@@Fazeshyft Both games, AC3 and Silent Line, work wonderfully on the PSP - although the graphics aren't as good as on the PS2 (and the framerate caps at 30), the games are perfect ports which add some very nice quality of life features, such as being able to have 5 saved ACs instead of just 3, more easy-to-navigate, streamlined menus, and you also have some new content in the form of extra parts and a few new arena opponents. The games can also be played flawlessly on PC via emulator, and with the right tools you can even play online PvP that way. The only real issue is that the control scheme, while rebindable, is less convenient than their PS2 counterparts due to the lack of trigger buttons. On PSP I set my controls so that movement is tied to the analog stick and camera to the directional buttons, while on emulator you can use twinstick controls fairly easily... But in both cases you lose the ability to drop your weapons and extension, which has never been an issue for me but I know some people really like that mechanic. I still consider them my favorite way to play both games. And then there's Last Raven Portable, which unlike AC3 and SL has noticeable differences in interface and hitboxes compared to the PS2, which most often makes the game much harder than the (already super difficult) original, mostly in terms of scarcity of ammunition. And there are no QoL changes unlike the previous titles. I do not recommend the PSP version of that one even if it does have a lot more parts.
Loving this series, I'm happy to see you're having a great time with the Armored Core games. :3 Since you asked about legs, >Bipeds have no particular upside nor downside >Reverse-joint are very similar to bipeds, but have a stronger jump capability and tend to have lower energy consumption, making them more suited for aerial combat >Quad legs have high energy consumption but allow you to fire heavy shoulder weapons without kneeling, as long as you are on the ground >Tank legs have the lowest mobility but let you use all back weapons freely even in midair, giving you the highest possible firepower, and often defense >And hover legs you already know, they have the fastest movement speed without the need of boosting (allowing you to be fast without using energy), and as a bonus let you float on water if needed They are all perfectly viable playstyles and can be quite different from one another, so feel free to experiment and see what clicks. I'll wait to see what choice you'll make! c:
Biped: Straight sword or curved sword. Either you're getting started, or you just like the fundamentals. Reverse joint: katanas, daggers, thrusting swords, bucklers. You're a dex user and you like getting sweaty and trying hard. Quad: Greatsword. Maybe even Giant Dad. You like the meta. Tank: Havel the Rock. Everyone knows you, every battle. In a world of Zakus, fear the Hidolfr.
Quads are pretty alright. They have high energy drain so it's a bit harder to fly in but not impossible. Letting you use pulse cannons, laser cannons, and chain guns on the ground though is very awesome. Tanks are kinda too slow to use in regular missions without being bored but are fantastic in the arena.
@@ruikiri Yes, but it's pretty hard to get. In the mission "Destroy Gun Emplacements" you have to be really quick to get to the secret mission "Distract Union Defense", accept it and survive for 5min or so. It's the most fun weapon to use imho so it's worth the hassle!
Make sure you use the 3 energy optional parts that increase damage, firing speed, and maybe reduce energy use if youre going to use energy weapons. Maybe try quad legs with the heavy energy cannon back weapons if you wanna try out different legs. Great video
Energy Weapons have never had unlimited ammo, BUT at least when you use them you don't have to pay for ammo expenses after a mission That Big Dude you fought at the end technically isn't an AC I'm part of the Bipedal Leg team so I can't help you with that recommendation lol Solid-round weapons aren't necessarily better, they just fit certain playstyles more The complaints about camera control just sound like a skill issue tho LMAOOOO GITGUD SCRUB /jk
@@ruikiri Good news, there *are* energy machine guns and theyre actually quite good. Extremely energy hungry though, obviously. Edit: It looks like, for some reason, AC3 is one of the games to not have them. They were in 2, and are in Last Raven, but not Silent Line.
If you wanted to try another funny weapon specifically in Silent Line you can grab a left handed flamethrower. Silent Line easily has the strongest implementation of flamethrowers in the entire series.
