I know this is late and most likely no one will ever read this but I got this game some time ago and it's the first game my daughter really enjoys playing and the joy she's having and the fun I have finally being able to help her play the hard parts is something I truly cherish. I know it might be weird for others but I've always been a gamer so having a game for us to play together when she's still young is something I dreamt of since she was born.
Thank you Jirard for stanidng up for this game and reiterating the reason for its existence in the first place. To revitalize industry interest in the 3d Platformer genre
"It was as if I went into the past and met young me, and together we pressed start at the same time." That is an amazing way to describe nostalgia, especially with a game like this. Awesome video as usual Jirard!
Personally I missed games like this from growing up. As a dad with two young kids it's very refreshing that new games like this are being made. Gives me hope that my kids will have something new to play that isn't CoD or just completely dumbed down. I will be gladly supporting this game
The reviews honestly shocked me. I was utterly surprised by the amount of critics citing how dated it felt and how it felt to much like a 90's platformer. I dont get how they expected this to redefine the genre. Playtonics made it very clear what there goal was and that was bringing a Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor to the modern consoles and I'd say they accomplished there goal. It has the charm, humor, and collecting I grew to love about 90's platformes.
Yes but that doesn't mean that the flaws of the genre from 17 years ago shouldn't be refined and improved upon. I'm not saying that every game should be flawless but when a game is suffering from the same issues that games like it were two decades ago then you have to ask "Is being so faithful to nostalgia actually becoming detrimental to the end product?"
Irkaylub well here's the thing. this game was made for banjo kazoiee fans and thats about it. everyone else that plays modern games of today will have issue with it because of maybe the genre or gameplay design that has been abanded since the early 2000s. its just the signs of the times. hopefully in the sequel it will have modern gameplay design choices in order to appeal to a wider audience. but as it stands now its a game made for banjo kazoiee fans and nintendo fans as well I think.
Have you picked up this game? If so, how does this game distinguish itself as an outlier in today's modern games? Seeing a 3D Platformer (minus any modern Mario game) is RARE (PUNS, just like the game)
pre ordered it on steam as soon as it was available, loving the game so far and i agree on the kid in you beeing unleashed, i picked up the controller and i played the pixelperfect platform precision like it was 1998 again, the great thing i do find about playing this game as a adult is that i get lost a lot less cause of the broad view you learn to develop as adult where i would get lost as a kid wandering endlessly in gruntildas hub xD
I picked the game up because of this review, and I agree with most of this video, as the game is one of the better collectathons I've played in recent years. So thank you!
Late to the party, but catching up on old episodes. I had a great time with this game when it came out. I hope they make more someday. Keep on rockin Jirard!
I wish the levels were more dense. They could've packed it in smaller so you're not roaming around a giant level. Banjo never made me feel like I had to travel somewhere because it was artfully dense.
In Banjo Kazooie, the levels seemed the right size for me. I couldn't enjoy Tooie as much as the levels were way too big. That they were connected together made it confusing too.
I'm really liking the game but my problem with the stages is not that there's nothing to do in them, there's a lot to do, but the layout of the worlds are not that memorable to me. I could probably draw you a map of any Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie stage from memory, but I get lost in Yooka Laylee a lot, and I feel like one of the reasons why is because the stages are too big. More, smaller stages would have been preferable to few large ones, at least to me.
James McDohl I'm having that problem too. But I feel that it'll be solved the further I get into the game. Just like the first time playing SM64, I'm sure that I had no idea what was going on in Thwomp's Fortress, but since I was so young and the game was one I revisited over time, I came to know it and memorize it. I'm sure that in time, I'll know every corner of Yooka Laylee just the same.
Alright, I'm in World 4 right now and I don't wanna brag here or anything, but I really never experienced any huge or noticable problems with the navigation. Sure, the levels aren't small, but as long as you always keep an eye on where you are, you should be fine. Especially World 2 and 3 have a lot of distinct characteristics and design choices that help keeping up with the orientation. Honestly, I'm starting to believe that it isn't the worlds that are too big, but rather that you guys get WAY too easily lost.
James McDohl its definitely just the size in your case id say. ive memorized a lot of banjo levels too and of course I Know them better than the 3/4th of the original san andreas I also memorized lol
Back in the days of Rare they snuck in innuendos. In Banjo Tooie for example, the bar in Jolly Roger's Lagoon had a chalkboard with things on it. "Seaman's Surprise", " Toad in the Hole" etc. Jolly seemed quite flamboyant as well.
Mars || Yep, just like the PC version was! Glad I changed my Wii U version to the Switch one. My laptop is old and probably won't run the game too well. I'm confident the Switch version will be just as smooth as the PC one.
Mars oh, thank god. I was certainly gonna pick this game up when i got a switch, but when he said the ports were handled by a different company and had issues, that made me want to pick uo the pc version although my pc isn't that good. It's good to hear that they're taking extra care with the switch version, nintendo needs as many good games on the system as they can get
Then...you don't take ANY reviewer seriously? Because all reviewers are biased. In fact, most of the "this game deserves a 9/10!!" enjoy the genre of game that the review is for. The only way to get an unbiased review is if we had some robot with a "fun" algorithm to give a calculated score of a game.
Pretty much, yeah. Reviewers are humans, they gauge their score of a game based on how much they enjoyed it, that's how every reviewer works. There's some degree of expertise involved of course, and the more seasoned reviewers are generally more able to produce more objective viewpoints, but when you come right down to it, the only person you can trust on whether or not you will enjoy a game is yourself. I know there's plenty of games that suffered low review scores, that I still had plenty of fun with regardless.
Thank you for this. Your review has been the first I've seen with the context I believe is needed. I'm feeling far more confident in my inevitable purchase.
THANK GOD! Someone reviewed this game and ACTUALLY liked it! it never looked that bad and I figured I'd enjoy thank you for Confirming my purchase of Yooka Laylee!
I love how smug Kazooie and Laylee are and I love how Banjo and Yooka are very different And I want a green Banjo and purple Kazooie skin for smash bros as a nod to this game
I just played this game for the first time, and...honestly, I loved it. Most controversial opinion: I like it better than Banjo-Tooie, which I also just beat for the first time recently. My only major complaints were, flying was difficult to control with any sort of precision, and the Kartos segments were more difficult to control than similar DKC ones, which made no sense to me. But I put 24 hours into the game, found every collectable, and would definitely play another 3D platformer with these characters. And I’m REALLY excited to play Impossible Lair now! Also, Capital B is the best and made me laugh a lot.
Oh this game mops the floor with Banjo-Tooie. That is a downright bad game in many ways honestly, and is egregiously tedious. People always critique DK64, but half of that game doesn't comprise of "walk to this area, activate thing and/or transform, walk to another area to do something similar, get reward." That's literally half the game. You're just walking from one point to another with no platforming at all in between. This game was great. Almost on par with Banjo-Kazooie for me. Better in some ways too, but I do think the camera issues and sometimes finicky controls (rolling, flying) left me wishing it was a tiny bit more polished. And did you ever play Impossible Lair? Now THAT game is a masterpiece!
I backed the game with 100 bucks and I absolutely love it. It was well worth my time 100%-ing it. 18:12 looks like our last pagies were the same one. That one was well hidden! I needed a little over 25 hours total. Also, you don't get the athlete tonic for the pirate treasure. I had the 15 tonics before getting the treasure. But I can't quite remember what unlocked the tonic. All in all, I share your passion :)
Thank you Jirard. I needed a single person to tell me that i won't hate this game because they think I only "liked" Banjo cause i was younger and "this genre didn't age well" and all this other overplayed journalistic bull crap. Most reviews I've seen were people complaining about the console ports i guess that means I'll get it on Steam now seeing that it's a near perfect experience. Seeing a single positive video for this game was enough to convince me that maybe i should just ignore all the negativity from modern game journalists and just play a game for myself and let it be my own experience. I love Banjo and the older Rare games and that obviously bleeds through into this game but buzzwords like nostalgia and childhood shouldn't be the only factor on how people treat a game that is trying to bring back a lost genre of possibly some of the best games ever made. I've been waiting for this game for quite a while now and I'm disappointed in myself for falling victim to negativity and almost just letting this game pass me by because I was told it's not worth my time. I look forward to playing it. After Persona 5 that is. You love 100+ hour JRPGs with multiple playthroughs right?
And that my friend is a TRUE real gamer playing a game because you enjoy it and love it and not just because somebody say its good. Just like back in the day the games were about the experience and fun and not always about the grind or tedious gameplay especially cash grab games.
