional range of motion, but I have pain and although the exercises seem to maintain the situation they don’t improve it. I try to limit Advil/Tylenol to nights only so I can sleep. I’m waiting for a second cortisone shot but the wait is months. I’m using kinesiology tape to stabilize my shoulder for some activities like golf and kayaking. Shoulder replacement is an option we’ve (Dr, Physio) discussed, but are trying to delay. If you have any other options I’d love to know.
So I was involved in a rollover wreck on a side by side last Easter and it’s still hurting.
Sorry to hear that
I had a rotator cuff surgery one year ago , get better and went back to work 4 months ago , now i has another tear in my other shoulder what could cause this to happen?
I've had two bad shoulders for 15 years. Went to the doctor, she sent me for ultrasound.. she said I have impingments and go see physio. I felt left uninformed and in the dark. I didn't go back.. but still have shoulder issues.
I had an injury during ground fighting training as a police officer. Im having pain but not much reduced motion during the tests. It will go where you tell me to but it hurts like hell during and after. My infraspinatus is feeling like its working overdrive to compensate for my subscap. My scapulas are widely asymmetrical. MRI tomorrow. Hoping to get some answers because lots of websites say its not gonna be a tear if i pass the tests
I would love to know what the good doctor would recommend for preventing damage to the rotator cuff.
I used to really enjoy lifting weights, and the rotator cuff always comes up in discussions.
Would he be a proponent of a few rotator cuff stretches before over the head/shoulder exercises? Or would it just be frowned upon (overhead lifts - such as overhead press) as bringing forward the inevitable?
Thanks as always for sharing your valuable knowledge with us all :)
Thank you very informative
Just had my shoulder worked on
How we would know shoulder dislocated or cuff teared, I wish you give more information.
I have a rotator cuff surgery in September and I think is getting worse. I can't sleep, or been in my side, of face down; if I lay down up put pressure in my shoulder blade or muscle in my back and gets painful also the PT is not helping much. Is it possible something when wrong in the surgety?
Yes and it’s possible that you retore or didn’t heal properly. See your doctor
Ok...I am 65 and both my shoulders are affected..but, they have good and bad days...some days, I have a full function..and some it is extremely painful..
I have had this for many years...I blame my sleeping habits..pillows extra..
So, as they are not constantly in pain, is it an age thing?
I was a London firefighter in my past life.
Thanks for sharing this video
👋 Docs,
Good timing. Friend has dx rotator cuff needs surgery. She's 70, very UN active, so not a fall or over exertion. She's also diabetic and her platelets are low, so they need 3 months on pills to increase.
Is this an inherited problem ?
She has no clue how this happened.
Thanks guys.
At the beginning of the video, Drs say that after the 50s the cuff rotator is getting bit damage.
@@Veronica-tn2xc I did hear the 50s, 60s 70s and hopefully 80s comment.
Hoping for a bit more info.
@@janicecanfield9211 I can tell you that I have this issue since I was born. It's genetics. That's what many Drs told me. It's so painful.
Get her active. This is the issue
@@frontlinemedia4270 I tryyyyyy. And fail. She has chrons and diabetes as well. Rod in leg. Can't put full weight on foot...... 😕
Fixing to have surgery, but my Dr never offered physical therapy first. Can it heal itself without surgery? Lots of pain, but really don't want to have surgery and 6-10 weeks of not using my right arm. MRI showed tear in the Super. Extremely hard to sleep.
The one on the right seems like an intelligent goofball, I sincerely say with respect - and is probably the doctor I would prefer.
The other 2 docs seem like the type my mother would prefer lol, which is fine, nothing against them.
I injured my shoulder by vigorously throwing critter feed to my bird and squirrel friends.
Thanks for this information!
Love you guys! Great explanations. Thank you
good. thank you. I think I have bicep tendonitis. this helped
My left Arm is almost dead and useless. I'm going to seet PCP next month. I remember hurting my deltoid. But I woke up and it was gimped. I can't raise my arm over my head or even over my shoulder if I try and put it behind my back but that really hurts when I try and do it. Any thoughts or ideas do you think I'm going to need surgery? And if so, how long am I going to be laid up for? How long will I be in the hospital for that ?
Really hard to say. Get assessed for sure and the can start with xray and ultrasound. Best of luck
I was in this position myself could barely lift arms above head.get resistance bands and do your own pt using yt physios
I had the xray,shot, MRI,and PT for my rotator cuff tear. No surgery Dr doesn't recommend it. Its not the same but keep up exercises and stretches.i believe massage is good,ice,heat also. Mine was a small tear but dont know if it will heal on its own completely. ItllBe a yr in May. No injury just wear n tear.
Thanks for sharing. Good luck
Thanks for excellent, understandable information.
Glad it was helpful!
Which Dr. addresses this problem?
There’s a typo a 7:46 . Strength is misspelled.
Very informative video. Thank you!!
Thanks for this video.
Great video very helpful, thank you
What about if the impact comes from falling backwards onto your back/shoulder?
I worked with a wonderful sports medicine doctor when I had partial tears. I tried cortisone shot helped but only lasted about three weeks
Thank you for this helpful tips.
Took a fall several years ago. The initial X-ray showed no fracture. After two weeks of constant pain, had an MRI. Turns out I broke my Greater Tuberosity and a slight tear of my supraspinatus. Did quite a few weeks of PT. Had one injection. No surgery, but I did lose some range of motion. When I over use that arm, I will have pain and need to ice to reduce the inflammation.
A Brazilian MMA fighter in London had a supraspinatus 50% tear adb with 1 PRP session alone, that tendon had regenerated over 95% in just 6 weeks.
The fitter and healthier you are the easier to repair
Wow, great explanation.
Glad it was helpful!
Hi guys,
Love your sense of humor 😊
I have a question and it's with regard to fluid replacement during surgery. Is there any way to filter the fluids ( remove bone spur for instance) of the suction closed system and deliver it back through IV line ?
I have seen some hip replacement procedure, and there is a lot of fluids waste.
Have a good days
I have recently been in a police academy where we did pushups on a constant and regular basis. I mean a lot of pushups! Now I have so pain in both shoulders that it sometimes gets unbearable. My right bicep gets numb and sometimes i feel numbness in my fingers. What's baffling to me is I have decent range of motion even placing my arm behind my back but its painful. After doing my research and then listening to these doctors, I'm wondering if it is a rotator cuff issue or something else. I'll be going to a orthopedic who specializes in shoulders and upper body Monday.
I smashed my left shoulder at the neck of the humerus patched back together with two screws at 40 and a reverse replacement at 65
Hope it is going ok