Hovers are fast, but low defense. Tanks are beastsand you can use back canons on the run, but are slow. Quads sometimes can use back weapons, depends on the game. Honestly dont worry about using other legs types if you dont want to. Thats the best part about AC, you do you Buu
Yeah but i still want to have the experience of what they do and feel like, also ac6 looks like its going to add some new functionalities to the diffrent legs and it might result in even bigger playstyle diffrences which sounds very fun :D
I have good memories with silent line, the atmosphere, the missions and many other things For recommendation for this AC, only 1: USE A GUIDE OF SECRET PARTS, believe me silent line has a LOT of secret parts with specific requirements, and many of the new parts are lock in specific mission´s
Arm weapons in general do way more danage than just normal guns but have limited ammo and tend to have low ap. You kind of need some kind of backup weapon to make up for it. I think the chaingun gun arms had something like 300-500 rounds (can't remimber which). Where if you take into account you're firing 2 guns at a time, that's not alot of ammo but the guns are oppressively powerful. It makes them a good quad leg part where you can get backmounted cannons like chainguns and pulse cannons to round out your staying power.
Have you tried Above Average Gaming's key rebind to enable analog use in his 10 tips video? Wont be as smooth as Nexus or Last Raven but you might find it helpful
I know that is an option via the emulator but im making the decision of playing it like it was on the ps2 for that authentic experience :) (even though i willl still complain about the controls xb )
I forget whether it was in 3 or silent line but there is a set of weapon arms that can absolutely shred anything, although they burn energy like crazy, they are an energy spread gun.
@@ruikiri I believe its a trade off. Weapon arms dont have any defenses beyond just adding to your Armor Points, least in Another Age, and depending on the arm, are lighter than the usual arm with weapon. Problem is obviously, no left arm weapon meaning no laser blade/shield
@@ruikiri In Last Raven (part destruction) and Silent Line (weapon destruction), weapon arms cannot be destroyed unlike arms or weapons respectively. However in both games because of how the destruction works: - In Last Raven, there's a reason why your arms are the rarest part to be destroyed, followed by the head. - In Silent Line, unless you are using shoulder mounted side shields, namely the solid ones, you will never notice your guns getting destroyed. More often than not, if you noticed, you are either close to being or are already dead.
I love most of them but Silent Line is my favorite AC game, I need to try LR (PS2) I played the PSP version but I hated it. The control and lock-on was horrible, I knew about the rebalance but it felt even worse than Nexus (which I liked btw). I also enjoyed AC3 & SL Portable but LR (PSP) just feels off.
you dont have to worry too much about ammo cost for most solid shell weapons (except missiles)- its mostly just *that* particular machine gun that devours your mission reward. most energy weapons ussually have somthing wierd like a small lockbox or a high lock time that prevents them from being too useful, so i usually dont use them. honestly its hard to go wrong with a rifle for general-purpose use in missions- its accurate, cheap, and will make short work of lesser MT's. Run into somthing bigger? try Blades, missiles, rockets, or any other burst damage weapon (and dont forget about those juicy damage bonuses that blades can get from an increased 'energy supply' in the arms. it acts as a multiplier, so any score less than 100 is actually decreasing your blade damage!) if you're feeling more confident with your skills, try using a sniper rifle or a bazooka. their damage-ammo ratio allows them to work interchangably for general-use and boss killing... usually. If you plan to change leg types, be aware of their strengths and weaknesses- you'd be suprised how much it will affect your choice of loadout. biped= well rounded, generally. reverse= lower energy cost, super jump. Quads= extreme energy drain, good cooling/turn speed. can fire back weapons while on the ground. Tank= low energy cost, good defense, great loadweight, terrible mobility. never hardland, can ALWAYS fire backmounted weapons. as for weapon choice for backmounted weapons? try MWC-LQ/80 (laser cannon) or a CWC-CNG-300 (chaingun). also, i'd pick some different boosters. efficency is nice, but its incredibly difficult to dodge anything at those speeds- which is the whole point of using boosters in the first place.
Yeah, energy weapons are meant for misions because the ammo is free but the faster you kill the enemy the less you have to spend on repairs. That was my basic strategy with minor adjustments for most of AC4A, 5, 3 and SL, slap the heaviest machine guns to my back, rack up money on the arena and then just make it rain. Less profit than doing it perfectly with energy weapons but it works and gives easy S ranks.
