Hi Everyone, We hope you enjoyed our video! What did you think of our favorite outdoor gear? Do you have a favorite outdoor gear not mentioned in the video? Please say hello by leaving a comment below and sharing you opinion about awesome outdoor camping gear!
Thanks! We just bought a 2013 Thor Tuscany 45 Lt, it will be our retirement home. I appreciate the advice, especially for the internet , from a previous video.
Hi Scott, You are very welcome! Hit us up with any questions you have and I hope you will join the RVBlogger community too so you get all of our weekly emails. Just go to RVBlogger.com and scroll down and you can join in! Thanks and safe travels! Mike
I would never say I "waste" time watching your videos, but I do squander time in the morning when I should be getting ready for work watching RV Blogger videos because I learn so much😀
Hi Mike & Susan, Being a Retired Firefighter I have come across video's from my friend in NYC in regards to E-bike battery fires, when overcharged the batteries can explode and what people don't realize is when they charge the batteries at night if they explode during the night it causes a huge fire that traps people. I recently watched a interview with the Fire Commissioner Joan Cavanaugh from FDNY and she explained how many fires they have responded to that were e-bike related. Just a FYI for everyone.
Thank you for bringing attention to this matter. There have been fire issues when it comes to charging the batteries of electric "vehicles". We first saw this happen with the hover boards when they came out. I think we are so used to plugging something in to recharge and leaving it. And unfortunately it is too easy to purchase "knock off" accessories that are not UL certified. Not sure what the solution is but we have to keep this in mind - don't leave recharging batteries unattended and make sure it's certified safe. Thank you!
Great upload folks, very well done. Great live action and work in post, you work has excelled over time. This was a fun change of pace for the Channel and informative
Thank you so much for the kind words. I enjoy getting a little more creative when we do videos outside of the tours. Thank you always for your support!
Two of the best camping foods! Glad you're loving your propane firepit too! Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor camping gear video and commenting.
Some super great gear ideas and very clear and concise explanation. Be assured, some of these are on MY gotta-get list (hope Santa's listening)! Y'all Be Safe!
I have the table and matching chairs, got them at Harbor Freight back in '19 with a mess of 20% coupons and paid $20 for each piece, one table and I think 8 chairs. Only use 2 chairs at a time, the rest are in storage. Perfect height and they're comfortable, nice swing-up side table too. Can't go wrong for $20!
That's awesome! I didn't even know about the chairs. Thank you so much for sharing that information! And thanks for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Another huge benefit of a gas fire pit is they can used during fire bans. Here in BC 🇨🇦 so much of the summer and even early fall there are campfire bans.
Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed our video. We've put this gear to the test over the last several years and still love them today. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
I'm a simple Class C owner and spent the money for the Viair and it's great; however, I keep it inside my rig for safe keeping. Great accessory ideas too!
So glad you love your Viair! It has definitely come in handy over the last 2 years. Wish we had bought it sooner! Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
I have the Weber-Q 2200 and love it. The Griddle option on the Q is a great addition if you don’t have one. Also the 1200 does have available rotisserie options (the 2200 rotisserie is only available over-seas).
Great information! Thank you! I really like the compact part of the Weber Grill. My husband says that in the morning. He's going to just go " Look" at the compressor & any, if not all attachments New subscribers: Alberta, Canada.💕
Hi Mike & Susan, great video! Don't forget to instal your GasStop, it's the only and maximum propane protection safety device on the US Market. Especially with such long propane hoses lying on the ground!
Great video. I was close to buying a Weber grill and You have convinced me. I think there is a half grill plate you can get. Viair is fantastic and I never thought about a blow gun or running a small nailer. Winterizing seems like a good accessory but I am concerned about the air flow. To blow out lines well, you really want good airflow to clear out all the water. But as a portable compressor, this kit has everything you need. Not cheap but an excellent value.