Maybe the video game industry as a whole wants non-Mario platformers to die? Maybe this is the collaboration of Nintendo and Microsoft to quash any interlopers in their collective success? I don't know. Also, if you play this on PC, Please, please, PLEASE DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME WITH THE KEYBOARD! It gave me such a hard time that I put off my playthrough until I can somehow find a way to hook a controller up to my tower.
IGN didn't even give it a bad score. IGN posts some shitty reviews but at least look it up if you're going to call them out because for once they weren't the problem.
Just watching this review and seeing the level design, makes me want to get the game myself. I genuinely like the maps shown in the review they all look fun and colorful and I really miss games like that, you don't see them that often anymore. I'm also looking forward to A Hat In Time.
I agree with you Jirard! I've backed this game from the first whispers of the kickstarter. It's an amazing throwback to the 'good old days'. Great review!
I've thoroughly enjoyed this game so far. This game has been exactly what I've wanted. Maybe it's the nostalgia speaking...because I started tearing up just as Jirard did when I first started the game, but I've been loving the mini-characters with attitude. The occasional fourth-wall breaking has been nice, and I've just...enjoyed it. It made me feel like a kid playing Banjo on the N64 all over again. It made me so HAPPY. Reading the various reviews online made me sad and worried, but I haven't encountered ANY problems with the game as others have described. Just as Jirard said, the big three issues that I've seen, too, are just bullshit. The levels are huge and thriving AND CAN EVEN EXPAND. The camera is natural and easy to manage. I've had no issues with frame-rate, and I have an outdated laptop for what I use to game. This game is exactly what I wanted, and I would've funded more if I weren't so skeptical and weary of the kickstarter risk. Also, OF COURSE IT'S A COLLECT-A-THON; I just don't understand people who complain about this! At least it saves what you collect between deaths and level traveling. And, yeah, the casino level was fantastic. I agree that having slightly different basic enemies in the starting level would've been kinda nice, though. This game is making me so happy, and I feel like a kid again. Nostalgia or not, I genuinely am loving this experience.
Yeah I agree, it doesnt deserve the hate it gets. ThoI feel like people who didn't play Banjo back in the day wont have the same appreciation as those who did.
@@brya9681 well everyone has their opinions, i really enjoyed it but the controlls/camera was really buggy and i hated the arcade games. but other than that i enjoyed it a lot
I've seen so many negative reviews, but I have the game. and i have to say, the loading times kinda suck, but the game is a MASTERPIECE. It is Banjo-Threeie and I can't wait for more Playtonics games
angusyoung119 lol good luck wit that the games probably gonna flop and playtonics gonna be left barren with no employees. After all the dunkster already had his day on the game so it's finished coming from an esteemed black man like him
The loading times does suck, but it's a really fun game and reminds me so much of banjo kazooie :3 I don't like it as much as tooie or nuts and bolts (i grew up with that game), but I'd say it's on par with the first game and definitely better than what I was hoping for
Game loads some areas mere seconds on SSD. However yeah, I have seen loading times comparison when it comes to consoles and it's ridiculous. Still, that's to be expected on consoles and it's nowhere near as bad as with some other titles.
Here is another point that... points towards the plot being a bit of a parallel to Rare/Playtonic's history: Those camera minions that you can see everywhere (or at least the one in the Toybox demo) is called *Inept*, which is very close to Microsoft's own *Kinekt*. Also Microsoft had their very own "B" that was associated with a different kind of capital (letters, to be specific) at times: Steve *B*allmer, who was the CEO of Microsoft when Rare was bought out.
Get your baseless rumors here! He left because of some kind of business conflict with Jirard. Depending on who you talk to either Jirard started undercutting him, or he got greedy, or they had been on the rocks for a while. The whole thing is wrapped up in NDA's and so we'll probably never get the full story from a credible source.
As soon as laylee said "yooka is much better with his tongue, to be honest" in response to yooka being told to "get his rod out" I knew this game was great.
Dude I love your channel. I've been binge watching all your episodes and using them as background noises to keep me sane (I usually rewind to see what I missed) and thank you so much for making these. Have a good night!
What i want from a sequel: 1: More levels. DK64 has 7 worlds with 25 golden collectibles each, and a special challenge world in the end. With Y-L it's only 5, but by adding as little as two worlds, the game would feel so much bigger. 2: Teleports like in Banjo-Tooie. They prevent you from getting lost, and makes travel quicker. Should also be in the hub. 3: Animal sounds in the music, and hubworld music remix when near a world entrance. Click Clock Woods had bee, frog and bird sounds for example. 4: Retire Rextro. No minigames. Kartos can return with better controls, but not Rextro. 5: No flappy flight. In Banjo, you needed a flight pad, and it consumed feathers. You couldn't just fly everywhere and skip every challenge. 6: Ghost writers. They are basically 1/5 of a pagie. How about they instead fill out transparent blocks in the world, allowing access to new areas? 7: Place quills in better places. These collectibles shouldn't be hidden, they should encourage exploration. If you see quills along a path, you know you haven't gone there yet. 8: Better transformations. Even in the Banjo games they usually have less jump height and speed, have worse or sometimes no attacks, and are only used to open gates, go in small holes or getting characters to like you. For the Y-L transformations, i actually like the ship and the helicopter, but not the other three. 9: Ditch the voices in favour of real voice acting. The voices are nostalgic for sure, but annoying for first-timers and after a while even for fans like me. 10: A more varied hubworld. Hivory Towers is basically an office building with books in random places.
I love you enthusiasm Jirard :) The fact you tell people to get their own opinion, is the most professional thing to tell anyone when it comes to any video game, movie, show, book, or music. Heck, just art in general! Be yourself my friend, that's how you become a true professional :)
I'm loving the fuck out of the game, but trying to be a homage and taking me back to the N64 era is not an excuse to not polish a game up. Some things do not bother me at all, but why not polish everything as much as you can? Trying to take people back on the nostalgia train doesn't mean you need to have the hindrances of the past.
Been playing Yooka Laylee for the past few days and have been living the play. They are a good successor to Banjo Kazooie and I hope the lizard and bat will have more adventures and convince Microsoft to try to bring Banjo back or even release them.
I was never a fan of 3D platformers, and I've never played any of the Rare games in my life, but it feels good to see how they scratched that itch for long term fans of that genre. Thanks as always for being you!
I just played through this on Game Pass and was really pleasantly surprised. Is it perfect, no far from it, but if you like Mario, Banjo etc. you will likely like this too,
Well, You encouraged me to probably pick up this game. I'm 13 and there are barely any games for someone of my age, seeing as my parents are kind of strict with age ratings, (which I believe they should be, seeing all the "omg Epic LOLZORZ Cringe COD KID COMPILATION GETS ANGRY" videos out there) and I haven't played on the PS4 for ages, seeing barely any games come out. This, Looks awesome. It's so bright colourful and happy, it just makes me smile! Looks brilliant, definitely going to pick it up. Haven't played many games like this, but it just looks so good!
The game is fine. I didn't personally enjoy it, but I can see why others did. The original Banjo Kazooie is my personal favourite game of all time so I was very exited for this, but it didn't feel like Banjo to me. That's most due to the level design, the original Banjo was a compact fun collectathon, but Yooka makes you wait much longer in between it's meaningful content. In saying that, the way you move around levels is perfect, and so is most of the sound design.
I hate the fact that you have to apologize for liking this game and are acting like you're in the minority, because you're actually not. Somehow, this narrative has built up around the internet that everyone hates Yooka-Laylee and that it's getting terrible reviews across the board, and that's very clearly, demonstrably false. The game is averaging 7/10 almost everywhere - that's not a bad score. It got glowing reception from The Escapist, Game Informer, Destructoid, etc. Steam reviews are good. You're not in the minority. Jim Sterling and Dunkey are. The idea that this game is terrible and no one likes it is a false narrative, and it pisses me off that it's become so prevalent. And another problem is, because the game is so nostalgia-driven, that makes it easy for stupid 15-year-olds who've never played this game to pretend they're smarter than people who like it just by saying "Oh, you're just blinded by nostalgia and can't see how terrible it is." It's become a quick, lazy method for Yooka-Laylee's detractors to pretend they're smarter than everyone else, so people jump on the bandwagon for fear of looking stupid. This is, by all fair measures, an above-average game with some fair faults and rough edges. And it's driving me nuts that people are trying to force it into the same category as Mighty Number 9.
This game is nowhere near Mighty No.9 level. Not even close! People's perceptions of game quality is all over the place! I've heard people calling this game "garbage" like, what? A garbage game would be more like Ride to Hell Retribution. Yooka Laylee is a good game, it's just people are super butthurt about the controversy and refuse to accept these guys actually made a solid game.