Is there a particular reason why you are sticking with those boosters? You move as if you don't believe there's any thing more to dodging than bunny hopping. Remember, everything (with a full lock-on) aims AHEAD of you. The slower you are, the less they need to lead their shots to get you. The faster you are, the more wide they need to lead their shots to get you. And all you need to do in all cases is simply not be where the bullets are going. And that's as simple as moving the other way. Or if you are fast, you can add stopping on the list. Those boosters you have one of the lowest consumption in the game, but their not powerful at all. Best used on a lightweight, aerial fighters, or something with A LOT of defense. On an average middle weight, you're just asking for low pay. Unless you know how to dodge at low speeds or with that over boost core. xD
it really is mostly because of the low consumption, because it allows me to boost more often and be in the air and whatnot.. i dont know, after 4A i just want to boost everywhere xb
@@ruikiri Ah. Well you're in luck while you are playing Silent Line. I forgot how you unlock them, but there's some high speed boosters that consume so little energy. They're light grey, look boxy and their flame is a yellowish green. They're overpowered. Until then, have fun with those purple boosters. Though if you ask me, try looking into reverse joint legs. You might find something cool looking and high jumps will be a huge help for what you want. Plus they usually have low energy drain, so your energy can recharge faster, which means less time on the ground and more in the air. Especially with those purple boosters. ;)
damn your economy is fucked xD still happy to see silent line. still need to finish ac 3 and get op myself before i wanna start silent line. also idk if you know this. but clicking the sticks make you use your shoulder pots that auto shoot them or you do a super dash. it depends on the chest piece you are using. i just learned that randomly. i just thought i drop that here because i don't think i saw you use your chest ability
I know about it but i dont think the super dash is very useful in this game, maybe im just unexperienced with it.. i might switch to a core with orbitals :)
@@ruikiri orbitals shred enemies and recharg ammo but it cost energy(so infinit ammo), i found it insanly useful in arenas and some missions being able to DPS down an enemy AC
20:40 Nope. Energy weapons have free cost per bullet shot. They have more power per shot ratio. They can be upgraded via optional parts. But they have lower ammo capacity as the BIGGEST drop back to them. It's usually not a problem as long as you are prepared for it. In Nexus onward all the way up to AC5, it IS the problem cuz they straight up broke the balance, making the vast majority of laser weapons just plain worse to use than a solid weapon on its own with many new laser parts in the nexus era having something horrifically wrong with them. Silent Line is before Nexus. Having said all of this. In any case, always load up on a back up weapon in the likely event you run out in your energy weapon(s). The blade is a given, but there are some things you simply can't reach with it. EO Cores using energy weapons are the only other weapons in the game that have infinite ammo.
Leg types heavily affect movement and other aspects of how your AC behaves. - Bipeds are the standard and they cannot use back cannons while moving. Pro tip: git gud. - Reverse joint legs jump high, but they tend to not hold as much weight as bipeds of the same weight class. Pro tip: Jump. - Quad legs have the best turning speed and can use back cannons while moving on the ground. They suffer from high energy drain and tend to lack defensive stats compared to bipeds of the same weight class. Quad legs have the best sword swing in the game. What us (vets mostly) fans call the Death Poke. Pro Tip: Their high EN drain makes it difficult to use laser cannons and other energy weapons aside from the blade. So mind your energy. It's not regenerating as fast as literally anyone else's. - Tanks have the best defenses, often low energy drain, and can use back cannons at all times. They're slow. They can't jump. They got built in boosters, which saves you on weight from normal boosters you cannot equip. And their turning isn't the best either. Tank can also do the Death Poke. Pro tip: Act like a CoD player and abuse the GO FAST button like they do. Don't be scared. Overboost and plow through them all. Bonus points if you do have a sword. Stab them all!!! - Hover legs have the highest moving speed without boosting. They can hover over water. They cannot jump. They got built in boosters. They are squishy. Can't hold as much weight as bipeds of the same weight class. Cannot use back cannons while moving. Can't jump. And swings energy blade normally. Also they got the worst braking in the game, so they will be drifting when you left got of the left stick. Pro tip: Do NOT even think about bunny hopping with these legs.
@@ruikiri silent line do be like that. I change a lot of my ac setting to compensate the credit. never s rank all the mission though. probably I'm going revisit the SL after s ranking all mission in Last Raven.