Hi Paul, Do you mean the the Weber has a griddle plate? We looked but we can't find one. Please let me know if you know where we can find it. Thanks for watching the video and for commenting! Mike
Thank you so much! I enjoy being a little creative when we do videos outside of tour videos. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Hi Mike I liked the propane firepit so much I picked one up only was wondering if u can provide a Lil more info on making it a low gas pressure hook up I have that quick connect on my class c .thanks great video
Glad you bought one too! I know you will love it. I watched a video by the RV Geeks an how to convert a low pressure system. Here's the link to the video I watched. th-cam.com/video/Kbp4LiOjXbI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=msad0l6Ye0yLBnwH The video is about how to convert a grill but it works for the fire pit too. Thanks! Mike
I’m not sure you would want grease from steaks or burgers getting on your stones. I don’t own one, but I’m thinking a grill and a propane fire pit would be built differently. Watch him correct me, LOL!
That's a great question. You definitely can't cook on the lid of the fire pit. It's designed as a cover only to protect the rocks during transportation. But to be honest I don't think you should cook over the propane rocks either, but that might just be my opinion.
Another valuable and informative episode, so glad I’m subscribed! I’m hoping you can tell me if the propane adapter you featured can be used to run my propane inverter generator from the low pressure line on my RV. I’ve got a Champion 4500 watt dual fuel generator. Like you, I don’t want to carry an extra dedicated tank around, when I have the built in propane line available. Unfortunately, the adapter I use to run my grill doesn’t work. The male quick release has a different length tip than the one Champion provides with the built in regulator. I talked to a propane supply store about an adapter, but was told there is no way to run a generator from the line on the RV. It reduces the pressure, but does not supply the volume of propane the generator needs. I found this hard to believe. I’m hoping you can recommend a solution. Thank you, and keep producing great content like this!
Hi Burt, I have never tried to run a generator from my onboard low pressure RV propane tank but I am pretty sure that your RV propane tank will not supply enough propane to run the generator. There isn't even enough pressure to power most grills. Only certain grills or fire pits are adaptable. Most are not. Glad you liked the video and thanks for being a subscriber! Mike
Really like your videos. We just bought a new Class C RV and you mentioned in the video the window coverings on you Class C what company did you use. Thank You
I am guessing you mean the front windshield cover? If so here is the one we bought but you have to find the correct one for your year and model chassis. For example, our Class C was built on a 2008 Ford E-350 chassis. Here's the link to where we bought ours: goto.rvblogger.com/Mesh-Windshield-Cover Hope this helps! Mike
Hi Nathan. Great question. Only two of the products in our video are affiliates of ours (with no out of pocket purchase) and that would be RV SnapPads and our Blue Ox tow bar. We have been using both since we purchased our motorhome, almost two years now. We also did individual videos about each of them, which as you would imagine was part of the agreement. But two years later we still love them and highly recommend. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
That's the best part of a camp fire....but..... You know with propane it's a lot easier and you don't have to worry about the fire burning forever And it's very convenient too
We used to enjoy a wood campfire and kinda still do sometimes. I like the crackle and the smell of the burning wood, but eventually it does becomes a hassle. Occasionally we can have a traditional fire.
We have been collecting our favorite outdoor RV gear items over the last 5 years of RV life, just like I'm sure you have a few luxury items at your home. We make sacrifices and budget so we can purchase items that we can enjoy or make our life in our RV safe. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
Hi Cindy. Thanks for asking. The list of our items are included in the description of the video. You can find it if you are watching our video on a phone or computer. Most of the items can be found on Amazon, some were purchased directly through the retailer, like RV Snappads. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
We have heard of portable laundry machines for RVs but haven't used any to be able to promote. Most campgrounds do have a laundry facility or there is even the neighborhood laundromat if you prefer that. Sorry we aren't more helpful.
We like a real fire too but we hate smelling like fire at the end of the night. So the propane is perfect for us. We invite you to join our Private Facebook Group called RV Camping for Newbies if you are interested and if you supply your email address when you join you will also get our informative Newsletters every week and a FREE subscription to RV Today Magazine so you will be the most informed RVer on the planet! ( Just kidding but you can learn a bunch and meet some cool people!) Here's the link: facebook.com/groups/RVCampingforNewbies Thanks for watching and commenting! Mike and Susan
Yes it is true that you are not supposed to have your propane turned ON while in a tunnel. There could be tunnels that do forbid it but we haven't encountered one yet. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Hi Everyone,
We hope you enjoyed our video! What did you think of our favorite outdoor gear? Do you have a favorite outdoor gear not mentioned in the video? Please say hello by leaving a comment below and sharing you opinion about awesome outdoor camping gear!