Reading this makes me realize Jim Sterling had a point when he said this is a game out of its time. The game itself isn't whats dated, Playtonic, bless them for this young, innocent outlook, simply thought the majority of gamers still have redeeming qualities.
Have you seen the Metascore for the re-releases of Banjo-Kazooie / Tooie on Xbox Live? They both avg. ~75, just like Yooka-Laylee. It proves that reviewers agree that the 3D platformers have not aged that well when in fact Yooka-Laylee played it safe by going back to those games and taking inspiration from most of their Rare games.
It's 2019 I just picked up this game on a Steam Sale. Honestly it's pretty good. I don't think it stands up to the lofty heights of the legends in the genre but it seems fun and well made to me.
Seven Vile Eyes Is too a collectathon. It's just a very redundant Banjo game and trolls it's fans in the opening. It's actually a pretty great game once you give it a go.
More power to you man. One of my favorite games, and the first Nintendo game I ever played, is the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, a game that is despised by most of the Zelda community. No matter how much people yell at me for liking "such a stupid game, that is clearly not as good as (insert game that other people like by I don't like at all)". I also don't like Link to the Past. To me, the combat feels to static, and I don't enjoy it as much as that of Phantom Hourglass. Am I going to start attacking people because they like Link to the Past though, or am I even going to say it is a bad game? No, of course not. I recognize the hard work that Nintendo put into making it, and that tons of people have fond memories of it. People in the gaming community are literally attacking people because they have different interests. Wow. That is the pinnacle of lunacy. The only games I can't find respect for are one's where I can tell that the developers don't have their heart in it, and that they're just in it for the money. As a aspiring game designer myself, I think that it is impossible to make a good game, let alone a great one if you aren't engaged in what you're doing. So, when I'm a game developer, I hope that I can encourage the players to respect the opinions of others.
awesome astronaut what a lot of people don't seem to get is that what one person like is not going to be liked by everyone. Everyone is different with different tastes shaped by different experiences and feelings. Video games are made to appeal to the widest possible demographic, but there will always be people who don't like it. A lot of people seem to think everyone has to like all the same things, and if not, the person who doesn't it wrong or stupid.
I feel the same way about Link to the Past. I really got into Zelda with the N64 games and this game is probably my least favorite Zelda that I have played. Does that mean it is a bad game? No. I can see why other people enjoy it, but for me it was a hard game and there were too many random things to discover that I would have had no idea to do without a guide.
Jirard, it's because you're not a Journalist that I love watching the show. You're just some guy with a burning passion for video games that decided to share that passion. You tell it how you see it and that's why I love hearing what you have to say.
Actually in some cases yes, the ratings systems have more decision-making power for the consumer than a person's "opinions". Go on Amazon and look for a few products and take note of how many "stars" each product has. Now, without actually reading any comments how inclined would you be to buy something that has consecutively received one or two stars over something that has four or five? You might feel more concerned spending your money on that product if so many people who already purchased and reviewed it said it was only as good as one star, whereas you would probably feel more confident purchasing a product that had consecutively met the consumers' expectations or even exceeded them enough to warrant four or five stars. Same could be said for the service industry. Would you rather go to a restaurant that has five stars or one that has only one star? Sure you could read or watch the reviewer's comments and opinions to have them explain why they loved or hated it, but at the end of the day, the rating they have for that product or service speaks more of the quality of the product overall, than a million people all giving their proverbial two cents on what they liked or disliked the most about it.
Yeah it's weird, it's different for everyone, some people think 5/10 is average (which I do) and some people think 7/10 is average, which I think is stupid.
Checked Metacritic: Critic reviews 17 positive reviews, 6 mix reviews and 1 bad review. User reviews: 37 positive reviews, 2 mixed reviews and 8 bad reviews.. Steam user reviews: 789 positive reviews and 145 bad reviews. I'm pretty sure the game is getting positive reviews but people with mixed opinions are making seem like it's a horrible game that's broken and unplayable. I think people will pick it up when a price drops but won't pick it up right away at full price because it's not 8's 9's or 10 out 10.
no the people giving it high scores would give it a high score even if it were unplayable trash, because "it's banjo-threeie!! muh nostalgia!! XDD pagie rap"
+Antiform So you are saying that they should give the game a negative review even though they genuinely enjoyed it? Nostalgia is a valid factor to consider when valuing a game. If a technically bad game provides me with nostalgia and therefore makes me enjoy it then it's just as relevant as any other factor that increases my enjoyment. Is a bad game that I enjoy playing actually bad? You could argue that the game abuses the inherent nostalgia that comes from its mere existence. But the user reviews are just intended for people to express if they liked or disliked playing the game so it's not relevant to that discussion. I want to establish that I haven't actually played this game nor do I have any nostalgia for the n64 platformers. I just found your opinion interesting.
I disagree with Antiform but he's right to some extent. Ive seen a review on metaritic give it a 10 and the person said they never played it. Also seen a review say its the *worse political game ever made* ....and gave it 1/10. Buncha trolls eachway.
I'm pretty sure that's because the game seems like it does what it set out to do. Because IGN or some other publication claims it's outdated doesn't mean that it's bad. "Outdated" is bullshit. It's a style of game, and if you like it Yooka-Laylee is for you. I'm probably not getting anytime soon, not because it's "Outdated" but because I never liked the older 3d platformers in the first place.
Geckocalypse exactly, turn based combat is considered outdated, but i love turn based RPG (FF10 being my favourite). Outdated shouldn't be a complaint.
Regarding your insecurity about not being a professional journalist, just a guy who enjoys games...that's exactly what made me subscribe to this channel. What you bring to your game coverage is a description of how the game feels. Technical performance is something any ape in a journalist suit can describe, getting across the feel of a game can only be accomplished by someone with a passion for that game (be that passionate love or passionate loathing). Your passion for gaming makes you a better reviewer because of that lack of professional objectivity. Video games aren't meant to be an objective experience, they're meant to resonate with the player, even when it's just silly fun that they're going for. (It also helps that your comments and complaints generally seem to align very much with the things that I tend to notice or be bothered by.
I started playing the game a few days ago, after dropping out of the moba mentioned in the video and while not being the best game I played, it is decent for what it is. I still have to beat it tough.
I'm playing snes games on my switch and I'm having some serious nostalgia feelings. Yooka laylee is such a fantastic game. I have it digitally on my Xbox but feel likenj need to get a physical copy for my switch.
I wanted to make a few counter points for the comparison with Zelda. I haven't played Yooka-Laylee so take what I say with a grain of salt. Botw is a huge game. Defiantly bigger than yooka. I think it's amazing how few glitches there are in it however it does suffer from fps drops. This is due not only because of its scale but the hardware it runs on. Yooka has (or had) the same fps drops yet it is smaller in scale and runs on superior hardware so I don't see an excuse. It's not like this is an up and coming Dev, it's rare. The point is I think Zelda has an excuse for its fps and this game doesn't.
Dyl Star Its worth pointing out that this game was developed for several different platforms handled by different teams and didn't suffer more than a slight delay. Zelda was heavily delayed to get it to its current state and certainly had a much larger budget. I don't have a problem with delays but when a kickstarter game like this suffers long delays it damages its reception in the eyes of many people. As both games stand, they run acceptably. Having played both, neither have any technical problems that detract from my enjoyment. It'll be interesting to see how the Switch version performs.
Dyl Star What is exactly Zelda's excuse? This is Nintendo we are talking about, they are a TITAN of a game developing company, we SHOULD expect better from them. (Not saying botw is a bad game just saying its "allowed" to have framerate issues is retarded)
+Dyl Star But when it comes from an entirely egotistical point of view does it actually matter why the frames drop? The reason why the game is unstable doesn't make it any less unstable. The fps drops etc. exist regardless and affect the games just as much. It's worth giving criticism for them not taking advantage of the tools they have to stop those sorts of problems. But it's not relevant when looking at the game exactly for what it is from the egotistical perspective of a consumer. It's worth looking at a finished product for what it is without considering the loops and uphills that had to be fought through to get there. After all, those aren't relevant to the consumer. Zelda breath of the wild and Yooka-Laylee as finished products both have terrible fps issues and are therefore comparable in that regard.
+Guy Dude I think you make a pretty good argument that fps issues affect games differently depending on the genre. I wouldn't say and action adventure game like Zelda is that type of game where it's not relevant though. After all, it's not just precise platforming (which Zelda even has to a lesser extent) that is affected by it. It's many other gameplay elements that exist in Zelda as well as the overall game experience. Fps affect both the visuals and the gameplay of the game. I'd say a game where I would agree with you that the fps isn't worth criticising the game for would be a strategy game or a visual novel. Really anything without animation intended to be seen.