Youre actually using one of the worst machine guns in the game in terms of efficiency both for missions and arenas. While it has the highest potential damage output, it fires that output slowly over 1000 bullets and each bullet costs 30 credits, giving you a maximum cost of 30,000 credits. Compare to the CWG-MG-500, which while only having 500 ammo does nearly 40% more damage per shot at almost the same firing speed, and its ammo is only 20 credits per bullet giving you a maximum cost of 10,000 credits. 33% of the maximum cost while maintaining 70% of the damage potential, and killing things faster. Any time you find yourself with 300 or more ammo in your machine gun at the end of the mission, you could have saved 2/3 of your ammo cost by going with the CWG-MG-500 instead at no penalty. As a bonus it also weighs less, has lower energy drain, and IMO looks cooler.
If youre concerned you might run out of ammo, you can use the MWG-MG/800 instead. It maintains 98% of the damage potential of your machinegun with its 800 ammo and 20% more damage, and with 25 credit/bullet cost only has a maximum ammo cost of 20,000 credits. Still not ideal but at least better than what youre using, and also has higher DPS at less weight and almost the same range. Plus higher ammo heat at the same firing rate means youre more likely to overheat your opponent in AC battles and get free overheating damage.
Nexus isn't THAT bad. It's rough but I expected a lot worse from all the hate it gets. I recommend playing Nexus just to get a head start in Last Raven and to hear the fantastic ost.
Try using a single pulse weapon as opposed to a dual, theyre great workhorses for missions that can also do decent damage to ACs if needed. A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶,̶ ̶t̶r̶y̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶m̶m̶e̶d̶i̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶o̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶s̶w̶i̶n̶g̶s̶.̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶f̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶n̶e̶r̶g̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶v̶e̶.̶ Legs specialties are as follows: Biped can strafe better than all other legs Reverse Joint can jump better than all other legs Quad legs can fire back weapons while grounded without kneeling and have higher than average speeds for their load capacity Tank legs can hold a metric shit ton and tank a metric shit ton, plus fire back weapons without kneeling on ground or in the air but are slow and have built in, typically low quality boosters Hover legs are insanely fast and can hover on water, but have extremely low load capacity and built in, typically very hot boosters
Man I want fromsoft to remake this games or at least remaster them like a collection from AC 1 to veredict, one can dream Xd im hyped af for Armored core 6 lets hope fromsoft figured out pc optimization 😂 because elden ring at launch wasnt running that good
I'd pay $70 for a 3rd gen remaster collection with dual stick controls for AC3 and SL.
I just bought psp version it’s carbon copy
@@fritztopher How do they handle on the PSP?
@@Fazeshyft Both games, AC3 and Silent Line, work wonderfully on the PSP - although the graphics aren't as good as on the PS2 (and the framerate caps at 30), the games are perfect ports which add some very nice quality of life features, such as being able to have 5 saved ACs instead of just 3, more easy-to-navigate, streamlined menus, and you also have some new content in the form of extra parts and a few new arena opponents. The games can also be played flawlessly on PC via emulator, and with the right tools you can even play online PvP that way.
The only real issue is that the control scheme, while rebindable, is less convenient than their PS2 counterparts due to the lack of trigger buttons. On PSP I set my controls so that movement is tied to the analog stick and camera to the directional buttons, while on emulator you can use twinstick controls fairly easily... But in both cases you lose the ability to drop your weapons and extension, which has never been an issue for me but I know some people really like that mechanic.
I still consider them my favorite way to play both games.
And then there's Last Raven Portable, which unlike AC3 and SL has noticeable differences in interface and hitboxes compared to the PS2, which most often makes the game much harder than the (already super difficult) original, mostly in terms of scarcity of ammunition. And there are no QoL changes unlike the previous titles. I do not recommend the PSP version of that one even if it does have a lot more parts.