Wouldn't be Sunday night without you! I'm in a Class B and I have my eye on that folding table, very storable! 😊👍
❤️ Thank you Britt! We have been super happy with our table, so much we have 2 🤣!
Thanks! We just bought a 2013 Thor Tuscany 45 Lt, it will be our retirement home. I appreciate the advice, especially for the internet , from a previous video.
Hi Scott,
You are very welcome! Hit us up with any questions you have and I hope you will join the RVBlogger community too so you get all of our weekly emails. Just go to RVBlogger.com and scroll down and you can join in!
Thanks and safe travels!
I would never say I "waste" time watching your videos, but I do squander time in the morning when I should be getting ready for work watching RV Blogger videos because I learn so much😀
Thank you so much for the kind words! ❤️ We are so glad you enjoy our videos and benefit from the them! We truly appreciate your support!
Hi Mike & Susan,
Being a Retired Firefighter I have come across video's from my friend in NYC in regards to E-bike battery fires, when overcharged the batteries can explode and what people don't realize is when they charge the batteries at night if they explode during the night it causes a huge fire that traps people. I recently watched a interview with the Fire Commissioner Joan Cavanaugh from FDNY and she explained how many fires they have responded to that were e-bike related. Just a FYI for everyone.
Thank you for bringing attention to this matter. There have been fire issues when it comes to charging the batteries of electric "vehicles". We first saw this happen with the hover boards when they came out. I think we are so used to plugging something in to recharge and leaving it. And unfortunately it is too easy to purchase "knock off" accessories that are not UL certified. Not sure what the solution is but we have to keep this in mind - don't leave recharging batteries unattended and make sure it's certified safe. Thank you!
Great upload folks, very well done. Great live action and work in post, you work has excelled over time.
This was a fun change of pace for the Channel and informative
Thank you so much for the kind words. I enjoy getting a little more creative when we do videos outside of the tours. Thank you always for your support!
LOVE our propane firepit - so many advantages, and you can still cook hot dogs and marshmelloes on it! - Cheers!
Two of the best camping foods! Glad you're loving your propane firepit too! Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor camping gear video and commenting.
Great video as always
Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed our Outdoor RV Gear video. Thank you for watching and commenting!
Good for you!!! Thanks for putting you viewers and for being real with your subscribers!!!! Save travels!!!
Appreciate the support!
Thanks for the kind words and for watching!
I’m glad to know you guys and your channel….
The information that you share is invaluable….
Another great video
Thank you so much Robert! We always appreciate your support! ❤️
Some super great gear ideas and very clear and concise explanation. Be assured, some of these are on MY gotta-get list (hope Santa's listening)!
Y'all Be Safe!
So glad you enjoyed our Outdoor RV Gear video! Stay on his "nice list", I bet he is listening 🤣. Thank you for your support!
I have the table and matching chairs, got them at Harbor Freight back in '19 with a mess of 20% coupons and paid $20 for each piece, one table and I think 8 chairs. Only use 2 chairs at a time, the rest are in storage. Perfect height and they're comfortable, nice swing-up side table too. Can't go wrong for $20!
That's awesome! I didn't even know about the chairs. Thank you so much for sharing that information! And thanks for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Great video Susan and Mike, thanks for sharing.
Thank you Tuvia! We always appreciate your support! ❤️
Hi from Ohio. Thank you for a great & informative video! I plan on starting Rvlife soon and will be adding a few items to mymust-have list!
Glad it was helpful! All the gear we use has been tested for years and held up! Best of luck gearing up!
Another huge benefit of a gas fire pit is they can used during fire bans. Here in BC 🇨🇦 so much of the summer and even early fall there are campfire bans.