This review is on the opposite side of the spectrum from Jim Sterling's review of the game, which treats it like something that shouldn't have existed. That is something I don't get because he thinks the game trying to be like Banjo-Kazooie is a BAD thing and that it should have been closer to modern game design. As much as anyone has a right to their opinion, I feel like Jim's review is dishonest and he's out to hate the game without actually giving it a chance. If Yooka-Laylee had gotten panned by critics, I would understand it better. But so many critics love it, so something seems of here. There is also the fact that many JonTron fans were salty about the fact that Jon's voiceovers were removed from the game due to a political controversy. As much as I liked the guy's content, I won't boycott the game for that reason alone. It's just childish and gives the game some unneeded reputation over what should have been a minor issue. Even Jon himself had gotten over it, but some of his fans to this day bitch about it. And of course, there was the previous big Kickstarter project we all knew too well: Mighty No. 9. The game was a serious letdown because it failed to live up to the Mega Man games and felt like a different specimen on its own, but not in a good way. It felt too streamlined to be any fun. Yooka-Laylee, on the other hand, kept true to its roots (even down to some of the problems that plagued old 64-bit 3D platformers). It's like people WANT it to fail simply because it was another Kickstarter project. I don't know about the rest of y'all but the game doesn't seem to be as bad as some reviews made it out to be. Otherwise, we would getting a lot more negative reviews. As a game made for fans of Banjo-Kazooie, it succeeded. For some people, it may not be their cup of tea. I can understand those points. But to say this game is good or bad just because others say so is just being ridiculous. As he said, play it yourself and see.
NeoShadowWolf Jim is a favorite of mine. I'm pretty sure he actually backed YL. I really just feel like he didn't enjoy it at all and wrote his review based off that, which is completely fair.
I am a fan of Jims as well and I didn't understand him bashing it. But from what I got from it, it wasn't a complete hatred for it. I just think it is not his cup of tea. I mean, The Compeltionist is always playing retro style games and loving them. I think it is a matter of taste when it comes to Jim. Personally, I still want to get this game because I did enjoy those classic style games. I hope this game does well. I don't mean it has to go platinum. I'm just saying if no one else is going to attempt a 3D platformer then let Yooka- Laylee have it. I was honestly expecting the first one to have a few bugs and glitches since this is the first game they put out that is this style in a long time. I bet if they make a second one, it will be a lot better because of the criticisms from this one.
Love indies? Come meet me at IndieLand 2022 (Nov 11 - 13)! Tickets are on sale NOW! indieland2022.eventbrite.com/
I know this is late and most likely no one will ever read this but I got this game some time ago and it's the first game my daughter really enjoys playing and the joy she's having and the fun I have finally being able to help her play the hard parts is something I truly cherish.
I know it might be weird for others but I've always been a gamer so having a game for us to play together when she's still young is something I dreamt of since she was born.
That was very nice to read! I’m hoping to have that if I have kids some day!
awesome i hope it opened a world of video games for her
This is honesly the best review I've read for this game and alone makes me want to at least check it out with my son
That's so beautiful!
Try koop in Hat in Time. You can thanks me later
Hopefully there's not gonna be a Yooka-laylee screws and nails
Jonathan Otero 😂😂😂Im dead
Elias Math I know right🙃
Jonathan Otero it's unlikely cause screws and nails is product of Microsoft taking over rare
Where you... what? Build fences?
Jonathan Otero
Did you know: in one of the trailers, they make fun of Microsoft for doing that to Banjo-Kazooie
Thank you Jirard for stanidng up for this game and reiterating the reason for its existence in the first place. To revitalize industry interest in the 3d Platformer genre
Boundary break on yooka lalyee when???
You're the man dude your content is great:D
Ratchet & Clank? Snake Pass? Mario 3D World? The platformer genre hasn't gone anywhere.
ratchet and clank is more of third person shooter with platforming elements. Snake pass is more of a 3d puzzler. and mario is always the exception
Shesez Agreed with this. It's like using dark souls and bloodbourne as an example of the character action genre not being on the verge of dying
Yooka-Laylee: Screws and Nails
Yooka-Laylee: Capital B's Revenge
Yooka-Laylee revealed for smash
Kickstarter for Spiritual Succsessor of Yooka-Laylee
Yooka-Laylee revealed for Playstation All Stars
Metal Lukas your talking about drums-gutair
yooka laylee should be an echo fighter for banjo kazooie gfdjhgdfdjhgf
Finally one person who doesn't completely hate the game
Sam People hate this game? Ouch, but I love Yooka Laylee. Even as a person who has been a fan of Rareware for a long time.
I don't hate on it, but it feels off from titles like Banjo. But not every game can be the next banjo-kazooie
@@kacpercicharski3431 it gets boring after a while that's it for me
I still 100% it...
So the voices would stop
Hbomberguy loves it to bits
Yeah. It's a solid 3d platformer, not as good as hat in time, but still very enjoyable.
BEAR!... I mean LIZARD!
BEARS with coke
You mean, BATS!!! Or CHAMELEONS!!!
no i just wanted to them make a reference to that
no you mean CAMELOEN
+Bram Grootveld no I spelt it right dumbass
"It was as if I went into the past and met young me, and together we pressed start at the same time."
That is an amazing way to describe nostalgia, especially with a game like this. Awesome video as usual Jirard!
"Absolute Nostalgic Perfection" yes, yes, yeeeesss. I adored this game, it reminded me so much of Banjo and my childhood. I nostalgia-loved it too.
Ya'll give me something to look forward to every Friday afternoon. Thank you.
Thanks Game Taco!
its Saturday morning from where i live when he upload a video
also i will eat you
So are you a taco that plays games, a game that eats tacos, or a game about tacos? I’m very confused
Oh shoot, my boy Weegee?
Personally I missed games like this from growing up. As a dad with two young kids it's very refreshing that new games like this are being made. Gives me hope that my kids will have something new to play that isn't CoD or just completely dumbed down. I will be gladly supporting this game
The reviews honestly shocked me. I was utterly surprised by the amount of critics citing how dated it felt and how it felt to much like a 90's platformer. I dont get how they expected this to redefine the genre. Playtonics made it very clear what there goal was and that was bringing a Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor to the modern consoles and I'd say they accomplished there goal. It has the charm, humor, and collecting I grew to love about 90's platformes.
That does not excuse leaving in some of the worst aspects of the genre in.
Yes but that doesn't mean that the flaws of the genre from 17 years ago shouldn't be refined and improved upon. I'm not saying that every game should be flawless but when a game is suffering from the same issues that games like it were two decades ago then you have to ask "Is being so faithful to nostalgia actually becoming detrimental to the end product?"
Irkaylub well here's the thing. this game was made for banjo kazoiee fans and thats about it. everyone else that plays modern games of today will have issue with it because of maybe the genre or gameplay design that has been abanded since the early 2000s. its just the signs of the times. hopefully in the sequel it will have modern gameplay design choices in order to appeal to a wider audience. but as it stands now its a game made for banjo kazoiee fans and nintendo fans as well I think.
People: We want an old timey collectable from the 90s!
Now when are we getting "Bonker's Good Hair Day"
Have you picked up this game? If so, how does this game distinguish itself as an outlier in today's modern games? Seeing a 3D Platformer (minus any modern Mario game) is RARE (PUNS, just like the game)
cant wait for breath of the wild in 2 weeks!
That One Video Gamer can you please play this on super beard bros
pre ordered it on steam as soon as it was available, loving the game so far and i agree on the kid in you beeing unleashed, i picked up the controller and i played the pixelperfect platform precision like it was 1998 again, the great thing i do find about playing this game as a adult is that i get lost a lot less cause of the broad view you learn to develop as adult where i would get lost as a kid wandering endlessly in gruntildas hub xD
That One Video Gamer I wish I could play it :'(
That One Video Gamer, please do an JRPG like Persona 3-4-5, xenoblade chronicles, or Fallout(RPG) PLz. I beg of you if you have the time.
I picked the game up because of this review, and I agree with most of this video, as the game is one of the better collectathons I've played in recent years. So thank you!
this feels like a “Defend It” video more than a completionist review
Late to the party, but catching up on old episodes. I had a great time with this game when it came out. I hope they make more someday. Keep on rockin Jirard!
I wish the levels were more dense. They could've packed it in smaller so you're not roaming around a giant level. Banjo never made me feel like I had to travel somewhere because it was artfully dense.
Have you played banjo tooie
In Banjo Kazooie, the levels seemed the right size for me. I couldn't enjoy Tooie as much as the levels were way too big. That they were connected together made it confusing too.
terrydactyl land. did you forget about terrydactyl land?
Banjo Kazooie came out 22 years ago.