I have no idea why these games aren't backwards compatible
@@bombomos right verdict day is still online on ps3
Loving this series, I'm happy to see you're having a great time with the Armored Core games. :3
Since you asked about legs,
>Bipeds have no particular upside nor downside
>Reverse-joint are very similar to bipeds, but have a stronger jump capability and tend to have lower energy consumption, making them more suited for aerial combat
>Quad legs have high energy consumption but allow you to fire heavy shoulder weapons without kneeling, as long as you are on the ground
>Tank legs have the lowest mobility but let you use all back weapons freely even in midair, giving you the highest possible firepower, and often defense
>And hover legs you already know, they have the fastest movement speed without the need of boosting (allowing you to be fast without using energy), and as a bonus let you float on water if needed
They are all perfectly viable playstyles and can be quite different from one another, so feel free to experiment and see what clicks. I'll wait to see what choice you'll make! c:
dont forget the hover and boost logic will carry over into 4th gen as the quick boost as thats how how "dodge and bunny hop" with hover legs
Biped: Straight sword or curved sword. Either you're getting started, or you just like the fundamentals.
Reverse joint: katanas, daggers, thrusting swords, bucklers. You're a dex user and you like getting sweaty and trying hard.
Quad: Greatsword. Maybe even Giant Dad. You like the meta.
Tank: Havel the Rock. Everyone knows you, every battle. In a world of Zakus, fear the Hidolfr.
Quads are pretty alright. They have high energy drain so it's a bit harder to fly in but not impossible. Letting you use pulse cannons, laser cannons, and chain guns on the ground though is very awesome. Tanks are kinda too slow to use in regular missions without being bored but are fantastic in the arena.
The game is pretty easy in the beginning if you have the Karasawa from your AC3 save. Saves you tons of money on ammo.
i dont :D never got it in AC3, is it a hidden part?
@@ruikiri Yes, but it's pretty hard to get. In the mission "Destroy Gun Emplacements" you have to be really quick to get to the secret mission "Distract Union Defense", accept it and survive for 5min or so. It's the most fun weapon to use imho so it's worth the hassle!
Many say this is their favorite AC game
Gimlet over here talking shit is peak arena.
I wish they did that more often xb
Make sure you use the 3 energy optional parts that increase damage, firing speed, and maybe reduce energy use if youre going to use energy weapons. Maybe try quad legs with the heavy energy cannon back weapons if you wanna try out different legs. Great video
Yeah ill give them another go once the optional parts show up :)
Energy Weapons have never had unlimited ammo, BUT at least when you use them you don't have to pay for ammo expenses after a mission
That Big Dude you fought at the end technically isn't an AC
I'm part of the Bipedal Leg team so I can't help you with that recommendation lol
Solid-round weapons aren't necessarily better, they just fit certain playstyles more
The complaints about camera control just sound like a skill issue tho LMAOOOO GITGUD SCRUB /jk
I just wish we had energy machine guns xb
@@ruikiri Good news, there *are* energy machine guns and theyre actually quite good. Extremely energy hungry though, obviously.
Edit: It looks like, for some reason, AC3 is one of the games to not have them. They were in 2, and are in Last Raven, but not Silent Line.
Fun fact, the shoulder relation missiles also work with the orbital launcher, so you can fire attack drones AND missiles at the same time.
This is something new to try thank you
Silent line my beloved
If you wanted to try another funny weapon specifically in Silent Line you can grab a left handed flamethrower. Silent Line easily has the strongest implementation of flamethrowers in the entire series.
Sounds fun :D
Love 2 see it bro
Like the way u cut,:D
Hovers are fast, but low defense. Tanks are beastsand you can use back canons on the run, but are slow. Quads sometimes can use back weapons, depends on the game. Honestly dont worry about using other legs types if you dont want to. Thats the best part about AC, you do you Buu
Yeah but i still want to have the experience of what they do and feel like, also ac6 looks like its going to add some new functionalities to the diffrent legs and it might result in even bigger playstyle diffrences which sounds very fun :D
Nightdive are finishing System Shock. Wish FromSoft would get with them or someone to remaster these old gems as an anthology.
I have good memories with silent line, the atmosphere, the missions and many other things
For recommendation for this AC, only 1: USE A GUIDE OF SECRET PARTS, believe me silent line has a LOT of secret parts with specific requirements, and many of the new parts are lock in specific mission´s
Congratulations 👌
Thank you :)
Arm weapons in general do way more danage than just normal guns but have limited ammo and tend to have low ap. You kind of need some kind of backup weapon to make up for it. I think the chaingun gun arms had something like 300-500 rounds (can't remimber which). Where if you take into account you're firing 2 guns at a time, that's not alot of ammo but the guns are oppressively powerful. It makes them a good quad leg part where you can get backmounted cannons like chainguns and pulse cannons to round out your staying power.