That is a great point! Thank you for adding that information. And thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Love it! Lots of cool gear and personal experience you shared.
Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed our video. We've put this gear to the test over the last several years and still love them today. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
I'm a simple Class C owner and spent the money for the Viair and it's great; however, I keep it inside my rig for safe keeping. Great accessory ideas too!
So glad you love your Viair! It has definitely come in handy over the last 2 years. Wish we had bought it sooner! Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
I have the Weber-Q 2200 and love it. The Griddle option on the Q is a great addition if you don’t have one. Also the 1200 does have available rotisserie options (the 2200 rotisserie is only available over-seas).
That is some great information to know! Thank you for sharing. And thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Great information! Thank you! I really like the compact part of the Weber Grill. My husband says that in the morning. He's going to just go " Look" at the compressor & any, if not all attachments New subscribers: Alberta, Canada.💕
So glad you liked the video and found it to be helpful! And thanks for subscribing!
❤❤❤😊😊😊 thanks for the tips.
You are very welcome! Thank you for watching our favorite RV gear video and commenting. We appreciate your support!
Outstanding video....great accessories
Thank you so much! We appreciate your support! ❤️
Hi Mike & Susan, great video! Don't forget to instal your GasStop, it's the only and maximum propane protection safety device on the US Market. Especially with such long propane hoses lying on the ground!
Great tip!
Great video. I was close to buying a Weber grill and You have convinced me. I think there is a half grill plate you can get.
Viair is fantastic and I never thought about a blow gun or running a small nailer. Winterizing seems like a good accessory but I am concerned about the air flow. To blow out lines well, you really want good airflow to clear out all the water. But as a portable compressor, this kit has everything you need. Not cheap but an excellent value.
Hi Paul,
Do you mean the the Weber has a griddle plate? We looked but we can't find one. Please let me know if you know where we can find it.
Thanks for watching the video and for commenting!
Great video 👍🏻
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed our video! Thank you for watching and commenting!
Awesome information!!!
Thank you! So glad you found our video helpful!!! We appreciate your support!
Love your videos!❤
Thank you so much! We truly appreciate your support! ❤️
I know this wasn't the point of the video, but it was just so clever to put your lists on ring binder "paper." 😊
Thank you so much! I enjoy being a little creative when we do videos outside of tour videos. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
Hi Mike I liked the propane firepit so much I picked one up only was wondering if u can provide a Lil more info on making it a low gas pressure hook up I have that quick connect on my class c .thanks great video
Glad you bought one too! I know you will love it. I watched a video by the RV Geeks an how to convert a low pressure system. Here's the link to the video I watched. th-cam.com/video/Kbp4LiOjXbI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=msad0l6Ye0yLBnwH
The video is about how to convert a grill but it works for the fire pit too.
Can you cook on that cover???of the lid of the fire pit
I’m not sure you would want grease from steaks or burgers getting on your stones. I don’t own one, but I’m thinking a grill and a propane fire pit would be built differently. Watch him correct me, LOL!
That's a great question. You definitely can't cook on the lid of the fire pit. It's designed as a cover only to protect the rocks during transportation. But to be honest I don't think you should cook over the propane rocks either, but that might just be my opinion.
Actually I completely agree with you @Erin-Thor 🤣. I don't think it would be a good idea either.
Another valuable and informative episode, so glad I’m subscribed!
I’m hoping you can tell me if the propane adapter you featured can be used to run my propane inverter generator from the low pressure line on my RV.
I’ve got a Champion 4500 watt dual fuel generator. Like you, I don’t want to carry an extra dedicated tank around, when I have the built in propane line available.
Unfortunately, the adapter I use to run my grill doesn’t work. The male quick release has a different length tip than the one Champion provides with the built in regulator.
I talked to a propane supply store about an adapter, but was told there is no way to run a generator from the line on the RV. It reduces the pressure, but does not supply the volume of propane the generator needs.
I found this hard to believe. I’m hoping you can recommend a solution.
Thank you, and keep producing great content like this!