I'm really liking the game but my problem with the stages is not that there's nothing to do in them, there's a lot to do, but the layout of the worlds are not that memorable to me. I could probably draw you a map of any Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie stage from memory, but I get lost in Yooka Laylee a lot, and I feel like one of the reasons why is because the stages are too big. More, smaller stages would have been preferable to few large ones, at least to me.
James McDohl I'm having that problem too. But I feel that it'll be solved the further I get into the game. Just like the first time playing SM64, I'm sure that I had no idea what was going on in Thwomp's Fortress, but since I was so young and the game was one I revisited over time, I came to know it and memorize it. I'm sure that in time, I'll know every corner of Yooka Laylee just the same.
Alright, I'm in World 4 right now and I don't wanna brag here or anything, but I really never experienced any huge or noticable problems with the navigation. Sure, the levels aren't small, but as long as you always keep an eye on where you are, you should be fine. Especially World 2 and 3 have a lot of distinct characteristics and design choices that help keeping up with the orientation.
Honestly, I'm starting to believe that it isn't the worlds that are too big, but rather that you guys get WAY too easily lost.
The worlds are similar to Tooie to me.
James McDohl its definitely just the size in your case id say. ive memorized a lot of banjo levels too and of course I Know them better than the 3/4th of the original san andreas I also memorized lol
James McDohl ahhh you want a challenge huh, draw me grunty's jndustries from memory hahahah.
So we're all gonna gloss over the fact that there's literally a character in this game called Trouser Snake?
That went over my head. Can't unsee anymore!
Back in the days of Rare they snuck in innuendos. In Banjo Tooie for example, the bar in Jolly Roger's Lagoon had a chalkboard with things on it.
"Seaman's Surprise", " Toad in the Hole" etc. Jolly seemed quite flamboyant as well.
Just call him Toothy Penis
@@franzpattison this is how I will be referring to snakes from now on
@@themastertuck Hahaha
The Switch version of the game is being made in-house at Playtonic, actually!
Mars || Yep, just like the PC version was! Glad I changed my Wii U version to the Switch one. My laptop is old and probably won't run the game too well. I'm confident the Switch version will be just as smooth as the PC one.
Spaceman Spiff Same for me. I'm hoping that they nail it! :D
Mars oh, thank god. I was certainly gonna pick this game up when i got a switch, but when he said the ports were handled by a different company and had issues, that made me want to pick uo the pc version although my pc isn't that good. It's good to hear that they're taking extra care with the switch version, nintendo needs as many good games on the system as they can get
Mars I REALLY hope that there is a physical version on the Switch!
can I just say that I really admire that Jirard (probably misspelled your name, sorry) admits he has his biases? because I find that really cool
Tpoops That's why cant take his Reviews Srsly
Then...you don't take ANY reviewer seriously?
Because all reviewers are biased. In fact, most of the "this game deserves a 9/10!!" enjoy the genre of game that the review is for.
The only way to get an unbiased review is if we had some robot with a "fun" algorithm to give a calculated score of a game.
Pretty much, yeah. Reviewers are humans, they gauge their score of a game based on how much they enjoyed it, that's how every reviewer works. There's some degree of expertise involved of course, and the more seasoned reviewers are generally more able to produce more objective viewpoints, but when you come right down to it, the only person you can trust on whether or not you will enjoy a game is yourself.
I know there's plenty of games that suffered low review scores, that I still had plenty of fun with regardless.
I feel like I apply more to this one video gamer than pretty much the rest of the internet, and that makes me very happy.
Trowzer Snake? Wow. That is just right there.
Thank you for this. Your review has been the first I've seen with the context I believe is needed. I'm feeling far more confident in my inevitable purchase.
THANK GOD! Someone reviewed this game and ACTUALLY liked it! it never looked that bad and I figured I'd enjoy thank you for Confirming my purchase of Yooka Laylee!
Microsoft: We just bought playtonic
this would be terrible...
Microsoft:We just bought the entire gaming publishers and industry
They’re on their way right now :/
i know i'm late to this joke, but this gave me a chuckle.
I love how smug Kazooie and Laylee are and I love how Banjo and Yooka are very different
And I want a green Banjo and purple Kazooie skin for smash bros as a nod to this game
If they made banjos shorts and backpack black, it could be grunty.
Maybe make Banjos backpack and shorts orange?
There is but it's a grunty skin
I just played this game for the first time, and...honestly, I loved it. Most controversial opinion: I like it better than Banjo-Tooie, which I also just beat for the first time recently. My only major complaints were, flying was difficult to control with any sort of precision, and the Kartos segments were more difficult to control than similar DKC ones, which made no sense to me. But I put 24 hours into the game, found every collectable, and would definitely play another 3D platformer with these characters. And I’m REALLY excited to play Impossible Lair now! Also, Capital B is the best and made me laugh a lot.
It's the Jontron filthy fanboys who are running around every page in the internet saying it's bad.
Oh this game mops the floor with Banjo-Tooie. That is a downright bad game in many ways honestly, and is egregiously tedious. People always critique DK64, but half of that game doesn't comprise of "walk to this area, activate thing and/or transform, walk to another area to do something similar, get reward." That's literally half the game. You're just walking from one point to another with no platforming at all in between.
This game was great. Almost on par with Banjo-Kazooie for me. Better in some ways too, but I do think the camera issues and sometimes finicky controls (rolling, flying) left me wishing it was a tiny bit more polished.
And did you ever play Impossible Lair? Now THAT game is a masterpiece!
@@IonSquared I did, and I LOVED it! It was so good!!
in 2019 this still brings a tear to my eye, love this game so much
Opinions: *exist
Internet: "Wait that's illegal"
Of course I'm just kidding
Yooka-Laylee was so much fun! I'm so excited for the semi-spinoff sequel!
"Not a game journalist"
Well yea, you possess credibility as an actual gamer.
DAE game journalists bad????
I backed the game with 100 bucks and I absolutely love it. It was well worth my time 100%-ing it. 18:12 looks like our last pagies were the same one. That one was well hidden! I needed a little over 25 hours total. Also, you don't get the athlete tonic for the pirate treasure. I had the 15 tonics before getting the treasure. But I can't quite remember what unlocked the tonic. All in all, I share your passion :)
Thank you Jirard. I needed a single person to tell me that i won't hate this game because they think I only "liked" Banjo cause i was younger and "this genre didn't age well" and all this other overplayed journalistic bull crap. Most reviews I've seen were people complaining about the console ports i guess that means I'll get it on Steam now seeing that it's a near perfect experience. Seeing a single positive video for this game was enough to convince me that maybe i should just ignore all the negativity from modern game journalists and just play a game for myself and let it be my own experience.
I love Banjo and the older Rare games and that obviously bleeds through into this game but buzzwords like nostalgia and childhood shouldn't be the only factor on how people treat a game that is trying to bring back a lost genre of possibly some of the best games ever made.
I've been waiting for this game for quite a while now and I'm disappointed in myself for falling victim to negativity and almost just letting this game pass me by because I was told it's not worth my time. I look forward to playing it.
After Persona 5 that is.
You love 100+ hour JRPGs with multiple playthroughs right?
i wanna play the persona games so badly but they aren't on pc, there is one for 3ds but it looks like you're supposed to play p3 and p4 before pq.
And that my friend is a TRUE real gamer playing a game because you enjoy it and love it and not just because somebody say its good. Just like back in the day the games were about the experience and fun and not always about the grind or tedious gameplay especially cash grab games.
Maybe the video game industry as a whole wants non-Mario platformers to die? Maybe this is the collaboration of Nintendo and Microsoft to quash any interlopers in their collective success? I don't know.
Also, if you play this on PC, Please, please, PLEASE DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME WITH THE KEYBOARD! It gave me such a hard time that I put off my playthrough until I can somehow find a way to hook a controller up to my tower.
Well, you know what they say Jirard: You can't spell 'Ignorant' without IGN.
IGN didn't even give it a bad score. IGN posts some shitty reviews but at least look it up if you're going to call them out because for once they weren't the problem.
Too much water - IGN
Samuel Puffer hahahaha
Samuel Puffer want to hear a joke? Ign gave YL a 7/10. AC Unity got a 7.8/10. WTF
The 4 Mario Bros. GameStop gave it a 6
This is such an underrated game
Just watching this review and seeing the level design, makes me want to get the game myself. I genuinely like the maps shown in the review they all look fun and colorful and I really miss games like that, you don't see them that often anymore. I'm also looking forward to A Hat In Time.
I can't believe this video is already four years old.
It's nice to finally see a review of someone saying something good about this game.
Banjo Threeie: Don't Sue Us Edition!