Ill give that a try :D
Depending on the legs you use, your laser blade attacks could be different.
Armored core 3 needs to be re-released on PC
an armored core 1 , 2 and 3 hd collection would be sick xb
@@ruikiri we need to tell them
Have you tried Above Average Gaming's key rebind to enable analog use in his 10 tips video? Wont be as smooth as Nexus or Last Raven but you might find it helpful
those binds are insane the base controls are fine lol
I know that is an option via the emulator but im making the decision of playing it like it was on the ps2 for that authentic experience :) (even though i willl still complain about the controls xb )
@@ruikiri strafe buttons are your best friends
I forget whether it was in 3 or silent line but there is a set of weapon arms that can absolutely shred anything, although they burn energy like crazy, they are an energy spread gun.
It's AC3.
Is there any direct diffrence/advantage in using weapon arms over arms with weapons?
@@ruikiri I believe its a trade off. Weapon arms dont have any defenses beyond just adding to your Armor Points, least in Another Age, and depending on the arm, are lighter than the usual arm with weapon. Problem is obviously, no left arm weapon meaning no laser blade/shield
@@ruikiri In Last Raven (part destruction) and Silent Line (weapon destruction), weapon arms cannot be destroyed unlike arms or weapons respectively.
However in both games because of how the destruction works:
- In Last Raven, there's a reason why your arms are the rarest part to be destroyed, followed by the head.
- In Silent Line, unless you are using shoulder mounted side shields, namely the solid ones, you will never notice your guns getting destroyed. More often than not, if you noticed, you are either close to being or are already dead.
@@slayers4life81 Yeah weapon arms tend to be squishy.
Silent Line was a Great Sequel, But my personal favorite 3rd Gen AC game Is last Raven
I love most of them but Silent Line is my favorite AC game, I need to try LR (PS2) I played the PSP version but I hated it. The control and lock-on was horrible, I knew about the rebalance but it felt even worse than Nexus (which I liked btw). I also enjoyed AC3 & SL Portable but LR (PSP) just feels off.
9:13 missiles collide in air. God damn.
missile interceptors are an extension part
Anti-missile missiles were a thing IIRC.
I was just playing it on my vita
Man those jungle missions... forgot how diverse the landscapes had been.
you dont have to worry too much about ammo cost for most solid shell weapons (except missiles)- its mostly just *that* particular machine gun that devours your mission reward. most energy weapons ussually have somthing wierd like a small lockbox or a high lock time that prevents them from being too useful, so i usually dont use them.
honestly its hard to go wrong with a rifle for general-purpose use in missions- its accurate, cheap, and will make short work of lesser MT's. Run into somthing bigger? try Blades, missiles, rockets, or any other burst damage weapon (and dont forget about those juicy damage bonuses that blades can get from an increased 'energy supply' in the arms. it acts as a multiplier, so any score less than 100 is actually decreasing your blade damage!)
if you're feeling more confident with your skills, try using a sniper rifle or a bazooka. their damage-ammo ratio allows them to work interchangably for general-use and boss killing... usually.
If you plan to change leg types, be aware of their strengths and weaknesses- you'd be suprised how much it will affect your choice of loadout.
biped= well rounded, generally.
reverse= lower energy cost, super jump.
Quads= extreme energy drain, good cooling/turn speed. can fire back weapons while on the ground.
Tank= low energy cost, good defense, great loadweight, terrible mobility. never hardland, can ALWAYS fire backmounted weapons.
as for weapon choice for backmounted weapons? try MWC-LQ/80 (laser cannon) or a CWC-CNG-300 (chaingun).
also, i'd pick some different boosters. efficency is nice, but its incredibly difficult to dodge anything at those speeds- which is the whole point of using boosters in the first place.
note the MWG-RF/220 is pretty decent in the long run
Yeah, energy weapons are meant for misions because the ammo is free but the faster you kill the enemy the less you have to spend on repairs. That was my basic strategy with minor adjustments for most of AC4A, 5, 3 and SL, slap the heaviest machine guns to my back, rack up money on the arena and then just make it rain.