Hi Burt,
I have never tried to run a generator from my onboard low pressure RV propane tank but I am pretty sure that your RV propane tank will not supply enough propane to run the generator. There isn't even enough pressure to power most grills. Only certain grills or fire pits are adaptable. Most are not.
Glad you liked the video and thanks for being a subscriber!
Really like your videos. We just bought a new Class C RV and you mentioned in the video the window coverings on you Class C what company did you use. Thank You
I am guessing you mean the front windshield cover? If so here is the one we bought but you have to find the correct one for your year and model chassis. For example, our Class C was built on a 2008 Ford E-350 chassis. Here's the link to where we bought ours: goto.rvblogger.com/Mesh-Windshield-Cover
Hope this helps!
very informative, are all products mentioned sponsors (product supplied)?
Hi Nathan. Great question. Only two of the products in our video are affiliates of ours (with no out of pocket purchase) and that would be RV SnapPads and our Blue Ox tow bar. We have been using both since we purchased our motorhome, almost two years now. We also did individual videos about each of them, which as you would imagine was part of the agreement. But two years later we still love them and highly recommend. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
That's the best part of a camp fire....but..... You know with propane it's a lot easier and you don't have to worry about the fire burning forever And it's very convenient too
No worries about floating hot embers either! That is always a concern when you are out in the boonies!
We used to enjoy a wood campfire and kinda still do sometimes. I like the crackle and the smell of the burning wood, but eventually it does becomes a hassle. Occasionally we can have a traditional fire.
True @Erin-Thor. Always worry a bit about a gust of wind too.
I purchased a fire pit due to a burn ban in Colorado, they allowed propane pits.
That's great...(not that you HAD to buy one). How are you liking it? Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor camping gear video and commenting.
@@RVBlogger We really like it…never have to wait for coals to die out nor do we smell like smoke. 🤪
It must be nice to be able to afford all the luxuries!
We have been collecting our favorite outdoor RV gear items over the last 5 years of RV life, just like I'm sure you have a few luxury items at your home. We make sacrifices and budget so we can purchase items that we can enjoy or make our life in our RV safe. Thank you for watching our outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
Where is you list of stuff and where to buy
Hi Cindy. Thanks for asking. The list of our items are included in the description of the video. You can find it if you are watching our video on a phone or computer. Most of the items can be found on Amazon, some were purchased directly through the retailer, like RV Snappads. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor RV gear video and commenting.
Can you show us any ideas on washing laundry?
We have heard of portable laundry machines for RVs but haven't used any to be able to promote. Most campgrounds do have a laundry facility or there is even the neighborhood laundromat if you prefer that. Sorry we aren't more helpful.
See I like my propane fire pit but I only use mine if I can’t have a normal fire a real fire is always more enjoyable
We like a real fire too but we hate smelling like fire at the end of the night. So the propane is perfect for us.
We invite you to join our Private Facebook Group called RV Camping for Newbies if you are interested and if you supply your email address when you join you will also get our informative Newsletters every week and a FREE subscription to RV Today Magazine so you will be the most informed RVer on the planet! ( Just kidding but you can learn a bunch and meet some cool people!) Here's the link: facebook.com/groups/RVCampingforNewbies
Thanks for watching and commenting!
Mike and Susan
I heard another RVer say that there are tunnels you can't go thru if you have propane on board....have you ever heard of this?😊
Yes it is true that you are not supposed to have your propane turned ON while in a tunnel. There could be tunnels that do forbid it but we haven't encountered one yet. Thank you for watching our favorite outdoor gear video and commenting!
If I’m the first commenter do I win a free RV or maybe a t-shirt? 😂
🤣 I wish I had some cool shirts to send you...am I working on it though! Thanks so much for your support Erin!
@@RVBlogger- No worries, just joking. Great info here, thanks! Thanks too for the links! The awning cover is on my shopping list now!
I thought you probably were 🤣. But we really are thinking out shirt designs. We love that awning screen, it makes such a difference!
Not for us!
All of it? Thank you for watching our favorite RV gear video and commenting. We appreciate your support David!