That honest trailer was good
Thanks to Microsoft buying out Rare they also got the right to the Banjo Series, even though they haven't done shit with it for 11 years
Just want to say, your review got me to buy this game and I am loving it. thanks for the recommendation.
I agree with you Jirard! I've backed this game from the first whispers of the kickstarter. It's an amazing throwback to the 'good old days'. Great review!
in before Jirard fixes the typo. "Threei" He meant Threeie.
done haha.
Can't get away with anything can I?
Just Miles Oh yeah. I didn't notice that. That's kind of funny actually.
That One Video Gamer yeah but what about banjo kazooie nuts and bolts 🔩
I love you Jirard
I've thoroughly enjoyed this game so far. This game has been exactly what I've wanted. Maybe it's the nostalgia speaking...because I started tearing up just as Jirard did when I first started the game, but I've been loving the mini-characters with attitude. The occasional fourth-wall breaking has been nice, and I've just...enjoyed it. It made me feel like a kid playing Banjo on the N64 all over again. It made me so HAPPY.
Reading the various reviews online made me sad and worried, but I haven't encountered ANY problems with the game as others have described. Just as Jirard said, the big three issues that I've seen, too, are just bullshit. The levels are huge and thriving AND CAN EVEN EXPAND. The camera is natural and easy to manage. I've had no issues with frame-rate, and I have an outdated laptop for what I use to game.
This game is exactly what I wanted, and I would've funded more if I weren't so skeptical and weary of the kickstarter risk. Also, OF COURSE IT'S A COLLECT-A-THON; I just don't understand people who complain about this! At least it saves what you collect between deaths and level traveling. And, yeah, the casino level was fantastic. I agree that having slightly different basic enemies in the starting level would've been kinda nice, though.
This game is making me so happy, and I feel like a kid again. Nostalgia or not, I genuinely am loving this experience.
As someone who's played this game myself, I really don't understand all the hate?
Yeah I agree, it doesnt deserve the hate it gets. ThoI feel like people who didn't play Banjo back in the day wont have the same appreciation as those who did.
as a person whos also played the game i don't understand the people who try to defend it. its such lackluster crap.
@@brya9681 well everyone has their opinions, i really enjoyed it but the controlls/camera was really buggy and i hated the arcade games. but other than that i enjoyed it a lot
bryan augustus Well ouch. Even I don’t get why you think it’s lackluster.
@@brya9681 No one asked for your opinion,shut up
OMG, I just love that *Beard Mode Unlocked* bit - So awesome!
...I want to be able to unlock beard mode too...
Bea Sallander one day, you'll have one too
It would be nice to have a surprise in store for my friends and family. *voilà beard mode*
I've seen so many negative reviews, but I have the game. and i have to say, the loading times kinda suck, but the game is a MASTERPIECE. It is Banjo-Threeie and I can't wait for more Playtonics games
angusyoung119 lol good luck wit that the games probably gonna flop and playtonics gonna be left barren with no employees. After all the dunkster already had his day on the game so it's finished coming from an esteemed black man like him
The loading times does suck, but it's a really fun game and reminds me so much of banjo kazooie :3 I don't like it as much as tooie or nuts and bolts (i grew up with that game), but I'd say it's on par with the first game and definitely better than what I was hoping for
I never experienced a loading time more then 10 sec and was running at 4k. Are you playing on pc?
Game loads some areas mere seconds on SSD. However yeah, I have seen loading times comparison when it comes to consoles and it's ridiculous. Still, that's to be expected on consoles and it's nowhere near as bad as with some other titles.
Can we please stop calling Yooka Laylee Banjo Threeie? You all do know by now that was just a lie to get people to buy the game.
I've re-watched this video a few times because I find your passion very inspiring. Thank you for all the hard work, Jirard!
Hi Jirard! Great video. Makes me happy to know you liked this game.
Here is another point that... points towards the plot being a bit of a parallel to Rare/Playtonic's history:
Those camera minions that you can see everywhere (or at least the one in the Toybox demo) is called *Inept*, which is very close to Microsoft's own *Kinekt*.
Also Microsoft had their very own "B" that was associated with a different kind of capital (letters, to be specific) at times: Steve *B*allmer, who was the CEO of Microsoft when Rare was bought out.
Bright Spark May I pick up my jaw from the floor?
you sir are a celestial ethereal outside thinker.
Bright Spark
Nobody hates Rare games more than Banjo "fans". They're the reason we'll never get Banjo Threeie. They killed any chances MS would take that risk.
It's Playtonic, not Playtonics
he is saying it as "playtonic's" not "playtonics"
No. He literally says Playtonics countless times regardless of the context. To paraphrase: "They formed Playtonics games." Nice try.
LIZARDS! I remember "BEARS!"...
I miss him...
TheKenchanx What happend to him?
he wasn't funny and he got greedy and wanted more control and/or money within the show and jirard declined so he left
Get your baseless rumors here!
He left because of some kind of business conflict with Jirard. Depending on who you talk to either Jirard started undercutting him, or he got greedy, or they had been on the rocks for a while. The whole thing is wrapped up in NDA's and so we'll probably never get the full story from a credible source.
6:28 That's eggs-actly why! I'm just assuming that was a happy accident. Haha
Hi Tim C:
The Thumbnail looks great, good job to who ever made it
17:35 Game Theory: How many beehives does Microsoft have.
only the hiveminded fanbase
Don't ever let other opinions blind your own. We are fans first, let's keep it that way. If you like a game that's more power to you everyone
JCaf 8 👏🖒
This needs more up votes. He's got the right idea
NordicThunder96 thank you
As soon as laylee said "yooka is much better with his tongue, to be honest" in response to yooka being told to "get his rod out" I knew this game was great.
Dude I love your channel. I've been binge watching all your episodes and using them as background noises to keep me sane (I usually rewind to see what I missed) and thank you so much for making these. Have a good night!
What i want from a sequel:
1: More levels. DK64 has 7 worlds with 25 golden collectibles each, and a special challenge world in the end. With Y-L it's only 5, but by adding as little as two worlds, the game would feel so much bigger.
2: Teleports like in Banjo-Tooie. They prevent you from getting lost, and makes travel quicker. Should also be in the hub.
3: Animal sounds in the music, and hubworld music remix when near a world entrance. Click Clock Woods had bee, frog and bird sounds for example.
4: Retire Rextro. No minigames. Kartos can return with better controls, but not Rextro.
5: No flappy flight. In Banjo, you needed a flight pad, and it consumed feathers. You couldn't just fly everywhere and skip every challenge.
6: Ghost writers. They are basically 1/5 of a pagie. How about they instead fill out transparent blocks in the world, allowing access to new areas?
7: Place quills in better places. These collectibles shouldn't be hidden, they should encourage exploration. If you see quills along a path, you know you haven't gone there yet.
8: Better transformations. Even in the Banjo games they usually have less jump height and speed, have worse or sometimes no attacks, and are only used to open gates, go in small holes or getting characters to like you. For the Y-L transformations, i actually like the ship and the helicopter, but not the other three.
9: Ditch the voices in favour of real voice acting. The voices are nostalgic for sure, but annoying for first-timers and after a while even for fans like me.
10: A more varied hubworld. Hivory Towers is basically an office building with books in random places.
Levels should be more condensed too
good to see someone not complain about this game
"Soon you will meet Trowzer the Snake" I lost it, too good "kids game"
Alex Morehead someone saw jay and silent bob lol
saw this comment, thought about it for a second.. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH... realises the joke.
I love you enthusiasm Jirard :) The fact you tell people to get their own opinion, is the most professional thing to tell anyone when it comes to any video game, movie, show, book, or music. Heck, just art in general! Be yourself my friend, that's how you become a true professional :)
I'm loving the fuck out of the game, but trying to be a homage and taking me back to the N64 era is not an excuse to not polish a game up. Some things do not bother me at all, but why not polish everything as much as you can? Trying to take people back on the nostalgia train doesn't mean you need to have the hindrances of the past.
AlshepType old habits die hard I guess. if this game released 20 years ago there would be no patch to save this game at all.
They were probably trying to avoid another change in release date. After all, that's one of the fandom's biggest triggers in regards to Kickstarter.
8:50 Why can't I imagine young Jirard without a beard?
Been playing Yooka Laylee for the past few days and have been living the play. They are a good successor to Banjo Kazooie and I hope the lizard and bat will have more adventures and convince Microsoft to try to bring Banjo back or even release them.
I was never a fan of 3D platformers, and I've never played any of the Rare games in my life, but it feels good to see how they scratched that itch for long term fans of that genre. Thanks as always for being you!