Less profit than doing it perfectly with energy weapons but it works and gives easy S ranks.
Is there a particular reason why you are sticking with those boosters? You move as if you don't believe there's any thing more to dodging than bunny hopping.
Remember, everything (with a full lock-on) aims AHEAD of you. The slower you are, the less they need to lead their shots to get you. The faster you are, the more wide they need to lead their shots to get you. And all you need to do in all cases is simply not be where the bullets are going. And that's as simple as moving the other way. Or if you are fast, you can add stopping on the list.
Those boosters you have one of the lowest consumption in the game, but their not powerful at all. Best used on a lightweight, aerial fighters, or something with A LOT of defense. On an average middle weight, you're just asking for low pay. Unless you know how to dodge at low speeds or with that over boost core. xD
it really is mostly because of the low consumption, because it allows me to boost more often and be in the air and whatnot.. i dont know, after 4A i just want to boost everywhere xb
@@ruikiri Ah. Well you're in luck while you are playing Silent Line. I forgot how you unlock them, but there's some high speed boosters that consume so little energy. They're light grey, look boxy and their flame is a yellowish green. They're overpowered.
Until then, have fun with those purple boosters. Though if you ask me, try looking into reverse joint legs. You might find something cool looking and high jumps will be a huge help for what you want. Plus they usually have low energy drain, so your energy can recharge faster, which means less time on the ground and more in the air. Especially with those purple boosters. ;)
The best 👌
thank you :D
damn your economy is fucked xD still happy to see silent line. still need to finish ac 3 and get op myself before i wanna start silent line. also idk if you know this. but clicking the sticks make you use your shoulder pots that auto shoot them or you do a super dash. it depends on the chest piece you are using. i just learned that randomly. i just thought i drop that here because i don't think i saw you use your chest ability
I know about it but i dont think the super dash is very useful in this game, maybe im just unexperienced with it.. i might switch to a core with orbitals :)
@@ruikiri orbitals shred enemies and recharg ammo but it cost energy(so infinit ammo), i found it insanly useful in arenas and some missions being able to DPS down an enemy AC
This is my second favorite game in the series behind Last Raven. It really does feel like AC3 disc 2.
No OP-Intensify though? Oof...good luck
i've alwways preferred quad bases. being able to use heavy weapons while moving, but having the mobility of a walker is worth it.
20:40 Nope. Energy weapons have free cost per bullet shot. They have more power per shot ratio. They can be upgraded via optional parts. But they have lower ammo capacity as the BIGGEST drop back to them. It's usually not a problem as long as you are prepared for it. In Nexus onward all the way up to AC5, it IS the problem cuz they straight up broke the balance, making the vast majority of laser weapons just plain worse to use than a solid weapon on its own with many new laser parts in the nexus era having something horrifically wrong with them.
Silent Line is before Nexus.
Having said all of this. In any case, always load up on a back up weapon in the likely event you run out in your energy weapon(s). The blade is a given, but there are some things you simply can't reach with it. EO Cores using energy weapons are the only other weapons in the game that have infinite ammo.
If you can't do Biped, do quad! mobile back cannon usage and high ground speed are ideal for most missions and AC battles :)
Random question, what is your favorite NPC based build that you love the most?
Me definitely White Glint and the poster boy of NEXUS Evangel. :3
Leg types heavily affect movement and other aspects of how your AC behaves.
- Bipeds are the standard and they cannot use back cannons while moving. Pro tip: git gud.
- Reverse joint legs jump high, but they tend to not hold as much weight as bipeds of the same weight class. Pro tip: Jump.
- Quad legs have the best turning speed and can use back cannons while moving on the ground. They suffer from high energy drain and tend to lack defensive stats compared to bipeds of the same weight class. Quad legs have the best sword swing in the game. What us (vets mostly) fans call the Death Poke. Pro Tip: Their high EN drain makes it difficult to use laser cannons and other energy weapons aside from the blade. So mind your energy. It's not regenerating as fast as literally anyone else's.
- Tanks have the best defenses, often low energy drain, and can use back cannons at all times. They're slow. They can't jump. They got built in boosters, which saves you on weight from normal boosters you cannot equip. And their turning isn't the best either. Tank can also do the Death Poke. Pro tip: Act like a CoD player and abuse the GO FAST button like they do. Don't be scared. Overboost and plow through them all. Bonus points if you do have a sword. Stab them all!!!
- Hover legs have the highest moving speed without boosting. They can hover over water. They cannot jump. They got built in boosters. They are squishy. Can't hold as much weight as bipeds of the same weight class. Cannot use back cannons while moving. Can't jump. And swings energy blade normally. Also they got the worst braking in the game, so they will be drifting when you left got of the left stick. Pro tip: Do NOT even think about bunny hopping with these legs.
I see a lot of negative number on your credit. Dang
Yes :(
@@ruikiri silent line do be like that. I change a lot of my ac setting to compensate the credit. never s rank all the mission though. probably I'm going revisit the SL after s ranking all mission in Last Raven.
bruh this is the only series of games which makes you feel like a slave labor, they take allllllllllllll your creditssss
Youre actually using one of the worst machine guns in the game in terms of efficiency both for missions and arenas. While it has the highest potential damage output, it fires that output slowly over 1000 bullets and each bullet costs 30 credits, giving you a maximum cost of 30,000 credits. Compare to the CWG-MG-500, which while only having 500 ammo does nearly 40% more damage per shot at almost the same firing speed, and its ammo is only 20 credits per bullet giving you a maximum cost of 10,000 credits. 33% of the maximum cost while maintaining 70% of the damage potential, and killing things faster. Any time you find yourself with 300 or more ammo in your machine gun at the end of the mission, you could have saved 2/3 of your ammo cost by going with the CWG-MG-500 instead at no penalty.
As a bonus it also weighs less, has lower energy drain, and IMO looks cooler.
If youre concerned you might run out of ammo, you can use the MWG-MG/800 instead. It maintains 98% of the damage potential of your machinegun with its 800 ammo and 20% more damage, and with 25 credit/bullet cost only has a maximum ammo cost of 20,000 credits. Still not ideal but at least better than what youre using, and also has higher DPS at less weight and almost the same range. Plus higher ammo heat at the same firing rate means youre more likely to overheat your opponent in AC battles and get free overheating damage.
@@baval5 yo thats some good stuff, thanks man :)
Where the fuck is ibis ?
Not at the start of the game xb that i am aware of..
Go for the most difficult one! Play Last Raven!
It's one of the 2 PS2 games that finally used the analog sticks.
Don't even bother with Nexus.
Nexus isn't THAT bad. It's rough but I expected a lot worse from all the hate it gets.
I recommend playing Nexus just to get a head start in Last Raven and to hear the fantastic ost.
I noticed you have a nasty habit to keep spraying rounds well after you kill a target. No wonder you're bleeding credits.
I am a trigger enthusiast :D
No thanks. Arena w the art direction was simple, less cute, less anime bullshit...
Try using a single pulse weapon as opposed to a dual, theyre great workhorses for missions that can also do decent damage to ACs if needed.
A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶,̶ ̶t̶r̶y̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶m̶m̶e̶d̶i̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶o̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶s̶w̶i̶n̶g̶s̶.̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶f̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶n̶e̶r̶g̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶v̶e̶.̶
Legs specialties are as follows:
Biped can strafe better than all other legs
Reverse Joint can jump better than all other legs
Quad legs can fire back weapons while grounded without kneeling and have higher than average speeds for their load capacity
Tank legs can hold a metric shit ton and tank a metric shit ton, plus fire back weapons without kneeling on ground or in the air but are slow and have built in, typically low quality boosters
Hover legs are insanely fast and can hover on water, but have extremely low load capacity and built in, typically very hot boosters
you need OP-I for the blade wave else its stuck on the moonlight the KLB-TLS/SOL has this logic but you can't use it for melee blading
@@lesslighter Oh right I forgot because it became standard in Nexus/Last Raven. In my defense though the Moonlight is the blade he uses.
Man I want fromsoft to remake this games or at least remaster them like a collection from AC 1 to veredict, one can dream Xd im hyped af for Armored core 6 lets hope fromsoft figured out pc optimization 😂 because elden ring at launch wasnt running that good
Don't worry AC6 will have all of that in better
That is true but at least they fixed it xb if AC6 uses the same engine which probably will, im sure they have that under control now