Another top notch review Dragonrider, shout out to you and all your compatriots who work in the office! #PaggieEveryDaggie
Thank you for arguing for the 3D Platformers. I miss them so. Even if this isn't perfect I want it to reinspire the genre! Give us more, game devs!
I just played through this on Game Pass and was really pleasantly surprised. Is it perfect, no far from it, but if you like Mario, Banjo etc. you will likely like this too,
Well, You encouraged me to probably pick up this game. I'm 13 and there are barely any games for someone of my age, seeing as my parents are kind of strict with age ratings, (which I believe they should be, seeing all the "omg Epic LOLZORZ Cringe COD KID COMPILATION GETS ANGRY" videos out there) and I haven't played on the PS4 for ages, seeing barely any games come out. This, Looks awesome. It's so bright colourful and happy, it just makes me smile! Looks brilliant, definitely going to pick it up. Haven't played many games like this, but it just looks so good!
And I now play Crash too.
Check out Sonic Mania while you're at it too. Fantastic game.
you have good puncheon for your age.
Jenkin, what the hell?
The game is fine. I didn't personally enjoy it, but I can see why others did. The original Banjo Kazooie is my personal favourite game of all time so I was very exited for this, but it didn't feel like Banjo to me. That's most due to the level design, the original Banjo was a compact fun collectathon, but Yooka makes you wait much longer in between it's meaningful content. In saying that, the way you move around levels is perfect, and so is most of the sound design.
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you played Banjo Kazooie before playing Yooka Laylee?
I just want to say that thiz isnt trying to be a banjo kazooie at all but instead bring back that ERA of games
I hate the fact that you have to apologize for liking this game and are acting like you're in the minority, because you're actually not. Somehow, this narrative has built up around the internet that everyone hates Yooka-Laylee and that it's getting terrible reviews across the board, and that's very clearly, demonstrably false. The game is averaging 7/10 almost everywhere - that's not a bad score. It got glowing reception from The Escapist, Game Informer, Destructoid, etc. Steam reviews are good.
You're not in the minority. Jim Sterling and Dunkey are. The idea that this game is terrible and no one likes it is a false narrative, and it pisses me off that it's become so prevalent.
And another problem is, because the game is so nostalgia-driven, that makes it easy for stupid 15-year-olds who've never played this game to pretend they're smarter than people who like it just by saying "Oh, you're just blinded by nostalgia and can't see how terrible it is." It's become a quick, lazy method for Yooka-Laylee's detractors to pretend they're smarter than everyone else, so people jump on the bandwagon for fear of looking stupid.
This is, by all fair measures, an above-average game with some fair faults and rough edges. And it's driving me nuts that people are trying to force it into the same category as Mighty Number 9.
This game is nowhere near Mighty No.9 level. Not even close! People's perceptions of game quality is all over the place! I've heard people calling this game "garbage" like, what? A garbage game would be more like Ride to Hell Retribution. Yooka Laylee is a good game, it's just people are super butthurt about the controversy and refuse to accept these guys actually made a solid game.
Good point man. Very well said.
Reading this makes me realize Jim Sterling had a point when he said this is a game out of its time. The game itself isn't whats dated, Playtonic, bless them for this young, innocent outlook, simply thought the majority of gamers still have redeeming qualities.
Have you seen the Metascore for the re-releases of Banjo-Kazooie / Tooie on Xbox Live? They both avg. ~75, just like Yooka-Laylee. It proves that reviewers agree that the 3D platformers have not aged that well when in fact Yooka-Laylee played it safe by going back to those games and taking inspiration from most of their Rare games.
but everyone hates this game ONLY BECAUSE OF JONTRON
It's 2019 I just picked up this game on a Steam Sale. Honestly it's pretty good. I don't think it stands up to the lofty heights of the legends in the genre but it seems fun and well made to me.
This was just the kinda review i needed. Thanks and subbed.
But Beardman what about Banjo-Kazooie Nut & Bolts
Fries101Reviews Or Kinect Sports 2? Seriously though, I'm eager too see if he'll review Nuts & Bolts sometime soon.
The game that is not a collectathon and even makes fun of the genre? What about it?
Fries101Reviews The best game of all time, obviously
Seven Vile Eyes Is too a collectathon. It's just a very redundant Banjo game and trolls it's fans in the opening. It's actually a pretty great game once you give it a go.
Fries101Reviews fuck that game was trash
Surely it would be Yooka-LayThree.
Where's Yooka-Lay Tooie at?
Who's Tooka?
thazkid Who's Tooie?...
Banjo kazooie 2 is called Banjo Tooie, there you go.
More power to you man. One of my favorite games, and the first Nintendo game I ever played, is the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, a game that is despised by most of the Zelda community. No matter how much people yell at me for liking "such a stupid game, that is clearly not as good as (insert game that other people like by I don't like at all)". I also don't like Link to the Past. To me, the combat feels to static, and I don't enjoy it as much as that of Phantom Hourglass. Am I going to start attacking people because they like Link to the Past though, or am I even going to say it is a bad game? No, of course not. I recognize the hard work that Nintendo put into making it, and that tons of people have fond memories of it. People in the gaming community are literally attacking people because they have different interests. Wow. That is the pinnacle of lunacy.
The only games I can't find respect for are one's where I can tell that the developers don't have their heart in it, and that they're just in it for the money. As a aspiring game designer myself, I think that it is impossible to make a good game, let alone a great one if you aren't engaged in what you're doing.
So, when I'm a game developer, I hope that I can encourage the players to respect the opinions of others.
this is a good comment, you don't find them around youtube much now.
awesome astronaut what a lot of people don't seem to get is that what one person like is not going to be liked by everyone. Everyone is different with different tastes shaped by different experiences and feelings. Video games are made to appeal to the widest possible demographic, but there will always be people who don't like it. A lot of people seem to think everyone has to like all the same things, and if not, the person who doesn't it wrong or stupid.
awesome astronaut I have a similar experiance with spirit tracks. Love the train
Phantom Hourglass is my favorite Zelda game and one of my favorite games ever no joke
I feel the same way about Link to the Past. I really got into Zelda with the N64 games and this game is probably my least favorite Zelda that I have played. Does that mean it is a bad game? No. I can see why other people enjoy it, but for me it was a hard game and there were too many random things to discover that I would have had no idea to do without a guide.
Jirard, it's because you're not a Journalist that I love watching the show. You're just some guy with a burning passion for video games that decided to share that passion. You tell it how you see it and that's why I love hearing what you have to say.
Score reviews should be more like "Just have fun with it/10."
Is a number heavier than words?
Does it metaphorically weigh more?
Actually in some cases yes, the ratings systems have more decision-making power for the consumer than a person's "opinions". Go on Amazon and look for a few products and take note of how many "stars" each product has. Now, without actually reading any comments how inclined would you be to buy something that has consecutively received one or two stars over something that has four or five? You might feel more concerned spending your money on that product if so many people who already purchased and reviewed it said it was only as good as one star, whereas you would probably feel more confident purchasing a product that had consecutively met the consumers' expectations or even exceeded them enough to warrant four or five stars. Same could be said for the service industry. Would you rather go to a restaurant that has five stars or one that has only one star? Sure you could read or watch the reviewer's comments and opinions to have them explain why they loved or hated it, but at the end of the day, the rating they have for that product or service speaks more of the quality of the product overall, than a million people all giving their proverbial two cents on what they liked or disliked the most about it.
that sounds like some projared stuff
Yeah it's weird, it's different for everyone, some people think 5/10 is average (which I do) and some people think 7/10 is average, which I think is stupid.
warlockguy42 If you can only buy a few games a year a 7/10 is not gonna cut it. One would go for the 10's, 9's and 8's.
Checked Metacritic: Critic reviews 17 positive reviews, 6 mix reviews and 1 bad review. User reviews: 37 positive reviews, 2 mixed reviews and 8 bad reviews.. Steam user reviews: 789 positive reviews and 145 bad reviews. I'm pretty sure the game is getting positive reviews but people with mixed opinions are making seem like it's a horrible game that's broken and unplayable.
I think people will pick it up when a price drops but won't pick it up right away at full price because it's not 8's 9's or 10 out 10.
no the people giving it high scores would give it a high score even if it were unplayable trash, because "it's banjo-threeie!! muh nostalgia!! XDD pagie rap"
+Antiform So you are saying that they should give the game a negative review even though they genuinely enjoyed it? Nostalgia is a valid factor to consider when valuing a game. If a technically bad game provides me with nostalgia and therefore makes me enjoy it then it's just as relevant as any other factor that increases my enjoyment. Is a bad game that I enjoy playing actually bad? You could argue that the game abuses the inherent nostalgia that comes from its mere existence. But the user reviews are just intended for people to express if they liked or disliked playing the game so it's not relevant to that discussion.
I want to establish that I haven't actually played this game nor do I have any nostalgia for the n64 platformers. I just found your opinion interesting.
I disagree with Antiform but he's right to some extent. Ive seen a review on metaritic give it a 10 and the person said they never played it.
Also seen a review say its the *worse political game ever made* ....and gave it 1/10. Buncha trolls eachway.
I'm pretty sure that's because the game seems like it does what it set out to do. Because IGN or some other publication claims it's outdated doesn't mean that it's bad. "Outdated" is bullshit. It's a style of game, and if you like it Yooka-Laylee is for you. I'm probably not getting anytime soon, not because it's "Outdated" but because I never liked the older 3d platformers in the first place.
Geckocalypse exactly, turn based combat is considered outdated, but i love turn based RPG (FF10 being my favourite). Outdated shouldn't be a complaint.
This game is great. It has all the Rare and nostalgic vibes in modern looks.
So glad I watched this!, I ignored other reviews and after seeing yours bought it, it's a joy, in fact, I'm loving it. Thanks!
Regarding your insecurity about not being a professional journalist, just a guy who enjoys games...that's exactly what made me subscribe to this channel.
What you bring to your game coverage is a description of how the game feels. Technical performance is something any ape in a journalist suit can describe, getting across the feel of a game can only be accomplished by someone with a passion for that game (be that passionate love or passionate loathing). Your passion for gaming makes you a better reviewer because of that lack of professional objectivity. Video games aren't meant to be an objective experience, they're meant to resonate with the player, even when it's just silly fun that they're going for.
(It also helps that your comments and complaints generally seem to align very much with the things that I tend to notice or be bothered by.
Bryan Adler LIZARDS!
All I can think about is BEARS.
Nana-Kyoto I guess now it would be BATS!!
ziddyT9 *lizards
metaltom2003 *snakes
:'((((( Don't remind me,I was just forgetting all of it
It was a good gag, we'll never forget.
Glad you mentioned Mr Kirkhope, I just tweeted him and he actually responded 🙌🏻
So when is the Super Beard Bros series of Yooka-Laylee coming?
after the 10th play though of mega man X duh.
God that game looks beautiful. i just want to see it in 4k
Oh my god, the allegory that the villians of Yooka Laylee represent Microsoft makes too much sense! That's why all those robots look like XBoxes!!!!!
I wish I'd seen this 2 years ago!! Thank you, it's late, but definitely going out to find this game.
I started playing the game a few days ago, after dropping out of the moba mentioned in the video and while not being the best game I played, it is decent for what it is. I still have to beat it tough.
I’m definitely picking this and Impossible Lair.
I'm playing snes games on my switch and I'm having some serious nostalgia feelings. Yooka laylee is such a fantastic game. I have it digitally on my Xbox but feel likenj need to get a physical copy for my switch.
finally some positive reviews. will get on switch so hopefully its good.
Actually the game has more positive reviews than negative, and it even has a "Very Positive" user score on Steam.
you have inspired me to buy this and try it out. I'm super excited
It will never fill the empty hole in the banjo kazooie fan's hearts
That is a hole that will never be filled.
Tommy Culpepper Actually I found my hole to be pretty filled. No, that wasn't innuendo, I thought the game was really good.
hahaha fucking
At least a hat in time will come a bit closer to filling that hole than yooka-laylee
I wanted to make a few counter points for the comparison with Zelda. I haven't played Yooka-Laylee so take what I say with a grain of salt. Botw is a huge game. Defiantly bigger than yooka. I think it's amazing how few glitches there are in it however it does suffer from fps drops. This is due not only because of its scale but the hardware it runs on. Yooka has (or had) the same fps drops yet it is smaller in scale and runs on superior hardware so I don't see an excuse. It's not like this is an up and coming Dev, it's rare. The point is I think Zelda has an excuse for its fps and this game doesn't.
Dyl Star Its worth pointing out that this game was developed for several different platforms handled by different teams and didn't suffer more than a slight delay. Zelda was heavily delayed to get it to its current state and certainly had a much larger budget.
I don't have a problem with delays but when a kickstarter game like this suffers long delays it damages its reception in the eyes of many people.
As both games stand, they run acceptably. Having played both, neither have any technical problems that detract from my enjoyment. It'll be interesting to see how the Switch version performs.
Sorry but I got triggered.
Dyl Star What is exactly Zelda's excuse? This is Nintendo we are talking about, they are a TITAN of a game developing company, we SHOULD expect better from them.
(Not saying botw is a bad game just saying its "allowed" to have framerate issues is retarded)
+Dyl Star But when it comes from an entirely egotistical point of view does it actually matter why the frames drop? The reason why the game is unstable doesn't make it any less unstable. The fps drops etc. exist regardless and affect the games just as much. It's worth giving criticism for them not taking advantage of the tools they have to stop those sorts of problems. But it's not relevant when looking at the game exactly for what it is from the egotistical perspective of a consumer. It's worth looking at a finished product for what it is without considering the loops and uphills that had to be fought through to get there. After all, those aren't relevant to the consumer. Zelda breath of the wild and Yooka-Laylee as finished products both have terrible fps issues and are therefore comparable in that regard.
+Guy Dude I think you make a pretty good argument that fps issues affect games differently depending on the genre. I wouldn't say and action adventure game like Zelda is that type of game where it's not relevant though. After all, it's not just precise platforming (which Zelda even has to a lesser extent) that is affected by it. It's many other gameplay elements that exist in Zelda as well as the overall game experience. Fps affect both the visuals and the gameplay of the game. I'd say a game where I would agree with you that the fps isn't worth criticising the game for would be a strategy game or a visual novel. Really anything without animation intended to be seen.
if you enjoy a game then you enjoy it, you don't have to have the same opnion as everyone else
That outro. The fact you enjoy, is enough for me to know you to be a credible source for video game reviews.
This review is on the opposite side of the spectrum from Jim Sterling's review of the game, which treats it like something that shouldn't have existed. That is something I don't get because he thinks the game trying to be like Banjo-Kazooie is a BAD thing and that it should have been closer to modern game design. As much as anyone has a right to their opinion, I feel like Jim's review is dishonest and he's out to hate the game without actually giving it a chance. If Yooka-Laylee had gotten panned by critics, I would understand it better. But so many critics love it, so something seems of here.
There is also the fact that many JonTron fans were salty about the fact that Jon's voiceovers were removed from the game due to a political controversy. As much as I liked the guy's content, I won't boycott the game for that reason alone. It's just childish and gives the game some unneeded reputation over what should have been a minor issue. Even Jon himself had gotten over it, but some of his fans to this day bitch about it.
And of course, there was the previous big Kickstarter project we all knew too well: Mighty No. 9. The game was a serious letdown because it failed to live up to the Mega Man games and felt like a different specimen on its own, but not in a good way. It felt too streamlined to be any fun. Yooka-Laylee, on the other hand, kept true to its roots (even down to some of the problems that plagued old 64-bit 3D platformers). It's like people WANT it to fail simply because it was another Kickstarter project.
I don't know about the rest of y'all but the game doesn't seem to be as bad as some reviews made it out to be. Otherwise, we would getting a lot more negative reviews. As a game made for fans of Banjo-Kazooie, it succeeded. For some people, it may not be their cup of tea. I can understand those points. But to say this game is good or bad just because others say so is just being ridiculous. As he said, play it yourself and see.
I used to respect Jim a lot, but lately he has just seemed to jump on hate bandwagons or tried to be a contrarian or controversial for the sake of it.
NeoShadowWolf Jim is a favorite of mine. I'm pretty sure he actually backed YL. I really just feel like he didn't enjoy it at all and wrote his review based off that, which is completely fair.
Harrison Roberts in fairness, he backed out of spite for microsoft than wanting not Banjo-Threeie
I am a fan of Jims as well and I didn't understand him bashing it. But from what I got from it, it wasn't a complete hatred for it. I just think it is not his cup of tea. I mean, The Compeltionist is always playing retro style games and loving them. I think it is a matter of taste when it comes to Jim. Personally, I still want to get this game because I did enjoy those classic style games.
I hope this game does well. I don't mean it has to go platinum. I'm just saying if no one else is going to attempt a 3D platformer then let Yooka- Laylee have it. I was honestly expecting the first one to have a few bugs and glitches since this is the first game they put out that is this style in a long time. I bet if they make a second one, it will be a lot better because of the criticisms from this one.
I think I recall someone quoting him saying "It wasn't his cup of tea" and so his opinion was going to be biased against it because of that.
Snake Pass. That's the game to play.
breadordecide nowhere near as the amount of content as this game
Snake Pass > Yookay Laylee